#verse: at the end of the world
lindsayrps · 3 months
too close to the fire
after a few days here, indigo loses count of how many men go down.
a few months and the numbers become so unfathomable that he tries not to think about it. he compartmentalizes it, pushes it deep down into a box in the dark recesses of his mind where it doesn’t bother him when it’s not supposed to. it’s the only way to survive, really, and he knows that he’s one of the lucky ones to be able to do this without it interfering with his ability to get the job done day in and day out. if he thinks about it too much, he’ll start thinking about how he might not be so lucky next time and it could be him bailing out and floating somewhere over germany as he watched his plane dive and go up in flames, leaving those he’d left behind to grapple with his fate, whatever it might’ve been.
death would’ve been a mercy, then, because he thinks that is the worst thing he could’ve done to anyone, eliza included.
but another mission goes south like they all seem to lately. he doesn’t know how many men make it back but it’s less than what they’d left with. all he knows is he’s lucky to make it back in one piece, even luckier to be able to land his plane on the runway without crashing it, an engine sputtering after a spray of flak somewhere over germany. he takes a minute for himself, in the cockpit, watching as the mechanics zoom across the runway in their jeeps towards them before climbing out as they come to a stop in front of his plane.
"how bad is it?" he asks, pulling off his helmet.
"not the worst I’ve seen but," one of them starts, ducking under the wing to get a closer look at some of the damage. "you’re not gonna be flyin’ it for a while, at least."
indigo glances skyward. of course he would get grounded, at worst, or have to find a new bird to fly, something that is only marginally better. he sighs. "right, thanks guys."
he steps away, watching as the returning men load themselves into the back of trucks to head for interrogation without saying so much as a word to each other. indigo thinks he’ll climb on the one david’s standing in front of but he waves them off and stands there, instead, hands on the back of his head and staring out into the open field across from them.
"you good?" indigo asks, approaching from the side.
david shrugs and, for a second, indigo thinks he’ll just leave it at that and they can go but then he says, "you know how many went down?"
"too many." a pause. "another empty cot, another footlocker sent home, another moment of silence at the club. gettin’ real tired of it, man."
"i know." indigo isn’t really sure what else there is to say. he’s been there, too, packing up personal belongings, writing letters to loved ones back home to give them the worst news they could possibly ever hope to get from someone they don’t even know but who knew their father, brother, son, husband. "we’re all tired."
david scoffs, hands dropping from his head to his waist as he fully turns towards indigo. "that’s all you’ve got to say?"
"hatch, come on." he thought they’d been over this weeks ago with rex. he had been the idiot pulling flak out and bleeding all over the place, it wasn’t something that david should’ve had to bear witness to but he’d known the risks—they all had and they’d still climbed into those planes time and time again. this was never going to be a walk in the park. none of them should’ve ever thought it would’ve or should’ve been.
"how many of your friends have to die before you start showin’ some damn emotion, huh?" david challenges, "who’s it gonna take? sid? elliot?" a beat, "me?"
"you think i don’t give a shit? that i don’t think about what I’d have to say in a letter to your folks if i ever had to send one?" indigo asks. "it’s all i think about when i wake up every morning."
"could’ve fooled me."
"you’re a real bastard, you know that, right?" indigo fires back, anger climbing. they’ve never fought before, not over this. indigo trusted david with his damn life and if he had to climb into a plane with him with everything on the line, he knew he wouldn’t even question it for a second. that he was doubting how much indigo cared about him, or any of the other men, and their wellbeing during every mission was, frankly, insulting. at this point, he thinks david is goading him into an argument, a reason to throw punches and get all of that anger out and he doesn’t want to do it anymore. "get on a jeep to interrogation or i’ll drag your ass there myself."
it’s all but an order and a threat, though, indigo doesn’t bother looking back when he walks away. he goes to interrogation and, a few hours later, gets a better update on the status of his plane. still looking at being grounded for more than a few days but they’d probably have something else he could fly in the meantime, if he wanted.
he didn’t know if he did.
by nightfall, indigo thinks he’s calmed down enough from his row with david to go for a drink at the club. it’s more subdued than usual but that’s to be expected and most of the usual crowd isn’t here. he thinks he saw elliot at the clubmobile listening to jazz records with the red cross girls on his way over and sid was probably in his bunk reading whatever book he could get his hands on, a tactic he does to wind down after missions indigo’s learned. not having to make any stops along the way, he quietly winds his way to the bar and signals for two drinks. david sits on the end opposite him, flicking his lighter open and shut but not bothering to light a cigarette up.
when the drinks are set down in front of him, indigo quickly picks them up and works over to the other side of the bar, sliding onto the stool next to david. silently, indigo pushes one of them towards him before lifting the other to take a drink. david contemplates the glass in front of him, as if he was trying to assess whether indigo had had the time to poison it in the time it took for him to get from one end of the bar to the next but decides, apparently, that it wasn’t possible before downing most of it in one go.
"we good?" david asks.
"yeah," indigo says, "we’re good."
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starlingsrps · 3 months
dorothea "dorey" mason, twenty five, code-breaker // au: at the end of the world
dorey is not nearly as much of a stick in the mud as she might appear but she does have resting bitchface and a very serious job so sometimes. but there is a war on.
dorey is a dorothea and she was raised comfortably middle class in clapham by people who were on the fringes of bohemia but went straight after having their first child, jessamine. bloomsbury turned into clapham, writing jobs turned into teaching and keeping house and as the children kept coming, the names became less bohemian. jessamine (34) was followed by caspian (33), then dorothea and then finally, exhausted, jane (23).
dorey is very glad she's not jessa or cas. dorey is enough.
dorey came along once her father had become principal of a boy's school in clapham and the only remnants of their bohemian past were a certain liberality in the education of their children and encouraging them to do whatever made them happy. jessa was and is a talented artist, cas breeds horses in ireland, jane is studying to become a doctor, and dorey does math for both fun and a living.
she was always the studious one in her family and if her parents stopped being able to make heads or tails of her math homework before she hit puberty, they were still supportive. she won a scholarship to newnham college at cambridge and holds a double first in mathematics (but no degree because fun fact cambridge didn't give those to women until 1948. no she's not holding a grudge!).
by the time she finished, the war had started and as absolutely no war jobs held much appeal to her (weak ankles, too many years in a library), she was recruited to the government code and cypher school and eventually moving to bletchley park. there were a few frustrating weeks where she was primarily doing clerical work before being assigned to hut six as a codebreaker on army and air force engima deciphering.
(and if i have to dip any deeper, i am above both my pay grade and intelligence level)
dorey is very good at her work and take a lot of pride in it. she's always enjoyed puzzles and there's nothing like the rush of breaking a code. she's been called to the war office a few times and while she knows she's not going to get any kind of major recognition for her work, the pride is what keeps her working.
make no mistake, that does not mean she's accepted it. like the denial of a full degree, the lack of recognition chafes at her. as a result, she sometimes take herself too seriously. she presents herself well, never a hair out of place and always keeps her composure. it takes a lot to ruffle her. she's determined and stubborn and does not do a task unless she can do it with her full attention.
despite all of this, she is tender deep down. she's very close to her family and stays with jessa when she's in london (clapham's too far from the war office). she keeps a steady correspondence with cas in ireland and jane in america and while she worries that she's doomed to be the maiden aunt, she knows that they'll always love her. she can be sweet and thoughtful when she isn't in her head but until the war is over: she's got work to do and that comes first always.
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I was thinking about how genuinely heartbreaking it was for Pavitr’s last line in the movie to be “Is everything going to be okay?” No one responds to his question either, Gwen can’t seem to even look at him. He stands there looking so confused and sad as he watches Mumbattan be enveloped by this black hole.
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My heart hurts 🥺
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iwasbored777 · 10 months
Love learning new things just like the other day someone said that, apparently, in order to lean on Miles' shoulder Gwen had to use extra strength and concentration cuz it's already hard to sit upside down and she made it even more difficult by balancing her weight enough to lean her upper body towards another person and it made me think of how she didn't hold hands with him which was way easier to do in that position but she felt so bad that she rejected him that she said "fuck gravity he needs to know that I care. I already fell for him I might as well fall down too"
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goldensunset · 6 months
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O you, who at the world's far-off end dwell,
I know your wish- it is my wish as well.
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chocodile · 6 months
Recently discovered your art and amaranthine setting! Really love the characters hyden and theo! And the shadow... that's some gnarly stuff! Which begs the question, would there be anyone unfettered (and perhaps foolish) enough to marvel at the shadow's potential as a weapon? Not-so-coincidentally, I've also been revisiting a lot of Starcraft 2 content out of nostalgia since I used to play it when I was in high school. It reminded me of the idea... of someone seeing an incredibly dangerous all-consuming force, and them trying to harness it for their own ends (and things inevitably going horribly right and/or wrong)
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Some say that's exactly what Hyden was doing. :)
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nebula-drcams · 11 days
@iamclearlyawizard Cont. from Here.
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   She had merely come across the other by chance, how she got here in the first place is still beyond her, but that never stopped her from helping someone before. She was just too far at the moment to properly connect the attack. Normally, she'd insist that distance is her friend due to how she fights, but even she knew to listen when the fighting style of those around her aren't ones she's familiar with. 
   Two chakrams are sent past him, knocking down whoever else had decided to approach while he spoke, though as they return to her, she does make her way closer to where he was in order to help.
" I do have questions, but I think they can be saved for later, no? "
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crimeronan · 5 months
i think there's something really beautiful about carpenter distancing herself from the trawler man every chance she gets and still getting showered by miracles while faulker, oh he of strong convictions, gets to bring the miracle of the trawler man to everyone around him but never quite gets to ascend to glory himself. i just love that they're both perfectly poised to stare at each other and each think "your goals are backwards and your methodology is dumb and possibly sacrilegious" and then still end up as something close to friends
also let's talk about how, despite these dynamics, at the end of the day, the trawler man is really just trying to give each of them what they want from him.
MMM YEAH. carpenter being beloved by multiple gods despite being such an ornery bitch who wants NOTHING to do with their sacrificial bullshit..... it really gets me. as does faulkner's ongoing crisis of faith and spiral into Faithless Cult Leader (TM). SO GOOD.
perhaps only tangentially related, but.
i've been thinking a lot about faulkner killing roemont lately. i was surprised that roemont's death ended up Breaking My Fucking Heart -- a real testament to his voice actor!! the whole pathetic old man losing everything he's worked for really.... Got To Me. ough. "don't you recognize me?" OUGH.
but i've been thinking about it in the context of faulkner's crisis of faith, too. because like. faulkner Knows that roemont is faithful. he considers roemont a heretic for trying to legalize the worship of the trawler-man, but it's like....
i feel like. killing roemont was a test of the trawler-man that faulkner devised on purpose. because if roemont dies due to the prayer marks that faulkner scrawled, then there are two possibilities:
1. the trawler-man really IS furious that the high katabasians want to legitimize the faith; the trawler-man really IS on faulkner's side; this schism really IS necessary to keep the faith "pure," and faulkner has never done anything wrong;
2. the trawler-man really IS nothing but a mouth. this isn't a god with a plan or with sentience or with feelings, this is just a living river that chews things up and spits them out, and it doesn't care for its followers at all. and if that's the case, then faulkner is betraying nothing by being a faithless cult leader lying repeatedly to his people.
faulkner is devastatingly clever and constantly being underestimated. but he's also completely alone in the world. and he's Desperate for any sign that the choices he's making are the right ones. and he can't find that sign in anybody close to him, because he keeps destroying the lives of those close to him. so he has to devise his own trials....
hrugh. my boy. my boy my boy my boy.
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not-poignant · 5 months
Tradewinds Launch - A Fae Tales Novel - Jan 31st
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In the dangerous, ethereal realm of the fae, alliances between the Seelie and Unseelie fae merchants are few. Some say impossible. Matan, a Seelie fae and peacock pheasant shifter with a talent for trade, must keep his Seelie alignment a secret as he embarks on a perilous journey to gather wealth and save a loved one from a terrible curse. He joins an Unseelie merchant caravan of fae who would surely eat him if they learned of his alignment. The enigmatic Udir, a paranoid Unseelie master of poisons and bearded vulture shifter, discovers Matan’s secret and threatens to blackmail him in exchange for vile favours. But Udir’s bravado and bluster hides a painful past and Matan isn’t as innocent or as naïve as he seems. Amid bustling markets, savvy clients, and travelling to new lands Matan has never seen before, Tradewinds is a story of love, found family, trust, betrayal, and the healing that can grow in the shadows of the vibrant, perilous southern fae lands.
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Foxhall @ Ream (available on the Gary+Efnisien tiers or higher) Foxhall @ Patreon (available on the Gary+Efnisien tiers of higher)
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realboutfatalfury · 1 year
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Tried my best to hear it, trying to believe in
You and me having one final goodbye, I'll see you waving
Trying to believe it, I think I believe it
That one day we'll meet again
and continue this dreamland In the gleaming dawn
we'll wake up once again
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aeoneris · 5 months
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pleased to inform i finished village quests in MHGU (still need to do hub and eventually get to G rank). had a much better appreciation of it this time around than the first time i played it back on the 3DS. so much so that i decided the logical next step in setsuna's adventure is to tour bherna and the other villages, lending their aid wherever a hunter is needed. also utsushi is there in their pocket at all times, no i will not elaborate
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lindsayrps · 3 months
take a chance on me
eleanor howard was not meant to be a donut dollie but the red cross had needed volunteers and she was cute and highly sociable which, apparently, had been all it took to be considered and it felt like the easiest in to the war effort, so here she was.
(a transfer, eventually, would be in order. every time she asked for one, it seemed like they had no need for nurses in any of the red cross run hospitals in london which was fine, she supposed, but she wanted to put her real skills to use and would just have to bide her time until she could make the switch.)
it wasn’t glamorous and she couldn’t have expected it to be. she’d spent most of her time in a converted truck that smelled overwhelmingly like coffee, donuts and just a hint of tobacco with two other women, mary and helen, driving all over to provide some semblance of home, whatever that meant, to whoever was on the receiving end. bases, air force and military alike, weren’t her favourite but, by far, they were better than being in the battlefield where the red cross on the side of their truck did little to actually protect them from enemy fire. it’s safer, to be sure, and most of the men here are, honestly, pretty harmless. most times, they just wanted a decent cup of coffee that wasn’t just hot, brown liquid and some food that is soft enough to not be used as a door stopper.
other times, they just wanted someone to listen or be a shoulder to cry on and she can do that, too. she’s had nearly two years of practice and she wasn’t all that bad at it before, either.
this time, admittedly, feels a little different. they’re setting up on an air force base for an extended period of time and every time nell asks mary or helen why or for how long, they shrug and tell her to not ask questions. she probably doesn’t want the answer anyways, they say, knowing it’s possible that the potential reasons are far more traumatic than she can stomach and so she doesn’t ask, instead choosing to keep her head down and focus on the task at hand.
the second the men realize they’re here, the base almost turns into a giant game of telephone and they all show up, eager for some food and some company. nell and mary hand out coffee and donuts as quickly as helen can pass both off to them and spend some time talking with a few of the men. they mostly talk about their day, their job or themselves and nell does her best to smile and nod along, pretending she has any clue about planes or anything else they want to talk about that is distinctly related to their jobs here.
a few flirt, not unexpectedly and not for the first time.
as the crowd dissipates and most go on with their days, nell turns away from the window, pushing out a breath as she surveys the damage. they’ve still got enough coffee and donuts to deal with stragglers, of which nell isn’t sure there will be many, but helen and mary make a bee line for the doors, saying they’re going to go find out where the three of them are meant to sleep, if not in the bunks in the truck, while they’re here. nell’s sure there aren’t many women staying on base, if any at all, just as sure as she is that finding out that information is not a two person job but she can handle things here by herself for a little while.
at least she hopes so.
she’d been content to clean and pack up what remains on the off chance that nobody stops by so they can drop it off at the offices for the higher ups but a knock on the side of the truck has her abandoning that task for the time being. when she turns around, she plasters the same smile on her face and is greeted by a man who she wouldn’t quite describe as lanky because he didn’t seem to lack the grace that came along with being as such (at least as far as she could tell) but he is tall, having to duck under the canopy of the truck in order to see beyond it and she was sure that if they were both on level ground, he’d tower over her by at least a foot, if not more. a single, thick twirl of hair peeks out from under his hat and she swears that, if she had a type, he might just be it.
he’s cute, after all, but stories about the airmen around these parts are prolific, at best, and she’s not interested in being another story to tell when times get tough.
(or even more tough than they already were.)
"get you some coffee?" she asks, leaning over the small counter that juts out from the window, fingers twining together.
"is it any good?" he asks, arm raising to rest his elbow against the side of the window. there’s a relaxed air to the way he speaks to her, like she’s not beneath him, and she has to admit that it’s a breath of fresh air from several of the other men who’ve stopped by. most of them were majors, a few of them higher than that but judging by the two bar pin on this man’s collar, he’s a captain.
"haven’t heard any complaints so far." she says, not waiting for an answer before she turns to pour a cup and hand it to him, watching as he appraises it somewhat skeptically. "better than anything you’d get in the mess hall." finally, seeming to take her at her word, he drinks from the cup and she asks, "so?"
"not bad," he says, setting the now empty cup down with a clink. "tastes like it might actually have caffeine in it."
"i’ll be sure to let helen know you think so highly of her coffee making skills." nell straightens up, placing the cup in the sink behind her.
"rumour has it you’re planning on sticking around base for a while."
"that’s what they say," nell shrugs, glancing quickly out the back doors of the truck to see if helen and mary are anywhere close to coming back.
"should stop by the club when you’ve got some time," he offers, "i’ll even save you a dance."
"oh, i’m sure you would." nell shakes her head, unable to stop the hint of a smile from creeping onto her face. "but i’m not sure that’s a good idea. fraternization and all that. seems frowned upon, doesn’t it?"
"i won’t tell if you won’t." he flashes a smile so dazzling that she’s sure it’s gotten him plenty from other women in the past. it’s disarming enough that, for a moment, she doesn’t know what to say or do, choosing instead to chew on the inside of her top lip.
"captain, i—"
"david," he corrects, flashing that smile, again, and this time it takes every ounce of self control to not roll her eyes at his continued persistence.
"captain," nell emphasizes, instead of caving to the offer, pointing just over david’s shoulder. "i think your friend is waiting for you."
he turns, then, ducking down enough to catch sight of the friend in question as he approaches. tall, blonde, also a captain and someone david is more than happy to see, by the looks of it. slinging an arm around his neck, nell watches as he gives david a look that has him, finally, reconsidering his extensive visit to the clubmobile. they chat, for a few moments, about their plans for the day and nell does a good enough job of tuning them out before david is pointing back in her direction, "think about it." he says, then ducks back under the canopy and disappears with his friend, arm still slung around his neck as they wander away.
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starlingsrps · 3 months
elliot holland, twenty six, fighter pilot // verse: at the end of the world
elliot was born with flying in his bones, even if he didn't take his first flight until he was ten. his father, frank, was an ace in the great war and elliot was born nine months after he left for a tour in france that he never talked about if he could help it. frank holland was of the say nothing and drink to forget school of handling ptsd.
for the most part, elliot thinks his early childhood was fine. they lived in fremont, nebraska, he has a sister named maggie who's ten years younger, his mother played the organ at church and his father was a mechanic when his dreams weren't bad and his hands were steady. there were a lot of rules in their house that his friends didn't have at theirs - announcing yourself as you entered a room, dad always sat facing the door, don't ask how someone slept- but it was what he knew so it seemed normal enough.
lindbergh was the first time elliot remembered seeing his father excited about anything again and he was happy to be looped in. they read everything and listened to every news story and when lindy gave a talk in omaha, they went to see it. on the way home, they stopped to visit a war buddy of frank's and while elliot's first time in the air was under five minutes, he still thinks it's the among the best five minutes of his life.
it was all fine until it wasn't. things got tight during the depression but they were tight everywhere. elliot didn't really know any better until he came home from school one day to his mother crying at the kitchen table with his aunt beth and his father nowhere to be found. he took off somewhere between elliot and leaving for school and alice running an errand, taking anything that could be hocked for cash on the way out.
they moved to omaha after that and haven't heard from frank since. at the time, elliot remembers being told that there was a note left for him to read when he was ready but as more time passed, the less he wanted to hear what frank had to say. and now? absolutely not. he hasn't thought of him in a long time and he's not sure he could dredge up more than pity. [frank died in 1937 and the family doesn't know but i do so].
in omaha, they lived with beth and her husband, both of whom refused to let elliot say he'd get a job to support to family more than once. the first time? no of course not, he was going to finish school. the second time? shut the hell up, absolutely not. if most of what he made at his after school job made its way to helping his mother and maggie, that's where it went.
after high school, he picked up work as an airplane mechanic. tinkering with engines and machines had always been his outlet and he'd never stopped dreaming of flying - a perfect pairing. it took him a year to save up for his first round of flying lessons and when he finally got in the air again, it felt like home. he kept going, logging more flight hours until it felt as natural as breathing.
he dragged his feet through a few semesters at the university of nebraska at omaha, studying engineering while tinkering and flying on the weekends but his heart was never really in it. his flying instructor suggested the army air force and enlisted in 1939. he's good at being in the military and doesn't think about it too hard. it's structured and steady and at the time it seemed like america might just stay neutral while europe heated up.
he tried to not think about it very hard. elliot doesn't think very hard about most things. he's confident in his own judgement and knows what he can and can't do - why sweat it? he can only do the best that he can do and that's all he's responsible for.
war was looking inevitable and then war happened and after hanging around in barksdale training on new planes and making sure the new recruits didn't kill themselves, he was sent to england with the rest of the eighth air force.
as with most things, he doesn't think about it too much. flying is natural for him. all he has to do is get in the plane and complete the task.
elliot is, on the one hand, methodical and logical. he's got a big fat problem solving, plans a-z, virgo brain and while he plays well with others, he prefers to work alone. he'd rather mistakes be his responsibility, if there are going to be any at all, than have that rest on anyone else. he's a fighter pilot for a reason. give him a task to complete and he'll get it done.
the man is competent. he learns fast and takes a lot of pride in being able to do a job well. does he accept praise well? absolutely fucking not he will kill himself right here in front of everyone. he's a flying ace but won't put the flags on his plane because 1) no 2) he doesn't like looking at swastikas if he's not getting ready to shoot one down. he's curious and he's clever and he's not afraid of hard work.
on the other.
elliot is so noble that he fucks himself over routinely. he will always do the right thing and it's sometimes hard for him to think in shades of gray. he has high standards for himself and is very self-critical if he does not meet them. he expects a lot of himself. he doesn't want to turn into his father. he's seen how easy it is to ruin yourself and he won't let himself.
ALL OF THAT TO SAY that he is capable of unclenching and having fun and does do so more than some people (david) think. he's a good and reliable friend and has a dry sense of humor and a lovely smile. he doesn't drink very much and he's forever bumming cigarettes and likes to read and hang out with the mechanics when he has a chance. he can fix just about anything or at least give it a shot and likes helping.
boy you gotta learn to let people take care of you i swear to god.
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quiiscnt · 1 month
@raiiryuu // cont.
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༄ ❚❙❘ She found herself fidgeting with her hands as she made the approach and started off the interaction. A quick glance behind her for support turned to disappointment as the girl realized her team mate had stayed behind. Well, out of the two of them, Rayne was the more social and this was her idea. Although it did not make it any easier to approach someone arguably intimidating.
     ❝Oh!! My bad!! Let me introduce myself.❞ Of course she knew who he was, but it was probably wrong for her to assume everyone kept up with the new members, even if this guild was rather close.
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     ❝I'm Rayne Lockser, Juvia's sister. I've been actually been in the guild for a bit now but I guess we never had the chance to talk until now.❞ She could feel herself rambling out of nerves and forced it to stop.
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profoundbondfanfic · 10 months
what a terrible world, what a beautiful world
what a terrible world, what a beautiful world by dullahans Rating: Mature Word Count: 35k
"Fix it," Sam says firmly when Dean doesn’t reply. "Fix it before you regret it because our lives are dangerous, and we've lost too many people, and you never know when it's going to fall apart." "It would be a lot easier if he was open to fixing it," Dean bites out. He's trying here, he's trying really fucking hard, but Cas doesn't want to hear it. "Maybe you're not saying the right thing," Sam suggests.(A season 15 fix-it fic that starts from 15x03 The Rupture, and diverges fairly significantly.)
Ah yes, the “divorce arc”.
Remember how canon gave us this wonderful, yet painful gift and we were supposed to be normal about it?
Good times 😆
As you can expect, Dean and Castiel’s relationship is fairly strained in the beginning of this story. Castiel is (rightfully) pissed, Dean is pissed, partly at himself, and nobody is really happy about any of it. And neither seriously has the time to deal with all of this as Chuck is still out there, Billie shows up out of the blue with a secret plan she doesn’t bother to tell anyone about and Jack is suddenly coming back from the dead. Oh, and let’s not forget the Empty deal that is still hanging above Castiel’s head.
Yes, it’s a lot and even though it seems that no one in their right mind would have the chance to wreck their brain over a seemingly shattered relationship with their best friend faced with the apocalypse of all apocalypses, Dean sure as hell spends a lot of time and energy on it. 
So if you’re up for a rollercoaster of emotions with some engaging plot somewhere thrown into the mix, you seriously should give this story a try!
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starry-bi-sky · 10 months
just wanted to say that your thomas wayne au is making me swoon - baby bruce is the most adorable baby ever and they love each other so much 😭
(I saw you mentioned them meeting canon dc and I think everyone of the batfam would be unwillingly won over by this adorable baby and their grandad (and adult bruce would either be paralysed by emotion or start crying or both)) (and maybe there is no martha wayne, simply thomas and alfred raising the cutest and most troublesome baby 😏)
Aaaaahhh I'm so glad you like it 🥺 i love making aus that have the emotional effect of a gut punch on the Bats 🥰 its why 'Danny being a variant of Jason' is such a fun little au I have that I haven't shared here since its pretty convoluted imo.
And i absolutely agree you have it down pat that the canon DC Batfam would be unwillingly won over by Baby Bruce and Danny/Thomas frfr. Danny is so protective and affectionate with his little guy, and I have a personal headcanon that he teaches Bruce how to play piano after discovering an interest in it once he's adopted by the Waynes. (OH and when Bruce is older Danny sits him out in the gardens or on the roofs and shows him how to find constellations)
Danny finds out that the bruce in this world grew up without his parents and starts side-eyeing him HARD bc he wants to be affectionate to this version of His Boy but he doesnt want Bruce to react negatively to it
I'll also tell you a secret: the day Danny and Bruce are transported into the canon universe was the day Danny and Bruce were meant to end up in crime alley :) they were just about to leave the manor.
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