federationgothic · 3 months
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Time Runner (1993)
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rip hunter was literally objectum and we never talk about it anymore
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startrekgaysex · 5 months
pov you just asked me to elaborate after I said "this is like when rip hunter and his spaceship were in love with each other and kissed"
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zaritarazi · 2 years
Do you ever think about how in the hundo gideon was still like. Deeply in love with rip. Because i do. I do constantly
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incendiaglacies · 1 year
Fic: Five Dances
Birthday Fic for @riphuntertimemasterlegend
1. Comfort Dance
Rip looked at Gideon sitting in the parlour curled up on herself. She hadn’t been herself since turning human and he hated to see her in such sadness. She was having a hard time adjusting and nothing seemed to help. He walked in quietly and put down the cup of tea. She ignored it completely.
Without a word he put on a record, one of her favourite songs. Then he stood in front of her, hand outstretched. She looked at it blankly and then at him, a frown on her face. He pulled her to her feet and placed her arms around his neck, and put his on her waist.
“Shhh, we’re dancing.”
“I don’t know how.”
“Then perhaps, for once, you will allow me to lead.”
He spun her around before she could retort. She stepped on his feet and crashed into him. But by the end, her soft smile was worth a few bruised toes.
2. Recovery Dance
Rip groaned in the medbay. He hated being here and Gideon was clearly just punishing him. He wasn’t horribly hurt...he was just in pain...in most places.
“Shhh, just spend the night. You’ll have enough time to recover,” she said softly.
“I want my own bed,” he said gruffly.
“You can barely walk.”
“But I can,” he pointed out. It was better than being unable. He could get there with some effort.
She got a steely look in her eye. “Fine then. Prove it.”
“By walking to my room?”
“No.” She took his hand and helped him to his feet. He swayed a bit but she steadied him, as if expecting it. “May I have this dance?”
This time, he relied on her as she led them in a small circle. He couldn’t call it dancing, more shuffling around in her arms. In the end he was too tired to get to his room which was perhaps her master plan. But Gideon spent the entire night in the chair next to him which made it a little better.
3. Apology Dance
Rip hated when he and Gideon were arguing. She wanted one thing, he wanted another. In some ways it was easier when she was an AI, but he would never give up this time to be with her as a human. He could touch her, hold her. It was special.
He found her in the library, glaring at a book. He said glaring because there was no way she could read with the stormy look on her face. Rip decided to be the bigger person and stepped forward, closing the book in her hands.
He pulled her to her feet and into his arms.
He began to hum and twirl her around. Slowly, she stopped fighting him and relaxed in his arms. By the end she was swaying with her head resting on his shoulder.
“This won’t always work,” she murmured.
“It has the last ten times.” Thankfully.
4. Date Dance
It had been a wonderful night, the perfect first date. Well, almost. Rip led Gideon back onto the ship and wasn’t ready to say good night to her yet. She looked beautiful in her dress and he wanted this to last just a little longer.
He brought her onto the bridge and pressed a few buttons on the console. The ship filled with soft music and he held out his hand for her. She smiled and took it. They danced around the bridge, she floated like a butterfly in his arms. In and out and around.
The bridge to the parlour and the hallways. They danced throughout the ship and ended up back on the bridge where he finally, finally kissed her.
5. First Dance
“May I have this dance, Mrs. Hunter?”
Gideon looked up at Rip and giggled. She put Teeny, her lovely flower girl, down and watched the toddler run off. Rip couldn’t help but think Gideon was an absolute vision in her white dress. Simple yet elegant, flowers in her hair. She was stunning and she was his wife. She took his hand.
“You may, Captain Hunter.”
Jax played their favourite song and Rip led her to the bridge where they took their first dance as husband and wife.
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personinthepalace · 2 years
Timeship - Future Favorite
Once upon a time, someone asked me to make a timeship video set to this song. Coincidentally, I became obsessed with the song yesterday haha. Happy birthday @incendiaglacies!!! Hope you had a great day!! 💜
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boopsterliv · 2 years
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@augustwritingchallenge Day 3: Countryside
Rip Hunter couldn’t handle living in London after the death of his wife, Miranda. He packed up everything he needed and took Jonas to the states. While heading across the country for brighter prospects, they stop in a small town, where your neighbors live over twenty minutes away from you and the most interaction you get is at the market.
Gideon Rider has always been a drifter. It just seemed that nobody would ever miss her wherever she went. She’d go somewhere, get a few days’ rest, maybe shag someone every once in a while, and then go on her merry way, living off an inheritance she did nothing to work for but would take gleefully. Her goal now was to get to Las Vegas and try to settle down.
When they meet in the middle of nowhere diner, both are just thinking the most that’ll happen is some flirting. Gideon clearly doesn’t want strings, and Rip clearly isn’t going to shag someone while there’s no one to watch his son. So, where’s the harm in banter, right? A lot of harm, actually.
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singledarkshade · 2 years
Rip Hunter Bingo Challenge 2022
The RBACL Rip Hunter Bingo Challenge gave me the below Bingo Card:
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I couldn’t get five in a row, but I did manage 5 fics from the above prompts.
1 - The Vanishing Point
Michael stared at the large structure hanging in space before him as Time Master Druce flew the small ship towards it. This was his first visit to the Vanishing Point, the Time Master’s base and Michael was not looking forward to it one bit.
He’d had to get up early, was wearing stiff grey clothes that made him itch, his hair was plastered down neatly, and he had to wear the stupid courier thing all day. Miss Xavier had explained when she had given him it that he had to wear it at all times. It was meant to be worn on his ‘non-dominant hand’ whatever that meant, finally Miss Xavier just told him to wear it on his left wrist because that was the hand he didn’t use as much. She then had to explain what ambidextrous meant.
Michael tended to keep it in his pocket because it was so uncomfortable.
“Now,” Druce stated, “Today you will get to see the important parts of the base. Including the Council Chambers. I expect you to be on your best behaviour at all times, listen to your elders and follow any orders given. Understand?”
“Yes, sir,” Michael said, as Miss Xavier had drummed into him.
Druce stood and started out the ship, heading out with Michael following after him trying to keep up with the man’s long stride.
As he stepped out onto the deck, Michael stared feeling suddenly terrified of the large grey room filled with people and ships. He’d never seen anything like this in his life.
“Why are you standing there?” Druce snapped appearing beside him, “Follow me, Michael.”
Shaking slightly, Michael followed behind Druce relieved when they stepped into a corridor which was much quieter.
“Now that was the smallest docking bay where the ships get maintenance,” Druce told him, “There are six others which is where the Time Master Captains dock their ships when they return from their missions and another one used for training,” Druce continued his explanation while Michael jogged to keep up with him.
It was going to be a tiring day.
Michael was relieved as the day was drawing to a close and they would be leaving soon. The entire day had been filled with so much he had no idea about and Druce kept talking not caring if Michael understood everything.
Michael had a list of things to ask Miss Xavier about when he got back ho… to the Refuge.
“So, Michael,” Druce stated as they headed back to the ship, “What do you think of the Vanishing Point?”
He hesitated before saying, “It’s really big, with so many people.” He realised that Druce was looking for something more, “But I like it.”
Druce chuckled, “I suppose considering where you come from this must be overwhelming in many ways. On your next visit, I’ll let you sit in on some of the training sessions. We’ll see how smart you are.”
Michael grimaced as Druce started walking away again. With a sigh, the boy began to chase after the man once more. As they reached the ship, Druce motioned Michael to wait while he moved to talk to a woman with white hair wearing a uniform just like Druce by a similar looking ship.
Standing near the other ship was a girl about his age with dark hair, dark eyes, and pale skin who was dressed the same as Michael.
She glanced at him, Michael waved at her happy to see someone his own age. She stared at him for a moment before crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue.
Michael laughed and stuck his tongue out at her, jumped when Druce turned and snapped, “Michael, behave yourself.”
Chastised he saw the girl smiling amused.
“Sandra,” the woman called to her, “It’s time to go. Time Master Druce, we will discuss this later.”
As the girl, Sandra, walked past him she smiled amused again before Druce stepped in front of him.
“Time to leave, Michael,” Druce said.
Following the man back to the ship, Michael sat watching how Druce activated the small ship before he turned his attention to the place he was going to go once he grew up.
Part of him wanted to, the other still wanted to find a way to run away but as they flew away Michael stared at the intimidating structure hanging in space before him knowing that it was going to play a large part in his future.
2 - Jelly Beans
Rip let out an audible sigh of relief as he reached the door to the home he shared with his wife and son. It had been several long hard weeks, with multiple dangerous missions which had resulted in Rip needing a lot of medical attention that he knew he’d have to tell Miranda about because Gideon would.
Reaching out to open the door, he paused and listened hearing his son singing along to something. Rip couldn’t quite make out the words, or tune, but the sound of Jonas’ voice filled him with joy.
The moment he opened the door, Rip was attacked by his little whirlwind as an excited Jonas slammed into his legs.
“You’re home!!!!!”
Rip eased Jonas off him before he lifted his five-year-old son up and hugged him, “I have missed you, Little Man.”
“We missed you too, Daddy,” Jonas told him seriously before beaming and hugging Rip once more.
Miranda appeared from the kitchen, her long dark hair pulled up in a messy bun, “Why don’t you get your drawing you did in school today to show your daddy.”
At her suggestion, Jonas wriggled so Rip would set him down and ran out the room. Miranda moved to her husband and kissed him hello.
“He’s been very excited since we got your message,” Miranda murmured, as Rip pulled her close.
Rip rested his forehead against hers, “So was I when Gideon told me I can be here for three days.”
Before they could say anything else, Jonas appeared carrying a drawing of him with Rip and Miranda.
“Wow,” Rip crouched down to look at the picture, “That’s amazing.”
Jonas beamed again and leaned in for another hug. x Rip settled on the couch, happy to be home. Miranda was finishing dinner, he’d cook the rest of the time he was here, while Jonas had disappeared with a mysterious smile.
Closing his eyes Rip relaxed, happy to be home.
Aware suddenly he wasn’t alone, Rip opened his eyes and found his wife standing with his son grinning at him. Both were holding gifts in their hands.
“Happy Birthday, Daddy,” Jonas cried.
Miranda gave him a smile, “Happy Birthday.”
Rip frowned; he hadn’t realised that it was the date the Time Masters had estimated to be his date of birth. To be honest it wasn’t something that mattered to him much but if it mattered to Jonas then Rip would go along with anything.
“Open Mummy’s gift first,” Jonas told him.
Rip nodded and took the small rectangular present Miranda gave him. Slowly he unwrapped it to find a gold pocket watch, beautifully engraved and smiled when he opened it find the picture of his wife and son in there.
“It’s perfect,” he breathed, “I will never let this out of my sight.”
Miranda kissed him quickly, “Jonas has got you something special for you.”
Rip turned to his son who thrust the gift into Rip’s hands. Jonas was bouncing excitedly as Rip slowly opened the wrapping once more. He caught Miranda rolling her eyes, but he’d never been able to just tear off gift wrapping.
When he’d unwrapped the gift, Rip laughed to see the large bag of sweets.
“They’re jellybeans,” Jonas cried, “Mummy said you like sweet things.”
“I do,” Rip told his son, “But I’ve never tried jellybeans before.”
Incredulity filled Jonas’ eyes, “You’ve never had them before.”
Rip shook his head, “I haven’t.”
“They’re yummy,” Jonas told him, “Try one.”
Glancing at his wife’s amused smile, Rip opened the bag and took several of the sweets out popping them into his mouth. He did have a sweet tooth but usually ate cakes, sweet cereals or on occasion chocolate to satisfy it. As he ate the sweets, he let Jonas take some while Miranda had a few too.
Enjoying the jellybeans, Rip knew that from now on these would be his favourites because his son had introduced him to them.
3 - Kendra Saunders
The doorbell being rung pulled Kendra out of her reading. Opening the door, she stared in surprise at the man standing there. He was dressed in the same dark denims, white shirt, brown leather jacket and duster she always remembered him wearing but he was clean shaven.
Which didn’t suit him at all.
“Rip?” she laughed, “What are you doing here?”
He gave her a small smile, surprised when she hugged him and managed to pat her back gently.
“Still have issues with affection from your friends, I see,” Kendra noted amused when she let him go.
Rip shrugged, “Still expect a punch more than a hug.”
“That was once,” Kendra laughed as she motioned him inside the apartment, “And you deserved it for lying to us.”
Rip rolled his eyes while Kendra led him into her small living room.
“Do you want some tea?” Kendra offered.
“Not at the moment,” he replied.
Kendra chuckled, “Probably a good thing, my tea making skills haven’t improved since we last met.” Taking a seat across from him, she asked, “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?” x Rip hadn’t been sure if coming to visit Kendra was a good idea. But since he’d left the Waverider to get his head together, the ship with the Legends had been trapped in a time quake. He’d spent more than six months alone when he’d only intended being away for a week at the most and lost without Gideon, needed to speak to someone, anyone who understood his life.
Kendra listened to the story of what had happened since she’d left the Waverider, although Rip left out several things that he didn’t want to talk about but gave her the general gist.
“You’ve done what?” Kendra asked when Rip finished talking.
“I created a new organisation to protect time,” Rip told her, “I was hoping you might want to see it.”
Kendra smiled, “That sounds like fun.”
Relieved Rip stood and pulled back his sleeve so he could access his courier.
“What is that?” Kendra asked intrigued, jumping when the portal opened.
Rip gave a slight smile, “Something I have been working on for a long time. Shall we?”
Taking his arm, Kendra walked through the portal and into the Time Bureau.
4 - Playing Records
Rip walked into the parlour, happy to see that it was now back to the way he had left it, all evidence of those who had infested his ship had been removed. It was almost as if the past few years had not happened.
Except for one thing which definitely had.
“The engines are at full capacity,” Gideon stated as she walked into the parlour, “We can leave the time stream whenever you are ready.”
“When we’re ready,” Rip reminded her, “We’re partners, remember?”
A smile touched her lips, “Of course.”
Rip nodded before he turned back to the desk, finding his record player sitting in its spot undamaged. Either it had been put in storage or this was a newly fabricated one.
Flipping through the record collection he had amassed over the years, Rip found one of his favourites. As the music filled the room, Rip turned to Gideon and offered his hand.
“Dance with me.”
Gideon shook her head, “I don’t know how.”
Moving closer and taking her hand, Rip smiled as he drew her closer, “I’ll teach you.”
Shaking her head slightly in amusement, Gideon allowed him to put his arms around her and start to move gently in time to the music. Gideon rested her head against his shoulder as the music played, Rip held her tightly as the next song came on.
When the music stopped, Gideon looked up at him and smiled as his lips touched hers. Taking his hand, Gideon turned off the record player and led him to the room they were now sharing.
From that day on, they played records and danced after dinner.
Happy to be together.
5 - Shogun Ballistic
“Gideon,” Rip winced when he saw the contents of the bag she’d brought back from her shopping trip, “What…just what?”
She stopped brushing her hair and turned to him, “Is something wrong?”
“Is there something you want to talk to me about?” Rip asked her.
Gideon placed the hairbrush down and moved to sit on the bed beside him, “We’ve been together for several months as a couple.”
“And as much as I enjoy our…” she blushed before continuing, “Activities in the bedroom, you are much more experienced than I am.”
“I was married to the same person for over ten years,” Rip reminded her, “And the only experience each of us had was with one another.”
Gideon rolled her eyes, “It’s still more experience than I have.”
“That doesn’t explain your shopping,” Rip noted.
“The books I have read suggest that to ensure your partner is satisfied then it is a good idea to use toys and accoutrements in the bedroom to ‘spice things up’,” Gideon explained, looking anywhere but in his eyes, “I just want to make sure you don’t get bored with me.”
Rip frowned, he really had to find her a hobby so she wouldn’t worry so much about small things that didn’t matter. He touched her chin so she would look at him, “I’m not bored with you, I’m not going to get bored with you. You are amazing, Gideon and I love you.”
Smiling she leaned in to hug him. Rip wrapped his arms around her holding her close.
“I love you too,” she murmured softly, snuggling close to him, “But I did buy these things so perhaps we could try them.”
Rip chuckled, “If you want. What else do your books say about spicing things up?”
“That we should agree on a safe word or phrase for if one of us wishes to stop everything,” Gideon told him.
With a grin, Rip pulled her and trapped her onto the bed below him, “I have an idea for that,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek before whispering in her ear, “Shogun ballistic.”
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liamravena · 2 months
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As seen on r/DoctorWho
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darkmagicart · 9 months
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shining-band-of-gold · 6 months
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starship-prism · 1 month
I am once again sexually attracted to a starship.
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zaritarazi · 2 years
cant believe i missed the a/b/o talk. anyway omega kendra and she just defies all omega stereotypes bc yes shes sweet and loving and soft and would be happy just living her life but shes also so fierce and powerful. also rip is an omega and he just has gideon mainline suppressants into his bloodstream bc he cant handle possibly missing them. in this economy? with this crew?
rip wants suppressants it for personal reasons and whenever he's not in the room gideon is like the mere idea of any one of you sticking your horrible knot in my beautiful boy makes me want to go absolutely blind with rage and all the other legends just eating breakfast like okay thanks gideon good talk
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boopsterliv · 2 years
I have writer’s block atm, so I’m gonna be tagging the ships and fandoms I wanna write for if you want to request something from me. Prompts, tropes, dialogue, I am open to many things! Although I will ignore any and all x-rated requests that are sent into my inbox
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