#this drink was delicious and potent.
gdkllr · 10 months
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sometimes beautiful beautiful boys drink a Habana-Tini.
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slu7formen · 2 months
luke castellan x fem!reader
You knew that your friend, Luke, was a tease. What you didn’t expect, was that he was going to be a tease to you.
while I finish writing part two of this story (btw, thank u so much for all the love it’s getting) , I drop this one out here for the wait <3
warnings: teasing, praising, drinking, kinda s3xual tension
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
The bonfire crackled merrily, casting flickering shadows on the faces of the demigods huddled around it. The air thrummed with the low beat of stolen music from a borrowed radio, a symphony of laughter and easy conversation punctuated by the clinking of ice inside your plastic cups. Exhaustion from a particularly harrowing week of monster attacks had finally settled in, driving the older campers to this clandestine revelry deep within the safe haven of the camp's woods.
Across from you, Clarisse was emerged in a play-fight with his brothers, not truly a good idea based on the drunken state they were in, but who would tell them otherwise? Travis and Connor were huddled together, their whispers punctuated by bursts of laughter that hinted at some upcoming evil plan or prank. You could practically see the gears turning in their heads. Silena leaned towards Katie’s ear, whispering some secret that boys couldn’t know about, her voice barely a murmur.
And Luke Castellan sat next to you, his presence warm and familiar. His profile bathed in the golden glow. You'd known him for years, a bond forged in shared battles and late-night training sessions. But lately, you'd begun to see him in a different light. The way his muscles tensed beneath his t-shirt as he tossed another log onto the fire, the glint in his dark eyes - it all sent a delicious flutter to your stomach.
Reaching for your empty plastic cup, you realized with a groan that you'd polished off your cranberry juice and vodka concoction. Glancing sideways at Luke, you noticed his cup held a suspicious-looking red liquid that gave off a pungent, almost medicinal smell. "Let me have a sip of yours" you declared, leaning towards him without even questioning.
A ghost of a smile played on his lips. Your cheeks, flushed from the alcohol and the warmth of the fire, were undeniably red. Your lips, slightly puffy and wet, was not something his eyes would miss either. But he'd never admit the effect you had on him, not here, not amongst their friends.
"Not sure that's your thing, doll" he pointed out, looking down at his drink for a second. "You won´t like it"
You knew you were pushing your luck, but the defiance simmering in your blood, thanks to the vodka, wouldn't be ignored. "Come on, Luke" you pout, placing your chin on his shoulder. “If you can drink it, why can´t I?”
He chuckled, a low rumble that sent a shiver down your spine. "I don't think you can handle it" he said with a little smirk on his face, the playful challenge in his eyes impossible to miss. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the way he was looking at you, but a spark of competitive spirit ignited within you.
“Oh, yeah?” you challenged. “Just watch me, then” you declared, snatching the cup from his hand before he could protest. You were so sure of yourself. The liquid was a fiery red, the strong scent even more potent up close. You took a tentative sip.
It was horrible.
It was like drinking liquid fire infused with cough syrup. A strangled cough escaped your lips, your eyes watering. Luke chuckled slightly. You sputtered, almost spitting the liquid out in disgust.
Before you could fully react, Luke's hand cupped your chin, surprisingly gentle despite the rough calluses that adorned his palm. His eyes held a mischievous sparkle. "Take it all down now, you told me you could handle it"
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the way his words sent a thrill down your spine, but you were determined not to back down, especially not in front of him. Fueled by a mix of pride, the burn of the liquid fire, and a strange flutter in your stomach thanks to Luke's closeness, you took another swig, then another, determined to finish it. You ignored the way your throat felt like it was lined with sandpaper and the fire that seemed to erupt in your gut.
Suddenly, a loud "Chug! Chug! Chug!" broke the silence. Travis and Connor, who had been watching the exchange with amusement, started a rhythmic chant. Silena and Katie soon joined in, their cheers echoing through the clearing. You choked down the rest of the concoction, gasping for air as it burned its fiery path down your throat.
The cheers reached a crescendo as you slumped back, eyes squeezed shut, your head swimming. As the commotion subsided, you dropped the plastic cup with a clatter. You felt dizzy, and your throat felt like someone had lined it with sandpaper, but a sense of accomplishment washed over you. You'd done it.
Suddenly, a gentle touch on your chin startled you. You blinked your eyes open to see Luke leaning in, his gaze holding a playful spark. With his thumb, he brushed away a stray droplet of the red liquid that had escaped your lips during your valiant chugging endeavor.
The simple gesture sent a jolt through you. It was so unexpected that your breath hitched in your throat. Then, in a move that stole the air from your lungs completely, he lifted his thumb to his lips and sucked off the red droplet. Eyes on yours, the whole time.
"Good girl" he murmured.
He turned away then, casually rejoining the conversation with Chris about their upcoming training session. But you couldn't tear your gaze from him. The playful glint in his eyes, the lingering warmth on your chin from his touch – it all played on repeat in your mind.
Gods, you thought, your head swimming from a potent mix of alcohol and newfound desire. You really wanted to be anywhere else right now. Anywhere with him, away from the prying eyes and teasing laughter of your friends. You felt crazy in the matter of just a few seconds. You couldn´t let this slide, you just couldn´t.
You couldn´t deny the wet patch on your panties either.
You stood up, maybe a little too fast for the state you were in, but you managed to look down to Luke, who was already looking into your eyes the moment you stood up.
“I´m going for a walk. Care to join me?”
inspired by this right here, with a little change <3
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emjayewrites · 1 month
The First Monday in May | LH44
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SUMMARY: Lewis Hamilton and his girlfriend have too much fun at the Met Gala.
PAIRINGS: Sir Lewis Hamilton x Black Fem! Reader
TAGLIST: @cocobutterqwueen @httpsserene @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @pausmoon @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @certifiedlesbianbaddie @blveeeeeee @sugardontbesweet @omgsuperstarg @bluesole16 @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @jasmindaughteroftheworld @motheroffae @hrlzy @xoscar03 @xsweetdellzx
A/N: I had to! Lewis was looking too good! The hold he has on me is crazy!! Please comment and reblog!! The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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The luxurious suite at The Mark Hotel was a whirlwind of activity as you and Lewis prepared for fashion's biggest night - the Met Gala. Seated at the vanity, you watched in the mirror's reflection as your makeup artist meticulously applied the finishing touches to your glamorous look, but despite her artistry, you found your gaze continuously drifting, utterly entranced by the vision that was your boyfriend. He was an absolute vision as he prepared for fashion's biggest night.
Instead of the typical tuxedo, Lewis had chosen an exquisite all-black ensemble from Burberry to pay homage to the Welsh gardener John Ystumllyn. The intricate floral embroidery that adorned the long overcoat was a true work of art, a delicate stitching of daffodil motifs.
Watching as Lewis moved with that athletic grace of his, you felt a familiar heat unfurling low in your belly. Even three deliriously blissful months into this relationship, the man still managed to render you utterly breathless with desire.
"Easy there, gorgeous," your makeup artist chuckled, having caught your hooded gaze locked on Lewis. "We've still got some work to do before you can jump his bones."
You didn't even attempt to hide your shameless ogling as Lewis's own makeup artist leaned in to meticulously groom and sculpt his already perfect brows. The man's cheekbones could slice diamonds, you were certain.
"I can't help it," you murmured, shamelessly drinking in every sinewy line and angle of his body beneath the tailored lines of the all-black ensemble. "He's too much."
As if sensing your rapt regard, Lewis turned to catch your eye in the mirror. His full and bitable lips - a true pout that would make any sane woman melt - curved into a wolfish grin that did absolutely indecent things to your insides. The man was a walking orgasm without even seeming to try.
"See something you like over there, baby?" His tone was pure liquid sex, that deep baritone seeming to caress you from across the room.
Rather than answer verbally, you held his heated stare and slowly, deliberately dragged your gaze over his form in a full-body rake. Only when you'd visually mapped every hard plane and sinuous curve did you meet his darkened eyes once more.
The heavy silence that stretched between you thrummed with smoldering tension and the sort of electric chemistry that you somehow never seemed to run out of these days. You were well and truly still drowning in the depths of that delirious honeymoon phase.
Clearing his throat, Lewis broke the thick moment by unfastening his wristwatch and handing it off to his assistant. As he fastened an assortment of jewelry to his wrists and fingers, you admired how the gleaming metal accents played against his burnished skin like molten sunlight.
Lewis seemed to fill every inch of his look with that potent masculinity of his. Raw, unapologetic virility in its most delicious form. He certainly cut an impressive figure, yet somehow your gown managed to visually complement his rather than compete. An exquisite confection of black and white fabric, delicate floral embroidery across the bodice, and gossamer tulle layers underneath for a more puffy skirt, it was a study in ornate romance. As a playful wink to your boyfriend's look, you'd requested a spray of lush John Ystumllyn roses to be artfully woven into your elaborate upswept braid.
The overall effect was absolute decadent glamour, blending seamlessly with Lewis's darker, more understated Ystumllyn homage. You were in perfect stylistic alignment, two halves of a striking whole.
As you rose to join him for a few final touchup photos before the grand arrival at the Met, Lewis's molten gaze raked over you with naked hunger.
"Good god, you're exquisite," he rasped, reaching out to ghost his fingers over the delicately embroidered skirt. "Perfect in every way."
Leaning in, you pressed a lingering kiss to the curve of his jaw, inhaling the heady scent of his cologne.
"You keep kissing me like that and we'll never make it out of this hotel room," Lewis rumbled, his large hands settling possessively at your ass.
You let out a breathless laugh, feeling deliciously giddy in a way that never seemed to fade these days, not when you were around him. "And that would be such a tragedy?" you countered playfully, rising on your tiptoes to feather a string of teasing kisses along the strong column of his neck. "Think of all the headlines - 'Hamilton a No-Show At Big Fashion Event, Too Busy Wifing Up Boo.'"
The growl that rolled through Lewis's broad chest could only be described as primal. "Cheeky girl."
With some reluctance, you forced yourself to take a step back, smoothing the lapels of his ensemble as you drank in every last detail that would soon have the world's photographers in a frenzy.
"Tonight's the night, babe," you murmured, unable to resist running an admiring palm over the solid plane of his chest. "Ready for your close-up with me by your side?"
Lewis's whiskey-brown gaze burned molten with certainty and desire. "More than ready. It's you and me, baby. We got this."
Offering his arm in that genteel way of his, Lewis ushered you from the hotel suite to begin your grand debut as an official couple. As you rode the elevator to the lobby, butterflies took fluttering flight in your belly, not from nerves but pure, unbridled excitement.
This relationship was still so new, so wholly unexpected and whirlwind and earth-shatteringly right, that tonight felt profoundly momentous. Your first time facing the glaring scrutiny of the world's media and paparazzi as Lewis Hamilton's date - his woman to put it simply.
Yet gazing up at the achingly handsome man by your side, you felt nothing but calm certainty and devotion unfurling within you. This was your reality now, this charmed existence where you were cherished and adored by one of the most famous and talented men in the world.
The roar from the crowds outside was deafening as the hotel doors parted. Lewis held onto your hand tightly as the two of you made a dash to the awaiting black SUV.
When the two of you finally arrived at the Met Gala carpet, the roar from the crowds gathered outside reached fever pitch as your driver opened the door, a solid wall of camera flashes and shouted greetings assaulting you.
As you emerged onto the frenetic Met Gala carpet, the roar of the crowds and paparazzi reached deafening levels. Lewis kept you tucked securely against his side, his large hand a scorching brand at the small of your back as you blinked against the blinding flashes.
"Just keep those gorgeous eyes on me, baby," he murmured, lips brushing your temple. "You've got this."
Your arms instinctively banded around his trim waist as you took his scorching weight, nodding wordlessly. This entire event was Madison Square Garden levels of sensory overload and spectacle. Despite Lewis's easy confidence and the steadying weight of his arm around you, nerves fluttered wildly in your belly. This was your official debut to the world as his girlfriend, after all.
As if sensing your slight trepidation, Lewis leaned in closer, stealing a series of soft, reassuring kisses along your cheekbone. "Be a good girl and stay calm for me," he rumbled in that sinfully delicious baritone, "and I'll make sure you get a very…special reward later tonight."
You shivered at the heated promise in his words, the suggestive waggle of those thick brows that never failed to turn your insides to molten lava. "What kind of reward?" you couldn't resist asking coyly.
Lewis simply flashed you a wicked grin before turning his magnetic presence on the press line.
"Lewis! Lewis, over here!"
Posing effortlessly with that second skin of charisma and charm, he graciously accepted the mic from the smiling Ashley Graham. "Looking like an absolute dream tonight, my friend. And who is this vision on your arm?"
With a possessive sweep of his free hand down the embroidered curve of your waist, Lewis reeled you in closer until you were melded against the scorching line of his body. "This remarkable woman is the love of my life," he proclaimed boldly, his honeyed gaze of pure devotion blazing into yours.
Ashley let out a delighted laugh. "So this is the official hard launch of your relationship then? Out and proud for all the world to see."
Lewis's chuckle was rich with satisfied masculine pride as he nuzzled a kiss to your temple, his nose nuzzling the sweetly fragrant blooms woven through your braid. "I guess you can say that, yeah. No point in hiding the way I feel about this one anymore."
Flushed and giddy with glee, you somehow made it up the iconic Met steps in a blissful daze, secured to Lewis's side and feeling utterly invincible in his steadfast presence. Once inside the grand venue, your vision was awash with dazzling lights, priceless gowns and dapper tuxedos, a truly who's who of Hollywood and fashion royalty.
At your secluded table, Lewis introduced you to his fellow guests - songstress Raye, actors Jodie Turner, Colman Domingo, and Charlie Hunnam. The group instantly folded you in with warm smiles and enthusiastic conversation as Lewis's large hand found its way to your thigh beneath the tablecloth.
A jolt of pure sin shot through you at the blazing path his fingers traced over your bare skin, squeezing and caressing with casual possessiveness. He was permanently branded into your nerve endings at this point, able to ignite you with even the simplest of touches.
Across the table, Colman leaned over with a twinkle in his eye. "Seems our Lewis found himself quite the stunner. You'd better keep that man on a leash."
"Oh trust me," you managed to rasp out around the lump in your throat, "I fully intend to."
A fresh roar rose from the crowd as some of the evening's co-chairs - none other than Zendaya and Bad Bunny - took the stage to kick off the night's festivities and programming. Ariana Grande herself soon serenaded the event as Lewis's fingers continued their torturously delightful ministrations beneath the table, your thighs trembling with the effort of keeping your expression impassive.
Just as the first strains of one of Ariana's biggest hits reached a crescendo, Lewis suddenly stood and grasped your hand. Throwing him a questioning look, you allowed him to tug you up beside him.
"Do you trust me?" The words were a low, heated rasp meant only for your ears.
Your answering nod was instant, unhesitating. At this point, you would likely follow this man into the flames if he asked.
Slipping his palm against the small of your back once more, Lewis guided you from the grand auditorium and out into the dimly lit corridor, somewhere quieter and more private. You let out a startled gasp as he abruptly tugged you into what appeared to be a utility closet, shutting and locking the door behind your bodies.
"Lewis, what are you - mmph!"
His lips crashed over yours with bruising, devouring force, swallowing your words and sending an electric jolt straight to your core. The enclosed space was immediately suffused with the heady scent of his cologne and the unique, musky aroma that was simply him - dangerously virile, achingly male.
Pinning you to the wall, Lewis plundered your mouth with that wicked, talented tongue, his hands shamelessly roaming every curve and dip of your body. When you instinctively arched into his solid frame with a desperate whimper, he let out a guttural groan of approval.
"Wanted you the second I saw you in that fucking dress," he rasped harshly against the swollen seam of your lips. "Christ, I can't get enough of you, baby. Can't ever get close enough."
Spreading his large palms over the flare of your hips, he tugged your lower bodies flush in a deliriously sinful grind. His eyes were fever-bright and blown wide in the dim closet, a maelstrom of possessive hunger.
"All night, I wanted you just like this," he commanded in that rough, wrecked tone that obliterated your higher reasoning. "Writhing on my dick, my name falling from those pretty lips…I can't wait to fuck you senseless later, but first I'm gonna do it with my hands."
The world could have fallen away in that heated moment, and you wouldn't have noticed or cared - not when Lewis was kissing you breathless, reducing you to a devastated puddle of want in the circle of his scorching embrace.
Feverishly tugging at his tuxedo jacket and shirt, you finally managed to spread your palms over that broad, powerful expanse of bare chest. God, the man was sculpted perfection, every striated muscle and sinew begging to be mapped and worshipped with your mouth.
You latched on with your mouth in a filthy, open-mouthed trail of nips and kisses, laving the heated skin with your tongue.
"Christ..." His head fell back with a ragged groan. "That mouth, baby...gonna fuckin' ruin me."
You blazed a messy path of worship over every glorious inch of bared flesh, nipping and swirling your tongue until his strangled curses spurred you onward. His hands continued to roam wildly, locating the zipper at the back of your gown and dragging it down in one long pull until you were exposed from shoulders to waist. The entire upper portion slithered free, puddling at your feet and leaving you bared from the waist up. Lewis's shredded grunt seemed to vibrate through your very nerve endings.
"Fuckin' stunning..." he husked, drinking in every newly revealed inch of your skin with undisguised want. "So gorgeous, baby."
Any sense of inhibition or location abandoned you as Lewis sealed his mouth over yours once more. You arched wantonly into his hardness, fingernails scoring lines down his powerful back as your lower bodies ground together in a maddening spiral of friction.
He broke away with a guttural rumble, latching onto your pulse point and sucking hard enough to leave a mark for all the world to see. A harsh tug followed, that broad palm closing around your thigh beneath the frothy skirt layers to hitch your leg over his powerful hip.
"Gonna make you mine now, girl," he growled against your damp skin. "No more waitin', no more teasin'..."
His free fingers sought the sleek juncture of your thighs, skimming along searing flesh, past your lace thong, and coaxing a litany of shameless moans past your parted lips. "This pretty pussy is mine."
The sheer possession in his lust-roughed baritone sent shockwaves of electric heat arrowing through you. He cupped you, skilled fingertips finding your slick, aching core as you canted your hips with a choked cry.
"Yes, Lewis...God yes!"
Rewarding your eager surrender with a harsh nip to the swell of your breast, he coaxed your other leg up and around his narrow waist. Pinning you to the wall fully, he slid two thick fingers into your dripping channel as his palm ground against your throbbing pearl in delicious torment.
"Fuckin' drenched for me," he commented with clear masculine satisfaction. "This what you want, baby girl? My fingers splitting you wide and fuckin' open..."
If he kept up that whiskey-rough filth while working you apart so skillfully, you were sure to detonate within seconds. Hips circling mindlessly, you chased the rapidly cresting highs, trusting him completely to send you plummeting over that euphoric edge.
"Please..." you sobbed, legs quaking where they were hooked around his lean hips. "Please, Lewis...I need..."
Whatever pleas remained caught in your throat as he claimed your lips again, swallowing your hoarse cries and whimpers. The built-in shelving at your back served as convenient leverage as he fingers pumped in a steady, owning cadence while his palm continued kneading at your sensitive bud with perfect pressure.
You tore your mouth away to gasp against his stubbled jaw, tingles of electricity licking along every nerve ending like wildfire. "I'm gonna...oh God, Lewis, I'm gonna..."
"That's it, baby." His answering rasp was shredded and dark, wreathed in blatant carnal pride at your wanton surrender. "Let it go for me...drench my fuckin' hand with it."
His vulgar praise was the final push you needed. With a drawn-out keening cry, your spine arched into an almost painful bow as you released in spectacular, obliterating waves of screaming pleasure. Lewis held you pinned as shockwave after shockwave washed over you, prolonging and intensifying your euphoric high.
At some point, you found yourself draped over him bonelessly, panting in great heaving gulps while he nuzzled your hairline and trailed hot, worshipful kisses over your face and throat. Though satisfyingly sated for the moment, an ember of longing still throbbed molten and low, awaiting his final searing brand.
"Goddamn, you're exquisite," Lewis breathed against your sweat-dampened skin. "I'll never get enough of you, baby girl. Not in this life or the next..."
As he shifted to mouth along the shuddering column of your exposed throat, those talented fingers still worked your flushed, sensitized flesh in tiny pulses and caresses, sending aftershocks of delicious torment skating through your limbs. Overwhelmed anew, you could only cling to him, this remarkable man whom you'd fallen so hopelessly in love with.
After sharing a lingering kiss that left you both slightly breathless, you reluctantly disentangled yourselves and began straightening rumpled attire. Lewis shot you a roguish wink as he smoothed the lapels of his immaculate tuxedo jacket. You bit your lip to stifle a giddy giggle, feeling deliriously happy despite the slight flush of embarrassment at being caught in such a compromising position.
Squaring your shoulders, you emerged from the utility closet trying your best to exude nonchalance. Lewis followed closely behind, his large palm skating across the small of your back in a reassuring caress. Immediately, you nearly walked straight into the grinning form of none other than Bad Bunny himself.
"Ay yi yi...." The Puerto Rican rapper's eyes danced with mischief as he took in your flustered appearances. "If I had known the closets were available, I would have brought someone myself."
Lewis just laughed, slinging an arm around your waist. "What can I say? She's irresistible."
You ducked your head shyly as Bad Bunny chuckled. After exchanging some playful banter, you and Lewis headed back to the Gala's main venue - hands intertwined, beaming unabashedly. Despite the brief embarrassment, your shared smiles spoke of an unbreakable partnership built on deep adoration. In Lewis's eyes, you were his unstoppable equal, his everything. And he was undeniably yours.
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smuttysabina · 4 months
Drunk on Love With Dreamcatcher
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(Male Reader x Dreamcatcher, 5.2k Words) Tags: Group sex, Multiple sex partners, Everyone gets some, Everyone is also sloppy drunk, Dear lord these girls can drink, Don't worry though, they would fuck you even if they were sober, Also rampant lesbianism, Oh yeah, the girls are getting it on too, Multiple positions, Not enough hydration, Remember kids, drinking is bad!
The lovely ladies of Dreamcatcher chatter and giggle as they sit around you, teasing and gossiping as they guzzle their potent drinks. Flanked by a gregarious Jiu and Siyeon, you tentatively sip at your own wine, as the seven idols mostly ignore you as they grow ever more sleazy and boisterous as the night goes on. The girls cuddle and tickle one another, jostling against you as they spasm and laugh at each other's rough horseplay; even the introverts of the bunch start to join in the fun as well! All the while your own glass slowly empties, whilst Dreamcatcher's are drained repeatedly, burning through bottles of beer, wine, soju, and even harder options. You stare forlornly at your crotch, hoping the girls you love so much will not notice the undying bulge in your pants. Then suddenly Yoohyeon's tits are out, as she yanks her shirt up to reveal her perky breasts and wiggles them enticingly at the other girls who howl and cheer in encouragement. The protrusion in your pants only grows more painfully large, how did a poor Insomnia like you end up in this delicious hell?
You had been overjoyed after winning the contest at the meet and greet, one lucky Dreamcatcher fan would get to celebrate the girl's seventh anniversary as a group with them, and that fortuitous fan had been you. So after a tortuous week that seemed to drag on for eternity, you had been allowed entry into the hallowed Dreamcatcher Company building. Led up the stairs to their living room, the girls had arrayed themselves around a U-shaped couch there and greeted you cheerfully. Bubbly Yoohyeon, troublesome Handong, mischievous Sua, bratty Gahyeon, aloof Dami, sultry Siyeon, and kindly Jiu; all of them beaming and waving for you to join them. The table before the Dreamies is covered with alcohol, glasses, and snacks, there is barely enough room to contain the sprawling cityscape of glass. You greet each girl in turn, bowing and shaking their hand before you squeeze in on the edge between Jiu and SIyeon, who smile reassuringly at you. A staff member takes several photos of you with them, as the girls pose in silly or sexy ways for the countless fans who were unable to join them for this event while you sit there with rigid awkwardness. Then the staff bow themselves out of the room, but leave a camera to live stream the festivities. Which go about as you might expect, Dreamcatcher modestly drinking as they joke and chat with their fans on the live stream, politely including you in the conversation when needed but mostly leaving to your own devices as a prop for their fans to project onto. After about an hour of stressful boredom, the girls wave goodbye to the camera and turn off the stream; it's time for the real celebration to begin.
Away from the judgmental eyes of the public, Dreamcatcher is able to let loose in a manner that seems altogether familiar to them. The girls throw back their drinks as if it were water, with Sua and Gahyeon especially keen on drowning themselves in alcohol. Now their banter is far more ribald and lewd, with so many innuendos and inside jokes you are unable to understand half of what they are talking about. Jiu nicely tries to keep you engaged, but as the bedlam continues she soon ends up mostly neglecting you once more; Siyeon didn't even bother chatting with you much aside from some humorous flirting. But as the night wears on, the girls grow ever more lascivious in their touch and games, with the lightweights of the group becoming flushed and indecent in their mannerisms. Handong, sprawled against Sua, dares Yoohyeon to flash her tits; and that was how you found yourself goggling at Yoohyeon's boobs as she shakes them about to the jeers and laughter of her friends. Your boner straining the fabric of your pants.
Sua lurches upright and latches onto Yoohyeon's breasts, groping them lewdly before sliding her hands down her toned abs to Yooh's perky ass; who moans outrageously at the other idol's attentions. The other girls titter and cheer at the pair's antics, and soon Handong, who was forced backward from Sua's rushing body, takes her own revenge and mauls Sua's vulnerable ass in turn. The triplet then collapse back onto the couch in a flurry of squeals, accidentally bumping into Gahyeon who squawks loudly in protest as her beer sloshes out onto her lap. She slaps at the squirming mass of idol flesh in protest, before standing up in indignation as she notices the size of the stain on her pants. Huffing in annoyance, she strips off her pants and underwear and tosses them aside before plopping back down again and refilling her glass. Your jaw drops at this casual stripping, Gahyeon's smooth pussy had been an arms length away from your face, and the rest of Dreamcatcher had hardly even blinked. Dami though seemed to have noticed, as her hand starts to stroke against the maknae's exposed thigh, causing her to roll her eyes and playfully drive her off with loud kisses. Meanwhile the chaotic three seemed to have devolved into an extremely sloppy make-out session, as clothes were tossed aside with careless abandon. Soon the other girls were pulling their outfits off as well, and before your brain can fully process the fact you are surrounded by seven fully naked idols; leaving you the only one covered.
Eventually the cuddle puddle at the other end of the couch dissolves, and Dreamcatcher return to their drinking and joking, though now with a blatantly sexual tone overlaying their conversations. You continue to nurse your single glass, still unable to believe that your favorite idols were completely nude, bodies on fully display for you to feast your eyes upon. Gradually however, you started to notice that someone else was watching the girls as avidly as you, and was reacting in about the same way. Dami was surreptitiously playing with herself, her face becoming ever more flushed as she grows quiet and withdrawn; focused upon her own pleasure. Not that her masturbation session goes unnoticed, evidently this was a common occurrence at Dreamcatcher parties because Siyeon and Gahyeon start to kiss and suck on her neck. They fondle Dami's breasts and stroke her quivering thighs, naughtily whispering encouragement to her as she approaches her climax. Dami groans huskily as she spasms, her pussy emitting a wet sloshing noise as she fingers her drooling hole. The other Dreamies cheer at the sight, lewdly touching themselves to spur her on to yet another orgasm which leaves Dami shuddering with delight. Gahyeon turns away from the spasming pervert and is soon locked in an intense kiss with Handong, who wastes no time in working the maknae's breasts like udders. Meanwhile Siyeon had returned to her original position next to you, though she was now far closer than before, as was Jiu. The pair's hands covertly find their ways onto your thighs, staring at the other girls as they roam your legs. Jiu suddenly beams and looks at you as her fingers curl around your cock, her gentle eyebrows raised in mock surprise.
Then a hand turns your head and your lips are forced against Siyeon's as she lets out a sultry growl, leaving Jiu to haul your pants down and unveiling your erection. Her gentle fingers are soon wrapped around your manhood as she slowly strokes it, kissing your neck as she awaits her turn. You moan as Siyeon expertly devours you, her tongue roaming your mouth and hungrily pressing against your own; the combined stimulation enough to make your cock leak. Siyeon breaks things off with an intense stare before turning your head back to Jiu who greets you with a much more gentle kiss. Siyeon's hand joins Jiu's, and they stroke you together, taking turns to ravish your mouth until your head is spinning with desire. At one point they both get up to smother your face with their modest breasts, squishing and rubbing them against you, they laugh when you start to lick and kiss their flesh; patting your head affectionately. Eventually Siyeon breaks things off, and descends upon your upraised cock, taking it in her warm mouth. Your hips buck as she skillfully sucks you off, her tongue dancing along your shaft while she easily takes your length down her throat. Jiu leans back to enjoy the show, slowly rubbing at her pussy and allowing you to take stock of the rest of the girls. Gahyeon and Sua are doing shots together, while the lightweights Handong and Yoohyeon and blearily fingering one another as Dami takes her turn sucking on their perky tits. Gahyeon burps loudly as she spots you watching, before fixing you with a desirous stare and squeezing her breasts together pointedly. Sua notices her drinking partner's distraction, and joins in the fun, bending over seductively and spreading her cheeks so you can see her glistening folds.
Your balls are only beginning to pulsate from the overstimulating sight before, but Siyeon pulls off immediately, grandly declaring that your first load should go in their leader's pussy. The rest of Dreamcatcher howl their agreement, as Jiu scoots over and sits on your lap, your member bending up against her soggy slit. She grinds on you a little bit, before sitting up and smoothly mounting you, slowly sliding your manhood inside of the warm confines of her pussy. The Dreamies clap and shout encouragement, though your view is mostly blocked by Jiu's toned back so you are spared the more titillating visual support the girls were offering. Then Jiu lets out a soft gasp, and soon the room is filled with gales of laughter as the girls immediately recognize what had taken place, you were already cumming inside of her! You groan in embarrassment as your overexcited cock erupts into the idol's exquisitely tight hole, your sack pulsating as it desperately seeks to impregnate the goddess atop you. Jiu gently rides out your orgasm, allowing your seed to drain into her completely before unmounting and swiftly giving you a reassuring kiss. She pats your cheek, smiling kindly before moving away and is replaced by a giggling Sua and Yoohyeon. The pair have their arms wrapped around one another's' waists as they sashay up to you, smirking down at your shrinking member. Behind this captivating sight, Siyeon has a beer bottle shoved up her cunt, and is sloppily feeding a pouting Gayheon from it; while Handong is getting her ass eaten by an extremely drunk Dami.
You don't have time to watch the unfolding scene however, as Sua and Yooh lean down to peck your cheeks, before turning around and giving your eyes a health helping of their own. They bend over together, their pussies scandalously in full view, with Yoohyeon's butt noticeably perkier than her companion's, but Sua's cunt was far wetter. The pair sit on your lap, squishing your softening cock between their asses, sensuously grinding their dripping pussies along your thighs as they raise their arms gracefully. Then they start to dance, at first working together, their butts sliding against each other as much as your own body, seductively stroking one another as they move. Sua goes first, her tinier cheeks edging aside Yooh's and giving her enough space to give you a proper lap dance, her hips flying up and down in front of you and tantalizingly brushing her sex against your now hardening dick. She does the splits, forcing her pussy out even more until her slit is wrapping around your bulging erection, bouncing minutely to rub your cock with her sloppy pussy lips. Yoohyeon cheers in delight at the sight, slapping her friend's butt to spur her on as she rubs her back. Sua howls in protest at this sudden reversal, usually she was the one squeezing butts, and snaps her legs together before toppling to the side, leaving you clear for Yoohyeon to take her turn. Unlike Sua's excessive acrobatics, Yooh simply grinds on your dick, using her perky cheeks to stimulate your cock as she rubs up and down your length. Sua soon rejoins the fray however, chugging a glass of champagne before messily kissing Yooh, and pinching her erect nipples. The two moan as their embrace grows more passionate and the Yooh stops bothering to move and focuses solely upon Sua.
They only stop when you grasp Yoohyeon's hips and start to move her yourself, desperate for more sensation. The pair break off and giggle with feigned shock at your boldness, they were pleased to see you taking a more active role! So Yooh bends over the table wiggling her but enticingly before the much smaller Sua nimbly places herself on top of the other idol, their asses now stacked atop each other. Standing up, the pair look back at you as you rub your cock against their slits, relishing in the soft wetness of their lower lips. Sua has had enough teasing however, and loudly urges you to mount them already; but who to fuck first. Closing your eyes, you blindly thrust forward, meeting some resistance before plunging upwards and causing Sua to groan in triumph. Yoohyeon pouts as you plow Sua, slamming yourself into her painfully tight pussy and making it drool down your balls. With unimaginable effort you manage to pull out of Sua, who sighs in disappointment as you try out Yoohyeon's hole this time. Her bubble butt felt far more enjoyable slapping against your crotch than Sua's toned cheeks, even if Yooh's pussy was looser than the other idol's. You pump inside Yooh's pussy for a time, before Sua's blandishments convince you to return to her narrow hole. So you take your time, swapping between the two whenever you feel close to finishing, prolonging the situation for as long as possible before you have to cum. Gahyeon and Handong join you in the meantime, pressing their bodies against your sides as they give you lewd advice on how best to fuck the girls bent before you. Their breasts squish against your sweaty flesh, Gahyeon's prodigious bust in particular distracting you greatly as you pound Sua and Yooh's cunts. The stimulation was all too much now, and you groan unabashedly as your seed spews first into Sua's hole, before you pull out and slam your spurting cock into Yoohyeon's, creampieing both of their sopping pussies.
The pair croon in exaggerated amazement as they feel your warmth fill them, smugly wriggling their butts when you pull out as if mocking you for unloading so much semen inside of them. Then Handong is on her knees, sucking your cock clean as her fingers grope your sore balls; while Gahyeon pulls you down into a deep kiss. Sua and Yoohyeon scurry away, as Handong's head bobs in front of your crotch, and Gahyeon guides your hands to her impressive chest. She leans back to allow you enjoy yourself thoroughly, reaching over to grab a bottle of whiskey, as she teasingly purses her puffy lips. Gahyeon hops up onto the couch, shoving her weighty breasts into your face and uncorking the bottle. Licking her lips, she urges you to drink up as with lasciviously sloth she pours the alcohol down her tits, making you lap it up as the amber beads roll down her skin. The sensual moment is broken when Handong morosely protests from below, tugging on your flaccid cock in annoyance, get it up again already. Piqued, Gahyeon in turn starts yelling down at the other idol, who seems far from sober and more than happy to get into a screaming contest with the loudest idol of the Dreamcatcher. Luckily for the sake of your hearing, reinforcements arrive to soothe the squabbling pair, as Jiu and Sua drag the pair away, leaving you bleary from the sudden intake of alcohol as well as the absence of comforting heat. You blink away your confusion and notice Dami sprawled nearby, watching you with the quiet fixation of those truly drunk. She gestures vaguely towards the center table, now reduced to an unsightly mess, waggling her hand to guide you towards whatever object she seemed so interested in. You maneuver around Siyeon and Yoohyeon, the latter's lips locked tight around the former's cunt, greedily gorging upon her hole like a starving beast as Siyeon groans and holds her close. Eventually you find what Dami seemed to want, a small purple bottle with the Twice symbol curiously stamped upon it.
Dami sluggishly smiles as you had her the bottle, uncorking it with some difficulty before chugging a measure of it. She pauses, before her pupils suddenly dilate and she breathes heavily for a few seconds before calming once more. Her eyes have changed however, now they gleamed with feral sharpness as she lithely sits up and yanks you down onto the cushions with her. Dami lets out a chuckle at your surprise, her off hand snapping out and grasping your softened member, while she dangles the purple bottle proactively. Noting your confusion, she sighs huskily and explains somewhat unsteadily that it was aphrodisiac, and if you wanted some well... Dami was in the mood for some fun. You readily agree to her terms, one gorgeous goddess was better than none, considering the current state of you manhood. Dami grabs a glass and carefully measures out a small portion for you, before guiding it to your lips for you. You drink the oddly sweet liquid, and cock your head at the idol, wasn't this supposed to do something? She rolls her eyes at your impatience, and resumes fondling your genitals with aplomb until you feel a sudden burning spreading from your stomach to your crotch. You groan as your cock grinds upwards until you are staggeringly erect, your brains succumbing to the sweltering sensation wracking your body. Dami's lips part with anticipation as you fill her hand with throbbing meat, she leans back and spreads her legs for you; well?
In a flash you are ravishing Dami, your cock buried fully within her pussy before you could conjure the thought to do so. You rut like an animal, snorting and grunting as you pump between her lithe thighs, forcing her legs back until you are mating pressing her with abandon. Dami for her part responds in kind, the aphrodisiac mixing dangerously with the alcohol. leaving her lethargic yet still possessing some of the sadism she reserves for male fans. Her nail rake your back, she gnaws at your neck, she hoarsely hisses foul imprecations in your ears as you fuck her; all of which drives you further into a mating frenzy. You can dimly register baying laughter and raucous encouragement coming from nearby, but you are unable to focus upon it as your brain melts until it is solely fixated on breeding Dami. So it is to little surprise that you do, howling as your seed pours into her sopping wet cunt, your balls aching as they spend themselves inside of Dami. Who moans as you inseminate her, shuddering as she climaxes from the sheer pleasure of getting bred by a filthy man like you. The fog roiling your mind seems to drain away with your semen, leaving you cognizant, yet still undeniably aroused. When you gather your wits enough to glance down to see how Dami is faring, you find that she is already fast asleep, snoring even as her pussy burps your load out onto the couch.
You turn to find yourself presented with the surprising sight of an upraised ass, it's owners head buried in a trash can and blubbering in torment. Yoohyeon and Siyeon lounge nearby, both of them now thoroughly flushed from both their sex, as well as the alcohol, taking turns languidly slapping the unknown butt. They nod encouragingly as you step closer, blithely urging you to mount the idol, even as you hesitate. Then Handong's head pops out of the trashcan, and she groggily demands you fuck her asshole, slurring as she happily welcomes you inside of her. Siyeon and Yooh chortle at this, obviously used to Handong's eccentricities, and you are further fortified as Jiu joins the pair and endorses the plan; just stick it in her butt already! So you do, pressing your slick cock against the surprisingly unresisting anus, sliding into the stuffy heat of Handong's asshole. Her moans reverberate out of the can as you start to thrust, moving slowly so as to not hurt her more sensitive hole. The trio watching you copulate with their fellow member, pass commentary on your technique as they pour out yet another round of drinks, liberally drinking as they masturbate to the sight of you fucking Handong's butt. Then a familiar softness squishes against your chest, and the reek of whiskey tickles your nose, as Gahyeon presses herself against your back; and whispers slyly to be rougher with her roommate. Unconsciously, your pace increases, causing Handong to grow even louder, her slit now slick enough to wet your balls when they slap against it. She whimpers, less from the pain of having her ass violated and more from the colossal headache she is currently enduring. Finally though, Handong lets out a weak shiver, before going limp as she passes out, her asshole losing any semblance of tightness as her consciousness fades.
The awake members of Dreamcatcher cheer as they drag Handong's head out of the trashcan and lay her on her side, letting her sleep off the alcohol coursing through her veins. Not that your erection had gone unnoticed however, Siyeon and Yoohyeon had staggered back to you and were already fondling it playfully. This time Yoohyeon is the one to take you in her mouth, sucking you enthusiastically as Siyeon toys with your nipples and makes you grope her perky breasts. Gahyeon pouts jealously from next to Jiu and Sua, but her elders are soon soothing her by suckling upon her swaying breasts and fingering her skillfully. Siyeon forces your head back to look at her as she kisses you as lustfully as before, except this time she means to seal the deal. She pushes you back onto the couch, causing Yoohyeon to let out a gasp of inebriated confusion as your cock suddenly flies out of her mouth. Siyeon bites her plump lip as she clambers atop you, rubbing your tip against the soaking folds of her pussy as she prepares to mount you. With a drawn out groan she shoves your now bulbous manhood into her greedy cunt, relishing every inch that slides inside of her. Yoohyeon meanwhile staggers over and starts to grope and kiss Siyeon, playing with her clit as her fellow idol awkwardly attempts to ride you while bearing Yooh's weight. So she settles for a more primal grinding, which was less satisfying than a rough pounding, but still hit her sensitive spots quite nicely. The constant rocking seems to be getting to Yooh however, as her stomach sloshes its contents around precariously until she finally unlatches herself from Siyeon and collapses backwards with a nauseated groan. Which frees up Siyeon for the final stretch as she unleashes her pent up lust upon your cock, twerking and bouncing wildly as she approaches climax. She moans sweetly as her pussy convulses, her folds clenching tight around your manhood and causing it to join her in orgasming, unloading your turgid sperm into the idol. She blows kisses at you as your seed leaks slowly out of her cunt, slowly rocking her hips in the afterglow of sex before gingerly unimpaling herself. Siyeon curls up next to the now resting Yoohyeon, cheerfully uncaring of the mess her sloppy pussy was making on the couch, and promptly joins her cuddle buddy in sleep.
Which leaves the Mom and Dad of Dreamcatcher, as well as their most tumultuous Daughter. Jiu and Sua though appear content to simply lay back and finger one another however, passionately embracing as their perky breasts press together. Gahyeon on the other hand... Gahyeon had been glaring lustfully at you the entire night, and now she could finally slake herself upon you. Gahyeon drains the tankard of beer with a single gulp before sauntering towards you, her face flushed from more than just the massive amount of alcohol she had consumed. Her nipples were fully engorged, her skin slick with sweat and fluids, her pert lips pouting provocatively, her hips swaying seductively as she approaches, her lower lips swollen with desire. Gahyeon doesn't even need to say anything, growling with desire as she forcefully kisses you before getting on her knees before your still undiminished erection. She nuzzles against your hardon, still sticky with Siyeon's cunt juices, as she licks your ventral shaft from root to tip, cleaning it with her tongue. You hump needily against her face, your cock desperate for a hole, causing Gahyeon to smirk knowingly; so she takes you in her mouth. What starts as a sultry blowjob swiftly descends into a furious face-fucking as you treat her throat like it was her pussy, relentlessly fucking it until your balls feel fit to explode. Gahyeon's eyes tear up as she gags and chokes, even an idol as experienced as her unable to breath with the ferocious pace you were setting. Then you suddenly pull out, stroking furiously as she instinctively opens her mouth and unrolls her pink tongue for you to aim at. You groan as thick reams of cum slop out onto Gahyeon's face, your tip pressing against her tongue as the thicker loads leak down into her waiting mouth. She swallows it all of course, before presenting you with her empty maw as proof that she had not wasted a single drop, even as her face remains painted with your seed.
Your head snaps up as Sua cheers your performance, gaily waving a bottle of wine as her fingers churn up her asshole. Jiu now fast asleep next to her. Gahyeon preens at her senior's praise, chugging a bottle of vodka as she leans back and presents you with her chest, with what she had been teasing you with all night long. Her massive breasts wobble precariously as you hesitantly reach over to touch them, shyly at first, but soon you are lustily groping those fatty spheres. Gahyeon gives you a perversely demure look as you maul her tits, her own hands busy at work between her squatting thighs. When you bring your throbbing erection closer however, she smugly takes over for you, squishing her breasts together to form a fleshy cavern for you to fill; spit dribbling down to lubricate her already slick skin. Moaning, you mount Gahyeon's cleavage, your cock swallowed up almost completely by her boobs as you pump between them; your bright red cock head peeking out during your deepest thrusts. She nods frantically, urging you to plow her fat fucking tits as hard as you can, to defile them with your thick cum, to use her body for your own pleasure. With such salacious words in your ears, your balls quickly rise to the occasion, and soon sloppy globs of cum are fountaining up over her rosy breasts, filling her cleavage with sticky fluid as you empty yourself between her boobs. Panting, Gahyeon falls back onto her knees and cleans you off, her cheeks hollowing as she slurps your cock back to its original length.
Gahyeon leaps to her feet, and hops back onto the table, scattering empty bottles as she opens her legs for you in wordless need. You rub your tip through her sopping folds, her slit beyond soaking as it gushes onto your cockhead. She whines in annoyance at your teasing, her legs snapping around your waist and pulling you against her, desperate for your manhood. You both groan as you finally push into her warmth, her pussy gluttonously devouring every inch of your rigid cock. Her legs quiver as she orgasms from this initial thrust, so pent up with arousal that she is unable to contain herself once you are finally within her. So you plow Gahyeon's dripping cunt, violently rocking the table as your sweaty bodies slap together, with the idol exhorting you go fuck her harder and faster. Her arms curl around your neck, your foreheads pressing together as you lock eyes, unable to look away from one another. Gahyeon lets out another deep moan, as once more her pussy spasms around your dick, holding you tight as yet more of her juices leak out onto the table. Trembling, you slowly pull out of her pussy, releasing a gush fluids from the idol's gaping hole, your cock now as messy as it had been before she cleaned it. You haul her off of the table, as Gahyeon gives you a bemused look before you turn her around and bend her over it instead, you want to go deeper. She gasps loudly as you mount her from behind, the staccato clap of her ass hitting your crotch reverberating around the room as you pound away. She claws and grasps at the table as you go into a frenzy, your lust as fired as it had been with Dami, plowing her so hard her voice becomes shrill and piercing. You spank Gahyeon's already ripe-colored cheeks until they burn bright red, clenching tight around her nubile waist to hold her steady as you violate the depths of her hole. Your strokes gradually begin to slow, becoming harder and deeper, causing Gahyeon to harshly shriek for your seed; the idol's brain gone blurry in her need for sexual gratification. Her folds grip your cock like a vice, making every movement painfully enjoyable, forcing you to stay deep inside of her as your sore balls pulsate once more. Gahyeon howls as your semen sputters into her fertile cunt, her own cries easily drowning out your own as she screeches in triumphal pleasure as her pussy is at last doused with cum.
You stagger backwards, followed by Gahyeon who unsteadily wobbles to the couch and collapses next to Siyeon, exhausted from both the sex as well as the alcohol. And you are much inclined to join her, but loud applause comes from the other side of the couch, as Sua cackles with delight from the show you had put on. Though it seems as if the idol herself had been engaged in a performance of her own, judging by the wine bottle currently buried halfway up her ass. You trudge around the table to crumple down next to Sua, who greets you cheerfully enough, though she does seem a touch disappointed as she fondles your now flaccid cock. She congratulates you for cumming inside all of Dreamcatcher, even if you needed a little chemical help to do so. She pulls your head onto her modest breasts, soothingly rubbing it as she woos you to sleep; just rest for now you can get cleaned up in the morning... After all, you will need you strength for tomorrow when Dreamcatcher release the video of you fucking them all senseless.
Oh did they forget to tell you that? Well don't worry, Insomnia is a relatively tame fandom, unless you just porked all of their favorite idols of course...
Sweet dreams!
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with an s/o that has strong period cramps I Corazon, Doflamingo, Kid, Ace, Sabo, Shanks, Smoker & Law
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Would have a calendar marked with your cycle, discreetly preparing everything in advance for when your period is about to start.
He'd surprise you on the day you're starting with your favorite comfort foods, soothing teas, and most importantly a warm smile at your doorstep.
Would wrap you in a warm blanket and either offer you gentle massages to alleviate your cramps. Just be careful, he accidentally doesn´t stumble over you.
He'd encourage you to rest and offer to take over some of your to-do's, as long as there´s no chance of him setting a fire off in the process.
I feel that Corazon's nurturing nature probably shine most when your cramps get too overwhelming, holding you close to him while he whispers words of comfort and love in your ear.
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As with everything Doffy might have an unconventional approach, but he'd go above and beyond to make you feel better during your period.
He'd pamper you with luxurious baths filled with fragrant oils and petals, turning your bathroom into a mini spa.
Would definitely use his connections to get you any treats or items you desire. Want some premium chocolate or a rare book? Don´t worry, his goons are already on the way.
He'd try to keep you entertained with stories and jokes, determined to keep your spirits high.
If all comes crashing down, he´ll wrap you in his feather coat, and get a doctor to prescribe you some (very potent) painkillers. Some might say he´s cruel by nature, but even he doesn´t want to see his darling in strong pain.
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Kid might have a gruff exterior, but he'd show his caring side in his own unique way when you have your period cramps.
He'd create a cozy fort of blankets and pillows where you can relax and be comfortable without anyone else pestering you.
Kid might playfully tease you to lighten the mood, offering some sarcastic remarks.
Would bring you your favorite snacks and drinks, making sure you´re well taken care of. If you want him to stay at your side, he´ll send Killer instead.
In your weakest moments, he'd be there to hold your hand and provide silent reassurance. He's not very versed with words, so please excuse him for focusing on nonverbal support.
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Ace's warmth and affection would shine through as he cares for you during your period cramps.
Will lay his hands on your belly and heat them, so you can use him as a human heating pad.
He'd cook your favorite meals and bake sweet treats, aiming to bring you comfort through delicious food.
Would definitely snuggle up with you under a blanket, watching your favorite shows or movies together.
He'd offer to run errands and do household chores to take some of your burden off your shoulders.
Ace's gentle kisses and loving words would be a constant reminder that he's there to support you no matter what.
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Sabo's gentle and compassionate nature is a gift from heaven while he cares for you during your period cramps.
He'd prepare a selection of soothing teas and bring you a cozy blanket to snuggle under.
Sabo might suggest engaging in some light activities like reading, crafting, or puzzling to get your mind elsewhere.
He'd be an attentive listener if you want to talk about your feelings or simply need someone to vent to.
His tender touches and loving gestures would create an atmosphere of warmth and care, helping you feel better even at your lowest point. And if he's totally helpless, there's always Koala to ask for advise.
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Shanks' easygoing and positive demeanor would be a source of comfort as he takes care of you.
He'd take you for leisurely walks in the fresh air, believing that a change of scenery can do wonders for your mood.
Shanks would engage in playful banter and tell funny stories to keep you entertained and distracted.
He's not much of a cook, but he´d try making you your favorite meals with your guidance.
Shanks' infectious laughter and genuine affection would lift your spirits even in your lowest moments, your pain nearly forgotten from the antics he´d make for you.
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Smoker might seem tough, but he'd be incredibly considerate and attentive when you´re dealing with period cramps.
He'd make sure you have a stockpile of pain relievers, heat packs, and anything else you need to feel better.
Smoker would adjust his plans to be available to support you, whether it means staying in for the day or postponing other commitments.
He'd cook your favorite comfort meals and bring you a hot water bottle, not hesitating to offer a hand in any way you need.
Even though he can be quite stoic on the outside, Smoker would soften a lot as he wraps you in his arms, offering a strong and comforting presence when your pain gets to overwhelming.
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Law would be methodical and thoughtful in caring for you during this time of the month.
He'd create a cozy and soothing environment in your shared home, dimming the lights, playing relaxing music, and giving you a heating bottle.
Law would offer you a selection of teas and foods with natural remedies known to help with cramps and bloating. If those aren´t working, he´ll describe you some painkillers. And no, he´s not open for discussion.
He'd use his medical knowledge to give you gentle massages and guide you through stretches that could alleviate discomfort.
If all those aren´t working, rest assured. Law's calm and collected demeanor would be a source of comfort as he holds you close and reassures you that he's there for you, while his tattooed fingers slowly rub over your belly.
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otherwindow · 1 year
there should be a fantasy isekai about a barista and bartender becoming the best alchemists in the world.
They try substituting fantasy ingredients to make their usual drinks, but non-standard mixing methods of evaporated minotaur milk lattes and shaken (not stirred) cockatrice martinis result in deliciously potent potions.
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lexsssu · 5 months
Treasure (Akira Kurusu | Ren Amamiya)
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TAGS: Akira/F!reader, yandere, obsession, praise, breeding, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Thank you for the curry, Akira-kun. It’s delicious as always and the coffee is perfect…!”
“Nothing less for my favorite patron of course~”
“Oh stop it, you! Using your charms won’t make me order another serving of curry”
“Darn. Guess I’ll just have to try harder next time then~”
“Of course you will. But I hope you know that the reason I keep coming back here is because of the food and not because of some pretty-boy cafe owner…!”
“Mhmm, I know very well that it’s only the food and drinks that keep you coming back. So that means all I have to do is make everything on the menu irresistible so you’d have no choice~”
Akira chuckled at the adorable pout you sent him, feeling his heartbeat seemingly getting faster as you played along with him. How your innocent little smiles and colorful blushes sent his heart into overdrive, reminding him constantly that the thief had been the one stolen from instead. 
You stole his heart and you didn’t even realize it.
So it was only natural that he would steal yours in return, right?
Isn't she an adorable little thing?
So small
So soft
So ripe for the taking
Don't you just want to sink your teeth into her pretty little neck?
Leave your mark on her
You know you want to
She's practically begging for it
All you have to do is take the first step 
You know full well that she wants to be moaning beneath you
She wants to choke on your cock
She wants you to stuff it inside her tight pussy 
Give her all your cum, make sure you fuck it all straight into her womb
Do it. You want it. She wants it. Stop pretending like you're a good man when we both know you're the farthest thing from one.
And none of that matters, because you'll have her anyway.
WE'LL have her.
Whether she wants to be ours or not.
“It's too dangerous for you to go home in this weather. Why don’t you stay the night here instead? I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if anything were to happen to you…”
Those were Akira’s words when he dissuaded you from traveling back to your own apartment as the thunderstorm raged outside of Leblanc. 
Yet...how did it turn out like this?
“Aren’t you my precious little treasure? Do you feel how tightly your pretty cunt is gripping my cock? It’s your first time and yet it’s swallowing up everything so happily...I just knew you were made for me~”
Arms wrapped around his strong neck, you hang onto Akira for dear life as he spears his girthy length into your sopping wet core, spreading your lower lips while the veins that pulsed along its length scraping against your previously untouched walls. He had your sinfully thick thighs wrapped around his narrow waist as he bucked up into you, basically carrying the entirety of your weight with his surprisingly strong arms.
For a man who supposedly worked full-time as the proprietor of a little cafe in Tokyo, Akira had both strength and a build beneath his unassuming clothes that clearly stated his physical prowess.
Not that you had any capacity to think about that when the man was flooding your insides with his thick, gooey cum. Your eyes are glazed as you panted, inhaling lungfuls of air as a heady mix of your clear love juice and his pearly essence dripped onto the wooden floors of his bedroom atop the shop.
Aside from the half-hard cock that plugged you up, you clearly felt the heat of his potent cum in your lower belly after the curly-haired male made sure to cum while he was balls-deep inside you. 
“Good girl. That’s my good girl. Taking my cum so eagerly...you’ll treasure my gift to you, won’t you? Because you’re my treasure and I want to leave my mark in you… ”
You should be scared at how things reached this point all of a sudden, but you find that you don’t care.
Not when you’d also long held a torch for the charming barista.
It was only your own insecurities that prevented you from ever saying a word. Why would you when Akira was so handsome, so charming, so smart as compared to your...mediocre self?
“Yours…♥” Smiling dazedly at him, you press a chaste kiss to his soft lips before nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck as a wave of drowsiness overtakes you.
There’s no need to ask questions. What matters is that he loves you as much as you loved him. So you don’t think about it anymore, simply relishing in the fact that the object of your affections returned your seemingly unrequited love.
“ I’ll protect you. No one will ever take you away from me. Don’t worry, my dear. You’ll be taken care of for life. Now that you’re mine...you’ll be treated like the priceless treasure you are~ ”
Eerie olden orbs glowed in the darkness, sometimes glinting with an unspeakable malice but they mostly shone with tenderness they were seemingly incapable of whenever they were trained on your sleeping figure.
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toomuchracket · 2 months
drunk in love (d word matty x reader smut)
d word smut hiatus over, everyone cheer! inspired by a fun anon i got, takes place immediately after this blurb from last year. enjoy <3
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matty's skin is warm under your lips, the salt from the ocean you both swam in earlier still lingering faintly. it's a nice contrast to the sweetness of the champagne you're currently sharing, entwined on a blanket on a deserted malibu beach, watching the setting sun.
once you're done kissing all over your boyfriend's palm, you continue your trail up his middle and index fingers, cheekily taking them into your mouth with a wink. matty giggles, champagne escaping the corner of his lip and dripping down his lightly-stubbled chin; quick as a flash, you stop sucking his fingers in favour of catching the liquid on his face with your tongue, savouring the heady taste of it and him before attaching your lips to his own. your brain is already fuzzy from the bubbles in the drink, and matty's lips and tongue certainly don't help it - when he finally pulls away to breathe, slowly releasing your bottom lip from between his teeth and grinning, you're actually woozy.
he brushes a thumb over your cheek, glowing in the golden hour light. “hi, baby. i love you.”
“i love you,” you beam. the words still feel unfamiliar on your tongue, but getting to say them rather than think them makes you glow as much on the inside as matty is in the evening sunlight. “and i love telling you that i love you.”
“me too,” matty kisses your forehead, then your nose, then all over your face, drawing giggles from your throat; with a chuckle of his own, he pulls you into his chest for a cuddle. “fuck, i love you so much. my sweet girl.”
there's no doubt in your mind that he means it. in fact, there's nothing in your mind except thoughts of matty, how much you love him, and how you wish you could stay in this moment forever, bottle the feelings and the atmosphere and cork it like the champagne in your hand.
you think it might be twice as potent as the alcohol, though. but maybe that's just him.
still holding you, matty moves to lie on his back; he twirls your sun-dried hair around his fingers while you shuffle on top of him to get comfy, smiling warmly when you look up at him. he’s so beautiful that it breaks your heart, all happy-tired and messy-haired and soft worn-out band tee, but the total adoration for you in those pretty eyes is enough to mend it again.
with a kiss to his chest, right where his tattoo is, you sit up, stretching as you take a swig of the champagne set into a little well of sand beside you. matty sighs, moving his hands behind his head and continuing to look at you lovingly. “you're gorgeous, you know that, yeah?”
your cheeks burn as you shake your head. “you're drunk, baby.”
“well, maybe a little bit. but you're still gorgeous,” he runs his hands down your bare thighs, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “i always think that. even when i'm asleep.”
“you dream about me?”
“yeah. a lot.”
“no, for fuck's sake,” matty huffs out a laugh, flicking you on the thigh while you giggle. “always good dreams, when you're involved.”
“that's cute, babe,” you trace a little heart on the strip of bare skin visible where matty's t-shirt rides up. “what about sexy ones?”
matty smirks, nodding slowly. “oh yeah,” you have no idea if he means to or not, but he slides his hands across the tops of your thighs, pads of his calloused fingers tracing patterns into the silky skin on the inside of your upper legs; it makes you shiver, in the most delicious way. “those dreams are my favourite.”
“really?” you beam, flirtily biting your lip. “what are we doing in them, my love?”
matty watches as you take another drink from the champagne bottle, his pupils dilating yet never breaking from your own. “well, sweetheart, a lot of the time… you're doing something quite like that.”
“oh?” you blink faux-innocently, flicking your tongue over the opening of the bottle. “like this… daddy?”
your boyfriend groans, shuffling beneath you to try and alleviate the obviously-growing hardness in his shorts. still, he doesn't break eye contact with you, even when you slide your lips as far down the glass neck of the bottle as you can. “jesus christ, princess,” he whines, watching you pull off the bottle and tip some more of its contents into your mouth. “c'mere. wanna kiss you.”
mouth still half-full of champagne, you lean down and let your lips be manipulated by matty's. he moans softly when the alcohol falls into his mouth, drawing satisfied noises from your own throat as he licks practically all traces of it from you - these noises only increase in volume and quantity when his hands slide down to grab at your bikini-clad ass, rocking you back and forth across the hardness below you. it's heavenly, actually, being like this with the man you love in a place like this, just the two of you and the day's last warmth of the sun and the soft crashing of the sea behind you. your head is cloudy, from both bottle and boyfriend, but the desire in your stomach is as sharp as it's ever been.
you need to get matty off. now.
pulling back from his lips just enough to talk, you take a deep breath. “daddy,” your voice is soft, eyes wide and adoring and trained right on matty's, just the way you know fucks him up to an insane degree. “please can i suck you off?”
“shit,” comes the shaky reply, your boyfriend's soft lips meeting your own once again before he talks. “right now, sweet girl? princess wants to make daddy feel good, right out on the beach like this?”
you nod, an involuntary rush of pleasure pooling in your bikini. “mhmm.”
“come on, princess, you can do better than that,” matty runs his thumb over your lips, pulling them apart. “be a good girl and use your words, yeah?”
“mkay,” you smile sweetly at him. “wanna make you feel so good, daddy,” you kiss down over his jaw and up his neck, savouring the little moans he can't hold back before you talk again - well, whisper directly in his ear. “wanna show you how much i love you.”
the noise matty makes in response to that is almost enough to make you cum. he gently guides your head so he can look at you properly, kissing you surprisingly sweetly given the circumstances. “love you, my perfect girl,” he murmurs against your lips. “go on, then, do whatever you want to me. m'all yours. always.”
you hum happily. “all mine.”
matty nods, forehead resting against your own, voice barely a whisper. “yours,” he gently taps your cheek. “let me get ready for you, darling, yeah?”
“alright,” with a final kiss to his nose, you climb off matty's lap, watching as he moves to sit back on his knees and then settling onto your stomach in front of him. this position was an accidental discovery, borne out of you being too eager to get your mouth on him to let him move to lie down, and it's now a mutual favourite; you can watch each other, it's quite comfy for both of you, and - most crucially - it's incredibly easy for matty to fuck your mouth if he wants to.
you hope he does, today. but you'll have to put some work in first for that to happen, so you gently tug down his shorts just enough to free his cock, enjoying the little whine from the man above you when you take it in your hand. eyes locking onto matty's, you let a line of spit drip from your lips onto the head of his dick, smiling at the way he breathes shakily when you slowly pump him. “will you hold my hair back for me, please?”
“of course,” matty does as you ask, swearing under his breath when you press a kiss to the tip as a thank you, wrapping your lips around and flicking your tongue over it just as you did with the champagne. “beautiful girl, so fucking pretty with my dick in your mouth. use it on me, princess, that's my good girl.”
and who would you be to deny him?
you start slow, shallow, savouring the salt of him on your tongue; it cuts through the lingering sweetness of the champagne in the most delectable way, and soon enough you're speeding up your movements, inching further and further down your boyfriend's dick with every movement of your head. and even if you weren't completely obsessed with the way he tastes, the way he feels… the noises he's making, those gorgeous whimpers and groans and whines of your name, they would be enough to spur you on.
the noises turn to proper dirty talk after one particular movement; when he hits the back of your throat, you can't help but gag slightly, and the feeling of it seems to drive matty insane. “christ, princess, love it when you take all of me in that pretty mouth. so good for me, taking me so fucking well.”
you hum happily around him, pulling off quickly to breathe and beam at matty before ducking back down and taking him fully, again. squeezing your thumb in your fist with one hand, you use the other to flatten matty's hand on the back of your head; he understands immediately, gently pressing you down to keep your lips at the base of his cock and his length in your throat. you gag again, despite your thumb trick, but you don't make any attempt to move - you love being like this, mostly because you know matty loves it. he looks down at you, pretty eyes hazy with desire, smiling lazily as your teary gaze meets his own. “fucking hell, princess, look at you,” he coos. “pretty little - breathe, baby, that's it - pretty little slut for me, aren't you? sucking daddy's dick on the beach, where anyone could see, dirty girl. fucking love it,” his face softens, and he softly wipes the tears from your eyes with his free hand. “fucking love you.”
your heart glows, and you pull your mouth off your boyfriend, gasping for breath but still continuing to stroke him as you refill your airways. pressing a kiss to his hip tattoo, you grin up at him. “love you so much. and i need you to fuck my mouth almost equally as much, daddy. please?”
“god, you're so fucking cute. my needy girl,” matty laughs, massaging your scalp. “and to think you were quite innocent when i met you - had never had good sex, and now you're begging me to fuck your face in public. mental.”
you roll your eyes, cheeks burning - not so much out of shame for what you're doing, but more out of embarrassment for how clueless about sex you were when you met him. “yeah, yeah. but you fucking love it, don't you?”
“i do. i love everything you do,” matty boops your nose, smiling. “being in love with someone tends to make you feel like that, though.”
“yeah, it does, doesn't it?” you kiss the head of his dick again, smiling at the way he giggles. “and you know what i love you doing to me, yeah?”
“point taken, princess,” matty weaves his hands into your hair. “you know the drill - three taps if it gets too much, alright? and please remember to breathe, my love. no dick is worth dying for, even mine.”
you sigh. “you're an idiot. i can't believe i'm in love with you,” readjusting yourself on the blanket, you smile up at your boyfriend. “ready?”
“yeah. you?”
blinking coquettishly, you nod. “yes, daddy.”
“good girl.”
matty's eyes don't leave yours for a second as he slowly thrusts into your mouth. he's beautiful like this, you somehow manage to think despite your pleasure-addled brain, jaw slack and pouty lips parted and chest heaving, looking at you like he wants to eat you alive; that last bit changes when he’s fully down your throat, though, eyelids fluttering shut as he tentatively begins to fuck into you. “oh, baby,” he practically whimpers, hips speeding up a little - involuntarily, you think. regardless, you moan, and the vibrations egg him on even more. “i'm not going to last long, princess. you're too - jesus - too fucking good at this. made for it, yeah? made for me, for gagging on my dick like the slut only i know you are. talk to me, angel. tell me who you belong to.”
christ. you're fucking soaked.
you move to pull away so you can talk, but matty harshly pushes your head back down; another bolt of pleasure gushes into your bikini bottoms as he does. “i didn't tell you to stop doing that, princess,” he murmurs. “are you so cockdrunk that you can't multitask anymore? aww, baby.”
“no,” you whine, the sound barely inaudible with your mouth already so preoccupied. “m'sorry.”
“then i'll ask again,” a sharp tug on your hair makes you look up at your boyfriend - imminently close to orgasm, you recognise. “who do you belong to?”
you do your best to reply as clearly as possible. “i belong to you, daddy.”
matty smiles. “fuck yeah you do, princess,” his hips stutter, as do his moans, signalling what you already knew - he's about to cum. “and whose is daddy?”
fuck, you love him so much. “mine.”
and that's what does it for matty - with a groan of your name, he cums down your throat, holding your head in place until he's totally finished thrusting through the climax. you slide off him carefully, keeping your mouth open and the white liquid on your tongue to show him before you swallow; matty swears as you do, swigging more of the champagne before pulling you up to kiss him, letting the sweet and the salt mingle between the two of you as he wraps his arms around your waist. your head is spinning, a mixture of breathlessness and tiredness and drunkenness and matty, but you know you'll be alright in his arms. safest place in the world, you think.
he kisses your nose when he pulls back. “thank you, my darling. that was… yeah, that was incredible. you were incredible, perfect girl.”
shrugging, you snuggle into his chest. “i just like making you feel good, angel.”
“you're really fucking good at it,” matty giggles, sliding his hands under the hem of your t-shirt and kissing your temple. “will you let me return the favour, sweetheart?”
“can i cash it in a bit later tonight, baby?” you look up at him a bit shyly. “might sound, like, cliché or cringe or whatever, but i kind of just want to watch this sunset with you right now. if you want to, that is. we can do something else if you think it'll be boring.”
matty looks at you so tenderly you think you might cry, an eye-crinkling smile spreading across his face. “i don't think i could ever find anything boring if i was with you,” he kisses you, chastely, but the love is obvious in his lips. “come on, let's cuddle.”
and you do, until the stars appear in the inky-blue sky, and you and matty have drank all the ones stored in the bottle - which, incidentally, you make matty carry you back to the beach for, after you both decide to go indoors, tipsily saying “we can't litter, baby. what if a sea creature gets stuck in it?” and almost toppling the two of you when you reach to pick it up.
he puts you down quite reluctantly on the decking next to the kitchen door, grumbling while you put the empty bottle in the waste bucket. “hate not holding you.”
“awwwwww, baby. s'just for a second, though,” you - with some difficulty, admittedly - gently turn on the hose hanging on the side of the house. “okay - ooh, it's warm,” giggling, you hand the hose to your boyfriend. “right. get me wet, babe.”
matty smirks. “done that already, i reckon.”
“nooooooooo, not like that,” you sigh. “i mean get the sand off my legs. can't go in all messy. s'not our house.”
“could be,” matty says, absentmindedly waving the stream of water at your calves.
“i could buy it. we could live here,” he smirks as another thought comes into his head. “you could just wear those sexy little bikinis all the time. i'd love that,” his smirk fades into a dazed smile as he daydreams. the hose almost slips from his grasp, and the stream of water goes up too high and soaks your t-shirt as he fumbles to catch it. “oh, fuck.”
you shriek, the water sobering you up. “matthew!”
“sorry, darli- actually, no i'm not,” the smirk returns as your boyfriend takes in the white t-shirt now clinging to you like a second skin. “i am not sorry at all, fucking hell.”
“god, you're such a boy. give me that,” you frown, turning the hose on matty and rinsing the sand from his legs in seconds. “there. easy peasy.”
“you're not going to get me all wet? you know i love it when you do that.”
despite your annoyance, you grin. “take me inside and i might.”
“no need to tell me twice, darling,” matty scoops you up, bridal-style, and carries you through the french doors into the kitchen. with a kiss to your nose, he sets you down on the counter beside the sink, leaving you to flick the cabinet lights on while he closes and locks - with a little bit of difficulty, given his tipsiness - the door, before returning to you for another sloppy kiss. he tastes like champagne, even sweeter than usual, and you're mildly upset by the loss of it when he pulls back and raises your arms for you. “need to get this wet top off you, sweetheart. can't have my love getting a cold, now, can i?”
you giggle, letting him pull the t-shirt over your head and drop it into the sink. “take yours off, too? not that you're as at risk as i am, obv. i just think you're fit.”
he laughs, obliging you. “i love you.”
“love you,” biting your lip, you lightly drag your nails down matty's chest, hooking them in the waistband of his shorts and looking up at him as seductively as you can. “would it be possible for me to cash in that favour from earlier, baby?”
“i like the sound of that,” matty kisses you deeply, hands finding their way home to your tits and squeezing gently. “wanna go down on you first, though, if you'll have me.”
“yeah,” you whisper into him. “how do you want me, daddy?”
he smiles against you. “i want to bend you over this fucking counter, princess. how's that sound?”
shit. your bikini’s practically soaked through. “sounds so fucking good. thank you.”
“my sweet, filthy girl,” matty coos, kissing you. he gently lifts you off the counter and sets you down on the floor, stepping back slightly. “alright, you know what to do.”
with a quick final kiss and a whispered “i love you”, which is eagerly reciprocated, you turn away from matty and bend over the counter. the surface is cold under your bare chest, and your entire body trembles slightly; matty groans quietly at that, a sure sign his eyes are glued to your ass. without warning, he brings his hand down on it sharply, eliciting a moan from your lips and a matching “fuck” from his. “god, princess,” he murmurs, rubbing the now-sore spot on your ass. “you're so fucking hot. gonna make you feel so good, baby, alright?”
“mhmm,” you whimper, wiggling your ass in total desperation. “please, please, daddy.”
“relax, my girl,” there's the sound of movement, and you whimper when you feel his breath on your core. “let daddy take care of you.”
you've barely whined out an agreement before matty's tongue is on your clit, flicking over the bundle of nerves before licking a flat stripe up your cunt. you gasp at the feeling, a gasp that quickly turns to a moan when you feel him dip his tongue into you, groaning at the taste he's often told you is his favourite thing in the world; you never really believe him, but the enthusiasm with which he's utterly devouring you right now hints that he might not actually be exaggerating. his hands are warm, firmly gripping your ass to keep you exactly where he wants you while he makes out - there's really no other word to describe it - with your cunt. you're not sure whether it's drunkenness or tiredness or something else, but matty's sloppier than usual with his mouth, his usual precise (deadly) tongue flicks replaced with messy licks and sucks and grazes with his teeth.
it's not like you'll complain, though; he's still making you feel good, drawing half-screamed whines out of you every two seconds, and you can feel how desperate he is for you to cum, all over his face. and isn't that just the hottest thing of all?
you find it so hot, actually, that you give your boyfriend what he wants in an almost embarrassingly short amount of time. after what seems to be an attempt by matty to bury his entire tongue inside you, your body begins to shake, nerves sending bursts of electric pleasure into the pit of your stomach and lifting your heels off the ground slightly; matty smacks your ass again, a warning for you to keep still so he can finish you off properly, and you whimper. “need to cum, daddy, please, please. so fucking close, so so fucking close. can i?”
matty doesn't answer, but his mouth continues its efforts - your grasp on reality isn't too great at the minute, but you're pretty sure he gets even wilder, even more enthusiastic, licking up past your cunt and frantically sucking your clit in his determination to get you off. and he fucking loves it; in the end, it's the vibrations from him moaning into you that actually tip you over the edge, kinetic energy coursing back through your nervous system as you cry out. “yeah, yeah, daddy, m'cumming. oh, fuck me fuck me fuck me, please, so good, so fucking good.”
amidst your babbling and the orgasm still ebbing from your body, you're vaguely aware of matty pulling away from you, one hand leaving your ass as he pulls himself to stand - that changes about a second later, though, when he slides into you without warning and just thrusts. you smile breathlessly, cheek smushed into the counter, sighing contentedly. “oh, thank you.”
“so sweet for me, princess,” matty laughs breathily, his tender tone at odds with the roughness he's fucking you with. “i love you.”
“i love you too,” you whine at a particularly good thrust. “oh, fuck, daddy, please don't stop.”
“wouldn't dream of it, my love,” he presses a kiss to your shoulder blade. “you gonna be a good girl and cum for me again?”
“yes.” you aren't lying - already, your limbs are starting to tremble again.
“yes what?” matty fucks harder into you, hips slapping against your own. “who is it that's making you feel so good, princess?”
you gulp, eyes rolling back into your head from the overwhelming pleasure. “yes, daddy. s'you making me feel good, making me cum.”
the smile in your boyfriend's voice is audible. “that's my girl. c'mere, sweetheart,” matty pulls you up so your back is flush against his chest, still fucking you as he turns your head to look over your shoulder. “give daddy a kiss.”
you oblige eagerly, sloppily kissing him and letting his tongue explore your mouth. throughout it all, his hips don't let up, and the pressure in your stomach grows with every further movement. “m'close again,” you whimper into matty, moaning when you feel his hand slide down the front of your body to your clit. “so close.”
“yeah?” you boyfriend coos against your lips. “want me to make you cum, sweet girl?”
the pleasure is blinding, your vision literally blurring as you reach breaking point. “please, daddy.”
matty smiles, fingers frantic between your thighs. “go on then.”
his lips attach themselves to your neck as you tip your head back onto his shoulder, orgasm hitting you like a freight train for the second time in minutes. you wail a garbled mixture of your boyfriend's name and the nickname only you call him, throwing an arm back around his neck to keep him close while he fucks you as best he can through your climax, given that you're clenching so tightly around his dick.
once the aftershocks subside, you flop forward; matty stops you from clattering against the counter by wrapping an arm around your stomach and lowering you gently, hips faltering as he chases his own release. “shhh, baby, i know,” he murmurs, hand returning home to your hip and softly rubbing patterns into the skin. “so good, so perfect for daddy, princess. want me to fill you up?”
turning your face on the cold wood, you smile at him, completely fucked out - he doesn't look any better, you note, sweaty and tired and red and maybe the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. “mhmm,” you nod slowly. “love you.”
“i love you, so much - oh, fuck, sweetheart,” matty spills inside you with a groan, resting his forehead against your back as he slows to a stop. you can feel him smiling into you. “christ, i'm fucking knackered - well, actually,” pulling out of you with a hiss and a hushed “sorry, baby”, matty turns and lifts you to sit on the counter, angling your hips just so to avoid creating more of a mess. “reckon i'm awake enough to clean you up before bed, if you like.”
you card your fingers through his hair. “you really do so much for me. s'amazing.”
he shrugs. “what can i say? i love you.”
smiling, you pull him in for a hug. “i love you too. come on, let's go and clean up.”
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sparrow-bear · 10 months
Okay so here’s the thing that gets me about Good Omens (s2 in particular):
Earth and humanity are (as far as we know) meant to exist so that heaven and hell have a playing field to best one another, initially by seeing who can exert their influence on humans most and ultimately as a battleground for their war. Humans themselves are kinda inconsequential.
But! Anyone from either side who comes to earth with even a *skerrick* of curiosity immediately starts to fall for the emergent properties of humanity- the music, the food, the art, the shades of grey that simply do not exist in heaven or hell. We see this in Aziraphale and Crowley who have found ways to keep their positions on earth for 6000 years yes, but we see it even more in Beelzebub and Gabriel, who have been to earth many times but only started to *see* it for the first time together, and in Muriel who we are told has never been to Earth before and is overcome with excitement seemingly within seconds of arriving.
There is something so deliciously pure and healing about this story that centres not just love between individuals being the most powerful thing in the universe, but also the simple love of *being alive*. It’s so potent that celestial/demonic powers succumb to the joy of living the *moment* they open themselves up to it. To see these timeless entities stumbling together through human history interacting with and delighting at, not humans themselves so much but the things that they have created. To know that the joy they find in these human constructs is literally changing the very fabric of who they are in ways that they clearly find freeing and deeply fulfilling. That they would literally rather live their quaint little lives on earth, drinking and eating their fill and experiencing human creations, than fulfil their purpose in some cosmic destiny. That they’ll fight to protect it so fiercely even though they’ve been told it’s destruction is preordained.
It’s wild that a story that doesn’t have human characters at it’s centre (in the show anyway), so expertly conveys the joy of being human. Whether you believe humanity exists for a purpose or not, we are simply silly little creatures with an overactive pleasure drive making things that are infinitely more complex than the sum of their parts.
Idk man, it’s the absolute reverence for simple contentment this story holds above all else that gives me life (especially in contrast to its irreverence of Christian morality). I liked season 1 a lot but season 2 soothed some deep hurt in my heart and I’m just so grateful it exists.
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intynidad · 1 year
Love potion
Yandere oc (Isaac)x reader
Tw:dub-con??, aphrodisiac uses,gn pronouns for reader, Isaac being a creep (tell me if i missed anything)
Being a chemist has its perks...
Love, obsession, happiness—they were all chemical reactions in the end, and Isaac knew it all too well.
"Today, I'm gonna treat you!" Isaac said with a cheerful tone.
After some time, Isaac finally mustered the courage to ask you on a date. At first, it was going to be something classic like going to the movies or taking a walk in the park. But, oh, look at the weather! If only somebody had watched the weather forecast, they would have known it was going to rain!
Well, Isaac knew, and he also knew that you wouldn't be able to check the weather because your phone had mysteriously disappeared from your locker in the staff room. Furthermore, some weird hooligan had cut the internet cable in your department! Poor you, feeling hopeless!
But don't worry, your hero Isaac was here to help you out.
"Thanks, Isaac. I'm sorry I had to crash at your place," you said, unaware of the way your host looked at the raindrops sliding through your body and into your clothing, almost making it translucent. However, you wouldn't suspect that your dear friend was looking at you that way!
After all, he is your trusted friend and favorite customer. How could he even think of you in such a way?
"Don't worry, Y/N. I'm going to make something to eat. You can use our- i mean,the shower in my room while I prepare everything," he said, quickly correcting himself.
And off you went on your merry way. Oh, how he wished he could be the towel clinging to your wet, warm skin. How he wished he could watch you in such a vulnerable moment!
But he will...
He surely will.
A love potion—or at least that's how he liked to refer to his newest creation—a special blend of chemicals meant to make you giddy, happy, and perhaps a few other things too.
But don't worry, darling!
He wouldn't make you drink something that was unsafe for you!
He had obviously tested it before, so he was sure it was 100% safe (probably).
Just a couple of splashes into your drink, and it would be ready to go.
Don't worry, he was also going to have a few splashes. After all, if both of you were in the mood, the fun would be even better.
"Order for the most fantastic person in the world!" Isaac said, half-jokingly. But you didn't know that.
After that, everything happened so fast. He knew his little mix was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be that potent. A couple of minutes after finishing your drink, your cheeks felt warm—actually, your whole body felt warm, a kind of intoxicating warmth that made you sweat and pant.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Isaac's voice was a little raspy and low.
"I... I feel..." the words just got stuck in your throat.
"Hot?" Isaac said, his hand resting on your thigh as he slowly moved it up and down—a small but subtle movement that sent shivers down your spine.
You couldn't help but moan at the electric sensation. The delicious friction of Isaac's touch was overwhelming.
"Y/N... would you like me to help you out?"
He waited, patiently seeking a small nod.
He waited, and the seconds felt like hours, but he was a patient man.
The heat in your body was at its breaking point, ready to tip over. So you looked into his eyes and said,
“Yes please”
And what happens after that is history
The way his long fingers strip you of your clothing, the was his mouth worked wonders on your nipples and underpart
The way he greedily hide your underwear under his bed so he could sniff it later
The way your nails dug into his back while nothing but praises were whispered in your eyes
How he pound you until your started to beg to stop, you were just so overstimulated and so sensitive you already came so much, please please stop
But he knew that you could take it just a little bit more.
At the end both of you were exhausted and covered in sweat and other fluids,and you passed out from exhaustion and pleasure while Isaac just looked at you sleep.
Like an angel, his angel
And only his
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biteofcherry · 10 months
Which one of your babes would you want to write a sex pollen AU (or riff) for?! 😏
🥺 whispers shyly: "All of them" 🥺
I wrote a sex pollen for Bucky. And seriously, I probably could imagine a sort of sex pollen for any of the men I lust after? Some ideas below:
What if you're spending summer on a Greek island where you meet Ari and he introduces you to the best drink ever - honey of the gods they call it. You've already been fantasizing about Ari, your panties a little wet from all the times he brushed against you and whispered into your ear. But then each sip of the drink increases that craving for him, until your slick is dripping down your thighs and the need becomes unbearable. Ari's eyes reflect inhuman gold when you drop to your knees at his feet and beg him to take you. Your skin will shimmer too, once he fills you and marks you as his.
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Or perhaps you're super proud of the fact you're assisting Captain Rogers in this new project, being so dedicated and wanting to prove yourself that you don't question the fact part of the research takes place in a secret facility. You have only a few minutes to cry in fear when America's golden boy turns out to be the head of Hydra himself. Once he injects you with something, all reason and fear melt away, because the burning in your whole body - especially between your legs - turns you into a begging, dripping mess. When he's done with you long hours later, your body is boneless and leaking Steve's thick, potent cum. You won't need any more injections to be his obedient breeder.
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There's also possibility of a little misadventure (your own fault, really) with your two bosses, Andy and Lloyd. As their assistant slash pet they take you with them everywhere; including a small island hidden from any satellites and radars. It used to belong to the CIA, but Lloyd has his ways and Andy knows how to fool bureaucratic trails. They tell you not to venture alone, but of course you don't listen. And the shiny, juicy fruit on the small tree look so delicious, really what harm could it do? When you stumble back into the house, already sweaty and whimpering, Lloyd curses under his breath. Andy sighs and takes his phone out to reschedule any plans they had for the upcoming days. Since you're already their broken good girl, how worse can they make it for you now that your body is highly desperate to have any of your holes stuffed from the genetically modified fruit that was designed as a torture device.
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slu7formen · 1 month
Could we have a part 2 of friend Luke teasing us?? help im so addicted rereading that so many timesssss
(smut or more flirting? your choice love—)
SORRY FOR THE WAIT, this request was asked more than once so here it is. Also, I´m so glad you liked the previous part so much you re-read it <3 🥺, tysm
previous part (if u want)
MDNI. luke castellan x fem!reader
warnings: luke´s a fucking tease, again, pet names, semi-public s3x, alcohol mention, kissing, biting, sucking, unprotected p in v (don´t), dom!luke, rough s3x.
reminder: english´s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
"I'm going for a walk. Care to join me?" you asked, swaying on your feet. Your voice wobbled slightly, but it held.
Luke's amusement was evident in the quirk of his eyebrow. "A walk, huh?" he drawled, his gaze lingering on the way your lips, still tingling from the fiery drink, were slightly parted. "Too drunk already?” he teases.
You roll your eyes with a groan from your throat. “Are you coming or not?” you cross your arms over your chest, the movement slightly comical given your unsteady stance, but your breasts crushed so deliciously when you did so, tightening the fabric of your t-shirt, that Luke couldn´t help but dart his eyes down there for a second.
A slow smile spread across his face, the kind that sent a delicious yet cold shiver down your spine. "Alright" he sighed, rising smoothly to his feet, even when his system was filled with the strongest drink he found himself drinking on a few minutes ago. “Lead the way then, princess”
You set off through the trees, the path illuminated only by the sliver of moon peeking through the tree cups and the distant glow of the bonfire, less and less intense the further you hid in the shadows. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig sounded amplified in the quiet night. You could practically feel the weight of Luke's gaze on your back. His eyes roamed down your body from behing, eyes falling to the way your hips swayed so effortlessly as you walked, that fucking jean skirt accentuating your curves in all the right places. You weren't sure if you were leading him, or if he was leading you, both of you drawn by a force far stronger than reason.
After what felt like an dense and heavy eternity, you reached a clearing bathed in moonlight. A large oak tree stood in the center, its branches reaching out like gnarled fingers. You stopped, a nervous flutter in your stomach.
"Nice spot" Luke said, his voice a husky murmur behind you.
You turned to face him, his dark form silhouetted against the moonlit clearing. "It is, right?" you agreed, your voice barely a whisper.
As if on cue, the music from the bonfire faded completely, replaced by the chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves in the night breeze. The world seemed to shrink until all that existed was the space between you and Luke.
He took a slow and confident step towards you when your eyes kept looking at him, and you met him halfway, the space between you shrinking with each step. The playful teasing from earlier was gone, replaced by a simmering intensity in his dark eyes. His hand reached out, cupping your cheek. You closed your eyes at the feeling of his warm touch, cold sweat forming on your palms. This wasn't how you'd imagined spending your night, but suddenly, it felt like the most perfect moment you could have ever wished for.
"Gods" you breathed, the sound barely audible, "you're killing me, Luke." Even with your eyes closed, you could feel the intensity of his gaze burning into you, and felt his smile too.
He chuckled, a low rumble that vibrated through your body. "Maybe that's the point, doll." His voice was husky, laced with something that sent a jolt of desire sizzling through your veins.
You opened your eyes, meeting his stare. His cheeks were flushed a faint red, a testament to the potent drink he'd consumed, but his eyes held a fierce intensity that excited you, even though you´ve seen it before, just not this close. His hair was windblown and messy, perfectly accompaying his handsome features.
"That was quite a show back there" he rumbled, his voice low and warm inside your ears, as he placed behind your ear a stray of loose hair. You could smell the faint scent of the strange red drink on him, mingled with something else - a familiar, comforting scent that you associated with him.
"You dared me" you defended yourself, suddenly self-conscious under his scrutiny.
He chuckled again. "Don't worry, ´m not judging. I'm just impressed."
His thumb brushed over your lips, sending a spark of desire shooting inside your tummy. "You shouldn't have done that just to prove a point, though." There was a playful glint in his eyes, but also a hint of something more, something serious simmering beneath the surface.
The words were a warning, but they held an undercurrent of something else entirely. The way he was looking at you now, with a fire burning in his eyes that mirrored your own, made your knees weak. You knew he wanted to kiss you, but he wanted to make you wait; by brushing your lips with his thumb, your jawline, your cheekbones. His touch, so light, left a trail of thin fire where he touched, a blush in your face, a hot feeling against his fingers.
"Who said I was trying to prove a point?" you ask, your voice as weak as your knees felt.
He met your gaze then, his dark eyes searching yours after he drifted them away from your plump lips. "What was it about then?" he asked, raising his eyebrows in a mocking tone.
You swallowed, the sudden honesty both exhilarating and terrifying. "You" you blurted out, word dripping heavy from your lips.
A smile tugged at the corner of Luke's lips.
"Me?" he echoed, his voice husky. "What about me?"
You weren't sure if you could take back the words you were about to say, but the look in his eyes, the way his hand tightened on your cheek, urged you forward. In a sudden, bold move, you brushed your hands against his forearms, gripping them. Then, with a surge of newfound courage fueled by the moonlight and the strange drink, you reached out and guided his free hand to your waist, slipping it dangerously beneath the edge of your shirt. Your touch sent a visible tremor through him.
"I´m not dumb, Luke.” you confessed, your voice trembling slightly, but still flashing a smirk at him. "The way you like to tease me," you continued, your cheeks burning even hotter. "The way you look at me-,"
Before you could finish your sentence, the space between your lips vanished. With a grip on the base of your neck, he slammed his cold lips against yours. His kiss was sudden, fierce, and intoxicating. It tasted of the strange red mix he'd been drinking, but it was also the taste of desire, of unspoken feelings finally finding their release. It was a kiss fueled by the electricity that had been crackling between you all night, by the way his eyes roamed down your body, by the way you instantly feel your arousal stain your panties as soon as he called you ´Good girl´, a desperate exploration that spoke volumes more than words ever could.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, clinging to him as if he were the only solid thing in a world that suddenly felt like it was spinning. His hand found its way to the small of your back, pressing you flush against him, the heat of his body searing through your thin shirt. You moaned into his kiss, a sound that was both surprised and utterly satisfied.
The kiss was messy, fueled by the heat of the moment and the alcohol coursing through your veins. You stumbled backwards, his hand following the curve of your back and the top of your ass until you found yourselves pressed against the rough bark of the oak tree.
His touch ignited a fire within you, a desperate need for more. You stood on your tiptoes to reach his lips more, which were impossibly perfect in the moonlight. Your height difference, usually a minor annoyance, felt electric now. You felt small and protected in his arms, yet the need to be closer burned bright.
A strangled moan escaped his own lips as his tongue danced against yours, exploring every corner with a possessive urgency. The quiet of the night was only broken by the ragged sound of your breaths and the frantic thump of your hearts, the smack of your lips. The kiss intensified more, a battle for dominance that you were both surprisingly eager to lose.
He was gripping into everything he could, he semed to know you so well; he grabbed your waist, gently let his finger fall from your shoulder blades to your lower back, brush your inner thighs with his fingers and just when you parted your lips to sigh in satisfaction, he would fly his hand to your throat again, squeezing slightly; he still gave you reasons to look for breath.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, the dark strands surprisingly soft against your fingertips, and pulled slightly.
"Whoa there, princess" he murmured against your lips, his voice thick and heavy. He pulled back slightly, just enough to break the kiss, but not enough to sever the connection entirely. His eyes, dark and gleaming with desire, twinkled with a hint of his usual teasing glint. "Slow down. We've got all night, or at least until someone notices we´re gone."
Even in your flustered state, you couldn't help but let out a small laugh. The sound was breathless and shaky, but it broke the tension that had been building between you. “Everyone knows we´re gone. Besides, you started it” you mumbled.
"Maybe I did" he admitted, his eyes gleaming with a devilish delight. "But you have to admit, doll, you didn´t stop me."
He leaned down again, but this time, the kiss was different. It was slower, more deliberate, his tongue exploring yours with a languid sensuality that sent a whole new different warmth in your body, more intimate, more private.
"Maybe you should show me exactly what you meant by 'not dumb'" he whispered, his breath warm against your ear. His words were a challenge as his kisses started to trail down the side of your neck.
You bit your lip, torn between playful defiance and a desperate need to feel his lips lower. "You know what I meant, Luke” you breathed out.
“Can you read me that well?” he let out a breathed laugh out, his hot breath making the skin of youe neck grow goosebumps.
"Maybe better than you think" you whisper. Your lodged your head back, the back of your skull hit the rough oak tree, but Luke´s lips trailed such delicious and desperate bruises down your neck that you didn´t seem to care.
The conversation was quickly replaced by the filfthiest sounds; his teeth sucking on your skin, the wet pop of it whenever he would pull at your skin to start another purple spot on your skin, your whimpers as he did so.
His hips pressed against yours, squeezing his hardened cock against your pelvis to relieve the painful and heavy tension inside his jeans. One of his hands brushed up one of your thighs, grabbing it from the back of your knee to raise it towards his hip. Then it widened, fingers open as much as possible and squeezing the flesh as he went higher, your skin getting hotter and more tender as he trailed up, finally brushing his fingers over your panties.
You gasped when he applied the tiniest pressure, breath shaking as he held tighter onto your body. Your had your hips rolling against his hand unconsiously, letting little whimpers fall off your lips as Luke grinned at the feeling of his fingertips getting slightly wet.
He pulled them aside slightly, your arousal coating his fingers as you let out a strangled moan from the back of your throat. Luke pulls back slightly, his face in front of yours. He admired your face, twisted in pleassure as he dipped one finger in, slowly. "You´re all wet for me" he whispers, eyes darting from yours, to your lips.
A small pout crossed your features as you nodded. Luke felt like dying. The alcohol had his head spinning slightly, eyes blurry as he tried to focus on your face again, the little pout in your lips, your pink cheeks, the so innocent look made his cock ache more inside his jeans. You were too much for him, you always were his weakness, but tonight every emotion he ever felt for you was multiplied a hundred times more.
He would lie to himself if he said he didn´t dream about having you before, about holding you tight against him, about feeling how warm you would be. He spent endless nights jerking himself off at the simple thought of you, his mind racing with all the memories he held deep back into his head. He loved it when you wore skirts like now, so small yet so elegant in your legs, how you managed to make everything pretty on you even if we were talking about the sweaty and old camp shirt. He loved the exposed skin of your legs and arms, your cleveage, your neck. he fantasized about them every time he could, biting on his bottom lip and holding back moans as his hips twitched when his seed would stick in between his fingers.
But now he didn´t have to worry about being quiet, or about how long he would have to keep his secret to himself, because he had you right there, with two fingers deep into your cunt, pumping them in and out at a fast pace that only made the squelching sound louder and wetter by the second.
He took your bottom lip in between his teeth, stealing a painful cry from you. Your brows were frowned in the deepest pleasure when you started to mumble senseless things in Luke´s ear, something about going faster, or harder. Truth was, Luke wasn´t entirely listening either, too focused on how much he could use you by following all the thoughts that ever crossed around his dirty mind.
He felt like staining his pants any second when your hand squeezed in between your bodies and grabbed onto his cock over the fabric of his jeans, your hand guiding your fingers up and down as you tried your best to satsify him too. A low groan erupted from him, darting your hand away and pinning it against the tree behind you.
"Stay still" he said in between tight teeth, his nose bumping against your as he used his free hand to get rid of his belt. Your heart pounded at a franatic rythym, almost ripping out of your chest. You decided to keep quiet, pressing your lips together as you patiently waited. "I know you´d blow me if I asked you to" he suddenly blurted out, "but as much as I like your pretty mouth, I don´t wanna cum in it yet" he declared with a single raise of his eyebrows.
Your cheeks got squeezed together when he grabbed them with a single hand, kissing you deeply again. He had pulled his jeans down to the ground, and as much as you wanted him to manhadle you, to tell you what to do, to play with you more, you couldn´t wait much longer. Your free hand went down slowly as your lips moved against each other. Luke hissed when your cold hand grabbed the base of his cock, heavy and hot in between your fingers. You pumped him a few times before leading it to your entrance.
And you both lost it.
You tried to be as quiet as you could, Luke slapping his hand across your lips as you pulled into his hair to make him groan instead of moaning, but it was a task as hard a letting your mouths do the sound they pleased. You squeezed your eyes shut at how tight the knot in your belly was turning, your cunt squeezing Luke´s cock so much it started to hurt.
Because Luke was not gentle, or slow. He was behaving like an animal, fucking you like one, with his deep groans and the bites along your neck and shoulders. He held you up as your legs were wrapped around his waist, back painfuly pressing against the rough tree behind you. He shook you as if you were lightweighed, hands gripping to your ass with his hips slamming against yours over and over again.
The heel of your feet pushed his lower back, forcing him to go deeper. He was being louder than you, moaning into your ear with his mouth hanging open and his brows frowned, his words dripping down your body, melting your brain.
"You feel so good, baby" he panted. "So tight. Can’t believe I had to wait this long to fuck this pussy"
And you couldn´t help but reply to his words, parting your lips and letting out the most pornographic whimper you could release when your ass kept bumping and bumping against the oak. The material was hurting your skin, but you didn´t seem to care. All you asked was for more, and more, and more, and Luke was determinated to give you what you wanted.
"You´ve always been my favorite, Luke" you whispered into his ear, one of your hands holding the back of his neck. Your words came out so easily, it didn´t seem as if he was fucking you so violently that it had your back hurting and your eyes rolling at the back of your skull. "I-," you cut yourself off, biting your lips to get out a single cry. The tip of his cock was brushing your spongiest spot. "I always knew you´d fuck me right"
You smiled when a subtle whimper of vulnerabilty slipped past his lips. "Yeah?" was all he asked.
"Yes" you pleaded. "I know you´re always playing, but, you can have me when you want"
He was fucking you dumb against a tree, and you were rotting his brain with your words. You could sense the effect it had on him; how he gripped you tighter, painting bruises into your skin. How he rested his forehead on the crook of your neck and his breath smashed into your skin.
"I´ve always wanted you, yn"
There was a glenching sound echoing through the clearing, the sound of where you two connected the most, but it got lower and lower as Luke´s frenetic movements started to slow down its pace.
He grilled his teeth when his cum filled you up, white and hot. He squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling, it was too good. You squeezed him on porpuse when his cock twitched inside you, his hands almost failing at the task of holding you to him.
He stopped feeling his heartbeat inside his ears, but his mouth hung open against your chest, kissing your sternum tenderly as he slowly made you stand on his feet again.
You placed your hands over his shoulders, hugging him into your embrace as his lips grazed over yours again. He brushed them against yours before pressing softly, the taste of the alcohol forgotten, but the warmth of his smooth flesh transfered to your mouth.
But when he tried to pull away to kneel down and look at the mess he had made; his cum dripping down your legs, your panties so messy you weren´t sure if you could wear them ever again, you stopped him.
"I haven´t cummed yet. This isn´t over, big boy"
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fefairys · 1 year
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all the pics of the food and drinks we got from the cafe! forgot to get a pic of the highblood and the batterwitch drinks, but we tried those as well! my reviewz of them under the cut bc ppl said they were curious for the tl;dr: everything was lovely!
first image - Dave's apple juice - yeah its just apple juice with a candy apple cold foam which was DELICIOUS and i loved a little appy juice treat :3
second image -
Sburb Soda Beta: Mtn Dew with green apple flavoring Sburb Soda Alpha: Mtn Dew Code Red with Dragon fruit flavoring
these were both really good! they kinda tasted like gushers since they had gushers in em. just soda with some nice flavors in there! super sweet! the sburb alpha was my favorite
third image- the mayor strawberry - i didnt eat the strawberry part but the chocolate was nice and Juice says the strawberry wasn't great, since it isn't strawberry season. he says "it was okay!" enthusiastically lol. it was a real big strawberry 😳 and it was super cute :3
fourth image - Grimsnark Milk Tea: Passion fruit, Jasmine, Marigold, and rose milk tea with a green matcha cold foam - not actually the fuckin neon green color from that picture requiem shared lol! i didn't care for this cause i'm not a fan of how strongly rose-flavored it was? but juice enjoyed it, and the green matcha cold foam was nice :3 Strawberry Lalonde: Strawberry and Rose lemonade topped with sprite - delicious!!! i think the rose part of it gave it the slight flavor of tasting like it was spiked, which was fitting lol and it also came with pink rock candy!!
fifth image - The Pumpkin Rodeo: uhhh i cant find the official description of this but it was two waffles with pumpkin ice cream, whipped cream, green sprinkles, and a candied orange slice! - SO FUCKING GOOD but expensive! but the waffles were fresh and hot and it was so awesome. yummyyy i miss it
sixth image - juice holding the Sopor Slime Pie which was just some key lime pie! it was like, super potent lime flavor.. it was pretty tasty i enjoyed it :) but definitely only recommend it if u like key lime pie a lot cause its like a STRONG one lmao. but it was suuuuper fluffy! very pleasant texture :3
not pictured (sorry i forgor but u can find pics on the instagram it just looked like the picture) - High Blood: Blackberry butterfly pea tea and lavender lemonade Batterwitch Latte: Cake flavored latte with actual Betty Crocker ingredients u could definitely taste all of the ingredients listed in the highblood it was a very nice combination, i enjoyed the blackberry ^u^ two of my friends who tried it gave it rave reviews as well! and the batterwitch was a really good, sweet coffee drink i enjoyed it a lot!!! definitely getting that one again, i think it was my favorite. love me an ice coffee..
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shy-lynn · 3 months
(An RE4 remake Leon fanfiction)
cw: MDNI!, NSFW 18+, violence, torture, gore, yandere
Chapter 2
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Everything that happened last night was a blur. I remember eating dinner with Leon and then getting into a discussion about drinking and how I don’t do it anymore. The sight of Leon sipping on his potent smelling whiskey made it hard to resist the urge to have a drink. I mean, hell, that whole day was just too much. I could use a drink to burn out the events of the day. I remember having a glass of wine, and the taste was so horrible I couldn’t even finish it, Leon had to. Then, Leon went over to the wine shelf and picked out a white wine. He said it was sweet and had floral notes so a sissy like me would probably like the taste of this more. He poured me a glass of it, I gladly accepted and took a sip. It was delicious. It was hard to believe it was truly wine because it was that good. I don’t recall how many glasses I had for the life of me, but it was enough to pull me into a severely drunken state. I remember Leon urging me to probably stop because he didn’t want me to suffer the consequences in the morning but of course I would dismiss him and tell him, “Oh, I didn’t realize that you were the boss of me.” Which of course would cause him to put his hands up in defeat.
I don’t even remember how I got into bed, let alone pajamas. It’s crazy how much my head was pounding. Nausea stirred up inside me, the morning light reflecting into the room made me want to die. I slowly sit up and walk over to the window to close the curtains. I looked over to the door of the bedroom and noticed it was left wide open, I sigh and then walk down to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water. I see Leon standing there, seemingly getting ready to cook something.
“Making a nice helping of greasy bacon. And eggs.” Leon says, shaking his head at the sight of me. I immediately gag at the mention of greasy bacon. This causes Leon to chuckle softly and also encourages him to keep it going, “Nothing like super greasy bacon when you’re hungover. Greasy grease grease…” He trailed off, smiling all the while. I didn’t stick around to listen anymore because I bolted up the stairs to the bathroom and began throwing up. I sighed once I was done, flushed the toilet and walked over to the sink to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I was done, I went back downstairs feeling significantly better. I grabbed a glass of water and started to drink it, “Feel better?”
I scoff at Leon and nod my head, “No thanks to you.” This causes Leon to smile again and raise his eyebrow.
“All thanks to me actually. I knew you’d feel better if you threw up.” Leon shrugs his shoulders and turns around to continue cooking, “I’ve had my fair share of hangovers. The first time I got hungover was horrible. It was my first day of work.” I look at Leon, curiously wanting to know more.
“First day of work where? Here?” I ask, hoping for more details. Leon just sighed and I could tell that his face contorted into one of sadness. As soon as I notice the sudden change in his demeanor I say, “You don’t have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Leon waves me off and shakes his head, “It’s fine… It happened so long ago so it doesn’t even matter. Let me finish cooking this and I’ll tell you about it while we eat.” Leon resumed the cooking, it didn’t take much longer, maybe only 5 minutes. We sat down with our plates and I looked at Leon expectedly. He took a deep breath before continuing, “It was my first day as a cop in Racoon City. I was supposed to come sooner but I got a call telling me not to come for another week. I spur of the moment broke up with my girlfriend, got a room at a motel close to Racoon city and got drunk. The next night I was supposed to report to the police department to start my first day. When I got into town, something was off… There was no one around. And then I saw it. A man… but he wasn’t right. Something was weird about him. Luckily I had my gun. Man was like nothing I’ve seen before. When I went further into the city, it was even worse. Everyone was infected with that T-virus that you claim to be immune to, except for a few people. But only me and 3 others made it out of Racoon City that day before it was blown to pieces to cover up the events of what happened.”
Leon looked defeated. You could tell he’s been through more than you could ever imagine. You couldn’t fathom being in Leon’s shoes. Sure, you went through something pretty traumatic yourself recently, but if we’re trying to debate what’s worse… Leon’s situation does it. Especially considering that it probably wasn’t his last time dealing with something like that. I look down at my plate, not having touched a bit of it, my face washed over with regret, “I’m so sorry… I didn’t realize that you…” I trail off, not even being able to form the right words. Leon shakes his head quickly trying to dismiss it.
“Like I said… It was a long time ago. So, don’t get all mixed up about it, it’s not a big deal.” Leon takes a bite of his food but avoids eye contact. After a while, we both have our fills. I go upstairs and get dressed. I then go back downstairs trying to find anything to do to cure my boredom. I’ve been cooped up for so long that I don’t even know what to do anymore. I thought that by getting out of that situation, I would be free. Free to go wherever I pleased. But, no. Just the opposite actually. Sure I’m not chained up against my will and tortured but I’m locked in a house with a guy I don’t even know. Yes, it could be worse but fuck… I was getting stir crazy. I sit on the bay window in the living room and stare outside longingly. I must’ve not heard Leon’s footsteps approaching me because I jumped suddenly when he asked, “You want to sit outside?” I perked up instantly at his suggestion and nodded my head, “I have to come with you but I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to sit outside for a bit.” 
I get my shoes on and let Leon lead me outside. The fresh air feels nice. The sun shines on my skin, warming me up. I wander around the yard. It’s gorgeous, truly. Nothing but green trees, blue skies. There's a lake adjacent to the backyard. You have to walk a ways to get to it, but it’s a beautiful sight. A fire pit, a large and cozy looking deck with lounge chairs and regular chairs. I walk over to the deck and lay down in one of the lounge chairs, soaking up the sun. Leon follows me every step of the way to ensure nothing happens. He has his gun rested in the holster on his thigh, his hand propped on it just in case he needs it quickly. I tilt my head up to look at Leon. I start to get slightly uncomfortable as he never once looks away from me. He just stands there, cooly, hand resting on his gun, watching me, “You know… you could at least sit. You’re making me feel weird.”
Leon chuckles slightly before taking a seat in a chair across from me, “Sorry. Just… I don't really know what I’m supposed to be doing here. My typical missions aren’t like this at all. I usually deal with more uh, action packed missions.”
I nod my head and frown slightly, “Sorry you got stuck with me. I know I can be quite boring.” Leon shakes his head, dismissing what I said.
“No, this… this is a nice change up for once. It’s kind of like a little vacation for me.” He says coolly. I look at his hand still resting on his gun and gesture to it.
“You could maybe try and relax a little then?” I say lightly. He immediately looks down at his hand like he didn’t even realize he was doing it. He quickly moves his hand to rest in his lap and nods.
“Sorry, muscle memory I guess.” We sit outside for a while and once I’ve had my fill, we go inside. I sit down on the couch and Leon sits on the opposite end, “So, what do you usually like to do for fun?” Leon asks.
“I…” I look down and frown slightly. I realize just now that I miss my family and my friends. I really wish I could see them or even just talk to them. “I don’t really know anymore. It’s been so long. I was chained to that bed for 9 months straight. So… I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
Leon gives me an empathetic sort of look and exhales a deep breath, “I'm really sorry you went through that. If you think of anything you want to do, let me know alright?” I nod my head and give him a small smile.
“Do you think I could call my family? Or anyone?” Leon shakes his head slowly.
“I’m sorry… No phone calls. No one can know that you’re here. For your safety. That’s also why you can’t leave the safe house. I’m really sorry. I can have Hunnigan send someone out to tell your family what’s happening but they won’t be able to disclose any details or anything. They’ll only be able to tell them that you’re safe and under protection in a safe house. It’s not much but at least they’ll know you're okay.”
I nod my head, “That would be great. Thanks.” Leon nods his head before pulling out his phone. He gets up and leaves the room to make the phone call. After a couple minutes, he returns to the couch and gives me a thumbs up. I smile softly at him, “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
That night, sleeping was hard. I couldn’t relax, I couldn’t stop tossing and turning. Once I eventually gave into sleep, I awoke only 2 hours later having a horrible nightmare. I sit up in bed trying to collect myself and calm down. I look at my surroundings trying to ground myself. I turn one of the lamps on before laying back down in bed. Every little noise seems to cause me to jump. I hear creaking in the distance, I hear the wind outside. I even hear Leon talking in his sleep. I sit up again and walk over to the door and open it slightly. I try to listen. I hear Leon talking again and then I hear a low scream from him before all noise stops, probably meaning he woke up. I slowly exit out of the door and go across to the room Leon is staying in. I knock softly on the door. I hear a bunch of shuffling before Leon opens the door, hiding his body behind it. He’s half naked, I can tell, but I think he’s trying to conceal it from me so he doesn't make me uncomfortable.
“Is everything okay? I heard you yell…” I ask him,  concerned. Leon nods his head and sighs.
“Bad dream, I’m fine. What are you doing awake?” He says, looking at me with his blue eyes reflecting in the moonlight.
“Bad dream.” I say, shrugging, “Not to sound like a pansy, but I’m too scared to go back to sleep.”
Leon nods his head before holding his finger up, signaling for me to wait a second. He closes the door, I hear more shuffling sounds and then he opens the door wide. He’s dressed in sweatpants and a shirt now and gestures for me to come into his room, “You can sleep in here if you want. If it would help.” 
My eyes widen and a blush creeps onto my face, making me shift my face to the ground. I hesitate before entering his room. He walks closer to the bed and says, “Choose whichever side you want.” He says groggily. I nod my head and walk over to the side closest to the window, the side that looks practically untouched. I stand beside the bed and watch as Leon gets into the bed himself. He raises his eyebrows out of curiosity, “I don’t bite, you know.” I nod my head and slowly get into the bed next to Leon. I try to get as comfortable as I can. I immediately feel safer in Leon’s bed. I lay there on my back, looking up at the ceiling. I feel Leon roll over onto his side and I can feel his stare burning into me. I turn my head to meet his gaze with an inquisitive look on my face.
“What?” I ask shyly. He just shakes his head and smirks slightly. 
“You could at least try to get some sleep, you know.” He says, his voice still a little husky from sleep. I nod my head and try to close my eyes. I feel Leon’s eyes still boring into me, causing me to look back at him.
“You could at least try to sleep too, you know,” I say in a sarcastic tone. It only causes him to roll over and sigh slightly.
“I figured I’d wait until you fell asleep. To make sure you’re safe.” He says softly. I stare at him, now curious what his nightmare was about. There’s no doubt that he probably gets a lot of nightmares. From the little I know about his experiences, it would be enough to keep me awake for months. My mind then starts to wander and I suddenly wonder if Leon has any family. A wife? A kid? I realize I know so little about this man, who practically saved my life.
“Leon?” I ask softly. He turns to look at me, tiredness appearing across his face.
“Do you… have any family? Aren’t they worried about where you are?” I ask. Leon just shakes his head, a solemn look appearing across his face. 
“No. Just me. Guess you could say I’m… married to the job.” He says trying to conceal his tone of any emotion but I can tell that it bothers him.
“How come?” I ask, wanting to know more about this mysterious man, Leon sighs deeply and I begin to wonder if I’m making him angry or upset, but it’s hard to read him.
“I just… You can’t have a normal life with this kind of job. It can put a lot of people I care about in danger. So, it’s best that I just do it alone.” I frown slightly at his answer, feeling sad for him.
“I’m sorry… Do you ever wish you could have a normal life?” I ask, trying to understand this brooding man.
Leon looks at me and gives me a small smile, “All the time.” My heart breaks a little inside as I hear him say this. 
“Well, why can’t you have a normal life? It’s not like you have to do this kind of work, right?”
“Quite the opposite actually. I have no choice but to do this. I made a promise. I have to do this in exchange for the little girl I saved from racoon city's safety.” Leon sighed softly, “And what kind of selfish person would I be if I refused? I became a police officer for the sole reason to help and protect people, you know.” I nod my head, understanding where he’s coming from.
“You’re a good person, Leon. I hope one day you can find some form of normalcy.” Leon gives me a small smile.
“Get some sleep now, sweetheart.” Leon says, resting his arms behind his head. I unintentionally blush as I hear him call me that. He must’ve noticed because he chuckled softly. I turn onto my side, facing him and begin to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
I must’ve moved closer to Leon last night in my sleep because when I woke up, my head was resting on his chest and his arm held me softly. I tilt my head up slowly to look at Leon’s face, but I notice he’s still sleeping. I continue to rest my head on his chest, the comfort and warmth from Leon’s embrace is like magic. I haven’t had this kind of physical contact in so long that I didn’t realize how much my body was craving it. I close my eyes and savor Leon’s warmth and safety.
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bradshawsbaby · 11 months
Hiii! For the physical intimacy series, could i get "Hand on chest during casual conversation" with fem!reader x jake ?
I love your work sm!
Thank you so much! I’m so used to writing Jake only in the context of Hannix, so I hope this is alright! 😂
When you’d agreed to a beach day with your girlfriends on your day off, you hadn’t expected to stumble upon some sort of “dogfight football” championship game. And you certainly hadn’t expected to catch the attention of a green-eyed, blonde-haired fighter pilot whose southern charms and cocky self-assurance had your heart skipping several beats.
You assumed after a few hours of casually flirting in the sand, he would grow tired of you and move on—that’s the way things always seemed to go for you—so you were surprised when he asked if you and your friends wanted to join him and his friends for sunset drinks at The Hard Deck.
That’s how you’d ended up on the back patio with Lieutenant Jake Seresin, a fruity cocktail in hand as the two of you chatted easily and watched the setting sun turn the sky various shades of pink, orange, and red. The potent combination of sun and alcohol must have gone to your head because as Jake was telling you a story about his first time at TOPGUN, you found yourself leaning in closer and pressing a hand to his deliciously bare chest. Evidently, he believed the buttons on his shirt to be a suggestion only.
Jake didn’t fail to notice your touch, his green eyes flicking down to take in the sight of your warm palm pressed against his naked skin, still glowing from an afternoon spent shirtless on the beach. Smirking playfully, he leaned in closer as well, brushing some flyaway hairs behind your ear.
“Say, you doin’ anything Friday night?” he asked, those stunning eyes looking hopeful as he peered down at you.
Smiling, you shook your head, keeping your hand right where it was. “Nope. I’m all yours.”
physical intimacy prompts
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snippychicke · 1 year
I have a question!
You can answer this if you want if you don't than that fines but! I really really wanna know
.....how would balam be like when he's jealous?
Maybe specifically if he was jealous cause of reader smelt different than usual(before they were courting)
And other demons assume that they were courting another demon?!
When in reality reader has picked up making perfumes from plants after reading about it. (Surprisingly smelling like a powerful demon and having a resting bitch face when annoyed can make netherworld plants very obedient)
Please i would very much like your thoughts on this idea if you can't again thats fine. I am a really big fan of for the sake of a smile you are doing an amazing job on it. Please drink water, sleep well and always have a balanced meal.
Thank you and good night/day
Heya Anon! Thank you so much for your prompt! And for your flattery! As you know it will get you anywhere. 
Or at least a little side drabble. I'm not a hundred percent sure it was what you were aiming for, but it's what came out of my head. So enjoy!
Opera's words had rang in your ear from Walter park, and despite Balam's assurance that you didn't smell bad,  the thought of having a scent so powerful it could be detected across the sprawling amusement park did not sit well with you. 
So, during the next semester while everyone else was focused on the Harvest festival and then the Music Festival, and your mana was worn from trying out Runes, you researched something different. 
Unlike Runes, there was a plethora of texts on perfumes and scent-based magic. A lot had to deal with seduction, but it was more the deception aspect that had your interest. 
After all, you wanted to deceive the whole Netherworld into believing you were a demon, and not a delicious human. 
The endeavor had you visiting Raim between her classes.
"You want to smell different?" The demon asked, looking rather perplexed before smiling. "Oh, I see. Trying to catch a certain Gargoyle's attention, are we?"
"No," You grounded out. "I… I don't know how to explain it other than I don't want to be so noticeable." 
Her fingertips caressed your cheek before settling beneath your chin, encouraging you to look at her eyes. "Darling, who ever told you being noticed was a bad thing? It is a natural power that we hold over those who feel even the slightest hint of attraction. What you want is that they are so awed by your beauty they fail to see the knife you wield." 
Which might work for seductive demons, but was definitely not what you were looking for. But she did point you in the right direction. 
And also towards Suzy. 
"Interesting combination," The small demon hummed as you followed her into the greenhouse.  "And you said you wanted to make a perfume?"
"Yeah. It's, uh, a long story." 
Suzy chuckled. "Believe me dear, I've heard it all. But to be the most potent for your scent, you'll want to harvest these yourself. If I harvest them for you, my mana would taint whatever magical properties you intend for it to have."
Every time you thought you understood the Netherworld, it revealed yet another layer. Perfume here wasn't just something that smelled pretty. It could be laced with magical properties, pheromones, and whatever else. A person's scent was as identifying as their appearance and sometimes more.  
It was a gamble, you realized - but one you were willing to take. Especially after facing down a flower that was a monstrous version of a dandelion and a man eating venus flytrap with nothing but a harsh glare and a set of pruning shears. 
You were fairly certain you messed up. You had decided to create your perfume in the Library's office, which felt more like brewing a potion. To you it smelt light, pleasant, and far different then Sullivan's cologne. 
But the looks you were getting made you wonder if you were missing something. Some looked rather surprised, others were giving you knowing grins and thumbs up. 
But it was Balam's reaction that made you doubt the most. As soon as he saw you in the hall, his dark eyes widened, his muscles tensing so much you could easily notice. He crossed the distance between you in a near instant, and you braced yourself, expecting him to pick you up into a hug as usual.
Except he paused just a few feet from you, looking very uncomfortable and confused. 
"Uh, is everything… okay?" You asked softly as he continued to stand there, studying you as if you had grown a second head or something. 
"Fine," He answered, sounding as if things were not fine. "Are you… is everything okay with you? Anything… new?" 
"N-not really?" You answered, anxiety bubbling in your gut. Why was he acting so odd? Surely it wasn't just because you switched scents. 
His eyes narrowed, and before you could probe to find out what was bothering him, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to a nearby empty classroom, making sure you were alone. "Balam…"
"Do you know how dangerous this could be?" He interrupted as he knelt before you. "I mean, what-what if they discover you're human? What if they hurt you? Or Iruma? I mean, caring for children from other relationships isn't typical for demons. How did this even happen? Did-did they force you? I promise, I can protect you. Both you and Iruma. Or… Or if you don't want me, Lord Sullivan…" 
You cupped his cheeks, unable to press your finger to his lips to silence him considering his mask. Still, the gesture achieved silence as he froze, his cheeks slowly turning pink. 
"Balam. I have no idea what you are talking about," You said slowly and clearly, hoping it would help him calm down from the panic he had worked himself into. 
"Your scent," He explained after a moment, his cheeks turning an even darker shade "It-it smells like you mated with another demon." 
It was your turn to blush, "W-what?! That-that is not at all what I wanted!" Oh god. All those looks in the hall. It was a walk of shame and you could never show your face again. 
You groaned as you covered your face. "No no no! I double checked the ingredients! To ward off interest, to hide another scent, it was supposed to be a replacement for Sullivan's cologne!" 
"It's… it's fake?" There was a hint of relief in his voice. He pulled you into his arms, and you found yourself nestled in his lap as he sat on the floor. His mask was pressed to join between your neck and shoulder, the cold metal contrasting with the hot breath escaping through the vents. The knot in your stomach shifted into something else as his hands wrapped around your waist, holding you still. You unconsciously held your breath, well aware of how red your face had to be from how hot you felt.
Your hands rested on his chest to support your balance, though it felt risqué in your position. Though, it meant you could feel him relax after a moment. But if you thought he would pull away, you were sorely mistaken. If anything, he pulled you closer until your chest was flush with his arms wrapping around you as he pressed his face against the crook of your neck. 
"Balam?" You whispered and received no response after a moment of silence. "...Shichiro?" 
It was the first time you said his given name, which felt taboo. Yes, you were friends, but not that close… right? 
He continued to be silent, but squeezed you a little tighter. As if… as if he was afraid you'd run away, or disappear. You sighed softly at the realization, and started to run your fingers down the back of his neck and shoulders in a hopefully soothing manner. You were still confused as to why he was acting like this, but no matter what the cause was, you felt compelled to comfort him. 
"It's okay," You soothed, allowing yourself to rest against him. "I'm sorry, it's just Opera's words from Walter park just… kinda stuck in my head. Humans have a thing against being… stinky. I just wanted to smell… nicer. I mean, I did my research and everything, so I don't understand…"
"You said humans can't smell pheromones, right?" He mumbled against you, his breath causing shivers to run down your spine and heat to bloom in your loins. All you could do was nod, untrusting of your voice at the moment. "Whatever you used mimicked the pheromones of a demon who had a… a mate."
"I get that," You confirmed, embarrassment threatening to overwhelm you. "I just…" Why was he so bothered?  
"I was worried someone took advantage of you," He answered after a moment. "That, for whatever reason, you… you…"
You laughed through your nerves. "Oh Devi, no! I know having an…intimate relationship with anyone is off the table. I resigned myself to that fact a while ago." Not that thoughts still didn't haunt you, dreams full of desire and passion. 
Starring a certain demon in particular
There was another long moment of silence, his hands slowly rubbing your back and sides in the way he was prone to do. Despite knowing he didn't mean anything by it, the action didn't help the situation any as you resisted the urge to arch into him. Your gutter mind was happy to imagine those large hands grazing bare skin. His warm breath was replaced by soft lips and grazing fangs, making you clench your jaw.
Damn overactive imagination.
"If… if you need anything, please," He finally spoke. "I'd be happy to assist you." 
You tried to beat your gutter mind back, insisting that he didn't mean it like that. He meant making a new perfume, likely. Or just a blanket statement. It was not at all related to your previous discussion. 
"You're the sweetest," You whispered before pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I couldn't ask for a better friend."
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