#they r friends peace and love on planet earth
candiecarousel-art · 1 month
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Tank-top buddies‼️
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euyrdice · 1 year
hi beautiful online friends on my phone not to sound lonely but when mutuals and online friends interact w my post i feel like we r hanging out…….. also im watching a new kdrama… also ily…. peace and love on planet earth
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femgrotesque · 2 years
maybe………. there is no hope 😛🥱🥴
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angeltism · 7 months
birthday over 9 minutes ago wowow,, I'm officially old . (nawt rlly I promise fhsjdh . insert comment here abt my age that reveals more than I want you silly geese [/aff] to know for my own boundary reasons fjdjfjd .)
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cherrysnax · 1 year
sometimes I get filled w so much love and affection it scares me
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mashmouths · 2 years
#THEU WERE SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD I DONT HAVE W O R D S THEY SOUNDED SO GOOD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3#they were unfirtunately the opening act to someone whose stuff i didn't end uo loving BUT OH MY GOD I SAW THEM IN LERSON AND MAIBE CRIED#MAYBE CRIED TWICE WHAT ABOUT IT#THEY PLAYED NO SMOKE A N D EVERGREEN A N D WONFERFULLY BIZARRE WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO. NOT CRY??????????? BE REAL. GROW UP.#FUCK im so :) happy :) i took so many videos and made my customary set list playlist so bow i uave something of a collection going :) :) :)#they Did play for less than an hour when they were acheduled for an hour and a half butnit was Very Close to being a full hour and mostly i#am happy i saw them at all :) their second time playing on the west coast and maybe next time theu'll headline their Own Tour and play for#a full hour or longer :) that is my one hope my dream :) god i love them so much can you tell#like. if i get a tattoo it will probably be bendigo fletcher inspired they are So part of the core of who i am and have been for? years?#for at least 5 years and they sound like home and warmth and all that is Good and they know what love Sounds Like In Words ! ! ! ! !#i cannot stress this enough go listen to 'wonderfully bizarre' Rifht The Fuck Now it makes me cry every timeee like no pressure but this#song is the closest descriptin i cab give of the inside if my chest. the inside of my ribs if that makes sense. this song lives in my heart#his voice was so /soft/ and so /airy and light/ and he didn't belt live but he didn't Need to and i couldn't hear a word he said <3#AND I MADE A FRIEND OH MY GOD LILY I LOVE YOUUUUUUU ART MAJOR LILY I LOVE AND ADORE YOU#they were Also only there for bendigo fletcher and didn't know who the hwadliner was either and We Got Shirts i have a fucking Shirt Now :)#<- i need tou to understand how manic the last :) looks/feels i am about to chew through my door :))))))))))))))#anyway peace and love on planet earth brought to you by bendigo fletcher and bendigo fletcher ONLY <3 good night <3#bendigo fletcher
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smartycvnt · 10 months
Unfriendly Competition
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Title: Unfriendly Competition Pairing: Kara Danvers x Reader Summary: Y/n's arrival on Earth is ruined by Mon-El and Kara's blooming relationship. R WC: 1492
Kara's heart was racing as she stared down at the lifeless body laid out on the medical table. The years had changed her, but Kara was certain that she was looking at her old friend Y/n. Memories of their time spent on Krypton together playing flooded Kara's mind. She wiped away a few stray tears as she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Kara stood up a little straighter as she felt Alex step in behind her, just close enough to wrap her arm around the back of Kara's shoulders.
"Did you know her?" Alex asked. Kara nodded as she sighed and pulled herself away from watching Y/n. "It looks like she'll make a good recovery."
"Y/n has always been a fighter, but I don't even know what happened to her," Kara whispered. She was terrified of watching one of the last Kryptonians die off right in front of her. There wouldn't be anything for her to do if Y/n didn't pull through. That set in a deep fear in Kara for the weeks until Y/n had finally woken up. Even after that, Y/n was impossibly small and weak. There was Kryptonite poisoning evident in her blood that even the DEO doctors were having a hard time getting out of her. Months and months of that resulted in Y/n being physically weaker than she should have been, not quite as weak as humans, but nowhere near as strong as Kara or her cousin were.
"You know, I've been here for years, but I never really got to see the world," Y/n said as she flew around National City with Kara. Y/n stared at Kara like she had placed all of the stars and planets in space herself, but Kara didn't seem to notice. Occasionally, Y/n swore that she caught Kara looking at her the same way, but it was only for a half second at a time. It was hard having all of those feelings from her youth resurface, but instead of being dealt with, Y/n once again had to let them sit and fester.
"A few more weeks of training like this and I'm sure that you'll be flying anywhere you want," Kara said. Y/n didn't feel like she was making many, if any, improvements with her strength and powers, but Kara insisted that wasn't true. It was almost perfect being around Kara again, but as with everything in Y/n's life, there had to be one giant catch. "Maybe you and Mon-El can train together, I'm sure it would be very good for the both of you."
"Maybe." Y/n didn't want to brush Kara off like that, but she really didn't want to spend a moment more with Mon-El than she had to. The man obviously wasn't a Kryptonian like them, but Kara couldn't see past the idea that they could start a whole new line of Kryptonians. Y/n didn't want to be uppity about him, but she was almost certain that he was a Daxamite. She had spent quite a bit of time on Daxam with her parents in an attempt to broker peace before Krypton was destroyed.
Their flying lesson was cut a bit short when Kara had to go answer a call to action. Y/n opted not to come along with her, feigning weakness instead. She went back to the DEO, where they had been keeping her in a holding cell for the time being. It was really starting to become her own space, and it was a nice place for her to get away from Kara and Mon-El sometimes. Kara had been upset whenever Y/n told her that she wouldn't be moving into Kara's apartment with her, but Y/n thought it was best to be alone than to be subjected to watching the woman she loved falling further in love with some guy.
"It's a bit more believable that you're tired when you don't spend your time resting in the combat simulator," Alex said from behind Y/n. Y/n jumped and turned around to face Alex, who was giving her a sympathetic look. "How was the flying today?"
"Great until she suggested that I train with her boyfriend to build my strength," Y/n muttered, somewhat angrily. Alex sighed as she pushed herself up from the wall and approach Y/n. Alex had been dealing with Y/n's moodiness from Mon-El and Kara's relationship as well as Kara's sadness from the sudden absence of her best friend. There were a lot of parts to the situation that Alex really didn't have the time or patience to handle, but she was trying.
"I'm not saying that you should get to know him because I don't really like him, but for Kara's sake, give him a chance. She misses you. She thinks that she's done something horribly wrong," Alex sighed. Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose. The last thing she wanted was for Kara to think them not hanging out was directly her fault, even if it was. Alex smirked as she took Y/n's obvious frustration as a sign of defeat. She wasn't sure how well things would go, but all Alex could ask for was that Y/n spent a bit more time around Kara, with or without Mon-El.
Hanging out with Kara and Mon-El was just as painful as Y/n had expected it to be. Both of them were very much locked in their own world with each other, a world that Y/n didn't feel she had any place in. Alex had tagged along with them and it was hard for her to watch as Mon-El demanded Kara's attention. Y/n sort of sat back and shrank into herself as she downed some of the otherworldly alcohol at the bar. Alex kept an eye on her, and waited until Y/n stumbled away to play pool with some other aliens to finally talk to Kara.
"Come with me," Alex said as she grabbed Kara's wrist. Kara quickly excused herself as she let Alex drag her away from the table and to a more secluded part of the bar by the bathrooms. "What is your issue?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Kara huffed. "But why don't you tell me what my issue is?"
"How the hell can you stay with that loud, obnoxious asshole at the table when you've got the sweetest girl staring at you like you're her entire world? I get that you can be kind of oblivious sometimes Kara, but Jesus Christ, Y/n has been suffering this whole night because she didn't want you to think that she doesn't want to be around you anymore," Alex said. Kara made a face as she looked over at Y/n. It was the first time in a while that she had really gotten a good look at her friend, and admittedly, Y/n did look much more sad than usual. "She's been through hell and back, don't put her through it again."
"I don't mean to. I-it wouldn't be right to just leave him like this," Kara said. Alex could tell that she was conflicted.
"Do what you want, but don't ruin what could be the best thing for you," Alex warned. Kara nodded and went back at the table to think things over. It was a no-brainer, but Kara was still hesitant to do what she knew she had to. Alex watched Kara from the pool table where she was keeping Y/n company. Every so often, Y/n would sneak a glance over at Kara, but Kara was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice it. Eventually, Y/n let herself get fully involved in the pool game, to the point where she didn't notice Kara striding right up to her in an almost confrontational way.
"Y/n, we need to talk," Kara said confidently. It sounded almost like a child trying to be intimidating, but Y/n listened to her anyway. "I'm sorry for not paying enough attention to you. I got ahead of myself and lost sight of what was really important to me. Please forgive me."
"You could have dropped me off of the Empire State Building and I would have forgiven you before I hit the ground," Y/n joked. Kara sighed in relief as she threw herself into Y/n's arms in a hug. Y/n thought it was going to end there, but Kara pressed a quick kiss to the corner of her mouth as she pulled back. "What about Mon-El?"
"Like I said, someone reminded me of who is really important to me. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life, but I never really knew that man," Kara said. Y/n smiled as she leaned into Kara's arms again, finally able to rest there safely.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Fools Errand
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Warnings: Vormir(But trust me, not the usual…), Death, Grief, Manipulation, Devastation. Ill Attempted Dark Humor
A/N: I apologize, but for April Fools I was challenged by my dear friend: @dirtyvulture to create a fic I normally wouldn’t, one that starts Fluffy, and ends Angsty. For the sake of plot, I won’t include the other challenges, and I do hope you enjoy this pain.
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"Good morning beautiful.," the redhead smiled shyly before burying her face in the pillow to hide her blush., "Don't hide from me baby."
"I'm not hiding—I'm sleeping.," she whispered, then obnoxiously loud, faux snores followed her words causing you to laugh at her antics.
A knock on your door interrupted your peace, and Steve entered with his hand over his eyes, causing you to roll your own. "We're decent Rogers, what's up?," his hand dropped, and eyes full of hope met yours., "Tony's done."
"When are we going then?"
"He wants to send one of us on a test trip, and if they can bring something back he said he will be comfortable with us getting the stones."
Natasha's head peaked out of the blanket now, face unreadable as a million thoughts run through her, she was about to offer herself up, but Steve cut her off., "Clint offered to do it."
Steve left the room, and you took the moment alone with Natasha as a chance to cuddle, and though she was deep in thought she easily embraced you, soft breathes leaving her as her hand ran through your hair, detangling knots.
"How you feeling?," your voice was muffled, but she heard you., "Nervous, but excited."
"I understand that, I miss my family too."
Natasha hummed, too deep in her thoughts to delve into the depths of pain Thanos caused.
It's been five rough years for the both of you after he altered your life's entire trajectory's. Natasha was hysterical when you met her, you flew down to Earth with Carol after she got a call on a pager, and for some reason you ended up staying. Everyone you cared about on your planet had turned to dust, so you thought you might be able to help the people here since they came face to face with the genocidal tyrant.
What you never expected was to fall in love with the gorgeous redhead, she was guarded at first, but you slowly wore her down with your sunny disposition, and now here you lay, safe in her arms, well loved, and happier than ever.
“If you like, while they do the trial run, I’ll make us breakfast while you pose as my sous chef, but really just sit pretty on the counter.,” Natasha chuckled, the rumblings felt by you as you snuggled into her chest, proudly beaming at the happiness you were able to elicit here.
“Sounds delightful honey, I’m in.,” she lightly kissed your lips as she rolled you onto your back, then she slipped out of bed., “Coming?”
You smirked., “I could be.,” she scrunched her nose in faux disgust, and threw a pair of pants at you before leaving the room with a smirk of her own and tantalizing sway to her hips.
Natasha was patiently waiting for you on the counter, eating straight from the blueberry container, and her hips danced joyously as she saw you reaching for the waffle maker., “Yay.”
A soft chuckle left you at her excitement, and you made quick work of mixing the batter so you could continue to bring her said joy. Natasha watched you move around the kitchen, her stomach grumbling in clear anticipation, and just as you were about to pour the batter into the mold she shrieked., “Darling wait!”
The ladle in your hand nearly fell at the fright, but you managed to catch it just in time to prevent a splattered mess of batter, “What?”
Natasha jumped down from the counter, she waltzed right on over to you, kissing your lips rather passionately, catching you off guard, all while her deceptive hands poured a half bag of chocolate chips into your batter, she pulled away with an accomplished smirk.. “Done.”
She giggled as you gasped., “You monster.”
“I think you meant savior.,” she winked, then ladled a healthy portion of the batter into the mold for you before settling herself back in your hold as you both listened to the sizzling.
Natasha set the table up after a moment of snuggling, setting down the cutlery, and the various toppings like whipped cream and fruit. Then shortly after you waltzed on over with a bowl of scrambled eggs, plates with waffles, and bacon, and a container of maple syrup.
Breakfast was relatively silent, except for the moans of a grateful redhead, and the scraping of cutlery. Your minds were preoccupied with the mission of the day to bring half of the world back, and the pressure that came with that was daunting to say the least. So silence it was.
Until Clint came into the kitchen., “It worked!,” the two of you jumped to your fit with wide smiles, and within no time you were stood on the platform with the entire team of misfits.
Natasha was perplexed to find Clint parting ways, and leaving with Rhodey and Nebula, but with one smile from you she found herself not really caring., “Don’t do anything reckless old man, you’re on your last life.,” she teased her best friend who pulled her in for a hug, then playfully jabbed her in the ribs., “You say that, but I can still outrun you on the racetrack.”
“I let you win, don’t wanna bruise your ego.”
“Mhm, sure thing Romanoff.,” he smirks, then turns to you a bit more seriously., “Keep her safe for me, will ya?,” you nodded, and Nat grabbed your hand to silently express thanks.
The flight to Vormir was short, and sweet. The trek up the mountains not so much, you were chuckling as Natasha grumbled the whole way up., “Baby, it’s not that bad.,” she glared., “I bet you the stupid raccoon didn’t have to do this.”
Before you could reply though an odd looking cloaked figure emerged from the shadows.
“Natasha Romanoff, Daughter of Ivan.,” he looked to her, then to you., “Y/N Y/L/N, Daughter of Rio,” you both raise your weapons, but the figure remains completely unfazed.
“Who are you?”
“Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone."
"Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way.,” Natasha grits, while her finger still hovers over the trigger of her pistol.
"Ah, liebchen. If only it were that easy.,” you both cringe at the unsavory hidden messaging.
“What you seek lies in front of you, as does what you fear.,” he relays with an air of mystery, you frown and watch as Natasha tries to decode it., “The stone is down there."
"For one of you. For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love.,” he pauses, for what you only assume to be dramatic effect. “An everlasting exchange.”
She stares at him stumped., “A soul, for a soul.”
Natasha looks to you, but instead of fear in your eyes she sees a wave of clarity., “No.,” she shakes her head., “D-did you already know?”
“Nebula suspected.,” you bow your head, hand scratching your neck, but you don’t have much time to live in your anxiety., “So after she told me I made sure that Steve let it be me instead.”
“What about this makes any sense to you?”
“Well, Clint has a family, and you would beat him in no time, and if I made too much of an uproar to have you booted then you would’ve been suspicious, so this made the most sense.”
“Who’s to say I won’t win now, hm?,” she spat, and you shrugged, but with a firm hand you pulled her into your chest, she was stiff for a moment before accepting the familiar embrace.
“It has to be me Y/N/N.,” she whispered into you., “You’re too good, it wouldn’t be fair to let you do this, your family is going to need you.”
“So is yours Natasha, mine will understand.”
“No…,” her forehead now leaned against yours as the two of you shared a silent moment., “This isn’t fair Y/N/N, please don’t do this.”
“I love you Natasha.,” she sniffled, then she slammed her lips to yours in lieu of words, you pressed back just as firmly, reveling in what would be the final kiss of your life., “It’s okay.”
Natasha‘s eye flew open as she understood, you smiled at her just as she heard rocks shifting. She hadn’t been thinking straight, she was two seconds away from using her widow bites on you, but she was too late, the you before her fizzled out just as the loud thudding of your body could be heard reverberating off the mountains, and she crumbled to her knees.
Red Skull peers down, seeing your corpse, he’s perplexed by the lack of whooshing bright light theatrics., "Normally that fall does the trick."
“Oh dear.," the reality of the situation dawns on him after seeing the look of despondency on the redhead., "You know if you were only using her, you should've said so before she leaped."
“I-I.,” she went to deny his words, because in the moment it didn’t feel like she was, but if she’s honest she knew it was the damn truth.
"Honey, that was fucked up, in all my eons I have never...," she glanced up at the man, with a look of disbelief., "You're a fucking Nazi."
"Yeah, fair point, but I've never made someone think I loved them when I didn't.," he said with an indifferent shrug., "The bones crunch was satisfactory, but your lying, not so much"
Natasha pressed the button on her suit, she knew it wouldn’t be any better back home, but she wasn’t about to listen to a fucking Nazi berating her over some misaligned morals.
“Natasha, where’s Y/N?,” Bruce ask’s instantly, everyone else’s cheering dies down, and a wave of uncertainty fills the entire room.
“Dead.,” she replied monotonously, eyes void of life themselves., “Sacrificed herself for a rock that came with conditions I failed to meet.”
“What conditions?,” Steve asked perplexed, and the redhead looked to him with a scowl., “In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul for a soul.,” she repeats the floating figure’s ominous words, and the archer looks at her like she’s lost her mind.
"We have to go back, it had to have been a cosmic fluke then, how couldn’t you meet those conditions?," Clint despaired, looking down at his best friend who only looked to him with so much pain, and remorse in her eyes., "No."
"What do you mean no?"
"No Clint! It wasn’t some fluke, it was a mistake. Y/N vormoosed, and for what?"
"Because she loved you.," she grimaced., "Yeah, and she thought I loved her too, but I didn't."
“Natasha, that can’t be true.,” Tony spoke up., “You two were inseparable, and you clung to her like she was your lifeline; you’re crazy.”
“It was a lie I whispered in the dead of night because I was lonely, and she was there...," she admitted., "My heart could never be hers, it was always going to belong to another, and for that very damn reason I'll never get her back."
Everyone in the room froze at her brutal truth, they'd all grown to care for you over the last few years, and no one expected this of Nat.
"What about Y/N?" Clint asked bitterly, even if he hadn't known you for more than a week, he knew at the very least you were a good person., "She'll never get her life back Natasha, she gave it up in the hopes that you'll be okay, and all you care about is Wanda? The same woman who was in love with Vision as she dusted?”
"I-I.," she couldn't help how she felt, but to have the twisted truth thrown back at her only deepened the ache in her chest., "I didn't ask for this, if I could've loved Y/N, I would've!"
"You were so selfish, and now Y/N's family will never get to be back, and I'll never get mine.," Clint mercilessly berates the already breaking woman., "I guess it's true what they've all said: you can take the girl out of the Red Room, but the evil bred there still lies somewhere within."
"Thanks for nothing Natasha.," everyone filed out of the room, each with a look of confusion as they passed the woman they once viewed as family, but no longer recognized her as such.
Natasha took off in a sprint to the only place that has truly brought her comfort over the last five years—Wanda's room; it smelled faintly of roses, and the redhead sobbed as memories of the young witch encompassed her mind, then she picked up a more prominent scent as she fell into the dusty mattress—lilacs, and pine.
A sudden wave of nausea hits her as she sees a letter on the witches bed with your beautiful cursive handwriting on it addressed to Wanda. With shaking hands she rips the letter out.
"Take care of her for me please, I always knew our time together was fleeting, and that's ok.
She cared for me, I know she did, but she'll never be able look at me like the way she did whenever you were brought up in a simple conversation. I love her enough to let her go.
To love is to know sacrifice, and today I'll be taking Clint's place to make the biggest of all. Bringing you back to Natasha, Clint's family back to him, and allowing mine to return. There’s nothing more right then this decision, to die for the ones I love is a worthy choice.
I am sad I never got to meet you though, you seem rather lovely Wanda.
With all my best wishes— Y/N Y/L/N. <3”
"Oh God.," Natasha cries out, her stomach lurches and she rushes to the bathroom to throw up this morning's breakfast, the one she happily shared with you, smiling and laughing all the while imagining it was Wanda who was in your place., "What have I fucking done?"
When she closes her eyes she sees Yelena's half smirk, and her body starts to shake., "Moya mladshaya sestra, pozhaluysta, prosti menya."
(My little sister, please, forgive me)
Wanda's soft smile floods her mind next, and her heart shatters, tears slippin down her face., "Moya nastoyashchaya lyubov', prosti."
(My true love, I’m sorry)
After she blinks she only sobs harder, your bright smile takes the witches place, the same one that kept her from the edge of insanity for the last five years., "Oh Y/N, I am so sorry."
While staring aimlessly at the marble walls she wills herself to understand why the hell she couldn't have just loved you, you were so easy to be around, and you loved her so fiercely. Even if it was only a fraction of the way she felt for Wanda, if she just let that wall fall instead of pretending, then this mess wouldn't be.
Either she would've won the sacrificial game, or your death wouldn’t be in vain, because as she sits here she's not sure if she'll be able to go on knowing she let you die for her love, and left billions of people in a state of nothingness.
The rickety carousel that is life will keep turning for all who remain unblipped, but for Natasha, well, all she has is her gushing ledger and at this point it will never stop dripping.
2,582 Words
Natasha choosing Wanda over the R was another stipulation, and no Happy Ending.
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unknownpisces002 · 5 months
“ Losing my mind, think I look good when I’m really just high. Scared of my life, can a bitch get by? Sick of listening to everyone else. Sick of my pride, sick of just saying shit, just to be nice. Sick of this world, how do I get by? Miles running wild in my head.”
Giovanna Ramos X Black Fem.
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“Clarity is a state of mind. And freedom ain’t real either, so who’s sold you that lie?” A love story told in a therapy session, about two young girls that were once mad for one another. By a recovering drug addict, who’s life revolves entirely around the green mile of North Carolina.
That she so desperately wants to escape.
Word count: 2,259
Themes: friends to lovers, LGBT, derealization, coming out of the closet, growth, homophobia, substance abuse, summer, violence, mental health, religion, family problems and secrets, young adults, mature, self discovery, eventual fluff, eventual smut, therapy, North Carolina, countryside, poverty, trauma, urban romance, urban fiction, ghetto.
Divider by: @firefly-graphics
Author’s Note
hi everyone! this is a story that i decided to transfer over from my wattpad account. that i recently just started at the end of december. because i felt the need to share it here, over on this platform as well.
so that all of you guys would also be able to read/ give me feedback on how it is, and what you’d like to see occur? as the story progresses on. so i hope that you all like it, and also feel free to follow me on wattpad as well! my username is supersensitivepisces on there 🧚🏽
also, inspiration to create this story? came from my love for Giovanna. ( she’s so aesthetically pleasing flf me.) as well as a movie that i had been watching, the day that i decided to publish this onto my account back in december.
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" I'll never meet a girl like you again. Out of everything I lost, I lost a friend. Tryna get over you, tryna convince myself every night. It's just another night, even though deep down I'm traumatized."
4 hassan
U r the omega of my heart. The foundation 4 my concept of love, when I think of what a black woman should be. It's you that I first think of.
U will never fully understand how deeply my heart feels for you. I worry that we'll grow apart, and I'll end up losing you.
U bring me to a climax without sex, and u do it all with regal grace. U r my heart in human form, a friend I could never replace.
– from gio.
Oak City Therapy
Lillington, NC
" When I was younger, around like five or six years old? I used to bug my mom and tell her about how I wanted to be a firefighter. So I could save lies and put out fires? Like the people who I'd watch on tv would do."
Tapping the tips of her fingertips onto the dark oak wood coffee table, that was located in the center of the dim lit office room. Giovanna kept her head facing downwards.
Finding that, refusing to make direct eye contact with her therapist of 3 years, who was named Marsha? Was far more comfortable and peaceful for her nerves, as well as her emotional state.
That had so desperately wanted to crumble and falter, into tiny small pieces of despair. But you see, that was the one thing on this fucked up planet, we call earth? That Giovanna was against.
Showing emotions and allowing herself to be vulnerable? Were just two things she'd rather die over, before she'd allow them to be seen by the entire world.
Or in this specific case? Her friends, along with her father. Who had played a humongous part, in why she chose to be nonchalant while acting unfazed? About majority of the things that would occur inside of her life.
".. I too? Used to dream of being a firefighter myself. When I was around that exact age, but I'm assuming that specific dream of yours must've gotten lost. Somewhere down the line as you aged up? If you aren't uncomfortable telling me about why or how? That occurred.."
Marsha eased her way into questioning the young woman who sat before her, slowly and hesitantly. Making sure that each of the words she'd spoken? Came out soft, in a calm and delicate manner.
As she leaned her backside up against her office chair, with eyes full of hope and wonder. That held a bit of gloominess inside them as well too. Once she noticed the way that Giovanna's breathing had begun to pick up a bit.
Just as her short, but not too short fingernails, that were painted a matte black color? Had begun to dig into the surface of the desk she sat at. Almost as if she were trying to dig a deep hole into the center of it, that would allow her to shield and hide herself away?
From having to answer the difficult question? That had been asked of her.
" ..I wouldn't say that my passion to accomplish that specific dream? Got lost. Because even after my mom had passed away, from having cancer? Apart of me still wanted to pursue that goal. But at the same time? Another part of me, like the part that held high hopes and expectations for things? Had diminished inside of me completely, after I lost my mom.."
" ..And I'm not really sure that if me being an only child, plays a part in that? Because don't get me wrong, I was loved wholeheartedly? By both of my parents equally when I was younger. But I don't know...sometimes now? Like when I'm alone or high from being off pills or something? I start to realize that really? It was only my mom that had loved me wholeheartedly back then.."
" Instead of it being my dad."
" And why is it, that you feel as if your father doesn't love you Giovanna?" Marsha continued to ask all the questions, that were written down onto her clipboard hesitantly.
Feeling an unsettling sensation begin to wash over her slowly. When Giovanna had taken it upon herself to shift around inside her seat. Which allowed the left sleeve of her oversized sweatshirt to rise. And give Marsha the opportunity, to catch a glimpse of all the fresh and faded scar markings that were present there.
From Giovanna, inflicting a significant amount of self harm unto herself.
" I know that he doesn't love me? Because he's voiced that statement every single day. Over the last twelve years? Repeatedly." Giovanna chuckled bitterly, all while gnawing on the inside of her jaw using her teeth.
" Me being a lesbian? Probably is another one of the reasons why he hates me too. But all in all? He just doesn't love or care for me period? In the way that a normal father would love their child."
And that fact alone? Was sadly true.
" Him not loving me or treating me properly? Doesn't bother me at all though. Because I'm used to it now, and I know that me saying that? Probably sounds stupid right? And it might also make you assume that I may or may not have Stockholm syndrome? Being that I'm okay with the fact that my father's been treating me like shit, while sometimes abusing me and more? For over twelve years."
" Yes, the way that you are going on about how his lack of love and affection, doesn't bother you? Does raise a few red flags for me. As far as you possibly being a victim of having Stockholm syndrome? But it also makes me worry more about your emotional and mental state? Even more. Being that when you really sit and sum up the timeframe, of you losing your mother? Down to your father's continuous abuse?"
" It seems that through all of that? You haven't been able to feel any of the proper care, love or attention? That a person who's endured losing a parent at a young age? Should get to feel. And that may also be another reason, as to why you feel the need to be so distant. While hiding away your true feelings, because honestly Giovanna? I'm gonna tell you something from my own personal experiences with life."
"..That have helped me find closure and peace? Within myself. After being a victim of my own? To some of the same exact problems that you've been having."
Sitting her clipboard aside, after grabbing a few tissues out of the box that was towards her right. Marsha had begun opening up about her past life, to Giovanna. As a way to encourage the younger woman and try to get through to her in a way, that talking and asking simple therapy questions? Couldn't do.
But of course? As always, Giovanna didn't care to hear any of it. Which allowed every word that left from out of Marsha's mouth, to enter inside of one ear, and come floating directly through the other.
Just as she found herself beginning to grow a bit offended, once Marsha had begun to talk about love and relationships. And how someone in Giovanna's state, didn't really need to engage in any form of romantic or sexual interactions? With another person.
Due to the lack of her father not showing her enough love or care properly? When she was a young age.
" I've been in love before." Were the first few words that left from out of Giovanna's mouth. As she cut into the middle of Marsha's speech, not really caring or giving a fuck if she had come off rude or not? After doing so.
" I'm actually in love right now? If you want me to be honest. I'm just not on speaking terms with the person? Who owns the other half of my heart right now."
" Really?" Marsha questioned slowly, sounding a bit shocked and caught off guard by Giovanna's statement.
" Mm-hm." Giovanna nodded her head slowly, feeling a small smile begin to form at the corners of her lips. Once the thought of her distant and angelic lover? Had begun to enter inside of her mind slowly.
" And why aren't the two of you on speaking terms? If you don't mind me asking."
" Because I'm..." Trailing off at the end of her sentence, Giovanna had begun to still her breathing. Just as her dark brown eyes started to glisten, and blur her vision up with tears.
" Because you're what, Giovanna?" Marsha pressed her for an answer, knowing almost immediately? What the younger girls response would've been like, once she re-opened up her mouth to speak.
" ..I'm damaged goods, Miss Marsha.."
" Like I have a heart, of course? And I know how to love and treat someone properly, even though I myself? Never got to receive that same exact treatment, from the people I deserved it from. I still know how to love and treat someone good? Despite that. But I just..."
" You're just a product of your environment. And even though treating someone kindly and loving them correctly? Doesn't come difficult. Sometimes accepting back that same love and energy? Can be a bit difficult. When all you've ever known was toxicity and dysfunction."
" But see, the thing about me accepting it back? Wasn't the problem Miss Marsha. The problem was my self esteem and my communication. Because there were times when I said things out of anger or out of being afraid? That had drove Hassan away from me too."
" Hassan?" Marsha repeated the name of Giovanna's lover slowly. " Hassan is such a pretty name, and I'm sure that she must be a pretty girl too? With how emotional and vulnerable you're getting while talking about her."
And that? She was indeed.
But of course, pretty? Wouldn't even be a suitable word to describe her at all. Because you see, Hassan? Was angelic. Just like everything else about her personality and character? Was too.
" Experiencing her love and even the attention she gave to me, before we ever became a thing? Was a privilege I wish that I never took for granted." Giovanna answered quietly, picking with the bracelet on her arm, that was giving to her by Hassan herself.
" And I know before, when I had first gotten here? I told you about how growing up as a child, with both of my parents while my mom was still alive? Was the time period where my want to do lots of things? Had been very strong."
" But even when she died and my dad became more hostile towards me? I still craved to be something or let alone somebody? Who'd be great. I just didn't know how or where to start first? For me to be able to accomplish any of those things period? Until I met Hassan.."
"..And she came into my world, allowing everything that once looked black and white? Turn colorful and vibrant. So that I could be guided out of my selfish, stuck up ways, and be the person who she swore up above to God and the heavens? That I was created to be."
" And what kind of person was that?" Marsha found herself growing a bit emotional as time passed, as she sat with her arms folded tightly. Trying not to make a fool out of herself, for crying and weeping over her client's newfound vulnerability and bravery.
That she had gained out of the blue, due to talking about her past. Or in this case? Still present lover. Who she wholeheartedly still loved very deeply, to this day.
" The kind of person who always showed patience and kindness, despite being robbed of all their goodness and purity? Far too early than I should've been. That's the kind of person? She saw me as. Even through the good, the bad and the ugly? She always looked at me, with eyes that held so much love and adoration. That at often times? I'd get scared."
" While wondering how a person like me? Could win over the heart of someone like her, you know? But even then after everything that's happened and changed over the years? I'd never stop loving her ever."
" And why is that Giovanna?"
" Because finding someone who'd love you through any and everything, despite the fact that you might not even deserve it at all? Is very fucking rare these days."
" And I have Hassan's heart? In the same exact way she has mine. So why would I ever let go or move onto someone else? When I know for certain that we'll find our way back to one another. Just like we always have? During the past."
" And you're willing to wait however long it may take, until that day ends up coming?"
" Oh? Absolutely." Giovanna's head nodded up and down quickly. " If I had to wait another year or even ten more? I'd do it without question."
" Because Hassan is worth the wait. And if I ended up having to grow old and wrinkly, just for that day to come back to me? I wouldn't have a problem with it at all."
" ..I'd just accept her back into my life fully, with open arms. Because that's all I've been wanting again and looking forward to? For the last two years."
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if you’d like to be tagged in the next part? just comment below. & also feel free to leave thoughts down there as well too!
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anti-terf-posts · 9 months
Srry this might get into rant territory but I've been going through the blogs of terfs who comment on your posts to compile a blocklist and it's honestly crazy to me how unwilling some people are to understand the fact that the trans community is. yk. a community of people? Like I see so many ppl on radblr talking like transfemmes are these evil masterminds forcing the poor little uwu transmascs to do their bidding because they see trans men speaking out about transmisogyny. Which, (Aside from the obvious sexism of thinking afab people are helpless little goo-goo brained victims who can't think for themselves and amab people are all genius evil dictators do we not see the hypocrisy here guys.) as both a punk who is outspoken about shit that matters to me and as a trans guy pisses me tf off. Is it so crazy to think that trans people are human beings who can care about each other? Like so many people genuinely don't seem to understand that we're just normal people. They talk like we're sitting here plotting to take over the world or something but like. I went to high school with other trans people. I ran laps in the sun with a trans girl while the burly phys ed teacher yelled at us to keep up I caught the bus with enbies I sat on the grimy public school floors while I helped a trans boy tune his violin. My transfem friends and I usually just talk about video games. I talk to other trans people all the time about the most boring shit imaginable. I don't need an ulterior motive to look out for my trans siblings its just common decency because we're normal fucking people who are just trying to live our lives. What about that is so incomprehensible? It's just so apparent when I see trans positivity posts on blogs like this and the notes r full of terfs making it out to be part of some elaborate scheme instead of. You know. Good old fashioned human compassion?? Good lord. Anyway man keep doin ur thing and take care of your mental health running this blog has gotta be exhausting. peace and love on planet earth
yeah as a trans guy, I stick up for trans girls not because they force me to, but because I know it's the right thing to do? I'm not quite sure what terfs are missing here.
anyways, this was well written out, kind of reminded me of a poem ❤️
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snixx · 4 days
Hi I'm snixx
*reblogs 10000000 posts about lesbian show*
*encounters exams*
*reblogs byl*r*
*exits exams*
Hmmm never doing that again
I love my friends and everyone im so out of my hater era peace and love on planet earth
*minor inconvenience*
It is a question i ask myself often what is our purpose in life, how can one encounter auch horrors and still forge on not realising the gravity of our situation of our duty
ASKDJHFHCFHFHFHH HELP 10/10 for humour 8/10 for accuracy only because I don’t reblog byler anymore smh
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arqdyke · 8 months
hey! i'm the person who sent in the transmasc jane <3< transfem rose request and, first things first, wanted to say thank you. i've never thought of jane with those like eyeglasses strings things (no idea what they're called) but i LOVE them and he is so real. 2 me. as a janerose enjoyer.
second thing is: i've been sending in rqs for... i think since the beginning of the blog's founding? (first request was published on 9/14/22. there have been too many sent in since then to name, but. A Lot Of Requests, hehe). i just wanted to send in a thank you here.
you've done a lot of really beautiful gorgeous art on dyke-stuck. i'm really glad for the time that it's existed, and if you do decide to stop using it come november, i'm glad that you're going to be able to make that decision to stop doing something that isn't fun for you anymore. to me, dyke-stuck is about having fun, and it would really suck if it kept going even if you weren't happy with it or weren't having fun. like, i think it's better if it ends on a happy note, if that makes sense? obviously every decision up to you, and i certainly wouldnt be Upset if it continued, but like. idk. peace and love on planet earth and the health and well-being of a talented Artiste above all else, yk. thank you for everything!
(i would've sent this on dyke-stuck but your asks were closed (probably bc a Lot of people dont know what Requests R Closed means) so i sent it here instead, i hope that's okay)
staring at you with wobbly tear filled eyes. thank you so so much for sending this it means a lot!! figuring out when to end dyke-stuck has been like. on my mind since long before it even hit the one year mark but i wanted to make it at the very least that far
originally i wanted to end with a bang (hence the little event thing i did!) but all the support from it actually motivated me for a little longer lol. SPEAKING of support seriously thanks so much for like. regularly interacting and being nice all throughout the blogs lifespan :,3
your blog is one i instantly recognize the url & pfp of just bc ive seen it in my notes a lot & i really appreciate that :D! idk if im wording this all that right. dyke-stuck wouldnt have gotten even half as far as it did without all the asks, interaction, and hell the actual friends ive made off of it. peace and love on planet earth forever :3
(and yeah! asks are closed mostly so i didnt have to deal with people sending in requests despite the closedness lol. i might reopen them sometime soon but requests are probably closed to the public for a while..)
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glitchedsoftware · 10 months
OH BTW all my mutuals on here u guys r my friends nd we r frolicking ina feild of grass peace and love on planet earth!!!!! yayyyy!!!!
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grox-empire · 1 year
I PLAY MIITOPIA ASWELL ACTUALLY hello..not as much for now but it’s always an incredible amount of fun and the character interactions in it are adorable. here’s my ocs in it!
i wish i had the switch version so i could add celeste and your other grox characters and they would be friends with the crew here!
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Miitopia is the most game ever.. You just go on a little adventure with you r blorbos peace and love on planet earth :)
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raedas · 1 year
OOH terezi and maybe dave?
sexuality headcanon: bisexual..... yeas
gender headcanon: look me in the eye and tell me terezi pyrope would care about gender i dare you /hj her gender is whatever she feels like <3
a ship i have with said character: VRISREZI!!!!!! the insanity levels are INSANE the narrative drive is INSANE the gay people are INSANE
a brotp i have with said character: DAVE AND TEREZI!!!!!! THEY ARE BESTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a notp i have with said character: karezi i do not think they are good for each other. tee bee aych <3
a random headcanon: this only kind of counts but i feel obligated to mention terepy pipes right now. i have not stopped quoting this video all week. anyways for an actual headcanon. on the meteor rose vriska and karkat would start a book club and writing club and terezi would get dragged into it except no one can understand what on EARTH is happening in her plot except her
general opinion over said character: ADORE HER!!!!! funkiest person in the world WHOOOOOO is doing it like terezi pyrope. no one thats who
sexuality headcanon: bisexual as well....
gender headcanon: transmasc dave is incredibly good i think but i will be honest i again do not think about it much
a ship i have with said character: davekat..... they r so stupid. godbles. i also feel obligated to say however that i absolutely despise how popular davekat is in the fandom and how much they overshadow all the wlw ships. when will there be peace on planet earth
a brotp i have with said character: dave and john is SOOO good dave and rose is so good but in a wildly different direction and dave and terezi is also incredibly good in yet another direction. and dave and jade. sorry can u tell i adore it when characters are friends with each other like yeah thats the POINT!!!!
a notp i have with said character: davejade.. dont HATE it but like. jade is aro. 2 me <3 daverezi too.... terezi is in love with vriska. sorry
a random headcanon: every time i see this question my mind absolutely BLANKS. my brain says he is allergic to bees but i think that is because i am rereading trc at the moment. however i am going with it. he is allergic to bees
general opinion over said character: HE HAS SOOOO MANY ISSUES AND I LOVE HIM SOOOOOOO MUCH <3 one of thee most important characters 2 me. i think
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HI HI SO BASCIALLY gaster was the royal scientist of the underground before alphys and he created the core (and it's theorized he might've created sans and papyrus and some other characters too i think?? he was doing some wacky shit in the old labs) and at some point he ended up falling into the core and. dying?? i guess?? there r these eastereggs u can find in the game thru messing around with the files and stuffs that r called gaster followers and they tell u bits and pieces of info about him and one of them says that when he fell in he was shattered across time and space (or something along those lines i can't remember the exact wording) but he still seems to be around just like. in pieces!! and he's hinted at being in deltarune too!!! (i hope and pray every day that he makes a full appearance) there's a hidden place u can get to in ut (thru messing with the files again i think) where it shows wingdings text (which is what gaster talks in) and a specific soundfile plays behind it (ALSO short tangent the sound it uses for his voice is so neat i <3 it.. i've never heard anyone talk abt it but he sounds so cool <3 <3) and that specific soundfile can also be heard very quietly in deltarune if you go to the door to the underground :]]] plus other references to him being really important to deltarune and undertale!! SORRY IF I TALKED TOO MUCH i love gaster and i wanted to take the chance to infodump teehee i hope it wasn't too much </3 I WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO YOU MORE TOO BTW!! /gen feel free to talk to me about anything literally ever u are super cool & i love talking 2 ppl & making friends it's the whole reason i made this blog !!! i love luring ppl in with my silly little drawings and making them be my friend it is the ultimate scheme :]
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