#this post was brought to by the 'was bullied growing up due to the normalization of peer abuse and has intergenerational trauma' gang
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I have the reverse of the Cain Instinct.My siblings can do no wrong in my eyes even when they're being huge dickbags and when people are mean to them my reaction is to yell at them to get off their asses or hit them.The Nightwing Instinct?Idk
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fan-mans · 3 months
So. u said you've got plenty of hcs for our man aran.
and like. mind listing some of those? to accompany narcis ones & stuff? ty!! 👀👀
- erporo
(first hc post here)
Ah ha ha ha ha @erporo
you've unleashed a complete monster!!!
*explodes and drops 4 pages of these where my body once was*
Okay so I'm gonna start with the long, convoluted backstory I gave him plus random life things tee hee
(For the purposes of this story, Aran's gonna use he/him throughout)
He was a bit of a surprise because he was born a bit earlier than expected. His parents were working out of town, on the island of Inis Mór (The largest of the Aran islands) and he ended up being born in some lady's garden on the 7th of April at 4 pm weighing exactly 8 pounds. (Take note of this, it will be important)
After taking him to a hospital, he was cleared for any problems, but as they left, his parents noticed that his birth certificate was messed up and went to get a new one from a hospital in their own county (This detail will be very important later)
Aran grows up on a sheep and goat farm in Donegal with his family. Irish ends up being his first language and he's stubborn on learning English. He learns to dance (Particularly Sean-nós) and play traditional instruments and grows a knack for painting, sculpting and drawing too.
His childhood is pretty normal for a poor farm kid living in a small village of only a few hundred people. He learns a lot about caring for animals and gets a lot of skill around farrier work (Taking care of horse hooves and making/fitting horseshoes). He also grows quite superstitious due to how much his grandmother teaches him and insists that the odd prevalence of 4 and 7 in his life are no mere coincidence.
He gets bullied in school and definitely ostracized by others but he pushes through as normal until he's 14. Only a month into his first year of high school, his grandfather dies out on the field and much of the flock and savings are stolen. His mother also gets seriously sick after having his youngest siblings and can't work for months due to poor care from a nurse.
So, as excited as he was to be in high school, Aran drops out and takes care of his siblings in his mother's place, willing to lose his education for the sake of theirs. During this time, he also gets extra money running errands and babysitting for locals.
During one babysitting gig, a woman who certainly doesn't live in town drops off quite a load of cash and her baby before leaving. She does not return until a year later to drop off another baby. Of course the Ryans are infuriated and end up adopting the boys as their 10th and 11th children respectively.
Aran becomes an extra parent to his siblings as his mother recovers, spending whatever free time he has either helping out or doing odd jobs to keep everyone alive. When his mom is okay again, and their lost flock found, it's been two years and a now 16 year old Aran can't return to school to any reasonable degree. He still has his odd jobs, but he now finds himself with a lot more free time. He ends up honing his art skills and starting a fight club with a gaggle of other kids to relieve stress.
This fight club stumbles into a bit of luck, when a crew of athletes end up stopping into the local pub and causing a scene. Aran and his friends end up using their skills, in part taken from collar and elbow wrestling, and get a handle on the adults and kick them out. Aran is particularly ferocious and his energy catches the attention of the men's manager.
Said manager returns a little while later and hunts all of the kids in the fight down and personally invites them to step into boxing. Aran proves himself as a capable fighter to the manager, taking on a low ranking adult and easily beating him. From there Aran is brought into the boxing world and brings in a healthy amount of money to his family
Of course, all this traveling leads him to coming across a load of interesting people, particularly trans people, and leads him to realize he's a trans man. His family is confused and unsupportive and an extremely angry and stifled Aran, already stressed from his abusive girlfriend, decides to run away at 19.
He ends up hitchhiking his way to Dublin, but there's one problem- he doesn't have a birth certificate
Unfortunately, all those years ago, his parents never got a new one, despite many years of trying and that left poor Aran in legal limbo. 'Luckily' for him, he gets a break when, in return for boxing for a shady group, he's offered a litany of fake documents and get on his way to a career and transitioning.
For 3 years, this is Aran's life, boxing with a fake id and a fake life, transitioning, and paying half his salary to this group. He's comfortable, but he's sad. He misses his family and is growing to hate his employers. So he phones home.
His eldest sister picks up and almost screams when she realizes who it is. They talk about what's happened since he left an make plans to break it to their parents and grandma gently with the rest of their sibling's help.
When Aran calls the second time, he gets to have a long conversation with his mom, dad, and grandma- a lot of apologies pass around, everyone cries at least three times, and they're all happy that he's still okay. His parents and grandma finally accept him and offer to bring him home. But there's still the problem of the shady gang that got him his faked documents.
After a bit of planning, Aran heads home, with the leader of the gang in tow, promising a grand gift for all the help he's given Aran.
This is a trap.
Aran leads him into the local pub, where the gang leader is threatened by about a hundred odd people with various weapons. The leader surrenders, accepts some money to keep quiet and not bother Aran anymore and leaves.
Aran, now back home, continues his career, doing fights across nearby towns and occasionally dipping into Galway or Dublin for big fights, giving his money to his family.
From here the WVBA takes quick notice of him. They offer him a job in New York and, seeing the paycheck and line of work, Aran can't bring himself to refuse. So he goes, his documents still fake, and gets the job without a hitch. Of course, he also starts cheating, knowing the ranks of the wvba are filled with cheaters galore, going as far as to steal form the nypd's horses for his weapons.
All this goes fine until one day he slips up in front of his manager, stating his real age instead of the one listed on all of his documents. He backtracks and then resorts to pleading, terrified he's gonna be kicked out of the country but Mr dream is a good guy and not only allows him to stay, but petitions for him to get corrected stuff specifically so he can stay.
^ (this excludes some details but is the main deal)
His entire life revolves around the numbers 7 and 4 (Among other luck symbols). From the moment he was born they were big factors in his life. No one in his family is quite sure why he specifically has such 'luck' but they all have their theories-
His siblings think half of it is a strange, if cool, coincidence while the other is of his own subconscious doing (Such as owning/making/doing things in sets of 4 or 7 exactly)
Mam and da think it's a little supernatural, maybe a little gift of luck from god
His gran is special: she's sure it's the work of faeries and told him as much growing up. Grandad didn't have as strong belief as her but also encouraged said thinking. He liked letting his first grandchild feel special and learn to love the magic in the mundane. Gran firmly believes it's a gift and a blessing that he should appreciate- it's not often that faeries bless humans after all
But not everyone in his family thinks of it so well… While his da's family is more cool headed about all of it, his ma's (Or rather his ma's sister and mother) are very uncool about it
They're kinda fanatic and the type of people who look at shit like Wizard 101 and claim its the work of Satan.
Although his maternal grandma wasn't allowed to see him because of such behavior, his aunt was. The first thing she did when she heard her mother-in-law's theory that he was blessed by faeries, she put little Aran in a box with a bit of iron and left him in a nearby field to die. (Great lady, I know.)
Luckily Aran was found quickly (Exactly 12 minutes later) and his aunt was banned from the house. Aran's aunt and maternal grandma still act as if he's the devil to this day.
His mental health (And generally the mental health of his family) is... so bad. They're the types who are very used to it so they never question things like obvious signs of adhd or autism because it's so normal to them.
Aran himself is really hard to diagnose not only cause he's very wary abt doctors, but because his symptoms are very volatile and all over the place.
Pinning them down under one diagnosis is really hard cause like he's got obsessions/compulsions like he has ocd (Mostly around superstition, luck and 'bad luck')
A phobia of the number 13 and similar symbols of bad luck
Has nightmares and definitely panic attacks around causing himself bad luck and traumatic events in his life He's had bouts of paranoia
And when he's paranoid he also tends to develop delusions and occasionally hallucinate as well (Mostly these come on top of things triggering him or if he hasn't taken good care of himself)
All this on top of adhd and autism
He does get help eventually tho.
As an adult, he has nightmares when left to sleep alone, which is actually from a traumatizing incident where a guy just tried to kidnap him when he was little
Now for other random things:
Very bitter and untrustworthy towards all people because he's been very ostracized by the world, but rich people get the worst of his anger (esp if they're British). This is a HUGE character flaw of his that, with a lot of time and effort he learns to let go of and stop being a shithead.
He can get very defensive and aggressive towards people as a safety mechanism for himself
He gets quite heated in debates, esp politics and history, and has punched people more than once
While aran has a serious sailor's mouth, he actually scolds kids when they swear- big brother instinct
His twin siblings have a similar bit of 'luck' with the number 2- though not to the extent he has
Because of his falsified documents, the age listed on his profile and his weight are both wrong (The wvba in general is shit at keeping proper track of this shit). In reality, he's 200 lbs and 28.
He does not trust doctors at all- he isn't an antivaxxer or anything, but he'd never willingly enter a hospital
Aran likes the smell of irish spring a lot so he wears it
He also likes lucky charms- first ironically but then the marshmallows got to him
He uses 'poggers' as a covert/cutesy nickname for kisses (cause pog in irish means kiss)
Aran would live in a very cluttered, run down apartment, full of knicknacks and posters and covered in his dirty laundry and dog toys
Aran either smells like potatoes beer and fresh cut grass, a sweaty sewer, or peat metal and a nice hint of vanilla- really depends on the day
Believes in zodiac stuff because of his superstition
Aran can fall asleep to pretty much any song sung by a woman with a deep voice (Ex: fast car by tracy chapman) because it reminds him of his mom's singing :)
He has a bit of a nicotine habit, but curbs the effects of cigs when he really needs one by sharing it with someone else
Aran sees the entire world circuit and eventually everyone in branch a as some sort of family
Aran sometimes forgets to eat/doesn't have the energy to cook every so often- so he just makes a big bowl of instant mashed potatoes and eats it in one sitting
Aran named his flail Macha, after an irish goddess of war and death and horses. He loves it to death and treats it as a good luck charm!
He likes horses and goats a lot- they're some of his favorite animals
He's also a not-so-secret fan of cheeseburgers, it's his favorite food lmao
has read homestuck and stans gamzee
Aran has a flip phone for a long time cause in his house the wall phone was the most recent piece of tech they had- so handheld stuff scared him
he still types like an old man
During the off season, he becomes p unrecognizable- letting hair (esp beard) grow out and packing on pounds. He honestly looks indistinguishable from his dad
One of his favorite bands is the dropkick murphys
He doesn't mid bras but he hates underwire and thinks it's evil
He's either a funny drunk or a broody drunk, depending on who he's with
Aran LOVES his beer- he's a bit of a snob about it actually
He's also big on coffee
If you don't think this man wouldn't jump at the chance to roll down a hill and play in a meadow, you're wrong
if he gets the chance to, he'll always make a flower crown
All his siblings have 'm' names except the youngest two, he did as well before he changed it, but he still responds to various nicknames related to his old name
Because of his phobia of the number 13- he used to be scared of sandman
Although he's superstitious around them, he doesn't hate black animals or even think of hurting them like some other people. Instead he'll 'fix' his luck by seeking out a white animal of the same type (Black cat cross his path? Seek out a white cat to pet to fix the luck)
He has a few paces of iron jewelry he takes with him everywhere... just to be safe
he's been arrested more times than he can count- mostly for small things like vandalizing, petty theft, fighting a cop, etc.
One of his favorite stims is tapping his head- it helps him focus
Aran sometimes forgets things he just said, or straight up doesn't register words coming out of his mouth- that 'pretty like my sister' comment was just random word jumble and didn't mean anything
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mtdbler · 1 year
hello tumblr!
we've mentioned limboverse in our posts before, but we've never really explained what it is. so, here's an in-depth history and explanation of this roleplay/au!
long post incoming...
(let me set the scene. it's october, 2022.)
limboverse started as a ride the cyclone roleplay, (that I MADE (in a caffeine induced energy burst) -🌺) which takes place several years after the canon plot (the choir is roughly 20-21). we added fankids from alternate universes into it, as well-- savannah and donnie (spacedolls), amelie (nischa), and river (blackrose)
...everything started going downhill when dhar mann was introduced (11-10-22). it started off as a joke but soon enough, he was integral to the lore (being presumably a god and ricky's lover.) after dhar mann, we started adding other musical characters. spring awakening and falsettos were the first non-rtc characters.
for the next week or so it was extremely chaotic, with real people being brought in as jokes, leading to the creation of the "normal roleplay" channel. (the retired roleplay channel is still used for shitposting.) it was around here that non-musical characters were introduced in a serious manner.
as more characters were brought in, the setting was brought into question. it was impossible for all of these different universes to intersect naturally, so we made it fit. enter: limbo. (first mentioned: 11-14-22. began being used for worldbuilding around 12-09-22.)
and now for the actual explanation of what limbo is and how it applies to the roleplay!
-limbo is a ghost town with no way out. people (the characters) wake up in the surrounding forest and wander in. there are 3 main streets that have houses and a row of shops.
-it regenerates food and resources weekly. despite this, there is only one working fridge. the Limbo Fridge is located at the town center and is used as a landmark. there is an 82-year-old package of edamame in the fridge that has bad side effects when eaten-- also, it respawns/grows when removed. the victims of the edamame claim to have a psychic connection to it post-food poisoning.
-the actual roleplay portion of it takes place within the "limbo neighborhood watch" group chat. everyone who wakes up in limbo automatically has a phone with this installed. dms also exist for characters who came from the same universe-- groundhog day dms, falsettos dms, omori dms, etc.
-buildings within limbo: the store, mendel's psychiatrist's office/dispensary, the cafe, the marriage hall, and the pharmacy
-there is a giant groundhog.
and now, for the most used/iconic characters of limbo!
-MENDEL WEISENBACHFELD (falsettos). i guess you could say he's the antagonist of limbo? he's violently homophobic due to being a repressed bisexual. played by buddy.
-PHIL CONNORS (groundhog day). he is in constant anguish. married to rita. played by mart.
-RITA HANSON (groundhog day). also in constant anguish but more organised about it. played by theora.
-KEVIN PRICE (the book of mormon). got bullied and now he's not an asshole anymore. works at the cafe as a barista. his only friends are rita and 2 teenage girls. played by me (annie)!
-MARVIN (falsettos). hes a little hater. he's also in looooooove. played by sunny.
-WHIZZER (falsettos). sarcastic ass. he has a talking cat named colonel pumpkin. played by me, pt 2.
-ALL OF THE RTC CHARACTERS AND FANKIDS (will be expanded on later).
-OMORI KIDS (omori). sunny, basil, and kel. they are always up to some shit. played by annie, basil, and yuri.
that basically sums up limbo as it stands now! now, i'll leave you with our limbo documents!
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limbo map (made by yuri)
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limbo pride parade (made by buddy)
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venerabela · 1 year
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{PSNL} The First
My first actual Pokemon game was Pokemon Blue, with Pokemon Yellow following after. Charmander was my first choice, since I was big into dragons, and I knew what they evolved into. Pokemon Blue didnt have a gender system, aside from the Nidoran line, so I mis-remembered from my previous Pokemon image. I think I just imagined my Charmander being female and my over-active imagination filled in the rest of the blanks. I didnt have many friends growing up. I was bullied and treated horribly, so I treasured what few friends I did have before my Sophomore year in High School. What I lacked in friends, I made up for with my imagination. Pokemon, Digimon, His Dark Materials, Animorphs, so many of these series I grew up watching, playing, reading, and interacting with, I would create an imaginary friend for. Pikachu technically was the first imaginary friend, but Charmander was the first game in which it came to life. An original Game Boy Color that I had brought Charmander into my arms for the first time. I would imagine playing hide and seek, and other child's games. As I played through Blue, which I didnt get very far, mind you... Just far enough to evolve Charizard, my view on her changed and shifted. It taught me strategy, patience, and companionship with animals. I had a LOT of trouble with Misty, due to type disadvantages of Charmeleon with Staryu/Starmie. After a few unsuccessful fights, my mind kind of pieced together that my Charmeleon was taking quite a beating, which resulted in me taking good care of her after a bit of a battering to her face resulted in a deep scratch on her brow and cheek. Poor baby... :< Still, what little I remember past Lt Surge, outside of the game itself, I used to run out in the rain, imagining my Pokemon following happily behind. After I'd gotten wet enough that I was starting to get cold, I imagined, while sitting in front of the heat vent in my room (my room was the warmest in the house), that I was sitting against Charizard's side, umbrella'd under her wing, and being given her fiery tail to warm myself up with. It might sound kinda strange, but I've been feeling, as I turned 30 in October, that I've been making up for an underwhelming childhood... Almost like I'm having a second childhood as I go through my 30s. I'm playing a LOT of older games on older consoles, and have been taking a break from the games I normally play, like Apex and Minecraft. I feel a LOT happier with myself and I will likely be doing more images of myself with old childhood imaginings. One on my mind is that I used to have a full crew and even a main enemy in a Star Trek parody comic that I would draw on sheets of paper. I'm pretty sure my mother still has those in storage. Might go grab them and redraw them with my current artistic skill. Art and Vene © to myself 
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angry-geese · 3 years
Lemon Boy
Risotto Nero x Reader
Warnings: sfw. a little angsty but not really, lots of fluff. Kinda suggestive (if you squint???) Fem!reader
Notes: this is a sequel to two previous posts of mine. This is just a fluff drabble where the reader gets pregnant with Risotto's child
part one- nsfw, part two- sfw
It would take him another year to admit he wanted a second one.
By then he had adjusted to your normal. You got a raise at work, allowing him to stay home. Civilian life wasn't for him. Becoming a stay-at-home dad was much easier than trying to blend in with society, he found. While he felt guilty for leaving you to deal with all the bills, you told him not to worry about it. He kept the house tidy, made sure everyone was fed, and took Maria to school and her sports practices. She was turning out to be quite the little athlete. She almost had too much energy for him. He often found it hard to keep up. You weren't *not* trying for another. You weren't going out of your way for it, but if it happened; it happened.
The other stay-at-home mothers and housewives in your neighborhood would practically adopt Risotto. He was accepted into their groups- and subsequently their gossip- with open arms. They would protect him if police ever bothered him, and in return he became the neighborhood's handyman. Strangely enough, this was where he fit in best.
He couldn't keep his hands off of you.
It wasn't in a sexual way- though that was certainly the case too- Risotto always had to have an arm around you. He constantly needed his hands laced over your stomach, or his body pressing into yours from behind. At times his presence was suffocating, but you knew this was coming from a good place. It was force of habit. You getting pregnant only made him look over his shoulder more. Not many people would touch you before- at times you were frightening- but Risotto only added to that. Nobody in the PTA wanted to fuck with either of you. If he wasn't protective enough of you before, he certainly was now. Anyone who so much as looked at you the wrong way got a death stare. He'd wrap you up in his arms when people would try to touch your belly in public, not letting them near you. Sometimes he found himself spiraling into his old habits as he plotted the death of people who pissed you off. You wouldn't notice that creepy customer at your job going missing, would you?
You would go on maternity leave about a month or so before your due date. Being on your feet all day was getting nearly impossible as your walk became more of a waddle. Pregnancy to you wasn't some magical thing everyone your mother's age chalked it up to be. You were nauseous 90% of the time. You were constantly bloated and sick feeling, with spider veins popping up on your legs. If your second pregnancy had been your first, Maria would be an only child. Risotto never minded. He still found it hard to believe that there was something in there. And it was his. He looked at you like you were the most precious thing in the world. Because to him you were.
Maria would curl up next to you and not quite understand why your stomach would sometimes kick her. The other one wasn't even born yet and they're already fighting. You know you won't have a nice, quiet house for much longer. And the two of you are fine with that. If your youngest is anything like their sister, you'll have your hands full. Risotto's headstrong nature with your stubbornness is a deadly combination.
But he wants a big family and the loud house that comes with it.
Every night he has to have his arms around you or else he can't sleep; even as the summer months arrive, and it becomes far too hot to cuddle. You've learned to stop scooting away since he'll always pull you back to him. Every night he would pull you into his arms, running his hands over the growing bump of your stomach.
One night he pulls you extra close. The nightmares haven't stopped, he's only quit reacting to them. Waking up next to you grounds him in reality. He distracts himself with housework, or decorating the nursery. You settled on a shade of lilac for the walls. In the crib- which was painted a pale blue- was filled with strange stuffed toys. There was a cat, a fish, an ice gremlin, and some purple monster with a lot of eyes. "I'm only giving them options" you'd say. An old, ornate mirror pulled from your old home was hung up. It was a wedding gift from Prosciutto, and likely the most expensive thing you owned at the time. "They'd need one when they're older" you'd reason.
You can't seem to sleep either. Risotto rolls over in bed to face you. Instinctively you brush the stray hairs out of his face.
"Have any names picked out?" He asks.
Though you had planned this long before he even agreed to it, names weren't something you'd given much thought.
"I do. I know it's really strange to name them after food but," you don't even have to finish the sentence for him to know where you're going with this, "how about Prosciutto, or Pesci? Or Ghiacco, Melone..."
Formaggio, Illuso, Sorbet, Gelato...
He only nods. He'd never admit it, but your old squad was his family. Back then, neither of you would dare to say such a thing. At the time they were only strangers forced into the same fate. Your teammates were never meant to be family. Losing them sent him spiraling into a pit he's still recovering from. You go on in their memory because they would bully the hell out of you for stopping to feel sorry for yourself. If they were still alive, your children would be the two most well protected kids on earth. They'd have eight uncles all willing to kill for them.
"What if they're a girl?" He asks.
"It's a boy."
The way you say it with such certainty makes him laugh, the noise coming from deep in his chest. He nuzzles into the crook of your neck.
While you were waiting until they were born to find out the gender, you had the sneaking suspicion they were going to be a boy. Maybe your mother pointed out that one of your breasts hung lower than the other- while absolutely uncalled for- meant they were a boy.
Eventually you would settle on what Risotto's name was before he joined Passione: Dante. Nobody called him that- not even you. Just as he rarely called you by your birth name. He wouldn't even speak it, writing it down for you when asked. That was not who either of you were anymore. The old versions of you died when you were assigned to the hitman team.
You would go into labor a week early. To no one's surprise, you would have a son. A healthy- albeit small- boy with a tuft of silver hair. The moment you're allowed to, you pass him off to his father. It's clear Risotto has no clue what he's doing, but he looks at your son like he's the most precious thing in the world. He's so tiny compared to him. He kind of looks like an old man... But Risotto won't tell you that.
You'd be released from the hospital a few days later.
Sometimes you wonder if your children will grow up to be stand users. They have to be- both their parents are. You had little understanding of how- or why- you had a stand, only gaining yours after being shot with a bow of all things. It was sort of a promise you made to yourself to never use yours. You were keeping yourself out of trouble, as tempting as it was to start it.
You hadn't seen Metallica in years. You missed the days when you could embarrass Risotto by calling them cute.
Dante wasn't a quiet child. For seemingly no reason, he would scream until he exhausted himself. Only then would he sleep. Lucky for you, Maria could sleep through anything, so she wasn't bothered by him. You brought him to doctors but they would all tell you this was normal. He was eating, gaining weight, and growing as a child should. There was nothing they could do for you.
Most nights Risotto would get up for the baby. He told you it was so you'd heal faster, and that if Dante needed to eat he'd bring him to you. But you didn't buy it. Risotto was still over the moon that something so little was his. Speaking from experience, he wouldn't be tiny for very long. Maria was nearly able to look you in the eye and that is far too much power for a six-year-old to have. You weren't even that short, she was tall; it didn't help that your husband was nearly a foot taller than you.
There's enough light in the room to make out Risotto's large figure and the bundle of blankets in his arms. Metallica's writhing form is visible in the reflection of Dante's eyes. His pudgy hand outstretched, grabbing onto the Metallica beans, trying to catch them.
Not only was your child loud, but he was a stand user too. And you had the sneaking suspicion he wasn't the only one.
Good luck. You're going to have your hands full.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— “Go on, pet,” you nip at his throat, skin that was much softer than you would think with the scales that plagued his body. “Make your owner happy.” —
pairing: spinner (shuchi iguchi) x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, fluff, cursing, bondage, desperation, dom!fem, praise, begging, orgasm denial, toys, over-stimulation, multiple-orgasm, xenophilia, marking/biting, cunnilingus, pegging, human-pet-play, collar and leash, and breeding
word count: 7,750
The life of a villain was one of… inconsistency. 
To say the least, being a villain meant knowing that with every passing day, you were at risk. Unlike heroes who had a safety net in life, villains had nothing to catch them if they fell. Society was better with the help of influential individuals, but how you saw it, how you knew things to be, it was only better because the marginalized groups were easier to pick out. 
It was always easier to push down those who scared you, those who were abnormal. With the emergence of quirks, the transformations once average humans made to become who they are now that marginalization increased. 
Sure, All Might may have brought the crime rate to 6%, but with it, he took down millions of helpless people who also needed heroes but went ignored.
You were among one of those groups, a once happy family pushed to the brinks due to collateral damage brought by All Might. Saving people with a smile, but ignoring those he didn’t see. Your family had a long line of quirks dealing with death, and for so long, no one cared. After a massive villain attack occurred in your hometown, people feared your family, blaming you all on bringing death to over three hundred people. The heroes did nothing, All Might had solved the case in less than an hour but never returned.
You were bullied, ridiculed, put down.
It was no surprise to you or anyone of your neighbors when you finally disappeared and joined an albeit messy group called the League of Villains. 
In this rat-tat group, you found a family.
Heeding the will of the Hero Killer: Stain, you for the first time since you were six found yourself among equals. 
Just by the looks of them all, they were outsiders too, marginalized, hated.
The leader Shigaraki, well the dude had corpses all over his body and was quite the bratty man-child. Dabi looked like the love child of Frankenstein’s monster and some living girl. Toga had a cruel obsession with blood, knives, and death. Twice seemed mentally deranged, going from polar opposites in such a comical way that you were suppressing your snickers with every shouted sentence. Big Sis Magne and Compress, you couldn’t quite figure out why they had joined, but they evened out the team.
But the most marginalized, the one that had you stopping and staring while he walked into the meeting room, was Spinner. 
Shuchi Iguchi.
A lizard man.
His pink eyes locked on you, and your lips pulled into a smirk. You did not miss the way his green scaly cheeks seemed to turn impossibly pink, embarrassment coursing through his veins.
This was good, you thought, letting Twice throw an arm around you while he screamed at Dabi about who knows what. Of course, the lizard wasn’t used to having anyone stare at him, especially without a look of disgust or hatred. 
This was the first day you met your family, this misfit crew that left you wanting to tear your hair from your scalp at times, but without a doubt, you’d do anything for them.
As for Shuchi, well, to say the least, the two of you forged quite the relationship. You knew that he was someone you wanted, someone you craved, the ability to get with someone who wasn’t normal was too grand a chance for you to even pass by. One that ended with being caught with tongues down each other’s throats behind the building of an old hideout. Outed by none other than Twice — of course, it would be him.
But that was almost a year ago.
Today, in the present time, the two of you had been on the road for what seemed like ages. It was without saying that Shigaraki did not trust the MLA, and to be honest, even though your rag-tag group managed to beat them in the end, you agreed with his distrust. It was, however, a constant battle of wanting those he trusted near him and sending the ones he trusted most to do the scouting he needed. 
So begrudgingly, Shigaraki deployed you and Spinner off to do his bidding outside of the confinements of the hideout. After a year of truly being against the law, it was weird being out in the open, attempting to blend in with the oblivious people of the world. But if there was one good thing about being a scout for your family, it was definitely the ‘pretending-to-be-normal’ part.
Six months of dating Spinner left you two with only one actual date.
To even call it a date would be a joke as well, the two of you had simply sat out eating lunch post-training one day. Both of your bodies screaming with exhaustion, muscles beat into you, and the chill of the winter sun looming gently on your skin while the two of you ate together. 
So here, under the pretense of false disguises and the entire MLA wealth under your fingertips, you and Spinner felt like an actual couple.
However, it was those damn dates that kept putting the both of you down. 
Every time the two of you tried to go out on a date, disaster struck.
The first date was plagued with the restaurant being destroyed when a villain threw a local hero straight through the wall. 
The second date was ruined because a member of the MLA discovered the two of you, so you had to watch your food grow cold while you passed information.
The twentieth attempt at the date was ruined by a video chat from Shigaraki. Oh, how infuriating it was to see the phone too close to his face. Only for his scarred lips to scowl while you tried to explain why you both looked better than average. 
But this was now your forty-third attempt, and you’d be damned if you didn’t actually get your loving boyfriend to do some cliche date things.
So it had started off with a simple date, the two of you decided to order in. 
It took twenty minutes for someone to come knocking on your two’s motel door with a box of pizza, hot wings, and a box you didn’t know what it was. You paid off the man, not bothering to continue the light chatter he tried to attempt. You, after all, had more pressing matters at hand rather than attending to small talk. 
Turning with the boxes in your hand, you smiled, seeing how Spinner had laid out a nicer blanket on top of the bed, trying to emulate a picnic that had failed for you two on multiple occasions. Being a villain to the world beauty was something hardly seen, tranquility and serenity was something saved for the heroes, but this? This was perfect.
Your head had been resting up against Spinner’s shoulder for some time now. A comfortable silence between the two of you. Your eyes trailed over to the green scales of his arm, the same arm that had once been skinny and lean had become muscular and broad. At the initial meeting, he could never beat you in an arm-wrestling competition. Something the league used as an ice breaker weirdly enough, but now? He could carry you above his head without breaking a single sweat. 
That knowledge sent a pleasurable shiver down your spine, and Spinner was on full alert.
“Y/n?” he says slowly, sensing the gentle waves of lust that slowly rolled from you. 
He could always sense it.
“We haven’t been able to do anything lately,” you pout, but there wasn’t even the slightest bit of sorrow in your voice. 
Your eyes trailed up to his face, the scaly green face was flushed pink, and a lazy smirk filled your face. You thought it was amazing that despite the color and thickness of his skin, you could still see the colors of embarrassment riding through his cells. You rolled onto your knees, straddling him where he sat, and delighted in the way his pink eyes widened.
Spinner was not naive, but hell, was he so innocent.
“I want you to go into the bathroom and put on your collar,” you murmur against his cracked lips, his skin cold under your touch while you graze his shoulders. “I want you, Spinner…”
His breathing was harsh, and his eyes were slitted when he stared into your lustful eyes. He was falling under the control of your pheromones, and you took that to your advantage. You ground against his growing bulge fingers digging into his skin. He moaned in his throat, his eyes fluttering, his head mindlessly nodding.
“Go on, pet,” you nip at his throat, skin that was much softer than you would think with the scales that plagued his body. “Make your owner happy.”
There was no hesitation when you rolled off him and him standing up and walking into the shitty bathroom. Smirking at the sound of the bathroom door clicking closed, you stood up from the bed. You stripped your clothes, moving your hair from your face. Staring into the mirror, you could see the lacy black teddy you wore.
You were glad you had managed to pack a pair of heels with you, and while he remained in the restroom, you slipped them on. With grace and ease, you walked to the dresser provided by the motel and opened the first drawer. While you shuffled around in the drawer, the bathroom door unlocked.
It made no effect on your slow movements; in fact, you definitely moved slower while you pulled something long and leather out of the pile of clothes. 
Tall, scaly, naked, and so very green. Your eyes drank in your boyfriend's nude state, naked as the day he was born with nothing but a pink leather collar sitting around his neck. 
“Come here,” you hithered him with your finger, your legs parting, hip jutting out. 
Spinner gulped audibly, and with a proud smile on your face, you watched him sink to the ground, his fingers pressing against the dirty floor, his ass in the air while he crawled to you. You continued to watch his every movement, amused with the way that he shamefully crawled to you despite the boner pressing against his stomach. 
“Good job, Spinner,” you praise, your hand stretching out, cold metal burning against your warm skin. His eyes drop down to see you attaching the long leash to the collar before straightening out again. “Follow.”
You don’t give him time to heed your words, already tugging at the leash to the point where you heard a muffled choke. Grinning, you watched him scamper to keep up, his voice trying not to speak any louder than a whisper. Seconds before he could reach the bed to crawl up on it, you quickly turned around, ball of your foot slamming on the leash, choking him once again, sending his snout to the floor. 
“Oh, sorry,” you smile at the way a ragged pant expels from his lips. So sweet, so rewarding. “I thought you were trying to move without your owner's permission!”
Spinner was trying to move without permission, but he couldn’t respond; after all, he was your pet. With a proud grin at how well he was behaving, you pressed the flat of your heel on his snout and shoved him up, your eyes looking at him with amusement. “On the bed, before I change my mind, pet.”
You’d never seen him scramble that fast to get on the bed. 
His pink eyes stare at you, wide-eyed, and slits incredibly thin. He was on edge, he was ready for his first orgasm. You weren’t a cruel dom, that was the truth, but you weren’t prepared to give in yet. Not after hearing him choke twice, no, he needed to hold out some more.
You moved on top of him, your thighs straddling his smooth chest, the leash in your hand binding to the metal bar of the bed frame. It wasn’t too tight where he had to adjust his position on the bed, but just close enough where his Adam apple bobbed under the collar in worry that he would make noises.
Pet lizards didn’t make noises after all. 
Once the leash was secured on the bed, your head turned around to look at his hard cock. It was large, monstrously large. Sheathed around green skin, this was one of your favorite parts of having a mutant as a boyfriend. Once he was really ready, the green skin would retract and show up to pink cocks that you would drool over any day. The thought of the two pulsating cocks immediately set a flare of fire to your core, the soft thumping of your body pleasantly reacting to your thoughts was enough ammo for you to continue.
You wanted to see the writhing cocks now.
“I want your eyes on me at all times,” you state, sliding back on his torso, making sure to circle your hips teasingly against his softly throbbing cock. “You look away, and I’ll leave for the rest of the night.”
You arrived at his cock, the salty scent of his slick pre-cum already invading your senses. Your mouth watered at the thought of his massive loads exploding down your throat. You had never been a fan of swallowing the near acid that was cum, but it was different with Spinner.
You wanted to milk his cum from his overstimulated cock for the rest of eternity.
Inhaling sharply, that was it, you needed to move.
Your lips wrapped around the head of his dark green cock. The angry green head seemed to sizzle against your cold saliva, and the taste of his salty pre-cum dripping down his length invaded your senses. Fingers continued to stroke and massaged his throbbing cock, and your tongue pressed flat against the slit in his head. His strained gasp of shock sent shivers down your body, your ass wiggled in the air, he was so fucking turned on. Your boyfriend was so, so innocent.
Hollowing out your cheeks, you let your teeth scrape against the underside of his cock, and you pressed down against his buckling legs. That must have hurt him a bit, but you went to trace over your movements with your tongue, nulling the pain.
His eyes were in and out of focus while you sucked him off, an internal battle to keep them on you while your mouth manipulated him. Your jaw relaxed more, the overall girth of his cock becoming too much when you went down further, but you needed to persevere. You wanted him to crack.
Further, you went down against his length, the more your tongue wrapped around his thick cock. Teeth dragging against the bulging veins on his member. You wanted to hear him scream your name, you wanted him to break character, to beg you to do what he loved most. Scream your name until his throat was hoarse and fucked him until his cock was a limp slab of flesh. 
He did this to you. 
You wanted to do this to him.
Your eyes dared his fluttering ones to close, he was finding it hard to keep them open, and that was all you needed. Shifting your hand to the base of his cock, you willed yourself lower against his slightly thrusting hips. The feeling of his cock pressing further down your throat thrilling you with this sense of competition.
You couldn’t let your pet win.
But shit, he was thick. His cock was mercilessly stretching out your throat, the throbbing and heated skin imprinting itself against your throat. 
More, you willed yourself when your hand sharply twisted the base of his cock before continuing to pull the skin up and down. A restrained screech of pleasure resonated from Spinner's mouth, not enough for you to call him out on it, but enough to make you bob your head faster; his hips subconsciously thrust further into your mouth. 
Tears pricked at your eyes, and Spinner’s body quivered under his restraint to not slam his hips into your mouth. The knowing of a reward is too perfect for him to risk losing control right now. Your free hand shifted to his balls, grabbing onto the heated flesh and kneading it until hisses escaped his disorientated mouth. 
With one low groan from your throat, it was over for Spinner.
His body stiffened underneath you, and fiery sticky hot cum squirted into your mouth, shooting straight down your relaxed throat while he spasmed. Moaning, you rose from his cock, strings of saliva and cum attaching his cock to your lips. 
He had managed to beat you at this, you thought with the smallest bit of pride. He was improving. 
Making an effort to show that you had swallowed his cum. His chest rose and fell with his ragged breathing, a testament to his suppressed orgasms this entire time. 
“Amazing,” you sigh, your eyelids heavy when you stare at him. “I do wonder how much you’ll like this next one. But for your owner to play fair, you’ll be able to speak.”
You don’t waste any time, pushing your boyfriend over onto his stomach, a small grunt of understanding escaping him when he landed on his face. How typical, his first orgasm was always a critical point for him. If you weren’t fast enough, he’d fall asleep.
Sliding off the bed, you grabbed the harness and strap on that had been in the dresser by the bedside. 
Your eyes remained on his own, a smirk on your face as you slip your legs through the restraints. Fastening them tight around your thighs, you made a show to make him see just how good you look as you jut out your hip in a sultry fashion when it’s done. It’s tight against your legs, but you enjoyed that feeling. Spinner groans, his body sprawled out onto the bed as you saunter towards the bed. 
Why did he look sensuous with his ass in the air and red staining his cheeks?
“Hands and knees,” you command, stepping back on the bed.
Spinner babbled for air, his chest ragging, tiredness evident in his every movement, but nonetheless, he shifted over to the position you ordered. Ass in the air, spluttering noises still heavy on his mouth. 
“You look ready to pass out, yet you’re so ready for my cock,” you laugh, your index finger peaking through his pert hole. “I haven’t even fucking started fucking your asshole with my strap, and you look ready to cum again.” You ease your finger in as Spinner lets out a string of whines, his body trembling as he falls onto his forearms. Your tongue pokes out, savoring the way that his asshole contracts around your finger. 
How he was going to survive this thicker dildo was beyond you.
“Does this feel good?” you grin, your finger inching in him, touching the soft walls of his rectum.
“Y-Yes, it does, oh my god,” Spinner stifles a wail while he thrusts his hips out towards you, trying to fuck himself against you.
Your finger makes it all the way in, and Spinner stammers out your name as you begin to pull it back out. 
Your finger thrusts into him, and his hips tremble with resulting lust and need. Your hips are shifting in your own excitement, pressing the bottom of the dildo against his back. The discomfort from your own need is ignorable because god.. the way he trembles like a leaf sends your eyes rolling backward. His chest falls to the mattress as you continue thrusting into him. Spinner’s moans were stirring you on as you add another finger stretching him out.
“This feels — fuck, so good!” Spinner moans, fingers digging into the bedsheets while you work your fingers in a circle. You don’t bother to respond back, choosing to instead grip his balls again, watching his hips snap backward in retaliation.
He makes audible gawking noise, his spluttering fueling your massaging fingers. You chuckle as your free hands trail up and down his muscular thigh. Pinching and pulling at his scales until his ass clenches against your fingers. Your name was a broken prayer on his tongue. Your hand moves to his inner thigh, nails teasing the skin, and then grab onto his hard hot and leaking cock. 
Spinner let out a silent scream into the mattress when you began to fist his length, the simultaneous activation of his cock and his anus making him drool. You watched his scarlet and green snout shoved into the pillow, his eyes not focused at all in his pleasure with a puddle of drool, holy fuck did that make your clit throb. “You’re taking my fingers so good, pet,” you groan against his rippling back muscles, your teeth biting into the sensitive skin. “I hope this feels as good as you’re making it look.”
Spinner spasms as your nails ripple against the puffy walls of his asshole. He’s nearly crying, and his desperate gasps turn you on further. Your hand that is moving down his length, fisting him as you go. A sadistic smile on your face as his cries continue. His body trembled. Your fingers were moving in a wave-like function as he gasps so desperately it was almost impossible to say that it was anything but art.
Your cunt is now throbbing at the sight of your boyfriend like this. Your heart hammered in your chest, the adrenaline rush of seeing Spinner being unable to do anything but babble incoherently made your thighs scorching hot. Your other hand releases his twitching cock, flicking his leaking tip when you pull away. Spinner’s pleading gasps are interrupted when you slap his ass, the way his body jerks at the stinging sensation, making you laugh.
“Don’t worry,” you say, grabbing the lube and placing a large amount onto the dildo. “I hope you’re ready for my cock, I want to see you squirm.”
“W-What?” Spinner pants, his eyes dazed, unable to focus on you while you stroke the plastic dildo in your hands.
“Think it’s too big to fit inside you, Spinner?” you wound with a pout; your hand shows off the cock that’s a bit thinner than his own dick. “I haven’t used it on you in a while.”
“It’ll… it’ll fit,” Spinner promises, sweat falling down his cheeks, eyes full of promise.
“Good.” you grin, “I just hope you don’t cum…”
Spinner shudders a shallow breath escaping his nose. The noise taunts you beautifully, a small spark of excitement going down your spine when your tongue slides against your lower lip.
“You’re doing so well,” you praise pressing the head of the black dildo onto his asshole, the head pressing into his clenching pert hole. Your grin widening when Spinner’s hips stuttered beneath your, a failed attempt of getting you further within him and trying not to give out entirely on you. “Now, you’re going to take my cock like a good little pet, and don’t cum.”
Spinner’s voice lets out a whiney splutter, and you shiver at the sound as you move your hips forward. The head of the dildo sinking into his awaiting and eager hole.
He splutters loudly, his fingers tearing holes into the bedsheets. You grunt at the sound of the tearing fabric, but you’re much more concentrated on the way that he is relaxing to the dildo up his ass.
One of your hands is moving up to rub soothing circles on his back as you push deeper inside him, you try to distract him from the initial and long-forgotten pain. Spinner replied with pitched noises, his back muscles flaring with every small movement of yourself. Rutting his hips back into you until you were undeniably inside him, bottoming out entirely so that your thighs push against his ass. 
But you do not wait for him to adjust because he’s done this before, and he loves it when you’re rough. Your thighs twitch with your anticipation, and your hands find reins in Spinner’s hair, and with a small shift of your hips, you drive into him while slamming his head back. The pool of heat within you intensifies as Spinner’s back arches more intensely then you’ve ever seen him span before.
“P-Please go faster!” He begs, and you smirk, your thighs slamming heavily onto his ass, the spanking noises sending chills down your spine. “Faster!”
“Such a good little pet, taking my cock so well, maybe you do deserve to cum,” you praise, and Spinner dares to moan in horny pleasure, his head nodding in his emotional disarray.
“Owner is so good to me, so good, so good,” Spinner babbles as your hips drills against his ass.
A shriek of pleasure leaves his lips as you begin accelerating your hips against his ass. Your pace a lot faster than it has ever been. You began to plunge your hips against him, your fingers yanking at his roots so harshly you swore that you were ripping hair clean off his head. 
But you were also lost in your sadistic glee in the way that Spinner moans loudly, obviously enjoying how you drilled into him. His hips slammed backward to meet yours, his ass bouncing with every thrust. You pant, one of your hands letting go of his hair to land another hard smack on his ass, expecting a raw noise in response. Your face lights up when your boyfriend lets out sinfully ragged moans at the action, his jaw-dropping as he mewls.
“I bet I don’t even need to move to fuck you like this,” you scold, your nails scratching against the curve of his spine, watching his scales flutter around your hard nails. “Maybe I should stop moving and watch you fuck yourself against me like the horny pet that you are.”
Your mouth perks into a prideful smirk, and Spinner is staggering again. Your fingers latch at the hair by the base of his neck, and you snap his head back, delighting in the way that he can no longer keep his eyes open, tears in his eyes.
“Please, owner, more!” Spinner gasps as you shift your hips harshly. His back arching as he clutches the fabric between his fingers. You laugh, your head leaning to press a few harsh bites against his spine.
Biting against scales was indeed a different experience; it was hard yet soft against your skin, it took a bit more strength, but finally, his skin broke, and Spinner howled like a wounded beast.
“Fuck, you look so damn pretty when you’re crying for me,” you moan, uncaring about how your thrusts are becoming more and more sloppy in turn for the power you’re giving. Spinner is so responsive to your actions that you could feel your essence beginning to coat your inner thighs. You’re positive that you’ll be coming as soon as you mount his cock later. 
You grip his hips, angling your body so that you’re thrusting into him at a better angle. Trying to desperately find that angle that will make his eyes roll to the back of his head, to leave him lost of all and any words. To find the edge that will make him scream and drool and babble. The pitched, loud, and raw ‘fuck’ that leaves his lips lets you know you found his prostate. You continue in at that angle, the same power and depth as the rawness of his voice send sharpness down your spine.
Your body feels like it’s on fire as you feel so much power. Your boyfriend’s continuous whimpering is stirring you on because even though Spinner was a sub, whimpering was often something he would never do. Your right-hand leaves his hair, moving to grasp his still rock hard cock in your grasp. “Oh, poor baby,” you coo. “Does your cock need to come?” You pant, the action of your thrusting hips making you sweat.
“Yes, fuck, owner… yes, let me fucking cum!” Spinner blabbers, his eyes barely open, his face burying into the mattress as you fist his length up and down.
You stop your movements, panting against the shell of his ear while you watch his body desperately move against you still, eager, needy, wanting you to continue. Spinner lets out the most pained yelp you’ve ever heard from him, his body desperately and wantonly thrusting against you. “That's right, fuck yourself against me,” you giggle lightly almost too lightly for the activity the two of you were engaging in. “I love seeing your perky ass slamming against my cock, such a good pet, teach me how you like it.” 
Spinner stammers, but his hips are relentless against your stilled body as he continues fucking himself against your dildo, the smacking of his ass against your thighs, an invigorating cry. Your laughs nearly inaudible at the sight of him still fucking himself against you.
“Owner!” Spinner cries, his cock is twitching spastically against your hands.
“Don’t cum yet!” you challenge, your fingers leaving his length, your hips pulling away.
“Please let me come, baby, please!” Spinner pants his hips on a one-track mind while he continues pushing against the strap-on, fucking himself against you despite your attempt to getaway. 
Shoving him forward, you roll off the bend onto the ground, quickly getting yourself free from the dildo.
“Don’t make me take away your reward for not cumming,” you warn, watching Spinner's green cock skin move down, teasing you with the appearance of the two cocks you had been craving for a while.
You stripped yourself of the teddy, shivering slightly when the wet fabric from your slick brushed against your warm thigh. You returned to the same drawer you had once found the leash and pulled out three objects you had put on top of everything for this exact reason. Turning your head, you smiled lazily at the sight of Spinner on his back again, his eyes studying you while the painful-looking erection throbbed against his stomach.
“Legs straight out for me!” you cheer, watching him groan while he extended his legs.
He was behaving so well, with the amount of pre-cum dripping from his cock and spilling onto his stomach — hell you could smell it from all the way across the room — you knew it had to be painful for him right now. He had been so good, such a good little pet for you.
“You’re allowed to cum this time around,” you tell him calmly, your fingers securing knots around his ankles and fastening them to the bed frame. You held up a vibrator, and you saw all the color leave Spinners face when you pressed the probe into his ass. “I just pray you’ll be out of commission once I turn this on…”
Spinners heave when your fingers shove the device until only the top of it is keeping it from going all the way into his clenching asshole. “I guess I’ll have to make you start eating me out before I really let you have fun, ne?”
He doesn’t have the chance to respond because you’re already on top of his face. His pink eyes stare at you, almost red in his lust and passions. You slyly smirk pressing two fingers against your slick before rubbing it against his lips, “I hope you can tongue fuck me as good as my vibrator can fuck you,” you wink as you sink onto his face before he can interrupt you.
His parched lips separate as you move above him, you relish in the feeling of his smooth scales gliding against your skin. It was so much more beautiful than human skin, so much cooler than humans too. But then you felt his tongue tease the center of your lips; you were the master, not him. Your eyes narrowed, unwelcoming of his shy approach. So with the remote to the vibrator in your hand and the leash in the other, you used them. 
The buzzing of the vibrator shakes the mattress, Spinner practically spitting into your cunt with his vicious and strangled yelp — courtesy of the collar. You moan loudly, yanking onto his hair as you shift your hips as if you were riding a mechanical bull, not wanting to let him adjust to this new position. Something hot and sticky splattered on your back, and you turned around to see that Spinner had cum, and by the looks of the milky white substance still unloading from his cocks, he wasn’t done yet.
“Look at your pretty cocks,” you coo, your chest fluttering in excitement, “I bet you can’t wait to cum in my hot pussy, huh, pet?”
You grin at the sight of the two twin pink cocks that stood erect. They were out the reason why you enjoyed fucking your pet so much. Excitement and heat flood your body, your hips are bouncing sloppily against his snout. But you were getting ahead of yourself. Spinner’s tongue pushed against your slit, lapping at the essence that had already gathered. And then a soft and pained groan escaped him as the tip of his tongue pushed against your cavern, and you whined at the way it vibrated through your core.
Your head tilted back as you ground your hips, big bucks shifting through your body as you attempted to get your own high off so you could mount him. His left hand gripped your soft thighs, trying to hold your moving body in place as his right hand curled towards your unappreciated sex, and he mewls at the way your body moved to help him press his claws into you.
“Fuck, pet,” you groan loud enough to be heard as the tip of his nose brushes against your clit, his teeth nipping at the skin of you fold as you grind downwards. 
His tongue finally pushes through your softly throbbing core and twirls against your spasming walls. Then you’re also met with his fingers that run against the opposite wall of his tongue. Your cry of pleasure was loud as you yanked at his hair, your hand landing hard on the mattress as your hips slam against his face. You can feel him trembling underneath you, the wet sound of the vibrator well up to his ass, and his once leaking cock exciting you. But this situation doesn’t deter him, nor does it slow him down as he tries to desperately keep up with your demanding pace.
Pleasure taints your skin like alcohol, making you dizzy, letting incoherent thoughts babble from your tongue at the feeling of his long and cold tongue well within your spongy walls. You struggle to keep your eyes wide open as the pleasurable sensations continue to crash into you as he continues this assault on you. And as you try to reign in your mind, so that you could take control, he enters another finger into you.
Spluttering loudly, you nearly scream at the way his talons scissor within you, or how his tongue laps at your secreting juices as if he was a starving man with only one chance of salvation.
“You taste so good,” he moans against your dripping sex, and you almost scream his name at the way his words cement within your center. “Does this feel good, owner?”
The hand holding your right thigh moves to pinch and twist your clit, and you shriek as your hips buck wildly as sharp pleasure rips through you. Despite your lack of response, your action was enough to make Spinner pleased as he continues to whisper in tongues to you.
Your eyes lull to the back of your head as the tightened pressure, and blazing heat within you only grows with every push and flick of his tongue and fingers. But it's the chuckle that reaches you truly as you will yourself to take back control.
Gasping, you grab a handful of hair and yank his head backward, his tongue now reaching you at a new angle. Your eyes come down to meet his, and the lust and excitement in his eyes affect you as you bite down harshly onto your bruised pink lips. You then begin to bounce against his face in short yet hard jumps, your pussy grinding against him as his eyebrow arches in his pained pleasure.
“W-Who said you were in charge?” you gasp as you swivel your hips, and you can feel his lips smirk as his tongue twirls in rejection. Your hand presses another button on the remote, and you’ve never seen Spinners' eyes slam to the back of his as quickly as you had then. You turned your head around to the creaking of metal, his legs spasming erratically. The high pitch of the vibrator was loud in your ears, and his tongue went slack within you, his fingers falling from your cunt. Once more, milky white seed spurts from his cocks, getting everywhere
“Let’s see how you keep up, pet.”
Your hips were relentless as you rode his mouth, his tongue no longer able to keep up with his slurping and lapping into your moving cunt. Your fingers remained firm in his hair, and the free hand now plays with your nipples in your power drive. You twisted and tugged on the sensitive nubs as you rocked forward and backward. Your panting was growing with the increased pleasure in your body became electrifying, and Spinner was drowning in this new domination.
His tongue remained within your cunt, firing in and out of your spasming walls until he curled them the right way and hit your g-spot. Spinner could not doubt what he hit as your reaction was evident as you not only shrieked loud enough to wake the dead, but your thighs came slamming against his head. 
He hit your g-spot again and again. The accuracy mindblowing as the slurping of your cunt hit your ears in the most ludicrous of ways. Your fingers dug into his skin as you drowned him between your thighs, and then it hit you.
Your release ripped through you the second he hit your g-spot again. The pleasure in your belly is too overwhelming, and your toes curl in electrifying pleasure as you sob into your hand. You can’t handle it anymore, the desire being too much, and your vision turns white as your jaw drops as your screams go silent.
When you come through, you slide off his face. Spinner's face was coated with your juices, shining so prettily against his scales, but his eyes remained at the back of his head, tongue falling out of his mouth, whines, and mewls pouring from his lips.
The vibrator!
Your hand shot out to grab the remote that had fallen from your hold while you were deliriously shot silly from your orgasm, and you looked at his trembling legs and pathetic hips thrusting into the air as if that would satisfy his raging boner.
A thought curled through your mind, and it sat so prettily within you, that you went with it.
Vibrator still on, you swung your leg over his thigh and loomed over him. The two cocks were vertically aligned, and although you had gone many times double penetrating yourself with his thick cocks, you wanted them both in your cunt. 
The ties on his ankles are gone, as is the collar on his neck, and while he snaps up, desperate to get the vibrator off, maybe, you grasp the hot flesh of his cock and impale yourself on him.
“Holy shit.”
White-hot pain flared through your entire body at the feeling of his cocks burning into you. When you had lowered down onto him, his hips had spastically bucked up into you, sheathing you without giving you the time to accommodate to the pulsing flesh of his cocks. Unlike human cocks, his cocks also had the ability to move, and as if you were being fucked by tentacles, they withered inside you. Pushing against your hot velvet walls, scissoring against your spongey wetness, slamming against your cervix wall until your head dipped back in your ecstasy. 
With you bottomed out on him, the both of you were unable to move because Spinner’s mind was revolving around the euphoric feeling of your wet and hot heat clamping around him, unable to completely accept his insertion. Your walls resisted his thickness, squeezing so tightly he thought his cocks might snap off within you, but it spit a lustful fire into him. 
You swore you could feel the vibrator within your core, and you moaned voluptuously. 
“Fuck me, pet.” He mewls as a painful throb in your pussy lulls, and you writhe your hips against him, “N-Now fuck me right. Don’t fucking make me regret letting you help out your owner,” you command as his eyes lock on yours.
There’s something that clicks between the two of your stares, it’s unsaid, and you smirk at the way that he nods his head, his cock twitching within you, sending a crashing pleasure through you once more.
Spinner chuckles breathlessly, small and knowing, and rightfully so as he adheres to your demand. His hips position to a better angle underneath you, a quiet attempt at testing your dominance, and you can only watch behind clenched eyes as he begins thrusting up into you. Your hips move down and in time with his. Both of you desperate under your nearing second orgasms. This heightened state of pleasure brought by the rawness of this all. Spinner’s hands grip your waist. His grip will, for sure, leave bruise marks as he slams your body faster against his. He’s stretching you out with every move, the feeling of his writhing cocks sending shockwaves through your body while you bounced on top of him. By god, does he know how to use his cock even on the brink of insanity. His hands shift as they drag out under your ass, clenching your supple flesh as this difference stretches you out in unimaginable ways.
His hips crashing into yours, the sounds of the vibrator, and your squelching sexes the loudest things in the room, and your cries fuel him.
Your body feels as if it is turning into jelly as he shifts you suddenly onto your back, your legs pressing over his shoulders. His cocks are bottoming out into you, slithering against your cervix, making your back arch off the mattress as you wail out his name. Spinners' heated claws press against your throbbing clit, the nail flicking at the puffy nerve. 
You suppress a sob as he rubs harsh and delicate figure-eights onto your clit. Your pussy is clamping down on his hammering cocks, but not at all slowing him down, and he still grunts and increases his speed and strength.
Your noises of pleasure silence as his cocks hit the back of your walls, your teeth sinking into the flesh of his neck. Spinner howls, a predatorial glaze is coming over his eyes that screams his thoughts of mating and breeding and you, only you. Your legs are thrashing around as he drilled powerfully into you the same way. 
Over and over.
Again and again.
Harder and harder.
His cocks smashing against your walls until he tilts the angle of one of his cock heads and crashes down hard against your g-spot.
“SPINNER!!!” You scream as he continues pounding into your g-spot, a soft thud, and a noisy buzz in the air, letting you know that the vibrator had fallen from his ass. But his pulsating cocks are too much for you to care, too much for you to even want to shove the vibrator all the way up his ass. It’s your turn to recite his name like a prayer as he continues fucking your brains out.
You shoot up off the mattress, your screams muffled through more bites on his neck, blood pouring into your mouth, the metallic taste making your eyes roll back in glory. He was yours. He was yours. He was yours. 
Even though your legs were on his shoulder, you held on. The angle allows Spinner to drive his cocks against your g-spot over and over again. Your body is bouncing with every single slam. His body is giving you exploding sensations, your tightness making Spinner moan and curse.
“I needa – fuuuuck, pet do that again – I needa come!” you pant as your body slams against his own.
“Come for me, owner,” Spinner sighs into your mouth. “Come around my cocks.”
The built-up pleasure in your belly is profuse, it’s built up so fast, and your toes curl in electrifying pleasure. You can’t handle it anymore, the desire being too much.
Your orgasm slams through you, your vision nearly turning white as your jaw drops as your screams go silent. Spinner's mouth continues to move against yours, kissing sloppily against your teeth as he chases his own orgasm. His fangs are digging into your bottom lip as his jaw slacks.
His hips continue slamming into you. They’re brutal as they slam over and over again. He’s chanting your name as your stimulated cunt keeps clenching around his length. His pace is making you grow numb in his arms, although your hips still continue to desperately roll against his. His breathing is heavy and tense. Panting as he struggles to keep himself composed.
“Come inside me…” you whine into his ear, desperate to feel his hot seed within you.
His cocks now move apart, stretching you out in a new way as he presses your back onto the mattress again. The protruding veins on his cocks create insane friction against your walls, and it feels as if you’re being split into two. Spinner fucks you mercilessly, his fingers clenching your ass as you come apart for him. Hito curses loudly as he finally loses himself within you. His hips drilling forward one last time as a heavy load shoots into your throbbing cunt.
Load after load comes spilling from his cocks, your still clenching walls milking him dry. He cums so much, so much so that your belly swells and you moan absolutely satisfied.
“Shit,” Spinner murmured, relaxing entirely on top of you.
“Happy anniversary, pet…”
“I love you, mate.”
“Mmm… Get off me really quick,” you sigh, pushing him off of you. 
Spinner grunts, falling onto the bed with tired eyes, “Where’re you going?”
“Gotta clean up my baby,” you smile, wincing when you land on both your feet. The soreness of your body is very apparent, and it has your head spinning slightly before you walk over to the sink. You warm up a cloth under running hot water, against your slightly aching fingers the warm water is a relief and you watch the dried blood slowly leave under your skin.
You wring the cloth of water and walk back to the bed, you easily climb it and see Spinners calm form on the bed. He breathes in deeply, his chest rising and falling contently.
“How are you feeling?” you ask rubbing the cloth against the dried cum on his stomach.
“That was intense,” he chuckles, his eyes cracking open to watch you clean him of the cum. “You?”
“Pretty damn good,” you smile, crawling to his neck, rubbing the dried blood gentle away. You press a gentle kiss against his mouth, living for the way he sighs against your hold. “Do you want to shower after waking up?”
Spinner can only grunt, no longer able to speak.
Giggling you pulled the blankets over the two of you, and despite the heavy smell of sweat and sex clinging to the both of you, you cuddle in close. Relaxing when his scaly arms tighten around you contently.
“Thank you,” he whispers when your nose presses against his chest.
“Sleep, baby,” you yawn. “Sleep.”
And so, the two of you drifted off, perfectly in love and content with how your night went.
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scruffyssketchbook · 3 years
I've been really inactive lately, so I'll try to get this posted.
I noticed something that might classify as a plot hole. The PC system add-on that allows pokemon to get injured.
For starters, we never get an explanation for why this add-on was added in the first place. Supposedly, Vay was loopy from his "karp krakers", and put the add-on into the PC without thinking.
Also, we never get an explanation as to how this add-on works. Or, more accurately, how the PC works. Does the PC normally prevent the eevees from feeling pain and being injured at all? For example, even if Blizz tried his hardest, punching someone would be like punching a brick wall for an average person. Or, does the PC simply heal any major injuries the eevees take on? Or is it somewhere in between?
I know that, from the perspective that this is a comic that needs drama, having the add-on allows characters to hurt each other. (See Jed and Shane.) But, from an in comic perspective, this makes no sense.
Secondly, even if we did have a good explanation for how the add-on came to be, why didn't the trainer just get rid of it. And I don't want the explanation that she's stupid. She is 16, she knows how to work a computer. Even if she didn't, she could force Vay to do it, or get Bede (The person who runs the PC system in Sinho) to do it. I also don't want the explanation that she is negligent. She is, but she took the time to look into it after Harmony got hurt. I doubt she would just turn around and do nothing after learning about the add-on.
I may be missing context here, as there is one comic page that I can't access, the page 100 variation on patreon. Maybe there's an explanation in there, but I wouldn't know.
Thirdly, even if we ignore the trainer, what about Dusk? We already know that he has tried to get Blizz to work with him in stopping Icedrop and Greenpaw from fighting. Not to beat around the bush, Greenpaw does bully Icedrop, they just do it in a more covert, mental, and emotional way than Icedrop bullies Greenpaw.
However, Blizz refuses to help, partially because both Dusk and Blizz are petty. If Dusk genuinely wants to stop Icedrop, why not just get rid of the add-on? We know Dusk can manipulate electronics, so why not just delete the add-on, either from within the PC, or sneakily from outside it? Furthermore, Dusk is not stupid. He knows that Vay added the add-on, or at least could figure that out. He and Vay are also in good relations, so why doesn't he, or hasn't he, asked Vay to get rid of the add-on?
The explanation of "Dusk is just a jerk" does not work. Dusk can be a jerk, but everything he does he does for a reason. Most of him being a jerk comes from him being egotistical, narcissistic, and thinking he knows what's best for everyone even when he doesn't.
The only explanation that works is that he doesn't get rid of the add-on due to the fact it would put Daisy and the other hospital vees out of a job.
Last, but certainly not least, is the fact that pokemon other than eevee exist in the trainer's PC. We even get to see one of the other boxes. My point here is that the other pokemon would notice something wrong eventually. Best case senario, they notice due to realizing they can feel pain. Worst, they notice due to a major injury not being healed by the PC.
Those pokemon would want to know what happened. Amusing they either are told the truth or find out on their own, why wouldn't they ask Vay to take off the add-on. If Dusk (since he is the only one I can think of who would try to spin a story) told them a lie, then would every pokemon in the entire PC believe him. Charm and smooth words can only go so far.
I have two extra questions I thought up while writing this.
Bonus question 1: How did the trainer know that Harmony was injured? Did vay tell her? She check the pokemon's health in the PC often (both stat, and convential health)?
Bonus 2: If we know pokemon can learn to read and write, then why have none of the pokemon other than Vay tried to communicate with their trainer. What is the point of using Vay as a translator, when the pokemon could just write to the trianer? Do they just want to hide how much they know?
On top of that, if pokemon can learn to use computers, what's stooping them from just using text to speech, completely circumventing Vay all together.
bonus 3: Do the pokemon age in the PC? We know Eve is around two years old, so is she physically still a newborn, or has she physically grown?
q1: What are the specifics of how the damage allowing add-on was put into the PC?
q2: How does this add-on, and the PC system's healing ability, work?
q3: Why didn't their trainer take the add-on off the PC?
q4: Why didn't Dusk take the add-on off the PC?
q5: Why didn't any of the other pokemon in the PC take off the add-on?
bq1: How did the trainer know that Harmony was injured?
bq2: Why don't we ever see pokemon that know how to write communicate with the trainer?
bq3: Do the pokemon physically age in the PC?
Author chan: Over here asking the important questions! Alright! I can explain!
The mod basically prevents pokemon from healing without outside means like things that can heal a pokemon, Potions, full heals, antidotes, etc etc. This is why it's called the Damage keeper mod.
Normally in the PC, pokemon can feel pain, but they will quickly heal overtime, but with the mod, it just stops this function all together. Usually in the world, it's used with the "No heal on Entrance" mod for trainers who participate in Nuzlocke challenges.
Vay inputted the Damage keeper mod into the PC for one reason, and one reason only. No, he wasn't loopy, He knew what he was doing, and added it on purpose. It was a pretty selfish decision all in all, but I can't say the reason why. It's vaguely hinted to tho. Yes! It makes no sense to have a mod like that inputted in universe. Literally no other character would ever put in this mod into the if given the chance! But, Vay put it in for a specific purpose. Said purpose was actually shown in "Battle scars". Now. Why would Vay do this? Why would he input a mod that makes all pokemon to keep the damage they receive in the box?
Well. He simply only thinks of himself. He didn't think or care about the effect the mod would have on the other pokemon in the PC, just how he could use it to do what he wanted to do. And yes. Vay is a jerk. He's my least favorite main for a reason, you know.
Next up!
As said in comic 200c, Mods are very hard to take off. Why? Well. We are dealing with actual creatures. One wrong move and hundreds of them will get corrupted and essentially die. This isn't like Minecraft, despite me comparing the PC to a minecraft server for explaining how it works to others. Since this mod affects the pokemon directly, its harder to remove because it’s just a big risk for the pokemon. This is also why Dusk cant just remove it. It is too big of a risk to all the pokemon in the PC, which there are over 1000 of at this point. Healing items and free hospitals are a temporary fix.
Also! Blizz does try to help with the bullying, as seen with comic #302, where he states "It's a misunderstanding" followed by text covered by Bolt talking/ignoring him saying "I saw a greenpaw eevee being bullied by Mike and Tike and-" Which, we see on page #298 Tike was the eevee he was punishing.
Lastly! Why don't the other pokemon notice. Well, The few who have been in a PC before do, but most of the pokemon were wild pokemon before they appeared in the PC, so they don’t know how a normal PC feels like. And ofc, how would a pokemon know who to ask about why the PC works the way it does? Mods are common in the world, cause trainers like to give PC pokemon things to do while rotting away. This is actually going to be talked about with Eevui, the new Eevee the trainer obtained via wondertrading. He was in a normal PC before he was traded, so he'd notice the difference, and will comment on it. Funny thing, I have a comic about him trying to describe the PC to pokemon who never been in one before before he goes in the trainer's pc, and it looks completely different from OUR PC box.
Bonus Questions!!
Harmony was brought out of the PC, to the pokemon center, and a nurse Joy informed her that her pokemon was badly injured.
Bro, you so right. I realized this last year and was like "omg" until I remembered that- Pokemon language is different from human language. Ofc, there are pokemon who can read human language in the world, but pokemon and human stuff are different. And in the PC, things are translated into pokemon if not already in pokemon. This does mean pokemon can write to the trainer and it can get translated, but Vay is just an easier method of translation, especially for pokemon who have a harder time reading, writing, and typing (also there are different pokemon languages as well so oof) then like. Not every pokemon knows how to read and write. It’s a privlage usually given only to few captive pokemon. Wild pokemon learning how to read/write in their own language is VERY RARE, especially due to the lack of materials. And the only civilized boxes in the PC are box 1, 2, and 3, so only pokemon living in those boxes have a reason to learn how to read, and resources to learn.
Pokemon are born the height that they stay at all their life, unless they evolve. (Or are Nego. The little weirdo) This is to mimic how it is in pokemon games. So, no. Pokemon don't physically grow. They DO mentally age however. Pokemon tend to age mentally at different rates, so for example, a newborn who is immediately thrusted into situations not meant for a baby (ie, breeding, battling, contests) will mentally age faster than someone (like Eve) Who has stayed in the PC all their life. Nego and Eve are about the same age (Nego being 6 months older) Yet, Nego acts like an infant while Eve does not. This is because Nego ages physically and mentally like a human, while Eve ages quicker mentally, like pokemon do. This also tends to mean that when a pokemon is born doesn't matter much, as they can mentally be ahead or behind.
I hope these answered your questions!! I like talking about SSEC world building! (Its just that I never have the chance to talk about it in detail QuQ)
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thatyanderecritic · 4 years
i really like the yandere dynamic but i dont openly post or reblog about it anymore cuz i've had people give me a hard time over it being problematic. and i get told im terrible, get called a freak... idk. do you have any advice for dealing with this...?
Hey anon, sorry for not getting to you sooner. We have a lot of questioned queued up to be answered but I decided to put you first since this is a pretty big issue. 
To be a yandere fan, we’re in a rather precarious position. Like any fandom, we are plagued with bad apples that end up painting the community’s face as a whole. You know the type of bad apples that all fandoms have: the overzealous stans that either attack those outside the community for not sharing a view or catering to our fandom. We also suffer from infighting/bullying between yandere fans because not everyone shares the same views on what a yandere is or even for something as stupid as a yandere headcanon for a character that never was a yandere, to begin with. But unlike most fandoms, the works that we support tend to go against us at times. That is to say... since we’re a bit of an under “funded” (e.g. don’t have enough yandere media. Especially for male yanderes) fandom, people tend to quickly put CrAzY characters on a pedestal without question. And this hurts our credibility, ALOT.  Having group within the fandom worshipping some non-yandere, psychotic girl as a yandere just because she’s kawaii while the more “sane” fans try to explain, “No, we swear yandere’s aren’t like that” doesn’t look good for our case. 
Is there anything we can do about people attacking us for our preference? Not exactly, I’m sorry to say. The moment humans gained self-awareness and free will, universal mental unity became a myth. There will always be a disconnect, even on concepts that all humans should be in agreement on. Would you believe me if I say that some people don’t believe that people should be allowed to have a livable wage? Of course, people will have their reasons as to why they think a certain way regardless if it sounds logical or not. Just because they have a reason doesn’t mean it’s reasonable but in a world where emotions is king, logical will never win.
People who attack you for liking yanderes most likely were victims of abuse and went through some sort of trauma that yanderes are usually identified/linked with. If they weren’t direct victims then they know someone who is a victim. And if it isn’t either of these two, then they’re most likely a bleeding heart with a “higher than thou” sense of morality. Regardless of the reasoning, they all have their hearts in the right places but rigid in their perspective of the world. Already, the decision is cemented and may never change. To most, we’re as egregious as pedophiles and incest-lovers just because we like villains. After all: “How in the world could anyone remotely ‘like’ such awful people?! Clearly, there is something wrong with THEM.” Of course, we have our reasons for liking yanderes but most people close their ears and eyes since they already judged us based on our interest. For those who were victims of abuse or know someone, I understand that they’re reaching out to attack those who seem to defend characters that may or may not be similar to their assailant/abuser. They attack, they defend invisible victims, and in a way, looking for purpose... looking at how they can turn their trauma into a positive. But most of the time, they overstep their boundaries and try to enforce their authority in something they don’t understand. 
The only way we can approach these types of people is to send an open invitation for a diplomatic talk in trying to reach a middle ground. While a change of opinion would be nice, it would be nearly impossible since a lot of people are grounded in their personal moral compass. If they are open for a conversation, then all hope is not lost. Ideally, if a conversation is open then the most important thing is to validate their emotions invested in this situation. 9 out of time 10, people are stubborn in an argument because they feel like they’re getting personally targeted either by their identity, their pride, or their emotions. Therefore, they double down and become louder in their argument, not because of their view but because they believe they are defending themselves. From there, once the other recognize that you aren’t attacking them, you shift the conversation onto yourself and point out how they were making you feel the same away but they were actively attacking you; not only that, treating you as less than human just because you prefer villainous FICTIONAL characters. Ideally, at this point, the other recognizes their hypocrisy and you both agree in staying in your own lanes. If by some miracle they’re open of a different perspective, then you’re given a platform to say why you like yanderes... typical reasons being the idea of unconditional love or coping. 
But this is all hypothetical and the most desirable outcome. But more than often, people are more than comfortable at screaming at you every time you try to open your mouth... most likely something they learned because someone shut them down in such a way. Not only that, they most likely formed their own counter-arguments already since a lot of yandere fans have the same reasons as to why they like yanderes: unconditional love or coping. The counter-argument can usually be boiled down to two reasons: unethical and risking future victims seeking a “yandere” partner. Ethicality... this is a low hanging fruit to argue. Everyone (well the majority of people, again it’s universally impossible to be on the same page) would agree that it’s bad to stalk a person. Even a yandere fan would say never to stalk a person IRL. But because of this, they think they got you in an “ethical checkmate”. It’s a cheap argument and they’re just trying to make you feel like a monster for your preferences in fictional characters. Funny enough, this is a tactic that abusers would use to shame their victim into compliance... hm...
The second counter-argument people use is “think of the youths!” Let’s be real... it’s scientifically proven that kids and teens are easily impressionable because of their underdeveloped brains and lack of experience. Not only the concerns of the younger members of society, they fear that by allowing us to enjoy our media, we are “normalizing” abusive relationships in society. Considering the state of the United State’s government, I understand where the fear is coming from. But they’re barking up the wrong tree and especially using the wrong method in preventing this dystopian future. I always see these people bring up the ‘Jaws’ case as to why there should be no yanderes and no support for them. You know, the case where there was a sudden increase in shark hunting due to public fear which pushed certain shark species into endangerment. It’s always this argument, I swear... anyways, they always toss this without never diving in deeper as to why this happened. 
Before Jaws, people didn’t know anything about sharks in general. There just wasn’t any interest in sharks because we humans just didn’t find time interesting at the time. They were there and we can’t really eat sharks. But, there were already tales about sharks being “man-eaters” from those stranded out at sea or curious citizens. The stereotype was already there. But Jaws brought sharks to the forefront of public scrutiny and shark hunting competitions came up because “what’s the harm? Sharks are man-eaters”. This dropped the shark population, but because of this there was an interest in sharks, funding to research them suddenly increased. Scientist turned their attention on sharks while later on fed to informing the public, making them educated and less scared of shark attacks. Jaws came out in 1975... Shark Week on the discovery channel came out in 1988... there’s a reason, folks. People became interested in sharks. Yes, Jaws hurt the shark population but it’s slowly been going up. Damage takes time to repair. But it also brought about awareness. While the stereotype isn’t dead (that’s just humans at this point and it’s always been a stereotype ever since man was on a boat), it opened a conversation. And that’s the key point here. (Here’s a link. But you can go even further if you research)
Abusive relationships, manipulative people, toxic actions... these are nothing new. “Getting rid” of yandere fans will not solve this issue, just like telling your kid “there are kids starving in Africa” will not end world hunger. For the Jaws example, I point to the argument that politicians make about how video games create violent people. We know that it’s nonsense, you know it’s nonsense. But there is a fear of the “unknown”. People back then thought that cartoons like Tom and Jerry would cause kids to grow up violent. And even further back, people thought that reading books created lazy people. The fear on what’s on TV is a fear people had since the beginning of time. People aren’t as soft as they believe they are but they can lack information... Instead of shutting down people and censor what goes on TV, use it as a stepping stone for the bigger conversation. It’s a lack of knowledge and fear of the unknown that killed the sharks but it is knowledge that is now protecting them. 
This is especially important for our younger peers. Raise of hands, who actually changed their minds as a teenager after someone called you stupid or told you “no” with giving a logical reason besides “because I say so.” I’m going to guess we got an empty room here. Attacking our younger peers or those who are older just because they like a character trope IS NOT HELPING THEM AND ESPECIALLY NOT MAKING THE ATTACKERS LOOK LIKE HEROES. THEY LOOK LIKE JACKASSES. Fuck man, the younger ones want acceptance and looking a supportive group by joining a fandom. Calling them toxic just pushes them to the edge these people never wanted them to be. The same applying to the older ones. We all got our issues and y’all never know what it is. That’s why I hate seeing people in our fandom gatekeep against our younger peers. They’re going to come in even though you say crap like “Lmaooo, my blog/game is 18+! Okay, byeeeee!” If you want to protect them then be their fucking guide, my dudes. You can have a mature conversation with them and explain the difference between fiction and reality and what’s wrong and right. “Yanderes are pretty cool, ay sport? But notice how that guy gaslighted the girl? That is a common tactic people do IRL. Be sure to recognize it as a red flag.” Fuck, is that so fucking hard for everyone? Some people act like they never grew on the internet during the early 2000s.Y’all were a teenager once. If what you’re doing wouldn’t help teenage you in the past, then you’re doing it wrong. Smh. 
Finally, I do want to make a point for those who use coping reasons. While I do understand where you’re coming from, you guys are our most vulnerable to these attacks but also the reason for the attacks as well. It’s the mindset of “How could you support something like this?! You must be a horrible person.” I know a lot of people aren’t like that but also, we got bad apples... people who take this for coping reasons way too far. To them, I ask them to come back from the edge and let’s look for help together. Using yanderes to embrace “yandere tendencies” or rationalizing your abuse as normal isn’t the way. Use it to help you breathe and help you feel grounded but don’t let it define you... especially don’t make it a lifeline. As for those who know the difference and can separate fiction from reality, I applaud you but you got some work in helping those who are too deep. I’ve seen some of the yandere Tumblr group chats on the app. I’ll be real... YIKES. It’s a bit of an echo chamber. I ended up having to message a user on a side since I saw red flags in the group chat when I was lurking. People were trying to give the wrong help by encouraging their actions. Just... don’t do this y’all. I get you relate but don’t get your homie in jail or a court date for a restraining order. 
Anyways, I’m sorry anon for pulling farther and farther away from you specifically since this is a big issue that everyone tackles and I’m also sorry that I can’t give you an “end all” answer. First, you can try having a civil conversation with these people. Try for the middle ground and if you feel like you can push further, then try to do a change of mind. But I know this is hard, especially when tensions build and emotions get heated. But it’s important to never explode that anger... or at least direct that anger into a logical response. The moment you explode and made an error of judgment, you will lose and suffer publically. If a conversation isn’t possible, then encourage these people to stay in their lane and unfollow you. Why the fuck are they following you if they hate the things you reblog? Sounds unhealthy... suggest some hobbies or blogs to follow instead. From there, if they try to continue the hate, just block them and delete the messages. As they say, don’t feed the trolls. Y’all may think you’ve seen all the hate anons we get but we get a lot more than what we answer. We just delete them because they’re typically incoherent or stupid. They don’t come back lol. 
From there, anon, surround yourself with people who you find agreeable and who you relate to. A lot of yandere blogs are down for a talk, I’ll be real. Just be sure you open up that you want to be friends lol. So... yeah. I’m sorry this isn’t perfect, but I hope it helps. Don’t be afraid of being yourself!
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Speechless: Chapter 1
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A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry it’s been a while since I last posted! I just had a really hard time finding inspiration lately. This story was a way for me to work through so emotions I could really find words to put to them It kinda (if you REALLY squint) deals with mental illness. It in no way romanticizes it but more so normalizes it and normalizes talking about it and talking your way out of a dark place if you can. I really hope you guys enjoy it!
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Black!Reader
Warnings: None(? If there is something you want to be tagged in this let me know and I’ll fix it right away!)
Word Count: 2k
Chapter 2
You never wanted to be a bother to anyone, so a lot of times you kept your emotions to yourself. You were more of a ‘team therapist’ without the degree. Not that you minded being a confidant to the team; you were definitely able to keep a secret, a really good listener, and tried to give some sound advice when asked. You always tried to make everyone else feel better when they were feeling down or calming someone down when they were on a warpath (mainly stopping Sam from killing Bucky for some prank he pulled). All that was good and dandy, but sometimes you needed to talk things out and have someone just listen to you for once. That’s where Steve comes in. He was your go to person whenever you could feel one of your sad episodes coming on, or it was like he could sense you starting to shut down internally. He was the one to distract you from the invading thoughts of self doubt and internal bullying. You never really knew the cause of these sad episodes but they were always there and you had no way of stopping them.
This episode felt like it was going to be one of the extremely bad ones and you could practically hear the Windows shut down chime playing in your brain, but Steve was out on a mission at the moment when you needed him most. Again, not complaining, obviously the safety of everyone else is more important than one of your little mental pity parties, but you needed to try and get through your emotions before some small inconvenience had you becoming a big crying mess.
To avoid that inevitable minor inconvenience that would lead to your public break down, you texted Tony telling him you were feeling under the weather and weren’t coming in today. He said that it was fine and that he (along with everyone else) would miss you and hoped you’d get better soon. You turned your phone off completely and just tossed it on some random place at the foot of your bed -not wanting the reminder that everyone was happier than you-, turned on your TV and put on a movie that would no doubtedly put you in a worse mood than before. You snuggled deeper into your blankets and started your endless sadness fest.
Steve had arrived a day early due to the mission being easier than expected. He had stepped off the quinjet looking for you and possibly bracing himself to catch you in a tight embrace, but instead was met with Maria giving a quick mission debriefing. Usually he would have been engaged in the conversation but he was so focused on finding you that he hadn’t heard a word Maria had said.
After half-ass listening to Maria, Steve had begun his quest in search for you. He started off with the training room, expecting to see you on the treadmill as usual trying to beat your mile run time, hair thrown up in a high puff bouncing with every step you take, eyebrows slightly furrowed from concentration; he always admired your commitment. Instead, he was met with Bucky and Sam wrestling on the floor, shoulders slouching slightly in disappointment.
“Have you seen (Y/N)?” mind too preoccupied to worry about their latest friendly squabble. They both shook their heads no and went back to fighting.
He decided the next place he should check was the lab; you were always trying to learn something new from Bruce or Tony and oftentimes you were a helpful extra set of eyes, hands, or a new brain to pick. You liked to say that you majored in Chemistry and minored in kicking ass. Steve had a fond smile on his face as he walked, remembering the way you giggled through saying that. When he had made it to the lab he was met with Bruce muttering to himself, most likely about whatever he was working on.
“Have you seen (Y/N)?” he asked while looking around, expecting you to come out of some back room with something for Bruce, or walking out with Tony talking about whatever he was working on. Something, anything, he just needed to see you.
“Uh… No, I haven’t. Did you try the training room?” Bruce asked in return, to which Steve shook his head no.
“Have you tried the kitchen?” Steve had mentally smacked his palm on his forehead for not thinking about the kitchen. He was already out the door without saying a word.
This should have been one of the first places he should have checked, you always loved to bake whenever you had a free day at the tower to take advantage of the ‘fancy schmancy’ state of the art kitchen as you so eloquently put it. He loved watching you bake, you always put your music that he always found so calming along with the view of you making your way around the kitchen, you always looked so carefree and happy when you were there singing and dancing and stirring up ingredients, he always thought you made such simple things look like art. He was down the hall from the kitchen and heard rustling in the fridge, but no music. He had turned the corner only to find Tony eating grapes and grabbing a water. Tony had tossed a grape into the air and caught it in his mouth, grinning to himself in cocky satisfaction. Steve had taken out his phone and decided to call you, only to hear the sound of your voicemail instantly. He sighed in defeat, all he wanted to do was see you after this mission but there was also a growing concern in his mind. With one last chance of hope he turned to Tony as he was scrolling through some hologram for whatever he was working on.
“Tony, have you seen (Y/N)?”
“Not here today. Texted me saying she’s not coming in because she was feeling ‘under the weather’” Tony had replied nonchalantly, not looking up from his hologram. Steve furrowed his brow; you never texted if you were sick, you always called, and you never said feeling ‘under the weather’ he knew how theatrical you were when you weren’t feeling well and always had to say you were so close to death. He walked towards the elevator and headed towards the garage. He immediately hopped on his motorcycle and only had one destination on his mind.
As you predicted, you spent all day in bed, only getting up for the occasional snack and bathroom break. You watched all the ones that lowered your spirits and brought them back up to still sad state but not as sad as before, Waiting to Exhale, Poetic Justice, Higher Learning. Now you were watching Cinderella with Brandy and Whitney Houston hoping this might be the one to bring you out of your funk but all signs were pointing to no at this moment. Most of the time, intrusive thoughts filled your mind taking your attention away from the films.
‘No one probably is even missing me right now.’
‘They’re probably happy I didn’t show up.’
‘No one even likes me there.’
‘They probably don’t even think of me as a friend
“They only talk to me out of pity.’
‘I’m such a waste of space there’
‘Why do I even bother?’
The sound of a motorcycle passing your apartment muted the thoughts for a moment and caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach making yourself believe it was your own prince charming Steve coming to your apartment to get you out of this endless, black pit that was your emotions. Your mood began to sour even more if that were even possible, you knew if you were to check out your window you'd be in for a let down so big; you didn’t even want to know how much more deeper you’d go into your sadness.
Steve saw your bedroom window was open, indicating that you were in fact home. He parked and made his way to your apartment, not even buzzing your apartment for you to let him up because he already had a key and the code to get in. You had given those things to him a few months back -and every time they changed the code- so he could water your plants while you were out on a mission. He had arrived at your door and knocked announcing his presence to you before using his key to enter.
You shot up at the sound of someone knocking on your door followed by the sound of someone messing with the locks. Your bedroom was wide open and faced the front door and the only distance between the two doors was your living area, so you had a moment  to think of what to do but also had to think fast. Instantly, you reached for the gun in your nightstand drawer. You might not have been in the right headspace and you weren’t exactly happy about your life at the moment but you’d be damned if you were going to let some dumbass try to take it from you. The door opened slowly and in popped Steve’s head, you instantly had let your guard down and stopped reaching for your weapon, Looking straight at you he looked to have breathed a sigh of relief and made his way straight to the side of your bed and sat down, grabbing your arm and pulling you in a tight embrace. This small act was pushing you closer to the edge of opening the floodgates that had been slowly building behind your eyes.
“I was so worried about you,” Steve had sighed, still holding you close, this caused the tears to flow with no end in sight. All the pent up feelings you had been holding were finally free, not just sadness but anger and happiness too. You just needed to release everything and Steve was the only person you felt safe and comfortable with doing so.
Steve could feel that this is what you need, he didn’t even have to say a word. He just knew that this is what you needed: to be held and to be listened to because that’s all you ever wanted at times like this. He was there to relieve the burden he knew was weighing down your heart.
After a few more moments of crying, you began putting yourself back together, wiping your nose and face, taking a few deep breaths and just overall calming down. When you had felt slightly better, Steve had given you a look; a look you had grown so accustomed to. Whether you two were standing at opposite ends of a room, or next to each other in a debriefing, it was always the same, it always said ‘are you okay?’ You simply shook your head no, this was followed by a look that said ‘do you wanna take about it?’ You shook your head again -losing all desire to speak at all-, he always took this as a sign to just be closer to you, to give you a sense of comfort. So he took off his shoes, jacket and pants and got under the blankets with you and just held you while you continued watching your movies. The more time you spent together, the more you could feel your spirits lift at a slow pace almost like your mental batteries were on a charger. At random moments during the movies, you’d bring up something that bothered you while he was gone, venting slowly and lifting the weight that had stayed heavily on your shoulders when he was away. You could feel yourself going back to ‘normal’, whatever normal was anyway. You felt whole again, almost new. You don’t know what you’d do without Steve, and you never wanted to imagine what life would be like without him. You snuggled deeper into the blankets with him and began to memorize all your favorite parts of him. You wondered if he ever did the same thing when it came to you.
Taglist: @disaster-rose​ @oceanscorazon​ @snazzyjazzytrash​
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lionheartslowstart · 4 years
Snakes and Roses
I’ve been avoiding writing this post for a long time. (I feel like I’ve been saying that a lot recently.) I’m not sure why. I think maybe because writing it will force me to examine myself in ways I’m not totally comfortable with. I guess we’ll find out. To be clear, I’ve been sitting on this post since April 2nd, 2019, when I wrote a post called “Snakes and Lillies,” which was about Severus Snape and his many complexities. Snape is a character I have always loved and defended, and someone I talk about a lot. It was only a matter of time before I dedicated a blog entry to him. But it wasn’t until I reached the final paragraph where I had the realization of something I think I’ve always known deep down. I wrote, “He probably never knew what it meant to truly be happy.” And that’s when it hit me, one of the big reasons I love Snape so much is because...well, he reminds me of me. I see myself in him. I relate to him in ways that I’ve never related to other fictional characters before.
The reason this realization hit me in that specific moment, is because the idea of never knowing what it is to truly be happy is something I have thought about myself, even said about myself, to a select few. It’s why I was able to drum up that line so quickly in my writing - it was already there, in my subconscious.
I don’t like to think about my childhood. To be frank, I don’t like to think about much of my life before 2016-ish. I prefer to live in the fantasy world of my creation, that my entire life has been a fog and I’ve sort of “come to” as a fully formed adult. Obviously, that’s not a realistic way to live life, especially in terms of overcoming trauma and bettering yourself, so it’s something I’ve been tackling in the last year or so. I could write my entire life story here, but a) that would probably be the longest post I’ve ever written (and some of them are already pretty fucking long), and b) I don’t want to. But I will include some background information, so my readers can see the parallels I’ve drawn, and the deep connection I feel with Mr. Severus Snape.
In some ways, my childhood was very different from Snape's. In other ways, my childhood was incredibly similar. I didn’t grow up poor, and for that, I’m extremely thankful. My parents weren’t abusive, to each other or to me, and I’m extremely thankful for that as well. Obviously, these were two very important aspects of Snape’s origin story. But for me, it’s not so much the cause as it is the effect. I developed severe emotional problems at a very young age, five years old. I was suicidal, I had extreme outbursts, I was that “weird kid” (and then later I was that “fat, weird kid”), I was misunderstood, and I didn’t have the maturity or vocabulary to communicate my feelings and issues to those around me. As a result, despite having an otherwise loving home, I became isolated. I was isolated from my family, who didn't know how to help me, and who I often felt ganged up on me. I was isolated from my peers, who saw a sad little loner and decided the best course of action was to bully and ostracize me (because we all know that “different” equals “bad”). I was isolated from my teachers, who only saw me as a “problem child,” and who often blamed me for things that weren’t my fault, and who concluded that my outbursts were the result of behavioral problems as opposed to being in psychic pain. I was so lonely. I had two friends, but even they avoided me at school, as they had their own friends, and I, of course, was not invited to participate in that group. I spent most of my days alone, thinking my thoughts, concentrating on school, using my imagination, and generally giving off “sad boy energy.” As much as I try to ignore what I consider to be some of the most painful years of my life, I can’t deny that I am largely the person I am today because of my childhood. It’s my own origin story.
Obviously, I’m glossing over a lot here, specifically the details of my emotional problems and outbursts, but I’m sure you get the gist. So, this is something Snape and I had in common. We were both bullied and excluded, albeit for different reasons. We both felt alone and misunderstood. We also both tended to be reprimanded for our own actions, often driven by pain, but watched as others who hurt us went completely unpunished, or even unacknowledged. (For example, when Snape dropped the branch on Petunia, he was yelled at by Lily, but Lily didn’t scold Petunia for her disparaging comments against Snape.) Things also changed for both of us in our teenage years. For Snape, it appears to have changed earlier, around 11. For me, it took a little longer, more like 14. But in both cases, we suddenly found ourselves accepted for the first time in our young lives, treated like equals. As a result of this, we both became slightly haughtier, a bit superior, and on occasion, not very nice. 
This is where things begin to differ between the young Severus and myself, for a number of reasons. The first is that Snape was a follower, I was the leader. For the record, this wasn’t something I realized until I was an adult, but, indeed, I was the leader of my own little group. I was the one who brought everyone together, I was the one that many people looked up to, had feelings for, or wanted to be near. I wish I had appreciated it more at the time. Snape was more of a pack member, at least initially. It’s not clear who the leader was as he grew older. I’m sure Lucious Malfoy was the leader in the beginning, but he was a fifth year when Snape was a first year, so perhaps by his fourth year, Snape took his place. I’m not sure. However, I doubt it, because he was still mercilessly picked on by the Marauders and other classmates, who probably would have feared or respected him more if he had been the leader of the young Death Eaters. This leads to another difference, which is that Snape fell into a group of people who prided themselves on prejudiced ideations, and were in many ways bullies themselves, though Snape continued to be bullied as well. While I’ve certainly been ignorant, I’ve never espoused bigoted beliefs. I would also assert that I was never a bully per se, but I definitely spoke down to people and probably could have been much less selfish and bitchy than I was.
I mentioned earlier on that I often defend Snape, which is true. I have certainly had Snape-related conflicts with people, some more intense than others. About a year ago, around the time I posted “Snakes and Lillies” actually, I got into a heavy debate with a friend of a friend who maintained that Snape was a bad person who shouldn’t be celebrated in any capacity. No matter what I said, he remained unconvinced, and I walked away from that encounter feeling sour and angry. But why? Because it felt like a personal attack on my character. Everything my acquaintance said about Snape landed like he was saying it about me. I know he didn’t intention it that way, I’m sure he didn't even realize that’s how I was interpreting it. But when people tell me they think Snape is irredeemable, it feels like they’re saying I’M irredeemable.
Our lives may have gone on different paths, but I maintain that Severus Snape and I have the same, or very similar, core. We both grew up with a lot of pain and isolation. We both became embittered because of our respective childhoods, and that bitterness continued to follow us throughout our lives. We both experience a petty and vindictive pleasure when we are able to inflict suffering on those who have hurt us (though I’m sure he and I have very different ideas on who deserves it and who doesn't, as well as what levels of revenge are acceptable). We also both have the capacity for an incredibly deep and never-ending love, though most people never ever get to see it. We both have goodness in us that is often overlooked or minimized by others, who are too eager to see the bad things about us. And above all, as I said in my previous Snape-related post, neither of us has ever experienced a true and fulfilling happiness in our lives.
Of course, there is still hope for me, as I’m only in my mid-twenties, and have been doing a tremendous amount of work on myself, as well as in the interest of improving my life. Unfortunately, Snape did not have that opportunity, as his life was cut short in the midst of his mission. However, he was only in his late-thirties, and, had he been able to live, I like to believe he would have been able to begin the process of healing as well.
I’m finding it difficult to articulate why I feel so close to Severus Snape beyond what I’ve said already. Probably because they are feelings that are difficult for me to access. Snape was incredibly flawed, and so am I. Snape was incredibly broken, and so am I. Snape was, in my opinion, redeemable and overall a good person despite many of his questionable actions, which were largely the result of a miserable life. I feel similarly about myself.
I wonder how Snape’s life would have been different if the Harry Potter series took place today, in a climate where trauma and mental illness are more accepted, normalized, and discussed. Would he have been held accountable for his misdirected anger towards his students? Would he have been able to get the help he needed earlier on? What if he, as an adult, was shown more compassion and love? And I already know that many people might then ask, “What about Lily?” Yes, Lily showed Snape compassion and love. Lily cared deeply for Severus, and he was her best friend throughout her entire childhood. But when we are children, especially children who are in the midst of trauma, we don’t always recognize what love looks or feels like. This is something I relate to as well. There have been times when I was faced with real love, but due to the trauma I was still experiencing or working through, I did not truly see or appreciate it at the time. Sometimes, time needs to pass for us to be able to grow, mature, and make it through the trauma. We need to get to a place where we are able to look back and appreciate what we had, and to be able to heal and fully experience love in the present. Maybe, if someone had given Snape more affection and empathy as an adult, he would have been able to heal.
All I know is I find myself wishing I could reach through the pages of my books, or through my television screen, so I can wrap my arms around him and tell him he’s worthy of love, and there’s still time for him to heal and find happiness. Because, that’s what I’ve always wished people had done for me.
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trashyocstash · 4 years
character ref sheet on my oc khutulun, i was “inspired” by the outline for character pages on the clone high wiki lol, and the text from the personality section is from a previous post.
Age: 18
Gender: Female 
Hair Colour: Black
Race: Asian
Ethnicity: Mongolian 
Religion: Possibly Tengrism(traditional religion of the Mongols)
Family: Khutulun(clone mother), Doris(foster grandmother)
Love Interest: Walt Disney
Nickname: Khu
Khutulun is the clone of the great great granddaughter of Genghis Khan, Khutulun, a princess, wrestler and warrior. She is known for her tale of challenging men who wished to marry her to a wrestling match and them having to give her 100 horses if they lost. She ended up with no husband and 10,000 horses. Khutulun echoes her clone mother's strength through her own skill in wrestling, and other sports.
Khutulun is one of the jocks, closely associated with the other athletes due to her own strength and athleticism, though she isn't fond of them due to their shallow interest in her. As the clone of a princess, she also is associated with the royal clones, though doesn't like them either for the same reason. Any time she tried to date anyone from either group, she would find their relationship was pretty shallow, with them only being interested in sex, and leaving quickly because they found her too scary, leading her to feel unlovable.
She is viewed as scary by the other students, as she tends to come off as intense and stoic, with her muscular appearance not helping matters. As a result, Khutulun is lonely and has very few friends.
For a while, Khutulun was mostly just a background character, usually seen alongside Genghis Khan. Outside of that, JFK had hit on her before she punched him, and Abe and Gandhi had asked her to help them with getting Genghis to get beer, though she refused to help.
This changed when Jackie decided to approach her, leading to their friendship. Jackie brought her to meet Jim and Walt, and while Jim was scared of her, she hit it off with Walt, leading to them becoming friends and him developing a crush on her. From there, she would continue to visit him, and also was able to become friends with Jim after he apologized to her for his behaviour.
Walt and Khutulun continued to spend time together, with Khutulun inviting Walt to do things with her, and they began to develop feelings for each other. With her past romantic failures in mind, she began to put up a shield with Walt once she realised she was falling in love with him. But Walt instantly took notice and knew something was wrong. Unable to put up a shield anymore, Khutulun confided her problems to Walt, revealing her feelings to him in the midst of it. He revealed he loved her back, and they officially became a couple.
Khutulun is tall, with sleek black hair in pigtails, and muscular. She has beefy arms and occasionally her abs can be viewed as well. Her skin colour is also a slight gray-brown colour and has ears in the same style as Genghis Khan, both hints showing their clone parents were related.
She is usually seen wearing a white top with only one spaghetti strap, blue jean shorts, black leggings, black sneakers and black long fingerless gloves.
Khutulun is a strong, tough badass who can and will whoop your ass. However, she isn't going around looking to pick a fight, it's just that crossing her is a really bad idea. She is outwardly pretty confident and assertive as well.
Deep down, she is actually rather lonely. Her poor social skills mean she's always had trouble with interacting with people. Combine that with her toughness and she comes across as intense and scary, which only further drives people away. It doesn't help that Khutulun is someone people are only interested in for sex. They date her for that, but leave quickly because they can't handle her, thinking she's too intense. It makes her feel unlovable and she has self-esteem problems as a result.
For all of Khutulun's toughness and outwardly scariness, she's truly very sweet and kind. This is most evident in her relationship with her foster grandmother Doris, and her boyfriend Walt. She is loving, supportive, caring and understanding. And Khutulun is also fiercely protective of those she loves and cares for. She's also a big hopeless romantic.
Khutulun's athleticism and strength are also intentionally exaggerated. She's all buff, can pretty much play any sport and can lift heavy things with no effort at all. She can also be competitive, but normally not seriously so.
Khutulun also comes off as more of a quiet person, she already knows people are scared of her and worries if she says the wrong thing, it'll only further that. But once she's comfortable around someone, she can be pretty talkative, calm and relaxed.
While Khutulun is a tomboy, she does unashamedly have a feminine side. Growing up knowing she's the clone of a princess helped with that. a badass wrestling warrior princess, but a princess nonetheless. She likes wearing pretty dresses and will happily accept things like flowers and jewelry.
Walt Disney 
Walt Disney is Khutulun's boyfriend, and they have a very close and loving relationship. Though their relationship is often questioned due to Walt being a crazy conspiracy theorist, though Khutulun defends it by saying he's treated her better than other guy ever has.
When they met, Khutulun ended up laughing at his theories after he told them to her, and genuinely loved them and wanted to hear more. Walt initially believed she might've been messing with him, but it didn't take long to see she was being genuine with him. Even into their relationship, she continues to love his conspiracy theories, the less they make sense, the funnier they are. Khutulun doesn't believe in any of them, but she will humour him from time to time.
Walt has often dealt with his interests being mocked and ridiculed, and so attempted to hide them from Khutulun. However, much to his surprise and relief, she was actually rather accepting of them, and showed a genuine interest. He in turn, supports her, attending her sports games and cheering her on. 
Khutulun is more than happy to defend him, and thanks to her, Walt no longer deals with bullying.
Both of them have been lonely for a long time, neither having many friends. But together, they don't feel lonely and make each other happier and allowing the other to open up more.
Doris Honeycutt
Doris is Khutulun's foster grandmother, and they have a close relationship. When Doris was given the choice of who to adopt, she found a fussy baby Khutulun, who easily calmed down when in her arms, and Doris knew she was the one she had to adopt.
Khutulun cares for Doris with any problems she has, usually related to her old age, and is protective of her. Khutulun also refers to her as "Grandma".
Doris also was very lonely herself until Khutulun came into her life, never having any children or grandchildren of her own, and now has Khutulun and Toots.
Jackie Kennedy-Onassis
Jackie was Khutulun's first friend outside of Gengis Khan, deciding to befriend her out of believing she wasn't the scary person she was made out to be. After being proven right, she brought Khutulun to meet Jim and Walt, which eventually would lead to Walt and Khutulun's romance.
Jackie and Khutulun also easily bond over both being horse girls.
Jim Henson
Jim initially viewed Khutulun as scary, and was pretty freaked out when Jackie first brought her over. However, Jim changed his mind on her after learning he had unintentionally made her feel like she didn't belong, and apologized to her, allowing them to become friends.
Jim approves of Walt's relationship with Khutulun, though was initially worried when Walt revealed she was the girl she had a crush on out of worrying she'd beat him up. He also is subject to Walt's antics as a result of his relationship with Khutulun, notably hearing them having sex, finding Walt with hickeys on him and having to hear Walt rambling on about her.
Genghis Khan
Khutulun befriended him due to their clone parents being related, and has since grown protective of him. She refused to help Abe and Gandhi use him to get beer, and doesn't like to see people use him for his lower intelligence. Genghis in return sees her as a good friend and easily listens to her. She can also easily communicate with him in ways the other students cannot.
Joan of Arc
As their foster grandparents are together, Joan and Khutulun became aware of each other, and soon became friends. They also like to play basketball together.
Khutulun likes him and approves of him being with Doris.
Original Khutulun 
Khutulun greatly resembles her clone mother, both being incredibly strong and athletic, and both had/have many men vying for their affections. As a result, it is not a stretch to assume the original Khutulun was beautiful, another trait clone Khutulun shares.
Khutulun greatly looks up to her clone mother and wishes to emulate her strength and athletic ability, which it seems she's done well.
While they are similar, the major difference is original Khutulun challenging men in order for them to marry her, and clone Khutulun being a hopeless romantic.
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Mun!Yuki: So I’ve been inspired by RinRin/@spellboundsonnet, and her post upon her beautiful OC Rinna’s own yandere personality, which you can find here; So I decided to write Hisoka’s own yandere characteristics.
It is without question that Hisoka is a tsundere; But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a bit of yandereness within her.
Her mentality was fucked up badly ever since she started her training as a huntress.
So fucked up that she has no problem resorting to violence if anyone decides to bully Yui to a point of near death, despite the consequences.
Because Yui was always a precious person to her ever since she gave her a reason to keep living after losing everything.
Like the other hunters of the organization, Hisoka’s mind is driven in rage and her eyes are blinded by hatred for vampires and grows remorseless about ending a vampire’s life with every kill, killing about 2,800 vampires during her time as a huntress.
Having to kill them from the age of 6, for 11 years, each kill becomes horrifically easier every time.
She is expected to do as she is told and become a broken bird caged from normality. Yui was literally the only person that made her feel sane and keep that small part of humanity safe just being by her side, the person of her affections until Ruki. Ruki just happens to be the first and only man Hisoka has ever loved. His company gives her peace and more meaning to keep living.
In short, She needs him in her life. She needs him to tell her what to do because the mindset of her being useless on her own has already been deeply drilled into her mind and nothing can convince her otherwise.
And who better than Ruki?
I’ve written Hisoka in the past, whenever jealous, she will use intimidation.
But there’s more than that.
Due to her upbringing of training as a huntress, She’s capable of killing, it’s as easy as making a bowl of cereal to her.
And here’s the thing, She grew up in a hellish training compared to other hunters due to being the heiress of her family, under Tsurara. Who literally brainwashed Hisoka into believing that she is useless without someone telling her what to do, that she was responsible for the death of her parents, and that she must atone for her “selfishness that got her parents killed”.
Tsurara literally destroyed the mind of an innocent child and brought her up to be a mindless killing-machine as a successor with no moral or trait of humanity holding her back.
Hisoka knows a thing or two about torture even before living with the Mukami’s because she experienced it from Tsurara whenever she brought bad results from training.
But even Tsurara will say that Hisoka is too soft compared to other hunters. This is because of her time spent with Yui and how Yui was Hisoka’s saving grace from becoming the cold-blooded monster Tsurara tried to make Hisoka become.
If she sees a person as a love rival, She would initially give them a warning to back off. Because she doesn’t want to have to dirty her hands with something that could’ve been avoided if the love rival backed off.
If they said no, Hisoka would warn them one more time using intimidation.
And if they still continue to pursue..
Well, let’s just say “Three strikes, you’re out.”
Being a huntress, Hisoka has learned many killing methods.
Drugging a person and throwing them off a tall building before making it look like a suicide? Just let Hisoka forge the handwriting to write a suicide note and leave the shoes with it.
Killing a person with her dagger before throwing the body away? Just give her a moment to steal some hydrogen peroxide from the infirmary and make sure where the blood was spilt is removed efficiently.
Kidnap and torture the rival to a point of being mentally broken, with the possibility of being a suspect of their disappearance? Let Hisoka use her ability to sense the presence of vampires near the area and dump the body on them to feed to make the fault fall upon the vampires that drink their blood instead.
The reason she is considered soft is because she was willing to give warnings, she wouldn’t want to get her hands dirty from something that could’ve been avoided. She‘s smart enough to remove love rivals without needing to warn them and to just kill them in the spot; But she’s considered ‘too nice’ because she cares too much about a life that she’d even give them warnings instead of just killing them on the spot. Even if they are an considered enemy. Because that’s the small part of humanity Hisoka has left in her life.
Like I said, Hisoka’s mind has been fucked up for 11 years.
The thought of killing being immoral isn’t clicked with her because she’s done it for so long with vampires, she doesn’t even find it inhumane because that’s what she grew up doing and was often told it was okay.
This was the monster Tsurara has tortured to create.
A monster that holds no remorse stealing a life to satisfy their own ambitions.
A worthy successor to the Kuroi family head.
Hisoka is the kind of yandere that is generous enough to give warnings; But once you ignore the generous warnings, nothing can save you from her.
She needs Ruki in her life to make her feel needed and give her orders that only she can fulfill. He’s the one that makes her feel value by just telling her what to do and the only person she found herself having so much in common with. Ruki is the first person who she is able to enthusiastically talk about books with over a cup of coffee because her only friend is Yui and nobody in the organization have the same interests as her as the only thing she had in common with them was a blind hatred for Vampires and the goal to kill them. He is like a fresh air to her, he makes her feel normal, he makes her feel something not even Yui was able to make her feel. Ruki is her first man, her second and last love (Yui being her first), and her everything. Hisoka even gave up everything just to be by his side because that’s how much he means to her.
He has became a reason for her to keep living.
Anyone that is a threat in trying to take him away will become a threat to Hisoka. Not only as a love rival, but also as an enemy that is trying to make Hisoka herself feel unneeded and useless.
That is something unacceptable to Hisoka herself.
She is a huntress, and you will be her prey.
She will make sure to ensure her position as Ruki’s watchdog.
And that will never change.
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sobatsu · 5 years
Swapped lives au (Pt 1)
So I mentioned something like this before in a post and it was a Gruvia au but I’ve been thinking about for most of the characters, it’s mainly ships but it’s also not?? Also some of the characters swapped their magic types while others just swapped their magic styles e.g Natsu and Juvia
I’ll probably focus on the first four and then if anyone is curious about what the other characters are like, just send me an ask and I’ll answer!
So the swapped characters right now are as followed:
Natsu - Juvia
Gajeel - Erza
Gray - Lucy
Wendy - Zeref
Levy - Jellal
Meredy - Lyon
Cana - Lisanna
Chelia - Mavis
Ultear - Brandish
Anna - Acnologia
Mira - Invel
Laxus - Cobra
I’ll probably just write up to a certain point for each character and not go through every single detail
In this post anyways ;)
Natsu grew up in an orphanage because he was just left their by his parents due to the fact that everywhere he went he brought a constant heat wave and at first everyone loved it until everyone was getting severe sun burns, heat stroke, becoming very dehydrated and become forced to stay inside at all times, the kids hated Natsu for this and constantly bullied him and the only thing that brought Natsu comfort was sewing little lizards because lizards love the heat but of course this just makes things worse and the bullies started calling him “Salamander”, and one day when Natsu was a teen he got so angry at one of the boys was bullying him and he had enough and punched the boy in the face but without him realizing his arm had gone on fire as he was going to punch him causing the boy to get some severe burns and due to the backlash from this Natsu ran away
So of course Jose heard about Natsu’s whole situation, hunted him down and invited him to join phantom lord and become a part of the elemental three (There was no need for Totomaru in Jose’s mind because he already had Natsu and he had no watermage because Juvia was already in Fairy tail )
Natsu’s magic gives him the ability to change his whole body into fire and his three main magic moves are Fire lock, this move traps the target in a ball of fire and fire slicer and fire claw which are mainly moves that attack the target with fire that Natsu can summon
So Natsu joined Phantom Lord and became very close with the guilds number one member Erza Scarlet, a iron dragon slayer who’s obsessed with Armour because it’s protective and good for a quick snack during a battle, the two started to grow a tight brotherly sister bond
So Natsu was the one who helped kidnap Gray in the first place just like how Jose ordered and just from seeing him in that moment he knew that there was something about him that he just couldn’t put his finger on but he shrugged it of and continued with the job
Natsu didn’t doubt that Phantom lord was going to lose against Fairy tail in the fight for Gray Fullbuster for even a second until he laid his eyes on Lucy Heartfilia, bloody and sweaty from fighting and the heat, and this feeling just swept over him that he’d never felt before and he was like ????? and obviously after she swore to save her friend he was like ??? Again and then he was angry because why does she want to save him ?? Like ?? But a fight was a fight and so the two were just at eachother both trying as hard as the other until Lucy’s whole hand just touches his chest and he stops because her hands are cold even though they’re in the middle of his heat wave but she quickly moves the hand to go back to fighting until they pink haired boy in front of Lucy just collapses because it started to rain and he feels cold and he’s laughing and crying at the same time, and poor Lucy just sits there rubbing his back because what else is she gonna do when this man child is just crying during a fight
And in that instant Natsu knew that he was going to marry this woman, not only because she stopped his heat wave but because she didn’t judge him for crying about it she rubbed his back and helped him calm down, not even caring about the fight, so obviously the only sensible thing that Natsu could think to do right after was to buy a ring because priorities
Juvia’s backstory is the same as Natsu’s actual backstory and not the one you just ready up there as in she’s from 400 years ago
Juvia had a normal childhood, she had two parents and a younger sister, Wendy who she loved and cared for but tragically Juvia and her parents died leaving her younger sister to fend for herself
Wendy and Juvia had a very close relationship and were never apart until the day when they had to be apart for the rest of their lives ofcourse that was until Wendy became insane and reincarnated Juvia
Of course Juvia doesn’t remember any of this due to the fact that Wendy reincarnated her, but Juvia after this was raised by Aquarius who taught her everything she knew about water magic
Juvia and Aquarius has a very special Mother and Daughter bond and Aquarius loved Juvia like she was her own daughter
Juvia was sent to the future by Acnologia,were Makorav found her and brought her to Fairy tail were she made it her life goal to find Aquarius, because she didn’t know that she was in the future or the Aquarius was a celestial spirit
While she was out exploring she came across Happy’s egg and just assumed that it was a present from Aquarius because “Aquarius~Chan always gave Juvia the biggest presents she could find” and of course her best friend/(Love interest??) Cana helped he nurture the egg until it hatched and Juvia met her new partner in crime Happy who instantly became her new bestie sorry Cana
Juvia gets given the name “Siren” due to her seeming nice at first but she’ll drown you bitch if she has to
She meets Gray in Hargeon and after having lunch with him after she saved him from a love spell she started to get a slight crush on him but brushed it off due to the fact that she’ll probably never see him again but after saving him for a second time from a woman claiming to be her but really she just wants him to sell him, Juvia was like alight this ones mine imma protect it so she invites him to Fairy tail and the three of them (Happy, Juvia and Gray ) become partners
Juvia’s attitude is mainly like Aquarius’s due to the fact that she was her role model so she’s very aggressive (Like Edo-Juvia) but when it comes to her talking to Gray, you can see that she becomes more shy and calm while if she was talking to Lucy she would have beeten her ten seconds after seeing her
Juvia had found out that Aquarius was a celestial spirit thanks to Gray who was talking about how Aquarius’s key hadn’t been found for 400 years, when Gray was saying this he was talking absentmindedly to Lucy whole Natsu and Juvia just sat across from them, Juvia daydreaming about going on a job and Natsu daydreaming about Lucy ;), but the second she heard Aquarius’s name she was up straight asking all these different questions, asking about what a celestial spirit was and why did Aquarius need a key if she slept in the lake and of course Gray laughs at this thinking that Juvia was just joking until he saw the tears in her eyes and he had to bring her into another room and explain everything hto her while everybody had their ears to the door trying to hear everything
Her and Lucy are obviously best frenemies
Gajeel’s backstory is the same as Erzas really except Gajeel was abandoned by his father Metalicana (Whos human in this au) and so he grows up in the tower of haven along with Levy
Since Gajeel didn’t have any last name Levy dubbed him the last name “Redfox” because as she said “You’re eyes are red and you’re hair is fluffy like a fox”
When Gajeel was put in the disciplinary chamber after attempting to escape with the others, he was tortured to the brink of death and he also lost the ability to use his left eye (Opposite of what Erza lost ;))
When he got to Fairy tail he had an instant disliking to Invel because he was very snarky and the two would always start having random fights
He had a very close bond with Juvia and Lucy, even taking the time out of his day to help Juvia learn how to read and write, much to Juvia’s dismay
When he seen Levy that day back int the tower of Haven, it broke his heart because how did sweet little Levy turn into someone to dark and ready to resurrect a man so twisted and evil,spending years of her life working on the tower of haven just to reach her goal , and that’s when he knew that, something wasn’t right
It broke his heart again when he left her their to die , but to him it finally came full circle when it was just him and her back in the tower
When he had seen his funeral, he couldn’t help but shed a few tears when he seen Juvia denying the fact that he was alive and see everyone crying, holding each other because if the great Gajeel has fallen then how does anyone else stand a chance in this cruel world, but once he had seen Juvia again after being saved by her, he then saw everyone and everything in a completely new light
Gajeel is obsessed with Strawberry cake, he doesn’t know why but he just is, maybe because it’s sweet just like how Levy used to be
When Erza joined Phantom Lord, she was cold and calculating to everyone, bar Natsu because they had a weird bond that no one could explain
She loathed Fairy tail with her whole being because they were their rivals, hating them so much that she was the one who initiated the war between Fairy tail and Phantom Lord, only stopping to fight when she got defeated by Juvia, who was enraged at the way that Erza was treating Gray
After Natsu forced her to join Fairy tail, she didn’t want anything to do with the guild until Master Makorov offered her a speacil mission that her ego just couldn’t refuse but to accept, but of course she couldn’t start the mission without apologising to shadow gear, or more like be forced to apologise by Jett and Droy who were hassinling her until the sun set until she saved Jellal from one of Cobra’s attack’s
Erza has shown how well she could sing by forcing Mira off the stage and singing in front of everyone, surprisingly enough she could sing very very well but her lyrics were very very bad
Finding pantherlily was the best day of Erza’s life because now she had someone to talk to on the days when she felt like she had nonone in this world
After bring in fairy tail for an amount of time, Erza found herself becoming very fond of Jellal and couldn’t help but feel a strong urge but to protect him at all costs
Gray grew up in his family’s estate with his mother and father along with their many servants until one day his mother passed away leaving Gray and his father alone together, after his mother died Gray found that him and his father were starting to drift away from eachother day by day so to avoid this from happening Gray decided to make his father a present, only to be shouted at by his father and be made leave the room causing him not to talk to his father for almost two weeks
Gray kept a picture of his mother in a cross shaped locket that he wore at all times, holding it close to his heart whenever he felt stressed about anything
Gray became a celestial Spirit Mage so that he could honour his mother’s memory and use the keys that she passed on down from her to him
The day that he met Juvia and joined fairy tail was one of the happiest days of his life, he didn’t even mind the fact that the guild was so rowdy but that didn’t matter to him, all that mattered was that he was starting to make his way into the world
Gray strips not because that’s how he was taught to do when fighting, no he strips because even though he no longer has to wear the itchy uncomfortable suits that his father forced him to wear, and even now when he’s in Fairytail he sometimes gets uncomfortable and just strips wherever whenever, much to his own embarrassment and some others delight
The moment he joined Fairytail he insistently hit it off with everyone, especially with Jellal and Mira, he instantly hit it off really well with Jellal due to the fact about their shared interest in reading and writing, and he became good friends with Mira because, well he doesn’t really knew how they hit it off, maybe it was just because she somehow knew everything about him in a matter of a few days
When he got kidnapped by phantom lord and saved by Juvia, he had never felt more embarrassed in his life, not because he got saved by a girl, no it was an honour to be saved by the great ‘siren’ of fairy tail, no what was embarrassing was the fact that how easily defenseless he felt without his keys, muscles or no muscles he just didn’t know what to do in the moment since he had gotten so use to his keys which was his downfall when he got kidnapped by Natsu and when Erza was beating him up, so after that incident he took it upon himself to get stronger physically and mentally
When he saw how defestated Juvia was about how Aquarius’s key hadn’t been seen in four hundred years, he had made it his life goal to help her find her lost mother figure because that’s what you do with your friends, you make sure that they’re safe and happy and loved, that’s what friends do, right?
Gray became very close with his spirit Loke after he helped him deal with everything with the spirit king, well atleast Gray though that him and Loke had a close bond until during a battle instead of protecting Gray, Loke went over to protect Lucy cause “Fuck you Gray, I gotta save Ms Lucy” and that’s when Gray knew what betrayal felt like
Lucy had been living a very pleasant life with her parents until the day that Deliora attacked her village, killing everyone but her, everyone died including her parents and Lucy didn’t know what would have happened if Grammi hadn’t come along with her student Meredy and invited her to come study ice make magic with her
Lucy enjoyed every moment she spent with Grammi and Meredy, she had created a motherly bond with Grammi and a sisterly bond with Meredy, who seemed very interesed in everything to do with ice make magic including the very dangerous aspects of it which Grammi had warned both the girls not to try unless they were in a very dire situation and even then they had to think about all of their options
Lucy remembers the day that she lost everything like the back of her hand, she had gone off to fight Deliora by herself which caused Grammi to have to save her using ice shell which even though it trapped Deliora away, she had also lost her life in the process of that happening. When Meredy had found out what had happened she shouted at Lucy and then left, not seeing her for years
When Lucy had managed to get herself to fairy tail she had grown a bond with Juvia almost instantly and although the two would argue almost every day, they had still shared a special sisterly bond
When she had seen Meredy again the first emotion she felt was relief knowing that she was alive but also anger at the fact that she was trying to free Deliora even though their master had died sealing the creature away, of course Lucy, Gray, Juvia and Gajeel had defeated Meredy and her comrades, It had brought a lot of emotions that she had locked away back to the surface but even though she was embarrassed that Gray had seen her cry, she was also relieved that her emotions were starting to come back out but also scared at this fact at the same time
Lucy and Gray had bonded over the fact that both of them accidentally strip at the most random of times due to the way that they were brought up and they would usually talk about the most embarrassing times that it had happened
After Lucy saved that Natsu guy from his heat wave or whatever he called it, she kept getting the feeling that that wasn’t going to be the last time that she’d see him
Wendy loved her family more than anything and the day that she lost them, especially her older sister, she studied long and hard at Mildian Magic Academy researching the connections between life and death hoping that she can discover something that will help her revive her sister
After she was cursed by Ankhseram, she wanted more than anything to die so that she could pay for her sins which in turn caused her to start creating the etherious which then again in turn led her to try and revive Juvia which led her to reviving Juvia and creating E.J.D but she couldn’t revive her into her original age and instead had to make her younger than Wendy
After she and met Aquarius who, even though she wasn’t a dragon like Wendy was initially thinking, she had ultimately decided to let Aquarius raise Juvia until she would be sent to the future, Aquarius then intrusted Wendy with her key asking her to give it to Juvia when the time was right
Wendy and Acnologia has hatched a plan together along with Aquarius and the dragons to send the kinds into the future to fight the stellar mage Anna
When Wendy has bumped into Chelia, she was very worried at first because of her curse and what it could do to her but after spending a lot of time with the young girl she started to feel much happier with her, when she had found out that Chelia also had the curse, she was very happy at the fact that they could now walk alongside eachother but when she had kissed her and her life energy had all gone, that was the day that Wendy knew that she was be officially alone in this world
Throughout the years the rumours of The Dark Wizard Wendy spread throughout all of earth land and of course many of these rumours were just that, rumours made to strike fear in children so that they don’t mess around in something that they don’t understand
She keeps a picture of herself and Juvia in a locket that she wears all of the time, the picture is of a young Juvia holding baby Wendy in her arms while little Wendy is just playing with her hair and if anyone had seen that picture now they wouldn’t instantly say oh that a dark wizard and a demon, they’d see that they were two little kids who have their whole lives ahead of them but instead one of them had their life taken from them too soon while they other no longer had a life, all they did was exist in a world that didn’t want her nor her it
I guess in this au he’s younger, I don’t know I can’t really decide
Zeref loved Grandeeny like she was his actual mother and losing her was the hardest thing that he had ever had to do but thankfully Cait Shelter had took him in instantly, and here is where he found an egg that unknowingly to him, contained his best friend and older sister type figure, Carla, Zeref and Carla had a very special bond, She had helped him during some very tuff times and although she was stern, she was also very sweet with him when she wants to be
Helping the other guilds to try and defeat Nirvana was very nerve racking for him as he didn’t know if he would be if much use to the others but he was very important, especially since he was the one who helped revive Levy, who to him was very important since she had been his protecter before Cait shelter so seeing her again made him feel very sad but also happy to know that she was alive
Finding out that Cait shelter wasn’t real and losing his master was probably to that day the safest day of his life along with losing Grandeeny because that was family and to find out that they weren’t real sad heartbreaking for him to say the least but thankfully he had Fairy tail to lean back on and he loved it there with everyone else, especially with Gajeel since he had been very nice to him when he had lost his guild
During the GMG, when he had met Mavis for the first time he instantly strayed to develop feelings for her because she was so nice and strong and amazing and of course he didn’t understand what he was feeling because he’d never liked someone in that way before so he asked Gajeel for advice since he was the closest thing he had to a brother and of course he has no idea about this sort of thing either so the two of them just sat in Gajeels room together waiting for Gray to come back so he could explain to Zeref about what he was feeling which was awkward to sag the least
Zeref had grown a very close bond to Lisanna for some reason, maybe it was because she could talk to him since she’d frequently go down to the orphanage to talk to the orphans that lived there so she understood what a kid his age would like and how they’d be feeling so the two of them would often be seen talking to eachother in the guild hall whoever they have free time or if Zeref is feeling a bit gloomy
So that’s a lot already so there’s definitely going to be a part two were I’ll talk about the next four or six characters but maybe if there’s a specific two characters you want me to talk about I will in the next post of if there’s any other character that I haven’t mentioned op there than you can just send me a message though my inbox! I hope you enjoyed and thank you so so much to @cobblepottantrum for helping me come up with like all of this! You’re a true start ;)
I hope you all liked it and be prepared for more ;);)
(I was writing the Wendy part and then i rembered that @xbrokenxdollsx has like a whole etherious Juvia au that I LOVE so obviously I had to go and reread all of her work because she’s a QUENN)
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Cat Out of the Bag
Chapter 1: Prologue & The Encounter
Neko!Hank Anderson x Artist/Author!Connor
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing (assume this’ll be in all future chapters as well lol), A tad of Violence, Panic attack similar to my own, Blood/Injury Mention
Word Count: 9,453 (I have no clue how to write short chapters/fics lol)
   “I ain’t some starvin’, twink cat that you can just bring home and teach how to trust and love or whatever the fuck else books try to say. Hell, I’m not even a Persian or Maine Coon cat with those bushy, pale tails like people always love to give us bears. I’m just an old, fat calico.”
   “I personally don’t agree with the stereotypes as well. But as I offered before, you’re always welcome to leave. The front door is right there, I’m not keeping you trapped here... If you wanted to stay, though, I can make you breakfast? You can watch me make your breakfast, or you can make it yourself if you want.”
~> Next
                   Growing up, Connor was always stuck in the worlds he fabricated in his mind, and he wasn’t ashamed of it like his family tried to tell him to be. Even when he would introduce himself to people since middle school, he would always say his name then state that he had an uncontrollably active imagination, and if they ever are speaking to him and he doesn’t appear to be actively listening that they should try to not be offended. He just simply found inspiration and was committing whatever it was to memory to come back to later, or has laid out a simple plot to follow along later. He really meant no harm or disrespect to them.
    Let’s just say that, among the school’s nerds, jocks, or other cliques, “Crazy Connor” did not fit into any social group, and regularly gained more bullies than friends. He never minded too much, though. He always lived vicariously through his character’s lives which he created, and they always had plenty of friends and allies they could turn to when in trouble. That’s all he needed, or at least, that’s what he always convinced himself so he wouldn’t become swallowed by loneliness.
    By his first year in high school, he wrote an entire book, and by the end of his first year, he wrote another, longer one. For his second year in high school, he was “gently persuaded” into taking an art class for whatever reason the school offered (he wasn’t listening on purpose that time), and he discovered he had a natural gift in the subject. With the encouragement of his art teacher and his one and only friend, Markus, he started posting his artworks on a blog he created just for this purpose, that way he didn’t flood his normal social medias with the unusual content. Soon after, he bought himself the equipment to start doing digital art and quickly switched to that for any piece that wasn’t a graded assignment.
    By the end of Connor’s second year, an online social media influencer found the one fanart of them he made– and his blog and all of his other works by extension– by pure chance. After some talking and interactions, they asked if they could commission him to do a small line of t-shirt merch designs. Of course, Connor said yes. They loved it, and so did the customers and fans who looked at and bought the t-shirts. He still knows to this day that he is more than extremely lucky to have had this chance.
    After designing the merch, his art blog started gaining more attention, and by christmas break of his third year in high school, he was making more money each month than any student he knew with a job. He got donations from very generous people just for sharing his art and little comic scenes, and he regularly got commissions from people, and was even asked to create pin and more t-shirt designs for that same online influencer. Connor never gave up writing, however, he simply never posted it anywhere public. Although, as soon as he turned 18 early in his Senior year, he immediately self-published the first book he wrote after doing some heavy editing (it was an actual cringefest trying to read through it), and made it well known on his blog that more were coming in the somewhat-near future.
    It didn’t do too well, to say the least. A world where nekojins and inujins don’t exist, especially for the sake of not making certain things in the plot happen conveniently and provide crude or perverted humor? It doesn’t fly for most people. He didn’t give up, though, of course not. He expected this book to not do well at all, so he wasn’t put off in the slightest. He self-published his next book during his final new year’s break of high school, which ended up doing much better than his first, considering it was a fantasy adventure genre and had a nekojin as one of the main characters. Looking back on it now, this is probably where his career in writing first started.
    Up until this point, Connor was convinced he’d be stuck at a nine-to-five office job for his entire life, since he couldn’t see himself doing what he loved due to the lack of publisher and author connections and, as much as he loves art, that’s not where his true passion lies. He knew that he’d eventually get burnt out if it were his job and only source of income. Although, he also couldn’t imagine doing something he actively disliked because he would rather rip his hair out than be an accountant or anything of the sort like what his family wanted. However, this second book made him realise that it could be possible to do what he wanted full time.
    As Connor very soon found out, nekojins and inujins weren’t popularly a main character in books or any media for that matter, and if they were, the book almost always had a forbidden love type of plot or the partial-human was a slave of some sort of one of the other main characters. The fact that Connor, a high schooler, wrote a book with a kick-ass nekojin who gives no fucks and takes no shits as a main character with a pure human lover/sidekick was decidedly open minded and extremely controversial.
    At one point, an encounter with a reporter brought up the question of how he found the courage to make such a bold statement. Connor felt somewhat guilty when he admitted that this story idea had just been in his head for so long and it just had a bad-ass nekojin as the main character. He put no thought into what people would think about it or what kind of statement it could possibly give. It’s just what the story always was, so he made it how it is. Simple as that.
    And apparently that was an open minded answer. The fact that he hadn’t even thought about what the public might think and didn’t care whatsoever that the main character was a nekojin proved that in his head was a world that easily existed where partial humans and pure humans lived in perfect equality. The writers of those articles weren’t exactly wrong, but Connor still didn’t like how every single one of his artworks and writing pieces were soon heavily criticized and people looked far more into them than even Connor himself thought was possible. It was almost intriguing how people could pull such in-depth ideas and conspiracies from works that were made simply because he thought “Oh, this kind of pose looks cool for this character” and “Wow, these colors look cool with it so we’ll smash them together like this” and “Ta Da! I did it! I made a thing! Look guys!”.
    By the time he graduated, he was in the midst of self-publishing a third book that Connor carefully picked because the story line didn’t have anything blatantly controversial in it. His fourth or fifth ones didn’t have anything especially attention-grabbing in them either. Although, that’s just how he planned them in his head. Yes, he did have other titles deemed more risky and controversial, but he didn’t release them only because he didn’t want that kind of attention on him again yet. Eventually, all the controversy surrounding Connor had died down once people began realising that such a large statement from him was likely going to be a one time deal. All that was left behind from the ordeal was a sudden spike in interest and income from the people who found his work because of the fuss.
    Yes, he hated that partial human slavery still existed, and no, he never planned on getting one of his own and helping the economy of those types of businesses, but he couldn’t gather the bravery needed to make any grand statements on his blog and march along with the groups of people trying to make things equal. He had morals and human decency, but they apparently didn’t run deep enough to make him less terrified of the mass of negative attention he once faced, so he supported the protesters in spirit for doing what he can’t with minor guilt.
    He still feels that way even now at 32 years old. He’s lucky enough to no longer be a starving artist, and he moved out of Markus’ and Simon’s shared apartment to live on his own a couple years ago. He still mainly does digital pieces when creating art, but he took inspiration from Markus and his father and started using different types of traditional medias again. Although, somewhere down the line, art stopped being the larger source of his income, and started being extra cash he put into savings and funding for larger luxury items– such as trips across America for more experiences that he could use in his art and books.
    He no longer has to self-publish anymore, yet he still occasionally does under an alias when his agent, a good friend of his by the name Luther, wants him to change too many aspects of a book to make it more commercialized. He has told Connor in the past that he comes up with other manuscripts to pitch quickly compared to the other writers he works with, so he doesn’t worry too often about Connor self-publishing something he didn’t accept. He understands that, to Connor, these aren’t just books, these are tiny pieces of himself in written form. Though, Luther always goes into detail about what parts he doesn’t like and why because there are times where Connor decides that the world in his head would be made better with the changes Luther wanted.
    Connor is currently heading home after one of said moments. He just got done with a meeting to pitch his next potential book, and Luther had suggested that he change the time travel portion in it to make it a trilogy and expand on some character’s backstory and development. Connor, not understanding why he hadn’t written a series of any kind yet, since most of his books are rather long, quickly and happily agreed to go home and edit large chunks of it to make it work.
    He wonders if he can somehow convince Luther or the publishing company to hold off on publishing the books until all three are completed. Connor hates waiting months for sequels and much prefers having all of the books in a series so he can binge them, and he knows that he’s far from the only one who feels this way. They probably won’t stall until all 3 books are fully completed, though. He’ll just have to somehow work quicker than usual without getting burnt out, or pitch a different book from his list of ideas to work on in the meantime.
    Connor blinks out of his head to pause and take in the scenery around him. Connor’s lucky to live in a more suburban area. He’s always been an extremely light sleeper, so he could never get much rest when he lived in the city with his family. The nearest area like that is just far enough away that the only evidence of it being there are the skyscrapers in the distance and the fact there are precisely 14 stars on a clear night sky, and on the nights that aren’t clear, the clouds over the downtown area have an enchanting glow to them.
    In the area Connor lives in now, most of the roads are all one lane per direction, with the exception of the main roads with the stores and sloppy grids of traffic lights. This is where Connor is right now, walking along the strangely empty sidewalk. He lives in one of the apartment buildings in the area, and the rumble of cars and occasional shrieks of emergency vehicles are enough to make him want to move back to Markus’ quieter area, despite there still being five more months left on his two-year lease. Looking off to the side where his apartment building should be, Connor decides that he should start hunting for other apartments if he really wants to move somewhere else.
    Connor pulls out his phone to take a picture of the serene scene he’s just been greeted by. The setting sun casting the sky in a brilliantly beautiful gradient of rich orange and gold. He has to shove the small sense of guilt away for thinking something that air pollution has caused is gorgeous, because that’s exactly what it is. The small trees that are planted in the middle of the wide sidewalk on the other side of the road look like a black void is trying to rip and glitch its way into swallowing the sky whole, yet is always coming up short. The road he walks along is empty for now due to the traffic light glowing red behind him, which gives him a chance to get an unobscured picture.
    This is the perfect scene to paint back at home. Maybe it’s just the thing to finally get him out of his art block.
    Connor quickly snaps several pictures at varying levels of brightness and contrast before the light turns green. He quickly puts his phone away and continues on his way home. Honestly, Connor should have taken an Uber or something instead of walking, but he isn’t regretting it quite yet. He probably will in a few minutes, though, when the only light will be from the moon and the occasional street light. He supposes he can always call an Uber now, but he’s currently only a fifteen minute walk away from his apartment complex if he doesn’t take the shortcut through the trees, closer to ten minutes if he does.
    Besides, the air is nice and cool for once, if not a bit on the humid side– but that’s just what happens when you live along the east coast, you get non-stop humid air. On top of the air being nice, Connor really needs to get more of it from outside, rather than the stale air inside. The last time he left his apartment (besides hopping into his car for grocery, work, or mail related journeys) was probably a little under a year ago, maybe a little over. Sure, once in a while he’ll open his windows, but that isn’t the same as being outside, feeling the sun on his skin and slight breeze in his hair.
    Huh, that could make a cool land in his series. A place where no matter where a person stands within the small civilization, there is always wind to be felt. They could remain protected and unspotted with the use of a force field of sorts that spreads itself over the town. Maybe that could be because they are a true neutral civilization and don’t want any part in the war–
    A thud of something hitting metal immediately followed by a quiet groan of pain interrupts Connor’s wandering train of thought. He probably wouldn’t have even heard it if he hadn’t retained his habit of somehow being alert to his surroundings while zoned out from back when he was in school. He doesn’t even know where the painful sounds came from, but that doesn’t matter because he wouldn’t just jump in to other people’s problems. What if there isn’t anything happening at all and that was just someone who tripped and fell?
    So he checks the time (for evidence purposes, just in case) and keeps walking straight, hyper aware of every little movement and sound around him, yet never turning his head. That is, until he jumps at the abrupt sound of sharp laughter coming from behind the boutique that’s closed for the night.
    “The fucker’s weak and already passing out! Who would’ve guessed! Ha!” a nasally voice taunts. Connor freezes against both his will and better judgement.
    “Should we call some place to pick ‘im up? We could get some extra cash?” a woman asks.
    “Hell no!” a masculine voice shouts, “Who the hell do you think would want an old, fat neko like him, anyway. We’d be doing everyone a favor by just killing it.”
    That gets Connor moving silently into the narrow alley towards the voices. He may be socially awkward and loathe conflict, but he grew up training in different types of combat and self-defense. If someone’s life is in danger, he damn sure will fight, and as long as none of these people have a gun, he will win.
    “Uh, I didn’t fuckin’ sign up for murder.” the nasally voice says uneasily, “I just wanted to go out and have a good time.”
    “Ugh, it’s not like we’d get caught. And even if we did for some reason, we would get a slap on the wrist at most.”
    “Are you actually that fuckin’ stupid, Damien?” the woman snaps. “If we kill him, that will be seen as worse than killing an animal. Even I’m not stupid enough to think that we’d get away with something that in a place out in the open like this. Someone’s gonna have to take out trash, and evidence of us being here is everywhere.”
    Connor finally lets himself fall still, ceasing his silent shuffling towards the corner. He presses against the wall in hopes to lower the chances of being spotted, and promptly rests his back on something sticky. He jumps forward just slightly, but not enough to be seen.
    “What was that?” the first guy asks.
    But is apparently loud enough to be heard.
    Connor braces himself for a fight, tensing up and getting into position–
    “Dude, you’re being paranoid. Let’s just get the fuck out of here. I’m bored, anyway, and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.” The supposed ringleader persuades, his boots thumping on the concrete as he walks away. Connor lets himself relax, thankful that nothing more is going to happen for now.
    “Same. C’mon.” The woman starts following him if the sound of clacking heels is anything to go by.
    There’s a relieved sigh, then one last set of footsteps walking away. Luckily, based off of the sounds of scuffling and skateboards from around the corner, there’s another way to get in and out of that place besides the one Connor is hiding in. He stays completely still and silent for several minutes after they’re gone, just to make sure they won’t come back. When he finally feels that it’s safe enough to look at the time on his phone, only twelve minutes have passed since he last checked it.
    Taking a deep breath, he moves himself out of his hiding place. He spots the large nekojin laying against a dumpster in the alley and can immediately tell that the 911 emergency responders won’t do much, if anything, for him because there’s no collar around his neck and no obvious lethal wounds. The poor guy’s got blood in his hair, which is grey with age, and there’s a bit of blood on the ground and dumpster where he was presumably knocked down. His wrist is also zip tied to the back handle of the dumpster, so his arm is raised high above his head and Connor can see where the zip tie is digging into his skin. He watches as the man takes a small breath with a small sigh of relief.
    That seems to make something in Connor click, because he’s suddenly dropping to his knees to check for any less obvious injuries. First thing’s first, Connor removes the zip tie from the man’s wrist by jamming his fingernail between the latch and tail slowly undoing the loop. He carefully puts the man’s arm down by his side. Connor only knows so much about first aid and injuries from past, admittedly extensive research for his books and comic scenes, but he does remember how to spot the signs of various broken bones. He also knows that won’t be enough to make sure he’s actually okay.
    Therefore, he yanks his phone out of his pocket and texts his friend, Kara, who is some kind of doctor, hoping that she’ll be kind enough to come and look this guy over herself. It’s not like Connor wouldn’t pay her for her expertise, after all.
        Connor Child Today at 19:28 (7:28)
Hey, are you busy right now?
   Connor doesn’t even have time to repocket his phone before it vibrates in his hand. She mustn't be busy, if she responded so quickly.
        Best Mom Friend Today at 19:28 (7:28)
i’m free. what’s up
        Connor Child Today at 19:29 (7:29)
You know how you’re a doctor? Are you, like, a general doctor, or are you specialized in something? And is there a difference between pure and partial humans medically/biologically?
        Best Mom Friend Today at 19:30 (7:30)
We’ll call it a general one. and no there aren’t major differences besides the tail and ears and heightened senses and all that jazz.
weren’t you just with luther? what happened?
        Connor Child Today at 19:20 (7:30)
I was, but I found an injured Nekojin that was beat up by these three assholes while walking home. It doesn’t look life threatening, but I’m not a doctor and I also have no way of getting him to my place.
    When Kara doesn’t respond immediately, Connor carefully lifts up the large man’s shirt, carefully avoiding touching his white, tan, and black blotched tail that’s draped protectively across his chest before he passed out. He notes that there’s a lot of bruising, which could mean a few things, some worse than others. He’s taking even breaths instead of short, sporadic ones, though, which could be a good sign. After checking a few other things tenderly and carefully, Connor decides that it’s probably okay to carefully lay the stranger down so he can check his back.
    It’s immediately apparent that they jumped him from behind. The entire back of his shirt has blood all over it, and some blood on the wall and dumpster where he was leaned against them. After a solid twenty seconds of processing what he’s seeing and choosing what to do about this first, Connor finally forces himself to tenderly lift the back of his shirt up. He notices that none of the cuts should be deep enough to do any lasting damage beyond scars. He doesn’t even think blood loss should be a problem, since the blood wasn’t even visible for the most part until he was rolled over. That doesn’t account for any possible internal bleeding though, and for the fact that Connor still isn’t a doctor.
    At that thought, Kara finally messages back with perfect timing.
        Best Mom Friend Today at 19:34 (7:34)
first of all, where are you?
second of all, you shouldn’t bring strangers into your home.
third of all, you should take him to a hospital anyway.
    Connor cringes at his phone at the last suggestion, then begins typing.
        Connor Child Today at 19:35 (7:35)
We both know he won’t get proper care at a hospital, especially since he doesn’t appear to have a collar or a way of contacting someone who will pay off the debt for the stay. Also, I’ve already thought about every other option besides bringing him to a hospital and they all end with him getting abandoned and/or hurt again out here. I don’t wanna leave him like that.
   It’s then that Connor realizes that he likely has most of the things needed to take care of these types of injuries at home in his jumbo first aid kit. Markus bought it for him on his birthday as a jab at how clumsy he is, but it’s come in handy multiple times since then and none of his friends let it die.
        Connor Child Today at 19:36 (7:36)
Besides, I think I have everything needed to clean him up at my apartment, I’m just not sure about any internal injuries or how to move him.
    Oh god damn it, apparently Connor’s going to be one of the dumbasses who brings injured strangers back home. He can’t just leave him out here and he can’t trust anyone else in this area– state, even– to not abuse this guy as soon as Connor is out of sight, though. He gently feels around the stranger’s head, carefully avoiding his tan and black ears, for any obvious injuries as he works things out in his head.
    Maybe he can call Markus to come over to help keep watch just in case? No, he and Simon are out in New York on vacation until Monday, and today’s Thursday. He can’t ask Carl or Luther to come over, since Carl is old and wheelchair bound and, as well as Luther can act and despite his massive size, he does much worse with conflict than Connor does. He’d be on edge from being around a wild card for the night, then stressed for days after. Connor knows Kara would come help him out, but she doesn’t get enough sleep as it is, with the weird hospital hours and helping with taking care of Alice. She doesn’t need to be more involved in this than she already is, anyways.
    This is either going to end surprisingly well or very badly, and Connor has a feeling of which it’s going to be. That is decidedly not a good sign, but Connor elects to ignore it anyway.
    Connor finds a rather large knot on the right side of the man’s head where the majority of the blood in his hair is, which is probably the same injury that pretty much knocked him out in the first place. He doesn’t even know if there’s a way to check for concussions when the person is unconscious.
    His phone finally pings an alert for a new message.
        Best Mom Friend Today at 19:37 (7:37)
fine, you win. tell me where you are and i’ll bring you guys to your place. who’s staying with you, cause it isn’t going to be me or luther.
        Connor Child Today at 19:37 (7:37)
Thank you so much!! I’m at the boutique near my apartment complex! And I have a friend that I’m going to message!
You’re the best!!
    Connor rolls the stranger into what he hopes is a more comfortable position, then finds a place where he’ll be able to watch the parallel parking lanes in front of the boutique and the unconscious nekojin at the same time. His phone chimes again, and he doesn’t bother opening it for the simple three letter in the message notification.
        Best Mom Friend Today at 19:41 (7:41)
    With that taken care of, all there is left to do is wait for Kara. He moves and sits down in his spot, and just a bit over ten minutes later, she pulls up. Connor glances back at the old stranger, making sure he won’t die or something in his absence, then quickly steps out of the alley so Kara will see him. She does and parks her blue SUV in the spot closest to where Connor is waiting.
    “Kara! You’re a lifesaver, really!” he calls after Kara steps out of her car.
    “I know, I know,” She shuts the door behind her, “Where’s the guy?”
    “He’s back here. I didn’t want to move him too much.”
    She nods in approval and silently follows him to the old nekojin, then starts looking over his wounds. She decides that the cuts on his back aren’t as bad as they could be and the bleeding has already slowed down a bit. At her request, Connor retells everything he knows. After a few more minutes of checking, she states that the stranger no doubt has a concussion and will need plenty of rest and another check up once he’s awake. Thankfully, she doesn’t think his wrist is dislocated or fractured or anything, and his ribs seem fine. Together, they carefully lift the unconscious man into the back of the SUV, and Connor climbs in the back to sit with him.
    They reach Connor’s apartment complex in just over two minutes (he swears he isn’t staring at the clock in the car), then fight to awkwardly lift the man out of the car and up the flight of stairs to Connor’s apartment. Once inside, they lay him on the bed in the guest room. Kara makes a comment about the sheets not making it through unscathed, but Connor disregards her with an obvious lie about needing new sheets anyway.
    Kara then washes the man’s back and arms then carefully tends to his plentiful superficial wounds with Connor’s help, since there was apparently glass in some of his cuts. By the time they’re finished with that and the man has a light blanket draped over him, a couple of hours have gone by. Kara leaves once Connor promises (lies) that the person he texted about staying over will be on their way very soon and isn’t there now because they have a shift at the grocery store.
    Now that Connor is completely alone and is starting to feel the nerves from having a large, presumably strong stranger unconscious in his home, he doesn’t quite know what to do. Normally when things get stressful or unusual, he’d write a short story depicting a character going through something that would make them just as uncomfortable and stressed as he is and post it on his Patreon, but he doesn’t want the click-clacking of his keyboard to mask any noises that the man might make.
    After a bit of thinking and standing around, he decides to paint the sunset he took a picture of earlier.
    He goes down the short hallway that connects his room, laundry room, and bathroom to the rest of the apartment. He opens the closet on the right side of the room and grabs a canvas and various paints and brushes. Going back out to the area of life, as Connor calls it (since the kitchen, dining room, and living room are all one large area, with the living room sectioned off by couches and the kitchen by a counter island and tiles on the ground), he sets up his stuff on his small, square table. He makes sure he’s facing the doors to his and the guest rooms with his back to the front door and the sliding door to his balcony/patio thing.
    He pauses in his painting every 45 minutes to an hour so he can check on the nekojin. When the sun finally rises in the morning, Connor’s finished two sellable paintings and is starting a third. He has officially reached the level of exhaustion where he no longer feels tired as long as he ignores the pressure behind his eyes and the headache starting to form. Sometimes his insomnia-like-symptoms flare up until he gets to this point, so he isn’t worried.
    After checking on the man yet again, Connor decides to fix a breakfast sandwich using his near-expired bacon and a tube of premade biscuits. He makes enough eggs and bacon for only one person, not knowing when the nekojin will wake up and if he even eats eggs or meat.
    He’s in the middle of putting his food on a plate when there’s a slight and distant creak. If he were alone, Connor would have been able to convince himself that it was the building settling or something of the like, but he isn’t. He quickly turns around and is relieved to see nothing behind him. He hastily scoops the last bit of eggs onto his plate before cautiously walking through the living area towards the guest room. He pauses right at the door and listens for movement, just in case the man woke up and is trying to do something stupid and/or dangerous.
    Connor may be trained in various types of combat and self defense, but he’s not stupid enough to think that makes him invincible. Especially against someone who is as large as that man was, and that’s excluding the chances that this stranger has training in some kind of combat as well.
    After a couple of seconds of complete silence, Connor hesitantly opens the door just wide enough to slowly peek half of his head through. He immediately sees that the man is no longer in his bed. He’s barely able to open the door wider to step inside before a heavy weight barrels into him from the side. Next thing he knows, he’s pinned to the wall by a furious nekojin, with his ears pinned to his head and fangs sharp as needles. It’s already getting hard to breathe and Connor, as predicted, can’t move the arm that’s pushed against his throat. Trying to move his right arm and both legs is useless because the man also has them pinned enough to where he can’t make any effective attacks on him.
    He must have some kind of training in combat as well, or has learned from personal experience. Connor is completely screwed if this man decides he is too much of a threat or isn’t worth his time.
    “Cause any trouble and I make your life painful, ya hear?” the man snarls lowly, and if Connor wasn’t already used to being pinned against walls and threatened, he’d probably be panicking right now. Connor rapidly nods as calmly as he can (which isn’t nearly calm enough) while being in this situation. “Who the fuck are you?”
    “Connor” he rasps painfully, “I’m– no harm. Please–”
    The older man hisses, and it sounds nothing like when cats do it. When cats hiss, it almost sounds like an air leakage from a pipe; high pitched and more breathy than anything. This hiss, though, is not unlike what demons sound like in horror movies. It’s lower and almost growlish and absolutely terrifying enough to make up for the lack of a small, agile body.
    It shuts Connor up to say the absolute least.
    “Where the fuck did you bring me?”
    “My–” Connor coughs and gasps painfully, “apartment.” That must have been the wrong answer because the pressure on his throat increases. Since moving the arm is impossible, he starts patting it to try to signal the stranger that he really needs air.
    “I can fuckin’ see that, dumbass. I meant where the fuck is this place?”
    “Not– far, fr-from… alley…” Huh, so the darkness not only invades from the sides of your vision, but the focus of it also dims too. And nobody ever mentioned in the books he read about how much pressure is building in his head right now, like it’s going to explode soon. Aw great, now he’s starting to mildly dissociate. Just what he needs.
    The nekojin is trying to say something to him, but the only things he can make out clearly from the sudden white noise are “you”, “better”, and “punk”. Connor doesn’t want to agree to something preposterous, but he also doesn’t want to try to ask for clarification or anything like that and make the man angrier. He suddenly has a fleeting thought of dying here, and his mind just as suddenly latches onto it and won’t let go. God he’s so fucking stupid. He knew this was a horrible idea, and he still fucking did it. Why doesn’t he ever listen to anyone?
    Just as Connor tries to reach his left arm up to damage the man’s face somehow and force him to let go, he’s abruptly released.
    Connor barely avoids dropping to the ground and instead leans against the wall because his legs want to function more like jelly than anything remotely solid. He coughs and gasps but locks his knees so he’s less likely to fall over into a more defenseless position. He distantly recognizes that the nekojin is trying to talk to him again, but he’s too preoccupied with getting air into his lungs and not falling over to even try to decipher it. Thankfully, whatever he said apparently wasn’t super important because nothing happens when Connor doesn’t give any kind of response, and nothing continues to happen until he’s breathing normally and standing up on his own again.
    “You said I wasn’t far from the alley,” the nekojin spits out, “How close is it?”
    Connor blinks the tears from his eyes. “Five minute walk, maybe.” he answers quietly, throat hurting.
    “Where are your roommates?”
    “Don’t have any.”
    “You live completely alone?” he asks, an eyebrow raised in suspicion.
    Connor silently nods.
    “Why’d you bring me here? Think you could tame some fuckin’ stray to be your personal pet? ‘Cause you’re very wrong.” he ends in a growl. It sends shivers up Connor’s spine and he can feel the sweat on him beading and rolling down. If this comes to blows again, there’s no way Connor will be able to win, especially not like this.
    “No. You’re hurt.” he says more sure, finally lifting his head to meet the other’s eyes.
    “You honestly expect me to believe that you brought an old, stray nekojin home just because he was a little hurt?”
    Connor nods. “Didn’t know if you were bleeding out or not–”
    He shuts his mouth with a click and braces himself for another attack when he sees the stranger move. It’s barely a shift to the side, but it’s enough to send Connor back into highest alert. The guy must realise this because he shifts backward a step.
    “What do you get outta patchin’ me up?”
    “...technically nothing?”
    “No one does anything without any reward, so fuckin’ spill it.” he spits.
    “A clear conscious, maybe?” There’s no bite in his words, only the underlying fear of giving the wrong answer. When the older man doesn’t immediately shoot another question, Connor continues. “Look, I just don’t like it when people’re in pain. I wanted to help, so I did.”
    “People.” When Connor stares blankly in return, he continues. “I’m not people. Won’t ever be, thanks to the ears and tail.”
    “You should be people.” he breathes. “A lot of others agree with me, nowadays.”
    “Ah, so you’re one of those activists? You realise you guys are going to get killed before anything substantial changes right?”
    “I’m– uh, I’m not really an activist? I don’t like all the attention.” Connor forces himself to loosen up a little, more to prove that he isn’t a danger to the wild card in front of him and less because he actually wants to. “It makes me nervous.”
    “Yet you supposedly bring home a dangerous stranger from the streets into your own home just for the sake of patching up a few scratches.”
    Connor stands at full height once more, his voice sharp, “You also have severe bruising and a concussion. And the hospital wouldn’t have done much for you because it wasn’t immediately life threatening and you don’t have a collar.”
    “If it wasn’t fucking life threatening then you should have left me out there! To hell with your hero dilemma or whatever the fuck you have!” the man snaps, waving his arms in wide, angry gestures, “How the hell did you even know where to find me, if you really aren’t with the fuckers who did this to me?”
    “I was walking home from work and heard someone get hit, then voices threatening murder. I just stayed until they left in case I needed to jump in and stop them.” Connor says gravely.
    The man sighs. Connor can feel his exhaustion from that one breath alone, but holds his ground. He doesn’t know what is genuine and what is an act to get him to lower his defenses. He’s suddenly aware that he’s shaking.
    “And how the fuck did you get me here?” His tone is slightly less angry.
    “Called a friend with a car. She’s the one who patched you up ‘cause she’s a doctor.” Connor tries to slow his trembling, and, to his surprise, it’s kind of working.
    The older man eyes him, “And why the fuck did she help?”
    “She thought someone else was staying with me last night so I wasn’t alone with you.” Connor blurts before reassuring, “No one else is here, but she doesn’t know that. She has her own things to worry about. I don’t want her involved.” With that, he stops his breathing exercises, confident he won’t start panting or hyperventilating.
    “And you don’t have one?” he can almost hear the raised eyebrow accompanying the nekojin’s question.
    “Not really.” He doesn’t really want to talk about this, especially not to someone he doesn’t know.
    “Nothin’ to lose by taking in a stranger, huh? Self destructive much?”
    “Not– not exactly.”
    There’s a few moments of tense silence. Connor still refuses to move a single muscle from earlier and it’s starting to get strenuous now, but he won’t lower his guard until he knows this nekojin isn’t a threat anymore. 
    “...You’re not gonna try to name me or some shit?” the partial-human asks warily and, if Connor isn’t wrong, with a hint of timidity.
    That… was not at all what Connor was expecting out of the gruff man after what has been going down. He didn’t even know that people did that to partial humans. It sadly makes sense, though, considering history. Animals have always been renamed with little issue, and back in the day, people used to do just the same to partial humans too. Connor thought that kind of thing died decades ago, though. 
    “No? I didn’t even fully realize that was a thing people still did…”
    “And none of these drawers have clothes of my size in them?”
    “I– No! Check if you want but–”
    Connor falls silent when the other man suddenly turns to the single dresser in the room and opens the first drawer. Every drawer after that was opened and reshut with great haste. Finding it all empty, he moves on to the closet and goes through the small shelving unit in there. He once again finds nothing, and shuts the closet with an obvious breath of relief. He sharply turns back to Connor. The man must see something in Connor because he sighs and shuffles towards where he’s still sitting against the wall.
    “You really don’t want any ownership over me?” The man sounds less angry and more skeptical.
    “If you don’t believe me, then you can always leave. I don’t want to trap you. But you’re still hurt.” Only silence follows, so Connor tries again to make this man trust that he won’t slap a collar on him. “I’ve never been interested in getting a nekojin. I hate what you guys have to endure, and I’ve always pretty much seen everyone as equals. It actually got me a bit of unwanted attention when I was younger.” He adds after a split second of hesitation.
    The stranger huffs in what seems like a mocking manner. Connor can understand why.
    “You sure you’re not an activist? Going out and parading and getting arrested by plan?”
    Connor fights the urge to squirm in shame and apprehension and shakes his head. “I’ve always been too shy for anything like that, and I don’t like a lot of attention focused on me. It’s stressful.”
    The man takes two steps closer to Connor, who instinctively tenses, not realizing that he ever relaxed just the slightest bit in the first place. The other pauses, then shuffles back half a step, putting his hands in his pockets in a way that makes it obvious that he’s forcing himself to do so, rather than keep them ready for a fight and out in the open.
    “How do I know you aren’t with those three brats and are gonna try your shot at taming my fugly mug into something sellable? Hm? How do I know that no one’s waiting to catch me if I try to leave like you offered?”
    Connor speaks without thinking. “You’re not fugly, just in need of a shower and new clothes.” Connor hates the tense silence that immediately follows, so Connor quickly moves on and fills it, “And, I– uh– I guess you don’t? I mean, I don’t know how to prove it? That I don’t think it’s a good idea to ‘tame’ anyone? I mean, don’t you need those life skills? To like, survive and stuff in our current society?”
    The nekojin only gapes at him as if he’s said something completely absurd, and knowing himself, he probably did without realizing it. When it becomes obvious that Connor isn’t going to continue, the stranger shakes his head incredulously.
    “Do you know how many people would call a nekojin’s feral state ‘life skills’? Even the damn activists have their own ideas about how our sanity should be managed. Are you fucking insane?”
    Connor winces at his tone. “Uh… I mean, you don’t seem feral to me, as such… But I know I’m socially awkward and I’ve been told I’m dense–”
    “I can’t tell if you’re shitting me or if you’re really trying hard to get me to not fucking hate you.” He suddenly sniffs the air and his expression becomes darker. “Something is burning. What the hell are you cooking?”
    Burning? Connor thinks, sniffing the air. He can’t really smell anything. A partial-human’s sense of must be substantially stronger than a pure human’s; a single truth within the many lies of the internet.
    “I was making a breakfast sandwich before you woke up… It might be the biscuits that you smell burning?”
    He should really go pull them out of the oven, but he’s still afraid that this guy will pounce on him again if he tries to make an unannounced move for the door, and he doesn’t want a repeat of that whatsoever. On another note, there is absolutely no way he’s going to have his back turned to an aggressive stranger for any amount of time, especially because this one has claws and fangs. 
    “Fine, I smell the eggs and bacon too, but I’m gonna go sit out where you’ll be cooking so I know where you are and what you’re doing.” He straightens up and crosses his arms defiantly. The post is practically begging Connor to refuse the guy so he can do something about it. Too bad Connor doesn’t want to.
    “That’s fine,” Connor pauses, then tries something bold at the last moment, “As long as you tell me what to call you.” The other startles at that, “I’m tired of calling you ‘stranger’ and ‘nekojin’ in my head.” Connor relaxes his pose just enough to seem like he isn’t ready to spring into any kind of action still, even though he definitely still is. “I’m Connor.”
    He scrutinizes the younger man, then sighs and untenses just a tad. “Fine. Lead the way, then. I’m Hank, and that’s all you’re gonna get outta me.”
    “I didn’t expect anything else.” He attempts a smile that he suspects looks more like a grimace.
    Now that Connor is somewhat confident that the stranger– Hank isn’t going to pounce on him the moment his back is turned, he’s able to exit the door and walk to the kitchen area without looking alarmingly tense and uncomfortable. Connor hears a door close as he finds and pulls on a pair of oven mitts. Connor still keeps a mental map of where Hank is by the sound of his footsteps as he grabs the pan of moderately burned biscuits out of the oven.
    He sets the pan on the counter so the cooked-to-dark-brown biscuits can cool so the trash bag doesn’t melt when he throws them away. Then he swiftly pulls out a stool from the kitchen island and takes the smoke alarm off of the ceiling, then deactivating it right as it begins beeping with the timing and grace of only someone who has done this a million other times can achieve. He gets down and puts the stool back. He moves back to the oven and turns it off all while avoiding having his back completely to Hank, who’s standing in his living room.
    There’s complete silence in the room that makes Connor’s nerves bristle. Connor glances over to the knife block next to the fridge, knowing that he would never actually use them to harm anyone, but he likes to believe he could bluff his way out of a dire situation. Although, now that he’s thinking about it, maybe he couldn’t. Hank would probably be unfazed or get angrier after everything he’s experienced in his lifetime, and that’s if he somehow believes that Connor would actually use said knife after everything he’s said and done.
    Connor jumps when Hank starts speaking.
    “Everything good now? You’ve been standing there starin’ at nothin’ like a lunatic.”
    Connor says nothing, choosing to just nod instead as he casually crosses his arms and leans against the counter next to the oven in a strained act of nonchalance.
    Hank studies him carefully. “Why are you helping me, really?”
    Connor can’t help but silently sigh. He may have already said this once or twice before, and he may not blame the guy in the slightest for not believing him, but still. It’s not like his answer is going to change from when he asked earlier. Although, that may be why he’s asking again, as some form of test or something.
    “Like I said before, I don’t think I’ll get anything tangible out of this. If you really need something, then maybe self-satisfaction or a clean conscious for helping someone in need, but nothing tangible like money.” Hank shoots him a blank look that he hates. He sighs. “I just– My gut told me that you needed some real help, and I was going to give it whether you were a pure human or partial. It’s just that after finding out you had cat ears and a tail, I knew that no hospital in the area was going to give you proper care so 911 was essentially useless. I generally have good intuition when it comes to people, so I trusted it and brought you home instead of leaving you tied down in that nasty alley.” What Connor doesn’t mention aloud is how he’s been regretting not leaving him bandaged up in the cleaner part of that alley ever since he couldn’t see the other man in the guest room’s bed earlier.
    His last statement catches Hank’s attention, who then turns his head to look away from Connor for the first time since being awake and looks out a window. He clears his throat, cutting off Connor’s growing panic. The guy’s head is down and his shoulders are slumped, but it’s still obvious that he’s still on edge and wary of his surroundings and Connor. When he speaks, it sounds like he has to force the sound from his lips.
    “Look, Connor, I’m sorry for snapping at you, even if I don’t entirely regret protecting myself like that. But I still don’t trust or like you, got it?”
    “Yeah. The sentiment is kind of the same right now, no offense.”
    “None taken,” Hank pauses and straightens up, “Do you at least get where I’m coming from, though?” he takes a step forward. “Like, according to society, I am an untamed animal or slave, and I wake up in a strange room and am getting checked on every god damned minute by a complete stranger when the last thing I remember is getting kicked around and beat with broken bottles.” He shakes his head and looks away.
    “I ain’t some starvin’, twink cat that you can just bring home and teach how to trust and love or whatever the fuck else books try to say. Hell, I’m not even a Persian or Maine Coon cat with those big bushy tails like people always love to give us larger people. I’m just an old, fat calico.”
    Hank suddenly stiffens upon saying that last word, but Connor ignores it and lowers his head.
    “I personally don’t agree with the stereotypes as well. But as I offered before,” Connor raises his head to meet Hank’s eyes again, “you’re always welcome to leave, The front door is right there. I’m not keeping you trapped here, and there’s not anyone after you or anything that I know of, so…” Connor shrugs.
    For the first time this morning, Hank looks more uncomfortable than anything else, and Connor doesn’t really have the energy to unpack that. He starting to feel tired because of the lack of adrenaline in his system, so he’ll probably need some caffeinated tea soon. Maybe a new breakfast to go with it, too; his stomach is starting to hurt with hunger because he forgot dinner last night.
    Still, Hank hasn’t responded, so Connor takes this opportunity to give him the explicit option to stay because he’s already given the nekojin multiple outs and, as stupid as Connor knows he can be, he doesn’t think Hank should be left on his own quite yet. Besides, he really doesn’t think that Hank will do any harm for no reason. His anger and violence earlier were understandable at the least, and neither of them seem to want a repeat of that any time soon. Connor doesn’t think he’s making the wrong decision by doing this since Hank’s already here in his apartment, anyway. Emphasis on think.
    “If you wanted to stay, though, I can make you breakfast? Or you can watch me make your breakfast, or just make it yourself if you want. I mean, because I’m willing to bet that you haven’t had anything decent in a while, yeah?” He chuckles awkwardly. It almost works to make the atmosphere less heavy. Almost.
    Hank stares him down, obviously still skeptical and wary of Connor. The creator tries to not do anything that could be taken as suspicious, but that in of itself could be suspicious in a way. A few more seconds pass like this in tense silence before Hank finally sighs and relaxes his shoulders the slightest bit.
    “What the fucking hell is my life anymore.” He mumbles, then raises his voice to a normal speaking level “Alright. I’m gonna sit on that stool,” He points to one of the two the kitchen island, “And I’m gonna watch you so you don’t poison my food. And then you can hear me if I even so much as shuffle, so you’ll know I won’t attack you from behind.”
    “Okay.” He watches as Hank moves with a slight limp in his left leg and sits with a poorly concealed wince. “Did you… did you want to maybe redress your wounds? I have over the counter pain meds if you want, but I doubt you’d trust that.”
    “You’re right. I don’t trust that a single fucking bit. This ain’t nothin’ I haven’t gone through before, so you can quit your worryin’.” Hank hesitates, then continues, almost meeker. “And you don’t need to worry about allergies. I’ll eat anythin’.”
    Connor simply nods in response, already getting used to Hank’s vulgarity and irritation. It’s probably not healthy why he’s already getting used to it, considering it’s mostly due to questionable parenting choices and plenty of childhood bullying, but no one really has the time or patience to unpack that right now (or ever, if Connor has any say in it). Therefore, he does what he does second best, and instead of slowly unpacking that box of troubles and sorting through it like any healthy person should, he simply tapes that box shut tightly with three layers of duct tape and shoves it to the back of his mental storage unit while he takes out his pan cleaner to wash off the remnants of his food before starting Hank’s.
    As he gathers ingredients and tools to the island so Hank can see exactly what Connor is doing at all times, he never once looks up at Hank. The why from earlier tries to rear its ugly head again, but he shoves and forces it down again with practiced ease. Unlike what it has to say about the damnable why, his gut is telling him that Hank isn’t really a bad person, that he’s just been dealt a shit hand in his life. It’s right about people much more often than it’s not, and Connor can only hope that this isn’t one of those times where it’s not.
    He finds himself almost wanting to like Hank, to show him that the world isn’t completely filled with stupid assholes, only mostly full.
~> Next
A/N: Hey guys!! I hope you didn’t mind the wait too much, but I ended up changing the plot to this story last minute and rewrote this chapter, like, 3 and a half times now? So, yeah, there’s that. This chapter was a bit angsty and I still kinda really hate it, but!! But!!! I am moving on because Protective Hank™ will be making an appearance next chapter!! The next chapter of The Drift Between Us may not come for a couple of weeks because I have to update the EXO x Reader I’m writing on a blog I share with my friend that I have been neglecting lately Lol. So, that’s pretty much it! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you have a pleasant day/night! 😊💕
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miuirumadr · 5 years
Pregame Headcanons
I love the idea of everyone's pregame selves being the opposite of how they are in the game
Obviously you have Kaede being very cold and uninterested in people, Shuichi being a fanboy obsessed with Danganronpa and killing and gore, Ouma being extremely timid and reliant on people, and Kaito being sort of like Kaede where hes uninterested in helping people and maybe even having a bit of bloodlust there.
But what about everyone else? Heres some ideas I've been mulling over
Warning, it’s going to be a long post
Rantaro grew up as an only child in a dirt poor family. He despises his parents for birthing into such a terrible life. He hates living, he hates his family, he hates the society he grew up in. The only choice he has is to play into a million dollar industry he hates the most and hope he either gets a better life or dies to put him out of his misery. 
Ryoma was your typical goody two shoes nerd in school. He was bullied mercilessly for his strange appearance, always following teachers orders, and lack of any physical activity. He signs up for DR to try and avoid his constant torment at school.
Kirumi’s parents were actually the ones that signed her up for DR. She was terribly unmotivated, lazy, and just had no direction in life. They tried everything to get her to get her life together, but as a last resort they sign her up for a popular TV show and just hope she can lead some sort of productive life.
Angie grew up as a firm atheist, uninterested in anything except firm sciences and evidence. She’s fascinated by the psychology behind why people wold want to sign up for a killing game, and she auditions to see if she can study the participants up close. She despises the arts and even requests to be some sort of Ultimate Scientist. However Tsumugi loves a firm sense of irony and makes her a hyper-religious art nut.
Tenko was raised almost as a nun. She was taught that a womans place is to serve her husband and remain dainty and feminine. She just so happens to accidentally come across DR as it's so popular that you really cant avoid it. On a whim, with a desire to see what else is out there, she signs up away from the watchful eye of her parents.
Korekiyo is estranged and disowned from his family. He had nowhere else to turn except for DR for even the slight chance of living a normal life outside of poverty with any sort of human relations. He doesnt care if he lives or dies, as long as he can interact with people. Of course, Tsumugi makes him a creep that is often left out of the circle. The 100 friends for his sister is actually a reference to pregame Korekiyo's desire to make as many friends as possible.
Miu was a quiet child who just so happened to be an early bloomer in puberty. She really didn’t like her body and how prominent her boobs were. Her school uniform didn’t help and all of her classmates just called her a slut, whore, whatever. She tried her hardest in school, but just wasn’t a naturally smart girl. She decided to sign up for DR to avoid her classmates comments about her body, find something she was actually good at, and possibly change her life for the better. 
Gonta was born and bred to serve the mafia due to the fact that his parents were high profile members. Due to his massive size he acted as a body guard for the higher ups and accompanied them to all their meetups where things could go south. He was a coldblooded killer with no sympathy anyone’s life. After the tragic death of his parents he decided that he needed to get away from that life. The only way he could think of doing so without being hunted down by the mafia was by signing up for DR. 
Himiko is the daughter of scientists who couldn't care less about anything except her success in the sciences. She signs up for DR secretly to get away from her parents obsessive and overbearing nature. She requests to be some sort of pseudoscientist or something that goes against science to spite her parents. Tsumugi obliges since she loves the idea of making Himiko’s parents fall into a sort of despair seeing their daughter like that. 
Maki is just your stereotypical student. Average student, keeps her nose clean, isn’t even particularly interesting. She’s terribly squeamish and refuses to watch DR. Some kids in her class sign her up for it on a whim because they’re aware of how much she hates it. Tsumugi takes her in because she thinks it’s hilarious and decides to make her a violent killing machine.
Kiibo was developed for the sole purpose of being a listening device and camera for the show. However, his pregame version is actually a producer on the show whom the likeness of Kiibo was based on. When they changed from the pregame school uniforms to the in-game outfits, the producer goes through a trap door in the floor and the robot is brought out. 
Tsumugi has been a high level producer on the show for many years. Over time she had plastic surgery to keep her looking young and because she actually started as a makeup girl and costume designer, she was able to work her way up the line and eventually star in a season. She was a huge fangirl of DR growing up and she knew she had to work on the show somehow. Starring in the show was her dream come true. 
And those are my personal headcanons for all the pregame characters!! I’m not a huge fan of the V3 ending where they reveal everything was actually just a TV show, but I think exploring the pregame characters is very fun.
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nextcassie · 5 years
Unpopular Opinion: The #Bullytoo Movement in Korea is not a good thing...
Content Warning: I am going to talk about bullying and #metoo please be aware of these things.
So if you follow Kpop entertainment news lately you might have been noticing that a lot of idols and entertainers in general are having accusations of bullying brought up. Many knetizens have been posting anonymously in online forums about the promoting idols that bullied them in the past some with evidence and others without evidence. So for those of you who don’t know that this is happening or don’t know why I wanted to take the time to discuss this and why it’s not a good thing.
This movement started when a JYP trainee Yoon Seobin went onto Produce 101 X and it was revealed that he was an “injin” or someone who smoked and drank alcohol as minor. Many people were upset and took to bashing him online. However, he really caught attention when a netizen then stepped up and claimed that he had bullied him with physical violence and he was essentially condemned by the rest of the country resulting in him being kicked off the show. This led to Knetzs starting a movement called the #bullytoo movement.
 The #bullytoo movement was designed to have people step up and name the idols that had bullied them in the past, much like the #metoo movement. However, there are a few key differences to keep in mind about these two movements. The main one being that while people in the #metoo movement were sometimes accused of sexual assault, it was mainly to show support to other victims of sexual assault or harassment. But, the #bullytoo movement is not a movement to impower those who were bullied, but is specifically designed to pick out those in the entertainment industry who had bullied before. Another key difference is that members of the #metoo movement did not remain anonymous online but revealed their identities despite all the backlash. Those with the #bullytoo movement have been anonymous posters online who have not had to reveal any personal information about themselves, including contact information. The main difference is one was started to show support and turned into something that exposed many people in the media and the other is one that was specifically started to target those in the media.
 So what’s the problem with this? Bullying is bad and is definitely a trauma that many people carry with them throughout their life. I’ve been one to mention that I’ve been bullied and carried a lot of that with me as well.
 Let’s start off with three major problems. The first is that it’s almost impossible to verify if these statements are true or not due to the posters being allowed to remain anonymous. The second is that people are being held accountable for actions that were committed when they were ten years old or actions that happened twenty years ago. The last, it’s turning an entire nation against people and publicly shaming them for their actions that may or may not be true.
 Okay let’s start with the first one where it’s impossible to verify if things are true or not. Recently Berry Good’s Daye was a part of the #bullytoo movement where anonymous netizens claimed that she had used violence against in a large group of people to target the accuser. The netizens stepped forward with proof that proved that they had known each other and said that Daye had transferred schools multiple times in order to keep her record clean. Knetzs were immediate to hop on this and began to drag and accuse her online, despite the fact that she had bee on hiatus due to health reasons. She was unable to directly connect with her accusers due to the anonymity of the website and it was up to them to contact her. The accusers like many others claimed that they wanted an apology, but made it hard to contact them. Hyolyn, former member of sistar, also ran into an issue of someone accusing her, but not wanting to meet up with anyone (her or her company) to settle the issue. Although her accuser eventually talked with her it was after the accuser posted screenshots of Hyolyn “ignoring” her. Hyolyn had been on a flight coming from over seas at the time the netizen was trying to contact her. The two of them eventually met up and settled the dispute. The main issue is that everyone is aware of the celebrities involved, but no one has any idea of what the background of the victims of bullying involved are and this has led to problems that I will discuss later on. It’s impossible for them to settle things or issue a sincere apology if people can no even contact those accusing them.
  The second issue is that people are being held accountable for actions that they did when they were so young that Hyolyn saying she does “not remember” is something happened is not a completely ridiculous reason. In Daye’s case, her accuser was talking about something that happened in sixth grade where she would have been somewhere around 10-12 years old. That’s incredibly young. Hyolyn’s case took place about 15 years ago as well. It’s hard to recall a situation that far back and be able to give a definite answer of what happened. This is something that those accusing them have an advantage over them because they can instantly claim they forgot everything once they became a celebrity and no longer care. Something that does happen and absolutely enrages people. So much so that it no longer matters what the accuser is saying, they can issue statements and not have to take responsibility where the idol will have to because their face is attached to it. The main issue though is that we are punishing people for action in the past. Everyone grows up from this time period and significantly matures and it’s unreasonable to hold people accountable for these actions. Especially because everyone makes mistakes at this age because they are children. You should not punish a fully grown adult for something they did as children, especially when at that time it is not only the responsibility of the person who bullied someone, but members of the school faculty that should have been involved preventing this. If people are having this hard of a time coping bullying that happened, it’s a messaged that the schools failed in not only preventing bullying, but offering proper care to their students after bullying and proper consequences to the bullies. Children are reliant to be taught what is right and what is wrong. Without guidance things like bullying will keep occurring.
 Lastly, I mentioned that it turns an entire nation against an entertainer to publicly shame and humiliate them. This is a huge problem with this movement. I’m sure some people are like “They bullied someone let them feel pain”. However, most of these #bullytoo movements haven’t actually been 100% true so far. So Hyolyn, Daye, and Yoon Seobin were some of the most publicized ones so I will talk about them and the consequences they have suffered. Hyolyn runs her own company and manages everything as the only promoting artist under her label. This set not only her as an artist, but everyone in her small label back. She ended up settling the dispute and many had assumed that she had paid of the netizen that had accused her. Others had also anonymously supported the bully, but someone who also attended Hyolyn’s school stepped up to remind people that Hyolyn had also been bullied a lot during this time, including instances by her accuser. This was also something Hyolyn discussed years ago, but it got very little attention. Other people had stepped up and said that they had been bullied by the accuser as well and this led to the accuser quickly removing all her posts and then finally meeting with Hyolyn to come to a conclusion. Essentially, both of them were guilty, but Hyolyn will be the only one to receive major damage from this. In the case of Daye, everything the netizen had claimed ended up being completely false and the netizen was proven to have not only bullied Daye, but many of her friends as well. Luckily Daye made a very clear statement that I would recommend reading here. Accusing her online was almost an extension of the bullying that had happened to Daye in elementary school and many netizens had bought into it and continually sent her hate. Yoon Seobin was a bit of an interesting case because he had yet to debut. However, the accusations of bullying resulted in him being let go from Produce 101 X and contributed to him being kicked out of JYP. This left him to deal with all the backlash without a representative and on his own, despite being incredibly young. He was also proven completely innocent of his bullying accusations by his former teacher and classmates (here). However, he still faced consequences that were from this false accusation.
 So, all these people face public shaming and a large amount of hate when they were not the only one’s guilty of these actions or did not commit these actions. They are still being punished for these actions, but why? So I’ll tell you one of the first things you learn when you study media (yay finally a use for my degree…). It’s that we as human beings gravitate toward negative news more than positive news. Only on a very slow news day do many articles with positive information get posted on most publication sites. This means that essentially everyone following the news was able to hear the accusations and formed the opinion that they were guilty, but when evidence of them being innocent came out most of it was ignored in favor of different articles. Because no one is aware that they were cleared many people will continue to carry that very negative view of these idols in their mind. In Hyolyn’s case she was cleared on Korea media sites, but many places that translate news or write about news in English ignored this information and instead began posting articles online of Daye and her alleged bullying.
 Okay so what the issue? Why is this a big deal this will all die down eventually and go back to normal?
 But will it? Essentially by validating all these anonymous posts with little evidence of actual bullying we’ve just empowered a whole new group of knetz. They’re now fully aware that with a large enough claim and a bit of evidence as simple as proof of knowing an idol at some point in their life they can get attention and even potentially money from false accusations. Daye’s accuser was even able to secure an interview on national television, during a news program to talk about her being bullied. We’ve essentially started an online witch hunt for any and all people who have bullied someone in the past. Maybe people really will bring forth serious bullying claims that need to be addressed, but so far there has only been one that has had photographic evidence that has since been taken down due threats of the company suing those posting them for defamation (PM me for details. I do not have pictures, but I will let you know who it was). At this point anyone who steps up with passable evidence will be approached by companies who are going to want to control this and this more often than not results in not just an apology like people claim to want, but results in them being paid off with money. At that point, no matter if the idol is innocent or guilty they will be blamed.
 I just want to make it clear that I am not condoning bullying in any way shape or form. I myself still have certain instances trigger my past bullying experiences, like Wendy in Red Velvet making fun of back women. However, this isn’t something Wendy did in the 6th grade, but something she did currently as a promoting idol. It is not the internets job to shame people for actions that took place in school years ago. It is the job of schools to step up and take care of these situations. It’s also important to recognize that people do change from when they’re in school to when they become adults. It’s also important to recognize that a lot of bullies who are children usually suffer in some way as well. One of my childhood bullies in middle school who was never violent with me, but verbally tormented me was actually going through a lot of emotional pain after losing her father in a car crash and I became the target of that anger. While that does not excuse her actions, it does mean that she was not taught how to deal properly with her emotions and after being put into grief counseling by the school and being forced to deal with her emotions properly she stopped bullying me and others. It was the actions of the adults around us as children that stopped this bullying.
 I also want to bring up that continuing to threaten people online is also a form of bullying. These people were accused of bullying, but then thousands of people proved that they were no better by flooding them with hate and threats. If someone truly wants to start fighting against bullying, they need to look at the policies surrounding bullying at schools and not punish these people years later for something that should have been settled then. It is not helping those currently suffering from bullying. It is only helping destroy years of work put into a career and getting money in these accusers pockets. It is essentially giving knetz even more power over human beings who now have to live in constant fear of false accusations. Perhaps, if this movement was actually bringing to light recent instances of bullying it wouldn’t be so bad, but these are past actions that many people grow out of due to the guidance of others or just by maturing into adults.
 Yes, it would be nice to for victims to receive a verbal apology from every person that had ever bullied them. However, if to get that apology they have to publicly shame them, destroy their career, and rally thousands of people to send them aggressive messages and threats, it makes them a current bully.
 Feel free to respectfully agree or disagree with me.
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