#twd beta
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yesimilkdamilkman · 3 months
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girlies we need to bring beta fics back, that big sexy man is lacking the in the fic department!!
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liliesdiary · 6 months
Im watching season 10 of twd and why am I attracted to Beta..?
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Negan: *wont shut the fuck up*
Beta: How did you tolerate him?
Y/N: He was imprisoned
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queerlybelovdd · 8 months
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grimesgirll · 3 months
“good fucking girl.”
is definitely not something rick should be saying to his best friend’s girlfriend - especially not with his cock halfway down her throat.
the moment shane had stepped out for a run with glenn and michonne, you and rick were all over each other. you couldn’t handle sneaking into rick’s bed down the hall anymore. you were bound to end up in his lap on the sectional, pawing at him like a bitch in heat.
it’s not that shane didn’t fuck you; he took every chance he got. you’re just enamored with rick. ever since your boyfriend had “shared” you with his fellow officer, rick had been on your mind.
the way his brown constable’s jacket fit against his muscles when they flexed. the glint of his chocolate curls. how good he is with judith.
rick gets you goin’ in a way shane hasn’t for quite some time. he was right when he got you down on your knees back at the rest stop. you did look at rick like you wanted to drain him and then have him bend you over and fuck you silly - and that’s what ended up happening.
ever since that day, shane got off on toying with you and having you sit on rick’s cock in addition to his own. he uttered excuses about the stresses of their new duties as constable but you just slid down your denim skort and squealed the occasion away.
you’re quiet now, nice and muffled on rick’s dick as you swallow around him. the motion has him twitching in your mouth. wanting to finish off inside of you for the night, the thick length in your mouth is withdrawing and suddenly you’re in that familiar face down position again.
“so wet, baby,” rick remarks in awe as his length brushes your slippery entrance.
you’re squeezing your thighs together - trapping him between the pillowy soft surfaces. “rick,” you cry. “c’mon, already.”
“what’d we say?”
you swallow, a tear from how needy you are sliding down your cheek. “please, sir.”
you could care less if shane walked in right now. as long as rick keeps driving his hips into yours and breathing your name like a prayer, you’ll be content. content to get fucked silly by the man before he takes you in his arms and spends the night with a hand on your waist and his nose buried in your hair.
that’s after though.
now, you’re being nearly fucked up the couch.
rick’s just enjoying the way your sweet little cunt grips him like it needs him. the little thing sucks him in even better than your mouth.
and you’re a whole other story. sweat sticking to your glistening forehead, you’re babbling incoherent thoughts, strung out on the cock molding you to his shape.
your slick is pooling around rick like he’s in the fucking atlantic. so close to losing it all over him already, you’re making an absolute mess of the couch that you’ll have to resolve before shane gets home. don’t want him suffering from any fear of missing out.
the man is swept from your mind when rick absolutely crams his cock inside of your clinging cunt. the kiss to your cervix is enough for you to start seeing spots around the older man making you take his cock so well.
every time you park your pussy on rick’s thick dick and come, you ground down, grasp his hand, do anything to get as close as possible. feeling him to skin to skin is second only to feeling him fill you up. the filthy praises coming from his lips come close as well.
“fuck, baby, so nice and tight. you want me to come inside you, huh? have shane come home to this pussy all messy?”
you’re shaking your head like you have any idea what you’re asking for. “yes, rick! i want you to make a mess of my pussy.”
“then come all over this cock, honey.”
“mhmm, rick, i-,”
“that’s it.”
“i love how deep you are, rick-,” you’re bumbling like an idiot and muttering a string of “i love you”s as the dam bursts and you come undone on rick’s cock.
the pulsing warmth beneath you is accompanied by a husky, “i love you too,” and a chorus of your name into your shoulder as rick used his horsecock to fuck you two through your climaxes.
the friction on your clit heightens the heat surrounding you and flooding into you from rick. you’re almost overwhelmed by the bruising kisses rick purples onto your neck as he gathers you on top of him.
“you did so good, honey,” he’s praising you and you’re just nodding, humming, “thank you”s and “i know”s until he’s bear hugging you again. the way he nuzzles into your neck from behind and exhales into your hair is enough for you to forget trudging up to bed and drift off into rick’s touch right there.
you’re already asleep in his arms but he takes the time to stroke your hair and kiss up and down your temples. god, he loves getting this time with you to himself - even if you’re asleep.
with you pressed against him and your heartbeat thrumming, the world is still and rick realizes something - he’s never letting you go.
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minervadashwood · 2 months
Daryl Dixon x NB!Reader (afab, plus-size) 🏹 Daryl x Reader x Rick 🛡️
The Cop and the Criminal - Chapter 32
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Summary: It's been a week or so since Glenn and T-Dog saved Rick. Now, your pack is getting settled in new place. Word count: 3K This chapter contains: Nesting, going into heat, firearms, smut.
Author's note: I am a little behind on posting chapters to tumblr. So I'll be trying to fix that in the next few days.
It was all you could think about as you took water and soap to every surface in the kitchen. The other rooms had been cleaned, from top to bottom, including the loft and the basement. The loft had a low ceiling, but Ro and Merle had made their bed up there, using an air mattress and sleeping bags. Carl slept on the main floor, closest to the wood stove, while you, Rick, and Daryl had a makeshift bed in the basement. It was a far cry from your house, a home filled with Daryl’s handiwork, not to mention modern furniture. All that remained were some old, hand-made chairs and a small kitchen table.
This cabin, like the others around it, was old, from the 1850s, you’d guessed, based on the structure and style. In more recent years the land had been repossessed then abandoned. Before then, generations of Dixons had lived here, in their own version of Walton’s mountain, before the Great Depression.
Despite the bedding downstairs in the basement of this old, cozy cabin, your omega was desperate for safety, seclusion, and comfort.
As you cleaned, you were also looking after Carl. He sat at the table, still and focused as he drew pictures to give Lori and Shane when they arrived. He’d grown quiet over the last few days, since you left home.
You hoped, for his sake, that Lori and Shane would get here soon.
The past few days remained a chaotic whirlwind, made all the worse by your biological imperative. Soon after you met Glenn and T-Dog, your mates decided it was time to get out of town, before things got worse.
The next morning, you packed what you could: clothes, food, and supplies. When it came time to pack up the pillows and blankets from your nest, you sat frozen in your nest, trying not to cry. That’s how Daryl found you when it was almost time to go.
“C’mon, Bubbie,” he said, clearing space so he could sit next to you. “You’ll make a new one.”
“You built this for me,” you replied gesturing at the bed, then running your hand along the shelves behind it. “You made this a home. For us.”
Daryl gathered you in his arms. “Yer the one who made it a home. ‘Sides we’ll come back when it dies down.”
You shook your head. “I don’t think we will. The way Glenn describes the city…I don’t think this will be safe for a long time if the dead are migrating here.” You took a deep breath. “I know we have to go.”
“Don’ mean it’s easy,” he said, hugging you. After a moment, he got off the bed and opened one of the cherry wood chests he’d made for your nesting materials. He dumped out all the unused, pillows and blankets, still in their plastic wrapping.
What to take was your decision, but Daryl helped you, arranging everything in the chest, and packing it tightly.
Later, when it was time to go, Rick reassured you, too. “We’ll get you a place for your nest in time.”
“What if we have to move again, while I’m in heat?” you asked. “It will be soon.”
“I know. We both do. That’s why we’re goin’ now. And it’s why we need to stick together. Not just us, but the new guys, too.”
You nodded. Rick wrapped you up in a tight hug.
“We owe them. I owe them,” you said. “They brought you back to me.” Even in the short time you’d known Glenn and T, you knew them to be good people. T-Dog, an alpha, kept his distance from you; he must have known you were close to your heat, but you’d gotten to know Glenn a little. He had strategic way of thinking, and you thought maybe he was some sort of weekend warrior. But no, just a delivery driver.
Now, in the cabin, you gripped the edge of the sink, panic rising. Trying to control your breathing, you glanced at the wooden chest sitting by the basement door. Then, you stared at Carl’s back, as a sudden, unwelcome wave of frustration came over you. Your omega didn’t want him near your nest. In fact, it didn’t even want your mates near it, not yet.
Outside, Merle and Ro kept watch while your mates were clearing out other cabins, making them livable. T and Glenn took one, next to yours. You bristled at having strangers so close by when your heat was imminent, but you owed them.
The front door swung open, and you flinched, letting out a whimper of surprise. Despite the gust of cold wind from the door, you were too hot to even notice, but Carl shivered.
Daryl stepped in, quickly closing the door, and going to add logs to the wood stove.
He took one look at you, and whether it was your bond or Daryl’s keen eye, he seemed to know exactly what you needed. Jutting his chin toward the basement, he sat down next to Carl, distracting the boy while you went to make your nest.
The chest was too heavy for you to carry, and through your bond you felt Daryl’s impulse to help you. Rejecting it and putting up a mental wall, you grabbed armfuls of your blankets and pillows, making a few trips up and down the basement stairs. When you were done, you locked the door at the top of the steps and got to work.
The padded mats you cleaned earlier had dried. One still held hints of Daryl’s musk, pine, so you put it in the center foundation of your nest and started arranging everything around it. Nestled in the corner of the room, the nest began to grow. Releasing your perfume, you set about making the entire area yours. Blankets were piled on top of each other, pillows lined the walls. After hours of work, you were almost satisfied and crept back up the stairs to find the house empty except for Daryl and Rick, who were both pacing in the open-spaced living room and kitchen.
“Carl?” you said, still on edge, but in control of your anxiety for the moment.
“With Jesus.” Rick assured you.
“Whaddaya need from us, Bubbie?” Daryl asked, his voice low and soft.
“I need your clothes, something,” you said, your voice almost whiny. Your first heat had been so perfect. But this heat was different. You couldn’t be sure your pack would even be safe here, or how long you could stay in one place. Especially with Rick and Daryl unable to protect everyone like they had been.
Wasn’t it selfish of you to need them like you did? Not just one, but both? Yet how could you choose? Yes, you were more in sync with Daryl, but he’d claimed you and been with you for half a year now. You cared just as much for Rick, and soon you’d be bonded with him, too.
Daryl started striding across the room, but you backed away, shaking your head.
“Not yet.”
Rick shrugged out of his fur-lined deputy’s coat and untucked his shirt, unbuttoning it as you watched. His bare chest gleamed with sweat, his soft dusting of hair enticing. Your stomach clenched and all you wanted was to lay on top of him and let him ease the growing ache in your belly.
Meanwhile, Daryl froze in place, and, although it took you a moment, you finally realized what you’d inadvertently asked of him. Quickly, you opened your suitcase and started pulling out unwrapped Christmas presents. What a simpler time that had been, when your most pressing worry was dropped stitches and miscounted rows.
Setting some things on the kitchen table, you approached Daryl with his poncho, it was hooded, with two layers of thick wool.
“Trade for your coat?” you asked him.
He took it and brought it to his nose, sniffing deeply.
“Ya make this? Fer me?”
You nodded. “I did some research and it’s supposed to keep you warm while you use your crossbow.”
Your mate’s face was red, and he was blinking quickly as he stared down at the gift.
“Merry Christmas,” you said quietly. Daryl nodded without looking up, refusing to meet your eyes or Rick’s.
“I-I-I have more,” you stammered, unnerved by Daryl’s reaction. Why would he cry over a poncho? You gave Rick his wide scarf and matching gloves. Daryl had a pair of gloves, too, fingerless with rubber grips sewn on the underside—for driving his motorcycle.
“Bunny,” Rick breathed, still shirtless and sniffing his scarf. “These are amazing. And your scent is all over them.”
Daryl grunted, and got out of his coat, handing it to you, and putting on his poncho.
“’S real nice, ‘mega,” he said, adjusting the poncho on his shoulders then grabbing his crossbow from where it sat nearby.
Clutching Daryl’s coat and then grabbing Rick’s shirt, you said. “Soon. But --”
Daryl looked up. “Ya dun wan’ anyone in ‘ere but us.”
You nodded.
Rick said, “While your finishin’ up, we’ll get Carl settled in with Jesus. Already talked to him about your heat.”
“You did?”
“Carl knows that you’ll need me— us -- for a few days.”
Of course, children knew, vaguely what an omega in heat entailed. Not the actual mating, but the privacy, the duty of alphas to care for their partners.
“And the others?” you asked.
“Merle swore off drinkin’ an’ Ro’s good with the kid. Glenn and T helpin’ with keepin’ watch.”
Their reassurances consoled you. Besides, the betas in your pack knew what they needed to do, and you trusted them. But Carl…he had been taken from his mom and now his dad, too.
You pointed to two crocheted Woobles on the table. “These are for Carl.” Both were dinosaurs from his favorite cartoon.
“I’ll make sure he gets them,” Rick said.
“Go’n now,” Daryl told you, jutting his chin at the basement door. “Be dark soon, an’ cold.”
You nodded, renewed determination compelling you to tweak your nest until it was perfect and cozy for your alphas, for yourself, and for the days that followed.
Finally, your nest was as close to perfect as it was going to get. Surveying the pile of blankets and pillows, your omega was finally happy to have a place to share with your mates.
Despite the stress of the past few days, a glimmer of happiness bloomed. Rick could claim you. Daryl would make love to you. And the world outside would fall away.
Skin still hot, you left the basement in search of your men. You’d been cramping steadily for the past hour, nothing unmanageable but growing more intense as time went on.
Outside, you heard the rumble of engines, and a wave of tension hit you. Not your own, but Daryl’s
Grabbing your coat, you ran outside, finding Daryl on the porch and Rick standing in the worn path near the house. A little behind Rick were Merle and Ro; Merle with a shotgun pointed at the winding path that led to the cabins.
In the distance, three vehicles approached, a Jeep, a Cherokee, and an RV.
“That’s Shane and Lori,” Rick said, but his hand was on the butt of his revolver, you noticed.
You approached Daryl, standing next to him as he held his crossbow, lowered, but seemingly ready to aim at a moment’s notice.
“You said it was just them two,” Merle shouted. “Then explain the rest of ‘em.”
The cars continued to approach, Rick glanced around, his eyes landing on Merle, who had his rifle raised.
“Put that down, Merle,” Rick ordered.
“Ya gonna make me?”
Daryl gruffly shouted, “Merle!”
Merle shrugged his shoulders. “Fine. If y’all wanna risk it, but don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”
Glenn, from across the way, spoke up. “It’s all good. More people, yeah? Safer that way.”
You agreed with Glenn and Rick, at least on principle. Yet, right now, on the verge of your heat, the thought of strangers being near you or your nest, felt like a threat on your pack’s territory.
Just then, Carl ran out of the cabin next door, without a coat on. Merle lowered his gun even more at the sight of the pup, but you could still see the tension in his shoulders. Next to him, Ro was quiet and still, his hand at his side holding a gun.
The red Jeep barely came to a stop before Lori appeared, throwing herself out of the passenger side door and running to Carl. Shane got out, too, and you relaxed at that. If Rick trusted Shane enough to tell him about this place, then the people with Shane had to be trustworthy, too, right?
Shane’s scent didn’t alarm you, not like it had the first time you’d met him, but there were more alphas’ scents emanating as other people emerged from their vehicles. One alpha’s odor burnt in your nostrils; when a balding, scowling man looked your way, you knew it was him. In the same car were a thin woman and a cowering little girl, who was around Carl’s age.
The alpha stared at you, his eyes bulging, it seemed, making you gasp and hide behind Daryl. Daryl squared his shoulders and adjusted his grip on the crossbow as Rick took an intimidating step toward the strange alpha.
Still, the frightening man didn’t look away.
Rick’s voice sliced through your fog. “Inside. Now.”
Not a command, and not directed at you.
Daryl said, “Holler if—”
“I will,” Rick replied, keeping his eyes on the strangers.
Daryl took you by the arm and guided you back into the cabin. Inside the warm living room, you took off your outerwear as quickly as you donned it moments ago. Your body was at war with your mind. Cramps of need swept through your middle, beginning the incessant pulsing at your core. You reached for the kitchen table to steady yourself, but Daryl caught you, holding you tightly against him, your backside pressing against his front. Slick moistened your underwear, and Daryl’s reaction was nearly instantaneous as you felt him grow hard against you.
Glancing out the windows to see Rick shaking hands with the strangers, you trembled as Daryl let out a possessive growl and rubbed his scent on you. Melting against him with a whimper, you let your instincts take over, ignoring the activity outside. With a huff, Daryl let go of you for just a moment to shoulder his crossbow, then he practically shoved you to the basement door. Eagerly you obeyed, flying down the stairs and burrowing on top of your nest.
“Daryl,” you whined, stripping off your layers of warm clothing and gazing up at him.
He locked the door, and after placing his weapon nearby, Daryl laid next to you, pulling you against him and running his teeth along your neck.
“Fuck, Bubbie,” he groaned, and began kissing his mark. With his hand on your hip, he pulled you to him and threw a leg over you, kissing and fondling you onto your back. Ridding himself quickly of his clothes, Daryl lowered himself above you, his bare skin on yours as he settled between your legs and kissed you again.
Your core throbbed, clenching and unclenching, demanding more than kisses from the alpha on top of you. Daryl started pressing his cock to the apex of your thighs, just slowly grinding his hips against you as his mouth and hands worked you to a fever pitch. You grabbed at him, too, sinking your nails into his back, squeezing his upper arms, reaching for his ass to urge him closer. Daryl was frantic and somehow still gentle, knowing all your favorite places for his mouth and hands. The scent of your arousal only grew stronger, and Daryl groaned in response. Fumbling, he rearranged himself so he rested on one forearm while his other hand cupped your mound. Taking one breast into his mouth, Daryl sucked and nipped at your sensitive bud as he slipped a finger inside you.
“Yer so wet, ‘mega’” he told you, “Jus’ lettin’ me right in. Feel so good on my hand.”
Your belly fluttered at his praise. Raising your hips to meet his hand you moved slowly, then with more intensity as he added another finger. His hand knew just how to make you come unraveled.
“Yes, Daryl, please .” you begged, getting close.
Suddenly, Daryl’s fingers left you, and you cried out in protest. He silenced you with a kiss on your mouth, immediately breaching the seam of your lips with his tongue. At the same time, his cock slipped through your folds and found its home in your soaking, needy pussy.
“Ye-e-e-sss,” you moaned. His cock was so big and perfect, stretching you and filling you. When he started moving you hung onto him for dear life, savoring the feel of him inside you, of his mouth on yours, of his entire body caging you in.
In your soul, you felt Daryl too, his passion and his desire, crashing into you the more he worked your body. He paused his kisses and locked eyes with you, holding your face in his hands as he thrust, the steady movement of his cock inside you sending you over the edge.
“I love you, Daryl,” you moaned, pulsing around him and holding his gaze. His knot notched into place, and he came, filling you even more. Nuzzling your gland and his mark, Daryl kissed you gently, then his mouth moved, lightly kissing your jaw then your mouth. He collapsed on top of you then rolled you over so you could lay on his chest, his knot holding you together. Reaching beside you, you found one of your favorite knitted blankets and covered you both.
Still breathing heavily, Daryl cradled you in his arms, teeth teasing your earlobe as you sighed against him.
“I love ya, too, Bubbie,” he whispered, speaking the words aloud for the first time.
You wondered if he felt the fullness of your heart through the bond. He must have because he sighed and relaxed, whispering more sweet words in your ear.
“So perfect, my omega, so strong.”
Almost nothing else existed as Daryl held you in your makeshift nest. Only one piece was missing, and as you nestled into Daryl’s chest, you hoped that Rick would join you soon.
Next chapter.
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lesbianbatlucille · 2 years
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(text)posts/twd :]
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littlegodzilla · 1 year
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Alpha & Omega.
Alpha!Daryl Dixon x Omega!Reader.
One shot.
Santuary. Negan Era. Non-canon (at least not all of it.)
Warnings: Violence. Fighting. Blood. Death. Protective!Alpha. Fighter!Omega. Werewolves. Fantasy.
Words: 5000.
N/A: I know no one asked for it, but I had to write it. Sorry.
Night has fallen on all of you, unfortunately, it's not the only thing, the Saviors have been closing your escapes forcing us to make drastic and hasty decisions until you find yourselves in the situation you are in right now, surrounded by enemies, kneeling on the ground, Maggie suffering terrible pain from her pregnancy, but no one knows what is wrong with her, everyone is pointing a gun at the group and a lunatic appears from inside the caravan and you feel your whole body tremble, lowering your gaze.
He is a huge Alpha, in his hybrid form, with jet black fur and white torso, his eyes glow with a reddish light, one of his gigantic claws hold a baseball bat, his paws dig into the ground with every step he takes, his strong scent envelops you all, bending even Rick who is your leader and an Alpha with a dominant instinct, but that man's, in his wolf form, was suffocating.
"Has anyone pissed their pants yet?" He says with a tone full of sarcasm. "Well, well... I actually come here very disappointed, you know? I'm a very reasonable guy, if you had come all the way to my house, we could have had a chat, come to an agreement." He paces back and forth. "But you guys decided to go after my men, you killed them in cold blood. That's not right." He walks up to Rick and his smile turns dangerous. "You came into my house and killed my people, that's not right, Rick." He tells him. "In return, I should do the same to yours, don't you think?" he tries to be reasonable.
"You were threatening..."
"What, are you really going to talk back to me?" He snorted through his teeth and grabbed him by the hair, but released him instantly.
Daryl has lunged at him like a guard dog, slamming into the jaw of the Alpha hybrid who recoils several steps back, Negan's men quickly knock Daryl to the ground, Dwight aims at him in the head with his own crossbow, you jump out of your seat.
"No, Daryl!" you whimper in total panic.
"Stop everyone!" Negan howls getting everyone to stop.
Dwight doesn't lower the crossbow but steps back a few paces, they lift Daryl up with a sharp gesture, Negan walks up to him and rests the head of the bat on his chin. Your breath hitches dramatically, horrified thinking of what could happen, but Daryl doesn't hesitate, his blue eyes are locked on the Alpha's, defiant, letting his Alpha instinct rise, but Negan's is stronger.
"I was going to kill you, I was going to make you give in and tear you apart bit by bit, but..." His smile grows wider and his eyes bore into you. "I'm going to be benevolent to you, just this once." He continues and you all feel some relief. "In return, I'll take something with me. Her."
The bat swings away from Daryl's chin to point at you. You gasp several times, your eyes fill with panic, you want to refuse, but he keeps talking.
"She's an unclaimed Omega, and I need a new wife." He looks at you with intensity. "You're young, you'll give me some beautiful puppies, and I'll get my army back."
"No..." Daryl growls wanting to move, but they keep holding him back.
"If you don't... I'll kill your friends, one by one." He looks at you with intensity and you know he's not lying. "What do you say, beautiful?"
"If... if I go with you..." You whisper.
"No!" Daryl refuses again and takes a direct punch to the jaw.
"If I go with you!" You say again. "Then you won't hurt my friends... and you'll leave Hilltop alone..."
"Hilltop uh..."
"Promise me and I'll go with you..." You insist, he seems annoyed by your demands, but your Omega scent appeals to him.
"Okay, beautiful, I won't touch anyone and I'll leave Hilltop alone." He agrees and gestures to you. "Come, Omega, let me see you." You find it hard to obey, his voice bothers your ears and gives you a strange feeling in your stomach, still you have to do it for your people. Trembling you stand up and walk towards him. "No. Show yourself to me, your true form."
You hesitate, standing before him, head bowed, but eyes wide open. You have never used that form. No one has ever seen you like that. You don't like it, your true form, as Negan calls it, makes you vulnerable to Alphas, being an unclaimed Omega, your essence, your instinct, your scent as an Omega is triggered in that form, attracting all Alphas around you, not being in heat there is never a risk of being harmed, but you doubt with Negan that matters. Nevertheless you know you must obey, you swallow nervously and slowly let your body transform. Daryl holds his breath as he clenches his fists tightly, controlling his impulses. His heart is racing and his head is dizzy. An intense smell of forest, river and burning wood floods his nose making him gasp. He has never smelled anything like it, his wolf inside his writhes, howls in despair and Daryl feel his skin burn as Negan touches your tan fur.
"Precious... I never want to see your human form ever again." He warns you. "You will be my wife now, and this will be your form."
"Y-yes, Alpha..." You whisper lowering your head.
"Okay, now to go home, boys." You tell your men and nod your head. Two other Betas hold Daryl tightly and push him into the van.
"No! No! You said you wouldn't hurt them!" you protest looking at Negan.
"I'm not going to hurt him, we're taking him with us, he's going to be our little dog, a gift to you." He smiles and grabs you by the waist, guiding you towards another one of the vans.
You can't help but shiver when you arrive at that huge abandoned factory and Negan introduces you to his other wives. You aren't the only Omega there, there are five more women there, but they are clearly not there of their own free will, possibly threatened like you. Negan lets you settle in with them and when he disappears, they all return to their human form. That surprises you, but you don't move from where you are.
"You can change form if you want to. We all do it when we're not in front of him." One of his "wives" explains to you.
But you don't trust them, maybe it's a trick to find out how far you obey their orders and you don't want anyone to get hurt because of you, you don't want Daryl to get hurt.
Your eyes fill with tears at the thought of the Alpha. Your story... there really isn't a "your" story you've been traveling companions and friends since he found you locked in the shed at your parents' house after escaping a burning farmhouse, as the group told you, they were running around looking for food and shelter and they found you. An Omega alone, no mate, no Alpha, unmarked and unclaimed, locked in a musty old basement where her parents intended to keep anyone from touching her until it was time. At first you found it hard to trust them all, their scents were very different from each other, Alphas, Omegas, Betas, the group was a very peculiar mix and you had only known your family, your father kept you safe, your mother hated you for what you were. Slowly you changed, finding your true personality, becoming stronger, the time you all spent in prison, in your home, made things easier, but not much changed with the Alpha. Daryl always kept his distance from you, you were friends, you could trust each other, but the Alpha was never around you when you were alone. He, a lone wolf, without a mate, without an Omega by his side, was vulnerable to your scent, to your heat and always tried not to be around you for too long.
However, that didn't change what you felt for him, what you still feel. It's not just you, your insides know it too. He is your Alpha, your partner, your soul mate. You didn't know it at first as you had never heard about them, always hidden, your parents didn't tell you about Alphas and Omegas relationship until they found an Alpha for you, but then the world went to shit and you were locked in your basement. But when you saw him, when you smelled him, you knew that was your Alpha, not the one your parents tried to find for you. Now you can't do anything about it, you've been captured by this Negan guy who's a psychopath and to stop him from hurting your people you're going to have to let him brand you as another one of his wives. You shudder just thinking about it, the imposition of Alphas is something that has been going on forever, destined or not, when an Alpha meets an Omega, he goes on instinct and marks him, Negan is one of those Alphas and he disgusts you.
"You, the new one." You turn to find a blond man with a burnt face.
Dwight, Daryl told you about him and his partner, how they stole his bike and his crossbow after he helped them escape from the guys chasing them. He gestures for you to follow him and you leave the room walking behind him, your eyes observing everything discreetly, but noting in your mind every turn, every nook and cranny, mapping it out in your head.
You are taken to a doctor to be examined, to find out if you are okay, if there has been another man in your life, Daryl is there too, possibly they are healing the shot in his shoulder, or maybe not, but embarrassed you watch as the Alpha listens to the doctor's words. No one has ever touched you, at your age you are a complete virgin Omega, it's humiliating for you, but apparently it will be a very good thing for Negan.
"She will be an awkward mother at first, but after a couple of litters, there will be no problems." Says the doctor.
A shiver runs down your spine as you look at him in fright, A couple of litters? How many children did Negan intend to have?
"Well, I'll let Negan know about it." Dwight says gesturing for you to go with him again.
"Wait." Daryl speaks in a whisper. His hand closing over your fur causes a whimper to escape you.
"Let her go, Dixon, don't complicate things any further." Dwight warns you. "You don't want Negan to do anything to her as punishment, do you?"
"It's okay, Daryl, don't worry." You smile slowly at him, pat his hand and walk away with Dwight.
It's humiliating and cruel, Daryl has lost the time, the times Dwight has shown up at his cell and insulted him, fed him dog food and reminded him that his Omega will never be his again. It's been days since Daryl has felt the cold and dampness that pervades the cabin they use for him as a cell, naked, dirty, hungry, rage and the desire for revenge is what is starting to grow bigger and bigger in him. Not only having him there is bending his instinct, seeing you near Negan makes him sick, to his nose still comes that smell of forest and freedom that he likes so much, which relieves him, Negan still hasn't marked you and if he has tried, you haven't let him. That makes that his strength doesn't decay completely, he remains weak and submissive, but he is sure he will be able to fight if necessary.
After several days of captivity enduring Dwight's continuous abuses, the door opens once again, the smell of forest reaches his nose and with a trembling body he looks towards the door of his cell, you are next to his captor, Negan is also there with a crooked and cruel smile.
"What have you done to him?" you gasp in fright at the sight of his whole bruised body, you don't even care about his nakedness.
"D has been taming our dog, a bit unruly in my opinion, but I think he's ready to go out and play with the others now." Negan scoffs and you shiver.
"He'll obey, boss, he knows what's at stake."
"Of course he does. Let him get dressed, we have to go." Negan says, walking away.
You're tempted to stay, to help Daryl, but the huge Alpha pulls you, leading you away from the cell.
The journey passes in silence, Negan's voice reaches a point where you no longer hear it, ignoring him. You are taken to Alexandria, meeting the gates of the community gives you goosebumps, but you are not prepared for what happens next.
Negan has no compassion, the humiliation he publishes towards Daryl tears you apart inside, not only does he show you around like a trophy, Daryl is his dog, he goes after him obeying everything the jet fur wolf asks him to do. You want to ask him several times to leave him alone, but you knew that would be much worse. Negan walks around with you all over the community as if it were his own, although in reality it is, he has taken over everyone's will based on fear and threats. You've lost people because of him, and you're not willing to let him kill anyone else. Rick walks submissively by your side, showing you around, talking about the supplies they've tried to gather, without much success, he asks for Daryl back, he knows you're a more complicated deal, but Negan refuses.
"Sorry, Rick, but I like having pets and Daryl is starting to buckle." His huge claw comes to rest on the archer's head, the archer doesn't flinch, but he doesn't raise his head either. He just tries to ignore that it's there.
Each new visit to the community implies a new stab to your heart, seeing them like this, unarmed, weak before this group that doesn't even know how to live among them breaks your soul. You've never been a very brave Omega, you learned to defend yourself like everyone else when the world fell, but now you feel Daryl's rage and helplessness reflected towards you, and that gives you a strange power.
Daryl is back in his cell, now with that horrible brown suit they have given him, at least he doesn't feel so cold anymore, but Dwight's music keeps playing, his verbal threats don't stop either and he feels that every day he finds it harder to stand his ground. He curls up in a corner and rests his forehead on his knees, trying to calm down, to think of something.
About you.
Remember that day in the basement of your house. They had entered the farmhouse looking for shelter and supplies, it was almost all destroyed, your father's body turned into a Walker, they took him out of the house and when he heard noise under the house he didn't hesitate to go and see what was going on. That's how he found you; huddled to the side, hugging your body, scared, dirty, as hungry as they were or more. Daryl at once noticed your condition and how his inner wolf stretched curiously towards you, he tried not to show himself dominant towards you, even though his instinct was screaming for it, he knew there was something special about you.
"Daryl..." He hears your voice on the other side of the door and tenses. "Daryl, please tell me you're still there..."
"You shouldn't be here..." He whispers in a breathy whisper.
"No, I shouldn't and neither should you." You say in a firmer voice and then open the door. Daryl looks at you confused, but relieved, you're back in your human form. "That's why we're getting out of here."
Your words put him on alert, he looks at you with a confused and frightened expression. Carefully, he gets up from the ground and holds onto the wall, he feels weak, but when he smells you, your scent transports him new energy, something to fight for, he has to protect you, go home, help his people. He advances several steps towards you and kisses you. You sigh against his mouth as his hands cradle your cheeks and you feel him steal your breath with his kiss. Your whole body melts, longing to melt into your true Alpha, but now is not the time. Much to your regret, you break the kiss, but you look up at him with a smile.
"Let's go home..." You ask. "But I need you to help me."
"Sure, Omega, I'll do whatever it takes." He assures you feeling the tiredness has worn off.
"Good." You smile again and hand him an automatic and his crossbow. "I know you missed it."
"Thanks..." He whispers and then realizes that you are wearing his vest, something wild explodes inside him and he has to calm down.
Like you said; the important thing is to escape from there. When you are sure that Daryl is ready, the two of you run down the factory corridor. It's not going to be easy to escape, there are still many of Negan's men there, even if some have gone scouting or are threatening other communities, but you don't care, you open fire on anyone you feel a threat and crosses your path. The gunshots soon draw the attention of the whole building, more and more coming at you, some transform, others don't have time, but everyone gets a bullet between the eyebrows. You manage to get out of the building, the door leads you to the courtyard where they are holding those Walkers who are strategically placed by the prisoners. Daryl drops his gun to pick up his crossbow and shoot several guards that are approaching you. As he reloads, you cover him by firing as well.
"I'm out of ammo!" You yell at him.
"Me too!"
You both look at each other intensely, there are still so many people left in there, you may not even make it out alive. Daryl nods and you feel goosebumps rise on your skin, but you do the same. You get up from your hiding place again. Daryl grabs you by the waist to fire his last remaining round and you jump down the stairs, next to the fences of the infected. Your back collides with his and you feel a howl rip through your throat as you and Daryl transform at the same time. You had never seen the hunter transform before, his hybrid form, a towering wolf on two legs, tri-colored fur, brown, gray and white, with blue eyes that glowed unnaturally bright. You feel it hard to breathe, his Alpha scent shooting up, enveloping the whole place, a smell that makes you feel at home, protected and safe, a mixture of White Maple, cigarettes and leather, even some of Negan's men, Betas, recoil and lower their heads in total submission, but it's too late. The anger and rancor that has been brewing inside Daryl these days is boiling over and the wolf isn't going to stop it.
That becomes the scene of a real war, Negan's men jump to fight, you do not stay behind, the Walkers corner you but you also get rid of them, around you there are only decomposing corpses, defeated wolves, men split in two, the earth has a red color of spilled blood. You are exhausted and wounded, you feel it hard to stand, Daryl has serious wounds, but you are both alive. For now. With clumsy steps you approach towards him, your muzzle brushes the fur on his neck, Daryl groans low and rests his forehead against yours. The two of you stay like that, being each other's support, catching your breath, your strength. This isn't over yet, you still have to get out of there, back to Alexandria.
"What happened here!" you hear Negan barking behind you.
Suddenly, to your nose, his aura is no longer as powerful nor does he seem as big an Alpha as those days ago and you understand that his power and bravado was fueled by the strength and insanity of the men following him, he was just another Alpha. Daryl beside you keeps shaking, he grits his teeth hard and growls menacingly, the blood of his victims dripping down his gums to the floor.
"It's over, Negan." You tell him. "You have nothing left, only death... this is what you brought upon yourself."
"You've killed my men..."
"All of them." You assure him. "We have freed your wives, the people who lived under threat from you and your men, you have nothing left." You shake your head. "You are no one anymore."
"No... Damn you..." He roars full of anger.
"Let's go, Daryl, he's no longer a threat." You tell your Alpha, but he doesn't move.
"No... he's killed our people... he's mocked us... he's humiliated us..." The hair on his back bristles with every word.
"Alpha..." You try to call out to him, but his eyes are locked on his target. "Okay..." You sigh and step aside.
Daryl doesn't hesitate, his hindquarters flex to give him momentum and he runs straight at the other Alpha. Negan scrambles and for a second seems to get huge again. The collision of the two bodies is brutal.
"Saviors!" shouts Sasha as she sees the van approaching toward Alexandria's gate. "Negan's coming back!" She warns.
"Get down from there, we'll wait for him like we planned!" She is answered by Rick running towards the door.
Sasha obeys by placing her gun on her back, stepping down from the gate guarding area. All of Alexandria is in position, not only them, Hilltop and The Kingdom have come to help, all hiding and waiting for the right moment. Rick tries to compose himself, takes a deep breath and when he hears the van stop, he opens the doors.
His words get stuck in his throat, his eyes fill with tears and he feels his knees wobble for a second as his eyes show him what's on the other side.
"No..." He gasps in a breathy gasp.
"Dad?" Carl asks fearfully.
"Help me!" he shouts as he opens the doors all the way. "Warn Denise! Tell her to get the infirmary ready!" He breaks into a run and everyone is confused until they see it.
You walk slowly, limping, your tan fur now bright red due to all the blood decorating it, over your shoulder you carry the unconscious body of Daryl, as wounded or more than you, in your other hand, you carry the ultimate proof that Negan has been defeated; his head. Rick transforms, a gray and white furred wolf, his scent for a moment brings out a whimper from you, it's not the first time you've seen him transformed, but now his strong authority as an Alpha displeases you. Nevertheless, you agree to let him charge Daryl's body against his, you can't take it anymore, you drop to your knees and Rick touches your head.
"Alright Omega, you're home, you've brought your Alpha all the way here, he's safe..." He rewards you and you moan softly letting the tears finally spill over.
"He's very weak, Rick..."
"Denise will take care of him, don't worry, you must rest too and then you will tell us what happened." He asks you, you nod and let him take Daryl inside the community, quickly, as he needs urgent attention, you let your people wrap you up and introduce you to the new arrivals.
You've all been through an adventure and hell in your own flesh, for no one has been a valley of roses having Negan's presence on your necks, The Kingdom, with Ezekiel as King, tell you about the tyranny they were going through, you're surprised to see Carol next to the man, but you don't say anything, you like the couple they make, Hilltop and Jesus seem relieved, perhaps feeling guilty for asking for help against Negan and that all that happened, but you can't blame them either, the idea of going after them had been yours, so all that was going to happen anyway. You tell them about the battle to escape from there, Sherry, Dwight's wife helped you escape, you are not indebted to her, they betrayed Daryl first, but the woman felt guilty and wanted her partner back, so between the two of you you looked for a way to find the weapons, distract the guards and get Daryl out of his cell, after that, she took Dwight from there, leaving Daryl's things behind, because they knew that if they stayed there, the Alpha would come after them too. You told them how Daryl fought Negan, how small and vulnerable he seemed after losing his army, you are not proud of the violence and cruelty Daryl used to defeat him, but now you can live in peace without his looming shadow over you.
Everyone wants to know more about what happened at the Sanctuary, but you are too tired, physically and mentally to continue, you need to make sure Daryl is okay. You apologize to your people, who understand the situation, and let you go to the infirmary to check on your Alpha, even Denise leaves the infirmary for you when she sees you arrive. You have to admit that his condition is not as bad as you expected, now without all that fur covering his body, the wounds are not as deep or severe, equally Daryl is still unconscious, resting on the stretcher in Denise's infirmary, you are sitting next to him, watching him silently, relieved to see him sleeping, you feel happy because you are safe, you are home. With trembling hands you caress his arm, you feel his quality skin under your touch, Daryl grunts in his sleep, but he doesn't wake up. You watch his wounds continue to heal and smile, you lean in slightly and brush his ear with your lips.
His eyes flutter open, his heart is pounding and his breathing is wild. His whole body is still alert, for a second he is tempted to transform again, to keep fighting, but then a smell comes to his nose. Forest, wet ground... you.
He grunts low sitting up on the gurney, his gaze searching for you in the empty infirmary, Denise appears and smiles warmly at him, she nods and Daryl jumps up. He's glad to be in Alexandria, he doesn't hesitate to hug his companion longingly, but he quickly gets out of there, he knows what he's looking for.
His nose guides him, without missing a millimeter, he finds you next to the pond that is in the community, you are turning your back to him, but Daryl knows that you have already felt his presence, you are wearing his vest and in your hand you hold his crossbow. Daryl feels his wolf squirm inside him and sighs.
"Omega..." He calls to you, slowly, you turn to look at him, your eyes glow in the darkness of the night and he knows he is lost.
Neither of you need to say anything else, your bodies transform, back to that wolf form that is held on two strong hind legs and you take off running. Daryl waits, a few seconds, not too long, he counts mentally before following your trail, running after you. The gates of Alexandria are open, letting you both out, closing behind you again. You don't care. Your surroundings have disappeared.
Giving way to an ancient tradition between Alpha and Omega, Daryl pursues you, tracking you, hunting you down, Hunter and Prey, Dominant and Submissive. Alpha and Omega. It's always been that way, but Daryl knows you're a warrior Omega, a fighter, that you won't let him catch you easily. It's that part of you that drives him crazy, that makes him want to catch you and have you all to himself, when you saved him against Negan, when you went after him and went out fighting together, so that ritual becomes more exciting for him. He pauses among the trees, sharpening his hearing, sniffing the air, scratching the ground, trying to detect any movement, he howls and you, unable to contain yourself, respond to his howl. Daryl lowers his ears looking for your position, growls and runs off in your direction.
When he finds you, you have returned to your human form, completely naked, with your back to him, but your head is tilted slightly to one side, listening for the man to reach your position. Daryl stops, takes a step back, he can't attack you while in your human form, he could tear you apart and he's not going to lose you for a desperate move. He rests his claws on the ground, he growls calling out to you, waiting, you slowly turn to look at him.
"Alpha..." You call out to him and he Daryl lets out a whimper.
Then you run towards him, transforming on the way, catching Daryl by surprise, you jump and hit him. Surprise and excitement shake Daryl's body as he takes the impact. You are a wild, fierce Omega. No one taught you how to respect an Alpha, how to act with them. Daryl holds your body and pins you to the ground.
He's going to teach you how to be a good Omega.
"Did we let them leave?" Carl asks as he sees the doors close.
"Yes..." Rick replies.
"But out there..."
"Trust me, nothing and no one would be stupid enough to get in their way now." He smiles again.
"Don't you think we should go after them?"
"No. This is none of our business."
"Will we ever see them again?" He asks more distressed.
"Of course."
"That's up to them, they may be back tomorrow, or in a couple of days, maybe a week."
"A week?"
"When I met your mother we were gone almost a week." He laughs at the look on the young man's face. "They've been putting this off for a long time, so it's possible they'll be quite a while."
"And Michonne? With her you don't..."
"She's an Alpha woman, she's different, these rituals are between Alpha and Omega..." He smiles and touches Carl's back. "You will understand when the time comes. Now let's go rest, for today I don't think we need to stand guard."
Carl hesitates, watching his father come down from the watchtower, he's still young and there are things he doesn't understand, but his father seems pretty calm about it all, so he doesn't insist.
On their way home, father and son hear two long howls echoing in the night.
The End.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 3 months
Okay alright maybe I'll read the comics now that I know Aaron and Jesus couple-up and kill Beta together and get married, that's fuckin rad
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a compilation of most of my beta/rick doodles
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were-my-demons-hide · 20 days
“How about telling me stuff if it’s important?!” Yumiko grumbled and put her hands on her hips. She was upset and that didn’t happen often. At least not like this.
“Well, I’d love to, you know?!” Magna threw back at her as she was crossing her arms in front of her chest. 
“Then why do you keep swallowing everything ? I told you before, this won’t work out if you refuse to open up. You can not expect me to be happy about being locked out all the time, can you?”
“And you can not expect me to lay my walls in ashes from now on. You know me better than that, Miko. My walls are giving us baggage and I am sorry but I can’t unpack my heart just like that. Like you did.” Magna tried to catch her gaze. But Yumiko rubbed her forehead and stared at the floor before closing her eyes with a sigh. 
“At least look me in the eye while breaking up with me.” Magna scuffed. Usually, she was the one avoiding eye contact. Usually, she was the one getting upset. And usually, she was the one breaking up with other people. At least before the dead started walking. Before she was imprisoned.
“Why do you think I am going to break up with you?” Yumiko looked genuinely confused which baffled Magna a little.
“Because I stare at Michonne all the time? You must have noticed. My eyes feel like they are glued to her ass and boobs. And I tried not to… I…”
Yumiko let out a laugh. An honest one.
“You think you’d get rid of me because you are looking at other women?”
“I... uhm… yes?” Magna sounded kind of meek. Which was uncommon for her.
“And who told you that was a bad thing?”
“The people I was with. Before…” And with that, Magna’s voice broke. Her face sank into her hands. “I can’t lose you, Miko.” She bumped her head lightly against the wall. “I just can’t…”
Yumiko smiled insightfully as she sat down next to Magna.
“I can assure you that I don’t mind you looking at other women. People are beautiful. And we should embrace that. The world needs more love. Especially since it ended.”
Magna raised her gaze.
“Seriously? I… That’s not… this is so different from what I have experienced so far.” She swallowed.
“Don’t worry, Mag. I seriously don’t mind. And you do have a good taste. Michonne definitely is hella hot.” Yumiko smirked. Her hand was pulling a curl out of Magna’s face.
“Did you just say hella?!” Magna’s big eyes lit up.
“Yes, I did.”
“Well, my words do rub off onto you then.”
“Oh please don’t start with that, Magna.”
@creativepromptsforwriting :3
I never stopped thinking about Nadia admitting Magna had a crush on Michonne. Believe me, I have even more drafts about Magna and Michonne :D
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Y/N: Fuck Alpha that stupid bitch
Beta: You realize you’ve been captured right?
Y/N: Fuck that stupid ass bitch Alpha
Alpha: >:(
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justanoasisimagines · 1 month
I don’t want to sleep alone - Preference-Set A
Warnings; Mentions of anxiety and past trauma, typical canon violence. Requests are open! Guidlines are pinned at the top of my page A/N; Part two will be up in a few days! So if you don't see your favourite character here, they might be in Part 2 Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and banner
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Rick Grimes; The two of you nearly died after an encounter with the Saviours. Both of you are dragging your feet, both physically and mentally exhausted. When you turn to head towards your bed for the night, Rick stops you. He te;;s you he nearly lost you today and he doesn't want to sleep without you. Taking hold of his hand, you ask him which bedroom. He leads you toward his room because in Rick's opinion, your bed is like sleeping on concrete.
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Abraham Ford; Ever since the two of you started getting serious, Abraham began to fear losing you. It comes from losing his wife and children. One thing is for certain he refuses to let that happen. This leads to Abraham asking you if you want to stay the night or insisting you two sleep close to each other for safety. Abraham wants to hold you close to reaffirm your there. It does begin to ease his anxiety when you agree.
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Shane Walsh; It's you who tells Shane you don't want to sleep without him. The new world is ferocious, unpredictable, and deadly. Shane has adapted to the new world quickly, without question. So it makes sense for the two of you to share a space. Shane accepts because he doesn't like the idea of you being so far away from him when anything could happen.
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Father Gabriel Stokes; Before the dead rose, Gabriel couldn't imagine sleeping with anyone whom he hadn't married. It was a sin in his eyes. The realization death is around the corner for anyone forces Gabriel to realise he doesn't want to miss out on these experiences with you. Gabriel eventually picks up the courage and expresses his feelings, you made sure he's adamant before agreeing.
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Merle Dixon; Merle doesn't want to sleep without you. For a couple of reasons; one he doesn't like waking up alone. He wants to wake up with your bodies pressed together. Secondly, if Merle was being completely honest with himself, he doesn't trust anyone in Woodbury, There's no way in hell someone's going to hurt you while he's around. He'd gladly die trying to protect you.
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Luke; Luke doesn't want to sleep without you. He feels like it's the next natural stage within your relationship. Living together, sharing a bed etc. Luke is grateful the two of you have found each other. It's only natural he wants to progress your relationship as normal as possible. For Luke, sharing a bed feels like the next step.
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Siddiq; Siddiq is shaken from his encounter with the Whisperers. He's never been more terrified of dying before. He's struggling to adapt back to real life, constantly dealing with nightmares When you make the suggestion, Siddiq agrees. He'd thought he'd never see you again. He considers your warm embrace will help him sleep through the night again
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Eugene Porter; Eugene is taken aback when you tell him you don't to sleep without him. He can't fathom why you would want to share a bed with him. His reaction is adamant, of course, he does. The entire interaction is awkward, soft and endearing as you both decide who's bed to share.
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Benjamin; Benjamin never expected to fall in love. Never expected to find someone in the apocalypse, but he has. He's lying in bed one night, tossing and turning, struggling to sleep. His feet instinctively head him in the direction of your room. When he knocks, you are half asleep. He blurts out he doesn't want to sleep alone. You reply by opening the door wider and allowing him in
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Beta; Beta insists you don't sleep alone. Living outside with the Whisperers is dangerous, there's danger at every turn. Beta hasn't cared in the past. When you two get together. things change. Suddenly, he's scared to lose someone. There is someone in his life that he wants to protect. So he insists you two sleep side by side.
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Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas; When everyone's sorting out sleeping accommodations in the prison. You surprise him when you tell him you don't want to sleep alone. T-Dog immediately goes in search of a comfortable place for you to sleep. It's nice at the end of the end of the day, to know he's going to fall asleep with you in his arms.
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Alden; You and Alden are sitting together reading, your eyes drooping, struggling to stay awake. Alden makes the suggestion you go to bed. However, you refuse telling Alden you don't want to sleep without him. Alden smiles, he truly adores it when you're sleepy and completely honest. Alden replies with you don't have to. Alden leads you up to his room.
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Justin; Justin doesn't want to sleep without you through jealousy. He doesn't like the way Daryl's been staring at you. He wants to remind everyone, especially Daryl who you come back to after your day has finished. Who keeps you warm on those cold nights
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Noah; Things are always tense in the hospital. There's always some politics going around. Noah's favourite part of the hospital is you. You two are hanging out, when Noah brings it up. He doesn't want to sleep alone, because its time he could have spent with you. The sentiment is sweet and when you agree, Noah asks you which side you prefer.
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Jerry; You come to Jerry in the middle of the night, tears running down your face, pain-stricken. Immediately Jerry opens up his arms, embracing you. Jerry sets into consoling you. The world is harsh and cruel and even the strongest people break. When you tell Jerry, you don't want to sleep without him, he tells you you don't have to because he's right here.
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Axel; Axel struggles to get accustomed to the harsh reality of the world. You are the best thing to come out of it. Companionship, patience, love. So when you come into his cell asking to sleep with him, he scoots to the side, pulling back the blanket. He tells you, you don't have to ask. He'll protect you from the nightmares.
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Gareth; Axel struggles to get accustomed to the harsh reality of the world. You are the best thing to come out of it. Companionship, patience, love. So when you come into his cell asking to sleep with him, he scoots to the side, pulling back the blanket. He tells you, you don't have to ask. He'll protect you from the nightmares.
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Micheal Mercer; Micheal is always busy. He takes the job seriously because it's important. However, sometimes he can feel like he's not spending enough time with you. It's why one night, he decides to ask you, to stay. He tells you, he doesn't want to go to bed alone anymore. Not when he can fall and wake up to something beautiful
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Negan; Negan smirks when you tell him you don't want to sleep alone. He's been waiting for you to come to him. He didn't want to put any pressure on you, but he's been wanting to share a bed with you for a while. In Negan's mind, it's another way to be close to you. An excuse to feel your body against his.
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thefreakydeaky · 11 months
You're No Good (Part 2)
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Negan x Reader
Various TWD Characters x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Your husband came up with a way to keep you away from trouble but trouble just won't stay away from you.
Warnings: In this house we say Fuck. there's a little angst in this part. la croix smut. there is a hint of smut.
That evening as you made dinner, the instant messaging app dinged. You picked up your phone to see a response from your ex.
- Hey, I've been doing fine. The families alright except we lost Mimma and Pappa two years ago. We should go get a drink together and really catch up, when you've got time. There's a fancypants bar at that new hotel downtown. You were always into that sort of thing. Let me know.-
You smirked.
Fancypants bar
It was a very Him phrase to use. It sounded fun to day drink and hang out for a while.
-I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and your family. I would like to catch up. What day are you off?-
And just like that it was set in motion. You pushed the stir fry around the pan. You heard the garage door opening and took off your apron.
Negan called out to you as he came inside. You turned off the stove and went to him.
The tall handsome man put his arms around you encircling you in his embrace. You leaned up and pressed your lips to his in a quick peck. He laughed. Then ducked his head and kissed you properly. His lips molded to yours. You stayed connected for a moment. He slowly pulled away.
"What you makin'?" Negan asked following you to the kitchen.
"Oh, just stir fry." You told him.
He took out a couple of plates and set them on the counter. You began to serve your dinner as he got a beer and a soda from the fridge.
"How was your day?" He took a seat at the table.
You picked up the plates and then set them down. You got utensils and brought them to the table.
"It was alright." You thought for a moment to tell him you had run into Rick Grimes, but you decided against it. "Nothing interesting. I bought a new dress."
"That's nice." He took a bite of his food.
"So, I don't want you to think I'm upset with you, because I'm not, but-"
His eyebrows raised. He looked mildly concerned.
"Another one called me today.” You kept your tone even.
“Who called you?” He asked not understanding.
“Someone you’ve …seen or someone you’re seeing.” You tried again.
He winced.
“We had talked about you using face recognition to lock your phone, remember?" You imparted with forced calm.
"Shit. Baby, I'm sorry. I hate to do it. It's such an inconvenience, but you're right. If it's the only way to prevent this from happening I'll get it done."
You nodded.
"Thank you."
He took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles. Your text message app chimed. You ignored it in favor of eating dinner with the man you loved.
On a bright and sunny Saturday, You and Negan drove to one of the biggest parks in the city. It was beautiful, green and teaming with vegitation. The big elm trees offered a lot of shade and the lake at the center made the weather, that bordered on too hot, more bearable.
There were tables set up and booths with carnival games. An Axe throwing area was set up off to the side. There was an area being used to set up the catering that had been ordered as well.
Hand in hand you let Negan lead you up to his boss. He introduced you (again) to Mr. Philip Blake, a man of average height and unremarkable features. He acted pleasant enough.
You shook hands and made a comment about how nice it all was. Mr. Blake called his wife and daughter over and you greeted them as well. They were in matching floral printed shorts and pink polo shirts. You found it cute and smiled at the little girl.
"Well, there's plenty to do around here. You have to sign a waver for the axe throwing, but it's safe enough." Mr. Blake commented.
"We'll try it out." Negan replied.
The men nodded cordially at one another and you parted ways.
"What would you like to do?" Negan asked you as you stopped by different booths to check them out.
"Mm...what about the ring toss?"
Negan smirked at you.
"You sure about that?"
You nodded.
When it was your turn at the game, you were handed three rings each. You watched Negan go first. He missed the first one but landed the last two.
"Good job, My love." You kissed his cheek.
"Can't wait to see you try it." He teased.
You played at glaring at him.
You turned the first ring in your hand and hooked your hand as though you were throwing a frisbee. You moved your wrist sharply. It whizzed past the bottles and hit the tarp behind them.
The corner of Negan's mouth twitched. You shook your head.
You tried the same move again, this time you tried not to move so tightly. The ring landed upright in between the bottles
You made a sound of disappointment.
Negan chuckled.
"Last one, You've got this." He encouraged despite his amusement.
The last ring you held between both your hands and tossed into the air. The red plastic bounced against the bottles and tumbled to the floor.
You pouted.
Negan laughed lightly. He pulled you into his side, his arm around you lower back.
"It's okay, Baby. Throwing was never your thing."
"Yeah, yeah." You pretended to be mad about it. In truth, your lack of agility didn't bother you, you just liked to see Negan smile.
You moved on to a booth where you would throw darts at balloons. Negan gestured toward the stuffed animals.
"I'll win you one." He boasted, throwing you a wink.
You scoffed at him.
"Sure you will."
He threw the first of five darts and immediately hit a green balloon. The next two darts popped two more balloons in a row. With the the fourth one he struck the board between two rows and both balloons popped.
You clapped, grinning at the absurdly joyful look on his face. He got ready to throw the fifth dart.
You jumped at the feeling of a hand on your shoulder and turned, missing Negan's throw.
"What are you doing here?" The torso you found yourself looking at was all that was eye level for you, you had to crane your neck to see the man talking to you.
"Be?" Your eyes widened.
You would not have imagined you would run into him here, the man you met in a motel room twice a month. Memories flashed through your mind, the giant of a man with his hands tied together, laying naked under you as you rode his long cock. Memories of teasing him and edging him until he was on the verge of tears. Making him cum so hard that he whined as he reached orgasm. Then again, was it any wonder that you wouldn't know? He was very strict about keeping the details of your lives private. You didn't even know his real name. He told you to call him 'Beta'.
His brows were curled down in upset.
"You shouldn't be here." Beta insisted.
"I, uhm, someone I know works for-"
"I don't care! She'll see you!" He said in a hushed but urgent tone.
"Just ignore me. She will only know if you give it away." You huffed pushing his hand away from your shoulder.
Beta grabbed onto your forearm and started pulling you away.
"Hey!" You hissed. "Let go of me!"
The giant of a man ignored you still tugging you along behind him. You looked around frantically for your husband.
"Excuse me. You wanna get your fucking hands off my wife?" Negan cut in coming to stand between you.
Beta seemed startled by Negan's sudden presence. He let go of your arm.
"Oh, uh, your wife? My bad." He stuttered, looking from you to Negan and back. He didn't seem to be intimidated by Negan. Rather, his eyes kept darting toward the seating area somewhere behind you. "My bad." He repeated and walked away.
Once Beta was a good distance away, Negan turned and picked something up off the ground. Still feeling anxious and freaked out by what had happened, you watched as he came to you and deposited a rainbow colored bear into your arms the size of a small dog.
"Are you alright?" He sounded annoyed, but there was concern under it.
You nodded. You stared at the stuffed animal mutely for a minute.
"You should be more careful who you choose." He sniffed. "It sucks for me to have to meet them."
When you looked up, Negan was no longer standing in front of you. You caught sight of him going back toward the tables where some of his coworkers were sitting. You wiped away the tears that were welling in your eyes and started heading to the booth that was giving out lemonade.
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