#this is not a technically great piece
boycritter · 11 months
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silly little comic about chronic pain
[image id: an 8 panel comic
the first panel has a conversation between two people. the one on the right is a light gray, and facing away from the viewer. they are meant to represent a generic person. they are saying, "wow, chronic pain sounds like it sucks." sucks is written in a dark pink. the person on the right has tan skin, a pink shirt, and pink hair. he responds "haha yeah."
the second panel shows the same two people, with the first person saying "how do you tolerate it? i'd go crazy!" tolerate is written in a dark pink. the second person responsed "um..." and trails off
the third panel shifts to a drawing of the second person sitting curled into himself. it is entirely grayscale, except for his pink hair, which is a little more muted. the text around him reads "i tolerate it because not doing so isn't an option". 'isn't an option' is written in dark pink.
the fourth panel shows him sitting and leaning against the left edge of the frame, with his legs stretched out. it reads "because what else am i supposed to do?" supposed is in all caps and written in dark pink.
the fifth panel shows a torso up drawing of him in the bottom right corner. the text reads "i can't hope for a day i'll wake up and be better." better is written in dark pink and all caps on the left half of the panel.
the sixth panel shows him sleeping, with a brown dog near his head. the text above him reads "all i can do is make sure i wake up." wake up is written in dark pink.
the seventh panel is all text, reading "i tolerate it because it needs to be tolerable". tolerable is written in dark pink.
the eighth panel shifts back to the conversation between the two people. the man finishes his response to the other person's question with "i don't know".
end image id]
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akairokara · 5 months
this is such a reach but ive spent over an hour frantically searching so... if you own a zosan doujin called Morning by the artist Makina in the dawn dj circle... please rb this and lmk...
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the cover looks like this
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basilpaste · 4 months
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hey gang. isaloops 'falling action'
i wont go too crazy with the explanation because there is a Fic that will cover it that i will (hopefully) write but uh!!
yknow whats neat? when a in world with magic healing you cant heal wounds if you wont let them be healed. so sometimes even if someone tries they stay. much to think about.
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
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old man yaoi comm on yaoi day... woAgh.....
Commission Info
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ladyluthien · 4 months
SO not to talk about my various hustles on tumblr but: I bead pearls now!
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I have 0 budget for advertising but I am trying to sell them because at a certain point being creative just fills your house up.
What they are: handtied freshwater pearls with sterling silver clasps
Why are they cool: for one, they're pretty affordable for a gem that's been treasured since antiquity. For two, pearls actually have the potential to be super sustainable and actually clean the water they're grown in! Like they truly might be the most sustainable gem you can buy
What you can do to help my lil business get off the ground: reblog this and follow me on my very small Instagram because that's where the makers are these days, or even check out my shop if you're feeling rad
ok thank you
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vt-scribbles · 6 months
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There is so much going on aaaaaaaa
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i wanted this comic digitalized so bad that i used max's birthday as an excuse. :)
this is the true ending. if im insane enough ill show you the alternate ending though
bonus because i just. it just kinda peters out. longggg post yayyye
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strawglicks · 3 months
having a "wow. my favorite childhood game i played since i was 5 came back to my life in a whole new way with new characters and expanded the universe in ways little me never couldve imagined . this shit ive been obsessed with for almost a year is the same game i played at 5 years old" moment
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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AFTERMARE WEEK: day 2- discovery/lost
lost into those eyes of yours i realized, there was nothing that could be done to still my beating heart
aftermare week is hosted by @bluepallilworld
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Every bookbinding tutorial i found online: "DO NOT TRY THE COPTIC STITCH AS A BEGINNER ITS TOO ADVANCED"
Me who has only bound one book before and used a completely different method: "ehh it can't be that hard"
2 hours later
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.....I was right. Its not that hard.
#its technically slightly wrong cuz i dont have signatures#im just doing one folded piece of paper at a time#which does take longer#but i was expecting that#doing actual signatures would have a. been way too thick cuz im using watercolor paper and getting them to lay flat wouldve been annoying#and also i wouldve had to pay a lot more attention to how the pages were actually laid out#and this project was already kinda overwhelming without that added in#im also combining methods a bit cuz im also gonna glue the spine with wood glue for extra support#and i also dont want the stitching to be visible#every tutorial was also like ''coptic stitch is great for exposed stitching!!!'' like cool story. not why im using it. gonna cover that shit#also finding one that wasnt in video form AND actually showed everything i needed to know was completely impossible apparently#i needed to know how to attach a fresh string when i run out cuz i always struggle with that in any sewing project#and generally need a refresher each time#and all the written ones were just like ''just make sure your string is long enough before hand!!! but not so much that it becomes#tangled!!!'' bitch im making a much thicker book than you. i cannot just use ONE string. it b#absolutely WILL become tangled if i make it long enough to finish the binding in one go.#yall are WEAK#my book is 3 times thicker than yours#i need to know how to attach a fresh string#the video tutorials cover that but i had to fast forward through most of it#im running out of steam for tonight (hence why im here and not working on it) so ill be finishing this tomorrow#was hoping to get this part done over the weekend but i ended up not getting a lot of the writing done on friday as i intended#cuz i ended up having to play tech support for my friend so she could update her sims mods
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kc5rings · 2 months
thoughts on posture collars?
also i guess it's not as much of a gear question so feel free to ignore if you want, any favorite position for someone to be tied up in?
Posture collars are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👍👍👍
Posture collars are maybe my favorite kind of collar in general both because of how many different kinds and styles there are and because of how much using one is a form of both physical and psychological control
Got a shy sub/character that gets flustered from eye contact? Put a posture collar on them so they have to look up at you. Got a sub/character that’s proud and defiant? High backed posture collars can force a slight bow to the head wether they want to or not
Posture collars are also an excellent option for putting someone on display, which is why I like them in Ponyplay or settings where the wearer is the center of attention. Chin up, shoulders back, people are watching after all
They usually are either buckled or laced on and I’m very partial to the look of the lacing type, but buckles are much easier and faster to apply with the bonus of being lockable. If you really want to go overkill some even have both!
As for positions I’m not too picky because I can usually find something I like about most positions, a good chair tie can be a lot of fun, especially and office chair for moving the person around, but if I had to pick one it’s probably bound standing in the middle of a room with something attached to the ceiling or floor keeping the person mostly in place
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coffee-bat · 9 months
oh right. reminder that i have a yt channel and stuff
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onlytibki · 9 months
yelling about OPLA into the void
Zoro was in Goa Kingdom.
ABSOLUTE PEAK SHIT: Zoro's hightailing it out of Goa, getting lost in the forests surrounding the city, and he and Luffy end up nearly bumping into each other every step of the way.
But every time, just before the interaction, something happens to send one or the other in a different direction--Looney Tunes shit like Luffy falling into one of his/his brothers' old pit traps.
Zoro saying "okay so it's north from this waterfall" and consulting his compass and immediately heading up the mountain (which is Absolutely Not North)
Luffy sees some weird stranger in the distance and is about to go say hi when a boar takes offence at his presence and Luffy forgets everything else in the name of lunch.
Zoro sees some weird stranger in the distance and decides to go and... well, make sure THEY know the way to Goa, HE'S not lost, after all. But some of the trees moved, I guess? He coulda sworn the guy was like fifteen feet away but he just went around a tree (pulled a full u-turn, in reality) and lost him. Oh well.
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charkyzombicorn · 3 months
God au things usopp did as a prank
Hay fever
Inedible plants that look like food (cattail)
 poison ivy
Stinging nettles
Sticky weed
Regular weed
Everyone blames Usopp for allergens how was he supposed to know Chopper was making human immune systems when he made a plant with an air horn and tested it on Chopper
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amalgamationink · 2 months
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NAPOWRIMO24 #15: Occultation
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unityrain24 · 2 months
actually kinda crazy how i've shared some of basically every art form i create on here except music??
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