#i’m a victim!!!!!
littlebabywille · 2 years
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"it's funny the decisions you make because you like someone, he says, and then your whole life is different"
-sally rooney, normal people
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kittarts · 19 days
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omgrandomwords · 2 months
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november 5th’s grandchild
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iifishizzleii · 2 months
“you’re just so small :(“ “he doesn’t want to hurt ur tiny body” “his fist is bigger than your womb” “his hand is the size of your entire stomach” “:( small baby no hurt by big man soldier”-
brotha eeughhhaa🤢🤢🤢👹👹🤕🤒🤒🤮🤧
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political-confetti · 10 months
if yall go into the inboxes of random jewish folks and ask for their opinions on the palestine/israel conflict just because they’re jewish, fuck you. genuinely, fuck you. stop doing that. you aren’t supporting palestinians by harassing random jewish folks on the internet, you’re just being an antisemitic asshole. y’all are doing the exact same thing as assholes who would go up to random muslim folks after 9/11 and ask them their thoughts on the taliban. it’s fucking gross. if you actually care about victims of the war, donate to charities or funds. share posts and information about the situation. don’t fucking harass jewish people.
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adastreia-12 · 5 months
poseidon’s relationship with percy is something that is so personal to me. love so flawed and complicated, so wary and tentative. your father is here. he’s always been here. he’s not sure what to make of you but he is proud of you. you’re not sure what to make of him either. you’re sally jackson’s son, but you have your father’s eyes. you are the sea as much as he is. trust him. trust yourself. breathe. the sea does not like to be restrained.
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i just wanna be protected and cared for like i'm a tiny kitty with abandonment issues
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suiheisen · 11 months
“i’m going through something” and it’s the incredible need to impregnate a man
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when Angel and Husk get together- properly together, “i love you” together- Angel finally has to face the fact that what Valentino is doing to him, is abuse.
he knows that it’s bad, it’s fucked up, it’s an unhealthy power dynamic- but he’s never thought of it as abuse because at one point, a long time ago, he consented, and he signed that contract with a fairly decent idea of what he was getting into, and if this was abuse then he wouldn’t have signed up for it, right? right? and it’s not that angel is too dumb to see it for what it really is. Angel knows that Valentino is abusive and we see that when he stands up to him at the club and when he tries to get Val to ignore Charlie when she comes to the studio- but what gets me is the fact that Angel focuses more on protecting his friends than himself. Angel’s threshold for abuse is “you can do it to me, not to my friends,” and in a way isn’t that kind of consent in itself, right? so Angel isn’t really being abused, even though he openly admits to being exploited, right?
that’s what he desperately tries to tell himself, at least, even when he does try to break himself so Valentino can find another toy to play with.
so, no. Angel doesn’t think of himself as a victim of abuse until he gets closer to Husk, until he starts dating Husk, until Husk is asking for consent just to kiss him and holding him in a way that doesn’t make him feel caged in and letting angel bitch and moan all he wants. Angel doesn’t see himself as a victim of abuse until Husk apologizes for raising his voice at him during an argument and holds his shaky hands after a nightmare and listens to Angel when he asks for time alone.
and that makes going back to the studio that much harder.
because he finds has someone who will listen and respect his boundaries. he has someone who asks to touch him, even when just holding his hand, and someone who knows him well enough to make him a drink in advance when he gets home after a long day. he has someone who makes him want to get sober, someone who makes him believe in this whole redemption thing, someone he doesn’t have to perform in front of.
it’s hard to go back to Valentino. it’s harder knowing that Husk will be there at the end of the night, regardless of how fucked up Angel feels.
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spooksicl-e · 2 years
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doodle of the only ever
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agender-alien · 5 months
If i’m being honest i don’t really like im gonna say half of the helluva boss/ hazbin hotel songs. I only ever really listen to like 5 songs on the entire combined soundtrack. So i was very pleasantly suprised when i heard loser, baby for the first time. It’s not only a very good song, but the dynamic that it creates between angel dust and husk is very wholesome and sweet. Beyond that the song is just really comforting, and it has quickly become one of my favorite songs.
Anyways all hail Angeldust patron saint of “bad” victims
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jjoneechan · 3 months
a silly lil thing to clown on
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flakops · 5 months
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warrior cats hot takes be upon ye!
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boyfridged · 1 year
i wish that 1. it was more of common knowledge that jason’s death marks a huge shift in tone of gotham-centric stories 2. dc also capitalised on this meta in their storytelling.
i want to see flashbacks that imitate the cheesy and sweet style of silver age nostalgia (one that we know from barr’s detective comics run for example). jay should have the iconic original robin costume (i don’t care that it’s silly, it’s supposed to be silly), and he should be cracking up jokes that made sense only in the 80s. and there should be scenes of him and batman (batman who used to smile at him openly) investigating in daylight.
cut to panels of dark, gritty gotham that have dominated contemporary stories. military boots in place of the pixie ones. blood on jason’s hands.
the contrast.
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queer-geordie-nerd · 6 months
You simply do not have to go full pelt into terrorist and atrocity apologia to “prove” that you care about Palestinians.
You simply do not have to do that.
If you care about human life and dignity as much as you profess to, you fucking hypocrites, you wouldn’t be sucking a terrorist organisation’s dick so hard.
Do you actually, honestly think that Hamas gives one solitary, single shit about the welfare of Palestinians? When their leaders are literal billionaires with enough money ten times over to have demonstrably improved the lives of their population for decades?
Absolute bricks for brains, honestly.
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out of box collectors: i wanna actually hold and enjoy my doll. i just don’t understand why people want to keep their dolls in boxes.
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