#took mick davies number quickly
shedontlovehuhself · 2 years
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I see hellers(aka Dean/Jensen stans) are on their bullshit once again.
I'm confused. First they all call cas fruity and say he's so gay for always staring at Dean or rebelled heaven for Dean. Mocked his gay little sit. And stay in the qrts of hourly deancas posts saying just how gay Cas behavior is they aren't shocked said i love you all the times he did. (and i mean everyone in that tweet thread).
Now it's Cas behavior really can be seen as "angel who doesn't know how to human" and not really gay. Eye....???
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I get it. All of the people in that thread are Jensen stans first and foremost and so in true Jensen stan form they resort to minimizing others in order to make him(in this case his character Dean) as the one who actually did everything. It's what they do best when insecure. Like I'm sorry the one fan from The Boys started watching and now loves Cas(the gay angel he knew about before watching spn) and comments on his gay little behavior towards Dean because it's obvious. And now they gotta resort to making whatever that tweet above is. Seeing that tweet above makes me think of all the straight spn truthers trying to erase Castiel's queerness and saying he's a confused angel who doesn't understand humans. Cause that's what they are saying. News flash! The angel is queer and It wasn't subtle. Also his actor didn't tweet "you're not crazy" for them to be that dense on main.
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fablesrose · 3 years
Tell Me a Story 3
Summary: It’s go time
Word count: 2,188
Pairing: cop?!Dean x mafia!reader
Square filled: Crack
Warnings: shooting
Masterlist ~ Bingo Masterlist
A/n: For @girl-next-door-writes​ make me feel bingo. This only has a little bit of crack, but it was sure fun to write! One more part after this!
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“Hey Angel.”
“Hey Hot Shot,” I smiled as I held my phone to my ear, the nicknames had settled in for us over the past couple of weeks, and I couldn’t deny that I liked using them. “The next monthly meeting is tonight, you ready to put on a show?”
He laughed, “Like it’s ever an act with you sweetheart.”
I snorted, “Yeah, sure.” I sighed, “Alright, for real though, be a loving boyfriend, but don’t be stupid.”
“Roger roger.”
“I guess I’ll meet you there.”
“Yup.” He hung up the phone promptly, leaving me in silence.
I rubbed my hands all over my face, “He’s a professional who’s only acting this way to make it natural and so he can get some sort of promotion. Don’t look too far into it. You’re probably going to go to prison anyway once this is all over with.” Despite telling myself this over and over, it really didn’t make a difference. I groaned and tried to force my face to relax from the smile I was wearing.
I banged my head once against a nearby wall, “Okay, time to get ready to get this over with.”
Before I knew it I was watching Dean pull up and park near my apartment as I walked to the meeting building.
“Have I ever told you how much I love your car?”
“Only every time you see her,” Dean fell into stride beside me.
“I thought we were gonna meet there.”
Dean grabbed my hand, “And how would that look, the boyfriend not escorting his very important girlfriend into an extremely dangerous crowd?”
“Fair point,” I squeezed his hand, smiling softly to myself.
The door squeaked as we opened it, giggling at nothing.
“Glad you love birds could join us.” Chuck sat at the front of the room, looking rather impatient.
I took my place, Dean beside me, and nodded soberly.
“Let’s begin.”
Naomi stepped forward, “Of course, sir. I have some things that need to be looked-”
“I don’t care about that,” Chuck waved his hand as he cut her off.
It took everything in me not to laugh.
“Some of my… sources, have told me that Doctor Hess wants to make a deal with me.”
There was a couple beats of silence before Meg got brave, “Uh, and who is that?”
“The leader of the Lettermen, obviously.”
The room erupted in laughter.
“Letterboys? Really?”
“Yes,” Chuck snapped at us, trying to shut us up, “and Y/n is going to set it all up.”
That sobered me up quickly, “Pardon?”
“You are going to set up the deal. You’re gonna be our middle man.”
I felt my insides shrivel. What he means is that I’ll be the scapegoat.
“Sir, I’d like to accompany her on this assignment if you don’t mind,” Dean said as he took a half step forward.
“I do mind. Starling will be working this alone, directly with me.”
“But sir-”
I placed a hand on his arm, “Dean.” I shook my head, telling him it wasn’t worth it.
He set his jaw and didn’t press any further.
“So, It’s settled then,” Chuck clapped his hands together once, “that’ll be all, you’re dismissed.”
I glanced at Naomi who looked annoyed at not getting her business done, but she wasn’t brave enough to get snapped at again.
It wasn’t much time later when me and Dean were walking back, alone again.
“Why did you do that?”
“Why did you stop me from pairing up with you?”
“Because, you were doing a great job at being a loving boyfriend, but I also told you not to be stupid. What you were about to do was incredibly stupid.”
“So you’re gonna do it alone?!” Dean sounded angry, I wasn’t exactly sure why.
I turned to face him, “Yeah, I am! I’ve done stuff like this before, and I’ll have to do it again! But do you understand what this means for us??”
“No, I don’t.”
I grabbed him by the shoulders, “We can do something with this… Maybe I can…”
“We can do some sort of sting operation,” Dean quieted down like he was understanding.
“Exactly! I’ll set something up, I’ll feed you all the information...” I nodded my head, “we can do this.”
“Fine,” he turned and started walking again, “you’re still going to be doing most of this alone though.”
“Don’t worry Dean, I won’t mess it up.”
I thought I heard Dean mumble something, but I didn’t ask what it was. The rest of the walk was quiet until we reached where his car was parked.
I ran my hand along her, looking for scratches that didn’t exist.
“Stay safe, alright? I can’t be losing you now, Angel.”
“I will, don’t you worry Hot Shot.” I smiled at waved as he started her up and drove away.
Let’s cut to me probably doing something stupid, but it is the fastest way to get stuff done in these situations.
“I think you’re on the wrong side of town, ma’am.” A group of boys approached me as I walked a quiet street, deep in Lettermen territory.
I sighed, “You’re probably right, but I also heard through the grapevine that a Doctor Hess wants to make a deal. That ring any bells?”
They all glanced at each other before one addressed me, “Stay here.”
I leaned against a nearby building, choosing not to answer him vocally.
After a while, a man closer to my own age approached me.
“Doctor Hess?”
He laughed, “No, my name is Mick Davies. I’m more of a spokesperson. And I’m assuming you’re not Chuck.”
I smiled back at him, both of us keeping our distance, “Yeah, you wish. It’s Y/n.”
“Nice to meet you.”
His smile dropped into a more serious expression, “You are correct when you mentioned a deal. Details are still in need of some finalizing, of course, but the basics are, if you share with us some of your… resources that we hear you have, helping us get on our feet, we’ll give you a part of the profits and keep our boys on our side of the line.”
“Intriguing...” This could be big. If I played my cards right, I could maybe bring down the mobs on both sides of the city. Now to play some cards… “If we come to an agreement of terms, Chuck wants a face to face settlement to seal the deal.”
“I don’t think that will be a problem.” He pulled out a card from his pocket, “My contact information, so we can work out the details before the deal.”
I stepped forward and took it, “Well, it’s been a pleasure, hope I see the least amount possible.”
And like that we both turned and went out opposite directions.
That wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. Maybe this will be easy.
But now to convince Chuck.
“They want the sealing of the deal face to face or it won’t happen.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
That wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. Maybe this will be easy.
Now to tell Dean the good news!
“Dean, call me back.”
“Dean, I’ve got something to tell you.”
“Hot Shot, if you don’t answer this damn phone I swear I’m not going put this meeting up.”
Why was this not easy.
The meeting was set. It was to happen in an isolated location just outside of town, two weeks away. Chuck was going to bring the goods, loads of weapons and drugs. I had to be there to back Chuck up, as I’m sure Mick would be there to do the same for this Doctor Hess.
“Dean, I sent the information to your phone, please be there with as many men as possible. From your old job, just to be safe.”
I wanted to actually talk to him. I shouldn’t want that. I’ve gotten too close. It doesn’t matter anymore though. He’s stopped talking to me mid job. The worst case scenario is that I somehow get found out and killed. The absolute best case scenario is that everyone goes to jail except me. The one I was fearing most though was the one where I never see Dean again. Unfortunately there were a bunch of options where that happens.
I kept telling myself that it was just a job to him. That this would benefit him. That he would never want to associate with someone from the mafia in normal circumstances.
Maybe going to jail would be good for me.
My phone rang with an unknown number popping up on the screen.
“Hey Angel, sorry, I broke my phone.”
“God dammit!” All that worrying for nothing. All the stress that he was somehow dead or leaving me to deal with Chuck by myself. Wasted.
“I have been trying to reach you all day. I got the meeting set up, its in two weeks. I’ll send you the place. Both Chuck and Doctor Hess are going to be there with a metric ton of damning evidence in the form of illegal weapons and drugs.”
“That… is awesome!”
“I know right?? I’m gonna need you to bring in all your people.” I soaked it in for a couple of breathes, “I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he’s arrested.”
“You’re not going to be there.” His voice was firm, it was commanding like there was no room for argument.
“Dean...” I spoke regretfully, oh how I wish I could listen to him, “if I’m not there, this all falls apart. This isn’t a personal choice, I have to be there.”
“You could get hurt.”
“Same with every day of my life.”
He sighed, “Fine, but you’re gonna wear a wire so we can communicate.”
“Dean, Chuck may be stupid enough to let you in as a cop, and he may be stupid enough to do this meeting face to face, but he’s not stupid enough-” I paused, “I take that back, he may be that stupid.”
“So it’s settled, you’re going to wear a wire, and I’m gonna bring in all the law enforcement fire power you could ever dream of.”
I laughed, “Deal.”
The meeting came all too quickly. I was wearing a wire, like Dean asked me, but I did not enjoy it, it seemed to be all that was on my mind. Everyone arrived separately. It was decided that I would arrive first and scout out the area, kicking out any lurkers. Then Mick was to show, then the bosses.
Dean was talking in my ear, telling me that they were ready, that anytime now Chuck and Doctor Hess was going to be arrested.
“The profits of the supplies will be split 70/30 right?” Chuck was chatting with Doctor Hess, me and Mick farther out.
Hess huffed, “That’s hardly enough to cover our other expenses, 50/50 split.”
“Come on Doc, there has to be something in it for me, 60/40.”
Her stare was withering, but Chuck was always an idiot, “Fine.”
They shook on it and Chuck directed her to the product a little ways away.
“Chopper is coming in to get eyes, then we’ll fall in,” Dean said.
I hummed discretely to tell him I heard and started to glance around the dark sky, supposedly looking for stars.
Eventually the helicopter flew in with a spotlight shining down on us.
“Finally,” I spoke out loud, glad this was going to be over.
But I might have spoken a bit too loudly since Chuck pulled out a gun, “You bitch!”
I faced him, my arms crossed against my chest, “Been called a lot worse you motherfucker.”
“FBI! Drop the weapon!” Dean was at the front of the group in an FBI vest, aiming his gun at Chuck. The rest of the agents surrounded the area and quickly started arresting Hess and Mick.
Chuck hesitated, but in the end he shot at me. I tried to move quickly but he still grazed my shoulder. Chuck looked like he wanted to shoot me again, but Dean took two shots before he could, one to the hand holding the gun and another to his leg, effectively making him drop the gun and fall to the ground. Dean directed a couple of agents to Chuck while he ran over to me.
“Man, you really are a hot shot Hot Shot.” I laughed as I pressed a hand against my shoulder.
“I can’t believe you just stood there as Chuck aimed a gun at you. That is so dangerous,” he made sure I was comfortable before he called for a medic.
“Chuck isn’t that great with precision weapons, look, he just grazed me!” I laid my clean hand on his arm, “Thank you. This means so much to me, I don’t know how I could ever repay you.”
The medics came and started to push Dean back so she could get to me.
“You helped get Sam out, how ‘bout we stay in touch and we’ll call it even?”
I nodded, “You got it Hot Shot.”
“They’ll take good care of you, Angel.”
Best Buds: @kitkatd7​ @snarky--starky​ @confetti-its-an-imagine-blog ​ @kaogasm​
Dean: @akshi8278​ @msmarvelouswinchester
TMAS: @flamencodiva
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hells-angel · 4 years
A Little Help
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing:  Arthur Ketch x Reader
Word count: 1k
Warning/s: just some curse words
Summary: when things turn bad and the Winchesters are not available, you knew who you got to call for help. 
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Sam had always said that when going on a hunt, one must always be prepared. as a hunter you always make sure that you had enough bullets or blades to fight monsters. what you didn’t prepared for is getting caught by the police.
so here you are, seating in an interrogation room, your weapons, multiple cellphones, fake IDs and credit cards laid in front of you. 
“Multiple count of Homicide, trespassing, hacked cards, fake identity.... FBI, Sheriff and even animal control” the police officer said looking over your various IDs. 
“is Y/N even your real name?” he continued while you remain quite, your hands bind by hand cuffs. the agent, rounded the table between you two and sat on top of it while glaring down at you.
“silent treatment huh? you know there’s no going out of this, you’ll rot in jail for all your crimes so better talk now and confess!” He intimidates, fortunately being a hunter comes in handy, especially when you’re with the Winchester.
“can I at least have a phone call?” you calmly asked, looking directly at the agent’s eyes, who clearly gritted his teeth in annoyance. 
“you think getting a lawyer will help you out? we have evidence!” The agent shouted, slamming his hands on the table, but you remained calm.
“I won’t talk until I make a phone call” 
in the end, you were granted a phone call. you have your phone in your hand, Deans name on the contact information but you contemplate whether to call him or not. 
Sam and Dean are probably more wanted than you and getting them involved would only worsen the situation. you thought of Jody, but with the FBI already involve in your case, you would only burden her. 
you were stuck, you had no one to call, you could pray to Castiel for help but the angel would surely just turn to Sam and Dean for help. however, when all hope seems lost, you remember someone, more powerful than the police and probably the FBI.
you dug out the slick black calling card hiding behind your phone case. the name Mick Davies written clearly on it. taking a deep sigh, you dialed the number, after a few rings a heavy accent voice answered. 
“is this Mick Davies?”
you knew contacting the British men of letters that kidnapped and tortured Sam, and Dean who repeatedly told you to stay away from is a very grave mistake, but you’re the type of person that acts now and thinks later.
The FBI agent kept you inside the interrogation room, he kept asking questions which you ignored. it was a good hour when the door opened, you expected the British man but instead a man with a bigger built in a fancy suit confidently walked in, confusing you and the agent.
“you’re not allowed in here” the agent said. 
“as a matter of fact, I have every right to be in here, from now on Miss L/N’s case is mine” he said with a very familiar British accent, his eyes trialing towards you, offering you a smile. 
“what?! I’ve been following her for years, you can’t just take her like that, who are you anyway?” The agent demanded, but the mysterious man remained calm as he took out his phone, dialed a number and gave it to the agent.
then the man walked towards you and took out a key for your hand cuffs.
“who are you?” you suspiciously asked as you rub your wrist. 
“Arthur Ketch, British man of letters, Mick sent me” he mumbled while you took your things and stuff them all inside your jacket and making your way out of the police station following behind Ketch. 
“why did you come?” you asked him as you stuffed yourself with a very expensive beef, Ketch kindly bought for you. 
“I believe you needed our help to bail you out?” he commented, a very amused grin on his face as he watches you eat.
“I know I called for help but I didn’t think the British men of letters would bother help me after all the drama that happened with Sam and your lady agent” you said 
“that was our mistake and we’re completely trying to compensate for it, staring with you” he said, his eyes never leaving yours for even a second, as if he was trying to read your soul or something. 
“so what do you want? I know for a fact the British men of letters didn’t waste their precious resources for nothing” you start as you narrowed your eyes to him trying to savor the look of the mysterious man in front of you. 
“and I know a top operative like you who only follows orders wouldn’t take me out for a dinner just to chat, so what’s the catch?” you asked raising an eye brow at him. 
“first, the British men of letters is out of the picture, Mick didn’t send me I volunteered for this” he said his tone heavy with accent. there was something about him that seems to drag you towards him.
“second, I asked you for a dinner without a hidden agenda, I’m purely seating here because I want to” he continued as he take a sip of his very expensive and very difficult to pronounce beverage. 
“but you do owe me one” he said as he leaned forwards the table and grinned at your fluster face. 
“what do you want?” you asked
“hmmm I wonder” he amused as his eyes trail down your face down your body. realizing what he meant, you quickly cover yourself with your hands.
“screw you! touch a single strand of my hair and I’ll skin you alive!” you argued, all fondness for the so called gentlemen gone in an instant. 
“don’t jump to conclusion, I’m not that kind of man” he said raising both his hands in the air, while you calm down. 
“I’ll just pay you and then were good, I’ll get going, Sam and Dean’s probably worried” you said as you gather your things and prepared to leave but Ketch beat you to it.
“I don’t need your money, I want your time for my little help, a Dinner next week, same time same place, see you then” he said as he smoothly leaned down and captured you lips in a quick kiss then turned around to leave. 
while you stand there dumbfounded, with a red face and quick beating heart.
“Gentleman my ass”
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Peter Green who Died: July 25, 2020 in Canvey Island, Essex, England
Peter Allen Greenbaum (29 October 1946 – 25 July 2020), known professionally as Peter Green, was an English blues rock singer-songwriter and guitarist. As the founder of Fleetwood Mac, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998. Green's songs, such as "Albatross", "Black Magic Woman", "Oh Well", "The Green Manalishi (With the Two Prong Crown)" and "Man of the World", appeared on singles charts, and several have been adapted by a variety of musicians.
Green was a major figure in the "second great epoch" of the British blues movement. Eric Clapton praised his guitar playing, and B.B. King commented, "He has the sweetest tone I ever heard; he was the only one who gave me the cold sweats." Green was interested in expressing emotion in his songs, rather than showing off how fast he could play. His trademark sound included string bending, vibrato, and economy of style.
In June 1996, Green was voted the third-best guitarist of all time in Mojo magazine. In 2015, Rolling Stone ranked him at number 58 in its list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time". Green's tone on the instrumental "The Super-Natural" was rated as one of the 50 greatest of all time by Guitar Player in 2004.
Peter Allen Greenbaum was born in Bethnal Green, London, on 29 October 1946, into a Jewish family, the youngest of Joe and Ann Greenbaum's four children. His brother, Michael, taught him his first guitar chords and by the age of 11 Green was teaching himself. He began playing professionally by the age of 15, while working for a number of East London shipping companies. He first played bass guitar in a band called Bobby Dennis and the Dominoes, which performed pop chart covers and rock 'n' roll standards, including Shadows covers. He later stated that Hank Marvin was his guitar hero and he played the Shadows' song "Midnight" on the 1996 tribute album Twang. He went on to join a rhythm and blues outfit, the Muskrats, then a band called the Tridents in which he played bass. By Christmas 1965 Green was playing lead guitar in Peter Bardens' band "Peter B's Looners", where he met drummer Mick Fleetwood. It was with Peter B's Looners that he made his recording début with the single "If You Wanna Be Happy" with "Jodrell Blues" as a B-side. His recording of "If You Wanna Be Happy" was an instrumental cover of a song by Jimmy Soul. In 1966, Green and some other members of Peter B's Looners formed another act, Shotgun Express, a Motown-style soul band which also included Rod Stewart, but Green left the group after a few months.
In October 1965, before joining Bardens' group, Green had the opportunity to fill in for Eric Clapton in John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers for four gigs. Soon afterwards, when Clapton left the Bluesbreakers, Green became a full-time member of Mayall's band from July 1966. Green made his recording debut with the Bluesbreakers in 1966 on the album A Hard Road (1967), which featured two of his own compositions, "The Same Way" and "The Supernatural". The latter was one of Green's first instrumentals, which would soon become a trademark. So proficient was he that his musician friends bestowed upon him the nickname "The Green God". In 1967, Green decided to form his own blues band and left the Bluesbreakers.
Green's new band, with former Bluesbreaker Mick Fleetwood on drums and Jeremy Spencer on guitar, was initially called "Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac featuring Jeremy Spencer". Bob Brunning was temporarily employed on bass guitar (Green's first choice, Bluesbreakers' bassist John McVie, was not yet ready to join the band). Within a month they played at the Windsor National Jazz and Blues Festival in August 1967, and were quickly signed to Mike Vernon's Blue Horizon label. Their repertoire consisted mainly of blues covers and originals, mostly written by Green, but some were written by slide guitarist Jeremy Spencer. The band's first single, Spencer's "I Believe My Time Ain't Long" with Green's "Rambling Pony" as a B-side, did not chart but their eponymous debut album made a significant impression, remaining in the British charts for 37 weeks. By September 1967, John McVie had replaced Brunning.
Although classic blues covers and blues-styled originals remained prominent in the band's repertoire through this period, Green rapidly blossomed as a songwriter and contributed many successful original compositions from 1968 onwards. The songs chosen for single release showed Green's style gradually moving away from the group's blues roots into new musical territory. Their second studio album Mr. Wonderful was released in 1968 and continued the formula of the first album. In the same year they scored a hit with Green's "Black Magic Woman" (later covered by Santana), followed by the guitar instrumental "Albatross" (1969), which reached number one in the British singles charts. More hits written by Green followed, including "Oh Well", "Man of the World" (both 1969) and the ominous "The Green Manalishi" (1970). The double album Blues Jam in Chicago (1969) was recorded at the Chess Records Ter-Mar Studio in Chicago. There, under the joint supervision of Vernon and Marshall Chess, they recorded with some of their American blues heroes including Otis Spann, Big Walter Horton, Willie Dixon, J. T. Brown and Buddy Guy.
While touring Europe in late March 1970, Green took LSD at a party at a commune in Munich, an incident cited by Fleetwood Mac manager Clifford Davis as the crucial point in his mental decline. Communard Rainer Langhans mentions in his autobiography that he and Uschi Obermaier met Green in Munich, where they invited him to their Highfisch-Kommune. Fleetwood Mac roadie Dinky Dawson remembers that Green went to the party with another roadie, Dennis Keane, and that when Keane returned to the band's hotel to explain that Green would not leave the commune, Keane, Dawson and Mick Fleetwood travelled there to fetch him. By contrast, Green stated that he had fond memories of jamming at the commune when speaking in 2009: "I had a good play there, it was great, someone recorded it, they gave me a tape. There were people playing along, a few of us just fooling around and it was... yeah it was great." He told Jeremy Spencer at the time "That's the most spiritual music I've ever recorded in my life." After a final performance on 20 May 1970, Green left Fleetwood Mac.
Green was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia and spent time in psychiatric hospitals undergoing electroconvulsive therapy during the mid-1970s. Many sources attest to his lethargic, trancelike state during this period. In 1977, Green was arrested for threatening his accountant David Simmons with a shotgun. The exact circumstances are the subject of much speculation, the most famous being that Green wanted Simmons to stop sending money to him. In the 2011 BBC documentary Peter Green: Man of the World, Green stated that at the time he had just returned from Canada needing money and that, during a telephone conversation with his accounts manager, he alluded to the fact that he had brought back a gun from his travels. His accounts manager promptly called the police, who surrounded Green's house.
In 1979, Green began to re-emerge professionally. With the help of his brother Michael, he was signed to Peter Vernon-Kell's PVK label, and produced a string of solo albums starting with 1979's In the Skies. He also made an uncredited appearance on Fleetwood Mac's double album Tusk, on the song "Brown Eyes", released the same year.
In 1981, Green contributed to "Rattlesnake Shake" and "Super Brains" on Mick Fleetwood's solo album The Visitor. He recorded various sessions with a number of other musicians notably the Katmandu album A Case for the Blues with Ray Dorset of Mungo Jerry, Vincent Crane from The Crazy World of Arthur Brown and Len Surtees of The Nashville Teens. Despite attempts by Gibson Guitar Corporation to start talks about producing a "Peter Green signature Les Paul" guitar, Green's instrument of choice at this time was a Gibson Howard Roberts Fusion guitar. In 1986, Peter and his brother Micky contributed to the album A Touch of Sunburn by Lawrie 'The Raven' Gaines (under the group name 'The Enemy Within'). This album has been reissued many times under such titles as Post Modern Blues and Peter Green and Mick Green – Two Greens Make a Blues, often crediting Pirates guitarist Mick Green.
In 1988 Green was quoted as saying: "I'm at present recuperating from treatment for taking drugs. It was drugs that influenced me a lot. I took more than I intended to. I took LSD eight or nine times. The effect of that stuff lasts so long ... I wanted to give away all my money ... I went kind of holy – no, not holy, religious. I thought I could do it, I thought I was all right on drugs. My failing!"
Enduring periods of mental illness and destitution throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Green moved in with his older brother Len and Len's wife Gloria, and his mother in their house in Great Yarmouth, where a process of recovery began. He lived for a period on Canvey Island, Essex.
Green married Jane Samuels in January 1978; the couple divorced in 1979. They had a daughter, Rosebud(born 1978).
Green died on July 25, 2020 at the age of 73.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
With Wolves- Ch.4
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Series Masterlist Bamby’s Masterlist
Summary: Known as The Omen, your reputation puts fear in some of the most dangerous and deadly Alphas. So when you’re caught and sent to the worst maximum security facility unknown to man, no one expected an unclaimed Omega to walk through the gates in shackles and an orange jumpsuit. Word circulates, and before long there’s a price on your head. Who will claim the untamed Omega?
Series Taglist is Closed
Warnings: Explicit language. A/B/O dynamics. Prescribed experimental drug use. Mentions of violence.
You were sitting in the cafeteria, minding your own business- which you’d successfully done for the past three days- when two large, imposing, and impossible bodies took the empty spaces on either side of you. The roll of your eyes was automatic. The tightening grip on your plastic spoon was an attempt not to lash out. The way the hairs on the back on your neck stood to attention was involuntary.
“Go. Away.”
Dean shook his head as he sat on your left. “Sorry, sweetheart, that’s not happening.”
Turning to him, you glared. “It is taking a lot of self-control not to kill you right now. So, I repeat, go away.”
“We’re here to help,” Sam assured you from your right.
Spinning in your seat, you shot him a glare then. “How many fucking times do I have to say this? I don’t need help.”
“Maybe right now.” Dean shrugged. “But you’re gonna need some friends eventually, sweetheart. This place can get pretty… lonely.” His hand reached out to brush some hair from your shoulder.
You snapped.
Grabbing his wrist, you pulled him away from you as the fingers of your other hand wrapped around his throat. You jumped out of your seat, pushing him back into the concrete table so the edge dug into him uncomfortably as your claws pricked at his throat.
Sam was up a fraction of a second after you, ready to tear you away from his brother. But one look over your shoulder with a shake of his head, Dean silently told Sam to back off.
Once he was sure Sam wouldn’t lay a finger on you, Dean’s eyes returned to yours. “Sweetheart… let go.”
“No,” you snarled, snapping at him, your chest heaving.
He stayed calm even as blood rolled down the column of his neck. “Do you want the guards to sedate and throw you in the Pit?”
Eyes tearing away from Dean, you glanced over at where the guards were now watching the two of you intently. One in particular was drumming his fingers on his gun, watching, waiting, as if he was itching to lock you away. As if he was praying you’d give him a reason to stick you with a needle and then stick you in the dark.
Growling lowly, lightly, out of frustration and anger, you released your hold on Dean and pulled back. You bumped into Sam and stopped, neither of you moving as you focused on Dean. He wiped the blood from his neck, looking down at the red on his palm. There was a flash in his eyes, something that made your insides twist in a way they hadn’t before… a way that actually felt good. But you ignored it, pushing it away.
“You are going to be a handful,” Dean chuckled as he pushed himself up to his feet. “I like that.”
“I hate you,” you countered, still feeling that anger bubbling away. It wouldn’t take much for you to explode.
Eyes raking over you, Dean shook his head. “No, you don’t. You just won’t admit it.”
The three of you stood there, oblivious to the expectant crowd in the dining hall. They were all hoping for a fight. All praying for some action. You’d come to learn that there wasn’t much to do in this place, so whenever a fight broke out it drew numbers in like moths to a flame.
A beat passed before you tore your eyes away from Dean and turned to the new voice. It was a man, a Beta, and a doctor. You could tell by the white coat he wore, which you felt was a little cliché but this place had practically come out of some horrible action movie set, so you weren’t that surprised.
He was a little older than you, short, completely unintimidating. He had a British accent, you noted, recalling the sound of your name coming from him. Dark hair, slightly styled, and no doubt dyed. Friendly eyes that looked a little too warm and welcoming on a staff member of this facility. He looked odd in comparison to everyone else you’d come across since arriving days ago.
“Yeah?” you asked, suspicion and curious.
The doctor’s lips pulled up into a smile that was a friendly as his eyes. “Come with me, please.” With no other words he turned on his heels and stalked away.
Pausing a moment, you glanced over at Dean one last time. He grinned and winked at you, causing you to glare at him before you took your leave and followed the doctor.
The door shut behind you, the doctor closing off the rest of the world, leaving just the two of you in his office.
“Please, take a seat.” He gestured to the medical bed in the middle of the room.
Doing as he said, you moved over and pulled yourself up onto the bed, taking a seat. You felt weird, like you wanted to be uncomfortable but you couldn’t find any reason to. This guy seemed nice enough, and there was nothing threatening in his scent. You felt as if you could trust him.
That fact gave you hope that he might be able to aid in your inevitable escape.
“I’m Dr Davis, but you can call me Mick.”
“I won’t,” you grumbled, still twitchy from your incident with the brothers. “Probably gonna call you Doc, to be honest.”
He chuckled lightly. “Well, considering there are two doctors, that might get a little confusing.” He pulled a chair over from the desk, and sat down in front of you. “I get the feeling you like nicknames, they give you a sense of control and ease.”
“If this is some psych eval, then I’m gonna pass.” You went to push off the bed, but stopped as he lifted an arm in your way. Eyes glaring, you looked from the arm to his face.
Quickly, he lowered the arm and pulled back a little, but not out of fear. You sniffed the air and noticed that there wasn’t a speck of fear on him. It was unnerving. People usually shook in their boots at just the sound of your name. A glare from you could make people literally shit themselves. But this guy? This guy didn’t move because he thought you might snap or attack. No, he moved for you. To give you space. To allow you some of that control and ease he’d just mentioned.
“If it helps,” he went on normally, as if you weren’t still glaring at him, “the other doctor is a female. Maybe you can come up with gender specific names?” He shrugged casually, watching you with a light smile that actually reached his eyes.
Your glare went from warning to curious as you shifted back onto the medical bed again. “Why aren’t I seeing the female doctor?”
There was no hesitation when he answered, his smile falling completely, “Because you don’t want to. Trust me.”
That didn’t sit right with you. Not the trust part, but the fact that he clearly didn’t feel great about his co-worker. Were they incompetent? Were they rough? Were they uncaring? You guessed most staff members in a place like this would be uncaring, but this guy and Chuck hadn’t been too bad. Maybe you’d just been lucky? Maybe they were taking pity on the Omega?
Clearing your throat, you moved on, “So, why am I here, Doc?”
“Routine check-up. We do them weekly, but in your case, I’ve asked to see you a couple of times a week.”
“Because I’m not a fool, Miss Y/L/N. You’re an Omega locked away in a prison full of Alphas. You’re the first female we’ve had in this facility, and the first woman these men have seen in years. Decades in some cases. I’m concerned for your safety and wellbeing.”
“I’m a killer,” you noted. “You think they threw me in here for some entertainment? No. Well,” you paused and thought about it for a moment before shrugging, “I get the feeling some find it amusing. But I’m not here for no reason.”
With a short nod, he responded, “I’m aware.”
“But you’re still concerned for me?” you asked, watching him curiously and sceptically. You just didn’t believe the guy.
He simply shrugged. “As a doctor, I’m concerned for all my patience.”
“Right,” you scoffed. “Can we just get this over and done with? This place smells too clean.”
“Okay then.” Standing up, he moved back over to the desk and grabbed a box. Your eyes focused on the box as he headed back over and sat down once more. “Chuck told you about the pills, right?” he asked, getting a nod in return. “These are it.” He opened the box and showed you the little yellow pills inside.
Tearing your eyes away from the pills, you met his gaze and saw something that didn’t say right with you. “They’re not gonna work,” you stated plainly.
“I know.”
If there were some magical pills that could keep an Omega from having her heats then they would be advertised all over the world. Sure, there were some out there that could delay the heat for three to four months, but the end result of those were usually messy… and by messy, you meant hot, sticky and always kept the Omega in bed for days on end.
You doubted that’s what Chuck intended in your case. The last thing he would want was for you to be hit with a heat that’s twenty times more intense than usual. It would drive the Alphas into a frenzy. People would end up dead… and you’d more than likely be one of them.
When he’d mentioned the pills that first day, you’d known the truth he was too blind to see. An experimental drug. It made you scoff. Of course they were handing it out to someone like you. Why would they try something that dangerous on a normal Omega?
By the look on Mick’s face, and his response to your statement, you got the feeling he would have tried to change Chuck’s mind. If he really cared about his patience, Mick wouldn’t just let you go on these. He knew there were three likely ways this would end.
One. You’d end up having no heat for months, just like the other pills. But considering these are supposed to delay them for six to eight months, the heat that would follow would be far too dangerous. It could kill you, or get you killed.
Two. It would do absolutely nothing. That’s best-case scenario. You would continue getting your monthly heats, which you’d grown to deal with for year now. You knew how to defend yourself with a normal heat, so there wouldn’t be too much risk.
Three. The pills would backfire, screw up your cycle, and give you more heats than usual. That was the worst thing that could happen… and you had a gut feeling that’s what was heading your way.
“Could we just lie?” You looked back down at the pills again. “No one has to know I didn’t take them.”
Sighing, Mick shook his head. “You have to take one of these every night. A guard will come to your cell and give it to you. He will watch and inspect you to assure that the pill is swallowed. If they find out you somehow didn’t take it, they will throw you in the Pit as punishment… and then they will make you take the second experimental drug.”
“Why do I get the feeling the second drug is worse?”
“Because it is. It’s a concentrated form which is given weekly… though an injection.”
You shuddered at the thought. Needles were a no-go. You hated needles.
Watching you, he nodded knowingly. “Just take the pill.”
Mick had given you a look-over after he put the pills away. You didn’t have one while in his office. Someone would come by your cell before lights out tonight, just like he said they would, and give you a pill then/
If you were being honest… you were concerned. Heats could be bad normally, but add some weird experimental drug into the mix and they could seriously fuck you up. This was not the kind of place where someone like you should go through something like that. On a good day, you were at risk. On a bad day, you were meat.
Sitting in the yard, in a corner you’d claimed as your own for the day, you fiddled with the hair tie that was wrapped around your wrist. You were deep in your own thoughts, guards lower than usual. It was no wonder you were caught by surprise as someone approached you. Fortunately, they weren’t a threat. Unfortunately, it was Castiel.
“What did the doctor say?”
You didn’t bother looking up at him as you responded. “They’re putting me on drugs.”
“For your heats?”
The roll of your eyes was automatic. “Obviously.”
“That’s dangerous.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
So, he did just that. Well, he tried… “You need an Alpha.”
In an instant, you were up on your feet and stalking towards him until there was barely an inch between the two of you. Castiel was taller than you, but compared to others he didn’t look as domineering anymore.
“I don’t need anyone. I especially don’t need an Alpha.”
But, of course, he disagreed. “If you do not bond with someone you will be torn to shreds when your heat hits. No pill will keep them away forever. Your cycle will finish, your heat will come, and most of these animals will eat you alive… quite possibly literally.”
“I can handle myself.”
“I’ve seen you during your heats. I’ve seen how bad it can get. Don’t lie to yourself.” Turning on his heels, Castiel walked away, leaving you standing there with your thoughts and worries as a storm whirled inside you. This time, though, it wasn’t a storm made from anger. For the first time in a long time, you were actually scared.
Lying on your back, looking up at the bottom of Kevin’s bunk above you, your thoughts continued to whirl. You head hadn’t stopped since you left the doctor’s office. His words, and Castiel’s, had plagued you. Not only that, but all those eyes watching you were starting to set you on edge.
Never had you felt the need to be claimed.
You weren’t some crazy man hater. You craved touch like others. You just despised the idea of being owned. Growing up, you heard stories of what it’s like to be Omega. Children don’t tell ghost stories around campfires anymore… they talk of the horrors that are Alphas, and the terrors they bestow on the weak.
Omegas were weak by natural. You had to fight against your own biology in order to become the person you were. It had taken years of training and punishment for you to become so ruthless and heartless. It had taken a close call to shock you into action.
The thought of going through something like that again… you still had nightmares from that night. You still felt the hands and claws clutching and digging. Still felt him…
“You okay?”
Jumping at the sound of Kevin’s voice, your eyes went wide as his head popped over the edge of his bunk so he could look down at you. He was concerned, you could see it. You could sense it. Just like he could sense something was clearly wrong.
Over the three days you’d been here, you and Kevin had actually become somewhat friends. He didn’t hang out with you once the cell was unlocked in the morning, but he was always there at night. When you couldn’t sleep and needed someone to chat to, he was always willing to stay up and be that person.
Never had he asked why you tossed and turned once sleep took over. Never did he question why you tried to distract yourself from the still night silence. Never did he comment on how different you were once the sun was down.
You were a new person in times like this. A person who was easy to talk to. A person who was willing to listen. A person who could laugh without sarcasm, smile like you meant it, joke around, open up a little, and be a little more pleasant than usual. A person Kevin had come to quite like.
When you finally answered his question, you surprised both him and yourself, “Ever get the feeling your time is running out?”
Kevin’s eyes were comically wide… well, they would be if it weren’t for the circumstances. You meant it. Deep down, you could feel something big was going to happen. You could feel something bad was going to happen. You didn’t like it. Not one bit.
Sitting up, you watched as a guard came up to the cell bars. He was dressed in the all black uniform like the rest of them, only his head clear of clothing. In an instant you recognised him as the one who had been watching you with the Winchester, waiting for you to do something stupid.
Not wanting to give him a reason to throw you in The Pit- because you got feeling a sneeze would trigger this guy- you stood and moved to the bars. There you waited as he pulled out a small yellow pill from his pocket. A grimace tried to fight its way out of you, but you held it back, not wanting to piss the guard off.
Opening your mouth, knowing the drill, you stayed perfectly still as he reached in closer and placed the pill right on your tongue. Then it was his turn to wait as your mouth closed, the pill effortlessly sliding down your throat due to how small it was.
“Let me see,” he ordered, and you noticed then that he had a British accent.
Doing as he said, once again, you opened your mouth to show him that the pill was in fact gone. He paused a moment, a flash of disappointment crossing his features, before he nodded and stepped back. Not another word was said as he walked away.
You waited a moment, just in case, but once you were sure he was really gone you headed back to bed. Kevin was watching. He’d been watching the whole thing. By the look on his face, there was something you ought to know about the guard.
“Get the feeling he’s a bit of an ass.”
“He’s the biggest ass,” Kevin told you, shifting so he too was lying back on his bed. “His name is Ketch. He’s the only one who will punish you for breaking the simplest of rules. The rest just sit back and watch. A lot of stuff happens that shouldn’t, but they don’t care. We’re animals to them. But Ketch?” You imagined Kevin shaking his head.
You hummed, thoughtful. “I would have thought he’d like to watch the violence, too.”
“He does. He just prefers to watch it go down in the Pit.”
At the mention of this ‘pit’ again, you felt your curiosity rise. “This pit as bad as it sounds?”
“I’ve never been down there myself, but Sam and Dean have. They go down there a lot, actually. This is probably the longest they’ve been out in months…”
Not surprising. You thought to yourself. Dean’s a pig-headed Alpha, and Sam follows him like a duckling.
“From what they’ve told me… it’s dark, wet and cold. There’s a few lights, but most of them just flicker. It’s this long room lined with cells. I think it used to be solitary confinement down there, but then they just locked the place down, and started throwing people in. Sam says there’s a window where guards watch the fights.”
Listening to Kevin, you were shocked. This place seemed like it ran smoothly. Sure, there were at least three fights a day, and someone had their throat ripped into with teeth yesterday, but that all seemed expect. The Pit, though? That sounded barbaric. It reminded you of the gladiators in ancient times. It sounded horrible.
That gut feeling churned again, reminding you of your worries.
“What happens down there?” you asked, even though you were pretty sure you already knew. If what you assumed was wrong, then you weren’t sure you’d want to find out the truth.
“Most of the time the Alphas just fight until someone submits.”
That’s what you’d guessed. But there was something about his response that you didn’t like. “Most of the time…”
Knowing what you were asking, he filled in the blanks, “The rest of the time… well, not everyone comes out in one piece. Betas never come back out...”
Everything inside you sunk as that fear from earlier grew. If Betas didn’t fare well down there… you needed to get the hell out of here before you crossed a line that could cost your life.
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crashdevlin · 6 years
Good Things: Part Three
Part One
Part Two
That day in Manitoba started a three week-long texting relationship with the eldest Winchester, which began with a simple 'How's your hunt going?' and slowly evolved to sexts and pictures... and then just stopped. You called and it went to voicemail every time. As the days of silence went by, you went through a cycle of angry, betrayed and worried.
"I know you're retired, Garth. I'm not calling you into a hunt!" You were in the worried part of the cycle and you had started calling every hunter you knew that knew the Winchesters. "I need to know if you've heard from Dean."
"I didn't know you even knew Sam and Dean." Garth mused on the other end of the phone.
"Yeah, for a little while now, okay, and I've been trying to get a hold of either of them for weeks and neither are answering their phones."
"Oh, that happens sometimes. They get into-"
"So, that's a 'no', Garth?"
"No. Sorry, y/n. I haven't heard from them in a while."
"Great. Do you have, uh, Jody Mills' number?"
"Yeah. You got a pen?"
Your conversation with Sheriff Mills had gone the same way, but ended with you being given Mary Winchester's number. "Hello?"
"Hi, uh, Mary? It's y/n."
"Oh. Hey."
"I'm trying to get in contact with Dean. Have you heard from him?"
There was a moment of silence followed by, "Castiel didn't call you?"
You swallowed, nervously. "Call me about what?"
She sighed, sending static through the phone. "I think it'd be better coming from Castiel."
"Mary, please. I have spent the last month thinking I did something wrong or Dean was killed or that he just decided he didn't want to waste his time with me! Don't make me wait for the fucking angel!" You exclaimed.
"Y/n... you didn't do anything wrong and they aren't dead... but they are in trouble and we... Castiel and I haven't been able to help them."
"What trouble?" Your voice barely came out.
"You remember how Lucifer was in Vince Vincente?"
"He ended up in President Rooney."
"They were arrested after getting Lucifer out of him and black-bagged, sent to some... off-books black site that we can't find. That was... five weeks ago."
Her words hit you with enough force to knock the wind out of you. "How do you know they're still alive? Assault on the president, that's gotta be-"
"Castiel says they are, so I have to believe him."
You swallowed, fighting back tears. "Okay. Thank you... for telling me... Mary."
"The boys will be okay. I know they will."
"Sure." You lost the fight with the tears as you hung up. You went to sleep that night thinking you might have just lost the most amazing man in the world and you never gave him the fair shake he deserved, that you'd been so wrapped in your self-deprecating bullshit that you had lost the opportunity of a lifetime.
You threw yourself into a hunt, immediately. It didn't matter that it might be an entire nest of vampires and you were but a single hunter, you went to Lancaster, Missouri, anyway. You were met with confusion and a bit of anger from the townsfolk. Another 'agent' had been through the town, asking questions, before disappearing on the heels of the the fifth body drop. You easily found the bar that was the overlap between the victims and went to work tracking the monster from a bar stool, which is where you were when Mary Winchester walked in.
"Hey." You started. "Buy you a beer?"
"Sure." She sat down next to you and you nodded at the bartender to get another round of beers. "You here for the hunt?"
"Beats sitting around the house, wallowing."
She nodded. "I've always been a 'kill things instead of cry' kinda woman, too."
"That's what happens when you grow up in the Life. You learn to dissociate from pain... all pain."
"Yeah, Dean told me you were a 'born-and-raised' hunter, like me."
"He told me that you got out... supposedly." You took a drink of your beer. "Tried to do the normal-boring, raise a litter... but this isn't something you can just turn off, not when it's how you were raised, when it's who you are."
"True. Even when I was..." She shook her head and raised her bottle to her lips. "You can take a break but you can never stop. Like you said, it's who we are."
"Wanna work this together?"
"You've already done the legwork, I assume."
"Yes, ma'am. Beardy dude in the corner is our guy. Was gonna let him lead me back to the nest. Always good to have another machete at the party."
"Sounds good to me."
The nest was four vampires strong, but you and Mary took them out in a span of about fifteen minutes, heads rolling off your machete and across the floor like misshapen bowling balls. "Not bad." She said as the two of you walked out of the old shop they'd settled in. Her phone started ringing as the two of you moved to get into her car. "Castiel? Slow... slow down. What?" Her eyes widened as she sat in the driver's seat. "Oh, God. I'll be there."
She hung up and turned to you, looking through the open window. "Get in. The Boys have escaped. They're in Colorado. I'm meeting Castiel in Lebanon. Let's go."
Mary drove like a bat out of Hell. It was nauseating around the curves, how your insides pulled with the force, but you didn't mention it. You were glad for her fast driving, it just meant you'd get to see Dean again sooner. It cut a six hour trip from Missouri to Kansas down to two and a half and it was no time before she was pulling into a parking lot in Lebanon and Castiel was walking up to the passenger window.
"You got here quickly."
"Yep." Mary responded as Castiel got into the backseat. "What do you think we're walking into?" Mary asked.
"I don't know." Castiel answered, honestly. "We may want more backup. Crowley and Rowena?"
"The King of Hell and his mother: the witch?" Mary scoffed.
"Hope we can do better than that." You insisted as Mary buckled her seat belt.
"I may have an idea." Castiel said.
"Good. Seat belt on. I drive fast."
"She's not lying." You confirmed.
Mary parked her car on Colorado State Route 34 in front of a black luxury car. You recognized the shorter man in the tan coat before you even got out of the car: Mick Davies, British Men of Letters. He'd been trying to get you to talk to him for months. "Miss y/l/n, a pleasure as always."
"Mr. Davies."
"This is my associate, Mr. Ketch. I don't think you've met." He gestured to his companion, a taller man with tattoos on his hands.
"No. Definitely would've remembered meeting this one." Ketch looked you up and down as Mary stomped around the front of the car to glare at Castiel.
"This is your idea? The people that almost killed my boys, they're gonna be our backup? Suddenly, the demon and his mommy don't look so bad." Mary said, snarkily.
"They helped us with Lucifer." Castiel defended.
"Lucifer? The Lucifer?" Mick asked.
"Wait, so, you're tellin' me what happened in Indianapolis was you took on the bleedin' Devil, himself?" Mick asked.
"Yes." Castiel answered.
"Did you win?" Ketch asked.
Castiel looked from the Brits to you and Mary. "Yes."
The Brits looked at each other, obviously impressed. "Bravo."
"But Sam and Dean were taken. We think we can get them back, but we need... help." Mary said.
"So, we'll help." Mick said.
"Really?" Mary asked.
"Just like that?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Mrs. Winchester... y/n..." Mick stepped forward. "I came to this country to do one thing: Make friends. But you American hunters, you're... you're a different breed than our sort. You're surly, suspicious. You don't play well with others." Mick started.
"Well, that is accurate." Castiel commented. You and Mary gave the angel almost identical bitch faces.
"You don't trust people you don't know, even when they come bearing gifts. Now, I can't help that, but I can help you. And if word were to get out that we did our part to save Same and Dean Winchester, well, that's just good business, innit? And who knows? When all this is over, we might even be friends." Mick turned his gaze to you. "Maybe you'll let me buy you that dinner, finally."
"What's the saying about Brits bearing gifts?" You responded, with a sarcastic smile.
"That's Greeks bearing gifts." Ketch corrected.
"Yeah, but the Greeks left the gift for the gods and the Trojans stole it, whereas the British Empire had a habit of rolling across nations like they were God's gift, stealing resources and killing people. My way makes more sense."
The two men blinked at you as Mary leaned against the hood of her car. "We think Sam and Dean were being held somewhere in the Rocky Mountain National Forest."
"Site 94? It's a government facility, off-books. Shadow ops. One of those places that officially doesn't exist." Ketch said.
"Then how do you know about it?" Mary asked.
"We gather information. It's our job." Mick said.
"They told us to meet them off State Route 34." Cas tried to help.
"Which is a fairly long stretch of road and we don't know where, exactly, they're comin' up for air." You said.
"I'll get our techs to put a satellite over the area." Mick offered.
"You can do that?" You and Mary asked.
"And so much more."
"Do you have any idea what sort of trouble we're walking into?" Ketch asked Castiel.
Ketch smiled. "Oh, good. I do like a surprise."
It didn't take long for Mick to tell you that the satellite had picked up the brothers in a gunfight with some paramilitary guys in a small cabin and the five of you figured out the best area between the cabin and Route 34 to wait for them as the sun dipped lower and lower. The sound of them stomping through the underbrush turned your attention as they came crashing into the small clearing.
"Sam, Dean." Cas said, relieved.
Both brothers breathed the angel's name and Sam wrapped Cas in a hug. "Mom." Sam breathed as his eyes fell on Mary. He broke away from Castiel and enveloped his mother in a hug.
Dean hugged the angel, next, watching as his brother attacked their mom with love. "Hey, buddy." Dean patted his shoulder and moved to hug Mary.
You tucked your hair behind your ears as they greeted each other with love. You almost felt like you didn't need to be there, that you shouldn't be there, like this was a moment for family and you should've stayed at the car with the British Men of Letters. You were contemplating sinking backward into the trees, circling back around to the Brits' Bentley and Mary's car, when Dean pulled away from Mary and pulled you to him.
He was clearly exhausted, and he smelled like sweat, gunpowder and mud, but he held you to his chest like he never wanted to let you go and it was everything your heart needed in that moment. "I'm so happy you're here, y/n. So glad Cas called you."
"Actually, Dean, I didn't have y/n's number."
"I happened to be with y/n when Castiel called me." Mary said, gesturing through the woods toward where the car was parked. Dean didn't want to let you go, you could tell, but he pulled out of the embrace and took your hand in his as you started toward the road. "This girl can hunt."
"Mom, how did y'all even find us?" Sam asked, as the group emerged from the wood line.
"They helped." She nodded at Mick and Ketch, leaning against the hood of their car.
"Hello, lads." Mick greeted.
"They have a thermal imaging satellite that saw you... from space." Cas' words were stilted, like he wasn't sure he was saying the right thing, and Sam and Dean both looked confused.
"Well, we don't have one, just borrowed it for a bit. Friends in all the right places." Mick corrected.
"Well, I guess this is where we're supposed to say 'thank you'." Dean stiffened and you squeezed his hand.
"No need. Happy to be of service." Mick said.
"Again." Ketch stressed.
"Okay, then. We should get." Sam said, gesturing at the trees. "The people we left, they'll call for backup any second."
"Uh, you left survivors?" Ketch asked.
"Of course they did." You answered, immediately, as Sam squinted at Ketch and nodded.
"They were soldiers, just doin' what they were told." Dean responded, like he was talking to a child.
"Still... a bit unprofessional." Ketch continued.
"What profession do you think you're in, Mr. Ketch?" You asked, pulling away from Dean's side and stepping closer to the Bentley. "We're good people. Good people don't kill unless they have to. Especially other people."
"We'll handle it. Let's get." Sam said as Dean pulled your arm until you were back to his side and the two of you headed for the back seat of the car.
Dean pulled you into his lap as Mary pulled off and headed North. "Shoulda called you before we went up against Lucifer... how long were you in the dark?" He whispered. He hugged you to him, running one of his hands down your back and sweeping the other up and down your thigh.
"I got a hold of Mary a week ago."
"Shit, y/n. I'm sorry. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd want to help if you knew we were going up against-"
"Satan? Of course I would've." You turned to look at him better. "You offer me a chance at epic status and then you go against Lucifer and you freeze me out?"
"I couldn't even imagine sending you into a room with Lucifer. The thought of what he could have done to you... I tried to call, but I couldn't." He shook his head.
"Well, I suppose not hearing from you, not knowing what the hell happened..." You smiled softly and ran your thumb across his cheek to rub away a smudge of dirt. "That's not nearly as bad as being murdered by Lucifer or locked up in Site 94."
"God, you're understanding." He said under his breath, before twisting your body on his lap so that you were straddling him, facing him. He cupped your chin between his hands and looked deeply into your eyes. "I hope you're still this understanding at midnight."
"What does that mean?" You and Castiel asked, instantly worried.
Dean shook his head, looking from your face to the clock on the GPS and back. "Look, what I need you to know right now, y/n, is that I thought about you every day I was in there. I dreamed of your face, your smile. Those pictures you sent me by your pool..." He smiled, softly, tears brimming around his lashes. "I need you to know that... you're my good thing, too."
"Dean, what-"
He didn't answer, pulling your head forward to lock his lips against yours. There was no tongue, no heat, in the kiss. It was every bit of sweetness and care that you'd imagined your first kiss with him might carry, but there was an undercurrent of loss and sadness, like it might be the last kiss, as well. He didn't pull away until the radio spontaneously turned on, sending static through the car as the engine died. "It's time." Sam said from the front seat as the car rolled to a stop on a small bridge over Timber Creek.
You all got out of the car and stepped around the car. "What's happening?" Mary asked. Your eyes were stuck on Dean's face.
"Yeah, Dean." A voice called from the middle of the bridge. You turned to see a beautiful woman, wearing a brown leather jacket and a black t-shirt, arms crossed over her chest. "Sup?"
"Billie?" Mary asked.
"Who?" You immediately snapped.
"The reaper?" Cas' question answered your own.
"I don't understand." Mary turned to look at her boys.
"Mom... that place... there was only one way we were getting out of there, and that wasn't breathing." Dean responded. You shook your head. You didn't understand. Well, you did, but you didn't want to. "So I made a call."
"Dean talked with her and then Billie came to see me. And we made a deal. We'd get to die and come back one more time, but in exchange..." Sam started. He was having a hard time looking at Mary and Castiel.
"Come midnight, a Winchester goes bye-bye. Like, permanently." The reaper said, smugly, as Mary stepped right in front of her sons. You sat against the hood of the car, hand over your mouth. No wonder Dean had kissed you like that. "And that is something I've been looking forward to for a long time."
"Why would you-"
Dean cut his mother off. "We were already dead. Being locked in that cell with nothing... I've been to Hell. This was worse."
"At least this way, one of us gets to keep fighting." Sam reasoned.
"You don't have to do this." You flinched at the harshness of the angel's voice.
"Yeah, they do. We made a pact, bound in blood. You break that, there's consequences on a cosmic scale. So, who's it gonna be?"
Dean was about to volunteer. If the kiss hadn't tipped you off, the way he looked at Sam would have, but before he could do what he was planning, Mary turned to face the reaper, pulling her gun from her waistband. "Me."
"Mom." Dean said. "Mom."
"No." Sam said. "No."
Billie flung the brothers backward. "You said, come midnight a Winchester dies? I'm a Winchester." Mary explained.
"Works for me." Billie responded.
Mary cocked her gun and pressed the barrel to her temple as you squeezed your eyes shut and the brothers shouted at her to stop. "I love you." She sniffled.
The sound of piercing flesh drove you to open your eyes to the vision of Billie with an angel blade through her chest, just in time for the blinding light of her dying to make you squeeze them shut again. Castiel looked fairly shocked that he'd killed Billie, too, as Sam and Dean got to their feet. "Cas, what have you done?" Dean asked, looking at the body.
"What had to be done. You know this world, this sad, doomed little world, it needs you. It needs every last Winchester it can get, and I will not let you die. I won't let any of you die. And I won't let you sacrifice yourselves. You mean too much to me, to everything." You were certain you'd never seen an angel cry, but Castiel was right there on the edge of it. "Yeah, you made a deal. You made a stupid deal and I broke it. You're welcome."
There was a long moment of silence before you pushed away from the car and launched yourself at Dean. The slap you administered to his dirty cheek made your right hand hurt. "You absolute-" You let your left hand swing. "-idiot! We could have found you! You didn't have to do this!" You went for another slap with your right hand, but Dean caught it.
"Ow." Dean said, pointedly, moving his jaw. "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?! You were gonna kill yourself!"
"We hadn't decided which of us-" Sam started.
"Dean had! Dean knew exactly which one of you was gonna bite that bullet." Dean looked down, a confirmation of your theory. "You were going to have us watch you die!"
"Because I had to! And it's not like it'd be a first, y/n. Everyone here, except you, has died. Most of us in triplicate." He dropped your wrist and stepped back. "And when I made that decision, I didn't know you and Mom were gonna be here. I thought it was just gonna be Cas."
"And that's better? That you thought only your best friend was gonna have to see it, that's better?!" You were screeching.
"Yes! I thought Cas would take it better than either of the women in my life! Obviously I was wrong." Dean argued.
"Don't say it like that, like he made some hysterical decision based in emotion. He made the rational decision. He was cool as a cucumber when he decided to save your mom from having to clean up your fucking mess! She was also super calm in her decision. The only one acting like a woman here is me and that's because I'm so pissed off I can't-" You cut yourself off and turned to Mary. "Just drop me in Loveland. I'll find my own way back to my car."
"Oh, come on, y/n! You shouldn't-" Dean started, stepping forward.
"Look, I need a fair amount of time and several bottles of wine to process what just happened, so you're gonna get in the back seat with brother and the angel and you're gonna keep your mouth shut." You demanded.
Dean sneered as he got in the back seat, allowing the smaller-framed Castiel take the middle as you got into the front seat. You'd been driving in silence a few minutes when Mary looked at you. "You know, I could get you back to Missouri, y/n. It wouldn't be-"
"Loveland's fine." You said, biting your thumbnail.
Dean made a huffy, displeased sound, but you ignored it. You recognized that sacrifice wasn't a question for the Winchesters. If it saved the other, or saved the world, the brothers would die for it. Seems they got that from Mary.
You knew sacrifice was a Winchester staple, but you hadn't expected to have to deal with it, yet. To have to confront the reality that Dean was always going to throw himself on a sword at a moment's notice to save Sam or the world... you weren't sure you were okay with that.
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monkees-on-the-line · 6 years
Soda Pop & Incense
Summary: Peter & Davy were a ‘thing’ for six months before Peter decides to take a year off of college for a soul-searching 1 year trip. That’s when things get messy. 
Fearing commitment, Davy wrecks the entire thing. But when Peter comes back, will they mend things?
Words: 5,455
Ships: Jork & Dolenzmith 
Davy had been feeling nostalgic lately. And not in the good way, no, this made him feel sick. His throat would close up and it would be impossible for him to catch his breath. Part of him wished that he could just forget everything that happened the year before. But the part of him that was still in bed laying next to him, would put up a good fight to stop that. 
God, being in bed with him. He just had to start falling down that wormhole of memories, didn’t he? Curling up in those pile of thin blankets because it never occurred to either of them to buy a thicker one. Though, he did have that old ratty Scooby Doo blanket that must have been from when he was a kid, curled up & hidden under his bed. Davy had found it one over night visit and never mentioned it, just thinking about how cute it was...how cute he was. 
He smelled like soda pop and incense. Davy couldn’t get enough of it. Until he did...or at least he thought he did. 
“I don’t want this to be some sort of fling you forget about in a year, I actually have feelings for you.”
The words popped back into Davy’s head like magic, recalling the tone & the insecurity just the same as he’d heard it that night. 
He blinked, squeezing his eyes shut for a second or two as he continued walking down the sidewalk. He pressed his thumb against the side of his nose. He was getting that feeling you get when you drink too much soda and the fizz sort of creeps uncomfortably at your nose, giving you a weird half-headache. An echo of what he’d felt that night. 
Committing to someone was never Davy’s speed, let alone to a guy who was asking Davy to wait for him while he took a year off of college to go on some sort of trip. So anxiety got to him, so he ruined the only relationship he’d ever had that meant anything to him? Who cared? it’s the past. What’s done is done. 
They’d only been ‘dating’ or ‘hooking up’, as Davy had mistakenly referred to it that night he’d left, for six months. Giving him just enough time to work his way into the group, to worm his way into Micky & Mike’s lives too. He was too damn likable. 
Davy was over it...he had to be. He had a lot of time without him to think about it. 
But yet, Davy was still aimlessly walking around with it all on his mind like some angst ridden teenager. 
-”No, no. Micky, you don’t wanna come over today, trust me. I’m-I’m really ill, man.” Davy faded his chuckle into a cough with ease, fingers curled over the phone. His friend hummed on the other end, the way he did when he was suspicious and Davy fought the urge to huff in frustration. “Mick, if you don’t let me go right now...I  might vomit onto my phone.” He pursed his lips, nose twitching in the cold. He hoped the slight anger in his tone might give Micky the hint.
But his friend was restless as ever. Just like when they were little tykes living in matching tan houses on a street called Beachwood Lane. The green grass of their lawns was waiting for them, Micky would say as he begged Davy to go out and play with him. Davy would act like he wasn’t going to say yes for at least five minutes before going out and maybe watching Micky fall off his scooter a couple times, whatever it was they used to do. 
“Are you sure I can’t come over? I was gonna tell you-”
“Micky, I’m sick. I’m not in the mood.” Davy spoke the lie confidently and felt a jab in his stomach as he looked out at the open outside air. He shook his legs back and forth as they hung over the concrete wall he was currently sat on. 
“But Davy, It’s important-” Micky tried once again to get through to his stubborn friend but Davy just came up with another excuse. Knowing he didn’t have much time left, Micky went with the last option. 
“Bye, Micky-” 
“Mike is picking Peter up from the airport, ok? Byeeeee” Micky spoke quickly to make sure he could squeeze it all in before Davy hung up. 
It barely registered to Davy what Micky had said until a few seconds after he’d hung up. It had been a little over a year, hadn’t it? Peter had said he’d be gone for just a year but Davy had kind of been selfishly hoping that since they fought, Peter might not come back at all. 
Davy groaned and immediately re-dialed Micky’s number, who picked up instantly. “Hey, already on my way-”
“I’m not at home, I’m by the beach.” Davy looked at the water in front of him, just past the warm sand, he shook his legs again. 
“Fun! It’s a little cold for that. Should I bring the shovel so you can bury your feelings in the sand?” Though Davy couldn’t see him, it was easy to tell his curly haired friend was smirking. 
“Funny, Micky.” Davy scowled while Micky laughed in his ear.  He took in a deep breath just as small waves of blue crashed onto the shore and hung up the phone. 
“Why is Mike picking him up? Can’t one of his old pals get him?” Davy asked with narrowed eyes just as Micky started walking up to him, sneakers skidding in the grass that ended just where the little concrete wall began. Micky plopped down next to him, picking his right leg up to rest on the wall while his left hung loosely over.  
“Well, Peter called to say he was coming back-”
“Hold on. He called you guys?” Davy held out his hand to tell Micky to ‘hold it’, who looked annoyed. 
“Yeah, you call your friends when you’re gonna be back in town.” Micky shook his head and Davy scowled. “Davy, you haven’t spoken to the guy in a year. Did you really think he was gonna call you...and what? Warn you?” Micky rolled his eyes and Davy clamped his mouth shut. 
“Anyway, Mike offered to pick him up. He likes the long drives.” Micky shrugged. “I get the fun job, Davy damage control.” Micky reached over to pat Davy’s shoulder who just smacked his hand away. Micky didn’t seem that bothered. 
Davy looked back towards the water and leaned back on his palms, Micky stared at the side of his face for a second before copying the action. “So you guys are gonna pal around him again?” 
“I dunno about ‘pal around’, maybe ‘hang out’? Or if we’re crazy maybe a ‘get together’ here and there or perhaps a-” Micky’s sarcastic voice was cut off when Davy looked back again with heat in his eyes. 
“What do I say here, Davy? Yeah, he’s our friend. You don’t have to be around when he is, if you don’t want.” Micky pursed his lips and Davy gave a bitter laugh. 
“That’s great. I don’t have to be around if I don’t want to.” He shook his head. “I expected Mike would keep in touch. But c’mon Micky you’re my best mate and you’re gonna hang around my ex?” Davy’s voice was thick with hurt and Micky frowned. 
“Don’t make it sound like that.” Micky picked at his shoelace, feeling guilt in his chest. “The guy was so into you, he followed wherever you went with actual hearts in his eyes. And you-you just lead him on? When it was over, you told me that you two were just having fun. But Peter once told me that he could really fall for you-” 
Davy widened his eyes, not ever aware that Peter had ever said anything like that. 
“It’s not like he did anything horrible. He’s our friend.” Micky sighed, looking back to the water again. Davy felt his heart drop into his stomach and was overcome with the worst feeling of regret that he attempted to drown out. 
“So...how was his trip?” Davy asked, though he really didn’t want to know the details. Micky sighed with thought and shook his leg. 
“Good. He told me that it was really what he needed before he went back to school. He went all sorts of places...hearing him say it really makes you wanna do it, y’know? You should hear him say it.” Micky shrugged, his voice fading off in that higher pitch he used when he was nervous. 
Davy shook his head, seemingly offended at the suggestion. “Look, I’m just thinking that you could talk to him....cause I mean, just ‘having fun’ for six months? Really, Davy? You were into him more than you say. You were really happy when you two were a thing” Micky sniffled from the slight chill. 
“I’m not saying it was great to be six months into it and have Peter decided to go off on some soul-searching year trip. I would have been thrown off too.” Micky shrugged, the statement caught Davy’s attention. “But it was just a year of long distance. That’s not that bad. I know you really liked him, I don’t get why you had to make it seem like the whole ‘relationship’, whatever you wanna call it, was nothing to you.”
“I know you like to stick your nose into other people’s business, Micky. But-” Davy turned to fully face Micky who ran his hand through his hair. “Ok, maybe you’re right. I was really into Peter...like really into him. But Micky, I was freaking out.” Davy shook his head.
“Peter was the first guy I was really with...you know that.” Davy gestured and Micky nodded. “Commitment in general is not my thing, let alone to a guy. I knew that if I said yes to the long distance thing- that Peter and I were serious and I just-I wasn’t ready so I fucking blew it because I was scared.” Davy’s voice cracked and he turned away again. 
“You could have talked to him or hell, even me. You know I had some trouble with my sexuality too.” Micky gently pat Davy’s shoulder, who just looked more guilty. 
“I should have but I didn’t. It’s done. Nothing I can do about it.” Davy sighed, eyes a little watery. 
“This whole thing is really complicated. I just want us to all be friends cause I love you guys-” 
“You’re really naive, Micky. Did y’know that?” Davy intended to make those words sound harsh but looking at his friends face, they came out much softer. “I was real shit to Peter before he left. We aren’t going to mates, I can tell you that much.” 
“But if-” Micky was interrupted at the sound of his phone and slipped it from his pocket. “Hello?-Oh, I’m with Davy, yeah. -Noooo, I left them on the counter.” Micky’s face was taken over by a small grin and Davy felt a little jealous. 
“Look under the-No? They aren’t there?...Oh! You know what, I think I put them on the nightstand actually!” Micky smacked his forehead. Davy could hear Mike’s voice on the other end, annoyed but amused at Micky’s bad memory. 
“Ok.....I love you, be careful. Bye.” Micky hung up and threw Davy a sympathetic grin. “He couldn’t find his keys, he’s gonna get Peter now.”
Mike pulled up to just pick Peter up from the car but remembered Micky’s voice from the morning, nagging him about going inside to meet Peter at baggage claim. He sighed, turned his car around and went to park. 
Mike got inside, bought himself a coffee from the stand and sat down right where Peter should be coming in a few minutes. 
Mike kind of enjoyed the drive up there and he was about to complain about sitting around with a nice cup of coffee. He liked to watch the people passing about him and wonder where they were coming from or going to. 
His good time was soon to be interrupted as Peter made his way towards his, picking his bag up on the way. The orange bag rolled behind him as he strolled over to Mike with a large grin. “Mike!” 
Mike nearly jumped, having zoned out for the last five minutes or so. He stood with a small smile on his face. “Hey, Pete. How was your flight?” He stretched his back a bit and started to make his way out, Peter strolling next to him. 
“Good, little rough but..” Peter shrugged, his smile taking over his face. “good. Thanks for picking me up.” 
Mike sipped his coffee and nodded, holding the door open for Peter as he walked out. “No problem.”
“I’m guessing the meeting me in baggage claim was Micky’s idea?” Peter asked with a tiny chuckle, seeing right through Mike who had to chuckle too. 
“Yeah. I was just gonna pick you up from the car.” Mike opened the back of the car for Peter to toss his suitcase inside and they went off to get in their seats. He couldn’t help but notice the sparkly little weed key-chain Peter had put on it. He rolled his eyes. 
As Peter shut the car door, he tossed Mike a look. “Speaking of, I’ve been gone for a year so you two are up to around three years...?” Peter trailed off and Mike nodded. “Anything special going on for you guys?” Peter wiggled his eyebrows a little and Mike rolled his eyes, ready to dismiss him but felt a pang of insecurity. 
“Do you think there should be?” He asked, dreading an answer as Peter hummed. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know if I believe in marriage, myself but- I think three years is the appropriate time for engagement.” Peter spoke casually but Mike felt a rush of emotions at the words. 
“You don’t believe-? What do you mean you don’t believe in marriage?” Mike raised his eyebrow. “It’s not Bigfoot, Peter.” 
Peter chuckled, opening his window the tiniest bit for a little bit of a breeze. “I think people can have a long term, committed relationship without having to do all that.” He gestured weirdly into the air and Mike rolled his eyes. 
“But you think three years is the ‘appropriate amount of time’ before getting engaged?” Mike swallowed and Peter shrugged. Mike felt a rush of worry that he was supposed to be thinking about this a lot more than he had been. And worse, if Micky was thinking about it. 
“Where is Micky anyway?” Peter asked and Mike was distracted from his own worries to remember what he should be worried about. 
“Oh, he’s with Davy.” Mike shrugged, turning on his turn signal as Peter bit into his lip. 
“That reminds me..” Peter shuffled in his seat. “I was gonna say, I mean- we’d only been friends for six months before I left and you guys have known Davy for a long time so-I mean, I could-” Peter was cut off with a hand gesture from Mike. 
“Can I be honest with you, Pete?” 
Peter nodded, a little nervous “Sure.” 
“I think the whole thing with you and Davy is ridiculous.” Mike turned the wheel and narrowed his eyes to watch the road. “Davy’s my friend and all but I don’t think you two made a good match.” 
Peter frowned. Mike could tell he really wasn’t good at this. 
“I just mean-” Mike shook his head and breathed in to clear in his mind. “Maybe things happened the way they did because it’s not meant to be. Davy-He’s well he did a dumb thing...so maybe...” 
Peter could see Mike’s struggle and tried to help. “I can do better?” 
Mike nodded. 
Peter appreciated the help but. ‘I really doubt it.’ He thought to himself. 
“-And did Peter say anything about Davy?” Micky asked, tossing his fork around in the food Mike had brought home for them. Mike hummed, scratching the side of his face. He knew Micky was not going to be the biggest fan of the advice he gave. 
Mike hunched his body over, sliding his arms onto the counter and folding his hands. Micky glanced up, feeling the heat from being that close to each other. “What did you say to him?” 
“I didn’t say it technically...I was ramblin’...y’know like I do.” Mike lifted one of his hands to scratch the back of his neck and Micky let his fork go, it fell against his plate. 
“What did you tell him?” Micky pouted, which Mike found supremely adorable though he was most likely in trouble. 
“I may have lead Peter to the conclusion that he could do better than Davy.” Mike shrugged and Micky’s eyes flickered with heat.  He immediately reached over and smacked Mike’s arm. 
“Mike, you idiot! I’m trying to get them to work their shit out to get back together.” Micky scowled and Mike shook his head, standing up. 
“Any idiot can see they still like each other.” Micky slouched in his seat and rested his chin on his open palm. 
Mike bent over to get himself a drink from the fridge. “Apparently not every idiot though, huh?” Mike pointed to himself and Micky begrudgingly chuckled. 
“I think they need to give it another go. A second chance.” Micky rubbed his hands over his face and Mike looked at him with uncertainty. It was like the two of them were just on a different wavelength. 
“You didn’t hear what Davy said today. He-he messed up but, I mean, Peter going away for a year after six months freaked him out.” Micky shrugged as Mike pulled out a chair to sit across from him. “And Peter was the first and only guy Davy has ever been with, he was scared to commit and that’s why he ruined it. Not because he didn’t love Peter.” 
“Did he say he loved him?” Mike furrowed his brows and Micky slouched.
“No but the rest of it is what he told me. I know he loves him though.” Micky sat up straight again and Mike rolled his eyes.
“You know that?” Mike formed it as a question though he was quite familiar with Micky and his naivety. Micky slid his fork from his mouth and swallowed. 
“I know where you’re going with this and it irritates me.” Micky narrowed his eyes but Mike just shook his head. They were both familiar with where this was heading. 
The air between them suddenly got heavy and they both pulled back. They each went back to silently eating their food in their own different worlds for the moment. Micky did what he usually did, tried to find something to do with his hand that wasn’t busy with the fork. He slid his finger through the key-ring on his house keys. His funky little key-chains rattled against the table and Mike briefly looked up from his food. 
He was about to grin until the sight of Micky slipping the silver key-ring over his finger reminded him of something he really didn’t want to think about. He swallowed the hunk of food in his mouth and looked back at his plate. 
“Why are you being weird?” Micky asked casually as he slipped his fork past his lips again and Mike wiped his hand down his face. Sometimes it just surprised him how well Micky could read him. 
“I’m not-” Mike didn’t even finish the excuse before Micky gave him a look. “It’s just, you’re not expecting a proposal, are you?” Mike didn’t mean to be so blunt but that was something he was just too good at. 
Micky pulled back like he flinched, eyes widening with shock. Mike could tell Micky was completely thrown off, it didn’t take a genius to know. He ran his free hand through his hair. “From who?” Micky asked, a small smirk on his face that eased Mike intensely. Classic Micky. His Micky. 
“Don’t get all Mike about that.” Micky shook his head and Mike chuckled. 
“All Mike about it? What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh you know. When you overthink things that haven’t even happened yet and pull away from me.” Micky offered him a beautiful smile that Mike was distracted enough by to let Micky’s analysis pass. “C’mere” Micky tilted his head to the side, a few strands of his curly hair bounced. Mike was sold. He leaned over the counter to kiss him. 
“Marriage?” Davy fumbled a little with his words as Micky just nodded over and over next to him on his couch in his little dorm. He’d been increasingly bitterly jealous that Micky and Mike were able to get their own apartment and he was stuck here. The place irritated him to no end. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah-Apparently Peter said something to him. So yesterday he asked me if I was expecting a proposal. I didn’t wanna say I wanted one if he wasn’t into the idea-” Micky was also stumbling on his own words. “I think he thinks I’m cool with his whole ‘I’m ambiguous about what I want’ get up but ooooh Davy, I’m not.” 
Davy was having a hard time with Micky, who was a mile-a-minute talker. He tried to take it piece by piece. “Why would he think you’re cool?” 
“Well cause I made a joke-but I was nervous.” Micky bit his fingernails. “I really wanna be with him forever. I’ve known since day one. But Mike...I know he loves me but would he marry me? Propose? In public? God, he can’t even hold my hand in public. One time he said that I asked him for the sauce too sexually at Taco Bell but to be fair I was trying to sound saucy but it was only to make a pun-” 
“Micky, please. It’s not life or death, babe.” Davy pat his shoulder and shook his head. “But Peter said something to him that got him all wigged out about getting angaged?” Davy asked and Micky paused but nodded after a few seconds. 
“S’weird. On our first...umm date thing, I asked him to tell me some interesting things about himself and he told me he didn’t really believe in marriage.” Davy shrugged, looking a little confused. “ ‘Course he also told me he liked that dumb little weed key-chain I found for him and he threw that out so I wouldn’t trust him.” Davy shrugged. 
Micky paused on his issue as he remembered something Davy might like know. “Mike told me Peter had a weed key-chain on his suitcase.” Micky chuckled as he remembered how Mike seemed to be amused at that. Davy pulled back on his seat and frowned. 
“You know, I invited Peter over tonight cause I haven’t really seen him yet.” Micky tilted his chin up with that hopeful little smile on his face. 
“What does that have to do with me?” Davy asked, pretending not to know Micky’s intentions was just easier for him. Micky sighed and played with his hands. 
“Just come. It’ll be fun and Mike and I will be there so it won’t be weird-”
“That makes it even weirder Micky!” Davy burst, standing up to collect his bag to storm out of his own dorm. Micky leaned back on the couch and watched him walk around the room, without saying anything. “I really hurt him Mick. And you know...I am very confident that he doesn’t wanna see me.” 
“I’m sure he’ll be able to understand, at least a little bit, if you explain to him what you said to me.” Micky threw his hand up to gesture and Davy rolled his eyes. And with that, Davy did storm out of his dorm. Micky took a few seconds to sit on what Davy had said and put his face in his hands to let out a frustrated groan before standing up. 
One thing about being back in his hometown that Peter loved was that he had his old favorite place to smoke back. He would always come in the late afternoon when the sun was in just the right place to shin a little light spot on the concrete wall. It was always warm, no matter the weather. 
Getting high was a little therapeutic at the moment. The waves just a ways in front of him were hitting the sandy shore and darkening the sand. Just as a small breeze blew his hair, he puffed smoke from his lips in rings. 
He tilted his head up to watch the smoke fade into the air and caught sight of someone walking towards the beach in some kind of huff. It wasn’t until they got closer that Peter could recognize that huff and he was kind of mad at how his heart fluttered. For some reason, Peter turned his head away quickly and just waited for Davy to get close enough to recognize him. 
Peter rolled his eyes and glanced up, Davy standing just above him. He blew his smoke in the other direction as he seemingly froze in place. “Hey.” Peter rolled his lips together. Davy looked as if he was debating just booking it and running in the opposite direction. 
“Hi.” Davy finally decided on replying, his fingernails dug into his skin with nerves and he looked momentarily towards the water. “How was the trip?” He grimaced at his small talk and didn’t want to look back at Peter. 
“Good.” Peter nodded to himself. 
“That’s all. Micky really talked up how great it was to hear you talk about it.” Davy shrugged and Peter gave him a side-eye. “Look, I wasn’t going to have Micky corner us into talking. I know he’s got the best of intentions but let’s face it, he’s not the best at plans.” Davy waved his hand, still standing. 
Peter had to agree. Micky was a peacemaker...but a chaotic peacemaker. 
“But since we’re here...let’s hash this out, huh? Get it over with?” Davy gently nudged Peter with his foot and Peter felt a rush of warmth. He licked his lips and thought about it before scooting over to show Davy he was all welcome. 
Davy calmly sat down beside him and they silently looked over at the beach. Both of them were scared to talk first. 
“I have to know something.” Peter put out his joint and turned to Davy, feeling very vulnerable. Davy turned just the same, they locked eyes for a nervous little moment before they both looked elsewhere. “Was I really just a fling to you?” Peter felt uncomfortable heat in his chest that made  him sort of light-headed. 
Davy swallowed. “No.” 
Peter didn’t know whether he felt relieved or frustrated. He flickered his eyes back and forth from the wall to the beach. “Then why did you tell me that?” 
“Look Peter, hear me out-” Davy held up his hand and Peter nodded. “You were the first guy I was with. And everything was going so well...really well.” Davy paused and Peter let himself smile at the memories. 
“It was the best six months of my life.” Davy bit into his lip. “But then, when you started bringing up leaving for a year, I got freaked out. Long distance was this huge commitment and I’ve never been good at that. And it was a scary thing to fully admit to myself that I wanted to commit to a guy and not a girl.” Davy sighed. 
“And you were so sweet. You gave me time to myself to think about it even though I completely tried to ignore it until the night before. And that’s when I blew it. I was scared. I told you that we were just a fling because I was terrified because I knew that we weren’t.” Davy sighed and put his hands over his face. 
“I know that doesn’t excuse what I said to you that night. I know I hurt you because I was trying my best to make it seem like I didn’t care about what we had at all.” Davy’s eyes were watery and genuine. 
Peter raised his legs onto the wall, pulling his knees up and crossing his arms over them to rest his chin on. A very Peter thing to do that made Davy’s heart jump. 
“Micky told me that you told him that you could really fall for me?” Davy just had to ask about that and Peter was hesitant but nodded. “I’m such an asshole.” Davy shrugged, shaking his head. 
“I don’t think you’re an asshole.” Peter spoke softly and Davy hesitantly looked back at him. “I think you did an asshole thing.” He said with a tiny grin and Davy chuckled, wiping his sleeve under his eyes. “But I mean, I did kind of spur of the moment told you I wanted to leave for a year.” Peter shrugged. 
The sun was beginning to set just over the water as they simply stared at one and other. 
Micky rest his head in Mike’s lap as the man ran his fingers through his waves of hair. In his haste to fix Davy of his problem, Micky had almost forgotten why he’d sought out his friends help in the first place. He’d been very tempted to bring that engagement topic back up again but their day was going so well that he decided not to. He’d let Mike know of his failed attempt to invite Davy over as well and Mike had offered a simple ‘Maybe give it some time.’ 
It was only just turning into the evening, meaning Peter should be over soon.  It was right around the time whatever afternoon movie the two of them had missed, during their busy work of the day, was on the obscure film channel & was going into it’s ending. Which meant they could chill together on the couch and try and guess what the movie had even been about. A little tradition they had. 
“How long have there been aliens in this movie?” Mike squinted at the TV as Micky pulled the other mans hand from his hair and sat up a little so Mike’s arm could rest on his shoulders. 
“The whole time I guess.” Micky shrugged with a little grin. Mike looked down at  him and gave him a smile back. Micky snuggled closer, enjoying the warmth of his body heat. The movie was fading into it’s soundtrack and Mike tapped the beat out with his thumb against Micky’s shoulder, a habit of Mike’s that Micky adored. The quiet was interrupted with a knock and Mike sighed as Micky darted up. 
“Peter’s here.” He grinned and Mike chuckled. 
Much to his surprise, when he opened the door he found not just Peter but Davy. He pulled back a little before Peter reached over to hug him hello. Micky returned the gesture with confusion. “Mikeeeee, come look.” 
Mike got up from the couch and paused just the same as Micky had upon seeing their two friends. 
Micky and Davy sat on the couch in the living room while Mike got Peter a drink in the kitchen. “Soooo, how-I mean-what happened?” 
Peter chuckled. “Davy and I talked. We’re cool.” 
“Just friends cool or-?” Mike asked and Peter gave him a smile. 
“We’re seeing where it goes from here.” Peter looked back over where Micky was basically eating up every word that Davy said, the look on his face was priceless. 
“Why? I mean, I thought Davy really hurt you?” Mike simply couldn’t understand what was happening and Peter leaned against the counter, still looking at Davy. 
“He did. But I forgave him-” Peter could tell Mike was gonna interrupt again so he held up his hand. “Because if you love a person, and you don't want to be without him, you forgive them.” Peter shrugged. “We’re seeing where this goes, slowly but surely.” 
Mike couldn’t lie, the two of them looked much happier. Peter was practically glowing and Davy looked as giddy as a teenager as he spoke to Micky. 
“When you wanna be with someone, be with them.” Peter smiled and Mike felt a shiver up his spine as he looked to Micky, his Micky. 
He wanted to be with Micky. Might as well set it in stone. He was sure he could get his grandmother’s ring. He was gonna give himself some time to actually work up the nerve but Peter was right. 
The four of them had dinner in the living room like the old days. Peter and Davy were a little hesitant, like new lovers again. And Micky and Mike were so in sync like and old married couple, which was definitely in their future. 
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No Stones Unturned: Ian Stewart and Nicky Hopkins
Ian Stewart
Scottish-born keyboardist Stewart, affectionately known as Stu, was a co-founder of The Rolling Stones. He was the first person to respond to the advertisement looking for band members from Brian Jones. During the first year, Stewart did all the bookings for the band where he worked at the time. Imperial Chemical Industries became the unofficial headquarters for the band. His time as a member of the band however turned out to be very brief as Rolling Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham forced him out in 1963. The reasoning was they had too many band members, and he did not fit the image that the band was trying to project. In more general terms, Stewart was unattractive and too old. Faced with the decision to remain with the band or leave, Stewart became the road manager, driver, drum technician, and part-time piano player. He stayed on to play on many songs that were recorded, but he was never given full-time status again. Keith Richards would commend him when asked about his decision to stay saying that Stewart was a much better person than himself. There was no way that he could have stayed on in the capacity that he did.
Stu became very important to the Rolling Stones when they were recording. Firstly, he played on every major album except for Some Girls until his death in 1985. Secondly, he emerged as the primary sounding board or critic for the band in the studio. Mick Jagger once said, "He really helped this band swing, on numbers like 'Honky Tonk Women' and loads of others. Stu was the one guy we tried to please. We wanted his approval when we were writing or rehearsing a song. We'd want him to like it." Stewart was inducted posthumously into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with all the other members in 1989. Keith Richards would write in his autobiography, Life. "Ian Stewart. I'm still working for him. To me The Rolling Stones is his band. Without his knowledge and organisation ... we'd be nowhere."
The piano player also contributed to other bands including Rocket 88, a jazz/rhythm and blues group he started with Charlie Watts. Yet, the more notable contribution that was not related to The Rolling Stones stands out in his collaboration with Led Zeppelin. He played piano on two tracks for the band including "Rock and Roll" and "Boogie with Stu." He had earned the deserved reputation of being one of the best around to incorporate a boogie woogie style into his piano playing, which was an early staple of rhythm and blues. For his part, he would adhere to this style throughout his entire career.
Stewart had remained mostly an outsider to the drug abuse that took place with many of the band members in the 1970s. Mick Taylor said, "I think he looked upon it as a load of silliness. I also think it was because he saw what had happened to Brian. I could tell from the expression on his face when things started to get a bit crazy during the making of Exile on Main Street. I think he found it very hard. We all did." Much like Dean Martin, Stewart loved to play golf all the time. He would always book them in hotels near courses he wanted to play, but never in the middle of town. Keith Richards would jokingly refer to this fact in an interview. "We'd be playing in some town where there's all these chicks, and they want to get laid and we want to lay them. But Stu would have booked us into some hotel about ten miles out of town. You'd wake up in the morning and there's the links. We're bored to death looking for some action and Stu's playing Gleneagles."
Beginning in 1969, Stewart played live with the band on tour on any song he wanted. This included tours in 1972, 1975–76, 1978, and 1981–82 as well. His preference was either blues or country songs that really rocked. He would later say, "When I'm on stage with the Stones and a minor chord comes along, I lift my hands in protest." For this reason, you would never hear him play a ballad like "Angie." In 1985, Stewart began having respiratory issues while sitting in on the Dirty Work album sessions. He went to a doctor, but had a heart attack in the waiting room.
Nicky Hopkins
Keyboardist Hopkins played on Studio albums for the Rolling Stones beginning in 1967 with Between the Buttons and continuing through to 1981's Tattoo You. He would play on the slower ballads, acoustic songs, and up-tempo Rock tracks that were not blues. His work was most prominently featured on the album Exile on Main Street in 1972. He would go on to tour with the band in 1971, 1972, and 1973 before missing their European tour. Except for a rare guest appearance, he did not play live with the band ever again.
From 1965 to 1968, he recorded 4 albums with the Kinks. Those included The King Controversy, Face To Face, Something Else By The Kinks, and The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society. Upon the release of that last album, his relationship with the band deteriorated rather quickly. Hopkins claimed that 70% of the keyboard playing on that album was his, but Ray Davies would go on to credit himself for the majority of it.
Hopkins would also work off and on with the Who startingin 1965 on My Generation all the way up to the soundtrack in 1975 for Tommy. For that film, the keyboardist played piano for the majority of the tracks. The band would acknowledge his contributions in the liner notes for his work on the arrangements. Due to his increasingly poor health, he never played live with the band on stage. Other albums that he worked on included who's next, and the who by numbers.
The keyboardist also played with some other well-known groups over the years as he gained a reputation for being one of the best session piano players in the music business. He was a member of the Jeff Beck Group from 1967-1969 until the band broke up. Hopkins also performed for a number of San Francisco groups including the Steve Miller Band and Jefferson Airplane. He would perform live at Woodstock with the latter most notably on the song “Volunteers.” From 1969 to 1970, he was a member of the Quicksilver Messenger Service, who in fact played live at the Altamont Speedway prior to The Rolling Stones. He also played electric piano on “Revolution” by the Beatles, which was quite an honour because they rarely allowed outside musicians on any of their tracks.
Throughout his career, Hopkins suffered through addictions to drugs and alcohol until the early 1980’s. He credited the Church of Scientology with helping him to finally stay clean. He would remain a member of the church for the rest of his life even contributing to several musical recordings from the founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Sadly, the musician passed away at the age of 50 in 1994 due to complications from intestinal surgery as a result of battling Crohn's disease all his life.
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meganlpie · 7 years
Fighting it is Useless -Final
Here’s the 4th and final part of my Ketch soulmate AU! You should read parts 1-3 to understand what’s going on. 
Part 1, part 2, part 3
Warnings: Mentions of violence, pregnancy, arguing. A little fluff. It’s a little long. Soulmate AU.
Pairings: Arthur Ketch x fem!Winchester reader, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Mick Davies
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“That’s it! You’re staying home, Y/N,” Dean ordered. You rolled your eyes and adjusted your bag on your shoulder. “You can’t make me stay, Dean. Arthur is out there and I’m going to get him back!” you barked back, but Dean shook his head. You continued to argue all the way to the bunker’s garage, where Baby was waiting. Your worst nightmare was coming true.
               It had been a year since you and Ketch had accepted that you were soulmates. It had been a fight since neither of you wanted to lose the other, especially after you’d almost died from a gunshot wound. Now, Ketch had gone off on a hunt and hadn’t been heard from in a few days. It wasn’t like him. Not anymore. Not since you discovered you were pregnant. You didn’t want your child growing up without  their father. You couldn’t lose Ketch. You just couldn’t. You’d seen what it had done to your brothers when they lost their soulmates.
               Dean whirled around and grabbed your upper arms gently. “Please stay here. Sammy and I will find him and bring him home. I promise. You need to stay here and take care of yourself.” You opened your mouth to argue, but once more, Sam was the voice of reason. “Y/N, Ketch wouldn’t want you out there. Not like this. Not only are you carrying his baby, but you’re too emotionally invested. Let us handle it.”
               You weren’t sure if it was the hormones or the thought of losing Ketch, but you broke down in tears. “Why don’t you call Cas? Or maybe Mick? They can keep you company. We’re going to take all the keys just in case you get any wild ideas.” You nodded, knowing there was no point in arguing. You watched them pull out of the garage, tears running down your face. As soon as they were out of sight, you pulled out your phone and dialed a number.
               An hour later, Mick entered the bunker. “Hello, luv. You look radiant.” You smiled at him. “Thanks, Mick. I need a distraction. Could you help me out?” Mick nodded. “Of course.” He started walking in front of you and you pulled your hidden gun out of your waist band. Without missing a beat, you hit Mick in the back of the head with the handle. He crumpled to the floor. “Sorry, Mick. But I need your car.”
               You quickly fished the keys out of his pocket, grabbed your bag and raced to his car. You didn’t hit him hard enough to knock him out long and you needed to get on the road. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust your brothers to find Ketch. You needed to see for yourself that he was alright. He had been hunting a djinn after all. Those monsters mess with your mind and you didn’t want to imagine what was happening to Ketch. You placed a hand on your belly and talked to your small bump. “It’ll be alright. I’m going to get your father back.”
               You drove to Ketch’s last known location and followed the clues you found. You knew Sam and Dean had probably already found him, but you hadn’t heard from them either. For all you knew, they had been taken by the djinn too.
               That turned out to be the case. Your brothers and Ketch were all strung up, like animals for slaughter, ready for the djinn to devour. Luckily for you, the creature was distracted while it fed and you were able to sneak up on it and kill it. It snapped Sam, Dean, and Ketch out of their dazes. “Y/N?” Sam asked surprised you were there. However, you could see the anger etched all over Dean’s and Ketch’s faces.
               "What the bloody hell are you doing here?“ Ketch snapped as he struggled to break free of his bonds. "You’re welcome,” you replied sarcastically, moving to help him while Same helped Dean. “I told you to stay at the bunker, Y/N.” You glared at Dean. “And I told you, I wasn’t losing Arthur. Besides, if I hadn’t shown up, where would you be? You’d still be a djinn’s chew toy.”
               You looked up at Arthur, but he was not smiling at you. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked downright angry. “How could you do that? How could you put yourself in danger like that?! You put our child at risk!” Once more you blamed the hormones as your bottom lip starting trembling.
               "Don’t you think I know that?“ you whispered so only he could hear, "I-I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you. Of the baby growing up without you.” Sighing, Ketch wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You sobbed into his chest. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” you whimpered. You felt Ketch press a kiss to your forehead. “Come on. Let’s go home.” You all walked outside. “Is that Mick’s car?” You bit your lip and gave a nervous chuckle. “Maybe.”
*time skip*
               After that day, Ketch didn’t go on hunts alone anymore, much to his dismay. As your pregnancy progressed, Ketch tried to find more and more hunts. It lead to many arguments between the two of you. You wanted him home and he seemed to want to be anywhere but there.
               "You can’t keep running away, Arthur!“ you yelled at him one night and he growled. "I do not run from anything, Y/N.” You arched a brow. “Really?! Then what do you call this?! You refuse to stay home, despite knowing that I’m due to give birth to your child any day now!” Ketch clenched his fists and punched the wall next to him, making you jump. He had never hit you or even lashed out.
               Silence permeated the room while Ketch nursed his rapidly bruising hand. “I don’t know if I’m ready for this, Y/N. To be a father. My father shipped me off to Kendrick’s at an early age. I never had the proper model.” You came over to him, crouched down as best you could, and cupped his chin. “Arthur, you are going to be a wonderful father. You have already shown that you are so protective of our baby and I know there is love in your heart enough for both of us. I’ve seen it from the beginning, remember?”
               He took your hands in his and stood, bringing you with him. He pulled you close and rested his cheek on your head. This was the side of Ketch he only showed to you. Your brothers, Cas and Mick saw little parts of it, but Ketch preferred to keep this part of himself reserved. “I love you,” he whispered and you smiled. “I love-” you cut off with a short cry of pain. “Y/N?” Your eyes went wide and you looked up at him. “The baby’s coming.”
               For a brief moment, Ketch was frozen. Then it really hit him. The baby was coming. His baby. In an instant, Ketch grabbed your hospital bag and pulled you out of the room. “Whoa, what’s up?” Dean asked when Ketch almost ran into him. His eyes went to the bag in Ketch’s hand. “Is-Is it time?” You nodded and Dean moved promptly out of the way. “Sammy and I will meet you at the hospital!”
               Several hours later, you were sleeping peacefully and Ketch was holding your baby boy. His eyes were full of awe as he looked down at the little boy. His boy. Now, Ketch had two people he couldn’t stand to lose. His gaze traveled from his son’s face over to your sleeping form and he smiled. A real smile. He looked back at his son and saw the small mark on his wrist. His soul mark. “My boy, I hope you’ll be as lucky as I was one day. I will give you this piece of advice now. Don’t be like I was. When you find your soulmate, don’t fight it.” His glanced back up at you. “It’s useless.” 
(a/n: That’s the end! I hope it lived up to your expectations!)
Tagging: @brewsthespirit-blog @fairytalesexistxx @jotink78 @stone-met @fairytale07, @badsongwinchester @srj1990 @perseusandmedusa @gemini5991 @wayward-mirage @deaths-maiden @emmamikaelson95 @em-isnotavampire @rowdyhooliganism @quixoticcat @calicat79 @alangel1895 @clueless-gold 
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
The best movies on Stan: a list of the top films streaming in Australia now
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=4959 The best movies on Stan: a list of the top films streaming in Australia now - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=4959 UPDATE: Celebrate Friday the 13th by watching one of the greatest horror movies of all time: Carrie! Find out more about it on Page 3!As each streaming service's content library continues to grow, it's hard to keep track of the best movies these platforms have to offer. When it comes to the Australian streaming service Stan, there's an enormous amount of films of variable quality available to stream instantly. Our job is to sift through that huge catalogue and pick out the 'crème de la crème' for you. Don't have Stan? These are the best movies on Netflix: great films you can watch in Australia right now To make things as straightforward as possible, we've separated our choices into genres, so that you can jump straight to the type of movie you actually feel like watching. Curated by TechRadar editors and backed up with ratings from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, these films should offer something for everyone. We'll keep this list up to date with must-watch movies, so you can spend less time browsing and more time watching! Here are the best movies on Stan. TV shows more your thing? Here are the best TV shows to stream on Stan Need some kid-friendly content to entertain the family with? Stan has a number of great kids and family movies on offer that should keep everyone happy. These films are guaranteed to please the whole family. Red Dog An Australian family favourite, Red Dog tells the heartwarming true story of a delightful pooch that united an entire community while roaming the Outback looking for his actual owner. The dog brings people together everywhere he goes – some people find love, others find themselves. Starring Josh Lucas and Rachael Taylor, Red Dog is a beautiful movie that the whole family will enjoy. Though the dog is red, this is a true-blue Aussie classic. IMDB Rating: 7.5, Rotten Tomatoes 82% Speed Racer A movie that's way better than its reputation would suggest (the film was derided upon its initial release but has steadily grown a cult following), Speed Racer was clearly a passion project for the Wachowskis, directors of The Matrix. A tale of integrity, family and standing up to corruption, Speed Racer is much more than a sugary kids film (though it is that, too). Featuring some of the most mind-blowing and cartoony visuals of any live action film in existence, Speed Racer puts its pedal to the metal and achieves some deliriously psychedelic race sequences in the process. Sure, it'll still have its fair share of detractors who refuse to get behind its incredibly vibrant and overwhelming visuals, but give it a chance and you might just find it to be a sensational family film with a huge heart. IMDB Rating: 6.0, Rotten Tomatoes 40% Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole When one thinks of director Zack Snyder, the mind often goes to his violent action films, such as 300, Watchmen and Batman v Superman. But did you know he also directed an Australian animated kids film about warrior owls? While obviously lighter in tone than some of his other works, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole is just as stylish as you'd expect from Zack Snyder, with his liberal use of slow-motion and speed-ramping giving the film that unmistakable Snyder look and feel. Featuring stunning animation and terrific voice performances from Aussie actors like Ryan Kwanten, Essie Davis, Abbie Cornish, Richard Roxburgh and Joel Edgerton, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole is a real hoot.IMDB Rating: 7.0, Rotten Tomatoes 50% Happy Feet Another Australian animated kids film about birds, Happy Feet took the world by storm when it released in 2006. A delightful family film from director George Miller (Babe, Mad Max: Fury Road), Happy Feet follows a penguin named mumble whose lack of singing talent leads him to dance to find his mate. With an all-star cast featuring Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman and Brittany Murphy, Happy Feet is guaranteed to make you tap your feet. IMDB Rating: 6.5, Rotten Tomatoes 75% Where the Wild Things Are Based on the classic children's book by Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are is an awe-inspiring story of a young boy named Max (Max Records) who runs away from home after an argument with his mum (Cathertine Keener), only to end up on an island filled with creatures who name him as their king. Max instantly befriends a gentle giant named Carol (voiced by James Gandolfini) and while everything is going well for a while, things start to turn dark, leading Max to realise how much he misses home. Directed by Spike Jonze (Her, Being John Malkovich), Where the Wild Things Are is an artful family film that hits you right in the heart.IMDB Rating: 6.8, Rotten Tomatoes: 73% Feel like watching something that'll put a tingle in your spine? Well, look no further, because Stan has a large selection of horror films that should please even the most hardened gore-hound. These are some of the best. Carrie There have been countless Stephen King film adaptations over the last few decades, but Carrie was the first (and arguably best). Sissy Spacek plays a tormented teenage girl who is pushed over the edge by her mean classmates and domineering mother – with incredibly violent results. A bloody classic. IMDB Rating: 7.4, Rotten Tomatoes: 93% The Descent Not one for claustrophobic types, The Descent follows a caving expedition that goes horribly wrong, leaving a group of women to fend for themselves against some truly terrifying cave-dwelling creatures. An absolute masterpiece of terror, The Descent is one of the best horror movies to come out of the UK.IMDB Rating: 7.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 85% Scream The late, great horror director Wes Craven had a habit of making a game-changing fright flick at least once per decade. In the '70s, it was The Last House on the Left. In the '80s, he birthed the horror icon Freddy Kruger in A Nightmare on Elm Street. The kids of the '90s, however, had grown accustomed to the usual horror tropes, which is why Craven's self-aware slasher Scream became such a sensation. The characters in this knew they were in a horror film, which allowed the movie to exploit the genre's rules at every turn. IMDB Rating: 7.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 79% Wolf Creek Loosely inspired by actual events, Wolf Creek gave birth to Australia's first real horror icon in Mick Taylor (John Jarratt), a sadistic bushman who enjoys nothing more than hunting and killing tourists in the middle of the Outback. Once you've watched this, check out its sequel, Wolf Creek 2, as well as the incredible Stan Original series. IMDB Rating: 6.3, Rotten Tomatoes: 53% Cabin in the Woods Another self-aware horror movie in the vein of Scream, Cabin in the Woods acts as a meta-commentary of the horror genre and its audience. We've all seen countless horror films set in a cabin, each one featuring a different group of stock characters facing some form of horrific demise – we don't even seem to mind that only the threat itself ever really seems to change. The joke here is that there are actually people behind the scenes who are pulling the strings – it's all a matter of re-arranging the pieces to see what happens next. Starring Chris Hemsworth (before he was famous) and written by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Avengers), Cabin in the Woods is both clever and scary.IMDB Rating: 7.0, Rotten Tomatoes: 9.2 In the mood for a good tear-jerker? What about a serious, high-brow piece of cinema? The films below should do the trick. Here are our picks for the best dramas on Stan.  Patriots Day A harrowing (and eventually) uplifting retelling of the events surrounding the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013 which killed three people and injured hundreds of others. Directed by Peter Berg (Deepwater Horizon, Lone Survivor), Patriots Day plays out like a procedural thriller that begins with the morning in question and follows through to the aftermath, including the ensuing manhunt that saw brave police officers and federal agents (played by Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Bacon and John Goodman, among others) track down and confront the terrorists responsible. Emotionally devastating yet hopeful for the future, Patriots Day is a powerful film that's filled with heart, showing how the inhabitants of a city can come together to rise up against hatred.IMDB Rating: 7.4, Rotten Tomatoes: 80% There Will Be Blood A stunning commentary on the nature of greed and morality, Boogie Nights director Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood is a blistering examination of how easy it is for a soulless man to prosper in a morally bankrupt world, while those who attempt to sink to his level find only their own demise. Daniel Day-Lewis won an Oscar for his portrayal of Daniel Plainview, an unscrupulous prospector who will stop at nothing to achieve wealth and power as an oil magnate, even if that means wrenching away oil rights from people who don't know any better. On the other side of the coin is Paul Dano's character of Eli Sunday, a preacher whose family was swindled by Plainview for their oil rights. Though Sunday, as a man of God, attempts to take the moral high ground against Plainview, his soul is quickly corrupted by greed and a need to overpower his adversary, demonstrating how religion can be poisoned by capitalism. If you come into the film looking for a plot, you may find yourself disappointed. However, if you're after a story filled with big, overarching themes that explore the very essence of human nature, almost like a biblical parable, you might find There Will Be Blood to be a stone-cold masterpiece. IMDB Rating: 8.1, Rotten Tomatoes: 91% The Social Network Based on true events, The Social Network gives us an insight into the crazy drama behind the formation of Facebook, in which founder Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) is sued by his co-founder Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) for squeezing him out of the business, as well as the Winklevoss twins (both played by Armie Hammer), who claim that Zuckerberg stole their idea for the whole site. With sharp, elegant direction from David Fincher (Fight Club, Gone Girl), a cracking script from Aaron Sorkin (The Newsroom, Steve Jobs), and a classic score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), The Social Network is one of the best films about the tech industry ever made. Needless to say, we certainly 'Like' this film.IMDB Rating: 7.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 96% Good Will Hunting Matt Damon and Ben Affleck became global megastars off the back of Good Will Hunting, each bagging an Oscar for writing the film's incredible screenplay. Damon plays Will, a troubled young man from the South Boston projects who is gifted with unparalleled intellect and a photographic memory. When his gift is discovered by a genius M.I.T. professor (Stellan Skarsgård), Will is sent to see a psychologist (Robin Williams) in an attempt to get his life back in order so that he can reach his full potential. A tear-jerking masterpiece.IMDB Rating: 8.3,  Rotten Tomatoes: 93% Chopper Playing Australia's most notorious criminal, Eric Bana absolutely disappears into the role of Chopper Read. At the time, it was unthinkable that the TV funnyman could convince in such a dark and intense role, but his comedic edge, backed by the hulking frame he developed for the film, turned out to be a match made in heaven. Perhaps the best and most quotable Aussie true(ish) crime movie ever made. IMDB Rating: 7.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 72% Moonlight Winner of the Best Picture award at the 2017 Oscars, Moonlight is a shattering chronicle of the childhood, adolescence and adulthood of a gay African-American male. Told in three segments, the lead role of Chiron is portrayed by three different actors, each facing the struggles of growing up in a poor neighbourhood in Miami. Burdened by drug-addicted mother, Chiron's only guidance comes from an unlikely source in local drug dealer Juan (Mahershala Ali in his Oscar winning role). Gripping and powerful, Moonlight is a triumph.IMDB Rating: 7.5, Rotten Tomatoes: 98%  Animal Kingdom After the death of his mum, Joshua (James Frecheville) is forced to live with his maternal grandmother (Jacki Weaver), the matriarch of a crime family that starts to fall apart after the after one of her sons is killed by police and the others kill a random cop in retaliation. Will Joshua fall into this cycle of violence, or will he resist it? Playing out like a Greek tragedy in the suburbs of Melbourne, Animal Kingdom is one of the most powerful Australian films of all time.IMDB Rating: 7.3, Rotten Tomatoes: 95% Raging Bull Based on the life of real life boxing champ Ray LaMotta (Robert De Niro giving what is perhaps the most powerful performance of his career), Raging Bull explores a man gripped by insecurity – one who'd rather get his face bashed in than confront his own demons. Abusive to his wife (Cathy Moriarty) and violent towards his brother (Joe Pesci, also magnificent), LaMotta frequently attempts to pay for his sins in the ring, each gruelling fight feeling like a culmination of his troubles at home. De Niro famously packed on the kilos to portray an out of shape LaMotta past his prime, but that's arguably the least impressive aspect of this amazingly raw and ferocious performance. One of director Martin Scorsese's greatest achievements, Raging Bull is a gripping study of toxic masculinity.IMDB Rating: 8.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 95% Need a good laugh? Stan has a number of great comedies in its library, and these are some of our favourites. Here are the best comedies currently streaming on Stan. Goon Perhaps the best ice hockey movie since Slap Shot, Goon follows Doug 'The Thug' Glatt (Seann William Scott), a loveable meathead with fists of steel who becomes the enforcer on a minor-league hockey team. An enforcer's role is to forcibly protect his teammates and have their backs when opposing players mess with them on the ice. That also means handing out beatings, something that Glatt is quite adept at doing. But when famously-ruthless enforcer Ross 'The Boss' Rhea returns from suspension (for seriously injuring the star player of Doug's team), he and Glatt are destined to throw down in a bout of on-ice fisticuffs for the ages where only one man will walk away. A sports comedy with Fight Club-level violence, Goon might be a bit much for the squeamish. That said, if you're well aware of how bloody ice hockey can be and think you can handle it, this is a seriously great sports movie. If you do like what you see, you might also want to hit up its sequel, Goon: Last of the Enforcers, which is also on Stan.IMDB Rating: 6.8, Rotten Tomatoes: 82% Ghostbusters When there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters, that's who! Released in 1984, Ivan Reitman's spooky comedy achieved instant-classic status, thanks in part to a brilliant and hilarious script by stars Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. But it would be Bill Murray's burgeoning star-power and wise-ass demeanour that would bring the whole film, which is about ghost hunting scientists in New York City, together so perfectly. Equal-parts hair-raising and rib-tickling, Ghostbusters is a positively ghoulish movie that the whole family can enjoy. IMDB Rating: 7.8, Rotten Tomatoes: 97% Zoolander Though it wasn't immediately loved at release, Zoolander has grown over the years into an honest-to-goodness comedy classic. Ben Stiller is the titular beef-witted male model that is duped into a plot to assassinate the Malaysian Prime Minister. Owen Wilson plays Hansel, an up-and-coming rival to Zoolander. Though the two initially hate each other, they soon come together in an attempt to stop the evil plan that has been orchestrated by the truly ridiculous fashion designer, Mugatu (Will Ferrell). Backed with quotable lines and hilarious scenes, Zoolander is really, really, really, ridiculously funny. IMDB Rating: 6.6, Rotten Tomatoes: 64% Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Jim Carrey was an unstoppable force in the early nineties, and along with The Mark and Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective solidified him as the world's biggest comedy star. Carrey plays a ridiculously over-the-top private dick who specialises in animal-related cases. When the NFL's Miami Dolphins mascot is stolen, it's up to Ace to find out where it is and who was behind it. Cue a whole lot of hilarious tomfoolery!IMDB Rating: 6.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 46% American Ultra Like Pineapple Express meets The Bourne Identity, American Ultra is much better than it has any right to be. Jesse Eisenberg plays a stoner convenience store clerk who hears some specific words and is promptly activated into a CIA killing machine. In an effort to cover up this mess, the agency sends two agents (Topher Grace and Connie Britton) to neutralise the situation, but things don't fly as smoothly as they'd hoped. Playing opposite Kristen Stewart, Eisenberg does a decent job of playing an action hero. Funny and surprisingly violent and action packed, American Ultra is an underrated gem. IMDB Rating: 6.1 In Bruges A hilariously dark comedy about hit men who must lay low in Belgium after a hit gone wrong, In Bruges is the type of movie that will have you laughing uncontrollably one minute, then crying the next. Writer/director Martin McDonagh (Seven Psychopaths, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri) delivers a witty script filled with sudden moments of brutal violence that will leave you speechless. IMDB Rating: 7.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 84% If you're a fan of muscular action films, you've come to the right place. Stan has a great selection of high-octane, testosterone-fuelled movies for adrenaline junkies. Here are our picks for best action movies on Stan. The Expendables The film that rounded up some of the greatest action movie stars of the '80s and '90s (along with a couple of newcomers), Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables will bring a huge smile to the face of anyone who grew up during this high-testosterone era. Joining Stallone are the likes of Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Terry Crews and more. While the film itself is far from perfect, we can't help but get a kick out of seeing our heroes fighting alongside each other. IMDB Rating: 6.5, Rotten Tomatoes: 42% Kill Bill Quentin Tarantino's grand homage to exploitation cinema, Kill Bill sees star Uma Thurman go on a roaring rampage of revenge, killing everyone who was involved in her attempted assassination. Fresh out of a coma after several years, this former assassin will make her old associates pay, one-by-one, for ruining her life. And when that's done, she's taking her blood-drenched katana on a trip to meet Bill (David Carradine), her former boss and lover. Split into two pieces (both of which are now streaming on Stan), Kill Bill is a violent revenge masterpiece. IMDB Rating: 8.1, Rotten Tomatoes: 85% The Terminator James Cameron made his career with this time travel-themed action thriller, which also worked to solidify Arnold Schwarzenegger as one of the biggest stars on the planet. Arnold plays a Terminator – a cyborg killing machine that's sent back in time to kill a great military leader's mother (Linda Hamilton) before he's ever conceived. This mother's child will eventually be responsible for defeating the machines in the distant future. Thankfully, a human soldier (Michael Biehn) has also travelled back in time to protect her. Perfectly mixing action, sci-fi and horror, The Terminator is a white-knuckle experience from beginning to end.IMDB Rating: 8.0, Rotten Tomatoes: 100% Mad Max Long before he reached Fury Road, Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson) was a highway cop in a particularly rough part of Australia – his beat ravaged by murderous and borderline savage street cretins. When Max's family and partner are killed by a gang with a vendetta, he gets mad. Extremely mad. One of Australian cinema's most classic films, Mad Max is high-octane revenge thriller that boasts some of the greatest scenes of vehicular carnage ever committed to celluloid. Max would eventually end up in a post-apocalyptic future, but his humble origins should never be forgotten.IMDB Rating: 7.0, Rotten Tomatoes: 90% The Nice Guys Shane Black, writer and director of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, returns to the world of gumshoe detectives with The Nice Guys, a smart and funny mystery that establishes Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling as a comedic match made in heaven. Set in the late '70s, Crowe's tough guy enforcer teams up with Gosling's bumbling private eye to solve the mystery of a dead porn star. Filled with hilarious one-liners and terrific action sequences, The Nice Guys is the kind of movie they really don't make anymore, which makes its very existence something of a miracle, wouldn't you say?IMDB Rating: 7.4, Rotten Tomatoes: 92% We all like a good thriller, and Stan is chock-full of them. If you want a film that will have you on the edge of your seat, you've come to the right place. Below is a list of some of the best thrillers currently available on Stan. Nightcrawler Jake Gyllenhaal is incredibly creepy as Louis Bloom, a man who makes money by filming grisly crime footage and selling it to news stations in Los Angeles. Driven by greed and hubris, Louis starts blurring the line between observer and active participant, eventually instigating violent incidents in order to get the scoop. A cutting commentary on our modern news cycle obsession, Nightcrawler is a riveting thriller with terrific performances.IMDB Rating: 7.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 95% Wake in Fright An absolutely brilliant and confronting critique of Australian drinking culture and 'mateship', Canadian director Ted Kotchoff (First Blood) does not hold back at all when it comes to showing some of our country's uglier aspects with Wake in Fright. A school teacher finds himself trapped in an Outback mining town after losing all his money in a two-up game, leading him to go on a night of binge-drinking, fighting and kangaroo shooting with some unhinged locals. It's safe to say that he may never be the same again after this night...IMDB Rating: 7.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 100%  Léon: The Professional French director Luc Besson has made several cult classic films (The Fifth Element, La Femme Nikita, The Big Blue), but perhaps none is more beloved than Léon: The Professional. Notable for being Natalie Portman's first film, Léon tells the story of a lonely assassin (Jean Reno) who befriends a young girl after her whole family is killed by a crooked cop (Gary Oldman). Violent and thrilling, yet filled with warmth and heart, Léon: The Professional is bloody fantastic. IMDB Rating: 8.6, Rotten Tomatoes: 71% Science fiction films offer us visions of the future (well, from the perspective of the times in which they were made) that open our minds to the possibilities of what humankind might be capable of, in both the good and bad sense. These are some of the best sci-fi films on Stan. Blade Runner Ridley Scott's thought-provoking cyberpunk masterpiece wasn't fully appreciated until a decade after its release, where it received a director's cut that addressed and excised some of the studio interference that plagued the theatrical version of the film. Harrison Ford plays Deckard, the titular Blade Runner. He's a cop of sorts whose job is to hunt down and eliminate rogue replicants, which are like artificial humans created as off-world slave labour. When a group of them decide they'd rather live, going on a killing spree in the process, Deckard sets out to take them down, but maybe this time it won't be so easy... IMDB Rating: 8.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 90% RoboCop A cutting satire of corporate greed in the '80s, Robocop is more than the sum of its parts. Brilliantly directed by Paul Verhoeven (Total Recall, Starship Troopers), the film sees a rookie cop viciously murdered by a group of criminals, only to be revived by a corporation and used as a robotic crime-fighting product. Pretty soon, his memories start to return, and it's only a matter of time before he tracks down his killers and discovers the real intents of his makers. IMDB Rating: 7.5, Rotten Tomatoes: 88% The Matrix A science fiction classic, The Matrix is a cautionary tale about artificial intelligence packaged as an action-packed, visual effects spectacular. Inspired by martial arts films, anime and cyberpunk literature, The Matrix sees Neo (Keanu Reeves) discover that the world as we know it is an elaborate computer simulation that masks the real truth – Earth is a wasteland and humans are being kept alive in chambers to act as the batteries powering our new machine overlords. Whoa. IMDB Rating: 8.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 87% E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Steven Spielberg is known for making heart-warming, sentimental movies, and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial might be the one that best embodies that. A classic family film about a lonely kid (Henry Thomas) who develops a bond with a friendly alien marooned on our planet, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is capable of melting even the coldest of hearts. IMDB Rating: 7.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 98% Source link
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aion-rsa · 7 years
Alan Moore’s Most Controversial Comic Book Stories
Alan Moore helped to revolutionize the comic book industry in the 1980s with his bold, darker approaches to both horror comics and superhero comics. However, Moore is a bit of a rare case in that his bold, new approach to comics was accepted fairly easily by the audience. That is a very rare state of affairs for comic book readers, who tend to dismiss first before they begrudgingly accept (and then retroactively adore).
RELATED: The 15 Best Hidden Treasures in Watchmen
Because of how quickly he was accepted, Moore was given freer reign from the fans as to what kinds of stories he could do, so it was a lot harder for him to shock the fans with his work. Mostly, his biggest controversies have been for what happened outside of the comics (his disputes with DC Comics and with Marvel, his renunciation of the film adaptations of his work, his general denouncements of the American comic book industry as a whole, etc). Still, that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t had some controversial comic book stories. Here are his 15 most controversial.
“Black Dossier” was the first follow-up to Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s popular “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” series. Originally intended as a “sourcebook” (mostly to make sure that Kevin O’Neill wasn’t wanting for work while Moore waited to do the third volume in the core series), it turned into a fascinating “file” book complete with maps, prose stories, comic stories and more. There were also some sex scenes in the book.
This did not sit well with library assistant Sharon Cook, who worked at the Jessamine County Public Library in Kentucky. She wanted the book transferred from the graphic novel section to adult fiction (because she felt that the library’s graphic novel section was too close to Young Adults). When her request was denied, she then just put the book on hold herself for a year from 2008-09, to make sure no impressionable minds could read it.
However, eventually a computer hold was placed on the book designed that whenever Cook’s hold expired, this computer one would take precedence (typically, Cook would just re-place it on hold whenever hers expired). Cook used her access to see that it was an 11-year-old who placed the hold, so Cook enlisted the help of a part-time employee to erase it. When they were found out, both Cook and the other employee were fired.
“Neonomicon” was a four-issue miniseries by Alan Moore and artist Jacen Burrows that was published by Avatar Press in 2010-11. It was a sequel to a previous Moore/Burrow work from 2003. Both works are based on H.P. Lovecraft’s “Cthulhu” mythos. In “Neonomicon,” Moore had a specific goal in mind. He noted that Lovecraft would often mention “certain nameless rituals” in his work that were clearly intended to involve sex, but Lovecraft (whether because he was writing in the 1920s and 1930s or because he was simply squeamish about sex) made a point of avoiding the details.
So here, Moore wanted to force the reader to deal with what Lovecraft tried to obscure, to confront them with the horrors of rape. So when FBI Agent Brears and her partner investigate a cult in the story, her partner is murdered and Brears is then brutally raped for multiple issues by both the cultists and then by a grotesque fish man. There were naturally a number of critics who felt that it was untoward to have a comic whose purpose was to show a lot of rape, even if the intent was to show the horrors of it.
“Marvelman” was really Alan Moore’s breakout comic book work, as the lead feature in Quality Communications’ “Warrior” was actually Moore’s first regular comic book series. The concept of the book was to do a modern continuation of the classic Mick Anglo “Marvelman” series from the 1950s, which, in turn, were a continuation of the Fawcett Comics’ “Captain Marvel” series after Fawcett lost the rights following a copyright infringement lawsuit filed against them by National Comics/DC Comics. Moore (first with artist Garry Leach and then with Alan Davis) did a brilliant post-modern adaptation of the character.
However, when publisher Dez Skinn introduced a “Marvelman Special,” Marvel Comics sprung into action with one of its frequent 1980s attempts to sue companies that they felt were infringing on their trademarks, so with the series already in limbo with Moore and Davis no longer willing to work with each other, Skinn sold the character rights to Eclipse Comics, who then had to re-name the character “Miracleman.”
Amazingly, both DC Comics and Marvel Comics had the chance to buy the rights to Marvelman at the time but both said no! This was within Alan Moore’s first year on “Saga of the Swamp Thing,” so while he was a critically acclaimed creator, he was not yet the Alan Moore, whose name alone could sell a comic book series.
“Saga of the Swamp Thing” #34 (by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette and John Totleben) is the perfect example of what we were referencing earlier when we mentioned that Moore’s early 1980s audience followed him to bizarre places with open minds. The issue dealt with Swamp Thing and Abby exploring their relationship, specifically Abby’s willingness to take things to another, sexual level. The problem, of course, is how do you have sex with an animated pile of swamp vegetation? As it turns out, you do so by Swamp Thing producing a tuber that Abby would eat and then the two would share in a psychedelic wonderland of desire.
Bissette and Totleben did a stunning job depicting the experience, using a series of double-page spreads (cleverly going vertically instead of the typical horizontal double-page spread) to show what the two lovers were going through.
A problem came, though, when DC gave away the rights to do whatever the producers of the second “Swamp Thing” film, “Return of the Swamp Thing,” wanted to do with Moore’s work, and the end result was one of the most bizarre movie sex scenes ever (with Heather Locklear as Abby).
An embarrassing adaptation of a great work.
Hawley Griffin was the Invisible Man in Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.” He was first seen in Volume 1 terrorizing a girls’ boarding school before being enlisted to join the team of Victorian superheroes. In the second volume, however, Griffin turned on his colleagues during the Martian invasion, choosing to ally himself with the invaders (as he felt it was a given that they would succeed, so he might as well serve them and live than fight them and die). When Mina Murray discovered his deceit, he brutally assaulted her. Since he was invisible, the readers just see Murray as she is assaulted and degraded, left in a pile of her own vomit.
When Mister Hyde learned what Griffin had done, he revealed the fact that his enhanced senses allowed him to see Griffin. He then proceeded to rape Griffin nearly to death as revenge for what Griffin did to Murray. When Griffin finally died from his injuries, his blood became visible, so the reader got to see Hyde’s clothes slowly turn red with Griffin’s blood. Some critics took issue with the use of rape here as almost a heroic tactic.
In “League of Extraordinary Genetlemen: Black Dossier,” Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill introduced the Galley-Wag, a noble being from the Black Matter Cosmos. Galley-Wag was Moore and O’Neill’s attempt to redeem the character of the Golliwog, from Florence Upton’s series of children’s books from the turn of the 20th Century. Upton based the character of Golliwog on the black minstrel tradition. There’s little doubt that what Upton was basing the character on was a racist depiction of African-Americans. However, people would argue that while the origin of the character’s designs were racist, how Upton wrote the character was not racist, as the Golliwog was treated like a hero.
Alan Moore himself discussed the use of the character, “Here we had a character which in its day was positive, bold, innovative, and the creation of a typically overlooked woman creator who had quite possibly wished to situate an admirable and loveable black figure in the imaginations of the white Victorian children who comprised her readership.” Moore’s intent here was noble, but many critics felt that there really isn’t a way to successfully adapt a character who is such a racist caricature on the most basic levels. Others obviously disagree, and think Moore and O��Neill succeeded in redeeming the character.
This entry is a tricky one, since the series was never actually made, so you could argue that it doesn’t belong on a list of controversial Alan Moore comics. However, it was such an important piece of comic book history that we think that it merits a unique place on this countdown. In 1987, at the height of “Watchmen” fever, Moore made a proposal to DC Comics for a companywide crossover event called “The Twilight of the Superheroes.”
The concept involved John Constantine and Rip Hunter visiting the present from their future, to warn the heroes of the DC Universe of how dark things get. The main thrust of the series would be in a limited series where future John Constantine reveals the story of the future to his present-day self through a letter. The future of the DC Universe would be bleak, with “houses” made up of the various superhero families, sort of like a super-powered “Game of Thrones.” In the end, it would turn out that Hunter and Constantine were here not to stop their future, but to assure it came true, as in the end, the non-superhumans rebel and unseat their superhuman overlords. The proposal is brilliant, but it involved so many dark turns for so many prominent heroes, there was no way that DC would ever allow it to happen.
The first major villain in Alan Moore and Garry Leach’s “Marvelman” feature in “Warrior” was Marvelman’s former sidekick, Kid Marvelman. While Marvelman spent years trapped in his human form, forgetting the magic words that transformed him into Marvelman, Kid Marvelman just refused to turn back into his human form, young Johnny Bates. He instead slowly built up a fortune as the sadistic head of a powerful corporation. Marvelman and Kid Marvelman eventually had a brutal battle in which Kid Marvelman accidentally said the magic words to turn him back into Johnny Bates.
The heavily traumatized Bates was sent to a group home. Tragically, some of the other boys there attempted to rape Bates, and while he had been trying desperately not to transform again, the attempted rape was too much and he changed into Kid Marvelman, murdering the would-be rapists and then turning his attention toward the rest of London, slaughtering thousands until Marvelman and some other heroes were able to force him to turn back into Johnny, whom Marvelman had to kill. John Totleben drew the horrific battle, making it an iconic issue but also one that many readers of the era found very disturbing due to the graphic and often grotesque depiction of violence (the most famous example is Kid Marvelman impaling people on the clock hands of Big Ben).
In 1988, Alan Moore was in an interesting place in his career, as he had broken from DC Comics and was also not willing to work with Marvel Comics, so he entered the world of independent comics, first working with Eclipse, who were publishing “Miracleman” at the time. Comic fans all over the world were waiting to see what Moore’s next big project would be, and they were surely surprised to find that it was a graphic novel takedown of the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency.
Moore and artist Bill Sienkiewicz produced “Shadowplay: The Secret Team,” which was one part of the group graphic novel, “Brought to Light” (the other major work in the volume was Joyce Brabner and Tom Yeates’ “Flashpoint: The LA Penca Bombing.”). In “Shadowplay,” Moore and Sienkiewicz basically detail the alleged sordid history of the C.I.A. over the years. Like we mentioned before, though, since the book did not have the same widespread release that Moore’s other work of the era received, the controversy was a bit blunted. If this had been released by, say, DC Comics, though, it likely would have been a major controversy, as Moore and Sienkiewicz make some awfully bold claims.
Originally serialized in the pages of Stephen Bissette’s edgy independent comic book series, “Taboo,” “Lost Girls” was ultimately finished by Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie nearly two decades later as a massive graphic novel collection by Top Shelf Productions. The series was about the sexual adventures of three famous fictional female characters of the late 19th century/early 20th century, Alice from “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass,” Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz” and Wendy from “Peter Pan” who meet together at a hotel in Europe on the eve of World War I.
Since the book was specifically about sexuality and, in certain instances, the sexuality of young women, the book was a lightning rod for censorship. However, interestingly enough, Moore was shocked by just how blunted any negative response was to the book. Moore theorized that it was tied to the fact that he openly acknowledged that the book was pornography, which he felt cut the legs out of critiques of the work, for if he was calling it pornography himself, then what could his critics say? Invariably, they said, “No, it’s not! It’s art!” Thus, a work that seemed destined to be in one of the top spots on a list like this ended up not being really all that controversial.
In 1999, Alan Moore cut a deal with Jim Lee’s Wildstorm Studios to launch a whole new line of comics called “America’s Best Comics,” before Lee sold Wildstorm Studios to DC Comics, much to Moore’s chagrin. His line of comics included “Tom Strong” with Chris Sprouse, “Top Ten” with Gene Ha and Zander Cannon, “Promethea” with J.H. Williams III and “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” with Kevin O’Neill.
“League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” was set in the late 19th Century, and just like his classic series, “Watchmen,” Moore included extra material at the back of the issues that would give insight into the world of the characters. Amusingly, in issue #5, they included an ad for an actual feminine product of the era, the Marvel brand douche. DC Comics, though, freaked out at the idea of this being seen as an insult of Marvel Comics, so they had the entire print run of the issue destroyed and then re-released with an edited version of the ad, with the product now being called Amaze Douche (the above ad is not precisely the one included in the original issue, but it’s for the same product – you can look at the original ad here). Amusingly, in a later issue of “Top Ten,” there is a tiny newspaper headline referencing the incident (as well as the whole “Marvelman”/”Miracleman” imbroglio), noting “Miracle Douche Recall.”
During the early 1980s, Alan Moore did a bunch of work for Marvel’s British branch, Marvel UK. His most famous work was an acclaimed run on “Captain Britain” with artist Alan Davis, who Moore was also working with on “Marvelman.” Moore also did a number of back-up stories on “Doctor Who.” In 1985, Marvel colored and reprinted two of Moore’s “Doctor Who” stories in the American version of the “Doctor Who” comic. Moore was outraged, as Marvel had not asked him if they could reprint the comics and there was also not yet a system in place where Moore would be paid for his work appearing in the American comics.
Moore answered the problem by refusing permission for Marvel to reprint any of his stories and threatened them over the use of characters he invented in England, as the different intellectual property laws between the United States and the United Kingdom made it an open question as to whether Moore had rights to the characters he invented in the British comics. This problem with Marvel led to three major repercussions. First, obviously Moore would not work for Marvel now. Second, Davis and Moore split, since Davis wanted their “Captain Britain” work to be reprinted in the United States. Third, Chris Claremont had just begun to use characters from Moore’s run in “Uncanny X-Men” and had to scrap those plans due to Marvel’s lawyers being overly cautious.
Nowadays, parental warnings are ubiquitous in the world of popular culture. In the 1980s, though, they were still a matter of great debate. Alan Moore’s “Swamp Thing” helped push the issue along with a particularly controversial issue. “Saga of the Swamp Thing” was, like pretty much all of DC Comics’ output at the time, approved by the Comics Code Authority. However, that changed with “Saga of the Swamp Thing” #29 (by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette and John Totleben).
The issue included zombies, which were still a “no no” according to the Comics Code, but it also had Abby having sex with her husband, Matt Cable, who was possessed by her uncle Anton Arcane. It was likely way too disturbing for the Comics Code, so DC released the issue without Comics Code approval. Since they knew Moore was going to keep doing these types of stories, DC decided to stop submitting the book for Code approval and then with “Swamp Thing” #31 they began to label the book as “Sophisticated Suspense.”
Eventually, this was deemed to not be a good enough warning, so DC introduced “For Mature Readers Only,” which outraged many comic book creators who hated the idea of DC doing labels at all. The labels, though, won out in the end and are now pretty universal in the world of comics.
It’s hard to imagine now, but in 1987, Alan Moore and DC Comics were very happy with each other. This was based on the great commercial success that Moore and DC Comics were having with Moore and Dave Gibbons’ hit series, “Watchmen.” The series was not just a success as a comic book, but also they were licensing it like crazy – buttons, posters, the works. Moore and Gibbons shared in the profit, so they were very happy.
Then came the project that would sour things between Moore and DC for decades. “Watchmen” was released as a mass market trade paperback. Moore and Gibbons obviously were not unhappy about that, as that meant a whole new slew of royalties for the pair. However, what they were unhappy about was that the “Watchmen” trade (along with the “Dark Knight Returns” trade) changed how comic book trade paperbacks worked.
Historically, you would do a print run and that was it. If you were lucky, you would do a couple of printings. Eventually, though, the book would go out of print and Moore and Gibbons would regain the rights. Instead, “Watchmen” has never gone out of print. As Moore said in 2006, describing his response to DC when he split from them in 1989, “Fair enough…You have managed to successfully swindle me, and so I will never work for you again.”
Alan Moore only wrote what ultimately became “The Killing Joke” as a favor to its artist, Brian Bolland, as Moore had already soured on DC Comics by the time it came out in 1988. The story is about the origins of the Joker, showing that he feels that he was driven to evil by having “one bad day.” Thus, he wants to see if he can do the same to someone with a strong moral fiber like Commissioner James Gordon.
Therefore, he breaks into Gordon’s home, shoots and paralyzes Gordon’s daughter, Barbara Gordon (who had just retired as Batgirl), and then kidnaps and tortures him. “One bad day” did not break Jim Gordon, though. The story ends with Batman and Joker laughing at the absurdity of their endless “cat and mouse” relationship.
The book has been criticized for the way that it allegedly treats Barbara Gordon’s injury as just a means to supply drama to her father and Batman. That is to say that Barbara is less a character in her own right as she is a prop for the plot. John Ostrander and Kim Yale would later famously turn Barbara into the hero Oracle, but that was not in the cards for Gordon at the time. The controversy behind this story continues to this very day, as Warner Bros. recently released an R-Rated animated adaptation of the story.
What do you feel is the most controversial Alan Moore comic book story? Be sure to tell us in the comments section!
The post Alan Moore’s Most Controversial Comic Book Stories appeared first on CBR.com.
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