#this video is killing meeeee
kivovis · 5 months
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abijahfowler · 5 months
their groupchat is called the dumpling strikes back and abijah isn’t allowed to breathe in there
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maikhiwi00 · 1 year
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blumele · 2 years
reading the setlists for the other tour dates with all the songs i wanted to hear live that they didn’t play at my show
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bluerosefox · 1 month
"OMA, kill meeeee" Ellie, aka Wrath complained as she allowed her head to 'thunk' on the cafeteria table in the Watchtower she phased into in order to sit in next to a boy dressed in red, yellow, and green.
"Aren't you already halfway there?" Came Robin's response as he took a drink of his water, eyeing his teammate with a raised eyebrow, though it was difficult to tell with his mask in place.
"OMA?" Asked Superboy on the other side of the boy.
"Shush you." She said towards Robin before answering Superboy "Oh my Ancients, it's like OMG but like for us ghosties."
"Tt" "Oh!" Came both their responses.
"So..." began Superboy after a few minutes of silence between them as he looked at Ellie like a confused puppy "Why?"
Ellie groaned and just stayed slumped on the table as she said "Da's dumb Observants council is hosting another dumb ball to try to get him or me hitched again, and like always I'm forced to attend because I'm Da's heir. We both hate it with a passion, most are just stuck up, power hungry, social climbers trying to get into our pants for the royal titles... Espcially if they become our Forevermores."
"Tt, why not just get rid of them? Or simply have your Father dismiss the ball." Robin said, his eye twitching in annoyance just at the thought of it. A ball sounded even more annoying than the gala parties he is made to go to.
"Sounds stressful... Also Forevermores?" Superboy asked, he was always curious of Ellie and her ghost culture but never knew what could be asked or not, he had been warned to never ask how a ghost died after all and that question is normally asked in every ghost hunter video on the internet.
"Forevermores is our term for the ONE. The one and only we will ever be with. Till our final end takes us we are always to be with them only. We are core creatures and bonding on that level is like sacred, we don't rush into bonding like that though. But everyone in the Realms hopes to be either become mine or Da's. And the ball is their best chance at meeting us on neutral grounds." Ellie explained as best as she could for Jon, it was hard trying to explain the type of level a Forevermore was "And to answer you Robin, Da can't. The Observants, despite how annoying they can get with their dumb demands, are part of the system council for the Realms, they're sadly needed to keep things in check hence their name. Da and his friends are still trying to find a loophole to get rid of them though. They were only created when they put Tyrant King to sleep and they still sadly have some backings from other powerful ghosts in the Realms, even an Ancient or two and in order to fully dismiss them we need all Ancients on board. And the ball keeps a lot of ghosts, especially the more powerful ones, errr I guess happy? Most just use it to gossip on neutral grounds, others just like to dance, network, or other junk like that. Basically, when it's not about them trying to get mine or Da's hand in ghost marriage, it's fun so Da can't dismiss it, it'll ruffle to many feathers."
"Wow..." "Tt." Were the response from her teammates.
"Yeah. Da really isn't happy because someone suggested inviting powerful people from a few Mortal Realms this time. Somehow it got approved. So... here." She said as she reached into her own chest, phasing her hand in, and pulled out two green envelopes and placed them on the table in front of them. Both boys stared in surprise to see their names written in dark purple ink and the stylized DP on it.
"CW let me invite you guys personally. Everyone else should be getting theirs in about a few minutes complete with a blaze of green fire and spooky vibes." Ellie said with a strained smile, both happy to invite them but also dreading the questions she'll no doubt have to answer once the invites were sent.
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healer-pop · 26 days
YOU!!! FIEND YOU!!! DONT think about how venture would whisper the *filthiest* of phrases in your ear,,, pressing a kiss to your neck before just walking off like they DIDNT JUST- ahem bonus points if its in spanish just *think* about that drawl in their voice,, ouhg :]c -feral
I CANTTT DO THIS — there’s not enough Venture content to sustain me 😭 I already linger in yt videos with their voicelines and the venture’s adventures one… it kills meeeee
i think about that one post about them pulling you aside in the middle of a teamfight to make out with you all the time. they’d feel so guilty about it, but so helpless at the same time. they can’t keep their hands off of you, trying to soak in any and all content with you that they could before they’d have to return. it would be so sloppy and rough, their desperation seeping through like the salty sweat on their skin. leaving your lips red and bruised, clothes disheveled, as if you two actually fucked, but they couldn’t bring themselves to actually go that far, no matter how much they wanted it. they had a mission to complete. but rutting against you? feeling the warmth of your own arousal against theirs? enough to tide them… for now. they’d wish they’d actually cum against your leg, or fingers, but it’d probably chafe really bad.
if anyone caught them, they’d probably claim to have needed extra special healing, they are a flanker after all. need to be in tip top shape to get those nasty incapacitations.
can see them being the nastiest flirt when no one is watching. pda is pretty wholesome when eyes are on you, but when they turn away? Venture is backing you into a darken corner of the base, whispering to you the small amount of Spanish they’ve taught you, about all the things they’re going to accomplish between your legs tonight. (“Mi lengua va a probar lo dulce que eres esta noche, cariño. No pararé hasta que ambos estemos satisfechos. Mis dedos quieren estar dentro de ti, ahora mismo. Pero esperaré hasta poder oírte gritar.”)*
it almost gives you whiplash when they pull away, and you wonder if they’re some sort of masochist because you know their own words and thoughts affect them just as badly as they do you. Venture accidentally edges themselves by thinking of you lol. definitely the type to become a bit more spacey when they’re in a relationship with you because you’re on their mind all the time. plays it off super well though! but horny them is another beast…
* — I’m going to taste how sweet you are with my tongue, tonight, darling. I’m not going to stop until we’re both satisfied. My fingers want to be inside you. But I’ll wait until I can hear you scream.
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gentlemanbutch · 7 months
Full fucking offense but your disability is not comparable to people being fucking bombed en masse. Typical whiteass American behavior to try to derail the conversation and being 'WUT ABOUT MEEEEE'
JIC you didnt know there are disabled people being bombed rn who are missing entire limbs or their fucking faces and yet youre still complaining. You havent experienced war. Your ass is sitting comfy at your house rn.
And just for the record! Yes-leftists HAVE been telling people to wear masks and advocating for people of disability you just feel like they havent because you want something to complain about but dont actually want to pay attention to said activism because its everywhere around you. Stay in your fucking lane.
Sorry that’s the message you took from my post. That isn’t the attitude I have, actually, and that’s not at all what I said. What’s happening in Palestine is beyond words. And as I watch it, it’s horrifying thinking about the disabled people who will be left behind. It’s horrifying thinking about the diseases that are being spread because of a lack of all resources. Just today, I saw a video of a woman whose leg had just been amputated being pushed in a wheel chair out of Gaza. And that’s horrifying — it’s horrifying she can’t receive care in a hospital but instead is being pushed out of her home. It’s horrifying that many will not be pushed or carried out and will be left to die.
We are seeing what happens to disabled people when mass bombings and genocide occurs. There are intersections of issues here. And because of that, it’s deeply disheartening to see many (obviously not all) white leftists here in the US not seeing these intersections and ignoring them. That’s … all I said. If you took more from that, I don’t really know what to tell you.
I stand fully with Palestinians and am working every day to educate myself, but I would not consider myself an expert on their history. I think that would be naive and extremely arrogant. But I DO understand what it’s like to be disabled. I can understand the intersection of issues enough to say, “hey, this is something we should talk about.” Because what is happening to Palestinians isn’t happening in isolation. White supremacy is a multi-headed beast, and it’s most obviously killing Palestinians right now. That’s very obvious to anyone with eyes. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have other impacts that intersect and overlap and that we shouldn’t talk about them.
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latinotiktok · 1 year
no we dont forgive you. give us $50 to both admins.
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batmanego · 29 days
https://youtu.be/0u07JmZNwOo?si=01hz1JmvmFZ7Q1Kh okay i hope the sound on this youtube repost is there because this video is so important to me
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ooo for the ask game 17 and 20!!!
17. List five headcanons for your favorite characters!
(I did 5 hcs each for my top 3)
1. i always draw his smile lopsided bc i hc that he has an asymmetrical face bc i think it looks nice + makes him look unique
2. his fav color is pink
3. he is the type of guy who browses wikipedia as a hobby
4. he's kinda always cold and thats how he can survive wearing a hoodie on a tropical island
5. personal onion i dont think he has ever actually killed anyone with his own hands even as ultimate despair. i think even as ultimate despair he was the type to manipulate others into killing ppl rather than doing it himself
1. he/they hinata ftw
2. he is autistic
3. he is ALSO a guy who browses wikipedia as a hobby
4. he sucks at video games (this is canon)
5. idk if we get much info on his family but in my mind they are rich overachievers, and they are a huge part of why hajime feels the need to prove himself and be someone special and talented. I also think that he might have an older sibling (like several years older) who is very smart and successful and he feels he needs to live up to that, and his parents do not help to alleviate that feeling at all. in fact they make it worse.
1. he is shaped exactly like me. we are already the same height and weight and hes got such transmasc swag. we are the same.
2. he can't stand the taste of artificial sweeteners just like meeeee
3. he has adhd (like me ^_^)
4. he cuts and dyes his own hair
5. i think he still likes to use a lot of 'outdated' technology because he understands it better than computers (its easier to take apart and mess with). like for music he prefers physical media he can put in a player rather than an mp3 player.
20. What is your favorite aspect of Danganronpa?
I think both the character designs and character writing has always been one of dr's strong points. The character designs and art style are what particularly drew me in at first. I REALLY appreciate the unique-ness of the art style particularly in the way that the eyes are drawn. The tiny pupil approach is not one you see in anime often at all and it really makes the dr style stand out to me. Maybe its just because I don't give my characters pupils in my art, but i think it looks neat :^)
The character designs, in my opinion, are often immediately engaging and tell a lot about the characters right off the bat. I like chara designs that are a bit more detailed than not, but there is a balance that needs to be struck and i think a lot of dr designs do that for me.
As for the chara writing itself, I think dr does a good job of making something for everyone. Meaning that no matter what tropes you prefer for characters you are likely to find at least one character you enjoy. Yes the charas are trope-y but i think that is 100% fine because there is a good deal of variety to them as well.
ok this post got way too long SORRY. ty for the ask ^_^
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Idk why I thought this but I blame you for putting this concept in my head so I'm dumping this Maxnico blurb in your askbox and hoping you like it
You kind of assume you'd end up on your knees in the winner's room but this was NOT how Max had imagined it would go when Nico had picked him. It wasn't his first time here but it was still special because well it was Nico. There was something about being the championship leader that had given him this irresistible pull some sort of power Max had thought would spill on to him purely on the basis of proximity. Nico could have had anyone on the paddock on their knees begging for him to deign to fuck them even if the concept of the winner's room didn't exist but Nico had chosen Max of all people and for a glorious few minutes he had thought meant something, that Nico saw something special in him something that made him worth Nico's time, someone Nico could someday respect.
He was wrong. So wrong. And is there really a worse place to realize that then on his kness between a fully clothed Nico's legs on maybe his 6th attempt on convincing Nico to treat him like a grown up and do the winner's room the right way. He'd barely gotten his mouth near Nico's inner thigh before a rough hand in hsir had yanked him back so that he was looking straight into Nico's eyes. "Behave" was all Nico had said as if he was a misbehaving toddler and not a grand prix winner. He sat still on his knees since he could've moved Nico had told him could Nico had said go play video games but he'd stayed where he was and after a while Nico's punishing hand from earlier had returned to gently brush through Max's hair. Max hated how calming the repeated movement was. Max hated that he could see Nico reading Lewis's post race interview on the phone while Max was on his knees for him. A bitter childish part of him wanted to scream I'll be world champion someday, I'll beat your precious Lewis someday. Maybe then Nico would see him as an equal, maybe then Nico would love him, Maybe then Nico would realize that it's Max that deserves his attention. Max knew in that moment if he ever won the championship Nico's name would be the only thing on his lips.
anon I want you to know I have read this maybe everyday since it's been in my inbox and think about it CONSTANTLY. i like it so much I didn't even wanna post it and keep it to myself But you deserve to be appreciated~
there's something so AHHHHHHH about a 2016 max full of swagger and assumptions about the WR and being Proud he was chosen...... the irresistible pull of a championship leader spilling over why would you say that to meeeee 😩😩😩 and it's about NICO?! *swoons* awww baby Maxy 🥺🥺🥺 putting his self esteem on being called at the WR to Mean something... someone worthy of Respect (which we don't have time to unpack but wow what a can of worms if you consider the point of the WR)
treat him like a grown up!!! 6TH attempt!!! Agshsjsjjs I screamed... I think I've said here before my favourite max nico trope is baby max girlbossing nico who is too neurotic about the championship and focused on lewis to Realize until it's too late.
BEHAVE!!!!! TREATING HIM LIKE A TODDLER AND NOT A GRAND PRIX WINNER!!! i can Imagine Max's pout already!!! mouthing at his fireproofs *faints*
GO PLAY A GAME AGhsjjdjsjd... max on his knees and nico stroking his hair like a kitten...... when i say I passed away.... I'm typing this with ectoplasm you killed me.... and Nico reading Lewis' post race interview? canon. perfect. chef's kiss. I'm the chef and I'm kissing you. im also the customer who got served this delicious meal and im kissing you (the chef) chef4chef
I'll be world champion someday!!! I'll beat your precious Lewis!!! And he DID!!! ur so sick for adding that line...... god now I want a WR where the WDC can have anyone on the paddock (including interviewers/former world champions, anyone who already knows what the WR is/signed ndas that never expire) where Maxy gets his revenge...... or the respect a world champion commands...
itadakimasu 🤲 thank you for the food 🥺🥺🥺
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neonscandal · 1 year
hii, any anime recs similar to deadman wonderland?
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Thank you for asking! Because one thing about meeeee? I loved Deadman Wonderland (as featured on this list). There are a few aspects that ultimately drove me to read the manga for a sense of resolution and, since I can't be sure what you liked most about the show, I've included a mixed bag that I hope you'll like! Since this is a specific request, some suggestions may be longer than the bite size recs I typically post.
For the Blood for the Sake of Blood
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Elfen Lied (series)
Filed Under: “That first episode tho”, “I love the kind of women that will actually just kill me”
Coming out the gates with an Elfen Lied recommendation is probably ill advised given the controversial way the series has aged (I had to save it for last on this list). But if you're looking to sate the need for gratuitous blood and shock value from the new and interesting fates suffered by prisoners and Deadmen alike, this is probably the way to go. The story follows an escaped survivor of inhumane experimentation who leaves behind a trail of bloody and decapitated bodies. Such is the revenge of Lucy, the Diclonius female lead, who, in her great escape, suffers a debilitating injury that causes an interesting divergence in personality.
Sub/Dub | Prime Video
For the Mutation
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Blood Blockade Battlefront (series)
If you liked the idea of the Deadman Wonderland fights spawned from the bloody extension of each fighters' body? Might be worth checking out Blood Blockade Battlefront. Not quite as dystopian as DW (and subsequently a bit more lighthearted), BBB takes place in what used to be New York where magic and monsters are policed by an underground crime fighting organization known as Libra. Members of the force tend to have supernatural powers that make them uniquely qualified to keep up with the nefarious forces that operate just below the surface of Hellsalem's Lot.
Sub/Dub | CrunchyRoll, Funimation
For the Desensitized Dystopia
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Danganronpa (series)
Admittedly, Danganronpa can be a bit confusing to watch. You're just kind of dropped into the middle of the story and have to watch as a group of people (in this case, students) are forced to kill one another for the sake of living to see another day. Sound familiar? Without spoiling too much, I think Danganronpa shares a few other key ingredients with Deadman Wonderland which include fatal punishments, sensationalized violence (arguable), and an inescapable game.
Sub/Dub | Funimation, Crunchyroll, Hulu
For the Philosophical Question
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Ajin: Demi Human (series)
Deadman Wonderland is interesting because there are several levels of conspiracy. Immediately, you have the POV of the everyday person who can spectate the prisoners at Deadman Wonderland. Then you drop down a layer and discover some of the dead or missing prisoners are actually in a fight to the death as Deadmen, something even high level prison guards aren't aware of but enjoyed, nonetheless, by elite members of society. Without spoiling too much for readers who haven't finished DW, we see, deeper still, there's an even more nefarious plot at play. It compounds the hopelessness the Deadmen feel as, how can you get help for a situation most people don't even know exist? It takes morality out of the equation when all those imprisoned are presumably guilty of crimes. It's why the spectacle of their suffering can be enjoyed by general onlookers. The Deadmen in G Block serve a "life sentence" for possessing a Branch of Sin, regardless of the crime that got them there which almost supports the idea that their power makes them too dangerous to be released. Subsequently the violence of their game and general treatment are considered in line for someone already dead.
I think Ajin hits a few of these notes by begging the question: what does it mean to be human? Similar to Deadman Wonderland, you see an overpowered derivative of the human genome that is oppressed by the larger, weaker population. Their humanity is in question but the cruelty of the other humans toward them show that anyone is capable of being a monster. I think Ajin: Demi Human explores different cause and effect of this phenomenon on human nature through the motivation and journey of each of the main cast of characters, notably: Kei Nagai, Satou and Kouji Tanaka.
Sub/Dub | Netflix
Unrelated but Kind of Related
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Battle Royale (movie)
I know you didn't ask for live action but, if you haven't seen this cult classic, watch this too. Battle Royale walked so The Hunger Games could run and earned the stake of its own genre by the same name. I enjoy it so much that I included it even though it kind of broke my blue/red aesthetic for the list.
Dub | Prime Video
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boag · 7 months
This Snapchat video Keaton took of me in 9th grade drama class is fucking killing meeeee LMAOAO
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emailclub · 7 months
i hate when profs link a video because i can’t focus for that long it’s a podcast but not like on any platform except youtube so i have to watch it and it’s killing meeeee i would rather read
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evansbby · 7 months
why the hell would he be rapping about it//
Thisss💀 because I looked it up as well and the first picture that popped up kind of looks like the costume he’s wearing?? Idk😭 why would he be wearing it in the first place is the question.
Also, hear me out. I’m not saying Pete isn’t hot…it’s just that video that’s irking me😫 I think if he just wasn’t wearing the costume and didn’t start rapping with sass I think I would’ve let it slide…but bestie, I let a lot of shit slide in the past I just can’t with this one💀
And yes I agree that Pete is way more daddy than A**y B****r. Also wtf is up with Chris and his characters singing😭😭 You unlocked a memory that I was trying to erase when you said that Andy(🤢) was also singing😭😭
“rapping with sass” KILLED MEEEEE you don’t understand I just laughed out loud I’m grinning like an idiot that was so funny bc he really is just rapping with sass 😭😭😭
See I think you and me are the opposite bc I don’t think Pete is hot at all like visually from any of the pics or videos I’ve seen he’s like bleh and doesn’t even look like Chris 🥺🥺
BUTTT this rap scene?!? Idk he looks hot to me bestie idc if he’s wearing a weird oblong object costume 😭😭😭 it’s the baseball cap and black outfit underneath and his rapping and it’s just HOT ok I have niche tastes and this fits right into my niche tastes 😭😭😭😭
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navysealt4t · 10 months
hi !!! blue !!!
update: !!
i am! losing my mind !!!
Focusing on the near blindingly yellow presence, it's easy enough to knock the comm from his hand. Not even leaving so much as a fighting chance, all it takes is a quick strike to the wrist, followed by hooking the sharpened blade right where it'll hurt. Just between the gaps of his armor, where maybe he would've avoided in a fair fight— but this isn't a fair fight, and he has no real interest in fighting fair when he's defending from an ambush— and Zam is down, leaving behind nothing but a soft yellow glow and a new rush of power for Clown.
fighting wit ha scythe.... very interesting niche!! i love fun weapons (i've watched at least a dozen videos on fighting with scythes .....)
also just !!! ehfnjhkfdfjkm !
YOOOO :0 days so cool….. i love fighting with cool weapons. like one of my ocs amora i DESPERATELY wanted to give her a crowbar :( but she is very non violent so it wouldn’t have made much sense. i gave. her a small kitchen knife instead <3
there’s not many fights she gets into except for maybe one :3 and it’s very sad hehe i love her. she gay af and so sad . also butterfly wings!
and and the ‘zam is down, leaving nothing behind but a soft yellow glow and a new rush of power’ THATS KILLING MEEEEE I LOVE THAT
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