#these fictional ass characters taking up so much space in my mind
littlebabywille · 2 years
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"it's funny the decisions you make because you like someone, he says, and then your whole life is different"
-sally rooney, normal people
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peachysunrize · 1 month
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hey babes who remember me! this is Rue aka rueforthrealm & valyrianglass.
I am back after taking a break from this fandom due to getting caught up in the dramas that had to be left in the past. some blogs caused me severe anxiety attack and I felt so overwhelmed by the toxicity that I saw no way out but to leave. (FYI I left before the messy ass drama broke out and still won’t be online as much as I used to until I am done with my exams)
I have limited my interaction because of the drama that the fandom ensured. please do not take it personally, I value my peace and happiness and this blog has to be a safe space for me and my mutuals and readers. I will not interact with a few logs besides my close friends and people who I trust.
you won't get new fics from me until July because 1. I'm still studying and 2. I have some huge projects coming your way! these fics have been plotted by me and I got insight and help from my besties as well<333 so stay tuned, cause I'm about to blow your mind in two months!
I love this fandom, I love my problematic fave characters, but goodness, they are fictional. Your words carry heavy weight and despite us being on an online platform, your words can still cut deep because we're real people behind these blogs.
Please be kind, love you, rue rue🩷🫂
ps: please reblog so I can find my mutuals! also this post is queued<3
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spacerockfloater · 1 month
I mean this in a nice way but you need to take a step back and realize you are arguing about fictional monarchs who ride dragons. The purpose of hotd is NOT to pick a side to blindly back, but a critique on partisan politics and the bloodshed that invariably follows.
Also it does you no favors to attack the character of the people who disagree with you. Being passionate about something is admirable but not at the expense of your peace of mind. All love tho🫶🫶
You can take your love and shove it up your ass for all I care. I mean this in the worst way possible when I say that I don’t “need” to do jackshit. You need to learn how to differentiate between the book and the show. This is a space dedicated to the discussion of HOTD in whatever way, shape or form we like as long as we use the proper tags. The literal promo of the new season is “Choose a side”. The show’s plan for attracting the public’s attention is having people fight one another over it.
The message of F&B is obvious: a civil war destroys a family and everything they’ve built and destabilises the whole kingdom. We’re not meant to choose sides in the book, but we are meant to choose a side in the show. And the fact that people are stupid enough to jump to Rhaenyra’s defence because she’s Daenerys’s substitute is pathetic enough to make me a Team Green supporter. And if you’d bother to read ANY of my lengthy posts, you’d know that I don’t blindly support anyone. I actually provide hundreds of solid reasons that explain why I’ve chosen to speak in favour of Alicent, Criston, Aemond, Vaemond etc.
This is my blog and this is what entertains me. Block my account if it disturbs you this much.
I’ll always come after the character of people who attack me first, because if I make a post explaining why I like a TG character and someone calls me a misogynist for it, then they’d better be ready to take the heat. But judging by the way your cowardly ass is hiding behind the “Anonymous” shield, I’d say you’re not ready at all. So fuck them and fuck you, too!
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quimichi · 19 days
It's me the little guy Fae >:3 and I'm here for your match up event
Honkai and/or genshin
Illustration, crochet, embroidery, watercolor, gaming, TTRPGs (tabletop role-playing games) like DND, putting my characters through absolute hell (writing)
Gender preference
With fictional characters I prefer men but I love me a tall sexy evil Woman
Don't listen to what my hobbies say about me, I'm actually a chaotic little shit who runs circles around my friends. I do my best to give support when needed whether it be mentally or with a technical issue but I'm sure you knew this stuff before because we are friends on here. Though I will say I am depressed and that may impact the character I may or may not get matched with.
Fun facts
I really like foxes :)
And jellyfish :))
While it's not common enough to be a hobby I do know how to sew
My favorite colors are pastel pink and yellow
Well I prefer a cottagecore aesthetic for myself I actually don't prefer that in a partner.
I'm not a Neuvillette main but my autistic ass will go off about water (different bottles of water have completely different tastes you cannot change my mind)(also cold water tastes sharp and warm water tastes round I will not be taking criticism on this)
I don't have a green thumb per se because all my plants are suffering but they stubbornly cling on to life no matter how much I neglect them.
If you need more you know where to find me
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@ you loce cottage core, and your hobbies are stuff like crochet and watercoloring. Its cute and i feel like Arlecchino matches that somehow??
@ listen, she is much more softer than she looks. She loves the kids and does really care about them, i think this cute little domestic life would fit her and would also be a dream for her
@ although she grows the kids into the fatui, she loves them dearly, can't show it tho-
@ but anyway--imagine sitting side by side near a fireplace while she reads a book and you do your thing beside her. No talking, just enjoying each others company
@ loooves to do domestic things with you, like cooking together, baking a cake, reading a book, crochet or bathing together.
@ i think she can do embroidery and crochet but not so good-teach her, she will actually listen. She's a little tsundere but she'll listen and she will learn pretty fast.
@ it's important that the twins and freminet like you, they visit quite often or she visits them. If they don't like you, or any of the kids in the house of the hearth, she would be quite skeptical about you then
@ lucky for you cause...they love you, duh?? Who wouldn't.
@ you're very parental, you give great comfort and you like to play with the kids.
@ and Arlecchino loves to watch lol
@ now to your depressed state. She will take it very seriously and will tell you so many times to rest and take care. She would give you the best tea from liyue, only the best watercolors from Fontaine, and the best baked goods so you can relax.
@ she would also leave you your space if needed. It wouldn't really bring her down, she would just be worried about you, but as a strong woman she wouldn't show it to you, that would only bring YOU down.
@ so dw, daddy Arlecchino will take care of everything. And if someone bothers you...well...you know...
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@ listen it was hard for hsr ok---
@ for some reason I see you with Gepard---
@ also for the same reasons as Arlecchino, the little domestic life won't go out of my head for you-and Gepard also fits this
@ like-he comes home from work, also brought some goods from the bakery so you both can enjoy some sweets after dinner (which you both prepare together) and then after dinner and dessert you both cuddle on the couch while watching the snowflakes dance outside Belobog
@ if you ever decide to crochet him idk socks or something, he will wear them with pride. Even if they're pink with glitter, he ADORES them.
@ wears them under his gear lol. Like Belebog is cold he appreciates any warmth that he gets. And what is warmer than your love~♡
@ (I'm disgusting-)
@ super shy, we all know, so it took him a bit to gain the confidence to ask you out- I can see you being friends with Serval so--Imagine asking out the friend of your sister?? Yeah I'd piss myself too-
@ but Serval was pretty supportive sooo dw, it all worked out very well
@ ans Lynx is also not complaining with you so the relationship is blessed ♡
@ helps around the house, he was raised good :)
@ also, if he has every a free day and you have to work, he takes care of the things at home and cooks for you ♡♡♡
@ also runs you a bath. Spends his entire day making you smile when you come home.
@ very overprotective too. Can't stand seeing you sad or having a bad day or depressed episode, so he does everything in his power to change that
@ even if it means for him to act like a complete idiot just to see a smile, cause trust me, he would
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On bipolar disorder, Palestine, and fan content.
Hey everyone. It's me, Kiera, with another semi-self indulgent diatribe. Self indulgent only insofar as I feel like I'm maybe overestimating my importance by some perceived need to even make this post.
While you're catching up on the latest chapter of the hockey AU, I want to get a few things straight about my fan presence.
The first is something I talk about a lot: bipolar disorder. I am BP2, which means that my manic episodes are usually manageable: good energy, good mood, I rarely do dumb shit like speed on my motorcycle and max out my credit cards. When I'm pumping out tens of thousands of words a week, that's probably hypomania at work. But the other shoe always drops. While my mania is more under control, my depressive episodes might last months, during which I can only do the bare minimum.
I have a lot of multi-chapter works that have been dormant for years. I intend to go back to them. However, in the time that it took me to get to a mental place where I could write again, the two primary fandoms for which I write -- Stranger Things and the Scream franchise -- have both shown their entire ass when it comes to Palestine.
I'm doing what I can in the real world. I'm playing benefit fundraisers with an acoustic guitar and a tin can where you can drop your cash. I turned down a law school admissions offer from a school that violently broke up an encampment.
I don't know if I have responsibilities as a fan writer. I know plenty of people who deleted their Harry Potter content when JKR decided to tilt at windmills. I know plenty of others who continued to write, but did so in smaller spaces. What I do know is that I have a love for the worlds I created that has persisted past any love for the original content.
With this in mind, I plan to phase out writing for Stranger Things and Scream. I will finish any multi-chapter works that are in progress, which might take years, but I have no plans at this time to add additional works to the canon. Admittedly, this sort of announcement comes off as overly self-important. I'm a white person whining on the internet about fictional characters while real people are dying in the streets. At the end of the day, I would rather make a statement now and be done with it than hem and haw further.
As always, free Palestine. Free Ireland. Free Western Sahara.
And, if you've made it this far, can you do me a huge favor? Can you chuck a couple bucks towards Savage Sisters or Prevention Point? My local government has pretty much openly stated that they want addicts to die. Giving money would help that happen less.
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gabzlovesu · 2 years
╰ ft. ukai keishin !
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warnings: dry-humping, a lil bit of profanity, mutual pining...? if you look hard enough ig 1.7k words
author's note: whenever i'm in a writing slump i automatically default to ukai when i try to write. he's my comfort character and i write him best soooo this is all i have to offer rn i'm sorry. and i self-projected a lot on this one i’m so sorryyyy.
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His words were sweet like honey and the warmth that fanned over my sensitive skin had me melting into his hands. Even though I went limp against his body, arms barely holding myself up to his broad chest, that didn’t mean he would stop. He wouldn’t let his fingers stop circling my clit, adding more pressure with each lap around the sensitive bud. He wouldn’t stop whispering all of the explicit plans he had in store for me tonight. And he damn sure wouldn’t stop until I was a moaning, fucked-out mess that struggled to keep my eyes straight. 
Was this pleasure or punishment? Feeling his slender fingers curl against my sweet spot — and reach new ones that you didn’t even know existed — now that was pleasure. But being fucked and told to not make a single sound? That was torture, especially when he made me feel this good. 
Another digit slips past my slick folds and a bit of my sanity goes with it. My lips part only inches away from his. The moan I desperately want to let out gets caught in my throat but the groan he lets out at my nails digging into his shoulders fills the space between us. Then it’s gone. His lips finally crash into mine, suffocating the guttural noises that rose between the two of us. 
He picks up the tempo. Fingers moving faster and faster. That familiar knot winding tighter with every second. The essence dripping down his fingers and making a squelching sound with each pump was drowned out by the humming in my ear as the knot finally snapped. A white heat surged through my body as I ——
A large box slams on top of your book, blocking out the rest of the scandalous text and snapping you back into an insufferable reality. Was some peace and quiet too much to ask for around here? Just enough peace to finish this book that had you running laps around your room for the past three days?
“I didn’t know I paid you to sit on your ass and read all day.” A cranky blonde bastard — such a stark contrast to the sensuous, smoldering man from your book that occupied arguably too much of your mind lately. You’d pick the fictional man over Ukai any day.
A frustrated groan comes out as you sigh and stomp off from behind the counter. “I don’t think I’m getting paid at all you asswipe.” You were sure to say that last word louder as you ducked off into one of the isles, ensuring that he knew how much he sucked. A bowl of instant ramen calls to you and you snatch it off the shelf to prepare it before he can even yell at you to put it back.
“That’s coming out of your paycheck.”
“You might wanna increase my pay then,” you say with a fake frown of concern before you slam the microwave door closed and go back to your book. This time you held it in your hand to block his face. 
Within seconds it’s gone, ripped from your hands for Ukai to read with his prying eyes. You desperately reach over the counter and swing at his arms in an attempt to retrieve the book, but he dodges every attack, remaining just out of reach while his eyes skim the text and his eyebrow arches higher with every line he scans.
“This is the kind of stuff you read? I didn’t take you for a ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ type of girl.” Ukai lets out a low hum of curiosity as he continues to flip through the pages until he comes across one page with a bit of highlighted text. 
“The cold glass of his desk was not enough to quell the raging fire that burned under every inch of my skin. The ghostly kisses he planted down my body were the only thing keeping me grounded as he thrusts into me relentlessly. My hands were pinned above my head with a rough hand, the other lightly squeezing my neck, so all I could do was give in to his carnal desire,” he read aloud, causing your body to heat up and your eyes to focus on the marble swirls of the counter in embarrassment. Even with your head down, avoiding his searing gaze, you could feel him getting ready to taunt you.
“Wanna tell me why it’s highlighted, Y/N?” From his voice alone, it was obvious that he found this very amusing and didn’t plan on dropping this conversation anytime soon. 
“Give it back you black-lunged bitch.”
“If you tell me why.” His smirk grew wider as if he already started piecing together the reason why.
“...It’s sex pointers. You should take some notes as well, maybe then you could finally keep a bitch and stop being cranky all the time.”
The book is tossed aside with a dark chuckle, quiet but loud enough to reach your ears and make you shift nervously in your chair. Ukai places his toned arms on the counter to lean in, leaving hardly any room between the two of you. 
“How about…” he lets his eyes flicker to your lips — once…twice — the glances fleeting but it doesn’t go unnoticed, “instead of reading it, I just show you all the nasty little things you read about in your book? Huh, how does that sound?”
You start to speak but fail to quip back, your brain couldn’t think of a witty response that would get him to shut up. It was impossible to think when he looked at you like that, like a starved man and you were his meal. You try again and the words escape you once again.
“Come on, it’s no fun if you don’t return the jab. Use that pretty mouth of yours to tell me off like you always do.” His thumb grazes your bottom lip, slightly tugging it down as he draws a line from your lips to your cheek, and then to your ear as he tucks loose hairs behind your ear.
“Show me.” It was so quiet, your meek voice hardly more than a whisper and you were sure that your heartbeat was way louder. You say it again bolder than before, “Show me.”
That sly grin returns to his face. Without question, he follows your command and quickly moves around the counter to place you in front of him, splaying you out like a feast to fill the hunger that tore at him from within. You didn’t have time to take back your request, no time to mentally prepare for what was about to happen.
All it took was for a hand to glide up your legs to open instinctively, allowing him to occupy the space between. The thin black leggings did nothing to protect you from his scorching touch or the hard length that he didn’t bother hiding, slightly grinding against you as his hands crept higher, smoothing over your stomach and making a pit stop to cup your breasts before finally settling on your neck. 
Ukai manages to fit both of his large hands on your neck and gives a light squeeze — watching your lips part when you feel your lungs being robbed of precious oxygen. He never breaks eye contact. Hazel brown turns murky with lust as the corner of his lips curl up even more and he says, “You look so good with my hands around your neck, Y/N” 
The bastard used the same line from your book and a chuckle of amusement rumbles through his chest when the realization appears on your face. One hand leaves your neck to trace the same path from your lip to your ear as the man did in the book. 
Then he does something unexpected.
He leans in close, “If you were mine, I would touch you like this.” That free hand finds its way to your clothed cunt to soothe the throbbing mess that lies underneath. A mangled moan is voiced and he notes the feeling of your throat trembling in his hand — savoring it. 
“...I’d lick you here.” Ukai’s head dips to the little bit of exposed skin in the crook of your neck to drag his tongue flat against the tender skin. He blows warm air to create goosebumps in the trail he carved out. And then he topped it all off with a sloppy kiss, gently sucking on your skin as he pulls away.
“And then I’d fuck you like this.” Your left leg that fell in place on his hips was thrown over his shoulder and his hips crashed into yours, rocking your entire body on the counter. If it were any narrower your head would’ve been dangling over the edge, bobbing with every snap of his hips while you got a full view of the store upside down. 
But instead, you saw him. You saw all of him, even the loose strands freed from his headband and his eyebrows scrunching together, trying to show restraint from fucking you right here on the store counter in broad daylight. Ukai was wise enough to settle for dry-humping you like a horny teenager. 
His hips still but he doesn’t move away, not yet. “If you were mine, you wouldn’t need those books to get off with.” The words were low, barely audible over your heart pounding against your chest, yet they rung and echoed in your ear even seconds after. Ukai doesn’t say anything else. The sound of the microwave beeping cuts through the thick silence and he just peels away, calmly walking off to the back room without another word.
It wasn’t until you heard the door click softly behind him that you begin to process what the fuck just happened. Did that even happen or has the convenience store’s fluorescent lighting finally driven you insane? 
If you were mine… the words linger in the back of your mind, no matter how hard you tried to shove them out.
The bell of the sliding door sends you scrambling back into your chair behind the counter, fixing your clothes and hair, hoping the old lady that walked in didn’t see you laying on the counter. “Welcome to the Sakanoshita market, can I help you find anything?” When the old lady declines your help you turn your attention back to your workspace, only to notice that the book was gone. 
tags: @hungrynessforfics @dejwrites @rinhoes @indiecursor @protectpancakes @fight-me-bitch @nneedynymph @po3ticb3auty @nanaminshousewife @festive @apollostears @cosmicglowe @thenerdyrebel @4ngrysgf @daichisbunnybaby @urwifey2 @picayunne @kurtaclangobrr @kookieflvr @woahhajime @syomi @chrolloderulo @vivisspamm @erentoes @kutosznn @takemichiluvr @sweeneyblue1 @tyga-lily @jeanslove @getoswhore @thicksimpx @cosmicyeager @sakurashell @38riku @tonaken @muzanskimono @wiserebelpartypie @sleepy3 @yuujilove @yooniluvbot444 @imperatorkhaleesi @sukunas-left-nut-sack @lawscorazon @sailewhoremoon @chaoticevilbakugo @xxrwzy @wh0reforlevi @nekoriots @yeagerfushiguro @the4thwife
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whataboutmyfries · 1 year
Spilled ink
oh my GOSH it has been a hot minute since I wrote these lovely boys!! so here I am, coming at you with small details for fictional kisses oknutzy style!!! headcanoned about this a while ago in the sw discord and it hasn't left my mind since so here we are! characters are by the wonderful @lumosinlove featuring art by my lovely friend @tobi-tobi-tobi who somehow manages to look into my brain with every single one of their pieces and this one was no different :)
1.Whispering ''kiss me'' to your lover
Right, so I’ve been thinking about LionFish reading and annotating a book together non stop :’) 
The two of them get cosy and comfy with their different coloured pens, smiling goofily at each other as they crack open the book, jumping into a brand new adventure together. 
If you were to go look at the book after they were done with it, there’s all these little signs of love over every inch of available space.
There’s wobbly tear spots that are outlined and doodled around where the words hit just a little bit too close to home 
Sticky notes over the typewriter ink where the feeling were too big for the page to hold
Leo draws little fishes swimming across the margins and it makes Finn a lovely-dovey mess; Every. Single. Time.
Naturally Lolo sees Finn scribbling in one of his precious books, gets curious, and decides to give this whole annotating thing a go.
One day Lolo just hands Finn a book with a scribbled note inside the cover saying 'hey, i read this and it made me think of you xx' and the first thing Finn notices is that the top right corner is like a centimetre or so thicker than the rest of the book from where Lolo's dog-eared all his favourite parts and Finn english major O Hara’s eye just twitches as he tries his best to not implode
He loves it. He cries. 
It’s this book of heartwrenching, delightfully emotional poetry about love and pining. And Logan’s scribbles about Harvard, and Finn, and finding him and Leo, and finding himself through them are so vulnerable and heartfelt that the only time Finn can read the book without sobbing his eyes out for hours is if he’s wrapped up in his Logan, head resting on Logan’s strong chest so he can lean up and whisper a hoarse “kiss me” when the memories are too big and too much to handle. 
It’s one of Finn’s most prized possessions. 
Leo annotating for Finn on the other hand…..
Picture if you will: What if Leo's current read is some historical fiction book and when he hands it to finn it's basically more than twice its original size and won't even close anymore from the sheer volume of sticky notes that Leo's put in there pointing out historical inaccuracies or just dropping cute lil history facts
Finn is a mess of heart eyes and undying love as he works his way through the behemoth of the book, and it still holds a treasured place on his bookshelf 
Yet another of his most prized possessions 
Fun fact: It’s only when they get into reading together that Leo finds out that Finn will use anything as a bookmark 
One day he comes home to find the household cat’s (king’s) face smooshed gently between the pages of Finn’s latest paperback, his whiskers peeking out the pages as he sleeps
Leo can’t decide between snapping a picture and laughing his ass off (he does both) 
Of course, in an effort to get their beloved Lolo into reading, the boys decide to annotate a book for him together, potentially giving him an incentive to read it. 
They find a brilliant thriller/horror+romance book that they think Logan would enjoy and they spend hours poring over it (even though it gives leo the heebie jeebies at times) and annotating it for Lolo, Logan's super confused as to why his boyfriends are reading the same book at the same time, like ???? this is so dumb? Why don’t they just take turns? it's it awkward to have to wait for the other person to finish reading? wouldn't it be easier to do it one by one? but when they're both finally finished writing all over it and making it perfect for their boy (there's absent-minded doodles of fleur-de-lis all over the margins in the purple pen that Leo used and little stick-figure drawing of the three of them in Finn's orange ink. It clashes horribly (Logan loves it). they give to him all wrapped up and pretty and Lolo tears up a little
When Logan's reading it, he can't help but laugh at the cacophony of purple and orange on every square inch of available space and the book quickly becomes his most prized possession. He knows it's a horror book and it's supposed to be scary and stuff, but how is he supposed to be scared when there's stick figure Finn with the most floofy hair brandishing a sword against a monster that doesn't look even remotely like the thing described in the book as he holds stick-figure logan in astronomically muscly arms?
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Sometimes when Leo can't sleep, Logan grabs the book and reads to Leo, though Leo usually loathes thrillers/horror books. He's lying with his head pillowed on Logan's chest listening to the rumble of his sleep-hoarse voice as Lolo does silly voices for Leo and Finn's annotations and that's how Leo reads the book start to finish without being scared
Just them being happy and in love and the intricate rituals of storytelling <3
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feeblescholarmyass · 1 year
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to motivate me to write chapter three
these all take place after they're all together and are completely separate from the plot
tags: poly relationship, Sumeru Boys x GN! Reader, sfw, fluff, slight spoilers for the fic in the future but idgaf (wanderer/scara is now involved. I can't get him oUT OF MY HEAD)
cw: cursing (mild), mentions of the reader's parents (m&f, good relationship)
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I'm gonna be totally honest rn if you're hella tall good for you but I see the reader as like Cyno height so keep that in mind
Haitham here is definitely going to do that thing where he pretends not to see/hear you because of your height (half because you startle him all the time since he doesn't see OR hear you approaching)
he's not that big of a fiction reader but he loves listening to you recount the plot of your latest favorite book or fic and sometimes he actually gets really into hearing you tell the story so if you leave him off on a cliffhanger if you need to go do something he will seek you out until you finish telling him the story
if you're in his way/can't reach something he just like,,, picks you up
say you're putting away the dishes or standing in front of a cabinet he'll lift you up by your waist either to help you reach something or to put you down somewhere else
smells really nice so sometimes you take his shirts or something when you're at home all day and you look like you're wearing a tent and he notices but doesn't say anything unless he wants to get his laundry done and reminds you to put his things you took in with the rest of it
both your parents have mixed feelings on him but he doesn't give any shits
You two definitely spend hours alone in the studio of your shared living space sketching either in silence or having the most distracted conversations ever
he'll be designing something meanwhile you're sketching one of your boyfriends (one of the actual ones or some character from a book you've decided is cute)
and he'll look up at you and ask "what's missing?" while holding up the sketch
you'll spin around (of course you've got the spinny chairs you aren't living unless you have a nice spinny chair) and peer over at it for a while, the either describe it or sketch something down silently and he'll go "that's exactly what it needed!"
and vice versa
say you're having trouble with a pose/lighting/detail and you'll point at it and say "how do I fix it" and he'll give you a few pointers or suggestions
eventually one of the others has to remind you to leave and go get some sunlight and both of you will be shocked at how much time has passed
also y'all know that voice line where he says he's already learned to play an instrument? you learned to play along with your father at a young age and now being able to play together makes both of you so happy 🥺🥺
I can totally see him trying to practice one day but just not being into it until he hears you harmonizing to what he's playing, either with your voice or your instrument of choice
and don't get me started on the improv opportunities
like he plays one pattern and you build off each other back and forth until you're both tired and giggling
he cherishes those moments with you the most, seeing as how art is so rarely appreciated as highly as academics in Sumeru
both of your parents adore him and ask about him all the time
as your Amurta senior he gets on your ass about schoolwork even more than Alhaitham 😔😔😔
but you don't mind since he helps you with your work rather often
he is the most worried about your health so he checks up on you rather often. if you're inside for too long, he'll ask you to take a walk outside with him. if you haven't eaten yet, he'll make you a meal and chastise you for forgetting to take care of yourself. if you've been a little overwhelmed lately, he will sit down with you and keep your mind off what is stressing you, either by snuggling with you and talking nonsense about fungi or a grooming session for the both of you (face masks and painting of nails, the whole shabang)
of the four, he also is the most critical of the way some (*cough cough*, Scara, Alhaitham, and Kaveh's endless bickering *cough cough*) of the others act around you. If you ever need a break from them, he is more than willing to pull you away.
very open with his feelings and affections for you, almost as much so as Kaveh, who is ever such a romantic
not against PDA, but if you're not a fan he keeps his hands to himself. in public, he loves soft, quick brushes of his hand against your back or cheek, a quick kiss stolen in the privacy of your home
also top tier cuddler. of all the five, he finds himself sleeping in your bed the most often.
your mother absolutely adores him
he definitely had some trouble getting the hang of things in the beginning, especially with being affectionate
he gets very flustered 🤭🤭 sometimes you'll say something to him with so much adoration in your voice that he'll just go silent and stare at you with the most loving look in his eyes like he just witnessed magic
he once tried to throw in a pick-up line with his usual joking, but got wayyyy too embarrassed and ended up not saying the punchline, instead just staring at his feet with a mortified look
you love to play with his hair, trying out new hairstyles and cute accessories in his hair. any time you ask he'll sit down and let you do his hair. he doesn't say it, but he loves sitting like that, with his eyes closed and your thighs around his waist as he feels your fingers combing through his hair. sometimes he even lets you cut it if it's getting too bothersome or has a lot of split ends
gets along with your dad scarily well like you didn't think he would get past that awkward "yeah I'm dating your child yeah I know it's weird yeah please don't hate me" stage but now your dad texts him every day and they go back and forth making jokes all day every day
he taught your dad emojis and now it's the only way your dad communicates with you
there are so many more for him that I can't say yet because it spoils the plot
Scaramouche / Wanderer
as the newest victim of your allure, he still is getting used to the dynamic of the group
since he's the only one the same age as you, you have a lot more core classes together. he also follows you around and glares at anyone who he doesn't deem worthy of your time.
when he's not with you, he talks about you all the time. he thinks about you constantly. it's a little insufferable, to be honest. he's a complete ass to your classmates, and he still holds a grudge against them. for what I can't tell you yet 😔
he spends the most time in your room, just observing you and being near you. he'll complain about something or other while you do your school work, and you'll listen and smile. he sneaks closer and closer until he's practically draping himself over you and you give up on finishing your work, instead opting to hold him and tease him for being so clingy
your animals won't leave him alone. they follow him around *almost* as much as you
your mother hates him, your father thinks he could bother to be a little more respectful to others, but otherwise likes him
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taglist: @ratty-rat-toot @em-asian @hypernovaxx @surgeonsofazaroy @xiaosimper @i-loveyou013 @strwbrysweets
let me know if you want to be added! (if your name is in bold, it means I can't tag you)
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
okay alright. onto uhhHHHH. DO i have thoughts about it. AM i coherent. here for now until my brain reboots (i was looking up paper girls trailers like WAS this show actually good for like ten minutes and it threw me off)--this shall be an all over the place ask by the way--: jorat is SO INTERESTING i am FOAMING AT THE MOUTH. CHOMPING AT THE BIT TO GET ENOUGH DETAILS ABOUT THIS COUNTRY TO ANALYZE THE EVERYTHING. the respect for the horses!!! FIREBLOODS!!!! their honor code (and all the ways that the antagonists continue to perform offenses against it)!!!! the environment!!! the SKIN MARKINGS!!!! just GRAHHHHH. AND THEY HAVE AN ENTIRE TRANS FESTIVAL. obviously the country is not w/o its prejudices (read: the giant ass xenophobia signs and also the assholes that are oreth's family regardless of who owns who) but it is so interesting to just!!! just the everything it's just everything. the things of idorra and thorra and mares and stallions and the respect you give to people and how everything is based on the herd mindset: what you protect, you own, and all that.
ALSO- STAR! OF CO U R S E HE'S DORNA'S CHILD LMAO. oh man. sad i don't get to see him as a main character taking up more space right now but also yk janel very much takes up the role of that specific kind of character... OH AND! kihrin understanding the gender thing, associating it back with his own culture, when janel finds out who father zajhera was.... What a Scene. i find myself comparing it to jess and morgan sometimes and then other times not... very similar character shapes, but the dynamic is shifted to the left.
Literally! I heard about Jorat and immediately went I need to know everything ever about this country. I love that it's not perfect. It both has these lovely beliefs about gender and has questionable practices alongside that. I made a shitpost about the inclusive misogyny--because it's still a divided country based on gender, it's your internal gender identity that matters, not your physical sex. Which!! Is a fascinating idea!
There is a place in fiction for idyllic, escapist places, but sometimes you want to explore something imperfect but different. To have something interesting and new to question and think through and explore. Jorat wasn't made to be a fantasy it was made to be a place in a fantasy, you know? And places aren't perfect. Jorat is both victim of being misunderstood and disrespected and perpetrator of strict rules and xenophobia against the other countries' ways of life.
and the festival of turning leaves!! in exchange for some community service for a while Galava will literally change your physical sex for you, and not only does this exist but it's cherished. It is a valued and beloved festival amongst the joratese. Jorat I love you. Not in spite of your imperfections, but because of them. Because you are not a perfect place you are a real place with real problems and complexity. Even though I don't want to participate in the idorra/thudaje system it's so fun to ponder
Also shout out to Star! what a fun character even if he's not around very much. Janel does absolutely take up the genderqueer character mantel valiantly, but I wouldn't have complained about having another. Though their are some discussions of gender to do with other characters (specifically Tereath).
it's hard to conceptualize that Father Zajhera scene at first (at least for me) because like...we've just met Janel fully, but thinking back. Holy FUCK. Imagine. The man who saved you and personally attended to you for YEARS after a horribly traumatic incident. a kindly mentor who literally treated your MIND. and he turns out to be RELOS VAR??? that is fucked beyond belief my god...would be very curious to hear more about this jess/morgan comparison though!
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Omg hiii lovely! Hearing about your dream wedding with Skull just warmed my heart so much omg 🥹 I would be bawling with happiness seeing y’all get matching wedding bands tattooed together 😭🤍 your unconscious mind was onto something with that one :’)
I just thought I’d drop in to share that my villain origin story was ~10 years ago I had this wild dream that I rigged a beauty pageant and stole the crown just to go rob a giant department store after 💀 and.. Squalo was there, he was my husband? and he asked me to steal pick him up a new coat while I was at the shops and then basically went “k congrats on the trophy b see ya later”
he’s revisited me a few times in my dreams since, but my favourite had to be this one dream where he was wearing the new fur coat and we were attending a ball 😅 and it was fine until the whole building started kabooming (I could go into detail about how but it would be like a poorly described director’s cut inception-esque shitty action movie)
My dreams tend to be really entertaining and ridiculous whenever I remember them, and I love when my brain just sprinkles in the squalo husband subplot 🤤 another really cute moment was when he was sooo annoyed about me taking my hoodie off to check the tag, because I only had a sports bra or something underneath and he was so grumbly and standing in front of me to cover my shameless ass from the view of the public 🧍🏻‍♂️ SO CLEARLY my subconscious mind is not letting me cease my simping for this fictional character I hope my husband visits me again soon🫡
Aaanyway, thank you for opening up a space for me to blab, please take care of yourself amidst the busy work schedule! All my best wishes xoxo🫀🖤🩸🤍
Admin Says: Okay, first off, noooo thank you for coming into the space and sharing this because it is wild, hilarious, amazing, and cute all at the same time and I loved it so, so much! And thank you for the well wishes for work. It's hectic - the walk-in clinic operates out of the same building our pharmacy does and they just extended their hours, and where it's nearly impossible to get a family doctor around here, a lot of people use it and then come get their scripts filled with us and of course nobody wants to come back to pick up and they won't understand why we can't just do their prescriptions right away…anyway, nope, no venting about work! Not when we can talk about this submission because oh my god. I thought my dreams were crazy and vivid and wonderful at times!
I have just so many questions on this and I feel it could legit be made into a movie and audiences would flock to watch it. Though this…this is a villain origin story I could get behind. One, beauty pageant crowns deserve to be stolen and that whole system is already rigged beyond belief so I fully support dream you in getting in there and making mischief! Was the crown necessary to rob the bank? Or was it just a case of…well, I committed this crime, let's see what other ones I can pull off? I love husband Squalo just being chill about it too and just being like 'need a new coat, can you grab me one with all that stolen cash, oh and your crown is fucking minty and you look good, babe'. Also, totally agree with your mind on the fact that Squalo definitely seems like the fur coat kind of person.
Also….I love the dream about the ball and you and Squalo attending it when shit just starts to blow up. Begs the question why everything started to go kaboom? Was it random or were you guys behind it? Did the pagentry theivery and robbing a bank kick off a grand run of you and Squalo going Bonnie and Clyde on everyone?? The world needs to know hahaha!!!
But seriously, you and Squalo are so cute in all your dreams and I love it so much. Fun fact, but your dream husband is my fictional found family in KHR and the one who walks me down the aisle in anything wedding related in my mind so like…I just support that man having an amazing spouse like you!!
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le-trash-prince · 1 year
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Some very rudimentary sketches of Perihelion’s interior.
I wanted the hatch to have a very distinctive look to it, and I couldn’t help but envision an archway as something evocative of a university building.
My thought is that corporate ships would have a very utilitarian design with a lot of hard, uncomfortable angles, stiff plastic and vinyl furniture, harsh fluorescent overheads, and zero character or warmth. Things that are cheap to replace and cheap to clean.
In contrast, because ART was “raised from a child,” I thought that its shipwrights might have put more care into their work and included some more architectural details, like arched hatches, which aren’t necessarily economical but are just kind of nice. The hatches are mentioned as sliding closed, so I envision the doors sliding down from the ceiling and taking up a much bigger space than the doorway—possibly even the entire wall for a section like this.
I also put indirect lighting that would run along the lower edge of all the ceilings, although this is just a flat view of the end of a hallway. The ceilings seemingly extend further than the walls to account for this, and I think the same space could also be used for concealed air vents and speakers. There would also be sconce lighting along the walls, but I haven’t made up my mind on how to depict them yet.
I think ART would have processes that adjust the color temperature of the lighting throughout a cycle in order to mimic the feeling of planetary daylight—at least when its humans are onboard (and sometimes it may passive-aggressively dim the lights when someone refuses to sleep). I think it would only have overhead lights in task related areas like the lab module and Medical. I don’t think MB would even notice this. But more sensory friendly lighting would be something that makes MB more comfortable on onboard ART even realizing why.
ART would also have small directional spotlights that it can point in people’s faces when it feels like being a particular ass.
I also drew up my idea for the padded couches in the crew lounge. I wanted wide, curved arms that would be comfortable to rest a head or back against. The fabric is a thick, woven material as opposed to the creaky vinyl of a corporate couch, and the padding is firm enough to provide good support (like a 6+ inch seat cushion as opposed to a 3 or 4 or god forbid a 2 inch cushion).
Multiple characters are mentioned as sleeping here, so I think it should be a comfortable, nappable couch without being a couch that is difficult to get up from in a hurry.
One thing I thought would be interesting is if the piping on the cushions used the same “space velcro” tech as sealable pockets, so all of the cushions would sit completely flush against each other. That way you could prevent objects or crumbs from getting stuck inside the couch, while also still having the benefit of individual cushions that are easier to repair or replace than the entire couch. Yes, I did spend my day off thinking about the piping on a fictional couch.
I also included some pylon things along the back of the couch in order to give some visual rhythm to the silhouette, since it’s so long. Honestly anything could be done with these, like having a touchscreen for whatever spaceship purposes, but I thought it would be nice to have some concealed speakers covered in acoustical mesh fabric. There’s still speakers along the ceiling in this room, but the couch speakers would be for the display surfaces rather than ART’s voice, since it can be confusing for some ppl to process multiple outputs coming from the same source. Also I think ART should have nice quality speakers in general, rather than the flat, tinny sort of wall speakers that are common in ship designs.
The toeboard of the couch is made from a sort of antique bronze material. The finishes that I generally associate ART with are titanium for practical purposes, and bronze for aesthetic touches.
The floor looks like wood but it’s a very durable, recycled composite material. I wanted the floor in this room to be a darker, more grounding color since it’s a lounge, but most of the ship probably has floors closer to the color of the walls.
The opposite side of the room has four chairs in the same style as this. I also drew the folding tables, so I might post those later. There’s a lot of other spaces I want to design as well, but I’ll have to see what I have time/energy for.
Anyways thanks if you read through all of this. I don’t generally draw unless I’m sketching a design for something I’m making. And I’m certainly not an actual designer, I just enjoy thinking about these kinds of things. And these are just my thoughts on what I think these things could look like. That’s all.
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agentark88 · 1 year
Think: Chapter Eighty-Eight: Quirkphobia
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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88
Disclaimer: The following is a work of fan fiction using characters and settings from My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia created by Kohei Horikoshi. I do not claim any ownership of characters present in this piece that are owned and created by Kohei Horikoshi. I do not own My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia.
Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Warnings: This work contains mild language and violence.
Please be aware this piece is in second person perspective, following my original character, Think, Anna Kokoro, who is a transfer student from America.
Chapter Eighty-Eight: Quirkphobia
Bakugo was outside your door the next morning as promised. He was no longer covered in the previous night’s grime. Surprisingly, Shinso actually waved to you on his way by both of you. It was the most positive thing that he’d done since you’d come back. Bakugo flipped him off as he passed, and Shinso returned the favor after lowering his hand from the wave.
Bakugo must have told Kirishima he couldn’t come this morning because he wasn’t anywhere in sight. Bakugo had ripped your backpack off of your back, and he was carrying it along with his own.
“What the hell you got in here? It’s heavy as shit,” he grumbled.
“You can give it back,” you said. “I don’t mind carrying my own stuff. It’s just books.”
Bakugo clicked his tongue. “Just books my ass.” He tightened his jaw. “It’s heavy, not too heavy for me. I’ll carry it.”
You pressed your lips together, trying not to say something else that might upset him.
“I wouldn’t mind us working next to each other during my work-study,” he mumbled out.
“What?” you asked in surprise.
“Don’t read too much into it, Big Brain. I just mean it would be better if I could keep an eye on your clumsy ass while you’re out in the field.” His face flushed. He shifted your bookbag over his shoulder.
“Oh,” you said dejectedly.
“Not that you fall much anymore anyway,” he huffed out.
You faintly smiled at that. You rubbed the back of your neck. “I’ve got a bit of catching up to do since my leave of absence. Can’t really argue about my clumsiness. I’ll do my best so you won’t have to keep an eye on me as much,” you said.
Bakugo shrugged. “I don’t mind keeping an eye on you.” Bakugo tugged absently at his loose school-uniform tie. “But, don’t get used to it, Big Brain.”
“Okay…” you responded, watching his tense expression. “Thank you, Katsuki.”
Bakugo’s eyes widened, but he refused to look back at you. His face turned as red as his eyes. He muttered something about you being an idiot before trekking far ahead. You covered a giggle, picking up the pace to keep up with him.
Bakugo remained with you for the entirety of the day. Jett Gibson and Neito Monoma did not appear once. As Bakugo held the door open for your dorm room at the end of the day, you caught Shinso walking by. He paused in the hallway this time, raising his hand lazily in greeting to you. You raised your hand in return, grinning. Maybe, he was ready to start talking to you again.
Bakugo’s glare flashed over to the teenage boy. “Keep walking, Brain Drain,” he snapped.
“It’s a public space,” Shinso said, content expression falling. “I can do what I want.”
“Feel free to do nothing, like you did when they forced her to leave here,” Bakugo shot back.
Rage filtered through Shinso’s expression. He clenched his jaw. “Don’t act like you know everything I’ve done for her, sacrificed for her.”
“Hitoshi,” you said softly, heart breaking. You never asked him to take on any burdens, especially on your behalf. He was hurting far more than you thought he had been.
Shinso balled his fists at his sides. His glare bore into Bakugo. “You have no right—”
“Bullshit, that I have no right!” Bakugo cut him off. His fingers dug into your dorm door, and the wood cracked. “You knew what happened! I thought you were just suffering like the rest of us, in the dark, not knowing where they’d taken her. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, even stuck my neck out for your shitty attitude, but you knew what had happened the entire time. You didn’t stay awake wondering. You didn’t tear your room apart, hoping to find something to remember her by. You didn’t spend hours trying to find a way to bring her back. You didn’t have to worry. You knew. And, you watched me fear that the worst had happened.” Bakugo released the door from his grip, crossing the hallway toward Shinso.
You grabbed the door before it could slam shut again. Bakugo’s words slowly sunk into your mind. He had worried, worried more than you thought that he had. Aizawa should have been able to give him enough information so that he knew you were okay. Bakugo didn’t have to torture himself like that for you.
Bakugo shoved his finger into Shinso’s face, pointing him out as if he was the culprit for all the pain he’d been feeling. “You didn’t—”
“I did,” Shinso snapped. “I did worry. Is that what you wanted to hear? I spent every night, wondering if I had said or done something different that day that she would have still been in school with us. She gave us a second chance to stay here, or did you forget? We would have been expelled if she hadn’t stuck her neck out for us. So, of course, I was trying to do everything in my power to get her back. I pleaded with Mr. Aizawa to tell me more, tell me where she actually ended up. I didn’t have the pleasure of getting that information. All I knew was that they took her away from here, from me.” Shinso clenched at his chest. “Don’t tell me that I didn’t do anything, when I did everything that I physically could to get her back, but it wasn’t enough.”
Your heart tightened in your chest. Your bottom lip quivered as you realized, even though you were no longer with them, that you were causing them such anguish, such heartache. You shut your dorm door, reaching your hand out toward them meekly.
Bakugo lowered his accusatory finger. “If you think keeping quiet about the last time you saw her was the right thing to do, then you’re a bigger dumbass than I thought you were, Eyebags.” Bakugo clicked his tongue.
“What could you have done even if I told you?” Shinso bit back. “You’re not exactly level-headed about situations, and you eventually found out as much as I did. A lot of help that was. Neither of us found her on our own accord. It took a villain threatening her again to get us to her.”
“I’m standing right here,” you choked out. Tears blurred your vision. “You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not right here.” You clasped your hands together, sniffling pitifully. You tried wiping away at the tears with the palm of your hand to no avail. You knew you looked a mess. You were a mess. “I’m sorry.”
Bakugo and Shinso turned to you in a simultaneous reaction of concern, nearly colliding with each other in the process. They stopped short, scowling at one another.
“Don’t fight because of me. It was my fault. I messed up one too many times. I’m trying to do better,” you said, attempting fruitlessly to quiet your sobs.
“Stop it,” Bakugo snapped at you, which only made you freeze momentarily before you burst into more aggressive tears.
“Really?” Shinso asked Bakugo.
Bakugo glared at him, but he refused to respond further. Shinso slowly approached you, keeping his hands firmly in his pockets.
“Kitten, it’s not your fault,” Shinso said softly. “No one thinks it’s your fault you left. Not even Mr. Aizawa.”
“But, it is my fault.” You clenched your fingers over the bottom hem of your skirt, fidgeting with the pleats restlessly. “It’s because of my quirk that I kept getting attacked. Sure, it wasn’t fair for my parents to blame U.A. for what had happened, and I can’t help sleepwalking, but I should have laid low. It’s my own fault that I keep getting so much attention. It’s me. If I could just… I should have just…” You bit hard into your bottom lip.
Bakugo’s and Shinso’s eyes widened at your confession.
“You and your quirk aren’t the problem, Anna. Your parents filling your head with those anti-quirk ideas are the problem,” Bakugo said.
“They were attacked because of me too,” you choked out.
“No, they weren’t,” Shinso said. “You’re not to blame for what villains do.”
“I am. This time I am,” you confessed because you truly an honestly knew that it was your fault. Kobura attacking your parents was your fault. All you wanted to do was get back into U.A., and Kobura knew how to do it. He hurt your parents for you.
“What are you on about?” Bakugo asked.
“It’s my fault.” You tugged absently at your braid, feeling like you wanted to curl up in a corner.
“Kitten, calm down,” Shinso gently said.
“My quirk is—”
“Anna! Will you stop it? Your quirk has nothing to do with you being forced out of this school. This school was built for quirk users. Nothing you did or have done has ever been out of hatred. Nothing that has happened to you is your fault. It’s the damn Extras around you that’s the problem. So, stop your blubbering.” Bakugo scowled, jerking his head in the direction of Shinso. “Eyebags and I aren’t fighting anymore, so you can stop beating yourself up over it, alright? We just want you to be okay.”
Your gaze darted between the two of them, small sobs still escaping your gasping mouth. “You’re not upset with me?” you asked.
“Of course not,” Bakugo snapped back. “It’s not your fault.”
Erratic breathing replaced the crying. Shinso adjusted his posture, leaning toward you. His hand was out, but he didn’t try to touch you.
“Breathe, Kitten. You’re okay. Everything is okay,” Shinso said. He offered out his hand, and you latched onto it. He drew small circles over your knuckles with his thumb.
Slowly but surely, your breathing regulated. The tears dried and embarrassment set in. Shinso let you release his hand in your own time, but as soon as you had detached from each other, Bakugo swept in. It frightened you how quickly his hands were on your face. His thumbs brushed away your tears, and he helped fix your posture, your hair, and your clothing.
“Was that at all necessary?” Shinso asked, rolling his eyes.
“It’s like it never happened,” Bakugo said softly to you. “And, we’ve talked about this before. You need to be kinder to yourself, Anna.”
This earned a disconcerted noise from Shinso, but Bakugo ignored him. As if to avoid upsetting you further, Bakugo helped you back over to your dorm room. He helped you open the door, holding it like he had done before. He cringed as his fingers settled into the damage that he’d done to the door.
“You need to rest,” he said, gently ushering you inside your room.
You glanced back at Shinso. Bakugo noticed but held back a snide remark. Shinso gave you a reassuring smile, lopsided as it usually was, charming.
“Go ahead, Kitten. We’re all good here. You don’t need to worry about us. We can behave when we want to,” Shinso said.
Bakugo clenched his jaw but shrugged when your attention shifted toward him again. You finally entered your room, and Bakugo gently shut the door behind you. He tested the door before he left to make sure he hadn’t broken it. You barely heard Bakugo and Shinso exchange muffled words, before it went quiet again.
You were startled awake by an explosion rattling your wall. You shot out of bed, and you reached the door in an instant. Your fingers brushed the cold metal handle, and hesitation coiled its tendrils around you. Before you could contemplate why you’d reacted in such a way, another blast shook your wall. You ripped the door open, turning in the direction of the noise.
Jett Gibson grinned smugly up at Katsuki Bakugo. The two of them were no more than three feet away from your door. Bakugo’s palm was smoldering, planted just above Gibson’s head, on the wall, as if he’d been threatening him only moments before. Jett’s orange eyes shifted. His gaze met yours, and a shiver ran through his body.
“Don’t even look at her,” Bakugo snapped, slamming his hand into Jett’s chest. He bared his teeth like a beast at him. He’d gotten riled up before, sure, but it didn’t seem like Bakugo to get physical like that with another student, especially when he’d tried so hard not to in the classroom earlier.
“W-what’s going on?” you managed.
“This Extra was just passing by, weren’t you?” Bakugo growled out into Jett’s face.
Jett didn’t even flinch. His attention was wholly on you, your movements. It didn’t make sense. He was acting like Bakugo wasn’t the threat at all. He was acting like you were the most powerful thing in the hallway.
“I came to apologize,” Jett said with a shaky voice.
“Bullshit!” Bakugo snapped, pressing his forearm into Jett’s neck. “Don’t listen to a word this prick says.”
“I’m not sure why you’re being so violent when I have yet to attack you,” Jett said calmly back to Bakugo.
“You know exactly what set me off. Don’t play dumb,” Bakugo snarled at him. You had no idea how long the two of them were talking before you’d appeared, but it was enough to make Bakugo practically seethe.
“Katsuki, give him a chance to talk,” you said.
Bakugo’s eyes widened. A muscle feathered in his clenched jaw. “He’s done enough talking. And, if you try that persuasion bullshit on me again, Extra, that wall’s not the only thing that will be smoldering, got it? I’ve dealt with far more suggestion quirks than yours, asshole.” Bakugo glanced in your direction, before he was back on Jett. “You try anything else with her, and you’re dead.” Bakugo paused, scanning the boy in front of him. He took a step back, releasing Jett, but ready to jump back in if need be.
Jett swept back his disheveled hair. His hands shook between the strands. “As I was saying, I came to apologize.” Jett couldn’t seem to meet your eyes.
You crossed your arms over your chest, willing to hear him out but not really sure how to respond.
“I know I have been cruel to you in the past, but there was a reason for my behavior,” Jett said. From his back pocket, Jett procured a white rose. “I shouldn’t have acted so deplorably before, but you have to understand, I hadn’t realized how powerful you’d become.” He twisted the rose between his fingers, a thorn pricking his thumb. “If I’d known what your quirk actually was back then, things might have been different. Everyone thought you were weird, that you used their thoughts against them, and I thought the same. When you confessed to me, I just thought you were using me, so I got scared—”
Bakugo clicked his tongue. Impatience practically steaming out of his ears. He kept his words to himself, as you’d yet to speak.
“I liked you too,” Jett admitted.
You blinked at him, remembering the cruelty in his actions, in his words all those years ago. You carried that scar from your past for so long. It was hard for you to believe that he actually liked you. Those feelings that you had had for him had long since been dead and gone. After being rejected, you were heartbroken. You knew the kind of person Jett was, and it was anything but what you had known of him when he was your friend.
“You’re lying,” you said, feeling your past child-self quiver with anxiety. It had taken you so long to trust people again, and you wouldn’t be so easily swayed by honeyed words.
“But, I did really like you. If I had confessed my own feelings in front of everyone, our classmates would have just tormented us both.” Jett put his hands together, the rose hanging lifelessly in his grasp. “Don’t be selfish, Shortcake. You have to see things from my perspective. You would have done the same thing in my position.”
“She would have never—” Bakugo’s enraged retort was cut off by a pleading look from you. He shifted his offensive stance, fingers quaking and ready to fight. He held his tongue, only because it was you.
You eased forward, keeping your face as emotionless as you could. Jett smiled in eagerness. He held out the rose toward you, anticipating you to reciprocate his “feelings.” The way he held it toward you was like someone holding out a snack for a rabid predator. He seemed exhilarated yet terrified by your approach, and you began to put the pieces together in your mind. He was scared of you, of what you had become.
You reached out for the ghostly flower. Bakugo looked ready to spring on you both. His eyes tracked your hand the entire way to the bloom. Bakugo shook his head, scowling.
You picked the rose from Jett’s hand, feeling past emotions rush through you like a summer wind. He was the only one who had shown you any form of kindness back then. He broke your heart, that much was undeniable, but it couldn’t have all just been to rip you apart. At least, that’s what you wanted to think.
“I’d given you a red rose, hoping you would have accepted my feelings for you. You’d shown me such kindness…” Your finger prodded at one of the white petals. Strands of memory surfaced in your mind. Your hair floated on an invisible breeze. You hesitated for a moment, glancing up at Jett.
Jett was frozen in place. His smile had tensed. There wasn’t affection behind those eyes. He sought to make amends because he knew what you’d become, but if he had actually cared about you the way that you thought he did, he would have known that you yourself hadn’t changed. Or, maybe, in some ways, you had. Your quirk and power were the only visible changes that had happened, but on the inside, you had changed. You were no longer the scared little girl who would do anything to hide her quirk.
You glanced at Bakugo. His expression was almost the exact opposite of Jett’s. Emotion creased the corners of his eyes. A vague sense of worry put tension in his jaw as his attention shifted between you and the flower. He kept his fidgeting hands at bay, although his instincts to protect you were obvious by the way sweat glistened off of his skin.
You gave Bakugo a weak smile. No, you hadn’t changed much. You were just able to express yourself better now. You let your mind stream toward Jett’s, letting him see what you saw of him, before that day: the hours of mindless conversations, the care in which he took to make sure you were smiling, and the evening walks you’d shared together. You played games when you were younger, heroes and villains. Though you both always wanted to be the hero, and you cried when you ever had to pretend to be mean to him. He’d always share half of his cookie with you when your parents weren’t looking. He’d always make sure to slow down his pace when you couldn’t keep up. You didn’t show him how things had changed, drawing your mind back before the rumors began to spread about your quirk. You didn’t show him the bullies that would wait for him to leave. You didn’t want to show him slowly slipping away from the good times, though you knew it was happening.
Things were different now. You’d almost forgotten the good times because they’d been overshadowed by the bad, by that day. You wished you never handed him that rose. You might have been able to become friends again. Things might have been different.
Jett stumbled a bit back after you stopped sharing the past. You saw the confusion. He didn’t remember those times like you did, did he? You cupped your hand around the head of the flower. Jett’s eyes widened. You gently lifted the rose with your quirk, sending it back to him.
“You had been kind to me in the past. I’m afraid my feelings have changed since then. I can’t accept this. I’m sorry,” you said.
“But…” Jett was at a loss for words. He stared at the floating flower in utter horror, afraid to grasp it out of the air. “You liked me. You couldn’t possibly think that you’re better off without me—”
Bakugo let out a low growl. His patience was wearing thinner by the minute. You stood firm in your resolve, knowing now that you had moved on. Things were better for you. With friends like Bakugo, Shinso, Kirishima, and Shoto, you weren’t alone anymore.
“Things aren’t the same anymore.” You smiled bitterly, turning your gaze downward. “You started treating me poorly, but I forgive you for that. We were much younger then after all. I want to move on from the pain.” You shrugged. “I hope we can become friends again, like we were in the past. But, I don’t think we could ever be exactly like we were when things were the best, and that’s okay.”
Jett’s eyebrows furrowed. “You forgive me?”
Bakugo visibly tensed at the coarseness of the question. Your resolve wavered.
“I didn’t do anything wrong. How can you forgive me?” Anger rippled away from Jett like a wave of heat. The hesitation within him flickered. He aggressively snatched the flower from the air, and you felt the forcefulness against the ebbing strand of your mind. He crushed the flower like he’d done so many times before. “You should be begging me for forgiveness! I-I don’t care what your quirk has become. You’re the one that’s wrong here.”
You winced, taking a step back.
“That didn’t take long, asshole,” Bakugo snapped, taking your sudden change in posture and demeanor as a form of permission, as he drew back a sparking palm to make contact with Jett.
“You won’t touch me, dog!” Jett yelled at him. His modulation quirk grated on your senses with harsh vigor, as you felt the persuasive vibrations in his throat being released.
Bakugo’s hand stopped inches from Jett, as if hitting an invisible wall. You cupped your hands over your ears to keep out the strange sound of Jett’s voice. A door down the hallway creaked open. A dimly lit figure plodded out into the hallway. Shinso’s disheveled indigo locks shifted into the light as he leaned back.
“What is all the damn noise for? Some of us are trying to get to sleep. Don’t you think you should find somewhere else to be idiots?” he called out groggily. His bare chest and loose-fitting blue pants reflected his exhaustion. He spotted you first and then Jett and Bakugo in a frozen battle.
“Mind your—” Jett’s voice caught in his throat. He had answered a direct question from Shinso, and he was now under his quirk’s power.
Shinso grinned like Aizawa as he approached Jett from behind. “How about you mind your manners and go to bed?” Shinso’s slender fingers clamped around the boy’s shoulder. He leaned down to whisper into Jett’s ear. “While you’re at it, I’m going to give you a little suggestion of your own. Leave Anna Kokoro alone. If you see her, you’ll turn away and won’t say a word, got it? Now, go.”
Jett obeyed. His zombie-like form marched in the direction of where you could only assume was his dorm room. Shinso watched Jett’s retreating form with exhausted amusement. Bakugo finally shook off Jett’s previous suggestion, freeing himself just as Jett had entered the stairwell. He spat out a string of swear words, glaring at Shinso.
“Took you long enough,” Bakugo snapped.
Shinso shrugged off the comment. “You didn’t invite me to your little face-off. I’m just glad there will be some peace and quiet in this hallway. You were causing a damn racket out here.” Shinso’s violet eyes slid back toward you. “Kitten, you good?”
You straightened, nervously fidgeting with a loose strand of hair. “Yeah,” you said softly. But, you weren’t sure if you were or not. Things had happened so fast. You were glad that you stuck up for yourself, but it didn’t turn out the way that you had hoped for.
Shinso’s gaze lingered on you for a moment longer, before sleep drew a long yawn from his lips. “If you need me, you know where to find me,” he said drearily.
Shinso stood still for a breath or two, maybe, to give you time to request him to stay, but you didn’t. Shinso slowly made his way back into his room; the click of the door being shut sent a wave of dread through you. You gulped, hands shaking. You crossed your arms awkwardly over your chest to keep the quivering from showing.
It was only you and Bakugo now. His vermillion gaze watched you tentatively, seeing right through you, like it did everyone else. He crossed the hallway, his calloused hand already on your elbow, guiding you toward your door.
“Let’s get you back to bed,” he said.
Bakugo waited for you to unlock your dorm room door, before, surprisingly, he guided you inside. The door shut behind both of you, and you gasped in a breath as Bakugo’s arms circled you in protection. He put his face on your shoulder, making it difficult for you to turn back to him.
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t more careful. I was trying to take care of it myself.” Bakugo let out a breath of air that sent heat from your neck all the way up to your reddening cheeks.
You furrowed your brows in confusion. “Did you stay out there all night because you were worried Jett would come to my dorm?”
Bakugo clicked his tongue, but it was half-hearted. “I wasn’t worried.” He shifted, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, a surprising amount of affection coming from him. “I just wanted to make sure…” he trailed off. “I knew that prick would try to mess with you again. He’d be an idiot to try something with me around you, so I thought he might confront you when you were alone.” Bakugo buried his face closer to your neck, when you tried to get a peek at his expression. “I’m glad that I did stay because he did try something, but I had to lie to Mr. Aizawa to do it. I think Aizawa knew what I was up to because he looked ready to drag my ass to bed when I told him that I was going to the common area kitchen.”
You stiffened in Bakugo’s hold. “What if you would have gotten in trouble?” you asked, but you suddenly felt relieved that he had been out there the whole time. Had you had to confront Jett yourself, things would have gone very differently.
“It wouldn’t have been anything new,” Bakugo grumbled out. “Besides, it was worth it to make sure you were okay.” He tightened his grip on you as if you’d suddenly disappear. He breathed in shakily. “That Extra doesn’t deserve you in his life. He doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as you.”
“What?” you asked.
“I wanted to rip him apart for accusing you of being the reason for his cruelty. I know damn well that he was the one that chose to mistreat you.” Bakugo pulled his head back, turning his face away from you. “Still, I admire your ability to see the best in people. You were willing to give him another chance, and he didn’t deserve it, but you still offered to let him start over.” Bakugo sighed. “You can forgive what happened in the past?” His last statement came out like a nervous question, as if he was asking it to reassure himself of something.
You tilted your head, trying to get a better look at Katsuki’s face. Still, he kept it out of your line of sight. When you tried to wriggle your way out of his arms, he only snuggled closer to you. If he squeezed you any tighter, it would be difficult for you to breathe.
“I think I am more willing to forgive people because I would want them to forgive me too,” you said. “I’m not always going to make the right decision based on the circumstance, and, maybe, people act certain ways because they think it’s what they should do. I can’t fault them for trying to do what they believe is best.”
Bakugo scoffed. “You don’t need to apologize to anyone for anything you’ve done. You’re by far the kindest person that I’ve ever met. Any decision you make will always be the right one.”
“I’m not perfect, Katsuki,” you said.
“I’m not perfect either, Anna,” he replied. “It may seem like I’ve got all my shit together, but I’m not perfect, and I’m starting to hate that everyone else thinks that I have to be. I know I run my mouth, always saying that I’m going to be number one, but it’s just what I believe in.”
You pressed your lips together, falling quiet. Bakugo let you go, but you stayed still, feeling his emotion ripple over you like a somber wave.
“I can be the number one hero without changing who I am, can’t I?” Bakugo asked. “I don’t want what happened in my past to hold me back.”
“Why would your past hold you back?” you asked. You turned to him, and his calmness crumbled under your gaze.
He crossed his arms over his chest. A muscle tightened in his jaw. “I was a little shit back then, and I’m starting to realize it now.” His shoulders tensed as if speaking constricted his body with anxiety. “Gibson, that was that asshat’s name, right? He started out nice, or at least that’s what it seemed like, and then he was an asshole, and then he continued to be an asshole.” Bakugo tapped his foot impatiently, struggling to explain himself. “I didn’t start out nice. All I cared about was my power, and I dictated my behavior on that. I trampled over those that were weaker than me because I could. I’m afra—” Bakugo’s gaze met yours, cutting himself short. “Seeing that Damn Nerd Deku here and meeting you, it just slowly started hitting me that I wasn’t a good person. I hadn’t acted like a good person. I’m still not a good person. I don’t feel like I can be forgiven for something like that.”
“You are a good person,” you said.
Bakugo smiled bitterly. “You say that because you are a good person. You can see the best parts of me, but you don’t know who I used to be.” Bakugo shrugged. “I’m not even sure why you give me that much understanding. I’m pretty rotten to you too.”
“You’re a better person than you think that you are,” you corrected. “You’re right. I don’t know who you were in the past.”
Bakugo clicked his tongue. “Yeah, you didn’t,” he said in disappointment.
“But, I know that you’ve changed since then, not in the way that you think everyone is forcing you to, but for yourself. I know you’ve grown up because I did too, at least a little from when I was little. We were just kids, Katsuki. We are still kids, but we’re much older now. We know a lot more about who we want to become.” You shrugged, giving him a warm smile. “I would have never been able to forgive Jett back then. I would have been too scared. But, with what I’ve learned, with you by my side, I had the strength to be the better person.”
Bakugo’s face reddened. “I had nothing to do with it.”
“You can deny it all you want,” you teased. “I’m stronger because of you. And, I hope that you’re stronger because of me too. I think you’re a better person than you realize, and I’m not just saying that because I’m kind. Everyone sees it. It’s why our classmates turn to you in complicated situations. It’s why you have ‘The Bakusquad.’” You giggled when he frowned at the name of his friend group. “I think it’s also why Midoriya still tries so hard to keep up a relationship with you. I don’t know what the two of you used to be, friends, neighbors, or just classmates, but I can tell he sees something kind in you too.”
“I don’t care what that Damn Nerd thinks about me,” Bakugo snapped.
Your smile faded. Bakugo’s gaze flickered on you again, and he let out a heavy sigh, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I only care about what you think of me,” he admitted. “And, if you think that I’m a ‘good’ person, then I guess that’s all that matters.”
You froze, feeling heat rush to your face in embarrassment. “I-I…” You weren’t sure what to say.
Bakugo crossed the room, standing only a couple of inches away from you. You blinked up at him in surprise, your gaze trailing the crimson brushing his own cheeks. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, releasing butterflies into your stomach.
“Get some more rest before morning, Anna. I didn’t mean to keep you up so late.” He pulled away, leaving warmth where his lips had been. Bakugo left your room, leaving you to wonder if your late-night conversation all had just been some weird dream. But, the ghostly feeling of his lips on your cheek still remained.
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snwusberry · 2 years
「 misbehave 」
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pairing: san x reader
genre: angst (i think...)
warning(s): toxic relationship, suggestive themes, language
note: this is not written to glorify or romanticize toxic relationships nor do i associate this character with san in any way.
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| y/n |
fucked up is one way do describe what's going on. my friend even said i lost my damn mind and i agree but whats the fun in being cautious anyway? i mean sure my emotions are just messed up now but its too late to change anything now so what's the point?
"you did not just schedule a d*ck appointment in my presence. i just know you didn't." my friend, claire, comments loudly as she was munching on some nasty ass sweet potato fries.
"no i didn't you moron. we're just going to talk." i answered her makimg her give me a judgemental look before scoffing.
she knows. we both do.
"sweetie, your little talks always end up in fights then you somehow end up in each other's bed. can't you see that man is a walking red flag?"
that's one thing she's not right about. san isn't the big bad wolf my friends and family paint him as. he's sweet, mindful, caring. when we're together, we both just bring out the worst in each other.
"don't you have your own problems to handle with blaise?" i asked her trying to shift the topic onto her and her own bad decisions. all i hear is the sound of the leaves on the trees rustling in the soft wind. "you see? you have no space to talk."
"yeah, yeah okay. but don't come to me crying again." she sulks in her seat and continues eating.
"look. i've gotta go now. i'll see you later okay?"
"be careful, okay."
i nod and stand up to leave.
i take my keys and drive to the place i've sworn so many times not to go to, yet i always find myself at the same place each time.
i knock on the door and wait a while. i hear footsteps approach and the door opens revealing the one and only choi san. i sigh and look at him, try to gather myself and my words.
i've rehearsed what i wanted to say on my way here and i'm determined to tell him exactly what i want to. but then again, how many times has this happened? i should know its no use.
"can i come in?" i ask and he says nothing. he just moves aside fo me to enter.
i walk in and sit down as he closes the door. he comes and sits down on the sofa opposite the one i'm on but he doesn't say anything.
its radio silence. the only sound coming from the radio softly playing music. i look at the table where he has his laptop set up with a few papers messily put next to it.
i remember back to when he would have late nights chasing deadlines and i'd be there with him with my own assignments to complete.
although we'd both have our own wrok to do, we'd still goof around and be each other's company. i miss those days.
"are you not gonna say anything?" i asked him, not daring to look at him.
"what do you want me to say?" he asked, leaning back in the sofa.
"you invited me here. i thought you had something to tell me."
"i do. its just... i don't know..."
"then let me say something." i tell him and he looks at me. i immediately freeze up.
he really doesn't know the power he holds does he?
"i wanna go back to the old us."
i wanna punch myself in the face. that's not what i came here to say.
"you know thats impossible right? we've done too much damage, theres no way to fix this." he states bluntly. maybe a little too blunt.
"how would you know?"
"y/n how wouldn't i? everyone can see it, it's about time you open your eyes to see it too."
i can already feel the tears threatening to spill. i know all this already, i was just never ready to accept it, i guess now is the time.
i look down, shutting my eyes in attempt to regain my composure.
"i see it. i see it a little too clearly but why not try?"
"because we're too far gone! yes we still love each other but it's damaged and there's no amount of fixing that can be done to get it back to how it once was!" he tells me, raising his voice.
i hate it. i hate it so much how he's gone from only speaking to me in such a soft voice, never even attempting to raise his voice at me, to that being one of the only ways he talks to me.
"you're right." i take a breath, wiping the tears that have fallen. "it is tainted. i want all this to end. i dont want us to keep hurting each other like this. i really do want it to end but that would mean we'd have to end this relationship and i don't want to let it go. i don't wanna lose you."
this is far from where i wanted this to go. i'm not supposed to be be crying, i was supposed to end it and i was supposed to me out that door with my remaining dignity yet that's not the case.
hell, is it ever?
"that's the thing. i don't wanna lose you either. i love you more than anything but everytime we try to speak we just end up fighting. it's taken a toll on us. it's not healthy."
"it's not like I want us to fight." i mumble, lowering my head.
"I don't want us to either but you just get on my nerves sometimes." he reveals, getting closer to me. my breath catches in my throat and i look up at him. my teary eyes meeting his troubled ones. "don't look at me like that. you do it on purpose don't you?" he sat right next to me.
not this again. anything but this. it's not too late. i can still stop this. i just need to say the word.
"admit it baby." he softly speaks, taking my hand in his. his hand enveloping mine perfectly.
i look at our connected hands and sigh, letting more tears fall. i can't do it.
"i love it when we misbehave."
"you're so fucked up." he said to me. his face dangerously close to mine.
he's too close now. i can't back out when he looks at me like that.
"we both are."
"and you say we can fix this when this is how you think?" he said with a sick smile on his face.
i should hate this, but i can't.
"why are you making seem like i'm the only one who feels this way?" i finally get a grip and move away, taking my hand out of his hold and i stand up. san, i need to leave."
i grab my keys and make my way to the door. before i can even reach tor the handle, he speaks up
"you'll be back tonight anyway." he said walking me out. "it was nice talking to you."
i say nothing and walk to my car not looking back.
i get in my car and look at the door where hes standing witg an unreadable expression.
not this time choi san.
once i get home, i see claire already there, watching my wife and kids.
"what are you doing here?" i ask and she turns to me.
"you know i don't have disney plus. so im here. hey can you refill my soda?"
i go to my room to get into more comfortable clothes, wiping my makeup off before walking back to the living room.
"i'm assuming you finally made the right decision seeing you didn't take long." she breaks the silence and her words take me back to what could've been.
"yeah. i have to put myself first."
"i'm proud of you."
i smile at ger and stand up to get myself a drink when claire walks into the kitchen.
"look, something came up and i gotta run. don't continue watching without me alright?"
i nod and she runs off. now i'm left alone with my thoughts. bad combo.
"you do it on purpose, don't you?"
his closeness, the look in his eyes, his voice. i need to get it out of my head.
i can't be alone, i'll make another bad decision.
i pick up my phone and dial my sister's number.
"tanya, can i come over?" i ask her
"uhhh... sure."
"okay, thanks. i'll see you later."
i hang up and get my stuff to leave. i get in my car and drive down the falimiar roads.
once i arrive, i walk to the front door and knock, waiting for the door to open.
"i told you you'd come back. come inside."
i sigh, walking into the house.
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hey. so.
i would like to say i dont identify with the label “proship”/”pro-shipping” but im sick and tired of puritans running amock in SO MANY FANDOMS especially twitter, and agree with some of the posts here, lmfao. 
i have 0 tolerance for certain depictions of fictional media but i dont go and fucking harass people or push them out of every conceivable social media space. i dont just throw around the words “groomer” or “pedophile” like an overused fucking buzzword and honestly dont even see the point in the label if its only going to be associated the same way it is with MAPs. which i want to clarify; i dont fucking support those freaks, why do you think a minor would honestly? 
i do however consume problematic media, n$fw or not, and if some hit a threshold i cannot mentally handle? i just fucking leave. i dont purposefully trigger myself and then blame the content creator as to why i feel so horridly shitty due to trauma. 
i also use certain problematic media as a coping mechanism because mental illness be damned, whaddya know, i have the most horrible intrusive thoughts that i can barely even discuss so i dont get banned or reported for being a minor discussing n$fw beyond what its known for the most. go figure. 
i dont even ship or indulge in dynamics that romanticize these certain problematic dynamics (ESPECIALLY incest and adult/kid agegaps), i take them as is, but even if i actively talk about them as they should be depicted from being real life situations horrifying to think about? i just fuck off from the ones that do romanticize. a lot of the time they dont even realize theyre doing it due to being victims of this abuse THEMSELVES and if they do and simply cope with the trauma of that? cool! but that aint my thing.
im not gonna shit on them for showing it to the world either. its their business. not mine. and its their spaces. the spaces for these victims and if it helps them cope then? GUESS THAT LEAVES ME WITH LESS TO DEAL WITH?
i guess under all qualifications, i am “proship”, but really i just dont give a fuck, i mind my business. unfollow me. sure. i dont care. id rather have that then cause a goddamn fuss about fictional characters that yall antis treat as if theyre real living breathing people. fiction affects reality at times but you can control your asses and death threats and harassment or making unnecessary callout posts? worse actually, and is much more personal.
the internet has become such an unsafe space that nobody knows how to fucking handle themselves and filter the content they see into things they actually like. or make a safespace for themselves. 
Grow the fuck up. 
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The Codex, he/it, 🇲🇫🇬🇧
This is @marcocodex 's sideblog, where I scream into the void and can occasionally post half-assed pencil drawings or reblogs funny things about my favorite characters or anything
@marcocodex is kind of inactive because of how much time art school is taking out of me, but it's supposed to be my main art blog.
Here though I will be funny. Heyyy. That's a bargain right there
Rambling tag : #the codex brain
More info below the cut
Fictions I'm overly interested in, ranked based on the passion I have for them. You can come up to me and ask me about them and I will immediately consider you my friend /hyp
Undertale / Deltarune
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Guilty Gear
Team Fortress 2
Five Nights at Freddy's
Bendy and the Ink Machine / Dark Revival
Dofus / Wakfu
I feel a very strong attachement towards my favorite characters. I love them very much and I will be annoying about them. Here are a list of them with the tag associated to me rambling about them.
Dr. W. D. Gaster (Undertale / Deltarune) : #schrodinger egg. I've been theorizing on his character since 2017 and I have no plan of stopping now. I also reblog cool arts of him. I usually shorten his name into just G for convenience. My favorite character ever and he doesn't even exist.
Enrico Pucci (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures) : #kabutomushi. I've written plenty of small essays about him ever since I read Stone Ocean in late 2020. I will reblog cool arts of him and thoughts I have about him.
Romeo "Bedman" Neumann (Guilty Gear) : #benomad. Literally me. I've been playing him on Xrd and Strive since mid 2023. Will post thoughts about him and most probably reblog cool arts. I reiterate : Literally me.
The Assassins' Guild. Or Millia Rage, Zato=ONE, Venom, Slayer, Eddie (Guilty Gear). Common tag : #average existence enjoyer. I am very normal about them all.
Robo-Ky (Guilty Gear) : #powered by tangerines. I play him in Accent Core +R. I've written plenty of short essays about him and will probably continue to do so. Current Objective: getting him in Strive.
Edward "The Riddler" Nigma (Batman) : #dies of green. So obsessed about this character I've written a whole Batman AU fueled by the frustration of having read too many bad version of him (among other things). Maybe I'll talk about it someday.
Dr. Ludwig "Medic" (Team Fortress 2) : #platonic pocketing. I've been playing him since 2019 and my skills are pretty good. I've read the comics religiously, loved them a lot, and adopted Medic in my brain full-time.
William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's) : #bunnies die frice. I've been trying to stop caring about him and his franchise for years. It's no use. He always comes back. That's very upsetting.
Joey Drew (Bendy and the Ink Machine / Dark Revival) : #the illusion of understanding what i'm talking about. I've been a fan of Bendy since 2017, but Joey truly became an important character to me after I've played Dark Revival and read the books, especially The Illusion of Living. I might post some thoughts I have about all of this.
Jacquemart Harebourg (Dofus / Wakfu) : #jackie strasbourg. Mainly enjoyed him in the manga Ogrest, fascinated by how strangely (/derogatory) he was depicted in Wakfu. I've known him for a decade or so, he's the oldest of my favorite characters.
Qilby (Dofus / Wakfu) : #who is bill anyway. I swear there was an anomaly in the space-time continuum when Tot wrote this character. Nox too. But god S2 was something great.
Goro Majima (Yakuza) : #lapped your ass. The lastest addition, I'm still playing through all the games but I can say with considerable confidence I'm not gonna be normal about him.
I have the autism software installed.
I have difficulties understanding sarcasm or jokes, and I appreciate tone indicators (/j, /s, /srs, /rh etc). Please keep that in mind when interacting with me as I can easily come off as rude even though this isn't my attention.
I will infodump and hyperfixate on certain characters/topics. This is where the "annoying as fuck" in my bio comes from.
With that being said, welcome to my brain! Make yourself at home.
0 notes
jamiethebee · 2 years
Typing this up at 3am (roughly) so give me a little leeway/grace here anyways thinking about making art and motivation and sharing art (specifically in within online spaces) and how many different types (medium) of art their are
Like writers or draw-ers or painters or sculpture people or printmakers ceramicists fiber artists ect
And how each medium interacts acts with and produces art different simply based on the medium
Like I draw primarily fanart. I want to share it and have people find it and enjoy it. Yes I can draw it just for myself but based on the nature of what I create I want other people to be able and find and enjoy it to. And when it doesn't it bums me out.
I crochet but I've only just started talking about it more online. I will post about it and talk about the pieces (once I finish projects) but likes/notes/ect don't matter to me. It's something created for the purpose of me and what I'm doing with it.
I do ceramics. Have for about as long as I've been drawing "consistently". Ceramics exists within craft art circles and fine art circles. I post to document progress and share about it, but the primarily method of sharing/interacting happens outside of online spaces. Show submissions, critiques, ect. I post online because I want to share and talk about it but engagement means nothing to me. (Full time ceramicists obv will have a different purpose for social media ok)
I cosplay. I post and create content specifically for different online spaces (for tiktok (yeah I get it shut up) and insta). I want people to see the time and energy I put into those creations and enjoy the content that comes out of it and for people to be able to react and see the interpretation of a fictional character. Much like with drawing - the engagement does matter! not for the express purpose of popularity but for the community. (I would still create cosplays as much as I do now if I wasn't posting online btw. It just happens to be a good avenue to share work outside of the handful of cons in my state which btw cost money/not cheap compared to the "free" cost of posting online.)
And that's a fraction of it. I'm just a little tired of seeing posts go "oh, you should make art just to make it and stop worrying about likes" when???? To me, as someone who exists in a lot of different spaces of the art world, it's silly (sometimes ignorant and overbearing) advice. If you only produce work because you want attention that's not healthy but if you produce work for attention that builds towards something else (community, friends, like minded people, work, ect) that's different and having people ignore your work or, on other sites, have an algorithm that actively works against you (as an artist who takes time to produce a piece of content) then yes!!!! It fucking sucks ass!!!!! It's the worst!!!! Especially for those of us who have been around long enough and been on different platforms to know that it doesn't have to be like this for artists and telling artists to suck it up anyways and not get discouraged is a tone-deaf message im really sick of hearing.
Stop lumping a diverse group of people together, boiling their motivations and purpose down to a single idea, and then tell them to get over themselves and just "have a good time". It's an infinitely more complex issue and I don't think non artists (and to some extent people who only do one type of visual art) understand.
Maybe I'm being a little pretentious here or whatever but this is coming from someone who has never seen success (in whatever way you want to define it) through drawing and posting online (over 10 years). This is someone who starting seeing success in cosplay and has seen that trickle down to the basic "we're showing it to the baseline number of people and that's it" that the algorithm allots. This is someone who hasn't had any hope in their art being shared/seen/ect by more than about 5 people FOR YEARS. And yet I create anyways and hope that one day I'll be good enough that maybe I'll get somewhere with it all. Because the problem is that if you've been around long enough to have that initial popularity and then the algorithm changed and you get no interaction you get left with a sense of "well I must not be good enough" and it gets destructive. Maybe this is different than younger people and how they view social media and their relationship with it but for me? I was lucky enough to never get attention in the first place so it doesn't have a heavy influence on my motivation. But it's still there and it's still a consideration (at least for work that I share because I want to reach people who also enjoy those things and for them to see and appreciate the hard work I dump into my projects.
TL;DR: I'm tired of people lumping all artists together and telling the community to ignore notes/likes/engagement/ect because it doesn't matter and you should create just for funsies. It's a far more nuanced issue that deals a lot with medium specifics and professional artists (those who live off their work) vs not.
0 notes