#warrior of the rabbit
priestesschan · 2 years
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Manga: Juuni Taisen Author: Nisio Isin Artist: Hikaru Nakamura
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Gintama x Juni Taisen: Zodiac War
Kamui as the Warrior of the Rabbit and Tsukuyo as the Warrior of the Chicken
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janrockart · 4 months
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A look back at my other new lunar year pictures (Tiger 2022 & Rabbit 2023). Already looking forward to making another piece for this series!
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cricketclan · 3 months
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Now Cricketclan has two healers with the heather blue eyes
Also Shellpaw saw his mother Della during his naming ceremony!! :")
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simplykorra · 1 year
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endless alba 2/ ∞  
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Hellooooooo autism communityyyyyyyyy (click for quality)
Closeups under the cut
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arianwen44 · 1 month
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Wanted to paint my red mage, Inle for VierApril ❤️ happy bunny month everyone!!
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mothfables · 8 months
♡ Bunny Flops ♡ - Part Three
Here we are at the end! I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I loved writing it <3
The third time it happens, they’ve found themselves in the Veteran’s home era. Several hours of walking mixed with dodging knights (making Sky and Warriors scowl) later and everyone is all too eager to crash at Legend’s house with its’ numerous soft blankets and pillows that the Vet insists he has no use for but keeps around anyway. Warriors teases him for being a hoarder but they all know how soft the seasoned hero is inside.
(Warriors also has the suspicion it also helps with Legend’s chronic pain and bad joints, but Legend would literally rather be hit over the head with a moblin club than admit such a thing. That’s fine. He’ll just ask Ravio.)
Finally, the house is in sight and Legend speeds up as much as his aching joints will allow. He can’t wait to see his orchard and his garden, to coo to Sheerow and talk with Ravio, to lay in his own bed and drink his own tea, to get up when he wants and not some ungodly hour of the morning, and and and-
And the door is opening and Ravio is there, dark curls catching the afternoon sun as he turns to see who’s coming up the road. Legend’s speedwalk turns into a half-hop, half-jog as he hurries towards his partner. Ravio gives a shout of delighted surprise and copies him.
(Legend is sure it must look very odd, to anyone who isn’t them, but they’ve always done this - since they first began to like each other as people, since they became actual friends, since they agreed to be partners, not just best friends.)
Ravi likes to joke that it’s just another bit of proof they’re each other’s mirror. ‘Rabbits in a burrow,’ he’d tease as Legend pouted.
Then Ravio is reaching for him, checking him over and tutting as he notices the newest accumulation of injuries and overall exhaustion. Legend simply leans into him, relishing in the sensation of his partner’s care. After a moment he jerks a thumb over his shoulder at the group still coming up the road behind him.
“Got room for eight more, Rav?” He smirks tiredly. Ravio titters, gently taking his arm and waving to the Chain as they make their way towards the couple.
“We’ll just be inside! You know where things are; make yourselves at home,” he calls. Then, more quietly, “Come on, bunny. Let’s get you off your feet, yeah?” Legend gives a token grumble for the show of it but follows Ravio’s lead as his partner tugs him through the door and into the house.
Once inside, Ravio leads him over to one of the plush chairs by the fireplace, waiting until Legend lowers himself into it before busying himself with lighting the fire and setting their beat-up old kettle on the stove. He pulls down Legend’s favourite mug: a slightly misshapen thing painted with apple blossoms. It had been a gift, given to him years ago, and something he treasures to this day. As the water boils, Ravio comes back over to check on his partner. Legend greets him with a tired smile before glancing at the fire, then at Ravio, hoping he’ll get the hint. He does; giving a dramatic sigh, the merchant gathers an armful of pillows and blankets and arranges them into a small - but cozy - nest before the fire.
The kettle whistles and Ravio scurries back to the kitchen, leaving Legend to drag himself out of the chair with a drawn-out groan. His limbs shake from the effort but before he can collapse Sky swoops over and catches him. The other hero helps him stumble over to the nest and down into it, then not-unkindly swats his hands away from where they fumble at the laces of his boots.
Once his boots are off Legend moves to get comfortable, rearranging the blankets to his liking as he scoots closer to the fire. At the same time, the rest of the Chain scatter around the living room as they finish settling in. Sky and Warriors sit near the nest, sharing a smile when their tired younger brother accepts their presence with nothing more than a glance and a roll of his eyes.
It doesn’t take long before Ravio reappears from the kitchen with a now-steaming mug in his hands. He hands it to Legend - making sure the other boy can hold it without trouble - before circling the nest a few times. He fluffs pillows and readjusts blankets before giving a happy hum and toes off his shoes to join Legend in the center of it.
Legend immediately leans into him, giving a contented hum of his own at the extra warmth. Ravio presses a kiss to his hair and the Vet’s eyes slip shut. “Ah ah, drink your tea first, love,” Ravio chides. Legend gives a tired whine, the sound pulling on Sky’s heartstrings. “I know, but it’ll help your joints. Come on, bunny, no falling asleep just yet.” Legend huffs grumpily at the order but complies.
Sky can see the stress and exhaustion leaving his little brother’s body as he sips at his tea. As he drinks, his eyes droop and he leans more and more heavily into Ravio. For his part, the merchant bears the added weight with ease, as if this is something that’s happened many times before. Sky gets the feeling it has.
His ear flicks at the sound of Wind’s pictobox. He turns to shoot a Look at the Sailor, who has the grace to look sheepish at his actions. (Sky will be getting a copy of that picture later, but now is not the time. He doesn’t want Legend getting embarrassed and forcing his aching joints to move because of it.) Luckily, the Vet doesn’t seem to notice. He’s done with his tea by now, barely holding onto his mug as he inches closer to sleep with every second.
Ravio reaches to grab it but Wars beats him to it. Gently taking the cup from limp hands, he gives the merchant a warm smile. “I’ll take care of it, you just let him sleep, yeah?” After a moment Ravio nods before turning back to the sleepy hero on his shoulder, leaving Warriors to stand and make his way to the kitchen unimpeded. He glances at the mug in his hands as he walks; it’s a simple thing that’s easy to hold and decorated in lovely pink blossoms. Apple blossoms, if he remembers correctly. It’s something that’s obviously been used and loved for a long time. The thought brings a smile to his face.
Returning to the living room, Wars is just in time to see Legend sliding off of Ravio’s shoulder to land face first in the mass of blankets, where he squirms for a moment to get comfortable before relaxing again. Ravio gives a fond sigh, slipping off the hero’s hat and placing it to the side to press a kiss to strawberry-blonde locks.
Legend purrs quietly at the action, and Ravio’s cheeks glow softly in the firelight as he beams. Turning to Sky, he whispers, amazed and proud, “Link almost never lets himself get so relaxed. He must really trust you.”
And if that doesn’t hit Sky like a shock arrow to the heart. From the sudden intakes of breath and muffled sniffling behind him, he’s not alone.
Warriors retakes his seat beside Sky with a thump. “We will do our utmost best to continue to deserve that trust,” he swears solemnly, and Sky catches the glisten in his eye. Ravio glances at him, startled, before catching his gaze, suddenly serious. The Captain holds it calmly. For a moment neither moves before the merchant nods and looks away.
Sky lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.
The matter settled, Ravio stretches his arms over his head with a sudden jaw-cracking yawn. He adjusts the blankets around them one final time before curling over- no, on top of his partner. Legend’s purring gets marginally louder at that; after a moment a second, deeper one joins in. A few minutes later both boys are fully relaxed, comfortable and warm and appearing near-boneless as they fall asleep curled up together.
The house is warm, and safe, and Sky lets himself drift off in the knowledge that his brothers are right where they need to be.
Click! goes the sound of Wind’s pictobox.
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harveylikestoart · 8 months
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The line up is finished!!
Had a lot of fun with these. Fave one to design was probs Gen.
I will never let go of the fact he has blonde hair.
Individuals under the cut!
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breannasfluff · 5 months
“Hey Time, what does this shirt say?” Gleam’s voice is always something to be wary of and Legend flicks his ears back to listen as he sorts gear.
The old man doesn’t answer. In fact, it stretches so long that Legend puts his stuff down and goes to investigate.
“It says cum.”
Din’s tits—what did Time just say?
“Gleam, where did you find that?”
“It’s a cheer shirt. Found it in Link’s clothes.”
Oh no. The cheerleader outfit. The one that definitely doesn’t say cum, but Link in fancy, scrawling letters. Sure, it’s a little hard to read, but come on!
Legend barges into the room, eyebrows already furrowed in annoyance. “It doesn’t say cum!”
“What?” Twilight sticks his head in, frowning at the standoff.
Gleam turns and holds the shirt up. “Read.”
Legend waits if only to see if the rancher will have more sense. He shoots Time a nasty look to make up for it.
“I—huh.” Twilight is making a strange face, all twisted up and eyes squinting. “The script is a little…hard to read?”
Legend switches his glare to him. “Are you telling me you can’t read the shirt?”
“I can! It’s just…” The rancher takes a step closer, still focused on the shirt. “I must be misreading it.”
Gleam doesn’t give him a chance to parse it out, just spins on his heel in search of a new victim. Legend follows, mentally adding Twilight to his disappointing column.
Read the rest here!
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mizuno-marmalade · 6 months
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even MORE firemblems. what can i say i love these guys
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fizzlefroth · 3 months
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Bnuy eyes samurai
If you catch me saying "bnuy" again in any other context you are allowed to slit my throat.
Posted using PostyBirb
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kartoonkane · 3 months
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Sister Bonnie, Nun Gun Bun
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princeofheartsarts · 1 month
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Doodling shadow every day until Sonic 3 day 8
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guiltypandas · 7 months
Yay!! More Sonic battle cats for you all!
Meet Rosey (Amy)! A daylight warrior for River Colony who trained by Tallshadow (Shadow). Also, Cream and Vanilla (same name), Rosey's adoptive family!
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Aren't they so silley!! Yay!!
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wutheringmights · 1 month
also i really shouldn't have written stp because now i have a million ideas for spirit's adventures in new hyrule that I will never have time to actually write :((
#i freely admit that the whole 'spirit met jean at work' thing was an on the fly idea i didn't put much thought into#and then when i was writing stp i impulsively added that bit about jean and linebeck being family friends and you know what? that changes#things. like jean and spirit totally had to have known each other really well before they dated#and that thought has led me down a rabbit hole of thinking about who spirit dated before jean. and i know spirit was a serial dater before#jean (and would try to change his personality to make his partner like him more) but now i have a specific idea about Spirit's horrible#situationship before jean that is making me crazy (hint: spirit pulled a warriors and found someone who reminded him of warriors in the#worst way possible)#and i knew before stp that jean was a very calm person if only to highlight how over it he had to be to dump spirit after 6 months of his#bullshit BUT now that jean feels like a real character i kinda understand how much spirit would have been attracted to jean's stability#and how jean is this caring family guy and how much spirit would both want that stability for himself while feeling so insecure about#not needing to fight jean all the time or not needing to change himself to be someone jean liked that he would pick fights because#spirit is self destructive like hell and if his life and happiness is going to be destroyed no matter what he might as well do it himself#like god. goddamn.#you know the way everyone was obsessed about ickywars after i first brought it up? that's about i feel about jean and spirit#and i'm the only one who cares :)#me rambling#lu ctb
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