#very glad the game allowed for some sun
tjerra14 · 4 months
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Glacier dates
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oceanbaby888 · 11 months
What Big Changes Are Coming For You? Pick-A-Pile Reading 💥👑
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Note: Please do not steal. Work of TarotLadyTalks LLC. Thank you!
Hey yall!
I'm back with another pick a pile reading. This reading is credited to @roseology and @Tay on YouTube. Two readers I really love! Enjoy and I hope it resonates with you. This is a general reading so if it doesn't it wasn't for you at this time and that's okay baby! Just a cute little pick me up reading about the changes coming for you, especially on the hills of this Full Moon in Capricorn. Paid readings are open on my shop. Link is here: https://href.li/?https://www.miiriya.com/store/callin-in-wit-claude/
Pile 1: Queen (Do not know where this is from)
Trine--6th House—Gemini--Uranus
Pile 1 you are becoming mentally sharp! This is the change of someone who really got their stuff together and is not afraid to go their own route, hence the Uranus card here. There could be some changes to your routine, or you are just exploring what your routine can look like here with the Gemini card. I'm getting for some of you there could be some changes to your diet, workout routine, and even skincare. I feel like my Pile 1 folks are really going with the flow of their own and not falling into trends & consumerism. YOU ARE THE TREND! What works for you works, and what doesn't, doesn't. You are definitely not going to be pressing yourself anymore about what you think you should do and just give yourself the permission to be childlike and free with your life. And there's nothing better than being that bitch on your own accord. It reminds me of Megan Thee Stallion. Hot, pretty, and doing it your own way. Go Pile 1!!!
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Pile 2: (Halle Bailey as Ariel) Sun-12th House-
3rd House--Pluto
Pile 2, silence is about to be your power and biggest asset. I feel some strength coming in for this pile, but in a very subdued way. In a very quiet where people think you're not there type of way. I won't lie Pile 2 I do see some resistance, possibly coming from your closer circle (hence the 3rd house) but I'm getting that's a good sign. The Sun & Pluto are both extremely powerful planets. Many can't hang and it's lonely at the top Pile 2. Yet, I feel my Pile 2 folks are coming into their own source of light (that's funny with the Sun being here). If you get a chance, listen to "The Game Belongs to Me" by UGK. That's the change for you. You may not notice it right off Pile 2. Heck, you may just think you're just trying to better yourself, but boy are you in for a ride. A good one though (minus some fallouts, but hey, that happens when you upgrade). I'm excited for you Pile 2. Keep me updated. I'm getting for some of my Pile 2 you might start wearing makeup or you're into the fashion industry? If so, the things you put out that you've been working on in private is going to launch you into success! Get ready....
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Pile 3: Tina Turner
First off I want to say good job Pile 3. For not allowing your pain to become who you are. My Pile 3 is starting to recognize that there is no harm in protecting yourself with the Capricorn card. Capricorns do get a bad reputation for coming off as cold and harsh, but one must remember boundaries are not for pleasing others, it's for self-preservation. A big change I see with my Pile 3 is the act of opening up and trying again, but we have more knowledge this time. We are going slower this time. I really love this energy because it takes courage to get up and try again. And depending on the situation and how you react, the pain could have ran deep. I'm glad you're healing at your own pace. I'm glad you're not allowing anyone to control how you feel. That's very courageous of you. For example, let's say you married your high school sweetheart, but unfortunately they may have passed or you both may have divorced. But after some healing and time, you find yourself remarrying someone else, and there was one point in time you probably said to yourself, "Never again." But hey, you processed that pain and you allowed yourself to do it again. That's what's up Pile 3. Even though you may not be completely 100% healed yet, Spirit says that's okay. This change is a sign of a breakthrough for you. That light at the end of a dark, long tunnel. And no, things may never be the same, but things can be better. And I think you're recognizing that :). Good job baby.
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Pile 4: Donna Summer
This pile is screaming Saturn in Pisces lol with these cards. So check where Saturn rx in Pisces is doing in your natal/progressed/solar return chart. Also to include your profection month as well. This pile is starting to see that their dreams can in fact become reality, but then reality sets in LOLOLOL! That's not a bad thing Pile 4, but I can see you're like "Dang, I really gotta put in the work don't I?" Lol yes you do! Opposition and Saturn do not give free handouts Pile 4, but I do see that you're not going to shy away from it. I think quickly you'll realize you're cut off for what you really want to do. Whether it be art, business, drama, music, etc. You really are starting to realize that the only person in your way is....you. But that's okay! Because we are starting today (or whenever you choose to lol). I do think this is a start of a long journey, and it's not to scare you Pile 4, but Spirit is saying if you really want to do this, buckle up. And don't feel bad if you fail from time to time, it's only a learning experience & how can you get better if you don't try again. Yes it may hurt (the Sun is our ego after all), yes it may get frustrating, but there's this saying "To much is given, much is required." And to be even more honest Pile 4, I don't think the Universe is going to let you chicken out on this one. I feel like you're meant to do what you're thinking about, you may just be a little intimidated and that's perfectly a normal, human response. But one thing about Saturn is that it is patient, especially if you're actually trying. So just start. Don't overwhelm yourself. This project will take time. This chapter of your life will take time, but honestly it's worth it. Push forward Pile 4, you can do this.
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Thanks again for reading! See you all later!
-Claude 🪐❤️🌙✨
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nyoomerr · 3 days
I’ve been loving the fic recs from the ask game. Got anything for #10 a fic in a series?
#10: a fic in a series for the fic rec ask game
i'm glad you've been enjoying them! it's always fun when i get to spread the love for some of the stuff i like ehehe. and on that note -here's some fic series i'm reading!
"anachronism of the moment" by plutoisgay: a daemon au! if you're unfamiliar, this is an au in which a person's soul is personified by an animal companion. for svsss, this provides a very satisfying method of refusing to allow sy!sqq to compartmentalize everything; even when sqq is pretending everything is fine, his daemon is happy to give up the gig by wailing at sqq's feet.
"forged in your shape" by funeralstrut: an au in which heavenly demons are shapeshifters. at the edge of the abyss, his powers spiraling out of control and his emotions an absolute mess, lbh shapeshifts into sqq. sqq takes this as an opportunity to trick the system to turn the story around. really hoping this series gets extended!
"Purring" by Mamararinana: an au in which everyone on cang qiong ends up with kemonomimi features, and slowly over time begin stepping sideways into more and more animalistic traits. sqq wants to remain aloof and unaffected but.. all his little disciples taking naps in the sun and cuddling in fluffy piles... he wants in too! slowly, he convinces lqg to be his official cuddle buddy <3
"SVSSS Wings & Things" by Koiichaser_lucorinth: these fics aren't necessarily connected like the previous fic series recs are, but it's a really fun collection of fics full of really great wing!au cultural tidbits and accidental courtship displays. includes a variety of ships across the different fics.
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osleeplessflowero · 4 months
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// y'all have had too much fluff. let me ruin it rq ❤️Reader's pronouns are They/Them, and their Soul type is up to you. 🧡 Angst Warning 💛 This is connected to my Multiverse Traveler!Reader x Nightmare oneshot, "Chasing". 💚 NOT associated with Flowerfell!! I like to think of this particular flower disease as a bit different than that since it's my own take and I don't ship Frans which is what the original AU was 💙 enjoy the pain :)
A portal abruptly opens and shuts, then it happens again. And again. And again. Nightmare shifts through them with relative ease, travelling alone through universe after universe.
He's alone again, looking for something- no, someone in particular. Those beneath him couldn't help but wonder why he kept going out alone these days, but they weren't complaining too much. Just means less work for them in the end, right?
What Nightmare hadn't told them, is that he is indeed looking for his Soulmate, a human who managed to sneak their way into his heart. Sliding past all of the negative sludge and managing to get through to him, leaving him breathless. The two of you had come up with a game of sorts, Nightmare travelling between universes in order to find the true you, the one who'd found him before. But considering everyone here has separate variations depending on the timeline..that's easier said than done.
While rushing through, he comes to a stop when he reaches an almost completely destroyed realm. All that remains of it is a simple cliff and a sunset view, flowers covering the ground and swaying gently in the breeze. A figure sits, dangling their legs off of the edge. He approaches..mainly out of mere curiosity, wondering who it could possibly be. Who knows? Maybe he could use their pain for a quick boost.
He walks over slowly, stopping immediately when the figure turns their head to him with a small smile. It's..it's you? No. It's not the true you. This is another variation. Flowers cover parts of your body, your arms, legs, torso..and even your eyes, blocking your view and blinding your vision. They're your favorite kind..he remembers you telling him that. It's some kind of magic disease, what was it called?.. Right- Bloom's Disease, that's what it was. A virus that would slowly wear the victim down until they were reduced to petals..
..This is distracting him from his goal. But yet, he can't bring himself to leave "your" side.
"Hello." You greet, completely unaware as to who this stranger is. "..Greetings." Was all he said before sitting down beside you, his tendrils relaxing and lying down behind him. He looks over your state, you seem to be pretty happy despite not being able to see anything..he doesn't really understand that.
"I briefly remember how it looked." He raises a browbone. "The sun." Oh. "Is it still pretty?"
He looks up at the view before you, taking in a deep breath of the faintly remaining air.
"..It's beautiful." "I'm glad. I always loved looking at the sunset. It makes the sky all pretty.." "..Like one big watercolor painting?" "How did you know I'd say that?" "..A hunch, I suppose."
There's a short pause. ..He really should be getting back, but..he doesn't want to leave you here either. Just a little longer, he thinks. Then he'll go.
"Who are you?" "..Someone you know very well in another time." "I see. I'd have liked to meet you in this time. You seem nice." "I'm far from the word, dear." He smiles a little, looking over you.
"..Thanks for taking the time to sit with me. It gets lonely out here." "..Of course."
You lean your head on his shoulder, something he normally would protest against, but..he'll allow it this time.
"..There was a big explosion..something happened, and then I couldn't hear anyone anymore. ..I suppose now it's only me. ..I can't see anything, nor can I even hardly move..so I suppose I'll just stay here, watching the sunset I can conjure up in my mind."
He..decides not to tell you a majority of this universe had been completely destroyed, likely by Error while he was going on a rampage.
"..You have a very sad air to you." "That's something that tends to be attached to me. Does that bother you?" "Not really. I have that sort of feeling around me, too." "We have something in common." "Yeah.."
He hesitates, before putting his arm around you. You smile a little, nuzzling your cheek against his coat.
"..I know I..probably don't have a lot of time left. I couldn't even get up if I wanted to." "..Are you afraid?" "..A little bit. Anyone would be if they knew they were going to die, wouldn't they?"
Nightmare averts his eyelight for a moment, before looking back to you.
"I suppose they would."
"..What's your name?" "..Nightmare." "An unusual name, I'd admit."
He smiles a little, remembering how you'd said the same thing when you met the first time.
"I suppose it is, isn't it?" "I like it though. It has a nice ring to it-" You cut yourself off, coughing out flower petals and letting them fall into the abyss before you. He holds you close, making sure you don't fall off as well. A look of pity crosses his face.
"Sorry. I've always been a mood killer, haha." You laugh tiredly. "..Don't worry about it. I am myself." "Another thing we've got in common, huh?"
You move to lean on his shoulder again and he places his hand over yours, gently holding it beneath his own bigger one.
"Hey.." "Yes?" He looks over at you with a soft eyelight. "You said you know me in another time..what am I like?" "Well.. there are a lot of ways I could describe you..I still don't have the perfect one, just yet. Such a colorful person..someone I still have to get to know, once I find them." "Surely there's some word you could think of.."
He lets out a hum of acknowledgement, taking a second to think.
"..Nightmare?" "I'm here. I'm only thinking." He reassures you, squeezing your hand lightly.
"I suppose the word I'd use is.." His face shifts into a fond smile. "Wonderful."
You smile at that, some tears making their way out from beneath the flowers, making them bloom a little more and causing you to wince.
"What's wrong?" He asks, his tone and expression worried. "S-Sorry, it's.. it's just nice to think about. A timeline where I'm not doomed by these. One where someone likes me. Someone cares about me."
A tear pricks at the corner of his eyesocket, gently falling down his face. ..He hasn't cried in a while. It feels..strange.
He leans down, moving your hair slightly and pressing his teeth to your forehead, a small kiss to comfort you. You smile a little more, before you feel a few of his tears hit your face.
"Nightmare? Why are you crying?" "I'm sorry." "Whatever for?" You speak softly, sitting up and facing the direction you can hear his voice from. "That no one could be there. That you've..had to suffer, alone. I know that feeling better than anyone else. You don't..deserve that. Not you. Never you."
You reach up your hand until you're sure you're touching his face, resting it on his cheek. He leans his head into your touch, turning his face so he can gently kiss your palm. You wipe away his tears with your thumb, smiling weakly up at him.
"Don't cry for my sake. I'll be alright. ..At least..I got to meet you, right?"
You lean back a little, holding out your arms. He realizes what you're doing, hesitating slightly due to your fragile state before giving you a hug.
"There you are.. doesn't that feel a little better?" "..Yes." "Good. I wouldn't want you crying on my behalf."
It's quiet for a little bit.
"Hey, Nightmare?" "Yes?" "When you see me again..the other me, I mean. Can you do something for me?" "What is it?" "Give me a big smile. One I haven't seen before." "..I don't know if I can." "You could try, couldn't you?" "..I suppose I could."
He stares at the flowers that had surrounded where you were sitting, frowning at them.
"I'm..feeling a little sleepy. Can I sleep here for a little bit?" "Of course you can, dearest. However long you need to.." His voice breaks a little as he speaks, shaky. "Thank you.." You bury your face in his shoulder as he listens to your soft breathing.
A few minutes pass..with nothing but you, him, and the permanent sunset before you.
"Dearest?.." He whispers to you.
..There's no response.
He backs up to look at your face, seeing a smile still placed there.. your body going limp. His eyelight shrinks almost immediately as he realizes.. you're gone. ..Tears begin overflowing again as he hugs you tightly to his body, his shaky breaths now the only sound there.
The flowers on your body emit a faint glow before they surround you, shifting your form. He backs up a little, watching as the flowers begin to float into the air..your figure no longer present. He reaches out to grab one before all of them have left mere petals behind, staring at it fondly.
He doesn't know how much time passes as he looks at the sunset once more, before finally forcing himself to leave as the remaining parts of the realm begin to break and disappear.
..He really needs to find you.
Putting the flower in one of his pockets, he opens another portal..and continues his chase.
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Hello Neighbour (3)
Pairing: DILF!Neighbour!Bucky Barnes x Reader
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previous chapter: Part 2
words: 1.2k
warnings: fluff, kissing, mentions of grown-up time but nothing really, mentions of food and wine.
a/n: So here’s another chapter, this series was not at all planned and just happened hehe, but I love these two!! thank you so much for all your love and I hope you like this chapter as well. Let me know if you would like to see more of them. Feedback and Reblogs are appreciated. (picture used taken from google)
Friday. At about five in the evening, there was a knock on your door. Punctual, Mr. Barnes.
You decided to wear a dress you were saving for something special. Nothing too fancy but really really cute.
The door revealed the handsome man standing in a buttoned white shirt, and navy trousers. Top buttons, undone, sleeves rolled up. Was that allowed? You thought as you stared at him up and down, while he was doing the same.
“Wow.” He managed to speak out. “You’re so beautiful” His cheeks tinted red as you smiled for him. “Got you flowers. They are not as pretty as you but I tried.”
“Oh Bucky, you’re too sweet.” With a soft chuckle, you went back in to keep the flowers in a vase. “You always look good Bucky” You told him, chewing on your lower lip. Oh he wanted to kiss you so bad.
“Ready for our date, flower?”
“You like it? Well you’re sweet, beautiful, soft and you smell great. So, flower.” He added with a bashful smile.
You could only nod and smile, words failing you again. Bucky offered you his arm and you softly wrapped your hand around it.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
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A little Italian restaurant, cozy and warm, by the side of a lake. So gorgeous. Bucky thought while he looked at you.
“This- this is so beautiful.” You gave his arm a gentle squeeze.
“I’m glad you like it. The restaurant isn’t very fancy but it’s cozy and they have amazing food.” Bucky looked at you. “Plus a gorgeous view. oh and that lake.”
“Oh Bucky.” you couldn’t help but giggle at his cheesy flirting, it all felt so sweet and genuine when he said it.
“Let’s order shall we?”
After placing your order, and getting the wine, Bucky slowly reached out across the table to hold your hand softly.
“Hi Neighbour.”
“Hi Neighbour.” You smiled. He was so breathtakingly handsome. The sun set casted a warm glow on his face. You felt like clicking a picture just to save it in your memories. But Bucky beat you to it.
“Flower, can I click a picture of yours? Gosh, you look so beautiful.” You bit your lip and nodded, a big smile graced your face. He took out his phone clicking a few pictures.
“May I click yours now? I want to, please” And you did.
“Bucky, I’ll be honest, this date, it feels really special. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“You’re welcome pretty girl. Thank you for saying yes.”
You both exchanged smiles, taking a sip of the wine. A question popped in your head but you weren’t sure if it was too personal.
“If you don’t mind me asking, Becca’s mother…”
“Right, I’m sorry, should have said that earlier but you know I…” He looked down at the table, “Well I’m divorced. When Becca was born, within a few months her mother felt she wasn’t ready for any of it, and she wanted out.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have want asked about it, I just- sorry if I made you sad by bringing it up.”
“Oh no, that’s okay. I’m fine with it now. She hasn’t been in the picture since the divorce, never wanted to know about her own daughter.” Bucky gulped, and you squeezed his hand softly, “Becca deserves someone who would know what a treasure she is.” You nodded.
The rest of the evening passed by smoothly with some extremely delicious Italian food. You got to know more about each other and realised you had quite some things in common.
You were both competitive at board games, enjoyed being at the beach, big fans of taking naps and loved Disney movies, among other things.
Arriving back at your building, Bucky walked you to your apartment, your hand in his own.
“Thank you Bucky, I had such a wonderful time.”
“Me too, flower, and I’m glad to know that.” He gave you his signature charming smile. The two of you stood outside your door.
“Well I’ve a got a babysitter for Becs and she should be here for another one hour” Bucky mumbled while softly pulling you close. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Any ideas about how you want to spend that one hour” you asked him coyly, drawing soft patterns on the back of his neck.
“Oh, I’ve got some.” Bucky closed the distance between you too, crashing his lips on yours as you fumbled to unlock your door and get in.
As soon as you were in, Bucky closed the door behind, pulling you towards the sofa, not breaking the kiss.
“Gosh you’re so pretty, flower” He sat down, you on his lap, as he kept kissing you like he couldn’t breathe without you. Not that you complained.
“Bucky, you’re amazing” You told him when you finally pulled away being out of breath. He touched his forehead to yours, holding your waist keeping you close.
He had a dopey grin on his face, you pressed soft kisses on his bearded jaw. You loved his beard.
The connection, the pull you felt towards the man was unbelievable.
After kissing each other for quite a while, Bucky took you in his arms and you both laid down on the sofa.
“Um, I was thinking what if we go to a movie with Becca? The three of us? And after that if you want we can have some grown-up time too.” You asked while playing with his hair. Bucky’s eyes were closed as he enjoyed the soft touch. Gosh, he was absolutely gorgeous.
“I’m sure Becca would love that, and so would I.” He kissed you again. The fact that you cared about his little girl gave him immense joy.
Bucky looked at the time and gently you both got up. He held your face in his hand giving you a kiss on a forehead.
“I’ll see you soon then?” Bucky asked while you walked towards the door.
“You will, Neighbour.” You smiled and opened the door. He gave you another kiss and wish you good night, making his way back.
Bucky was about to go inside his flat when you softly called his name and he looked at you with those beautiful blue eyes.
“Dream about me.” It was your turn to make the man blush, you blew him a kiss and went inside while he went in his own flat with the biggest smile on his face.
“Daddy!” Becca ran towards him and he picked her up. After paying the baby sitter, the two went to Becca’s room and Alpine followed.
“Time to sleep Becs. Sweet Dreams, love.” Bucky gave her a kiss on her tiny forehead while that big smile was still stuck on his face. Alpine went up to Bucky’s lap and he rubbed her head softly.
“You Happy!” Becca commented on seeing her father’s smile.
“That’s true, I am happy, Becca.” Becca giggled knowing her father’s happy, and Alpine purred.
Soon Becca fell asleep and Bucky got back to his bedroom. Alpine took a spot on the bed and Bucky stared at the ceiling. Thinking about you.
You did make him happy, so happy. That night, he met you again in his dreams.
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cookieeevee · 3 months
Hello Yellow and Welcome People!!
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Most people tend to call me Cookie or Cookieeevee because of my blog name, but call me Alice! I use the pronouns She/Her and They/Them (I don't mind which one you use)
I am into Rain World, OneShot, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, Kirby, Sonic, Pikmin, Ori, Chicory: a colorful tale, Steven universe, MHA, Epic Mickey, and many more
You can ask me anything, I'd love to chat with you all (Ask about ADH au or ask Lily if u want too)
Art requests are always welcomed :D
My designs of the slugcats and Iterators My Rain world OCs My other OCs
Side blogs of mine:
Cookie: @ask-cookieeevee03
Madge: rainworld-starsandclouds023
Droplet (Old, should probably reboot at some point): rainworld-ask-the-medic
SOES: rainworld-lifeisendless230
Slugcat's: rainworld-cycle-of-slugcats
just doodle/art blog: mossy-doodles85
Silly adventurers of my plush's (feel free to send me art in Messages of the sillys if you want, I will post it and credit u, if u want :3)
you can draw for me if ya want
Amazing Friends Of Mine!: @rainworld-obsessed-cat-reborn (One of my first tumblr friends! Probably one of my closes friends here! They are really silly and has great art! I thought I'd never see them again once their main blog got deleted... I'm very glad they're back now. I care for them with the might of a 1000 suns and always wish for the best of them! I'll always have their back, no matter what <3) @stargazer0001 (A great friend, who I really care for! One of the first people I go to talk to about silly ideas and aus of mine. They're art is a joy to see and our silly chats we had before were really fun! Thanks for being there for me <3) @critter2 (Super silly bud that I met because of Star! Their art is amazing and its always a blast to be around them! Sadly they aren't on often so that kinda sucks... ALSO THEY ARE WHOLESOME WHEREVER THEY THINK/KNOW THAT OR NOT!!!!) @lanternlightsovercloudyskies (I've actually never checked if we're friends or not, but see her as one! Cute silly art that a joy to see, and shes super wholesome in my opinion! I always hope for the best for her!) @bananacat76 (My silly great friend! They're super cool and wholesome, all things I wish to be. They've let me add their RW persona, Banana cat, to my RW AU and even let me make Banana Cat Enot's sibling! Lots of hugs to them! A joy see and a gift to be around ^^) @meowyncherry (THIS SUPER AMAZING AND COOL PERSON IS MY FRIEND!!! Hes made super cute and silly art that is a joy to see and always puts a smile on my face! Cherry has been a super great person and he need MORE LOVE so go check him out and give him some love!!)
@puffstarss (I'm pretty sure we're friends, at least to me she is! Puffs is probably one of the most kind people here! She's a big UT and UTY fan and is the owner of The Undertale Yellow Runaway Route AU! If your a fan of UTY aus and stuff be sure you check out her blog! also I will die for them like all friends of mine)
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Random things about me: My favorite colors are mint green and lavender I want to write but am too scared to put it online and I get writers block a lot... I wish people would ask me more things (on any of my blogs)... My IRL friend group and I do a lot of dark humour I draw all the time, in class, at lunch, at home, in the car, and many other places Cream is my favorite Sonic character I my 3rd favorite Sonic character is Chris from Sonic X, FIGHT ME ON IT I have four brothers and no sisters... I have many AUs which I will probably never tell anyone about because I am scared of doing that Rain world brain rot I REALLY want to play SA2 just because of the chao garden Undertale Yellow fan! I'VE DODGED DEATH!!!! If you want to be friends with me, just ask. Cuz I'm probably not gonna ask you that and I'm always happy to have more friends I need help
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ra-scheln · 2 months
OC Meme
Tagged by @messiahzzz – thank you! I don’t think I’ve ever really talked about Tynera on my blog, but I did promise myself I would share more of my creations in 2024, soooo...
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A quick rundown – she’s a seldarine drow who turned her back on Lolth when she found her way to the cult of Lathander, and subsequently became a cleric of his.
In BG3, she chooses to see the tadpole as a test to show that she can persevere through adversity and bring light and new beginning to the darkness, as Lathander teaches. She made generally “good” choices and romanced Lae’zel. As of the epilogue, the two of them are living together close to where Shadowheart made her cottage, raising Xan as their son and supporting the liberation of the Githyanki people from afar.
- Full name: Tynera Maerret
- Gender: cis female
- Sexuality: bisexual with a strong tendency towards women
- Pronouns: She/her
- Family: House Maerret – a minor noble drow house I created
Father: Kinastyrr Osviir
Mother: Laraea Maerret
Grandmother/main childhood attachment figure: Neerlinva Maerret
Birthplace: Maerimydra
- Job: Cleric of Lathander – I imagine that she’s pretty far down any hierarchy, as she hasn’t been a cleric very long yet.   
- Phobias: if any, a light case of agoraphobia
- Guilty pleasures: spending days on end in luxury baths, expensive jewellery. Also whatever the Faerûnian equivalent of violent slasher movies is.
- Hobbies: dancing, singing, poetry performance – she doesn’t really write herself, but she enjoys reciting poetry with friends
- Alignment: Lawful Good
 - Sins: Pride, Greed, Gluttony
- Virtues: Determination, Idealism, Compassion, Courage
This or That
- Introvert / Extrovert
- Organized / Disorganized
- Close-minded / Open-minded
- Calm / Anxious / Restless
- Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
 - Cautious / Reckless / In between
- Patient / Impatient / In between
- Outspoken / Reserved / In between
- Leader / Follower / Flexible
- Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
- Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
- Traditional / Modern / In between
- Hard-working / Lazy
- OTP: Lae’zel/Tynera — it started as a fling, but honestly neither of them is made for casual arrangements. Tynera fell very quickly for Lae’zel’s resilience and devotion. It takes longer for Lae’zel to allow herself to recognise her feelings, but once she does, she melts into Tynera's warmth like a cat basking in a ray of sunshine.
Lae’zel calls Tynera, as in canon, “zhak vo'nfynh duj” – my joy. Tynera calls Lae’zel “sussun ussta” – my light.
- Acceptable Ships: none.  
- OT3: see above – Tynera would probably be open to having sex with others, but she respects Lae’zel’s wishes for exclusivity. On an emotional level, she is also monogamous.
- Brotp: Yes ->
-  Gale/Tynera— they are both fairly passionate in their respective fields and are glad that they don’t have to hold back in the other’s presence. Gale’s more relaxed level-headedness helps Tynera shed some of her more impulsive and judgemental tendencies. Likewise, Gale basks in Tynera’s unwavering support and affection.
- Shadowheart/Tynera — In the beginning, they butt heads a lot, since their gods are explicit enemies. Over the course of the game, they start to realise that they have much more in common than sets them apart. Shadowheart helps Tynera find ways to incorporate her faith in their daily lives, when they are in the shadow-cursed lands, where it’s difficult to perform sun-related rituals. They also share a taste for the macabre.
- Notp: none, she gets along with almost anyone. Though, now that I’ve finished her PT, I don’t think it makes sense for her to end up with anyone of the companions but Lae’zel.
Tagging: @faerielli, @zerfindung, @kaldurcalm, @lewdisescariot, @ghastlytofu, @athousandcowboys and whoever also wants to do this!
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silverwhiteraven · 1 year
Game of the Heart: Chapter 1 - Heart of the Problem
MariBat: Vote Your Own Fic - A CYOA writing game.
“Thank you so much! Have a good night!” Marinette said enthusiastically as she left the Joann Fabric location. She was glad to have discovered such an expansive store during her trip. None of her regular chain stores from France were here, and she knew she would have been lost without them if it wasn't for the United States having its own well known, nation-wide location. What would she have done without her stock of fabrics, paints, and handicrafts? Been bored to death, most likely. 
Something had been putting her in a good mood the last few days, and she had to express it somehow. She thought that leaving the Hawk Moth-ridden Paris for ‘Crime Capital’ Gotham would have done nothing to her except make her feel worse, if anything. But better? Like the smog-covered sky wasn’t there and the lowering sun was a blessing instead of a warning of the coming night? She really didn’t know what was going on, but she was glad she decided to come on the trip.
The trip itself was an interesting one. After so many years of Hawkmoth with little progress on the Superheros’ side, the City Council had decided, after consulting with Ladybug and Chat Noir, to start a city-wide project to rally and petition for outside help. Petitions were open to all ages to sign, and votes could be submitted by anyone of 16, with parental permission, and over. After months of this, and countless more attacks, it was decided to send an envoy to America to request help from the most well known Superhero organization in the world.
The Justice League.
Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman were the top picks, but when were they not? Ladybug and Chat Noir were highly against the two Supers. Akumatized heroes were never easy to fight, and though all three JL founders were known for their scary levels of anger when provoked, those first two were simply the greater risks. And Batman? Well, no one really knew if he actually had powers or not, so he remained on the table.
They would have gone to the European branch of the JL, which was stationed in Paris itself, had it not been evacuated when the full scope of Hawmoth’s powers were revealed to be too risky. No members remained, only a few low-level secretaries constantly crunching numbers and reporting to the Head Office. They knew of the petitions and decision making, so at least the JL would be prepared for when it was time to expect a visit from Paris.
And that visit had come.
Marinette was 17 with a year left of Lycée, not quite a full-fledged adult, so why was she allowed on this envoy mission for Paris? Well, it was rather easy, really. First, she already had a reputation alongside her class for several things: countless recorded volunteer efforts for the City of Paris; well-acquainted with the Akuma problem, often caught in proximity or a target themselves; casual connection to the Paris Heroes, thus trusted with being their representatives. And most of all, she was one of very few in Paris to have never been Akumatized. (But two million people live in Paris, you say, how can that be true? Well, let’s just say that a certain Scarlet version of Hawkmoth had become very persistent, creating hundreds of thousands of red butterflies with every appearance. It ads up fairly quickly.) That feat itself may have actually been a disadvantage since she couldn't explain what Akumatization felt like. But she remembered them all with excellent accuracy, more than anyone else- almost as though she had been there each time. And she was, though the City and the JL didn’t need to know that.
All in all, she was an asset, and her presence was permitted.
It has been a few days now since they arrived in Gotham, New Jersey. Metropolis was only a few hours away, some members of the envoy looking north with ungranted wishes to go request Superman’s help instead. But the two confirmed superpowered leaders of the JL were off planet, only available to converse over interstellar communications. Batman had yet to approve of a consultation yet, either. The trip was bound to last quite a while. At the very least, they were glad that Wayne Enterprises was an official representative itself of the Justice League, having its own department to handle the tasks. Meetings with the Paris envoy were being held for hours on end in the daily now, little progress being made considering just how much information was needed to go over, years of compiled events and data.
Marinette was tired of attending all day, with little to do but listen and confirm when information was inaccurate or needed clarification. She didn’t like the stares she got, either, the whispers of how too many young people are putting their noses into adult business. She understood they still had their own internal bias related to some of their board members and major stock holders, but did they really have to project that onto her? She was doing great, all things considered! She bet their company’s heirs were doing great, too, and they were just being salty for prideful reasons.
She was glad Hawkmoth wasn't in this city with them. The place would be a minefield for the innocent and a flowerfield for the magical emotion terrorist. Marinette sighed. She looked up at the color-tinted sky, wondering what tomorrow would bring? Progress, hopefully.
Shaking her head, Marinette decided to think about something else, returning herself to the unnatural but welcomed good mood.
What could have caused it, she wondered. It wasn't something material, or anything related to the Paris Problem. Hawkmoth had even been active daily so far, and she was making tiring trips back and forth with Kaalki for every attack. Couldn't have been shool, either: she was still expected to finish all her assignments and tests from across an entire ocean. It had to be something different, something new that she could only sense and react to with her emotions.
Maybe… Could it be? There’s no way, why would they be here, of all places? Marinette shook her head more vigorously again, trying to clear away the idea, not caring for the way her hair whipped and stung her face. It couldn't be my Soulmate, no way. It’s been years, and I've practically confirmed they weren’t anyone in Paris. That leaves the whole rest of the world, and there's no way I've traveled around enough to come across them already. But… Her steps slow, and she barely pays attention as her surroundings pass her by. I’ve never felt this way. It had to be something, so why not my…? 
She slapped her hands on her cheeks, the bags on her arms hitting her sides. “No, stop thinking about it. You have a job to do, me!” She chastised. “Head back in the game, now,” she commanded herself, face scrunched in determination. Besides, I don't think it works that way, anyway, she sighed to herself. Not that anyone else has figured it out, either. Soulmates, another mystery of the Universe…
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tayfabe75 · 15 days
I am so glad I found this blog! I’ve been following this along since last year and to me it seems so obvious! They were sad they had to go underground in June and when that random article said they were back together I think it spooked them and they decided they needed to do something drastic to keep attention off of them until enough time passed and Taylor corrected the narrative somewhat with tortured poets. They decided on PR relationships. With gabbriette it’s obvious, she is less famous and obviously looking for clout, it’s very common for these types to hook up with someone more famous and boost their profile. He was looking for prospects and I think he tried with meredith first but it didn’t work out for some reason. She definitely signed an NDA because all she did was unfollow him when he launched with gabbriette. Gabbriette was dating another guy basically a week before she started “dating” matty. Maybe they were already on the rocks and she jumped at the opportunity. Charli probably helped identify her. 
I think they made this decision in July after that article said they were back together, whoever wrote the article had some sort of proof probably and was paid off. I bet someone they know sold them out and they were both pissed. It would explain why matty had his breakdown in July, frustrated that it had to come to this, but they both think of each other as the end game and decided it was worth it to do this for a while and then slowly roll out a reunion. Matty’s breakdown in July happened around the same time travis made that friendship bracelet comment on the podcast. Travis obviously was down to sign this relationship contract to boost his chances at getting into hollywood. So basically I think this was all new to matty and he didn’t know how to act which explains his weird social media activity and trial and error with meredith. It also explains his breakdowns on stage later because he was probably sick of it while taylor is better at hiding her true emotions from fans and she has likely done this before. Basically I think that the new album is a necessary step in a plan that will allow them to end up together and not have the public freak out as much. It is no mistake that she added so many clues for people to decipher about matty. Some people are still in denial or think she hates him because of one song, but overall there has been a shift in public perception and interest in matty aside from the controversies.
My only question is how long the contracts are???? I have been reading it’s usually a year minimum but I’m sure taylor can negotiate less, wasn’t tom h only a few months? I’m at the point now where I’m just waiting to see how long they drag this out until the breakups and how they handle it, if they stagger the breakups, how they re-launch etcetera. 
What do you think???
Hi anon! Interestingly, the man who reported that Taylor and Matty were still together last July worked for The Sun, who were the ones that broke the news of their dating back in May! In September, he also suggested that The 1975 would feature on 1989. Mysteriously, he would go on to retire in December, shortly before the "Slut!" collab leak. Convenient timing!
Though Taylor would later backdate her new relationship to July, all evidence points to September for the official launch of both her and Matty's new relationships.
It seems Taylor might have had some sort of deal with the NFL as far back as 2019 in the Lover era, and that is around the same time that Matty met his current partner, who was receiving complimentary tickets to one of his shows back then. You're right, just before Matty, she had been in a serious, longterm relationship with another guy (who is now, incestuously perhaps, dating Matty's other ex - yep, the one who came both before and after Taylor! Also, these two are the absolute most hysterical side characters in all of this). Like I said before, it's also convenient that both of these relationships are basically pre-existing fandom memes from 2020!:
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As you can see, I am a bit reluctant to actually type out any names because I don't want to attract fans of those relationships. I'm not here to crash anyone's party! I just happened to witness a once-in-twenty-lifetimes kind of love and I'm just trying to make sense of everything that's transpired since. Who they end up with doesn't really concern me, though I can't help but root for their reunion because, you know, I have hearing. (Which, by the way… I cannot for the life of me understand how Taylor's fans heard the masterpiece 'About You' and would rather romanticize Taylor being a "WAG" or a "teammate's girlfriend" rather than a muse for a fellow musician who is, dare I say, on equal footing with her as a songwriter and musician! I'm stumped)
But either way, like I said - I am not in the business of villainizing any characters Matty or Taylor choose to associate with. I do believe that these are PR relationships and that both new partners have gotten plenty of opportunities since becoming the public partner for both musicians, and that's not even a bad thing! If they are meant to distract from the controversy and feed ravenous fans, then so be it. Genuinely, I'm happy for them.
I'm glad you mentioned the friendship bracelet! 'Cause sometimes I clown every now and then that the album Midnights seems almost like foreshadowing for what would transpire in Taylor's public life since it dropped! We have a 'Lavender Haze': January at the O2 love spiral, someone talking talk and going viral on Adam Friedland, 'Maroon'/SotB: Taylor falling again for someone from her past, YOYOK: Taylor accepting a friendship bracelet, next up - perhaps a declined proposal? As predicted in both 'Midnight Rain' and 'Bejeweled'…
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As for contracts, anon, I'm glad you asked! Taylor's partner's publicist, Pia Malihi, is another interesting rabbit hole to fall down. She got her start in a company called Bowery Public Relations/EMCBowery (of all things) and has partnered with fellow publicist Jack Ketsoyan to launch Full Scope Public Relations. A few years ago, Jack went on record exposing fake romances he helped set up, calling them "love contracts" and that they "legally bind famous couples together for at least a year".
Now, what's interesting about the "year" estimate above is that there are three possible end dates for this contract, if indeed, that's what it is. September is when they actually launched as a couple. However, Taylor backdated this relationship to July! Strangely, as of today, the media is saying that it is Taylor's year anniversary, despite the fact she was definitely with Matty a year ago. So… perhaps we're stuck with this stunt until September. If we're lucky? July. If we're truly fortuitous, then perhaps it ends this month! Or you know, maybe never. Who's to say?
Make no mistake though, anon, no matter how hard Twitter tries to virtue signal... Taylor wants us to pay attention to her love life and public persona for some reason. Of course, my theory is that she's done playing Barbie and is ready to burn down the dollhouse.
Thanks for the ask! 🤍
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trollbreak · 5 months
The Tiger… the Tiger is Out…
[Ethann aches. Their bunk is cool as the sun sets, and they can hear various bodies moving about as the night begins, and already they ache. They squint their eyes shut, as if it could buy them a few more precious moments of rest.
It never does.
The evening comes with the routine checks. Everybody housed at the lab gets looked over, some more in-depth than others, but Ethann is lucky for their… relative normalcy.
It’s never terribly long before they’re able to relocate their sulking to the dining table, so they can excuse any stray growls as protecting their cereal. As thin as the excuse has grown over the sweeps.
Theres a heavy huff behind them and they snap at the air, hard enough to get the harsh clack of teeth, and there’s a heavy head resting on their own.
They only fume as long as it takes them to recognize what they can see of the chin. Beastly is too much trouble to antagonize, so they huff in turn and return to their breakfast with minimal grumbling.
Then, it’s a matter of staying occupied. Picking through various books, puzzles, crafts that various trolls have brought in…
Ethann aches.
Some part of them knows that it should be as simple as bringing it up. Let some doctor or another gauge their pain, if they need medication for it. That part of them puts a foul taste in the back of their throat, and they want to tear at it with claws and teeth until it learns to behave.
They flop back into their bunk, wincing as they land on their shoulder a little too harshly.
Beastly is out, tonight. If they’re lucky, he’ll bring home a new puzzle for them to pick apart, or another sweater since they tore holes in the last one, fussing at the hem of the thing.
Some quiet part of them whispers to follow him. That they’re quiet enough, and the night is routine enough to be boring… They sniff at the thought. It’s been long enough that they’d be all but wandering the halls blind, and they don’t imagine anything would be so simple as just walking outside. It took sweeps for Beastly to be allowed his field trips as it is… and they’re almost sure the reason he gets away with it is because he hasn’t purposefully misbehaved in his life.
Time crawls forward, slow as ever. The din of the lab rises and falls, like… something poetic, Ethann imagines- they’ve never been much of one for poetry, they don’t think- but simply existing is easy enough. Close their eyes to the lights, toss a blanket over their head to muffle the various sounds… it’s not something they can indulge nightly, but that doesn’t make it any less familiar.
When someone jostles their bed, they hiss, and when someone tugs at their blanket, they snap at the air until they’re allowed back into their solitude, and they simply wait until dinner comes.
It’s always a larger affair, even as the number of their siblings fluctuates; a meal made large enough for all to share. If anyone objects, they can wait until morning to eat, or they can make another breakfast.
Ethann has grown very used to the feeling of cereal, over the sweeps.
At least it’s consistent.
Beastly drags them into conversation, after dinner… it’s never terribly hard for him, to whisper to the bunk across from his, regardless of whether they’re asleep or not. Sometimes they pretend to be, just so he leaves them alone a bit sooner, but… not this time.
When he calls their name, they hum. And they can almost feel his grin.
A decade or two ago they’d have had to worry about him breaking the structure holding the bed above his, with that tail he used to have. They’re… glad they didn’t have the same qualities as he did. They’re rather attached to their own, thank you.
Beastly is asking them about friends again- they don’t know why he ever bothers to bring the question to them. A number of their siblings have been on message boards, made friends there, and Lovely is the only other one allowed out right now… but they sigh. If he wants to pose hypotheticals, they can play this game. Even if it’s harder, sometimes, than they would like, to play at indifference.
They’re only half paying attention, by the time Beastly comments about them getting along with one of his new friends, and they almost laugh. They do try not to be ‘friendly’- enough siblings have come and gone quickly enough that they’re certain it’s simpler to sit alone than that- but he’s very sure of the idea. Something about kindred spirits.
They want to bite him. To claw and chew until they taste blood, feel his sinews in their teeth. To prove him wrong.
Ethann remains silent.
He says he worries about them being lonely, and they’re silent then too.
Not for the first time, they wonder how much harder it could really be, on their own. They’d need to find their own food and somewhere out of the way, to study for some time, but… they feel… something, here.
None of the words they can think of fit quite right, and that makes their arms itch, not knowing what it is.
They close their eyes, for all the difference it makes at this time of day, with the lab all but shut down, and at some point Beastly stops whispering.
Evening comes too soon.
Ethann aches. Their bunk is cool as the sun sets, and they can’t quite hear anybody else getting up yet. Maybe they’re the first, or maybe their siblings decided to give them one evening of peace.
The evening comes with routine checks. They’re already sat with their cereal by the time they hear Beastly gathering things to head out for the night again, and they sniff to themself about it.
He’s lingering at their side as others rise and begin the routine, and they know he’s debating on whether to eat before he leaves, but some small, wishful part of them imagines he wants to take them with him.
They must be making some sort of face about it, because he leans down enough to bump his arm against their own, and… they come to a decision of impulse. Most of their decisions are, really, but… they decide on it before they can talk themself down from it. Again.
“Let’s go.”
He looks surprised, rising higher than he usually stands for a moment, and he’s taking a breath for something before they shush him harshly.
“Shut up. Let’s go.”
They don’t bother to gather anything- either they won’t need it, or they’ll find they hate it out there and come back. And they don’t need more time to fuss over the decision tonight.
Beastly is pleased as ever when they take his disproportionate hand, and he only keeps up with them enough to direct them through the halls. They’ve never left this wing, so they’re glad to have his knowledge as to which doors lead to other areas of the building and which ones lead outside.
It’s colder out than they had expected, but Beastly is dropping his jacket over their shoulders before they get a chance to complain about it, so they grumble about that instead. They can’t tell if his huff is a sigh or a laugh, and they don’t want to look that far up to check.
He says he wants to introduce them to a friend, and they only grumble and hiss about that a little bit. They are curious, they have to admit, about the sort of company he keeps out here. About the pathways he follows, and how he keeps them all straight. About what he does with that feeling in his lungs, with all the smells out here. About the colors of the sky- they didn’t think it actually turned those colors. They thought it was artistic dramatics, not… this.
They get carried away watching clouds- they must- because all too soon, they’re stopping at one of those unfamiliar doors, and Ethann finds himself… reluctant to go inside.
They’re tugging their hand out of Beastly’s and taking a step back before he looks down at them, brow furrowed, and he looks like he wants to ask if they’re okay. They don’t want him to ask if they’re okay. They don’t know what the answer would be, so he can’t ask it.
He opens his mouth, and they run.
He could catch them, they know this, they KNOW this, but they run. As hard as they can. Climb over whatever they can get ahold of, and around every other corner, and they don’t once hear him following, and they don’t know these paths well enough to know if that’s a good thing or not.
They don’t know if it would be a good thing anyways.
It takes longer than it should to catch their breath, once the aches settle back in, but by the time they do, they realize that… they’re alone.
They’re finally alone.
And they’re lost.]
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congregamus · 6 months
Gotta go somewhere
So my mental health has been very poor for most of this year, and it is starting to take a worrying toll on me. There's a lot to talk about, obviously, and whatever it is probably lives here, at least in part, so I will refrain from review and go directly into whatever is next
My contemplation game is strong again, so that's something to be glad of, but it has been of necessity and not purely of love of "God" and the inner temple. I have had to be contemplative to keep myself together, and it burdens me that my spirituality could be rightly accused of transactionality lately. To which end: Psalm 31.
You see, I am panic attack-adjacent at all times these days. The buzzy language about this is to say that my nervous system is severely dysregulated. Fight-Flight-Freeze seems like a zipcode to me these days. And I require some things for this to resolve itself, none of which I have access to right now, and none of which might I be able to afford, even when granted limited access by becoming re-insured.
Please know that I know my privilege that I'm not dodging bombs right now, but my body/nervous system is absolutely convinced otherwise, and I am on the verge of system collapse. Like everything else, right? Letztlich ist alles metaphorisch.
It has become clearer to me lately that much of what I have been afraid of happening is queued up next, or has already happened to some degree. The US has been unmasked as a nation that is not a democracy in any sense that is important to it. The powers of the global "West" are sliding quickly into ultra right-wing ideologies. There is an actual genocide happening in which the US is involved, the atrocities of which are being mightily suppressed, while what we see — when we can bear to look — is already so monstrous as to be traumatizing simply to witness. Never mind what it is to undergo or survive.
I am not equipped to handle it, neither am I free to ignore it. It feels like it's tearing me apart. I understand that this is not about me. But I have no direct access to other perspectives or experiences, so I may only report these things.
I am studying again using books by Ms. Bourgeault, after a long season of lectures with her mentor, the late Fr. Thomas Keating, so I am bearing these things mystically as best I am able, which, at the moment, is not so well. My self-judgement is unnecessary because, spiritually speaking at least, this is a crucifixion moment, and one doesn't "succeed" or "fail" at that. One just dies.
This is distressing to me not only because it fucking sucks, but because one of metaphors insisted on by my consciousness is "performance." This means that what "spiritual" people call my "egoic self" wants a positive review of my inner torment. ("Did it move anyone? What did The Kansas City Sun say about the effectiveness of my writhing?") I do understand how counterproductive this is, but I verbalize it because to do otherwise is to resist it, and that is an act in which I have no interest, and frankly for which I have no energy left. The world is on fire, and I apparently want someone to notice my pain, for fuck's sake. It's not a great look, but it's what I look like right now, at least in some contexts.
I had another one of those 13-hour days yesterday, so I'm not doing anything important today. I don't have to take an "official" mental health day, because I don't report to anyone on Fridays, but I really need to allow myself to breathe into whatever refuge I can find for myself.
The class yesterday was hard. I'm still prone to COVID-fatigue on top of this hyper vigilance machine I apparently carry around with me, which itself takes a lot of fuel to run.
Thank you if you read any of this. I'm going to go and do the best I can by myself, which starts with taking my medicine, which I can do right off today. Thank Goddess I don't have to "raw dog" this whole day with only the brain chemistry I was born with, or have since developed.
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doshi-sukiru · 2 years
I think that in some versions they say that Macaque has the ability to hear the past, present and future with his ears??? (I'm not sure!) but It would be funny, if before they were a couple, wukong asked Macaque about their future and Macaque decides to give it a try and then walks away embarrassed, ignoring wukong's questions about what he heard.
Yep, it's true! There are a few versions that mention his ears work like that, sometimes it even mentions he sees different outcomes for the future, and how the past could have gone too!
Y'know what, it's fic time.
"Prince Mίhόu!" Macaque's ears twitched as he glanced up from the novel he was reading. His mouth twitched into a smile as he watched a familiar golden monkey stride through his family's garden, the king's head poking out of a very thick suit. "I found you at last!"
Macaque closed his book and stared at the other. "Sun Wukong," He bowed shortly, before relaxing back on his bench once more. "To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting the king of the Flower Fruit Mountain again?"
Wukong stiffened hearing his own name roll off the prince's tongue so easily. Oh how sweet it sounded coming from him, he wanted to hear it again as often as he could. The king shook his head, he came here for that reason. He smirked proudly and thrusted his hand out, revealing a bundle of roses to the prince, each one a different color. "I've come to bring you these! Freshly picked from my mountain!"
Macaque's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at the bundle. He counted how many flowers there were, and which colors existed in the bundle. Eight roses, and eight colors. His eyes jumped between the gift and Wukong for a while, before clearing his throat and hesitantly taking them. "Th-thank you. Very much."
Wukong's tail wagged behind him, joy spreading across his body as a big grin covered his face. "I'm glad you like them." He then stood proudly and exchanged his happy face with that of a serious one.
"Liùěr Míhóu," Macaque looked away from the roses and back to the king, noticing the change in the atmosphere immediately after seeing Wukong's face. "I would like to court you and make you my mate." The snow monkey could see the gears working in Wukong's as the golden monkey tried to remember what else to say. ". . . Will you allow me to do so?"
Macaque's eyebrows furrowed and he looked back at the flowers. He thought about the idea for a bit, and chewed on the inside of his cheek.
Those words never crossed his mind before, with how preoccupied he was. He pursed his lips, and listened to the quick, nervous thumping heartbeats of the King in front of him. No doubt waiting for an answer.
. . . Surely there was nothing wrong with playing a little game with the ruler, right?
Macaque smiled at the king, and leaned back on the stone bench. “Hard to say. How do I know you’ll truly love me for who I am, and not for what I am?” 
Wukong’s demeanor deflated a bit, a puzzled look now on his face. “. . . what you are?” Wukong raised an eyebrow. “A-aren’t you a macaque? Like the King?” 
The shadow monkey couldn’t help but burst into laughter. He slapped the bench and fell back to the ground, but his laughter didn’t stop there. Wukong stared at Macaque with concern before he leaned in closer. “Um . . .   Míhóu?” 
Macaque waved his hand and slowly sat up again. “I- I am a macaque, don’t worry. It’s just-” He pointed to his ears as he continued to catch his breath. “Most people just want me for my abilities from my ears.” 
The king tilted his head, confused. “What’s so special about your ears? I mean- they’re really pretty I’ll admit, but I don’t really see anything special about hearing so far.” 
The shadow monkey shook his head. “That’s just a common thing. My ears can hear through time, which makes them very valuable.” 
“Oh . . . Oh!” Wukong’s eyebrows raised up as he slowly began to understand what Macaque meant. “I see now, so that’s why you asked me that other thing before.” 
Macaque nodded, and looked at his lap. “So, is that why you-”
“I wanna court you for who you are.” Wukong smiled, and ignored how he interrupted the other. “But, if you’re not sure, maybe you can use your ears to see if it’s worth it!” 
Macaque paused, thought about it. It did seem reasonable, plus it would spare them the heartbreaks if things did go wrong. “Alright.” He readjusted himself to sit cross-legged and closed his eyes. “Just remember to stay very quiet.” He took a deep breath, and began to concentrate on the sound of wind passing through his ears. 
Wukong, unsure of what else to do, sat in front of the shadow monkey as his body began to freeze from the cold. He shivered, but kept his gaze on the other, eager to know if he was worthy for the demon’s hand. 
As Macaque kept listening, Wukong noticed how the other seemed to grow a dark blush on his face, and his face began to twist into desperation or embarrassment from time to time. His tail began to swish in agitation at some point, how long was it going to take to see if they were a good match or not? 
“Hey Míhóu-” Wukong put his hand on the other’s lap, and flinched when he saw Macaque jump and gasp for air. The shadow monkey looked down at the king, before his blooming blush grew even more and he dashed off and away from the garden. 
“Ah- wait-!” Wukong followed him, but had to stop once the other jumped through a shadow portal, leaving the king alone in the gardens. He sighed and glanced at the bouquet of roses. “He didn’t even tell me if I could court him . . .”  Macaque had his mouth covered as he leaned against the palace walls, just a few meters from the other. His dark blush remained on his face the longer he remembered those voices. He smiled softly when he remembered a young sweet giggle sing in his ears. 
He didn’t even need to wait to know who that could have belonged to. “A baby . . . we’ll get a baby.” 
That’s all for now. I’m really tired rn, gn everyone!
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pixelchills · 1 year
I just wanted to say two things:
1: I’m glad I’m not the only one who wanted more fluff than what tsams is offering (gosh, stop breaking them, give us joy gdi). I stopped for a similar reason. I want happy lord not all this depressing angst.
2: I’m so sorry people kept comparing your work to tsams, it’s not alike at all! I’m also sad we won’t get to see your lunar eclipse character. I would’ve been very interested to know how he turned out. People don’t realize how hurtful comparisons can be. (I almost killed Roth because someone called him a magical girl because of how he shapeshifts.) Is there any chance you could give a summary of what the Lunar Eclipse would’ve been like? Or is he just gone for good and you don’t want to mention him?
Sorry if this is annoying. Just wanted to say, I’m with you on fluff (which is why I love your work. Perfect balance of angst and fluff! We learn about something painful, and then there are hugs. Something scary happens, and then there are plushies. Well balanced), and I’m sorry you felt you had to remove your lunar eclipse.
Thank you for the nice message!
I know I'm an angst writer myself but depression with no fluff to make up for any of it is not enjoyable. I just think they should've continued with mostly gaming stuff and funnier lore videos after Eclipse was defeated.
But that's just my opinion and I am allowed to stop watching/enjoying content when it doesn't tickle my fancy anymore. If they ever happen to start doing happier and fluffier videos again I might start watching them again, but as of now I feel like the story has gone a bit downhill from what it used to be; too many universes, too many characters, it gets confusing and I don't particularly like how some of the characters are written, like Moon being the OP emo genius, but again, that's just my opinion 😂
What comes to the Lunar Eclipse character I was going to have, here's the deal;
The Lunar Eclipse character is still technically there, but the desing and name have been changed from what I originally had in mind. Lunar would have been a girl.
A big spoiler for "Lunar" to the far future of ANSSW:
"Lunar" was going to be Sun and Moon's adopted daughter. A baby stage Animutant who had to be taken out of the incubator tank too early because of the Apocalypse.
She is still sleeping because she hasn't developed fully. There's a 10% chance that she'll wake up before she is fully grown, but the 90% chance is that it will now take about 200 years since she is no longer in the incubator liquid.
Her new name is Dawn.
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hungrydogs-if · 2 years
that draft physically hurt me. is it too much to ask for a bit of fluff? enough to forget about the angst :')
it hurt me writing it too so i know how you feel, so i shall make up for this pain. now, i don’t want to admit it, but there are very few fluffy moments in my writing. i'm much better at angst lmao. i'll still try my very best to give you happy feelings!
under cut for length. don’t want to clutter the dashboard.
Dane Fluff
Play pretend
“This is stupid.”
“It’s not stupid, it’s —“
“Moronic, idiotic, dangerous if we’re being real—“
The baseball cap on your head comes down with a flick and you tip it back up. Dane pushes your face away, but you’re quick to throw a glare his way. He gives you an insufferable grin while adjusting his own trucker hat to sit deeper over his features.
“You look ridiculous,” you begin and shove your hands into the pockets of the puffer jacket you would never had worn unless Dane had insisted.
“You don’t look any better. Yellow and white are not your colors, huh?” He picks at your sleeve before poking you in the bicep. You shrug him off, glancing at his ensemble.
“Yeah, says the guy with baby blue and khaki. Like I said, ridiculous.”
He takes a step in front of you, walking backwards as he spreads the baby blue puffer jacket to the sides, revealing the shirt beneath, a pale yellow with a crudely drawn sun with sunglasses. You pull a face and he laughs loud enough to get some looks your way.
“Gaudy, is that a crop top?“
“Yes, yes it is, and it’s cutting off the blood from my hands. It’s an amusement park, Sparky! Loosen up!” He spins looking over the imitation Coney Island San Maro somehow got up and running in the past month. The surrounding sounds are loud, game machine pinging with wins and whirring from effort. A pair of kids run past you, laughing, soon running up to what you assume are their parents to beg for more coins.
You follow them with your gaze, and Dane must’ve noticed your frown because soon the cold tip of his thumb smooths over the crease between your brows. There’s a soft look in his eyes when you turn back to him, and the smile he gives is genuine, not one of those sharp, sharklike smirks he’s known for.
“We’re allowed to have fun, you know.”
“Your idea of fun is getting high and throwing darts at the TV.”
He huffs and shakes his head, grabbing your hand to yank you further along the pier, past the ticket stand. His fingers are icy. He wasn’t kidding about losing circulation in his hands.
“Who says spending time with you wasn’t a better - hey, a photo booth!”
You have no time to react to the uncharacteristically sweet sentiment when you’re pulled along. You grab the cap of your hat and keep it low as the lug of a man drags you into the booth. He sits you down before squeezing next to you, the machine already getting ready to immortalize your worst fashion choice ever.
You’re about to protest, but Dane drapes his arm over your shoulders and pulls you close, the first image turning into one of him grinning like an idiot and you giving him a look.
Then it shifts. His smile falls, and he leans his head against yours, but he’s still looking into the camera. The grip on your arm softens, and he doesn’t feel as tense as he always does. The second picture is normal, with him smiling a light little smile, and you not looking as affronted.
“I’m glad you came along.” He whispers, and you wish you could turn to look at him. The tone of his voice is different, a mere whisper, as if he was falling asleep or sharing a deep secret. You can’t help but give a disbelieving huff at that, but there’s humor in the noise.
“Of course. You’re my best friend, aren’t you?” You mumble back, giving the hand on your shoulder a pat. It feels normal, and it would be easy to forget the world that awaits you outside.
The last photo ends up being the best. Your calm smile, the camera capturing your gaze on Dane. His eyes are closed, but not by accident. He looks peaceful, like the weight of the world no longer sits on his shoulders.
All he needed to feel at peace was someone to sit with him and play pretend as normal, everyday people.
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callsignspark · 6 months
What are my babes Mary and Bradley up to today? They’ve been on my mind! 🧡🥧
alexa! I’m so glad you asked because it gave me a chance to think about the Bradshaws and holidays! I hope you have a wonderful day!! below the cut because we know I can’t be brief lol
first of all, Mary and Bradley are big holiday people. Mary comes from a huge family that always went all out on holidays, especially when it came to food. Bradley’s holidays were smaller but no less festive, Carole and the ‘86 Daggers were amazing about making the day special for Bradley. so as adults (and especially when they have kids) they make the days special! their focus is always about having fun, making memories vs. making everything perfect. their decor for thanksgiving and christmas is very traditional/90’s, there’s no neutral tone buttplug trees in 5 miles of a Bradshaw. it’s all twinkling lights and bright colors. did I mention that Bradley would decorate on November 1st if given the choice and Mary is fighting for her sanity to make him wait until the evening of thanksgiving?
every year since the Dagger Squad was formed, Penny and Mav have hosted Daggergiving since the squad was always on call during the holidays. it’s a much more relaxed thanksgiving dinner, where everyone brings a dish and they spend the day in the backyard, lounging around the pool. they still have all the traditional food but in their bathing suits. Mary has been co-host with Penny since her and Bradley started dating (2021) because Mav, bless his heart, is a terrible sous chef.
however, in the timeline (aka 2023) Mary is super pregnant, with a capital P, because her due date is January. so this year she’s been relegated to a spectator (something she didn’t fight too hard, everything is difficult when you’re in month 7 of carrying twins) while Bradley tries to do his best to follow directions. he’s once again in shock and awe at how amazing his beautiful, wonderful, lovely wife is in the kitchen. the last few years he’s seen as the two of them fly around the kitchen, getting everything ready and making sure all the food being brought has a place, but he didn’t realize how much work and coordination really goes into it until he was thrown in the middle.
Daggergiving 2023 goes off without hitch, only 30 minutes later than usual due to a small oven issue (not Bradley’s fault, he stresses that point. not. his. fault.) Mary is graciously allowed to go first, Bradley filling her plate with the requested food as she slowly waddles walks in front. everyone spends the afternoon eating and relaxing in the warm late November sun, Mary falls asleep on a lounger, Annie snuggled into her side; the two of them only waking up for some pie (apple) before snoozing again. the annual Hangman v. Halo Uno fight happens, both of their partners peeling them apart before they actually fight. (Halo is leading this battle, winning four years in a row, Jake might blow a gasket if he loses in 2024.)
after the 4PM football game ends (Dallas winning over Washington, everyone groans as Jake gloats about his precious Cowboys. everyone then laughing when Flora gives him a victory kiss as a distraction before shoving him in the pool.) Bradley and Mary head home, showering the smell of rosemary and cinnamon off them before climbing into bed. Bradley keeps watching football while Mary snoozes, growing babies is hard work but he also knows that the last three years they’ve done the same thing she’s woken up during halftime of the 8PM game and well… let’s just say Bradley had to check the final score the next day. (it happens again this year. sleepy hormones and horny hormones are in equal measure for Miss Mary. Bradley losses his mf mind watching his pregnant, goddess of a wife ride him in the soft light of the christmas lights he strung up around their windows.) the night ends with them cleaning up and sharing a small slice of pumpkin pie they brought home in their doggy bags. snuggled in bed, Bradley whispers to Mary about the decorations he’s going to put up tomorrow, how it’s wild that this is the last Christmas tree they’re going to put up, just the two of them. it’s an extremely soft and sweet moment. all in all, they have a lovely day and it’s remembered as one of their favorite thanksgivings of all time.
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cherrywhipped · 2 years
Write. Pahchin pls
Pah is a softie 🥲🥲
A date♡ with Pah-chin:
1. Wake up Pah-chin! you go to his house and ask him to spend the day with you— how could he refuse? He looked pretty sleepy when he first opened the door, but woke up quick once he saw you. After rushing back in the house to appear presentable for you (hurried to the bathroom, brushed his teeth & hair, threw on nicer clothes and came back), he looked great!
2. Walk Pochi with Pah-chin: he says first he needs to take Pochi on a walk so you go with him— you give Pochi pats and he licks your hand. Pah blushes and smiles to himself, happy that his precious doggy approves of you and doesn’t attack you like it does Peh
3. Pls go to a pizza + arcade with Pah-chin, BECAUSE mans will 1000% want to impress you by showing you how high he scores on the punching machine and share some delicious pizza with one of his favorite people in the world. He also wants to play skee-ball and air hockey with you, plus any games you want! Although he is competitive, he pouts significantly less when you beat him at something, as opposed to his other friends.
4. Go visit Peh-yan with Pah-chin: He wasn’t quite sure what to do, but… Peh-yan’s house is his favorite spot to hang out, so he wants to bring you too! Did he think this through? Of course not. Was it a little awkward showing up at Peh’s door with you by his side? Maybe! But that all went away as soon as as you all had a snack and played some games together. I headcanon that Pah-chin prefers board or card games and Peh-yan likes those too but also enjoys video games, so you got to be the tie-breaker this time instead of the usual Rock Paper Scissors. Honestly you all would begin some spontaneous project together like a building a treehouse in Peh’s backyard (a new secret hideout) and not finish it so you could have something fun for when you come visit again.
5. Hold hands on the way back: Pah-chin had been trying all day, but wasn’t successful until this moment! He mustered up the courage and with great care reached for your fingertips. You were surprised, but smiled brightly as you laced your fingers with his. The two of you enjoyed each other’s company as you walked.
6. Give Pah-chin a kiss at the door (??) It’s the last stop! He insisted on walking you back to your place first! After all, he can’t have you going home alone, it’s getting late. He sure is glad he did walk you home; it made for a sweet moment: the sun is setting as you skip up the steps to your front door. Pah-chin is staring at you as if you were the beautiful pink and orange sunset hues in the sky, not paying any attention to whatever was behind you. “So pretty,” you say, eyes to the sky. He stares right back at you with a faint blush and replies, “y-you really are…” He is a shorty and is standing on the step below you, so as he reaches for your waist to pull you into a pure, gentle embrace, you swear you feel him stand on his toes a bit. He would try to express his desire to kiss you, but find that he is too embarrassed to ask! I think he’s a gentleman, so if you allow it (you’ll have to tell him yourself— he isn’t going to assume since he doesn’t believe he’s very smart…♡), he will give you a surprisingly delicate kiss. He’ll be sure to take you somewhere even more fun next time, too!
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