#this isn't everyone i love of course
nancywheeeler · 1 year
hopeless time loop. the way out isn’t to save everyone. the way out isn’t to save even one person. the way out isn’t to change anything. the way out is accepting how it happened the first time is how it always will be. that’s how you acted, that’s how they acted, that’s how you would have acted every time if you weren’t given the curse of hindsight. the way out is accepting you can’t fix the past; you can only forgive yourself for it.
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tippenfunkaport · 5 months
That viral post that's going around about how people who write "book quality" mlm fic are too "normal" to publish and have real jobs so only "weird" people publish their "shitty" fanfic is so completely out of touch with reality and I am giving a massive side eye to everyone reblogging it.
Not only is it completely, easily verifiably untrue (you cannot enter any professional writing space without tripping over a dozen grizzled scifi writers who got their start by filing off the serial numbers and publishing their Star Trek fanfic even going back decades ago??? it's a whole thing?? plus how can you look at the mlm category on Amazon right now and say with a straight face that people aren't publishing shitty Spirk and Stucky fanfic??? Oh, honey...) it's also the perfect example of this kind of sneering elitism that true artists would never sully themselves by seeking profit, they do it only for the purity of the thing that always somehow leads back to, "no one should be paid to make art, actually."
The only reason you're seeing more published fanfic right now has nothing to do with the idealistic purity of your hypothetical government employee written smut of the past vs the debased scribbles of those awful straights of today and everything to do with the fact that a) self-publishing has created a voracious readership that wants a ton of content so it's become a viable, flexible income stream for many, especially disabled people b) anyone can publish now with self-publishing tools so there are less gatekeepers and c) lockdown got a lot of people into fandom and therefore writing who never tried it before.
And if you really think there's no "shitty" published mlm and no "book-quality" m/f writing out there that started as fanfic, then you are clearly not a reader so why are you even talking about this?
#love how they manipulated people into spreading that post by making it seem like a cishet vs gay thing#when the real message is OP thinks trying to sell your writing is cringe and 'weird' and 'normal people' with jobs would never#which would of course never have flown on the fandom website#so they played into the queer shipping is purer than cishet shipping puriteen thing#and it worked!#because my god people are gullible#this is the direct pipeline that leads to AI thievery#''normal' people write for the joy of it anyway so why do you need pay? you are just greedy and 'weird'!'#'oh no this isn't about who we get to call cringe and who gets to profit from art it's about um...#(quick what's a hated m/f ship?).. oh uh 'shitty' REYLO#and not our super pure uh... (spirk is still popular right? lets throw in that avengers one too to make it seem timely) stucky!'#I'm sorry if I have no sense of humor about this but the year is 2024 and people are still way too ready to sneer#about writers trying to earn a fucking living in the shittiest timeline#and i need you to look deep into yourself and ask you why it's so important to you to tell yourself that only people writing what you like#are 'normal' with real jobs and to vilify everyone else as 'weird' and 'shitty'#for trying to make an income during a financial fucking crisis#i would say sorry for ranting about this but I'm not sorry because wtf#write whatever you want#publish whatever you want#there is no moral fucking purity in what the content is#and one thing certainly doesn't make you more 'weird' or 'normal' than the other#like there is soooo much shitty mlm that started as fanfic???#that post is 100% OP made up some guys to get mad about and called them relyos for the clicks#writing#publishing#writblr#writeblr#i wasn't going to tag this anything but you know what fuck it I'm mad#i had like 5 more tags but tumblr cut me off which is fair 😅#fan fiction
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cthulhuschild · 6 months
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ZoSan Week: 40 years old
When you are in desperate need of more 40 y/o ZoSan and you realise you have the power of art.
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catzy88 · 9 months
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Le Bien Qui Fait Mal
Or, Salieri's descent into bisexual crisis and BDSM madness
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aviolettrose · 3 months
I feel like, if Jason was ever de-aged, Bruce wouldn't leave his side and be the best dad ever for him (he sees it as a second chance)
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kanerallels · 3 months
I know if no one else got me, the Sabezra fandom got me
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i was js reading alice in wonderland for the first time earlier in class (stopppp ive always heard of the story but ionly know some stuff[?] from watching alice in borderland 😭), the story is so ridiculously, perplexingly, mind-bogglingly, bafflingly nosensical and idk if the author intentionally wrote it to be so confusing or its actually like that 😭
dude the size of their heads in the illustrations- 😨
and i knew the cheshire cat was kinda scary based off the images i saw on the Net a few times but black and white makes it look even worse holey heck
im halfway through the (fairly short) book and i wanna know why the queen keeps yapping "Cut off his head!" all the time like does she have a beheading kink or sth 😭
tell me you haven't lived long on this earth without telling me you haven't lived long on this earth: you've never read/watched alice in wonderland but know alice in borderland.
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alice in wonderland is probably the most relatable story i've ever read and i loved its movie so much its literally one of my fav things ever 😭😭 i loved all that nonsense when i was a kid and i still love that nonsense bc it kinda makes more sense now 😭😭 i love it sm 😭 cheshire cat is the cutest even in b&w don't you dare 😭😭
bro if i was in a position of power like the red queen (and i guess that's why i'm not) guess what my fav line would be she's so relatable.
off with his head!
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yeehaw just wrote over 3k and i can't publish Any of it without miles of fantasy au context
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kdramaxoxo · 11 months
The thing about King The Land is sure, the plots with the trope-y sister is annoying and yeah, the writing is a little baggy and drawn out but dude. Give me a healthy main with lots of SOFT and I’m here for it! Legit these two doing it in a fluffy non-slice-of-life rom com?? YES PLEASE!
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blujayonthewing · 8 days
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hands down the worst thing about being an artist is other people constantly going 'I'm not gonna bother doing this fun rewarding thing-- least of all with you-- because you are so much better at it that it ruins it for me'
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
one surefire way to kill me stone dead at any given moment is putting the opening lines of the Revenge of the Sith novelization in a photoset
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lesbiansforboromir · 9 months
oh OH hO spicey ohhh having a spicey little tantrum about the boromir tag don't listen to me at all do NOT listen I mean it I mean it this is so petty
#text post#Gonna go ffffucking crazy- people have to bend so far over backwards to make Boromir bad that they just full out ignore his entire characte#and bend even further over backwards to make the elves all better than him too like jesus christ#oh is it BOROMIR who would be bitter about dying in the defense of Rohan??? whose despair is just so self serving and requires legolas to#slap him out of it yes uhuh that seems reasonable seems like BOROMIR would just hate the idea of dying for allies he so clearly loved#when in the full actual canonical scene of his death he dies for two random guys he met five months ago and all he has to say about it is#he failed he is sorry he has paid#BOROMIR definitely doesn't deal well with his own looming death and would definitely snap at other people about it ignoring all the decades#he has been under the looming shadow of death and has been known as not-grim and loved by many and has done his duty almost like#that is literally all his life has been up until this point#and of course of course it's ARAGORN who he's supposed to be fighting for because he's SOO impactful on Boromir's psyche he meant so much t#him apparently ggrsfsfgrrffffggfrgr#everyone wants to hit boromir oh yeah he's so annoying his hopelessness is such a burden and everyone else has to deal with him#if ANY of you go looking for what I'm talking about and do anything about it I'll slaughter you myself these are such inside thoughts the#comic is good#I shouldn't even be angry it's the natural conclusion from a story that tells you Boromir is bad but does not spell out that it's because h#isn't 'faithful' to god#they just tell you he is 'too despairing' and he 'desires power' and he 'doesn't have hope' (hope being a proxy for faith and Boromir not#believing in Aragorn means he doesn't believe in Eru's chosen leaders and his 'grand plan')#despair being a sin because it means you are selfishly giving into your own desires for a good life for you and the people you love#rather than accepting that all is God's plan and this life is only meaningful if you are defending Eru's right to the throne of the world#But that isn't spelled out so for despair to be treated as evil in the story people apply a secular understanding of 'bad despair'#already a TERRIBLE idea btw genuinely awful to percieve hopelessness as a personal moral failing#I suppose thats it actually the major reason it gets to me cus hopelessness and despair is a base aspect of my existence like#I am in despair pretty much constantly and I know a lot of other disabled people with similar sentiments#and the urging from people to 'have hope' is at this point sickening and infuriating and maddening to me it is disconnected from my reality#WHICH is demonstrably why I care about Boromir and Denethor so much no one meets them where they are no one sits in their reality with them#they are deeply relatable in their dealing with dispair namely; they just live and accomplish and strive along with their sarcasm and#black humour through their dark grueling lives and do what duty demands and try to hold onto their crumbling family relationships#and then they each have uniquely cathartic ends to those lives
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
uugghh when you said you like aoki because of leaning towards characters in position of power I FELT THAT ASHDHFKD even since I was a kid I somehow liked the leaders of the groups the most and it HASNT CHANGED HELP (maybe its the sense of responsibility, god knows i dont have one)
stanning daigo like look at this depressed dude steering this cruiser called Tojo out of the rocks to sink gracefully at the shallows after the previous captain (cough kiryu cough) abandoned ship. You’re doing great sweetie i’m cheering you on. Keep pretending you’re all serious and know what you’re doing king 🫡
i like it when characters are evil cause its funny to my brain :) but no real shit cause Being In A Position Of Power is so tremendous and. Powerful LIKE you are responsible for so many people ... what you do with that responsibility can be frightening or benevolent and ouuuggh.....
i've gone EXTENSIVELY into why i love daigo but a major part of it is his character progression and the fact he tried so hard for the tojo until he couldnt. i wont get TOO into it lest i end up typing TWO Why I Like This Character essays in a day but how his attitude and his experiences change over time is so cool to me and i love it so much...
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
I’m glad you liked the idea!! The result was so perfect and sweet as usual. Here’s another if you’re interested/have muse! Words: curiousity, animals, whispering
Gil gulped, trying to focus on plating more appetizers as the guests mulled about. For the most part, they were scattered around the rest of the sprawling estate, but some of them had gravitated towards the kitchen naturally out of eagerness for the next round.
And they kept whispering.
He couldn't make out what they were saying, of course, but Gil knew when he was being whispered about. He had grown up as a husky but strong boy who loved cooking, he was no stranger to feeling like an animal in a zoo. But the scrutinising glares of a couple dozen millionaires were more than enough to put him on edge.
He dabbed at some sweat on his forehead and heard a giggle behind him. He was glad he had the steam and stove and various other heat sources to blame for the flush in his skin. Clearing his throat, he turned with the platter in hand. "More hors d'oeuvres--canapes with cavier and brie crostini with blackberry and prosciutto."
"How delightful!"
"Wherever did Thena find a specimen like you?"
"I simply must get the recipe to my own chef!"
Gil just smiled, setting down the platter for them to maul at will. He slipped backwards, eager for the refuge of the inner kitchen again. When Thena had described this as a 'monsters' ball' of a soiree, she wasn't kidding.
She had warned him that the guests were technically allowed wherever they wanted to be, including his own space, as much as she wanted to discourage it. There were also warnings about how rude they could be, even if the words were polite, as well as not to let any of them subtly try to poach him from her.
As if that were possible; he had no desire to work for anyone but Thena.
Only a few more hours and it was over. Even if there were still guests lingering, Thena had made it very clear that he could leave after 11. It was pretty sweet, all things considered. It wasn't uncommon for the chef to be stuck there catering to everyone's desires until guests had left, and then clean up after everything too.
"Sir, the food is being received splednidly!"
"Jesus!" Gil cursed, gripping the pocket of his chef's jacket over his heart as Karun - yet again - materialised out of thin air. He glared at him, "dude!"
Karun just chuckled, though, not minding the casual speech in the least. "The Madam is the envy of all present, thanks to you and your recipes, sir. I have heard only glowing reviews throughout the party."
Well, no chef disliked hearing that. And if the guests weren't going to compliment him so honestly, then at least he could hear it from someone he trusted. They hadn't said anything bad of course, but even when they were saying nice things, he really felt like he couldn't believe anything any of them were saying.
"The Madam knew, of course. I have never heard her praise anything so highly as your food!"
Sometimes Gil really wondered if Karun exaggerated Thena's words, at all. She was just so quiet, so hard to read. It was hard to imagine her going on at length about...well, anything. And yet Karun made it sound like it was something she gushed about.
"Where is Thena?" Gil asked, even looking around in hopes of catching a glimpse of her bright blonde hair. He wiped his hands on the towel tossed over his shoulder. "I haven't seen her since the doors opened."
She had stopped by before getting ready, while he was still preparing everything. She had seemed a little nervous, actually, hovering around his prep work as if to procrastinate putting on her fancy dress and doing her hair.
"Ah, the Madam has many guests to entertain," Karun lamented, although still with the same immovable smile on his face. He straightened his bow tie. "Although, she did mention fetching something from the wine cellar."
"Huh," Gil murmured, still wiping his hands, mostly to occupy them with something. He didn't have anything on the fire currently, although he had considered that he could use some sparkling just to float on top of the personal panna cottas. "Maybe I'll see if she needs a hand with anything."
Gil walked down the stairs to the fancy underground wine cellar with heavy steps. He just needed a second wind to get through the rest of the evening. If he could have a little snack and push out the desserts then he would have a clear board. There were dressed up wait staff walking around with drinks and trays of his food anyway.
Maybe Karun had planned it, but Gil turned the corner and found Thena. She was seated on one of the crates yet to be unpacked, probably full of bottles that cost more than his whole salary. She was hunched over a little plate of food with her legs crossed, the slit of her dress exposing the length of them, while also pooling unceremoniously on the floor with her heels. Her hair was still pinned tightly at the back of her head, although he was guessing that the sparkly clip sitting beside her had been in it until she got down here.
She still looked gorgeous, although he had to admit he was more fond of the way she looked first thing in the morning, enjoying one of his omelettes.
"Oh," she looked up, not rushing to polish her appearance again. She rearranged her dress somewhat, starting to slip her stocking feet back into her shoes. "I was-"
"Hey, it's okay," he rushed. He could only assume she had taken off the high heels because her feet were killing her. "I won't tell."
She smiled at him, thankful for his secrecy. She did indeed slip her feet back to the tile floor, holding her rations preciously. "Did you come to escape them as well?"
"Escape them?"
She glanced upward in the direction of her own party, "the animals."
Gil snorted. He had certainly thought of them as such, but he hadn't exactly thought Thena did too. At least, not so literally. "I thought you knew at least some of them."
But she looked downtrodden, bordering on miserable. Gil immediately thought of the times in his life when he felt like a shy little outcast, sitting alone at lunch or being excluded from playing with others. "I suppose I am acquainted with a few of them. But this is largely a networking event. It is my turn to host it, nothing more."
He didn't exactly know everything about Thena's super fancy lifestyle. Actually, he knew very little about it. But he was confident in saying that she didn't ask for any of it, let alone like it. "Really sounds like more of a pain in the ass, than anything."
He usually didn't swear in front of Thena (his boss). Well, he didn't always talk in front of her at all. But she smiled again, her finger playing with a sprig of green onion that had tumbled off a canape. "I would have to agree."
Given that this was the most he and Thena had ever exchanged in terms of words or conversation, Gil decided to push further. He abandoned the search for champagne in favour of leaning against a stack of crates facing her. He slipped his hands in his pockets, although he immediately wondered if it was coming off as 'trying too hard'. "Is there anyone here you like at all?"
She looked up, stared him dead in the eyes, and said, "you."
Gil blushed.
Thena looked down at her lap again. She didn't rush to correct her statement, but her fidgeting with her plate increased as she brought her knees closer to her chest. "Not that I make for good company."
"What?" he laughed, hoping she would follow suit. "I'd rather be down here with you than up there, anyway."
She didn't quite take it as the compliment he intended, but she did look up again. Her lip set in a firm line, "have they been pestering you? I did attempt to make it clear that you were to be left to your work."
They had circled him like sharks observing a wounded dolphin. "I haven't really noticed them."
Thena scowled down at her beet cured salmon rosette. "Not one of them is of the mind to brush elbows with their own staff. I knew that your food would entice them into playing nice, but I did hope they would have some decorum."
He definitely got the impression that, while happy to sing his praises here and now, working for them was probably a nightmare. He would much rather be here with Thena, hiding from her own guests like ne'er do wells under the bleachers.
Thena blinked as he stole the rosette right off her plate. "I beg your pardon."
He gave her a grin, chewing it thoroughly. It turned out well! "What?--you were just playing with it. Someone should enjoy my work."
Her lips tugged up again and he really noticed how the red colour made them look even fuller than usual. "I did not realise my secret stash would have to be shared."
Gil shrugged, leaning forward to steal something else. Despite her teasing reproach, she leaned back and offered her plate to help him select something. He grabbed the remaining half of a mini buratta with a disk of tomato gelee and air crisped basil. He'd never created such pretentious finger food in all his life, but that was exactly what the animals wanted, according to Thena.
"I took two of everything and came down here nearly an hour ago," she confessed, hanging her head in guilt. She finally picked up the blackberry from her crostini and ate it. "Mingling with them is simply beyond my threshold for suffering."
She said 'they're a bunch of assholes' so eloquently.
"I guess I don't blame you," Gil chuckled, taking the rest of the crostini she had left after claiming just the fruit from it. "It's your party, your house--if you wanna play hooky, then who cares."
"Play hooky?" she furrowed her brows at the expression.
He laughed again, which she seemed to take as a scathing mockery of her ignorance. His expression softened and he leaned off the crates.
Thena drew her shoulders up but ultimately made room for him on her crate as he sat down next to her. It was neither too small nor comfortably large. He managed not to touch butts with her, but there was nothing he could do about his shoulder brushing hers.
He glanced at her from his position of having to somewhat perch himself on the corner, "aren't you cold?"
Thena's cheeks took on the most charming shade of pink he'd ever seen in his life. Now that he was closer to her, he could see the faint tremor in her hands and shoulders. She looked down at her plate again, positively mortified. "Freezing."
Poor thing was so eager to leave her own party that she would rather freeze by herself in the wine cellar than mingle a little. Gil immediately wished he had something on under his chef's jacket (although that would only ever create more of a sweating problem).
Gil put his hand on hers, which really was startlingly cold to the touch. "If you don't wanna come up to the kitchen, I get it. Some of your guests do keep poking their heads in."
That certainly was enough to keep her rooted in place.
He gave her frigid hand a squeeze, "but I'll bring you something, okay? Something to warm you up in hiding."
Thena looked up at him as he stood, preparing to leave her again. Those big, dazzling green eyes of hers pleaded with him, "hurry back?"
He would let all of the desserts burn if he had to. He lingered at the door just to wave to her, "I'll grab more rations for us too."
The brightened expression on her face at the promise of his lengthened return was blinding. It was more than enough to convince him to set the desserts out all at once and whatever happened, happened. As far as he was concerned, the guest of honour was down here freezing her butt off, the least he could do was grab a cup of hot cocoa and his hoodie and some more snacks for her.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
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Choose your favourite reaction
#'we will take the trial of hell i know you guys will make it' luffy enablers 1 and 2 zoro and robin: I'm in#SANJI JUST BROKE THE FOURTH WALL!!!!#nami too!!!!!!#why did luffy jump for choper akdhaksjsk#luffy just letting nami hit him and acting like an annoying child... yeah..#also this 3d pov shot is cool as hell#everyone is so dumb in this movie akdhsksjsk#the humor in this movie is just misunderstandings and silences and it works so well.....#chopper that was some fine acting lmao#zoro and sanji fighting instead of trying to win the game... they want each other so bad ....#usopp saying betrayal is namis specialty...#sanji jealous of the bbq guy akdhajaj and nami keeping the goldfish guy drunk after robin ajdhak that slap!!!#'you don't have the right to eat bc you wernt cheering me on' SANJI!!! KISS HIM ALREADY!!!#i love the turmoil. luffy does not. that is why he is gonna go apeshit#zoro said fuck that kid. in particular. he has a nice voice#damn chopper couldnt you have caught the child that soil looks hard#STOP IT WITH THE HOLES!!!!!!#the style gives me sabaody vibes and well the plot too#this is torture...i know the last one to be eaten will be nami... for dramatic effect bc thats his twin... i know it...#i checked and this was BEFORE sabaody??? incredible...#zoro is the last... of course... well i insist... sabaody vibes.... luffy this is so bad#the head going to zoro.... omg..... how did they know about luffys abandonment issues before the manga.... i mean of course he would be hurt#luffy jumping like a little goblin.... MORE!!! luffy going insane i love you... this is so fucked up... but so good#luffy has suffered more than jesus christ.... this isn't canon but it is confirmed to me... see the wounds on his hands.... crucified#this is a tuskly so good..... the villain is compelling and everything its kinda sad#that ending :) that was so good actually everyone watch this#its the baron omatsuri and the secret island movie ask me about where to watch it#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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chaotic-toby · 6 months
Asa holds Arkin up on a pedestal. In his eyes, Arkin is basically a God. He is everything good in the world, and Asa would do anything for Arkin
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