#vent incoming
1o1percentmilk · 2 months
i kind of just realized that literally everything i do is a job to me
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transxfiles · 8 hours
im gonna be sick
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wompwomf · 23 days
kids these days will want anything to be a trauma story for them
"my dad groomed me" and "im a ramcoa survivor"
and then when you ask them about it they end up describing their dad being a normal loving parent and they just left a church because the pastor was mean once (he was probably pointing out bad behavior in sunday school)
and as a survivor of grooming, i can't say anything on the ramcoa bit, its fucking disgusting how many kids will call me a groomer for wanting to be friends, or for calling them a nickname, you can be friends with people of other ages and not be romantic
and im sorry if this part specifically offends you, but 2-3 year age gap IS NOT GROOMING, grooming is 5 or more years apart when one or both is under the age of 18!! and 17 year olds, stop trying to make every adult out to be a groomer for trying to help you
ive met people who are actual groomers, and people who have been groomed, if an adult inconveniences you YOU ARE NOT BEING GROOMED, being groomed is when the intent is specifically and clearly romantic and or sexual INITIATIVE FROM SOMEONE OLDER, if you are making advances on an adult, youve been groomed or your fucked up, but that is on the adult to stop or block you!!! YOU making advances and them stopping you IS NOT GROOMING and im tired of people acting like it is!!!
stop pretending to have actual trauma from something non traumatic, when you ACTUALLY get groomed i will listen and console you, if you say your groomed i will believe you UNTIL i hear your story, if your story is just a normal encounter with someone 2 years or older and YOU interpreted it as romantic or sexual, im leaving you and your trauma at the door because I couldn't care less
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here are the definitions if grooming and pedophilia, YOU ARE NOT BEING GROOMED!! if your experience does in fact fit into these definitions, i recommend getting help from a friend or a professional to get out of this problem, whether you are a pedophile, or are being victimized by one, and i sincerely hope everything gets better, my prayers are being sent to you and to a safe recovery 💜
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belong2human-kind · 1 month
Hey guys, Clara here 🫂
This is a venting post, it has some TWs: cancer illnesses, mentions of trauma and mental disorders.
I've been very off from tumblr, feeling pretty detached from pretty much anything lately. I'm not even sure if I'm going through another depressive episode or just life itself has been pretty tough, maybe both.
I always talk about how bad OCD, generalized anxiety and ADHD get my routine and my life really messed up, but there are more things, some that only a few here know because I am always really scared to talk about, mostly because of OCD. I have a lot of different themed obsessions, but one of them includes mystical thinking ("If I say this, it will happen" or "I can't sing, write or mention the word de a th completely or I'll lose someone" etc.)
Some days, I am feeling way better about these things and I even manage to write about it, but on others, not so much. So, as I mentioned here before, I can't say the phrase, but my closest family person is facing a stage 4 cancer right now, and things have not been going the best. I lost my dad to covid at the same year and month this person discovered the cancer, same month, she also had covid at the same time. And now her brother is terminal stage on cancer too. I have the historical of this disease on both sides of my family, VERY strongly. My family isn't very united and they are not so young, plus the heavy cancer history; I fear almost everyday I'll lose everyone and end up alone, also not to mention the fear of developing it too 🥲
Because of OCD and my fears, I cannot mention who the person is, but some might have an idea by what I said, and I guess two people here know because I can talk privately about, OCD just won't allow me to mention it "public" (I know it makes no real sense, but OCD never have made any). Well, things are going pretty hard. I feel really lost :')
Lately my chronic issues have been out of control: constant asthma attacks and my asthma was so much more controlled, more rhinitis and sinusitis pain than ever that won't ever stop, not even after 4 or 6 meds, more nauseous, more insomniac (almost 3 months very badly sleep deprived because of nightmares of all these trauna :'c ), forgetting to eat, skipping classes, 0 notion of time and space progression... And after all of that, I'm still dealing with an old childhood trauma too :'c it's been too tough. I hope I can make out of this, honestly. Life has been a nightmare. Trying to find strength to face all of this :')
I haven't forgotten any of you, and I hope I'll find back motivation to be active and interact. I love this community and I feel so welcomed by everyone 🫂
Miss you all and hope you're all doing well 🫂🌻
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axolozzy · 1 month
hey is there a difference from stealing something mass manufactured from a multibillion dollar corporation or stealing food from homeless people. trying to see somethjng. trying to prove my family wrong
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githling · 29 days
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llitchilitchi · 1 month
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laddersofsweetmisery · 11 months
Everytime I read the news I feel like death is waiting right outside of my door. Who wouldn't be agoraphobic at this point? Ignorance really is bliss. I miss the feeling of being 11 years old with little internet accessibility--stupid and loving it.
I've grown to dislike my humanness. I hate having a body that needs constant tending to and external responsibilities placed on me by systems my species has created without my input. I always have to eat, sleep, drink, use the bathroom, take care of myself physically and mentally... aliveness is exhausting. I know I have a tendency towards laziness and others frown upon idleness, but why is 'doing nothing' considered a sin when the years of others 'doing something' have lead to great examples of human suffering? Would history be kinder if we just did a little less a little more happily? Most of the good deeds in the world are just people responding to other's bad deeds or systematic failings. We're constantly picking up the slack and fixing the messes of others who wanted to 'do something.' The beauties seem so temporary compared to the exhaustion. I hate having the ability to reflect and this harrowing awareness of my own existence. To be human seems to be an overwhelming recognition of pain. I don't know if I'll ever truly be happy being alive if it means staying human and I don't know what therapist could ever fix that. Maybe a little witch who wants to turn me into a frog could, but that's about it.
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notwhirlpool · 2 months
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at my lowest atm but sorta happy bc I've got a couple albums worth of songs
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g4ostt0wn · 3 months
If you don’t fit in a small community a high school leave. If something isn’t worth staying there is no point to. I held on to so many friendships because I was scared not because I was happy. If you let go you will find people who actually love and care about you.
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teddysterk · 1 year
To the lovely people out there im sorry you have to listen to me screaming 😁❤️ you deserve the world
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lobotomygender · 3 months
if i had a nickel for every time a best friend of mine i knew irl ignored me / talked over me over text id have two nickels. which isnt a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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anadorablekiwi · 3 months
I… think i should go to bed maybe
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fumrell · 6 months
Mental health in such a bad spot that not even fursona art can help
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ghostfoolish · 11 months
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belong2human-kind · 1 year
Hi guys 🌻
Sorry for disappearing again 😞💔 I'm not so fine, but I'll try be a little more active in the next days. I feel really tired and overwhelmed those last days, a lot has happened and honestly I'd just like to sleep to skip this tumultuous times and the pain that it causes. I don't really even know what's making me down lately, I guess it's a big mix of feelings. Lately, I've been having this depressive episodes frequently where I just can't play what I like to, where I can't draw, write or even see joy of entering here to role play with my friends. This is quite sad and unexpected because I'm taking antidepressants (to treat my severe OCD and GAD, I don't have any depression diagnosis) so I don't think I should be feeling this sad out of nowhere. I don't have motivation to do anything, but usually even though I lack energy to do stuff I like, I still want to do them, I usually don't feel so so sad without a strong motive (like when I have to face traumatic events and situations, involving people and alcohol as an example)
Don't really know what's happening 😞 I was getting better, but I guess it happens right? I've heard that healing is a curve of ups and downs, not a straight line, but sometimes this downs do get me really unmotivated
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Letting go of something that still hurts you deeply is really hard... but it's worthy.
Some people here know that I'm the Mun of the account of @lothal-cat-jedi . I roleplay Ez, my dearest jedi boy and for sure his character is always teaching me so many stuff. Since I get to disappear a lot due to my health, I'd like to say that I will still continue to roleplay with Ezra, but if my group that roleplays with me wants to roleplay with another mun and account, I hope you guys know that you're all free to do it 🌻 after all, the much Ezras the better 💙😂
@oldmanwithashield my dear friend, I'm sorry for not talking too much with you and disappearing from here and from our rp💔 I ADORE role-playing with you, youre the best Sabine ever! Rebellious at heart❤
Adore you all guys, hope you all are safe cause world have been really crazy lately🤍
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