#unless i feel like settling.
naughtynoodle056 · 4 months
Pls send help I feel so hollow and empty instead
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zytes · 9 months
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something’s wrong?
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mueritos · 1 year
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an assortment of musings and scribbles...been listening to a lot of blood girl (the first drawing is based off blood girl lyrics), mormor, and moses sumney. been thinking and thinking and thinking....will be back to posting normie and sane shit soon 
(last pic is a baby picture of my twin @fatsmyname and i)
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bigkickguy · 1 year
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yesod vergilius roland doodles to try and fight through art block most of these dont make sense but whatever works to get something on paper
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simonstamenovic · 10 months
like uh. i wanna ruin our friendship. we should be lovers instead.
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highlifeboat · 4 months
Melony is insecure transmasc or transman? You seem to be using those interchangeably :p
I don't even know if transmasc would be right.
But I think her wanting to socially trasition to using male and female pronouns interchangeably still counts as transmasc.
Like, it isn't exactly what I'm going for, because Mel doesn't wanna physically transition, and doesn't really have the dysphoria or anything, so it kind of takes away that whole... aspect of what I want. But still leaves the worry of telling people.
So it's something, at least.
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dimitrscu · 1 year
i love pride month but at the same time it always makes me feel so bad about myself. just knowing that i’ll never be able to properly come out because my family will turn on me and because of that i will never be able to have a relationship just makes me feel really awful
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anniesfarce · 1 year
so co-mod and i have played this game a few times with the cpds characters, "guess who but with vibes." (insp by this video) each of us will pick one character and ask the other yes/no questions about their "vibes" to determine via process of elimination which cpds character the other has picked!
we've played this a few times, but i thought i would share the first round we ever played, and maybe you can play along? (we played by having a full list of the characters up and striking them out as questions eliminated them.)
we originally played this going back and forth with questions, but for readability's sake, i've separated his character and mine, so you'll only see questions and responses about one character at a time. i've also edited this to fix typos as well as condensing and eliminating some of the chatty bits.
first character
L: would this person post minion memes unironically?
R: yes i think so
L: for reference, i took out 3. would your character, after walking into a door, deny it ever happened?
R: no
L: they wouldn't deny it?
R: yeah they wouldn't deny it, i don't think
L: ooh tricky. i took down two. i just feel like i'm making the wrong decisions here. would this person talk during a movie?
R: ahh i'm conflicted about this. i think yes.
L: two down
R: oh no that's seven down for you??
L: wait but if you were conflicted...
R: you're almost there??
L: i'm doubting my final two ngl but we'll see. we'll just have to see if i'll have to start over from scratch or something. in the video once both have guessed wrong, they reveal who and figure out where they went wrong. if you've picked jonathan i'm rebelling. would your character pick flowers from a neighbour's garden?
R: i think so. yes.
[L was ready to make a guess, but we decided that you can't ask a question and guess on the same turn.]
L: can i tell u my guess now
R: okay submit your guess :)
L: is it max
R: no :(
L: aw man. who was it?
R: mine was annie
L: aw MAN. i'm pretty sure it was the movie bit that did her in
R: oh yeah i was conflicted on that. but i felt like on balance she probably would talk during a movie. not in theatres though just like at home lol
L: oooh good point. i actually did start thinking jonathan might. i was like hm well i didn't think jonathan would but also he might...
R: hold on i want to know who did you eliminate for the minion memes one
L: ha ha um trevor robert and chris
R: you were very right ha ha
second character
L: ur turn
R: would they break into a petting zoo to pet the animals?
L: no i don't think so
R: conflicted because there are some people i'm borderline on if i should cross them off for that lol i'm just like i could see them doing this but i don't think they would just do it spontaneously on their own. unlike Certain Others. you're still ahead of me, i knocked off two. would this person ride a bike to work? regularly, i mean.
L: no. i think literally the only person this would eliminate is jonathan (jokes)
R: lol well i've eliminated two so i guess our feelings differ. i hope the person i eliminated was not the person you are thinking of! maybe this is a bad question but it's all i could think of: would this person smoke?
L: hmm no
R: was sort of hoping you'd say yes :/
L: sorry
R: i still have a whole three people left in the mix ha ha would your person enjoy a jane austen novel?
L: yes
R: i have it like 75/25 rn
L: okay u can ask me another question or just guess, whatever's fine with u ha ha
R: okay... is it sandra
L: yes
L: gg
R: gg!!!! that was hard!
L: was it jane austen that tipped ya off?
R: of course it was, i was trying to eliminate robert tbh
L: ha ha i'm surprised robert stayed in for so long
R: and annie has not struck me as a jane austen enjoyer, but i thought Maybe
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“Shed - Part Two: The Death of Curt Connors,” Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #631.
Writer: Zeb Wells; Pencilers: Emma Rios and Chris Bachalo; Inkers: Emma Rios, Tim Townsend, Jaime Mendoza, and Chris Bachalo; Colorist: Antonia Fabela; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
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lemonyinks · 8 months
hm. i dont think i like r.e.b.e.l.s v2.
does it matter if i just...dont read it? will i miss anything important?
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coldvampire · 8 months
ngl. unconsciously disengaging from this website has been hdjfkg kinda good for my mental health overall? like yes im still dhdjfjf left out of a lot of stuff BUT i see it less so that means my feelings don’t get as hurt lmao. functionally that’s more or less the same thing probably?
going recluse isn’t what i ever want to do (& I didn’t even do it on purpose, just got busy and had a low social battery because of it) but aside from me being overall comfortable by myself, it just kind of seems like it’s where people are content to leave me. doesn’t feel great but it is what it is.
#not rly on discord servers for the same reason tbh#got tired of trying to interject my awkward attempts at participation#I mean people can still @ me but i just don’t have it in me for the server stuff#my social perception is low enough that I can’t tell what the right move is but high enough I know when I fucked up#idk if I’m just not built for larger groups or if it’s something else :(#wish I knew so I could work around it but it’s not exactly a perfect experiment#so w/e. I do kind of miss it a bit but I also feel like my absence doesn’t make a difference#which is a sad thought in itself but that’s how it goes#idk I think in general I’m in a weird spot where I make an impression but it’s never a vital one to the dynamic ?#I do sometimes doubt like. what I bring to interactions in general lately#doesn’t feel like much if I’m being honest. I mean I think I’m at least moderately interesting but djfjf who knows#weirdly settled with myself as a person but I’m thinking that cost is probably an isolating one#knowing a lot of people just never breaking past that surface level#sucks. not much else to describe it as.#idk I’m sure this is bad for me but I think I’ve kind of already messed up first impressions#it’s so stupid but I keep encountering the same dynamic of either we Click fairly quickly or we just don’t really at all#and I feel like that’s wrong of me bc I know some people need time but unless that initial click happens I just seem to falter??#idk idk idk I guess lately it’s like I feel alone/lonely but I don’t feel like I’m wanting to return to anything#bc I never felt like I really had a place there to start with#weird feeling. very weird feeling.#logging back off now dhjfkf
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novelconcepts · 2 years
Honestly if Paper Girls did rotoscope animation similarly to the show Undone (also on prime and also a fantastic show) I would have been in heaven. It would have cost a fortune and would have taken much longer to make, but the visual style would have been more suitable for the kind of small town paranormal vibe, the vivid color scheme of the comics could have been kept without seeming too sanitised, and the special effects would have blended in smoothly and looked so good. I'm kinda sad now.
I think the "cost a fortune" bit is probably what stopped that road being an option. This is a story led by four 12-year-old girls, and realistically, I'm not sure Prime would have been willing to trust that would do well enough to merit the money. Which sucks! Royally. This show deserves the world. It's built on the expectations (real and imagined) of preteen girls and the fury that fuels them, it's got Black, Chinese-American, Jewish lesbian, and low-class queer stories at the forefront, it has a ton of women behind the scenes--it's coming-of-age and dark and silly and so much fun. It deserves that weight thrown behind it. But, as we've been seeing lately...stories with women, especially WOC and queer women, are, um. Not being considered financially valid. Which is why I'm so worried about this show getting another season, even in the form we got. It still can't be cheap to make, and I'm super stressed about its chances.
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
the hanging on for 10 more minutes past the point it all seems hopeless advice …
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orangerosebush · 2 years
Within the context of predominantly being friends with other queer people at uni IRL, it's always funny when I'm talking with one of my straight friends about childhood crushes, and they have a moment where like, lesbianism cultural desirability is unable to be parsed. "Gays thought Miss Trunchbull from the Matilda movie was hot??" yes :)!
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frozenhi-chews · 1 year
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iced-souls · 1 year
Perchance if there are any of you wish to see updates on animation/storyboard stuff would you like that?
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