#this song has some cringy lyrics but like..... i like some of them and this made me think of them
starsomens · 9 months
Omg hi!!! I saw your requests are open and I got excited, do think you think you could do headcanons on what would noah be like as a boyfriend?? Have a lovely day/night💕
Disclaimer❗️: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION!!! Please do NOT take this literally or spread false information, this is a work of what my thoughts on this topic is!!
Note: hello (: hope you enjoy
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For me I see him as someone very dominant, but also soft about it!
It’ll be like, say someone who was clearly into you sits next to you a hit too close he’d probably tell/ask you to switch seats because he knows it’s for the better good in the situation
A hoodie boyfriend for sure!
Will complain about you taking them but loves seeing you wear them
Will either game with you or have some kinda of physical touch on you on you while he games. So you feet in his lap or sitting in his lap. Once he sees you’re asleep he’ll quiet down or just get off game completely and just get you to bed
He has a habit when he’s writing songs. Hell do it around you and look to you for visual inspiration. Describing physical appearances that being in lyrics to him
“What are you smiling about?” You would ask
“Oh nothing” he’d always response and just finish a lyric . And if it’s not included in music he’ll just keep them in a notebook (:
Will definitely have some kind of gesture he does while on stage when he knows your watching. Might a hand gesture, or a word, something that is significant to you that he’ll do on stage. A way of tributing his work to you 
Big on forehead kisses!
Despite what google says I KNOW this man is a good 6-6’3. I’m 4’12 and I can tell a 6 footer a mile away. Hence, with that height he loves to kiss the mom first contact of skin your forehead or even the top of your head
Either just some pecks on your head or he’ll tilt your head up more towards him so he can plant a good on with lots of emotion and love
If he’s out in another state or even country touring and feels lonely, will email you a plane ticket for you to get there
“Noah why do I have a flight booked for tomorrow at 6 am?”
“….I won’t have my morning wake up WIRH you”
Honestly would hate the start of a tour because it meant saying goodbye to you (sometimes!) the last one to get in the flight/tour bus because he’s saying goodbye to you
I can picture him to be someone who’s like clingy with you, but more when he knows he won’t see you for a while.
Afterwards he’s just all smiles
Would definitely let you do make up on him and criticize it afterwards 💀
“The eyeliner isn’t even”
“What?? Yes it is you’re looking at it wrong”
“NUH UH-“ I’m sorry
Will wear matching animal ear headbands to do skincare with you .
100000% you’re the FIRST person outside of the band to hear a song when it’s complete. And takes your comments to better his music
Pet names: babe, baby, princess, sweet
For some reason he says stink for cringy/joke
Let’s your paint his nails (:
Will tease you to no end! He knows how much of an effect he has on you and will use it to his advantage. If he’s in his tank top around the house he’ll do the doorframe lean and just stare at you with a smirk and he LOVES seeing you get flustered
I think he also LOVES when you do his hair. So buns, just brushing it, braiding it, just anything from you to his hair
Will secretly try and match your closet so you can be a cute matching couple. But won’t say it as if he planned it
“Oh look we’re matching! Cool!” And just keep on with his day
Jolly is defiantly one to tease him about how much he loves you. And he’ll do it at least twice a day if he sees you
“He always wants to be the cool, and tough guy, but we all know he’s head over heels for you”
Or he’ll tell you how he smiled at his phone today cuz you were calling him
I think he may be the type to have a symbolic tattoo on him for you if it was a very solid and long term relationship
Over all a 1000/10 boyfriend :)
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akookminsupporter · 7 months
Hope this isn't taken negatively because I don't mean it as such.. But lately I've come to a conclusion that while I love all 7 of them (with a slightly more particular fondness for the two this blog is on) I'm kind of heavily interested in the artistic directions (career choices) of only 4 of them - jhope jimin rm suga (even though I'm not really a huge rap enthusiast) . Jungkook also used to be on that list but I've been feeling kind of jaded by some of the music choices he's been trying out recently.
Regarding 3d, I think it's an okay song but my main problem lies with Jack Harlow's rap verses.. They're very adjacent to being overtly misogynistic and objectifying. And it's just not something I thought I would hear in a bts member song. Anyway would like to hear your thoughts on the lyrics if you want to share!
If I may I would like to make a few comments on your two points.
On the first point or paragraph: This is totally understandable and something that has been said a lot in this second chapter and definitely has been said several times on this blog. It has been interesting to see the direction their solo projects have taken and how they have handled/planned them. I don't want to say too much yet because although Jungkook has released a few songs, he still hasn't released an album or EP yet and I want to wait and see if anything changes but for some time now I've been thinking that although I share the same taste in music/songs as Jungkook, i.e. the kind of songs he always listens to on Wlives or recommends, his musical direction in this solo stage doesn't exactly go with my musical tastes. I was expecting songs like Still With You or Delcalcomania and that doesn't seem to be the direction he wants to take and that's fine, it's completely my fault for having expectations about something I have no control over.
As for the second point or paragraph: The song is very much to the taste of today's young consumers, especially in markets such as the US. The lyrics of the song are… they don't offer much depth and that's what's in vogue, I think. I think the intention is just to have fun and come up with songs that are catchy, fun and easy to remember, I guess. Jack Harlow's part is… no. I remember a couple of years ago or was it last year? he was quite popular on social media and I never understood the hype, I think a lot of people loved him for his looks and I didn't understand why, I'd never heard a song from him I think and I was surprised that he's a rapper. For a long time, I thought he sang country music. His two verses, and I'm surprised it was 2, are too clichéd and cringy.
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magenta-embers · 7 months
My Army Journey
I first heard of K-pop back in 2010 when a friend of mine mentioned being a fan of a group called Shinee, a Korean boyband. We weren't that close, so it's not like she tried to show me anything of theirs. At this time, I was also trying to be less judgy about other people's musical tastes, so even though I found (western) boybands to be cringy, I was pretty indifferent to K-pop out of sheer will.
I didn't really hear about K-pop again until about 2016-2017 as someone in uni. Being chronically online, even then you were bound to come across it on Twitter. I'd see male idols everywhere and they all blended together in my brain, EXCEPT for this one guy named Jimin. I'd recognize him as that pretty one. Didn't even know what group he was from, didn't care.
At this time, my dad also got remarried and suddenly I had a younger step-sister who was into K-Pop. I became curious because this was getting a lot more popular than I remembered it being. My stepsister's favorite group was Seventeen, (cue my teasing: "If they're seventeen, why are there thirteen of them?" "Do they each sing like half a line?" "Which one's Jimin?"). When I brought up Jimin, she did finally confirm he's in BTS. She said BTS and EXO are the biggest, but BTS is overtaking. I asked if BTS are the best, and she no, but they're good. I asked her to show me the gayest music video of theirs (I don't even know why) and she showed me Blood, Sweat & Tears (The Queen herself). The video was cool, Jimin was fkn pretty, but I still didn't delve deeper.
It wasn't until mid-2018 that the rabbit hole shit happened (you know the one. You're all here for the same reason). It was completely on a whim. I saw this photo on Twitter:
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I recognized Jimin immediately of course. But this photo got me curious because they all had an interesting look to them and I thought it wasn't fair that I'd ever thought "they all look the same" because they didn't and I felt like I owed it to them to at least do them the respect of learning their damn names (famous goddamn last words, anyone?). Jimin, Joon, Hobi, Yoongi, and Tae (eyebrows man, as I called him) were the easiest to learn in that order. I had a little more trouble telling Jungkook and Jin apart at times. I think I had it down by the time the weekend was over though.
One of the first things I watched was their puppy interview. Crack cocaine. Watched a couple more interviews and then moved onto the beginner guides to BTS, funny and serious. Then, the funny compilation videos set to Nintendo Wii theme music. I didn't even get into the music until way later. The very first BTS song I listened to on my own was Lie. What an introduction lmao. The second was Save Me, and that was the song that made me go, "Yeah okay, they're the real deal" (I also tried listening to EXO and some other groups, but... yeah no). After that, it was just further and further down the rabbit hole.
What was important to me was the quality of lyrical content and the ability to sing live. I couldn't have become a fan if they didn't have those two things down. Little did I know, even that is an underestimation of their abilities and their journey. They constantly blew my mind as I learned about all they do. They're capable of extraordinary things.
Being involved as a fan in a powerful fandom of such a massive group has had its ups and downs, but now I just want them all to come back. I miss them together so much. The fandom's in fragments and sanity is cracking without BTS as a unit.
Next post: Shipping and Jikookery
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kenobster · 8 days
Y'all are right. Taylor Swift is a selfish person too spoiled to be bothered about her global warming impact or whether the song lyrics she writes are actually hers or not. Among other things. There are plenty of reasons to mock her, ridicule her, and insult her. Additionally, a great number of her fans will deny all of her shortcomings in an attempt to morally justify their enjoyment of her songs — something which does not require justification — and, thus, there are as many reasons to insist on calling these fans to action as there are reasons to despise Taylor Swift.
But the songs themselves? You don't get a free pass to mock, ridicule, and insult those.
Whether she wrote the lyrics or not, those lyrics resonate with a great many people. Maybe you think they're the dullest, cringiest, most basic lyrics on the planet. Doesn't fucking matter. I find a lot of art to be dull, cringy, and basic. I also understand that art is subjective. What is shallow and nonsensical to me might be insightful and captivating to someone else. Furthermore, art exists on a continuum of quality. Just because art isn't "high brow" (aka appealing to elitist snobs) doesn't mean that it has no meaning or that it's not worth enjoying. To the contrary, all art has meaning. All art says something. I guarantee that at some point in your life you've enjoyed art that is poor in quality, too.
Regarding Taylor Swift specifically, I've seen countless posts (even from people I respect) mocking, ridiculing, and insulting the songs and lyrics of her most recent album which largely focuses on mental illness. Whether or not Taylor Swift is actually mentally ill and whether or not Taylor Swift is appropriating mental illness as an aesthetic for profit, I need you all to understand something very important:
A majority of the people for whom those songs/lyrics most resonate are almost certainly mentally ill themselves.
In other words, when you mock, ridicule, and insult those lyrics/songs, you are mocking, ridiculing, and insulting the things with which actually mentally ill people have identified. You are telling them that they are stupid and pathetic and "cringy" for finding some kind of catharsis from the things that make their life hell.
I am no fan of Taylor Swift. Aside from a couple of her better songs here or there, I'm not even a fan of her music. However, I find it extremely alarming that Tumblr's userbase, a userbase which often claims to have moved past their "make fun of things that teenage girls are probably into" phase, is once again united in making fun of things that teenage girls are probably into. In my social circles, I've even seen people who claim to be advocates for those with disabilities, mental illness, and/or neurodivergence call these songs/lyrics "cringe" or similar — even after reblogging countless posts reminding people that calling things "cringe" is just an excuse to be ableist to neurodivergent people. As a mentally ill and autistic person, I am finding the double standard there to be incredibly demoralizing.
If you hate Taylor Swift, consider making more videos about her excessively wasteful flight itineraries. Personally, I'd even like to see some statistical graphs analyzing her CO2 emissions in comparison to airline companies and other celebrities. You could also make posts revealing more hypocrisies and inconsistencies between her statements and actions (that do not relate to her songs), particularly "feminist" statements she's made that exclude women of color. You could also make posts listing the names of the actual authors of many of the songs she has claimed so that they can receive recognition and praise they deserve from her fans. These are just a few examples of ways to channel your hatred in more constructive ways.
What I do NOT want to see are casual instances of blatant sexism and/or ableism on my dashboard every time she releases an album. You're not gonna change the world by laughing at an out-of-context lyric from a song on the radio. If you don't know how to keep your justified opinions and your personal tastes separate, you're not "raising awareness." You're just being a fucking ass.
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heyftinally · 14 days
Tbh I don’t think her lyrics were ever good. I think they were heavily edited from the trash were seeing now into the easily digestible radio edits that were released. I think it’s more noticeable now because it’s a dog pile of 15 years still writing the same songs and now, shes deadest on doing every thing herself. She openly stopped taking edits and criticism. The people who made her marketable are gone and all she has left is people who worship the money and clout; they wouldn’t dare question the spoiled brat who could sic her cult on them for just breathing wrong next to her. This album is the best representation of who she is IMO: a talentless, bigoted, sadist who never grew up.
Back when she actually was a teenager, her music was okay imo. I even liked it when I was 14/15. Because at that age, it was relatable and fun and fit with where I was in life. The difference is that I grew up, and she didn't.
And part of that, I genuinely believe, was the original Kanye incident. Because when he jumped on stage to take the mic from her, everyone collectively went "poor Taylor!". Which, at the time, was warranted - she was only like 19 when that happened. A young adult who was relatively new to her fame getting overtaken by an okder adult man to yell about how she didn't deserve her award. That was inappropriate, and I can see how it would be deeply disturbing for her at the time. But the problem is, she never moved on from being the victim. After that incident she was publicly known as "poor Taylor who got mistreated by Kanye", and she decided she liked being "poor Taylor". So now she's the victim in every situation, and nobody is willing to tell her otherwise. She'll fire any of her crew who crosses her, and her fans are largely yes men. So she has no incentive to grow as a person or an artist.
So when she decided to dip her toes into social justice a few years ago, she was still more or less that wildly out of touch 19yo that she was when she first became a victim. So all of her attempts at everything are through the juvenile filter she's still stuck in.
Her music was okay when she was a teenager, because it was age appropriate, even if it was a little cringy. Every teenager is cringey - it's part of growing up, and there's a certain nostalgia in our cringe years. We sucked, but we were trying our best, and we learned a lot and hopefully had some good times among the bad before we learned how to be adults.
But at some point we have to grow up. And the further Taylor Swift gets away from being 17, the more awful and unbearable her 17yo-esque lyrics get. Because she's not relatably cringey anymore, she's just embarrassing and immature. It's the difference between taking your 13yo sibling to the mall with you and your friends knowing they're going to be very *13* about everything, vs inviting your 33yo sibling who ACTS 13. One is cringe but age appropriate. The other is embarrassing, tacky, and classless, and shows a complete lack of self or social awareness.
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kristiemewisstan · 16 days
The Tortured Poets Department Unhinged First Listen Review:
NEEDS MORE POSTY, we love a “I wanna kill her”, this one MIGHT BE about Matty Healy lol “I touched you for only a fortnight”
The Tortured Poets Department-
“WHO USES TYPEWRITERS ANYWAY” YOU BITCH ITS YOU LOL, Charlie Puth name drop 🤨 oh god so many name drops, THIS BRIDGE, not the wedding ring…
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys-
THERE WAS A LITANY OF REASONS WHY WE SHOULDVE PLAYED FOR KEEPS THIS TIME my jaw literally dropped the entire last verse
Down Bad-
“Everything comes up teenage petulance” this one is cringy but in a way I love, Taylor Is Very Much A Down Bad Girlie
So Long, London-
this song is tachycardic I PROMISE I MADE THIS JOKE BEFORE “STOPPED CPR”, two graves one gun I SWORE THAT YOU LOVED ME BUT WHERE WAS THE CLUES damn she’s really sad to lose London huh
But Daddy I Love Him-
this would have a cool music video “she’s was chaos he was revelry” this is if red and the 1975 had a child that’s the vibe
Fresh Out the Slammer-
Okay so this is the “I just realized how bad this relationship truly was and thank god I’m out of it”, okay the weird slow down stuff wasn’t my favorite thing
I’m cackling, THE FLORENCE VERSE IS SO GOOD I think that this is just a Florence and the machine song it sounds so like them
Guilty as Sin?-
Okay this is the first one I’ve been like “oooooo I really like this one” “what if I roll the stone away, they’re gonna crucify me anyway” DAMN some religious imagery will always get me right in the trauma
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?-
This one has a lot of the brain scratching pauses “don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth” oof this song is just really angry
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)-
Cowboy Like Me but they don’t end up happy, okay “good boy” made me giggle so apparently in a 12 year old boy
PIANO! WANT IVE WANTED THE WHOLE TIME “still alive, killin time at the cemetery, never quite buried” I’m getting a gun and flying to London, I swear “TALKING RINGS AND TALKING CRADLES 🤨” JOE ALWYN FOUND DEAD IN A DITCH “THE LOSS OF MY LOVE” COUNT YOUR DAYS JOSEPH 💀, this should’ve been track 5
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart-
hello production that is giving Barbie movie/80s vibes, this is the first one I’m certain was written recently like it was definitely written on tour, the peppy “cause I’m miserable!” Hurt Me but also same
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived-
THE BREATH ahhhhh PIANO! “I don’t even want you back I just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal” okay back half of the album is eating, THE PICKUP, SPEAK NOW VIBES BUT MOM IS OLDER AND MADDER
The Alchemy-
ok ok ok “I circled you on a map I haven’t come around in so long but I’m coming back so strong” fucking meant,👌 touchdown mention lmao, okay this is SO ABOUT TRAVIS 🥹🥰
Clara Bow-
Best production on the album in the first 10 seconds, BEAUTY IS THE BEAST THAT ROSE, WAIT WHAT????? “You look like Taylor Swift” yeah queen because you are lol, It’s so people can make the audio of her singing all the album names lmao
First Overall Listen- 7/10
I was getting nervous in the front half but the back half more than made up for it
The vibe was just off at the start and honestly that’s probably a me thing and will get better with further listens
The lyrics were amazing as always
Production was okay, some of the songs were perfect and some had me going 🤨
Charlie Puth
Top 3 in no particular order (apparently I like songs that hurt me):
Guilty as Sin?
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
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torturedpoetdean · 16 days
i’ve avoided leaks cause i’m going to a listening party but i’m so curious and scared… is ttpd good? is it as bad and annoying as the redditors are saying?
and ftr i loved the sound of midnights, i’m a synth pop enjoyer, idk if that affects the consensus
tbh I didn’t like midnights on first listen and now it’s in my top 5 and ttpd is SO GOOD if you’re a tried and true taylor swift fan you’ll like it it has everything a taylor album is she’s got cringy lyrics jack overusing the synth and sudden lyrics that slap you in the face and leave you absolutely winded!! i had a blast listening to it and honestly i think most of the hate is people disappointed that she didn’t drag joe through the mud
i LOVE that she called out annoying swifties and told them to mind their own business, for that song alone I stan this album
Is it my favorite taylor album? No. But i had fun and some of the songs are certified bangers and honestly im just happy we have new taylor music to freak out to
Also who knows ive only listened once maybe when i go back to listen tonight ill love it even more
Idk i think people are too caught up on folklore/evermore like yes that is her magnum opus she’s probably never gonna do it again so just listen to the music and have fun if you can’t then well. leave.
Anyways have fun at the listening party!!! I hope you don’t like matty healy cause she murders him with this one and you like synth pop so im sure youll love the album
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arcanestudio108 · 3 months
Bring Me The Horizon - Kool-Aid Review
Let's get something out of the way.
Yes, I'm aware Jordan is gone, and yes, I know he worked on this songs early stages and yet does not appear on the credits on Kool Aid.
But am I going to talk about “Post Jordan BMTH” throughout this review? FUCK NO.
I have questions, thoughts, and concerns, that I will NOT let take over the discourse of this song, I'll make a retrospective and rant article on it later (but hopefully not too much later). It's not that deep people (and if it turns out it is then I'll actually be worried)
So! Kool-Aid! Which as a brand can't be done with mixed caps like eVeRYthInG ElsE. But we got badass zombie Kool Aid man, so you win some and lose some.
Now we need to get something else out of the way immediately. It's heavy. Like potentially the heaviest shit they've done since Sempiternal or There is a Hell. We need to talk about it because that is also tainting the discourse around the song because the “Amo Bad, Sempiternal & Count Your Blessings Good” camp gets riled up when Bring Me gets heavy nowadays. We gotta combat that shit people. It's heavy, and I wanna say immediately that's not, in any way, a direct reason for why Im about to say that…
This is, HANDS DOWN, tying with Ludens for the best fuckin Post Human single, and is one of their absolute best showings upon first listen ever. And it has almost jack shit to do with it's heavy elements genre or BMTH era comparisons.
My fucking GOD, it's the first new, released in 2024 song I've heard and it probably could remain as my favorite song of 2024 through to the end of the year and beyond that. I do have one concern I'll mention here and expand on in that aforementioned later article I'm writing, but we'll get to that later.
Firstly, I'd like to say that my personal description of the theme of Nex Gen sonically, much like Survival Horror was “Sempiternal but Evolved” is very much “That's the Spirit (especially including Don't Look Down) but Evolved”. Kool-Aid takes that concept and not only runs with it, but also decides to throw the entire BMTH playbook in like they're adding pinches of other Kool-Aid (BMTH album era) flavors in to augment the red Kool Aids classic (That's the Spirit) flavor. Anybody who compares this mainly to anything other than That's The Spirit or maybe Survival Horror is wrong or lying, I'm not taking that back, I don't make the rules I follow them.
The star of this song is honestly that it was able to take the loose thread of the Church of Genxsis cult plot and the whole “Dark Side of Kool -Aid” that's kind of became a thing and wove it into every part of the lyrical content of this song without any of it coming off as cringy or juvenile. The song sound like both corruption and salvation, desperation & hopelessness, manipulation & rebellion. The entire chorus, the verses, every single line of this song is PERFECT. And yes I'm including ‘you should of known” in there. I think that grammatical error interpreted as a Sheffield-ism like examples of the same thing in earlier albums lyrics makes it better than the correct “should’ve” (or should have), it's a creative choice not an error, and you'll probably grow to like it too in time.
That’s what makes the song so powerful in general, but the focal point of the song is obviously the hook and overall chorus. My favorite choruses of Post Human, and BMTH overall, were dethroned the second I finished hearing that chorus in full. That chorus goes so fucking hard, Oli giving what may be simply his best clean singing to date, with a dark and desperate melody that hits the exact emotional beats it's going for. Then let's talk about the verses, which are more surprising in their switchups and flicker between styles even more effortlessly than Kingslayer did, I'd say it does so on par with 1x1 in fact.
Now of course it's heavy second verse, breakdown, and post-chorus near the end are breathtaking, but it's because of their unique and aesthetically interesting and well textured guitar work and the tones the guitar lines are played with, the surprise of hearing them, and just the overall groove and improvement in their quality that didn't exist in their idolized older material. It's that they work equally well with all four vocal tones Oli employs on this track, and work cohesively with the melodic elements to create the intended effect of the song.
Some have questioned whether Oli’s vocals were mixed down on the track, I disagree, and would put forth the theory that in fact the guitars were mixed up, to the levels they would have been at circa Sempiternal/That's The Spirit, so both guitars and vocals exist equally as much instead of vocals at the forefront
As for production: I really like Zakk Cervini’s production in general, he’s credited on multiple of my favorite rock and core genres across the past decade. Given his work with BMTH to date I figure hes probably a best case scenario for production that isn't Jordan, alongside Dan Lancaster. Aside from that personnel wise theres a few things to look at. Firstly theres a writing credit to someone listed as DAIDAI. I looked up their name on genius and came out with a handful of songs they have been credited on (could be relatively new to the industry, however its also worth noting they are credited on AmEN! and DArkSide), I will listen to is credited songs real quick then come back….
Woosh, Im back
So turns out DAIDAI is a member of Japanese metalcore band Paledusk. And as for his credits its the aforementioned last three Nex Gen singles, four Paledusk songs, a Lil Uzi Vert song, and a Shinigami song. I listened through them in the hopes of figuring out exactly what DAIDAI contributed, and… honestly I’m not sure. He at absolute least occasionally has produced the bands songs, and is their guitarist. Listening to the aforementioned tracks I figure he could be responsible for just about any of it. However my money would be that his influence is somewhere in the breakdown or verses, but then again Paledusk has some pretty kickass chorus melodies and hooks, so I genuinely can't say I know where his influence is in the recent BMTH singles.
Lucy Landry is Zakk Cervini’s partner, I found 3 credits on genius, turns out she's done backing vocals on the last 3 Waterparks albums, a couple tracks on Good Charlotte's album Generation Rx, and a Fever 333 song.
Phil Gornell was assistant engineer, his credited discography includes All Time Low, Noah Finnce, Hot Milk, While She Sleeps, a punk goes pop cover by Boston Manor, the Youngblood era live album 5 Seconds of Summer Released, and from BMTH, hes credited as drum engineer on Sempiternal, and assistant engineer on both versions of Ludens.
Julian Gargiulo was credited alongside Cervini as a mixing engineer, hes credited as Assistant Mixing Engineer and Primary Mixing Engineer on Architects most recent single Seeing Red, and DArkSide respectively. His two other two credits of note are as Producer and engineer across 5 different EP’s by a band called Chronologist, and contribution of some Guitar work and Engineering on the As It Is record The Great Depression.
As for what all of this means? Ive heard most of the material that Ive listed alongside those names, and it looks like they've been building this production team up throughout the Post Human era, and I would say its a considerably strong one after hearing Kool-Aid.
Lets give my last thoughts to the outro and another thing people have said was an "omission", I agree with everyone elses assessments on it, its part behind the scenes voice note, part outro & part transition into ToP 10 STatUeS THAT CRiED BLooD. I like that its there and hope it does remain there on the album. As for the apparent "omission" of "Oh Yeah?" I think that the songs more serious, lass meme take on using the Kool-Aid references is actually a GREAT thing, and secondly I think I'd only have wanted it were this a faster paced, Let's Get This Party Started style song.
I give the song a 100, It easily earns it. Okay, I think that's everything …..
Oh yeah, the thing I'm concerned about that's going to be the third BMTH article I have planned for this month.
Its heaviness is my concern, let me explain.
My concern is this, on one hand you could assume this just means they are trying to make the individual parts of Post Human more cohesive than initially planned. But has anybody else heard the alleged information leaks coming from someone claiming to have an inside source says its 15 tracks long, and all the material that we haven't heard yet was created in the liminal space between Jordan leaving the tour and the official band departure announcement? Combine that with the fact that the heavier songs were originally supposed to be meant for later eps, and that leads to this conundrum: Its an album, it looks like RCA is planning on registering it as such rather than as an EP after all (likely for charting and awards purposes that I personally believe are why Survival Horror was snubbed by the Grammy’s/Recording Academy), its an album that due to its physical release having to be 6 months delayed after its official release in the early summer, won't be followed up by another release until 2025 in all likelihood. Ludens was released in 2019, Post Human could technically be said to celebrate its 5th anniversary as an era by the approximate time of the Nex Gen physical copy release date. Its an album thats now 4 years post its predecessor, in a series of four thats complete release finish line seems to jump farther down the road every time progress is made. I’m worried they are planning to kill off Post Human after Nex Gen drops to skip over it and start just releasing singles like they had planned to at the whole “4 EP’s, 1 year” stage of this era. And I have a whole fucking article in the works about why I think that hopefully wont happen.
But yeah, the song slaps go stream it to make it chart higher cos the band deserves it okay bye
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autisticmao · 4 months
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(4 parts in one post of a fic I'm writing)
GENRE: neutral
FEATURED: this post has trickstar, sagami, mikejima
WARNINGS: none...? i don't think-
PROMPT: isara has an illness that causes him to de-age
WORD COUNT: this part has 5,164
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Illnesses can be shown in various ways. Physical, mental, or other. There are more illnesses than anybody could count. Only a few have been discovered over the many centuries. There are illnesses that exist that scientists can't find a clue of how it came to be for a person.
Isara Mao's family has always had one 'strange' illness of the many generations that have passed so far. The illness that his great grandparents had decided to name it as is 'Klavos'. It means to rewind the heart until death once the holder of the illness reaches a certain age. The ages of the person may vary, depending on their health, whether their health is good or bad.
For Isara Mao, it started at the age of eighteen, his last year of being a part of Yumenosaki Private Academy, as a student, as an idol, and... for a long, long while of living... the ending has come closer than he dreamed of...
Loud cheers were heard for a long while. Seats were full to the brim with students and outsiders alike as Isara peeked his head out from the curtain, excitement etched into his expression at seeing all the roars and screaming from every person possible. There were his friends and classmates, and then most that he far from knew.
No matter how many times he prepared himself for a song with the rest of Trickstar, the same feeling causing his heart to beat frantically was always the same. The excitement. The adrenaline. The anticipation of the audience's expressions as he and the rest of his friends hoped to make all of them smile and reach for their best abilities.
Isara then winds himself around, meeting with the rest of his unit mates. Makoto was checking over himself, seeing if his uniform was right and the microphone situated in his hand with a tight grip. Akehoshi seemed to be bouncing on a spot, a grin as always plastered on his features, ready for the live to begin its session. Hokuto seemed to be counting things over with himself as well, whispering lyrics of some parts of the song that only belonged to him, reminding himself of when they began.
Sagami suddenly then walks into the backstage area, his eyes scanning over the four members of Trickstar, all standing not so far apart from themselves. "The stage is all yours to take Trickstar. Do your best out there." He smiled towards the third years.
Isara's voice echoed with his friends own voices as with Hokuto taking the lead, him and his unit members run up onto the stage, just as the beginning of the music played, causing the usual squeals and talk to quiet for a moment. The beaujolais-haired boy couldn't help but let a smile crawl over his face as soon as the lights above and all around him switched to their designated theme colours.
Hokuto started the song off, the main lights focused on him for a bit as the lines he sung builds up until Akehoshi, then Makoto, and at last, Isara himself soon joined in on the fun. The excitement pulsating through his veins thumped along with the beat of the cheery music.
The lights all around him, with their immense heat falling through, cause sweat to show itself fast upon his skin, his red uniform beginning to stick like glue with paper.
His trainers squeak against the clean flooring of the stage, Isara was thankful that nobody else other than himself could hear the cringy sounds and only the music.
He notices that the audience held a shared look of mesmerise. Some people in the large crowd danced, some clapped, as most waved their specific coloured lights around. The happiness he felt from the positive aura of the said very crowd made him rush with adrenaline as he carried on, whilst syncing his next few lyrical lines with Makoto.
Isara could feel himself becoming out of breath already - he hasn't been on the stage for that long though, which made himself confused about the lack of energy he felt deplete from his own being.
It was odd and worrying, but he didn't let it get to his mind as much as with his next dance moves he copied Akehoshi, although with some struggle in his limbs. Was it just exhaustion catching up to him from the past month and a half? Isara Mao truly wasn't sure.
He takes a spin, almost bumping into Akehoshi Subaru.
"Are you okay, Sally?" The orange haired usual puffball asked the younger whilst Hokuto overtook the main attention with his solo lyrical lines once more.
Isara struggled to respond, but he somehow forced his vocal cords to open up to speak to his very friend. "Of course I am. Why?"
"You seem pale, and you look as though you're about to collapse real soon."
Isara doesn't let the way he could see Akehoshi's usual bright smile form into a faint frown slip from his mind at all.
Akehoshi wasn't wrong, Isara felt as though his body suddenly formed into one made of jelly - unstable and soft. Yet, he didn't like seeing his friends worried about his being one bit. He tries to smile towards the taller Trickstar member, wishing his actions would convince the orange haired boy otherwise.
"I'm fine." His voice filters in with a crack.
"I hope so..." Akehoshi then twists away as he joins back into the song.
Isara stayed in the back compared to his three friends. He knew that he had ultimately failed at convincing Akehoshi Subaru. Although the other tends to act impulsive at every moment given, he was smart within his own ways and very observant when the ability was needed to be used for very such scenarios.
He feels his figure stumble forward, ready to sing in synchronisation with Makoto once more, but as he does so, he could feel some coughs erupt from deep within his throat, causing him to lean over, gasping with deep breaths.
Isara reaches one hand up to his chest, clenching his white shirt tightly above where his heart would be. He feels himself falling to his knees, whining from the horrid pain. The pain in his chest was one similar to indigestion, but incredibly much more worse, like as though someone had decided to jab a sharp pointed rock directly into his heart as it was in the middle of beating against his ribcage.
It hurts, and all Isara wanted to do at that very moment was to curl up and cry the pains away until it dissipated in some way or another.
He hears his friends call out to him. The music they were performing against had been turned off, and the curtains had fallen high from above and all around the large stage. He can faintly hear the worried calls of the audience be called out of the area by some teachers and other fellow unit members. The worry he caused for everyone made the pain feel deeper than what he already felt.
Isara then feels a large, cold hand on his back, causing him to flinch for a second as the owner of the very hand then pulled him gently up from the balled up position he didn't realise he crawled himself into.
With teary eyes, he sees the teacher - Jin Sagami. "Isara, tell me... how do you feel?" The very teacher asks whilst he scanned his eyes over Isara's figure for any indications as to why he felt the way he was.
"It hurts..." Isara bows his head down against his chest, one hand still lied on his chest as the other reached to the side of his head. A massive headache began to pulsate its presence through extremely strongly.
"Have you hurt yourself within the past week? Taken anything you don't usually do, or felt anything different from normal the past week either?"
Isara shakes his head slowly and small.
Sagami repeats a few questions to Isara, hoping to get some answers out of the youngest student who now seemed to be held by both Akehoshi and Makoto. Hokuto kneeled behind Isara with one hand lightly above his back and massaging circles, hoping to ease the horrid tension that had flowed over the youngest member of Trickstar.
"This is odd..." he hears Jin Sagami mutter. "Do you feel as though you'll need to go to the hospital, or do you wish to stay in the first aid room for a bit and we'll wait and see, whilst I do a thorough examination over you?"
"First aid..." Isara just about breaths out.
The teacher nods, asking Hokuto to gently help Isara up to help move him towards the first aid room back at Yumenosaki's main school building.
"I'm sorry, guys. I ruined our performance." He whispers lightly whilst leaning his head onto Hokuto's shoulder as much as he could.
"You've done nothing wrong Isara, you can't help situations like this. I'm sure that once you're feeling better from whatever this is... they'll let us back on stage. We have a load of time, but your health is much more important than a performance." Hokuto whispered back as he held onto Isara tightly, guiding him into the backstage of the place once more, following the other two Trickstar members and Jin Sagami.
CHAPTER TWO: Small and Unknown ~
"Mister Sagami - sir, Sally has fallen asleep." Akehoshi walked up behind the adult male, catching Sagami's attention as he pointed towards the patient bed that Isara Mao lied on. His figure was as still as a statue, minus for some breaths he let in and out every now and then.
"That's good. Thank you for letting me know." Sagami says as his focus trails away from his computer at the desk. He sat on a wheely chair that turned with a faint squeak and towards the beaujolais-haired boy.
"Are there any clues to what could be wrong with Isara?" Makoto asks as he sits in a chair by the bed the aforementioned member of Trickstar lies in.
"Other than the usual flus and such, I can't find anything useful about this. The symptoms he told me earlier are odd and quite specific." Sagami shakes his head no, side to side.
"If you couldn't find anything, then why didn't you just take Isara to the hospital? You gave him a choice of whether he wanted to, instead... is that even allowed?" Hokuto then joined in on the conversation, he leaned on a wall near the only window of the room, one arm across his front, with the elbow of his other arm leaning against that one, as he rests his thumb against his chin in thought.
"Sometimes, the patient knows better with themselves than the medic carers do."
"Um... guys... sorry to interrupt, but... has Isara always looked this small and young?"
That catches Sagami's, Hokuto's, and Akehoshi's attention towards Makoto. All three scattered towards the bed.
"You sure it isn't tiredness just getting to you, Yuki?" Hokuto wondered.
The blond Trickstar member shook his head no with determination. "Definitely not. Just look at him," Makoto points down towards Isara, causing the three to do as said.
"He's so small and squishy looking... cute~!" Akehoshi mumbles. Isara was definitely smaller than his usual under average height, incredibly so.
"He looks to be about thirteen... how is this possible?"
Sagami turned to Makoto, "did you see anything that happened before this?"
"No. Admittedly... I was playing on my phone whilst you three talked, and within a few minutes, I heard a noise be caused, and before I knew what was happening before looking up, Isara looked somewhat different..."
"Utterly strange..."
The Klavos illness has been found by yet another victim of the Isara family, only skipping a few generations. The Klavos lives on, only to grow stronger. Now, at the age of thirteen, everything will start going downhill for Isara Mao.
CHAPTER THREE: Finder Thirteen ~
Isara Mao was simply confused once he woke up not long after finding himself surrounded by people he didn't know. With how close the four people surrounded him, it made him feel overly anxious about the attention he was given - it didn't help with the fact that somehow... these teenagers and a singular adult alike knew his full name.
He's never met them before, Isara reminded himself.
The adult asked him a list of questions. About how he felt, if he was hungry, if he remembered anything, and so on. At first, he wasn't sure whether to trust the adult male until he realised that the man looked like a doctor, and the room he woke up in looked similar to the many at the local hospital in the town. And he knew that plenty of doctors were to be trusted. They just wanted to help people to feel better, after all - but that's another thought. He didn't feel ill at all. Hell, he doesn't remember ever needing to come to the doctors surgery or a hospital for any reason at all. Did his parents bring him? A teacher from his middle school, even?
That reminded him... where were his parents? If he's in a doctors room, then shouldn't they be with him? Isara looks around, frowning as he only sees the older three teenagers and the same adult man as before. Did they take a bathroom break during his session? A groan comes from himself as he rubs a hand at the side of his head. These many thoughts he's had since waking up are giving him a headache already. He didn't want to think anything else anymore.
"Mister?" His anxiety races through his veins as he spoke out, leaning forward on the bed he sat on as his attention focused solely on the adult who seemed to be talking to the aforementioned three others. "Do you know where my parents are?" He misses them. He didn't like being in a hospital-esque room for so long. It gave him the cold shivers, even if he knew the doctor-man in front of him could be trusted still.
The very man turned towards him, with a soft look. How was he supposed to answer Isara? He's tried calling Isara's parents' phone numbers to contact them about the youngers' situation whilst he was asleep, but nobody picked up. He thought that maybe they were busy with work, seeing as it was only the middle of the day, but he has tried calling them a bunch of times, taking a couple of minutes break in between doing so, and yet still, no one on the other side of the lines wanted to press 'answer'. It somewhat worried Sagami. "They're... busy - with work."
Isara slumps back from where he sat and frowned once more. He's heard that line plenty of times whenever he did want his parents. When were they not busy? Only a few rare times were when he didn't want to be in their presence was when Isara's parents were free.
Isara Mao decides to stay quiet after the answer he is given.
Minutes then pass, boredom settled within Isara. He wanted to do something. Draw, fiddle with a toy, talk with someone (that he was preferably comfortable with), anything to keep his mind occupied.
His mind trails off. If he can't have his parents, then what about his best friend — Ritsu. When his parents couldn't be bothered to be around him, Ritsu and his family took their places instead. They're rarely busy. Could he see Ritsu if it wasn't a school day? (Is it a school day?) Or maybe Ritsu's parents wouldn't mind in accompanying him whilst he was here. Heck, he wouldn't mind if Ritsu's older brother was here either...
...A shiver goes down his spine at the mere thought of being around Rei Sakuma. Isara immediately swipes the thought away. No matter how much he tries to deny it in front of the Sakuma family, he finds Rei's presence scary to be around, so he forgets the idea as soon as it arrives to his mind.
He leans his head back against the headboard of the bed he sat in. What was he even in here for? He wanted to leave already. Sitting around and doing nothing was admittedly boring.
Just as he was thinking that, one of the teenagers — the boy with orange hair and big, bright blue eyes — walks up to the side of his bed, sitting down at the end of it. His top half of his body twists towards Isara with his attention. Isara studied him over for a second. He felt lured to this boy. Why even was that? He wondered about it repeatedly for a few seconds.
"You're bored, aren't you?" A smile reached the olders' facial features. Isara would admit, the smile that this orange haired boy wore made him shine, it suit his features nicely.
He meekly nods towards the older, hesitating before doing so.
The smile on the olders face turns to a grin of excitement. "Would you like to take a walk then? Mister Sagami said he doesn't mind letting me take you around!" Isara points his kelly green eyes towards the doctor-man who was mentioned. 'Sagami' was sitting at his desk and writing something down on the computer. The other two teenage boys in the room talked to the adult every now and then — whatever the subject was about, Isara guesses, it sounds serious due to the rigid yet careful actions the trio talk with every syllable they sounded quietly to one another.
"Is that allowed?" Isara was further hesitant, pondering on the idea of it. He wouldn't get told off for leaving the room? Usually, at a doctors appointment, he wasn't supposed to.
"Of course! Now come on, what are you waiting for, Sal- Isara~? " The orange haired boy had one hand out, waiting for Isara to take. He slowly does reach out, letting the older boy pull him up and out gently from under the thin duvet of the patient bed.
"We're going now, Sagami!"
"Remember what I said, Akehoshi. Thirty minutes and that's all, then he must come back, and remember to keep him away from any of the other idol units as possible. Especially a certain few..." Sagami explains.
"And don't be so irrational with him either. We don't need Isara getting hurt. Who knows how fragile he may be this way." The black haired teenager added on, along with a few other words that he ranted about for a couple seconds, although he immediately stops once hearing the orange haired one groan and also seeing him mock the black haired by mimic talking with making actions by his hands and lip-syncing to some of the words he said whilst pulling a few silly faces.
Isara couldn't help but chuckle light at the banter going on.
Eventually, Isara left the room and started walking down the corridor for the next few minutes to come.
Within those few minutes, Isara learned about the few things he needed to. One example is the names of the people he was with — the orange haired one who always seemed to be bouncing on the balls of his feet with every step he took was called Akehoshi Subaru. He found it much easier to call him Subaru, though. The aforementioned older didn't mind Isara doing so. In fact, he beamed at the mention of it.
Isara has also learnt that he wasn't at a hospital either. He was in a big school that had various big courses for many students alike. The most popular course to take was the idol course, which Akehoshi, Hokuto, and Makoto were a part of. Along with hearing some of Akehoshi's rants, Isara couldn't believe that he was walking down a popular school with a popular music idol. It was like a dream come true for extreme music fans, but Isara doesn't let that show.
Akehoshi showed him around some parts of the school. Some of the normal classrooms to practice rooms for the said idols of the music course and many more. There were a few instances where he and Akehoshi were going to turn a corner and visit another part of the area, but then a second or so later and Akehoshi would turn around and change his mind. Isara had plenty of questions to ask Akehoshi why, but he doesn't say them out loud. Maybe there was just someone that Akehoshi didn't like so much that lingered in the corridors a lot?
"Subaru, may we stop for a minute?" Isara sounded out of breath. The two stood outside of the school in a secluded area on the campus grounds. Akehoshi turned around, stopping mid-motion from walking. His usually endless smile tilts a little down when seeing Isara in a weak state. He retraces his steps and kneels beside the beaujolais-haired boy.
"Of course we can," Akehoshi then sits properly on his backside against the grass. He pats at a spot lightly before him. His smile returns but more so in a softer tone. "Here, you can sit next to me if you like — the grass is dry and soft!" Akehoshi directs Isara.
Isara does so, copying Akehoshi's actions. He reels his knees against his chest and leans one side of his face on his knees. Kelly green eyes trailed to Akehoshi for a second in wonder. "You said you're a part of a music unit, right? May I... hear the songs you and your friends have composed together?"
Without thought, Akehoshi nods and brings his phone out of his school blazer pocket. He turns the screen on clicks on an app designed only for those who were a part of the Yumenosaki Private Academy school. "Here you go, click any title that seems to interest you the most!" Akehoshi hands his phone with no thought over to the thirteen year old boy.
Isara does so, tapping one thumb against the cold screen and past the list. It wasn't all that long. All the songs had interesting titles to them. 'Breakthrough'. 'Romantic Xday', and many more. Even the — what seems to be called — solo songs had interesting titles, he especially felt lured to the one named 'Magician's Play'. He scrolls past it, though, and stops scrolling through the list. There was a song that interested his attention more than the rest.
'Finder Girl'. That's what it was called. He taps the title, and immediately, the song plays with a decently deep voice singing within less than two seconds.
Isara doesn't notice the action happen at all, but Akehoshi's breath hitches when hearing the song play loud from his phones speaker. He glances over and sees Isara focus intensely on the screen, watching the seconds tick by on the bar that played with the audio. Isara seemed to smile when hearing some of the lyrics, bopping his head to the beat very lightly, along with stretching his legs out and swooshing his feet from side to side to the same said beat as well.
Eventually, after three minutes and a quarter amount of seconds have ended, Isara's features beamed with a radiance that Akehoshi wishes he could cherish. Isara hands the phone back to Akehoshi, his eyes a shade of green far more full of life than flowers that bloomed on a perfect day in spring.
"That was so cool!" Isara fanboyed. "Who was the main lead in that song?" He tilts his head in wonder.
Akehoshi stiffened. How was he meant to tell this thirteen year old boy that the voice he mostly heard in the song just now was himself but a few years older? Isara, compared to his recent age and at thirteen years old, sounded far different to one another. Isara's voice was now slightly on the deeper side. Whereas the Isara that Akehoshi was listening to now had a slightly high-pitched voice. He guesses that Isara was a small late bloomer when it came to his voice breaking during teenage years.
"He's..." How was Akehoshi supposed to put it? "A friend of ours!"
"Can we meet him?" Isara's high-pitched tone sounded with excitement. "He sounds cool!" Akehoshi wanted to chuckle at the very statement. Isara sounded hypocritical right now, he thought. The present Isara doesn't like his own voice one bit. In fact, the beaujolais-haired boy has mentioned to Akehoshi and the rest of Trickstar a few times of how embarrassing he feels every time when he hears his own voice during the recordings for every song. He thought that his voice didn't blend in well, but Akehoshi's likes to think otherwise — he loves Isara's voice. Isara can go from as calm as the ocean during summer to as fierce as a snowy blizzard during winter.
He hates lying to Isara, but it was needed during these moments. Who knows what could happen if he told thirteen year old Isara Mao what the eighteen year old version of him does with his life? It would damage the brain, Akehoshi theorised in his thoughts. "He's a... bit busy right now with other duties," Akehoshi almost flinches at his own words. "You can meet him another time, if you like?" He shouldn't make promises, but it wasn't like as if Isara Mao would remember this anyways...
Isara shrugs, deflating admittedly a little at the breaking moment but then reels himself back into a composed posture once more.
Akehoshi suddenly then sighs when glancing at his phone, "looks like it's time for us to go back to Mistsr Sagami!"
Isara whines. "I don't want to go. I've had fun out here. It's boring in the first aid room."
"...Would it make you feel better if I let you get a bite to eat from the cafeteria? I'm sure Sagami would understand if we took a few minutes extra!"
Isara glanced on in thought for a moment and then nodded.
"Great! Let's go then!" Akehoshi jumped into a standing position.
Isara followed, heaving himself to stand up from the grass he sat on. He stumbles forward for a second, the feeling of pins and needles rushing through the bottom half of his body due to sitting so still for a couple of minutes or so.
He rubs the palms of his hands down his legs where the feeling is at and eventually, the feeling somewhat eased in his legs. Isara then takes a step towards where Akehoshi is turning, only to stumble again once more but for an entirely different reason.
His voice sounded small. Timid. Akehoshi turns back around, wondering what was up with Isara. "Yeah?"
Isara stumbles for the third time, limping in motion.
Akehoshi's eyes widen, thoughts settling into his mind of what was going on.
"I feel sick..."
Isara's figure leans forward...
CHAPTER FOUR: Isara's School Mother ~
A yelp of fright leaves from Akehoshi as he reaches out and catches Isara from falling. He picks Isara up with one hand under the knees and his other hand holding the younger boy by his back, reeling him close to his own figure for safety.
Akehoshi frowns whilst glancing down at Isara. He felt hot on his skin, even through the big clothing he wore. Isara's breathing sound ragged — weak — panting like as though he hasn't had water in thousands of years.
Akehoshi twists himself around, and with clutching Isara tightly in his hold, he makes his way back into the school building. His footsteps thumps echo against the recently cleaned tiles, and his walk turned up a few speeds as he focused on getting back to the first aid room before anything else happened next.
He turns down a corner past a corridor and hears a shout come from in front of him. Akehoshi skids to a stop, feeling feared and breathless from bumping into somebody. He focuses his attention back into focus and detailed in on who exactly he bumped into. He looks up to meet face to face with someone he rarely reacts enough with. He gulps out of fright when seeing a stern expression on his facial features.
"It's MaM? What are you doing here?"
"I came back earlier from my overseas trip than intended! But that doesn't matter. Akehoshi, is that Isara in your hold? What happened to him, and is he smaller than usual?"
Akehoshi bit his lip. Although they didn't react as much as Akehoshi thinks they do, Mikejima was fairly overprotective of Isara Mao. It's like as though he takes the 'mother' role even more seriously when it comes to the beaujolais-haired boy than everyone else around the school.
There's been these weird moments that Akehoshi has noticed — when Isara gets majorly hurt or bullied, anything of the like, Mikejima is most of the time right around the corner comforting him when Trickstar or nobody else could.
If it was a different — legal — matter, Akehoshi would think that Mikejima would adopt Isara right on the spot when he could.
The two stared on for a few seconds, Akehoshi pondering on whether he should tell the older idol member of Isara's situation or not. He was meant to keep this a secret. As Sagami said and Akehoshi promised he would, but with the look Mikejima gave him... he couldn't help but give in so that with parting his lips, he lets his vocal cords do their work, hoping that his tongue and mind connect the dots between the right words to use.
Who knows how ballistic Mikejima would go. He was just glad that it wasn't Keito or Kuro that he had bumped into. But there was no choice to spill some of the story, at least from what he learned so far from what Akehoshi has seen in his own perspective of the matter. "Well..."
He tells Mikejima what he thinks are the right words for the situation. From what happened during their performance up until now.
Mikejima frowns, glancing at Isara's figure in Akehoshi's hold. He asks if Akehoshi would like him to take Isara whilst Akehoshi runs ahead and tells Sagami about the situation once more. He does so, and Mikejima places Isara onto his own back. His frown deepens when he can hear the light yet struggling breaths coming from the younger boy — Akehoshi has already run off down the long corridor.
"You can never catch a break, can you, little Isara?" He sighs. Mikejima then starts walking down the corridor, being careful with his strides so as not to cause Isara any harm with any bumps he made and to be as quiet yet quick as possible.
He eventually makes it to the first aid room, thankful that the door was wide open — Akehoshi must have left it that way for him, which Mikejima was grateful for.
"Ah, Mikejima, place him back on the bed over there." Jin Sagami demands, and Mikejima does as told, gently placing Isara on the patient bed he was on previously.
Just as he does so, a painful groan comes from Isara.
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kijakitten · 2 years
my headcanons about akyr members!! please, excuse my poor english :D tell me if you want me to do hcs about others!!!!
he actually doesn't enjoy coffee, prefers tea
likes watching his members playing video games and telling them to do your best
he doesn't care about what his members are doing
unless they're making problems
thinks he can do math but can't
likes barbecue (that's how you spell it???)
once zen asked him to go to the gym together
iori agreed
and regrets it to this day
he makes the stupidest excuses not to go there with gazen ever again
can actually cook
loves disney films but big hero 6 owns his heart
watches some tv programs about health eating
and the rest are like 'stop' (because now zen doesn't want to buy them energetic drinks)
allergic to strawberries
enjoys music from 80s/90s
riding a bike is his thing
has to wear glasses to read
wants to help gaia with his love interest, but sadly zen isn't experienced in this thing
has a photo album of akan yatsura members
he's learning how to bake cakes
knows a few interesting facts about birds :D
likes to draw, but he's a bit shy about it
loves nature ❤
after drinking alcohol he's either too sleepy or too sad
really likes to sing (if no ones around)
he was a bit upset that he had to sing woof in turn it up
he likes hot chocolate
okay he loves hot chocolate
prefers mountains to beach
doesn't like tomatoes but eats them because he doesn't want to make problems
gaia sometimes come to him to talk shit about reo
then reo comes to him to talk shit about gaia
he just laughs when they do it
it was his idea to put 'woof' instead of 'meow' in turn it up
has a diary
almost every note there stars with 'today reo made me mad because...'
he's actually very shy
an old lady from greengrocer's says he's handsome and it's always making him embarrassed
likes to read shojo manga
likes to write lyrics with reo (that's the only time they're cooperating, not fighting)
likes spicy food
chocolate ice cream best ice cream
listens to sad songs
likes to write scenarios
he’s actually a good friend to gaia
well, that’s what he thinks
likes to watch some cringy tv series and says that’s what gaia should do to win anz’s heart
he actually thinks he’s supporting him (and he wishes him the best tho)
knows how to weave garlands
always when akyr are talking about height they say that reo is so small 
he is jealous of hokusi’s height
wants to go to the gym with zen
but he’s afraid of turning into a gym maniac
drinks too much coffee (only zen tells him it’s a bit unhealthy, iori doesn’t actually care)
once gaia suggested a minor correction in his outfit’s pattern and it was sucha a genius idea that reo was jealous because he didn’t think of that
and he didn’t change a thing in gaia’s outfit
bae ver :D
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sailorbadger · 1 year
re: my tags on this post, @psychicbluebirdmiracle wanted a list so here’s some of my favorite Robin Hood adaptations in no particular order:
Sidenote: most of these are either extremely niche and/or “you may think it’s bad but I think it’s good” because that’s just what my tastes are.
BBC’s Robin Hood: You all knew this one was going to be up here and if you didn’t, you haven’t been following me long enough. This is what gave birth to my brain worms. I’ve given a PowerPoint presentation about this which was three hours long. I have subjected other people to this show to the point that there is now a yearly celebration where we watch only one specific episode of this show and make memes about it. I am insufferable about this. The day I stop thinking about this show is the day I have lost all brain activity.
Back to Sherwood: I am once again reminding everyone that I have offered to exchange my firstborn child for the original English version of this show. The Vibes on this show are perfect and I will never forgive the people that cancelled it after only 13 episodes. Fun time-travel related hijinks? Sign me up.
Princess of Thieves: Who doesn’t love a Keira Knightley movie?
Disney’s Robin Hood: Listen, you just can’t go wrong with this one. Very solid all around. But there’s another reason I’m putting it on this list. My cousins (ages 6 and 4) were staying over with us on Easter and I put this movie on at one point to get them to sit down for a few minutes while my parents made lunch. My godson (the 6-year-old) asked me why I knew so much about what was going on in the movie and I explained that I watched it when I was young, and then my dad said that the movie is so old that he watched it when he was a child. It was a lovely inter-generational bonding moment over my special interest as my dad explained to my cousin about the different characters and how there’s a lot of different versions of the story.
Not really an adaptation but continuing from the last one, this YouTube video: Some of the best analysis on why most mainstream Robin Hood adaptations suck. This is why I mostly just like the versions that have good Vibes.
This soundtrack to a Swedish Robin Hood musical: I can’t even begin to explain how upset I am that I found out about this musical after it had already been cancelled due to the pandemic. I could have gone and seen it. There’s not even a DVD of it. At least we have the soundtrack which is full of bangers. Everything sounds as over-produced as you’d expect from the country that makes over-produced Eurovision songs, and I love every second of this. If you’re not going to listen to the whole thing, at least listen to Prince John’s song.
This even more obscure soundtrack to a Finnish Robin Hood play from 1997: Everything here is just Vibes. I wish I knew what the actual plot of the play was but these songs are great on their own. The fact that the singer from a famous Finnish band (Neon 2) sings a couple of the songs is just ?????A Choice???? but a perfect one at that.
Robin Hood: The Great Escape: My most vivid memories of listening to this play that’s a podcast is when my IBS was really bad and I was on the bathroom floor crying in pain, so I just put this on to distract me. Anyway, this one has good characters, interesting mix of different cultures and LGBT+ representation, and it all works seamlessly in a way that doesn’t feel forced. Definitely worth a listen.
Robin McKinley’s The Outlaws of Sherwood: I bought this book from my local library’s clearance about 15 years ago. It’s a solid fun adventure and that’s pretty much all I can say about it.
The Finnish opera adaptation of Robin Hood: The dogs in this are nightmare fuel and the whole thing is bordering on the “so bad it’s good” line. The lyrics are so weird at times, it’s awfully cringy sometimes but I love it so much. I own it on DVD and it has English subtitles so if anyone wants to watch it sometime let me know.
Carrie Vaughn’s The Ghosts of Sherwood and The Heirs of Locksley: I need a third part of this. These are a quick read, about 100 pages each, about the children of Robin Hood. And although the premise may sound cliché and childish, I swear these are so good and worth your time.
C.K. Brooke’s Marian: Princess Thief: Ah, yes, the “disappointingly heterosexual” one. Putting aside the fact that this book missed a great opportunity in making at least one of the characters gay, it has an amazing all-female-cast of characters (there’s a male love interest there too I guess, I don’t care about him). This book made me feel like how Sailor Moon made me feel in high school with it’s focus on the Power of Friendship.
That one Finnish audio drama that’s based on Finnemore’s version: Everyone sounds so horny in this one for some reason and the actual text is not helping. The theme song is a banger. It’s a shame the CDs were copy protected so I couldn’t rip the files for myself.
A black-and-white recording of a Finnish play from 1971: The fashion is so 70s it hurts my eyes. The songs are so bad. The plot is almost non-existent but I love every second of this. (I would have linked it but you can unfortunately only watch it in Finland)
The 2009 movie with a dragon in it?????: I don’t remember most of this except that it’s definitely in the “so bad it’s good” category. They just shouldn’t make high-budget versions of Robin Hood when low-budget productions are so much more entertaining.
Edale Lane’s Heart of Sherwood: I need to re-read this one because it had everything I could have asked for. A lesbian Robin Hood with a good story that was a fun adventure which still somehow made me very emotional. 10/10.
That one zoom-play on YouTube: I bought the novel that was made based on this play just because this was so entertaining. In a year I’ve only read about 20 pages of the book but the play was so good and at one point so full of twists I was staring at the screen with my mouth open for like 10 minutes.
I could probably include even more things from my List (I have a list where I collect all the different versions I’ve seen/read/listened to etc), but this is already too long and I ended up taking a few things out. I only included versions I’ve enjoyed the most but there’s still plenty of good ones out there.
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thisaintascenereviews · 5 months
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AJR - The Maybe Man
Up until listening to pop-rock / indie-pop AJR’s new album, The Maybe Man, I only knew that a lot of people hated them. I had only listened to a couple songs, and I never thought they were outright horrible, but I wouldn’t want to listen to a full record of that. Well, things change, and I decided to be morbidly curious about The Maybe Man, both because I had never heard a full record from these guys and because the circumstances behind it were interesting. This record was written either before or during their father’s passing, as AJR is composed of three brothers whose first name comprise the initials of the band, so they were really going through it. I also listened to a podcast that they were on and talked about the record, so it made me want to hear it, since they seem like great, earnest, and down to earth guys that love music, so I hunkered down late last week and spent some time listening to this record. Is this band as bad as most stuffy online critics make them out to be?
Honestly, no, not at all. While I won’t say that this is the best album of the year, it’s a genuinely good one that kind of surprised me. I had a lot of fun with this, and I found myself surprised by how solid it truly was. I don’t want to oversell this album as some kind of masterpiece, because it’s not, but this record is a lot of fun and oddly poignant in some ways. This album is kind of rooted in rather sad themes, with a lot of songs being about disillusioned with fame, dealing with mental illness, struggling with getting older, and their father’s passing. This album has some good hooks, such as “Touchy Feely Fool,” “Yes I’m A Mess,” “Intertia,” and “Hole In The Bottom Of My Brain,” among others. Hell, the song “Steve’s Going To London” is a song that’s kind of a commentary on how songs don’t need to be about anything. The first half is a bunch of nonsense lyrics about a bunch of people doing unrelated things, and the song jumps into a bit of meta commentary on how they tried to a write a song that tries too hard to be about writing a song.
The album’s centerpiece, though, is the second to last song “God Is Really Real.” This is the track about their father’s passing and it’s honestly kind of a tearjerker. You can really feel the band’s pain as they come to terms with it, but some of the song is about how they’re in denial of their dad’s illness. It’s not attempting to be corny, silly, or over the top, but it’s grounded in more reality. The title is also rather interesting, because one of the biggest lines in the song is “God is really real when you really, really need him,” and “God’s fucking fake ‘til he’s not,” which is a variation on the idea that someone is only an atheist until something bad happens and they need to pray, but it weirdly works.
At the same time, I can understand why people wouldn’t like this. This album is a bit overblown in spots, and some of the lyricism is very corny (there’s a kind of cringy reference to Kendrick Lamar’s “Swimming Pools” in “Steve’s Going To London,” but it works okay for what it is), but they downplay the over the top sound that they normally have. This album is more stripped back, despite having some moments that bombastic and over the top, and it feels more like a straightforward pop album. It won’t blow your mind, by any means, but if you never liked these guys, I’d check this out, even if it’s out of pure curiosity. I won’t say it’s amazing, or even great, but it’s still really good.
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undertheknightwing · 7 months
*bumps into you on the streets and slides an envelope in your jacket pocket* ✍️✨️💭📚 for you, my dear!
Oh there's a letter in my pocket! How sweet! *letter blows away in the wind* Oh no! my letter! *sighs and smiles* damn.. I wonder what adventures that letter is gonna find itself on
ignore how goofy and cringy that was,, it was on purpose ❤️
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
I can write about anywhere, but I do need music. If I don't have music, especially the songs that my inspiration and motivation comes from, I might lose my steam and get distracted by other stuff. Silence is my enemy.
(I hope that was the right "setup" and not like.. what program you use lmao)
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Besides allof my friends comments obviously, I love you guys ✨️ Escapism always has the best comments they're either super sweet or hilarious. They got the best vibes fr
some of my favorites are (and i'm just writing them bc i don't wanna add a bunch of screenshots):
"you get everyone's characters down to a T which is honestly hard to find in fanfic. i adore this!"
"damn i did not think about Gar/Jon ship but you are onto something great here"
"you can only stare into each other's eyes, red in the face, so many times before you have to face the facts" < -- context: the end of chapter 7
"Thank you so much for sharing [this fic]; it's such an unparalleled blend of fluff and humor and angst"
"The cheek kiss and then Jordan immediately bullying Jon has me dying. This fic is the highlight of my week easily."
and the one time someone said they usually hate slowburns but Escapism does it so well they actually love it
also this isn't a comment, it's on a bookmark I got today but it made me giggle and kick my feet
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It's my job to write Gar, random ao3 user 💚
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
Wow, umm.. A LOT. Other than the "of course" answer of tv shows, I get most of my fic + scene ideas/inspo from music. Lets say I have a scene idea and it's angsty, then I'm gonna listen to songs with lyrics and sound that fit the vibe i'm going for. While listening to the song(s) on repeat, I let my brain pictures do the rest of work, and if it creates something I like and know I can twist around be bit to fit my storyline as a whole, I choose that
but on the non-music flipside, me and my friend have tossed around ideas before just in texting and a lot of little things in Escapism came from those jokes/chats
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
okay listen.. I was gonna send you this one but thought "that seems like I'm fishing for a compliment" so I decided against it lmao
anywayyyy.. your fics OF COURSE are amazing,, "Acrida" is my favorite but I already told you that hehe I really liked "When I'm Dead And Gone, Will They Sing About Me?" too
and while I'm praising fic authors my bestie in crime, the Jon to my El, @mombosslois and her fic "A Love Without End". It's everything s&l season 2 wishes it could have been. It's just UGH SO GOOD YA KNOW??? I don't wanna spoil it just in case but it makes me feel like
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but in the most positive way ever
now a fic that made me wanna throw up and cry at the same time was "So- Your Child Got Addicted to X-K" by underwaterrock. I've never had a fic make me need to step away from my screen and catch my breath before, it was crazy, but I still love it. It's in the top 5 of my favorite s&l fics. "collateral damage" by Zannolin was great too,, I love me some missing scene/episode fics and it's about Jon so instant gold star sticker
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moonlightreal · 2 years
Thoughts on the Fate prequel novel
It was better than I expected.
Lighting the Fire is better than the novelization Fairies Path.  No surprise; this one is written by Sarah Rees Brennan who is a legit YA fantasy author with books under her belt, so she knows what she’s doing.
I don’t quite know how this kind of writing works.  I know Ms. Brennan was hired by Netflix or whoever, and she would have been given a brief, “You’re writing a prequel, here’s an outline for the plot points you should include, here’s some info on the characters...”  And she watched Fate season one so she knows what everyone looks and talks like, an edge Ava Corrigan didn’t have for the novelization.  But how detailed that brief was and how much freedom Ms. Brennan had to interpret things her way, that I don’t know.  
The book contains a few nods to the fandom.  An almost shippy scene between Dowling and Silva happens, as if Ms. Brennan or the person who wrote the brief knows that ship is popular in the Fate fandom.  And at one point Stella says, ‘look all you want but don’t touch the hair.” a line from the 4kids opening song.  Since that song was also quoted in the novelization I assume that the lyrics were part of the brief, “include a line or two from this song if you can fit it in.” Or maybe Ms. Brennan is a Winx fan.  
Also there are more WB Yeats quotes. Someone somewhere cares about Fate as a theme, and wants it to be a thing with depth and poetry, a true saga!  I… think that possibility fell off the table when season one had such a tragic lack of worldbuilding, but I kinda love that someone out there is trying.
One bit of ecology crept in: Terra and her father once rescues a fairy steed that ate human flesh.  So now we know the Otherworld has wolves, bears, sheep, and flesh eating fairy horses as animals.  There’s also a bit about Callum being “human” as in, not a fairy or specialist and Dowling hiring him because she doesn’t mind humans. But we don’t get any worldbuilding about how the different types of people work.
The characters:
-Terra meets Riven at a low point in his life, determines he’s being bullied and sets out to protect him.  Ms. Brennan does a grand job of writing Terra as Terra complete with babble and cringy woke language.  (the time to care about social justice is always. The time to talk about social justice with all the jargon is sometimes.)
-Stella has to choose a future roommate between queen bee Ilaria and nice person Ricki.  Knowing her mom wants her to have queen bee friends but actually liking Ricki better, Stella decides to set Ricki up with a boy who will make her more tough and also part of a power couple to make her an acceptable friend by Queen Luna’s standards.  She decides on Riven as the boy.  The accident that blinds Ricki takes place after the book ends so we don’t get to see the interesting fallout from that.
-Riven is bad at fighting and nobody is impressed by his edgelordiness.  Heh.  He hangs out with Terra until his true jerk nature comes out, she rejects him and he decides to take up substance abuse as a new hobby.
-Aisha is only in part of the story because she doesn’t live at the school. She has trouble with her magic and thinks of everything in sports terminology.
-Musa is even less present.  We read about her mother’s death a bit and how she has trouble not hearing other people’s thoughts and distances herself from everybody.
-Bloom is even less present than that but gets some bits of depth: she has no friends and likes buying things from antique stores and fixing them, and she accidentally starts fires when she sees injustice.  Actually Bloom’s mother gets a larger section, mourning that her daughter is drifting away from her and thinking how much she loves Bloom.  I wonder if the writers realized how awful Bloom’s mother looked in the show and wanted to walk that back a bit.
-There’s also a section from Silva’s point of view, him thinking about his terrible guilt over what happened with Andreas and how he really does care about Sky but has trouble showing his feelings.  And that he cares about Dowling as the leader he wants to follow, and he’s glad she’s a mind fairy so he doesn’t have to express his feelings in words.  So the book leans shippy but doesn’t go all the way!
There was also a “main plot” about orientation day at Alfea, students suspecting Dowling is having a romance with her assistant Callum who Beatrix murderizes later, and everyone getting slipped a truth potion, while Dowling is secretly going to earth to look for Bloom after finding an old letter by Rosalind about some important thing in the human world.  But really the book is about each character turning into who they are in the first season of the show.
For someone who loves Fate this book is a must-read.  For me who’s lukewarm on Fate it wasn’t unputdownable but it was not bad and it filled in some gaps and explored the characters’ feelings in ways that I thought were well done.  
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fandomfluffandfuck · 10 months
Re: fall out boy question
YES! I feel mostly the same way tbh! The main way I rank my favourite to least favourite is which songs end up most in the top 10 but then I also put a lot of weight on the sentimental value of it, part of the reason why I quite often rank new fall out over their older stuff is not because it’s better music but because I have so many memories associated with the newer albums as I listened to them (save rock and roll, American Beauty American psycho and Mania) religiously throughout highschool and they got me through a hell of a lot of teenage angst. But it’s amazing how well it actually stands up to scrutiny versus like Twenty One Pilots who I also listened to during my angst phase and although Vessel is a good album it doesn’t even hold a candle to something like Save Rock and Roll.
It’s only recently that I’ve actually started to listen and enjoy a lot of the older stuff because my music taste has shifted slightly (not majorly) but I definitely slept on Take This to Your Grave and even to some extent Infinity on High and Folie (heinous I know) and they’re just chefs kiss.
All the albums have their own merits and my rankings are so fucking messy cuz they’re more based on my feelings than the music itself. Basically my ranking if it was based on sentimental value would be totally different to ranking based on which has the “best” music (even though I stand by the fact they’ve never released a bad song let alone a bad album *cough* panic at the disco with Viva Las Vengeance *cough*)
related to this
Oh, nice! I can see that. And, yeah, I feel you--Fall Out Boy has a lot of sentimental meaning to me, too. I dealt with a shit ton of mental health problems growing up (ans I still deal with them), and their music definitely helped me through all that as well as through the regular, non-disordered teenage angst, lmao. Though, I will forever have a soft spot for SRAR because that was my introductory album to FOB. I was too young to have heard their pre-haitus stuff as it came out. I've since gone back and fallen in love with all the older stuff and a fuck ton of their solo projects, but, yeah, the stuff I was there for on the ground floor has some extra memories.
Also, my own high school memory of them is that I decided I didn't give a fuck about if other people found it cringy or not, I just had to do it... I had a FOB lyric as my senior quote, "you are what you love, not who loves you," from SRAR.
I also listened to a lot of TØP and P!ATD, but I never got fully into them the way I did with FOB (and, to some extent, MCR).
I'm glad you've gone back and listened! I love, love, love the old stuff. I personally have a music taste that's ALL OVER THE PLACE, and I feel like FOB gets most of the credit for it. They introduced from a whole new world away from radio pop, country hits, or classic rock. It's not just that their albums sound different, but because I got so into FOB and they all talk about their different musical backgrounds over the years, I began to consume all these different genres. Treating it like music recommendations. And I especially started listening to hardcore since that's where their roots lie. I fell in love. Hardcore, rock, metal, punk, etc. All the little sub genres of each, too. Nu metal, black metal, heavy metal, metalcore, etc., etc. I love it.
That's fair, though, rankings are often messy and all over the place anyway. Everyone has their own ears and opinions.
(I bought Viva Las Vengeance on CD before I listened and... I was pretty disappointed. I think it's good pop, and I don't mind pop music. Not at all! It's just not what I was expecting from Panic! Even as a follow-up to Pray For The Wicked, which was pretty pop-ish, too. Although, I must admit that the theory that the song "Local God" is a letter to Ryan Ross makes me actually love that song, lol.)
Thanks for giving me an excuse to rant about music, lmao.
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I don't think it's bad not to like everything! I'm sorry it's difficult to talk about without getting piled on.
Personally, I've been holding out for jungkook's album for a while now bc I had a sneaking suspicion that we'd be getting another of these types of songs. I'm hoping that when he actually writes them, bc we know he can write, that we can see more of the artist that he is. Idk why he idolizes the Justins and charlies of the world but I specifically am tired of that kind of music so I'm desperately hoping that this is the last one for now. Honestly I've been saying that for a bit so idk if Im just delusional at this point.
Idk if it's unfair to say, but the rest of the members have managed to keep their center of balance while pushing into the western market, but idk with jungkook if it's just that higher-ups really want to use him to break in further or if this is just the type of music he likes.
As to the cringy lyrics and the mv, I think jungkook has wanted to outgrow his 'cute' persona for a while and maybe sees the ultra sexual lyrics as a way to do that. Sloppily done, I'll admit, and too on the nose. But hey, if people didn't guess that a hot 25yo man gets laid before I guess they know now?
He still has the personality of bubblegum though
Yeah... I know Jungkook wants that sexy image, but I honestly don't know how else to express this, the white fuck boy image is the worst. Yet, it's a perfectly Western image. Jungkook is definitely the best member to promote in the West, but I wish they'd done it differently. He could've maintained some of his image. Even his singing and voice sound odd. His famous adlibs and backing vocals are missing and he sounded like someone else the pre-chorus or whatever.
I don't know if he wanted people to know he has sex. He literally had nothing to do with the lyrics. But I think he's living out his Bieber fantasy. I'm going to hold him to his promise that he'll do what he wants for his album and write his songs.
Thanks for the ask!
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