#this is helping the creative juices flow
9haharharley1 · 5 months
For the new post I'm really interested in your stuff for Vlad for 002. I love seeing stuff about this stinky man/hj
How I feel about this character:
I love him (no one should be surprised)! More specifically, I remember watching the show back in the day and thinking, "Wow, he's really fuckin creepy, I'm getting Slade vibes." By the end of Bitter Reunions he had unironocally become my favorite character and I'd get excited any time a Vlad episode came on. I almost always wind up loving the villains more than the MC. He's creepy, he's scary, he's pathetic, and sad, and scared, and everything in between! How can I not love him?
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Almost exclusively Danny, but also a little bit of Jack, and with Valerie and Danny in a polyship.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Jack Fenton! Vlad will never escape Jack's unconditional love and friendship.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I'm just gonna quietly admit here that I hate hate hate the babygirl thing people do with characters, and that extends to my villains, but especially Vlad. To each their own and all that, but it annoys me to no end.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this:
I wish Danny had actually become legitimately scared of Vlad at some point. I know it's a kids' show, and I know that Danny is supposed to be the snappy hero who triumphs every episode, but one of the reasons I like The Ultimate Enemy episode so much is because Danny technically fails. Had Clockwork not had a soft spot for him, Danny wpuld have lost everything in that episode and only "wins" on a technicality. Up til then, he develops a legit fear of his future self, and we see more of this in the GN.
Vlad is someone who has had nothing but time to hone his skills, and Danny struggles to fight him multiple times throughout the show, and it can be inferred that Vlad is going easy on him, especially when Kindred Spirits rolls around and he punches through solid concrete trying to capture Danny. "Funny, ha-ha Vlad isn't here today" - that is a horrifying line. Danny would have failed in this episode, too, if not for Danielle having a change of heart when Vlad reveals his true colors, and I would have loved for this to be the time when Danny actually starts to realize that, "oh wait! Vlad's scary as fuck, and I still have a long way to go to reach his level!"
But once again, snappy/quippy kids show, hero's gotta win.
my OTP:
Pompous Pep, aka Vlad/Danny
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
I don't know how much of a headcanon it is, especially since we get hints of it in canon and now in the GN, but Vlad is possessive af. Of items, of people - once he's claimed them, they're his, and he won't let them go for any reason, and he lives in constant fear of losing them. Maybe it's a result of losing his best friends after the portal incident. Maybe it has something to do with being half-ghost, but this man has a constant undercurrent of fear lying just below the surface, and when threatened, he responds with anger, claws and fangs bared to the world, ready to lash out and blame everyone for everything but never himself.
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knifefightandchill · 10 months
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FINAL FANTASY XV ↳ Title screens
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zerozeroren · 1 month
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Well this was fun to do XD
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kirnet · 3 months
i tried a solo journaling ttrpg for the first time by playing chalice and it was super fun!!! i needed a brain break after fighting actium, and it had the perfect amount of prompting while still letting you take the lead on the creative decisions and connections. i came away from it with a surprisingly coherent and circular story given the fact that it was all randomized
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 7 months
I find it funny how so much of the fic/book writing advice out there is to focus on one thing at a time so you don't get overwhelmed and that's definitely good advice if it helps you, but no one talks about having multiple Large Projects of different genres going at once so it's harder for you to get bored and you don't have to force yourself into the same headspace repeatedly until one is finished
like to each their own but for me bouncing around between projects depending on my mood has been much more helpful than trying to force laser focus on one
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courtingchaos · 1 year
I’ve had a thought about river monster!eddie…
do you think the reader would bring him like offerings??? or like little gifts that she thinks might make him happy? but he’s a literal river monster so like his definition of gifts and hers are very different. like she brings him a pomegranate or makes him a crown of wildflowers and he doesn’t know how to respond so he just gives her a dead water snake in return and she’s like ughhh ok thanks i guess???
Lmfao you’re on the same track as the rest of my workshop team! One thing I’ve been kicking around is a shed scale of his. He is her mate and vice versa, so little offerings like that or stones. There’s gonna be a lot of gift giving. It’s my own love language after all. 
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unmellowyellowfellow · 6 months
writing update for chalk mountain. had a scary inspiration where i may want to rewrite the entire beginning of the story and the way you're introduced to it..................yeah
coping with this currently. i really like my current beginning so i believe i'll set it aside for a later scene/different context. anyway, wish me luck everybody!
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strigital · 3 days
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hi hello i'm still alive tho barely and let's just say college is hell and also the meds are making my brain act up sooo...
anyways i'm so deep in john wick brainrot rn and before i say anything else just pls have her, the babygorl and my latest one true love mademoiselle Barnett <33
EDIT: have some more Maries and ans a John c:
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chanstopher · 6 months
What's with the sorry dreamy
We all love your work and I especially love it when you spam
I mean life's boring nowadays and you make my day have some meaning
Even when you're not on I scroll your Tumblr page to see if there was something I missed
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that is so SWEET of you omgggggg i will use this as motivation to be on more i promiseee
i think interaction is like the biggest motivator to create and be online and i've been such a ghost that ppl probably think i wanna be left alone lmao but i think its that i used to actually get on and engage with ppl like every day and when that died a bit i started to get more easily distracted with other hobbies. but its winter and freezing so why not be online more lmaoo
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bisexualbard-writes · 7 months
Send me a trope and I’ll respond with an outline or a lil scene about how I’d kimchay it.
Challenge mode: send me a trope you hate and why you dislike it and I’ll see if I can kimchay it while fixing your complaints
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eiightysixbaby · 3 months
the urge to write oliver quick smut is so incredibly strong…. emerald fennell made him a freak for the fandom girlies…. she made him too fanfic-able
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dread0narrival · 2 months
oc asks that reveal more than you think
I’m breaking this up and answering 10 per character to keep it interesting;
Q. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Yes just one! A well loved budgie plush he’s had since he was very young.
Q. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Plants – yes, she actually enjoys gardening as a hobby and is proficient at it. Pets – yes, while she doesn’t currently have any she has had a handful of pets in the past who all lived long and happy lives :3 Kids – surprisingly, yes. She doesn’t see herself as the parenting type. However, if she had a partner that already had a kid she’d treat them as if they were her own.
Q. Ask them to describe their love interest.
Vesper is my shipping whore and has multiple LI's in multiple AU's so to keep it consistent and not use physical descriptors let's just say his love interest loves them unconditionally <3
Q. Do they look good in red?
Just visualize Vesper with a thousand yard stare covered in blood head to toe LOL
Q. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Vesper would rather die than give a public speech lol his anxiety could never BUT if he was somehow convinced to give one he’d do it on what he knows best, “ Why videogames are good for you”
Q. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
HIMSELF lol he's his own worst critic and advisor.
Q. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Emotional, a chaotic ball of nerves and is unironically in limerence. Vesper would describe himself as passionate, nervous and a hopeless romantic.
Q. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Frustrated, especially when she’s playing a video game with puzzle mechanics.
Q. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
Yes LOL He gets upset when his plants die. The longer they’ve had the plant the more attached they are.
Q. What age do they most want to be right now?
Vesper just entered the big 3-0 but his youth was filled with trauma and bad memories he wishes to forget. He’s just barely started his adult life living how HE wants to.
Q. They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
Clove would use it to better MC’s life. Financial stability? Pay off their debts? Buying their affections? All of the above lol
Q. Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
Clove too is a hopeless romantic, he daydreams and fantasize every waking hour.
Q. Name one thing their parents taught them.
Not everyone who loves you will say it aloud…
Q. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
Cannibalism :3
Q. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Small talk, unless it’s with MC of course!
Q. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Money ISN’T a limit and he still dresses like a discount E-boy.
Q. Do they like children?
I think he’s more indifferent about them? He doesn’t hate kids but in time having a family with MC would be in the cards.
Q. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Both lol If it was a tender moment it would be with none but if it was a hot and heavy make out sesh he’d shove that tongue so far down your ass throat…
Q. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
Yes but only to practice on how to act “normal”.
Q. What do they like that nobody else does?
I mean eating human flesh is a big one I would hope. 
Q. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
She isn’t keen on being committed and prefers to keep things loose with no strings attached. So it wouldn't take much if she had a partner who was too clingy or a nag she’d break it off with no hesitation.
Q. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Phisc isn’t big on being called pet names but she does like honorifics like “Sir”.
If you’re being good she’ll use cute names such as kitten, dove, doe, etc.
If you’re being bad she’ll use degrading names like brat, slut, whore, etc.
Q. Stability or novelty?
Q. Honesty or charity?
Q. Safety or possibility?
Q. Talent or effort?
Q. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Q. Would they date a fixer-upper?
Come now, let’s be real here. We all know that Phisc is the fixer-upper here lol
Q. What recurring dreams do they have?
Fun fact: Phisc doesn’t dream at all! But for a more fun answer I think losing the ability to shift into her wolf form.
Q. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
She doesn’t care about that lol she’ll kill, steal, lie and self sabotage with no remorse. She’s a nasty lady.
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dracophile · 3 months
For ao3 writing thing
Yay, someone sent some! :D
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I believe I was in middle school, early 2000s. I rented a book called Dragon's Bait by Vivien Vande Velde from my local library. This book probably had a bigger impact on me than a certain wizard book ever did. I loved it, it started my obsession with dragons, and It ended in such a way that the main characters, Alys and Selendrile, could continue to have many adventures together and eventually fall in love. But it didn't show that part, which i found frustrating at the time. I started daydreaming and imagining those adventures, writing them down in an old notebook. That's right, I wrote analog fanfiction. Mainly because I was like 11 and I had no idea that was a thing on the internet yet. Eventually by browisng I found the old FF.Net, before it coroded away, and live journal and all that and started reading fics for anime I liked, then I finally got the courage to start writing. Dragon's Bait still remains one of my favorite books though (I also like Never Trust a Deadman, Heir Apparent, Companions of the Night by the same author)
I...can't find 🍹??? It looks like a combo of 🥤and 🧃(both drinks with straws?) so...I'll just do both
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
It feels like forever since I've sat and read a fanfic tbh...besides a one shot here and there. But I will say, @fairy-writes is great! I don't know some of the series she writes for, but she does a lot of readerxcharacter here on tumblr and what I read is compelling and emotional with great characterization. Book authors, I already recommended Vivian Vande Velde for a good all ages book. For a bit more adult books, I like Maria V. Snyder's books, Gail Carriger, and Lynn Flewelling
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
Personal lore about me? Um...When I was young, like ages 10, 11, and 12, my parents sent me to horse riding camp during the summer. I love horses, but I wasn't a horse girl. It's just, y'know, Texas and it was an easy one to find nearby and if i had to do summer camp I wanted to be able to ride a horse. Well, that year i was twelve, they decided to try and scare us with the story of a psycho in the woods. Except one of the counselors took it too far and ransacked the cabins a little (no damage but messing stuff up) and then tapping on the windows to scare us. A lot of us were scared and one girl started crying. The councilor in our cabin then told her it wasn't real and they were just trying to scare us, and I overheard her. I had two flashes of emotion then: Anger and the desire for revenge. And I don't know how I thought of this so fast--maybe because I'd started watching horror movies by now and liking them--but I asked her "So who was dragging the sack through the woods by the campfire?" I didn't see that, but I was so adamant I saw that and had such a docile reputation that the counselor ran off to talk to the head counselor. I saw their flashlights in the night. It was the last day of camp anyway but no one got much sleep. One counselor did ask if I lied before my mom came and I said "It's just a story, calm down." I told my mom i probably shouldn't go back again though. That's the only time I've ever gaslit someone I swear XD
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I don't know of NIck/Sloane would count since Sloane is my OC so like...it's all headcannon there. Since most of my stuff written (well, all of it right now) on A03 is Grimm though, let's go with that. My other favorite ship is Monroe and Rosalee so let's see...I've gone into some on the fic...
One i haven't explored too much is their differences in diet. At the start of their relationship, Monroe would bend over backwards and almost hide his veganism because he'd had issues in the past with others finding it tedious or annoying. He's usually very proud of it, but he doesn't want Rosalee doing the same thing. Eventually, Rosalee had to confront him because his nervousness was making her more anxious than anything. She told him she was fine with him being vegan as long as he was fine with her not being vegan, and Monroe was adamant that he didn't want Rosalee to change a thing. He gets used to the smell of cooking meat again and they find side dishes they can share happily, and sometimes she made an all vegan meal she would enjoy as well. However, after one evening where he woged after an after dinner kiss and had to go on a run, he asked she brush her teeth after dinner just to be safe because the left over taste of meat set off a little blood lust. Rosalee now keeps her teeth very clean after meals.
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atorionsbelt · 11 months
big brain royjamie poetic meta rattling around in my skull again at 1am of all times. will add finishing touches to the drafts when i awaken
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bellehalla · 3 months
i'm currently writing the last two chapters of RF and i'm tweaking so hard. writing block is bad. send help!!! i figured i'll stop hiding away for now and answer asks (oops)
maybe i should do an RF q&a if anyone has questions even for the characters
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transboysokka · 6 months
HI gays in my phone pls help me
I feel the writing part in my brain slowly waking up (thank BUDDHA bc I’m p sure I have 8??? wips)
BUT I need like practice???
SO I want u to just like come in my askbox and ask/tell me about basically WHATEVER that I could respond to w like a headcanon or meta or a lil drabble even maybe iunno
Here’s some ideas:
Trans zuko/sokka/zukka
Zuko angst
Sokka angst (like HELLO what about his Issues in that post I made that’s going around??)
Divorced Zukka!!!!
Mako tbh let’s talk about THAT guy
litcherally anything idec
BLEASE send asks sendasksseNDASKS
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