#this is what happens when I cook for myself
rontra · 2 days
My hand never seems to actually translate the ideas that are spinning up in my brain. how do you get it all out? any advice? just draw more? do i need to use more references? your art is just so beatiful you are one of my top inspos.
ah first of all thank you very much! i'm honored! 😳
(long post incoming lol)
to answer the question though, i don't think i sufficiently translate what's in my mind and i frequently let myself down! but it's important not to let that Stop you. i think overall it's sort of multifaceted and different for everyone--theres no single answer i can give you that will guaranteed work for you--but for me personally i think it mainly comes down to Derangement, DISCRETION!!, Discipline, & Diet
before i say anything more though it's important also to remember that making visual art (in our case drawings/comics) is training like 2 or 3 separate skills (depending on how you divide them). the HAND represents your current drawing ability & technique; what your drawing hand is physically able to produce when you set pen to paper. the BRAIN is the creative engine that cooks up your ideas and thinks of ways to assemble them. and the EYE represents your ability to recognize what art looks like and how it "should" look. when your brain is thinking of ideas and your hand can't capture them, that is not because you're "bad" at it: it means your eye skill is currently outpacing your hand skill. your ability to discern art, to see things like proportions and anatomy and composition and whatever else is going on, is currently stronger than your ability to draw them yourself. this is not a flaw. this is not a flaw. this is not a flaw!!!! but it does mean your hands' ability to capture what your brain has imagined will let your eyes down until your hands catch up. once they do--by studying, practicing your technique, using references, and gaining confidence--your eye skill will then begin to outpace it again. this cycle, the dance between the two skills, is why you might sometimes feel yourself suddenly "getting good" at art, then just as suddenly plateauing or "getting worse"; you are training different parts of what makes art happen. there is nothing wrong with this. you are improving even when it doesnt feel like it--even when it feels like THE LITERAL OPPOSITE is happening. because you're improving different skills!
(and of course as your eye skill develops you will look back at previous stages of development and go "HOW COULD I NOT SEE HOW BAD THIS LOOKS!"--and yeah. that's the thing; you probably, rather literally, couldn't see it! you only think it looks bad now because you've improved your "eye" skill. you should try to be proud of that feeling, even though it also likely sucks and is embarrassing to you at the same time. there's posts, even recent ones, that i go "i cant believe i thought that looked OK enough to post PUBLICLY" and it is embarrassing for me! but all it means is that i'm better at what i do now...so it doesn't get me down too badly. you gotta shrug that stuff off.)
with that out of the way, my four evil councilmen are as follows:
DERANGEMENT: find something you are not normal about. this can be anything (whether it's a topic that interests you, The Character, a medium, a damn color palette...anything!), as long as it captures your mind and motivates you to create. your brain should be spinning up ideas like crazy and your only choice is to draw them. because once you have Derangement the only thing that feels worse than Making Something Subpar is sitting around Not Making Anything At All. you should be interested in what you draw. you should ideally love it, even if you don't love your own art yet. once you know what motivates you, let that simmer until you have no choice but to draw even if you're scared it'll turn out bad. and hey--there will probably (unless you become some kind of Art God) always be parts you think should've turned out better in some way, however:
DISCRETION!!: realistically nobody NEEDS to know what parts of a piece you're unhappy with. it's valuable to have friends/art partners/mentors/whatever that you can comfortably check in with and go "i dont like [part], what do you think" and get feedback, but that's for YOU. for the audience at large, maybe people will notice, maybe they won't, but as an artist you are constantly growing and you will very likely be constantly looking back at past pieces (even just days or hours old sometimes) and going "what the hell was i thinking? how did i not see [error/s], or why didn't i go for [different idea/finish/color palette/etc]?". getting hung up on this will probably either light a fire under you or demotivate you completely depending on your particular brain soup. for me it can go either way depending on where i'm at in my current hand/eye development phase. but i try not to fixate on it. it's enough to observe it and take notes for next time. every drawing is part of your growth and you have to make wonky art in order to occasionally make something that satisfies your eyes. in the meantime, don't beat yourself up or put yourself down. you are gaining experience and technical know-how, and spotting things you'd like to work on for next time; especially if you're sharing this work and other people are telling you they like what you made, there's no need to undercut this by dwelling on the rough parts so much that you can't enjoy it. the important thing is that you made it.
DISCIPLINE: you made it, it's done, now make something new. do it again from the top! you're right: Drawing A Lot is absolutely the key to Drawing Better. it is also usually an evil curse that reveals How Bad You Drew 3 Months Ago. but you have no choice, if you want to hone your skills and improve the Brain Image -> Art Image translation. you have to do it even when it sucks. do it bored, do it scared, but you have to do it or you'll never get anywhere. when improving yourself, you have to draw a lot to see change, and this is the part that sucks, right? feeling like you're not really getting anywhere or like you'll never capture what's in your mind. you can do studies where you collect references and focus in on ironing out something that's bothering you (such as, like, specific objects, perspectives, clothing details, anatomy pieces, light and shadow, etc etc); this can help crack the malaise for sure... learning how to use references is good, as well as whatever tools are available to you (in your medium/software). How To Do This is sort of a different post, but it does help (and sometimes annoyingly so; there's been rare but very annoying moments in my career where i will be simply looking at a picture and idly make an observation that cracks a style/anatomy problem i've had for Years and im always like COME ON!!! hahaha--but yes looking at references and studying them "like an artist" definitely helps, even when it's not as miraculous as that). overall work smarter and nail down the stuff you're unsure about, then incorporate what you've learned into your art style until it looks a way you like. you will likely have to just grind it out sometimes, and often this grind will not feel particularly fun. but you can Dog Medication Salami Pocket yourself into it if you're drawing something you're sufficiently Deranged about. <- this is what diesel is always doing with those women (LOL)
also, Output. you do have to Be Making Stuff in order to finish stuff. for example for comic projects like adastra or failteacher au, if i can draw ~1 page a day, the update will be complete in no time. but i have to draw that 1 page every day to make it happen, even if i feel off or lack confidence about what i'm making. of course i'm not saying you shouldn't take breaks; you NEED to take breaks, set your goals to your own level, and listen to yourself (and don't get some kind of wrist problem like me please). but the point im trying to make is that if you can make yourself sit down and do it even though you're scared it'll turn out bad, (or, hell, even if this part of your project is Simply Boring), then you can do it anytime. this is important too. but you will probably still sometimes feel stuck if you try to work and grind all the time.
DIET: regularly, but especially when you're stuck in a rut, step away from your craft and enrich your diet. you have to play just as much as you have to work. for example, i am always ALWAYS reading comics. at any given time i probably have 1-4 (sometimes more) tabs open of different comics i am simultaneously reading!!!! i read webcomics, webtoons, manga, DC--any demographic or genre, i take random recs from people and just go read them. whatever medium you're in, you have to take in what other people are doing with it, you have to let them teach and inspire you. you have to branch out and look at genres and styles you usually don't. unwind and look at comics, at illustrations, at design, at animation, at video games. enjoy them as an audience, but look at them like an artist too. when you like something, pause and examine (as both an artist and audience) why you like it. (vice versa: if you don't like something, you can try to figure out why that is!) let other people's ideas and habits flow over you. you have to relax and enrich your mind, to refresh your creativity and motivation. this is crucial. when you come back, you'll feel refreshed and ready to go, and your big brain cauldron of tools + ideas + techniques will be all shiny and bubbling. it's just as important to experience art as it is to make it. i really can't stress that enough!!!!
i talk about comics specifically here because right now obviously i am making a lot of comics (adastra, failteachers). i often feel like i get stuck in boring page layouts and can't think of how to panel something. and honestly sometimes a basic layout that just Gets Through The Scene is simply sufficient (after all, not everything has to be a Groundbreaking New Masterpiece; we would all get fatigued by that!)--or otherwise a "boring layout" is just what i have to put down in order to put down anything at all. but in both cases, reading comics and taking in what people are doing with their layouts makes me feel refreshed and i can return to my own work all rested and bright-eyed. everything we read and watch and take in is added to our "mental library" for the brain to reference when it's time to create something. it is just as enriching and important to experience someone else's art and perspective, and to enjoy a diverse range of impressions. you are always learning and observing, so try to pay attention--it's feeding your brain... :j
(and now, hopefully, your enriched Diet has added fertilizer for your Derangement, and the entire council can take their turn again from the top of the order. HDFHBJFS)
well, overall, like i said at the top, there's no One Solution or really Single Piece Of Advice i can offer you. but i hope maybe you got something out of it anyway. everyone's a bit different and everyone's ideal workflow and journey is different too. but don't give up, keep at it, and...GOOD LUCK!!! 🫡🫡🫡
& always remember: in the end, making something YOU like, that looks good to YOU and fulfills YOUR goals, is more important than making something "perfect" (if such a thing even exists). as long as YOU'RE enjoying making your art (yes, even when making the art is hell and sucks!), that's all that matters. 🤝
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hero-of-the-wolf · 2 days
What are your thoughts on each LU hero?
cracks knuckles long post incoming!!
I feel like a lot of people forget about how much of a gremlin Time really is. He's cryptic for the bit, because he thinks it's funny, but he's absolutely willing to talk about things when asked (like when he told Wind about his entire adventure). Yeah this man's got trauma, but at the point he's at now he's healed a lot. I also think that he's just incredibly awkward, and it makes him come across as aloof and ✨mysterious✨
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Twilight is the softest dorkiest Link by far and I will DIE on this hill. He's the biggest big brother to ever brother, and he vibes like someone who feels most useful when he's taking care of other people. It's very important to him. My boy is also so so stubborn like who the heck thinks it's a good idea to try and walk off an axe wound to the gut 😭 also I know in my heart that he gives the best hugs ever and I think a hug from him would fix me actually
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People like to make Warriors this shallow jerk??? and he's NOT. He's really really not. He's just a big brother and he loves to tease. He's also really smart too, esp with battle tactics and working with other people. Also this man def knows field medicine like look at him whenever one of the others is downed in a fight, he's always right there making sure that they're okay.
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Four is so so clever and really good at teamwork (obviously lol). but like!!! I love how throughout LU you can actively see him working really well with the others and accounting for their skills and where they are in battle, like in The Shadow arc he ducks down so Time can land a hit and it's a really cool scene. I also love his inside jokes with himself lol. He keeps his secrets just because he's waiting for a big dramatic reveal and I respect him for it.
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Wind makes the best facial expressions HANDS DOWN. He's such a big brother too, and even tho he's the youngest Link I'm sure he still big brothers all the others lol. Also!!! This kid literally made the gods choose him as a hero. At every turn literally nobody took him seriously and he proved himself and killed Ganondorf!!! I'm so proud of him. ALSO Wind is so smart. He's the first one to start piecing together the timeline(s)!!
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Wild is honestly super hyper competent?? Boy knows how to live off the land. He's smart. He chooses to be silly bc he enjoys being silly, not bc he's stupid. Also he was literally a prodigy!!!! That doesn't go away just because he lost his memories. He basically started out with the master sword (as in he started his knighthood with the sword already in hand), he defeated a guardian with a pot lid, also he knows how to cook lol. He's fine vibing by myself, but he's also happy to hang out with the others too :) also yeah he has a lot of trauma and guilt over everything that happened :(
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Legend's harshness to me is def a projection. A coping mechanism, if you will. Boy's got such a soft heart (bunny hehe) and he wants to protect it from getting hurt again. That doesn't stop him from loving and caring about the others, he's just more guarded about it. And despite everything he's been through... he still loves adventuring. He really does.
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Hyrule's got SO much grit and sheer determination. And he's so powerful too, even if he doesn't think that he is. He's got spells!!! That's something none of the others really have. Boy's got the toughest enemies in the entire franchise, too. He survived the Adventure of Link. That's insane lol also he's got SUCH just a little guy energy fr and I love that for him
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I think people also forget what a troublemaker Sky is. And he absolutely gets away with all of it too bc like just look at his face. Is that the face of someone who's ever done something wrong in their entire life? yes. yes it is But he's also genuinely so so sweet too and yeah he def gives really great hugs. Also he's an insanely talented swordsman??? Like there's a reason he's called the Godslayer™️ lol. Sky is SCARY when he's angry. He just doesn't get angry all that easily.
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nerdieforpedro · 2 days
Our Umbra of Life
Chapter One of Fire and Fury Series
Pero Tovar x Calista (fat/plus size OFC)
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Word Count: 2784
Summary: We meet our mercenary and dragon, both on their last legs. How will they survive? What is the cost?
Warnings: References to death, graphic descriptions of injuries, arguing, Sassy Pero, trying out enemies to lovers trope (long way off everyone), a little Spanish?, colors, time period misogyny
Notes: I wanted to try writing a fantasy Pedro character fic and figured Pero was the perfect man for the job! Thanks so much to @tinytinymenace @604to647 @fhatbhabiee and @megamindsecretlair for beta reading my first chapter for me. ☺️
Let me know what you all think! 🤭
Main Masterlist/ Pero Tovar Masterlist/ AO3 Link
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Two flickering flames
I share the same sense of urgency and finality that the creature does. Can I find it in time? Do I even know how to fuse two spirits together? Are we even compatible? I may still die despite trying. But I must do something, my soft carmine glow is being replaced with pallor. That arrogant libertine believes me dead, yet I’m only two steps away from it. The smoldering one, reeks of that colorless creatin - devoid of even the kindness to kill the thing outright. He left it to suffer the same as me. It is human. No matter, it is injured, and I will need to bargain with it to keep the eternal night at bay. It will claim my soft green and slate access to the heavens, maybe I can reclaim it after this ordeal, I have lived through worse. From the human’s anguish, conviction can bloom in revenge. I may yet become we.
This means there’s still hope.
Mierda (shit)! I survived a war, countless battles, fell hundreds and men and this…being killed by a fucking dragon and now knowing that the damn things are real?! This is bullshit! What other life was I supposed to live? A sword has been in my hand since I was five years old. The coin I’ve earned, the scars my body bears, the small group of villages I finally feel welcome in. I’ll lose everything. To hell with it! I can smell my flesh cooking in my armor. That white dragon’s flames aren’t extinguishing, I still feel my insides burning. This forest’s greenery is all the same except…dammit my vision is starting to wane…water. I hear the rush of water. If I can get there and submerge myself in its healing embrace, I may be able to make it back.
Everything will not be in vain, I will live.
Iron, burnt flesh, leather and…desperation.
Two souls are on the brink of death. When they meet, is it just for survival? Can differences be bridged upon a common goal?
We wonder if they may collapse from the strain on the essence of one’s core. A soul is meant to only be tethered to a body, not stretched across two and mingled with another.
The Fall
Animals scurry away from the clear waters of the rushing river. They know that stench and it hangs in the air, growing nearer. An unknown’s demise is happening now.
The lush emerald grass crunches under his heavy boots. With each step he becomes more encumbered, dripping fresh crimson down his armor coating the green with the dark red liquid. Pero Tovar is dying. Alone. His trusted friend William is nowhere to be seen, nor is his horse for that matter. Maybe he should have given the damn thing a name. It’s not important right now. He’s within ten feet of the water’s edge. If he can just jump in, the burning to his chest and stomach will cease. It has to. He didn’t force himself from beneath the shadow of the rock that bore scorch marks from that bastard dragon’s white-hot breath just to fall short of his goal. Tovar had lived a violent life, one that began young and grew increasingly dangerous as he aged. He’s not a young man anymore. He should have been retired at this point, in his mid-forties. It’s ancient for a mercenary. A small plot of land with a house that he planned on fixing up himself waited for him. Beckoned him back to make it into a modest home. Tovar might even be able to find someone to share it with. He would need to be alive for either of these things.
With heavy eyes stained with scarlet Pero creeps toward the water, extending his sword arm. The echo from his body’s thud two feet away from the river makes him groan. He’s so close, yet, he has not the strength to pull himself forward. Tovar’s left arm remains under him, limp and burnt as he had tried to block the flames with his non-dominant hand. It was in vain. Strangely his armor only had some light burns, it was his skin that broiled underneath his supposed protection. It now caged in the heat and Pero needed both hands to remove its pieces.
“Human. Can you hear me?” It’s a soft soothing voice. Pero knows it’s either a ploy for a demon to have him sell his soul or Death mocking him for not stopping at the brothel before taking this extermination job in this village. “Human. There shall be no eternal rest for you yet. I have need of you.” He’s needed? Bah, the voice is lying. He failed to report back that the monsters are dead so what good is he now? Someone else can easily take credit, maybe William. No, he’ll come looking for him. Might he run into the white dragon too? That dumbass would and he’ll die too. Hopefully quick, not agonizingly slow like this.
Darkness is beginning to take him as is the cold. Pero cannot feel his limbs nor tell if he’s moving them. “Hmmpf, you care nothing of your life? Just to let it slip away like this. You appeared to be a warrior of some sort. Do all human warriors lay on their belly and wait for their final breath? Such a pity.” This voice, such torture before death to be mocked like this, couldn’t he have died in battle?
“I’m already in hell only hearing this voice before I die. Goddammit.” The mercenary laments.
“Are all humans fools like this? Why will you not heed my words? I am not trying to reach you for simple vexation.”
“Stop with your flowery words then. Say what you actually need. I’m not going to listen to you the entire time before I leave this earth.”
“Such arrogance from a lesser being. Had I had any other option, but I do not. I can keep you alive long enough to complete the process. It will be painful, the combining of essences. But we will both hold fast to our mortal coil yet and seek our shared purpose of revenge.”
“What do you know about my need for vengeance? Silly voice. If it means I can live, then I can find you and shut you up in addition to killing that fucking white dragon. I’ve done worse than ‘combining essence’ in my life. Whatever the hell that is. I’ll agree. I need to see, move and fight. I will not succumb without another chance at battle.”
“Counting on your need for spilling its blood was the right call. You’ll feel me enter you. Do not resist me. I shall call your name. What are you called?”
“Pero Tovar. Make it quick. There’s a bright light. I’m trying to avoid it, but it’s getting closer.”
“Do not rush me. It is my first time attempting this. Pero Tovar.”
“Just my damn luck, an amateur silly voice.”
“Call me Calista you weak mortal. I shall not suffer being called names. Once you are revived, I will teach you who is more powerful, Pero Tovar.”
“Call me Pero, silly voice Calista. Do you not know what last names are?”
“I think I shall make it hurt more just for you Pero.”
“That’s provided you can revive me and not mess up whatever essence you mentioned. You best not kill me Calista. I’ll find your idiotic voice in the afterlife and stab the throat that creates it.”
“Big talk for a mostly dead human Pero. Enough. I will begin.”
Tovar felt pressure, his entire being is forced down into the ground. He is still in the shadows and cannot see. A presence is near, that much he can tell. He notices that the aching burns from before no longer bother him, they’ve been replaced by throbbing bubbles that are pushing against whatever is pushing him down. His body feels like it’s contorting, and he screams, cursing and agreeing with some faceless voice in his final hours. Pero figured with this much pain, he could have been torn in half and not know yet. “I’m being made into a filthy demon’s plaything! Fuck!” The scar on his left eye begins to simmer, tingling before growing, setting itself ablaze. His fingers touch his face, he doesn’t feel anything causing the pain in his scar. That same voice asked how he felt with glee, this asshole was enjoying his pain. “You bastard! Kill me or revive me but hurry it the hell up!” The bubbles tingled in the shape of a hand; it was pulling at something in Pero’ chest. It didn’t feel like an organ but something even more critical.
It’s wrong that it’s being touched and bent. Kneaded with something foreign. A wave of rage and disgust washed over his body briefly before he was able to regain control of himself.
A Fighter’s Rise
His body becomes still. He isn’t sure when, but now he’s on his back and wrenching to vomit. Sitting up, Pero dry heaves before coughing. Wait.
The mercenary is sitting. The wind is on his face. He no longer smells his burnt flesh. Dull aches from head to toe, but his legs and feet are attached to him and so are his arms. The rippling waters tickle his ears as he takes in the sights. He can see everything. Out of both eyes. “Dios mio (My God)!” The gruff mercenary exclaims, slowly rising to his feet. He can stand and he doesn’t feel heavy, no pressure. “Qué pasó (what happened)?” The grass that he had been laying on is covered with different flowers. Some he could identify, others he had never seen. “Why are all of these here?”
The soldier of fortune was alive and that was the focus right now.
“I told you I could bring you back. It appears things went mostly as planned, simple Pero.” The same voice he’d been hearing ringing in his head was further away, but closing in on him. Drawing his sword, Tovar readied himself for battle.
“The flowers symbolize what has happened here. They all have their own meanings, though I doubt a brute such as yourself would appreciate their significance. Lower your weapon. Do not bite the hand that brought you back from the brink of death.” A rush of air is all that Pero’s eyes are able to capture before he’s flat on his back again, pinned by his arms with what looks to be a large woman standing on each forearm. His broadsword slices the ground next to his head, cutting a curl or two of his dark locks and drawing blood from his cheek.
Warm chestnut skin adorns her legs as a silver and mint green dress wraps her body. It’s lightweight and seemingly has no protective value. Underneath the dress he notes different shapes to her body, similar to a woman who is well nourished. Many places to hold and most appear soft. She looks to have thick thighs and legs as well, but her undergarments are smaller than what he’s seen human women wear. The skin of her thighs are completely exposed to him. Her shoulders are exposed and her fingernails are a deep crimson, almost as if they have been dipped in blood. Her eyes remind Pero of warm honey fresh from the comb with hair that calls upon the midnight hours. As she speaks, he watches her raspberry lips with shock and amusement, “Do you not see who is the greater of our pairing Pero? You will remain beneath me as the creature who is controlled by his desires.”
The mercenary grinned and licked his bottom lip, “I would say you are the one with base instincts you reptile. Pinning a man like this when speaking of desires only leads to one outcome. Whatever great being you’re supposed to be and not aware of what human men think of when a woman has her legs open in front of him.” Was he really interested? Mildly, he hadn’t been to the brothel for a warm cunt since before this latest job. Pero was trying to unnerve her since she was acting ‘mightier than thou.’ He hated those types, looking down on everyone. She is literally looking down at him though.
“You disgusting ingrate. You will not move me Pero.” Pressing the soles of her feet into his forearms, she squinted her eyes. “I am called Calista. You will show proper reverence to a dragon! Should count yourself blessed to even meet me, let alone be essence bonded with me.”
At this, his signature scowl is on his face, “I was nearly killed by a dragon and now I’m partnered with one! You damn crazy woman!” Calista drops her hips and uses her shins to continue to pin his arms. Leaning over Tovar, one hand is wrapped around his throat, her nails dug into his skin. Gripping a handful of his hair with her other hand, her breathing was beginning to quicken. The honey of her eyes became a deep jade and flames of the same color puffed out of her mouth with each exhale.
“Damn humans…degenerate, reprobate humans. That I have to lower myself to someone like you to survive…We will be together until our goal is met and Acanthus is dead - the white dragon. Be prepared lowly Pero. I shall use you until completion of my goal.”
Tovar ended up laughing at her words. He’s sure she’s serious, her claws are around his throat but the woman dragon or whatever she is, will make whatever journey this will be a funny one for sure. Huffing, Calista gets off of Pero and waits for him to stand before tossing his sword at him. The scratches on his throat heal and she clicks her tongue.
“We must discuss our predicament so you understand what I am doing for you and the both of us. Sit by the river you sought out. I will come to you shortly.”
Pero spat on the ground at her feet and nodded, claiming a seat on a large rock next to the river.
The Dragon’s Lament
Calista stood, peering up at the sky. She would miss it. She was grounded now, stuck in this human form with such a body. And tethered to this lewd and foul man. She needed to survive, but at what cost? “Great Elder Bahamut, what have I done to deserve this? Why did you only exile that vile serpent? They should have been burned to ash.” She looked at Pero’s wide back, his hair was dirty but soft and his voice was a dulcet tone that made the scales she had left vibrate.
Taking steps toward her new other half, Calista felt unfamiliar sensations. Pero made her stomach churn, she spat in the same manner he had, except blood came out with it. She wipes her mouth as her once booming voice has lightened. Still rich in its depth, but didn’t vibrate the very air. “Dammit. My wings, my voice. Does this mean my magic as well? Just to survive, just because I wanted to remain my own dragon.” The short walk toward Tovar appears endless to her, each step heavier than the next. “Weak, shifty human. Pero you must-“ Her voice cut off as she fell forward as the mercenary had in the same spot. Shivering in the resentment at how frail her body was now, Calista gasped. A boot was next to her head.
“Who is above who now, you haughty dragon? You look sick. I would be stuck with a half-dragon that can’t move.” Pero heard the thud and rose from his seat next to the water. The creature did appear to be posturing to cover for something. Now he knew, whatever she had done to keep them both alive had grave consequences for her. What did it mean for him?
“Vamos la arpía pequeña (Let’s go little dragon).” Pero slipped his arms underneath her body and turned her over. She may have been exceedingly prideful as a dragon - something to have pride in, but she was also beautiful, there were scales dotted along her skin that varied from silver to magenta. He lifted her and surveyed his area, they’d need shelter for the time being until she woke up or nightfall came. His eyes seemed sharper than they had been, he didn’t remember being able to see that far, spying a cave about three thousand feet away. “Maybe there might be something to this. Not telling her that though.”
Measured steps toward the cave gave Tovar ample time to think and consider next measures.
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One who might pin Pero down…for reasons:
@tinytinymenace @604to647 @jessthebaker @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone
@rav3n-pascal22 @iamskyereads @sherala007 @morallyinept
@soft-girl-musings @readingiskeepingmegoing @bishtrouille @yorksgirl @inept-the-magnificent
@avastrasposts @perotovar @connectioneverywhere @alltheglitterandtheroar @all-the-things-2020
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My spacial awareness is complete ass y’all 🥲. Got a big old welt on the back of my head, cause I slammed it into the freezer door handle when I was pulling ingredients out the fridge. It hurts so bad 😭😭😭. Like, why are house hold appliances coming for me like dis.
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darkvolley · 4 months
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Excuse the YouTuber in the corner I'm too lazy to switch to a different video but, it's probably a pretty easy conclusion to come to that KH might function off a somewhat stable time loop but nothing has really made it feel blatantly obvious than realizing that actually, since Ansem SoD sent Young Xehanort to Scala, that would mean there would have to be a starting timeline where the first SoD went back to start the loop, meaning there has to be a timeline where Xehanort never left Destiny Islands MEANING there has to be a timeline where SoD never existed, and as such neither did Xemnas and Terranort never happened along with basically everything else. So are we in fact confirming that KH does indeed function off a stable timeloop that never truly "started" somewhere and has just always been this way, or what in the world could have happened to still lead Xehanort to Scala without interference? Cuz now I have to wonder, if we're going by stable timeloop, then either Sora creates the tear in time every loop effectively creating endless ones over and over which could lead to a bigger problem(or not a problem at all if it's supposed to happen??) OR this is somehow the first deviation, which doesn't feel likely considering obviously Quadratum and Srelitizia being there seems to be decidedly factored into the equation here, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it hasn't been. Or maybe the problem is that Sora's genuinely not supposed to be there. Idk where I'm going anymore, but basically if time started somewhere and it hasn't always been a loop, how did we get HERE to the point in the screenshot where SoD/practically everything was able to exist to "create itself" essentially??? And I don't think that's possible without outside intervention, so it's gotta be a stable timeloop!
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Rudy with a jealous s/o? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I NEED THISS
Hello! Here you go!
Rodolfo with a Jealous!S/O
The moment he sees you’re jealous he’ll chuckle a bit but also be a bit worried. It’s nice to see that you like his attention enough to want it most of the time, but would he really be able to calm you down from your frenzy? He most likely could, but the worry is still there. At first he’d be a bit apprehensive about approaching you, especially if you’re being snappish and keep hinting at you being mad at him for spending time with someone that wasn’t you. If this doesn’t happen very often he wouldn’t know what to do, but if you’re a very jealous person and it keeps happening then he’ll have a talk with you. It’s not particularly fair to him that you always snap at him whenever he spends time with his teammates or friends, so he’ll sit you down and discuss your behavior and how you can both improve yourselves. Communication is very important to him.
If you don’t get jealous as often, then he’ll approach you after a bit and ask you what’s wrong. It’s up to you whether or not you honestly respond to him, but he’d much prefer you being upfront and honest with him. He won’t really know too well what to do if you just keep lying to him, pretending that you’re alright. Rodolfo will, however, take you to a secluded place if you’re out somewhere together and just talk to you. While he may not be the biggest fan of PDA, he would give you a small kiss, either on your lips or your cheeks, maybe even a hug if you’re especially mad, and apologize to you. He knows it likely isn’t his fault, but maybe an apology could calm you down. If it’s late and he’s been with his friends for a while now anyway then he could make time to just leave, especially if nothing important is going on anymore and the main events and conversation topics are over. However, if he has to stay for a bit longer, then he’ll apologize again, but promises you that you’ll be going back home soon enough.
Once you’re back home all of his attention is on you, if you want that. If you prefer to be left alone then he will let you be, but will check up on you once every hour and ask if you’re doing alright. But if you don’t want that then he’s more than happy to talk with you, or spend time with you in general. You wanna cuddle? Play a video game? Bake some cookies? He’s not opposed to any of those things. Because, truth be told, you being mad but quiet sort of scares him. He has to deal with loud, angry soldiers almost on a daily basis, so he knows how to put someone in their place if they’re being openly aggressive. Therefore you being so quiet is very worrisome and he’ll be on edge this entire time. As soon as you laugh again he knows he did something right, though. That’s the goal: To get you to calm down and smile, maybe laugh even. But he knows that, at the very least, it will likely be over by the time you both wake up again in the morning. If he can, then he’ll spend the next day with you. Or at least as much of it as he can.
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lonely--seeker · 1 month
I think I'm going insane. Lately my dreams have been so mundane, it wouldn't be weird if I wasn't just a person that has nightmares 80% of the time, so I now my dreams are so hard to distinguish from reality.
I wouldn't be able tell what was real from what not if it wasn't because last night I went to my doctor's appointment and I was handed new glasses by Harvey just to go back home and find out Laois was cooking something in my backyard.
#to be fair. in my dream i was back at my old house. so the horrors where there still#also i've been dreaming about my dog. but sometimes it's not him. it's other dog trying to replace him. but it's not him. i miss him dearly#but it's... weird. i never actually dream with characters either. something strange is going on#I've been telling my brother i wake up and i have to remember who i am#for the totally normal dreams. it's like my soul is divided and it's living somewhere else for the night#who is the person i am when i dream. because it's not me. it's a whole different live. whole different people around me. I'm going insane#there's such a strange feeling about it. it's familiar? it's comfortable?#which only makes it even more weird. why is a life so different to mine feel so comfortable...#to the point i wake up and i don't remember who i am for at least ten minutes#but then i forget what i had dreamt about. and then i go around my day randomly reminding things. then that's when i realize those memories#were actual dreams#i should write a fanfic about this lmao#it was a nice dream though. i remember vividly i was sitting in one of those chairs thingies that hang in the air?#and i was swinging happily. i think Laios was talking about where he got whatever the fuck he was cooking. i couldn't understand him really.#he wasn't speaking in spanish but it wasn't english either. i think it was a made up gibberish... I'm still baffled by how comfortable i was#i think there were friends around too. maybe a hangout was going on? everything was nice. it reminds me of the times#i would go eat at a friend's house. but things felt a lot nicer. it was like if time had stopped and nothing wrong could ever happen.#and even then. i was still there. which i think that's why i started to feel dizzy in my little swing. i ended up waking up from that.#i still get dizzy remembering it.#welp. I hope i don't lose myself tonight...#I don't actually know what's worse. the nightmares are common. they are familiar. there's comfort in knowing what to expect.#but “good” dreams like that... i end up thinking about them too much. the residual feeling is weirder#and i have to deal with the whole different layer that is.. there's was a fucking anime guy there. kill me. kill me. get him OUT of my brain#I'm not lying when I say I can physically feel Laios rearranging my brain in ways i will not share publicly#kill me.
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rubiesintherough · 4 months
#(( ooc. ))#venting tw#negativity tw#gonna try to do some writing today but motivation is real low.#i guess that's what happens when you get called stupid useless and lazy to your face by someone who then expects you#to bow and scrape and wait on them hand and foot#and also now im expected to pay the electric bill on top of doing all the housework. literally all of it. in a home of 3#fucking adults. and bow im also the one having to handle a lot of maintenance work around the place on top of keeping#it spotless bc no one else 'feels like doing it'#and the whole time i get to be insulted and told that im fat. stupid. lazy. while im cleajing up their messes. and fixing stuff for them.#and doing a bunch of cooking bc they get pissy if i dont also feed them on top of doing literally all the housework. and maintenance work.#and also now being expected to pay half the electric bill. again house of 3 people. and im not even allowed to take a hot shower when i need#to in order to get the pain spikes under control from yknow. flaring up my fibro from overworking myself CLEANING AND TAKING CARE OF THE#DAMN HOUSE FOR THEM#bc it takes too much electricity. the electricity i mostly paid for last month#sorry i needed to get that out#suicide tw#abuse tw#not me debating offing myself bc theres no end in sight and no way out and i cant keep going from one abusive situation to another#and just trying to survive. almost 30 yrs old and ive never once felt safe or at home anywhere ive ever lived. not once. in almost 30#years have i ever felt safe. or like im my own person. or that im valued. or wanted. or listened to. not once in almost 30 years#have i ever felt like im actually loved (wanted) beyond my usefullness.#shit sucks man. anyway sorry for the spam of negativity lately. im not trying to be a downer.#gonna go hang out in my inbox for a while and see if anything pops out that my muses wanna jump on 🤞
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lesbiansanemi · 29 days
Bad day. Horrible awful terrible bad day
#there’s not even a reason. nothing bad has actually happened#it just FUCKING SUCKS#I want to walk into a lake and never come back#I want to take my brain out of my skull and throw it at a wall and watch it splatter#I know today sucks because I’m so tense and upset that my back HURTS so fucking bad#cuz when this happens I tense up and my back muscles decide to coil around my spine and squeeze like a starving snake#it’s spreading through my shoulders and even to my chest which is a first#I just 😭😭😭 I want to go home except home also sucks cuz roommate#and I know he’ll be out in a few days but that feels like forever#and I’m so tired and I’m so upset and I want to curl up in a ball and cry and hide from the world#but I’m working a 7 day stretch at my job#and I have to transfer the power and internet to my name sometime before Wednesday#and I’m so sick of takeout the idea of eating it makes me want to vomit but I can’t physically bring myself to cook while they’re there#and I just. ugh. UGH#I’m so sick of existing#why does my life only allow me small handfuls of months at a time#where I’m not living in some form of disaster and stressed to all hell and back and just wanting to lay down and die#what did I do so wrong. what have I done to deserve all this shit#in my short terrible miserable fucking life#whatever I’ll just go home and stare at the wall#and then go to bed and come to work and come to work and come to work there’s always going to work#I’m going to fucking scream I hate my brain#why can’t it just regulate itself in a normal way cuz that’s the thing I know I’m being insane and nothing is actually this bad#but man if it doesn’t fucking feel that way#and being aware I’m being batshit really doesn’t make it better actually I think it makes it worse#kaz rambles
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Ed recovery with autism and adhd is so weird.
Like I'll either forget to eat lunch entirely or I'll forget when I ate last and end up eating lunch 3 seperate times instead.
Then sometimes I have to literally ask my girlfriend if I'm hungry because I don't fucking know what my body is feeling ever and she's usually like "Yeah you should eat".
Then when I go to prepare food it's like:
Me: okay body so how much food do you want
Body: hm...m... food...?
Me: yes food. But HOW MUCH
Body: uhh... s e v e r a l
And then I end up making too much for me to eat (thank God I'm allowed to not eat all of my food now- I hated that rule so much growing up) but its still so goddamn confusing skgjfjfhff
#wrong#anyway im incredibly thankful for my girlfriend who is so so patient and supportive#the amount of help and support i never realized i need is actually insane#like i genuinely cant function without help because of my autism (and adhd to a lesser degree)#idk its just really nice to not only have help but not feel like i should be ashamed of needing it either#oof i forgot the other thing that happens when i make food is that i prepare it and then by the time its done cooking#i dont even want it anymore -_- like wtf? i literally was JUST hungry#or i wont feel hungry but then as soon as i go to bed and cant make food because everyones asleep#and the lights are all off and im all cozy and sleepy#THEN im starving. my body has the worst timing ever sometimes istg#still not as bad as before recovery though#ive just elected to be a lot more patient with myself#i used to compare my recovery to other peoples never understanding what i was doing#but the truth of the matter was those people i was comparing myself to#had only had eds for like 2-5 years. which is still bad of course but its not applicable to my scenario#they were also neurotypical and cisgender which i also couldnt relate to#the thing is i never learned how to eat properly. before my ed i still wasnt eating enough#because my parents were neglecting me#i only know hunger and i never learned how to eat properly or what being nourished feels like#that means i have to not only relearn things but learn them entirely for the first time#i have to learn what hunger feels like and what being full feels like and when it is and isnt ok to skip a snack#its just really hard learning these things for the first time ar 20 years old#and once i acknowledged that- that it was really hard for me- i think i felt a lot of relief#like im struggling but it makes sense that i am and i wont always feel like thia#one day i will heal. i just needed a little help
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naomiknight-17 · 11 months
Come to think of it... I played the Pikmin 4 demo on the weekend
Then Monday and today, I've been cooking, cleaning and organizing significantly more than usual
Hey how dare a video game inspire me to be better at organizing my life
I protest
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
i was playing about dropping Fifty Drawings onto everyone's dashboard this week but the unfortunate reality is i am in fact being assaulted with images
#snap chats#this is what happens when i go on three hour walks i guess#might abandon some but i will spitball the ones on the forefront of my brain..#more for my sake so i dont fuckin forget cause I Am Starting To Forget Already dont read if. you dont want spoilers ???#not y7 spoilers. or i mean i GUESS there'll be y7 spoilers but i mean for my psts. i guess. only i care about that ANYWAY#i wanna draw a comic of aoki getting SOME kind of butterfly memorabilia or something with him and butterflies#i Was having a chortle with myself about Like A Butterfly but i was also like... Yk Butterflies Still Are About Rebirth#lame as hell ik but shut up anyway next one i wanted to do was Troubled Teen Jo getting in a scrap with arakawa#idk if i want this to be AFTER arakawa's become a father or not.. im still chewing on exactly what i want the direction of it to be..#i have an IDEAAAA just.. nothing concrete yet..#and then the one i wanted to see if i could do tonight was Beach Day With The Arakawas :) Cause IDK <:)#i really dont know.. for some reason i just got visions of them three at the beach.. maybe its cause of tonbi idk...#though the more i thought about that idea the longer it got and the more i was like 'maybe i can turn this into a fic instead'#a terrible sentence cause generally i never get anything done when i say that but it'd fr be too long to make a comic of#so at least for now maybe ill make a short fic.. just tryna figure if i want a jo or arakawa pov#i always think of jo's pov so i wanna challenge myself with arakawa. i always focus on jo and his pov of 'becoming a father'#but sometimes i also really wanna explore arakawa's pov on jo becoming another parental figure for masato. or smthn like that idk#ANYWAY LET ME COOK. im not a good chef but i can at least cook an egg lemme see what i got...#bye bye for now ill be in the kitchen (google docs) if anyone needs me..
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
Obviously the cooking in dumesh is very fancy and nice but i really like the way its like. Okay heres what we have as ingredients. Okay now cook a thing [and mostly eliding seasonings rip]. Which is what i do. With the difference that when you ask me what im cooking in stead of like a pretty title card and meal name with rankings i just act like im being hunted.
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david-watts · 3 months
I feel guilty for harbouring these feelings because it's been at minimum five years but man. all of the shit I got for never taking opportunities in hs/college when I never could take the opportunities and when I had them they would be yanked away from me the second I tried to grasp them. is it any wonder I've done nothing since leaving? the closest to following anything I want to do with my life was last year. everyone else seemed to get the opportunities they needed or wanted but not me. I think it was separate from the eventual treatment I got when the school realised I was dangerous to them but fuck man it still hurts that when I got accidentally placed into a class that I discovered I wanted to do five minutes in the teacher realised what had happened and said 'you're not suited to this type of class I'll move you into something you're more suited to' but someone else who also wasn't suited to that class got to do it anyway a year or two before. I wasn't allowed to move away for uni to do a course I wanted to do (which was at the time a backup plan) because not only did my m*ther keep telling me I wasn't good enough to do but. she had to be able to move in with me and that wasn't an option. and I still get told 'well maybe you should've done more in hs' like fucking what
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akchually · 6 months
#so there's this girl#and there's this conversation I had where I told Prettyboy about a coworker whose version of polyamory is#'she says she needs me back in Washington but I don't have a job there. I keep telling her to get another boyfriend while I'm out of town#just make sure he's not around when I visit so I don't have to fight anybody'#That tickled me. And the conversation ended with me getting like a third of a hall pass. I gotta call if anything happens.#Call so Prettyboy feels like he's part of my romantic life even when the romance isn't him#Which is the opposite track of the one I was giggling about okay yeah#But like my best friend here is. Super pretty. Ridiculously pretty.#And kind and works hard and takes care of the people she loves. She's always finding ways to help me.#And she's vegan and loves my cooking and that's my love language okay#I wanna make sure she eats I wanna see what happens if she's given full reigns on dominance I want I yearn#And we talk for hours about nothing but it's been weeks since I've been like one third available and I dunno how to tell her#Or if I should or if I'd be just another person in her life who wants her for what she can do for them#I think my intentions are good but it's lonely. The long distance and the seasonal work and the isolated town up in the mountains.#And maybe I just want to be held.#I know she's grey ace and a lot of the romantic relationships she's had in the past were very manipulative and not what she really wanted#Maybe that's what's pulling me in so hard like am I just insecure and want to prove myself yet again#I've always been drawn to flaky people#I wanna be the one person they show up for#This is the thing that I actually need to process in therapy and can't just lsd the anxiety away#Though that worked for most things#Take hallucinagens. Once.#I'm such a hugger but only worked up the courage to hug her a few days ago.#We've been talking (lowercase t) for months.#And I know she has her own long distance unicorn relationship back in Kentucky. I'm hoping the subject will just surface again.#And then I can say hey#I think you're really pretty
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mishy-mashy · 1 year
So far there's the magician that likes to make fun of Joshua and has problems to sort out, and a kid who causes property damage on a daily basis and obsesses over instruments (OCs)
These aren't the only ones but I just think that of all my fics or Re:Zero OCs, the cutest is about Julius taking in another spirit (look at Pooka or Chamov for an image on the general character concept)
Julius has a spirit that's like a son to him
"Julius." Emilia turned to the knight with a smile.
Before Julius could give his own greetings, a fluffy head popped up from his left shoulder. Their cute face blinked at them, before a smile spread across their face.
Ho ho!" the demi-humanoid spirit shouted in greeting, holding onto Julius's shoulders without his help.
Subaru screamed.
Playing shop
Sure, he didn't have much idea about money, but that's why he paid attention to what the lady said! As per the rules of Lady Anastasia, money had only three rules!
1. More money is good!
2. Keep as much money to yourself as you can because that's good!
3. High prices aren't good!
With these core principles in mind, the little demi-human-looking spirit stood over a small box that acted as a shop counter.
"How much is this?" Julius asked, crouching in front of the makeshift desk and holding a valuable metia encrusted with gold.
Of course, because high prices are bad, that must mean they're bad for both the seller and buyer!
"Free, because high prices are bad prices!"
"... I see. How much is your most expensive item?"
"1 bronze!"
If his little spirit friend had hands, he surely would've held up a finger instead of his hoof.
"But I like you, so you can have it for free as my most loyal customer!"
Julius was his only customer, but he kept quiet on that.
".... Thank you for your hospitality."
"Thanks for your thievery! Please come again!"
Rule 3.1: Giving things for free is the equivalent of highway robbery.
Spirits can get sick?
"Are you okay?"
Said spirit was on the ground, forehead pressed and tiny arms wrapped around its tummy. Even though Julius couldn't see his face, they sounded like they were half-crying already.
"Feels cursed... buhuu..."
Everyone thinks the spirit is a real demi-human so the spirit needs a last name
"What's a last name?" they asked, doing their best to peer over the paper from the too-tall (read: average height) table.
"A name that identifies you to your house."
"My crystal?"
"No... Do you have a name you want?"
"Let me rephrase that—a last name that's ideally one word?"
".. Where did you learn that word..." Julius sighed, not surprised.
"Blood! Murder! Explosion! DEATH TO ALL!! MIMI! IRON FANGS!!! TAKE NO SURVIVORS!!!"
Julius grew slightly embarrassed as others started to crane their heads, judging him for apparently teaching a child those words.
At least he knew where his friend learned said words.
Spirit worldbuilding
".. I'm not sure why he hasn't come out since then," Julius murmured, tapping his finger against the magic crystal that housed them.
It shook slightly—the only response he received up until this point.
"Are you okay?" he spoke to the dormant spirit, unsure if they could hear him. Julius could not receive a verbal or telepathic reply either, like with his little spirits.
After all, they were not—
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