#until u only get the sillies and the fluffies
ennabear · 2 days
kind of a self indulgent request but can u pls write about reader being tense after a long day and ellie helping her unwind 🙏 (smut is okay!!)
Also ur writing is amazing - 🦋
hi baby :3 tysm for the request and sorry it took me a while to respond i hope u still like ittttt!! anyways, i couldn’t decide if i wanted to make this fluffy or smutty so i went with both!!! ily 🫶
daily click // free palestine // boycott tlou
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it had been almost ten hours since you’d been home. it was silly to get your errands out of the way on top of your long shift, but you and ellie needed the extra money. at the time you left, you didn’t think it would be that tiring.
but you were wrong. after a long day of being berated by angry customers and arguing with your boss (who might just me the stupidest person you’ve ever met), exhaustion was an understatement.
the only thing you were looking forward to was seeing your girlfriend, ellie. you knew she would instantly shower you in love. no matter what mood you were in, she would always be there for you.
as you trudged through the front door, ellie was instantly there to greet you. she helped you take your coat off before pulling you in for a sweet kiss.
“hi baby,” she murmured into your cheek. “how was your day?”
“it was terrible.” you sigh. all you want right now is to cuddle with her and forget about your splitting headache.
“what do you need? are you hungry? thirsty? sleepy?” she asked.
“mmmh. i just wanna lay down, els.”
your body seemed to relax as soon as you buried your head in the pillow. ellie left you alone for a second while she fetched you a glass of water and some tylenol for your headache.
your sweet girl came back with a smile on her face and helped you sit up. she was clad only in a pair of boxers, no pants, shirt, or bra. her welcoming lips place a peck on both of your temples before handing you the pills.
“turn over, baby.” she told you.
you rolled over to lay on your stomach, burying your head back in ellie’s pillow. ellie pries your clothes off and replaces them with your softest pajamas.
her soft yet firm hands started to work on your back. the tension in your muscles almost instantly releases as she continues to massage you. you groan into the pillow, so thankful for your girlfriend.
“that feel good?” she asks.
“yeah… els. thank you.” your words get muffled into the pillow.
“d’you want me to make you feel even better?” she grins.
you turn your head and grin back at her before she tugs your pants off.
her tongue works wonders on your clit, relentlessly sucking at your swollen bud.
“you like that, baby?” she asked, already knowing you were gonna respond with pleads for more.
but you didn’t respond this time. ellie paused for a moment, peeking up at you from behind your folds. “baby?” she chuckled, now fully sitting up next to you.
you were fast asleep. head tucked snugly into the pillow with your mouth slightly drooping open.
ellie stroked your hair and whispered, “hey sweet girl, wake up.” after you didn’t respond, she nudged and shook you until you stirred awake.
“els… what….?” your sleepy head nuzzled into her side.
“you fell asleep, honey. let’s get you to bed.” she helped you stand up and put your pants back on before coaxing you to drink the rest of your water.
“thanks for taking care of me, ellie.” you whisper with your head on her chest.
“of course. i love you so much.” and she held you in her arms until you fell asleep for the second time, placing a final kiss on the top of your head before drifting off herself.
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bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
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IMPTOBER DAY 4: Third Life!
Mighhhttt have stretched the prompt a bit but,, listen... impulse is a bit of a genius, it turns out.
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sukunasweetheart · 2 months
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<the butterfly perched upon you>
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slice of lifey vibes with trueform sukuna! youre like a servant-turned-girlfriend to him and dont mind me making it the clumsy girl trope sorry... lots of falling over and making a fool of yourself oops- mostly lighthearted, eventual romance, fluffy, very minor/implied smut. mentions of cannibalism, murder.
the warning of ooc sukuna goes without saying <3 hope u enjoy nonetheless <3
dividers by @/saradika, @/firefly-graphics and @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
word count; 8.1k
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how can someone be this useless?
its not uncommon that you trip over your own feet. the food you try to make always ends up charred and inedible. and anything that wounds up in your hands seem to either break or get misshapen. seriously, uraume considers you an eyesore.
very much like a stressed mother in law, they try to whip you up into shape to best please lord sukuna, but you can't do a thing right. goodness gracious.
there are only a handful of servants here at the lord's estate, mainly due to how he dislikes crowds and has a low tolerance for people in general, and will only accept a few for maintenance of his abode only. and yet, an awfully incapable and bumbling girl like you finds yourself at such a place. uraume wouldn't be surprised if lord sukuna lopped your head off one day, if he managed to catch sight of your silly mistakes.
the servants have very minimal contact with the lord. he's often out tormenting whomever challenges him on the battlefield, and even when he's home, none of you are brave enough to be loitering about in areas where he's currently present. uraume is the only one who usually speaks with him directly.
today, you've been reluctantly given the job of wiping down the floorboards of the engawa before the courtyard. you quite like this, because it's nice and sunny outside, and so you'll get to admire the butterflies while you work.
theres a pretty little pond with koi fish here as well, and you've been permitted to feed them some vegetable and seafood scraps, so you'll be doing that afterwards.
you've run up and down against the wooden flooring a couple of times with a rag, and soon enough, you get catch eye of a bright blue butterfly that flutters around the garden. you stand on the edge of the engawa, absorbed with the view. it's not everyday that you get to be here, after all. allegedly, this is lord sukuna's favourite spot to lounge about when he's home.
you get so distracted that you don't notice the intimidating presence behind you, even though he's a man whose aura bleeds all over the place, wherever he may be. sukuna looms over you and is silent as he ponders taking your head for annoying him by standing about in front of him like an airhead with an incredibly lacking sense of survival.
no, he shouldn't. he'd get more annoyed if your blood spilled over the floorboards, and he'd have to wait until the stench of your blood flees the area. however, before he can say a word of 'get lost', you manage to notice the shadow of the figure behind you.
you turn around and see him close up for the first time. a strange noise escapes your throat. you get so startled, your feet loses its balance, and you go backwards off the edge of the engawa. the dirty rag is thrown up in the air in a frenzy by accident as you try not to fall over.
thud! you're on your back on the garden floor. making haste, you frantically get into the position you were taught to get into by uraume, if you ever happened to come across lord sukuna by any chance. you kneel and lower your head until your forehead hits the ground.
and with such nice comedic timing, the dirty rag you'd thrown into the air falls directly onto the back of your head. you shut your eyes tightly and bite your lip in sheer embarrassment. you then realise that your humiliation is not what's really important right now. you might lose your life here.
perhaps you should apologise? are you even allowed to speak to him? what would you be apologising for, anyway? for breathing in the same direction as him? for not noticing him right away?
when uraume runs into the scene, what they witness is rather... unique. the useless servant girl on her knees and with a dirty rag on her head, trembling frantically. and lord sukuna, who seems to be viewing her with what seems to be mild amusement, and not annoyance.
"sukuna-sama... i apologise for any tardiness displayed by the servant. i didn't realise you would be coming here as soon as you came back."
usually, he enjoys a full meal before going out to the courtyard.
amongst your frantic thoughts, you almost tear up at the sound of that familiar voice. uraume-san! can they save you? i mean, sure, they only care about lord sukuna and him only, but surely they wouldn't want your blood to taint this perfect courtyard, right? especially when it's his favourite view!
"we shall accept any form of punishment you see fit for us."
we!? who's we?! you internally sob.
"it's fine."
a deeper voice responds. it's the first thing he's said since you noticed him.
"you can take her away. i'm going to stay here a while."
you hear the large man sit himself down.
"you. stand up and head back to your quarters."
you get up as quickly as you went down. the rag drops to the floor and you have to bend down to pick it up again with speed. you bow deeply again before following uraume out of the area. you can finally breathe again.
"consider yourself lucky. it seems sukuna-sama is in a pleasant mood today."
you later get scolded by uraume after you tearfully explained how you managed to get dirt all over your back and ended up with rag over your head.
meanwhile back in the courtyard, sukuna replays that scene of you in his head--of you turning around with eyes as wide as saucepans, something about you left an impression on him, and its not just because of way you made an absolute fool of yourself.
later, he comments to uraume about how you seemed a little different than the usual ones they pick to have as servants.
"shall i get rid of her? servants can always be replaced if you desire it, sukuna-sama."
"no, leave her. i was only curious."
uraume is left a little stunned. curious? over a mere servant girl? they are in no place to judge, but goodness, it's a rare thing for lord sukuna to be curious about somebody.
uraume has absolutely no qualms of disposing a person if they end up being no use to the lord. however, they never step out of line and act upon their own judgements alone. if there is someone who has piqued his interest, then uraume shall make sure that nothing interferes with their master's source of entertainment.
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it's been a while again since you last saw lord sukuna. and you're quite thankful for it, after that humiliating first impression you gave him.
the days have been somewhat peaceful, with only the occasional grumbling from uraume, upset by your helplessness in preparing and cooking food, as usual. after multiple cuts and burns, they decided that you were not to come even a metre into the kitchen area.
that's fine by you, anyway. cleaning and sweeping while you hum your silly tunes is what you prefer.
night arrives with the moon hanging up brightly, like it always does. you think it's going to be another uneventful closure to the evening, but uraume soon appears at the servant's quarters, looking for you. they look a little uneasy. the very few other female servants whisper amongst themselves.
"sukuna-sama has requested for you. come with me."
you feeling like crying.
there is nothing that you can do. 'requested' so they may say, but everyone knows rejection means possible death. so you follow uraume outside.
walking with them in the corridor, every step feels like it's bringing you closer to disaster.
"uraume-san... what exactly is sukuna-sama requesting me for...?" you ask cautiously.
"i'm unaware know the details myself. but he's in the middle of a bath. perhaps there's a splatter of blood he can't reach on his back."
yes, but why has he chosen me out of all people?!
but you know better than to question such orders. your hands become clammy with sweat.
you reach the bath area too quickly for your liking, and uraume ushers you inside without further concern for your wellbeing. their only concern is hoping that you don't do anything to displease the lord.
lord sukuna sometimes has a tendency to act upon his own whims, but even uraume was surprised when he suddenly asked for the servant girl he met in the courtyard...
the warmth of the misty steam inside caresses your face gently and also makes your kimono stick to you uncomfortably... making you sweat even more.
lord sukuna is sitting in his oversized, wooden bathtub wordlessly, his back turned to you. splashes of crimson against his skin, just as uraume had said. you take a quiet, deep breath.
kneeling before him as per protocol, you bow your head, despite the floors being soggy with water.
"sukuna-sama. how may i assist you this evening?"
the eyes on the side of his distorted face dart down to look at you.
"it's fairly obvious, isn't it? wash the blood away."
"right away."
you stand up straight, and it was apparently too fast for your poor blood pressure, getting you dizzy momentarily. foolishly so, you still decide to take a few steps with haste on the wet, slippery floor. with a loud yelp, you slip and land on your bottom. you want to scream.
"i-i apologise..." you say tearfully, getting back up.
"...not a dull moment with you, as i figured." he uses a tone of mockery.
there's a hint of a chuckle in his voice, and you're only glad he's amused rather than annoyed at your stupidity. your backside hurts again. it hasn't even been that long since the bruises stopped hurting from the last time you fell over!
you grab a cloth to start scrubbing the man down, holding back your tears. the metallic scent is prominent, and your mind begins to wander about exactly whose blood you were currently wiping away into the bathwater. you try not to think about it too much.
it's not new information that lord sukuna kills mercilessly, and even feasts on humans should he feel like it. you've seen the types of "ingredients" uraume has used in the kitchen at times, and the blood that paints the bottom of the sink. these were all things you needed to get used to seeing and knowing as a servant at this estate.
you keep your face stern as you clean him down delicately, thoroughly. the damp, warm cloth runs along the muscles on his back, neck and shoulders. you squeeze out the blood and dip it back in clean water, before wiping again. he has a delightfully toned body, with many tattoos. and more muscles than you could ever count. you take note of the neck tattoos that resemble the lines on a butterfly's wings. it draws you in, but you have to make sure you don't get too distracted.
you notice there's some blood on his hand as well. you move towards it and clean it down, gentle in the way you go over each finger. you're holding hands with him inevitably as you have to lift it up, and this makes you realise how large this man is. your hand seems almost like a child's in comparison to his. there's something rather exhilarating, yet also terrifying about this size difference.
the hairs on the back of your head rise, for some reason. you notice how his big red eyes are boring into you from the edge of your vision. you feign ignorance and focus on cleaning.
time passes in haste as you finish wiping down the last spot of visible blood from the lord's body.
"all the blood has been cleaned away, sukuna-sama," you tell him.
"is that so?" he asks, looking down at his own body. "but there's a spot left over here," he objects, pointing to the side of his neck, vaguely.
"i- i'm sorry, i must have missed that area. i shall clean it immediately-"
you crane your neck to look towards where he was pointing, your face getting closer to his. the place he mentioned is clean. no blood in sight. you meet his eyes. his lips curl upwards, seemingly pleased.
"finally, you look this way," he says, capturing your gaze.
you freeze on the spot, face heating up.
"your... your neck seems clean... sukuna-sama," you respond quietly, unable to think of anything else to say.
"i was only teasing. was it not apparent?" he smirks at you, and you feel that your heart may burst any second now. from either fear or excitement. or both.
"pardon me. i should have noticed sooner," you say, moving your face away from his.
"...i digress. where's the fun in that? just remain gullible for me."
he flicks your forehead, making you whisper 'ouch!' under your breath.
"yes, my lord."
without further conversation, he stands up to his full height, the water droplets racing down against his skin. you hurriedly grab some towels for him... doing your best to avoid looking at his... ahem. when you hand over the towels, your eyes are shut tight. sukuna gives a deep chuckle.
"silly girl."
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since the bath, lord sukuna has developed a tendency to call you over during unpredictable moments, and for unpredictable errands. then, he disappears again for a while. and merely moments before you get too comfortable without his presence around you, he returns to repeat it all over again.
recently, he's taken towards looking for you himself, rather than asking uraume about your whereabouts. it scares the other servants when he barges into their spaces, but he pays them little mind.
this afternoon, he finds you sweeping down the leaves away at the front of the estate, humming to your heart's content.
"i come to check what's making all that noisy ruckus... only to find out that it's you."
your whole body goes stiff at the voice, and you reflexively try to get on your knees, but he stops you.
"keep your head up," he commands you.
"your face is worth gazing at, after all," he adds, albeit under his breath.
the compliment doesn't even register into your head as you immediately stand back up, broom in hand. you thank him for the pardon.
"are you done with the sweeping, yet?" sukuna suddenly asks, looking around with his arms crossed. well-- one pair of them, at least.
"not yet, sukuna-sama. but only a little bit to go," you respond with honesty.
"come to my chambers with a plate of fruits and a knife with you, once you're done. don't take too long."
after that, he promptly takes his leave without further explanation. you stand still for a moment, as you always do. every interaction you have with him leaves you in a bit of a daze. often, you wonder if he's a part of your daydreams.
you shake your head and continue to sweep, silently, this time around. don't take too long, he had ordered.
after you're done with that, you make your way into the kitchen on your tiptoes. you wonder if uraume would believe you, if you were to tell them that you're entering upon sukuna's own request.
but once you make your appearance to the entrance of the kitchen, uraume is already there, ready with a tray with a plate of assorted fruits on it. and a knife sitting next to the plate. the sight of the sharp utensil makes you feel nervous, somewhat.
you take the tray without a word, and head towards the lord's chambers.
three sharp knocks.
"sukuna-sama. i've come with the items you sought for. may i come in?"
"you may."
you slide the door open, and sukuna is there, waiting on the tatami mat while holding a kiseru in his hand. once you enter, he sets it aside after one more puff.
"put it here," he points towards the empty space in front of him.
you place the tray down where he gestured towards, and then sit yourself in front of him. there's a moment of silence as you flicker your gaze from looking at him, to the fruit before you.
"well? what are you waiting for? prepare it for me."
oh, no. you had prayed with every ounce in your body, that he wouldn't request for such a thing, but of course it didn't work. now, you have to display your terrible cutting skills to the very head of this estate.
hands trembling, you reach out for the knife and pick up a peach from the plate. you make a cut towards the seed in the middle. then, you cut diagonally to get one slice out. sukuna opens up his hand, waiting for you to place it in the middle of his palm. you do so, and the piece looks so pathetically tiny that you almost feel ashamed.
"faster," he demands, with a small smile on his face.
you swallow thickly, and try to speed up your cutting. the pieces get more and more jagged and unsightly. but sukuna doesn't display any signs of anger or annoyance.
"such poor knife skills. no wonder uraume left you to do the cleaning only. is that really the best you can do?" he taunts you, laughing through his nose.
"i'm afraid so... i apologise for my lack of skills, sukuna-sama," you confess, trying not to make your lower lip wobble from the anxiety and dejection. did he bring you here just to mock the way you cut fruits?! your brows furrow in determination and you try harder.
after the peaches, you grab a persimmon. they're trickier to prepare, since you have to carefully peel the skin off them as well. you purse your lips.
things go somewhat smoothly at first, but then you start to slip up again. it's slippery, and the blade of the knife slices through your thumb.
"ah-" a small noise leaves your lips and you watch as a drop of your blood runs down your palm. sukuna matches your gaze and narrows his eyes at the same scene.
"such a helpless, troublesome woman."
he grabs your wrist and slowly brings your thumb to his mouth. your eyes widen, and you're speechless as you watch him run his tongue up the trail of your blood and then suck on the small incision on your thumb.
you're like a steaming kettle, with the way your blood rushes through your veins, temperature rising with how flustered you are. sukuna looks at you with your finger still in his mouth.
"su-sukuna-sama... you needn't do such a thing-"
a shiver runs down your spine when you feel his tongue swirl around your wound. he then releases it from his mouth, with a smirk, still holding onto your wrist.
you retract your hand suddenly, due to an indescribable feeling growing in the pit of your stomach. you then begin to fear that snatching your hand away like that might've offended him.
"my apologies, sukuna-sama! if you will excuse me-!"
you stand up and run, and he lets you scurry away, with the same sweet, arrogant grin on his face. down the hallway, he hears you trip over yourself before exiting. it makes him chuckle.
you're a fun way to pass time, when he's not slaughtering millions on the battlefield.
back in your own quarters, you lean yourself against a wall and pant, being out of breath. what had just happened? he... he licked the wound on your finger. and that did something to you. your insides feel all squirmy.
you look down at your thumb, only to realise that the cut has mysteriously disappeared.
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after running away from sukuna abruptly like that, you had expected to uraume to chase you up and drag you to him, where you'd be executed for fleeing. but it never happens.
in fact, you haven't seen him again for a while. however this time around, his absence does nothing to keep you relaxed, as you're always on your toes, not knowing when he'd next make an appearance before you. you wonder what he will do to you next, when he does come back sooner or later.
before you can drown in those concerns of yours, uraume sends you outside to hang some laundry out in the sun. some white sheets, freshly washed. you struggle a bit, to carry the large bucket of sheets out to the yard.
the laundry line is a bit high, so you need to grab a small stool as well to successfully get the sheets over it. the wind is gentle, and the sunlight pours endlessly from the skies. truly a perfect day to dry the laundry outside.
the sheets are large, so you find it difficult to squeeze the moisture out by yourself, but you suppose they will eventually dry anyway, thanks to the nice weather. you smile as the cool breeze runs through you, making you feel pleasant.
from afar, sukuna observes this scenic view of you, surrounded by the pure white of the swaying sheets around you, smiling as the wind jostles your hair slightly and the sun accentuates your features rather beautifully.
he walks towards your light.
you're busy trying to hang another sheet on the second line this time. you wish the stool was a tad bit taller. this is rather challenging. even standing on top of it, you need to get on your tippy toes to reach properly. and it doesn't help that the water-weight makes the cloth heavier...
a large hand brushes aside the sheet that covers you from view, startling you. you nearly topple over, but a pair of strong arms catch you, keeping you standing upright.
"how ridiculous. don't you get tired of doing that every time?" he sighs. his second pair of arms are crossed, while the first pair hold you so warmly.
"i'm sorry..." you mumble, staring at him with wide eyes. it's like he appeared out of your thoughts. could this perhaps be a daydream of yours? he fixes your stance so that you can stand on the stool properly again. despite your height boost from this stool, sukuna is still a bit taller than you.
"it feels strange, having you meet me eye-to-eye like this..." sukuna comments, while staring down at you curiously.
and it does feel strange, being almost at his height. how close you feel to him now. maybe this offends him.
"i shall get down immediately," you tell him respectfully, trying to get off the stool. his arms come around again to keep you still.
"tch. don't overreact. i didn't mean it that way," sukuna mutters, tutting at you.
you stand stiffly with your hands by your sides as he inspects you, anxious yet also excited to find out what his intentions are this time around. every touch he lands on you makes you skin jump, in an intoxicating way.
you focus your vision particularly on the odd looking side of his face. it looks like it has a strange texture. would it still be skin? you want to try and touch it. and... his extra eyes look cute. you gasp at yourself for having such disrespectful thoughts about him. all four of his eyes then focus on your face, as if to notice your gaze, and you feel as though your heart may leap out of your throat. there's a part of sukuna that makes you question whether he can read your mind or not.
"you're curious about this face of mine, are you?" he asks, while smiling.
your jaw hangs open in shock, and you don't know whether to tell him that he's correct or to apologise for your insolence.
"what a strange expression you're making," he chuckles, "so easy to read."
it's not that he can read minds, it's only because you're openly letting yourself known to him, whether you're aware of it or not. transparent, like a perfectly pristine and delicate glass cup. shall he leave his fingerprints on you? shall he leave some cracks in that fragile vessel of yours?
his hands come off your body, and you have to concentrate to keep your balance on the stool, no longer being able to rely on his hold to stand still.
"continue with your duties. i shall call for you later," sukuna states sternly, looking off at the sheets that still wave gently in the wind.
"you didn't squeeze out enough water. it's dripping," he points out the soaking wet ends of the sheets.
you practically jump off of the stool and get to work. in the meantime, the lord has disappeared again. you look into the distance to catch a glimpse of him if you can, but he's nowhere to be seen.
and he never got around to clarifying about what happened to his face. perhaps that's a clear sign to mean that he's not interested in talking about his past.
upon finishing the laundry in completion, you make your way to the kitchen, due to the time being close to serving the lord's evening meal.
the other servants and uraume included, are running around to prepare his dinner to perfection, as usual. for the most part, you're left with nothing to do at these times since none of them trust you with handling the food.
lord sukuna did say he was going to call for you later. you wonder if you'll be able to help bathe him again. or if this time, he'll make you do something different. you're plagued with such daydreams as the servants bustle about behind you.
by the time the busy period finalises, the moon hangs high up amongst the stars, and the darkness of night consumes all. and yet, he still hasn't requested for you at all. you suppose when he said he'd call for you later, he perhaps meant tomorrow or the day after. you never know with the lord. trying to navigate him is like trying to look through the murky depths of the ocean at night.
right when you were about to return to your quarters with everyone else, uraume suddenly approaches you.
"sukuna-sama wishes to see you. make your way to the courtyard now."
your stomach starts stirring once again.
the courtyard is beautiful, even at night. sukuna sits in the now moonlit area, drinking from a sake cup in a languid manner.
it takes courage to speak up behind him.
"did you wish to see me, my lord?"
sukuna turns slightly to the side to look at you, before facing the front again.
"...come. pour me another glass, will you?"
as you pour him more of the crystal clear wine, you have to stay vigilant in order to not accidentally splash any of the expensive liquid outside of the cup from your shaky hands.
tonight, the lord's gaze rests not on you, but on the moon above. you watch along with him. there is nothing but silence in the first few moments you have with him together.
"the moon is beautiful tonight," he finally says, while taking another sip of his sake.
is it normal for one to be envious of the moon? even so, thanks to the moon, you are able to see him bathed in its light, making him look almost ethereal.
"yes it is, sukuna-sama," you agree with him.
there's another momentary silence between the two of you, before you bring up a sudden question.
"...do you enjoy watching the moon often?"
"not often, but at times. it would get boring if i did it everyday."
like almost everything else in life.
"i see. that is most understandable."
the chirping of crickets is audible within the garden, and you pour him another glass of his sake after he finishes his previous cup.
you look up at the black canvas of a sky, littered with specks of white all across it. it's easy to get lost in the sight. and much more comfortable than looking at something like the sun, which could burn the delicate areas of your eyes. you begin to get immersed in the view, and your previous train of thoughts ebb away.
you don't notice the way sukuna has stopped gazing at the sky. he's watching you, instead.
"you must know by now... that i favour you more than the other servants," sukuna brings up carefully.
you stop staring up, and turn around slowly to blink at the man.
"...is- is that true, my lord?" you ask, wondering if he really means that. you don't want to get ahead of yourself.
his brows furrow. how dim-witted can you be?
"perhaps actions will speak better than words."
that phrase alone makes your heart feel like it could leap out of your throat.
"sit closer to me."
you swallow dryly, and shuffle closer to the larger man. he sets his cup down beside him, and brings you even closer to him. his hand holding your waist. sitting with him, hip to hip.
sukuna begins to lean his face down closer to yours. your hands grab your own kimono in tight fists, questioning the reality of this scene, feeling skittish yet also giddy, all at the same time.
"don't run away, this time. i won't allow it."
the way his breath ghosts over the skin of your face, how close his voice is to your ears, sends goosebumps all the way down to your legs. is he going to kiss you? can you handle that?
his lips reach yours, and the softness of them is unreal. this must be a dream. he tastes of the rice wine was sipping on before, and he's doused in the same moonlight as you are, and he's now kissing you. a mere servant.
your ears pound with your own heartbeat, and your hands grip onto your kimono so tightly that it's bound to leave wrinkles behind. they shake slightly. sukuna's large hand comes over one of them, and grabs your wrist delicately.
"relax", he's telling you.
and so, you share your first kiss with him, under the moonlight.
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quite a bit of time has passed since that day.
you could say that nothing much has changed - you still have your duties as a servant, and the lord still leaves his home vacant for periods of time.
however, on days when he has returned...
you gently sway your legs that hang off the edge of the engawa, on the very same courtyard as that fateful night. sukuna lays his head on your lap, eyes closed and completely at rest, both sets of his arms relaxed as the breaths he takes are slow.
your hand is unable to stray far from the soft bed of his hair, fingers combing through the peach-coloured strands, nails raking against his scalp with the right amount of strength, the way he loves. he gives the occasional purr when you go over his favourite spots.
it's odd, when merely a few weeks ago, you had trouble initiating these harmless touches without explicitly asking for permission beforehand.
"sukuna-sama, may i touch your hair?"
"would it be alright if i could hold your hand, sukuna-sama?"
"may i press a kiss against your cheek, my lord?"
you giggle to yourself as you remember his response to your endless series of questions and requests.
"tch... quit asking me about every little thing. just do it. i'll let you know if i don't like it."
and from then on, you've been bravely placing your hands on him whenever you wanted. and he hasn't been displeased by you, as of yet.
you freely caress the side of his face that you would describe as... unique. you're always curious about the nature of it, even now. but you don't invasively ask questions. you wonder if you'll ever feel brave enough to, one day.
his larger eyes open up narrowly in an abrupt manner, and they squint at you. it makes you nervous, in the way that heart fluttering way. you never get used to the feeling of being under his intense gaze.
red, with ringed irises. you've started to enjoy this colour more ever since you started to meet his eyes more often. you stare back at him but, oh- he's closed them up again.
your hand continues to softly caress him.
sukuna remains mellow, not really falling asleep, but also not in a state of full alertness. your lap serves as a great pillow.
this continues, until suddenly your touches become slower and more distracted. and he can tell your attention has been divided to something else.
the dismayed lord cracks open one eye to check what might have served as a distraction to you.
a butterfly...?
your eyes follow the pretty blue creature, landing on the flora of the garden, in it's carefree nature. a small smile blooms on your face and your hand's movements dwindle, which should displease him. he could cleave the thing into little bits, and let its remains scatter the lush garden.
but, he doesn't. sukuna lets you indulge in these small moments of joy, simply because he's gotten rather softhearted. he doesn't enjoy seeing you get upset at him. though he has control over you as your lord, his hand can't extend all the way to your heart and mind.
(and may the world burst into flames if you ever end up disliking him.)
he recalls... you were also staring at a butterfly the day he first met you, weren't you? so distracted that you didn't notice his presence. he doesn't understand your affection for such a fragile creature.
but...he supposes that he's the same.
what came over him, that he wound up caring for a silly woman like you?
as if to reaffirm your concept of being 'silly', you suddenly give a small sneeze, facing away from the front. his head gets jostled in your lap, which makes him frown and sigh.
"my apologies, sukuna-sama... perhaps it was due to the pollen from the garden..." you give your excuse sheepishly.
well, no matter. he'll keep you with him for as long as he desires. perhaps he can use your butterfly-infatuation to his advantage.
not long after, once the sun dips over the horizon and the area becomes a little chilly, sukuna decides he wants to take a bath before the day comes to an end. and you'll be coming along, of course.
...by now, you've been with him in the bath area at least a dozen times before.
nevertheless, you never seem to get used to seeing him in his naked glory.
sukuna is sitting in his tub, and you're running a warm, wet cloth over his shoulders, scrubbing lazily. he was already quite clean enough today, in your opinion.
a feeling of deja vu hits when your gaze falls onto the tattoo on the back of his neck. you remember having such a thought before. though it's not the strongest resemblance, you see it regardless.
without much resistance, you give in to the desire, and bring your lips to the area to give him a small kiss. it takes him by slight surprise.
"the tattoo on your neck resembles the lines on a butterfly's wings, sukuna-sama. it looks elegant, and wonderful," you tell him.
...he is not displeased with that comparison, strangely enough.
"is that so? no wonder i've felt your stare on it multiple times before," sukuna responds.
you never realised that he'd caught onto that. were you always staring that prominently? you continue wiping him down with the warm cloth, feeling a bit shy all of a sudden.
sukuna thinks for a moment.
"how about you join me in here, tonight?" he asks, out of the blue.
"quit acting so timid. go on, get yourself cleaned. i'm waiting."
you feel your face heat up at the thought of being... naked with him. anxiousness starts running through your body. you wonder if he really means it, or if he's trying to fluster you again. your lack of action causes him to raise an eyebrow.
"what, you don't want to?"
"no, no! i do, my lord! i'm just... a bit taken aback."
you spring into action. heart pounding as you shed your clothes. he doesn't turn his head or peek at you from where he sits, but your eyes dart to him to check anyways. you clean and rinse yourself adequately, with shaky hands.
"shall i lend a hand in scrubbing your back?" sukuna suddenly calls out. there is sarcasm in his tone.
"that wouldn't be necessary, my lord... i can do it myself..." you respond bashfully.
you only pray that you don't slip over on the way to the tub.
when you do eventually finish up, you walk carefully towards him. walking past where he sits, you reach the other side of the tub. you avoid his eyes as you enter at a slow pace, arms making an effort to cover your breasts. you're finally seated in the same tub as him. the water is steaming, and it's quite deep. still, you hang on to the edge and keep yourself a little distanced from sukuna.
"aw come on. it was mere moments ago that you kissed the back of my neck. so shy all of a sudden?"
"that- that was a different situation, sukuna-sama..."
"the only difference now is that we're both nude," he shrugs.
"nevermind that...the water looks a little deep for you," he says, almost mockingly so- "come. i'll let you on my lap."
you cannot tell whether he is only teasing, or if he actually wants you on his lap.
"quickly- don't run my patience thin."
you make your way towards him without further hesitation.
sitting on his lap, you find that he's oddly comfortable. an arm of his loops around your waist, holding you tight against him, as if to prevent you from running away.
the lord takes your hand and caresses it between his thick fingers. your back leans against his bare chest and abs as you relax yourself more. you wonder if the mouth on his stomach doesn't feel uncomfortable when you sit against it like this.
sukuna's extra arms begin to get more and more handsy with you. you feel his large palms on your breasts, squeezing the flesh gently. not that you find it unpleasant, but it makes you feel all squirmy and restless and hot. when he touches your chest like that, you can't help but turn your head slightly to give him a needy look. it makes him lean down and kiss you warmly.
his tongue explores your mouth in a thorough manner, encouraging a growing heat inside of you. you start gripping his hand harder, though you doubt he feels a thing from it.
when lord sukuna kisses you, you can't tell whether time is passing too quickly, or too slowly. you lose the ability to think of anything else, other than his soft lips and his rough tongue. and you believe that he's aware of this fact himself. why else could he be smiling against your lips like he is right now?
you don't know how long you'd kissed him for in that bathtub. but by the time you stepped out of it, your hands were wrinkly from the prolonged moisture.
and you came out with... feelings of unsatisfaction. rather than getting a little further than kissing, sukuna had stopped abruptly and told you with a smirk that he was ready to get back to his chambers now.
upon getting dressed again, you linger awkwardly around the man, wanting more but not knowing how to inform him of it. the lord looks at you keenly.
"well? aren't you going back to your chambers?" he asks with a sly undertone.
"...i would like to escort you to your room... my lord," you tell him, averting his gaze.
"oh? i don't recall needing an escort, when my room's right around the corner. but if you insist." you can't see what kind of expression he's wearing right now, but you imagine he's smiling at you teasingly. like he always does.
you trail behind him as he walks over to his chambers.
for sure, it doesn't take long until he reaches his room. sukuna slides open the door and makes his way to his large futon in the middle of the tatami floor. he makes himself comfortable, and lays on his side while you watch him from outside his room.
"you're still here. well? are you planning on tucking me into bed next?" he asks with his usual mockery, chuckling through his nose.
you frown cutely, feeling a deep sense of unfairness in the pit of your stomach.
"i was just about to leave, sukuna-sama," you respond a bit haughtily, getting bold with him.
"is that so. then run along," he ushers you, following that with a big yawn. your frown gets deeper.
you begin to slowly close his door, but then stop when it's only cracked open slightly. you brace yourself for the request you are about to make.
"sukuna-sama... could i sleep beside you, tonight?" you ask meekly.
his lips curl up similarly to that of a cheshire cat. finally, you're getting honest with him. he loves the feeling of having you run about in the palm of his hand.
"i thought you said you were going to leave?"
"please...?" you muster your best puppy eyes.
the lord smirks again, and eventually beckons you in with his index finger. you perk up, and step into his room with excitement, running into his futon like a dog, tail wagging from the happiness of being with its owner.
"you're like a silly mutt. foolish, but cute. i like the way you beg for my affection."
you're not sure on how to feel about being compared to a mutt, but you suppose it's not the worst comparison in the world.
"woof," you say quietly, shuffling closer to him. he laughs deeply at you. from your tight embrace with him, you feel the vibrations from his chuckling against his chest.
...there's always something hot or warm about sukuna.
his whole presence feels like a roaring fire at times, burning with his strength and charisma - the flames and temperature threatening to scald anyone around him.
right here, when you're in his arms, the fire becomes tame. still an unrelenting and strong flame, but something more controlled and comfortable to be around.
you close your eyes with a smile, satisfied with this outcome.
"oi. i don't recall saying you could sleep yet."
that makes your eyes bolt open with confusion. sukuna furrows his brows and grabs your face, squishing your cheeks together.
"you're in my futon, and all you can think about is sleeping? i don't know how to feel about that."
"oh... was there something else you wanted from me, sukuna-sama?"
he looks further displeased by your question and suddenly grabs both your wrists, pinning them above your head. you gasp, surprised by his sudden shift in mood.
"we should continue with where we left off, shouldn't we?"
another hand comes up to hold your neck gently for a moment, before he slides it down slowly to your chest, the warmth from his palm trailing with it, reaching your clothed breasts, making your head spin with arousal.
"were you not anticipating something like this? when you asked to stay the night beside me."
he leans down and presses his lips against the space just below your ear, making you shudder. he likes this reaction, and continues kissing down your neck.
"what a lewd tone you're using with my name. i hope you're prepared for the consequences of that."
he overtakes your senses with another searing hot kiss. hands clawing away at your kimono. teasing touches to your chest. his flames are threatening to envelop you, producing yet another unique kind of heat.
but you've never welcomed anything else more in your life. you'd gladly burn to ashes if it means being so close to your lord, your light.
...it's safe to say that you woke up the next morning with more bruises and bite marks than the number of fingers you have on your hands. and the lord lays beside your exhausted frame, aimlessly curling a lock of your hair around his finger with a satisfied grin on his face.
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during one quiet afternoon, uraume beckons you towards them.
"i've been ordered to dress you lavishly. come with me."
you follow them without question, wondering what the sudden occasion could be. lord sukuna has left for the battlefield once again, so he's been missing for a couple of days. is he due to come back this evening?
such hopes fill your mind.
you stand awkwardly as uraume fits a rather elegant and expensive, but beautiful looking kimono onto you. it feels odd. you could even say you feel a bit guilty; in what world would someone dress a servant so extravagantly? nonetheless, you accept the treatment with silence. you get lost in your own daydreams, while uraume prepares you for whatever's been arranged for you.
by the end of it all, they angle you to face the mirror properly, their hands placed on your shoulders.
"it's complete. feel free to take a look at yourself."
you turn your face to one side, and then the other, all while keeping your eyes on the mirror. you look... stunning.
"th-thank you..." you tell uraume, quite speechless.
"please withhold that gratitude for lord sukuna. he was the one that arranged for this, after all."
you're then told to wait at the courtyard, for the lord's return. tingles of excitement run through your veins, and reaches the tips of your fingers, at having your hopes confirmed. he's due to return tonight.
quite a bit of time passes. yet, no signs of him coming back yet. you swing your legs back and forth languidly over the engawa, looking up at the sky aimlessly. though you shouldn't be doing such a thing when you've been fitted with a lovely kimono, there's no one around to scold or stop you from your usual habits.
you sigh, wondering when he'll be back. your eyes wander around the garden, this time. under the moonlight, there's a singular butterfly that flutters about, appearing in good timing as if to help cure your boredom.
you step out onto the grass and approach it, lending out a finger towards it to see if it decides to land on your hand. it takes a bit of effort, but after some gentle movements and patience, it eventually stops to linger on your index finger for a while. it allows you to admire every ridge, and all the patterns on the wings in better detail. you wonder whether you'll ever get another opportunity to observe a butterfly so closely again in the future.
a few footsteps resound behind you, getting you startled. when your body moves slightly from the scare, the butterfly flees and seemingly disappears out of sight.
yet, right now, you have no room to feel disappointed by a mere butterfly.
sukuna is smirking at you from a distance, looking very pleased with the way you're dressed for him. he steps down and walks into the garden as well, approaching you languidly, one arm concealed under the sleeve of his kimono.
"welcome back, sukuna-sama. i've been awaiting for your return," you greet him, smiling.
"were you now? missed me that bad?" he asks, reaching out to caress your cheek.
"yes, my lord. i missed you so much. not a day goes by where i don't think about you."
"why, how sweet...perhaps you deserve a reward for your honesty."
"a reward...?" your eyes grow wide and you start getting embarrassingly overjoyed at the idea of a reward given to you by the lord himself.
"so eager. you seem like you're truly getting committed to playing the role of a mutt."
you try to change your expression in haste, but you end up looking more bashful than anything. sukuna laughs at another one of your strange expressions.
"i'm only teasing."
he then pulls his arm out of his sleeve, revealing something you never thought you'd see in his hands.
a hairpin... specifically, one with a large blue butterfly on it. embedded with pretty jewels, and shaped to perfection. it would've been something difficult to obtain. for someone who's always busy creating chaos, when would he have had the time to find such a thing amongst everything else?
"i thought you would enjoy having something like this. do you like it?"
"oh... like would be an understatement, sukuna-sama. i adore it. is it really for me?"
"who else could have it? don't ask foolish questions."
it could only ever belong to you.
he places the pin into your hair, graceful and elegant with his hands. it makes you feel overjoyed. heat rises to your cheeks and they hurt from how much you're smiling.
"not bad at all. it was worth obtaining."
your hand rises to where the hairpin is, and you touch it gently, letting your fingertips feel the texture of the pin and it's butterfly pattern.
"am i... am i pretty, my lord?" you ask sheepishly, looking up at him with your doe eyes.
he's smiling at you rather gently, his eyes mirroring your reflection within them as he gazes down at you in silence. his lack of a verbal response almost makes you nervous, however.
sukuna reaches out to hold your hand, and pulls you closer towards him. he's glad that nobody else is around, for he's certain they would've also felt so drawn to you, like he is right now.
he palms your cheek again, before letting his thumb brush over your lips delicately.
you never sever your gaze from him, continuing to await his reply.
"... you're beautiful,"
he finally relents.
sukuna then presses his lips against yours, underneath the moon's blessing. once again, and forevermore.
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dragon-ascent · 5 months
I wonder how Zhongli would feel if he came home one night, to find his lover surrounded by plushies of him (as an archon, dragon, and his current form) and cuddling a giant Rex Lapis exuvia plush?
Sure, he finds her skill at textile design impressive but he can't help but feel a bit jealous that a creation of fabric and cotton stole his beloved.
Jealous (and possibly pouty) Li is everything to me ;u; so here you go! Enjoy~
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The first time you showed Zhongli a plushie you'd made of him in his miniature dragon form, words couldn't describe how touched and flattered he was that his beloved could find pleasure in creating plushies in his image. The fact that you loved him so much amplified his own love for you tenfold, and he couldn't ask for a better partner.
But then, the plushies started piling up. Big and small, fluffy and smooth, person and dragon. Zhongli didn't want to discourage you from making use of your exceptional crafting skills, especially seeing how happy you were, but once the plushies started taking up his side of the bed, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy - something he wasn't accustomed to. Especially when it appeared that he was stealing you from himself in a way..?
It all comes to a head when he returns home after a week-long consultation overseas, wanting nothing more than to hold and be held by you. "Darling, I'm home."
No response. Well, that's all right, he thinks, as it's quite late and he wouldn't be surprised if you'd already fallen asleep. Zhongli pictures you nodding off while trying to stay up waiting for your husband, and a tender smile tugs at his lips.
But when he gets to the bedroom, a different scene awaits entirely.
There's the usual mountain of Zhongli-themed plushies around you, but it's...a lot bigger than he'd remembered. And in the middle of it all, you're wide awake and rolling about with a giant plushie of his dragon-Qilin form, about as tall as Zhongli himself is. Your eyes are closed and you're humming, petting the plushie as you do.
At first he's a mix of awestruck and besotted by the scene, but those feelings are swiftly overtaken by envy. Huffing softly, he decides to take matters into his own hands.
...You're minding your own business, stroking your soft Rex Lapis in utter contentment when suddenly the soft fuzzy cotton seems to morph into a smoother, scalier texture.
"Oh!" You open your eyes, seeing a more reptilian version of your creation staring back at you expectantly like a dog. Grinning, you cuddle him. "Wow, I really outdid myself with how realistic this one is!"
He lets out an audible huff now, and you laugh.
Your dragon husband curls up around you, fiery eyes transfixed upon you alone. "Pay attention to me," he murmurs, and there's a hint of a whine in his deep voice, "and me alone." He uses his tail to knock his cotton imposter off the bed.
But you're still being cheeky. "Well, technically these are all you," you say, holding up a little plushie of Zhongli wearing his white archon hood, but your husband only growls at it, which makes you giggle. You stroke his sorry, scaley ol' head. "You're so silly, Li."
"I am not silly," he answers earnestly, nuzzling his snout against your skin. Ah, how he missed your scent. Gently, he uses his clawed hands to keep your upper half in place while his tail coils around your lower half. Finally content, he closes his eyes and purrs.
You roll your eyes, smiling. "You're going to keep me like this?"
"Yes. You are to stay like this with me all night, my darling. Please do not object."
And you willingly give in, letting your lizard lover keep you in his hold like this until the sun rises again.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 month
morning with birthday boy - dad jeno scenario
Helllloooooo so i got this request for our birthday boy🥺🤍 extra fluffy for this very special day. Hope you like it!!!
omggg pls pls make a jeno dad scenario for his birthday, maybw surprising him or something ?? 🥹🥹🥹 imagine him having a son who looks exactly like him when he was a kid 😭😭
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pics not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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You and your son woke up early to make birthday pancakes for the birthday boy. It's a tradition that started years ago when you and Jeno started dating, he knew you loved pancakes so he took you out for breakfast and surprised you with a tall stack of your favorite pancake with a pink candle on top.
Now years later, here you are in your kitchen cooking pancakes with your son, Geonu, about to surprise your husband.
Geonu, now two years old, is at that age where you can let him join the fun. You love cooking and baking so usually he'd be right beside you as your little helper.
"Mommy, owy" his term for chocolate, pointing at the bowl of chocolate chips
"Want to put the choco chips? Okay, you do it like this" you carry him up, showing how and where to sprinkle it. You let him get a handful before you do the same, a few got stuck between his fingers and he immediately taste it
"You silly boy, you only wanted to get the chocolate huh" you tickle him, eliciting giggles from your little boy. Geonu is a splitting imagine of Jeno, when he was born and Jeno's mom said he look3d exactly like Jeno when he was born. And as the years passed by Geonu's showing more resemblance with his father.
Your favorite one being their identical eye smile.
You finish cooking the pancakes, fixing a stack to surprise Jeno with. Carrying the plate in one hand and Geonu with your other.
Opening your bedroom door, you see your husband still fast asleep. His bare back towards the door, you set Geonu on the bed and he immediately crawls towards his dad. Climbing on his back and laying his head right on Jeno's head.
Jeno feels something on his cheek, something settles on his back too. After a few seconds he can feel something wet on his cheek, a tiny voice gurggling.
A smile appears on his face before he could even open his eyes. He peaks with one eye, turning to see you at the edge of the mattress with a plate of pancakes and his son giving him his morning kisses
"Good morning, happy birthday baby" you tell him. He carefully move Geonu from his back to his lap, sitting up to blow the candle
"Geonu, let's make a wish. Okay 1 2 3" the little boy blowing the candle with Jeno, you sit infront your boys watching them with smitten eyes
"Thank you, baby" he tells you, leaning over to give you a kiss
"So how does it feel to be a year older?"
"I'm only a few months older, this would be you soon" he teases you back
One of many birthdays you've celebrated together and now you have your little bundle of joy to celebrate with. There's really nothing Jeno would wish for, he already has everything he needs. He used to wonder if settling down was something he'd do, he didn't really see himself as a family man. He's fine being on his own until he met you.
Ever since then, there isn't a moment he wanted to be alone ever again. He knew he was going to spend the rest of his birthdays with you the moment you smiled so big at him at that breakfast diner a few years ago.
He finally knew what real contentment feels and it's this. Mornings with you and the little boy who is equal parts of him and you. Celebrating birthdays with a tradition the two of you made.
"Let's have breakfast downstairs, I made eggs and bacon and coffee" you tell him, getting Geonu from then standing up from the bed.
Jeno sets the plate down on the bedside table before giving you a hug by the waist. Your hand finds his hair, giving him a half hug.
"I love you so so so much" he mumbles, looking up at you
You lean down to kiss him again, after a few seconds you feel a hand separate the two of you making the two of you laugh
"Uhhhh what is this? She's mine before she was yours" Jeno tells his son, giving his tummy tickles.
"Okay okay let's go get breakfast, we have a full day ahead. You go get dressed" you tell Jeno, knowing full well what's underneath the sheets
He smirks at you, waving as you walk out the door
After a few seconds you peak your head by the door, "I love you too" you say then you walk away. Jeno smiles, his eyes disappearing as the familiar feelings envelops him again. Like he's falling inlove with you for the first time again.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
This anon know what is good, i guess i never make a ask so i'm doing now. Can u do that concept with any character (and mc of course) , may a hybrid? Idk, sorry if is confuse, a lil nsfw maybe?
✿ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙘𝙖𝙩 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 ✿
characters: cat!6reeze x nb!reader
warnings: fluff!!!! fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff! also modern au!
notes: wanted to take a break from writing smut and take inspiration from my own fluffy bby for this one. also @junerixi , simping for only one☝️anemo boy is an illness. i hope you recover soon😚 honkai:star rail ver can be read here!
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art by Mechodes on twt
oh gods
a menace
a complete menace i say
you know that thing cats do? when they just keep a direct eye contact with you as their little fluffy paw slowly pushes your potted plant or a cup full of drink to the edge of the table while you watch hopelessly bc your hands are dirty or busy doing smt?
yeah, it’s the 5th time the flower shop owner is seeing you this week and your wallet is crying
it’s almost as if you two were sworn enemies in your past life and scaranya is out for blood
doesn’t have that much of a zoomie episodes but when he does oh boy
you better retreat into a safe place but even then you’re not safe from scaranya’s terrifying zoomie powers
he’s literally running and jumping around everywhere
the table, on top of the fridge, the curtains, on top of the washing machine, your little bookshelf - everywhere
scaranya is such a little shit (affectionately)
his preferred way of waking you up is faking puking noises and when you throw your covers off and literally zoom into the living room, he gives you a look as if saying “finally awake, you silly human slave”
sometimes he even jumps on top of your chest harshly but that’s only used if you’re oversleeping with your alarm clock snoozed for the past 20 minutes and you’re running late to work
despises baths with a burning passion
if you’re taking him anywhere a large body of water is, he’s trashing around, kicking, hissing, biting, scratching - the whole pack
after a successful bathing time, with added new scratch marks on yourself, he would not approach you until you fall asleep
after you have fell asleep, he would quietly approach your sleeping figure and give small, shy licks to the angry red scratches he caused as if apologizing for being so aggressive
hates rainy days too, especially the ones with thunder and lightning
jumps up 5 ft into the air if a thunder strikes and runs into your lap, shaking small body curling into himself with all of his cockiness and pride out the window
scaranya appreciates you greatly but he’s just a bit too bad at communicating and so he shows his affection by lapping up the scratches he gave you
“scaranya, aren’t you gonna go out to the back garden and play with the rest? it’s nice outside today”
hmph! what do you mean by play with the rest of the cats? he’s a royal! he’s superior! scaranya has never heard of such bullshit befor- oh! a bird! must. catch!
scaranya and miao gets into fights sometimes and whenever you separate them, scaranya goes to sulk in the corner of the house silently
until you go over to him with a sigh and pick him up gently, he doesn’t even resist - just choosing to simply curl his tail around your wrist
a solid 9/10 kitty if he would just stop being a tsundere
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art by Mechodes on twt
miao acts more like a guard dog than a cat sometimes
the smallest out of all the kitties yet also the strongest one. honestly the sheer amount of times miao has taken down a wild dog 10 times his size just keeps giving you more and more heart attack
doesn’t get zoomies, if anything he stops the other kitties’ zoomies if they go a bit too far - which most of the times escalate into scaranya and miao fighting
cleanse the land house through slaughter bug hunting
a sweet baby
miao’s preferred way of waking you up is to silently sit on your side of the bed and stare until you get that feeling of being watched and wake up to 2 piercing yellow eyes just staring holes into your soul
yes, you have yelled and fell off of your bed many times due to that
you found little miao at a dark alleyway, covered in blood and barely on the brink of death with his tiny paws twitching constantly
grew up malnourished on the streets with his 4 siblings dying out one by one, so due to that miao’s body is very small and he’s extremely territorial with you - his one and only sweet human
always leaves his scent on you by rubbing his head around your ankles
miao is indifferent when it comes to taking a bath, unlike scaranya, and he can be very obedient as well
when rubbing soap into his legs and washing his paws he would stretch out his limbs to make it easier for you to wash him - anything to lessen the load of his favorite human
he also seems to like your co-worker, zhongli a lot
one time you came home with zhongli due to a deadline of a great project coming closer and upon seeing him, miao immediately jumped into his lap, purring lowly, rubbing his head on zhongli’s hand
yes your heart broke at the betrayal and yes miao apologized with a dead rat in his mouth
but if it’s any other guests you’re bringing home, then miao would either get on top of the fridge and simply watch or hiss at the guest
oddly likes being in high places
one time, you made him a small necklace-collar thingy out of a few pearls and he wears that with pride, chest puffed out (a replica of his necklace)
loves sleeping on the lower parts of your bed at night. it’s soft, fluffy and he can keep an eye on you and keep you safe so it’s a win-win in miao’s book
“miao-miao, do you wanna come with me to the back garden to pick up the tomatoes?”
before you can even finish your question he’s already at the back door, staring at you expectantly with his tail thumping slowly against the floorboards
thanks to miao and kazunya your house will never get any bugs, roaches or mouses inside
if feeling incredibly vulnerable and soft, miao paws at your arm to ask for pets bc he just needs the comfort of his favorite human
literally a 9/10 kitty if he would just change his way of waking you up
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art by ayon🌿 on twt
heinya is another little shit (affectionately)
he likes to cause trouble and drama here and there
also really enjoys spilling tea to you
it doesn’t matter if you’re waking up and is still groggy or just coming in through the front door, back from work - heinya is spilling all the drama of the shows he watched on the tv while you were away or the different birds he saw through the window - meowing away at you excitedly
another helpful hand
if you’re coming back from grocery shopping then heinya can take some of the smallest and lightest bagged things and dragging them to the kitchen alongside miao, kazunya and nyaether
heinya’s preferred way of waking you up is to make biscuits - you know that cute thing cats do with their paws squishing at their favorite spot over and over - on your stomach or lower back or! he just meows besides your ear over and over until you eventually wake up
the perfect alarm - heinya
he’s such a sweet baby
and heinya really likes watching real life crime documentaries for some reason
at first when you found this out, you couldn’t help but think heinya is going to murder you in your sleep but soon you realized he just loves crime related things
and bc he like crime related things, you bought heinya a cute spy glass shaped squeaky toy
when getting the zoomies, heinya decides to bite and kick at the spy glass shaped squeaky toy - making the toy let out squeaks at every little kick
heinya enjoys spending time outdoors, sniffing at the different scents wafting in the air, tracking down all different sorts of footsteps and paw marks with great interest - you sometimes wonder if heinya was a detective in his past life
loves to bring you all sorts of interesting things he found - an old ripped part of a newspaper article, a weirdly shaped leaf, a flower he has never seen before, a half bitten chicken still warm - wait where’d he get this?
loves to sleep using your hand as a pillow my cat does that to me so rip bc you have been captured by the amazing detective heinya and you won’t be moving for hours on end, let’s hope you had a nice snack and a toilet break beforehand
chose to wear the smooth, black satin you tied around his neck as a collar - either bc he loves to wear soft things or he just loves it bc you gave it to him
heinya is an incredibly affectionate kitty, always meowing for you for pets, cuddles and perhaps his favorite soft wet food? he’s been really good!
doesn’t really mind taking baths as well, if anything he uses this opportunity to shake bubbles everywhere!
for some reason, also loves to groom your hand. maybe it’s just something your kitties all share?
overall another solid 9/10 kitty, if you don’t mind being splashed with water and bubbles while bathing him
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kazunya, me beloved
literally an angel, how could you ever be mad at him even as he took a whole bite out of your potted plants’ leaf?
another kitty that loves staying in high places like miao and stay outdoors like heinya
joins miao on his duty to cleanse the land house through slaughter bug hunting from time to time
a lazy, sweetheart of a cat that loves to sleep on warm places and the sunlight - you literally had to buy a window sling just for him to nap under the sunlight
another helpful hand!
will drag the lightest and smallest bagged things to the kitchen whenever you come back from grocery shopping - more so if it’s cat food
isn’t a picky eater but sometimes, just sometimes, prefers food with fish in it’s ingredients
kazunya is mostly tasked to wake you up by the other kitties bc he’s the sweetest
wakes you up by purring and snuggling with your face, neck, hands - anything just you in general
soon enough, the small fluff purring and cuddling you wakes you up and as a reward for waking up, kazunya gives you a small kiss - a lick to the tip of your nose - making you laugh
doesn’t meow a lot, only when he has to or if it’s an emergency such as the litter boxes not being cleaned, the food trays being empty etc
always gives you a kazunya kiss as a thank you
a gentle baby, even to the guests
whenever a guest comes over to your house, they always gush about the cute white cat with a small red streak in his fur
kazunya doesn’t get zoomies. even if he does it’s rare like only once a week
always grooms himself to keep himself clean, not to mention his white fur sparkling as well
surprisingly enjoys bath times, would even suggest you to bathe him by tugging on your sleeve then pointing to the bathroom with his fluffy paw!
however there’s just one thing that kazunya does that makes you shiver
it’s that he always, always! brings you dead animals or bugs. birds, rats, mouses, cockroaches, crickets - anything that he managed to hunt - he brings over to you with his tail swishing happily behind him
it’s considered a gift in cat language, you know that! but it’s just a bit dirty especially if he brings over different bugs. the rats, mouses and birds you can handle but the bugs brrr
one time, kazunya proudly brought you a dead wolf spider as you held back a tear and a screech, deciding to take his gift with a forced smile
you never recovered from that
a 10/10 kitty if he would just stop bringing you dead spide - kazunya is that a mf dead tarantula in your mouth?
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art by os_Amaniwa on twt
another best kitty!
a sweet kitty that never complains!
helpful, never complains, never picky with his food - a literal angel
however sometimes nyaeather disappears randomly, coming back after a day or so
he always seems to be searching for something - his twin - you soon found out, by registering him and getting his pet password
and so you decided to help him reunite with his twin by putting up posters, articles, news on the internet, tv, radio - anything to make nyaether happy
after a whole half year of dedication and endless search, nyaether’s twin was finally found!
turns out the person who adopted nyaether’s twin was your co-worker, dainsleif, the quiet and mysterious tall man
after talking to him about the situation of the twin kitties, you both have come to an agreement to let the kitties have a play date once a week
when the day of the first play date has arrived an someone knocked on your door, your kitties gave you a confused look
upon taking nyaether in your arms, you walked over to the front door before unlocking it and letting dainsleif inside. as the blond man placed down the catbag and opened it, from inside stepped out a cute, similarly blonde furred kitty with a baby blue colored collar
upon seeing the kitty, nyaether jumped out of your arms and tackled his twin. cuddling her and licking at her face with a teary eyes - you and your co-worker dainsleif couldn’t help but laugh at the adorable situation
since then nyaether had made a silent oath to always be beside you and be your best kitty! you have done a lot for him by helping him reunite with his twin - nyumine - so he would do anything in his power to lessen your load!
nyaether’s preferred way of waking you up is by giving a gentle meow beside your ear and give your cheek three kisses - repeat the process on the other side until you eventually giggle and wake up
another kitty that doesn’t mind taking baths! however he just prefers the water to have a bit of bubbles to soothe his nerves
likes to sleep in your arms since he has separation anxiety like scaranya - due to the incident with his twin
“nyaether, keep the others in check okay? i’m going out on a quick grocery shopping!”
such a sweet baby🥹
his meows are higher pitched and not full “meow” like kazunya or miao’s instead it’s a short “myaa!”
a solid 11/10 kitty. highly recommend, get yourself a nyaether today!
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art by os_Amaniwa on twt
a little shit AND a menace (affectionately)
very hyper too! sometimes you wonder if nyenti has ADHD but in cat version
it’s like he’s always in his zoomie mode as if to make up for having 2 kitties that barely has zoomies - which are miao and kazunya
his affectionate attitude doesn’t help as well
twirling, rubbing himself on your lap, hand, bageling his way around you - he’s always sticking close to you 24/7
one time as nyenti was rubbing himself on your hand while you were working on your computer for an important document, he tripped and fell on your keyboard - deleting your entire progress of work with a “myeeew!”
yes, you cried that night
unlike heinya, nyenti doesn’t really enjoy being outdoors - he just prefers to stay on your lap, lazily bathing in the sun - as he sometimes meows with heinya about some dramas
another kitty that loves to spill the tea to you
him and heinya meows your ears off with the things they have seen, watched, witnessed and heard - sometimes even adding some dirt on the other kitties such as kazunya eating leaves from your potted plants, scaranya sleeping on your hoodie bc he missed you, miao destroying the pantry during his duty to cleanse the land etc etc etc
nyenti’s preferred way of waking you up is to play with your hair. whether it be grooming at your hair, playing with them, tugging on the ends gently - it doesn’t matter which form - as long as nyenti wakes you up, that’s all
he also doesn’t do much hunting either, preferring to watch from the sidelines as the others chase some bugs and small animals they found
for some odd reason nyenti likes you to put flowers on top of his head or a flower shaped charms as a collar - his most favorite and preferred one being the white lily
cut the flower's bud and place it on top of nyenti upside down like it's a cone hat and nyenti would give you the biggest, affectionate "myew!" while rolling around on the ground, showing you his tummy
a sweet kitty if he would just stop being a little zoomie induced shit
nyenti is another kitty that hates taking baths
doesn't react as aggressive as scaranya but he likes to yell his defiance a lot and i mean a lot
overall, a solid 8.5/10 kitty if he would just stop meowing loudly in your ears everytime you take him for a bathtime, making you more and more deaf
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thatdeadaquarius · 4 months
What if....
Blunt reader became a harbinger
I have NO idea how that would go but im here for the crack lol
(and to use this gif more importantly they're all so hot here lol)
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them), Blunt Language AU :D
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, crack treated srsly (yes im using ao3 tags atp)
Stars: Harbingers!
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
SO thought I’d update anyone missing out bc of the new year but-
I made this silly thing called Blunt Language AU, that was my 1st post for this blog/fandom actually! :D
I’ll link it here, but TLDR: it’s just our modern speech sounding “ancient” to the Teyvatians, who speak really flowery/fluffy/lots of context in comparison!
That’s all you rlly need to know to read this I think, so enjoy! :)
u fall into Genshin Impact, and Snezhnaya is where you land first type of energy lol
weird golden star falling from the sky? that sounds like a prophecy the Tsaritsa knows abt alright
so they sent Childe, one of the friendliest (if not The Friendliest) Harbinger, to see if it was a valid claim you’d finally descended,
and ofc as soon as the redhead heard you try and talk to him, he knew the claims by the small village nearby (who had taken u in from the cold weather/taken care of you) were legit
pantalone did manage to squeeze some examples of what you’d possibly sound like into his head before he left so while Childe personally has a tough time talking to you, it doesn't mean he’s not willing to try!! >:)
he mostly just kept asking questions forever until he understood what you meant, and as soon he got u were asking abt the Tsaritsa, the other Harbingers, himself, even how to get Sneznayan-made clothes lol
he was like: 👀👀👀???!!!!
it wasn't so much recruitment at first as it was “omg the exalted one wishes to learn abt us, the Tsaritsa and her Harbingers? abt me?? well would your highness like to come to our palace perchance???!!!!”
= have u ever been seduced and worshipped by a god and her country?? would you like to- ??? ← Childe actually
and with that convinces you to come straight to the Harbingers/Tsaritsa’s very home
No, you’re not just spoiled.
No, you’re not just pampered.
You are cosseted and coveted.
The Tsaritsa makes her first in person appearance to the people in decades to personally announce your return, and to get a festival going to literally parade you into the capital lol
And tbh it was kind of shocking how quickly the people of Snezhnaya are able to whip out the party supplies, within days of traveling via horses/sleds/carriage/trains all kinds of transportation, u arrived at the capital in full swing of a parade for you
The Tsaritsa herself in what looks like a genshin-ified kokoshnik, the elaborate headress draped with a veil so thin it looks like frost covering her face,
flocked on either side by her harbingers in full (kinda goth) ceremonial outfits waiting on your arrival too
needless to say you are properly smitten intimidated
and you stay nervous around them for the first few days or so,
that is before you run into the weekly, what you would call “family dinner nights”, but they call “dinner reports”…
in which Childe, the only one you’d been comfortable enough around to be a bit more genuine to, and surprisingly the only one to quickly adapt to your speech after traveling with you for days, would translate for you what tf you were saying to them vs. what everyone at the table was saying to you/around you
you would also like to propose other titles for these weekly dinner meetings you’re invited to, aka “family feud dinner night/family fight night/harbinger on harbinger hate night/fruit on fruit crimes, if you will” 💀
the Tsaritsa is just peacefully talking to you abt any and everything, bc ofc Pierro’s on her right, and ur on her left
(she and Pierro are surprisingly soft spoken, very polite, and able to say something interesting/take an interest in whatever subject you all end up on)
u don't think you've ever been more comfortable and on such equal footing around ppl sm older than you (what are older ppl to you, but to them ur literally fucking eldritch with how ancient u are, and u can tell with how they treat u like it lmao)
hard cut back to the rest of the table:
an argument that just gets louder and louder has broken out between Childe, Dottore, La Signora, and Pantalone abt who should get free time with you first/get to do smth with you first as you get over ur adjustment period here, Childe has taken his butter knife to throw and just barely missed Dottore’s eye, and it is now embedded in the back of his fancy chair (the servants placing down dinner courses just move abt w/the most bored expressions on their faces)
(u send half the table if this group gets out of hand and u just: “Please shut the fuck up, each of ur comebacks take 30 minutes and it’s killing me” 💀 bc they're the most likely to understand u too, even Pierro/Capitano/Pulcinella chuckle a little, and u think the Tsaritsa smirked under her veil)
ur honestly too scared to see what Scarmouche, Sandrone, and Arlecchino are arguing about, because they're arguing so silently further down the table. They have murder in their eyes.
Columbina and Capitano are having a peaceful collab over weapons, armor, and clothing to offer you, Pulcinella is close enough to both participate in that convo and in you, Pierro, and the Tsaritsa’s convos too
by the 2nd week you've decided to choose chaos, and get them to play board games together sometimes (they cant all make it all the time, tbh u don't know if u can handle that either) but groups of them will play at a time
u remembered early on what a dick Dottore was, and sentenced asked if he’d like to play this new board game called “Monopoly” from ur world with Childe, Pantalone, Pierro, Arlecchino, La Signora, and Scaramouche all together :)
(so what ur trying to bring khaenri’ah part 2 down on his head as punishment?? u owe scara and collei that at least)
Columbina is more than happy to help get you Harbinger-like clothes to wear since ur so interested in the style!! (yes yesss get converted, she already has a title picked out for you)
she also giggles anytime u talk abt whether u like an outfit or not, bc u just “no thank you I’d rather wear a trash bag than that shirt, but lets try another?”
meanwhile the tailors in the background u could literally edit them to one of those videos where it just zooms in on their faces with a vine boom of shock
like Pierro, ur unranked, just above the other Harbingers really, as it wouldn't do to make you the 12th Harbinger or smth
the names they gave you being, “The Playwright” or “The Renaissance” or even “Drammaturgo”
(pls anyone who speaks Italian correct if I'm wrong ToT )
ok but the first time, unsurprisingly, one of them got snappy with you, likely Scara I would think,
Scaramouche, pissy: “And what shall we do if it appears our almighty god is perhaps a descender who is entirely human? Why I dare say you’d be transgressing on privileges that were never yours to begin with!”
Every other Harbinger, the Tsaritsa herself, the servants, the frost on the walls: 😶😦😨😶‍🌫️
You, unbothered, still eating and fully expecting this moment: “I don't want to hear it from someone who has god-mommy issues. You shouldn’t have an opinion about me, ur biased.”
yeah, so obviously, they’re emotionally all attached now whether they know it or not, and this was of course the moment they realized they're god would fit in so perfectly here
(the other nations are going to have to pry you from Snezhnaya from their cold dead hands, esp since u now have legal deniability to visit bc ur technically a Harbinger, only commanded by her majesty lol)
(Scaramouche, Arlecchino, and Sandrone were fighting about who gets the room nearest to your quarters lol)
(Capitano won, somehow??)
sorry ive been slow lately guys, been just trying to work on alllll the fics these past weeks/days/however long its been??
anyway had the shift from hell last week so wish me luck with work this week if u see this 😭
hope u enjoyed this old ask/crack treated srsly post orah!! :D
Safe Travels,
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oh venus i love your puppy/foxtaru so much :(( i'm really addicted to it and i need more
think about how pathetic he is when he wants to breed you with his puppies but you refuse him just because you love to tease him and see him so needy and begging <3 he so wants you to have his puppies, he cries and clings to you, wanting to fill you with his cum to the full :(( but you're so cruel to him, you lock him in a kennel and don't let him out until he calms down.
he cries and whines, scrapes the kennel with his claws, he feels so bad. he wants to put his cock in your cunt as soon as possible, and watch with love how it's filled with his puppies. <3 he's so cute
and when you finally let him put his fat cock in your pussy, ah he's in heaven. his soft ears press against his ginger head when he fucks you, ruining your wet cunt. he looks at his cum with such pride when it flows out of your cunt and tells you that he will be the best father for your puppies. and you'll be the best mother <3
i never wanted kids but when i think about it with childe i'm such a fucking whore for him with this damn breeding kink :(((
love you and your writing sm <3
WEHH PUPPYTARU!! :( i am down astronomically bad for him!! he’s so so cute and just wants to put some pups in you!! silly pup just wants to breed!!
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puppytaru that just can’t help himself. he tries so hard to be so very good all the time but… when his cock gets hard and leaky he just has to fuck something!! rubs himself on chairs, you, and even the floor if he has to, anything to make his cock stop being so painfully hard. puppy needs to get off and, even more so, needs to breed!! his balls are so tight and full for you so why not let him slip his fat cock in? he’ll even beg if you ask!! but whiny pups don’t get what they want. whiny pups have to go in the kennel until they calm down enough to ask nicely. puppytaru hates it when you usher him in because he knows he’s been bad and he really doesn’t mean to misbehave!! but his cock just needs you so please don’t make him wait too long…
he’s drooling and rutting against the pillows of his kennel when you finally come back to check on him. clothes abandoned elsewhere, his naked cock is leaking all over as he pants with eyes focused on where your cunt rests beneath only the panties you’re wearing. when you get close to let him out his face is already smushed to the grate in hopes of shoving his nose into your pussy. he’s so cute when he gets needy!! give him the go ahead to breed you and he’ll be on you in seconds, tearing off what remains of your clothes in favour of fucking you so earnestly. with fluffy hair and ears pressed into your neck, he’s thanking you through his low grunts as he bends you to the perfect position to take his spend. puppytaru may seem all sweet and sugarcoated but he’s still the same protective dog you deal with everyday so don’t expect him to be gentle!! he’ll bite and scratch until his knot pops inside of you, thick seed filling up your womb. his loads are no joke, he has a lot, so when it leaks out from where his knot rests against your cunt he’s leaning back to grin dumbly and scoop it up with his fingers. anything that spills out if going in your mouth!! he can’t stand to see it wasted :((
when his knot goes down he’ll be nuzzling your tummy and brainstorming names for the litter of pups you’ll be having!!
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EHEHEH THANK U FOR LIKING PUPTARU!! he’s so soggy wet and knows nothing but protect mate and breed :3 like all tarus, he’s slinging MEAT and wants to keep you stuffed full!! puppytaru has not only my heart but clearly many other hearts as well. he’s just the cutest!! love u anon thank u for this!! ^u^ <3
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solarwoniii · 1 year
heyyy!! just wondering if i could request “zb1 legal line reaction to catching their s/o masturbating” hehehehheheehehe if not all goodzz 💗💗
reaction to catching you touching yourself ! zb1 legal line
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smut, crack, some fluff ! includes jiwoong, zhanghao, hanbin, matthew, taerae and ricky
contains ; dacryphilia, punishments, i think thats all? lmk if i missed any T^T
jiwoong ;
would laugh at you but not in a cute funny quirky silly way
that low kind of dominant chuckle that makes you realise.
you fucked up.
he'd pull up a chair beside the bed and insist for you to continue in that same scary tone ur mum talks in when u forget to wash the dishes 😰😰😰😨😨
and then he'll force you to make yourself cum until you're crying while he sat there and watched because you're not allowed to stop until he says.
then he'll finally touch you.
with his fingertips.
just to fuck with you more because he's a petty little bitch
edging you until you're shaking, eyes rolling back, body arching
and then, and only then will you get to cum.
zhanghao ;
finds it cute that you think you're so big and strong now
puts ur ass in its place so fast 🫣🫣
love bites all over you
your body is his canvas and his marks are his art 😵😶
actually, this timing is perfect
he'd been waiting for you to misbehave so he could try out the new vibrator he got for you
edges you again and again, just to rip away your orgasm and have you crying
when you finally cum you both know damn well it's not over 💀 keeps the vibrator in that exact spot and refuses to move it until you cum another three times.
i'm sorry i just think mean dom hao is extremely accurate and attractive
hanbin ;
i think he would genuinely laugh at you 💀
and you would try to be mad at him for laughing at you but his stupid laugh is unfortunately extremely contagious 😭😔
when he's done laughing at you he'll come and help you
i think it would be all giggly and fluffy and cute though
and then you would cuddle naked (i feel like hanbin wld enjoy this so much during aftercare esp idk) and gossip LMFAO
matthew ;
quickly closes the door behind him before anyone else can see what he's seeing
'd-do u want me to . . .' 'o-oh ok'
he's flustered but he will help you feel good 😭
turns into a cute little mutual masturbation session after u notice the boner building up in his pants from the sight of u T^T
when you both finish he'll clean you up and then be a little cutie patootie
'uhmmm there was this disney movie i really wanted to watch with you so could we maybe do that now ? 👉👈'
taerae ;
just smiles and locks the door behind him when he realises what you're doing
'do you need my help baby?'
he'll sit beside you and replace your hand with his
helps you reach the best orgasm of your life with his skilled fingers
idk i genuinely don't think he would get mad
but he'll remind you that you can always come to him if you're feeling needy.
so many kisses
he'll give you more than his fingers after as well if you still want more ;))
ricky ;
when he walks in i think he'd get flustered but he'd quickly cover it up because being seen like that by you hurts his precious ego
AGAIN LOW DOMINANT CHUCKLE he takes after jiwoong because he aspires to one day be that cool and strong but u already know he's a cute little softie
'if you wanted me to treat you like a little whore you could've just said so, baby.'
gets you up on all fours and spanks your pussy until it's swollen and dripping.
then he'll mark your body up and take photos of you for his little collection 😨
eats you out (prolly makes u sit on his face too bc he's a little freak)
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keeksandgigz · 7 months
ugh maybe something angsty to fluffy with eddie , like nightmares or a silly argument turned too big leaving both in tears but then resolved
idk baby ugh i love ur writing tho !
aww stop i love u <3
this is literally my first ask ever im so excited!! hope u enjoy :)))
He knows better than to fall asleep.
The world lays still around him, the sound of lone crickets plays as his lullaby while he stares at his banged up ceiling.
Everytime he closes his eyes he feels like he's suffocating, still in the stuffy, dusty and slimy Upside Down, the blood at his throat almost choking him to death.
It's his first night alone back home. Him and Wayne had been cleared to go back earlier that September morning after spending a whole summer in a cramped infirmary on a small cot that made his feet stick out.
Noises of people snoring, talking, moving around. Even people crying and screaming in their sleep. You sleeping in the cot right next to him.
Your shoulders rising and falling. On nights where he couldn't sleep he'd count every breath you took, until his brain grew tired and fell victim to slumber.
But tonight there was just eerie quiet. No breaths to count except his own, shallow and irregular in his chest, as he tried not to focus too much on the way the skin of his naked chest stretched taut by the stitches given to him felt under his hand, casually resting there.
The faint white and red splotches of mangled skin felt funny under the touch of his hands. Even then, he tried to not touch them. He didn't like the way his body would retract from his own touch. Almost as if he was scared of himself.
He hadn't let you see them yet, everytime you hung out and reveled in each other's company never went further than a few risky kisses. Your hands traveling to the hem of his shirt being abruptly stopped by his fingers intertwined in yours, moving away from his waist.
It was silent, the way you understood his limits. He'd never let you know he wasn't comfortable, and you could not have possibly known what lied under the too- big shirt he'd taken from the donation box.
Tonight, though, he finds himself missing counting your breaths, imagining you back at home in the comfort of your bed. Are you awake too?
Sick and tired of thinking, closing his eyes only to see monsters behind his lids, the feeling of the crumpled, rough sheets under his back, he gets up. He slips a shirt on, along with a pair of pants and fishes a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the pockets of his jacket, perched carelessly on the chair.
He heads to the front porch. He closes the front door behind him, trying to keep quiet. Wayne's at work, but the habit of tiptoeing and whispering around after months of living in a communal space still stuck with him.
He sits on the stairs of his porch, letting the cigarette between his lips as he fights with the yellow lighter his dad had given him to start a spark.
"Fuck" he curses under his breath as the lighter proceeds to not produce a light. His breathing becomes uneven as his cheeks flush with anger. Frustrated, he tosses the lighter in the patch of grass in front of him. Useless fucking thing.
He doesn't even know why he still has it. The last time he'd seen his dad was over two years before. He'd never gone that long without a visit.
He's tempted to go in the kitchen and light up his cigarette with the stove, but Wayne didn't like him smoking inside. Instead he just sits there, unlit cigarette between his lips as he looks at a certain spot in the trailer park.
The same spot he'd almost died at.
He's so entranced by that one patch of dirt that he doesn't notice a car driving into the trailer park. His eyes diverting only when the headlights almost turn him blind.
It's you.
The car turns off and you come out of it, dressed in some cute pyjamas, a jacket that once belonged to Eddie covering you from the late September gale.
"Can't sleep either?" you say, staring at his dumbfounded face as you approach him on the wooden porch stairs.
"Too quiet. Missin' the old man who talked about cake in his sleep" he lets out a breathy laugh.
"My bed was too comfortable. My back is too fucked up from the cot, can't sleep on a soft mattress anymore. Missed having a bed next to yours, Munson" you nudge him, he just gives you a tight- lipped smile.
"Missed watching you breathe" he says, cautiously "Helped me sleep at night. I'd count every breath you took"
"Having any nightmares?" you ask, placing your head on his shoulder.
"Can't have nightmares if I'm awake. Everytime I close my eyes it's like I'm back in there, so I just.... don't sleep" he says, playing with the still unlit cigarette in his mouth.
The air is light between you two, an air of friendship, unweighted by your knowledge of what happened to him. You bring him relief, solace.
"Tell you what" you begin "you can light that cigarette with my car lighter, we split it, and then we go back inside and you can watch me breathe. So you can sleep" you blink up at him. He blinks at you back.
You offering to sleep with him in his bed wasn't something he'd have expected out of his life. Especially at this time of it.
All he does is nod as you take the cigarette from his lips and light it in your car, coming back with it already between your lips.
You're warm when you settle yourself next to him on the bed, under the rough blankets. The pillows smell like him. You inhale.
He doesn't know whether to hold you or leave you alone. He just opts to be a little closer to you as he lets you close your eyes. A weak "G'night, Munson" escapes you as you exhale and close your eyes.
He watches the silhouette of your shoulders rise and fall.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven...
He falls asleep before he can get to fifty.
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ponderingmoonlight · 8 months
OH EM GEE YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN 🙏🙏🙏🙏 fem!reader x megumi fushiguro with a side of injury x angst and hurt but at the end there's fluff/comfort please !! fem!reader gets injured trying to save megumi, (prompt 17) then megumi is like "girl wtf" and then he scolds fem!reader (prompt 2) for getting injured in the process of trying to save him... then fem!reader was like "i was ready to give my heart to you" (prompt 28) and megumi was like "u dont need to do that" and then megumi suddenly confesses ?? (prompt 65) (HELP LMAOOO) and then fem!reader confesses as well and megumi's like "don't leave me." (prompt 61) and then fem!reader's like "dont be silly why would i leave you xo" (prompt 64) so sorry if this was confusing i got too excited 🙏🙏🙏🙏
First of all, I'm so so so sorry this took so long! While I always wrote on this fic from time to time, it wasn't until tonight when I had an idea how to get all of these prompts togehter. While I think it isn't my best work, I hope you still like it <3
Save you
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Pairing: Megumi x reader
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: After you recklessly risk your own life to save his, Megumi can't hold back his feelings any longer
Warnings: It's so fluffy I'm gonna dieee and a little shitty writing I'm so sorry guys, proofread, but I'm sick and not concentrated so show some mercy
Rumbling, teeth, blood. It happens faster than you are able to comprehend your surroundings. All you know is that this fucking curse was only inches away from Megumi’s face. Inches away from ripping his skin apart. Inches away from probably killing the boy you are secretly in love with since joining Jujutsu High. It was a reflex, an intuition. Without hesitation, you throw yourself in front of him, hands stretched out in a desperate attempt to shield the merciless attack.
“I’ll get you out of here.”
You did manage to exorcise the curse. But not without your blood splattering everything in vicinity, sharp teeth slicing your delicate flesh open without mercy.
„(y/n)! Why did you do that!?”, Megumi yells at you, eyes widen in pure shock.
Everything hurts. You don’t dare to look down on your own body, instead you just stand there and stare at Megumi.
“Are you out of your mind? You could have died!”, he hollers at you.
In the matter of seconds he stands by your side, frantically taking off his uniform and pressing the fabric against your multiple scorching wounds. Your heart sinks into your chest at the sound of his anger-filled voice.
“Stop yelling at me, I saved you. And you would have done the same for me”, you hiss through gritted teeth, ignoring the pain that spreads around your whole body.
“This was absolutely reckless, (y/n)! I thought you were smarter than that, such behavior doesn’t suit you at all! Don’t you know that I’m able to take care of myself? I don’t need you to risk your own life for me”, he blurts out, every word stabbing into your heart like a knife.
You hate the way your eyes start to instantly burn with tears, completely taking your sight that is fixed on his brown shoes. This is not fair. You did what your intuition told you. And you just know Megumi would do the same for you – maybe not out of love, but friendship. He’d be the first to take a bullet if it means saving his friends.
“And to top it off, you don’t even care about even injured, it’s like yo-“
That’s enough. You can’t hold back any longer.
“If it means that I’ll save you, I’d be ready to give you my heart without even flinching! Because I care about you, idiot”, you yell so suddenly that Megumi flinches at the unusual harsh tone in your voice.
He can’t help but stare at you in disbelief. Megumi has known you for years, long before joining Jujutsu High. And even though he always knew you care for him, he never thought that it would go this far. After all, you’re so breathtaking gorgeous that he never lost a thought about you actually liking him back.
Because for Megumi, it has always been more than a sweet innocent friendship, more than a little sympathy. When he fell, he fell hard, head over heels to be exact. Your words make his heart beat a little louder, world spin a little faster. But still…Still he can’t accept the fact that you’d die so recklessly because of him.
“(y/n), I would rather die than knowing the love of my love got injured because of me…”
Now or never, the way your eyes pierce right through him and the fact that you nearly died because of him let Megumi gather all his courage.
“I can’t hold it back any longer! (y/n)…I think I might be in love with you. No, I’m sure that I love you. I love the way you walk and talk, how you carry yourself with so much elegance. I love the way you make fighting look so effortlessly and the little smile you wear on your face every time you see me. But even though your affection goes far enough to save me, I know you’ll never like me like this…I just needed to get this off my chest. So I hope you don’t leave me, I would totally understand if you don’t wanna speak to be though…”
Minutes feel like hours when all you can do is stand there and stare into the dark ocean of his eyes. All this time, you thought all these things about Megumi himself. That he only likes you as a friend, that he wouldn’t be able to see more in you than his comrade, a simple girl that’s been through some shit on his side. But those sweet words leaving his mouth, him telling you that he loves you…You can’t believe your ears. This has to be a pretty dream, right? Like the ones you desperately try to get back to when waking up, the ones you don’t even have to write down in order to remember.
This is not a dream, though. Your whole body is on fire, limbs burning like hell while your tear-stained cheeks get brushed by an icy wind. No, this is reality. And by the way his eyes glister in nothing but sadness you can tell that he truly believes in his words.
How ironic.
“Don’t be stupid, I’m not leaving you”, you breathe out.
A warm smile creeps up your face as you close the distance between your bodies, fingers intertwining with his. Oh, if he only knew how often you daydreamed about this, how often you told yourself over and over that he doesn’t like you like this, that Megumi Fushiguro will never love you. Little did you know that he felt the exact same way.
“I loved you since joining Jujutsu High. All this time I thought that a wonderful boy like me could never…well…fall in love with someone like me”, you admit shyly.
“You’ve got to be kidding, right?”
He grabs your face, forcing you to look up into his ocean orbs.
“You are the most precious thing walking on this earth. If someone’s lucky than it’s me. Even though I still don’t like that you threw yourself in front of that curse for me. Please never do something like that again.
His breath brushes against your cheek. Is this really happening? Are his lips really lowering themselves at yours, touching them so innocently while all you can do is close your eyes and let yourself sink against his tender touch? No, this is sweet reality.
And all of that because you decided in a split of a second that Megumi is worth all the pain, that your feelings for him are greater than fear.
“I’d always throw myself in front of a curse again if it means that I can do that”, you mumble against his lips.
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ppnuggiex · 3 months
hiii!! i saw that your reqs are open <3 i'd like to req a mephi headcanon where the reader is a rlly busy & active student and they barely have time to meet even at school but reader can do meetings and work stuff with others! and he gets all jealous n sulky HEHE i think it would be a silly cute fluffy hc... thank u 💗🫶
      MEPHISTOPHELES x gn reader
    『 mephistopheles ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> mephisto getting jealous and needy when reader gets really busy
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, angst w/ comfort ,, some insecurity and doubt from mephisto ,, jealousy from him as well
  — omg i just realized it said headcannon right now ,, and i was in the middle of writing a oneshot for it 😭 so ill link the oneshot that goes with it to this :3 ! these are kinda long ,, but tysm for requesting ! i love this guy sm ,, hes quite literally the text book definition for babygirl prove me wrong 🙄🤚 feel free to request anymore for mephisto :D !! hope you enjoy these headcannons <3 !!
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| • its not rare for mephistopheles to feel left out when around you . after all ,, you did have pacts with all the avatars and were more than acquainted with two angels ,, a reaper ,, one of the wisest and strongest humans the human realm had to offer and were chummy with diavolo and barbatos .
| • it did make him question why you hung around him some days . he didnt mean much ,, just the son of a wealthy noble family within devildom . he may have known diavolo as a child ,, but it wasnt the same . it never felt the same ,, especially after lucifer had shown up in devildom .
| • what did you see in him ? compared to everyone else you knew ,, he wasnt much to you . at least ,, thats how he felt and what he thought . somehow ,, you saw more than just his wealth and title . you saw more of him ,, his interests and dislikes .
| • he didnt think of himself as that interesting ,, but he never let it get to him . though the fact you two were in a relationship meant more to him than you'd every know .
| • days turning to weeks that slipped into months of pining after you . money spent on gifts to give ,, only to be shoved into your hands as he looked away to hide his desire in his eyes ,, mumbling something about how he saw it and thought a human like mightve wanted it or whatever excuse he could fish out .
| • so mephistopheles understood that you get busy . after all ,, being apart of the exchange student program while being a student council member and doing your best to keep the brothers (namely mammon) in line was tiring . and ontop of it all was a shift you usually worked with mammon to help him with his debts . anything to get him to start working towards having less bills and debts to pay off .
| • he knew you worked hard ,, but it didnt stop his mind from being plagued with not the nicest thoughts . he couldnt stop himself from wandering if youre purposely taking on more work to keep yourself busy and away from him . was it true ? he hoped it wasnt ,, but he wouldnt be surprised . he wasnt as interesting as the seven brothers were . nor did he have money or power like diavolo and barbatos ,, or solomon . he was far from being holy and pure like raphael and simeon . he wasnt as funny or affectionate as thirteen either ,, he knew that .
| • but every time you would text him an apology ,, he couldnt help but bite the vile feeling in his heart . how it clenched in his chest whenever he would read the message and reply with reassurance that it was okay . even if it didnt feel okay .
| • it didnt help with how he would see one of the brothers clinging to you in the halls the next day . how you seemed to go unaware of his sorrows ,, yet it would be rude to march up and demand your attention ,, relationship or not .
| • at least ,, you werent aware of it until you dropped by the newspaper club room with a gift in hand for your lover . you realized you had gotten busy and carried away ,, barely seeing him in the halls and missing his texts when he'd send them during class or work .
| • a small treat from madame scream's and some matching jewelry you had saved up for held close to your torso as you opened the door ,, eyes catching mephistopheles as a smile curled on your lips .
| • you would apologize for neglecting him ,, presenting him with your gifts as you awaited for a response . it took him a few moments to realize the situation ,, emerald eyes wide with emotion and heart beating frantically within his chest .
| • a pout formed on his lips ,, standing up from his chair and pulling you into his embrace . his arms snug around you ,, trying to prevent himself from showing anymore weakness than he already was . especially in r.a.d. where anyone could walk in and see how vulnerable he was .
| • " thank you my dear ." he whispered ,, pressing a kiss to your head and opening the present box . inside were two necklaces ,, resembling hearts and two different letters on each one . a 'm' on one for his name ,, and another to match the first letter of your name . intertwined together ,, he unraveled the necklaces from each other ,, witnessing the half heart they made when taken apart .
| • “ i can help you put it on !” you offered with a smile ,, hand held out . he placed his half in your palm ,, leaning down to let you put it on . he shivered slightly when the cold metal brushed against his warm neck ,, your hands rustling lightly against his hair as you clipped it on .
| • he would forever treasure your gift ,, hiding it under his r.a.d. uniform but sometimes you could see the chain peak out around his neck . it would take more communication between you two ,, but you would help with his insecurities and make him feel as loved as you could .
| • whether he would tell you or not ,, after this incident you were quick to figure out when he felt isolated and left out ,, alone with his jealousy and sorrow . you promised not to let him get like that again ,, letting him know you would always be there for him whenever he felt this way .
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I would like to request a Rocky x reader (romantic) oneshot. A fluffy one with a bit of spice would be nice ;) I don't really have a specific plot in mind, but maybe something on the topic of affection? Whatever the story, i'm sure it will be amazing ❤
Thank u, and have a nice day/night!
Hello, Anon!! Thank you for dropping by!! Your request just so happened to align with an idea I've had, and... I got a bit carried away, I suppose. This is well over three thousand words.
Hope you'll find as much entertainment in reading as I did in writing, anyhow!! (I missed crafting dialogue for this silly cat, even if it's equal parts shameless purple prose fun and an absolute pain in the neck.)
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“Absolutely not.”
The pose of cheerful enthusiasm he presented the idea with didn’t falter, although his grin seemed to by a sliver.
“Aww, why?”
“It’s not gonna work.”
“We can’t know that until we try!”
You’d come down before opening hour, when many of the lights framing the red-curtained stage and finely carved pillars hadn’t been ignited yet in order to lessen electricity bills, leaving the grandiose speakeasy hall to ruminate in a mellow, warm late afternoon dusk. Leaning against one of the pool tables webbed with gilded patterns on the sides, you glanced him up and down in half-lidded skepticism. It was brief, yet defeating.
“I say this with all the love in my heart,” you prefaced the ruthless confession with a teasing smile, “but you don’t look like you could lift a cornstalk.”
“And you have a point! But consider this,” he countered, gesturing passionately with his hands as if materializing a vision of success before the both of you, and that’s when you recognized this conversation was about to shimmy beyond the bounds of reality. “What wonders can be achieved through the power of love? It can avail you to weather a sea of infernal blazes, crumble ancient mounts to their innermost cores, compel the course of celestial bodies–”
“But it can’t give you muscles.”
The conjurations of poetic fancies promptly shattered, and he gave you a disheartened look.
“Oh, come on, dearest,” he pleaded, all gleaming blue eyes and droopy ears. “Have you no faith in your one and only chevalier?”
“Concerning any other situation… a hard maybe. Depends if anything flammable’s involved.”
You put a finger to your chin in lighthearted contemplation.
“But this… well, I trust you in pulling this off without either of us getting hurt about as far as I could throw you with one hand.”
“I don’t weigh much,” he perked up assuringly. “You could toss me a good few feet, I reckon.”
“So then we should try this the other way around.”
A glint of curiosity hinted he may not have been entirely opposed. Nonetheless, you could tell he wouldn’t let himself be so easily shot down in his steadfast ambitions, about which you happened to be right.
“Your suggestions are appreciated,” he placated upon your prompt sigh of disappointment, “but in the name of chivalry I must persist with my vision. Because I am certain that there is a way, as there is a will, to achieve it.”
He pondered aloud whilst leant against the pool table opposite to yours, tail swishing figure eights in the air as if stirring up the brainworks.
“Just let me think about it…”
A bit to the left, two of the local employment were spectating from their usual spots by the bar. Zib, who had draped himself half-across the counter while Viktor was cleaning it around him, regarded the scene from under his hat with a caustic glance. The smoke simmering from the cigarette he was languidly tasting occasionally wafted your way.
“Looks like chivalry’s not dead yet after all,” he grumbled, the corners of his lips teasing amusement, “but he’s about to be.”
The burly slovak continued with his somewhat menial task in dutiful disinterest, intimidating all unsightly dirt spots off the wooden surface with an effortless glare.
“Idiot vill break own spine vid effort,” he stated matter-of-factly, then after a thoughtful pause, shrugged. “Saves me the trouble.”
“Oh, such searing pessimism!”
Rocky turned to theatrically retort, rejoining your circles from the far reaches of whatever realms his mind had been venturing.
“Well I regret to inform you, gentlemen,” he gave an easygoing little smirk, “that the only sort of spectacle you’ll be getting today is the glorious display of romance’s incandescent triumph.”
“You should heed your sweetheart’s advice, kid,” Zib warned over his glassful of a somewhat suspicious golden beverage. “Artists like you and I just weren’t built for these kinds of strenuous feats. You’ll get a hernia and then the boss lady will be down one questionable bootlegger.”
“Pff… Nonsense talk!”
He waved off the notion as if swatting away a bug, and you pinched your brow in exasperation.
“Waste not such paltry concerns on me, my friend! You see, it might not leave that impression at first glance…” he flexed a bit to show off his bicep then stared at it with a blank expression once it failed to strengthen his argument, “nor perhaps second… but these spindly sinews are rife with untapped potential! Why, you think the Atlas of mythology had trained in advance to support the whole world on his shoulders? And yet, it still goes ‘round smoothly to this day. Which is to say that, hopefully helped by Fortuna’s favor, the release of a comparable innate strength shall aid me in this fated task of carrying mine.”
Despite his conspicuous lack of visible musculature he gave a grin of such radiant certainty it could’ve powered the rest of the lights. Zib blinked slowly, unimpressed in his fermentative, cigarette-stink skepticism. Viktor kept cleaning.
“Albeit I suppose there’s more point in a show rather than tell.”
Rocky stretched his arms in a somewhat comically overstated manner.
“So the old-fashionated way it is!” He then took up a stance and spread them in anticipation. “Come hither, my darling love, let’s prove those naysayers wrong! Leap into the arms of your favorite bard!”
“I still don’t condone this idea.”
You crossed your arms, resolution as hard as the wood digging into your lower back. Unstoppable force smiling baffledly at the inmovable object.
“You don’t?”
“Not really.”
He pouted. Oh, how you couldn’t stand it when those gorgeous sapphires looked at you so coyly despondent. And of course, he was aware.
“You mean you won’t even give it a chance?” he implored, tail gingerly lowering. “Not even if I’ll sooner have my organs be crushed into a fine sludge than let one hair on your head bend the wrong way?”
“Especially not then.”
Patiently, you stood, the twitch of your ears and your own tail’s gentle whipping behind your legs and brushing up to the smooth block of wood being your only movement. You watched him deflate in a slowly progressing manner not unlike that of a balloon animal leaking from a small opening; you could even imagine the characteristic sound to go with.
You tried not to laugh.
“Not even if,” he attempted once more, “it could be a most passionful pageantry of courteousness?”
“More like foolishness.”
Irritated by his snark for a change, you tilted your head in Zib’s direction. When he earned both of your attention by extension the resident nicotine eater, chin resting on the heel of his palm, flicked a huge ear and leisurely presented his back to you as though he’d never cared.
“Just picture it for a second!” Rocky suggested, snapping back to the conversation and taking your hand in his to help transmit the mental imagery through skin-to-skin contact. “A most consummate culmination of chivalrous custom!”
“Certainly,” you rolled your eyes yet didn’t resist when he snuck up close to grab a hold of your waist with an almost imperceptible delicacy.
“I’d gather you in my arms,” he narrated, “a most beauteous royal rose, pooling in your eyes the glimmers of a star-speckled galaxy, a divine black ether brimming with a variegated, dazzling cavalcade of celestial hues… oh, what fair nobility of ephemeral grace, molded in the realms above from the finest marble and ambrosia by lilium-scented, angelic hands…”
His face was close to yours, and your gazes intertwined; you could be quite sure he was just describing what he saw. You averted your eyes, slightly flustered.
“You sure know your words,” you nipped without any real teeth to it.
“I try,” he acknowledged cheerfully, nonetheless keeping proximate. “And me, no more than a humbled troubadour, a mere mortal permitted by Providence to embrace salvation itself,” you made an inarticulate noise of incredulity, “gentle tethering of your mass serving to remind that this resplendent scene is no meager illusion, a cruel trick of the light, but bona fide reality…”
You squirmed half-heartedly away in your chagrin, yet each bit of distance you created between the two of you he kept closing just as effortlessly, drinking in your expressions.
“In rapt entrancement we’d behold each other’s countenance,” you could feel his words on your whiskers, “honey-glaze lusters dancing across our lips in nectareal beckoning, your arms entangling my nape with fervor as you pull me under to merge our souls by way of osculation in the heart of the Earth–”
“Enough rhapsodizing,” you entreated with a wide, mildly embarrassed smile you couldn’t fight, “you poetaster.”
“Now, don’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy that.”
You exhaled in a burst, gripping the wooden brim you were leant on. Tail curling and uncurling in thought.
“It sounds fine,” you emphatically minced, “but I don’t require it. You know you can just talk sweet to me like that or give me a kiss when I’m still on my feet and you’ll just as easily sweep me off them.”
“But there’s no harm in experimenting, right?”
“That’s… a very dubious statement.”
“Well, if it does work, it shall surely be memorable.”
Across the way, over ornate red carpet and leather seats, Viktor had since taken to polishing glasses while Zib ever-industriously continued to metabolize the establishment’s embalming fluid reserves in spite of the hour.
“…And if it doesn’t,” Rocky proposed the possibility with great hesitation, “as far as I can recall, bone fractures actually heal a lot quicker than you’d expect.”
With the band backstage, that’d be only two direct witnesses to your loss of dignity.
“You’re not about to let this go until I oblige,” you observed with a heavy heart and patted his arm, “so go ahead. I’ll give you a chance to enter history records as the world’s first cooked pasta-based organism to princess carry a whole person.”
You adjusted yourself in front of him at a roughly ninety-degree angle and put your arm around his shoulders. Enthusiasm flawlessly rekindled he took swift hold of your back in return, biting his lip in anticipation like a giddy kid.
“But if you sprain a muscle, I’m not bringing you the ice,” you stated firmly to his face.
“You can’t sprain what’s scarcely there,” he beamed back like it was of any reassurance.
“Well, alright.”
That obnoxious smoke hit your nose again. Beneath the golden glow of red lampshades, Zib had unexpectedly honored your ambitions by sitting marginally more erect, pushing up the brim of his hat to ensure his sight wasn’t failing him.
“Wouldn’t you look at that,” he grunted, pointy eyebrows raised. “They’re doing it for real.”
Viktor stopped in his surprisingly gentle handiwork and fixed a sharp, singular eye on the pair of you. When your clumsy preparations and nervous fidgeting painted a confirmatory enough picture, he set the glass and rag down with a thud, leisurely slapping two huge paws on the clean oak counter to lean on it.
“Dis vill be amusing.”
You gulped at the audience, blooming in your chest a severe doubt. You squeezed Rocky’s shoulder and felt the pointed conjunction of bones digging into your palm without any real effort.
“Whenever you’re ready…”
He smiled at you with those sweet blue eyes that drew your attention like a magnet, adamant on dissolving your worries within themselves. It almost convinced you that what you were about to do wasn’t both ridiculously asinine and physically unsafe… albeit still rather mild by the standards of dating Rocky Rickaby.
You looked at one of the curling, wrought iron chandeliers and sucked in a resolute breath.
“…Here goes nothing.”
In clenched-fist concentration, you jumped and threw your legs in the air for him to catch. He grabbed after them in wide-eyed startlement and as the momentum flung you at him, you prayed.
There was a grunting noise. Something in-between the squeak of a strangled rubber chicken and the aghast chuff of a scuffed, abused bagpipe as every last square inch of air is violently crushed out of it; you’d heard naught of such a combination before yet were instantly able to identify it. Arms clasped tight around his neck you hung on for dear life whilst he gripped your side and thighs in a no less firm desperation, fingers unintendedly clawing into tense flesh. He stood taut as a bowstring, you could feel as much beneath the clothes, though unfortunately nowhere near as straight and with every slight tremble and corrective squirm you feared yourselves tipping over in his direction and giving the carpeted limestone a sore greeting.
Time collapsed to a halt under the weight of anticipation. Cautious in your breaths, wide-eyed and blatantly uncomforted by his palpable quaking, you watched as his rigid expression of concentration strained on a half-hearted grin for your sake to mask what very much still was mortal terror hatching from amongst the shards of hubris.
And then… nothing.
You blinked a few times. Other than your own heartbeat, and what amounted to the whimpers of a heavy wooden chair being dragged across the floor that you soon confirmed to be coming from him instead, all sounds of impending doom receded. You took a deep inhale of the stagnant cave air and held it in bewilderment, knees squished close to one another.
Well, you’d be damned.
Flush to his torso and clutching the cheap fabric of his shirt, you stared on, trying to comprehend the situation. As was he, evidently, with how amidst his tight-lipped yet valiant bearing of the ramifications his eyes darted around the room as if disaster was running unusually late. No gears turn at such a pace however, for when at last the ice in your tendons began to melt in contemplation of asking whether he could move enough to put you down safely or if you should just jump for it, he exerted a small huff of accomplishment and it changed something, because you began to dip rapidly forward. Some indiscernible profanity escaped your mouth.
At least he gallantly broke your fall… and a rib as well, by the sound of it.
The ground was about as soft as you’d imagined when it kissed your limbs and left you with your hands splayed on velvety carpet. You caught glimpse of your audience and, lo and behold, Viktor for a brief second appeared to possess something of a smile behind the bar. Of schadenfreude, naturally. Nonetheless the witnessing of such an evanescent miracle left you nothing short of humbled.
“Well, that surprised nobody,” Zib sneered, a whiff of smoke leaving his nostrils. “We’ll hold him a tasteful funeral.”
“He’s not dead,” you indignantly countered, blowing tousled locks of hair out of your face, then turned to your knight in shoddy armor just to be sure. “You’re not dead, right?”
With that, you recognized that the reason your posterior ached less than the rest of you was his organs still being smushed under it, so you hastily clambered off. Sweetly enough, he hadn’t mentioned, though it may have just been that he’d yet to recover from getting the wind knocked out of him enough to form a sentence.
“Never felt more alive,” he wheezed in affirmation, clutching his torso. “I’ve come to sense fibers of my physique I didn’t know existed.”
“No wonder. Did you dislocate something?”
Crouched over your boyfriend on all fours, you scrutinized him whilst your tail lashed back and forth in acute concern regarding his lack of attempts to get up despite having him practically caged under you. Considering his talent for looking pathetic while curled up on the floor, you couldn’t be blamed.
“Well, all of my bones are still inside,” he tilted his head without raising it to look over himself. “That’s their designated place, I believe.”
“You’re such a twit.”
Bright blue eyes flicked up at you innocently, arms clasped together in a protective self-embrace. Your features softened with a sigh.
“I heard a crack,” you explained, gaze lingering over his ribcage. “I thought I’d hurt you.”
“Oh, that was just my pride,” he dismissed jovially. “Nothing worth the bewailment. Poor thing wasn’t about to survive the winter anyhow.”
That restless, puffy tail of yours came to a tentative pause upon his knees, drawn only halfway up to accomodate your presence as he squirmed lightly in his restricted position. Though the barely lit murk of underground, his grin still shined as disarming as any other.
“You couldn’t hurt me if you tried.”
Whether he meant that remark as a pacification or a challenge, you preferred not to dispute. You let go of the tension in your shoulders however, easing off to settle down next to him and allow him some space to do the same.
“Well, this was just stupid,” you concluded, listlessly examining your bruised appendages. “I have no idea what drove you to something so pointless.”
He carefully rolled up off the ground then simply sat there, blinking at you in a way that betrayed neither any particular discomfort nor the absence of it. You observed him in ponderance. Due to the lack of any concrete signals from upstairs you decided you’d just have to assume the best.
“Unless,” you teased with a squint of suspicion, minding your volume, “you just wanted me on top of you that bad.”
Now that definitely reached the headquarters. When it did, he responded with one of those downright sinful grins that made the notion of punching him in the face sound vastly appealing.
“It wasn’t according to my plan, per se,” he gestured in a sly manner, “but it’s certainly not a development you’ll catch me complaining about.”
“You cad.”
You regarded him with a scolding glare you didn’t really mean but perhaps should’ve. He stood or, well, sat his ground, and it didn’t take a medium to guess anymore what newfound visions might’ve been stirring on behind that striped forehead of his; you only hoped he wouldn’t start waxing poetics about it.
“Could’ve just asked me nicely,” you murmured with a smirk.
You noted the proximity all of a sudden; his nose couldn’t have been two inches away from touching yours. He peered down at you in awareness, chuckling.
“Ah, but the overture's half the merriment.”
“This place has marvelous acoustics, by the way,” Zib spoke out of nowhere and made every bone in your body flinch, “so you might wanna consider taking this somewhere else before our sparse patronage arrives–”
“Oh, shut it, Zibowsky.”
You snapped at him, ears pinned, feeling rather deserving of some soap in your mouth. Rocky got over the interruption with a more careless ease and disregarded the air of awkwardness he helped create in favor of lighting up in triumph.
“But our labour for love wasn’t in vain, after all!” he exclaimed over your shoulder. “We all saw it, right? My romantically inspired exhibition of unprecedented prowress? I must’ve held on for a good minute there!”
“How long did it last, by the way?” you inquired, watching as Viktor continued cleaning glasses. “I was too busy panicking to count.”
“Two seconds.”
Your face stretched in astonishment. Zib took out a lighter.
“You’re pulling my leg.”
“No, really,” he reiterated, igniting another cigarette with a series of clicks while the previous butt laid crumpled beside him on the counter, “two seconds. I was just about to congratulate you.”
You stared on at the sprawling carpet, befuddled, yet the intricate patterns held no explanation for this anomaly. Time does simply happen to slow to a crawl when you’re fearing for your life, as it turned out. Rocky slumped in dejection.
“Ah well,” he lamented, bushy brows descending. “It would appear that my hopes to beguile you with a debonair display could not come true after all.”
His tail gingerly curled around him, saddened to an equal degree. You pouted along in playful endearment.
“You’re so silly,” you ascertained. “I don’t mind that you’re a weakling.”
You took his hand balled up on the ground, enveloping it with your own. He watched in slight trepidation.
“Are you sure?”
The two of you locked eyes amidst the magnificent cavern of bygone extravagance; the ‘heart of the Earth’, as he’d put it. Decked in hues of crimson and gold and marinating in a mystiqueful twilight, a regrettably vacant wonder of architectural design honoring the arts décoratifs, all the dazzling sights of the establishment couldn't have hoped to draw you away from the one instrictic extension of it you delighted in looking at the most.
“And I wouldn’t trade you in for the brawniest of gallants,” you pressed a tingling kiss on his cheek, “my noodle-limbed prince.”
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sukuna-darling · 1 year
ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ fᴏʀ Cʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs ɪs ʏᴏᴜ
reading time ⥂ 10 minutes/2.9k prompt ⥂ There is nothing you could offer Satoru he can’t get or doesn’t already have. So jokingly you offer your virginity. Which Satoru is more than happy to take. tags ⥂ teaching/corruption, virgin!reader, satoru is so needy for you, reader has some insecurities due to lack of experience and expecting rejection, reassurance/praise/encouragement, edging, dacryphilia, squirting, oral, pussy job, fingering, light biting a/n ⥂ this isn't late for his birthday. What do you mean?
‘Dunno what 2 get u….u want my virginity? Lol’ Typing you are joking, and if he would rather you bake him something sweet to eat for his birthday. When your phone buzzes with Satoru's response;
‘Let me have your beautiful ass until Christmas. Since I can tie you up and unwrap you later.’ Tossing your phone to the foot of the bed. Whilst your heart races and your stomach flips. Your mind scrambles between disbelief and that this was the obvious conclusion.
It had been a year and a half since your transfer. It had taken you nine of those months for you to think he is flirting with you. And after another month, whilst less oblivious, you gave in to his flirting. Which leads to a kiss a couple of weeks ago on a trip you deemed unprofessional.
Avoiding and denying there was anything to it afterward. As Satoru backed off from his flirting. Only then did you truly recognize the heavy interest he had been showing since you showed up.
Your phone buzzes and you snatch it up to read; ‘u….u is a funny-looking face.'
Smiling for a moment, only to bite into your bottom lip as you wrack your brain for a response. Only to see his text bubbles pop up. You wait to see if he will say anything more.
Maybe he has lost interest, and he is about to say he is joking. The thought makes your blood run cold. As you debate setting the phone aside whilst doing something else. Just to brace yourself for rejection.
You don't move from your phone.
It's three minutes later when he messages; 'You're nervous, and I've been trying to figure out what you want from me. I'm hoping this means you figured it out.'
'What do you think I want from you?' Despite the goofiness, and his inability to take things seriously. Which is really just his way of trying to cope whilst easing the other person.
For the first eight months, you never once saw Satoru upset. Until one night, he didn't have the emotional energy to keep on a smile. His face was eerily blank all night. You didn't pry. Instead, you invited him over for some sweets, cartoons, and bud.
'The fluffy blanket wrapping around Satoru and you. Whilst you sit in his lap holding a tub of ice cream. As a favorite comfort cartoon of yours, he has never seen it before played on the tv.
Grabbing the last blunt you rolled and a lighter. With your cheeks burning you say, "Proud of you today sounds silly to say I guess, but ahh- for a string bean, you squeeze tight." His long arms wrapped around your waist tighten. As he rests his head on top of yours.
Satoru exclaims, "String bean! I have washboard abs and I can throw you over my shoulder like you're a bag of sugar." He loosens his grip, grabbing your sides and squeezing. Whilst he hums,
"I'm never letting go of the fact I made you proud of me!" You're grateful Satoru can't see you. Using the lighting of your blunt to distract you from the pounding of your heart. Whilst you try to ignore how close Satoru pulled you in when he squeezed you. Causing his soft cock to press against your ass.
Lifting the blunt, which Satoru takes from you. As he leans back, taking the blanket with him. Yet you don't want to move. Whilst he grows and hardens against your ass,
You say, "I can tell you more often if you don't bring it up around others. So many expect a lot of you and no one ever bothers to tell you to thank you for what you do." A fat cloud of smoke blows past you. As Satoru puffs whilst listening to you say,
"It means a lot to so many people, even if they don't know it." His hand slowly slides down to your hip. Whilst you add,
"I think I figured it out, whilst your abilities are undeniable. It's your willingness to stick your neck out to help people and your stubbornness." You slowly lean back against his chest.
Sliding his hand down your hip to your upper thigh, stretching his fingers out. Satoru's pinkie, which is thicker than your forefinger, is close to your pussy. If you closed your legs, his fingers would touch you.
Staring at the tv whilst you continue to ramble, "Not to mention how you ease the tension with laughter work would be more stressful without you being a goofball." Satoru holds the blunt in front of your lips. Which you take, ignoring how soft his fingers feel when your lips touch them.
"Careful, someone is falling." Choosing to stay quiet as you turn up the tv instead. Ignore his words, since denying would only dig you in further.'
A full hour pass and Satoru sends, "I know what I'm ready to give you. What you get from me depends on what you want.' Setting the phone down and grabbing the bong. Which you clear the bowl of before you pick up your phone again and send him;
'What do I want? Isn't your birthday supposed about you? I don't really know what to do. I could look some things up... are you sure you wouldn't rather me bake you my special cupcakes?' After a few minutes, you settle on taking a shower. Since you figure, he is too busy to text back quickly.
In the bathroom, you set your phone on the shelves by your shower. Which you turn on before taking your clothes off. Whilst waiting for the water to warm, Satoru suggests,
'At midnight, my birthday is over and I should be off by then, so I'm coming over.' The time reads 9:45 on the top of your phone. Which means you had some time to get ready for Satoru.
Pouting as you fire back with; 'But that's you doing more work...' This time Satoru's response is quick;
'No pouting! Princess...fingering, eating your pussy, and being your first is going to be a pleasure. When we wake up, your special cupcakes will be the cherry on top.' Your mind spaces out as thoughts of his fingers and head between your legs. As you wonder how it's going to feel to have his thick, soft fingers on your pussy.
Dragging yourself out of your thoughts and texting Satoru, 'You're going to tease me, I just know it.' You don't get another text from Satoru. Whilst you shower, lotion up and find the one lingerie you got a couple of months ago. Since you were hoping to have it for when anything happened with someone you were interested in.
Closer to one in the morning, Satoru teleports into your living room. Smiling widely on his face as he slips off his blindfold and slips it into his jacket pocket.
The tranquil color of his eyes reminds you of the short-lasting shade of blue the sky takes when the sun rises. Which vanishes the moment the sun makes it fully over the horizon.
Walking over in front of you and leaning down, Satoru declares, "You're so damn beautiful princess, did you buy this thinking about me?" Satoru doesn't let you answer. When you tilt your head back to look up at him, he presses his lips against yours.
Loudly groaning, whilst grabbing your hips and lifting you off the sofa. Pulling you to his body, wrapping your legs around his waist. As Satoru tries to slip his tongue past yours, you pull away to confess,
"I don't know how to kiss with tongue either, so I might be bad at it." Biting on the inside of your cheek whilst looking over Satoru's shoulders. Whilst expecting him to laugh at you.
Satoru pauses in the hallway, cupping your face. Whilst urging you to look at him, he points out, "You're doubting yourself too much. Princess, there is nothing wrong with inexperience. It just means you need a caring teacher!" Taking you into your bedroom where he throws you onto the bed.
Chuckling as you squeal from flying momentarily. Before landing on your bed, bounce a little. Whilst you can hear your heart beating. In your ears, the reality of Satoru in your bedroom to fuck you is overwhelming.
After countless nights of building frustration to the point of cramps. And after avoiding him for the past two weeks, here he stands. With his cock straining against his pants.
You want to explore Satoru with your hands and commit to his touch to memory.
Satoru looks around the room, which is lit by a plethora of candles. Softly whistling before expressing, "I'm touched you did all of this for me. You're gorgeous lying on the bed among the flowers. I want to take a picture." Furrowing your eyebrows whilst laying back and whining,
"It's going to look bad. Cameras are not my friend like they are for you." Satoru unzips his jacket, sliding it off his shoulder and laying it on your dresser between two different clusters of candles.
Watching Satoru unbutton his shirt. Whilst he says, "What if I prove you wrong? Hmm? You want to give me something I can't buy and that I don't already have but so desperately need?" This wouldn't be the first time you saw him shirtless. Since he would often abandon his shirt whilst you hung out at his place. Which you never complained about.
For the first time, you could touch him the way you want to. You can go beyond just platonic cuddling. Until the 26th of December, you could let your hands roam whilst covering him with kisses.
Walking up behind Satoru, enjoying the sight of his sculpted, toned backside. From his broad shoulders to his slim waist. Countless times you've seen the muscles of his back tense and move. As he lifts weight above his head, made specifically to be heavy for him.
Reaching around to undo his pants. Whilst you purr him, "Happy late birthday." Kissing the middle of his back. Satoru whines as you trail kisses down his pants. Which you push down with his underwear.
Biting Satoru's back whilst he grabs the edge of your dresser. He moans, "Hmm! Are you wanting to give me some late birthday sugar?" Kissing the red mark on his back. Whilst he mumbles,
"Make up for my shitty fucking birthday day." Pushing his pants down with his underwear, Satoru lets out a groan. Which goes between your legs, making you drip and soak through the thin lace fabric.
Stepping on his pants between his legs. So Satoru can step out of his pants whilst you say, "I've been telling you that. You've been going all day off with little sleep. Lay down, let me kiss up on you."
Smiling whilst Satoru arranges your stuffed animals. He asks, "What do you know? And what have you done?" Flopping down on his back, closing his eyes, and letting out a soft sigh.
Joining Satoru on the bed, sitting between his legs. Where his hard cock rests with this tip reaching just below his belly button. And you can't look away as you note the light pink color of his tip. Which gets lighter the further down his veiny cock you look.
There are three vines you can see on the bottom of his cock. The right vein of them still showing close to his head. Satoru smirks at you and reiterates,
"Princess I want to know what you've done. How much do I need to teach you?" Satoru's legs seem only long and lanky in his snug pants. He reinforced this every time he spreads his legs and takes up space. Causing him to press against you on any seat he can take beside you.
Sliding your hands up his thighs, all you feel are stone-hard muscles. Rubbing small circles into his thighs close to his heavy balls. Massaging them with your palms and confessing,
"I had my first kiss with you in the hallway. I know you have a dick and if you finish inside me, we would end up with a little one." Looking into Satoru's eyes, cupping his balls softly. As you lean down to kiss the deep line between six-pack.
Resting his hand on the back of your head. You point out, "I've been too busy to really fool around. And no one I wanted was interested in me." Kissing up to his thick pecs. Whilst sliding your hand up to his cock.
Lifting his cock up in your hands whilst Satoru groans, "Princess I'm sure several people have been interested in you. And you have been too dense to see it." Letting Satoru's cock go, which makes a soft smack as it falls over.
Sliding your hands up his hard abs whilst you bite down into his left tit. He states, "I've been flirting with you for a year and a half. It was when you rubbed your ass on my cock when I was sad." Your cheeks burn as you let Satoru's tit go. Whilst he cups your cheek, encouraging you to raise your head.
Pressing his lips to yours whilst you whimper. Rocking your hips, grinding your clothed pussy on his hard, warm cock. The tingling pleasure of your clit makes it hard to keep the pace of your hard smooth.
Quickly the building pressure becomes overwhelming, lifting your hips and letting the building pressure fade. Satoru breaks the kiss and tells you,
"You praised me and then left me with blue balls. Even jerking off when I got home couldn't stop my cock from aching. Your squishy ass felt too good." Satoru grabs your bare ass, expose by the thong-like string. Which he grabs and pulls aside, freeing your pussy.
Pulling your hips back down to his, sliding you up his cock. Which is nudging your lips apart whilst stroking your clit. As you whine,
"I'm sorry I-I want to care for you in a way that scares me. What if you get bored with me?!" Still cupping your face, Satoru slips his thumb past your lips, pressing down on your tongue.
Satoru admits, "I've adored you since the night I said someone is falling. Princess, you've had me wrapped around your finger ever since you said those four words." Trying to lift your hips as Satoru's grasp tightens. And he keeps rocking your hips.
Sliding his hand into your hair whilst he mumbles, "Ever since you told me how you saw me, I wanted to make you see yourself differently." Tightly holding you to his body and flipping you onto your back.
Pulling his hips away, the pressure vanishes for a second time. And quickly frustration steps into its place. Your eyes burn with tears as Satoru coos,
"You're so pent up that you're crying after getting edged twice. Relax and give in to that tingly pressure. Trust me that nothing bad will happen. I'll make you cry at how good you feel." Sliding his hand from your ass to your thigh. He folds at the knee whilst holding your leg to your side.
Holding your other thigh up whilst whimpering, "I look ugly when I cry!" He rips the lace covering your pussy. Whilst kissing your nipples, which he sucks into his mouth, making you clench around nothing. As the lace digs into your breast roughly. Whilst the soft warmth of his tongue flicking your nipple contrasts it.
Letting your nipple go whilst nudging a finger past your wet lips. He curls his fingers, rubbing your squishy pussy. Stroking your clit softly with his thumb and encouraging you,
"You're going to be beautiful whimpering my name with your fat tears rolling down your face. I need to hear you cry about how good I'm fucking my pussy." Stretching your quivering hole, with another thick longer finger.
A loud cry passes your lips as toe-curling pleasure as you beg, "Please right there, don't stop touching your pussy right there." Pumping his finger faster, your pussy makes a loud squelch. As Satoru moans,
"Don't worry my beautiful baby girl, I'm going to keep taking care of you however you need me to." Slipping your fingers into his soft snow-white hair. Whilst whimpering,
"I'm so proud of you, sugar bear. You've always looked after me since day one and I wouldn't want anyone else to be my first." His bright blue eyes sparkle as he lowers his head and whispers against your lips,
"I love you." It doesn't take long for that pressure to snap. Thick clear slick coats Satoru's fingers. Whilst he kisses you roughly and groans loudly, muffling your whimpers. As you reach between both your body, grabbing his cock.
Smearing his thick pre-cum down his head. Satoru rocks his hips, slowly fucking your fist with just his tip. As you tremble beneath him and he breaks the kiss. And groans,
"My baby looks the prettiest crying. Good girl, relax into the pleasure your sugar bear is giving you." Slowly slipping his hand out from beneath your head. Whilst lowering himself between your legs. Whilst your body heats underneath his close attention.
He coos, "She's so beautiful taking my fingers, glistening wet with my soft little hole stretching for me." Switching his fingers with his tongue. His loud moans come one after another.
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wooahaes · 6 months
war & snowballs
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pairing: non-idol!han x gn!reader
genre: silly fic. kinda fluffy. established relationship au.
word count: 1.2k~
warnings: intense snowball fight.
daisy's notes: i believe minho could single-handedly destroy the rest of the group if he chose to. would he? probably not. but COULD he? yes. also thank u to loml isa @sseastar for helping me w this one <3. also ngl the other idea for this fic involved jisung finally confessing to reader after hyunjin (hyunjin + minho would have been readers teammates) took him hostage and left him with reader to watch but i liked dramatic couple han/reader being silly too much <3
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This was war. 
You’d built up a small barricade for yourself in the park, snow piled high and sturdy enough that you could take cover behind it. In the distance, you could hear Felix taunting anyone he could think of as he moved about the park. No doubt he was on the hunt, and you already knew that he likely had Chris and Changbin with him. How unfair, honestly: of all the people to draw out of the bunch, he got two of the buffer people in the friend group! There was no way you could take him down with power alone. You looked to where Minho was crouched at the end of the barricade, snowball in his gloved hand, as he listened out. When you peeked your head up, you only saw Felix alone, still calling out your names in that shrill, playful voice. How you hated this being war: you liked Felix plenty.
He shook his head, seeming to already know what you were going to say. With a nod, you followed his gaze to where you could see a bit of black fabric from behind a tree: Chris was watching, and you figured Changbin had to be somewhere close by, too. You looked around, trying to find where Jisung had gone. The moment you heard heavy footsteps, you looked up to see Jisung dive into the snow next to you, out of breath. He called out to Minho, who crawled back over to the two of you.
“Hyunjin’s alone,” Jisung said, panting. “On the other side of the trees,” he pointed off toward a path further away. “We can—We can bring him back—”
You rested a hand on his back, “Jisung, breathe.”
For a moment, he panted, and looked up to you with a soft thanks. “I saw Seungmin and Jeongin further away. If we take down Hyunjin quickly and bring him back, they won’t spot us.”
Minho frowned, thinking over the idea. “It’s risky, but…” He looked up at the two of you, “I can distract them while you bring Hyunjin back here. We’ll decide who stays with him once we take him prisoner.” 
You craned your neck up, looking out to where Felix had disappeared—presumably with Chris, too, since you couldn’t spot his jacket anymore. Minho laid out the plan: he’d go until he could see Seungmin and Jeongin, and signal you and Jisung to go after Hyunjin once he caught sight of them. Everyone knew Minho has the biggest threat of the entire group, and therefore they’d go after Minho first. With the plan set, the three of you set off, moving through the trees as you spotted Hyunjin just standing in the middle of the snow. He’d bent down to gather another snowball, and you glanced at Jisung with a firm nod. The two of you could handle anything, including Hyunjin.
Minho edged forward little by little. The moment you saw him give a signal, the two of you took off.
“Hyunjin! I’ll protect you!”
Except Changbin barreled out of the trees with a yell, startling Hyunjin as he jolted up. You saw him immediately move to take off, only for Changbin to tackle him into the snow. Before you or Jisung could turn back, Seungmin and Jeongin had rushed out from where they’d taken cover. Logically, you should have focused on getting out of there and regrouping with Minho and Jisung. Except for the fact that during the last road trip you took with Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin… only one of them ate the rest of your fries while you were driving, and that meant death.
You’d already scooped up snow, compacting it as you planned to get revenge on Seungmin. Only to see that he’d set his sights on Jisung instead. The moment he lobbed a snowball at him, you shoved Jisung forward and dove into the way, crashing into the snow after the snowball hit you instead. The sound of Jeongin laughing caught you attention as you felt snowballs pelt your body, barely pausing long enough for you to peek up at him and Seungmin as they continued to scoop up snow.
“Honey?” Jisung called out, a few steps away now, stared at you. “Come on—”
You waved him away. “Go find Minho!”
Jisung, being Jisung, returned to you instead. He went to pull you up by your arms, only to get smacked with a snowball that sent him sprawling into the snow next to you. Despite the cackles of Seungmin and Jeongin, who were taking way too much glee in this situation, your hand found Jisung’s.
“Jisungie…” You frowned at him. “You should have ran…”
“I’m not leaving you,” he said, slightly giggling. “You sacrificed yourself for me—” Only for him to throw his other arm up in front of his face as a snowball narrowly missed it before crunching into the snow. “Hey! That would have hurt!”
Seungmin stood over the two of you, just watching for a moment, one final snowball in his gloved hand. “... This is boring now.” He threw the snowball at Jisung’s stomach, looking over to where Hyunjin was bickering with Changbin for “saving” him from you and Jisung. 
Jeongin craned his neck as he looked back, “He’s not even on our team.” 
You watched Seungmin brighten with realization. “Let’s go find Chan,” he looked at Jeongin. “Maybe he won’t have Felix around…”
You and Jisung just laid in the snow as you watched Seungmin and Jeongin disappear into the trees. Minho probably took off the moment the ambush mission failed (thanks, Changbin), leaving the two of you in the snow. Sure, you two could probably dust the snow off and get back into the fray… but you liked admiring Jisung for a moment instead. The two of you were only officially out of the game if you were taken captive, and Seungmin must have not cared enough to drag you two back to his team’s base. When you looked back at Changbin, you watched as Hyunjin lead him away by the hand, no doubt taking him hostage… although Changbin seemed completely fine with that, loudly saying something about how Hyunjin could just let him go and they could have a secret alliance.
You turned back to Jisung, who was smiling at you. You curled your gloved hand around his. “Hey?”
“Thank you for sacrificing yourself for me,” he giggled. “My hero.” 
It earned a snort from you as you crawled over, stealing a kiss from him. “Anything for my Jisungie,” you giggled, too. “We could go find Seungmin and get revenge.”
“Nah.” He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in closer. “I’m good. Let’s just stay here.” 
Snuggling closer to him, you shut your eyes with a smile. “I’m okay with that. We’re gonna lose, though.”
“Nah,” he said again, patting your back. “We have Minho.”
True. “Think he’ll be mad?”
He shook his head. “He probably thinks we’re captured.”
(It only took half an hour before Minho found the two of you, announcing your victory alongside Felix. Apparently all it took was offering an alliance for Felix to jump ship to the winning team—and, truly, you wished you could have seen Chris’s face when Felix hit him with the “Long live the king,” before lobbing a snowball at him.)
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @jinnie-ret @cheesemonky @laylasbunbunny
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kanekoii · 7 months
Haihaii!! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Could u pretty please write a short fic about cuddling with Kyo on stream? :3
I had sm other request ideas last night but I forgot allat istg *sobs*
lyra’s notes -> omg wouldn’t it be so silly if i matched themes with someone as kyo and ren *cough cough*
pairing -> kyo kaneko x gn! reader
genre -> scenario, fluffies
song -> everybody talks - neon trees
warnings -> some weird au where the model is the actual kyo so he uses facecam, food mentions, dish soap rice (yum)
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kyo was feeling extra clingy when he asked you to cuddle with him on stream while he played games. as soon as he turns on his camera, chat is going absolutely wild when they see you sitting on his lap while he rests his head on your shoulder, smiling gently to himself. the two of you were laughing and bantering the whole stream until you got up to get food to cook dinner.
kyo thanked you oh so much when he saw you getting back with the groceries, then dropped his game and turned it into a cooking stream. you had gone out to get the groceries, so it was only fair that he helped you cook in return. we know he’s not the best cook and he will try to put dish soap in the rice, but he tries his best. he really does.
the rest of the stream is just him complimenting your cooking and chat calling him a simp. they aren’t wrong when they say that, but he’s not gonna acknowledge it. never ever. he just loves you so much and getting to cook with you in the company of his fans is pure heaven to the boy.
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