#this post is honestly for me and to give me the confidence boost I need a remind myself I am a professional ™️
gingerrtarot · 8 months
◌ 。 PAC: “All eyes on me” - how you can fight your insecurities and start to stand out?
hello, everyone!
honestly this reading turned out to be pretty different from what the heading suggests🫡 but i hope it will still find those who it destined to find. So, as always, remember that this is a general reading, so it may it may not resonate with you. good luck~
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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°。 Pile 1. ◌
hey hey, group one!! first of all, why do you underestimate yourself so much? seriously, this group came through as the ones with poor self-esteem, so if it’s not about you it’s not your group. I see people here focusing on their flaws and weaknesses too much. It comes to the point when you see nothing good in yourself, you refuse to recognize just how many good and outstanding qualities you possess. Every one of your strengths turns to weakness in your eyes. But seriously, you are so freaking cool, guys. Cards show you as someone extremely talented, interested and unique. Your personality is fascinating. There are not many people like you in this world. You are remarkably smart and intelligent, be it in a spiritual or scientific way, or maybe you know everything about, for example, cinematography or astrology. But, i believe, there’s not just one field in which you are educated. You know a lot. And i think you are pretty much aware of yourself too. And that’s interesting, because you still have self-esteem problems. Maybe that’s because you didn’t even have a chance to really esteem yourself, to see your worth, to show yourself to others, maybe, and receive some feedback, which, i am sure, would have been positive. You possess qualities that allow you to attract not only friends, but fans. Many of you have a talent, an outstanding one. Especially for performing in public, maybe singing, dancing, comedy, modeling or whatever. Many of you are destined for fame here. Wow, guys.
But what to do with that low self esteem of yours? First, acknowledge all your strengths and abilities. Make a list of them, and a list of your accomplishments too. Read them everyday. Teach yourself to stop seeing only bad side. You probably don’t tell anyone about this problem, but it will be really helpful for you to share it with your close friend (family member, lover, etc.). You would receive needed support from them. You don’t even realise how much their praise, compliments and encouragement will boost your confidence. And you will receive it for sure.
If what I said about a talent does resonate with you, well, it’s just a crime to hide it from the world. “Firework” by Katy Perry just started to play, so yeah, you know what to do. Don’t be afraid to express yourself. Wear that outfit you are afraid to wear, go out with that make up that it “too bold”, sing out loud, dance, post whatever it is that you want and so on. Remember, you are a star!!
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°。 Pile 2. ◌
hellooo, group 2!! who do we have here? we have critics. I see that people here are very critical of themselves. You set high standards for yourself, you must be the best in everything. You have to be all that: beautiful, smart, educated, skilful, proper etc. You want to succeed everywhere and in everything. It is important for you to show that you are no worse than others. You may have a fear of being left behind. And this makes you “cling” to everything at once, which ultimately leads to the fact that you are not truly successful at anything. “If you run after two hares, you will catch neither”, you know. And that makes you feel insecure, doubt your abilities and skills. You always feel like you are not enough. For example, you want to send resume for a job, but then you think “oh, i am not good enough for this position, they will definitely find someone better”. And you give up without even trying. Yes, you also give up too easily. Impostor syndrome may be the thing for you.
In fact the problem here is that because of that you don’t put enough energy and efforts into things that are interesting for you, that you want to do. It’s so hard for me to focus on your reading now, something distracts me all the time. You may feel the same. You can’t be perfect at everything, you should focus on what you really like.
I see that you are fast learners. You easily perceive new information and grasp the essence of things. You are probably always aware of what is happening in the world, you know all the latest news, follow trends, and all the gossip about your surroundings is unlikely to go unnoticed by you. And I think that you would be good at spreading information. Something about the way you speak captivates people. You can become a good speaker, blogger or work in marketing sphere.
Don’t let your doubts stop you from working towards your goals. My advice to you is to stop thinking and start acting. if you are unsure of your abilities and skills, take courses to improve your qualifications so that you can feel more confident. And stop being afraid to try and experiment. You are afraid to send this resume because “of course, they won’t accept you”but just try it. Or you don’t start drawing, let’s say, because you’re sure that you’ll get some kind of nonsense, just do it, draw it, and then again and again so you’ll improve and understand that it’s not all that bad. Here you need to stop expecting something supernatural from yourself, it’s okay if you are not perfect, accept yourself as you are and do what you can to become better. It is better to try and fail than to frame yourself into this “perfection” and do nothing. Good luck!!
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°。 Pile 3. ◌
Hi, group 3! An interesting case here. People here either have a decent, healthy self esteem (and if that is the case i don’t have much to say to you) or pretend it to be so. I see you here as extremely flamboyant personalities. You know how to draw attention, how to make people love you and how to get whatever it is that you want. You are charismatic, fun and charming. You learnt to be this way. At first i didn’t see a problem here. So maybe you don’t realise it either. You show the world a person that is not you, and you get so used to it. You display signs of a person with high self-esteem, but deep inside there’s a lot of pain, insecurities and fears. I see your inner child is extremely hurt here. Your connection with them is messed up. You lost yourself while pretending to be someone else to deserve love of people. Maybe you, the way you are, didn’t fit into society and weren’t accepted and that made you change. Many of you here are truly differ from your surroundings. Damn, we can have geniuses in this group. Your ideas, ways of thinking and seeing this world are something that people may not understand. You have very rich imagination and a creative vision. You are one of those who are able to come up with truly original ideas. Many of you also possess psychic abilities and are great master manifestors. And you all are so strong, because whereas I see your inner self suffering so much you are still able to show the world an absolutely happy and content person.
I see your inner child here as literally “bottled up” with its problems, fears and wounds. And he has to face it all alone. You are too scared to “open this bottle” because you would have to feel it all too. Or maybe you are not even aware of it. But it’s still there, inside of you. And if you stumbled across this reading it’s not just by accident.
So, what cards advice you here. You need to reconnect with your inner child, to recall who you was and who you really are. Understand and become aware of all your inner pain, triggers and everything that may bother you. Stop pretending. Give yourself time to acknowledge it all, accept yourself and relive all that pain. Let your feelings and emotions out. I’m not a doctor, indeed, but some of you would really benefit from working with a therapist if a lot of what i said resonates with you. To be and not to seem to be, that’s what you have to learn.
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muniimyg · 1 year
kimi's comfort fics (2023)
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note: these fics are pretty "old" since most of the writers are no longer active or the fics have been posted years ago.. BUT !!! some are recent with active writers so i would 100% recommend u check out their other works nd send them love !!! that being said, i did not link the stories but i did link the writers 🫡 this way u can check out their other works nd blog in general 💅🏼✨
nevertheless, they are all masterpieces that have heavily inspire my work nd personal life because i am delulu 24/7 <3 this list consists of my core comfort fics like... y’all don’t even fcking know how much i love them
‼️ for the most part, all of these fics imply mature content !!! minors dni ‼️
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smau recs
color of your shirt (kth)
cuffed (knj)
stay and cook (jjk)
stole your shirt (jjk)
went through your phone (jjk)
these fics were the ones that made me absolutely fall in love with smaus. smt abt the style nd way the plot seamlessly depict a beautiful and lighthearted aura... ugh, it jus gets me every mfking time </3 
be my baby (myg)
cyberslut (myg)
kinda hot (kth)
cherry pickers (jjk)
plot twist (knj) 
i think kez is a mastermind nd i’ve always admired her constant updates nd organization! have u seen her taglist? BRUH i could never :’) these fics rlly made me feel BUTTERFLIES i don’t know how else to describe the way kez makes these works so fcking interesting every time
stuck with you (kth)
suit & tie (myg)
hellish (myg)
basketball!captain (myg)
baby, you can drive my car (myg)
beauty & the bookworm (knj)
these headcanons literally give the serotonin boost i need. they hit so mfking good nd the energy is jus 10/10
fic recs
series and drabbles by @noteguk
bad influence: collection (jjk)
any way you want (kth)
house rules (jhs)
for science (jhs)
let me tell u... these fics were a CULTURAL RESET. god bless them nd tHE WAY NALA IS BACK??? hello. i love u so much. thank u for creating such breath-taking stories with ur incredible writing... u’re insanely talented nd i look forward to more of ur work… like fuck,, i’m so shy rn 👉🏽👈🏽
series and drabbles by @yoonpobs
with you (ksj)
back-burner (myg)
ice skating and holding hands (myg)
cold (pjm)
i absolutely went ✨ I N S A N E ✨ for back-burner yoongi. i was literally taking an accounting class (which i failed nd i have never failed anything in my life) nd thursday aka back-burner update day would literally be my motivation to mfking LIVE. i love the underlying nostalgia in these works.. i literally don’t know who i would be without these fics (i’m downplaying how much i love them arghh)
series and drabbles by @1kook
skirt chasers (jjk)
netflix & chill (jjk)
dreamy (pjm)
absolute icons. literally so well written, it’s unforgettable !!!
series and drabbles by @h0neypjm
confident (jjk)
for practice (kth)
homie hopper till i die (pjm/kth)
these are the ones that... make me feel some type of way... like… 🦋⚡️❤️‍🔥 way… yk?
series by @floralseokjin
the devil wears armani (ksj)
crystallised saga (ksj)
please be naked (myg)
i think these fics stabbed me in the heart nd the wound never healed. that’s the best way i can put it... i love anything jordan writes but these... these are litereally the bane of my existance. crystallised has so much depth in it nd i honestly feel like i’m in the story with the characters.. i’ve never experienced desperation until i read the devil wears armani because wHAT THE FUCK... pbn is... yeah. let’s just stop here..... 😪
series by @btssmutgalore
nude (kth)
bicker (kth)
benefits (pjm)
🫶🏻 ok. we need to have a conversation about nude. NUDE HAS RUINED MY LIFE. yk why? because the same way it grasps my heart,, it breaks nd makes it new. literally. like mfker rlly said “whatever u say goes” bITCHJFKJSLS IM CRYING IN THE CLUBBBBBB 🫣
series by @personasintro
mutual help (jjk)
my tiny secret
i read mh while it was jus starting.. to see how much it progressed nd how many ppl read it now is mindblowing! my tiny secret was the first ever bts fanfic i ever read... so.... YESSSS
series by @gukslut
rattled (jjk)
oh my god. this has to be my ultimate comfort fic. i’ve never read something so original nd heartbreakingly beautiful. the gradual build nd the way each character experiences nd works thru their issues... chefs kiss... i read this fic at least once a month to remember what love feels like 🥹👊🏽
drabbles by @jeonqkooks
just friends (jjk)
angel baby (jjk)
the moon, and all the stars (jjk)
this is how you fall in love (jjk)
i always see jen sharing her thoughts on my work... but bro... let me mfking tell u... her work speaks for itself. i’m so in love......
drabble by @jungkxook
let’s play: dirty (jjk)
THIS ONE IS SUCH A FUN READ. i need it injected into me tbfh. i always reread it when i’m feeling down
drabble by @angelgukks
pu$$y fairy (jjk)
can not be beat. mfking love this drabble fr
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i also want to take the time to express my deepest love nd thank u to the writers who have left this platform. to the writers who have moved on nd left us with memories of their work; ur efforts nd storylines will remain in my heart forever <3
i esp loved a lover’s kiss by @hueseok​ . 
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copyright © 2023, muniimyg on tumblr.  
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barrowsteeth · 2 years
Anatomy of a Kiss - 1.05 Friend
[long post + gif heavy meta ahead]
I don’t think we’ve talked enough about Nick and Charlie’s body language during the arcade kiss scene in 1.05. I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently, so I’m going to break it down and would love to hear others’ thoughts!
First, I think we need to talk about how brave Charlie is, once again, in telling Nick that he wants to kiss him. I just…love that he did that? I imagine his confidence has been boosted after their talk, and of course Nick giving him the photo gift, and saying how much he likes him. But even so, our guy knows what he wants and just comes out with it. I love that he has the confidence to say it.
At the same time, Nick seems so nervous about the idea of it at first. We can see him swallow and look down, and his hands are firmly stuffed into his pockets, but he also sees how happy Charlie is, and is also listening to Charlie and taking Charlie's wants into account as he considers it. When I first watched this scene, I had a little thought that he was also trying to make up for the Imogen date a little bit by even considering a public kiss, but I don't think that's really a factor here.
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In the next second, we see Nick take a look around and really decide that this is going to happen -- not just because Charlie wants it, but because he does too. I mean, this is a big deal! They've just confirmed that they both really like each other, and they're going to have their first public kiss. And look at Charlie's face! He's smiling, probably not expecting Nick to agree, but he's just being happy.
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I know verbal consent in this scene has been discussed before, and it is perfectly done, in my opinion. What I really love about this part of the scene is that for once, Charlie doesn't apologize. He gives Nick multiple chances to change his mind, and Nick is just as determined to let Charlie know he really wants to kiss him too. I think this exchange adds so much to the scene, and even gives Nick a little more time to get excited about the idea of kissing Charlie. In the second gif below, we see Nick's hands out of his pockets and when he says "yeah," his fingers twitch a little. He's ready for this.
And Charlie is so cute and patient and maybe a little disbelieving, but he's also clearly so happy that this is going to happen. I love it when he squares his body before he moves in to kiss Nick. **flails hands**
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I don't have a lot to say about the kiss itself except that it's soft and sweet and really just perfection, so let's take a moment to enjoy it. **happy sigh**
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This got longer and wordier than I thought, so putting the rest under the cut...
I think the biggest contrast in Nick and Charlie's body language comes after the kiss. They are both completely and obviously caught up in the moment when they separate. Charlie's little double blink is one of my absolute favorite moments in the entire series, as is Nick's breathlessness. It's too much! But then they part, and their reactions are very, very different.
Nick looks around again and shoves his hands in his pockets, back to that nervousness we saw earlier, and Charlie is absolutely giddy with joy and doesn't know what to do with his hands while he giggles to himself. I think both of their reactions are so true to character.
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But what always gets me is that in this next part of the scene, Charlie gives Nick a little space to process what just happened. He is over the moon with happiness but can likely see that Nick needs a minute to collect himself. I think this is so important, because it also gives Charlie a minute to himself to be giddy and happy too, without having to consider how Nick is feeling. It's okay to be ecstatic about what just happened! He doesn't need to feel selfish for needing his own time, and I'm so, so glad he doesn't.
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And of course, Nick doesn't waste a minute before pulling out his phone and texting Imogen. Honestly, how could he not after the moment he just had with Charlie? I think he understands that this is a no-turning-back moment when he tucks his phone away. And he doesn't want to go back, which is the most important thing. It sets the stage for all of the wonderful moments in 1.06, where he tries to be the best not-yet-official boyfriend to Charlie.
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I think we can all agree that Charlie Spring has had the best. birthday. ever.
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farfallasims · 2 months
Hi Madi! Do you think the simblr community has been a little quiet lately? I feel like it seems like everyone has gotten a little discouraged and there aren't as many posts. I love following you, you're the one who posts most frequently and I'm happy to know that you haven't given up on us 💕
I really want to start posting but I'm afraid of judgment as it's a bit difficult to do they have a different style as everyone uses the same ones cc and presets and among other things. And it always reminds me of something more or less used by someone. Anyway, I feel that simblr is more divided between groups and that there is a lack of unity for everyone to be great one day. I love the simblr community and I love its content. Maybe sending this message here will reach more people in the Simblr community who may be discouraged for some reason, please don't give up, no matter how difficult it is to get likes or recognition, one day we will all have acquaintances and our name. Thank you Madi for encouraging me so much to play The Sims, you're great!
Hi gorgeous!
The community is kinda quiet, I do agree, but it makes sense to me (as someone with a business degree). After Christmas in the business world, money making, all that, a lot of companies experience their worst quarter.
Everyone is drained (mentality & physically their wallet), and they're back to work, school, all that. A lot of YouTubers will also take this time off, usually only January from what I've seen, because it is their least engaging month/quarter. To sum it up, everyone is busy and working, so the community can suffer with some moments of silence.
For the community itself to be quiet it's expected. It will 100% pick back up in the spring/summer, so don't feel discouraged by it. I experience my best activity in the later months of the year, especially the summer when everyone is out of school or on vacation in general, so look at it that way.
It can definitely be discouraging to join the community right now, but don't let that stop you. Sure, we all love engagement, it's why I'm in the position I am today to be able to offer you advice, especially as someone who joined last February. However, I didn't go in worrying or thinking about it. I honestly didn't anticipate nor expect the engagement I got and I am so incredibly grateful for it.
And as for your content, you and so many others need to learn that regardless of aesthetic, we all appreciate the beauty. If you're a beige girly, a maximalist, fully alpha, whatever it might be, it doesn't matter. We as a community accept and appreciate all content, regardless of aesthetic or opinions.
As long as you enjoy what you're making and you're having fun, regardless of the engagement, and are an unproblematic king/queen that's truly what matters.
I hope you have a beautiful day/week and I hope some of this can shed light on the community and give you the boost of confidence to start posting! We all want to see more beautiful content as there is room for you and so many more simmers!
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d34dlysinner · 10 months
MC: no but i have great taste, good Solomon genes for stamina and only bring the best to my bed! while smiling
How the devils hold react to they saying that? (for real 80 devils! MC has that Solomon genes were it counts!)
(If this is answered late it's probably because I'm just putting a lot of devils on here. Because I want to. SORRY FOR THE LATE POST.) TW: mentions of violence. Let's assume they're on a battlefield. The demons do feel pride. Especially when you put them on a high pedestal. Some of them will show it and some others won't some might even scold you for irritating the angels even more. Gehenna: Satan: "HEAR THAT FUCKERS? THOSE WILL BE THE LAST WORDS YOU'LL HEAR FROM THEM! >:)", he says. He felt prideful at your words and wasn't afraid to show it. He will boast about it as he continues fighting against the angels. His reaction was cute in a way until you saw how violent he continued to be on the battlefield. Sitri: He was sipping his tea when he heard. Only gave a little huff and smirk as he continued fighting. "Thank you for the kind words, but at the moment we need to be smart.", he says as he listened to heartbeats fade. Leraye: "YOU HEARD THEM!", he says as he continues shooting at the angels. "Like my shooting, their words never miss." Paimon: "Cuuute! The human is fighting back!", he says as he continues to make a scene during battle. Zagan: "Thank you, child. Your kind words remind me of him.", he says before running towards another spot to shoot at the enemy. Belial: He gave you a smile and continues to be at your side as he'd rather defend you when you're near him. Jjyu on the other hand leaked his thoughts. Astaroth: "So, you can fight back?", he says as he gave you a smirk. Never looking away from the enemy as he does. He felt proud at you talking back.
Tartaros: Mammon: "You have the gift of seeing true value.", he says as he stood next to you. "You angels could never touch this treasure of mine." He pulled you close as a way to show that you were his. Bimet: "I see that you have taste. Good.", he says as he continued defending at your side. He always feels pride when getting praise, but he wouldn't show it as easy as his king. Eligos: His eyes went big as he felt ecstatic at the praise. He didn't say anything, but seeing how he suddenly looked more motivated to fight said enough already.
Hades: Leviathan: "My, my..." He said as he felt his confidence boost up, but that feeling changed into embarrassment. He envies the prideful version of himself. He wants to turn back to 10 seconds ago. His fighting didn't change though. Barbatos: He smirked as he continued attacking the enemy. Since he's a midrange attacker he wouldn't be able to talk to you, but he does appreciate the words. Foras: He either didn't hear you or he's too focussed on the battle. That's what you thought, but later after scaring away the angels he'd run up to you and kisses your hands. "Thank you for the words." Glasyalabolas: "You heard them. Time to make way for a new kingdom. One where they'll be at my side.", he says as he, the president of butchers, continues to annihilate the enemies.
Avisos: Beelzebub: He gave a smirk as he stood by you. He wasn't fighting intensively at the start, but you saying that made him motivated to help. Bael: He honestly was too busy to notice what you said. When he starts wtith something he focusses until it's finished. So when starting this battle, he has done nothing else than just giving orders and fooling angels. Stolas: "Nice words, but not the right place.", he honestly wasn't embarrassed even when he was blushing at the moment. But he just felt that he doesn't have enough ammo to fend off irritated angels. Amon: The sleepy boy suddenly woke up to your words. He was absent-minded when fighting and snapped out of it with a smirk on his face. You'll be dinner later then. He said as he couldn't help but flirt at the moment. Naberius: "This is really not the right time for this.", he sighed as he felt like you helped heat up the battle. He just hopes that Avisos came prepared enough to fend of all the angels.
Abaddon: Phenix: Phenix was at the front line on the battlefield. So, it DID surprise you that he heard your response. He honestly didn't mind you saying these things and in fact loved that you irritated the angels. It just meant that they'll less likely avoid him. Meaning he could continue slaughtering. Dantalian: Another one that just doesn't care and is at the front lines too. He wants to feel fear. So you agitating the angels maybe helped him. He uses the opportunity to feel fear. Ronove: He didn't need to be on the front lines to fight. His influence on demons was already enough input for him. The lunacy he puts on the demons was already enough. This gave him time to spend with you. He sat at your side in case any angel came too close. He smirked at you. "I may cause Devils to charge at angels, but you have the opposite effect in this case."
Niflheim: Gusion: "You shouldn't agitate the enemy. We're already in small numbers.", he said with a sigh of annoyance. Yes, he was glad you felt this way, but you saying this didn't help him. Bathin: Silence, just silence. You were used to it though. He wasn't the talkative type. Andrealphus: "Continue doing that and stay close to me.", he says. He's blind. So he needs to attract angels in a way to fight them. You saying that and agitating the enemy is just what he needs. He can help you as long as you stick to him.
Paradise Lost: Morax: "Seems like you're seeking for trouble.", he says. You can't see it, but he's smiling at your guts. He can rest knowing that you aren't afraid of the enemy. Marbas: "You shouldn't agitate them... We have our hands full already.", being a healer is tough in war. The work and trying to keep others alive was at times too much for him. Buer: "Smart move.", he says. You don't know if he meant this sarcastically or not. He probably wanted more reasons for Marbas to stay busy as he does his own thing. "Next time you should tell them the details."
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mega-punani · 1 year
Aight, I made a dumdum mistake and posted something I didn't finish, so here's a screenshot instead! @glitchy-dwemer-ruins
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Hm hm hm, I wonder indeed!
Reaction to a Clumsy (Y/N):
Sans: He honestly does not mind and will give you all the time you need. As long as you can do your job and get things done at the end of the day, there are no complaints on his part. Of course, he'll be a bit worried once in a while, especially if you have a pretty nasty fall. He'll make sure you land properly with his devil fruit, maybe right in his arms? ;-)
Papyrus: Papyrus will be your confidence! If you need a little pick me up or a boost, he'll be there to provide. Of course, if you just need a little space and time, he can provide that too! If you ever fall or trip, he'll catch you like a true gentleman and carry you off into the sunset.
Blue: Awwww, don't be nervous, your buddy Blue got your back! Need to know how to do something? Do you need an extra hand? He can help! Even if you don't ask, he'll be right beside you! Unless you wanna do it yourself... He'll just sulk in the corner while you do your own thing. Are you sure you don't need his help anymore?
Stretch: Well, you better suck it up cause Stretch is not gonna care. He is definitely not keeping a close eye on you to make sure you don't get hurt. And it definitely wasn't him that caught you when you were holding an armful of supplies. He'll act annoyed at your clumsiness and anxiety... but he hopes it didn't hurt your feelings to bad.
Red: He's neutral about it. Some people are clumsy and need some time, alright. As long as you don't mess with the supplies or ship he has no complaints. He's a little worried about you tripping and getting hurt, though. He's sure you'll handle it fineeeeee. But he's just gonna sit a little closer while you two are fishing. Just so you don't fall off or somethin.
Edge: MOTHER HEN INSTINCTS ARE GOIN CRAZY. He has to take care of those incompetent fools on the ship, and now, a clumsy little thing? What was he to do? He'll nitpick and nag you on your efficiency. Under his care, you will get the hang of working on the ship in no time! And if anyone gives you a hard time, just tell him he'll beat some sense into them.
Razz: Why should he care? You are just lowly being that keeps tripping over their own feet. Do you even know how to raise the sail or tie a knot? You don't? Well, why not? It's so easy, in fact, he'll show you! Before he knows it, he's showing you how to do everything. You better thank him for his time because he's definitely not doing this again!
Cash: Meh, whatever. Cash will spend his time as he usually does, not really interacting with you. When he's finally forced to talk to you, he'll make sure to keep an eye out. You know, for suspicious activity. Maybe he'll tease you once in a while by stealing your tools and laughing at you when you trip. But he'll help you up, promise.
Cinnamon: FINALLY! He has a clumsy buddy! Cinnamon will make sure you feel like home on the ship! You can ask him how to do anything and he'll be very happy to help! Oh, oh! And when you have downtime, maybe he can show you how good he is at fishing? He'd love to leave a good impression.
Bear: He's a little worried for you. He knows you are a full-fledged being and is fully capable of adapting and learning. He's just can't help but fret a little. You remind him of Cinnamon sometimes, and that instinct motivates him to keep his eye out for you. He won't really say anything, though. Just stares.
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kaes-wonderland · 1 year
𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒚𝒖𝒖 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
↳ ☆ pt.1 ☆ pt.2 ☆ … ☆
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❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Synopsis: Just some sweet, little random “x reader” headcanons, featuring multiple precious babies…romantic intentions, but some can be platonic!
❥ Published: April 20, 2023
❥ Kae's Notes: I love seeing and making random character(s) x reader headcanons, cause you never know what you’re gonna get!! If you have a specific character(s) you would like to see, feel free to comment them, or submit a character to my submission and and I’ll to a good handful of just them. Please, I need requests- GN!Reader. See my navi for more
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WHILE CUDDLING or just anywhere, Kuroo will rub up and down you arm (if it’s okay) to comfort you, but it truthfully relaxes himself as well.
SUNA WILL text you “good morning pretty” then proceed to immediately send you a weird photo of yourself following the sweet message. Very bitter sweet, but he still finds you lovely.
YOU THINK YOU STEAL ALL OF HUS HOODIES No-no, Bokuto insists that you have all of them…until he gets cold, then he’ll give you puppy-dog eyes for one back. But one he’s done using it, he’ll immediately give it right back.
TENDŌ HAS A HABIT of using your head as his personal arm rest. Honestly, you are just his personal resting post in general.
THE HIGHLIGHT of Yamaguchi’s day is when you either trace or kiss his freckles. It makes him all blushy, but it gives him the biggest confidence boost in the world.
YOU AND Tanaka/Noya/Kogane/Atsumu (depending on who you like) have this weird handshake no one else can comprehend, and it ends with you two sharing a quick peck
KENMA LOVES YOU more than his games. There, I said it. That doesn’t mean he won’t stop playing them, as it takes him away from reality, but will for a brief moment if you ask nicely.
SEMI HAS A TRADITION of giving you a kiss on your head every time he sees you. The little things matter to him, and you are a big thing that matters to him.
KYŌTANI KEEPS little trinkets in his gym bag/his room because they remind him of you.
AKAASHI ALWAYS walks on the outside of the road when you guys are walking; just in case cause he worries, and to be a gentleman.
EVERY MORNING right after his coffee, Sugawara will write 3 things he loves about you and slip them into your bag or puts them somewhere where you’ll see.
IF YOU GUYS HAVE TO WALK through mud or a deep puddle, Iwaizumi will pick you up so you don’t get wet/your shoes get dirty
KITA WILL kiss your hand, and sometimes all over your knuckles, every time he sees you. Just to let you know he loves and cares about you dearly.
ANYTIME YOU have something, even a subtle interest in, Kageyama will immediately write it down in his phone/a personal notebook so he remembers it
MIDNIGHT DRIVES WITH ENNOSHITA are absolutely magical. No matter what the time is, or how tired he is, he’ll drive you anywhere you need to go. He gets to spend time with you, and supervise, it’s a win-win!!
FUKUNAGA DOES THAT “they love me; they love me not” thing on daisies and any other flowers he can get his hands on. You have you give him a kiss on the cheek, regardless of what he lands on.
SAKUSA GETS hypnotized every single time he sees you doing something you love. The way your lip curls or how your brows knit together…to him, your face when you are concentrating on something is adorable.
ON TRAMS, Tsukishima will hold you close to his chest so you don’t get bombarded, and so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd of people.
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©k_kae- 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim them as yours. But reblogs, likes, and comments are alway welcomed. Thank you, stay positive シ
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mystical-growth · 10 months
Are you implying the larger you get the more sensitive your getting? Well if that's the case have you ever wondered if there's a tipping point, a point when your so big, so s3nsitive that this want for more, becomes a need, one that you can't stop, regardless of how it effects your life? I mean, if we look at your old posts you were alot more reserved but now, you seem to be nearly reveling in everything this bountiful growth is giving you, and THEN SOME.
Oh geez~ I think I might already be past that 🤭 I already have to remind myself constantly that I’m not in a private place! Honestly, I’m my defence sometimes they just seem to radiate pleasure 😳 recently even simply accidentally brushing against something causes me want to find some privacy 🫣 and somedays I feel absolutely obsessed with growing ^^; I can spend a lot of my day wishing and fantasizing that I could spend more and more time to try to grow bigger. I hope they grow big enough to affect my day to day life! I would think of that as a blessing~ ^^ just imagining all the happy and embarrassing situations I could have 🥰
Well~ honestly I haven’t really used social media for a few reasons ^^; and I don’t generally say what’s on my mind. I do still feel really bashful, especially since I’m talking and posting about myself! But you could say using Tumblr has boosted with my confidence 🤭 receiving compliments or praise about tiny little things people happen to notice and comment on, ah~ it’s crazy 💕 so it’s not entirely my fault that I’m feeling more confident, it’s this blog!
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roichibi · 1 year
Flowerfell Updates & Concerns
Heyaaa. I just want again to apologize and give you guys some gratitude upon waiting and walking with me throughout the comics journey!
If you want to  [RESTART ♡] on reading the comics, you can do so! I fixed the links (and I hope it works!).
I don’t own Flowerfell. Yet, It boosts my confidence and really cheered my art — it was like half of my art was Flowerfell and bless these creators of it! ( Siviosanei (Sanei)  & sociopathic Archangel (Leviticus) )
Back story:
I don’t have any intentions owning Flowerfell Au nor sell any kinds of products to pay respect for the creators of it. But I freely and honestly drew all the comics but not knowing it was a cancelled AU. I was 17 since I started making one and posting it on Oct. of 2017th. Upon listening to Kat, I was inspired to just create the fanfic’s audio into a comics to release my heartbreak from my previous lover. 
Serious Reminder:
I am sorry for the creators. (If your hearts are ready to listen the conditions of the creators or originality of Flowerfell, please do listen).
For us, shippers of Frans (Frisk X Sans), need to be very careful on our creations and how will we portray Frisk in our AUs, or be respectful to properly source the creators of any AUs in our ship artworks. 
I have my deepest apology still with these creators from their trauma 6 years from now. It’s all because of some of us, the toxic shippers (but not most of us) or thieves who disrespectfully claim flowerfell as theirs. Please, I kindly just want to tell that art theft, AU theft, or even the ideas, needs to properly source it out from their original creators.
 Why did I still continue the comics?
I planned to really delete all of what I’ve made after someone dm-ed me about what happened. But I willfully just continue, in the past, personally, because for popularity and the likes. Second, I am also in the last chapter making it before I get the DM, too. Lastly, I was fond of listening and creating it right away. But now, after what happened and bunch of searches, I continued because I wanted to tell the creators that I am proud of them of how Flowerfell changed my life and how it impacted me from my art journey. It’s not self-appreciation anymore but creators-appreciation. 
For Sanei & Leviticus, I’m very sorry and I hope you guys are doing well today.
That’s all, everyone and thank you for reaching the end of this post!
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kaaragen · 3 months
YES IM SO GLAD YOU REBLOGGED THE ASK GAME! 😍 I’d like to know ❤️💕🦋🦈💘🚦📚🎨
❤️ Argh! this is the one I was hoping I wouldn't be asked because I remember having a line I was very proud of but I can't remember what the damn thing was now! XD
Of the lines I remember liking, I'd say this one is one I'm very pleased with looking back, as sentimental as it is. Ignore the fact that I'm cheating because there's more than one, but the context of the previous line is necessary:
"Because you, and millions of others, have fought and suffered through a war that’s killed billions, wrought by the most sophisticated minds of the age.
"So maybe childish, naïve and idealistic is worth a try."
💕 It has to be And if we Fell Together, which I think is also the best thing I've written. It honestly still boggles my mind how popular that became, and especially when I think about how close I was to never actually writing or posting it. But I'm very glad I did, and reading it back gives me so much joy. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank the people who read it enough, or convey how much it meant to me, not least for the confidence boost it gave me when I was at a really low point.
🦋Oof, that's actually a tough one...I like writing Ahsoka and Barriss for different reasons; mainly because they are interesting foils in how they hide their insecurities. Barriss presents with a lot of poise and decorum, but internally she's a hot screaming mess; whereas Ahsoka outwardly projects confidence, but is very insecure and almost uses 'running headfirst at things' to stop herself from thinking and being paralysed.
But lately, I'm really enjoying teenage Tatooine Leia and pre-fuck-up-with-the-Duchess Sabine. Both are quite fun to unpick and work backwards from their canon characters and think 'okay, but if they were in this environment and didn't have that what would they be like?' without removing their essential natures as characters.
🦈 It used to be Luminara, as I really struggled to get a handle on her. After her confrontation with Barriss, where she loses her poise, it became a lot easier as it clicked that she's devoutly committed to the Jedi Order and the spiritual ideals of the Force, but is also using them to mask her uncertainties about what to do in situations.
As of now, it's probably Seventh Sister - who is fun to write, but also needs care as she is a mess and it's easy for her characterisation to split too far too soon and there's less in canon to anchor with.
(The Spectres as a whole are tricky, because you have to give each of them something to do, and also have them react in ways that fit each character, without that becoming a litany of reciting. God knows how Tamsyn Muir manages to do it so effortlessly in The Locked Tomb...)
💘It will surprise no one when I say angst XD My brain just seems to be wired for it (and I like to think I do it pretty well). But I maintain that angst makes the fluff worth it/better when it comes. So there!
🚦I've changed on this one. I used to think I was more of a 'bad' ending person, but perhaps years of reading Grim Dark stuff has worn me down. Or, writing has made me realise I'm more sentimental than I thought. Either way, I like plausible happily ever afters or ambiguity tinged with hope.
📚Ooo, that's a good question. I couldn't narrow down to just one, so I'll say that The Padawans (by someone you may not have heard of, called JediMasterBailey :P) and The Erosion of the Spirit by @425599167 are different, brilliant, takes on canon-compliant Barriss redemption arcs; Down to my Knees (Up en Pointe) by @cafffine is the best Inquisitor Barriss fic I've ever read, with Tomorrow, She'll see the Sky Again by @thevalaxy being the best post-Inquisitor Barriss fic I've read. Then there's Where I've Always Been and Coming Home to You by Gabby (Kirahsoka), which are amazing and made a sceptic of modern-world AUs and fantasy-world AUs like me rethink my scepticism.
Special shout-out goes to Pity and Reforging by @mylordshesacactus, which were the first Barrisoka fics I read and Jesus Christ, I think they fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and will haunt me until my dying day.
🎨Well, someone (not naming because I don't know if they want to be) very nicely asked if they could do fanart inspired by And if we Fell Together, which was about the happiest day of my life! I've seen some drafts and it looks incredible and I'm incredibly excited to see the finished version!
If there were to be a specific scene, I'd go for Ahsoka and Anakin's starfighter duel as I really like the imagery in that one! Oh, and also the first kiss!
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itlivesproject · 1 year
hello friends! i suppose i should introduce myself now that the game is fully released: my name is sarah, but you will know me as the abel simp anon :) (also, in the q&a when you said you were desperate to find out who i am.. i actually lost my mind slightly because i admire you all so much, i couldn’t stop thinking about it😭, so thank you for being so lovely!)
i wanted to try to keep this as short as possible but i am known to ramble so hopefully that’s not too annoying! (edit: this ask is very very long, i just had so much i wanted to say, apologies in advance!)
firstly, i want to say thank you for being such a welcoming community - i’m pretty quiet and i don’t really share my interests much irl so to have this community means the world to me! i want to give the biggest thank you to you, the it lives project team, because without you guys none of this would’ve happened. i know it’s said a lot (but it’s true) how IMPRESSIVE this whole project has been from start to finish, i am honestly in awe of you all. from perfectly building upon already loved characters to creating your own, to your incredible world building and art (and i don’t even want to think about the nightmare that was programming all the many many variations), your storytelling capabilities are off the charts, seriously! i also want to quickly say that the few people who sent asks in about me made me feel so cool, like a tiny internet micro celebrity😭
i wanted to tell you a little bit about me! first of all, i’m british, so feel free to now read all of my asks in a silly little accent☕️. fun fact: i’ve followed lindsay for quite a long time and saw her original post at the very beginning asking if anyone would be interested in helping to create a third instalment… i actually almost signed up to be a writer on this project as i’m an english student and an avid it lives stan*, but i knew that with my schedule with college i wouldn’t have been able to give it the time it needed and deserved, but retrospectively i definitely couldn’t write anything as incredible as what you guys have produced, and as much as i would’ve loved to be on the team, being a fan has been the best experience i’ve had in a long long time!! *i am actually such an it lives nerd that i once made a powerpoint to tell my friend the entire plot of both ilitw and ilb, and she is eagerly awaiting for when i give her a powerpoint on the plot of ilw😭
i spent so many hours on friday unprivating all my ilw posts as, before this, my blog was completely empty of fandom posts, as like i said before i’ve always been pretty insecure about sharing my interests, and i grew pretty fond of my ~mysterious anonymity~ so feel free to see how long i’ve been secretly reblogging everyone’s posts for now that they’re public lmao
i also finally started speaking more in the discord yesterday (here’s to boosting your self-confidence!) and someone told me that’s how they figured out who i am, so i’m very interested in who that was and how they knew it was me👀
this project has seriously changed my life and i’m so sincerely grateful for everyone involved, you all have such a special place in my heart. thank you for taking care of ali, kassie, and sadie (my devon, harper, and rowan) they could not have been in safer hands🫶 (because i do not have it in me to do a disaster route, they are all ALIVE and HAPPY and abel and sadie will get married and live happily ever after)
so far i have cried 4 times in the last 2 days because i’m so devastated about this project ending, in fact i have an 8 minute long video i sent to one of my best friends just talking and crying about how much i’ll miss the game despite the fact that the community will always still be here (i’m just very dramatic and emotional in case you haven’t noticed that over the past year or so😭)
let me wrap things up because i’ve definitely overstayed my welcome in this ask😭 i don’t think i’ll truly be able to put into words how much this project has meant to me over the last year or so, and it has been an absolute honour to see you and your project grow and flourish. but most of all, it’s been a privilege to be your abel simp anon and it’s safe to say this is an experience i’ll cherish forever and never forget
-forever yours, with so so much love, sarah, aka the abel simp anon💓
(ps. this definitely won’t be the last time you hear from me, i’m clingy as hell😘)
Oh dear Abel simp anon aka Sarah ❤️❤️
First of all, we (especially I) loved getting your asks, it was always fun as hell to read a good chapter liveblog and I was always really excited to see your reaction to the Abel scenes (seriously it made my day) 🥰🥰
Also that’s crazy that you almost applied! I’m glad you enjoyed being a fan so much, we really enjoyed having you as one. And a fellow English major! That’s always so exciting to me 😂
I’m honored we had such a big impact on you and truly we’re so glad you were along for the ride with us, it’s always amazing to know someone has been a fan the entire time. Keep speaking out in the server and posting on your blog, we’d absolutely love to keep hearing from you! And don’t you worry, Abel and Sadie will be happy together forever 🥰🥰
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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We're in Disney!! And I am honestly so happy. I am having such a a good time. We are sitting in the monorail right now but I am sure I will be back in our room by the time I continue to write this.
Today was so long. Like just absolutely full but in the best way. But sadly I did not sleep well at all and that made the morning kind of tough. All I wanted last night was to go to sleep. When I finished my post last night I was convinced I could go to sleep right away but my allergies continued to make my breathing tough. I was able to hear my self crackling. It was honestly a little scary. I was laying there for literally hours struggling to breath and not having a good time. It sucked. I would get up around midnight and go and take some Flonase but I still didn't fall asleep until after 2.
When my alarm went off at 5 Jess was already in the bathroom getting ready. James would go next. And I would go last. Mostly so I could keep laying down for as long as possible.
I tried my best to shake myself out of it. I could sleepy on the plane. I washed my face and did my makeup and got dressed and Jess and James made a fuss about me being so pretty and it felt very nice. Gave me a little confidence boost.
I didn't realize but it was absolutely pouring out. Me and Jess carried out our bags and James helped get them in the car. I was a little woozy tired but mostly I was just freezing. And my collar was a little damp. But we had a half hour drive and I would just enjoy the ride. Enjoy being near James. Watching the road. Thinking about stuff. Trying to wake up.
James got us to the airport in Philly right at 6. It was still raining very hard. James gave me many hugs and kisses. I will miss them so much this week. We said goodbye and we headed inside.
Me and Jess were some of the very first people through TSA today. Early early early. But it was fairly easy getting through though you could tell that everyone was a little sleepy still and so the scanning of our bags took a little longer but that was okay. We had lots of time before the flight.
We would stop at a bench to put some more of our stuff inside the suitcases. Liquids and tablets and such. And then we decided we had to go put eyes on our gate before we could go get breakfast.
Of course the gate was very very far away but that was fine. I enjoyed checking out the airport. And I was just having a lot of fun.
We eventually figured out where to get Jess and oat milk latte. I got a Diet Pepsi. The little shop was incredibly warm and we both got a little overwhelmed but we powered through.
We headed back towards the gate and stopped at a place you could build a breakfast burrito. And for real it was the perfect little breakfast.
We ate them at the gate. And had a lovely little conversation with a woman and her grandson. I ended up giving them both a pin that I felt like matched their vibe. And it just was really nice. Everyone seemed like they were in great moods. Even with how bad the rain was, everyone was really happy.
The rain lightened up as we started boarding. We were in a pretty late group but once everyone lined up me and Jess joined in. And got to our seats pretty quickly.
We struggled with getting the bags in overhead because someone has put a soft guitar case in there??? I hope we didn't damage it trying to put our bags in there. That would make me feel bad. But also he should have waited to put that in!! I couldn't even see it!
I got the window seat this time and Jess got the middle. We took a moment to settle and figure out what we needed out. Drinks and headphones and charger box. And the flight filled up.
We got the flight filled before we were supposed to take off so they actually left a few minutes early! I always get really nervous when the plane starts to taxi so I focused on my podcast and a game on my phone. And pretty quickly we were above the storm! They had called for turbulence but it actually didn't happen. And pretty quickly I had fallen asleep.
I had asked Jess to make sure she asked for the biscoff cookies for me. And because she's lovely she got me two packs. That was very nice to wake up to.
Because my waking up was not nice at all. My podcast was still going but all of a sudden they used an air horn sound in it for a joke and scared the hell out of me! Startled me right awake! I immediately started eating the cookies and drinking the water I had to try to settle back down because I was all shaken up. Then I was just laughing at myself. Everything was fine. And very soon after we were descending into Florida.
It was grey when we landed. But by the time we figured out how to get to our bus it was actually lovely out. I had stopped to take off my socks and I'm glad I did. We were able to lose the jackets and everything. It felt like a beautiful fall day.
We had to wait in a line for the bus but it didn't take long. And the charter bus was actually kind of nice. I didn't realize it could be almost an hour to our resort but it ended up being closer to a half hour. Me and Jess told each other stories and I talked about Native Americans and the flora and fauna I knew about and what I wanted to learn more about. I am determined to see a wild alligator and many lizards. I was just in such a great mood.
And that would continue throughout the day. We hsd one moment of panic when Jess realized she forgot her shoe inserts at home. Like as soon as we got to Florida she is like. Oh no. She has medical inserts because she has short Achilles tendons. And this could lead to crazy pain. But she is trying to be positive because I am being positive. We are both going to be in pain and we are just going to do our best to fight through it.
I was very excited when we started to see Disney things. I also just really liked seeing the other resorts as the bus stopped at different ones. The French quarter is the other half of the resort we are staying in and it had such a cool vibe. But we are staying on the river side.
When we got there I was a little blown away by how pretty it is. Giant old style fans on the ceiling. Everyone in these precious purple uniforms. Everything was so pretty. So many good details. And it wasn't terribly busy with people.
We were helped pretty quickly by a nice man and he got us all checked in. And when I told him we were celebrating our birthdays he got us buttons so that everyone would know and be extra nice to us. And that was so kind of him.
Once we were all set up to wait for our room to be ready we went to take our bags to the storage area. And checked those in. This is also about the time that we learned what our dining credit that we got as a promo was worth $600??? That's crazy! I thought it was going to be maybe $50 a day, $200 total. So we were very excited how this is going to open up our budget.
Once our stuff was safe we were off to the races. The plan was to go to Disney springs and get lunch and look around to get some ideas about what we want to buy for souvenirs. And we got to take a boat over there!
That is one of the best things about this resort. We are right on the water and we have access to these little boats much like the water taxis in Baltimore. And while we did have to wait it wasn't a bad wait at all and I was in such a good mood I didn't even mind.
There is a lot of waiting at Disney but that's okay. I am finding the nice things in the waiting. And for our waiting for the boat was the looking for the lizards. When I was here as a child I remember there just be so many little lizards. And I was for real excited to see some lizards! And just standing there we saw at least 4! It was great. I love how they wiggle when they run away. I love there little triangle faces. It was just so cute.
The boat ride was fun but we realized how quickly that we were a little chilly. We had felt so warm in the sun we thought we would be good without jackets but we were slightly uncomfortable at times. Ah well. Lesson learned. It's warmer here but we should still bring our sweaters.
People were super nice to us because of our birthday pins. Everyone is super smiley here which I love. Jess keeps reminding me that it's the happiest place on earth but also I just think people should smile at each other more. This is just my ideal world. Walkable community. People dressed up. Being silly and leaning into the big. Accessible churros! It's been great so far.
We were both very hungry and a little overwhelmed. Disney springs is a lot bigger than I expected it to be. But I saw there was a blaze pizza so we were both able to get something because they had two different gluten free crust options. Amazing. and the wait wasn't to bad.
We would order and head over to the tables. I was just really enjoying the people watching. The overhearing of conversations. And the pizza was good. They forgot my balsamic at first and then there was just a bit to much but the meal was nice and I'm really glad we found something for Jess quickly.
Once we finished eating we started going in different shops. I found a few things I might consider as souvenirs. I for sure know I am getting a carved brass ring. Possibly two. But I also want a sweatshirt. Plus a gift or two for my husband who I miss and love so much. But we both decided we wouldn't buy anything today. Just taking pictures of things and touching everything. Hugging the stuffed animals. Putting on ears. I'm having so much fun.
We would stop and get a half dozen of some donuts Jess can have. We also each got a brownie. Expensive but we are on budget with our meal credits. And after a little more waking. Seeing the Lego sculptures. Looking at the birds. I declared I wanted a churro. And we were on the hunt.
When we finally found a place after stopping to talk to a few shop people and wandering around, the girl saw our buttons and gave us the churro for free!! She was so sweet and made my day. She offered Jess one too but she couldn't have them so she said she was sprinkling gluten free pixie dust on her. So sweet. Love when people do kind stuff.
We were getting tired and decided it was the right time to go back to the resort. Because our room was ready.
We went back to the boat but had to wait in a long line. Which would have been fine if we were so cold. The sun started moving where we were cold cold. The wind was picking up and we were pretty uncomfy. But I just kept telling myself that we would be back soon and then we would have our sweater again and it would feel so nice.
And I was correct. The boat ride back was fun. We got to see a very silly boat that looked like a classic car. And when we got back to the resort we headed straight to get our bags and put in our sweaters and you would not believe how nice it felt.
They gave us some directions to our room. And it was a little bit of a long walk but it wasn't bad at all. I loved seeing all the different mansions that this resort is made of. Our was the farthest from the luggage room. We kept joking about how far it was but it was not that bad. And it was so beautiful when we got here.
Our room is so nice. And when we came in the TV was on and it said happy birthday Jessica and Jessica! Made me so happy. The door also played the Disney theme when we opened it and the room is just so nice. And we both get our own bed! Luxury.
We would unpack and clean ourselves up. I changed my batter pack and my phone. And we watched some little fun fact docs on the TV. But pretty soon we had to head out. We had things to do.
We had to go grab a bus to go to the monorail to get to the Contemporary to see one of the first two hotels at Disney. And then we had our special dinner at the Grand Floridian.
We missed the bus by a minute but that was okay. We sat and waited the 10 minutes for the next one. And we just sat and talked and it was fun.
The bus was also just fun to take. I liked seeing other places. And we even got to see a deer and some cranes! It was awesome.
We gotta to Magic Kingdom to transfer to the monorail and I was really surprised by the entrance. I don't know what I thought it would look like but it did not look like I expected. There's a train?? I will look forward to seeing that in the daytime on Thursday.
We went to wait for the monorail and it was busy but that was okay. We took it to the Contemporary. And it was such an interesting building. Very 1970s, very brutalist adjacent. And I'm glad we checked it out but it was like everyone else had the same idea and it was very very busy.
I still had fun but we decided we would head straight to the Grand Floridian for dinner instead of making a second stop at the other original hotel, the Polynesian. And this was a good call.
We got on the monorail and got to the Grand Floridian. And it was beautiful. So Grand. So Floridian. I love all the details. And it was fun going in the shops but everything is a lot more expensive in the most expensive hotel.
We were able to get our table a little early. And they were all so nice to us celebrating our birthdays. We got a really good table. And we didn't even realize how nice. Because soon after we sat down the Magic Kingdom fireworks show started behind my head! We could watch it from the table and it was amazing. I love fireworks. And the food was great.
Our waiter, Javier, was very kind. We each got rolls and salads. Hers were special gluten free ones that were apparently excellent. Jess got salmon and a vegetable hash, and I got a plant based crab cake and fries. And it was all so good. We ate way to much. But it was perfect.
Javier noticed our buttons and we told him all about how we met and how were celebrating our birthdays and why and he went and got us a special birthday treat: a bag each of orange meringues. I could cry it was so sweet.
We were both getting exhausted though. And we still had to take the monorail and the bus back. Jess had had a margarita and was a little silly so I was bouncing off that energy and just having a blast but I was also so tired.
When the monorail came I started this post. And continued as we got on the bus. We had a few little moments with a family that was sweet. But as we got off the bus me and the older daughter crashed into to each other and we both apologized but I think we were all just ready to sleep.
We walked through the little shop when we got back here. And then walked over the bridge back to our room. We got to see a very large horse pulling a carriage. But then we were back here.
Jess got the first shower. And just finished up. So now it is my turn. I am very excited to wash my hair.
Tomorrow we are going to EPCOT and I am very very excited. I hope it's as great as I imagine it will be. I also really hope I can sleep tonight. We are going to put on a movie to fall asleep too. And hopefully wake up totally rested and feeling great.
Goodnight everyone. I love you all.
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crystallizedday · 1 year
Didn’t expect myself to be actually posting that much art on here, but uh…
Yeah getting Procreate made drawing fucking FUN again.
I may have designed a human Ink Demon…
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It came out SO WELL
I honestly didn’t expect it to turn out this nice! I honestly felt kind of self conscious after that one shitpost I drew of the Ink Demon a few weeks ago, but THIS???
Oh also
First doodle of the design I made like a week ago as a comparison.
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Just cause I like how it turned out, even as a sloppy doodle.
Anyway, uuuuuuhhhhhh
Dude gives me Freaky Fred vibes & I am PRETTY sure he’s a cannibal, but interpret this however you like.
& I may make another AU with this lad as like a costumed performer or something, we’ll just have to wait & see… :))))))
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jesuisici33 · 9 months
Hiii💛 for the fic writer asks
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
i could say when it's posted (and i do know i have a tarlos fic that i still need to edit and finally post, that's not forgotten!) but honestly it's when i start to get my first few kudos on it. just the fact that people like it proves to me that the effort wasn't wasted and that people do like my writing gives me a huge confidence boost.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
I noticed that if i'm trying to write something angsty at some point it turns sappy and if i'm trying to write something sappy it turns angsty for some reason lol. i guess i can't do one without the other.
fic writer asks
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valoisfulcanellideux · 9 months
Some AO3 authorial musings on a Saturday afternoon
I feel that there's a fundamental flaw with AO3's kudos option, and that is it can only be given once per fic. Hear me out on this one, because I think it might be one of the reasons why many of us who post longer stories on AO3 begin to lose heart and feel their work is being less and less appreciated the deeper they get into it.
A kudos is one-click feedback; a simple way to say "Good job!" or "Hey, I liked this!" with a single click. It requires next to no effort. It doesn't even require an account. For an AO3 author it will never replace the joy of receiving a comment, but it's nice to get.
On a one-shot or a short story, if a reader is not the type to leave a comment for whatever reason (shy/can't be bothered/just wants to move onto the next story/etc.) then a one-click kudos is at least some kind of feedback for the author.
But on a longer story - one that goes beyond 20, 30, 40, 50 chapters - once that initial kudos is given, it can't be given again. The 'not commenting' reader is still reading, but has given their feedback already with that single click. Thus, the ratio of views to feedback widens the longer a story continues.
Eventually, even those who left enthusiastic comments on earlier chapters will stop commenting, be that because they've run out of things to say, or they can't be bothered, or they don't have time, or they just want to read, or for whatever reason. Thus, the ratio of views to feedback widens even further.
Soon, the author of a long story that they know is good (because what comments they do receive are wonderful ones) is left staring at a views to feedback ratio that is, quite frankly, a bit dispiriting. 50 views on a new chapter without a single piece of feedback can really put a dent in an author's enthusiasm, and if it's a particularly pivotal or crucial chapter, or one that they're especially proud of, it can really deflate them.
If the author is going to continue posting because that story needs to be told, regardless of what feedback it gets, they will continue posting (producing) and their readers will be able to continue reading (consuming). This is basically where I stand. I'm old enough, confident enough in my writing abilities, and have been in fandom for long enough to know that this is just the way shit goes, but sometimes - even for me - it can be pretty unmotivating. My story is about to hit 60 chapters and is currently at over 105K words, and while I know it's a damn good story, the views to feedback ratio on it now is honestly a bit depressing. But ah well. I'll keep going, because this story has to be told.
But if the author is new or uncertain or not absolutely gung-ho in wanting to finish that story? Well… that's probably one of the reasons why there are so many unfinished fics languishing on AO3. Some of them are really good fics, too. (And yes, some of those are even fics of mine.)
I've lost count of the number of times a commenter has told me they wished they could leave another kudos on my current main story. And while I know there's a fun Tumblr post floating around with 'extra kudos' images you can paste into comments on AO3, wouldn't it be nice if there were also a per-chapter kudos option? Just to give authors that little dopamine boost that helps them keep going and keep producing the entertainment that people want to consume.
And as a side-note: I've noticed something odd on AO3, and I'm wondering if that's one reason why some people stop commenting. I've seen large numbers of stories within my own search parameters that have plenty of comments - many of them gushing and enthusiastic - but they are entirely unacknowledged by the story's author. Not a single response.
I respond to every comment that I get, because I fucking love my story and I fucking love my readers, and I want them to know that I appreciate their feedback, especially if they've taken the time to stop and formulate a response to it. But I can understand why, if you've taken that time to leave a detailed comment only to get no reply from the author, it might dampen your desire to take that time again.
Authors, please respond to your comments! Commenters need love and responses just as much as us inksmiths do!
Eh, I dunno. Just some musings that I had today after looking at my stats and going "oh" again.
Onward to chapter 60 :)
[And hey, if you fancy a long read to get your teeth into, feel free to drop by at These Stones Remember. It's a MCYT fic set within the Empires SMP universe, Pixlriffs-centric, filled with multiple shifting timelines and mysticism, a little hint of M/M but only in a NRR 'platonic soulmates' sense with an original character, and I'm absolutely passionate about it.]
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azrielgreen · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if you’d be able to give some advice… I am a fellow writer, and I struggle a lot with confidence in my work. I find myself doubting what I write a lot and worrying over statistics and comments and people’s opinions. And it really sucks the joy out of writing, but I don’t want it to because I love it. You seem so confident and put together and wise, and idk, I just wanted to know how you do it. Do you ever doubt yourself? 🖤🖤🖤 Thank you in advance if you reply.
Hi! This is SUCH a great question and honestly, every writer - myself wholeheartedly included - struggles with confidence in their writing. Worrying about statistics, comments and people's opinions can really drain all the beauty out of what you're creating and leave you feeling quite empty, I absolutely agree.
I doubt myself a LOT. I go through periods where I'm convinced that a) everyone hates me and my writing b) no one wants to read anything i write c) i've lost my "spark" or that nothing I ever write will be as good as something I wrote before.
What I do now is look forward, not back. Tell myself I'll only get better with time, that good things are coming, always. I write everyday, give or take, and I don't EVER stop and think about what people "want" me to write or what would be the popular choice for hits/comments/kudos etc. I write exactly what I love and I put every droplet of myself into it that I can, as if no one but me will ever read it.
Lean into that passion, my lovely. Lean into where you're brightest and unique and utterly, authentically strange. Write what you want for YOURSELF and no one else.
Write it, post it and move on to the next. Keep moving, keeping learning and loving what you do without fear because you can ALWAYS write more. You are the creator of worlds, of magnificent visions and characters and entire realities, it all lives inside you, such possibilities. No one will love EVERYTHING you write, but, in my humble experience, when you write your heart out, people will resonate with it.
That said, I've written plenty of flops in other fandoms (I think around 44 now, I orphan them all right out the gate and check in occasionally, but it's just for fun) and that's OK. It's OK to flop sometimes, because you're never not going to be a writer and your next idea is JUST around the corner and I really do believe that.
So my advice is tap into your passion and lock out pretty much everything else. Run away with your ideas, go wild, change the font to Comic Sans (trust me) and try to write as often as you can. I'm always here if you need a boost.
all my love,
Az 💜💜💜
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