#this post is scheduled — i’m currently on holiday so if you want to inquire for a commission please be patient with me! thank you!!
irlplasticlamb · 11 months
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i wanna be your dog.
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i got commissioned to create this gerri + roman + jeryd piece by the amazing @vanillabeanmachine and you can’t even imagine the kind of doors this concept opened in me! thank you!!
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thesassenachswiftie · 3 years
Lover - Chapter 13: “Soon You’ll Get Better”
Read on AO3
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12
Summary: Claire and Jo go Christmas shopping; Claire gets a call at work that Lamb’s in the hospital in Boston where she fears she will need to spend the holidays without Jamie. In short: angst, but make it festive.
" This won't go back to normal, if it ever was It's been years of hoping, and I keep saying it because 'Cause I have to
Ooh-ah, you'll get better..."
CW: cancer, hospitals, illness of a loved one,
Notes: First of all, if you’re still here, thank you for reading, and thank you for bearing with me as I took a small hiatus. Hopefully I will be getting back to a more regular posting schedule, but work is really draining right now and it’s hard to find enough hours in the day to do everything. 
As you know, each Chapter of this fic is based off a Taylor Swift song by the same name. This one was particularly difficult to write/approach because I actually haven’t listened to this song in over a year. In early Summer 2019, a tumor was found on my grandfather’s brain. This was also the summer I discovered Outlander, and the summer Taylor Swift released Lover. The day after Lover came out, I broke down sobbing in my apartment listening to this song and thinking about my grandfather, knowing his condition was worsening. That night, I recieved the call that my grandfather had passed. He was the kindest, purest soul and I write this chapter in part as a tribute to him. Many of the experiences Claire and Lamb share are based on my own experiences with my grandpa that summer, and this version of Lamb is very much based on my Grandpa Jim. 
That being said, you may want to grab a box of tissues before reading, but hopefully not all your tears will be sad. I’m hoping to post again before Chistmas, but in case I don’t Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays--and Happy Hanukkah to any Jewish readers I may have--here is a Hanukkah present for you!
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 Chapter 13: “Soon You’ll Get Better”  
         “All I want for Christmas is yooouuuuu” the sounds of Mariah Carey rang out throughout the small boutique gift shop in the heart of the village of Northport.
           “Good God, we’re only a week into December and I swear I’ve already heard this song three hundred times. I’m not exaggerating either. Two hundred and eight-four at the very least.” Jo scoffed exasperatedly.
           “Are you complaining?” Claire asked in reply. “It’s a great song--a classic really.”
           “Do you know how many incredible, amazing, beautiful, jolly Christmas songs there are in existence?” Jo was gearing up for one of their famous rants, “Yet, the radio stations only ever play the same eighteen songs, I swear!”
           “It must be more than eighteen.”
           “Fine. Twenty. Take this song for instance: Ingrid Michaelson has the most hauntingly beautiful cover of it--do you ever hear it? No! You only ever hear Mariah!”
           “I, for one, like Mariah!” Claire interjected, playfully defensive.
           “Who doesn’t? But she’s not the only powerhouse female vocalist out there! I’d just like to see a little diversity in my holiday music, is that so much to ask?”
           Claire giggled. Her best friend always had an opinion on everything and she loved them all the more for it. “Do you think Jenny would like this candle?” Claire unscrewed the lid a locally-made jar candle, taking a sniff before placing it under Jo’s nose. It smelled like Lavender and Sage with just a hint of Eucalyptus.
           “Does Jenny keep a lot of candles around, with all those children?” Jo chuckled back. “It does smell nice though.” Jo had only met Jenny a couple times when visiting Claire, but they had a knack for reading people and Claire was glad to have them along as a shopping partner.
           “I suppose candles aren’t really her thing. Jenny seems very practical, but I don’t know what she would need that she doesn’t already have, and Jamie’s been no help!”
           “I think you’re on the right track with the self-care/relaxation vibe, but maybe not something the children can use to burn the house down. What about an artisanal lotion set?” Jo inquired, gesturing at a nearby display.
           “Oh that might work!” Claire took a squirt from the bottle labeled ‘tester’ inhaling deeply as she rubbed it between her palms. “Ooo that’s nice, I would appreciate this if I were a hardworking mother.”
           “If things keep going the way they are with your man, LJ, you might just be before you know it” Jo made a lewd gesture with their hands, raising their eyebrows to make it clear exactly what they were implying.
           “Jo! You’re terrible” Claire shrieked, smacking her friend playfully on the arm. Besides, not much of that happening these days if you haven’t noticed, Jamie is literally across the ocean.”
           “Well, at least you can’t get knocked up from phone sex,” Jo replied. “What are you getting him anyway? I’m thinking something lacy and strappy, with little bows on it of course, to be festive. There’s a place down the street that might have something like that.”
           “Hmm” Claire exhaled. “We’ll see.” Claire knew lingerie was definitely going to be part of Jamie’s Christmas gift, one she would be most excited for him to unwrap. God, she missed him. It had been over a month and they were settling into a routine, video chatting every night, sweet texts back and forth throughout the day, the occasional phone sex when they were both sick with desire for one other--but nothing was the same as the feel of their bodies pressed against each other in the heat of the moment, chasing each other’s climax. Claire couldn’t wait to be reunited with him in every way.
           It was two days before Christmas break, only a few days left until Claire would find freedom for the next ten days and, most of all--the comfort of Jamie’s arms. Claire was sitting in her school nurse’s office, inhaling deeply during the first quiet moments she’d had all week. There was an uptick of student visits in the past couple weeks--a few were legitimate concerns tied to cold and flu season: students whose parents sent them to school when they weren’t quite well enough, overachievers who wanted to maintain their perfect attendance dragging themselves to school despite their bodies protestations. Most of her patients however, were suffering from something much more insidious: the eagerness to start their winter break early by skipping their classes. This time of year the air of the school felt different, students and teachers alike were burnt out, apathetic, and ready for a break. This attitude in the students fed into the teachers’ attitudes--overworked with the end of the marking period, trying to squeeze in Christmas shopping and decorating between grading. Claire did not envy Jo nor any of the other teachers during this time, but their exhaustion was so palpable in the air of the school that she was starting to feel it too. By tomorrow, most teachers would be shutting their doors and playing a holiday film, giving up on instruction all together--hopefully that would make for a quiet day for Claire. Really, if she could just get through the rest of the day it would be smooth sailing until Christmas--until Jamie.
           Her silent musings were broken by the blaring sound of her office phone. She was expecting a teacher, calling to send a student down, but instead it was the school clerk, Glenda. “Hi Nurse Beauchamp, we have an outside call for you, it seems like it may be a personal call so if there’s any students with you we can send someone down to watch them if you’d like to take it privately here in the office.”
           Claire's heart sank to her stomach. What could it be? She took a deep breath and swallowed to brace herself before replying “last student just left.”
           “Alright, I’ll transfer you now.” The click of the call transferring sounded through the phone.
           “Hello, this is Miss Beauchamp”
           “Hello Miss Beauchamp, I’m Tammy, a nurse at Mass General we’re calling because you’re listed as the emergency contact for Quentin Beauchamp” a nasally voice croaked through the phone speaker--the voice was impersonal like that of a cashier saying “have a nice day” for the thousandth time, not fitting of a potential harbinger of death.
           “Yes…” Claire replied, nervously, questioningly.
           “Mr. Lambert was admitted this morning after showing signs of cognitive distress. An initial cat scan shows a mass on his brain. He’s currently undergoing testing to see if it’s cancerous.”
           Claire’s lungs felt like they were about to collapse. Lamb had been diagnosed with prostate cancer several years ago, but had been able to live with it through treatment. Claire also knew that cancer was insidious and could spread throughout the body rapidly and without warning. She knew it was very likely that the mass was cancer. She tried to find her medical professional voice, but a diagnosis was different when it was someone you loved. Instead, she croaked out, “when will you know?”
           “We should have the results by tomorrow. He’ll stay here overnight for monitoring and we’ll decide whether to admit him long term from there.”
           “I’m on Long Island, should I drive up?”
           “I’m afraid it’s too soon to tell, it could be nothing, but--” Claire cut her off, knowing exactly how bad it could be.
           “I understand. I’ll drive up this evening.”
           “Alright, he should be back in his room by then, he’s out getting his tests done now. It’s room 713 when you get here.” Claire wrote the number on a bright blue sticky note on her desk as the nurse spoke. “Have a nice day Ms. Beauchamp”
           “Hmm” was all she could reply, as if she could possibly have a nice day. She hung up the phone, and finally let the deluge of tears she’d been holding back free.
She allowed herself to cry for a few minutes to get it out, but she knew she had to get to Boston as soon as possible. She picked up the phone again and dialed the main office.
“Hi Glenda, it’s Claire. I need to take the rest of the day off--I have to go to Boston, my uncle…” she couldn’t say it out loud for fear of unleashing the tears again “Is Principal Gowan there, I need to let him know.”
“Oh Nurse Beauchamp, I’m so sorry to hear that, let me know if you need anything. Mr. Gowan’s in his office, I’ll transfer you to him now, if he doesn’t answer just pack up your things and go, I’ll take care of it”
“Thanks Glenda, I really appreciate it”
           After getting the ok from her kind and understanding principal, Claire rushed back to Jamie’s apartment, hastily packed a bag (likely forgetting several things), informed Jenny where she was going--which was met with sympathy and genuine concern--and hopped back in the car for the journey to Boston. She entered the hospital doors several hours later, the buttons of her coat were tangled in her hair as she rushed, breathless, to the front desk to receive her visitor’s pass.
           When she arrived at Lamb’s room, he was asleep. She didn’t want to wake him, but she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze to let him know she was there before settling into the armchair beside him to await his awakening. He looked so frail and small in the hospital bed, not at all like the strong, spirited man who had raised her. He had left the television on--some sports channel was playing a highlight reel of various golfing moments. No wonder Lamb fell asleep. Claire was staring at the screen, but her thoughts were elsewhere: worried about Lamb, wondering if she’d remember everything when she hastily packed, wondering what the future held. Would she have to spend Christmas in this hospital room? A golf ball soared across the Scottish Highlands on the screen. Jamie. Jamie was coming home Christmas Eve, she was supposed to pick him up from the airport, supposed to spend her holiday break with him, experience her first Hogmanay with the Murray family, be surrounded by love and laughter and family. Lamb was supposed to be fine, he was supposed to take the train down, spend Christmas with them. Every plan they had made was shattered into a million pieces. Would she even be able to see Jamie? She thought about the presents she’d bought for him, not yet wrapped, piled in the closet but definitely not hidden, especially considering it was his apartment. Of course he’d understand--she could tell him where they were, but the magic of unwrapping would be lost, it would feel entirely unsentimental. It was bad enough that she felt her gifts weren’t sentimental enough--what could she possibly get him to show how special he was to her? How could she communicate that with an object? If she were a painter she would paint him a painting, if she were a songwriter she would write him a song, but she was simply Claire, and practical gifts were all she knew. She had purchased a cozy blue sweater to match his eyes and keep him warm in the brisk London winters, a cool multi-tool the size of a credit card that would fit in his wallet and help him solve a variety of problems, a protective case for his phone, and a box of artisanal beef jerky.  She had also procured a complicated piece of lingerie with a big red bow across the chest for him to unwrap the night of Christmas, which she knew he would enjoy. Everything was thoughtful enough and mostly practical, but she longed to be able to give him something truly special--a grand gesture to match her feelings for him. Claire glanced back at her uncle and immediately felt guilty being so selfish. I hate to make this all about me. Lamb always had a knack for helping her realize what was important when life’s situations overwhelmed her. She needed him for perspective, but how could she talk to him about this? How could she tell him how she felt? She knew it was wrong, but she was mad at him for getting sick so close to Christmas. Who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do if there’s no you? The tears were welling up in her eyes as she watched her most beloved uncle sleep--hooked up to machines, pale and listless in the hospital bed.
           Claire slipped into the adjoining bathroom to try to compose herself--she didn’t want her uncle to wake up and see her upset, she knew he would try to comfort her, to be the rock he always had been for her. She was here to be his rock this time, she needed to stay strong for him. She looked at herself in the mirror, telling herself it was going to be ok--her uncle was strong and he’d been fighting a long time--he’d continue to fight. Soon you’ll get better. She had to convince herself it was true, pretend it wasn’t real, it wasn’t so bad. She knew it was a delusion, she could see it all over her glass face when she looked in the mirror. She was genuinely afraid that this could be when she lost him, if not physically right away, he could be lost mentally. She’d been hoping for years he would get better, but now it seemed he’d taken a turn for the worse. She took a few deep breaths and offered up a prayer. She wasn’t usually religious, but they say desperate people find faith, so she decided it was time to try. God? Jesus? Whoever is up there. I know I don’t much deserve anything from you, I’m not sure I’m exactly on good terms with you, but I’m inclined to believe you care and you are good. Besides, I’m not really asking anything for myself, not really. I just pray my Uncle is ok, I pray he gets better. He has to. Please don’t take his brilliant mind away from him. Please let him be ok. Please, I’ll be good, I’ll do whatever it takes to help him. Just please, please, don’t take him away from me. I need him. Please let him get better. Please let him get better. Claire continued to repeat the words like a mantra as she returned to her bedside chair. She stared at the collection of orange bottles on the tray table. Please let them help him get better. Please let him get better. Please, please, please let him get better.
           Claire had no idea how long she sat there, repeating those words to herself, but her silent appeal was interrupted when a nurse entered the room to check her uncle’s vitals.
           “Hi, I’m Brenda, I’ll be the nurse on duty tonight.” Brenda erased a name on a small whiteboard in front of the room and replaced it with her own.
           “I’m Claire, I’m his niece.”
           Brenda had made her way over to the other side of the bed and was checking the monitors beside the bed, making notes on the chart in her hand. “I hate waking them up, but I’m going to have to.” Claire was glad that she was much kinder than the nurse she had spoken with on the phone earlier—had that really been earlier? It seemed much longer since that phone call. “Excuse me, Quentin? Sir?” Brenda gently nudged his arm to awaken him. Lamb’s eyes fluttered open and he looked disoriented, Claire watched him carefully hoping that his disorientation was solely from being awoken mid-sleep and not from any neurological damage.
           “Hi Uncle Lamb” Claire stammered, hoping she sounded cheerful anyway.
           “Claire! My girl! You came all the way to see your old uncle!”
           “Of course I did! How are you?” she replied warmly.
           “Oh, I’m fine, they’re taking good care of me here.” Lamb’s voice sounded genuinely content and Claire felt comforted for the first time since the hospital had called her earlier that day.
           “Hello sir, my name’s Brenda, I’ll be your nurse tonight. I just need to ask you a few questions and check your vitals.”
           “What is your name?”
           “Quentin Lambert Beauchamp”
           “Good. When is your birthday?
           “March 23th, 1939”
           “Good, and who is the president?”
           “Well, unfortunately…” both Claire and Brenda giggled at how Lamb began his sentence. Claire was well aware of Lamb’s opinions of the current president of the United States, and was glad to see he hadn’t lost his sly sense of humor or his disdain for the man.  She was also glad he knew who the president was, hopefully his mental capacities were more promising than the worst-case-scenario her mind was conjuring.
           Claire stayed by her uncle’s side for the rest of the night, only leaving the room twice, once to find something to eat from a vending machine, and once for her nightly call to Jamie. She allowed herself to break down when talking to Jamie, sobbing over the phone. Jamie did his best to comfort her through the speaker, desperately wishing he could be there for her in person. Claire wished the same, longing to curl up in his strong embrace, and bury her swollen face in his chest. She couldn’t bring up the fact that she might have to spend Christmas in Boston. She was enough of a mess without facing the reality that they wouldn’t see each other, and when Jamie promised they’d see each other soon at the end of their call, Claire hung up quickly as another wave of emotion overtook her and she buried her face in her hands to cry some more.
           The next morning, the doctor came in with Lamb’s results. Claire grasped Lamb’s hand, unsure of who was holding onto whom for comfort as the doctor explained that the mass on Lamb’s brain was in fact cancerous, but it was still relatively small and had been caught early. He explained that they could operate on it and remove it, however there was no guarantee that it wouldn’t come back or that they’d be able to get it all out. It was moments like these where Claire desperately wished she was already a surgeon, that she could feel in control of the outcome--though could she operate on her own uncle? Would she be able to hold her hand steady enough to do a good job? No, perhaps it was best left to the veteran surgeons in Boston.
           After discussing all the details and options with the doctor’s, Lamb decided to go through with the surgery. It was scheduled for the day after Christmas and Claire resigned herself to the sobering fact that she’d be spending the holidays in the hospital. As the florescent hospital lights lit the room with an unnatural glow, Claire couldn’t tell him she was scared. She had to stay strong, she had to keep it together and remain positive and supportive.
           Claire spent the next few days devoted to her uncle, rarely leaving his bedside. Lamb had forced her to spend the nights at his apartment, which was probably for the best. She wasn’t sleeping well to begin with and the recliner at the hospital was only making matters worse. Claire was present and doting on him from morning to night though, helping her uncle order his meals, assisting him when he needed to use the restroom, adding and removing pillows and blankets as needed, or anything else he needed or wanted. Lamb had been moved to the cancer floor, and the window of his new room had a nice view of the Boston skyline. Lamb was making the best of a bad deal, he bragged about his ‘luxury accommodations’, he cracked jokes often, he liked the nicer nurses, he ordered extra dessert with all his meals and was in generally pleasant spirits. Claire could see the cracks in his cognition though. Sometimes he would change the topic he was discussing mid-sentence, and he couldn’t seem to keep time straight. Whenever anyone would mention Christmas, he would act surprised to know that it was coming up, and at one point he hinted at Claire that she might just get those roller skates she wanted for Christmas, a gift she had not asked for since she was eleven years old. He didn’t seem to know what year it was or how old Claire was. He did know who Claire was though, and for that she was thankful. He also knew who the president was whenever the nurses asked, always beginning his answer with a short preamble to make known his disdain.
Before they knew it, it was Christmas Eve and Claire couldn’t hide the sadness she felt on her face. She was glad to spend the evening with Lamb, but she had been looking forward to her first big family Christmas. She had filled in Jamie about Lamb’s condition and her subsequent stay in Boston over the course of their phone calls that week. She had also describe the Christmas gifts she had purchased for the Murrays, Jo, and Lamb, so Jamie would know the rest were for him. Jamie had agreed to put the Murrays gifts in gift bags and distribute them for her. They were meant to exchange family gifts that evening, the morning being reserved for Santa, and Claire was heartbroken to be missing out. In a matter of hours, and for the first time in two months, her and Jamie would be on the same continent, yet they wouldn’t be able to see each other. There was no way Claire could get into the Christmas spirit under these conditions. The hospital, despite being modestly decorated, was not the most festive atmosphere. Even a troop of Girl Scouts caroling their way through the hospital halls did nothing to assuage the weight of losing everything Claire had been looking forward to for the past two months.
           “What’s a matter, my dear?” Lamb asked, showing genuine concern for his niece.
           “It’s nothing, I’m fine, I promise, I’m just wishing things were different today.”
           “Why today? Is it something special? I can’t seem to remember.”
           “It’s Christmas Eve. You were supposed to come to Long Island and meet Jamie. We were going to spend the holiday with his family.”
           “Yes, I remember, that’s today? Oh dear, I haven’t gotten your gift yet I’m afraid.”
           “That’s fine, Lamb, I’m afraid I left your gift at home, so we’ll have to do that part later. We can take a raincheck on gift exchanging. I was just really looking forward to you getting to know Jamie.”
           “I’m sure I’ll meet the lad soon; he seems really special to you.”
           “He is; I know you’ll like him.”
           “I already do.” He patted the top of her hand and turned his attention back to the sitcom on the television, providing humorous commentary to try to cheer Claire up.
It was late Christmas morning. Uncle Lamb was napping again and Claire had switched the television to the Hallmark Channel--usually her guilty pleasure this season, today it was simply reminding her of how her Christmas was proving to be less than magical. For her there would be no Christmas kisses, no magical snowfall, no saving the small town family business or learning to love Christmas again. All that awaited her this Christmas were fluorescent lights, beeping monitors, and nurses visiting every 6 hours to check her uncle’s vitals. This Christmas would be decidedly the most un-magical she had ever experienced. She had had her share of unconventional Christmases in the past, in fact, she never really was a Christmas person, but it had started to feel special to her when she was living in New York. This Christmas though--this was one she was looking forward to more than ever before. Claire spent most of the morning crying, grieving over all she was missing. She should have spent the morning curled up in Jamie’s arms, watching the children open presents. She could picture the Murray’s living room, trashed with colorful wrapping paper from end to end, each child in their own private world fascinated by their latest favorite toy, Jenny and Ian beaming through tired eyes.
Claire was surprised Jamie hadn’t called her to fill her in on the details yet. He had called yesterday when his plane arrived--groggy and jet-lagged, his communication skills were not the most eloquent, but he tried his best to make her feel better. She hadn’t heard from him at all this morning though, not even a Merry Christmas text. Surely the jet lag would have woken him up as early as the children, and they must have been done opening presents by now. Claire tried to rationalize that Jamie was just spending time with his family, but she couldn’t help feeling hurt and ignored. She thought she was important enough to him that he could take a moment away from his family to at least text her, or to find some way to make her feel included from afar. Had his feelings changed in their months apart? Did coming home to a messy apartment turn him off? Did she find his Christmas gifts and come to think she didn’t care enough to get him something more thoughtful? She thought about calling him, but a mixture of pride and fear kept her from acting first, not to mention she couldn’t stop crying over these sappy Christmas movies.
Suddenly, a voice from the doorway rang through the room, “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!” Claire looked up in confusion, momentarily unable to comprehend her surroundings and the disruption that had just entered them. Santa? No. The tall figure filling the door frame was dressed like Santa, beard and all, but the unmistakable Scottish burr gave away his true identity. If Claire hadn’t already been crying, she certainly was now. Jamie was standing in the doorway, dressed in a Santa suit, carrying a large, blue IKEA bag overflowing with wrapped presents and what appeared to be Christmas decorations.
“What?” Claire could hardly believe he was there, she rose from the chair and the couple met in the middle of the room for a hearty embrace. Claire buried her face in the soft, fluffy suit covering Jamie’s chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Perhaps the setting wasn’t a snow covered street in a small town, but this was her own Hallmark movie moment--and to be honest, those Hallmark guys had nothing on James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser. Jamie held her close, and tight, planting kisses in her curls and whispering softly to her.
“I’m here, mo nighean donn.” He caressed her shoulders with his thumbs, not releasing his embrace in the slightest, breathing in her scent, trying to absorb her fears and pain.
All of the commotion had awoken Uncle Lamb and after witnessing the couples’ embrace for longer than was comfortable, Lamb loudly cleared his throat to remind them of his presence in the room.
“Uncle Lamb!” Claire unfolded herself from Jamie’s embrace, keeping one arm around his back. Jamie sheepishly pulled the fake beard down around his neck to reveal his face and removed his Santa hat, clutching it tightly in the palm that wasn’t holding Claire. “This is Jamie, my Jamie. Jamie, this is my Uncle Lamb.”
“Well, I’m certainly glad it’s not Santa Claus, or we’d have a lot of explaining to do to the lad!” Lamb chuckled back.
“A pleasure to finally meet you, sir.” Jamie reluctantly released Claire from his grasp to step beside the bed, extending a firm but gentle hand to Lamb. “I’m sorry it’s not under better circumstances.”
“Pleased to meet you as well, lad” Lamb replied, patting Jamie’s hand with his before releasing their handshake. “And don’t you worry about me, I have the best nurse there is taking care of me.” Two sets of proudly smiling eyes met Claire across the room.
“Oh I dinna doubt it for a second. Your niece is a rare woman.”
“Glad to see we’re in agreement. Now what’s all that?” Lamb gestured towards the large tote discarded near Claire’s feet.
“Aye, I thought I’d bring you two a bit o’ holiday cheer.” Jamie pulled a large cardboard box from the bag and extracted a small tabletop Christmas tree from it, unfurling each branch carefully and placing it on the countertop across the room, plugging it in to reveal fiber optic lights changing colors dreamily. “I usually insist on my Christmas trees being more, well, alive, but under the circumstances this’ll have tae do.” Jamie and Claire spent the next half hour or so festooning the room in garlands and placing tiny ornaments on the small tree. Claire tried to ignore that more than half of the bag was filled with brightly wrapped gifts, not sure whether she was hoping they were all for her, or hoping that they weren’t. After all, she didn’t have anything to give him and she didn’t know if he had looked through his gifts yet nor if he had appreciated them.
While they decorated, Jamie filled Claire and Lamb in on the events of the last few days. Jamie had called Jenny to tell her not to bother picking him up from the airport. He had planned on renting a car there and driving straight to Boston. Claire could hear Jenny’s voice loud and clear through Jamie’s imitation “ya clotheid! Have ya gone daft? Yer barely able to form coherent sentences amidst the jet lag from yer Christmas Eve flight, and ya wanna drive five hours tae Boston in that state!?! Claire willna appreciate ya ending up in a ditch on the side of the road as a Christmas present ya eejit!” Jenny had made a fair point, and Jamie had agreed to sleep at home and left shortly after he awoke that morning, staying only long enough for the children to open their stockings, and to watch their faces alight with surprise at the sudden appearance of piles of presents under and around the tree.
“I’m glad you took Jenny’s advice, but most of all I’m glad you’re here.” She embraced him again. “You didn’t have to do this though, Jamie, I know how important your family is to you.”
Jamie stepped back and lifted Claire’s chin with his thumb, looking into her eyes. “You are important to me, Sassenach.” he replied, with a sincerity that penetrated Claire’s heart. Claire responded by kissing Jamie chastely on the cheek, knowing her uncle was only four feet away--politely trying to ignore them and watch the television which he had flipped to an all-day marathon of A Christmas Story on repeat. Jamie’s welcome intrusion broke up the monotony of hospital life and seemed to give Lamb a better sense of what day it was.
“Now that we’ve got the place looking good and festive, I believe it’s traditional to exchange gifts on Christmas day.”
“Jamie, it’s too much, I--”
“Oh? Thought they were all for you, didja Sassenach?” he teased. Claire blushed. Of course; she hadn’t really--but who else would they be for? Surely Jamie wouldn’t spoil Lamb, a complete stranger to him, quite so much, and no one else was there. She looked dumbfounded as she tried to come up with a defense but Jamie stopped her. “Dinna fash, Sassenach, Jenny wrapped your gifts for me and Lamb before I could see and I bought them along too. She thanks ya for the wee lotions, by the way.”
“God bless Jenny! That woman is a Saint.” Claire also silently thanked God that she had left the present she was planning on wearing for Jamie that evening in her dresser drawer, that was not a gift she wanted Jenny to see, and was definitely not something she wanted him to be opening in front of her uncle.
The three exchanged gifts, save Lamb, who had nothing to give but smiles and approval for the young couples’ thoughtful gifts. Jamie was genuinely appreciative of Claire’s gifts, although she kept insisting that she hadn’t finished shopping and there was more to come; to which Jamie humbly rejected, claiming it wasn’t necessary. Jamie’s gifts to Claire were thoughtful and meaningful, the most touching ones being a print of a painting of the rose garden he had ordered from the Botanic Garden’s gift shop and a bracelet engraved with the words perennis amor, which caused Claire to tear up and embrace him tenderly in spite of her uncle’s presence.
The three enjoyed the rest of the day thoroughly. A Christmas Story played in the background and they laughed and shared stories with one another. Jamie was a born storyteller and Lamb was elated to have a fresh audience to recount his many adventures to, so conversation flowed naturally between them, with Claire occasionally interjecting. Claire mostly just sat back and admired the two men who were most important to her, filled with joy that they were getting along, that Jamie was there, that it was Christmas. For the first time in several days she had hope and peace. She was surrounded by love in that hospital room as well. She had all the things Christmas was said to bring, and for that she was grateful. Jamie had made her greatest Christmas wishes come true without her even asking and she felt lucky to be alive.
The hospital staff served their version of Christmas dinner for the small family, and while Claire was sure it paled in comparison to whatever Jenny had made, it was quite delicious, especially considering it was hospital food. Jamie ate in the armchair next to Lamb at Claire’s insistence, since the two were deep in conversation, and Claire sat in the chair on the other side of Jamie, taking in her magical Christmas scene, better than any Hallmark movie could depict.
After dinner, Jamie was fading fast, listening to one of Lamb’s stories with heavy eyes.  She took one of the spare blankets and covered Jamie. “Looks like you’re still not over your jet lag”
“Hrmmphh, I ‘spose not.”
“Do you want me to go get you a coffee? I doubt the cafe downstairs is open today, but there’s a cappuccino vending machine a few floors down that isn’t terrible.”
“Aye Sassenach, that’d be bonny. If it’s not too much trouble.”
“None at all, my love, I’ll be back soon.” Claire squeezed his hand before leaving the two men alone.
Jamie listened to her footsteps down the hall, and waited until he heard the ding of the elevator before he cleared his throat to speak frankly to Lamb. He sat up straight in the chair to ward off the sleepiness, having a few important things he wanted to say before Claire came back.
“Lamb, I need you to know, Claire is the most important person in my life. I love her sae much and I’d do anything for her.”
“I’m glad to hear that, I can see how happy you make her. She lights up when you’re around, it comforts my old heart to see.”
“I need you tae know, I’m very serious about her. I ken we haven’t been together that long, but I know--I know deep in my wame that I’m meant tae be hers. I want ya to know that I intend on spending the rest of my life making her happy, and while I havna bought a ring or ennathing yet, I wanted to ask yer blessing” Jamie paused for a moment before adding, “just in case.”
“Of course you have my blessing, son. I couldn’t be more glad to know that Claire will be so well cared for after I’m gone, truly.” Both men looked somber, knowing full well that this could be their last conversation, hoping dearly that it wasn’t. Claire returned with three cappuccinos in hand, surprised by the mood in the room.
“Everything alright, gentlemen? Don’t tell me Ralphie shot his eye out!”
“Och! Everything’s fine, Claire! I’m just tired is all, I’m sure this wee cappuccino will cure me in no time!” replied Jamie, eagerly taking a cup from Claire as she set another on Lamb’s tray table. The rest of the evening was quiet as Jamie took a nap, while Lamb and Claire watched A Christmas Story more intently then they had all day. Claire didn’t want to leave him alone so early on Christmas so she let Jamie nap until Lamb was asleep soundly for the night. The sense of joy she had felt all day was still present, but the nagging worry she felt about Lamb’s coming surgery was starting to settle in as well. Claire woke Jamie gently and Claire whispered softly to Lamb that they’d return in the morning, squeezing his hand before the couple quietly left the room.
They walked out to Jamie’s car, since he still had his stuff packed in it, but Claire drove them back to Lamb’s apartment where she’d been staying. The cappuccino was helping Jamie stay coherent, but he was in no state to drive. They were quiet on the drive home, but kept their hands locked between the seats, grateful just to be in the presence of one another.
When they arrived at Lamb’s apartment, Jamie was so tired, he didn’t even want to brush his teeth, let alone do any of his usual nightly routines. However, he had spent the morning sweating in a polyester Santa suit over his clothes, and although he took it off shortly after his surprise arrival, he felt in need of a shower. Claire showed him where the bathroom was and made sure he had everything he needed, and got herself ready for bed.
Jamie showered quickly, not bothering to wash his hair, and only cleaning the parts of his body where any stench would be most concentrated, figuring the water would take care of the rest. A few minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist, ready to collapse into bed, but not before embracing his sorcha. He scooped her into his embrace and she buried her face in his bare, firm chest, warm from the shower. He smelled clean, and fresh and most of like Jamie. “I’m so happy you’re with me, Jamie. You have no idea how much it means to me that you’re here.” the emotions of the day hit her again and her voice caught at the end of her sentence as tears filled her eyes once again. Jamie kissed her forehead softly, down to her nose, and landed on her lips, giving her the firm, passionate kiss they’d both been longing for all day--and for months before that.
“Mo cridhe.” Jamie breathed when they separated. “I’m here. I’ll always be here for you. I’ll no’ leave you alone when ya need me.”
“Oh Jamie” Claire was still crying, “I’ve been so worried. I’ve been trying to stay strong for Lamb, but I feel like this won’t go back to normal--if there ever was a normal with him. I’m scared he’s going to get worse, or--” her sentence dissolved into a fit of sobs, which she tried to stifle on Jamie’s shoulder.
“You don’t have to stay strong when you’re with me. I’ll be here to help you shoulder the burden. I’ll be here to soak up your tears. There’s two of us now, Claire.” He pressed a kiss into her curls. “You can feel your feelings now, mo cridhe. Lay your cares on me. Come now, let’s get ya tae bed. I’m no’ sure how much longer I can stand myself.”
Claire fell asleep wrapped safely in Jamie’s embrace, free to be herself fully. Free to be vulnerable she felt safe, she felt loved, she felt comfortable, and most new to her--she felt she had the hope and strength that she could carry on, no matter what was to come. She slept better than she had in weeks, secure in the embrace of her eternal love.
End Notes: Thanks again for reading!! By the way, the Ingrid Michaelson song Jo mentions is hauntingly beautiful and you should listen to it. Also, I hope you liked Jamie's surprise. This was going to be a lot more angsty of a chapter but Jamie refused to let Claire suffer and had other plans. I know this was full of a lot of emotional ups and downs, and hopefully we can all find some comfort in the fact that just because Christmas/the holidays may look different for a lot of us this year, it can still be special, and there's still light, joy, love, hope, and peace to be found in the midst of the darkness.
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lynseymoon · 5 years
my videoranch experience
ok, hi. hello. so, now that holiday “excitement” has died down, and tumblr’s new bs nipplegate has caused a mass exodus of users, i feel like it’s an appropriate time for me to talk about this.
for those of you who aren’t aware; hi, it’s me, lynsey moon. in case you don’t feel like reading a big long mess, i will preface this by saying that this is going to be about my videoranch experience. if that’s something you don’t really care about, feel free to skip on by. ok, on we go--
so, as a lot of you have probably heard, i was fired very unceremoniously from videoranch this past september, after working there for 10 years. up until now, i haven’t really felt like i had a safe platform to vent this information on. i think i was still holding onto a little thread of hope that maybe things would go back to the way they were. unfortunately, that hope has passed, but on the bright side, i’m feeling a whole lot better about the situation. i am going to do my best to tell my complete story, while remaining as impartial as possible. there are other stories that connect to mine, but i don’t feel it is my place to speak for those people, so i am not really going to discuss anything other than my own experience. anyway, let’s get into the details--
before my firing, i had worked for videoranch as their social media manager for maybe about 7 years, and had been a dj in vr3d for about 10. without getting into the long ass story of how, i was hand selected by nez. we became pretty friendly, and would exchange emails and chat on skype fairly often. even when there were long stretches where we didn’t talk, he would still occasionally shoot me a one-liner or two. after i had been djing regularly for a few years, his wife vic announced she was leaving. she was the one who pretty much kept vr running (the woman behind the curtain, so to speak), and she asked if i would take over running the vr fb page, which was virtually unused at the time. i agreed, and started making regular posts about the music, and events in vr3d. some years later, i set up the tumblr, twitter, and (more recently,) the instagram accounts for vr. i enjoyed the work i did. i really liked interacting with the fans, and getting them excited about nez news/vr happenings. over the years, i single-handedly grew their online audience to be in the thousands. so all those social media pages for vr you see, with the exception of the youtube page? yeah; those were all me.
new employee #1: 
maybe 2-3 years ago, nez’s assistant tells me that they’re temporarily hiring this well-known person in the monkees community, to help promote a t-shirt sale. we were told that this person would just be on board for the sale, and then they’d be departing. nez’s assistant asks me to give them social media privileges. keep in mind, i have been the ONLY person posting on our pages up to this point. so, of course, i give this person privileges, so they can post about the sale. the sale ends, and nez’s assistant tells me that this person is going to stay on as sort of a “sales” person, to help them move some merchandise. this person keeps their page privileges, and is told to only post things related to sales, which they do, but they also post all kinds of other trivia and photos, which is essentially what i am also doing. already, things are starting to feel a bit crowded, but i go along with things and try to be amiable, because i like my job and i don’t want there to be any animosity.
new employee #2:
about a year ago, we are told that nez’s assistant (of many, MANY years) is leaving, and that a new person is taking their place. this person had previously been in charge of the (now defunct) “vr forums”, where fans were free to discuss nez’s work. i am not going to get into this person’s reputation among the fans, because that is a whole other situation that would take way too long to get into. suffice it to say, this person is well-known.
this person immediately takes the reins from nez’s previous assistant, and sends us information on what kind of posts they’d like to see on social media. they set up an official vr youtube page. they instruct me to post one photo and one video per day. i suggest that posting that often might lead to oversaturation, and therefore not get us as much visibility through the fb algorithm. i also point out that there are only so many videos/photos available online, and i will probably run out and have to start reposting things before too long. they insist. i comply. one video and one photo per day. i start scheduling posts per their request, to meet these quotas. they also instruct me to use the tumblr page more. i try to explain that tumblr is largely a younger audience, and the posts there don’t get much traction. they insist. i comply. they also ask that i give them fb privileges, so that they can begin posting things, in addition to my posts, and the posts by new employee #1. they ask that i stop asking questions in my posts. i try to say that questions engage the fans. they disagree. i stop asking questions. our pages start to become oversaturated with multiple posts by multiple people, and i try not to make much of a fuss, because again; i like my job, and i do not want to make waves.
at this point, with the amount of posts going out on a daily basis, i quietly reduce my posts to 3-4 times a week. i try to alternate between photos and videos, to keep things from going stale. i am hoping that the new assistant does not notice, because it seems to be helping our posts get more engagements. they notice, and instruct me to again; post one photo and video a day. i try to continue with these posts as requested, and soon begin running out of photos. i ask for help in finding more, as i know this person is a known nez expert, and must have plenty. they tell me that this is my job, and i should be the one researching these things. bear in mind, before this person came along, my job was to post about the events in vr3d, and occasionally throw up a nez photo or fun fact. not to be a historian. i didn’t bother trying to explain this to the new assistant because again; i. liked. my. job. i tried to do my best to comply, just to keep things running as smoothly as possible.
the firing: 
early september 9th, i was sitting around, thinking of a post to make. as i pick up my phone, i see an email saying i’ve been removed as an admin on the fb page. immediately, i start freaking out, and fearing for the worst. if you remember, at this point, nez was on tour with the fnb, and currently in texas. frantically, i text nez’s other assistant (who mostly just deals with nez himself, and does not work with the social media side of things). i tell her what happened, and she is confused. she assumes (like me), that it had to be a mistake, and says she will check with nez and the other people in texas to see what they know. in the meantime, i message new employee #1, to see if they know anything. as i suspected, they do not, and are just as confused as i am. i start trying to convince myself that maybe it WAS just a simple mistake, but deep down i feel that it isn’t.
nez’s other assistant (i’ll just say noa) gets back to me, and says that everyone is in the dark about this. they ask me if i’ve emailed new employee #2 about it, and i confess i haven’t. i have been avoiding it, hoping i could get things corrected before having to talk to the one person i feel is responsible for this. in between all of this, i am attempting to log into all the other social media accounts, only to find that they have all had their passwords changed. instagram locks me out, because there has been an attempt to log in from texas. i am panicking, but try to appear calm as i compose an email to the assistant. i state simply that it looks like the passwords have all been changed, and inquire if maybe we’d been hacked.
a dreadfully long hour later, i receive my reply. i have it saved, but i still hate having to re-read it. the first line was the only thing close to an explanation i received:
"The operations of our company require us to remove your position as a social media content creator. You are welcome to continue DJing in VR3D, but we can no longer pay you for these sessions."
that is a direct quote, by the way. the email went on to say that the comped tickets i had already secured through noa were now null and void, and if i wanted to attend the show, i would have to pay my own way. reader, i was absolutely gutted. i was devastated. i sobbed-- SOBBED-- for an hour. i was full of confusion, loss, and hurt feelings. the lack of explanation was what killed it for me the most. that, and the fact that i was being fired by someone who had been there for a tenth of the time that i had. i was being indirectly let go by someone who i once considered my friend. i started to wonder if he even knew what had transpired, or how. also within the email was a complaint about a post i had made, about the anniversary of the newspaper ad for the monkees. i was told it was “inappropriate” to be posting monkees-related things while nez was on a fnb tour. mind you, i don’t think it was that act that got me fired, but i wasn’t even made aware that this was a problem until after the fact. it was like i was supposed to already know this, and i obviously did not.
i was an absolute wreck about this for about a month. i kept going over the events in my mind, trying to make sense of it all. the offer to continue djing felt like a cold slap in my face; as though i would take joy in continuing to share music in a place that i was no longer welcome in. it felt like being broken up with. after it was confirmed, noa sent me a text that just said “i’m so sorry”. even nez’s former assistant, who had always been very kind to me, called and left me a very sweet voicemail wishing me well, and expressing her disappointment in what happened. other friends of mine in the band also expressed their shock and sadness to me. even new employee #1 claimed to be surprised, though i am now second-guessing that, as that person remains to be on the staff, while i am not. it seemed like everybody wanted me to stay, except for this new assistant. it also seemed like nobody even knew why i was fired. maybe even the assistant didn’t know, and they just wanted me gone, and had the means to make it happen. the whole thing was one big drawn out gut punch.
i agonized for a long time about whether or not i wanted to go to the show. eventually, i found a friend of a friend with two tickets, and i took that as kismet, and decided to attend. i told myself it would be my last one. before the show, i got to meet up with circe and christian, and without going into too many details (for their sake), i felt a little better after talking to them. i also saw noa there, who gave me a very sweet card and wished me well. it felt somewhat cathartic to feel that i was appreciated by (almost) everyone. the show, of course, was impeccable, though it wasn’t as enjoyable as the other nez shows i’ve attended, but i expected that to be the case. afterwards, i hung around for a bit and chatted with friends. i saw noa leading nez over to the meet and greet, and i believe she guided him past us on purpose. he gave me a sad little wave and said “hello” before being rushed off. i convinced myself that i was never going to get any real closure for the whole situation, so i called that my closure, and left.
in conclusion:
based on the way things seem to be running now, and how they were when i left, i feel a little less sad about having to leave. again, i am going to try to remain as impartial as possible here, but it almost seemed like that chapter of my life was meant to close when it did. when it first happened, in addition to the pain i felt, i also felt incredibly anxious about the extra money i was going to lose from this. i had literally JUST moved into a new, more costly apartment just a week prior, and was distraught about how i was going to afford it. luckily, things have been working out, and i’ve been getting by just fine. initially, i had hoped that everything was just a big mistake, and that nez (or someone) was going to contact me and tell me to come back, but the more time passes, the more unconvinced of that i become. at this point, it’s in my best interest to just try to move on, and take pride in all the things i accomplished while i was at videoranch. it was a huge part of my life for so long, and now then suddenly it wasn’t, so of course it was a pretty big adjustment to make. slowly but surely, i am making peace with everything.
lastly, i have seen some rumors floating around that i want to dispel:
my firing was not a “financial decision”-- some people have been spreading this around, and it is simply not true. i got confirmation on this from c&c, noa, and others. nez has enough money to hire a private jet to shuttle him from show to show. he is not hurting for money.
this probably goes without saying after everything i’ve written, but i was fired. i did not leave voluntarily, nor did i have plans to. this decision was made entirely without me.
i was getting paid for the work i was doing, and was a contract worker for vr. i was not a volunteer.
i always tried to follow instructions and requests from my superiors to the best of my ability. even though i would sometimes question the reasoning behind things, i would always try my best to be polite and maintain a productive work environment. i never once refused to do anything that was asked of me.
so there you have it; now you finally know what really happened to lynsey moon. if you have any questions about this, feel free to drop me an ask, and i will try my best to answer. thanks for listening, especially if you made it this far. i appreciate all the support i’ve received.  ❤
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justalittlemango · 4 years
Entry #16 - 21/01/2020
Well, it’s safe to say returning back to Cheltenham and the whole dorm life has been fairly bittersweet! I guess I adapted very well when I was back home (and I mean, who wouldn’t when you are blessed enough to not worry about money for that period, and great parents who are willing to help you out as much as possible!) It was quite sad on the final day of coming back here with my dad dropping me off, but at the same time it feels quite nice. Nice to have my privacy back, my own bathroom schedule and be able to use my gaming PC again!
It’s currently 6am as I write this, sadly my sleep got interrupted by a phone notification, turns out a friend was spamming me on Steam so now I am awake. The power of the internet right there folks, being able to wake someone up from thousands of miles away. However, I am not too fussed. My semester starts again today, and my lecture is at 11:15 so it’s not all too bad.
Initially I was kind of freaking out, predominantly due to the fact that my first lecture this week involves group-based work... and I guess I’m not really satisfied with the input that I had put in before Xmas for the group, but oh well. I am hopefully willing to change that with this next lecture coming up.
I want to try and get some organisation into the group. Sort out roles for each group member so we know what we’re doing and contribute more ideas together. I think before Xmas I was just so drained, tired and stressed with all the other assignments that my mind just went completely blank. However, it’s a new year now, new semester and that means I gotta be back on my A game.
So I’m feeling relatively optimistic about that, albeit nervous.. but hey, I’m still here and I’ve managed to get through all this shit before in my life, there’s hardly anything stopping me, other than how negatively my mind perceives me. In all fairness, my mood has been quite good ever since Christmas and my last post. I’m hoping it stays that way! I’m satisfied with the long break I had, and now it’s time to work hard again. This project should be fun anyways.
I don’t imagine this project/assignment will be too time-consuming regardless.. we’ve got 4 months to do it and we’ve got a very very basic concept that runs... I guess we just need to keep adding stuff to it over the next 4 months and see how far we get into it. Least that gives me hopes about time-keeping for the other assignments I’m starting this semester which I’m sure will be just as stressy as the ones I’ve just done :^)
Talking of assignments, my creative skills assignment got graded, the one which heavily involves Photoshop, Illustrator and all that graphic design stuff. I got 68, which was 2 marks off the top criteria.. So I’m happy with that! Considering a pass grade is 40, an extra 28 marks on top of that I’m chuffed with. So that’s kept me very positive recently that my work isn’t utter crap!
I am sorta worried for my other two assignments that are yet to be graded. One assignment which is the creating a game in Unity that I had to request an extension for, I feel like I’m going to get a low grade or not pass at all... trying to write the code myself was so difficult so uh, some sort of it was uh, “referenced” from online, i guess. My 3D modelling assignment I’m also sorta worrying about as I rushed it towards Christmas as I requested an extension for that too. Oh well, I’m going to try not to let it play on my mind...
On a more positive note, I decided to get this student housing thing sorted once and for all. I can’t afford to go back into student halls, and I’ma be real with you, but the flatmates you get can be obnoxious as fuck. Not saying that my current flatmates are like that, but uh, we just live and let live and we don’t really speak to each other. But they like to hog the kitchen a lot, and that annoys me. So I don’t really want to put up with that again next year. 
I organised a Discord group thingy between my bf and a friend from the course, so we could get a 3 bed house that’s close to the campus. Thing is, this student house is ideal for me because the rent is so cheap compared to student halls. So if I can get this student house, I’d be able to keep and spend so much more than I get right now. Lets put it this way, in student halls at the moment, I only get £300 to spend across the 3 months. If I was in a student house, on average I’d have just over £1k to save/spend over the 3 months. Yum fucking yum!!! So I really hope to fuc that we can get a place sorted!
I ain’t really got no fear of anything going wrong tbh... we still got quite a bit of time, and there’s still some good choices going around in the area near the university- which is convenient as currently where we stay it is an hour walk to campus, and yeah.... not worth it. I might also mention it to a few friends on the course if they want to also come live with us, but it looks like everyone is sorted... so I think it’s best that we just find a place, inquire, see if we’re happy and then slap the deposit on it.
Conveniently, my dad just got his redundancy money from work and has offered to pay my deposit for me which is a MAJOR help, otherwise I simply would not be able to afford it and live at the same time. So I feel very blessed knowing this. Of course, once we get to the house I am not going to blast any of the money, in fact I might just spend it how I do now, very minimally. Reason being? Overdraft. I gotta get out my overdraft. My bank has started to change the limit of how much is fee-free, and at the moment I can take out up to £2000 and it’s fee-free, but at the end of this year it’s going down to £1500, then the year after it’s £1000, year after is £500 and then so on.
So realistically, it is absolutely in my best interests to go for a student house. I need that money. I have also been looking at costs about doing an internship in Canada, and yes, it is fairly expensive once you count the application fees, flight fees and the fact that the Canadian government want you to prove that you have 2400CAD in your bank to prove that you can sustain yourself in Canada.
I have been looking at the invitation pools for UK residents to take the working holiday visa scheme in Canada, and right now it seems 3k people have signed up, and there’s 6k slots... so... that’s filled some hope in me! I just really hope I get a place!! It is absolutely my dream to work in Canada for the year. I just gotta be on top of my game on December 2020... as I believe that’s when the pools next open. I just hope they don’t mind being there for only a year when the visa grants you two years! But uh, they don’t need to know that hehe... or maybe they do. lol idk.
But yes, a student house is needed in order for all this to be accomplished. I know for a fact I would be more comfortable staying with my bf and a coursemate rather than more random people that I have to awkwardly say hi to when I want to grab my noodles from the kitchen. But yes, I’m estimating that over the second year, I’ll have about £800 or so to spend. That’s amazing. And I want to invest £500 into my overdraft so I can go down to the fee-free amount (£1500), and then do the same for the next instalment so I can go down to £1000, and then save whatever is left from the final instalment to try and sustain myself for if & when I go to Canada. They ask for 2400CAD in your bank, and that’s £1400... I guess as long as I have that in my bank they’ll accept me, and then once I get in I can focus on paying that overdraft off.
I’ve heard internships in Canada pay minimum wage, so if I have extra money in the month that I don’t necessarily need, I’ll send it to my UK bank account and help me get out of that overdraft, as when/if i’m in Canada, the fee-free amount will reduce to £500 or so, therefore I need to get that paid off. I don’t think it should be too difficult, but I’m super relying on these things working out, and lets be real, there’s a very high chance of all this not working out. Though, I won’t allow myself to. I will find a student house. I will save the money I get when I’m at said student house. I will pay my overdraft bit by bit. I will try to save up 2400CAD so I can get accepted into Canada, but the most important part: I will try my best to entice Canadian game studios to accept me.. 
That last part, that’s going to be tricky I think... I hope I am good enough that they will accept me as their intern. I don’t know really. I still don’t know where I wanna go , but anywhere in Canada I’m happy with: particularly if it’s Toronto or Montreal. Hell, I have still been learning French for just in case I do get a place in Montreal. They speak French there? well heck, so will I with all this time I got to do it. Plus, I’ve been wanting to learn French for a while, but just needed a sort of kick up the butt to say “ok, here’s why you should ACTUALLY do it!” and yea :3
That being said , I would also be happy if I got accepted at a studio in Vancouver.. a bit far and very much behind time-wise from the UK, but hey it’s only for the year, I may as well live it up aye? Of course, I am still banking on myself to get accepted into the pools and be invited by the Canadian gov, then consult jobs/studios all over Canada with my work and stuff, then save up the money to get into Canada, all simultaneously while trying to find a roommate in whichever city I get to (however, this seems like a rather simple one as I’ve already seen many apps that can help find roommates and offers seem to come & go A LOT.)
A roommate would definitely be ideal for me, as it would help split the rent. If I’m going to stay in a city like Vancouver or Toronto, it isn’t really possible for me to sustain myself on minimum wage in these cities. So a roommate is ideal. Besides, I need friends when I get there anyway! lol
I wonder if I’ll look back at this post in a few years and think... “Wow Kurt, you thought it was that easy?” - part of me thinks this goal is far-fetched, another part of me sees it as perfectly accomplishable with the correct amount of time, planning and finances. So really... I don’t know. I would say at the moment, probability is low in the likeliness of me getting in, because my work is still a bit.. questionable, as I am still a fresher after all. So I gotta rely on producing really good work that catches the eyes of employers, host a website with my portfolio on it and send it to just as many Canadian studios as I can and then hope for the best. I just really want this goal, it’s an even more motivating goal than thinking of graduation, honestly! 
Welp. I posted a lot on this one, but everything I said here is 100% the things that run through my mind a lot of the nights. I am going to stay optimistic, I’m going to work to the best of my ability and make my creations look appealing, I am going to get that student house so I can be happy financially and secure myself & my goals. Til next time
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askpokepelago · 7 years
(( OK so as you could all see, we are done with the sideblog transfer. We’ll pick back up on Sunday in our voted event on Melemele island.
I’m going to be making a schedule for myself so I can keep pace better. Currently I’m thinking Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday activity orrrr Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday...
On the note of schedule, I have a vague goal to get us Lillie and Lusamine back in Alola by January. So in the meantime, please send asks about anything and everything so we can get there as soon as possible. For our new followers, asks can be reactions, comments, questions, suggestions to what they should do, goofy nonsense, drama stirring (within universe ofc), and most anything! I can work with a lot, think of this like Twitch-Plays-Pokemon or CYOA in a sense. Each character DOES have their own autonomy but you DO contribute to the narrative significantly and can even control Pokemon who are inclined to listen.
Lastly, I’m going to make a policy page on specifically RP interactions. On one hand this isn’t an RP blog by conventional means. On the other hand people HAVE assumed identities and formed some bonds with Mohn through them and I like to encourage that. (I’d say our 3 most notable and reoccurring anons- ‘Poffin Puff’, the one who always asks the Bidoof question to every character, and the trainer with Lucario and Absol who is always warning the characters and trying to go the extra mile to help Mohn out. And yes, Mohn considers you all friends.)
...That said, I’m willing to try broadening that experiment. If the blog becomes too overrun with RP interactions or people aren’t following the rules outlined for it, I’ll reserve the right to drop it with only 1 public notice.
Thank you everyone who has shared my posts and to all new followers! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving/Holiday season! ))
How about some mobile-friendly rules for our RPers, ey? If you’re not interested and this is on your dash, please just scroll past as there is no more news below.
This is not a roleplay blog, it’s first function is an ask blog progressing a post-Moon(game) storyline around Mohn. I will not send you asks, I do not do starters or threads, dash commentary, memes, etc. All I’ll do is answer asks and submissions to this blog.
No canon roleplay character interactions. Please do not send interactions as a canon character. Even if you play non-universe canon like Yellow from Pokespecial or Ash from the anime, I don’t want to cherry pick “what” canon characters I’ll accept interactions from. I want to keep the right to use any character within this storyline, so no canon rp characters of any form of Pokemon media. Sorry!! The sole exception is you can play as a Pokemon but if you’re playing as a Pokemon you also cannot play as a legendary/mythical/Ultra Beast/TypeNULL to Silvally/original fakemon.
It’s a one-way street for interaction and it has to conform within the universal setting (some specifics to help clarify: no non-Pokemon fandom OCs, no Ultra Recon Squad OCs. Not to say we’ll never be open to URS but URS is not in Pokemon Sun&Moon and we haven’t reached a point post-game that could allow their existence in this world).
Even though it’s a one-way street for interaction, that isn’t to say Mohn/ the characters won’t interact or inquire with you back! If you want Mohn/others to have a pre-established relation within universe (such as an Aether employee or someone he went to school with or an old student of his, etc, etc.) send a submission or send me a message with an overview of what you had in mind and I’ll give you the OK to go if it works.
You can send asks from your character on or off anon in our inbox and our characters will interact with you. In a way, this is a multimuse setting- you may not only talk to Mohn, you may also talk to other characters.
Interaction is NOT limited to talking! You can physically interact with them and the Pokemon too, and they’ll interact with you as if you are physically there; alternatively, you can call Mohn’s cell.
However, Mohn being alive&well will not be in-universe public knowledge until we’re into further plots planned for 2018. Canonically, Sun&Moon’s Poke Pelago was enshrouded in a thick cloud where the outside world never saw it except for our player character Moon. You, the broad non-specific audience, were the Only Other Entity outside of police to know of Mohn on Poke Pelago. No it won’t be explained or clarified but You are a friend of Mohn’s and not considered part of the greater public.
If what you send creates problems, another muse may interfere (such as Agent PSY4 constantly had done in the past), or I may not accept the ask. Sorry!
This blog is PG13 aimed to be family friendly with just a lot of dark themes that follow Sun&Moon’s storyline. Those themes include child abuse, animal (Pokemon) abuse, emotional abuse, cartoon violence, and there may be shades of mental and physical illness. That means no NS//FW content and no swearing. Touchy subjects are tagged.
If you acknowledge these rules and want to join in, give it a like so I know you saw it!
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swelldomains · 7 years
How brands targeted “New Year, New Me” resolution makers to increase social media engagement
Did you make any New Year's Resolutions in January?
Many of us did - and also thankfully, for those people that chose to begin the year filled with excellent purposes, leading wellness retail and traveling brands (to name a pair) were on hand to motivate as well as enlighten us on the incentives of living an extra goal-focused lifestyle.
So who did what?
“I want to get fitter.”
Hitting the fitness center a lot more in 2017? Virgin Active UK took a very inspired technique on social media sites in order to help you. With their January 21 Days To #FeelIt project, they partnered with 21 social influencers who all committed to 21 days of exercising, to follow them on their health and fitness resolution adventures and also chart their successes. (Yes - 21 was a style.)
Virgin shared their influencer's blog posts and also involved with them throughout all networks, sending a message to their own following that "doing anything for 21 days will make it stick" - fitness included!
Their goals, backgrounds and also areas were all special, as were their reasons for wishing to be extra sports - whether it was to simply be as fit as feasible, develop their "summer body" - or also get prepped for the zombie apocalypse. (An individual goal of mine, also.)
Why did it work?
Virgin's range of influencers and also solid, unified strategy throughout all accounts made certain that they gave themselves the ideal possible opportunity of getting their motivational message before a huge prospective target market - one that would provide superb ROI in signing up afterwards.
The proof remains in the (exercising after) dessert - Virgin personal trainer and also proprietor of Wildcat Physical fitness, Lisa-Jane, commented that:
" I have actually been showing classes (Body Pump and Body Assault) at Virgin Energetic UK for over 8 years, and whilst we do constantly experience a 'January rush' of new gym-goers every year, this year has certainly been the busiest I've ever understood. My courses have actually all been waitlist-only, as well as sometimes totally scheduled 6 days in advance which is uncommon. Consequently the ambience has been unbelievable and I have actually met a lot of individuals that are starting out on their physical fitness journey, which to me can be only an extremely favorable thing and something I'm proud to be a part of."
' #FeelIt has been a dazzling campaign to kick off the year stylishly for Virgin Active", an agent from Virgin more informed us. "We were able to develop purposeful web content across a variety of channels while showcasing our internal skill - all supporting our picked 21 as well as pressing them to really feel brilliant! Seeing 21 different viewpoints on the best ways to build a lasting health and fitness practice, to leave them really feeling fantastic all year around, has been a fabulous knowing experience for us - and we have actually seen marked interest from brand-new social followers, as well."
“I want to eat better.”
A no-brainer of an opportunity for UK Supermarkets that filled our social media feeds with a series of healthy recipes and motivational messages to inspire and prepare us for a tidy 2017.
Not one to lose out, benefit merchant Nisa Resident (please note: Nisa are a customer of ours), partnered with their key suppliers, to supply quick and healthy dish suggestions, offers and also competitions: presenting healthy food as well as cooking as accessible as well as fun!
We were very keen to get Nisa's following to share their stories with us, welcoming them to try our recipes and, inquiring to share their fitness routines with us to aid inspire others to offer it a go, too.
Why did it work?
Stories of "healthy and balanced eating" usually discover as boring and also monotonous: lacklustre love affairs with soups and salads unhappily embarked after while we still secretly crave pizza and also ice cream.
So being told that, essentially, you can have all of it (terrific preference, straightforward dishes and also well balanced meals which taste like our less-good-for-you favourites) - well, that was undoubtedly mosting likely to be songs to our ears! Food brand names saw the resolution's core troubles as well as answered them - a straightforward back-and-forth that made January terrific for healthy living advertising and marketing rewards, as well as one that makes it terrific year after year.
“I want to travel more.”
Taking centre social phase for your travel-based resolutions (and also maybe a lot more poignantly, lightening up those pesky January Blues) - STA Travel.
The guidebook service reduced their costs for flights throughout the month (and are remaining to do so - resolutions aren't simply for January, after all!), advertising with a healthy and balanced mix of 3rd party reviews, blog site articles, their #StartTheAdventure hashtag and lots and also whole lots of breaking photography.
They likewise - in addition to various other traveling business such as Ice Lolly Holiday - had a flash Blue Monday competition on January 16th (apparently the "most gloomy day of the year") in which they provided their following the chance to win their dream holiday *sigh*.
Now those are bound to obtain your traveling resolution cogs in gear.
Why did it work?
STA's way to obtain you encouraged? Offering your convenience area a bad rep. Their aesthetically impactful blog posts are geared in the direction of things to waiting to, making seemingly aspirational and also out-of-reach experiences seem possible - and also achievable now. This "sharpening your appetite" technique also adopted real-time social such as Facebook Live and Snapchat, bringing the follower right into the moment again, perceivably, to earn them crave a comparable experience (and for that reason book one).
Again, client testimonials are respected throughout their feeds, revealing other individuals having a wonderful time on their very own journeys to motivate all of us to publication experiences as well as participate all the fun.
A common theme?
People are doing exactly what you intend to be doing, and also they're doing it currently. Showcasing people "like you" going with a 2017 objective you share is a strong way to motivate a larger complying with to hop onboard so as not to "miss out" - it's a gentle balance in between inspirational competition and, even more, driving the sentence that you can be standing out at what you want, too.
2017 is currently shaping up to be a whole lot of people's "years" - so why can not it be yours?
Subscribe to Extreme for a lot more juicy short articles similar to this, directly to your inbox - the best spot of lunchtime reading!
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
I Wish You a Merry QAL - Block 11
Welcome to the I Wish You a Merry QAL!
Block 11 is here! And after this, only one more block to go! Go thing, since around here the days are growing shorter and the temperatures are dropping.
How are your blocks coming along? Here's what mine look like.
Click here to learn more about the quilt along schedule and the location of the patterns for blocks 1 to 10. Continue reading to find out more about Block 11 and how to enter the block giveaway.
For my blocks, I’m using the Shiny Objects in Holiday Twinkle collection by flaurie & finch for RJR Fabrics.
Block 11 (North Star) in our quilt along was designed by Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing. Here’s my version.
Isn't this a beautiful block? For the background of my block, I chose #3023-06 (Sugar). For the star I used #3022-06 (Seafoam), #3023-07 (Crystal), 3163-05 (Seafoam), and #3164-04 (Snow).
Tips for making this block
As a QAL host, I’m here to help you achieve success with this block. Kathleen (clever girl) has provided several different ways for you to make this block. I chose paper-piecing.
First though you must make the square in a square in the center of the block. Follow Kathleen's directions, and you'll be fine. When I use the sew-and-flip technique, I always mark the diagonal sewing line. This helps me to be more accurate, and with a square in square, accuracy is the key. After it's sewn, trim the square in square unit to 4-1/2".
I made the star point units using paper piecing. Here's a quick tutorial to help you. For more help on paper piecing, click here.
I decided to cut my star point fabrics 2-3/4" x 5-1/2" and not cut them in half diagonally as Kathleen directs. This just made sense to me although it probably uses more fabric. Anyway, to paper piece, lay the background rectangle face down, then lay the foundation (face up) on top of it. I try to place the line between A1 and A2 roughly 1/4" down from the edge of the background rectangle. I only have to eyeball it because the next step ensures an exact 1/4". Pin before moving onto step 2. You should make sure though that the A1 area fits inside the background rectangle.
Next, I place a card on the line between A1 and A2, fold the foundation back over the card, and place my 1/4" marker on the card and trim.
Next, I flip the foundation over, and lay the star point fabric on top of the background fabric, right sides together and matching that newly trimmed edge. Pin again, flip the foundation over to the right side and sew on the line.
That's it! All that's left is to press and trim. When I trim, I measure 1/4" from the solid line on the foundation.
The next block unit you need to sew are the rays. Follow Kathleen's directions and you should be just fine. Simply press the ray fabric in half, lay it along the edge of one of the background triangles, then lay another background triangle on top and sew. You can make the rays wider by cutting the ray fabric wider, such as 1" or even 1 1/4".
I kept the foundation papers on my star point units until I'd sewn them into the block, but you can remove them if you want. I just find that leaving the foundations with their seam markings on helps ensure a perfectly sewn block.
I pressed my seams open as Kathleen suggests.
Be sure to drop by Kathleen’s blog to get your free block pattern. Also, don’t forget to visit the other quilt along hosts to see their versions of this block.
Abbie at Sparkle On April at JANDA Bend Quilts Becca at Pretty Piney Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting Diane at Cwilt Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter Karen at Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts Sandy at SandyStar Designs Sherry at Powered by Quilting Vanda at Quilt in Piece
Be sure to enter the giveaway!
To enter the Christmas Lantern block giveaway, you must make the block and post it in one of these three places by Monday, November 20th at 11:59 PM EST.
On Instagram, with the hashtag #iwishyouamerrychristmasqal
In our private Facebook group
To the linky on Kathleen's blog
If you post your North Star block by the deadline, you might win this wonderful prize package—a Binding Baby from Doohikey Designs and a PDF pattern of your choice from yours truly!
Share what you're working on!
If you like show and tell, I'd love it if you'd also share what you've been working on lately in my weekly Wednesday Wait Loss linky. We have a great group of quilters and the projects are inspiring! The atmosphere is so fun and encouraging. If you need a little incentive to join us, I'm having a giveaway so be sure to link up! The currently linky is open until midnight EST tonight, then on Wednesday, another linky starts.
Come back for the next block!
On Tuesday, December 4th, be sure to come back here for the last block in our quilt along--Block 12! I'll also be showing you several ways you might finish your quilt.
We have a fabulous grand prize package, and I encourage you to join us! There are many people who are catching up too so you'll have lots of company. If you need inspiration, I highly recommend our Facebook group.
To be eligible to win the grand prize, you must post a completed quilt top that includes all 12 blocks by 11:59 PM EST January 15, 2018. Your top doesn't need to be quilted to enter for the grand prize, but it must include one of every block. Look at this incredible package of prizes--thread, fabric, batting, patterns and more!
You can follow me on social media or sign up for my newsletter if you’d like a reminder when the next block is posted. You’ll find all the ways to follow me at the top of my sidebar. If you have any general questions about the quilt along or would like to see the complete schedule, click the I Wish You a Merry QAL tab above.
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lamurdiparasian · 7 years
Choosing The Suitable Diamond Ring Proposal007
A marriage proposal will (with some luck) only occur and once into your life, so you’ll want it to be special and excellent. Soon after you’ve did wonders along the nerve to inquire, you’ll desire a inspiring and romantic route to put the concern. To assist you, let us discuss 21 specific marriage proposal ideas that will certainly develop a sizeable opinion:
Proposal Planner Nyc
Require your girlfriend to precise spot the place possessed the initial time frame. Reminisce somewhat after which it say something such as, “We’ve got a fantastic excursion along to this point, and so I do believe we’re geared up to take the next phase for the reason that trip. I’m hoping you’ll do me the honor of marrying me.”
Marriage Proposal Ideas Nyc
Marriage Proposal Ideas Nyc
Engagement Planners
Proposal Photography
Nyc Engagement Ideas
Marriage Proposal Ideas
Proposal In New York
The travels is the perfect time to recommend. Display the ring container just like an ornament within the tree. Once the continue existing has long been started, say, “Simply wait, there’s continue to another current.” Question your designed to find it or maybe just retrieve it and propose.
Another holiday break marriage proposal idea is to wrap the band field on the inside quite a few more prominent boxes, like Russian nesting dolls, so your sweetheart will think that the present is incredibly great. As every one tier is exposed, the laughs will raise. Get down on a particular joint most suitable given that the last compartment is started.
Give your sweetheart a delicate massage and spare the left-hand for carry on. When you rub that fingers, fall the band on and be ready to pop the problem.
Have fun playing a trivia gaming with each other. After it is your sweetheart’s turn, casually say, “Your question for you is: Would you like to wed me?” rather than inquiry drafted about the charge card.
Scavenger hunts are normally an engaging marriage proposal idea. Start off with a simple clue to somewhere near by, then choosing the suitable diamond ring marriage proposal ideas read more difficult as the scavenger hunt develops. Contain the final setting turned into a position that permit you to hide, and afterwards place out and get down on a particular joint.
Spell out the marriage proposal in the most place they aren’t ready for to find it, potentially choosing alphabet freezer magnets, making it in lip stick for the shower room vanity mirror, by using radiance-in-the-shadowy superstars to publish it on your sleeping quarters roof, or getting out of bed in advance and moving a fake publication post on the tremendous newspaper.
Build a path to the engagement diamond ring. One example is, scatter petals within the entry way for the room and workout significantly more petals to spell out “Do you want to wed me?” On the other hand, you could utilize candles to find a route, but be aware. You don’t melt off your home along!
Area sweet notices in numerous spots throughout the house. In each and every identify, generate something you take pleasure in regarding sweetheart and how to locate the subsequent be aware. During the last message say “For everybody these motives and more, I want to put in the remainder of my life on hand. Are you going to marry me?”
Come up with it using a jigsaw puzzle! Print out “Do you want to get married to me?” in a personalized jigsaw challenge on Shutterfly or Portrait Puzzles, and then have your sweetie address it.
Acquire a compartment of chocolate for your special girlfriend and take the place of a person sweets with all the band. As soon as they open it up, get on you knee to end the task.
You could also cover up the ring pack at a carton of eggs. Every time they head to make the morning meal, anticipate to decline to at least one leg.
Most movie movie theaters have practicing advertising and marketing glides just before the previews which can be acquired. Buy glide and make certain to go to the theater earlier ample.
Receive a streets busker to sing “Do you want to get married me?” once you go walking by. Ask, “Does one listen to what he’s singing?” Then reduce to 1 leg and place the concern.
When your designated flies commonly, get loved ones to become listed on you around the international airport where they’ll all last warning signs spelling out “Would you like to get married me?” since the girlfriend disembarks on the jet. Make certain you’re the only one positioning the “me” signal!
Method a surprise voyage choosing blindfolds and circuitous ways. When you buy for your holiday location – i hope, an impressive, hidden location – burst the concern. If you’re going to be right away, don’t ignore to bring along a plastic bag for your personal girlfriend!
Dining establishments can be popular areas to recommend. Call up in advance and receive their information on a sensible way to recommend in their own eating place. Most likely the proposal is put together out on a plate or even waiter delivers the diamond ring as well as your entrees.
By the beach, tell your girlfriend that you will sketch an image, though not to seek nonetheless since you want it to grab it proper. Post the marriage proposal within the fine sand, then bring in them onto see what you’ve established.
Wrap up an intimate picnic and set the band along with the treat. After the leisurely meals, make sure you ask your bee honey to generate from the dessert.
Skywriting is certainly an awesome, completely unique route to recommend. You could have an enchanting and personal marriage proposal, when also proclaiming your appreciate around the globe. One more option: find a jet to travel a banner ad with “Do you want to get married me, ___?” across your village.
For any wintery marriage proposal when there’s snowfall on the floor, store the snowfall into words or make a pull container brimming with purple pigmented standard water and spell out “Do you want to wed me?” with the snowfall.
Proposition recommendations
Proposing can be very overwhelming, even though youAndrsquo;re 100% convinced your partner will say yes! WeAndrsquo;ve create 33 proposal ideas to help make positive your proposal is particular in your life and often will make your other half’s evening…and if you would like any further encouragement, make sure you look over our have.
A Submit Field Proposal
For those who’re a hectic man, why not consider a submit box proposal equipment? Organized by proposal scheduling authorities The Proposers, their nifty systems will guarantee you have got all that you should art an excellent proposal – just wear’t ignore the ring!
The Really romantic Dinner party for just two Specify contains a recipe for pizza along with cardiovascular system shaped mould, personalized aprons, a candlestick, a checked out dinner table cloth along with a customized pizzas container for one to existing the completed device it. In addition it provides you with Andlsquo;He inquired’ and Andlsquo;She mentioned yes !’ props therefore, you’re set up for that blog post-proposal selfie!
Persona credit standing: The Proposers at Not about the High-street
Selecting Proposal Organizers
They right behind the submit compartment proposal above, The Proposers, can deal with you to ultimately personalize establish your perfect proposal:
Andldquo;We discover out by pointing out few making sure that we are able to make sure the daytime is customize-done.
There’s a great deal of weight that is provided with suggesting and that we use that stress from them so that they can utilize the occasion,Andrdquo; clarifies Daisy Amodio, founding father of The Proposers.
See somewhat more of their work by studying on and made it easier for them arrange a dreamy picnic proposal.
Within the Commute
When your significant other usually spends lots of time commuting, why not enhance their process by proposing? Considerate bridegroom Adam organized for your herd of vocalists to wonder his bride to always be Lucy on the way your home. You can actuallyAndrsquo;t keep an eye on the recording without the need of finding goose lumps and crying!
A Scavenger Search
Prolong the anticipation with your proposal by making it a scavenger hunt. Abandon clues around your chosen specific location and allow your associate see their technique to you together with the band! It is normally as small-scale or as committed as you want – from notices around the house to friends placed in tactical sites available a town, each one of these having some other clue.
Say it With Plants
Present your loved one which has a fabulous bouquet of flower arrangements, and put the engagement ring within the center!
Persona credit standing: Green Sky Roses, Photography credit score: Christina Rossi Photo taking
Film Trailers
Possibly the two of you bonded more than a passion for films? Design your have video trailers relating to your association and finish it on ‘The Wedding: Emerging Soon enough?’ We like the case in point just below!
Make Use Of A Setting
Over a snowy occasion, why not top of your head exterior ahead of time to create out ‘Can You Get married to Me?’ while in the snow? Or if perhaps youAndrsquo;re at the shore, post it within the fine sand. You can even show the ring in any casing, like !
In a very Publication
If your spouse loves to look at, why not placed a note throughout their existing arrange to allow them to find? Take a look at a web site turner!
Look credit history: suziscribbles at Etsy
On the other hand, you can use some outstanding e-book art form like this Etsy invention to help get the meaning through.
Appearance credit rating: FoldedBookGifts at Etsy
Snapshot Recording
Show off your original area by producing a digital photo album of your life together to this point – it can actually consist of special occasions and holidays Andndash; and hands it for your partner. Abandon a section empty in the end called ‘The Wedding’. Make sure you be upon a single joint.
Impression credit: Oh yeah So Valued at Not over the High Street
On Period
Get a particular date from the live theatre or on a live performance honestly wonderful by arranging a proposal. One of our real wedding girls was proposed to on stage for a Teach show – her man put up all around the stage front door the evening previously to wait to ask the music band whenever they’d assist in his proposal the second event!
Just be sure you straightforward it using the performing artists upfront – level crashing and remaining thrown out will never be amorous.
When youAndrsquo;re sensation a touch display, why not request a skywriter to produce from the proposal on the heavens? ItAndrsquo;s a superb alternative if you and your other half like cloud observing.
With a Athletic Online game
You may bonded through your love of nfl football, or maybe you achieved in the regional rugby go well with? Get a leaf from Kanye Western side’s manual – he recommended to Kim Kardashian using the large panel for a baseball video game.
Image credit: instagram.com/kimkardashian
On the Aeroplane
Impressed by a further enchanting groom from my , why not request if you can take over the tannoy and propose about the jet? It’s the ideal way to get started your vacation in style.
On Vacation
Market research on your part Andamp; Your Wedding discovered that above sixty-six per cent of marriage get active on holiday, and it makes sense. You’re out of the house, just the two of you, in a very lovely configuration. All you need to do is offer the gemstone and you simplyAndrsquo;re sorted.
Rose Petal Pathway
Make returning home from perform all the more of interesting adventure by causing a path of increased petals from your front door to a place in your house. Be patiently waiting with a bottle of champagne with an engagement engagement ring.
Refrigerator Magnets
For people with youngsters at your residence (or perhaps youAndrsquo;re just small at cardiovascular), your refrigerator could very well be engrossed in alphabet refrigerator magnets. Maximize them and spell out a proposal principles Andndash; and make certain thereAndrsquo;s bubbly chilling within the refrigerator.
Dvd Evening
Quite often a comfortable day in proposal perhaps be the most loving. Put in place an enchanting motion picture night-time for your other partially with this wonderful Dvd Nights Proposal Package on the Proposers. It offers personalized popcorn boxes, a custom made DVD claim, an huge admission, gourmet popcorn plus a clapperboard and chalk pencil so you can personalise it with your personal communication. Certainly, it arrives with equipment for a proposal selfie!
Graphic loan: The Proposers at Not to the High-street
Along with a Cake
Everyone loves cakes do you know why not feature it for your proposal? GC Couture have created a cake only for proposals Andndash; created to appear as if an famous Tiffany band package, you can put your personal ring at the top, and then utilize the scrumptious care for soon after.
Impression credit rating: GC Fashion
On your Picnic
Plan an enchanting picnic and hide the diamond ring compartment through the hamper! Make sure that your fascinating compartment consists of celebra
The post Choosing The Suitable Diamond Ring Proposal007 appeared first on Screenprint Dynamics.
from Blogger http://lamurdis.blogspot.com/2017/06/choosing-suitable-diamond-ring.html
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
Sunshine Music Tours And Travels actors perform a stunt live
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/29/sunshine-music-tours-and-travels-actors-perform-a-stunt-live/
Sunshine Music Tours And Travels actors perform a stunt live
Manufacturer Shailendra Singh, who makes his directorial debut with ‘Sunshine Track Excursions And Travels’ (SMTT), brought a real touch to film promotions. On Sunday afternoon at an open floor in Mumbai suburbs, he was given his actors to perform a breath-taking stunt for a promotional occasion of the film, a musical street adventure presenting a hundred and seventy rookies. Most important actors Sunny Kaushal,free sunshine clip art
Ashrut Jain, Mayank Karla, Sooraj Oh, Subha Rajput and Divyajotee Sharma were put right into a bus which became lifted to approximately 100 ft above the ground. The stunt, choreographed by one among India’s leading motion administrators, had Sunny putting from the suspended bus. The film releases on September 2.
Sunshine And The Need For Electricity
In some sections of the world, we underwrite on an ongoing base the sunshine. We frequently do not recognize the peril of the UV radiation and perceiving colder atmosphere nations they truly with complete their coronary heart adore the solar like never before.
Reality be told doing a reversal to my own unique home country, The Netherlands, the number one issue we do whilst the sun seems and provides us with a few warm beams, we positioned a towel in the road or grass, set down and permit our frame to get prepared by means of the solar. It feels so high-quality as a consequence heat!
I can’t factor the finger at you even as making a grin all over or even noisily have a healthy about this execution. “Culture” is the response to this overall performance!
Have we ever thought what else the sun can do, other than the UV radiation? Shouldn’t something be said approximately the arena’s vitality of around 98%, if now not ninety-nine%, originates from the solar? Some of its miles reaped particularly via plant life, trees, and sun orientated forums.
In both situations, wind and hydro manipulate assets to make use of sun based vitality through implication.
Coal and petroleum assets that have been so bustling eating now show positioned away solar orientated vitality from the inaccessible beyond. do not you fear! Each and every day lots of sunlight hours energy falls on earth to deliver our power needs everywhere at some stage in the arena with the necessities.
The measure of sun orientated power we take these days, not the slightest bit diminishes the sum we will take the next day or on every occasion in a while. solar based vitality can be in particular stuck in a collection of methods.
One of the most established strategies for daylight based is warming
Family water for showering, dish washing, or space warming. Currently a day we experience the sizeable massive panels on the pinnacle of the roof, it’s a standout between the maximum cleanest and direct strategies for reaping the solar’s vitality. it’s referred to as “Photovoltaics” or simply “PV”
What within the hack is Photovoltaics or better depicted what are Photovoltaic cells?Photovoltaic, moreover named “sun collector cells” had been produced a few location inside the 1950’s as an off-shoot of transistor innovation. Thin layer of unadulterated silicone are immersed with modest measures of various additives
How absolutely creative in mind of the fact that once offered to the daylight hours, little measures of energy had been created
They had been quite a great deal a research center ordeal till the approach of spaceflight. The carrier agencies couldn’t make the experience of a way to get their wires out into space, the PV turned into a glorious association.
Even hard with a worldwide petroleum aid, we’re going to run out pretty rapid of reasonably-priced oil. round then the fees were extremely high, they oversaw it to trade it in the mid-1960’s. Utilizing the innovation from the cutting-edge truth, we should degree up to the complete electricity advent of the united states with PV manipulate flora.
In any case, we may cling at the period of we are able to
To our relaxed coal and petroleum, there’s most probably on the top of the priority listing that the PV can be the tremendous asset for the nearby future.
Speak about the solar and it is advantages we beyond any doubt need to apprehend the chance of the UV radiation for each unmarried person incorporated our dogs, tom cats, and equine companions with underline the eyes particularly!
Wrapping up this extremely academic article, we actually want to inquire as to whether we benefit from all of the space applications obtainable? I think, preferably with lots of you, we beyond any doubt earnings with the aid of it.
Written by using: Christyna Wyden’s
Budget Travel Tips Every Traveler Needs to Know of
Making plans a budgeted trip is an art and not many human beings are privy to a way to do it successfully. In case you’re a common frugal tourist, you’d realize precisely a way to paintings around arranging a dream trip inside your restrained price range. This receives even extra difficult with the sky excessive air fares and the inn prices.
If you wish to experience a budgeted excursion without needlessly annoying approximately the limitless tour prices all the instances, here are some high-quality travel hints you can want to remember.
E-book Early
Being the early foul helps you to save lots for your travels. Examine that the subsequent time you plan to save for your holiday and control to E-book properly earlier than time. Since the high-quality airline and motel deals vanish soon, reserving ahead of time is a splendid manner of securing your probabilities of a budgeted ride. Airways screen their first-class fares properly earlier than time. Constant searching on the net allows you to seize a deal you’ve got lengthy wished for.travel insurance
Use Trade Airports
Most of us just like the hustle and bustle and the benefit of massive global airports. They are incredible in every way, however no longer with regards to flying frugal. Considering the fact that Maximum of the passengers chooses those airports, airfares are Maximum possibly to be very high. To ease your tourists, choose the nearby airports which can be similarly pleasant. Of course, you will be able to find some first rate journey deals after you choose this.
opt for the alternative airports best if you may set up your transportation without difficulty to the airport. prices need to be considered here to get a higher knowledge of which airport you want to select when flying.
Flexibility is surely the key to making the Most of your travels. First of all, for a budgeted experience you have to keep away from height vacation season each time it’s possible. That is due to the fact this is the time of the year everyone is on the pass and it’s no less of a dreamy country to find something cost-effective. Airports are packed with passengers at the same time as the accommodations also are overflowing with guests. In instances like those, you’re much less likely to attain a deal of your dreams.
Shoulder journey seasons exercise session equally an amazing experience for organizing journeys. This is the budget friendly time to be visiting locations. Above that, you experience fewer crowds as properly.
 Stroll Regularly
Journeying is particularly highly-priced because of the charges inside the town. Transportation can upload as much as that notably. To make the first-class use of the state of affairs, on foot more could help you to keep massive. That is additionally feasible when you pick an inn inside the coronary heart of where all the sights are. In case you accomplish that, there’s no better way to revel in all the hustle and bustle of it apart from taking walks.
Actors – Can Social Media Help You Get Cast
Social media is literally converting the way initiatives are forged. All other matters being equal, if three actors are up for a role on a huge project, possibilities are the actor with a full-size following will nab the position. This means that in case you’re a savvy actor, you’ll begin building your social media empire Earlier than you’re up for a series ordinary.list of female actors a z
If you’re like a number of my clients, the idea of the usage of social media in your appearing profession may be absolutely overwhelming. I’m right here to tell you – don’t panic! here are 4 simple steps you may use to get your social media mojo began, supplying you with a leg up on the competition!sunshine pictures
Sart Small
There are many social media structures to pick from, but my advice is initially one and gets simply right at it. if you’re already the usage of Facebook besides, why no longer start there? Do you like taking images? Attempt Instagram! Perhaps Twitter is extra your pace. No need to overload yourself right away. you may constantly add every other once you have got the first one down.
Create a Plan
This is wherein you could get creative! Maintaining your actor emblem in thoughts, reflect consideration of some themes which you would love to post approximately often. For example, do you’ve got a charity which you paintings with? Do you want to make humans snort? Are you a foodie? you can additionally repost or retweet other people’s content, and provide them a shout-out. Of direction, do not forget to post your appearing successes, too!sunshine furniture Tulsa
 Make a Schedule
once you have a few daily topics in thoughts, it’s time to Schedule your posts for the week. I suggest the usage of a unfastened app like Bufferapp.Com or Hootsuite.Com. I’ve found that scheduling everyday posts in advance of time (for the week or the month) is much extra efficient than looking to post every single day.
It’s referred to as social media for a purpose, so make sure to spend a touch time each day responding to your likes, retweets, mentions, and different humans’ posts. Reciprocation is going a protracted manner, so hold the communicate going together with your peeps!
0 notes
inquiringquilter · 7 years
I Wish You a Merry QAL - Block 10
Welcome to the I Wish You a Merry QAL!
Today you get the pattern for Block 10, Christmas Lantern. Only two more to go! I can see the finish line--can you?
Here are Blocks 1 to 9. Don't they look awesome together?
Why not join us? To enter the giveaway for Block 10 you only need to make it and post a photo online (details at the end of this post). After making Block 10, you've got about two months to make the others, sew them into a quilt top, and enter our fabulous final giveaway! You won't believe the array of fabulous prizes!
Click here to learn more about the quilt along schedule and the location of the patterns for blocks 1 to 9. Continue reading to find out more about Block 10 and how to enter the block giveaway.
For my blocks, I’m using the Shiny Objects in Holiday Twinkle collection by flaurie & finch for RJR Fabrics.
Block 10 in our quilt along was designed by Diane @ Cwilt and it’s called Christmas Lantern. Here’s my version.
Isn't this a gorgeous block? I had a blast choosing the fabrics for it. For the background of my block, I chose #3026-05 Tannenbaum from the Holiday Twinkle collection. I used 2792-12 Snow for the snow and 3023-06 Sugar for the windows. For the lantern frame, I choose 3023-05 Scarlet. For the holly I chose 3023-08 Pistachio and 2792-13 Cranberry. For the bow, I chose 3163-04 Scarlet and 3163-03 Crimson. I love how these two fabrics combine to create the dimension of the bow.
Tips for making this block
As a QAL host, I’m here to help you achieve success with this block. To make this block, you'll use template piecing and applique.
I cut out the windows first and pieced them. My fabric was directional, and I wanted the lines to run across the windows and not down. So for me, I cut a 2-1/2" x 20" strip (no window piece is bigger than 2-1/2" tall). Then I laid my templates on top of the right side of my fabric, pinned, and cut.My lantern frame also uses directional fabric. I cut the top and bottom from a strip 1-1/2" x 12" with the strips running lengthwise; for the sides I used a strip 2-1/2" x 7" with the stripes running width-wise.
I pressed the window seams in each row in opposite directions so they nested when I stitched them together.
I decided to applique the lantern on a solid background rather than piecing the lantern and the background together. I am not a big fan of templates so for me, this was the best approach. As I found out though, this approach had its own challenges. So if you decide to applique the lantern on a whole background like I did, I'll try to provide enough tips to make that work for you. If you want to piece the background as the pattern instructs, please visit the other hosts for tips as I'm pretty sure they all pieced their background.
Anyway, because I was going to applique the lantern to the block background, I cut one piece for my background: a 13" square. I always cut my backgrounds a bit large for applique, and trim them down when I'm finished with the block.
One note before you continue--if you are using the hand-applique technique and not raw-edge, be sure to add a 1/4" seam allowance to the edges of the lantern where needed.
Because I was going to applique the lantern, after piecing the windows I cut the Lantern Base and the Lantern Roof at the same angle that piecing them to the Background would have been. To do that, I placed the 45-degree line on the edge of the template and drew the diagonals. I used the revised template to cut out my pieces.
To sew the Lantern Top to the window piece, I centered it.
After sewing them to the window section and pressing, I trimmed the excess (those little triangle things that always appear when you're dealing with angles like this).
I applied fusible to the back of the lantern and then fused it to the Background. Notice that I used a pressing sheet on my ironing board to protect it while applying a piece of fusible cut just larger than the lantern to the back of the lantern. After applying the fusible, I trimmed it to the edges of the lantern.
Notice also that I pressed the background square in half both ways to help in centering the lantern. I placed the lantern 1-1/2" from the top and bottom edge.
Next, I edged stitched the lantern. My thinking was that it would be better to go ahead and do that now, to keep the lantern in place. Since I'd pieced the lantern, I was worried whether the seams on the back would interfere with the fusing process so edge-stitching the lantern now before appliqueing the other parts of the lantern made sense to me.
To edge stitch, I simply stitched close to the edge of the lantern with a matching thread.
After that, I followed the pattern and appliqued the snow, holly, and bow onto the lantern. I fused the two pieces of each bow on my pressing sheet, before assembling the whole bow together and fusing it to the lantern.
Somehow I missed the little lantern ring that's supposed to appliqued to the top of the lantern so my block is missing that. If I had added it, I would have made the ring the same color as my lantern frame. I think since the bow covers most of the ring in the original design, it won't be missed. At least that's what I'm hoping! <grin>
To edge-stitch my applique, I used Sulky 40 wt. #1104 (Pastel Yellow Green), #1169 (Bayberry Red), Sulky Metallic #7001 (Silver), and Wonderfil Konfetti 50 wt #KT302 (Christmas Red).
Well, that's it! If you would like to read a step by step photo tutorial on the raw-edge applique process, click here.
Be sure to drop by Diane’s blog to get your free block pattern. Also, don’t forget to visit the other quilt along hosts to see their versions of this block.
Abbie at Sparkle On April at JANDA Bend Quilts Becca at Pretty Piney Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting Diane at Cwilt Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter Karen at Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts Sandy at SandyStar Designs Sherry at Powered by Quilting Vanda at Quilt in Piece
Be sure to enter the giveaway!
To enter the Christmas Lantern block giveaway, you must make the block and post it in one of these three places by Monday, November 20th at 11:59 PM EST.
On Instagram, with the hashtag #iwishyouamerrychristmasqal
In our private Facebook group
To the linky on Diane's blog
If you post your Christmas Lantern block by the deadline, you might win this wonderful prize package—2 Steam-a-Seam 2 sheet packages from The Warm Company, and one PDF pattern of your choice from Vanda @ Quilt in Peace.
Share what you're working on!
If you like show and tell, I'd love it if you'd also share what you've been working on lately in my weekly Wednesday Wait Loss linky. We have a great group of quilters and the projects are inspiring! I also have giveaways from time to time on my Wednesday Wait Loss so the atmosphere is fun and encouraging. The currently linky is open until midnight EST tonight, then on Wednesday, another linky starts.
Come back for the next block!
On Tuesday, November 21th, be sure to come back here for the next block in our quilt along--Block 11!
We have a fabulous grand prize package, and I encourage you to join us! There are many people who are catching up too so you'll have lots of company. If you need inspiration, I highly recommend our Facebook group.
To be eligible to win the grand prize, you must post a completed quilt top that includes all 12 blocks by 11:59 PM EST January 15, 2018. Your top doesn't need to be quilted to enter for the grand prize, but it must include one of every block. Look at this incredible package of prizes--thread, fabric, batting, patterns and more!
You can follow me on social media or sign up for my newsletter if you’d like a reminder when the next block is posted. You’ll find all the ways to follow me at the top of my sidebar. If you have any general questions about the quilt along or would like to see the complete schedule, click the I Wish You a Merry QAL tab above.
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
I Wish You a Merry QAL - Block 6
Welcome to the I Wish You a Merry QAL! Today is a big milestone! With the release of Block 6, we are now halfway through! Woot!
You can join us. Really. It's not too late because to enter the quilt along giveaway, all you need to do is make the current block and post a photo of it. Click here to learn more about the quilt along and the patterns for blocks 1 to 5.
Continue reading to learn more about the current block, Block 6.
For my blocks, I’m using the Shiny Objects in Holiday Twinkle collection by flaurie & finch for RJR Fabrics.
Block 6 in our quilt along was designed by Sandra @ Sandra Healy Designs and it’s called Hanging Stars Angel. Here’s my version.
For the background of my block, I chose #3023-05 Scarlet, 3022-07 Tannenbaum, 3023-07 Crystal, 3026-05 Tannenbaum, 3163-03 Radiant Crimson, 3163-05 Seafoam, 3164-02 Radiant Crimson, and 3164-06 Tannenbaum from the Holiday Twinkle collection. I used 3023-06 Sugar for the stars. For the angel, I chose 2792-12 Snow, 3022-06 Seafoam, and 3163-05 Seafoam. I also used brown, pink, and white scraps to complete my block.
Tips for making this block
As a QAL host, I’m here to help you achieve success with this block. Here are my tips for success:
First, I pieced together the block background using a variety of reds and greens. Then I squared the block to 12-1/2". Here's how I pressed the background.
I wanted a light pink for the angel's face but didn't have any so I created my own by fusing a scrap of solid white on top of a pink scrap. I then applied fusible to the back of the pink fabric and cut out the face for fusing.
This block is both pieced and appliqued. If you need a refresher on applique techniques, click here. I decided to fuse the angel together on my Teflon pressing sheet, then move her to the block as a single unit for final fusing. To help me assemble her, I traced the back side of the Angel template page (remember, the template page is a reversed image of the angel). I then placed the tracing under my pressing sheet, and used the markings to help me place and fuse each part of the angel. Pay attention to what part goes on top or goes under the other parts so you get her assembled correctly.
I fused my angel about 1" from the top of the block, and about 3/4" from the bottom. This will make her centered once I sew the block together. Her left foot was about 1 3/4" from the left edge, and her hand was 1/2" from the right edge of the red striped square.
Likewise, when fusing the stars on the smaller squares, keep in mind that you need to allow for that 1/4" seam allowance along the perimeter of the block if your goal is to center the stars.
To finish up your block, you can use French Knots for the eyes. I make my angel's eyes blue--DMC #827. To make a French Knot, you come up from behind, then wrap the floss around the needle three times (just like a quilter's knot). Next, you come back down in the same spot you came up, and while holding onto the thread, you pull from behind very slowly and a knot forms.
I love that Sandra recommending fusing a stabilizer to the back of the block to keep the knots from unraveling. I don't know that I'd heard of that before, but I don't embroider much. I definitely think it's a terrific idea! I didn't have any fusible stabilizer but I did have some fusible interfacing so I used that.
Don't forget to edge stitch your applique shapes. I used a straight stitch. For my block, I used Aurifil 50 wt. #2835 Medium Mint around the angel's dress. I gave her ballet slippers instead of bare feet, and to glam them up, I used Sulky Metallic #7007 Gold. I even created small bows on her slippers with the gold thread. In addition, I used the gold to edge-stitch her hair. Around her wings and the stars, I used Sulky Metallic #7007 Silver. To make her face pinker, I edge-stitched it with Gutermann #40 wt. #2538 Pink.
I'm planning on placing a button in her hair as the pattern suggests. I found this beautiful snowflake in my stash, so that's what I'm going to use. However, I'm going to wait to attach the button later, after quilting. For now, I've pinned it to the block so I won't lose it.
You may have noticed that the angel's blue dress shadows through her white wing. I could have faced the wing to prevent that, but I wanted her wings to appear ethereal and transparent, so I chose not to do that.
Be sure to drop by Sandra’s blog to get your free block pattern. Also, don’t forget to visit the other quilt along hosts to see their versions of this block.
Abbie at Sparkle On April at JANDA Bend Quilts Becca at Pretty Piney Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting Diane at Cwilt Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter Karen at Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts Sandy at SandyStar Designs Sherry at Powered by Quilting Vanda at Quilt in Piece
Be sure to enter the giveaway!
To enter the Hanging Stars Angel block giveaway, you must make the block and post it in one of these three places by Monday, October 9th at 11:59 PM EST.
On Instagram, with the hashtag #iwishyouamerrychristmasqal
In our private Facebook group
To the linky on Sandra's blog
If you post your Hanging Stars Angel block by the deadline, you might win this wonderful prize package—a fat quarter bundle from the Blushing Blooms collection by Island Batik and a PDF pattern of your choice from Sandra!
My special offer continues!
To celebrate the release of my Christmas Memories block earlier this month (it was Block 4), I am offering a pattern discount of 20%, good until the end of the month in my shop. Just use the code MERRYQAL20 to receive the discount.
Share what you're working on!
If you like show and tell, I'd love it if you'd also share what you've been working on lately in my weekly Wednesday Wait Loss linky. We have a great group of quilters and the projects are inspiring! I also have giveaways from time to time on my Wednesday Wait Loss so the atmosphere is fun and encouraging.The currently linky is open until midnight EST tonight, then on Wednesday, another linky starts.
Come back for the next block!
On Tuesday, October 10th, be sure to come back here for the next two blocks in our quilt along--Block 7 and Block 8!
You can follow me on social media or sign up for my newsletter if you’d like a reminder when the next block is posted. You’ll find all the ways to follow me at the top of my sidebar. If you have any general questions about the quilt along or would like to see the complete schedule, click the I Wish You a Merry QAL tab above.
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
I Wish You a Merry QAL - Block 5
Hi! I hope you've been having as much fun as I have making our blocks! I'm really loving how great my blocks look together.
If you haven't joined us yet, it's not too late! Click here to learn more.
For my blocks, I’m using the Shiny Objects in Holiday Twinkle collection by flaurie & finch for RJR Fabrics.
Block 5 in our quilt along was designed by Sherry @ Powered by Quilting and it’s called Snowman. Here’s my version.
This block sure was a lot of fun! There are tons of possibilities for making it your own. For example, I decided to add mittens, coal eyes, and a coal smile.
For the background of my block, I chose #3164-06 Tannenbaum from the Holiday Twinkle collection. For the snowman, I chose 2792-12 Snow. I also used 3023-05 Scarlet, 3026-04 Red Velvet, 3163-04 Scarlet, 3164-06 Tannenbaum and scraps of black and orange to complete my block.
Tips for making this block
As a QAL host, I’m here to help you achieve success with this block. Here are my tips for success:
The first thing I did was to lay out my pieces into the block sections. This definitely sped up the process of making the block.
After sewing each section I recommend pressing well and trimming your units. Trimming the smaller units of a block to the right size after you sew them helps you to end up with a block that's the right size (in this case, 12-1/2" unfinished). The instructions show you how to arrange and sew up the units that make up the block. Here are the sizes of the units in case you want to trim them. I also trim my block and in this case I trimmed it to 12-1/2" square.
Top of hat: 2-3/4" x 6-1/2"
Hat Brim and Face: 4-1/4" x 6-1/2"
Neck: 1-1/4" x 6-1/2"
Body: 5-3/4" x 6-1/2"
This block uses several techniques. The first one is Stitch and Flip. To do Stitch and Flip, you first mark the corner squares with a diagonal line. I use a sandpaper board to help me hold the square in place while I mark the line.
Place the square RST on a corner of the base rectangle, and sew on the line you drew. Press back towards the corner, creating a triangle. Be sure to trim the excess!
I finish up by trimming the unit to the size of the base rectangle. This takes care of any overlay by the Stitch and Flip square.
Another technique you'll use on this block is raw-edge fusible applique for the snowman's nose. For the snowman's eyes and arms, you'll be using embroidery. Sherry has an embroidery tutorial that shows you how to do that. Me, I chose to use applique for the eyes and arms instead of embroidery. I also decided to add some extra touches, such as mittens and a smile.
To create the eyes, smile and mittens, I simply drew them on the template page of the pattern. My thought was that the template page was already to scale, so my sketches would be too. Keep in mind that you'll need to reverse your shapes for machine applique. I used mostly circles for the eyes and smile, so there was nothing to reverse. Since the mittens were reverses of each other, I didn't need to do reverse them either.
I did my applique after the block was complete, so to test out my fabric selections, I simply laid them on top of the completed block.
By now you're probably an applique expert, but here are the basic steps: Start by tracing your shapes onto the backside of your fusible web. Then cut them out roughly, in fabric groups. For example, I cut out my black coal eyes and smile together.
Fuse the shapes to the back of your fabric, then cut out the shapes exactly.
Arrange your shapes and fuse them to the block.
Finally, edge stitch your applique shapes. I use a straight stitch. For my block, I used Aurifil 50 wt. #2692 Black, Sulky 40 wt #561 Lipstick, Mettler 30 wt #528 Rust, and Wonderfil 100 wt #711 Pure Orange.
You might also choose to create the arms and eyes of your snowman with quilting instead of applique or embroidery. You could either do the quilting now (if you're using quilt as you go to construct your quilt top) or later, after all the blocks are sewn together. In either case, if you decide to create the eyes/arms with quilting alone, I'd choose a heavier thread such as 30 or 20 wt so the outlines of the eyes and arms will show up more.
Be sure to drop by Sherry’s blog to get your free block pattern. Also, don’t forget to visit the other quilt along hosts to see their versions of this block.
Abbie at Sparkle On April at JANDA Bend Quilts Becca at Pretty Piney Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting Diane at Cwilt Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter Karen at Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts Sandy at SandyStar Designs Sherry at Powered by Quilting Vanda at Quilt in Piece
Be sure to enter the giveaway!
By the way, there are two blocks this week, and two separate giveaways. To enter the Santa’s Belt block giveaway, you must make the block and post it in one of these three places by Monday, September 11th at 11:59 PM EST.
On Instagram, with the hashtag #iwishyouamerrychristmasqal
In our private Facebook group
To the linky on Sherry’s blog
If you post your Santa's Belt block by the deadline, you might win this wonderful prize package—a Simply Redwork book, signed by the author and one PDF pattern of your choice from Vanda @ Quilt in Piece.
Special offer from Sherry @ Powered by Quilting!
To celebrate the release of her Snowman block, Sherry is celebrating with a sale! All quilt along participants can receive 25% off patterns in her Etsy and Payhip stores until the end of the month. Enter the code MERRYQAL25 at checkout to receive the discount.
If you stopped here last time for my Block 4 pattern, you'll remember that I offered a pattern discount as well. My discount is also good until the end of the month in my shop, and the code to use is MERRYQAL20.
Another giveaway!
If you happen to love giveaways, be sure to stop by my Wednesday Wait Loss. You can link up to three works in progress or recent finishes for a chance to win! Be sure to link up before midnight EST tonight to the current WWL. You can also come back tomorrow to my new Wednesday Wait Loss to see if you've won!
Come back for the next block!
On Tuesday, September 26th, be sure to come back here for the next block in our quilt along! You can follow me on social media or sign up for my newsletter if you’d like a reminder when the next block is posted. You’ll find all the ways to follow me at the top of my sidebar. If you have any general questions about the quilt along or would like to see the complete schedule, click the I Wish You a Merry QAL tab above.
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
I Wish You a Merry QAL - Block 3
Welcome! I hope you enjoyed making Blocks 1 and 2 in the I Wish You a Merry Quilt Along.
If you are just joining us, you can find everything you need to know here.
For my blocks, I’m using the Shiny Objects in Holiday Twinkle collection by flaurie & finch for RJR Fabrics.
Block 3 in our quilt along was designed by Laura @ Slice of Pi Quilts and it’s called Santa’s Belt. Here’s my version.
I love the simplicity of this block! With just a few strokes, Laura created an undeniable image of Santa Claus. That’s the sign of a great design.
From the Holiday Twinkle collection, I chose #2792-13 (Cranberry) for the block’s background. I love how it adds sparkle to Santa's suit! Since the Holiday Twinkle fabric collection did not include gold or black, I used scraps of gold and black from my stash for the belt. I really enjoyed making this block and love how it compliments the other blocks in the quilt along.
As a QAL host, I’m here to help you achieve success with this block. Frankly though, this block is so simple and the instructions so clear, I’m not sure I can come up with any tips, but I'll try.
My first bit of advice with this block is to play, play! Its simplicity is its beauty. Have a party auditioning your fabrics, including bright shiny ones, faux-leather and faux-fur ones and just have fun!
The instructions say to use silver/gold/yellow for the belt buckle. I almost used #3023-06 (Sugar) from the Holiday Twinkle collection for the belt, then I saw that gold fabric shining in my stash and used it instead. Still, I think the lighter buckle with it's tiny bits of gold would have looked lovely. Here’s what the Sugar fabric from the collection would have looked like in the block.
Here's another tip. Me, I like trimming to make things the right size. With this pattern, you start by making Santa's belt buckle. After completing steps 1 and 2, you might want to square up the belt buckle to 4-1/2” exactly. (Squaring up your small units as you make a block helps you account for seam allowances that aren’t always perfect, like mine.)
You construct this block vertically. So after creating the belt buckle and squaring it up, you add red rectangles to the top and bottom of it. Next, you sew the two side units which consist of a red rectangle, a black belt rectangle and another red rectangle. You make two of these and sew them onto the sides of the middle unit and you’re done! You can if you like, trim up these side units after making them, to 4-1/2" x 12-1/2".
I always square up my blocks when I’m finished, which helps my quilts go together more smoothly. So I’d square up the block now, before you sew your blocks into a quilt top. Your block should measure 12-1/2” square.
There. I told you I couldn't really think of any tips for this great block. <grin> Be sure to drop by Laura’s blog to get your free block pattern. Also, don’t forget to visit the other quilt along hosts to see their versions of this block.
Abbie at Sparkle On April at JANDA Bend Quilts Becca at Pretty Piney Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting Diane at Cwilt Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter Karen at Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts Sandy at SandyStar Designs Sherry at Powered by Quilting Vanda at Quilt in Piece
Be sure to enter the giveaway!
By the way, there are two blocks this week, and two separate giveaways. To enter the Santa’s Belt block giveaway, you must make the block and post it in one of these three places by Monday, September 11th at midnight EST.
On Instagram, with the hashtag #iwishyouamerrychristmasqal
In our private Facebook group
To the linky on Laura’s blog
If you post your Santa's Belt block by the deadline, you might win this wonderful prize package—a six month subscription to Make Modern Magazine and one PDF pattern of your choice from Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts.
Special offer from Make Modern magazine!
This block comes with a special offer for everyone! Make Modern is offering 25% off all single issues and bundles for all quilt along participants! The code is MerryQAL2017 and it expires March 1st, 2018. The discount gives 25% off bundles or single issue purchases only, The code does not work on subscriptions. Use the discount to purchase a few issues and if you fall in love as I did, subscribe through the regular channels.
Don't forget there are two blocks!
I mentioned earlier that there are two block patterns this week. You've just seen my version of Block 3 and learned where to go to get the pattern (in case you've already forgotten, you need to go to Laura @ Slice of Pi Quilts to get the Santa's Belt block pattern. <wink>)
Click here to view Block 4 and to download the pattern. Block 4 is called Christmas Memories and it's my design so you won’t have to go very far to get it! <wink>
If you happen to love giveaways, be sure to stop by my Wednesday Wait Loss. You can link up to three works in progress or recent finishes for a chance to win! Be sure to link up before midnight EST tonight to the current WWL. You can also come back tomorrow to my new Wednesday Wait Loss and link up three more projects for more chances to win.
On Tuesday, September 12th, be sure to come back here for the next block in our quilt along! You can follow me on social media or sign up for my newsletter if you’d like a reminder when the next block is posted. You’ll find all the ways to follow me at the top of my sidebar. If you have any general questions about the quilt along or would like to see the complete schedule, click the I Wish You a Merry QAL tab above.
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
Announcing a Christmas Mystery Quilt Along!
I’m so excited to announce my next quilt along! This time it’s a mystery, and also this time I’ve got help! Yes, me and a few of my New Quilt Bloggers besties (11 designers and 11 hosts) have put together a gorgeous Christmas quilt for you to sew up before Christmas. I’m both a designer and a host because that’s just how I roll! <grin>
The quilt along is called the I Wish You a Merry Christmas Quilt Along. It could have been called the It Couldn’t Be Easier Quilt Along because frankly it simply couldn’t be. Beginning August 1st, we will release the pattern for a block or blocks every two weeks. To win one of several wonderful prizes, all you got to do is make the new block(s) and post them either here on my blog (I’ll have a link up) or on Instagram (with the hashtag #iwishyouamerryqal) or in our special Facebook group before the next block pattern is released.
See, it couldn’t be easier!
Guess what else is easy? The grand prize giveaway! Yep, we will be releasing the last block on December 5th, so that gives you almost three whole weeks to get your quilt done before Christmas! The happy news is you don’t have to. Nope, if the holidays impinge on your quality sewing time (how dare they!) all you need to do is get your blocks sewn together in a top before the January 16th grand prize entry deadline. Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t want to see finished quilts—we do—but we’re not so crazy that we think everyone will get them done so we’ve made it super duper easy for everyone to participate!
But I May Need Help!
The blocks utilize various techniques including regular piecing, foundation paper piecing, piecing with templates, applique, and a touch of embroidery (or clever use of fabric pens!) so we’re expecting questions. And that’s perfectly okay, because no one expects you to be an expert on everything. That’s what the hosts are for! <grin>  
All kidding aside, questions are more than welcome, and they represent another area in which this quilt along simply shines! First, we’ve got a private Facebook group and the #iwishyouamerryqal hashtag on Instagram that you can use to get answers to any questions you may have, such as “Does this color work in this block” to “How do I post my photo again? I can’t remember.”
We also have 11 hosts with a link up to make it easy to post a photo right on their blog or to ask a question and get a quick answer. Every two weeks, each host will post their version of the block (so you’ll have plenty of inspiration) along with any tips/tricks they have for that block. That makes11 different cheer leaders ready to inspire you to overcome whatever hurdles life throws your way. The hosts are spread all over the globe so we’re pretty much here for you 24/7! Talk about guaranteed success!
This is a great opportunity to expand your quilting skills! Not one of the 11 hosts are members of the quilt police so just do your best job on each block then let it go. This quilt along is for fun!
Ok I’m Sold. What Do I Need to Do to Prepare?
First, if you’re on Facebook, join our Facebook group. It’s already active so feel free to start asking questions, show off the fabrics you’ve chosen, and get to know each other.
If you’re on Instagram, search the hashtag #iwishyouamerryqal for inspiration. Please follow me because I’ll be posting to Instagram and using the hashtag as well—I’m @inquiringquilter.
Sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss anything, or follow me in other ways. You’ll find all the ways to follow me at the top of my sidebar.
Finally, you don’t have to belong to Facebook or use Instagram to participate. Just drop by my blog every Tuesday beginning August 1st, and you can link up your finished block, leave comments and questions, and basically find everything you need right here on my blog.
So relax. This is not my first rodeo—in fact, this is my third quilt along! You can rest assured that I’m here for you should you decide to quilt along with us. And anytime you need to look at the schedule or locate the link to the current block, just look up. Yep, that tab at the top of my blog will take you to the right place!
What Fabrics Will I Need?
After you get yourself hooked up online, it’s time to start thinking fabrics. There will be (12) 12” blocks, and they have a sort of clean modern feel.
Me, I’m going to make my quilt with these lovely fabrics, from the Shiny Objects with Holiday Twinkle collection by flaurie & finch for RJR Fabrics. I’m going to mix up my backgrounds a bit—some white, some red, some green so I'm not terribly worried about amounts but I estimate I’ll need about 1 to 1-1/2 yards total for my backgrounds.
You've got several options:
You could raid your stash to make each block as the patterns come out.
Or you could pick out five or six fabrics that coordinate together and buy 1/2 to 1 yard of each, then add a few scraps here and there from your stash as needed.
Since the blocks have a modern feel, you might want to consider solids in several colors or a few small scale fabrics
If you have a decent stash and you like variety, I honestly wouldn’t worry too much about fabrics right now.  After all, that’s the fun of a mystery quilt!
Now, about finishing your quilt. You can set your blocks however you like, with or without sashing, on-point, or with alternate pieced or non-pieced blocks. Since you know the finished size of the blocks (12”) and their number (12) you could start playing with setting options now, then get enough backing, sashing (if any) and binding for that. Or you could just chill. I’ll be presenting several ideas for settings after the last block is presented and hopefully these suggestions will spark the perfect ending for your Christmas mystery quilt.
I Need Details, Please
Here is the schedule for the hop and the names of the designers for each block and when it'll be released. As you can see, you need to meet back here on August 1st and on Tuesdays every two weeks through December 5th. As your host, I’ll present my version of the block each time, share my tips and suggestions for success, and link you to the block pattern or patterns for that week.
You'll have six weeks to put your top together and hopefully get it quilted for the grand prize giveaway and show and tell party!
August 1 - Vanda at Quilt in Piece August 15 - April at JANDA Bend Quilts August 29 - Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts and Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter September 12 - Sherry at Powered by Quilting September 26 - Sandra at Sandra Healy Designs October 10 - Sandy at SandyStar Designs and Sola at Alice Samuel's Quilt Company October 24 - Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting November 7 - Diane at Cwilt November 21 - Kathleen at Kathleen McMusing December 5 - Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts
January 16th – Deadline for posting a completed quilt top for entry in the final grand prize drawing. Quilt does not need to be quilted although we’d love to see finished quilts!
And finally, here are your hosts!
Abbie at Sparkle On April at JANDA Bend Quilts Becca at Pretty Piney Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting Diane at Cwilt Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter Karen at Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts Sandy at SandyStar Designs Sherry at Powered by Quilting Vanda at Quilt in Piece
Tell me how to win!
We will award a prize each fortnight (don’t you just love that word?) to the lucky quilter who finishes the current block and posts it to our Facebook group, Instagram (with the hashtag #iwishyouameryqal, or right here on my blog. Come back here every two weeks on a Tuesday, pick up the block instructions, make your block, and post a photo before the next block comes out. That’s how you get entered in the prize giveaways.
You can share your block in multiple places although you don’t have to since you get one chance to win every two weeks. I plan on posting my blocks all over social media because I love to celebrate small accomplishments like finishing a quilt block! I hope you do too because I’d love to see your blocks.
So what can you win if you quilt along? Prizes include patterns, fabric from RJR Fabrics, batting from The Warm Co., thread from Aurifil, a gift certificate to The Fat Quarter Shop, signed quilt books, precuts, and so much more!
Share the news!
I’ve done these quilt alongs before and I can tell you the more people who participate and share their blocks and their excitement, the more fun they are! So please invite your friends to our quilt along by posting our quilt along button to Facebook, Instagram, and elsewhere, along with a link to my quilt along page so your friends can read all about it and get ready to quilt along with us. To save the button to your computer, right click it and choose Save Picture As.
   If you’re a blogger, please share the news on your blog and put the button in your sidebar. Here’s the code you’ll need to do that.
<div class="I-Wish-You-a-Merry-QAL" style="width: 300px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.inquiringquilter.com/i-wish-you-a-merry-qal/" rel="nofollow"> <img src=" https://static1.squarespace.com/static/533f55fce4b05fdb12d83ef3/t/5972886b2e69cfd2659d9757/1500687120585/I+Wish+You+a+Merry+QAL.jpg?format=300w " alt="I Wish You a Merry QAL" width="300" height="300" /> </a> </div>
If you like to get encouragement when you quilt (and who doesn’t?) this quilt along is for you! Please join me beginning August 1st as I make a new Christmas quilt, block by block in this wonderful mystery quilt along. And leave a comment below so I know you’re in!
Oh! Before you go, be sure to check out this post, and learn about my current blog hop and it's wonderful giveaways! And if you want another chance to win something, check out this post and my Wednesday Wait Loss link up!
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