gameofthunder66 · 1 year
'Another Me' (2013) film
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-watched 5/30/2023- 2 [3/4] stars- on Max
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syltherpuffworld · 2 months
A Drabble...
As the day came to a close the dark-haired lady sat down at her laptop to try to get some work done. Being a journalist, she was used to working late hours and catching stories at the very end of the day that needed to be written about, going out either on the late-night news channels or first thing in the morning. She took a swig of her coffee that was beyond cold at this point and huffed out a sigh. The story she was working on wasn’t the happiest one, it was honestly kind of heartbreaking. She opened her word document on her laptop and got to work. Her heart ached for all those involved, and she tried to write the article to show that she wasn’t trying to just use the story to sensationalize it, she was trying to put the story out there in the respect that it needed to be.
Once she was finished, she saved the document and emailed it to her contact at the news station. Her hefty gray tabby cat jumped into her lap as she wheeled her chair backwards from her desk. She gave the cat a scratch behind the ears and smiled as it started purring. “That’s my good girl, huh?” She chuckled as the cat bumped her head against her hand before jumping from her lap and demanding dinner.
“Oops, sorry girl, I completely forgot, didn’t I? We both should eat something.” She noted as her stomach growled in agreement. She poured some food into the cat’s dish and made her way to the kitchen where she grabbed a premade meal and popped it into the microwave. Thank goodness for meal-prep. She heard snoring from her bedroom and rolled her eyes with a smile. Her boyfriend was already asleep for the night, factory work was no joke, however, it pays the bills. Her job was far from well paying, it depended on the story and how well they did in the news or if anyone wanted to pay her to cover something specific. Being a freelance journalist had its perks and downfalls, you had to know how to sell your skills.
Soon enough the microwave went off and she took the container out and grabbed a fork before heading to the kitchen and sitting down on the couch and turning on the tv. Of course, the first channel that came on was the news station, already showing the tragedy of the day. She quickly changed to something else, some kind of boring documentary about how things are made. As she ate her food, she got lost in thought about everything that was going on in the world. Originally from a small town that only had a population of 50 people, she was pretty sheltered from a lot of things growing up. Since she left 5 years ago, she had only went back to visit her family twice and they had visited her in the city once. After she finished her food she yawned a little and sat her container on the coffee table and leaned back on the couch, suddenly weary and tired she decided she’d close her eyes for a few minutes.
She woke up the next morning with a blanket over her and a note on the table. Bleary eyed she picked up the note. Hey you, you fell asleep on the couch and looked peaceful so I didn’t want to wake you up. I’m off to work, I love you. -J. She rolled her eyes a little but smiled and sat the note back on the table before stretching the kinks from her neck and back. Her cat trotted up to her and chirped while swishing her tail lazily waiting for pets. “Okay, good morning to you too kitty.” She smiled and gave her a good pet before standing up to start her day. She just didn’t know how weird her day was about to become.
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Genre Miscommunication: Why Leave the World Behind Deserves a Second Look
A mislabel in genre will get you misguided results.
Picture It A New York family goes on a last-minute vacation. They rent a big, beautiful house with a pool in a secluded wooded area with their New York City skyline on the horizon. The vacation is excellent, except for a few peculiar things, like the survivalist neighbor hoarding supplies and an oil tanker drifting ever closer to the shore. Then a man and his daughter arrive in need of a place…
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dailyflicks · 20 days
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Knives Out 2019 | dir. Rian Johnson
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filmgifs · 1 year
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Some of the cameos in GLASS ONION (2022)
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Teavent Day 12-Spiced Chai Fruit Mate
Genre: Thriller/Mystery
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[Image description: A card reading “Spiced Chai Fruit Mate Mate Blend, Caffeine-rich yerba mate and green tea with lemon myrtle, cardamom, black pepper, white pepper, clove, nutmeg, raspberry leaves, pineapple, and strawberry.”]
The streets are sleepy, empty, aglow with the soft street lights and fireflies rising up from the grass, dancing among the trees that line the street. I creep down the street, keeping to the shadow. The irony is not lost on me. This is a cozy town, safe, most would say. The people inside these houses, sleeping or curled up in front of their fireplaces with a book and a cup of tea or a glass of wine would not believe this was happening here. If everything goes according to plan, tomorrow morning, I will be gone, and my disappearance will send shockwaves through this place. There is just one person I need to see first. I slip between two houses into the backyard of my childhood best friend...
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qosic · 11 months
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I put all my 愛 for the game into this one, to everyone who has beared my shouting about this modern classic for the last 4 years, I thank you!!!
Commissioned by Greg Chun (eng voice of Kaname Date) He will be doing a signing session at a later date where you can get this as a print, go follow him for more info on that!
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classicfilmblr · 13 days
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You act healthy, act it so well that everyone believes you—everyone except me, because I know how rotten you are. PERSONA (1966) dir. Ingmar Bergman
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cinematicsource · 5 months
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EILEEN 2023 — dir. William Oldroyd
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thevelvetgoldmine · 10 months
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REAR WINDOW (1954) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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calming-chaos · 10 months
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gameofthunder66 · 10 months
The Night Clerk (2020) film
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-watched 8/3/2023- 3 stars- on Amazon Prime
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goryhorroor · 10 months
reblog + tag with your ONE favorite movie of all time, your go to, ultimate favorite movie and I’ll be compiling them into this list on letterboxd (x)
it can literally be any movie, no judgements, and it doesn’t have to be from the genre you picked it can be from any genre - poll closed
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bwallure · 11 months
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STRANGERS ON A TRAIN (1951) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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dailyflicks · 10 months
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VERTIGO (1958) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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filmgifs · 5 months
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Eileen (2023) dir. William Oldroyd
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