#random haikyuu headcanons
kaes-wonderland · 1 year
𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒚𝒖𝒖 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
↳ ☆ pt.1 ☆ pt.2 ☆ … ☆
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❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Published: May 8, 2022
❥ Kae’s Notes: I’m proud of myself for FINALLY being creative, it’s been so positive, nothing like Wattpad. But I’m starting to get back in a funk, but all the love on the first part made me really excited to get this one out. See my navi for more! And, please request, I need the distraction!!
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SOMETIMES ATSUMU forgets he’s dating you because he still can’t shake the fact that someone as amazing as you would want to date him.
TENDŌ ALWAYS memorizes the the tune to your favorite song(s) so he can hum them to comfort you and impress you with his natural listening skills.
NISHINOYA HAS A LOCKET with a picture of you two in it. He’s constantly caught admiring it, especially when he’s waiting to be subbed in.
YAMAGUCHI GETS OVERWHELMED very easily, so he loves holding pinkies with you. That alone makes him a blush my mess.
KENMA HATES the feeling of latex gloves/dye on his hands, so he loves when you help dye his hair
BOKUTO HAS A hard time falling asleep at night, so if you can’t sleep, or are just a night owl, you WILL be baking cupcakes while watching crime movies, or random clips of volleyball matches
AKAASHI IS QUITE bashful about this, but he loves when you sit on his lap while he finishes his work/your work if you’re to mentally drained to finish.
FUKUNAGA WRITES little love notes to you, telling you all the things he’s noticed about you (little things) and gives them to you all bashful
SUGAWARA IS A plant parent, meaning he lets you name all of his plants and will remember every single one of them without you having to correct him.
YAMAMOTO LOVES to hug you from behind and rest his chin or cheek on your shoulder/top of your head.
SUNA HAS GROWN A SOFT SPOT for you. Every time you get a small scrape or cut, he’ll patch it up and then lightly kiss your boo-boo…then laugh at your stupidity.
KIYOKO ALWAYS GIVES YOU head-pats as that’s her way of giving affection as she’s not the most…affection person.
KAGEYAMA GRIPS ONTO your sleeve or the bottom of your shirt when he wants attention.
YACHI SUBCONSCIOUSLY doodles you and her initials in a heart on her notes and always gets flustered when someone points it out.
HINATA ADORES your giggles, so he loves to give you butterfly kisses against your cheek, neck, or stomach.
LEV AND YOU have a tradition of baking something new when you visit each other…having Yaku on speed dial if something catches fire.
KUROO COMES UP behind you and covers your eyes, and in a strange voice goes, “guess who?~”
AONE WOULD WRITE POETRY for you. He has a box in his room he puts the papers in, too shy to give them to you quite yet. Although, he’s not the best hider, so you’ve found them, you falling for him all over again with how whipped he is for you.
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©k_kae- 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim them as yours. But reblogs, likes, and comments are alway welcomed. Thank you, stay positive シ
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http-konoha · 2 years
— [02:13 am]
suna r. (part one) | part two
college!au, dorm life
"yeah, so you know—oh," your friend's voice faltered and you followed where their eyes landed. it was suna rintaro and the new girl who just moved in two weeks ago.
suna had a pressed smile plastered on his lips as he did not expect people to still hang out in the common area on a tuesday midnight.
the structure of the dorm is laid out the way where you have to pass the common area before entering the rooms of each floors and sections. you knew where the new girl's room is, and it is not on your floor.
you mustered a sly smile when he made eye contact with you as he passed by. "i see," you said cheerfully, "great job rin."
suna's relationship with yours is not exactly clear. you can say that you are both friends, but you are not exactly close to each other, yet you still can tease one another.
you always thought that he was your type, and he was the only person you considered dating from the dorm. you never completely thought of your feelings for him until the moment you realized that he was with another person.
"i guess they are practically dating already," your friend said as they left the common area. "she's really nice though, so good for her."
you nodded genuinely in agreement. she was very sweet and adorable, and you can see why suna was into her.
"but," your friend sighed as they leaned closer to you. "i really think you deserve him more."
you leaned back and blinked at your friend. did they just read your mind? "everyone around me say that they are cute together, but will not last long. we all know how suna likes to know more people but not jump into a relationship right away."
your eyes lingered at where he was when he walked out of the common area. it reminded you of the time you both were out on a walk late at night and he confessed that he was not looking for a serious, long-term relationship.
"i might have my eyes on someone," you remembered him saying that night.
"are you going to do something about that?" the curiosity was killing you, but you did not have the courage to ask him who it was. at that time, you did not know why you hesitated to ask the question.
he looked at you with a small smile. "maybe. or if they don't seem to be interested in me, i might just try and get to know other people. but if i do like them, i will end up going back to them."
what you did not hear was, that he said "this person is right beside me. but i know they are not looking for anyone to date now."
end of part one | part two
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
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you knew miya atsumu from highschool.
yes, the miya atsumu, the star hit volleyball player, the one on almost every magazine cover, the one with over a hundred million followers on instagram, the one who's notorious for flirting with his interviewers and having an attitude with an over the top ego yet still managing to quiver under his coach's gaze and putting his arrogance in check.
yes, you knew him.
you knew him as the loud, rowdy kid who never shut up in class, who definitely had an over the top ego and attitude problem back then as well, who also flirted with your friends and even you on some if not all occasions.
god, you hated him.
he was arrogant and ignorant and overall a huge dickehead who needed to be tamed.
this was the light you saw him in up until graduation day, when he came up to you with a smirk plastered on his face and you noticed it, mentally preparing yourself to tell him to fuck off if he was here to flirt with you again.
but he didn't saying anything flirtatious, instead, all he said was, "hey, congratulations on being in the top three, man, it's freakin' awesome."
he was congratulating you for when you took your diploma and the principal announced that you were in second place between all the other graduates.
and after that, miya atsumu left and you never saw him again.
it wasn't until a few years later that you randomly saw his name on a twitter headline that said 'new upcoming volleyball star : miya atsumu is certainly making his way to the frontlines!'
it was obvious that volleyball would be his go-to, he was definitely talented at it, and against your bitter will, you had to admit that even you were awe-strucked when he played on the court.
however, it still was definitely a surprise when you saw his name on headlines, it left you with your mouth hung open in astonishment.
and after that, he was everywhere you went.
on tv, on magazines posing with his teammates, on instagram and twitter, on youtube in 'top ten funniest miya atsumu moments' video compilations — heck, even in a fucking advertisement for a hair conditioner.
you truly couldn't escape him.
by heart, you were a journalist, and so soon came the day where miya atsumu is sitting in front of you, conducting an interview.
well, it isn't him alone, it's him and his teammates — it's loud in the room as all of them talk over eachother, but his eye catches yours and a hint of recognition flashes in them, before a smile spreads on his lips, one that you eventually mirror as if the both of you are sharing some inside joke.
miya atsumu recognizes you.
he recognizes your face and your eyes, he recognizes you smile, and oh how he recognizes your voice that's speaking in a soft, professional tone now, but used to scold him with a harsh and sarcastic tone then.
and so, in the next thirty minute you spent interviewing him and his teammates, miya atsumu's mind kept flashing through the very few memories he had with you in highschool, and most importantly, feelings of an old crush resurfaced now that he's face to face with you.
he's smiling at you, giving you heart eyes, and answering every question that you asked him personally with an almost child-like enthusiasm.
atsumu truly hasn't felt this shy around someone since highschool.
the interview passes quick and everyone scatters soon after and you find yourself standing outside the stadium, with your phone in your hand and waiting for your uber to come.
you think, while miya atsumu still had some of his unmistakable traits such as his attitude and talent to annoy others effortlessly, there's still some traits to him that make you tolerate him a bit more now.
after all, you don't really hate him as much as you did back in highschool.
or it you can even call what you felt towards him back in highschool hate — it was more of a feeling if annoyance really, since he was a nuisance.
"well, well, well, long time no see." a familiar voice plastered with cockiness to it calls out to you, and you turn around to face the blonde.
speak of the devil, you think.
"well, surprised to even see you still remember me, miya." you tease, smirking at him.
"what can i say? it's hard to forget you when you used to call me a 'motherfucking jackass' everyday at school." he shoots back, laughing loudly at the way you turn your face away in embarrassment.
"listen, you used to annoy me alot, okay?" you defend, "and i see that none of that has changed."
he grins at you, and says, "one can only change so little, i see you still have very little tolerance for me."
"as always."
he laughs again, and then his laughter quiets down, but a smile still remains on his lips as he looks at you, his expression timid and his voice almost shy as he says, "haven't seen you in so long, i missed ya."
you think you're imagining it when you see him with a faint pink dusting his cheeks.
now it's your turn to laugh, you aren't necessarily laughing at him, just more so that you're surprised by his sudden statement, and so you reply with, "well, my everyday was kind of dull without you annoying me, so i guess i missed you too."
you can swear that the pink on his cheeks got darker when you said that, but you decide not to say anything of it.
he chuckles and stuffs his hands in his pockets, "well, i'm glad we can finally agree on something." he let's out a long sigh, "who knew fate would bring us back like that? as a hotshot and an interviewer?"
he's being dramatic and cocky again.
you roll your eyes at him, "you think quite highly of yourself, it's sickening."
atsumu grins at you, and you shake your head at him with an unwilling smile on your lips, thinking that maybe his company right now isn't so bad, and that maybe you're actually enjoying talking to him right now.
atsumu asks, "so, are you waiting for someone?"
"my uber, yes."
"well, then i guess you wouldn't mind if i waited with you then." he says, shuffling a bit closer to you — atsumu isn't sure why he's doing this to himself, talking with you knowing how nervous and jittery you get him to be, with his heart pounding fast in his chest and his hands clammy in his pockets and he hasn't felt this way since highschool — but maybe, just maybe he's hoping he could build up enough courage to ask for your number.
"you already are," you remark teasingly, smiling at him.
your phone vibrates in your hand and you check the notification that tell you your uber is almost here.
"it's almost here anyway," you state, and you don't notice how his shoulders suddenly slump down like a disappointed child.
"oh," he says disappointingly, "well, it was nice meeting you again after so long, y/n." he smiles brightly at you.
you state at him for a moment, your mind racing through some thoughts, before you finally decide that : fuck it, you'll just go for it.
"give me your phone." you demand.
he furrows his brows in confusion, "what? why?"
"just give me your phone."
atsumu reluctantly and confusingly pulls his phone out and hands it to you without asking any further questions.
you tap away at his screen for a few seconds before handing his phone back to him — and just then your uber pulls up.
atsumu only catches a glimpse of 'y/n from highschool' saved into his contact list before you're standing on your tippy toes pressing a peck to his cheek and pulling away, smiling and waving at him as you make your way to your ride.
you call out, "call me later, okay?"
atsumu swears his heart went flying with the next gust of wind that blew, and red bloomed on his cheeks as his eyes scanned over your contact name a hundred times, almost as if he couldn't believe it sat in his phone now, and when his mind finally registered it, a giddy, shy smile that he couldn't resist spread to his face.
oh, for sure he'll be calling you later.
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strxwberrylemonxde · 1 year
“run away with me.”
silence hung in the air as you considered his words. turning to look at him, there was a sharp glint in his eyes. one that suggested trouble.
“you shouldn’t tease me with such a question.”
“who said anything about teasing, sweetheart? why not get out of this shit city? just you and me.”
SUNA, TENDOU, kuroo, kenma, nishinoya, matsukawa, terushima, yamamoto, konganegawa, tanaka
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touchlikethesun · 4 months
kageyama can't drive and he should never be trusted behind the wheel. his super human spatial awareness is confined to the volleyball court alone. yams tried to teach him to drive in a parking lot one night in their twenties and neither of them will speak about the experience it was that traumatic
hinata has his license, but the list of people that will get in the car if he's driving dwindles by the day, despite his insistence that he's never actually gotten into an accident. he drives like saeko, lots of whipping around corners and abrupt stops, and he blasts music with the windows down. tobio is the only one that's never complained about his driving, oddly enough.
yachi tried to learn how to drive, and she aced the written exam, but she gets too anxious behind the wheel, and she decided it wasn't worth the stress the bus is just fine :))
yamaguchi was the first of the first years to get his licence. he dutifully went to drivers ed, and respects the rules of the road a bit too much maybe. he gets cut off a lot because he's not assertive enough and he always thinks the other driver must be in a hurry for something important.
tsukishima thinks he's an excellent driver, and all of his road rage is just because the other drivers are idiots it's their fault for trying to drive into him when he only ran the red light by like a couple seconds no yamaguchi he is very calm thank you very much. in all fairness he is the second best driver out of the bunch but that's just because the other three are so hopeless.
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Brooooo I can't stop thinkin bout yandere prince Sakusa Kiyoomi
But but with a twist yn is also a princess anddddd they're siblings. Well half siblings, the king likes to mess around as always. Up until now you were the only heir to the throne but Sakusa's presence, as another royal with claims to the throne has raised an uproar.
Sakusa is sceptical, his origins weren't clear to you; though proved to be the king's son, but the way you behaved wasn't something he could put a finger on. His predictions of your reaction to his appearance had gone wrong and his curiosity was peaked. For his own sake more than not, you're all but the biggest threat to his position.
That is until Sakusa spends more time in the palace observing you, he starts doing this to assess you and figure out your weaknesses. But it almost feels like your delighted by his presence? Or not? It's like you're playin a game with him. He couldn't truly pinpoint what is was you're thinking. Or maybe he's just thinking too much about you...
Anyways fastforward to yn happily handing over the throne to him. And that is when he comes to the realization that you've always hated the idea of being bound to this place. That all those times you've happily put up the competitive streaks against him to establish power whether in academics or other sectors, were more to make him a better king for the throne than to take the control back from him.
You've long before accepted him and made a point to tease him about being your adorable little brother giving you a run for your money. And believe it or not you've both came to care for eachother in an unspoken manner of sort. Only that Sakusa's care ran deeper, darker more sinister than something your "lovely brother" should be harbouring for you.
But it's okay though, he has all the time in the world now that he's king. That was until you decide to announce your resignation from state affairs and royalty, he's not sure if that's even possible but he's not letting it be anytime soon either.
You weren't oblivious, being a princess could hardly allow for that. Though very subtle, the signs that Kiyoomi's affections were growing beyond what a brotherly love should extend to, you were quick to deduct the message behind it.
Your leasurely library sessions with him slowly turned to his chest pressed against your back, a firm hand on your hip as a guise of helping you reach the very book you set yesterday on an entirely different shelf. Dark curls brushing against your neck as he leans down unnecessarily close to place the book in your hands
And comfortable meals you used to share with him turned intense. His obsidian eyes drank in your form as if it wasn't only the food he wished to devour.
Sparring lessons were the worst. Considering how it used to be your favourite. Back when you used to playfully smack and poke around him to get a raise out of his normally well kept attitude. He used to be the same size as you and constantly trying his hardest to overpower your sneaky tricks, Huffing to keep up. Sakusa clearly was only trained to show not fight, and when you did successfully pin his sword down, dagger held to his neck. You told him how he can't ever expect people to play fair, so he should learn to do the same.
And you did come to regret it, eventually. Because now your spars have turned way too physical; as if he's actively trying to keep you pinned against his relatively much larger frame. As if he's making it way more apparent how much he's grown in ways more than one. The fact that you're smaller frame fits almost too well against him as he flips your dagger back against your own neck and pins you roughly to the tree.
Chests pressed together and his thighs forcefully make way between your legs, his weight holds you in place rendering you immobile. And even after your attempts at easying away from his hold, the intense gaze he locks you with, tells you he's not playin fair anymore. The dark lust building in his eyes is far from letting you leave. Ever.
And it was that you need to leave.
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fanfic-gallery · 2 years
Manager's random thots #4 [ NSFW MDNI ]
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: ̗̀➛ Manager's/Author's note : I've only now realised that despite how obsessed I am with yanderes, I don't post much about them- let's change that ~<3
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✦˚ more nurturing, maturnal yanderes have habits of 'babying' their darlings, some would even go to the extreme of 'baby-proofing' any and everything, especially those who are unnaturally paranoid and overprotective
✦˚ would purchase rubbers for the corners of tables and cabinets. giant custom made 'baby gates' installed on the stairs and every door in the house. would cushion proof everything in your room, from the floor to the frame of your bed, sometimes he would take away plushies he had bought for you previously due to him noticing sharp edges sticking out of the fluff
✦˚ plastic plates, bowls and utensils. if you think about stabbing him with it, good try sweetheart, but that spork was specifically made for babies to handle. won't settle for paper plates, even if you manage to snap all of your plastic dishes into two, he would rather place your food on his glass plate [ of course you aren't the one handling it, he is feed you himself ] than to give your own paper plate. what if you managed to bite some of the paper and swallowed it? he just can't let that happen, even if it's only a small percentage of that happening
✦˚ speaking of food, he would take the time to grind up homemade baby food for you to feast on. why, you may ask? so you won't choke, silly~ his heart can't bare the thought of you slowly coughing and grasping to death when he let's you get the privilege of eating on your own.
✦˚ bands you from even being an inch near the kitchen. you might slip from the oils that had founds its way on the tiles when he was cooking, or you might burn yourself and ruin your perfect skin. would literally faint if he sees you with a knife in your hand even if it's just a butter one, would either launch at you or sneak up from behind and take it away
✦˚ if they had some muscle to them, would insist on carrying you everywhere, bridal style of course, they could never be that barbaric with their love~ you need to have a bit of a bathroom break, you'd be already in their arms as they book for the nearest restroom
✦˚ most would have sensitive tits or for better phrasing, very sensitive nipples. absolutely loves when you 'suckle' at their pink bud, trying you're absolute hardest to milk them dry. would literally cum on the spot when only given a few hard nips
✦˚ 👏ser-👏vice👏tops, 👏soft👏doms, 👏ser-👏vice👏switches, the works. would treat you like their little princess/prince/baby, no degradation, always sicklingly sweet praises in your ear as their cock pushes at your spot over and over again, your back arching, your lovely moans and whimpers filling the room to his heart's content
✦˚ 👏ser-👏vice👏subs, their tongue dragging against your sex, nipping and grasing the expose skin, drinking up all that pre and the juices leaking from your slit, eyes in direct contact with yours, o' so hazed with lust, relishing in the fact that they are the only ones that could make you act, feel and be this way
✦˚ aftercare? 100 out of 10, literally nothing can beat it, sometimes dealing with their overly clingy attitude afterwards is so worth it. him scrubbing away at your skin so softly during baths, remedies of a warm tea with honey, and cuddles. whether you being the small spoon or big spoon, his touch and body are like literally pillows
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hey!! can I request a domestic headcanon with oikawa x f!reader? I've been really stressed out with college lately so i need some comforting.
Aww I'm so sorry to hear that... Although I won't say I can't relate but I, myself am stressed out because of my school these days🥴😭... Good luck for future girlie.. also, I hope you liked the headcanons and sorry for replying a Lil late for this sweet ask✨
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Pairing: oikawa x reader
Storyline: oikawa knew that you were stressed out because of college exams that were approaching so he decided to relax your mind in his own way
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• His darling is stressed... And he has no clue on how to help her relax cause.
•will definitely ask his bestie (ya know who🌚) to help him in this situation.
•will help you in household chores like cleaning, washing, cooking...
•It will take hours for him to confirm you the fact that he isn't helping you because he has done something wrong!!!
•Cafe dates are a must!
•Will help you in studies 💯.. is there any question you're stressing yourself on? Don't worry love, your lovely oikawa got yo back!
•makes sure that you sleep on time and are eating properly. What do you mean you don't want to eat?... He'll make sure to even spoon-feed you in such situations!
•He would even skip his training session just to take care of you! (You better know how to fight girl!)
•along with cafe dates, he occasionally takes you out for lunches or snacks
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Hope you liked it! I know and I'm sorry about the fact that it was kinda short.. it's 2 in the flipping morning rn💀 and the sleep was not sleeping for me so yeah... Here we are🗿<3
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A very big list of characters from different fandons that I headcannon as being aro or in the aro spectrum with no explanation at all
Some of them are even cannon :)
Dc comics -
Selina kyle
Damian wayne
Cassandra cain
Blue beetle
Harry potter -
Charlie Weasley
Neville longbottom
Marvel -
Yelena belova
Bucky barnes
Nick fury
One piece -
Ordem paranormal-
Thiago fritz
Sherlock Holmes -
Sherlock Holmes
Mycroft Holmes
Teen wolf -
Malia Tate
Cora Hale
Truly devious -
Nate fisher
Stevie bell
Haikyuu -
I wish the world would end tomorrow -
Monster high -
Cleo de Nile
Heath burns
Ever after high -
Briar beauty
Lizzie hearts
Sparrow wood
Ladybug -
Boku no hero -
Addams family -
Stranger things -
Alice in boarderland -
The order -
The umbrella academy -
Hunger games -
Katniss everdeen
Percy jackson -
Disney -
High school musical -
Sharpay evans
Violetta -
The walking dead -
Carl grimes
My babysitter is a vampire -
Gossip girl -
Luna la
The Loud house -
Lynn loud
Your headcannons?
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easybrainrot34 · 2 months
✨Short lil headcanons Pt 2 Icks Addition✨
Enjoy :)
Ayyoooh here’s the monthly content drop. Hope this doesn’t flop 😅👌🏻
Characters: Semi, Atsumu (hint of spice) Akaashi (Bokuto mentioned) Tsukishima, and Ushijima
Ps my ask and request are open :)
Semi is one of those "ya I only listen to obscure artist" / " yeah, I like them, but now they're two mainstream" guys. IM SO SORRY BUT LIKE?? he's a musician and just something tells me that he either listens to these obscure artists that no one really knows about (and lowkey arnt that great) and old 80s rock music but in an elitist way.
Atsumu not only keeps track of his body count, but also cares about others 💀💀. And I mean like notes app of all the peoples names. He doesn't care in a slut shamey way, in like a how freaky/ experienced are you way. His body count is in the 30s btw.
Akaashi not only doesn't use social media, but has that "social media is childish" look on it. Like this man has a Facebook, that he hasn't posted on since like high school, has an Instagram, because Bokuto made it for him, and uses Youtube that's it. It's not so much that it's in a super obnoxious way, but like if you try to tell him some Internet drama, he'll kind of roll his eyes and will go "why does it matter?"
Tsukishima thinks skincare is "girly" and uses 3 in 1 💀💀 God I feel this one in my gut yall! Like u could be doing a face mask and could offer him to do it with u and he would go "umm..no thanks". Also with the 3 in 1 he would be like "it saves time" like sir what ru so busy doing that you can't take two seconds to separate the three in your shower routine?? On top of it though he'll bitch that he has acne.
Ushijima sleeps in the complete dark and silence. This is psychopath behavior first of all. Second tho, he will be like "ya it needs to be quite or I'm not sleeping." And this is something he will not compromise on. I'm talking not even using ear plugs or eye mask kinda shit. You better just get used to sleeping with some headphones on, he's not budging on this.
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kaes-wonderland · 1 year
𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒚𝒖𝒖 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
↳ ☆ pt.1 ☆ pt.2 ☆ … ☆
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❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Synopsis: Just some sweet, little random “x reader” headcanons, featuring multiple precious babies…romantic intentions, but some can be platonic!
❥ Published: April 20, 2023
❥ Kae's Notes: I love seeing and making random character(s) x reader headcanons, cause you never know what you’re gonna get!! If you have a specific character(s) you would like to see, feel free to comment them, or submit a character to my submission and and I’ll to a good handful of just them. Please, I need requests- GN!Reader. See my navi for more
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WHILE CUDDLING or just anywhere, Kuroo will rub up and down you arm (if it’s okay) to comfort you, but it truthfully relaxes himself as well.
SUNA WILL text you “good morning pretty” then proceed to immediately send you a weird photo of yourself following the sweet message. Very bitter sweet, but he still finds you lovely.
YOU THINK YOU STEAL ALL OF HUS HOODIES No-no, Bokuto insists that you have all of them…until he gets cold, then he’ll give you puppy-dog eyes for one back. But one he’s done using it, he’ll immediately give it right back.
TENDŌ HAS A HABIT of using your head as his personal arm rest. Honestly, you are just his personal resting post in general.
THE HIGHLIGHT of Yamaguchi’s day is when you either trace or kiss his freckles. It makes him all blushy, but it gives him the biggest confidence boost in the world.
YOU AND Tanaka/Noya/Kogane/Atsumu (depending on who you like) have this weird handshake no one else can comprehend, and it ends with you two sharing a quick peck
KENMA LOVES YOU more than his games. There, I said it. That doesn’t mean he won’t stop playing them, as it takes him away from reality, but will for a brief moment if you ask nicely.
SEMI HAS A TRADITION of giving you a kiss on your head every time he sees you. The little things matter to him, and you are a big thing that matters to him.
KYŌTANI KEEPS little trinkets in his gym bag/his room because they remind him of you.
AKAASHI ALWAYS walks on the outside of the road when you guys are walking; just in case cause he worries, and to be a gentleman.
EVERY MORNING right after his coffee, Sugawara will write 3 things he loves about you and slip them into your bag or puts them somewhere where you’ll see.
IF YOU GUYS HAVE TO WALK through mud or a deep puddle, Iwaizumi will pick you up so you don’t get wet/your shoes get dirty
KITA WILL kiss your hand, and sometimes all over your knuckles, every time he sees you. Just to let you know he loves and cares about you dearly.
ANYTIME YOU have something, even a subtle interest in, Kageyama will immediately write it down in his phone/a personal notebook so he remembers it
MIDNIGHT DRIVES WITH ENNOSHITA are absolutely magical. No matter what the time is, or how tired he is, he’ll drive you anywhere you need to go. He gets to spend time with you, and supervise, it’s a win-win!!
FUKUNAGA DOES THAT “they love me; they love me not” thing on daisies and any other flowers he can get his hands on. You have you give him a kiss on the cheek, regardless of what he lands on.
SAKUSA GETS hypnotized every single time he sees you doing something you love. The way your lip curls or how your brows knit together…to him, your face when you are concentrating on something is adorable.
ON TRAMS, Tsukishima will hold you close to his chest so you don’t get bombarded, and so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd of people.
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©k_kae- 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim them as yours. But reblogs, likes, and comments are alway welcomed. Thank you, stay positive シ
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http-konoha · 2 years
— [02:13 am]
suna r. (part two) | part one
college!au, dorm life
days have passed since the day you saw suna and the new girl together, and they no longer have to hide the fact that they have a thing for each other.
before you know it, they are the new known couple in the dorm. you can hear everyone talk about them whenever you're around the kitchen or common area.
"are they actually together?" you asked your friend when you heard other people talking about it in the dining area.
your friend shook their head as they took a bite of their food. "nope. but they might be close to dating now."
"oh," was all that came out from your mouth. you're happy that the fact suna got the girl he was interested in, and that she also likes him back.
but again, who doesn't like him? he seems calm and collected on the outside, but once you get to know him he can be a pain in the ass from time to time, but he cares a lot about his friends and he is surprisingly really sweet. you can imagine how much of a good boyfriend he can be.
"you still have a chance," your friend said as they nudged you on the shoulder. you burrowed your eyebrows at their statement. "i know you've never said you like him, but i believe he's the closest to your type." well, that's true. "and as much as i love them both, i think you do deserve him the most."
you leaned back and thought of all the possibilities. "what makes you think so? they're so close to being official."
"hm, let me think," they hummed as they gathered their thoughts. "she has only been here for two and a half weeks, and you've been here for six months. you know him longer than her, and i feel like at the speed they are going, it's too fast."
"he's rather erratic, and she once told me that she prefers people who have their plans laid out and is rather predictable," they continued. "also, in all honesty, i still can't see them date."
your eyebrows raised. "you can see me with him?" your friend nodded in response, causing you to sigh. what does this all mean?
"speaking of the devil," your friend murmured. "yo, suna rintaro! how much have you drank tonight? where are you going?"
he walked towards the both of you and stared at you for a couple of seconds before responding. "actually, can you accompany me to go to the convenience store? i want to get more drinks for the guys."
you can feel your friend's eyes burning at you. "where's your girlfriend?" you answered, and he gave you a smirk.
"oh please, just come with me, will you?" he said as he grabbed your hand to help you stand up.
you both stepped out of the dorm in silence, walking at the same pace towards the convenience store that was only five minutes away.
"what do you want?" you asked, turning towards him. he looked back at you with an unreadable expression.
"i actually wanted to talk to you," your breath hitched at his reply. you had a feeling you know where this conversation was going. "about what you heard around you, it's not true. we're not officially dating yet."
"yet," you repeated. "so the confession's gonna happen soon then?" you patted him on the back with a laugh. "i'm so happy for you man, congrats."
he gave you a small smile and walked towards the bench at the park near the dorm. "remember when i told you i was interested in someone?" you nodded your head slowly, starting to get confused. "honestly, i was talking about you."
your eyes widened as you slowly turned to look at him, who was looking up at the night sky. "but i knew you said you weren't looking for anyone," that was partly a lie, but you never wanted to admit it until now. "so i just tried to talk to other people, and now i've found another person. i'm sorry. i don't even know why i'm apologizing, or why i'm saying all of this. maybe it's because i'm tipsy- or drunk."
you felt like the dinner you had was coming up to your throat. you thought of all the possibilities that could have happened before two weeks ago. all the what-ifs started to play in your head.
what if i told you that i still like you? will that change everything? you almost said the questions out loud, but you considered the fact that he was drunk, and that it could potentially ruin his relationship with the new girl.
"thank you, rin. i will always like you, no matter what happens, i don't think it will change," you said as you looked up at the night sky, unsure of how you feel. "i hope you stay happy and get together with her. you deserve it."
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stargirlstabber · 30 days
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anestefi · 1 year
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touchlikethesun · 2 months
the first dance at kuroo and tsukki’s wedding was merry-go-round of life. no one expected them to choose an actual waltz (kuroo the joker and tsukki the grouch waltzing??? it does not compute) and they definitely didn’t expect them to like actually be able to follow the steps instead of just swaying in place. but that’s exactly what happened. and that’s how all those present learned that kuroo and tsukki have been competition ballroom dancers for half a decade.
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fanfic-gallery · 1 year
manager’s random thots #6 [NSFW MDNI]
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|| cw : dead dove - do not eat, mentions of manipulation, infidelity, violence, forms of assault
✎ manager's note : you guys seem to love these ‘something somthing’! yanderes a lot- a lot a lot- so here’s more to quench that thirst lolol [but for real, i loved the maternal yandere headcanons too >//<]
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✦˚ an immature frat boy who charms you every bit possible without you even realising how hard you’ve fallen till the small flutters within your stomach turned to hurricanes when the final puzzle is placed. a cliché maybe even romantic confession sequence, probably straight out of ‘your’ most beloved romcom. pinned against the lockers, ‘bully x nerd’ style or even a night by the park, walking along the almost empty side walk during a house party rave.
✦˚ once he has his clutches on you however, it could go either two ways: sweet himbo or manipulative asshat-
✦˚ the former would resemble more of a brainless jock; one that uses his body to do the talking. secretly loves clinging to your side like a giant koala, like he craves physical attention to the point of suggesting to carry you, bridal style or over the shoulder [if you’re into that ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)], at every waking moment if he views you as ‘tired’.
✦˚ would buy presents for any occasion that he sees fit from chocolate in heart shaped boxes for your one week anniversary to a whole collection of bits and bobs of your favourite things regardless of whether he has the cash to spend on anything.
✦˚ as for the later.. every day is another endless cycle of torment within your own mind. ‘am i not good enough’ or ‘i’m the problem’ are reoccurring questions that you can never make sense of. very calculative, and probably has a long written plan to drag out the process of tearing you limb from limb till you are nothing but a broken plaything that would love him and only him till death does you both part.
✦˚ infidelity is a common trait he’d use, for one it’s much easier to come by; just by sending a sly wink to the opposing sorority would have his socials flooding with messages begging him to ravish them for the night. yet it wasn’t bad enough to truly rub the salt into the wound, no.. a crafted plan would also be made to purposefully have you overhear the loud slaps of skin, engrossed moaning within the frat house’s master suit.
✦˚ two do have their similarities, example, a serious case of possessiveness. would either have an arm slung around your shoulder or a hand gripping at your waist as you both are walking. has a tendency of glaring at randos that have an eye on you, would tighten their grasp on you, sometimes even let out a low growl or heavy sigh.
✦˚ would go through extreme measures to ensure those around you know you’re his and only his. heavy PDA outdoors, straight out exhibitionism if permitted so and or the fan favourite, jewelry, displaying either his name or initials. with process involve it could end up as tattoos along anywhere visible [or maybe even a knife craving]
✦˚ violence isn’t a question. has and probably would start fights with strangers on the street either be verbal or physical and leading up to a police arrest for assault on innocent civilians. would either need your assistance for a break out from interrogation or just needs you to sit there pretty in the waiting room as he smooth talks his way out of months in custody-
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