#they will always be funny idk the twins are like were going to kill him…….. sorry if that makes us homophobic
paunchsalazar · 2 years
Tamaki start of college having epiphanies…Haruhi: “oh wow we’re really all gay I guess people do find each other” and he is like “Haruhi? Do you think that I’m gay?” “Well I guess bisexual, or do you prefer pansexual? you like people of all genders, or regardless?” “I… I never really thought about it.”
it’s a whole thing for him to process… he summons the whole group “you may be surprised to hear this, but I am gay.”
they are like ?????? “Tamaki you were like our gay awakenings you’re the one that made people feel okay about these things”
they each slowly realize he had absolutely no idea, montage of every gay thing he’s ever done… he is like what? but isn’t that what being best friends is like? recall all his statements about being yourself and loving what you love so on so forth, status on the ruling opinion of Tamaki chart turns from respect and admiration to… this guy is an idiot… etc etc and he is like what I had no idea, whole crisis
he recalls this moment he is like “acknowledging who you are, having the courage to admit what you love… isn’t that what it means to be strong?”
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“Thank you past me, you are a genius!”
also kaoru is the one that came out Tamaki just somehow made it about him and then it ends up being about all of them… “I continue to learn more about myself… I truly am a man of great depths! I know! We should celebrate! A party to mark the birth of a new, more realized me!”
realizations happening ->
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dotster001 · 4 months
Hiya!!! I was wondering if I could request what would happen if Yuu accidentally ignited a Snow Ball War at NRC? It could be HCs or imagines with whoever you want!
Snowball War
Summary: Gn!reader
A/N: idk where you guys live, but for the last two weeks, I've lived IN THE FUCKING ARCTIC. Today it finally reached 30° after two weeks of 14° and lower, and snow storms, and freezing rain, so I wrote this to celebrate a liveable temperature where I could actually see road for once.
“I have an idea.”
“Ah shit, not that look. Y/N, whatever he is about to ask you, say no,” Ace warned.
You looked up from your lunch in confusion. Epel had just slid over, with a wicked look in his eye. A look that normally came from Ace. And if Ace was telling you it would be bad, then it would surely be bad.
“I've never done anything wrong in my life!”
In the seat next to you, Jack snorted, but didn't say anything.
“Listen, Y/N, my best friend, one who I'd do anything for,” he pleadingly took your hand, full charm on. “I never ask for anything.”
This time you snorted.
“I just want this one thing.”
“What is it, Epel?” You asked tiredly.
“Well, you know how it's snowing? I need you to pretend we are having a snowball fight, so that I can “accidentally” hit Vil with a snowball.”
You yanked your hand back, and went back to your lunch.
“Just listen! He's gonna be on his internship next year, so I'll never get another chance!”
“Ask Ace.”
“No way, I choose to live.”
“It has to be you!” Epel pleaded. “You're the only one who can do it and not get killed! He likes you!” 
“He sure has a funny way of showing it…”
“Look, we just need to throw a couple snowballs at each other, then when Vil walks through the courtyard, I'll accidentally miss you, and hit him. Then while I'm giving a fake apology, you're gonna hit me in the face with a snowball, and he'll see I'm telling the truth.”
“First off, he'll kill me for enabling you, because that's such bullshit that he won't believe. Second off,” you threw your hands up in frustration, “my aim is not good enough to hit you in the face. But you know who's is?”
You stared pointedly at Ace, who vehemently shook his head. “Stop trying to drag me into this!”
“Y/N,” Epel pleaded, taking your hand again, and making the saddest expression you'd ever seen. “Please.”
Jack groaned next to you. “Oh sevens.”
And you knew why he groaned. Because there was no way you were going to say no to that face.
Your fingers were starting to go numb from throwing snow.
“Epel, are you sure he's coming?” You whined.
“He has to come this way for film club! He's just, probably delayed or something.”
You grumbled as you leaned down to make what felt like the 300th snowball.
You heard a not so subtle cough from Epel, and knew that the devil himself had arrived. You subtly nodded, and threw a snowball at him. As planned, Epel threw one that was way over your shoulder. You heard the disgusted “ugh” as Epel began his fake apology, then aimed at Epel's face.
Unfortunately, just like you warned him, your aim was not good. It sailed past him, and hit a certain suited someone square in the back. Azul, flanked by the twins, slowly turned towards you, a cold smile on his face.
“Take care of that, please,” he said, and you stumbled backwards as you watched the twins make their way towards you.
“Shit, Epel-” you called, but he was too busy getting lectured. You watched Floyd pick up an armful of snow, and start running towards you, Jade preparing to snipe you with snowballs after the initial attack.
You ran, but slipped on an ice patch, falling straight into a body, who was just as unfortunate as you. The both of you went down, just as Floyd dropped the snow pile on the both of you.
“What in Seven’s name-” Jamil shouted from under you, and the snow pile. Only to get hit square in the face with Jade's sniper snowball.
“I've always wanted to do this!” Kalim giggled, still on his feet, and untouched with snow. He made a snowball, and threw it at the next unfortunate passerby who walked through the doorway.
Poor Idia…
He squeaked and hid behind Ortho, whispering something into the cyborg's ear. Ortho 's eyes brightened in excitement, and you watched in horror as his arm turned into a gun of sorts, and started rocketing snowballs every which way. You snatched Jamil's and Floyd's wrists, and dragged them behind a bench.
It hadn't taken long for some teams to form. Any poor soul who wandered into the courtyard was forced to take cover as snowballs were rained down upon them. This might have ended hours ago. Except Ortho was trigger happy, to the extent that Idia was hiding with your team, and Floyd had betrayed five different teams already. The other reason this wasn't over, was each team got "lucky" enough to have at least one person who had a vendetta against someone else.
You got lucky enough to be stuck with Leona.
Your team consisted of Leona, Jack, Idia, Jamil, and Trey. An odd mix to be sure.
“Snowball,” Leona grunted, Jack quickly handing him the requested snowball. He threw it with astounding speed and accuracy, hitting Cater square in the chest, hard enough that he released an oomph that was audible across the courtyard. Poor Cater hadn't meant to hit Leona, he was aiming for-
“Please! I won't punish any of you! Just let me go back to my dorm!” Riddle pleaded, his arms in the air in show of peace. He was knocked over by a barrage of snowballs, from Ortho and various other participants.
“Snowball,” Leona grunted.
“Oomph! Leona, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!” Cater sobbed from across the way.
You grabbed Idia and Trey by the collar, bringing them in closer to you.
“We gotta come up with a plan,” you said barely above a whisper. Your bench was crowded, and not very safe from snowballs. Then again, it was better than the tree that Ace's team was stuck behind.
“Like what?” Jamil grumbled.
“Damn it!” You heard an unrecognizable cry, as Floyd slid back behind your bench.
“I'm back on your team!” Floyd giggled happily. “What are we doing?”
“Plotting our escape,” Trey said with a tired laugh.
Floyd pursed his lips. Then threw a snowball straight at Trey's face, bursting into laughter and rushing to join a different team.
“Wonderful,” Trey muttered, wiping his glasses off on his shirt.
“We're gonna die here,” Idia whined, burying his head in his arms.
“We could use Shroud as a shield. His baby brother wouldn't dare hit him,” Jamil offered up. 
Idia glared at Jamil. “Aren't you supposed to smart! If that was true, why would I be hiding behind a bench like you dweebs?”
“Fu fu fu, what do we have here?” Lilia's upside down face suddenly appeared in the middle of your group. You popped up in shock, and in that moment, were slammed in the back of your head by a snowball.
You turned to glare at the perpetrator. Of those who had a vendetta, Rook seemed to be out for you. He smiled pleasantly, as he aimed another one at you, before Jamil yanked you back down.
“Lilia, we need to get out of here. Can you use that big brain of yours to help us?” Idia cried, at the bargaining stage of the stages of grief.
“Hm…” Lilia tilted his head thoughtfully, then poofed out of sight in magenta smoke.
Moments later, Malleus and all of his attendants walked out into the courtyard.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” you muttered.
“Why? They're our back up, right?” Idia muttered.
“No. I very much doubt it,” you heaved out. You peaked up over the edge of the bench, where Malleus made eye contact, and gave a small smile. Lilia waved just as Malleus threw the snowball at you. You ducked at the last moment, and-
“Fuck you, lizard!” Leona leapt over the bench, threw a snowball at Malleus, then tackled him to the ground, the two of them wrestling in a snow pile. Lilia looked on as though this was the proudest moment of his life.
Floyd flopped back over to your group.
“‘m bored. I wanna break out with you guys.”
“That was fast,” Jack muttered, though you weren't sure if he was referring to Leona, or Floyd. 
“Well, there's our distraction. You're from a dorm that's all about strategy, come up with something!” You snapped at Jamil.
He glared, and sighed tiredly. “Realistically, I can't leave before Kalim is done.”
The rest of you stared at him, unimpressed. He sighed.
“But if you still want a plan, then use Jack and Shroud as a shield.”
“I already told you, Ortho is gonna-”
“Did I say shield? I meant sacrifice.”
“Fine with me!” You jumped to your feet, yanking Idia up in front of you. Trey realized you were already moving, and quickly joined you as you pulled a shouting Idia along the courtyard. Behind you, you saw Floyd trying to wrestle Jack into being his shield. It was going badly. Not your problem anymore.
You made it halfway across the courtyard, when a hand grabbed your ankle. You looked down, to see Deuce staring up at you.
“Take me with you,” he croaked.
You reached out to grab his hand, but startled as Trey started moving you and your shield with even more fervor.
“Wait, Deuce!” you cried.
“Who?” Trey said, his face the picture of innocence, even as he fought to keep back a vicious smirk. 
“Big brother!” Ortho giggled.
“Ortho, wait-” Idia cried, and you were all shocked as chunks of snow rose and fell above his shoulders from the quickly pulverized snowballs.
“Big brother! You're supposed to throw a snowball back!”
You finally reached the door, Trey reaching behind him and turning the knob. He pulled you in behind him, as Idia dove to the ground. Trey quickly slammed the door.
You were going to ask whether you should try to save Idia, but he looked at you in concern. He gently grabbed your hands in his own, rubbing them between his.
“Your hands are so cold. There's hot cocoa in my dorm.”
“Hot cocoa,” you muttered, as your fingers started to burn from the lingering frostbite.
“And I can make some warm bread…”
“Oh,” you whispered in awe, slowly following him as he walked backwards to the mirror chamber.
“The kitchen is very warm…”
You heard a snowball hit the door, and were nearly pulled out of the cozy hypnosis that Trey had put you under, but he whispered.
“Heartslaybul has very soft blankets.”
And then you were right back under.
Tag list- @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll
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writegoblin · 1 year
I have been severely craving my boy. No no, not Michael. Boseph uwu
Look at him. Unf.
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Bo Sinclair Headcanons!
- You ended up in Ambrose because your car alignment decided it had enough of these off road shenanigans.
- Your reasons for being out that way, for story purposes, are running from your old life. All your old family and friends are shitty so you an conveniently disappear bc smthn smthn deus ex machina
- HOW you find out about your car alignment is another story. Let's just say, tumbling in a car is much more painful than it looks. What's worse is landing in a roadkill pit. Yeah boy. You know what time it is B)
- Lester almost shit himself when you came from over the highway. He thought you were dead and was going to call Vincent when you punched out the front seat. That's hot. Alright stranger, you're coming with me!
- He tries to clean you up and get your name. Takes you back to his place because he doesn't want to catch the twins off guard. But the day you spend there is lovely.
- You get the Ambrose and immediately shits off. Long story short, you become something of a live in maid. They can't kill you because it would be a lot of hassle on their end (another deus ex. You're related to a cop or something idk), and they COULD turn this situation around. Get use out of you.
- Bo likes how witty you are. You don't like to be bossed around which is clearly why you ran away from home (what are you, 10?)
- At first he's very callous to you and makes no effort to understand you. As far as he's concerned, you're another spoiled out of towner, just impeding on he and his brother's strange get rich scheme (more on that later. I'll explain in end notes.)
- What's worse is you're argumentative. Whenever he asks you to do something (read: yells at you), you always gotta talk back. You say funny stuff sometimes but it's annoying mostly. Vincent enjoys it much more than he does.
- You make nice with Vinny first. When you aren't forced to do chores, he lets you help him with the wax. Bo sees this and eventually realizes that while you are certainly mouthy, you are human with like hobbies and shit.
- He's a chef he's a gourmand
- He cooks for he and Vincent because Vincent, due to some brain damage, has a weird palette. So anything he makes either has way too much seasoning, or it tastes like cardboard. Bo on the other hand, grew up running around the streets of Baton Rogue with his friends after school. He KNOWS how to cook good.
- He's also good at first aid. The actual surgery and medical stuff is Vincent's wheelhouse but once you broke your arm trying to fix some shutters he told you to fix. He felt bad so he very gingerly fixed your arm. It healed really nicely but you'll never forget the way those blue eyes of his were so warm when he looked at you, touching the bend in your forearm and his voice, gentle as the day you first met went, "does it hurt?"
- Yeah but you looking at me like that bout to get me pregnant hurts worse sir
- As a boyfriend he's only jealous/protective around tourists. But as a dude in a town with a population of technically 3.5 if you count Lester's visits, he gets it. He does not mind his twin ogling you. He does not mind sharing EVENTUALLY. At first, he's very apprehensive.
- Bo's love language is physical touch. Even nonsexual touch is nice. He likes laying his head in your lap while yall watch TV and you rake your nails through his scalp gently.
- When he gets night terrors he likes to hold onto you in the dark like hope. He puts his face in your chest and he's almost like a little kid for a second. You have no choice but to coddle aw noooo aw man can't believe I have this hot sexy guy in my lap crying ohbhughghh
- If you're pear shaped? He loves your hips. Man, woman, ethereal creature, it don't matter. He was born an ass man he'll die an ass man.
- If you like star gazing, he'll listen to you rattle off about constellations. He likes listening to people ramble about unique special interests because it gives him a little taste of variety in his quiet life.
- big. Thick. Cut.
- leftward pitch and he loves doing mating presses.
- much more inclined to rough sex (obviously)
- I do know he likely and unfortunately assaulted those ladies on the wall but in my HCs I like to think it was CNC instead. What stops him from doing the same here is you're too loud and mouthy, so the attraction is initially not there.
- As you soften up because of Vin though, and start opening up and smiling and being cute, he can't help but let his mind roam sometimes.
- Loves fantasizing you in different little costumes to dress up in. A visitor once visited and she was a cam girl! In your size! So lucky!
- please were garter belts this man will not be normal
- Loves intercurral. To punish you if he catches you masturbating, he'll fuck your thighs until he cuts, leaving you all hot and bothered.
- The basement does not come into equation until after the first time. And the first time is more of a gentle, romantic moment of vulnerability.
- Your first time was during a thunderstorm and you were telling him about your past and how so many people hurt you. Abused you. He felt so connected to you. You always held back your anger and he let you express it by throwing stuff and by the end of it you were a sobbing and screaming and laughing mess and he was standing in the debris and he saw himself and he reached out and kissed you in an attempt to ammend himself.
- When he made love to you that night, he decided your ass is never moving out sorry lol
- Exhibitionist. Likes to take you to Baton Rogue for little dates and fucks you in alleys and parks. The most exciting was a drive in theater he took you to where you gave him head. He fucked you in the wooded area outside after.
- Hahaha okay but what if you confessed and he fucked u in the confessional would that be crazy or what
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have a few HOW headcanons actually!
- the boys do the whole house of Wax thing in an attempt to get rich. Bo decided "oh I guess I could be mayor but hm no money here" and he rubbed two cells together and was like "WHAT IF WE MADE AN ATTRACTION THAT WAS THE BESTEST."
- tricked Vin into it cause "they're carrying Mom's legacy :(((( she'd love this trust me we're gonna expand the house into a town it'll be great."
- Lester's there cause he loves his brother's and is also admittedly a bit crazy himself. He's definitely tied a few people up and intimidated people, but that's not his usual job. He's too baby.
- Canonically, where Ambrose is located, it would be a roughly 30 min drive (or 2 hours I forgor lol) to Baton Rogue! So fun fact. They're Baton boys uwu
- I think even though Bo is a good cook, gumbo is Lester's wheelhouse cause he's just got that swagger to him. Like if I met Lester and he was like "do u want me to make you gumbo" I'd say yes, no hesitation.
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onmyyan · 1 year
Manny Delmont HC's
A/N: The last of the boys is here but he certainly ain't the least ;) EDITED
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By far the most unhinged member of the family and thats saying A LOT lmao
Platonic yandere for his kin, he has killed in their name and will do it again.
One of if not the most loyal person you'd ever meet.
Once he decides he likes you he turns into your own personal puppy.
If the puppy was a man who enjoyed showing his love through the most violent means at hand that is.
Smells like honey and lavender and when he can't be bothered to hide it, blood.
Shares a lot of features with his twin, except his eyes, he has the brightest in his family, and they are often clouded with mischief.
Marcos uses him as a test dummy for outfits since they look nearly identical, if looks good on Manny he can go from there.
He's been offered to model before.
Best begging face in the business, he rarely has to ask for something twice.
Has a few tattoos, there's a blank cartoon heart over his real one, plans on getting his beloveds name inked there once he finds em.
And he knows he will!
Hopeless romantic, he loves romcoms!
Especially You on Netflix(👁👄👁)
Thinks Christine should have chosen to be with the Phantom of the Opera.
Also thinks Victor should have been with Emily from A Corpse Bride.
Mask kink but we'll circle back later ;)
It stems from his love of all things Horror something be shared with his twin, if he's watching something where he picks up even a hint of romance between the Slasher and the final girl he starts kicking his feet.
Thinks the bad guys deserve love to!
Gave himself his first tattoo, a stick n poke he made himself after watching 1 YouTube video.
Yeah that got infected, but he thought scars were sick as hell plus it was a great party story.
People fall over their feet for him on the daily.
Has gotten in the most fights out of all the brothers.
He may takes some licks during them but he was scary in the way that he never stayed down, and you could tell from the blank look in his eye and the twisted grin, if he got the chance he'd put you in the ground.
Terrible singer but that doesn't stop him from belting out his favorites in the shower
He loves pop music because there are a surprising amount of songs that remind him of his specific brand of love.
He really likes reading, especially when it teaches him something new, always learning this one.
He could be at the top of his class if he put in a smidge more of effort but he likes his life, as long as he's not actively causing chaos which lets be honest is very easy for him, the teachers often turn a blind eye to his goofing off.
Had several fake Id's before he was legal just to get into clubs to see bands preform.
Has a snake named noodle.
Shes a Python. He talks to her like a person
"You would not believe my day girl."
He's lean but strong, way stronger than he looks which always catches people by surprise.
If he doesn't have something occupying his hands he will start tapping on whatever available surface and if left unattended that will turn into beatboxing.
Funny even when he isn't trying
He once kidnapped a guy who was giving his twin grief and sent a picture of his upside down body in the group chat
"Felt kinda silly idk :) "
Manny's got high expectations for anyone dating his family, he's the real reason they have the rule about vetting people with each other.
When Ricky and Gabe were fighting over that girl way back when, a much younger Manny, hating the way his usually loving siblings were at each others throats, took it upon himself to rid them of the problem.
Knowing he only meant well Ricky and Gabe concocted the system the use today, but don't tell that to Manny.
His fits always come with a body count.
Oral fixation, he's constantly chewing on something.
His only source for relationships are his insane ass family so as the baby, it's natural he'd absorb all that crazy.
His laugh is more of a cackle.
He picks stuff up super easily but also gets bored just as fast so he has this random ass assortment of skills and neat party tricks.
Like one summer he got super into gymnastics so for fun he liked to twist into a backbend and speed crawl towards his brothers in the pitch black of the night.(Ricky has passed out from this)
Adrenalin junkie, he'd gotten his first motorbike at 15 and had been chasing the high he got from that first ride since.
Gabe taught him how to fight, not because he wanted to but because Manny had a tendency to mouth off to the wrong people and Gabe couldn't always be there to defend him.
Loves playing soccer, his father wanted him to have a much more legal way of releasing that devil in him, after nailing the goalie with a ball so hard he passed out, he fell in love with the sport.
He has a mean kick, if someone pissed him off enough he'd always manage to 'accidentally' kick the ball at their softest parts.
Has a new group of friends every week, he can't help it if everyone wants a piece of him.
He meets you at a bookstore, and he seen you long before he walked over to ask for help.
He watched the gentle way you handled the books, the care you showed them as you sorted, he could see you bobbing your head to the song softly playing from some speaker, the beams of light pouring in from the window cast you in a light that was damn near angelic.
He gaped at you silently for a bit before coming up with some obscure book title im his mind, if his assumptions about you were correct, you'd offer to help.
"Hi? Sorry to bug you." He put on his most charming smile and he could see it's effects instantly, the warm look in your eye gave him butterflies in his stomach.
"You're fine, how can I help you hun?" God even the way you spoke had goosebumps trailing down his back, your tone was like velvet.
"O-oh well I have this report due tomorrow that I completely spaced about- any chance you have this one?" He made sure to flash his watch, peacocking in every way he knew how, the rolex a gift from his Father, but you focused intently on the screen.
"Hmm this is an old one, I've definitely seen it, wanna follow me?"
"Absolutely." The response was innocent in nature but you had no idea just how much he meant that.
"So, you like to read or just a job thing?" He said gesturing to the rest of the store. To his delight you gave him another heart stopping smile, "I love books. How they can take you away from all the bullshit- oops sorry-" he laughed loud enough to hear it echo causing her to grin, "No don't be sorry, I wholeheartedly agree."
Ironically as picky as he was with his family's partners, he was yours the second you called him Hun, he got flashes of your life together the longer you two spoke, in reality the conversation was maybe ten minutes but that was all he needed.
Charms his way into your number, starts bringing you lunch and offering to pick you up, then he's offering to take you to work, no matter how early you started.
"I don't wanna mess with your sleep hun, plus you'd have to drive all the way across town and then to my job-"
He'd squish your cheeks together to steal a kiss, "Nonsense Darling, you could just spend the night if you're so worried about me." And would you look at that you're spending the night like every other night.
He's dummy smooth, he has you practically moved in before you're one month anniversary, if anyone were to try and plant some poison in your head like "You guys are moving kinda fast" or "shouldn't you get to know him better?" They are quickly put on his shit list.
As quick to cut a bitch as our boy is, he's also smart, and knows if everyone in your family and immediate circle started dropping dead he'd have a problem, so instead he gaslight gatekeeps and girlbosses his way to victory.
It be almost like love bombing, except it never goes away, he only ever falls deeper in love with you as time goes on.
Walk him like a dog he needs it.
Wants to take you all over the world, loves the idea of boneing in every continent.
He's soo cuddly the type to text you when you're in the bathroom cuz he miss you :(
The kinda guy where if you send him a cute picture he responds with a video of him falling to his knees wherever he's at.
Loves being the little spoon, but when he's wasted he has a tendency to flop on top of you like a starfish before curling around you like a koala.
Mean mugs the shit outta any girl who looks at him bec tf I'm for MY babys eyes only >:(
Promise rings for your one month anniversary that have both your guy's blood in them. How he got it you'll never know but you're a weirdo just like him and instead of questioning it you bear hug him.
Fantastic kisser, knocks the breath outta you each time, please touch him while you make out, pull his hair he promises not to moan that loudly again. Scouts honor.
He's lying btw
He is the opposite of afraid to moan in your ear, they almost sound exaggerated but no he's really that loud.
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New Jeff HCS Cause IDK What to Even Do With This Dude
WARNING! This list will be discussing topics of child abuse/SA.
As I’ve mentioned previously as a young child he was abused by his parents.
He had behavioral issues and instead of working through them his parents just held him down.
He has chunky belt shaped scars on his wrist from being strapped down to his high chair as a child.
While his mother sought help for her behavior, his father continued.
He was always deemed the evil twin compared to Liu.
Liu was more quiet and reserved, while Jeff spoke for the both of them.
Many described him as disrespectful and mean.
He loves animals.
He used to lease a buckskin quarter horse named Woody from an elderly neighbor.
Jeff competed in reining primarily.
The owner sold the horse later on and Jeff bawled his eyes out over it.
He’s as country as it gonna get.
He has a very deep voice. Which is funny cause he’s like 5’1. He also has a very pronounced southern accent.
In high school he was a cheerleader. He was a flyer and could double as a base or back spot.
He’s muscular and agile, despite his size he can indeed whoop almost anybody’s ass.
His dad was an alcoholic.
Jeff and his dad would constantly fight, even before they moved.
The move made it worse.
They’d get physical, and Jeff would usually wind up taking his dad out back to beat him like a dusty rug.
His father has also shoved him into a counter, busting his eyebrow open and giving Jeff a black eye.
Jeff called social services multiple times. There was an incident where he had gotten beaten so bad there were belt shaped marks running on his legs and back. This was over a bad math grade.
He’s very much a mama’s boy. If you wanna fight him (which I wouldn’t recommend) insult his mother.
He will also fight you if you try his brother. Cause if you’re gonna fight one twin expect the other to roll up.
Lost trust in a lot of authority, especially from male figures.
Jeff’s pretty good at hunting and fishing.
One time he went to Louisiana and a suspicious Cajun man gave him a German shepherd puppy and said to take good care of it.
Yeah that puppy turned out to be Smile,
Except Jeff decided to name him Cujo.
Yeah that dog is ludicrously big but genuinely thinks he’s a lap dog.
He’s not scared of shit and it’s concerning,
Once time a water moccasin hissed at him and this mf slapped it and told it to shut up. The snake listened.
He’s also gone gator hunting before, and dabbled in a bit of catfish noodling.
He loves camping and the outdoors.
He has a nice blue truck he treats like a child. The truck is named Cobalt.
Jeff is also a very good driver.
Jeff has a bunch of funny little pieces of knowledge he’s picked up from doing little odd jobs around town.
Gay as hell.
His awakening was his childhood best friend named Mickey.
Later on when he moved he took interest in Randy.
This messed with him a lot when Randy decided to start shit with him.
Randy found out and outed his ass.
Jeff was promptly had his shit rocked by his dad and was kicked out of his home and forced to figure it the fuck out all on his own.
Part of his dad’s abuse included cutting off most of Jeff’s hair, which reached to his mid-lower back. This completely crushed his self image and confidence.
Lived in his truck for a while, still going to school and working.
Got back on his feet after graduation and enrolled in trade school.
Jeff got a job as a welder and moved back home to Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Moved in to his maternal grandparents house.
One day his dad visited him. It didn’t end well. To this day his body has never been found.
The murder of his father sparked an interest in killing. He felt good for taking evil out of the world, and wanted to do it again.
Under the guise of a reserved, grumpy cowboy he worked as a hitman under the Slenderman.
He’s a good actor, and it’s easy for him to manipulate others. He takes joy in it, none of his victims are innocent.
His victims are all either abusers or rapists that have gotten away with what they’ve done.
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therandomfandomme · 3 months
Do I have nightmares or dreams?
I told my gf some of my dreams and they told me those sound like nightmares and I kind of see where they're coming from, but I experience it as my brain being creative and I think there is some interesting storytelling/settings happening. But idk, so I'm telling y'all the three dreams that sparked my bf's statement and getting tumblr's opinion :D
1. The Getting Chased and Twin Fight Dream
I was going to this class we watched movies for and the movie started with two twenty or so dudes on the beach. Suddenly I was one of them and we were following these weird tracks (maybe investigating something?) when we came across this older man and struck up a conversation. Halfway through the conversation a tractor with a rolling thing in front came and we had to run for our lives as it chased us. We ended up in the harbor and jumped on one of the ships that started to drift out towards the open sea.
Naturally we started calling out for help, but as we did we noticed all the moored ships had evil vibes (one guy was pulling out teeth medieval style, some dude waved with a cut off arm, that sort of thing), so we noped the hell out. But they were coming to 'help us'. Now I was the old man and I had some unnatural skills, bc I could jump really far and I jumped from mast to mast and then I was in a forest and there was this cabin. I slowed and entered the cabin, which had glass floors and koi fish swiming underneath (funny how you remember details like that).
Anyways, I entered an office and I found my twin. Suddenly I knew that the guys were chasing me, because I had done something and I was going to kill my twin and take his place to disappear. Obviously we hadn't seen each other in years and we started yelling and fighting, until we had a break through and we were friends again. We went to this library living room and sat and chatted, until he said something stupid and I got mad and we started fighting again, but this time I did kill him.
Then I was entering the cabin again. We fought again, made up again, went to the living room again. And as I sat there, I suddenly said: "Can we pause the movie now?" Because I'd realized that I was in a movie and if we paused it now, we would always be stuck in this good moment and never have to live through the bad ending that was inevitable if it continued, because as a movie it was never going to have a different ending.
2. The Sibling Murder and Meat Forest Dream
I was in a boarding school somewhere, I think France, but it wasn't really important. I wanted to kill my older brother (I do not have an older brother). And there was this guy, whose little sister I was friends with, who told me how he killed their middle brother with a bow and arrow in the forest next to the school. I convinced his little sister to sneak out with me to go look at the forest, because I wanted to see how and where he'd done it.
So me and this girl were walking through the forest and I started to feel kind of bad, because she seemed to be having a good time and saying how glad she was we still hung out like this, meanwhile I was looking around to see her brother's murder site. So I asked her if she knew what her brother had done. She turned around and said: "Of course" and her eyes were hollowed out and black and her mouth was filled with little sharp teeth (think Bilbo in Rivendell when he sees the Ring again) and then she lunged at me.
I jumped back in fear and started running with her chasing me. All around me the forest was now meat. Well, the ground was red pulsing meat, the branches were still wood but all the leaves were like skin hanging from them. Until I shot out of the forest and unto the boarding school lawn and up to the front door on which I started pounding, until finally the headmistress opened up. I started to explain what happened, apologize for being out late, but that I'd make it up and I just got scared because my mind started playing tricks on me and that my friend was still out there.
Instead of getting mad at me, she called for her husband and to bring the shotgun. I said: "Why would you do that? My friend is still out there, we just got scared. It wasn't real, right?" and she just ushered me behind her and locked the door that has multiple heavy locks as she peered out the window and said: "They're coming." Then shadows started to descent on the school.
3. The Professor and Lava Pit Dream
I don't exactly remember what happened that lead up to the moment, but I was in this room in my house (which was totally not my real house) and there was this dungeon room with a pool that was filled with lava instead. I was being held there by the Professor (the little blue puppet from Watcher's Puppet History), while my mom was held upstairs. We were kind of mutual leverage held apart from each other by tyrant the Professor (I also don't know why).
Anyways, I was trying to escape, communicating secretly with my mom and running around, which the Professor obviously heard, because he came downstairs to check on me. As an alibi that it wasn't me, I had cut off one of my legs and thrown it in the lava, so when he came to ask about the footsteps I said: "That couldn't have been me, I only have one leg" as I showed him. I was also like a nine year old little boy for some reason. He believed me and then turned around, which is when I killed him.
We kept his body in this glass case to assure ourselves he was really dead, but I couldn't let it go, so I slept outside in front of it, so I could keep an eye on him just in case. My mom was really happy to be freed and that I saved us, so she wanted to throw me a party, which was really sweet. She didn't want my imput because I had done more than enough, but she only invited people I vaguely knew or hadn't spoken to in years, so I wanted to cancel but then I'd have to call them and speak to them (honestly, only stressful part of the dream). I luckily woke up before the calls or the party could happen.
@one-time-i-dreamt as a dream expert, opinions? xp
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hermanunworthy · 11 months
im a bit late bc i was at work all day but time for ep37 reactions!! i cant believe its already here
- now ive heard everyone talking about the intro i bet its gonna be a rickroll or some shit
- hermie mention in the intro im so calm and cool and chill about this /j
- WILL CAMPOS U ABSOLUTE MADMAN. i already knew he was gonna find a way around using revivify but THAT WAS WILD
- are people gonna start drawing normal w that piece of jewelry now. bc i wanna. i already like drawing him w bracelets
- oh god what is beths fact gonna be.
- "i just keep meeting all the right people at all the wrong times" BETH MAY U ARE EVIL. THE PLOT OF THIS EPISODE HASNT EVEN STARTED AND IM ALREADY EMO
- NICKY BETTER FUCKING SHOW UP im curious to see what they actually decided on for the reason for him not being there last episode
- HERMIE WAS REMEMBERED giggles and kicks my feet
- were getting terris reaction rn i cant believe this is happening
- IM starting to feel sick godddd
- i bet im gonna see art of the lincoln and taylor piggyback ride hehe
- "theres my girl" STFUUUUUU
- "just wake him up" I. HATE. THIS EPSIODE
- "whoooa shit thats fucked up!" anthony burch i know u are just so incredibly pleased w urself.
- there was never a more obvious lie than willy saying hell revive terry
- beth is out for fucking blood this episode. god she is so good at making the audience feel for her characters
- halfway through the episode now. cant wait to see what could possibly go wrong next!!
- i love whenever anthony allows a fun rulebreaking idea to work
- rons status remains a mystery....
- "we could do a whole scene w just hermie and all the other ones" u joke matt but i enjoy every scene w hermie no matter how unnecessary and drawn out
- as always linc and taylor are such a funny iconic duo
- i just realized WE STILL HAVENT SEEN NICKY!!! GODDAMN!!!
- "the gayest fucking mecha of all time" swiftli fans do u like the new ship name /j
- ig i cannot deny it anymore swiftli is practically canon atp
- i thought nicky got all his limbs back?? did anthony just forget
- btw ive probably been waking up my whole house w how hard im laughing over swiftli this episode
- "so what are u gonna do, ur gonna kill me?" as i said before. i hate this episode.
- i just had such a weird thought/prediction. but i will hold my tongue. bc the last time i said something like this it came true and i do not want this to come true
- "i love u and i hate that u made me love u when u are who u are and u knew it." I WISH U COULD SEE MY FUCKING FACE RN. HOLYYY SHIT THATS DEVASTATING
- oh. my. good. lord.
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moominsuki · 11 months
this is oure brian rot from your general bakugo x princess reader fic i sincerely hope you don't mind
those little heathen children the two of you are bound to have- twins probably bc let's be honest someone makes an off hand remark about how much sex you have and how at this rate you’re gonna end up with twins. and he takes it as a challenge. a boy and a girl
he accomplishes his goal despite how you were skeptical. he did think you were gonna kill him when the time came to push their big foreheads out. your daughter looks like him and your son looks like you. they both have their dads crimson eyes tho.
him and his son ended up with an unspoken rivalry. that brat loves to steal you away from him. has told him, “at this point it’s safe to say i’m mom’s favorite boy.” the disrespect.
his daughter is def a daddys girl tho, it’s rare to see them to far apart although she takes after you in the maturity phase. she knows she can’t hog him or else she’ll end up like her brother so she has hobbies aka being a terror to the staff. she drags her goody-two-shoes brother around for her chaotic acts.
anything from pulling pranks on the staff to bullying general deku- i mean izuku. their grandparents are especially soft for them so when they get in trouble they’ll go to one of them with puppy eyes and maybe some tears to get out of trouble.
your ryoal advisor momo practically begs you to have more children by the time the twins reach four, in her words “there’s no way they can take the throne they haven’t a proper bone in their body-“ bakugo has no problem knocking you up again
twins again but this time they’re both girls and prefer eachother over their parents. they also have red eyes but your skin tone. they end up being the heirs. don’t get me wrong they also have choas in their blood but they tend to get away with it much better.
this is how the kingdom became a monarchy. one of them works behind the scenes and the other is the public figure.
idk got carried away but it’s funny how there’s no way any of your children could be conventional royals. the older twins probably take their fathers place in the military but your sun is deff the strategist, your daughter probably has some terrifying nickname on the battlefield.
oh and your son remains the only boy no matter how many kids you have. so he’ll always be your baby boy. throws that in his dads face a lot. whats even funnier is that they are so good at hiding their playful rivalry away from you. like everyone knows except for you. it’s an unspoken rule that it’s never explicitly brought up by anyone.
ok im actually done now. shit idek if your chill with child talk i completely forgot to read your rules im sorry! but i’ll lose everything if i don’t send it :( feel free to ignore or block me:(
the way I’ve literally just seen this 😭 so sorry i love this so much! very cute and sweet i don’t think i need to add on it’s basically perfect
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wikipediagf · 1 year
omg u finished the secret history❓️❗️❓️❗️ did u like it how was it who is ur favorite character i want to hear everything like a girl kicking her feet and twirling her hair at a sleepover exchanging gossip <3333333
Yes I did! I have been waiting for someone to answer me because no one (you know who you are ) is answering my texts anyways as an avid Donna tartt lover I really did enjoy the book I think at the start it was a little slow mainly because it had to establish the story etc etc but I really did enjoy it I think something I really enjoyed was the fact that it kept me constantly wondering what was going to happen next (I found this especially prominent when Richard starts going off about how he “should have known what they were doing “ regarding the whole bachanal ritual (gang bang) and how he was questioning what happened with the bedsheets and why they were all so concerned about the weather ) also that ending fucked me up good ANYWAYS Moreover I found it deeply distressing at times mainly because I just wanted to know what was going on but alas I really fun read I also loved how there was certain parts of the book that you kind of had to remember in order to understand it also I found it kind of funny like I’m not even going to lie the book was fucking hilarious the amount of times I would say something was gonna happen as a joke AND IT TURNED OUT TO BE TRUE truly so funny also all of them are SO dumb and I love that the only way they all dealt with their guilt was to just hook up with each other and become avid alcoholics like that’s just kinda #real and so #girl of them im not going to talk about the whole Charles and Camilla thing cuz that was um not very slay but ALAS in terms of characters I fucking loved Richard so much he’s so stupid and silly the way he just hooked up with that one girl AND kissed francais all in one night literally productive bisexual king I found it really funny how he got mad fomo bc he wasn’t invited to their orgy ritual whatever the fuck that was like sir they killed someone 😭😭😭 I think looking back on the book as a whole francais was probably my favourite at times I related to him and his struggles in terms of the twins I didn’t really care for them much until the end idk I have mixed feelings about both esp Charles but I’ll probably comment on that when I’m sober anyways Henry (sigh) I hate to say it but I kind of sort of didn’t mind him at the start he had this swag about him that kind of made me like him also the fact he spoke multiple languages made me jealous bc I’ve always wanted to do that but towards the end.................. hmm also I’m SORRY but him and Richard should’ve fucked I think that would’ve solved so many problems bunny pissed me off at times but I think his character was really interesting i was intrigued with the idea that he was able to control certain aspects of what his friends did even after his death (in a metaphorical sense ) and lastly Julian reminds me of pretty much every single teacher I’ve ever had piled into one I kind of found it amusing that he was literally like “okey “ when they told him what they did anyways I think I’m taking up half the dash w this sorry everyone 💞💞💞💞💞
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bracingtincture · 1 year
RPDR s15e04:
- well, the twins DID bomb entertainingly. Spice’s Miley would’ve been absurdist art if it’d come from someone else, someone more intentional. she was literally playing a cartoon character in live action. it was bad and stupid but it was at least, like, interestingly bad and stupid, which is more than i can say for some failed Snatch Games.
- as for Sugar, i’m too curmudgeonly for ~*~internet personalities~*~ so i only barely know who Trisha Paytas is, and what i DO know is consistent with Michelle’s critiques, but! i’d still say that was a better/more entertaining Snatch Game performance than [SOME OF THE SAFE QUEENS] giving us nothing. maybe they were better in the parts we didn’t see, because we didn’t see much from anybody but the twins, Mistress, and Loosey.
- i do think the twins would’ve benefited immensely from having someone coach them a little on what exactly is funny about Miley or Trisha. there’s ample material! both were incredibly strong picks for Snatch Game, but unfortunately, the twins are not...seasoned performers, we’ll very generously say.
- i don’t think influencers and such are inherently bad Snatch Game picks the way some people do, i just think there are good and bad examples and good and bad ways to play them. the real reason all the queens who attempt those kinds of characters fail is that they tend to be young, inexperienced, and lacking the broad cultural knowledge base that Snatch Game requires to be able to pull up witty answers on the fly.
- i love Mistress and i think she’s funny but i didn’t think she was AS funny as everyone else apparently did. was it the edit? it was probably the edit, right? this season is so badly edited.
- Loosey was great and deserved the win, and i also loved her runway the most. something made of those materials with a Jason Vorhees theme shouldn’t, in theory, be elegant, but it really was!
- i also loved Sasha’s runway but like, really, when has she ever not killed it on the runway. it almost goes without saying now. “i loved [name]’s runway look the most” means “besides Sasha’s.”
- <stan brained> Anetra is underrated as a comedic performer and i knew she’d do well here so CONGRATS GIRL, IN MY HEART YOU WERE TOP...FOUR, PROBABLY </stan brained>
- i can’t believe they censored “shite” ffs
- but if we’re honest with ourselves, at this point Anetra could say just about anything in a comedy challenge and i’d twirl my hair and giggle and go “omg she’s soooo funny, isn’t she soooo funny?”
- the same kind of goes for Sasha but i feel really cheated by not getting more of her Jan Crouch. she was great from what we got to see! on twitter she claimed it was the editing that made her look better but idk.
- the show has always manipulated situations (and editing) to support The Narrative™ but this season feels like the seams are showing more than usual. it’s the bad editing! who do i blame for this, MTV? that WeHo show? Ru? Viacom? Elon Musk, somehow? can we pin this on him in some butterfly effect thing?
- also, i mean, we all knew the twins were gonna be made to lip sync against each other, but this quickly? the show must have some other bullshit manufactured drama waiting in the wings then.
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shmreduplication · 11 months
there are many things i dislike about main universe Peter Parker as a character but tbh I just cannot stand how he's treated by the writers to the point that it's just not worth it to invest the time or energy or emotions into him because he's always going to be a sadsack. So tldr: the concept of canon events that are exclusively tragedies is just like the worst choice atsv could've made if they were trying to make the movie specifically for me
example one: there's an Avengers team that has Iron Fist, Power Man, Jessica Jones, Spidey, I think Wolverine is there and Daredevil is in for a few issues too. Luke Cage is the leader and he's trying to run the team in a new way and part of that is everyone is getting paychecks....Except Spidey because no one on the team knows his name and he can't open a bank account as "Spider-Man" and it's a funny enough in isolation to spend the few panels and word bubbles on it, but it also sucks that the character with the most financial difficulties can't get a payout when everyone else is. Iron Fist is a literal billionaire and he gets a paycheck but Spidey doesn't
Example two, and this is where I really tuned out of reading any Peter Parker stories: Scarlett Witch constructs the M-day universe where everyone is happy. Not everyone gets everything they want, but by and large people have gotten the things that they (or Scarlett Witch) think that they want. Daredevil wants to be with a woman who won't die and She-Hulk wants to be with a man who can keep up with her superheroing and lawyering, so they're married in this universe. Steve Rogers is old, Peter Parker is married to Gwen, and Scarlett Witch has twin babies with her robot husband. Things start happening, idk, somehow one hero figures it out and starts telling other heroes and they decide they need to shut down this constructed universe before it collapses in on itself and kills everyone. Or something, I don't remember. I read this in 2014 during the summer I had the worst insomnia I've ever had. They tell Peter that this reality isn't real and they have to destroy it, and then they tell him that everyone except for this group of superheroes is going to forget about this universe. And then they proceed to not really need Peter's help for the ensuing fights. They curse him with this knowledge, forever, for no reason beyond cursing him with this knowledge.
So yeah I know superhero comics are a soap opera and everything will return back to its norm eventually so in that sense nothing matters, but there's still varying degrees of things not mattering.
Like by baby boy, Daredevil, has been in jail and been the mayor and been possessed by a demon and moved to california and had his secret identity released and then put it back in the box and been a mentor and a ninja and gotten divorced and faked being his own twin brother and now he's back to lawyering in Hell's Kitchen so in one sense none of that mattered but there are threads of all of those things woven into the current run!
so to have all the spidermens' suffering be pre-destined canon events cements that suffering as not mattering in my mind. And Miguel and the rest of the spideys feel the same way, Jeff's life does not matter to them beyond being a point of suffering for a spiderman so it is just v hard for me to give a shit like it is just not worth the investment of my time and energy
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"Draugen" Game (part 1)
"Ooo norway"
"Oooo fjords"
"This is very nice, I like the aesthetic"
Game: lead character artist "Hans Christian Andersen"
Me: isnt he dead?
"Unless someone just took snippets from his stories or idk tbh, I cant remember reading much from him... maybe I should"
"Who is Lissie?"
"The main character, Edward, hes like old or more like 40 maybe? Idk, but he have to rest up hills and I honestly judged him, as if I dont have to stop several times too and hold my fucking inhaler in case my lungs decide to test me"
"Oh... ooh no... the flag is half mast.. hehe. That means someone is dead"
"Haha I can see her, but he had to rest"
Lissie: seriously?
Edward, through his teeth: you're not the one who's carrying a f-... suitcase
"Good save"
"Okay so Lissie is 17, so maybe shes his kid?"
"I fucked with the gamma, and theres no reset, and I cant remember if this is how it was oh no help"
"His name is-- A I GOT AN ACHIEVEMENT "
"His name is Mr. Harden"
"Damn, twins marrying twins... odd"
"Is that odd? I feel like that might be? Weird? Idk is it? AAA my head"
"Love it when people say it like that, beautiful"
"ooo, a sailor ship chest thing... I got one of those"
"Okay I think Lissie is his kid"
"We found his sister's scarf, he got super dizzy, he had to take a nap"
"Poor guy"
"Uh oh... child gone"
"Yeah the clock is definitely broken, it was 12:45 when he took a nap too, so unless its close to midnight?"
"You didnt even LOOK in the kitchen, u opened it and went OH ALRIGHT NOTHING HERE fucking idiot"
"I wonder if we're actually gonna see draugen"
"Oo muddy"
"What if draugen is scary"
"Who the fuck is Alice?"
"I gotta google this"
"Okay so Lissie is Alice... and Lissie is not his kid. And apparently Edward is 'young'... this is confusing"
"Oooh, he slipped and fell down rocks, ouch"
"Lissie is still missing"
"A lobster trap"
"Lissie! I found her"
"Our boat is gone"
"Back to the house, get cleaned up, and sleep... let's see what happens"
"Google said the game takes about 3 hours, which is good, cuz my sister is back after that, and she havent played the game yet"
"I can explore upstairs yass"
"Oo piano"
"Draugen waltz.. nice"
"Oh! I got an achievement for playing the piano- OMG A 100??? HOLY SHIT"
"Damn... norway is so beautiful"
"I cant believe I thought he was like 40, how embarrassing"
"Asdfghjkl Norwegian letters and an American trying to say 'vi er desperate' I'm sobbing, oh my god"
"On the door it says "forræder" which means Traitor."
"So the kids died, and it's a curse, god left the land etc etc... wtf wtf someone is knocking on a wall or window in the game"
"I'm reading old Norwegian, game, stop"
"Oh, house creaking, not knocking "
"Just walk inside the houses? Maybe they're hiding behind the doors"
"Out to explore!"
"I'm completely lost in the game, half thoughts"
"Its so interesting, and fun to hear someone try to read Norwegian is always funny"
"I'm scared of draugen tho... like I wanna go 'haha mythical being lmao'... but the kids are gone, killed... draugs steal kids... I'm just saying I might cry if I see it"
"Alright, I've done loads since I wrote so let's do a summary:
The child, Ruth, died, they think her cousin did it. The cousin left shortly after the kid died- the official story is she fell and cracked her skull open on some rocks.
Edward is OBSESSED with his sister, one random noise and hes like 'Betty???'
Ruth apparently went exploring in the mine, found treasure, Edward read about Draugen in a book, it's a man thing without a face, visit u in your dreams, and if u wake you're lucky, but someone near u will die.
Everyone is gone, a man was found, he hung himself.
Twin brothers were very angry, and now the church bells are ringing. And I'm running to it"
"So googled and draugen is a dude who's thirsty for women and children, the one I was picturing Nøkken, and that's a swamp woman so"
"Lissie was a personality thing, not real, then a weeping angel suddenly appeared??? And then they disappeared... Betty was apparently on her way to the mine, hes now around the mine.
He also found Anna, the mom to Ruth, and the dad went to his brother and now I'm in the mine."
"BUT my sister is back and I cant spoil the game soo"
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
hi its me the dead anon and i would like to share that maybe 2 nights ago i was up rlly late. and i was figuring out what i was going to write back to ur last response to my other ask when i got really tired
in my strange sleep deprived state i was hit with 'inspiration' and opened google docs. within a matter of a couple hours, from 1-2 am, i wrote a pages long fic where kaoru kills himself and hikaru was so upset and made myself cry so hard i passed out.
when i woke up i looked at it and it really wasn't that good?? but at the same time it was and it made me cry again so. theres that. if you were wondering what ive been doing instead of responding
anyway very sorry about dying. ive really wanted to send u asks but ive been stressed out so im not great at coming up with hcs. very uninspired (besides my weird kaoru suicide fic but. yk)
maybe this says something about my current mental state. maybe not. idk
But like I GET IT!!! same shit happens to me. I'm about to sleep but inspo STRIKES and I HAVE to get it on paper. It actually happened last night... Idk if I'll turn the idea into a full fic I'll post but it was a comedic concept nonetheless
The idea of one of the twins dying always kills me bc it's like... SO fucking sad.... the heartbreak is too much for me... i like happy endings... But like, I get it. Sometimes you just gotta write super depressing stuff. I have before.
The idea tho of one of the twins having a nightmare abt the other dying... Oughh. Like some super vivid nighmare that has one of them bolting up in bed panting on the verge of tears, immediately seeking the other twin and hurriedly waking them up to make sure they're still alive.
Like for example, maybe Hikaru waking up a month after Kaoru had his really bad depressive episode that scared the shit out of him. In his nightmare though...things don't have such a happy ending. And Kaoru does what he worried so much about every night in that dream, and he loses his little brother, and it feels so real.
Hikaru wakes up with a really startled jolt and is on the verge of a panic attack. His first immediate course of action is to turn around and nearly shake Kaoru off the bed, panickedly saying his name.
Kaoru of course wakes up sleepy and confused, barely awake as Hikaru begins to squeeze the air out of him with a bear hug. He's mumbling some things Kaoru can't piece together in his tired state, but Kaoru can tell he's really upset...so he just holds Hikaru and sleepily mumbles some reassuring things to him, and it does make Hikaru feel better, just to hear him alive and well...
Also since I'm a sucker for close physical affection between the twins I like to think Hikaru sometimes kisses Kaoru on the cheek. He did it more when they were younger, but he still does it I think under special occasions. I think this would be one of them... He was just so broken up in his dream and it scared him so so badly, so as Kaoru is stroking his hair lazily and sleepily murmuring reassurances to him, Hikaru sniffling as he's trying NOT to burst into tears, he kisses Kaoru on the cheek. Kaoru makes a small confused noise because he isn't expecting it, but he gives Hikaru a kiss back. He basically ends up passing out after that bc he's barely awake as is but Hikaru stays up long after that, holding Kaoru and just listening to his steady, deep breaths and resting heartbeat. Just taking in the fact his brother is still here and alive.
He eventually falls asleep once dawn begins to filter through the curtains.
Also it's okay for not sending asks!!! Life is tough and busy. Your health & happiness is far more important!!! I really love your hikakao and ouran asks in general they are my day's highlight. But I'm here if you just want to send general asks about whatever :) DMs are always open too!
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wingkink · 7 months
-> thoughts post for m9 oneshot because i dont want ot make 85 indivcidial posts that get half a note each
puts up my sign that says "it has been [0] days since matt last used the wrong pronouns for his own nb npc"
sam is always doing some shit (derogatory this time)
also. sam not knowing hold old luc is has the same energy as matt not knowing how old vex and percy's kids are. lmao
also this is fucked like do NOT take the CHILD into the battle with you . we learned nothing from "SHE HAS SIX HITPOINTS"
where is essek. bangs my fists on the floor
actually forget him where is astrid. ASTRID MENTION !!!! FOR MY LIFE!!!!
blumentrio mention doesnt count altho appreciated^
not relevant but i think she should be evil. i think too many people want her to have a redemption arc or have her as like the good person (tm) on the assembly who is like a thorn in their side bceause theyre evil and she's not. no. she should be evil as well. and hot
i spent the whole first 10 mins of this stream thinking this guy was so annoying and now he's a guest player. was this show designed by someone who hates me personally or
"what sort of creche is this" and then blank looks from the cast is so funny. universal non american experience
hey i just had a coffee so this is going to get progressively more manic
ESSEK MENTION 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙
"perhaps we were too easy on him" "well we'll have to kill him this time" YOU THINK/.??? YOU FUCKING THINK??????? you know who knew that? ASTRID KNEW THAT
anyway shut the fuck up . get essek
this aggy guy ius so annoying like you will never be Spurt
i accidentally posted this help anyway contuining
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO ok sorry that's kinda funny. like chris perkins did it better but that's sitll pretty good
ARE U GOING TO ok well they cant call essek. sending is broken. shit. well they can mind meld with essek or something idk
i want him so bad <- what who said that
using wish to cast simulacrum never done before in cr history (real) anyway is anyone thinking what im thinking? anyway
screaming wailing and banging my fists on the table because i want to see my wizards
^^ wait. sorry. the simulacrum could have cast mind blank. im sorry for the caleb slander wont happen again
if astrid isnt here im going to kill myusefl
idk what's gonna happen when tyey go in but i know it's gonna be less cool than what im imagining but im just remembering liam saying that he once thought the two bodies he'd take back to replace his parents would be astrid and wulf . do you guys ever think about that? i do
WHER ETHE FUCK ESSEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM GAY
im shaking physically btw i think the autism ghost is tyring to escape. my body
NAW COZ WHY DOES LEOFRIC SOUNDS LIKE WULF i know it's bc matt is probably just doing "zemnian man voice" buyt come ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
insane that they would be in blumenthal in the house that the drei burnt WITH ikithon rehashing that last battle of campaign 3 and wulf and astrid ARENT FUCLING THERE. kills you kills you kills yo
im now picturing the debrief where caleb has to sit down and explain this to astrid tomorrow. i think she's gonna kill him
(wheres essek)
theres only 50 minutes left in the episode like i feel like this has barely started energy. hello
anyway astrid is so so gonna kill them like this cunt is killing people and you know how many people he wouldve killed if astrid had gutted him 7 years ago? 0 <3
god using her 9th level to summon artagan is so erotic. we stan
aww i miss the twins man
10 minuites to go.
insane pacing (derogatory). sub optimal number of wizards. not worth the time commitment. 0/10 do not recommend. goodnight
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pinkseas · 1 year
crackles knuckles
“like to me id hc xiao before it all fell apart, he used to have a mother. thats it. idk what happened back there and how they got separated i dont want to go there without more emotional damage”
im about to go there. im so ready for this. this means So Fucking Much To Me Dear Lord.
she sees no use in dwelling on the past. it’s one of the first things he learns from her- he no longer remembers how or why, no longer remembers what it was she told him that instilled that thought within him so deeply, but he knows that it was her. (once upon a time, she ran. xiao’s grandparents are far, far away, whether they’d love him or not, and he does not have a father. not as far as she’s concerned. the past is the past and it can stay there. it’s in the simple things, too, a broken toy, misspoken words: you made a mistake and we can’t change it but we can learn, we can move forward. we can always move forward.)
(she names him alatus, gives him wings the only way she can. may he never be trapped as she was for so long. may he always find a way to fly.)
(funny, really, how that works out.)
she is? was? a good mother. he remembers so little but this, he knows. lullabies before bed. never left hungry, never left wanting, so rarely scolded and never more than a disapproving tone. any time her voice was raised it was kind, happy, like when she’d call for him when they were playing hide and seek or when it was time to come inside to eat.
it isn’t her fault or negligence or neglect that leads to him being taken. it’s the cruelty of the world and bad luck, plain and simple. he remembers missing her. he remembers missing her so much it ached.
he doesn’t know whether or not he killed her. it’s hard to tell. his deeds and the bloodshed are all too clear but the people fog and fade, the faces all begin to blur together. he knows that the god had him destroy his own home, at least eventually, but he doesn’t know whether or not she escaped. she could have left, could have been searching for him, could have been waiting there for him to come home. he remembers, vaguely, when he really tries to- a sense of peace. the warmth of unconditional love. the way she used to whisper his name. but the question remains, endless and unanswered: are those his own memories? or are they her dreams, devoured by her own son?
he doesn’t know. he doesn’t think he’ll ever know.
he makes her a grave. it takes a very long time. there’s no name and a marker only he would recognize. it’s nothing special. he thinks, distantly, that she deserved more than this. but it’s all he has, and that will have to be enough.
and then he does what she always did, what she always taught him to do: he moves forward.
QIQI RECOGNIZING HIM........ god. God. “to qiqi, xiao has a familiar warmth. he has a certain sadness in his eyes that she's seen before everytime he glances at her” crying shaking bawling sobbing this is so good this is So Good. the detachment from reality the mutual loneliness the unique, strange sort of understanding of each other....... man.
“im finding it super super fUCKING NEAT about the twins separating and gaining each other's personalities to fill the empty space next to them. just to cope the loneliness, the grief, and i cant imagine how much it had been for aether for 500 whole years to lumine who's just starting to turn that way. just the thought of him slowly deteriorating, the way he changes over the years turned decades turned centuries is SO REAL THERES JUST. sumfin that makes him so dear 2 me”
aether my EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGG abyss aether my everything [redacted au] my everything <33333 he is so very important to me fr and just. god. the twins both struggling So Much without each other there trying so hard to cope with it and ultimately failing so miserably in so many ways makes me soooooo. you can remember what they wouldve done you can remember their personality their choices their actions but you can’t cover your side the way they used to, you cant stop turning to talk to them only to realize you’re facing an empty space. paimon helps. paimon really, truly helps. but she’s her own person, a friend, not a sibling or a twin. not a replacement. not even close.
“id like to think how he differs with lumine that he's more carefree but also cautious, empathetic and a guy of mercy and defense. what you dont see on lumine is what you see on aether, and for lumine shes kinda crazy on her own which is prolly self projection or something + the petty im a lil tired of Girly Uwu Pure Sunshine Angel perception ppl have on her bc Girl and White Dress, so she can be a lil reckless And savage when she wants to (that one bit in jeht's last quests where shes like @ that fatui guy "She's Paimon, and I'm your worst nightmare." SENDS ME HOWLING). of course they're not complete opposites bc its not like lumine's disastrously apathetic to aether's empathy, they influence each other and fill the roles which are more in-tune at. and lumine's definitely the one who's inclined to impulse, now more contemplative these days; and aether, when he used think through so much about weighing between right or wrong, now figures his actions in the abyss overall is always, and justifiably, right”
THIS FUCKS SO HARD HELLO ???????????????????? god yes yes yes yes everything about aether is SO REAL and big mood with being tired of lumine being portrayed as sunshine incarnate. her being more reckless and somewhat savage is SO fucking real big big mood, and her impulsiveness turning into contemplation is so. fmngmfngmngm god. aether thinking he’s always right IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO no bc what the FUCK has the abyss twin seen to make them like that what the FUCK happened dear LORD
“like dear Lord gets the twins xiao zhongli venti everyone in my arms rn WE ARE MOVING” REALLLLLLLLLL like fanon isnt bad on its own but when people are constantly pushing it as “this is the RIGHT interpretation” or “this IS canon” its so. its so. its so. god.
“ALSO "xiao becoming possessed or corrupt somehow and lumine having to kill him but in those final few moments it’s him again and he smiles at her and she holds him as he dies." EX FUCKING CUSE ME IM COMING TO YOUR HOUSE“
giggling sm this lives in the very very back of my head always... sometimes love is the character who kills and the character who dies content just to be in their arms those last few moments <3 
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Ask thing<33
51, 63, 03, 18, 69
First of all, I have reached the stage of lacking sleep where I will say any and every thought without remorse. So you're gonna get some weird answers and much more than you asked for, but anyway, love you!!
3. Do you regret anything? Being born?? Nah, yeah a lot of things, but not enough to be important, you know? I don't regret the mistake that I made, that I used to use as an excuse to blame myself for being bullied. He and I made up in the end, but the others didn't accept it. Still, I don't regret it. I'm traumatized, but I learnt a lot. I think I needed a kick in the teeth then (lol that comes out bad when you were there). But I do regret 2 particular nights, which have quite literally scarred me for life. I'm doing all I can to drown it out because I have no therapist. I'm trying to pretend it didn't happen but it's really fucking hard to forget. The other... I'll be vague rather than trauma-dumping, but I blame myself, and I wish I had listened to everyone and my gut.
18. Are you scared of spiders? Well this is an interesting one for an Aussie to answer (it's funny, I'm like, proud to be aussie, but I also hate the government and the system and am PISSED OFF because tomorrow is Invasion Day but it still gets celebrated as Australia Day, anyway this is off topic). So some spiders? Scary af. I grew up reading the spider charts in the nurse's office of "friendly spiders" "got to hospital spiders" "paralyze you spiders" and "kill you spiders" so I'm naturally scared. But then you have Barry the Bathroom spider, I thought he was a daddy long legs, but he is actually a she and having babies. Plot twist, there were multiple Barrys and I didn't know. Living where I live, there is always going to be at least 3 spiders in your house, but as long as they're the OK ones, I'm fine. But if it's on me or drops from the ceiling like a fucking drop bear or something I'm catching that fucker and taking him outside (or taking him out if he looks dangerous)
51. favourite food? Oof, good question. I adore chocolate cake, but I would straight up eat a whole pizza if I was hungry enough and it was the right type. Pizza, and pasta, basically just Italian cuisine, is god tier. Also rice though. Bread is fucking amazing, I had some for the first time all month today, which was fun. Chips! I fucking LOVE hot chips, they're very sentimental to me and my sister given our upbringing, also pot noodles... haha. I so didn't grow up normal or healthy.
63. Would I change my name? OK so I like my real name, I think my nickname suits me. Originally when I was online for the first time I used the alias Raven, but then Shit Went Down, Trauma Was Made, and I decided to go by Scarlet. I feel like if I were to ever legally change my name it would be to either Raven or Scarlet, but I've actually grown really attached to being Rock with this account! It feel most like me now, but I can't tell anyone irl that. idk, it's confusing. Long story short(er) I wouldn't legally change my name except if I do go through with my revenge plans.
69. haha. 69. I'm so mature. Do you believe in soulmates? Yes, whole heartedly, thanks to 3 people: 1) my twin sister, we are platonic soulmates, I will not be elaborating, and my grandparents on my dad's side, who have been together since they were 12 and my grandpa found out my grandma liked him, he walked over and kissed her, and they've been together ever since (they're in their late 80s?? early 90s??) and are perfect together.
This became WAY more rambly than I normally am, sorry!! I'll edit it later, if I remember, otherwise, sorry for the random info dump! Thanks for the ask <33
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