#this took me almost 3 hs and is just an sketch...
windydrawallday · 3 months
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Another "Thank You" doodle! I'm not putting names: each one will know what they contributed to make me gather the courage to do this x)
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Out of Time (Part 2)
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Part 1 | Part 3
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The team goes back to the compound to debrief and find out the two super soliders may not be the only ones out of their time.
Warnings: mentions of death (but not major)
Gifs & images aren’t mine.
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The team had made into the new facility and agreed they’d meet back in the conference room, after having cleaned up and had some nourishment, to debrief and discuss the findings from the intel Nat and Tony got a hold of.
Steve was currently sitting on the edge of his bed when he pulled out a small letter box, containing copious amounts of envelopes, cards, a few small passport sized photos and some smaller scrap paper with sketches on them.
He had ran his finger over the sorted envelopes and plucked one out at random.
Steven Grant Rogers
He looked at his name and brushed his thumb over the cursive writing.
He hadn’t looked through this box often since being out of the ice and since the death of Peggy.
But today made him do it. The shocking revelation that someone else from his past may still be living and still in her youth, like he and Bucky, made him question how and why he hadn’t even looked into finding out what happened.
Shaking his head at the thought he opened the aged envelope carefully and saw the small note in her handwriting.
Thank you for your service Capt.
You got our boy back, along with many others.
I knew you’d do great things, didn’t I?
Steve could almost hear her let out a giggle as she was writing this. He remembered she said he’d be great.
She always believed in me. He thought as he finished the letter
Don’t ever think I’ve forgotten about you two.
Hope you haven’t forgotten about lil ole me.
I do recall you boys saying you wouldn’t, so I’m expecting a response this time “Cap.”
Stay safe, take care of eachother and remember,
We’re routing for you here in Brooklyn.
Go be the man I knew you’d be.
She was the only one that knew who he was, outside of those he fought alongside with, the scientists who conducted the experiment and the government officials who had access to his files at the time.
Wow he thought.
All this time and he still felt warm after reading one of her letters.
She always showed kindness to the skinny boy from Brooklyn. Never once did she treat him any differently, or favour Bucky over him. She was always fair and she always had faith in them.
He flipped the paper over to see if anything else had been written and he almost broke down
When you come back, make sure you bring Miss Carter with you.
I’d love to meet the woman you’re so head over heels for.
Steve had forgotten he made the promise to always come back and see you. It didn’t matter if he and Bucky were sick and dying. They made that promise but not even they could’ve prepared for the events which had took place many decades ago.
He had also forgotten that he mentioned Peggy to her and so reading the letter brought so many emotions he wasn’t ready to face yet.
This was sent before Bucky fell off the train, before he went under yet he didn’t even have any recollection of getting anymore letters from her after.
He had placed it back in its envelope and was going to open another when F.R.I.D.A.Y come over the houses system
Captain, Mr Stark has asked that I send out a reminder to everyone to make way to the debriefing room.
“Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y. I’ll be on my way”
I shall notify mr stark and the others who are already in the room.
And with that, Steve closed the box and put it under his bed before releasing a gust of air and exiting his room.
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“Ok. Lay it on me.” Nick had come in to hear the mission report once the team had returned.
“Well we all know Taskmaster and his goons have been making headway over the last few months” Said Natasha as she placed the image of the man on the holographic projector.
“Well there’s been talk of him opening a training institution.” Tony took over as he stood to meet agent Romanoff on the opposite side of the table.
“Taskmaster?” This was visions turn to ask who this character was. The other members had encountered him or heard about the man from previous missions and various connections on the ground. Vision hadn’t been present for those times and had accompanied Wanda to this particular meeting since they may need their help in the future.
“He’s a bit of an oddball, I’d say. Sometimes good, sometimes bad but it’s now just mostly bad.” Shrugged Nat as she thought about saying he was a double agent of some sort but that might be hypocritical to her and he also favoured committing crimes, receiving rewards, instead of helping others like she is now doing.
“He basically caters to the highest bidder and seeing as the bad guys are the ones with the most capital, why not market to them?” Came Nick’s summary. He had been sitting back in his chair and watching the holographs each time they changed, soaking it in.
“Anyways, the intel we gathered showed locations of some of these institutions and some even had how many were enrolled and names.” Tony said as he made the map bigger and began singling out the known locations they were able to retrieve from the mission.
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“There was also a list of which of those students have been traded, or their services sold to other evil organisations.” Nat spoke up as she pointed to another list tony had shared infront of everyone.
"What we’re slightly more interested in is his accomplice.”
“They call her mainly things...”
“There’s Countess V, Lady Lila, or Commander V.”
Tony and Natasha were going back and forth explaining the basics of the accomplice in question.
“How’s it gone from V to Lila? And what’s the V stand for” Sam asked raising his finger slightly to indicate he had a question. He wasn’t the only one confused on the name change.
“From what we gathered, Lila is German for purple and it seems that people that have encountered her always mention seeing her eyes turn purple. They would draw people in and put them in hypnotic trance”
“and there had been mentions in some old compromised S.H.I.E.L.D record of a “project v” where the patient also had the visible mutation of purple irises.”
“Does that answer your question Mr Wilson?” Tony’s voice came out a bit snippy causing Sam to put his hands up in surrender. Tony caught on his attitude wasn’t needed and gave Sam a look which said sorry. Sam gave back a slight nod, acknowledging the silent apology. They were all tired and wanted to be done with this so he understood it came out harsher than intended.
“We can only assume that means she possesses the ability to manipulate others which is threatening to the government and other officials if she’s deciding on which jobs to take like Taskmaster makes his decisions.” Being able to access codes and data only to give them to an enemy of the nation or state for some cash was enough to put anyone on edge, especially sine they’ve only go found out about this woman, and that she’s working for an entitled criminal.
“She was last time-stamped back in the 40’s, around the same time Mr Barnes was presumed dead, as a missing person, yet here she is now” The team knew that it was tough to mention that period in Bucky’s life but Nick knew it was important for emphasis.
“What does this person look like?” Wanda sounded. She had heard of the project back when sh was being tested on along with her brother, yet no one had an image in their heads of who project V was or the full extent of their powers, just that they were using the same methods and the serum they extracted from her at some point to test on others.
Only problem was that everyone was different and so everyone present different powers or enhancements that didn’t seem to be fully connected with all of hers.
Nick stood from his chair and made way to where agent Romanoff and Stark were standing.“May I?” He asked Tony when referring to using the device to retrieve the photo.
“By all means” Tony has stepped back as Nick put in his credentials for the database.
“We found this image under a file left open from a hydra agent working undercover.” He pushed the holographic image to the rest of the team, it rotating in the center of the table
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At the sight of the image, both Steve and Bucky stiffened and the team turned to look at the two
It’s her, they both thought.
“I can assume you know this face?” The team kept watching the two men and wondered if the person that caused them to freeze on the roof during the mission was her.
“She was a friend.” Uttered Bucky. He had turned his head down at the thought of seeing her face again. Hs doesn’t know why, but he’s felt like he’s seen her before. Maybe his memory was still foggy. He was probably hallucinating is what he thought when he attempted to recall whether or not it was a true memory or false.
Even with the help of Shuri and the Wakandan doctors, they just weren’t able to unlock certain areas of his momery like they were able to get rid of the trigger words he was once controlled by.
They had suggested getting help from Wanda but he was apprehensive until now. Maybe this was the push he needed to try and fill in more gaps.
“She lived in the same building as me before they injected me with the serum when I got enlisted... I thought she’d be much older, or dead.” Steve face was scrunched up in confusion at the revelation that his first lo- well the first person he’s felt deeply for, was still alive, or at least he thought she was the same person as he remembered.
“Well it seemed that the same doctor that experimented on Steve, Dr Erskine, had a hand in this but stopped once he realised they were doing this for the wrong reasons.”Nick was leaning over the table and bring up more documents they had found or were able to retrieve.
The more documents brought up, the more the two soldiers figured the person they thought they knew probably wasn’t all she had been. This was something big to Nick also, it seemed he was deeply invested if he was willing to look for all these documents and translations that he was providing.
“So this was before Steve?” Clint asked looking at Natasha who had kept her head down.
“Not exactly. The project was a round the same time as Steve and from what we gathered, she was one of the few that passed all the tests they had set out.” Tony explained.
Nick watched as Natasha remained with her eyes down. She was playing it off as if she was looking at the files. She knew something. Nick thought as he moved his eyes off of her to look around the room.
This was something that they hadn’t expected or accounted for since they thought they had dealt with the remaining hydra super soldiers and had gotten the twins. There were no other mentions of past experiments dating back before (or during) Steve or Bucky that they were aware of, yet here she was.
Hydra was good at keeping secrets and it seemed once they exposed their infiltration in government agencies, that all hell broke loose.
“My thing is how was she able to stay under the radar for so long? Surely she would’ve made a mistake along the way.” Tony said. His posture straightened and hand under chin, contemplating how it was possible they’d have another enhanced that was supposedly younger than Steve and Bucky, yet they’re only just discovering her existence.
“And that’s why it’s concerning” Nicks voice was still monotonous but his body language displayed different.
He was tense and confused. The others were as well.
“Seems like you two weren’t the only ones that made it into the 21st century then.” Came from Sam as he kept looking at the woman on the screen. He and everyone else were at a loss for words.
The two soldiers looked at eachother and back at the picture of the woman they once knew.
How? Was the main question running through everyone’s head.
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Hey everyone:)))
Hope you’re all doing good.
Love y’all ❤️
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noelsilvas · 5 years
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“ i’m way too sleep deprived to deal with your negativity right now ” - jake peralta or noel silve u tell me
NAME: noel adrian silva NICKNAMES: nada AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: december 23 SPECIES: he’s like 90% acrylic paint at this point GENDER: cismale PRONOUNS: he/him
MOTHER: biological , unknown FATHER: biological , unknown PARENTS:  celeste & malachi “mal” silva who love him more than they love themselves FAMILY:  v much chosen SIBLINGS: younger sister, 20-21 unnamed JUST IN CASE but super into music and v much a pain in his ass, actually came up in foster care together ; nicholas “nicky” silva , 5 , celeste and mal’s only biological son , kind of a miracle and the love of noel’s LIFE
FACE CLAIM: tommy martinez RACE/ETHNICITY: venezuelan NATIONALITY: american HEIGHT: 6′2 WEIGHT: idk whatever a healthy bmi is BUILD: was once an athlete, hasn’t lifted a weight in 2 years HAIR: curly and in desperate need of a cut FACIAL HAIR: stubble, at the moment, will likely grow it out as winter comes  HAIR COLOR: dark dark dark brown EYE COLOR: light brown SKIN COLOR: also light brown DOMINANT HAND: right ANOMALIES: freckles mostly on his shoulders and chest SCENT: patchouli and vanilla ACCENT: nada PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: nada LEARNING DISABILITIES: nada, just really bad at math ALLERGIES: peanut butter :( DISORDERS: nada FASHION: stripes! mismatched socks, cuffed jeans, knit sweaters, band merch, black denim, owns one (1) pair of overalls, beanies in the fall NERVOUS TICS: rubs his bottom lip in thought a lot QUIRKS: wears a broken watch, socks never match, almost always has paint on his fingertips, owns 38274 notebooks full of handwritten lyrics and has 3298427 untitled unsorted voicenotes of melodies he’s made up in his lil brain
HOME ADDRESS: east side RESIDES: east side apartment BORN: west side of victoria RAISED: west side of victoria VEHICLE: 2015 toyota SOCCER MOM SUV PHONE: iphone x LAPTOP/COMPUTER: macbook air, massive desktop in his room PETS: orange tabby w 3 white paws and 1.5 ears named JIM 
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: graduated COLLEGE EDUCATION: graduated but ... not quickly and not happily lol ... will be Going Back once he figures himself out MAJOR: business  MINOR: music theory CAREER: currently works at a tattoo place on the west side EXPERIENCE: had odd jobs growing up, sold some artwork every now and then OTHER: dabbling w the thought of going back to school to be a hs music teacher
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: independent RELIGION: read a lot about wicca bc he thinks it’s ‘dope’ but doesn’t practice anything BELIEFS: WHOLLY believes in art for arts sake , ‘time is a manmade concept, an illusion’ DRUGS: eh, maybe once or twice SMOKES: gets high every sunday but cigarettes are GROSS  ALCOHOL: occasionally DIET: literal black hole will consume anything
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: heteroromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual MARTIAL STATUS: *sweats* CHILDREN: absolutely not AVAILABILITY: loves love LOOKING FOR: a muse
LANGUAGES: english, spanish
PHOBIAS: heights HOBBIES: plays like 10 instruments including french horn, writing, painting, sketching, smoking, taking jim for walks TRAITS: + charismatic, kind, ardent, nurturing ; - kinda dumb sometimes, flaky, no sense of self SOCIAL MEDIA: instagram, tinder, snapchat, twitter, myspace still active
LOCATION: in front of a blank canvas SPORTS TEAM: ....... nah GAME: a bitch probably loves cards against humanity and actively plays any video game that isn’t grand theft auto MUSIC: indie pop, independent rappers, would DIE for j. cole SHOWS: community, bob’s burgers, great british bake off MOVIES: dazed and confused, remember the titans, everybody wants some FOOD: will literally eat anything but particularly likes his mom’s oatmeal cookies :\ BEVERAGE: chocolate milk :\ COLOR: forest green
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral ENNEAGRAM: four, the individualist ZODIAC: capricorn HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff TV TROPES: jake peralta, nick miller, SCOTT! MCCALL!!!! SONG: fuck, i’m lonely — lauv 
IDEOLOGIES: it costs $0 to be a decent fucking human being, brad
grew up in foster care which really prevented him from having any sense of permanence. he bounced around a lot but never outside of victoria. his childhood was spent constantly sharing a room and not really knowing who he was or where he came from or if he’d ever ... know lol. was literally left on a doorstep on christmas eve, hence the name noel
was always a messy kid, always getting into something. never really any REAL trouble but he was a handful and no one seemed to want to adopt the bouncing kid who drew on walls and wouldn’t stop singing the fucking arthur theme song. he was fine with it, didn’t mind the company, didn’t really know anything else though
otherwise was fairly,... normal as a kid. was v average in school but excelled in creative arts, spent a lot of time in an after school program that allowed him to learn music and further his art skills
this is where he met celeste and mal, as they sort of ran this little non-profit after school program and boy oh boy did they love noel
they married young, very much in love, and they’d been trying for a while for a child but... unfortunately had too many problems conceiving. the only issue with adoption was they really just ... loved this noel but weren’t sure if they were ready to take a full on pre-teen into their home, being in their early 20s themselves
it took about three years ,... agonizing but ... worth it .. to be fully ready to adopt noel (and unnamed sister) and when he was 14 he moved to the east side and officially became a silva. they weren’t super wealthy, but they had more than enough and gave him everything he could’ve asked for. they’ve always been... nurturing and encouraging and despite the fact that noel doesn’t really know who he is at his core, he knows that he got patience and kindness from his parents
and they are ... his parents ... and he has nO desire to find his biological parents. like literally zero. he can figure himself on his own and as far as he’s concerned celeste and mal are mom and dad
anyway ... dude’s an artsy soul through and through. his first love was music but he’s... not the spotlight type, not a front man, literally retches at the thought of being on stage bc it lowkey frightens him so mostly he just writes music, plays it for the sake of relaxation
his second love is art. sketching, painting, most specifically: street art. he’s careful with it, though, considering he’d never want to put his parents through the STRESS of having a delinquent son
feels a lot of pressure to be something great because he’s ... just.... idk he has this fucking weird complex where he KNOWS he knows his parents love him but he kinda feels a need to prove that choosing him was The Right Choice
anyway he’s currently working at a tattoo shop, living his best life, considering going back to school and dreading it
it’s just really important that you know
that his socks?
they never match
thank you
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uzushira-devil · 7 years
Senior Year so far (a blog by a dope)
If ur new to following my trashcan blog, and you happen to read this, 1. Hi, I love u. 2. I don’t keep a journal so I just blog here because...
Just like 4 things.
1. omfg my art is great but I have no one to share it with. It kinda bothers me how I’ve been drawing for over 16 years, and drawing everyday really makes a difference, and I love it. Even if I have a shitty idea, it turns out good. Hopefully I can take on some projects during school, but rn drawing and sketching is so enjoyable now... but doing music makes me sad in comparison because I’ve been doing it for a considerably less time, but I realize just practicing everyday at anything, even music for me which turns things on its head.
2. Being my annoying ass self kind of helps me succeed in in these past couple of weeks. Profs have to listen to me (e.g., Dr. C when I kept saying the right answer, then he said it was right, and I voiced that I was confused and he told me I was right lol). Also just relating to people, and using my impeccable social skills (as a person who has social anxiety, it is a paradox, I know... lol) I realized that the junior class has taken a liking to me. They’re friendly... my class for some reason was not like this resulting in me being friends with one girl in my class, and that’s because she told me her life story one night freshman year. Like I know too much about her, but I love her lol. Tbh, I’ve always known that letting go of pettiness opens doors, and that’s what I’ve done once again. It makes me happy (this is being petty towards people for no reason).
3. If my friend could stfu about our HS choir director. He was mad coz he ain’t taught him shit. We literally went to a school were hardly no one can afford voice lessons $20/week I think. I was fucking lucky that my parents paid for piano lessons, and I haven’t let them go to waste, but that’s how my school was. Mr. B taught music theory, and if you were fucking serious about becoming a music major, that’s the first thing you should take. Idk if he took that class, but he did teach efficiently for me to learn about Theory I and I’m certain I got an A in that class in college. It offends me to hear someone say that Mr. B ain’t taught nobody shit. As musicians, he opened doors for all those who knocked. If it weren’t for him among other factors, I wouldn’t even be able to follow in his footsteps. He couldn’t give us the world in music, but he opened the doors for those who knocked. My friend, did not knock lol.
4. In all my years of college, I’ve missed like... maybe... 2 assignments and still turned them in for credit. Tbh, most of the shit I ever missed was in theory coz I was too tired to complete the hw the night before (bad scheduling on my part. I could’ve spaced it out, but did it all in one night... or just flat out forgot about it lol). In other academics, however, I don’t think I’ve ever missed a date. Got late to class? Of course... I live fucking 20 minutes away unlike a 5-8 minute walk from the apartments to class so... but I digress. I’ve put every assignment in my phone, and with prof’s reminders from week to week I’ve been able to do assignments on time. It bother’s me how profs are like, “you need to keep a planner, stay organized” like... I know what I’m doing... i’ve been doing the same thing for almost four years and it hasn’t failed me yet. If you’re reading this (highly unlikely, but if you are), just do what works best for you. Profs talking about planners and writing shit down freaks me out if i’m honest...
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