#used to do this with animaniacs lol
su-nioj · 1 year
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If they are joking😭
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theforgottencrow · 5 months
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An intro at last :,) Other stuff under the cut
last updated : 05/09/2024 Hi I’m Crow! You can also call me Ink <3
Pronouns : (He/Xe/Ink/They/Knife/It/Star/Paint/Bite/Fang/she) (THERES MANY MORE BUT THESE ARE MY MAIN LOL) (how to use Xe/Xem prns here
I’m Xenogender and Trans! (F->M), But I still comfortably identify as a Butch woman <3
I’m Bi-Oriented Aegosexual Aro/Ace
Im from South Dakota
I’m German/Mexican
I’m a Proud Furry
I’m Nonhuman! So please do not refer to me as one- I prefer Skeleton terms! I’m just your average paint drinking Skeleton (Ink) <3
Very Proud Therian (Salt Water Crocodile, Snow leopard, Green tree Python, Lynx, Crow, Fox, Coyote, and also Fictionkin (Dragon & Griffin) (I am completely aware that I’m human and have no problem with that, so don’t even try that “Your human deal with it” Crap)
My B-Day is August 23rd
Oldest of 8 Siblings
I speak German and English (tad Spanish as well)
favorite animals are Crows
favorite songs atm are : I should have stayed home by Ryan Mack, and Pure as a Lamb by Baby Bugs
Favorite colors Seafoam Green and Navy Blue
I am the Co-Creator of an Original Utmv AU called “Mythologyverse”, The second Creator is my dear friend @nightmare-verse!
stuff I like : Drawing, Birds, Reading, Gaming, Athro animals, Rp, Cosplay, Skateboarding, silliness, Skeletons, doing quads, Ink sans!, Errink!, My Moots and friends!!, My Flock and Pack <3, My Husband, and more stuff I can’t remember to put :,)
If you are rude to Furries, Therians, or Lgbtq+ people then fuck off. And if you harass people over fiction, then get away from me.
some fandoms I’m interested in : WoF, FPE, Horrid Henry, Fe, Wc, Undertale/Utmv, Deltarune, Lackadaisy, Tmnt/Rottmnt, Ramshackle, BBU, Owls of Ga’hoole, HH & HB, Pokemon, MD, Tadac, MW, Bluey, Sarah & Duck, Puffin Rock, Spooky month, Fnaf, LMK, Animaniacs, Etc.
Stuff you’ll find on my blog :
Utmv art
Occasional Oc art
Ship art
Ink sans fanart
Random Stuff + occasional rambling
Other fandom art (Rarely)
Cringe culture is dead and so is my sanity <3
Do NOT repost my art without my permission or I’ll feed you a chainsaw.
I have a separate blog where all I do is reblog my art so it’s seen easier! @theforgottencorvid
I’ll ship and draw what I want if you don’t like it just scroll past it/block the tag. Don’t harass me. (I’ll ship what I want and if u don’t like that ship cool, fiction is fiction sorry if it upsets you. But feel free to scroll past.)
I’m neither pro nor anti, I couldn't care less. I honestly don't care if a creator is Proship, because if I like their stuff then I’ll keep interacting/liking the stuff they make. Fiction is Fiction, if they condone that stuff irl then that’s where I draw the line. Do not go harass ANYONE. over fiction. USE THAT HOT SEXY BLOCK BUTTON ON PEOPLE YOU DONT LIKE GUYS. NEVER DOX.
Inbox is open! Don’t be shy I absolutely love getting asks/requests from people! They make me happy :>
Drawing requests are Open
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0046incognito · 3 months
how do you animate? ive always wanted to but idk where to start, any advice? love your art btw
thank you!! i Love encouraging people to learn to animate it seems daunting at first but once you get the hang of the basics you can basically do anything
i Started learning animation by not even animating, i just would rewatch all the original animaniacs skits animated by tokyo movie shinsha over and over again and go through them frame by frame to study the timing and movement on any shots i liked, timing is probably the Most important part of animation and a lot of it genuinely just comes down to intuition, so it's good to get into the habit of studying any animation you like frame by frame, i Still do this all the time [usually just for fun but also to use as actual tangible motion reference in whatever i'm working on, for example i learned to animate lightning effects from hunter X hunter and i learned to animate floaty bouncy movements from perfect blue]
BUT i'm getting ahead of myself, basically it's good to study animation you like before jumping right into actually animating, but that won't do you any good if you don't understand the fundamentals!! this also gives me an excuse to do a warmup for once which i usually skimp out on [<-hack fraud]
the first thing ANY animation class will teach you is The Dreaded Bouncing Ball [<-i actually like animating balls][<-intentional euphemism], because it's both simple And teaches you really essential basic animation skills such as A) motion, in general B) timing C) how timing sheets basically work, and occasionally D) squash&stretch!
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you'll sometimes see animators draw charts with a bunch of lines off in the corner of a page, that's basically an old-timey timing sheet! each dash on the line indicates how many frames for a particular movement; for example, the top ball bounce has more frames bunched up at the top where it moves slowly, less frames when it's moving fast
if every motion you animate uses the same number of frames to do any movement, it'll look weird, because nothing in real life typically moves like that. you can demonstrate this in real life by just moving your hand in front of your face from one side to the other really fast; you won't see it in the middle, because that's where it's moving the fastest. this is basically where the principles for smear frames comes from!
the second thing they teach you in animation school is flour sacks so really animation is just all about nothin but balls and sacks
but the flour sack exercise is slightly more complicated so my advice for Getting STarted really ends here. once you have the hang of bouncing balls, you can apply those principles to things like character animation; some of the first "character animation" type things i ever animated when i was first learning were just really quick expression changes and flinching. this also teaches you about anticipation and what richard williams [author of the animator's survival kit highly recommend seeking out a PDF of that, he also was animation director on who framed roger rabbit and he made thief&the cobbler, he also animated some sequences on the raggedy ann&andy movie] calls Takes&Accents
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this is a Really Really simple way to get started on character animation, this is only four frames! a lot of really bouncy-looking anime tend to animate their expressions pretty much exactly like this. you can always add more frames to make it smoother or more expressive, sometimes you'll also see an "anticipate up" frame before the "anticipate down", but remember the Timing is key so if you're adding more frames, try not to shift the timing too much or it might look awkward
OK i have spend like two hours typing this up instead of actually working on what i was supposed to today LOL i hope this helped at all if you have any more questions ever feel free to ask i Love talking about animation
OH ONE MORE THING!!!! i started learning animation in adobe animate [the software that was formerly Flash] but it SUCKS!!!! DON'T USE ADOBE ANIMATE!!!! i currently use a pirated copy of toonboom harmony which is THE industry standard 2D animation software and also just the best art program i have ever used in general, but it is CRAZY expensive that's why i pirated you can also invest in a perpetual license for clip studio paint pro or EX, but pro only lets you use 24 frames Total on a timeline and EX is like two hundred somethin dollars, OR i've heard decent things about procreate dreams? which is a mobile app IDK if it has a desktop version but i think it's only like twenty bucks
OK good luck have fun everyone please enjoy animating
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ifbrd · 1 year
Yesterday I asked for clarity that the one end gag from the original Animaniacs was the only mention of Yakko being lactose intolerant. The reason I asked is because I find it funny that we all saw that moment and said “alright! Yakko is lactose intolerant! He said it himself!” Because that isn’t actually what Yakko said. The exact quote is “I’m allergic to anything with lactose in it!” He isn’t lactose intolerant, he’s allergic to lactose—and yes, there is a difference.
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The difference is that being intolerant to a food is a digestive issue, it’s your digestive system saying “um…idk what to do with this…good luck!” While allergies are immune issues, basically your immune system saying “THIS FOOD IS TRYING TO KILL US EVERYONE ATTACK!” Intolerances are usually mild, and allergies can range from mild to fatal.
And I really don’t think this was a case of the writers just saying “allergic” so kids would understand or anything like that. Being lactose intolerant is super common and I think most people, kids included, have a basic idea of what it means. Certainly, if I had to wager a guess, I’d say more people know what being “lactose intolerant” means than what being “hypoglycemic” means.
So if we are basing this entire diagnosis solely off of what Yakko said, it’s probably less likely that eating or drinking lactose makes him gassy and more likely that it gives him a rash or something. Hopefully it isn’t something like his throat swells up or anything like that but that’s also a very common symptom of a food allergy.
I’m not necessarily saying we all collectively change our interpretation of Yakko's medical issues or start writing him as having an allergy, I just find it funny that we all jumped on this bandwagon (myself included, which you’d think I’d know better, having food allergies myself lol) without actually thinking about what he was really saying.
One reason I find this funny/interesting is if he had instead said “I’m intolerant to peanuts” (which admittedly I’ve never heard of, but I’m sure it’s an issue for someone somewhere) we would have instead all had this idea that Yakko was deathly allergic to peanuts and required an epipen. Like we, understandably, associate the problems with the food, not the diagnosis. Someone has issues with lactose? They must be lactose intolerant because that’s what most people with lactose issues have. They have an issue with peanuts? They must have a peanut allergy because that’s what most people with issues with peanuts have. It makes sense that we came to the conclusion that we did, it’s just interesting to me.
The other reason I find this interpretation funny is because while the fandom, at least from what I’ve seen, seems to present Yakko’s symptoms as being more of an intolerance, it seems that the presentation of Yakko’s actions because of his lactose issues, line up more with that of an allergy. The best example of this I think is actually when it’s mentioned in the reboot in the “We Could Try to do it, Santa” song. In the song, Wakko sings “And Yakko can’t drink milk at all, the lactose makes him gassy!” In this line, Wakko describes Yakko’s symptoms as that he gets gas, which suggests that Yakko is in fact lactose intolerant. However, Wakko saying that Yakko can’t drink milk at all, to me, makes this sound more like an allergy. Look, I’m sure there are people out there who don’t ever eat lactose because they are lactose intolerant, but from what I’ve read online and witnessed from friends who are lactose intolerant…let me tell you, it doesn’t seem to prevent them from consuming foods with lactose AT ALL. One friend I’ve seen eat ice cream and another I’ve had tell me she wasn’t feeling good because she brought Mac and cheese for lunch. Lactose intolerance doesn’t seem to stop them from eating dairy at all, it only seems to influence how much they eat. Wakko saying that his brother “can’t drink milk at all” sounds like Yakko doesn’t risk it, and I just don’t buy that if Yakko was lactose intolerant that he would avoid consuming anything with lactose ever. I especially don’t buy this for rebooted-Yakko-“some of us are trying to lay in bed quietly, contemplating the brief nature of our existence”-Warner. If Yakko is lactose intolerant you know damn well he’d take a jug of ice cream and say “haha, YOLO!” And eat the whole thing in one sitting. However, if the issue was that it’s an allergy, I could see Yakko avoiding milk and such, just because allergies tend to be more severe. My friend might be willing to eat Mac and cheese for lunch and risk wanting to sit on the toilet all afternoon, but I am not willing to eat a pb&j for lunch and risk spending my afternoon in the ER. I’m not saying if Yakko is allergic to it he’d be needing an epipen and being rushed to the hospital after consuming (although you angst lovers I’m sure will have a field day with that and I respect this) because the issue could totally be something mild as well. Maybe he gets a rash, maybe his lips feel badly chapped, maybe his throat doesn’t swell up but it does feel itchy, etc. Who the heck knows.
Again I’m not saying we all course correct and make Yakko have a lactose allergy, do what you want with this information. I just had this epiphany yesterday and thought it was interesting.
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cutiecorner · 1 year
1 2 6 10 13 17 21 for harley maybe !!!! i hc her as a flip i hope thats okayyy
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OOOO lots and lots >:3c let's see what we've got!
♡ regressor ♡
1) What age do they regress to?
Usually somewhere between 7-12! Definitely a kiddo. If she really needs comfort sometimes she'll go down to toddler ages, but she has trouble keeping in a headspace that much.
2) Comfort item(s)?
HMMM she's definitely got some stuffies she loves to bits!! Literally lol, they are in tatters. I could see her having a beat up ol bunny called Doc! 'N maybe a hyena dolly from Ivy 🥰
6) Any special interests?
HMMM,, she is pure autismcore but I can't see her sticking to one thing - I think she bounces around between a lot of hyperfixations! She knows a lot about a lot of incredibly niche topics. I think in her current days she definitely talks about arkham and her villainy adventures a lot. She's always schemin! As for just things she really likes, definitely hyenas and other wild animals, cartoons like looney tools and animaniacs, psychology, and gossip!
◇ caregiver ◇
10) Favorite endearments to use?
Hmmmm she loves really silly ones! Snugglebutt, pookie-pie, babycakes, stuff like that! Also stuff like sweetheart, honey, kiddo, pipsqueak, and cutiepie! But she has a toooonn she never calls anyone their real name lol
13) Favorite game to play with their little one?
She loves aaaalll the games, especially super active ones! She has so much energy, she love love LOVES to chase her lil ones around! She also loves peekaboo, she just thinks it's precious and she loves makin faces
♤ flip ♤
17) Did they start out thinking they were strictly one or the other?
Nope! She actually encountered age regression through her psychology studies. When she found out about it she got hit with both "oh I do that" and "aw I can help with that"
21) Random Headcanon!
Hmmmm big or small, she's always making up songs! She loves to sing, and it's almost a stim for her to turn everything she's doing into a little ditty. Sometimes they're related to what she's doing (usually when she's caring - she has so many versions of "harley loves brucie/ivy" songs) or sometimes she's just saying anything (when she's regressed - nonsense songs like kids do. Anything to make noise)!
This was so much fun, thanks for asking!!
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Let's Rank the Animaniacs segments!
The order won't surprise you too much if you've followed me for a while or have seen a few of my Animaniacs-related posts (although my opinions on some segments have changed), but I figured it would be fun to rank them anyway (plus it relates to something I wanted to say regarding the characters, but I'll save that for the end). Sub series like Wheel of Morality and Dot's Poetry Corner don't count.
Segments I actively dislike
Worst - Katie Ka-Boom
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"lol teenage girls amiright?" No. Shut up. This isn't funny. Her catchphrase is dumb (“I’m not overreacting, I’m a teenager!”) and honestly her parents suck too (“Teenagers should be locked away until they’re 30.”) This is easily the most mean-spirited segment on the show, it reeks of bitterness.
The Hip Hippos
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The fat jokes suck and both hippos are boring characters with no real goal or motivation; but they are a genuinely wholesome couple and the idea of out of touch high class people being the stars of a segment is at the very least a good idea, they just botched the execution.
Chicken Boo
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The Chicken Boo segments are an okay joke told too many times in the exact same way.
Buttons and Mindy
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This segment is too mean spirited and is basically the same segment every time but I'm ranking them higher than Boo because Buttons and Mindy, as characters, are adorable and actually have personalities, unlike Boo (I'm aware Boo being like that is the point, but still).
Segments that are...OK
Mime Time
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I think The Mime being such a bland character actually improves these bumpers. I don't feel too bad when he gets hurt because we barely know him and his bumpers are brief, so we don't see him suffer for too long. Although I do think the slapstick is kinda just...fine.
The Flame
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These are little boring. I feel like the Warners do a better job with educational segments. These segments pretty much just exist to teach US history, but in a more tame yet in your face about how great they want kids to think America is way than when Warner segments would.
Randy Beaman Kid/Colin
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It sure is...a bumper.
The Incredible Gnome in People's Mouths
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This might be the weirdest premise of any Animaniacs segment, and that's saying a lot. It's alright.
Good Idea Bad Idea
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Easily the best non-sub series bumper for sure...but it's still just a bumper.
Starbox and Cindy
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This segment is kind of like Buttons and Mindy but since the protagonist is a bad person, his pain can actually be funny. It's also kind of like Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain if they didn't turn an iconic double act into an unremarkable trio. Hearing Cindy ramble about random stuff in the background is both cute and funny (I'll admit the Gnome probably should be higher because it's more of an original idea...but Cindy's adorable so I'm putting this higher lol).
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I didn't like their first segment, but a lot of their later ones are OK, even though many over-rely on the whole "and then the Goodfeathers get hurt" bit. They're not much more than a (now dated) reference, and I think the writers realised this eventually because they clearly gave up on them at one point. They get no segments in season 3, only one in season 4, in season 5 they just get cameos and bumpers, and they show up really late compared to everyone else in Wakko's Wish. Pesto's the only standout character here to me, I don't really care for Squit or Bobby.
Minerva Mink
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I like how she loves to wallow in self pity about how hard her life is yet is incredibly vain, manipulative and loves to be ruder than she needs to be. She's not a saint, but that's funny! I would've put her segments in the next tier if not for 1-the fact that she only has two segments so she never got to reach her full potential as a character and 2-the sheer amount of perv-pandering...which happens to be the reason why she only has two segments.
Segments I like!
Rita and Runt
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Their segments can be hit or miss, but I think the bad ones aren't bad enough and the good ones are good enough to warrant them being this high. Rita and Runt are both likeable characters, their segments aren't the funniest but they have a lot of heart. Not gonna lie Rita's probably the best singer on the show.
Slappy Squirrel
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She's basically what would happen if a Looney Tunes character ever actually grew to be old. She solves modern day problems with old school cartoon solutions, she's great!
Pinky and the Brain
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In truth, if it weren't for their spin off series and the Animaniacs reboot these guys would probably be under Slappy. I've dedicated at least four long posts to these two I'm not going into further detail lol.
Best - Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
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Chaotic good puppy children live out every kid's fantasy of fighting back against adults who mistreat them or others, what's not to like? I like that out of all the characters (aside from Slappy) they're the best homage to classic cartoons, between their designs and the fact that they often have entire segments that are homages to classic cartoons, like "The Girl with the Googily Goop", "The Warner's Vault" or "Yakko Amakko". Plus the Warners have one of the least formulaic segments on the show so that helps-great songs, cute sibling/family shenanigans, fun parodies, and just a whole bunch of zany chaos!
In all seriousness, the main reason I made this post is because a couple times I've seen people post/tweet something along the lines of "real Animaniacs fans like all/most segments" or "a true Animaniacs fan should like *blah blah blah* segments" and I just wanted to say...no.
If you only watch the show for the Warners, or just Slappy, or both Pinky and the Brain and Starbox and Cindy, or just Rita and Runt, Hip Hippos and Mime Time, or even literally only for Katie Kaboom, that's valid.
There's no quota for which segments you have to like. If you're a fan, you're a fan, no one else gets to decide that.
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thewarnerbrothers · 1 year
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uncommon (?) hc time. upon rewatching some of the og series and reboot ive become fairly certain that the warners (even the youngest) are, in fact, inteded to be teens. in this bulleted list i will
no but really
when i was younger i used to think 'huh these kids act weird for their age sometimes. its like theyre not even really little kids.' as much as i coo over their cute shenanigans, i can't really see them as anything 12 or under?
the warners are all at least teens. here's why
[youtube countdown video intro music]
their ages are never actually explicity stated in canon
their heights are pretty much meaningless. the tiny toons cast are meant to be teens yet are often half or even a third the size of bugs bunny. he's also small for the record, like many other adult toons
playing child or childish roles on the in-universe show is similarly meaningless. older kids/teens are easier to direct than younger ones (though the warners are difficult at times lol)
they constantly break character and the fourth wall in ways that betray older sensibilities, taste, and knowledge
having pitched-up voices isn't an age-specific thing for toons
in the reboot their voices aren't even pitch-shifted, making them sound older
the teen-level potty humor and dirty jokes (do you remember being 13? i do. if you think some of the innuendos in animaniacs are bad, i can guarantee you real middle schoolers were/are far worse)
wakko drinking grog. his 'liquorice' [liquor-ish] problem. also stating he'd 'try anything once' (bet he enjoyed woodstock lol)
i think people mistake wakko's wackiness and earnesty for stupidity and youthful ignorance. fanon really flattens him to just being 'the dumb cute puppy' sometimes
i don't think a case really needs to be made for yakko. he's the archetypal teenage boy character in many ways
dot is just as bad as her brothers LMAO
the warners all flirt like teens
they've referenced going on 'serious' dates before
literally just watch the show. what 9-11 year olds consistently act like that lmao
this part of the series bible (which as a whole i don't consider entirely canon but the bible is obviously is the basis of the entire og series)
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personally, i dont care what tom said in that podcast episode. i relistened to the part where he claims they're '9, 11, 14' or whatever and it sounded like he threw those numbers out on the spot LOL. the actual show gives an entirely different impression imo
not to mention its boring always being beholden to word of god
[as a sidenote, the hc that the warners are actually fully grown adults playing children is really fucking funny to me. imagine being a dwarf toon, sounding like chip and dale's chipmunk voices, and you run around the rest of your immortality getting away with murder because everything thinks you're a cute kid. like baby from WFRR but rubberhose. big 'woman who played a 9-year old in orphan first kill' energy too]
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in the end it doesnt matter a ton to me? im still gonna play around with their ages in fic like always. this new teen hc mostly informed how i see wakko and dot now, because they start making a lot more sense in my head
ive also started taking a liking to the 'wakko and dot are twins' headcanon but that's for another post
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cxtrin3z · 2 years
neurodivergent wakko better be canon next season
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yeah i kinda stole the nd symbol from google images lmao
but heres nd wakko!! hehe
i used the nd symbol bcs: 1. i hc him as NOT ONLY autistic, but ALSO adhd, and 2. the autism infinity symbol is just a bright rainbow and the colors of the nd symbol suit him better. (plus its prettier imo)
oh, and i cant stop using this brush
and i was seeing how fluffy i could make him lol
please do not repost my art, regardless if you give credit. reblog instead! thank you!
i really wish i started getting hyperfixed on animaniacs back in march so that i had something to make something for autism month with instead of an oc ive basically lied to myself abt connecting to. yeah, the oc in question was supposed to be an autism sona but like. i just never connected to her enough idkkk sihajsj
at least i have a char to project onto in multiple situations lawl
also once again, fluffy wakko ftw
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softpawsxd · 9 months
Hey folks! My name's Noelia Reyes Bello (you can call me by the codename "Fluffy Sparkles" if you want! ^^) and welcome to my blog! For you see i'm a web-cartoonist besides an artist, Animator and concept designer who loves being Multifandom geek and eating Chicken Nuggies with Oreo Frapuccinos (which Frapuccinos tastes so great just like the milkshakes)! X3
About me:
Austistic 18-year-old animation fangirl, Cuz i LOVE cartoony fandoms so much UwU...
Non-Binary gal (who uses She/her/He/Him pronouns!)
🇨🇱Chilean lady!🇨🇱
Loves to roleplay (Almost sometimes actually LOL...)
You can also follow me on:
Instagram: DatOnePopTartWolfy
YouTube: Fluffy Sparkles The Pop Tart Wolfy
DeviantArt: PomeranianSoap
TikTok: PopTartWolfyUwU
WattPad: WolfPuppyGal
Twitter: PopTartWolfy05
DerpiBooru: SteakFlavoredNuggets/WolfPuppyGal
Hyperfixations/Fandoms i'm in:
Object Shows in general (Mostly Inanimate Insanity 2 and Modern Objects)
Furry Community
The Henry Stickmin Colllection
Monica'S Gang
Xavier Riddle And The Secret Museum
Untitled Goose Game (That game is funny, Heh!)
Littlest Pet Shop (2012 version most of all)
Breadwinners (Sorry…)
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
The Mitchells VS The Machines
Funko Pop (although it doesn't count as an actual fandom, I love it so much!)
Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom
Unikitty/The LEGO Movie
Animaniacs (Sometimes)
Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi
Disney's Tsum Tsum series
Space Jam (Both the 90's one and its sequel)
Animal Crossing
The Emoji Movie (Sorry again…)
Blue Sky Studios (Mainly Ice Age and Rio)
Elinor Wonders Why
Mickey Mouse (Paul Rudish version)
Monster High
And so much more!
Type of requests/art trades that I accept or do:
Digital/tradicional art and/or comics
Animation memes and/or animatics
Easy OC's for me to draw
Any kind of headcanons
Fanfictions (Maybe?)
Type of fanfics that i write:
Creepypasta-esque/Indie horror
Crossover fandoms
Werewolf TF
And many more!
DNI/Do NOT interact:
Yucky/Disgusting people
Vore artists
Fetish artists
P3d0ph1l3s and/or z00ph1l3s
Users who traces people's art (🤬Including mine🤬)
Anti-Furry users
Homphobic and Transphobic/Anti-LGBTQ+ people
NSFW users/artists
Racist users (Mostly the ones who says the N word!)
Zionists (You know, The ones whosupport Israel instead of Palestine...)
And much worse...
Art/animatic/animation status:
Art trades: OPEN
Requests: OPEN
DM's and/or Inbox: OPEN
My 2nd/other Tumblr accouts:
@cakecakedoesstuff (🌈My very own DIY account🌈)
Thanks you so much for reading, Have a nice day!
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pipinghawtcocoa · 3 months
𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡!☁️⋅♡
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hello and welcome to my tumblr :3 i write rottmnt/tmnt fanfics, which is what my page is mostly about! currently, i am working on my rise!au fic titled "sanctuary" on ao3! you can read it here:
and now the important stuff:
ʙʏꜰ ♡ :3
+ my page is is intended for ages 16+! content warnings will be indicated for each chapter of my fic (or any of my posts) if they contain such content (i.e. violence, suggestive references/s3xual content, suic*de/s*lf harm). if you are under the age of 16, please do not interact with my page or any of my fics. if you choose to, you are completely responsible for exposing yourself to any of the content included in my story/posts. viewer discretion advised!! be smart, if you know you can't handle it, there's no shame in moving on :3
+ i don't take writing requests! i won't write you a fic or oneshot, but you can suggest a snippet idea for me to jot down for you. feel free to share ideas for my current projects or suggestions that can improve my writing :D
+ i am slow to respond to comments and/or messages! i am still new to this site lol
+ i might post art related to my current fics!
ᴅɴɪ ✩ >:/
+ nsfw accounts/authors (while i might dabble in themes and or content that could be 18+, please do not share fics or stories/invite me to spaces with an 18+ rating with me!)
+ tcest accounts/authors
+ racists, bigots, people who discriminate against ppl's personal/religious beliefs, z00s, MAPS, other assorted losers (basically any generally unpleasant folk >:/)
+ ppl who put milk before cereal /j
ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍꜱ ɪᴍ ɪɴ ✮:
+ rottmnt (and tmnt in general)
+ lego monkie kid
+ animaniacs
+ hilda
+ captain laserhawk: a blood dragon remix
+ moon girl and devil dinosaur
+ bluey
this is my first time using the site, so please be patient (and kind!) i look forward to being silly with y'all :D
⋆୨୧ hawtcocoa
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dykebarbie · 1 year
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•••••••••••••• hi!! ••••••••••••••
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❀ i’m sydney!!
❀ she/they, 20
❀ all original posts go under #a sydney original
❀ i have a taz blog @lucretiaadventurezone
❀ and a barbie blog @dailybarbie
❀ my ao3 is lesbianbarbie
❀ prev url: gaybarbie
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••••• media i’m interested in •••••
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♡ = main interests at the moment
❀ movies
𖧧 saltburn
𖧧 the nice guys
𖧧 ocean's 11, 12, and 13
𖧧 topgun
𖧧 xanadu
𖧧 bill and ted’s excellent adventure
𖧧 the karate kid
𖧧 dungeons & dragons: honor among thieves
𖧧 venom
𖧧 rocketman
𖧧 kingsman
❀ tv shows
𖧧 ♡ star trek ♡
𖧧 sk8 the infinity
𖧧 psych
𖧧 good omens
𖧧 doom patrol
𖧧 ♡ house m.d. ♡
𖧧 ted lasso
𖧧 the magicians
𖧧 the sandman
𖧧 dirk gently's holistic detective agency
𖧧 animaniacs
𖧧 peacemaker
𖧧 heartstopper
𖧧 hannibal
𖧧 what we do in the shadows
𖧧 our flag means death
𖧧 avatar: the last airbender
𖧧 yuri! on ice
𖧧 sk8 the infinity
❀ theatre
𖧧 chicago
𖧧 cats (1998)
𖧧 tick, tick… boom!
𖧧 twelfth night
𖧧 falsettos
𖧧 ride the cyclone
❀ misc
𖧧 ♡ the adventure zone ♡
𖧧 ♡ barbie ♡
𖧧 hlvrai
❀ obviously i know there’s a lot of interests listed here, so it may not be entirely useful, but it’s more for me to keep track of things im interested in lol
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sheepinthebigcity · 1 year
okay fine. ALL OF THEM. GO.
YOU'RE INSANE (am i even in that many fandoms)
the character everyone gets wrong
mad ducktor. enough said
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
i'm presuming they meant dom or sub in this regard anyway i feel like all my faves are like lame ass switches and honestly i am SO tired of seeing them as always dom. boring behavior.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
honestly i'm just tired of seeing takes in 2023 about my girl faves and how they're annoying and get in the way of either yaoi ships or selfships...
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
not to go back into ducks again but i remember when the animaniacs reboot dropped i made a mutual with this super annoying person on twitter who kept talking about yakko warner and milk and about a week later an acquaintance of mine asked me how long i knew them and then said "we think that your new mutual is cannedtins"
5. worst discord server and why
im not in bad discord servers im normal 0:-)
i do have a lot of osc and em servers muted tho <:-D
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
a looooooot of shippers are annoying LOL. as far as not freak ships go, i sure do have a lot of hate in my heart for fenro... but are fenro fans annoying.... idk. i curate myself a lot.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i CANT just say mad ducktor again.... but honestly? 4 and X bfdi.....
9. worst part of canon
closing time being canon to catch 22
10. worst part of fanon
i hate when fanon unanimously agrees on a gender and sexuality headcanon for a character especially when it's one i relate to and i could make their gender and sexuality so so so so much weirder...
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
at least a dozen? i dont like a lot of popular fandoms.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i feel like all my unpopular faves are unpopular for good reason. i may not like the reason but im alone in my happiness.
anyway fanny bfb you should like her because she has a rough exterior and a soft interior.
13. worst blorboficiation
the guys from one but i dont mind too much because it's one.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i see a lot of x reader shit and it always feels like every reader is like. the same 19 year old girl. and man we're different in every way.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
cat ears
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
honestly i guess i get it bc they're both protags but spifan... it's kind of... BORING to me! no offense to ppl who do like it but i find myself more into prufan and pacome x zorglub....
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
sheep in the big city fic and art that doesn't suck
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
honestly i'm in so many fandoms where there's a hero x villain old man ship and in SO MANY OF THEM it is ignored.... SAD!
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
let's just say there's a certain ship that goes against so many of my principles and yet i've shipped it for over a decade and got good friends to ship it too and leaf it there
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
whatever the hell fireafy was doing in nubfb
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
clive dove professor layton. unwound future has better aspects
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
i think ppl should pay more attention to misa in death note
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
i used to hate mei x red son from monkie kid and now it's my top otp LOL
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"stop watching kid shows" these ppl aren't watching kid shows they are JUST watching owl house if they were wathcing kid shows i'd have someone to talk about rocketeer 2019 with
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hazyinkglades · 7 months
Might as well [Meet the artist thingy]
Name: Reilly [i dislike my name LOL] Gender: Genderfluid [female at birth tho] Nickname(s): Ink Zodiac: Pisces Birthday: March 11th Country: Canada eh? Relationship status: Taken :] i have a lovely girlfriend! One random fact about you: Very bad social anxiety disorder [i still enjoy chatting with people tho!], Chronic depression [art is my home away from home] Favourite Movies/TV Shows: CSI, Laser hawk hell yah, Ducktales, Gravity falls, Troll hunters [i don't watch very much tv a a] Favourite Bands/Artists: MCRM, Green day, Twenty one pilots [that kinda genre] If you could have an unlimited shopping spree what store would it be at: i dislike shopping :']
What are your top five favourite fandoms?: hmm TADC, Ducktales, Rayman, Troll hunters, Animaniacs. Favourite Character from each: - TADC: Pomni - Ducktales: Scrooge [im sorry hes been my favourite duck since i was young along side Donald lol] - Rayman: Rayman himself [tho i do like raymesis and the magician from the first rayman ahah] - Troll Hunters: Blinky - Animaniacs: Yakko Do you do fanwork: When i feel like it yah Opinion on AU fanwork: PLEASE KEEP MAKING THEM IM IN LOVE
Artist Questions:
What is your favourite medium?: Traditional tbh Most used digital art programs: Gimp and illustrator [they both suck] A style you do the most: Cartoony i guess?? Favourite artists that inspire you: humm pretty much everyone i follow on here i cant really be picky everyones really cool! One thing you want to draw better: Animals :'] Current art project/series: Making some ducktales ocs figured id make a family ive got some personality and backstory figured out :D! then i wanna get back to doing some rayman stuff. Have you ever taken an art course?: Nope completely self taught since i was a little kid.
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tezzbot · 1 year
tezz is the new animaniacs worth watching or should i just to the old one, i remember hearing they weren't using a lot of the characters and it kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
a lot of people apparently didnt like it but i think its fun it def hits its stride in season 2
they werent able to use a lot of characters because they wanted to use the original voice actors but they werent able to get a lot of them for various reasons like for example Pesto's va Chick Vennera was battling cancer and later passed in 2021, Sherri Stoner, Slappy's va just didn't want to lol and so on but they do make cameos through the seasons! just not voiced
they did take out hello nurse entirely which they didnt really have to but, yknow, frightened studio execs and all that lmfao
there are other short segments other than the warners and pinky and the brain like starbox and cindy (which i grew to enjoy tbh) and they try out other stuff as well
i would say that the reboot doesnt have the same charms as the original the characterisations have ever so slightly changed and i do still prefer the og but i like the reboot a lot so definitely give it a chance it does have some really great moments even if as a whole it isnt quite what it used to be AND you get to see funny little characters run around and make noice for the first time in 22 years and isnt that enough<3 sfgdghf
I RECOMMEND WATCHING THE ORIGINAL FIRST IF YOU HAVENT THOUGH there are fun references and stuff through especially season one so. do that lol that includes Wakko's Wish absolutely required viewing thanku<333
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rgbyshipper101 · 1 year
Animaniacs reboot season 3 spoilers:
Ok I’m actually surprised but I went to the Hulu website and I was actually able to look at the pictures of the episodes. I don’t remember if I was able to do that before.
Nonetheless, thank you to the posts from people on Animaniacs tumblr making me aware enough to check.
So, this confirms a few things.
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This is from the first episode since it has the seats in the background. Is that a LaMarche burp? Is…is that blood?
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This is the picture they used. Ralph and Nora are so tall compared to them. I love Nora’s pointing to them. But why are they both dressed as guards? Wakko’s gonna bring something.
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This is from episode two with the card game. I was way off. Lol
Pinky’s in his pageant outfit. Wonder why.
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This is the episode three one. I’m happy cause the next pictures I was gonna post I’m pretty sure are in this episode. Which means I got it right. Ha!
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These are the ones. They look like they’re just having fun causing havoc. I think these are the day in the life on the Warners lot ones. I would love to see them just causing chaos like they used to.
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Ok this can literally be anything but it might be the same episode but at nighttime. Also Yakko’s face reminds me of the original with the eyes. He looks so maniacal.
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This description is from Hulu.
Not confirmed but gonna say
Fantasy/Über Nachtmare/Talladega Mice:The Ballad of Pinky Brainy
Is the first one a crossover segment??? Wait is Slappy in this one? Like a “What could have been?”
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Episode 4’s picture. Look at Yakko! He’s so cute! Why is he the only one dressed up? His costume reminds me of the Schnitzelbank one.
Carpooling episode? Again? Uber? Still love a scratchy and the Warners episode.
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This is from a short on Animaniacs twitter. They’re ordering food. Look at his face!
Ok so all the car ones I did last post might be for the desert musical festival here. Whoops.
Part 4
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lifewiththelulus · 9 months
This is Dwayne, he used to be a biker gang leader, till he fell in love with a lovely fire woman and had a daughter. Now he works at Baked woods and sometimes brings Maggie to play with Sprout. He still wears a serious stone face but really is like any goofy dad who adores his wife, child and job.
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Kindlin is a little nervous around him at first But once she realizes he's a good guy she feels comfortable around him and loves playing with Maggie if things are slow
Birch is always slipping a few treats to Maggie when she can lol
Omg yass her and sprout being friends would be adorable!
Maggie is actually autistic, she doesn’t talk a lot and when she does it’s usually off handed comments about stuff she’s into but has nothing to do with the conversation. I like the idea of Maggie just walking am up to people just to tell short random stories to them and leave. XD kinda like that little boy in animaniacs
Sprout would be so intrigued the first time she does it to her and is like "this smells like a friendship"
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