theuntamednarrator · 2 years
thank you for the tag @enbyleighlines !
fave colour: purple
currently reading: Crying in H Mart and Hippie
last song: Strike! from the aloto soundtrack
last series: A League of Their Own and The Sandman (currently rewatching both)
last movie: I think it was actually Jumanji The Next Level?
currently working on: a birthday jigsaw puzzle from my sister!
share 10 different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then tag 10 people
Merry Brandybuck (LotR) - underrated character imho
Jess McCready (aloto) - I have only had her for a week and a day but if anything happens to her I will kill everyone in this room
Hardison (Leverage) - he's a genius and he chose crime against rich people we simply must stan
Cecil Palmer (wtnv) - he loves his husband so much and he's so weird
Ponyo (Ponyo) - my first Ghibli heroine, she fills me with joy
Fleabag (Fleabag) - that show ruined my life it was so good
Willow Rosenberg (BtVS) - I wanted to marry her so bad
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place) - she's fabulous and the end of the series made me sob like a baby
Rick O'Connell (The Mummy) - anyone who watched that movie without loving him is not someone I can relate to
Elizabeth Swan (PotC) - c'mooooon
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yibo-wang · 2 years
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Your sword still feels affectionate
side by side parallel of wangxian-songxiao-yibao holding your beloved at sword point for @theuntamednarrator
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lady-of-the-lotus · 2 years
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I posted 642 times in 2022
64 posts created (10%)
578 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 615 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#q - 410 posts
#xy - 107 posts
#jc - 74 posts
#xxc - 71 posts
#precious plum - 47 posts
#xuexiao - 43 posts
#jgy - 31 posts
#wwx - 31 posts
#murder muffin - 27 posts
#wn - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#anyway i want xxc back from the grave and coming back wrong and going out with xy as a vigilante killing actual humans and not just monsters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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886 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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1,217 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
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1,263 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
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1,356 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,973 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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reireiart · 2 years
Hey, can you recommend me some good untamed blogs to follow?
I too need to expand my cql tumblr mutuals BUT my dearest favorite bloggers right now include @wangxiians @lanwangjilover @magnolias-by-the-window @theuntamednarrator @sharpieshepie to name a few 💙
also some wonderful sources in finding a hub of cql tumblr content is @mdzsnet @mdzsartreblogs and @theuntameddaily ! :}
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enbyleighlines · 2 years
I was tagged by @demoiselledefortune Thank you!!!
fave colour: purple
currently reading: mo dao zu shi and heaven official’s blessing
last song: Cloud Shameless
last series: I finished the Books of the Raksura series a while ago but I’m still not emotionally over it… it has everything I didn’t know I needed… a matriarchal society of dragon people, a bisexual malewife protag, polyamory as the norm, extensive lore, massive world-building… I don’t know if I will ever find another series that will compare
last movie: the new West Side Story
currently working on: way too many projects at once… fanfics, original writing, drawing, trying to get through fire emblem heroes: three hopes…
share 10 different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then tag 10 people 🎥🎬📺
1. Lan Wangji and Meng Yao (MDZS) — I cannot choose between them, I have a mighty love for pretty boys who are also petty bitches
2. Soren (Fire Emblem) — the OG petty bitch pretty boy
3. Kuranosuke Koibuchi (Princess Jellyfish) — yet another petty bitch pretty boy
4. Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri on Ice)
5. Reo Niiboshi (Sarazanmai)
6. Dr. Alphys (Undertale)
7. Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
8. Noé Archiviste (The Case Study of Vanitas)
9. Ginko Yurishiro (Yurikuma Arashi)
10. Moon (Books of the Raksura Series)
I tag:
@amateur-autist @nikosomething @mommahowls @nedryn-laughs @sidthetimid @findafight @lapinsdelune @theuntamednarrator @kiwisoap @that-link-on-the-internet
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elvencantation · 4 years
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drift compatible
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oceanaves · 4 years
I totally had the image in my head of SongXiao going through the ninth gate instead of that side-by-side walk away from Yi City. I know it would be super risky but I love the idea of Wei Ying walking with them to the gate and watching them leave? But also the two of them bowing and Wei Ying pulling his bells out and sending them off, so they can travel swift, safe, and true. [1/6]
I'd head canon Xue Yang would be slightly awkward with the bells because of the missing finger? And be very self conscious about it and come up with tricks to counter. But also I feel like the corruption of Xingchen would look very different, since (assuming he's a charter mage) he'd be able to sense the charter in Xue Yang's victims. So I'd guess he'd have to find a way to corrupt Xiao Xingchen's charter connection, rather than just blinding him, and make sure he couldn't hear the bells, or work out a way to control the dead silently, the way he does in canon by just, his force of will, I guess? I just think there'd be lots of fun to be had there. Maybe he kills Xiao Xingchen and brings him back without him realising (a la Jiang Cheng) but just different enough so the charter feels wrong in others. And then when he finds out the truth he grabs Kibeth instead of Shanghua. Xue Yang can't pull him back into life so he sets up a barrier there to hold Xingchen in Death, like Wei Ying's so the body in the coffin is just a silver statue. Mo Xuanyu and Lan Wangji both recognise it, and Wei Ying knows what that means so he and Song Lan go searching for the barrier in Death before he sends them both off towards the Ninth Gate. There'd definitely be some kind of Dyrim (or Dyrim and Belgaer together?) involved in getting the story from a-Qing, which I think would be super cool. [4/6]
Jin Guangyao I was thinking more like, you can't keep a head swaddled in free magic in the middle of your tower right? I guess he supressed the resentful energy is canon, but I think free magic taint is a lot stronger, so he'd either have to keep it somewhere else or tosk Qin Su finding out. Which could actually be really cool if she took more of a plot heavy role? [5/6]
ANYWAY. The whole au is excellent, and I think there's so many options for how it could all play out. Lan Yi (or even Wen Ruohan/Wen Mao if you played it a bit) playing a Clariel-esque role perhaps, with the corruption from a place of wanting to do good? BAOSHAN SANREN AS MOGGET. ok I'm done. For now >:){ [6/6] -@theuntamednarrator
Asks in response to my Old Kingdom/MDZS crossover fic, here:
Hey... do you want to write a sequel to my fic??? Hahahahaha, but also aaaaaa, these headcanons are all so cool! Yes, I absolutely think Wei Wuxian would escort SongXian at least partway through Death, using his bells and/or his flute to send them the rest of the way if necessary. And having Xiao Xingchen also trapped in Death (Death’s getting crowded lmao), and wwx and lwj recognising him and wwx rescuing him, or at least, finding him, giving him the choice to come back - and him accepting just so he can help free Song Lan, and then they move on together... oof.
In regards to Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen, I have no idea how it would happen, but the concept of him slowly encouraging the latter unknowingly to the use of Free Magic, corrupting him more and more until he can no longer use the Charter... especially if he revived him from Death, wow, excellent idea!
And the bells!!! Yes!!! for Dyrim in a-Qing’s story, and also Nie Mingjue’s! I did think of that, but never got around to using it in the story :D 
While I definitely agree that Free Magic is harder to conceal than resentful energy, in Sabriel, Touchstone mentions how Kerrigor had been Dead, and  been walking and plotting and fooling their entire family for months before he makes a move against them. So there must be ways to hide the aura of Free Magic and Death, and Jin Guangyao is definitely smart enough to find it. Though I agree, I wish Qin Su (and all the girls from mdzs) had had a bigger role. I am making canon that she survives in the hmc,n verse :D
Honestly, I would think wwx, Nie Huaisang, Jin Guangyao, and Mo Xuanyu could all play that role of corruption coming from a place of wanting to survive/do good. Wen Ruohan and his sons are more similar to Kerrigor I think :D
Baoshan Sanren is accepted absolutely in the role of Mogget. God, it would have been so cool if she had played that sort of chaotic mentor role in canon! Though I have to admit, Wei Wuxian and Mogget’s personalities are... hilariously similar. I don’t quite know what to do with this realisation? Something to say for Wei Wuxian’s inherent cat-like vibe.
God, I love all these ideas so much, thank you so much for your messages!
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trensu · 4 years
Quarantine Q&A
tagged by @theuntamednarrator!!
Are you staying home from work/school?
No bc i fall under the “essential service” category (i do medical records) but I did get my hours cut, which SUCKS but at least i still have an income...
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
My brother is my roommate and surprisingly his job also falls under the “essential service” category (something about manufacturing containers for cleaning supplies...?) so neither of us are stuck at home with the other, thank god lol
Are you a homebody?
YES. I love being cozy at home.
What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching?
I watched Bumblebee last night with my little brother. and OBVIOUSLY i’m watching The Untamed (i’m so close to finishing my WangXiantics Guide!!)
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
What music are you listening to?
I’ve been cycling through a few different playlists I made tbh. I got a couple of Ineffable Husbands playlists, a Dark!Wangxian themed playlist, and Disney music playlist. (also, TB, you have yunmeng sibs vibes playlist AND DIDN’T SHARE IT WITH ME?? DO I MEAN NOTHING TO YOU??) 
What are you reading?
Fanfiction. 99.99999% of the time i’ll be reading fanfiction. Currently of The Untamed variety.
What are you doing for self-care?
...does obsessively watching Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo be pretty on the Untamed count as self-care?
Have you started any new hobbies?
Nope, but I have tracked down my old flute I haven’t touched since high school, and found some fun, simple sewing patterns online! I might even eventually use both those things before the year’s out!! not holding my breath tho, lol
Are you learning any new languages?
I WISH. My Spanish is at a grade-school level (which makes it hella awkward to talk to my abuelita and her siblings) and I’m kinda too embarrassed to try to learn another language when I can barely speak my parents’ native tongue.
Okay, i’ll tag some of you but please don’t feel obligated to play if you don’t want to! @theoldwalkingsong, @mylastbraincql, @absolutelynogravitaswhatsoever, plus anyone else who wants to participate.
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eirenical · 4 years
@orestesdreams-pyladesloves​ reblogged your post: “The Next Best Thing (1/?)”
#yessssss#i have been Waiting for this#this is still v v good#im Excited#i would give it all for more of these two#the untamed#jiang cheng#lan wangji#fic recs
THANK YOOOOOOOU.  ^________^  At this point, you’re practically my partner in crime and enabler when it comes to these two, but I’m glad you’re still excited!  XD
@cloudreadcesses​  reblogged your post: “The Next Best Thing (1/?)”
#YALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM FOR THIS FIC#thank u for feeding me my friend!#eager to see how this progresses!!!#jiang cheng#lan wangji#tumblr fic#angst#grief#hurt/comfort#emotional hurt/comfort#jiang cheng & lan wangji#tumblr fic multichap#ficlet
:D  Thank YOU, Meisha!  For always being so encouraging!  ^_^  Your positivity and excitement never fail to get me excited, too.  And it’s reassuring to know that I’m not the only one who’s this obsessed with those three months!  XD
@theuntamednarrator​ reblogged your post: “The Next Best Thing (1/?)”
#i know it's a wip BUT #LOOK AT IT!!!! #IT'S WHAT WE ALWAYS DREAMED OF #JC & LWJ #THE BONDING FIC OF MY DREAMS #other people's writing #jiang cheng #lan wangji
OMG, ditto what I just said to Mei!  :D  I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s obsessed with JC & LWJ bonding times!  :D  I have one more section written so far, but I intend to pluck away at it periodically, so hopefully there will be more!  ^_^
@trensu​​  reblogged your post: “The Next Best Thing (1/?)”
#THIS IS ALL I EVER WANTED#THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME TB#THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS OP#when jc says i miss him too#ahhhhh#and lwj relaxing minutely at his words??#ahhhhhhhhhhh#and jc being able to read lwj to begin with??#AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#i cant wait to see the rest of this omg
OH GOSH.  You’re welcome!  I’m really glad you enjoyed it!  :D  Seriously, the response here has been so great.  I was half-expecting to drop this thing to total crickets, so the kind words are doubly welcome.  ^_^  THANK YOU.  ^_^
@fixaidea​  reblogged your post: “The Next Best Thing (1/?)” 
#T.T#the untamed#jiang cheng#lan wangji
Thanks, fixa!!  ^_^  (I’d apologize for the TT^TT, but I think we all know I’m not sorry by now, so... ;D)
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sweetlittlevampire · 4 years
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@theuntamednarrator - first of all: your tags are giving me life. I hope you’re aware of that. Please never stop. ♥
Also, I hope this is not too forward, but there’s a third part in this series, and poor lad needs all the love he can get. Because you liked the first two so much, I thought I’d send him your way (Wei?).
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livenarrator · 4 years
Meng Yao wipe that sassy smirk off your pretty face 2k19 challenge
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lan sushi
@theuntamednarrator how’s this?
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tarninausta · 2 years
hello! i’m back on tumblr after a long hiatus and my dash is pretty much empty lmao, could you recommend some of your favorite creators from any fandom? and if you’re up for it, say why they’re ur faves? tysm :)
oof, anon, tough question - but I'll do my best?
As a general resource to find content creators, I'd check out source blogs/networks - Here are some I know/found:
(also, many of these have an "affiliates" section, check there for more!)
Here are the source blogs I know/follow for my fandoms
As for individual blogs - here are some great creators I follow (all art, fic, or gfx/gifs/edits, I'm not sure you're looking for meta):
Tolkien @arofili (they also have a blog rec tag), a lovely person and very talented writer and editor. Also very active in the fandom! / @arwenindomiel (aka @theencanto), some of the most beautiful graphic editing on this site / @southfarthing, @grumpierbilbo, @haleths and @frodo-baggins all for the prettiest gifs ever / @tilions makes awesome graphics too! / @silmaspens, very active and talented fanartist / @essenceofarda, also for fanart / @arlenianchronicles another wonderful fanartist / @amethysttribble who's one of the people I've followed the longest, 0 regrets (writes fanfic)
MXTX @theheartofthekoko, makes gorgeous edits and is an awesome person / @littlesmartart, wonderful fanart / @zelkam (and @zelkams-art) has both stunning art and edits / @lan-xichens, @bang-won, @gege all make beautiful gifs and gfx and are very kind / @theuntamednarrator sunshine but a blog / @sweetlittlevampire makes incredible fanart / @rose-nebulijia's graphics are stunning / @inessencedevided makes beautiful gifs and gfx, too, so does @evakant
I'll leave it at that for now (even though I'm sure i forgot someone), since I don't actually know what you're looking for, anon, but I hope it helped a bit? Feel free to send another ask. Also, if any of you guys have tips, go ahead and add them
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oceanaves · 4 years
I just saw those tags and you are too kind. If there is a true king here it is you. We are but humble subjects playing in your (Old) Kingdom XD Also, my new hc is that a-Qing (who lives because she should) and Lan Jingyi invented paperwings together (with Wei Wuxian's enthusiastic support) which is why they didn't exist during the Sunshot Campaign.
I agree, a-Qing lives because she literally just comes back from Death with Xiao Xingchen and then refuses to leave. Icon. You know, I’m honestly not sure who would be best to invent them? They’re a very Charter magic infused creation, but they also utilise whistling (a tool of Free Magic), so I think someone with the knowledge of both, like Mo Xuanyu, would be cool? But I agree, all the juniors become friends, including a-Qing, so they can all help out!
Also that pun was terrible and I love it ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Kings, the both of us.
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hunxi-guilai · 3 years
I originally followed for your meta, but your reactions to fan art in the tags are THE BEST. Of all the blogs I follow, you give the most consistently sincere and enthusiastic praise, which has encouraged me to be more thoughtful and vocal about my own celebrations of art and fan art on tumblr and other fandom spaces. No reply needed, just wanted to say!
oh shucks!! I didn't know that people actually paid attention to the general incoherency of my tags, but I'm glad they bring you joy! I honestly love seeing people comment on artwork they reblog (particular shout-out to @theuntamednarrator for routinely making me crack up with her tag commentary), so I figured it only made sense for me to try and make the content I wish to see in the world, even if I'm not as witty about it
also, content creators simply Deserve It, so I'm glad that you've hopped on the bandwagon too anon!! every day artists and gifmakers (and meme makers!!! all of you text post memers out there, I love you best) offer us such incredible content for free, I feel like keysmashing is the least I could do
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trensu · 2 years
something lately drives me crazy - dark au
Absolutely AGES ago, I heard this song and it inspired some dark, twisted, dub/non-con wangxian thoughts. But my brain's an asshole and instead of just letting me enjoy the thought of dark, dub-con tryst between wwx and lwj, it decided to create an entire AU around it. @theuntamednarrator egged me on because she's an enabler, so i'm dedicating it this whole mess to her XD
It turned out to have five parts, but each fic can be read as a stand-alone. Three parts have been posted to AO3 already, and one part will be posted soon. I never actually finished the last installment, (oops) so it's currently marked as incomplete.
Warnings: dubcon/noncon, emotional manipulation, canon typical violence
Aim, Pull the Trigger
They were supposed to go to Gusu next week. They were going to attend the lectures hosted by the honorable Lan Qiren to become better cultivators. Instead, they’re here now, surrounded by screams and fire as the Wen clan overruns Lotus Pier.
From that Bitter Feeling
Lan Wangji is a paragon among the Lan cultivators. Dressed in white, he is as regal and untouchable as a god. And like a god, he has an uncompromising sense of justice. He is handsome and lawful and powerful. He is the head disciplinarian of his clan for a reason. People who break the rules under his eye learn to never break them again. He has a mind for justice, but his heart is made of ice.
Lit the Fuse & Missed the Candle
Jiang Cheng does not like Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian practically begs for Lan Wangji’s attention. The Second Jade of Lan barely acknowledges his brother’s existence.
Tear My Heart Out Slow
"A-Huan, be sure to look after A-Zhan. He’ll need your guidance as he grows. He cannot make friends as easily as you can, and the world can be cruel. Keep him safe.”
“Yes, Mother, I promise! I always take care of A-Zhan,” Lan Xichen rushes to reassure her.
Off to Darkened Corners - (incomplete)
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