#this isn't necessarily my main headcanon but it's one i like a lot and 'what do they *really* look like' might be a fun design challenge
angorwhosebabyisthis · 2 months
this rewatch of sdmi has been wild because once you start taking the talking animals and their place in the worldbuilding seriously it's just like oh wow this is some real final fantasy plot huh. what do you mean the resident discriminated-against beastfolk are not only descended from ancient otherworldly beings masquerading as gods, and not only driven insane even more effectively than non-beastfolk by a curse because of their heritage, and not only serve as apocalyptically powerful vessels for those otherworldly beings, but are easy to read as having been created specifically because they're more powerful vessels than normal animals, and then abandoned to their own devices (being enslaved) for thousands of years until the next time their creators pop into this reality and want a convenient corporeal form to snatch. which game in the series is this
#sdmi#scooby doo: mystery incorporated#shitposting#don't get me started on 'what if they look different to different people depending on what they expect to see'#'we're seeing them through the filter the gang/town would see them through; and/or the filter of the medium itself'#'and that filter might be kind of goofy and a bit abstracted; but still Recognizably Looks Like That Animal'#'if you take that away they look a whole lot less goofy and a *hell* of a lot more uncanny than what we get to see in the show'#'pericles is so completely removed from what his species is supposed to look like--#obviously his head is *way* more human-adjacent than a real parrot; but also there are notable differences from greys specifically--#because he has already been touched by the entity for his entire life; and he looks so completely different before and after the asylum#because the entity's had 20 years of isolation; among people who already see him as a terrifying monster; to turn all his influence on him'#'pericles looks the way he does because we are seeing the *real* pericles'#'or at least more of him than scooby or the others'#'that's what being the entity's special favorite will get you 🙃'#anyway these little fuckers are Interesting Actually and i'm having a lot of fun with them; even if the way canon handles them is upsetting#this isn't necessarily my main headcanon but it's one i like a lot and 'what do they *really* look like' might be a fun design challenge#SDMItag#to draw tag#professor pericles
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cursedalthoughts · 9 months
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USS Kearsarge. Let's start this post strong: Kearsarge is single-handedly the most unique character in the game (for legal reasons, in my opinion). Her design should already let you know why, but if you aren't seeing why, I will explain.
This post will divert a little bit from the formula I established post-DoY post (the first I did). It will include very, very heavy use of headcanons that are in no way supported by the lore, but I think are neat.
Personality-wise, Kearsarge knows she is superior. She is better than those other shipgirls that have decades of experience. That's simply a fact to her, and since it's a fact; all her actions do not come as arrogant. She just does things - she disregards your orders if she thinks they're not very efficient, she organizes your documents in a way she finds to be perfect regardless of what you prefer, she charges by herself or stays behind depending on the situation.
On occasion, I neglect your will and prioritize the here and now on the battlefield. While you are the Commander, sometimes you have to let your soldiers handle things – the sooner you accept this, the better.
Her approach isn't necessarily wrong, either. Despite this, Kearsarge is a very reliable shipgirl. She is, indeed, strong - her twelve 406mm main guns are accurate and devastating by themselves, but she also has access to a squadron of five F8F Bearcat attack aircraft. Her firepower is incomparable among Eagle Union backliners.
However, her personality doesn't stay like this forever. When you as the player character get closer to her, you discover she's just autistic. She deeply cares about you, but is so expressive about her emotions and trains of thoughts, it's easy to think she's just a self-centered arrogant woman who speaks with a detached tone. She will not outright tell you she's in love with you, but she will make you some borscht! (I should point out Kearsarge is, originally, a ship commissioned by the Soviet Union, hence her Russian influence). That's her love language.
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USS Kearsarge, steel version.
Design-wise, I adore how the artist YD managed to take one of the ugliest ships in World of Warships and turn her into such a beautiful, unique, one-of-a-kind shipgirls. An angel descending from the machine, a seraphim clad in steel and powered by steam. A herald from another timeline, where the Eagle Union necessitated the construction of Kearsarge. Her rigging divided symmetrically in half, her turrets and their support structure taking the shape of 4 wings of white metal, the faux wings and herself connected to a floating halo device to act as a mediator between the flesh and the steel. Her planes up in the air, a ghostly echo. Her arms stretched outwards, "fear not".
In the event Parallel Superimposition the commander visits a simulation based on the anomalous data from the hull of Anchorage. We learnt a lot about Anchorage, Dr. Aoste, Dr. Anzeel, and the Type-II hulls. We also learnt Bon Homme Richard exists in this simulation. Now, I believe this realm to be strictly speaking a simulation - not a real universe. However, when the event ended; TB had managed to gather enough information on Yorktown II, Northampton II, Hornet II, Hammann II and Langley II. Laffey II, as much as she made an appearance, couldn't be studied. I am guessing the same goes for Bon Homme. Who is to say Kearsarge doesn't come from this simulation? Or that she comes from a universe that parallels this simulation?
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Hopefully I shouldn't have to point the obvious similarities between Anchorage's rigging and Kearsarge's rigging. Anchorage is like a cherub accompanying the cyber-divine orchestra of Kearsarge's guns and planes.
hopefully it's entertaining to read and y'all can see why i like her.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Dude i am so fucking insane about your art its genuinely the main reason i made a tumblr account. also. Do you think v1 will ever break down in gabriel’s lifetime? I keep considering the idea after reading this fic where gabriel came across him half-buried in the sands of greed
omggg thank you so much!!! it sincerely means a lot ;o;
in my idea of events with the fallen gabe au, gabriel would likely still be able to continue for a long, long time, though perhaps not indefinitely necessarily. no matter what, his lifespan is still long enough to see the breakdown of v1's parts, which can only be mitigated by blood for a time. the process starts to become less effective, its body not healing properly and beginning to give in to the passage of time besides - plus, its mind isn't protected from these things either, code becoming overgrown and the hardware itself so delicate that it would inevitably fail. everything on earth has an end point, flesh and machine bodies breaking down in the same way being made from elements just held together in natural processes and so eventually rent by them.
(some mentions of mental deterioration/death under the read more)
gabriel would do regular maintenance on it, but they would both see when it was becoming more and more frequent, how v1 is slowing down physically and mentally. the body can be repaired almost indefinitely, especially if gabriel delved into metalworking, plastics, robotics - becoming a one-man factory creating bespoke parts with v1's assistance is hardly out of the question for a fallen angel. the problem is truly its computer, which isn't so easily stabilized and replaced, especially when it comes to preserving v1's memories and personality. they could keep its body in perfect working order if they can custom create any piece it needs (especially again if we go with paradise lost's idea that hell is rich in a wealth of all earthly minerals), but increasingly catastrophic software failures are harder to deal with. they would plan for it of course, figuring out the solutions they can try ahead of time, but when the time comes...watching v1 flicker, seeing its movements falter with newly repaired parts, the absolute heartwrenching, ice-cold fear of it shutting down unexpectedly and not waking up for hours, days....how it forgets, how it can't store many new memories, gabriel feels the deep, aching horror an immortal must when they truly understand what they love cannot last. intellectually it was always there, but to see it unfold, to be there now...gabriel's eyes finally freeze over with tears, v1 has nowhere to go, no soul to find heaven or hell or be reborn the way he was. it will just go dark. gabriel will see it, its perfect body that they've made and remade over so many decades or centuries, that he put all his love into preserving, but with no will to move it.
and i just don't think he could take it.
PERSONALLY my favorite wild headcanon for this scenario is gabriel storming heaven or going to find wherever god left his dead body and using that blood to revive v1 (that blood stays fresh forever.... guess lol) i'm just too much of a baby to commit to character death, plus i just really love the idea of everyone being like "where did god go....nobody knows...." until gabriel loses his mind and breaks every single law of heaven and hell without any limits to bring back his itty bitty bot!!!!!
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midnight-pluto · 5 months
COFFEE: special.02 — fun facts
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COFFEE: tim drake x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: Tim meets a barista that gives him what he needed most — a large coffee with way to many shots of espresso. Though what happens when just a single action changes the other's life, forever?
coffee master list
assuming you have gone through the whole of my coffee smau — here’s some things that you might’ve not known, my headcanons, and external info
PLAYLIST: coffee — i made a playlist that i think fit this smau or just tim in general, so feel free to listen
coffee pg.00 was originally meant to just be a one-shot but I had the bright idea to turn it into a smau since I had been really interested in them at the time and I had already created the main casts profiles so i saw no reason to not go through with it
originally reader was supposed to be adopted and have 2 moms but I didn’t know if you guys would necessarily want that or how relatable that would be so I scrapped it and went with unnamed overbearing mother and father
i actually had this idea back in December of 2022 and meant to post it on wattpad yes ik laugh at me but i didn’t have the guts to do so and I already had a lot of unfinished work that will remain unfinished
this smau also sprouted up bcuz i had gotten back into the dc rabbit hole bcuz if this goddamn site which has now grown to be a huge source of dopamine for me — ik it prob isn't healthy but this site has grown to be a safe space for me in the process so any negative infringement on my blog has me in a nervous wreck for days on end; yes, this is a reference to when i got shadowbanned for a bit
wow i got way to personal there, whoopsie
I had also originally planned for reader to give Tim a sticky note attached to his coffee that said something along the lines of: “Good luck with whatever you need 8 shots of espresso for :)” but I for some reason didn’t so the special note at the end of the pages didn’t rlly make any sense
tim might be a genius but he has a terrible sense of direction which is multiplied tenfold when he’s sleep deprived, hence why he almost dropped you off at the wrong apartment once — pg.04
duke being readers bsf happened cuz i personally believe duke deserves more content about him
duke also always somehow manages to be the message bird whenever both you and tim have a fight given how tim's first resort is the silent treatment and you're petty enough to give it back so the most the two of you ever communicate during that time is through duke — pg.15
on that same note harley has become your couple counselor which always manages to become awkward due to the sole fact tim is trying his best to subtly glare at harley since she has repeatedly tried to break his kneecaps when he was on red robin duty; again, petty
this was written by a person who has never worked at a coffee shop before so if you see and inaccuracies and have worked at one, feel free to call me out on it — not so i can fix, but bcuz i find my mistakes hilarious dont ask why, i just do
i still struggle on how i format the titles of the pages and always have to look back on my previous posts to remember how i typed things out
i also suck at developing feelings and crushes with characters so if it seems rushed or sucks that will be my one and only excuse given the fact that i find it extremely hard to even gain a crush irl
nothing was proofread
tims favorite taylor swift album is evermore i may or may not make seperate headcanons about that later
planning on posting a wattpad version of this fic sometime around late january or february, i am still debating on starting an ao3 acc since the only thing i ever do on there is simply just read fics and im not sure if i like/understand ao3's format enough to start tho
TAGLIST: @grandstrangerphantom @marsbars09 @fabitheraven @lovelypitasworld @dyjcksn @mae77eris @sugarrush-blush @djchik @soundsfunbutno @apizzacalledmel @strangetrashblog @cipheress-to-k-pop @harleycao @unhingedtimdrake @a-homosexual-homosapien @aquarii-doodles @love-stay @criminallycan @hecate-frenchfries @job-ross-the-second
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houseboywife · 1 year
On Gwyndolin's gender
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This has probably been talked about a loooot but I felt like talking about it too so the voices in my head stop because I think Gwyndolin is a very cool character and I think there's a lot of nuance to them.
So I'm gonna start off by saying that all headcanons on their gender are cool and valid (unless they're cringe) and that's not really what I wanted to focus about but more of a thing where I've seen a lot of people say that Gwyndolin was "born male" (for the lack of a better term) but forcefully raised as a girl by their dad. And again I think it's potentially more interesting and nuanced than that. Maybe that was the intended reading all along but I invoke death of the author so shush.
So the things that can be inferred about Gwyndolin's gender strictly through the text presented in the game are:
a) The only description to directly talk about their gender says: "The power of the moon was strong in Gwyndolin, and thus he was raised as a daughter." Imo this is interesting because it doesn't imply their biological sex at all. Like first off they're not even a human, they're a god and some kind of half snake fella to begin with. Maybe for gods gender is just assigned based on astrology and it works this way for everyone. Like Gwyn is an ultrabro and he's kinda the lord of the sun. Or maybe not, who knows. But the main thing is that Gwyndolin isn't necessarily said to have been "born male".
b) They associate with both the sun (their chosen title is Dark Sun Gwyndolin) and the moon (their personal order is the Blades of the Darkmoon). Presumably the Sun, representing Gwyn and being sorta the opposite of the moon, is masculine, while the moon has been established to be feminine. Plus they present themselves with both traditionally masculine and feminine trait, and not really fully one way or the other.
c) The ds1 Gwyndolin model has visible breasts while the ds3 one doesn't. Top surgery??? Chest padding???? Just the developers reusing the body model of a different character????? Who knows.
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d) They're referred in the description with he/him pronouns, although this is only by other characters so I think it doesn't mean too much imo and I'm using they/them just to be safe.
In my humble personal headcanon I consider Gwyndolin to be transmasc/nonbinary, assigned female at birth by Gwyn (again regardless of whatever biological sex they had because who cares honestly) and later on established their whole identity more clearly as this ambigously gendered figure. So idk I think it's cool I really vibe with it. But also it could literally be anything else and it would be a vibe as well, I just wanna point out that assuming their birth circumstances is pretty limiting. Also their lower half is snakes they don't have a dicky or a vayjayjay they're just fucking snakes dude
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star-sparkler · 10 months
I know I ask a lot about August but I’d actually like ask about your aroace donnie hc. Like how he figured that out about himself and all that. Honestly a lot of people I see with that headcanon for him just hc that because that interpret him as mean and unemotional which is wrong for just all kinds of reasons. But you always portray the kind and loving side of him. That boy loves with his whole heart and its just so refreshing to see. I was also wondering if you have headcanons for the rest of the main cast.
OOOOHHHHHOOHOOHOO YOU HAVE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD: AROACE INFO-DUMP COMBINED WITH DONNIE FIXATION. A BOLD MOVE. BUCKLE IN, DUDE. /positive Aroace Donnie is a REALLY special headcanon for me. Part of that is identifying as aroace myself and getting enjoyment from portraying that in a favorite character, but most of it is just genuinely getting the vibes from Donnie. Because being aroace doesn't necessarily mean lacking love altogether, or being incapable of loving, it's defined by the lacking of the ATTRACTION part. There's usually theoretical love to give but no target to hit with it. The way you talk about it gives me the sense you know that already though ;w; 💓 But what a bummer to think people equate being aroace with being unemotional. Some of the kindest and most loving people I know are aro/ace. ;-; </3
As for Donnie figuring himself out, I imagine he took it all from a very logical standpoint. It's one thing to crush on a fictional character or the concept of someone and another thing entirely to feel that way about a real individual in a non-fictional scenario. Even if he could find people who, by all accounts, were his 'type', logic would get in the way of taking action. "Our interests are too different" "I'm not THEIR type" "I'm not ready to commit" "I don't like this and that about them so it wouldn't work" "Eh, the, quote 'spark' unquote, isn't there." "I am simply too mature to be hung up on this romance nonsense" "I just haven't met the right person yet" "I just don't feel like I need a partner right now" "why is everyone so obsessed with this?" "Sex and romance sells, that's why it's pushed in media, not because people are ACTUALLY /THAT/ possessed by it. That would be lunacy." "I'm too busy to devote energy and time to dating right now" "There are more important things" "I don't need another person to feel whole - that's ridiculous - I'm whole on my own" - just a growing list of cerebral excuses to put the whole romance thing off until "later" again and again, or to explain away why he hasn't "found" love yet. None of the stories he told himself were UNtrue so he carries on without realizing the drive that everyone else seems to feel isn't within him, because he's come up with a million reasons WHY he wouldn't feel it yet to begin with. He doesn't realize other people DO still feel romantically and sexually about others DESPITE being 'busy' or 'mature' or not being the other person's type. He's baffled to discover people feel compelled to date or be intimate with people they don't even know. Based on what? Appearance? A vibe? Simply because they're there? It's illogical. It's maddening. What is WRONG with people? Until he steps back and realizes he's the outlier. It's not unusual that others are obsessed with love, it's unusual that he ISN'T. But he's had crushes before, hasn't he? Atomic Lass? A fictional character. What about real people? Well, yes, he HAD crushed on someone in the past but, when he REALLY thought about it, he didn't actually want to date or be intimate with them, he just liked spending time with them and wanted to be important/special to them. He wasn't Attracted with a capital A. He also didn't have the word for a squish at the time. Alright well let's test this another way. Who would he WANT to actually date? To kiss and devote himself to that he knows? SURELY there must be someone.......There's no one. He SUPPOSES if he HAD to choose then XYZ is...passable, but he still doesn't FEEL attracted to them. The excuses from before come back. Everyone keeps saying the right person will come around. The more he hears it, the more it stings that he hasn’t found this right person but maybe he really just hasn't met them yet. But not meeting "the right person" doesn't change the fact that, across the course of his entire life thus far, there has Never been a person he desired intimacy with specifically. After a great deal of rumination, Donnie realizes his excuses aren't excuses, they're his reality. There are no people in his life he desires. There are no celebrities he desires. There are no randoms on the street or acquaintances he desires. No interest in flings or daydreaming about a friend or ogling a body with intent. Donnie doesn't feel desire for anyone. It's a lonely feeling. But Donnie's smart and capable. His excuses don't have to be excuses, they can just be, well, facts. That doesn't mean he can’t carry on though and, if the right opportunity arises, find his own way of loving and being loved despite his current reality. If anyone can do that, Donatello Hamato can. (Side note: I love the idea of Donnie being so roadblocked by his excuse that he never bothers with or gets around to dating even into adulthood. Not dating does not devalue the truth of your personal identity).
Ultimately however: Donnie scrolling through the internet as a teen, researching his bros' romantic leans to better understand how to support them, and having a "THAT'S A REAL THING?? THERE'S A WORD FOR IT????" when he first stumbles across info on the aro/ace label. “Alright yeah, that tracks. 😑”
I honestly not-so-secretly headcanon every TMNT turtle from every iteration as some variant under the aroace umbrella. x'D It's partly a comfort choice but more so it’s because of the vibes I get from them. Even when they're shown desiring someone in canon it's felt forced or out of character somehow to me. Of course that doesn’t mean they can’t be in relationships or that I don’t enjoy the ones that are handled well! They just don’t come across fully allo to me. As for Rise specifically! 👀✨ 💙 Leo I tag as grayace/greyromantic bi. That boy ain't never been straight a day in his life. ❤️ Raph feels super classic aroace straight. 🧡 Mikey pan demisexual/alloromantic (or demiromantic?). 💜 Donnie asexual demiromantic. I think if he had the opportunity to really bond with the right person, it could spark something in him the way a stranger or acquaintance would not. Knowledge unlocking love feels VERY Donald A Tello to me.
ANYWAY. This got majorly long and I’ve been picking at it on and off for a few days. Thank you for appreciating how I interpret Donnie! I always hope I’m doing it in a way that feels believable to his canon. ;w;💓
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Corroded Coffin Headcanons!
Why yes, I am procrastinating. Why do you ask?
I've good all week and want to take a little break and descend into madness, so I'm allowed, okay?
As always, you can headcanon whatever the hell you want, just like I can, so please no hate. Good?
This mostly about the members of CC and not necessarily about the band as a whole.
I'm going to do Eddie last because we know the most about him.
The Unnamed Freak- And as far as I've heard around, this dude STILL doesn't have a name. I've seen all sorts of names for him: Frank, because it sounds like freak; Grant, because that's the actor's name; Archie, is another I've seen crop up a lot; and of course a smattering of others. In all of my fics, he's Brian. All the other members of the band had epic names: Gareth, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table, Edward, the name of several of England's kings, and even Geoffrey has a lot of famous people of that name. So he gets named Brian. Usually his last name is Martin.
He met Eddie because they were seated next to each other due to their last names in band. Eddie got him into metal music and the subculture.
Bassist for the band he began learning at an early age, early enough that he was and is the band's only bassist.
He is the oldest of four kids having three younger siblings. Two brothers and a sister. He tries to get out of babysitting as often as he can.
He's ace but not aro. When I age him up in stories, he's often in a romantic relationship, but never a sexual one. He's not sex repulsed but it's not for him.
He was held back in kindergarten and understands what Eddie is going through as far as being older than his peers.
He's a year younger than Eddie, and if he hadn't been held back would have graduated with Steve.
Jeff- Everyone thinks his given name is Geoffrey, but nope. It's Jeffrey. It's because his mom thought it would be easier for him. Nope! He has one older sister who is away at college. His last name is Lawrence mainly because I love that name and I think Jeff Lawrence just has a nice ring to it.
He is the grade he's suppose to be in, the same grade as well...literally every other older teen in the series except Steve and Eddie. In fact he's super smart, but doesn't have the patience to help Eddie with his school work. He gets frustrated too easily.
His mom hopes he gives up the idea of super stardom soon because she thinks he's smart enough to be a doctor.
In my fics where I age them up, he has a white girlfriend and understands Eddie's fear of going public with a guy, because in the 80s, black boy and white girl is just as bad as being gay. Still is in some places, sadly.
Jeff is Eddie's best friend, mainly because they both play guitar. Jeff is rhythm guitar, though because Eddie is far and away the better player.
Jeff is bisexual. Yes, he is with a girl most of the time and his relationship with his girlfriend is a lot like a couple friends of mine, where they are both bisexual, but dating an opposite member from their sex. Still experiences attraction to the same sex, though.
Gareth- this might shock some people but Emerson is a fanon not a canon last name for the character. And because I headcanon him as second generation American, his grandparents migrated over to America from Wales and his dad is first generation, their last name is Hughes. His dad knows Welsh, but Gareth and Gethin his twin brother don't.
The main reason I think this is because Gareth is a very Welsh first name. As is the name Gethin, in case you were wondering. It's why I picked Gethin as the name of his twin.
I think Gareth is a twin because there is a character in the first episode taking pictures at the basketball game that looks a lot like Gareth, almost uncannily so. You can even see Nancy talking to him for a moment.
Gareth is gay and Gethin is straight. Gethin is everything his parents would want from a kid, straight, smart, into photography, preppy. Everything Gareth isn't. He's gay, struggles in school, drums for a metal band, and is a metalhead.
That's not to say his parents aren't supportive, because they are. They let Corroded Coffin play in their garage, after all. But Gareth still feels like a disappointment anyway.
He's a junior in high school and absolutely wants to drop out when his bandmates graduate, but he's afraid his mom will kill him.
Eddie- Look, I know I've used Edward as his full name a lot, but sometimes Edmond is just the superior name. And I use them interchangeably, but yeah it's probably Edward considering he grew up poor.
Wayne is a Catholic (you see a calendar of the saints in the trailer) and Eddie grew up around Catholicism, but the more he realized he was gay and moved further into the metal subculture the less he liked the religion.
Yes he does know the patch on the side of his denim vest is the church of Satan. :D
Wayne bought him his first guitar after his mother died and taught him how to play as way of coping with the grief.
Eddie was one of those students that coasted in school until his senior year where suddenly the difficulty was ramped up to eleven.
He promised his mom that he would graduate from high school though, because she didn't. She got pregnant with him.
I think he was 11 or 12 when he went to go live with Wayne, just barely starting middle school. He's been around Wayne long enough that he knows he's loved by him, but old enough to have been influenced a little by his dad's life style.
In fact, it was his dad that got him into dealing drugs for Reefer Rick.
His dad keeps coming into town and dragging Eddie back down with him and leaving Wayne to pick up the pieces.
I've written him bisexual in the past, and probably will again, but there is just something about Eddie being gay that hits a sweet spot. An extra box to tick in the freak department (not that being gay is bad, it's just how Eddie would see it).
The Munson Doctrine is a serious things he's picked up over the years from his dad and uncle but also his experiences with life as whole.
Did NOT get bullied by Steve. Especially since for most of Steve's high school career Eddie was the grade above him. He just dealt at enough parties to "know" rich+good looking+popular with girls=douchebag. But he hasn't had any direct experience with Steve outside of the odd class they had together his second senior year.
Is the president of the Hellfire Club in practice, but on paper it's usually someone else. Someone more liked by the principal. And is billed as a gaming club on the school records so that it doesn't get banned. Everyone knows it's DND.
Corroded Coffin- Just a little headcanon here. Gareth is the second drummer but everyone else were original members that played at that Talent Show (Gareth would have been in fifth grade). They picked up Gareth after their original drummer moved away.
So there you go, just some of my headcanons for the CC boys.
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gemini-sensei · 11 months
Cute | Sam LaRusso x Single!Pregnant!Reader Headcanons
Chubby!Fem!Reader ○ a dash of angst but it's otherwise very fluffy ○ unedited
Request: The Single Mom!Reader and Moon was so cute, I just have to see a Sam one at some point!😫😭
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○ Sam met Reader at her parents' dealership. She was there for a school assignment that required her to shadow her parents at work and record everything to get a better understanding of the workforce. It's great for her since she's planning on going to college for business and that's what her parents thrive in.
○ Reader comes in with her parents looking for a car since she's just gotten her license. Sam sees her, but doesn't think much of it since the place is full of customers. She thinks Reader is pretty, but then it's back to work with her mom. Then Amanda gets on the phone and it's a serious call, so she's going to be on the phone for a while, which is boring as Hell. So sam just watches the show room from the window and her eyes keeps coming back to Reader.
○ At first it isn't obvious because of Reader's chubby body and pretty curves, but after a few minutes, Sam sees the way she puts her hand on her belly. Reader is also wearing an oversized jacket that helps hide her rounding belly, but she doesn't realize she's walking around the room holding it. Sam thinks it's kind of cute.
○ After a while of walking around the showroom, Reader's family is approached by one of the best salesperson at the dealership: Sam's own dad. She thinks it's the perfect opportunity to go talk to Reader, so she gets up and walks out into the showroom.
She walks up to her dad with a smile and he smiles back, his already friendly grin becoming one of pride. He hugs her and introduces her to the family he's working with, meaning she gets a free introduction to Reader. "This is my daughter, Sam. She's here to learn about the family business," he laughed, rubbing her back with a prideful smile. She shakes the families hands, but saves her biggest smiles for Reader when she shakes her hand. "It's so nice to meet you. If you don't mind my asking, what are you guys looking for today?" "Well, Reader here needs a car. She's going to be going a lot of places soon and we need something super safe," Reader's mom explains. She smiles while Reader gets a little shy, bowing her head while her mom leans is close to Daniel. "In all honesty, we need your best car that good for... babies." "Mom," Reader seethes, flustered and embarrassed. "Well it's true." Reader tries to pull her jacket closed, but it doesn't quite work. Sam feels bad for her, so she interjects. "Well, while you guys talk that out, Reader, we have a free snack bar. Do you wanna go get a cake or something like that?" Reader looks at her, then smiles. "That sounds nice.
○ Once away from her parents, Reader feels a lot better. She's still a little embarrassed, trying to hide her belly, but as soon as Sam shows her the selection of little cakes they have, it's not that big of an issue anymore. The cravings for something sweet overpowers that feeling.
○ They talk over cakes and tea, about high school and just girlie things ✨️ Sam can tell that the topic of pregnancy is sensitive for Reader, so they steer clear of it for now. It isn't a very long break since Reader has to be the one to sit behind the wheel and take a test drive in one or more of the cars her parents look at, but it's still very nice.
○ By the end of the day, Sam and Reader have exchanged numbers and Reader has a car she likes that also fits all of her parents' standards.
○ As time passes, Sam gets to know Reader and understands her a lot more. Reader eventually opens up and Sam learns that after finding out she was pregnant, Reader's ex left her high and dry, which caused her parents to become far more protective of her. It's the main reason she gets so easily embarrassed because of them on top of the fact that she's going to be a young mother.
○ Reader isn't necessarily embarrassed to be a mom, it's more so the way people look at her when they realize she's pregnant. It's the judgement and lack of empathy from strangers that make her feel awkward, which in turn becomes embarrassment because she's gone from everyday person to that pregnant girl. It breaks Sam's heart when she learns about it.
○ Sam treats Reader to special days out to get her out of the house and away from her parents. They go to the spa or the mall or just to the park or Sam just takes her for a drive. It's sweet of her to do and Reader constantly thanks her for it even though Sam tells her that she doesn't have to thank her for anything.
○ They're best friends before they even know it, inviting each other over for sleepovers and texting 24/7.
○ Sam finds herself giggling over her phone at something Reader said and her family gets the idea that she has a little crush on her new BFF.
○ As Reader gets further in her pregnancy, they spend more time together, especially after graduation. They went to different schools, but they attended each other's graduations, then they were free to do anything they wanted and go anywhere. It was a rite of passage in more ways than one.
○ Sam introduces Reader to her friends, which leads to Moon and Yasmine fussing over Reader while everyone else is left to watch. Reader is thankful to have found friends who don't care that she's having a baby and who are actually supportive of and even excited about it.
○ It's at one of their little sleepovers that things finally change.
○ Sam hadn't put a lot of thought into asking Reader out, knowing she has a lot on her plate as her due date grows closer and she's doing last minute preparations for the baby. Her feelings are put on the back burner in favor of helping Reader get ready for motherhood.
○ They were doing face masks while watching old movies, doing each others nails, just having a night of pampering. It was relaxing, sweet, filled with giggles. They had the LaRusso house to themselves, so no one else was around to disrupt them. It was one of the best nights ever, just the two of them.
○ When it was time for bed, Reader needed a little bit of help stepping into her pajamas and Sam was more than happy to help. She may have blushed a little bit, but hide it well, then they crawled into bed...
Sam's bed is big enough for the two of them, so they lay together, facing each other. Sam doesn't mind Reader's round belly taking up space, thinking it was rather cute, just like Reader. She smiles at her in the darkness, the only light coming from the moon through the window. Reader smiles back. "Thank you for tonight." "I already told you to stop thanking me," Sam giggles. "I love doing this sort of stuff with you." "I know," Reader sighs happily. "It's just... I want you to know how much this means to me, but I never know how to say it, so all I can do is thank you for these little things." "Well, you're more than welcome for all of it." "I'm just so happy to have a friend like you..." "Yeah... me too." Reader stares at Sam in the dark, following the line of her nose up to her eyes, then back down to her lips. She looks so soft bathed in the moonlight, curly hair laying beautifully against the side of her face. She cuddles up to her slowly, hesitant at first. Then Sam wraps her arms around Reader and pulls her closer, silently telling her that this is more than okay. So they cuddle up to each other, consuming each other in the smell of flowery beauty products and the ice cream on their breath. Sam stares down at Reader, heart hammering in her chest. In the dark of night, she takes a leap without thinking much of it, leaning in to press her lips to Reader's. She moans in surprise, but kisses back. It's short, just a few seconds long, and they breath in each other's soft air before diving back into each other for a deeper kiss. Reader grabs Sam's face, her hair tickling her fingers, while Sam holds Reader's waist. They moan into each other's mouths sweetly, basking in each other's warm embrace and tenderness. They lay for what feels like forever, kissing until they can't stay awake anymore.
○ From that night forward, Reader and Sam have been a thing. No one is really surprised when they announce their relationship, though their parents wonder if it's a good idea to be start a relationship so close to the baby being born.
○ Sam assures Reader's parents and her own that she's more than willing to be by Reader's side. She knew what she was getting into when she asked her to be her girlfriend. It's good enough for everyone, especially if Reader is alright with it.
○ Not three weeks later, Reader goes into labor and Sam is by her side through the whole thing. She's wiping Reader's head of sweat and holding her hand through every contraction and push. Sam cries more than Reader does when the sweet little baby boy is born.
○ Reader gets to hold him first, of course, but Sam is the second and she feels so honored.
○ Holding that little boy, Sam regrets nothing. She loves everything about this.
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ivyial · 10 months
Canonicity in the Context of Ships (and Ship Wars)
Essentially, what makes a ship canon? Does it even matter that a ship becomes canon?
So, disclaimer before we start:
1. This is my interpretation of the meaning of "canon" and what it means for a ship to be canon. As always, I'm open to disagreements and constructive criticism, especially if it can tame the constant aggression in some fandom spaces
2. I like ships, but I don't support ship wars because they're all fucking pointless and if you're a grown adult or close to being one and you're still harassing people over ships on the internet, you're a fucking loser
That being said
As we all know, online fandom spaces have developed their own vernacular over the years: canon, fanon, headcanon, OC, AU, OTP, the infamous 'Dead Dove: Do Not Eat', etc. Fandom slang has also evolved since it was first coined. A prime example of that would be the use of the term "lemon" to refer to erotic fanfiction, which while still used, has suffered a sharp decline in favour of the word "smut" (although smut has its own use and meaning outside of fandoms).
The word "canon" is arguably one of the most important words in fandom, since it refers to the official source material from a game, book, TV show, movie, whatever form of media said fandom is about. In essence, it's the official story: what actually happens and what was intended by the creators. Some universes are easily accessible and the canon isn't really subject to much debate. Most TV shows have very straightforward canon: assuming that everything is contained within, let's say, 5 seasons of 22 episodes each, with no spin-offs, movies, or exclusive bonus episodes, the canon of the show will be laid out in these episodes. That's it. Some other fandoms will be much more obscure: think of game franchises such as Resident Evil, where many games have been released over the years, remade, and some have been largely forgotten and can even contradict the current version of events. In this case, it can be much harder to define what canon is, which events are official and still applicable to the story and which should be discarded completely. (And I have to say, as a law student, canon is weirdly reminiscent of the hierarchy of norms, but that's for another day.)
I could discuss the importance of canon in fandoms, but that's irrelevant to the point of this post. Let's talk ships. I don't need to explain to everyone what a ship is. There's no point of contention there. In most media where romance is either dealt with or hinted at, fandoms, and therefore, shippers, will jump at the opportunity to write about or make art of their favourite ship. However, there's always something rearing its ugly head and contributing to the toxic atmosphere in fandoms: ship wars.
Ship wars are in essence extremely simple, and I'm sure we've all been in a fandom that participated in a ship war, whether we were involved in it ourselves or not. Long story short, shippers argue over which ship will become canon. Writers are toying with the idea of two or more major ships and teasing that both have their chances. So, in the end, it's all about who comes out on top and who becomes official.
The canonicity of a ship is a lot more complicated than the canonicity of media itself. I'd argue that even if the canonicity of the story is simple, it's likely that the canonicity of ships will necessarily be harder to draw conclusions about. So you can imagine how complicated canon is when it comes to ships from franchises that barely know their own canon.
Since I've seen a lot of arguments over canon ships in the Resident Evil fandom as of late, and this is what inspired this post, I will be using this example primarily - and since ideally I'd like this post to reach fandoms outside of RE, I'll be explaining and illustrating my examples. Other fandoms and ships might also be referred to.
1. Canon, semi-canon and non-canon
When it comes to ships, there are 3 main ways to describe them:
- Non-canon: quite straightforward. The ship has not officially expressed any desire (even implicit) to get together whatsoever. They may or may not interact in canon, and if they do, there's just no romantic interest there. Non-canon does not necessarily refer to a ship being into each other but not doing anything about it, as this is characterised as:
- Semi-canon: there's something there. Maybe both characters like each other romantically, maybe it's one-sided, maybe there is potential but it could either sail or be ruined completely by Character A's reaction to Character B's feelings. But overall, the general consensus seems to be that semi-canon ships have not acted on their feelings. This definition is not set in stone - we'll come back to it later.
- Canon: yay, your ship has sailed!! The pairing has officially been confirmed. The characters have acted on their feelings and you have won the ship war.
These are the general definitions of canon ships. And if you think they're clear and satisfactory, in what world are you living?
2. Past canon vs current canon
You finally got around to watching the season finale and there it is: Character A and B confessed and kissed. Finally, it's canon, and you can gloat on social media about how you were right all along.
But then it turns out that by the final season, your ship breaks up, and Character A gets with Character C. Even worse, Character A stays with Character C and the show ends with them being officially together. What the fuck.
So, what does that make your ship? It's officially a sunk ship, sure, but what about its canonicity? Should it be considered canon? I mean, they dated for 2 seasons. So technically, there was a period of time when your ship was canon. It just isn't anymore.
This is the first hurdle we meet when trying to define a ship as canon. It all hinges on the when aspect of it. This is also where ship canonicity differs from story canonicity. Storywise, the ship is rooted in canon since they were together at some point. Shipwise, however, they are not canon anymore, since they have broken up. It's canon that they happened, but they themselves aren't canon anymore.
At this point, I would argue that most people consider that a ship that is together by the end of the show/game/movie/book etc., by the end of canon essentially, is canon. Don't worry, we're still far from having solved this.
3. What does it take for a ship to be canon?
You will have noticed by now that, so far, I have instinctively referred to a canon ship as a ship that is together. I'd argue that this is what most people think of when they think of a canon ship.
But what does it mean for a ship to be together? Do we mean that they have to be a couple? Is it marriage, is it a relationship, is it friends with benefits? Or is it a simple kiss and confession? Do they even have to make out, or have sex, or put a label on their relationship?
This is when we venture into the territory of canon vs semi-canon. Earlier, I defined semi-canon as a ship that has feelings for each other, or is one-sided, but no one has acted on their feelings. Mind you, this is the definition provided by the Internet.
Let's say Character A confesses to Character B. Character B feels the same way, but they don't want to get into a relationship right now. The show ends there. I mean, technically, they like each other, right? That much was confirmed. They acted on their feelings by confessing. Technically, that gets them out of semi-canon territory. But does it get them into canon territory? Nothing came out of the confession, really.
We can't in good faith argue that two characters confessing is enough to make them canon, since the term semi-canon also exists, and could very well apply depending on your own definition of it.
The problem lies in defining what it takes for a ship to be canon. If we go back to the very roots of canon, it's confirmation that a ship has an official romantic nature.
Is liking each other enough? Doubtful: if a main character flirts with a minor side character, who reciprocates, does that make them canon? They're into each other. But it would be ridiculous by fandom standards to deem them canon when the side character might never be seen again and has no real bearing on the story.
Truth is, what makes a ship canon fluctuates depending on the standards set by the media itself. If a piece of media is heavily romance-based, canon will most likely be defined by the ship that makes it out in the end, the one that has proclaimed to be a couple. If the piece of media is not keen on romance, and never creates romantic relationships between characters, it might be enough for the fandom to consider canon a pairing that has simply alluded to being into each other.
Whether the last example is good enough reason to hail a ship as canon depends on the fandom and the shippers. Some might think it's a stretch, some might think it's more than enough.
One possibility would be to look at the writers' intention for the pairing, read interviews if they're available, etc. However, most of the time, franchises have changes in writers over the seasons/games/movies, and it gets even worse when you take into account franchises that are adapted from another source material - say, Game of Thrones vs ASOIAF: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss' intentions for the characters certainly differ from George R. R. Martin's intentions.
I'm going to start using actual examples now, to better illustrate my point. I'll be using Resident Evil ships, like I said. RE, despite having constant ship wars, is not famous for making ships canon or focusing on romance at all. The most you'll get is indicators that two characters are into each other or you'll get established relationships that are not subject to ship wars since they have no other love interest (see Mia and Ethan Winters: married couple, established as part of canon and the validity of their relationship with regards to other characters is never questioned). As a matter of fact, you could probably argue that the Winters are the only canon couple in the REverse.
Most RE ship wars happen as a result of Leon ships, the main ones being Aeon (Ada/Leon) vs Cleon (Claire/Leon). There are other Leon ships out there, mainly Chreon (Chris/Leon), Serennedy (Luis/Leon), Leshley/Eagleone (Ashley/Leon), and many more, but they don't engage in ship wars because they have the common sense to be normal human beings about their ships. (Seriously everyone, chill the fuck out.)
Aeon shippers are known for one thing: banging on and on about how their ship is canon - which, in their eyes, automatically discredits all other Leon ships (what's the point of shipping if it isn't to win, right? I'm obviously being sarcastic). Which, knowing the canon nature of Aeon, makes it the perfect test subject for this discussion and post.
Are Ada and Leon into each other? Sure. Ada confessed to falling in love with Leon in OG RE2, they flirted in OG RE4, Resident Evil: Damnation suggests that they have shared at least one night together, and in RE6, Helena guesses that Leon has feelings for Ada. These events, however, have changed in the remakes: Ada no longer confesses to being in love with Leon in RE2R, though she does kiss him to manipulate him, and they don't exactly flirt much in RE4R. But then, by discussing this, we'd end up discussing what is canon in a game franchise plagued by obscure secondary sources of canon, and that's not what I plan on doing here (I also severely lack the extensive knowledge to do that).
Despite all of this, Ada and Leon never actually get together. It's a constant game of cat and mouse, will-they-won't-they, whatever you wanna call it. Since they are on opposite sides of the same fight, it's practically impossible for them to get into a normal, healthy relationship. Going back to what I said about the canonicity of a ship being defined by the standards set by the piece of media itself, you could argue that Aeon is canon by those standards: since they can't get together, it only matters that they have shown reciprocated feelings towards one another.
However, that's not entirely true, is it? RE hasn't set those standards for romance. It doesn't act on ships, but it hasn't deterred romance as a whole: look at Mia and Ethan Winters. It is possible to get into a relationship in RE - now whether it is possible to get a happy ending is entirely less likely.
But I mean, there are other love interests for Leon that aren't on the side of who he's fighting. Look at Claire, or Ashley, or hell even Jill. We can't, as a fandom, reasonably ignore the flirting that went down between Claire and Leon in RE2R (and Infinite Darkness at times) and Leon and Ashley in both OG RE4 (though he does reject her at the end of the OG) and RE4R. And he was probably trying to flirt with Jill a little in Death Island, too - he's a bit of a whore (affectionate).
How do you even define the canonicity of a ship in a universe like RE, in which most characters can't form normal, healthy romantic relationships? Is it enough to kiss/sleep together (Aeon)? Is it enough to unabashedly flirt and to practically be parents to a practically adopted daughter (Cleon)? Is it enough to share all sorts of romantic tropes and overtly flirt with each other (Leshley/Eagleone)? What happens when you start removing all of the events that used to be canon, but might not be anymore/be part of a different canon than the current one?
4. Conclusion (kind of)
I really want to offer a definition of a canon ship that suits everyone, but every time i come up with one, I bump into yet another wall. Tentatively, we could define a canon ship as a ship that has, by the standards of the piece of media they belong to, acted on their desire to be together in a lasting manner that disproves all other potential ships for the characters. I'm sure that can be perfected, and there might be elements of this definition that can be refuted, but this is how I would characterise a ship as canon. Which would, you guessed it, make pretty much every Leon ship non-canon in the context of the REverse as a whole.
The one true conclusion of this post, however, is that shipping amounts to playing with Barbies and should not be taken so seriously. There are a lot of shippers who know that their ships have no chances of becoming canon, yet still choose to have fun with it, make content for it in their own space, and some of you guys are dicks enough to go and bully them over it. Go outside, take a breath, and understand that canonicity is not the be-all and end-all of shipping.
I went a bit overboard with this and I'm sorry (not really). I'd love to know everyone's opinions on what makes a ship canon, if there's scenarios I haven't considered, etc! Constructive criticism is more than welcome and as always, my ask box is always open <3
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honeyhalcyon · 4 months
HIII I saw you posted that you wanted some requests I believe? So I’m here to spread my regressor Alhaitham agenda :3 do you have any headcannons for him?
Regressor! Alhaitham Headcanons
[PT: Regressor! Alhaitham Headcanons /End PT]
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[Image Description: On the left is a drawing of Shiho Hinomori from Project Sekai, wearing a green sweater and with a green pacifier, holding a plushie of Phenny, a yellow bird with a jester hat. The background is blurry, with green music notes and a white border around it. The text reads: SFW Interactions Only Please /End ID
Alhaitham is primarily a toddler regressor, usually 2-4 years old!
His main caregiver is Kaveh, but he also doesn't necessarily need to be around his caregiver; he's fine being an independent kiddo, and is perfectly happy regressing on his own.
(He won't admit it but he does find it more enjoyable when Kaveh is around to look after him.)
I think he likely began to regress without realizing as a result of stress, and upon realizing it was happening, did a ton of research to figure out what it meant.
He found out about regression and how it can be therapeutic, and had virtually no problems accepting this part of him; after all, it's just another coping mechanism he can utilize.
Talking is a bit difficult for him when he's small, so he and Kaveh have developed their own sort of sign language to communicate better.
He also loves playing with Kaveh's hair and trying to braid it, putting cute bows and such in his hair.
Alhaitham is very sensory focused in general, and has a lot of fidget toys and plushies to keep his hands busy!
Related to that, he definitely has a sand and water activity table, and will spend hours playing with that if allowed.
Alhaitham is very meticulous about making sure his pacis and teethers are kept washed and sanitized, and will refuse to use one that he feels isn't clean enough.
His favorite paci would be a simple green one that Kaveh got him when Alhaitham was first discovering age regression.
He probably has a very specific bedtime routine , and is unable to sleep if it's not followed perfectly!
He has a huge collection of children's books, and Kaveh has to read him a story before bed every night.
Routines are a big thing for him in general, especially when he's small, and he can feel overwhelmed if his routine is disrupted.
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pan-magi · 1 year
Manga Bonus and Omake Time!
It's June, so I'll do one of the gayest ones. Surprisingly, it's none of Judar's, though they came in very close second hahaha. Nah, I'm going to go over the other magi with vol 19's.
The scans below are mine. I was too lazy to find good copies online, despite cleaning up the images from my shit camera probably was more effort than just finding them. Another note is that they're the English translation from Viz Media. I usually like fan translations a lot of time for analysis because I find it easier to pick apart the more literal translations a lot go for. Alas, I don't have that so these are the same that were published at the end of the volume in America.
These are mostly my own interpretations from this specific scene. Nothing really to back anything up, more-so to explain my thought process because I can and I think it's fun.
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Not gonna lie, when I first read that I was like yesss. Fuck gender and sexuality! That's the spirit. And I do think, even though the conversation before is talking about gender, sexuality also applies to the statement since the immediate reply to Scheherazade's words is refuted as Aladdin's perverse behavior is brought up. If she wasn't referring to both then that would be a bigger leap in the conversation. I'm also biased because I am ace, lol.
(for the record, I do see Scheherazade as acespec, and both Aladdin and Yunan under the non-binary umbrella, though not necessarily agender for either of them. I will get my pride Magi hcs up this month. Idk when though so stating this here in case curious.)
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(from right to left)
I feel like Scheherazade is doing her best to help Titus out and explain but she should let Titus identify himself.
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Titus, you deserve the world. All the future happiness to you to help ease any doubt <3.
This is one of the times gender is the focus on the conversation, and it's about Titus being self conscious on his gender. We see a bit of Yunan's other lives, with some being shown feminine, but that's it. The manga brings attention to it for Titus, although this isn't in the main manga either. The whole conversation and Titus in general gives off big trans energy.
I dunno. I like that they reassure him on who he is. Should have laid off him in the first place, but it's sweet.
(Plus, Aladdin, you are a little shit and should apologize for invading the guy's space when you met and not just for assuming his gender. Bad child.)
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I love when they do start to talk about Aladdin, Titus mentions that neither he or Sphintus gets it concerning woman. It could be because they're young, and that's fair. But the more important conclusion:
They're gay, your honor.
Yup, that's what I have. I enjoy that the main talking point was about gender and sexuality, and for me it's easy to see no one there as cishet. The end note is that Scheherazade is likely more wordly than she appears (or wants to be), but I do still see her as ace. I will break down more of my headcanons later; this is long enough already.
Happy Pride Month All. Sharing all my fluffy freshly-baked ace cakes.
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unholybinchicken · 5 months
santana for the ask gamee
OK buckle up homies. I am a Santana Lopez stan first, human second. Santana is best girl so this is probably gonna be a long one, answers under the cut...
favorite thing about them
She has such a big heart and is genuinely so sweet and caring and is ride-or-die as fuck for the people she cares about. Also she's just so fucking funny and she has these ditzy moments that are so comedically underrated.
least favorite thing about them
I don't like when the writers would use her to air grievances about cast members (but I also think "every time you so much as cooked macaroni and cheese together or farted" is funny and I'm sorry but I can't help but laugh every time I hear that). I also didn't like the dodgeball thing from s3 because it felt like the writers trying to justify Finn outing her (which absolutely isn't justified at all and I hate that there's still people in the fandom trying to act like it was). Also just like with Brittany's 'angry lesbians' comment, I didn't like the whole 'you need a 100% Sapphic goddess' conversation and the biphobia, especially considering it required two actual bi people (Naya and Demi) to utter those words (yikes).
I wish she could have stood up for herself a bit more when the feud with Rachel was resolved (because yeah maybe she took it too far but it wouldn't have gone there if Rachel hadn't overreacted to begin with).
idk if I'd necessarily say "least favourite" more than "most noticeable flaw" but she tends to spiral when she doesn't have control of a situation, which leads to things like the whole Artie situation and later the whole leprechaun thing.
(also ... again more of a "most noticeable flaw" thing than anything else I think she has low self-esteem and a fear of success but I could write an essay on that so we'll save that for another day)
favorite line
"First of all, that is offensive! He shot Martin Luther King!"
Besides Brittana (because they are besties as well as soulmates and wives), hands down has to be Sancedes!!!! I love their friendship. I love how in season 2 Mercedes laughs at all Santana's comebacks. I think they stayed friends way after canon ended.
I'm a sucker for Kurtana, Blaintana and Samtana besties as well.
Brittana ofc <3
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All ships with male characters but especially Finntana, Pucktana and Sebtana. I don't like the other main Santana ships either (Quinntana/Pezberry) and I don't like Dantana or Santina either (but I'm cool with multishipping as long as it's not invalidating her as a lesbian and as long as people aren't rude about Brittany, because Britt's one of my comfort characters as well)
random headcanon
I have so many Santana headcanons it's not funny but I don't know what the barometer of randomness is, so here's a list of them and ig you can decide which are the more random ones.
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Also I'm a demisexual lesbian Santana truther and I know there's others out there but I don't think it's a widely popular headcanon.
unpopular opinion
That I think she's overhated??? No fr I have no patience for people who call her irredeemable or a terrible person because she wasn't. Santana is best girl point blank period, and in my opinion, even though I love a lot of the other characters as well, she was the best part of Glee.
Santana's version of Don't Rain On My Parade is the superior version.
In terms of some fanon things, fuck JKR but Santana's not a Slytherin and I'll die on that hill. I'm not a fan of the cutesy nicknames people give her in fanfiction. Also her abuela would never allow her middle name to be Diabla so fuck Ryan Murphy for putting that into the universe.
(also idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not but the people who are whining that kevin and jenna talk about naya/santana too much on their podcast seriously need to get a life)
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
There's too many of them to narrow it down to just one but I'm gonna have to go with weddingtana ...
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she's so happy and smiley because she just married her britt-britt and they're WIVES!!!
(we did it joe)
anyway, this was fun, please send in more asks, I really enjoy doing them
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jyndor · 1 year
My guess is that “this is a first for me” now refers to the fact that Cassian’s never been in prison while awaiting execution. He’s been sent to prison for crimes not punishable by death (not that prison wasn’t its own death sentence, at least on Narkina 5) but he’s never been locked in a cell knowing he could get a blaster bolt between the eyes within hours of being locked up. The Partisans were almost certainly planning to execute him, Chirrut and Baze; they just had to clear it with Saw first. As a secondary qualifier, it could also refer to the type of prison; it’s probably the smallest cell he’s ever been in, and it’s in a cave instead of an incarceration facility.
lol okay so i really went in on this as is my mo, not because anything you said is wrong or whatever lol it's your opinion. but it's sparked Discourse in my head rip
i feel like since the show aired i just haven't been explaining myself clearly with this but i'll try: i don't care what headcanon someone uses to handwave a thing that doesn't track 100%. i do it when something just doesn't track to ME or when i feel like telling canon to fuck off lol askdhasjdh but people will use their headcanon explanations to tell folks canon is still consistent. it's NOT lol it's a retconnnnnn
this is why i don't like retcons generally speaking. it just isn't that hard to stick to what canon already says, and while this one isn't really important at all (like it's a comment cassian makes offhandedly and can easily be handwaved like this) i think writers should try to avoid retcons (not always, sometimes things should be retconned because they're trash? but usually yeah retcons are meh). and then when you've got like a relatively small fandom like rogue one's that has been going along with what we all thought was canon until the show aired, it's extremely aggravating to be told that oh actually what we thought was true (even though until a few months ago it was) is not true anymore and aren't we crazy for not seeing that??? not that you have said any of that btw im not talking about you lol.
like i shouldn't have to qualify things to make them make sense with the main piece of media - which rogue one is. andor is a prequel to rogue one. rogue one is not a sequel to andor. andor has the responsibility to track with rogue one because it's supplementary material for rogue one. plus rogue one came out first. i shouldn't have to do mental gymnastics to make little moments in rogue one still make sense. and luckily i can divorce andor from rogue one pretty well and handwave shit and come up with my interpretations like yours and other fans' but we shouldn't HAVE to. it isn't a high bar to meet to be consistent.
when i analyze media, i always start with an out-of-universe (doylist) approach. i look for preconceived notions that might have influenced the writing, i look for motivations and at the history of the writers, etc. and then i can more easily take an in-universe (watsonian) approach. it's just hard for me to ignore inconsistencies, writer biases, real world context etc. probably because i have ocd and i am very literal. that's a personal problem lmfao.
so i can't even get there with things like this because it's obvious to me that tony gilroy, who did not write the film, wanted to tell a great story. he wanted to write what he wanted to write and wasn't super concerned with it lining up 100% with the film in a literal way. and he did. i mean all gripes aside andor is a fabulous show. easily the best thing i've seen all year. but i've still got my gripes lmfao.
in this case i think it's understandable that he'd do that because it actually doesn't make a whole lot of sense that cassian wouldn't have gotten caught by someone at some point. it is more reasonable that he would have. and for someone like the cassian in the show who is certainly anti-imperial, has politics despite what other people in the show say, but is not necessarily radicalized, yeah it makes sense that being sent to prison based on some bullshit xenophobic profiling would radicalize him. that is me doing some in-universe analysis btw.
but let's not kid ourselves. it doesn't fit with that line. before the show aired, not a single viewer thought he was lying or on some obi-wan bullshit with the "certain point of view" thing at that moment. yes, he's a liar. yes, he's a spy.
chirrut, who knows cassian is a captain not because cassian tells him he is but because of the force lol (this is why cassian gives him a weird look like 'how the fuck do you know that???'), takes him at his word and then says 'there is more than one sort of prison' meaning that just because cassian hasn't been literally locked up, it doesn't mean he doesn't have things that hold him back or imprison him metaphorically. that's the whole point of that moment - and lol it's actually kind of a more insulting retcon than I initially thought because chirrut reads cassian extremely well throughout the film with the force. but apparently he doesn't because he takes cassian at his word on jedha.
when cassian is about to go assassinate galen and he's avoiding jyn's eyes and being all shady lol, the camera keeps panning to chirrut looking away from the rest of the group but with a very disgusted expression on his face. he tells jyn that 'the force moves darkly around a creature that is about to kill' when she is like ??? the fuck do you mean by does cassian look like a killer?????
my point is that chirrut has a very good understanding of cassian's vibes in the force. chirrut takes him at his word on jedha but he is visibly disgusted by cassian on eadu. cassian actually being in prison before jedha changes chirrut's connection to the force for me. hmm now i'm mad LOL.
we were not intended to think cassian was lying on jedha. we were however intended to catch how shifty cassian was being on eadu - not making eye contact with jyn in a very overt way, not making a whole lot of sense to anyone, chirrut's callout, baze's deliberate use of "he has the face of a friend" but not that he IS a friend (although he is <333) because again. spy. mask. lying. that's what baze and chirrut call out on eadu, and what makes jyn realize that she fell for cassian's deception. it's really important that chirrut's connection to the force is credible because otherwise lol okay he's just some guy who fights well. he's not that - he's a guardian of the whills and his connection to the force is undeniable if not defined.
cassian's lying on eadu until he has his moment of truth. it's a different feel than his interactions with everyone else on jedha (although when he's talking to jyn about meeting tivik's sister he deliberately doesn't make eye contact).
cassian makes eye contact when he's being honest - the hangar scene, the eadu fight with jyn (which... lol im not even going there right now), definitely on scarif a number of times and most notably in the elevator. when he's lying, he gets avoidant.
that's a deliberate choice by the writers, director and diego ofc. in 2015/2016.
cut to 2020/2021 or whatever and tony gilroy, who did an immense amount of work on rogue one with the reshoots (allegedly mostly in the 3rd act of the film although that first scene with cassian is all him lol - also side note why couldn't he have cut the bor gullet smdh) to the point that he got a screenwriter's credit because of SWG(? the union idk) rules (totally fair of course, but i think a lot of people don't know that he didn't literally write the film or create cassian lol), is writing the best story he can and isn't really worrying about how much it tracks with minutiae from the film or like idk what pablo hidalgo wrote in guidebooks lol (pretty sure that's where the fest thing came from as well as him being 26 and jyn being 22? but also i mean im not sure if that hadn't been decided by the writers of the film).
i mean you'd have to ask him but im sure he'd say as much - that he wanted to tell a great story and as long as it was mostly consistent or could be considered consistent with who cassian will be in rogue one, it's easily handwaved or explained. and yeah that's true for most people but unfortunately for me i'm neurodivergent as hell with a hyperfixation on this dumb film and plus i have severe ocd so i notice discrepancies. and they annoy me.
i wanna be clear: i don't think this is the most egregious retcon of the show. not at all. but i'd like people to acknowledge that it is a retcon and that no, gareth edwards and chris weitz and gary whitta did not intend for cassian to be like "well actually what i meant is that technically, i have been imprisoned but i wasn't sentenced to death" or whatever reason we may now individually use to make it make sense. and i don't see a problem with doing that - i literally make headcanon all the time because canon ends in a way im sad about LOL. but this is headcanon. because canon doesn't track with itself.
also just a note: personally i think it's pretty clear cassian knows that narkina COULD be a death sentence. cassian understands narkina is dangerous as hell from the moment he steps his bare foot onto that metal floor. they fry people. he's smart, to me he knows it's a potential death sentence. but that's just my interpretation of the show.
i think the best way to handwave this retcon is to say cassian hasn't been imprisoned by rebels before or by alleged allies. or maybe in service of the rebellion.
*and cassian recognizes chirrut's force-ishness immediately, which is why he asks if he's a jedi. (it's why im like lol everyone just shut up about cassian not knowing what jedi are, i don't need an explanation for how he learns about them. i don't need them to make a big thing of whether or not cassian knows what jedi are because of course he does, jedi are in fact extremely well known in the galaxy and this is an area where im like tony gilroy stay on your lane XD)
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backtomyfirstfandom · 2 years
We Know Tintin Is a Reckless Bastard, but Why Is He Like That?
Writing shit because my computer is being fixed.
So, I wanted to talk about a topic that isn't being discussed enough by the Tintin (and haddotin) fandom: Tintin's self-destructive behaviour.
This (young) man works as a reporter and lives in a flat in which he barely stays because he's always busy travelling around the world, following any kind of danger that occurs as if he was willingly submitting to his danger kink.
We had multiple occasions to learn about the fact that he's totally reckless and gets shot at, shots back, gets into fights, gets kidnapped, threatened and so on, only to then get out of the situation (whatever it is) nonchalantly.
All the fans seems to agree on the fact that he's probably been like this since he was a child: he was probably the type of kid to come hom with skinned knees and bloody knuckles after beating the shit out of kids who made fun of him for his red hair (just to bring a scenario into this). He is athletic and knows how to move on roofs, ships, planes and around dangerous people, meaning that he for sure has put himself into so many situations to basically being able to improvise the right behaviour at the right moment.
He's also able to do shit like this:
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So, where does all of this come from?
My first guess, as a psychology student that can't help but analysing any character at this point, was that growing up he barely had something certain in his life.
I don't necessarily mean that his family was poor (you're free to think about it the way you want, but I personally Headcanon Tintin's family as belonging in the middle class of society), but what I had in mind was something uncertain coming from the emotional sphere of a family: he might come from a dysfunctional family in which either the parents kept fighting on a regular basis, or the love of his parents towards him was measured basing on his success and worth at their eyes (or also both scenarios); Tintin is a person that values his worth basing on his success or failure a lot, and it's a taught behaviour.
(This can be seen in the scene of Haddock's emotional speech).
Also, before he met Haddock he went on adventures with Milou and Milou only (Snowy); he's always had friends, but has never established a strong relationship with them: he's afraid of rejection and avoids it by not establishing strong connections with other human beings; his adventures are being used as a way to forget the fact that he's alone and that everyone will leave him in the end.
So does all of the danger that occurs to him: danger gives adrenaline to the body, which prevents the brain from thinking about anything that's not what is happening at the moment.
Basically, if Haddock has whiskey, Tintin has danger.
In a very dark view of the entire issue, danger can be seen as a way of seeking indirect suicide: every sane person with a bit of self-preservation instinct would stay away from all of those problems, but Tintin is a person that looks for self-destruction but just can't destroy himself with his own hands. He needs an external help.
Then, it came WWI (following Headcanons he should have been ten or something when war started).
Together with the dysfunctional family theory, war brought Tintin into a state of mind in which he needs to be cool in any situation otherwise he loses (or dies). This is the main reason why he's unable to lose his shit in front of danger or problems, because one wrong move or one sign of weakness by himself and he has lost.
It's something that in dysfunctional families occurs pretty often (anything can be used against you) and war isn't soft with humans.
He's also probably very uncomfortable with his own emotions as well; he shows anger, irritation and curiousity, but we've rarely seen him scared or in panic. He looks like he always knows how to solve the situation. He probably has lots of fears and phobias we know nothing about (I'll advance an Headcanon about a fear of dark, sudden sounds and occasionally fire) because he bottles everything up.
Tintin for sure has attachment issues and anxiety, because the only very close friends he has are Milou, Haddock and Chang (with Dupont and Dupond he's got a formal relationship more than anything else).
But why do these friendships work for him?
Milou: he's a dog and Tintin doesn't need to worry about his judgement;
Haddock: Tintin might have been worried about being abandoned after their first adventure together, but as Haddock kept accompanying him, he grew less and less worried about it;
Chang: they see eachother rarely and Tintin doesn't really have to worry about his judgement.
I forgot the point of this post.
In general, Tintin is pretty reckless due to trying to escape the belief that everyone will leave him behind at some point, or would stop loving him if he makes mistakes (which brought him to always try and be the best in every situation).
But he's also very curious: you can literally see his eyes light up with wonder when he learns about something new, and his curiosity is what gets him in all of those situations as well (for example, he learns about the Unicorn because he's curious about it).
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That's it, I think. That's it.
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mewguca · 11 months
1 and 22!!
1. Could be a lot of characters really but I guess the main two are both good candidates here
though of course everyone's interpretations are gonna be different and headcanons influence that a lot too!
I think a lot of people tend to write off the depth of these two though, and not necessarily on purpose...
A lot of people think of Moon as being the sweet type who's secretly scary when mad and super strong blablabla but...like
she wasn't able to stand up to her own brother until it was too late...She's a very passive person. She kept trying passive means of getting him to stop until she finally forced a communication that just resulted in him getting mad at her and blaming her for ruining everything...as an admin over Pebbles she realistically had the power to try to stop things much sooner or more forcefully
but she just isn't really a forceful person...she isn't secretly really powerful and strong and someone you shouldn't mess with...she's just tired and sad and irritable and frustrated and hurt but trying her best to be happy and live as well as she can
She tries really hard to be kind and good and fair and do her job properly and be helpful...
And maybe that's good enough, idk...it makes me feel better at least
That maybe you don't have to be secretly really strong or whatever for people to take you seriously and respect you. Maybe it's okay to be weak and kind. idk
And Pebbles...he has a lot of remorse for his actions. The guilt is literally eating him up from the inside. He's not just mean and angry and hates everyone!!!! He just is incapable of asking for help. He's too prideful. But he's prideful in the sense that he cannot stand anyone looking down on him or pitying him...and he can't admit he was wrong. So he just kinda gives up. He resigns himself to his fate without even trying to reach out to his local group again and apologize...
He is clearly very pained thinking about what he's done. Even in arti's timeline, he remarks he hopes that [the rot] won't spread to moon. He's generally concerned about how she is doing, but he doesn't have the courage to ask. He's very scared, I think. He tends to internalize things and withdraw into himself. It makes the rot really fitting lol...
By the time he is able to accept asking you for help, his structure has started collapsing. It takes him a REEAAALLLY long time to overcome that flaw of his.
But I also really don't like the idea that he's some helpless little baby or whatever...it kinda diminishes the inner turmoil he is experiencing and the weight of his guilt. He did this. He hurt himself and his sister. He damaged things irreparably. To try and absolve him of his sins rubs me the wrong way. Pebbles is such a great character because he is flawed. Because he is not a good person. Because he does bad things and hurts others. Because that's how real people act. The exploration of his feelings of guilt and how he represses his emotions to try and cope with them would be far less interesting had he not done something substantial enough to warrant this sort of reaction...
So please don't try and take his agency away!
Of course I havent played saint yet (though ive read somewhat about it) and I can't always remember all the dialogues off the top of my head so take it with a grain of salt haha...
everyone will have different headcanons and views and stuff though haha once again...
lemme make another post for the other one...
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veliseraptor · 1 year
3 thoughts: 1) what do you think would have or might have happened had Song Lan never reached Yi City? 2) omegaverse Xuexiao? 3) i have recently been converted to a couple rare pairs, Nielan (without Meng Yao) and Jin Zixuan/Jiang Cheng. Thoughts on these or other rare pairs?
ooh, okay, taking these one at a time.
1. The entirely non-flippant answer I have to give is "it depends on what you want to have happened." I recognize that's unsatisfying! But the great thing about Yi City as a story is that it is somehow simultaneously agonizingly inevitable and infinitely malleable.
So I can see a version where Xiao Xingchen finds out who Xue Yang is some other way, they argue, Xue Yang whips out his fun fierce corpse trick trivia, Xiao Xingchen kills himself. Or a version where that all happens but Xiao Xingchen refuses to believe that Xue Yang was telling the truth, kills Xue Yang, and spends a long, long time grieving and miserable and full of doubt. Or a version where Xiao Xingchen finds out who Xue Yang is some other way, takes a-Qing, and leaves, because he can't stand to kill his friend but he also can't stand to stay. Xue Yang follows, because of course he does. Does he catch up? What happens when he does? Or a version where Xiao Xingchen finds out who Xue Yang is and everything about the fierce corpse stuff and tries to kill himself but Xue Yang is able to stop him and they're left frozen in horrible, dysfunctional limbo where Xiao Xingchen can't die but can't live but can't kill his friend but can't let his friend live.
Or there's a version where Xiao Xingchen never knows. Where they live the rest of their lives - or at least, the rest of Xue Yang's life, which is likely to be significantly shorter than Xiao Xingchen or a-Qing's - in blissful domesticity, Xiao Xingchen entirely ignorant and Xue Yang settling comfortably into his new life. The rest of the world never intrudes.
Or Xiao Xingchen never knows, another cultivator comes to town and recognizes Xue Yang and kills him. Xiao Xingchen learns who he was after the fact and has to deal with both the grief of his friend's death, a lot of unanswered questions, and a lot of guilt. Xiao Xingchen doesn't learn who he was and only knows that his friend was murdered.
Anyway, you get the picture. I think the main thing is that I've seen it said that it was inevitable that it was going to fall apart eventually, and I don't necessarily think that's true. In one sense it is. In another it isn't. It's inevitable and it's infinitely escapable. That's what makes it so good.
2. I am not much of an omegaverse person with, like, two exceptions in my fandom life, and I'm afraid to say that xuexiao has not been one of them. I'm sorry! It's just not my bag in general for a lot of reasons and I don't think it adds anything for me here.
3. I'm afraid I am going to immediately bounce off pretty much any pairing that has Nie Mingjue in it because of my general indifference/dislike of the man, and that one I find particularly troublesome because it doesn't have Jin Guangyao in it and often, ime, comes along with certain opinions about Jin Guangyao that I vehemently do not share. Also though I am very much a multishipper in this case my Xiyao heart just can't take it.
As far as Jiang Cheng/Jin Zixuan, I feel like I spend so much of my energy around Jiang Cheng obsessing about his sibling relationships and his relationship with Jin Ling that I don't have space to ship him with other people (and also pretty squarely headcanon him as ace besides), but purely conceptually I find the idea of Jin Zixuan having at least a little bit of a thing for every one of the Yunmeng siblings (yes, including Wei Wuxian) patently hilarious.
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