#this movie is insane and i adore it
midnights-dragon · 7 months
don’t let the critics trick y’all on this one bc the marvels is so fucking good I’m so serious. “oh it’s rushed” “oh it’s not serious enough” “oh the villain is cookie cutter” you know what. is it not enough that movies can be fun anymore
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edorazzi · 1 year
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It’s Tintin Day again! Have a popular meme ft. Spirou. 👮💅
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lastoneout · 1 year
That is the closest I have seen ANYONE get to nailing that Miyazaki quote about the truest expression of love being two people mutually inspiring each other to live since Pacific Rim came out AND I AM NOT KIDDING!!
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When a customer wants to see the manager, and the manager says that you were right all along.
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murdleandmarot · 9 days
Can you info dump about bluebelle, I’m very curious about her :3
Hi hello!!!!! I will very gladly talk about Bluebelle, she’s the love of my life forever :D 💙💙💙💙💙
Important note: I’m a very um dramatic person when it comes to creating oc backstories. I am nothing if not a little bit pretentious, and giving ocs weird and angsty backstories is my passion project, and that’s part of the reason it took so long to collect my thoughts, and come up with something concrete, (or as concrete as possible)
I’ll start with facts about her that I like and then backstory regarding the fabled music box :))
-her design/colors are based off of a stuffed animal I bought in Munich :)
-the songs I most associate with her, (I have a playlist because I wanted one), are probably A Dangerous Thing/Everything Matters by AURORA, The Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker, and I came to your party dressed as a shadow. Adore those songs
-the only jellicles that she has met, (by choice), are Victoria, Misto, Plato, and Demeter. Or rather, Demeter knows of her, but Bluebelle doesn’t know Demeter
-this is mostly bc she’s pretty paranoid about meeting new people, and prefers to stick to her people. It took her a while to warm up to Plato, but eventually she got used to him
-this is also despite Vicci’s best efforts to convince Bluebelle to at the very least meet Jemima
-SPEAKING OF JEMIMA, if you haven’t heard, here’s my little jellicle magic theory: The cat’s magic relates to their eyes, just vaguely. Jemima and Misto each have white eyes, and you may have noticed, Bluebelle has those eyes as well. Because she’s. Blue. And that’s not a typical cat color, I figured I should just run with it. I see Bluebelle’s magic as a combination of Jemima and Victoria! Yes, Victoria is magic to me and that’s not just because she’s lovely and beautiful, but because of the way she uses the music in the show, and the way some productions seem to use her as a metaphor for the Jellicle moon, relating it to her dancing. This is especially true for me when I hc Vicci as deaf, because it implies some sort of magic when her solo syncs with the music. Bluebelle has the same sort of music and dance magic as Victoria, and the same sort of eerie unearthly-ness of Jemima. Basically I combined all my favorite girlies into one and made her <33
Really incoherent n convoluted story under the cut lolllll
I’ve always imagined the music box has something Bluebelle has had since she was very young, as in some of her earliest memories are of the tune it plays. Her mother probably gave it to her before both of her parents disappeared like they were in a Disney movie. The point is that it’s one of her favorite things, and she loves dancing to it. Victoria loves the song as well, and they sometimes practice using the music box, and things continue as so until Misto appears, and starts practicing with them.
Because Misto insists that no music is coming out of the music box. He can’t hear a single note.
Neither can Plato, or any of the other jellicles, when Victoria borrows it, and plays the song for everyone else in the junkyard, (Bluebelle doesn’t go with her-she’d rather not meet the others, for fear they won’t like her, or will tell Victoria to stop visiting her).
No one else can hear the music. No one except, of course, for Jemima and the psychic twins.
Bluebelle starts to ask around town, playing it for different cats, until she finds an older tom, not far, though she doesn’t know it, from the Junkyard.
He can’t hear the music box of course, but he tells her that he’s bit of a collector of magical artifacts. Perhaps he’ll have something similar in his collection.
Would she like to take a look?
Bluebelle declines. Declines at least, to visit him on this night. She hands him the music box, and instructs him to take it back to his den, and look for himself. They will meet in the same place the next day, and if he cannot find anything, then she will go and see for herself.
The next morning, they meet again. He tells her that he’s sorry, he couldn’t find anything that matched the box, and that in his haste to meet her on time, he’d left the box behind. The tomcat invites her to his den, and again, she declines, saying she will visit on a later date, that she already has plans.
Bluebelle follows him home, and hides in wait. She watches as his friends gather to scheme, and doesn’t notice the staring of a golden queen hanging off the arm of a blood orange tom.
The acquaintances leave, and the old cat retires to his den. The fire is almost out, leaving her to sneak into the other tent.
…blood seeps from every item in the cramped space, leaving it to drip from the walls and stain the ground scarlet.
He is not only a collector of magical artifacts, but a collector of queens, as well. The music box is the only thing unmarred by the red, so she steals it back.
She swears she can hear him howling the whole trip.
Bluebelle doesn’t tell Victoria what happens. She tells her to steer clear of the cat who could very be Bluebelle’s father, with a coat as vibrant as the sea, and Victoria doesn’t ask any questions.
Bluebelle doesn’t want to meet any of the other jellicles after that. She barely wants to talk to anyone ever again, with the exception of the few cats she already knows.
She and Victoria still dance to the music box though. Misto tries to follow along.
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katierosefun · 7 months
obsessed with how so many of shin ha kyun's roles are either (1) the silliest sluttiest guy you've ever seen or (2) deeply fucked up guy who is hitting 200 mph on his way to becoming even worse or (3) a combination of the last two. man found the roles he likes the most. real of him
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guardians-restart · 1 year
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t*mblr probably nerfed the quality click to make it readable
yeah so uh it bugs me when people don't realize that Groot from the comics is a completely different character from the one we're seeing in the movies. In the MCU the Groot i love so dearly has been dead and buried on Xandar for 9 (?) years and im still salty about it
Also don't @ me for sudden downfall of quality in this piece i was struggling trough an art block at the time 😭 and everything came out chonky and blocky in a bad way
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nosleep83 · 9 months
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Every single time I hear this song I just can’t believe it was in mutant mayhem even more
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begging the good people of Tumblr for batman content recommendations🙏🙏 im not really into the typical superhero stuff but I watched a batman movie for the first time 3 days ago and have become obsessed with the characters and their relationships
(I've already watched The Batman, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, and the 1989 Batman. im about 3/4 of the way through the animated series and plan to watch the New Batman Adventures next but I need more. Also interested in all of the Robins and any character- focused stuff. Very interested in the comics too but cant afford to buy and feel bad about pirating art-based mediums)
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gwendyworm · 2 days
Guys i love being several years late to a fandom- it’s my favorite thing.
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panicbones · 5 months
you a faggot? wanna see something batshit? * steps aside and reveals a real bug freak *
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emile-hides · 1 year
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I’m so obsessed with the Mario family and while I’m a very hard Uncle Tony stan I’m also insanely obsessed with Auntie Marie and her daughter. I want to know all about them.
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Vincent Price - The Kind Mr. Smith (1958)
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neurosses · 3 months
i went down a rabbit hole rereading my favorite jordan and hennessy scenes from td3 today... they are excellent.
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sox-rok68 · 2 months
Frothing at the mouth chomping at the bit thinking about how 'encounter' is a rougher, less polished version of the song at the end, because Tomoichi already knows his sound, but he's just starting out, and by the end their song has been refined through the years he and Inu Oh knew each other and performed together
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pettyprocrastination · 11 months
sorry but I will never forget this peni parker concept art. what could have been. 
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