#update your filters
andreal831 · 5 months
Do you think what Damon did to Caroline is the same as what Katherine did to Stefan? Cause I think it is and it pisses me off when I see people think daroline is the worst ship to ever exist but then proceed to ship steferine.
I love Damon and like Katherine way more than Stefan and Caroline, I prefer villains and anti-heroes way more than heroes, but I don’t understand how anyone can like either of these two ships.
Trigger Warning: Discussion of r*pe/SA
I agree, there is no difference in what Katherine did to Stefan and what Damon did to Caroline and Andie.
I'm going to start by saying I do not like either Katherine or Damon. Yes, I know it is a show about supernatural creatures and we have to suspend reality, but no matter what world/fandom we're in, there is still a moral code. If there wasn't, we wouldn't have "good" guys and "bad" guys.
I can overlook and move on from a lot of bad things because with most "bad" acts there are mitigating circumstances. I truly believe anyone can be pushed to commit a lot of the terrible acts on the show, like murder, given the right circumstances. Usually it'll take a lot more than what's on the show, but that's where we suspend reality a bit. However, rape and sexual assault, no. There is never mitigating circumstances. No tragic backstory is going to make me overlook this.
I do believe in rehabilitation, but because the writers refused to admit what they did, we never get that with either character. No matter how you see it, both Damon and Katherine compelled people's choose away and proceed to have sex with them. That is the definition of rape. I will not argue with anyone on this point. It doesn't matter what the person intended the second before. The moment Damon/Katherine took their ability to consent away, it was rape.
Personally, Damon is my least favorite character and Katherine is close by it. Yes, I enjoy some of their scenes and they are "iconic" at times, but I could just never get past those scenes. I dislike Damon more because he received no consequences. He got a happy ending while Katherine didn't, so I'm more at peace with that story arc for Katherine.
I want to put a caveat so everyone is clear: I am never going to tell people who they can like or not like or who they should ship. Everyone comes to the fandom with different life experiences and like different ships for different reasons. Fiction allows us to like our toxic ships or like our healthy ships, whatever helps us cope with reality. But I do think it is important to acknowledge the potential harm so that we can recognize it in real life. This blog is just my personal takes on the situations/characters.
If you want to like daroline or steferine, go for it. But, again, it's important to acknowledge the toxicity in both. We all love a good anti-hero and some people enjoy enemies to lovers (not my cup of tea), but be prepared for others to not like it. We could all use a deep breath and take a step back in this fandom when it comes to ships. A lot of them are really toxic and some are less so, but still probably toxic. But at the end of the day, being toxic online to real-life people will always be worse than liking a toxic fictional character. (this is not directed to anon, just a general note for the fandom because I've seen so many people get into such nasty fights over fictional ships)
Thanks for the ask! Sorry I went off on a side tangent there <33
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pigeonphd · 8 months
btw guys, ublock and youtube have been in an arms race for the past few weeks so circulating filter lists is pretty useless since youtube gets wise to each one in a matter of days. what you should actually do is remove all your custom filters related to youtube and then force update your filter list whenever you see the anti-adblock pop up again
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libakarm · 8 months
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bradshawsbitch · 8 months
Literally love that tumblr has been very like anti revealing pics and implemented mature filters yet all of the little tumblr live pics makes it fucking impossible to even open the app without seeing mature or suggestive content @staff @support
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rozaceous · 7 months
862 this morning wheeeee
I've been p consistent w output actually, which is higher than I thought it would be, and a pace I'm a-ok w maintaining, keeps me to my 25k goal for the month, esp since I'm usually adding a bit in the evenings when I edit
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collgeruledzebra · 1 year
hi kane and feels fans. anyone remember this post
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well i do on occasion. and one of those occasions was yesterday after I'd been relistening and I thought huh! wonder if that's really accurate! so i did what any normal person would do with their friday night when confronted with such a question and spent 2 hours going through the season 1 transcripts with a spreadsheet on hand. tl;dr, the post above is not accurate. but i did find some other interesting features! results below cut :)
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so here's the chart of every time kane says feels's name. internal monologue is in blue external in red, name is labeled along the x-axis. sorry for leaving off a title but this isn't science fair so it's whatever. now from this we can see that the above post is absolutely not true, kane actually refers to feels by his first name out loud most often and refers to him by last name more often internally. also notably, rarely uses his nickname.
now you may be thinking to yourself why is that graph so poorly fitted on the y-axis and that is because:
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i also made a chart of every time feels says kane's name and BOY is there a discrepancy. over the course of the season feels says some form of kane's name over 1.5 times more (60:94) than vice versa. he also almost never refers to kane out loud by his first name in full, preferring his nickname, but internally prefers to refer to him by last name.
what does all this mean? idk. draw your own conclusions. but use accurate information to do it please 🙏 👍
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kellystar321 · 9 months
#periodical life updates#(<- NUMBER 3!!!) I FINISHED THE ANIMATION AND EVERYTHING FOR THAT PROJECT AND SENT IT OFF! super excited!!#it looks really cute! i tried my best and im mostly satisfied of where i landed <33#it's my little sibling's birthday today!! it's also the first official meeting of lgbt club!! (the other event was a fun lgbt mixer)#my backpack smells bad. like mildew or mold maybe? urgh its awful and gives me a headache. i might need a new one. i dont know. urghhh.#my programming homework is due today!! yike!! but other than that my personal projects with deadlines are all done!#INIQUITY NOW THAT YOU HAVE TIME ARE YOU FINALLY GONNA WORK ON YOUR SELF SHIP BLOG?? YES!! HOPEFULLY!!#truthfully i /have/ been working on it on the side. it looks decent but the colors;;; i have always been pretty sht at color picking?#i can adjust with filters but without that im like. a little not good yet lmao. gotta do some studies sometime perhaps#BUT YAY EXCITED!! ive got some rambles and doodles and a tag system and f/o info which is extremely cumbersome (affectionate)!!#also i have new fandom ocs for the latest dimension 20 campaign and im so delighted heho <33 this campaign is literally so fun.#im watching it with my sibling when its done!! OOH ALSO I FIGURED OUT HOW TO PNGTUBE AND i will likely never use it BUT COOL!!#i dont like. talk. lmao. my art streams are 1) silent 2) rare 3) only shared with my siblings. pngtuber is a little useless. but CUTE!!#i got boba tea yesterday!! sandy bought it :3 <3 and we're having pho and cheesecake later and i might plan out a little excursion today?#like i might get a treatsie. OR i'll just sit on campus as usual and get a mango smoothie and draw for a while (or work on homework.)#(lets be honest its likely the former. i might get a little back into traditional? ooh or maybe i'll practice my asl?) HEY THOUGH.#ive been thinking about making a henrey stickmn (ask)blog to practice asl? like. no plot. just henry teaching ellie and charles asl#really funny considering my Real concept of an askblog for THSC. not ace or eca; but a secret third thing (⛎) ;)#then again since when have i EVER followed through on an askblog lmao?? damb im all over the place today. we're already hitting tag limit#okay!! 3 AM!! if im going early tomorrow i gotta eep! goodnight everyone i love you!! see you tomorrow if i have the energy and time!!
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
Friendly reminder that my chapter/fic warnings are at the top of the post before the “read more” button, and if you scroll past those warnings without looking, then that’s your problem and not mine, actually 💛
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very important announcement: new @birdchildsnest fic!!!
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gibbearish · 11 months
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hey @humans saw yall responded to a post making fun of you for updating the pixel alignment of a dash icon rather than fixing anything important saying "changes like this feel small but can make a big difference for some people" which is a bullshit cop out if ive ever heard one so im here to tell you directly in a way you cant wiggle out: you know what would actually make a big difference for a LOT of people? not being transphobic assholes
#that response was so deeply annoying to me like they couldve been like 'yeah its not big but it was technically an update#so we had to include it in the update report' but they tried to frame it as 'well ackshully everyone was BEGGING us to perfecltly#align this pixel so youre WELCOME' and its like. man fuck off you dont get to throw a fit that your userbase is pissed off about#repeated blatent bigotry and then try to act like youre doing us a favor moving an icon a smidge#yall know exactly what the users want you to do to improve this site and are ignoring it because you dont actually give a shit#but you cant say that bit out loud so you have to keep talking circles around it because you know the dirty queers are the main people#keeping your site the tiny bit afloat it still is but are unwilling to actually treat us well so you have to#talk in circles and pretend you give a shit and hype up minor updates like theyre godsend while fucking over trans people anyway#anyways i hope the transphobe on staff is the one who opens this tag notification#just kidding thats all of them because if youre willing to keep a transphobe on your team and allow them to make changes#that directly target lgbt people then you are all transphobes#whats that saying thats like 'if you have 3 nazis and 9 regular men at a table you have 12 nazis'? that#i dont actually expect them to respond to this post bc like. theyre obviously already aware people are mad about this and have just been#avoiding the subject especially if PIXEL ADJUSTMENT is something theyre responding to instead but#w/e#also moving an icon slightly does not make a big difference for anyone sorry not sorry i guarantee if it hadnt been#included in the updates post not a single person would have noticed or cared#they just need something to pad their uodates post out with so people hopefully eont notice the glaring lack#of 'fired the transphobe' 'unblocked queer tags' 'turned off the image filter that targets trans women a lot for some weird reason'
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blackholemojis · 2 years
(cw reclaimed slur) may you please do a "girlboyboss" emoji? ^^
Yep! I should note that I’m making this in appreciation and solidarity with people who do reclaim that term, so if anyone’s uncomfortable with that, remember, it’s always your choice whether you follow me or not
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[ID: the word “girlboyboss” written in purple bubble letters. /End ID]
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futuregws · 1 year
Lmao ofc you're critical of pedro pascal yet you stan the most basic white men. Your yt faves can commit hate crimes and you'll defend them but pedro doesn't update his who he's following on social media oh noooooo
Baby who pissed in your cereal??
Do you need help reading?? Bc I can help you with reading comprehension, it's a tough thing to learn so it gets even the best of us, I would advise, you take care of that tho don't want you embarrassing yourself like this again
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luckyemo · 1 year
do people know what extension and what setting hides pinned blog posts lmao
#i have both xkit and tumblr savior and like am Just realizing one of them has an auto turned on setting that hides pinned blog posts#lmao @ me the past weeks being like Why do so many blogs say read my pinned but then Dont have a pinned oops#i just thought ppl deleted their pinned wout updating their description or something#im assuming its tumblr savior bc that one also auto has reblog headers turned off so you dont see the name+icon of ppl who commented#so it looks like one long post of someone talking to themself and that was annoying af until i realized#but also tumblr saviour has like 4 settings and none of them are for pinned so ive been looking thru xkit and??? nothing#like my best guess is pinned posts gets considered to be 'promoted' or an ad or something like that which like?? why#why do ppl even use posts for their abouts instead of pages like posts can be filtered out by extensions unintentionally like this#and also be filtered out intentionally with blacklists? esp bc with these pinned abouts ppl put like about byf and blacklists all on them#so like i just feel like the likelihood of someones pinned post containing a blacklisted word of someone who would be in their tumblr#orbit is like extremely high? like if youre into the same stuff its likely youre also not into the same stuff so like wyd for when like#like for example you have the word radfems blacklisted and your friend has no radfems in their byf -> u cant see your friends pinned#i am really really not sure why external about/link pages or pinned about posts are even used here this isnt twitter?????????????#tumblr has its own built in pages??????????????????????????????????????????#?????#???????????????????????????????????#anyways lol if u know how to see pinned posts containing words yr not blacklisting lmk
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sana-yan · 1 year
njpw really got to do me dirty and have their video player skip while i'm giffing..... please what are your maintenance updates for if your site is outdated and your video player is one of the worst :' )
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not-mary-sue · 2 months
Alright, to ao3's soon to be arriving Wattpad Refugees, a basic guide to general user culture:
1.) Unlike Wattpads vote system that let's you like each chapter, the ao3 equivalent kudos only allows one per work. Everyone is generally quietly annoyed about this. To engage with each chapter, you're heavily encouraged to comment. Trust me, it makes people's day.
2.) Ao3 has no algorithm. By default it's latest updated work first. You can find things to your taste through searches, filters and tags.
3.) 'No archive warnings apply' and 'user has chosen not to use archive warnings' mean two very different things. No archives warnings means the work is free from any content that could require a warning tag (character death, graphic depictions of violence, non-con, etc). User has chosen not to use archive warnings means it could contain any of the warning content, be it hasn't been explicitly tagged. Treat it like an allergen. No archive warnings apply is allergen free. User has chosen not to use archive warnings, may contain traces or whole chunks of the allergen. If you're likely to have a bad reaction, maybe don't take the risk.
4.) Speaking of warnings, ao3 has very few restrictions on the type of work that's allowed. Whatever your personal thoughts or feelings on that are, thats how the site is. You're likely to run across some dark subject matters and a lot of people are uncomfortable with reading that. You're well within your rights not like these works and have your opinion on whether they should be allowed, but harassing the authors of such works (or any works) is more likely to come back on you than them. Ao3 operates on a strong policy of 'don't like, don't read'. Use the tagging system to your full advantage to only engage with the kind of works you want to see.
We look forward to welcoming you all and seeing the fantastic works you create. Happy writing!
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weaponofmassfish · 1 month
normal people when asked to update a post's tags to better fit the post's content: yeah sure! thanks for letting me know! :)
assholes: um, but i literally tagged it as wincest? why do i need the incest tag? go away 🙄
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