august-anon · 2 years
Shared Spoils
TickleTober 2022, Day 4: Reward
djfhkdjf didnt edit this one either folks i dont have the time and energy for that lol
Fandom: Witcher
Ship(s): Geraskier
Characters (lee/ler): Switch!Jaskier/Switch!Geralt
Word Count: 526 words
Summary: Geralt sat through the entire music competition without making a fuss. Jaskier thought he deserved a prize for that.
Geralt had been so patient. He’d sat in the heat all day, he’d listened to all those abysmal performances by Jaskier’s competition, and he’d been suitably proud when Jaskier (rightfully) came out of the music competition in first place.
Which meant that Geralt had earned his promised reward.
Jaskier was glad they had gotten a room on the first floor of the inn, this time, because he only hesitated long enough to set down his lute before he rushed Geralt, prepared for a tackle. Of course, Jaskier couldn’t realistically hope to take down a witcher on his own. Geralt easily swept him up and pushed him toward the ground, both of them landing with a thud on the pelt – was that bearskin? Must have been expensive – that covered the cracked wooden planks below.
“Really, lark?”
Jaskier grinned up at him. “I did promise you something nice, didn’t I?”
“Your promised ‘reward’ is a poorly executed attack?”
“Of course not!” Jaskier scoffed, then let his grin take over once more. “Your reward, my dear witcher, is a good, old fashioned tickle fight.”
Geralt raised an eyebrow. “A tickle fight.”
“Yes! Something to help you get out all that pent-up energy from the day, it’ll make you smile and laugh, break through all those brooding scowls of yours.” Jaskier pouted, batting his eyes. “Come on Geralt. It’ll be fun!”
Geralt huffed, and Jaskier thought that was it, that Geralt would refuse and Jaskier would have to come up with something else to make it up to him with. It wouldn’t have been the worst thing, he already had a few ideas lined up if it happened, but Jaskier was really hoping that Geralt would take the bait. After all, he’d won the competition. He deserved a bit of a reward himself for that, didn’t he?
And just when Jaskier thought that Geralt was going to heft himself up and go do… whatever witchers did to pass the time (sword polishing, probably. Geralt did a lot of sword polishing – and not the fun kind), Jaskier suddenly found himself with ten fingers squeezing into the muscles of his stomach and sides. He yelped out a startled, strangled little sound before tumbling into laughter, pushing weakly at Geralt’s hands.
“I wasn’t ready!” He cried out. “Geralt, you cheat!”
“You attacked first,” Geralt said. “I’m just defending myself.”
Jaskier growled through his laughter. Fine, if that was how it was gonna be…
He pushed forward against the hands, using all his willpower to sit up despite his urge to curl up in a ball and laugh his heart out, and made his own attack. Unlike Geralt’s strategy, Jaskier knew he couldn’t work his way up to Geralt’s weak points, not if he wanted to have a chance at winning. So instead, he swiftly maneuvered his hands up and into Geralt’s armpits, scribbling and scrabbling away. Distracted by his own efforts, Geralt broke into quiet laughter immediately, not fighting it off the way he usually did.
No matter the outcome of this fight, Jaskier had only one hope: that they wouldn’t get kicked out of the inn due to their volume, this time.
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xieyaohuan · 1 year
A Love-Hate Relationship (Squealing Santa 2k22)
A/N: Happy holidays, @amazingmsme! Hope you enjoy the fic! Big thanks to @hypahticklish for hosting this year's @squealing-santa (it's my first)!
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer
Prompt: Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer Geralt/Jaskier Jaskier/Yennefer ~Jaskier accidentally lets it slip that he likes being tickled & they take advantage ~ Geralt & Yennefer have fun bullying their favorite bard & turning him into a giggly puddle
Word count: ca. 1400
It’s early in the morning when Jaskier wakes up.
He yawns, stretching his arms above his head as he exits the tent. The air is crisp, and he can feel the grass crunching underneath his boots.
Geralt and Yennefer are already outside, sitting in front of the fire, warming their hands, drinking tea.
“Good morning!” Jaskier announces. “Another beautiful day!”
Geralt grunts something unintelligible that sounds suspiciously like “Morning.” He looks grim as usual, but Jaskier has known him long enough to know how to read his face; he’s in a better mood than most days.
Yennefer is scowling at Jaskier from underneath the hood drawn deep into her face, her hands wrapped around a cup of tea. Do you ever shut up, bard? Her eyes say.
“Good morning to you as well. Did you have sweet dreams?” Jaskier gives her his most cheerful smile. “I slept wonderfully,” he continues without waiting for a reply he knows won’t come — Yennefer is not a morning person.
He trudges over to Geralt, who is stirring the fire with a stick.
“What are your plans for today? Kill a koshchey? Slay a striga?” Jaskier is hardly paying any attention to the steady trickle of words pouring out of him like a waterfall. “Banish a banshee? Mangle a mamune? Tickle a kikimora?”
Geralt tears his eyes away from the fire, glaring at him. “I wasn’t tickling that kikimora,” he grunts.
Jaskier grins. He’ll never get tired of reminding his friend that his fight with the monster just a few days ago certainly looked like a tickle fight.
“Oh, but would you like to though?” He asks. He just can’t resist; Geralt is too easy to tease.
Geralt exhales forcefully, not dignifying his question with a reponse.
“Or perhaps you’d like to be tickled by a kikimora?” Jaskier offers. “Perhaps some other monster? Oh let me guess-“
“Don’t like getting tickled,” Geralt cuts him off gruffly.
“What?” The bard feigns shock. “You don’t like being tickled? That’s unheard of.”
Geralt only scowls at him in response, but Yennefer looks up, suddenly interested in the one-sided conversation that annoyed her so much just minutes ago, her deep purple eyes meeting Jaskier’s. “So you like being tickled?” She asks, and Jaskier swears there’s a hint of a smile on her face.
“Of course I like being tickled! Everyone likes being tickled,” he proclaims, perhaps a bit too carelessly, he thinks in hindsight.
“You do?” She gets up, taking a step towards him.
Jaskier gulps. He’s only now noticing the look in her eyes, that dark, amused sparkle that suggests she’s not trying to make polite conversation with her question.
He can feel his cheeks blushing slightly. “Maybe… just… just a little bit?” He ventures, shrinking back as she takes another step towards him.
The truth is, Jaskier has a love-hate relationship with tickling. He’s so ticklish it’s invariably unbearable while it’s happening, but he’s also irresistibly drawn to the thought of somebody’s hands dancing over his helpless body, finding all his sweet spots, making him laugh uncontrollably until all he can do is beg them for mercy.
“Hmm,” Yenn says. “Just a little… I see.”
“I… I think I better go… feed Roach! Yeah, yeah, I gotta feed Roach, he’s not had breakfast yet, I bet he’s really hungry, wouldn’t want to let him starve, would we,” Jaskier awkwardly attempts to change the topic. He’s trying to squeeze past Yennefer, but his legs have turned to pudding.
Perhaps it’s because he’s dealing with an ancient mage thrice his age who likes power just a little too much and has a loose moral compass around wielding her own. Or perhaps, it’s just her eyes and the thought of what awaits him next that are freezing him in place. All Jaskier knows is that he can’t move, and it’s beginning to dawn on him that, perhaps, just perhaps he has made a mistake with his overly honest admission.
���He likes being tickled. Did you hear that, Geralt?” Yennefer is beaming, all the morning grumpiness wiped off her face, replaced by a devious smile.
Geralt looks up, rolling his eyes. “It was hard to miss.”
Her smile is getting wider. “I say we should verify.”
Before Jaskier fully realizes what is happening, she has pushed him to the ground, straddling him. He tries to wiggle out from underneath her, but she’s effortlessly pinning him in place with just her knees.
“Oh, damn.” He chuckles nervously. “I’d completely forgotten that you’re so much stronger than you look.”
Yenn does not respond, but her hands are hovering over his stomach, wiggling slightly, and just seeing those hands is turning Jaskier to jelly.
“Wait, wait, wait!” He wails. “I’m not ready! I’m not-”
Before he can get out another word, she’s attacked his sides.
Jaskier lets out an involuntary eeeeeek, trying to suppress the giggles welling up inside of him as her hands move down and start squeezing his hips.
When Yennefer unbuttons his doublet and pulls up his shirt, scribbling her fingers directly over his exposed skin, he can’t hold back anymore.
It’s just too much.
Jaskier throws his head back and starts laughing. All his efforts to fend off her hands are failing. She’s too fast for him, her fingers alternating between tickling his stomach, his ribs, his sides.
“Help!” Jaskier manages between bouts of laughter. “Geralt, help! Help me!”
He knows he’s made another mistake when he catches a glimpse of his friend’s face. Instead of telling Yennefer to cut it out so he can continue to drink his tea and stare into the distance in peace, Geralt gets up and walks over slowly.
He grabs Jaskier’s wrists and pins his arms above his head effortlessly with just one hand, leaving his other hand free to-
“Nohohohh,” Jaskier squeals. “No, no, no, NO! Wait!”
His protestations are falling on deaf ears as Geralt’s hand starts dancing over his belly, finding Jaskier’s most sensitive spots with surprising ease, the bard’s pleas drowned out by hysterical laughter.
“I think we have a sweet spot riiiight here!” Yennefer is digging her fingers into his lower ribs while Geralt is pulling up his arms up, stretching him until he can't move a muscle, and somehow, that’s making the tickling so much worse.
Being immobile and so completely at the mercy of his friends is doing something to Jaskier’s brain, making him panic, screaming at him to escape at all cost, his dignity be damned.
“Alright, alright!” He cries between giggles. “Please! Plea-plea-pleheahease!!”
“Please what? ‘Please don’t stop?’ ‘Please tickle me some more?’” Yennefer is pinching his thighs, sending jolts through his entire body, making sure that all that comes out of Jaskier’s mouth is more desperate laughter.
“Hmmm…” Geralt hums, his face still a mask. “I think you do like getting tickled.” He turns his head to Yenn. “What do you think? Is he enjoying it?”
“Oh, just look at him,” Yennefer says, laughing now, “he’s loving it!”
Jaskier can feel his face flush, and it’s not just from all the uncontrollable giggling and squirming. He is loving it, in a twisted kind of way, but there’s also something about hearing those words said out loud that’s making him flustered.
“I’m sorry!” He squeals, not quite sure what he’s even apologizing for — teasing Geralt a little too often? Talking too much? Being so deadly ticklish? “I’m sohohohohorry!”
“Oh, are you now?” Finally, there’s a smirk on Geralt’s face, and between fits of helpless laughter, Jaskier can’t help but feel proud to have made his friend smile.
They take turns pinning and tickling him until Jaskier can’t tell up from down and left from right.
“Stop!” He cries, his legs kicking helplessly. “Mercy! Mehehehehehercy!”
“But I thought you liked it so much,” Yennefer teases. “Why would you want us to stop?”
When they finally do stop what feels like hours later, Jaskier collapses on the ground, gasping for air.
He’s still panting minutes later when Geralt and Yennefer have returned to the fire and resumed drinking their tea, but there’s a content smile on his face. “I can see why you won that tickle fight the other day, Geralt,” Jaskier calls. “That kikimora didn’t stand a chance.”
Geralt glares at him, but then his glower turns into a mischievous grin. “Oh, you do love it, don’t you?”
“Nononono wait no wait wait!” Jaskier squeals as Geralt pins him to the ground, attacking his ticklish belly once more.
It’s only the morning, and it looks like it’s going to be a long day.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 10 months
Letting one of my D20's pick prompts for me, so let's see what happens 😂.
11 - Laughing whilst kissing. Jaskier/Radovid. With tickling!
There it was again. Jaskier sat up from where he'd been nibbling on Radovid's neck to look at him properly, still straddling his hips. Shirtless, hair loose, hands above his head where Jaskier had his wrists gently pinned in one hand, looking utterly - Nope. Focus, Jaskier.
He once again lightly ran his fingers up and down Radovid's bare side and once again, the Prince's breath hitched as he squirmed in a way that was definitely more adorable than sexy.
"My love, you wouldn't happen to be ticklish, would you?"
Jaskier grinned mischievously, waggling his fingers at the restrained Royal. Radovid's eyes widened in response as he seemed to realise the exact position he was currently in.
"Jask. Don't you dare or I swear to -gaah!"
The rest of Radovid's words were lost in a yelp which quickly dissolved into hysterical laughter as he tried unsuccessfully to squirm away.
"Stop - haha - stop it you -ha - you absolute ba -hahaha-stard!"
"Does my Prince command it?" Jaskier teased. Long fingers moving lightening quick along soft, bare flesh.
"No! But - haha - but your Love does!"
And how could Jaskier not kiss him after that? His tickling turning into a calming caress as he leaned in to taste the sunshine that was his Prince's slowly dying giggles.
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julek · 2 years
no angels could beckon me back
explicit. 800 words. read on ao3!
There’s something almost leisurely about the way Jaskier is kissing Geralt’s neck.
He starts at the top, right under the spot where his jaw meets his ear, leaving a light kiss to the pale, taut skin. He can feel the way Geralt’s flesh erupts in goosebumps immediately after, hears the tiniest exhale that leaves Geralt’s mouth as he does it again, with teeth this time.
He moves down, his tongue drawing a path he then revisits with his lips, kisses like pebbles to walk over a pond. He sucks Geralt’s skin into his mouth a little, revels in the way his breath catches in his throat, the muscle hard at work under Jaskier’s ministrations.
There is a spot where his path gets interrupted by a patch of raised skin, the jagged edges of a scar begging to be kissed, too. He pays attention to it, runs his tongue over the fine line where the thread had gone in, traces the scar with careful pecks.
“Jask,” Geralt exhales, and suddenly Jaskier is brought back to the present, to the green grass they’re sitting on, sunlight cascading down Geralt’s body like a sign from above that the divine is just a touch away. “Jask.”
He touches Geralt’s body, and wonders if this is what he was born to do.
His fingertips are light as they travel down Geralt’s chest, nails slightly scratching at his nipples, eliciting a gasp out of him. Under his ribs, where Geralt is the most ticklish — that’s where Jaskier brushes the pads of his fingers into small circles, just to watch his Witcher’s muscles contract in a clear effort not to give into the laughter.
And what beautiful laughter it is.
Jaskier replaces his fingers with his mouth, now, kissing his ribs and down his side, getting a hand fisted on his hair for his efforts. He looks up at Geralt as he sucks a bruise into his skin, and what he sees is the perfect picture of tortured pleasure, of a man being melted down to his baser instincts, pink mouth parted, little puffs of air coming in and out of it.
His golden eyes are like molten honey in the midday light, hazy with pleasure and sweet with devotion.
Jaskier bites down on his thigh.
“Ah,” Geralt hisses, his grip on Jaskier’s hair tighter. “Jask.”
It’s tender, the skin of his inner thigh, soft and pliant under Jaskier’s touch, giving as he leaves his mark on it. He licks around the bite, soothing, and continues painting circles on the gentle skin, slowly moving upwards until he hears Geralt choke on his breath.
Jaskier’s hands are hooked under the back of Geralt’s knees as he looks up at him, and Geralt’s cheeks are flushed with desire, his pupils dilated and his brow furrowed into an expression of inexplicable tension, and their eyes meet, and Geralt whimpers.
And Jaskier lifts his legs over his shoulders, leaving him open and exposed, and licks into him.
Time stretches like warm caramel and, for a moment, there’s nothing but stillness in the meadow. But then Jaskier does something with his tongue, and a stream of curses comes pouring down out of Geralt’s mouth.
“Fuck, Jask,” he pants, his head thrown back in blinding pleasure, locking his legs around Jaskier’s head. “So— fucking— good, ah—”
Jaskier hums a reply, his teeth gently scraping at Geralt’s rim as he sucks, drool dribbling down his chin and making a mess of Geralt, too. He teases his hole with the tip of his tongue, pleased when he feels Geralt’s legs tighten and a broken moan leave his lips, and enters him slowly.
“Jask,” comes the plea above him, and Jaskier starts fucking him with his tongue.
Obscene noises fill their surroundings, and Jaskier can feel the way the grass brushes against his cock, hard and unattended, but Geralt starts moaning in a pitch higher than he’s ever heard and his legs start to tremble, his grip on Jaskier’s hair punishing.
“Baby,” Jaskier says, pulling back an inch and blowing cool air on his hole.
“Jask,” Geralt says, brokenly.
“Baby,” Jaskier murmurs against his skin, and licks into him one more time, his hand coming up to press against the spot under Geralt’s balls.
Geralt comes with a low moan, his legs barely giving Jaskier room to breathe for a second, his eyes screwed shut as pleasure wracks through his body. His come splatters Jaskier’s cheek, barely missing his eye.
Before Jaskier can wipe himself off, he’s being pulled into a kiss.
“You taste like me,” Geralt tells him, rubbing their noses together.
Jaskier wipes his cheek with his finger, bringing it to his mouth with a coy smile. “I taste like you.”
Geralt hardens against his leg, and a fleeting thought crosses Jaskier’s mind.
What a heavenly way to die.
Jaskier smiles at him, and moves back down.
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amazingmsme · 5 months
out of pure curiosity who is/are your favorite character(s) to write tkl content for? :]
Aw this is really sweet! Honestly, it chances with the seasons. It ebbs & flows, like the tides
A few years ago, Tony Stark was a big favorite, along with Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes. & Peter Parker for the clout, I knew if I wrote anything with him it would pop off & it did
& then umbrella academy & the witcher came along, & I absolutely adored writing Jaskier & Klaus getting wrecked, they were the pandemic blorbos for me
Now I’m still deep in the critickle role fandom, specifically the mighty nein & Caleb is my most favorite man to see get destroyed. He’s so sad & grumpy & I just need him to smile & laugh himself silly! Honestly Fjord is another one I really need to write more of, he’s canonically ticklish wtf have I been doing? (Writing other things, slaving away at college, graduating, etc.)
Now that I’m aware there’s actually people in the t community who are into Hatchetfield stuff, they’re all at the top of my list! I’ve been holding back for so long because I thought it was just me & a tube sock, but no, there’s actually people who want to read it!! So I’m gonna say both Spankoffski bros, Steph, Paul & Emma, & the lib (yes all of them) but literally everyone from any of these shows ever, I’m so obsessed with them all I just didn’t wanna look too crazy listing every single character
I also really really loved writing Jon Sims getting wrecked in the 2 fics I did with him for tickletober & I plan on making more when I finish the podcast
With the first season of hazbin hotel out on amazon, I’m also gonna say I have a lot of fun writing for both Angel & Alastor. Their accents are so much fun to imagine while writing them & I just really love their vibe! & they’re both a different brand of asshole, but both need to get wrecked as an attitude adjustment
I have so many characters from smaller fandoms or ones I just haven’t written for yet that I’d love to write for! Eiffel from wolf 359 is at the tippy top of that list, he is THE poor meow meow ok he uses humor & references to cope but he’s so sad!
I’d also really to to write for Black Beard, he needs to be wrecked to hell & back
Dr. Flug from villainous is soooo lee coded ok I need to do SOMETHING for that show!
I’m gonna sound real fuckin’ basic for a sec, but Jax from tadc. He’s such a bitch he needs to be put in his place & I need to be the one to put him there! Also Ragatha, I love her so much & just want to see her happy! Also Gangle because she just seems so sweet & sad & needs a good cheering up!
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jaskierswolf · 2 years
"Ticklish" geraskier
Tada! Sorry it's so late nonny! I hope you like it! 🥺
CW: vague mentions of sex but other than that it's all floof
Geralt hated coming down from the potions. The burning anxiety that rippled against his skin made him jumpy. He had too much energy and nowhere to put it. At first he’d tried visiting a brothel but the moment the last of the potions left his body then he was asleep and he didn’t fancy wasting coin on a whore that he didn’t even get to enjoy. So instead he normally attempted meditation to no avail, especially since travelling with Jaskier. The bard made too much noise around camp for his usual meditation. 
That was why Geralt was currently rolling around on his bedroll and grumbling about not being able to sleep. Next to him Jaskier was huffing and pouting. Geralt knew he should feel bad about keeping Jaskier awake but it really wasn’t his fault and he hadn’t asked the bard to follow him. The problem was that Geralt just didn't have enough mental capacity to care about anymore than his own well-being in this state and Jaskier's huffing was only hindering his sleep more than usual.
"Jaskier!" he growled, sitting up and glaring at the bard. "Shut up." 
"Me!?" The word was shrieked in a dramatic manner than only a bard could pull off. "Me?! Excuse you Geralt! You've been stomping around all night. I thought you normally crashed out after a hunt not..." Jaskier waved his hand in front of his face, "Not whatever this is!" 
There was a tense silence as they glowered at each other in the dark, well... Jaskier wasn't quite holding Geralt's gaze but he could barely see in the dark and he was trying his best. Only in his current mood it just made Geralt angrier. "Took too many. Can't sleep until it's burnt off."
It didn't take long for Geralt to regret his choice in words as a wave of lust poured off of Jaskier, sweet and enticing but there was really no point even trying. It would only lead to disappointment for them both. So Geralt swatted the bard over the head. 
"Not like that, you idiot." 
Jaskier sniggered, not even having the decency to blush. "Can't blame a man for trying, Geralt? But seriously, can I help? What do you need? Squats? Jogging? Oh god I'm awful at jogging." 
With a roll of his eyes, Geralt pushed Jaskier back. A faint smile tugged at his lips despite his bad mood. The bard really was an idiot but he was Geralt's idiot.
Jaskier pouted in the dark and shoved Geralt in the chest, thumping against his shirt when he didn't even make a noise. "Gods, it's like hitting a wall! There must be some weak point." Wandering fingers crept up the inside of Geralt's shirt, trailing over his extra sensitive skin and he let out a squeak. "Ah ha!"
"Jaskier, no." 
"Jaskier, yes!" 
The bard cried gleefully and launched his attack, nimble fingers prodding and poking at any exposed skin they could find. Before long Jaskier had straddled Geralt's waist, tickling his sides, under his arms, across his stomach. Geralt struggled, not quite able to use his full strength with the onslaught of giggles that escaped him. It was humiliating but it had his heart racing and he could almost feel the potions starting to burn out. His senses dimmed and the restlessness left him more and more with every breath. 
The weight of Jaskier on top of him was the final straw, pushing out that anxiety despite all the wriggling and tickling and Geralt felt his muscles all start to relax. His eyes were heavy and his protests started to slur... 
"Jask..." The word trailed off into silence as he crashed into the dark waves of sleep. 
Above him the bard smiled, love radiating from him like a beacon now the witcher had fallen asleep. He leant down and kissed Geralt's cheek before shuffling back to his own bedroll. "Goodnight, dear heart. Rest well."
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delightfulfics · 2 years
Delightfulfics Masterlist <3
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HELLO EVERYBODY! This is my blog where I write tickle fan-fictions (mainly with reader). This is SFW ONLY so please only requests with SFW. Please do not be shy to reach out to me and/or request prompts. Thank you all for the support and please do not forget to be kind to each other <3
Posted works down below ☟
Last Updated: 7/18/22
Loki x Reader
Never Steal From a God - Y/N steals something of Loki’s and let’s just say he is not happy about it.
The Visit (ft. Thor) - Thor and Loki are visiting the Avengers Compound and the reader is being cheeky and playful so the pair decide to get their revenge.
Pestering the God of Mischief - Y/N decides to bother the God of Mischief... bad idea.
Intimidated - Reader is scared of Loki and Loki fakes them out by using their weakness against them, tickling.
“I think I kinda like this...” (DRABBLE)
Steve x Reader
Shield Snatcher - Reader takes Steve’s shield for fun but when Steve finds out he chooses to show you how not so fun it is to steal his things.
A Game of Hide N’ Seek (ft. Bucky & Peter)
- Y/N and the rest of the Avengers decide to play Hide N’ Seek and when Y/N and Peter don’t listen or follow the rules it takes two certain soldiers to deal with them.
Two against one?! No way! (ft. Bucky) (DRABBLE)
Bucky x Reader
Vlogs With the Winter Solider (ft. Peter) - Y/N and Peter decide to vlog with Bucky Barnes but once he starts to get annoyed with them he decides to teach the kids a lesson.
The Reunion - Bucky and Reader reunite and Bucky tries to figure out if Reader is still ticklish. Bucky is successful but he forgets… he has the same weakness.
Peter Parker X Reader
Loyalty - Peter gets his wisdom tooth taken out and he get really honest about his feelings with the reader. Reader then realizes how much Peter is so loyal to them.
Try Not to Laugh - Peter and Y/N play a little game of “try not to laugh” and Y/N is not cracking so Peter turns to a last resort and gets surprised with new information about reader.
Tony Stark x Reader
Get Up - Y/N is too stubborn to wake up. But, Tony has the perfect way to get her up.
Don’t Throw a Pillow at Iron Man - Tony finds Reader napping before she has to train with Steve. He tries to wake them up peacefully but an annoyed Reader throws a pillow at him. He gets angry and decides they deserve a “punishment”
Avengers X Reader
Pranks - Reader and Peter are pulling pranks on the Avengers and secretly recording them to save for memories on their prank adventures but when one of the Avengers find their cameras they seek to get revenge.
The Fight Before Christmas - Y/N and Sam kept bickering all night and once Bucky has had enough he makes them shut up with laughter.
Peter Parker X Avengers
Smile (ft. Bucky)  - Bucky wants to know what's wrong with Peter and when he can't get the kid to talk he gets him to smile instead.
Sherlock x Reader
Always Get Permission From a Detective - You post a picture of Sherlock in his signature hat that he despises. You didn’t get permission and when he finds out who the culprit is he is not pleased.
Opening Up - Reader does not know how to act around with Sherlock because of his intimidating appearance and they want to find a way to relax around him and open up more and luckily Sherlock finds a way.
Dean Winchester X Reader
Don’t Test Me - Y/N finds out what happens when they mess with their big brother and its funny until they go too far and Dean stops you from testing him so much using your biggest weakness.
Something Funny - You find out exactly what happens when you wake Dean and lets just say its not as pleasant as you thought it would be.
“Where’s that smile?” (DRABBLE)
Geralt Rivia X Reader
Consequences - Reader messes with Geralt and has to face the consequences.
Geralt Rivia X Jaskier Pankratz X Reader
Cheer Up - Y/N is upset and Jaskier convinces Geralt to cheer them up.
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viking-raider · 2 years
Henry Confession: Geralt is SUPER ticklish, and will absolutely get revenge if you try it
He will fuck your world UP if you try tickling him! Esp when he's trying to be serious and do business or you rope one of the others, like Ciri or Jaskier, into tickling him with you!
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astheskycries · 2 years
Idk what to ask but what about Geralt? The Witcher with his brothers? The Witcher with the bard? Tickle fight? Anything I’m just feeling Geralt this week….
Mmmm, interesting. Lucky I like being a brat, so we’ll just do basics for now
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Thanks to the…. process of becoming a Witcher, all of Geralt’s senses are enhanced, including touch. I don’t think he would have really been ticklish before he changed, but I think now he is but it’s either near impossible to tickle him or you get a flinch and the tables turned quickly. MAYBE if you’re both alone he’ll let you play, but not often. He is all dom and demands control of his body in that sense.
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I couldn’t find the gif I’m looking for, but we’ve certainly seen a playful side of Geralt when he’s back with the other Witchers. I have no doubt that all of the boys wrestled and tickled each other growing up, and they were never told not to- Vesemir wanted them to have that last bit of humanity.
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With Ciri? There hasn’t been much chance, but I have no doubt Jaskier has participated and he’s gotten her on accident a time or two. Perhaps if she just needs out of her head. But he likes the quiet.
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thenameisjaskier · 1 year
foot worship
Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes |There goes my pants |
Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
Jaskier's main universe is the Witcher universe. Please understand that feet were not well cared for in this time and would not be appealing in any way.
Also his feet are ticklish so he wouldn't want anyone touching them.
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musamulta-arc · 2 years
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@stellanimarum​ asked:
❝ Oh, I didn’t know you were so sensitive there. ❞  Geralt for jask
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Jaskier gave him a small shove, a faux pout forming on his features. “Rude! Absolutely terrible.” The other had found a ticklish spot on his side and it was clear how much it made him squirm--- intentional or not. “You can stop messing with it now, you know.”
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august-anon · 2 years
His Own Medicine
Tickletober 2022, Day 19: Revenge [LATE]
i hate this one! i am very tired and i do not think i did very well lol. I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Fandom: The Witcher
Ship(s): Geraskier
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt
Word Count: 214 words
Summary: Geralt thinks it's high time Jaskier got a taste of his own medicine.
[ao3 link]
Jaskier was getting way too damn cocky. Frankly, it was probably Geralt’s fault for letting him get away with too much, but– well, honestly, Geralt kind of liked him cocky. The pleased smile, the tilt of his hips, the light in his eyes, the way his scent filled out with his satisfied confidence.
But maybe he was getting a bit too bold, with the way Geralt had been holding off on retaliation. He couldn’t keep getting away with all his “sneak” attacks without repercussions. But thankfully, Geralt knew how to push Jaskier’s buttons just as well as Jaskier pushed his.
Which was how they wound up with Jaskier pinned firmly to the shitty, straw-stuffed mattress of the backwater inn they had rented for the night. Hopefully with staying in such a shithole, there weren’t too many people to complain about the noise, because the sounds leaving Jaskier’s mouth were borderline deafening.
He howled and cackled, kicking furiously behind Geralt, half-heartedly pretending to shove at Geralt’s hands tormenting his waist. Briefly, Geralt wondered how much he could truly count this as revenge when Jaskier was so clearly enjoying it, but ultimately he brushed it off. It wasn’t like he hated the reverse either.
And he still had a lot to make up for, after all.
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
sentence starter: “Make me.”
Find the ask meme here. 
Jaskier didn’t know what he was expecting, honestly, but being thrown over Geralt’s shoulder like a sack of stubborn potatoes fit the bill pretty closely.
“We’re leaving,” Geralt rumbled, plucking at the back of Jaskier’s thighs like lute strings as he slung the bard onto the back of Roach’s saddle and climbed up after him. 
“The road is long, dear heart--” Jaskier slipped his fingers into Geralt’s shirt-- “and you are without your armor.”
The first leg of their journey would be quite ticklish, indeed. 
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 4 years
Abs of chiseled marble
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A/N: Jaskier has gotten it into his head to get in shape. Geralt isn’t totally convinced of Jaskier’s reasons. But he’s definitely very eager to help... with uncommon methods. 
I just wanted Geralt and Jaskier to be soft together. So, have this Geraskier fanfic. :) 
Geralt returned to their camp with freshly refilled water bottles, a bag filled with mushrooms and a big loaf of bread. Enough for him and Jaskier to make it through about two of the following days on the road. 
They were travelling to a village that had experienced strange disappearances for a while now. There was a monster, there was a mayor, there was money and - how Jaskier liked to additionally point out - there were villagers who would sing the songs about Geralt of Rivia. His songs obviously. 
Speaking of Jaskier, where was that trouble magnet anyway? Geralt petted Roach’s neck and attentively scanned the area of the forest where they had settled down for the night. There was no Jaskier in sight. The witcher furrowed his brows. He didn’t like the feeling of worry that immediately wrapped itself around his heart like a spiky string. He knew he shouldn’t let his idiot lover out of sight for too long. That man just couldn’t sit still for longer than five minutes, before he started following suspicious trails in the grass leading him to traps to step in, riversides to fall in or monsters to end up in... digested...
Sometimes Geralt couldn’t help but wonder whether Jaskier had an inner voice that kept telling him to do the worst possible thing in any situation just to keep his and Geralt’s relationship exciting. That really wasn’t necessary in Geralt’s opinion. He straightened his shoulders and looked over Roach’s back. “Jaskier?” 
Carefully he listened for a response. But all he could make out was a strained voice that kept on counting. “Eleven, twelve, thirteen,...” 
Humming to himself, Geralt walked past Roach and started following that voice which he slowly started to recognize as Jaskier’s. The relief he felt at that recognition made him roll his eyes at himself. Was he feeling a blush spread out on his pale skin? Jaskier was going to turn him soft.
After a few more steps Geralt stepped out onto a field. Grass and hills and the sky was all he could see for a few miles. The wind was audible in the trees and in the meadow, brushing through it like the hand of a lover. It was a very peaceful sight. A sight that could make even a witcher forget that there was bloodthirsty evil out there. 
Jaskier was lying on his back in the grass to Geralt’s right, his eyes closed, his hands crossed on his stomach. He looked like a tender blue flower in the ocean of green. His hair appeared almost golden on the sunlit ground and his face, his neck, his hands, the bits of skin his blue gown wasn’t covering looked more vulnerable and beautiful to Geralt than they usually did. He lingered for a second and tried to convince himself that he was lurking and definitely not marveling, when he noticed that Jaskier started moving his head and back off the ground. He opened his eyes, put his hands to the back of his head and ... started doing crunches... ? Now Geralt saw that the pink of Jaskier’s face looked more a shade of red actually. “One, two, three-”
The bard saw him and a huge smile broke out on his face. Something in Geralt’s chest melted at that and slowly made its way down to his stomach. Huh. That whole love-thing tended to feel like he was getting sick. Or dying. Jaskier’s smile definitely brought that little blush back to Geralt’s cheeks. 
The witcher rubbed his hand down his face, all in all just relieved that Jaskier hadn’t been digested by a monster and closed the distance between them with a few final steps. He put his hands on his hips and watched Jaskier do a few more of those crunches, before the bard let himself fall back into the grass with a load groan and an even darker shade of red to his cheek.
“What are you doing?” He asked when Jaskier had moved his head to look up at him with a beaming smile.
“I am getting in shape,” Jaskier responded cheerfully and patted his stomach. “This stomach will soon look like chiseled marble.” 
That forced a smirk on Geralt’s face. He tilted his head to the side and blinked. His eyes were glowing with amusement. “Huh.”
Jaskier waved him off and put an expression of dramatic determination on his features. He looked almost solemnly.
“Now don’t say anything, Geralt, it is not necessary. I know this probably means a lot to you. So let me just conclude with: you are welcome.” 
Softly Geralt chuckled at Jaskier’s already trembling form. Three crunches had managed to bring the sweat to his forehead, but he looked very determined not to give up anytime soon. Geralt knew that Jaskier could absolutely get himself into shape if he really set his mind to it. But the way he had talked about it made him wonder where that sudden urge to train himself had come from. The idea that Jaskier was doing it to please him didn’t appeal to Geralt at all. 
Probably there was something he could do about that. Jaskier looked so soft and exposed in the grass that Geralt felt the unfamilar wish to attack him. Not in a way that he himself would attack a monster. He wanted Jaskier to be his prey in a completely different way. And he knew just what he could do to satisfy that wish for attack. 
Smirking to himself he stepped closer to the bard and looked down at his small form on the ground. With a voice that could have given his sneaky plans away he asked: “You want me to show you a trick?” 
Jaskier squinted his eyes at him and seemed to consider the offer for a second, before he apparently came to the conclusion that no mischief was in the making. He was wrong about that. Eagerly the bard nodded his head and looked up at his lover. The view from down there was pretty breathtaking. 
Geralt nodded to himself and moved to stand above Jaskier, one foot on either side of his hips. “Okay.” He motioned for Jaskier to move his arms. “Hold your arms up over your head!” 
“Over my head?”
Jaskier rose an eyebrow, but slowly followed Geralt’s instructions, not noticing the smile that immediately appeared on Geralt’s features. “You mean like this?”
“Yes. Perfect!” 
Before Jaskier could become too suspicious about the situation, Geralt quickly bent over and jammed his fingers into Jaskier’s now exposed armpits. The poor bard let out an impressive shriek at that sudden, mean attack and moved his arms down frantically to cover the ticklish upperbody he had just so openly offered up to Geralt’s evil hands. 
“NOO!! G-GERALT!! AHHahahahHAHA!! YOU- YOU BASTARD!!! YOU-” The rest was lost to incoherent, chaotic laughter as Jaskier tried to curl into a little ball that could no longer be attacked by tickling hands of treacherous witchers. 
Geralt smiled as he easily continued his tickle attack on the helplessly giggling, twitching bard, moving his hands down to his ribcage, to his sides and stomach and easily uncurling him out of his defensive poses with strong witcher hands. 
“This is very good training for a toned stomach.” He casually mentioned while holding Jaskier down with one hand and squeezing all over his stomach with his claw-shaped other hand. The ticklish bard was wheezing with laughter, his hair falling into his eyes and his cheeks turning redder than they’d been before from his incessant giggling. 
“STOP!! STOP!!! NO! STAHAHP!! Pleehehheease!! Geraahahalt!! You evil, horrendous SON OF A AHAHAHAHA!!” Jaskier almost doubled over with laughter when Geralt plopped down on his hips, pinning him to the meadow with his entire weight and started wiggling all ten of his fingers into the sides of his stomach, not at all impressed by Jaskier’s attempts to push his tickling hands away with his own. “AHAHAHA NOHOHO!! THIS IS NOHOHOT A FAIR FIIIHHIGHT!!!” 
Geralt merely smirked to himself and squeezed Jaskier’s sides a little faster, making him shriek and hit at his arms more frantically than before. “Challenges make us grow.” He hummed in his calm, dark voice and roughly dug into his stomach again. “See? I can already feel the muscles come through.” 
Jaskier threw his head back with laughter and uselessly tried to hold on to Geralt’s meciless fingers. “GERAHAHALT!!” 
“If we do this daily from now on, you will soon have a very defined stomach. Let me look at our progress.” 
Jaskier started squealing louder again as Geralt made to unbutton his shirt. “NO NO NONONONOO!! DOOHHON’T!!!” 
Geralt couldn’t hold back a chuckle at that, easily holding Jaskier’s arms down with one hand while the other slipped underneath his white shirt and dug into the warm skin on his belly. 
Jaskier’s laughter turned silent at that, his eyes squeezed shut and his laugh bright and wide on his face. He was shaking his head helplessly as Geralt continued the ticklish examination of his abs. 
“Hmmmm. I don’t think we need anymore progress. This feels fine.” 
Jaskier kicked out with the most adorable squeaky laughter when Geralt squeezed his way from one side of his stomach to the other, before he finally let go off his pinned arm and took away the tickling witcher hands. 
Jaskier fell back into the grass with a loud sigh, before he moved up and hit Geralt against the chest, making the witcher chuckle gently. “You- you!! You are full of lies and deceit!!” 
“Oh, am I?” 
“You tricked me!! Into a full blown, merciless tickle attack!! That’s --- rude!!” 
Geralt grinned as Jaskier tried to throw a few more punches against his chest, but was easily overwhelmed once more as Geralt grabbed his wrists and pinned them down next to his face. Jaskier squeaked, but calmed down when he saw Geralt’s smiling face so close to his own now. 
“So, you won’t admit that you liked it, hmm?” 
Jaskier opened his mouth in shock. “Admit that I liked getting tickled out of my freaking mind?”
“You must be delusional.” He purred, but a grin was on his features.
“Not as much as you.” Geralt retorted, eyeing his stomach meaningfully. 
That actually worked to make Jaskier shut up. Timidly he looked up into Geralt’s eyes and bit his bottom-lip. “So, you wouldn’t like me better with.. you know...”
“Abs of chiseled marble?” Geralt finished his question with a raised brow, making Jaskier laugh, embarrassment evident on his face. 
“I would like you no matter what,” Geralt continued, lowering his face a bit closer to Jaskier’s still, their noses almost brushing together now, “but what I don’t like is you changing something about yourself to please me. It is... unnecessary.” 
Jaskier smirked up at Geralt and touched their noses together. “So... what you’re saying is... you don’t want me to stop singing during dinner? Because, you know, techincally that would be changing something about me-NAHAOW!! NOO!! DOHOOHN’T DO THAT AGAIN!! PLEEHHEEASE I’M SORRYYYY!! GERAAALT!!”
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amazingmsme · 1 year
What would you like my first fic of 2023 to be? Here’s some options from my stash of prompts
The Witcher- Yen & Geralt, vague prompt but with lee!yennefer
Wwdits- Nandor & Guillermo, Nandor finding out Guillermo’s ticklish & using it to his advantage
Ace Attorney- Larry Pheonix & Miles, Phoenix & Larry gang up against Miles after reminiscing on their childhood
Ace Attorney- Miles & Phoenix, Phoenix notices Miles is ticklish at an inopportune time & waits to explore further to cheer him up
Tua- Five & Viktor, sick fic with clingy Five
Blue Exorcist- Rin & Bon, Bon walks in on Rin singing & teases him
Avengers- Bucky & Sam, they flirt with each other through insults that gradually get less insulting & more genuine
Dexter- Dexter & Rita, Rita opens up to Dexter about a dark fantasy she’s had & he indulges her desires, NSFW
The Witcher- Jaskier & Geralt, Jaskier is oiling Geralt when he notices something unexpected about his witcher, kinda NSFW
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a-simple-lee · 4 years
Jaskier, reader
Description: a couple of paragraphs of fluff that I found whilst clearing out my drafts folder. 
You don't notice you're leaning to rest your head on Jaskier's shoulder until you've already done so. He leans back a little and you follow, nestled against the tree you're under. Jaskier's lute sits on his lap, and he plucks out a gentle melody.
"Hello," He smiles, bumping his head against yours. you wrap an arm around him. "I take it somebody's tired?"
Comfortable silence settles as he spends the next couple of minutes playing, humming an accompaniment here and there. Your hand wanders up to card through his hair. A grin finds your lips when your fingers brush his neck and he twitches.
"Careful," He warns after a moment, "You're tickling me."
"Mhm. Sorry." You're not, but you humour him. A couple of seconds pass. His humming starts up again. You let your hand slip to the same spot on his neck, movements a little more deliberate but brief enough to seem unintentional. Jaskier's shoulder hunches up a little in response, his humming stilted for an instant. 
"Ah, you're doing it again." He mutters, moving his lute to the side. 
"What?" It's rather difficult not to grin.
"Tickling me."
"Oh?" Acting oblivious is more entertaining than you'd expected. You swipe a couple fingers over the side of his neck and smile when he tilts his head away from you.
"Ah, hey, nonono!"
A laugh escapes you as you promptly turn your head to plant a quick raspberry on the other side of his neck.
Jaskier lets out what can only be described as a squeal, immediately pushing you away with a few panicked giggles. You immediately dart your hands to his sides, laughing triumphantly when he falls backwards, leaving himself prone. 
"Y/n! Don't!" He cries, trying and failing to bat you away in his hysterics.
"Why not?" 
"Because- there- Ahaha- there are other ways to make me laugh!"
"Mhm, yeah, but this is fun." You grin, pausing to untangle yourself when Jaskier grabs one of your wrists.
But then you find that you can't.
"Ohoho, is it now?" Jaskier grins, "Then I'm sure you won't mind me returning the favour." An instant later, you feel his fingers crawling up your side. You withdraw your free hand from his torso immediately, holding it up in an attempt to defend your own. 
"No! Jaskier!" A giggle almost escapes, a smile pulling on your lips. Somehow, in the time it took for you to panic internally over this sudden change in events, Jaskier has flipped you onto the ground, grabbing both of your hands and securing them under his knees. The bard wastes no time in exploring your reactions to various pokes, prods, and squeezes on your torso.
"Aha! Gotcha! Now, are you ticklish?" He asks, tweaking your ribs to accentuate his point. your reflexive twitch and poorly concealed squeak tell him all he needs to know. how annoying.
“You- already know the answer to-” Just as the retort forms on your lips, Jaskier darts his hands to your ribs, wriggling his fingers and sending you into a fit of hysterics.
“Yea, you’re right, I do.” He sounds so smug, but the look on his face is one of fondness. “You, my friend, are too ticklish for your own good.” 
It’ll be a few more minutes and a couple of mirthful tears before he backs off, but if that means you both get to act like fools together for a while, then so be it.
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