#tw r/systemscringe
anti-endo-haven · 1 month
Mention of endos and r/syscringe (We're sorry you'll see why)
So, we might've just gone against the "let's stay away from r/syscringe" like you suggested, oops. In my defence, no meds right now (psych appointment is in a month) and also just wanted to see. We got posted again. Mind you these own people broke their own fcking rules by posting pfps. Like damn, open us up for a chance of harassment why don't y'all.
ANYWAYS. We were getting made fun of again because we made a post pointing out how stupid r/syscringe is for posting us. We got made fun of for trying to cutify it (because somehow the fact that most that I (RAB) know of are fictives is cutifying it?? Sorry that it's how we coped through trauma was to absorb ourselves in media and that not everyone is comfortable talking OR don't want to be on the blog).
Mind you this is the same subreddit that posts about things going on in the endo drama sphere and laugh about it and half in the comments agree with some shit that endos spew. Like dude wtf???
Sorry for venting, Shining. Really, we just. We saw comments saying that some people can help not scrolling. They don't get what it's like to have almost like a voice (not an alter but kind of when someone's talking about hearing their conscious?) in the back of their head going "you need to check, something bad is being said about you". Which if anyone on that subreddit sees this, yes I'm in therapy dickwads.
Okay so we're gonna go try and take a breather and take time on our personal and vibe with the bf, love youuuu /p /gen
Don’t apologize, it can’t be helped sometimes. We do the same and we’ve just gotten annoyed with the subreddit for allowing bullying and harassment. That’s what they do and they never truly get taken down.
Reddit isn’t the best form of social media with how people that stay there can be. The online types that will actively make sure that you feel bad for them and what not.
The best thing you can do is ignore it, but at the same time it’s hard. When we look, we go and see the blasphemy that they’re talking about. How wrong they’re getting things. They’re taking posts out of context and wanting to cause harm to people.
Don’t let them bring you down or let them, the people that are notorious for believing that DID/OSDD & RAMCOA doesn’t exist, on if you are or aren’t faking. They’ll always belittle people that have undergone trauma. They’ll just make it more traumatizing for someone.
The subreddit doesn’t deserve your attention and if you struggle with going, try doing something else until it passes. They’ll always be rude and they’ll never be nice because for them, harming others is the best thing you can do when you live a sad life like they do.
They won’t learn or correct their ways, no point in trying to believe what they say.
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Whoever made the Google page for RAMCOA is getting a talking to by me because I am not tolerating the fact that the second thing that pops up is r/systemscringe saying it's not a real thing. Wtf.
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
hi! so theres this petition going around to ban r/systemscringe!
imo, petitions arent the best but if you can go to the sub, report it for harassment, and leave then that'll do a lot!
(sysmeds dni.)
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spiderversesys · 1 month
Like y'all, admit your toxic asshats who can't stand to see systems find SOMETHING enjoyable about life. (Also if that person sees that, hi this isn't a culture is blog, fucking look at shit you dumbass)
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reflectionlessraven · 11 months
I’ve never joined this godforsaken subreddit in my life and I feel ill. Why the fuck does it say I joined? I’ve spoken against it and ”users of systemscringe” is in my dni. This is probably my 12th reason /hsrs
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I left it like as soon as I realized.. I feel like I was hacked or something happened and forced us to join?? all I know is that the content of the sub is gross and horrible
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
r/systemscringe mods are now encouraging people to doubt abuse victims specifically because they say they have dissociative disorders...
Yesterday r/systemscringe added someone new to their hit list. Part of this included accusations of grooming against this individual. I'm not going to talk about those specific accusations since they aren't anyone I know nor anyone I expect my followers would be interacting with. (As I understand, they're an anti-endo TikToker)
What I do want to talk about was this disclaimer r/systemscringe mod u/DizkoLites added to their post:
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Now I will note that there can be good reason to be skeptical of any allegations. People do lie for all sorts of reasons. I've had plenty of lies spread about me personally, including directly by r/systemscringe members and moderators. It's unfortunate that there are bad people out there who will take advantage of the trusting nature of human beings in order to lie and hurt others, and that this erodes trust in genuine reports of abuse.
But this has gone further than just general skepticism and is arguing that abuse allegations from systems should be distrusted just for them being systems and talking about being systems.
So here is a reminder: if any systems from r/systemscringe are reading this right now... these people are not your friends. These people cannot be trusted.
The hatesub r/systemscringe is not only pushing ableism and hate, but is specifically encouraging people to disbelieve trauma reports from anyone who dares be open about having DID.
This is not innocent. This is not harmless. This is not victimless.
Their members over the past few months have attempted to rebrand their subreddit as a place of education. And it's unknown the reach of their 30,000+ members. How many are medical professionals? How many are lawyers or judges? How many are police officers? How many will become these things in the future?
Make no mistake, your so-called friends in r/systemscringe are actively working towards making the world less likely to believe and trust you when you report being a victim of trauma and abuse. The next time someone doesn't believe you because you're a system, remember that it's because of people like this.
Shame on you r/systemscringe. And you specifically, u/DizkoLites.
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pluralcultureis · 4 months
Just wanted to let u guys know you’ve been posted on r/systemscringe a few times, idk if it affects you or anything but I wanted to just let u know
We're aware, we don't really care honestly
Fakeclaimers are always going to find a reason to fakeclaim systems, we do our best to just ignore them. Their opinions don't matter to us
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river-runs-fast · 4 months
r/systemscringe isn’t anti-endo, they’re anti-system.
Sign this petition to get them shut down.
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musicalmonstrosity · 16 days
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TW;bodily injury, detailed abuse, cringe culture, ableism, Domestic abuse, child abuse, CPS mentions, the system cringe subreddits
Fakeclaimers are so funny ngl bc they’ll be like “if that happened where’s the scars and proof why aren’t you being abused!” And then I’ll just be like oh word? Which scar you wanna see, this injury is the freshest (I still can’t touch it even while it’s scabbing the bone def got fucked up again) (thanks dad), or we can cover the hundreds of scars all over my damn body. We can cover my malformed legs from being broken so many damn times and the CPTSD fucking up my joints worse. I could audio record the horrific sounds my body makes due to abuse I suffered still effecting me into adulthood. I could show them the pictures of me in secondary locations to be abused. I could send them my CPS workers info and the social workers notes the day I came to school with a stab wound and bruised ribs.(and that shit happened 6 years ago, guess what my ribs are still fucked up!)They don’t actually want proof because when you show it it’s “seeking attention” or it’s “overdramatized” they have to move the goal post because they will dickride for abusers so hard. You could show them your damn diagnosis papers and they’ll sit there and say it’s fake or doctor shopping. Fakeclaimers and their echo chambers don’t care about “stopping fakers to protect disabled people” they want to sit on a high horse when ironically they don’t even have the conditions to speak on it or have such obvious internalized ableism. At this point their groups are becoming blooming hate groups that are becoming dangerous. I’ve actually been victim due to their rhetoric, guess what ,the majority of them are teenagers, ignorant and think they know it all. Back in high school a student who loved those fakeclaiming groups decided that I was faking my disability that required me to use a cane and the elevator (literal doctors note is required for either of these on school grounds and I got banned from using the stairs anyways because I kept getting injured on them). So what does he do? Threaten to break my cane, and eventually he actually did, feeling all righteous until I wasn’t getting up. He had to learn that day you don’t know people and your assumptions can get people killed, if I had hit my head when I fell from him kicking my cane inwards I could’ve died. All this because of what these people spread. I’m sick of it. And please try to fake claim (sarcasm) me so I can pull out my diagnosis papers and therapy notes. And for fucks sake you can see my meds, it’s not like I hide em on this blog.
And the funniest part about all of this? No one owes random people proof or great detail of their abuse or disorders. If you’re not their doctor or psychiatrist why care? It’s simple, they don’t care for proof, they care to target people and protect abusers.
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r/SystemsCringe users always say stuff like "you can't self diagnose" and "only a psychologist can tell you if you have osdd/did"
But then they dismiss endos that are professionally diagnosed and say that they're "lying", that they're "manipulating psychologists into giving them a diagnosis" and "stealing resources from "actual systems""
They say psychologists who support endos should get their license removed and that they "aren't fit to be a psychologist"
They dismiss official studies done on endos by psychologists [ID: by psychologists], saying that they aren't reliable
And most importantly, they believe that they can say that "cringe endos" for sure don't have osdd/did, despite most of them not being psychologists
[ID: And most importantly, they believe that they can say that they can say that "cringe endos" for sure don't have osdd/did, despite most of them not being psychologists]
Make sense, SystemsCringe
(I know that this isn't our usual debunking post, but I lost our stylus and for some reason that means that we can't screenshot anything, so enjoy this post instead)
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Just saw someone on r/systemscringe unironically call systems a cult over a system telling a singlet not to argue with another system about their disorder I'm. 😦
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anti-endo-haven · 1 month
We know your on break for a bit ans feel free to delete this we just have to get it off our head
Cw: fake claiming, doubting sys validity, r/syscringe mention, religion mention, religious trauma mention
We occasionally go scrolling through r/syscringe. Not because we agree, we whole heartedly HATE it. But sometimes for shits ans giggles, you know?
We were clicking through the pictures on a post and number 3. A number we already have a fuck ton of trauma with due to events and things happening with that number.
A post from our main. We were making a joke because lately, our boyfriend's been asking what fandoms we know. And we've been busy and been blurry so not everyone knows names. Hell I suck on names. So we'd describe shit weird. The movie Wonka?
We called it the candy fucker. He was like wtf? A reasonable response. So, who we're 95% sure now was like Le, went "hey he could've been!" So our bf, worried a bit, asked who was fronting. So, I quoted it and posted it.
We were being laughed ar especially because well, no real system would do that. This part was a little funny, they said that came from a blog like plural culture is or trauma holder culture is. No it's our personal kinda shit posty.
I've been doubting how valid we are. We've got some who think they were split because of religious trauma and our grandfather scaring the life into us through the Bible. And I know it's bad but I kinda doubt them because it wasn't as bad as others.
I've been doubting because it's like I'm perma frontstuck. I'm never not fronting. The rare times I do is when I have a blackout because, as Le explained, for some reason I'm not really ready to remember what inside is like. I know the basis but not details. This didn't help any
We hallucinate already, at least I do. It's usually Lu, Le, or Al who have to tell me I'm seeing things that aren't real. What if I'm hallucinating us being a system? What if we are but I'm not sure on things?
I'm sorry for venting Shining, really. Feel free to delete this we just had to get it off our chest
Not deleting it, you’re here and I hear you. I see you. You’re valid in your experiences.
r/systemscringe does not give anyone a right to tell you how you can or can’t act when the majority of them don’t even believe in the disorder. Systems can act in a variety of ways and you posting a funny moment from your own doesn’t make you any less real.
The thing with your religious trauma, it is and was bad enough. Don’t compare it and say that it wasn’t bad enough when it was and is.
I know that I can’t diagnose you, but you are still valid and are a system. If you’d want, I can send a PDF for the DSM-5-TR and you can scroll through that for the dissociative disorders as a means of reminding yourself of what’s there.
It was bad enough. You aren’t any less of a system. You are valid. You’re not fake.
Don’t let a subreddit try and make you think that you’re not. It’s extremely hard not to let it get to you, but avoid the subreddit for as long as you can. I know it might be compelling to look there, but it has already caused you harm.
Take care of yourself. You’re important. I don’t believe you’re faking. If the denial is bad, try and do some things to help ground yourself and see if you can make a list of what happens to further help you know that you are not faking.
Even as someone who has hallucinations (and a lot of them), we have it to where we try and say when something is an auditory hallucination or not. It doesn’t feel like something we say. The crying and screaming and any whispered voices don’t sound like they’re coming from any alters or from us/the body at all, it feels detached in a way that isn’t dissociation detachment. I know it can be different and/or hard for others to do that.
It’ll be okay. Put yourself first and make sure to take care of yourself. I’m sorry that everything has hit you suddenly. I’m here for you. 🫂 /wc
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steence · 7 months
guys can i complain about something?
like tw venting FR
because like. i used to think i had like. osdd. that thing whenever you have different people in ur head or whatever. and its soooo awful. the only reason i was able to escape that horrible, awful time in my life was when i went on r/systemscringe.
cus they b out there pointing out bullshit. and it snapped me out of it. but the remnants are still so awful. i still hear voices. i still can talk to people in my head and hear a response that i dont think im making even though i definitely am. i still feel so awful
whenever i thought i had it i was so shameful pf it. i didnt tell ANYONE. i was so scared that someone would find out. anytime someone irl brought it up i felt fear.
there are still things that i remember doing but that felt like i didnt *do* or like i did it in a dreamlike state. kind of like when you first wake up. even though i DIDNT.
i KNOW you guys wanna hate fakeclaimers but theyre the ONLY reason i was able to get out. and its still awful.
so if ur a system i KNOW uou dont wanna hear this but PLEASE make sure 100% beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is true. please dont go down the awful path i did.
ok rant over <3
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eskzerek · 2 years
Tw // Fakeclaiming
Saw this and saw some other systems answering so we want to too! (Note, we don't have DID, but in the case of Sysmeds they interchangeably use DID and System as the same thing)
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❌ we post about our interests a lot.
✅ They describe our system members' roles easily, so why not?
❌ We have a few cishet people, and I think only a couple use neopronouns.
❌ We have never dyed our hair.
❌ Our hair is just past our shoulders and we have a regular middle part, our fringe just frames our face a lil.
✅ We get new Headmates often in times of stress, and if we have a character who brings us great comfort, why wouldn't we introject them?
❌ We've actually never been fakeclaimed. We've been posted on r/systemscringe twice I believe, but one was because of an inside joke that the poster took seriously, and I honestly can't remember the other one 💀. Not once did they say we were fake. One person did comment "out of all the star wars characters why introject Ezra Bridger" which was. Something.
➖ We do if we're talking about system experiences. We often forget on here. While talking to people on discord we often use pk. It's so people know what they can and can't talk about i.e Don't talk Abt Belos around Hunter, Don't talk about the Kraang around me(Leon) etc. Also I'd like to sign off because I use they/he and hate She Pronouns, whereas some people use He/She and hate They pronouns.
❌ I don't think so? Most of us are super outgoing. The most "edgy" I can think of is Hunter but he's just traumatised.
❌ Never worn eyeliner
✅ Yeah? We are under 18. Minors can be systems!
➖ We don't talk about how we interact a lot. We have a couple times but we don't see any point.
➖ Don't a lot of people use discord? Also no! We have a carrd but we prefer Rentry.
❌ We talk about being plural a lot because it's a massive part of who we are but sometimes we just wanna talk about tmnt or the owl house or star wars.
❌ We don't want to be diagnosed with DID, because we do not have it.
❌ Typing quirks are difficult for us to read and understand, why would we do that to ourselves? Yuno types in italics but only because he likes how it looks, and Evelyn puts ᓚᘏᗢ before her messages because she likes cats.
❌ We don't have any of them. Our most introjected media currently is Rottmnt.
❌ We'd be happy to educate them and if they started getting aggressive we would simply block them.
❌ Headmates who are aggressive and/or would cause distress to other people do not interact on social media, and we strongly believe in system responsibility.
❌ We don't record ourselves ever, and our switches are very small and unnoticeable.
➖ We are Praesigenic. We will not say if we are Traumagenic or Endogenic, although we do completely support Endo Systems.
Overall we relate to only 3 of these things.
Note: Even if you relate to all of these things, or none of these things, that does not mean you are faking. Plurality is different for everyone and as long as you say you are a system, you are a system. <3
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hhhh i know i shouldnt have looked but like
TW talking about r/systemscringe, as well as ranting and using capslock for a bit.
so i wanted to see something on there.... i shouldnt have because the entire concept of people being like this just makes me mad.
i saw someone in the comments who is an actual mental health professional.... IM SORRY BUT YOU SHOULDNT BE ON THAT SUBREDDIT!! as a professional you should be able to view your patients objectively and try to treat them as best as you can and not join a subreddit that openly condemns anything that doesnt fall into one specific line of presentation (newsflash: not everyone has the same experiences (yes that includes trauma) and not every person OR system has the same relationship with the internet or other mental health adjacent resources). btw the creator that i looked up was literally professionally diagnosed.
does everyone with ADHD experience hyperactive symptoms?? no! some experience them more and some experience them less, barely or not at all. being a system is way more complicated than that but even if it wasnt, it should be clear that not everyone is going to present the exact same way, even more so when you look at how complex dissociative disorders are in and of itself.
to recover, people should be able to come to terms with being a system. while the entire subreddit was just made for everyone to mock systems that dont fit into their either very strict or just simply uninformed view. not only that but apparently explicitly waiting for an opportunity to mock other people by joining system spaces on discord is entirely appropriate for people from that subreddit????
i dont understand how anyone can feel the need to suppress other people as drastically as this subreddit does. for the systems that do join that subreddit, you have to understand that they dont care about you. they see you as nothing more than you see the DID/OSDD systems you mock. to the point where nobody in that subreddit understands what theyre actually fighting against anymore lmao.
like not only once did i see someone actively debating a comment that was literally on their side. theyve become so sensitive in their "fight against fake systems" that any lead to anyone else even being just the slightest form of a system, already sets them off and becomes their only fighting ground. (ive seem them debate with a diagnosed DID system before and the system brought some good arguments to the table but all that came was just "uhh lol u fake, ik!!" basically)
dont get me started on that other subreddit...
i think im done now. hopefully this doesnt land on r/systemscringe lmao because i am just ranting. i really dont need any fucking fights or conflict right now i am busy enough.
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jewelcrackers · 2 years
TW: fakeclaiming, r/systemscringe
Though I can’t remember how he worded it, a friend said recently that one of the reasons he wanted to get to know me was because I wasn’t putting anything on for anyone – I was just being myself. It got me thinking. My full reflection hasn’t completely changed to word form yet, but I realised that something positive came out of something that could’ve potentially turned ugly.
A few months ago, I posted on r/DID out of desperation. As a system, we hate not having communication with each other, that we don’t know our names, what we each like – we have no collective identity because our communication is so awful. This has been the case since February/March of 2021. After this post, someone from r/SystemsCringe DM’ed us asking invasive and invalidating questions. Either they decided we weren’t worth their time or I managed to shut them down, but only four messages were sent between us all together and as far as I know, we never got posted.
If we’d been posted, I don’t know if we could’ve handled it. Everything about our existence has already been claimed as fake on that subreddit in various unrelated posts and threads, and not being able to find any other systems in the same boat as us despite searching was only strengthening the internal feeling of being fake that seemingly all systems feel. Our mental health was already bad enough at that time. Looking back though, part of me is glad that that person messaged us, because, in the days following, our mindset changed.
We decided to stop trying to find each other. Nothing we’d done had helped, and there was no one who seemed to relate to us, understand, or have any new advice. That and our posts were getting lost. After we lost the original contact we’d established with ourselves and each other, our biggest fear was people saying we faked it for attention. No one did to our faces, but we were still terrified of people not believing us about being a system and our trauma. After this person messaged us though, something seemed to click.
This is where we are right now. This is the point we are at in our journey. This is our current reality – and we don’t need to prove that to anyone.
We stopped trying to look into the headspace. We stopped thinking about it all the time and stopped trying to decipher the noise in our head. We began spending our time freely – following what we wanted to do instead of questioning the fluctuations in our interests. Allowing things to not make sense. Knowing that it’s okay that our interests and voices are different, that not knowing who we are doesn’t mean we need to hide. The people who matter are the ones who love us for us.
Since we’ve stopped hiding for others, interactions have felt more genuine. We’ve found friends who laugh when we get sidetracked, when our voice changes, when we’re loud without meaning to be. Our existence isn’t wrong to them. Our neurodivergencies aren’t wrong. We’re just us.
You know what surprised us the most though? Since we stopped pushing, we’ve learned more about the mechanics within our system than ever. We know now that one specific team of alters will come into handling the body, knowing barely anything about us or our life, and they learn as they go. Once they learn too much, everything seems to rotate – those alters will be inaccessible and a new team manages life outside the headspace. We’ve even learned to identify these “resets”.
They take the form of switches an hour or two long whilst the entire system shifts, and the first alter of the new team to front feels like they’ve woken up from a long sleep and struggles to gather their bearings for a few hours. It happens under very specific circumstances – those that match the only times we felt safe as a child, probably because the amount of dissociation required for these resets makes us almost completely unaware of both the external world and our thoughts, so I guess the brain needs to be sure that we won’t be harmed during this time. We have always followed this pattern – from knowing nothing, to a little, to too much, and then starting again. The memories we have access to prove it.
We’ll regain proper contact when we’re ready. We’ll know who we are when we’re ready. We’ll have the answers we want when we’re ready. We are real. Our experiences are real. Fakeclaiming won’t make us disappear.
PS: those friends we mentioned throughout this post – you know who you are. If you’re reading this, thank you. Love you lemons 🍋
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