#watched s2 episode 106
shmunter · 8 months
“who’s implanting these horrific memories in my head and traumatizing me?!”
elias bouchard:
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my-mt-heart · 8 months
i’ve seen some people say they think there’s going to be a reveal that carol and daryl had gotten together some time during the time jump in the final episode. how likely do you think this is? i’d SO much rather see them kiss and more importantly try to navigate their feelings for eachother for the first time on screen.
It's not that I don't want to see the first kiss or each emotional beat leading up to it because I agree that's much more fulfilling. The problem is a lot of Caryl fans no longer trust the show to give us the payoff we've been waiting years and years for, so if we still can't see a clear path to that after being forced to wait even longer, why should we hope for a different outcome than on the flagship? Why should we keep watching? That's why I think a soft canon reveal at the end of 106, meaning we are explicitly shown that Daryl and Carol at least have romantic feelings for each other, would've been a great way to restore our faith and keep the momentum going for S2, but ultimately I expect AMC and Zabel to go with low hanging fruit again. And even though I expect it, I will still be mad about it. Don't forget Caryl have already had a lot of time to navigate their feelings for each other. It shouldn't have dragged out past the flagship at all, and it definitely shouldn't drag out past S2 of the spinoff. I'd find it extremely hard to believe being an ocean apart for so long and missing each other wouldn't create an urgency to tell each other how they feel.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 1 year
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#it's funny cause i was listening to this song while writing this but now that i'm posting it i'm listening to need to know by doja cat haha
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Young Royals season 2 quiz 🌸
Thank you so much for tagging me @levok I love this!!!
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1. What month will season 2 be released?
Either August or December
2. What episode will Simon and Wilhelm have their first s2 kiss (who will initiate the kiss)?
Ep 3. Simon will initiate the kiss because Wille wants to wait for him to decide whether or not he wants to be with him
3. How will Simon find out about August being behind the leak?
It's a tough question because there are so many different ways for him to find out, but I think the one that's NOT going to be is for Wille to tell him because he knows Simon doesn't want to be in contact with him at the moment. So I think it's possible that he find out because Sara told him, or by listening to someone else's conversation (Sara, Felice or even August himself). Either way I think Simon will be very angry, with August obviously, Sara (and maybe Wille) for not telling him.
4. Will there be snow in s2?
5. Will there be any physical fight (if yes, who will be involved)?
Idk, but if there's one I think it would be Simon fighting August after he found out it was him who leaked the video
6. Will Wilhelm abdicate?
7. Will Wilhelm make a new public statement about his sexuality?
8. Will there be introduced another queer character (can be a s1 character - if yes, who)?
No, and if there's one, it won't be a major issue, just a background character.
9. Will Sara become a boarder student at Hillerska?
10. Do we get a forehead kiss between Simon and Wilhelm (if yes, who kisses who)?
Yesss. Wille will give Simon a forehead kiss. (maybe the other way around too, who knows)
11. Will Simon and the queen exchange any words (if yes, who will speak first)?
Yes. Simon will initiate the conversation.
12. Will there be clothes exchange between Simon and Wilhelm (if yes, what item)?
13. Will Sara speak any spanish?
I don't think so. I think the fact that she didn't do it in S1 is that she thinks she's going to be seen as inferior to everyone else for some reason, so I think she's going to continue like that.
14. Will Simon become aware of Wilhelm's anxity?
11 notas. Fecha de publicación: 16 de enero de 2022
I'm so proud of him 🖤
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14 notas. Fecha de publicación: 6 de febrero de 2022
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!
The music, his voice, the dance, the outfits, the lighting ... EVERYTHING is PERFECT💓
(I've seen that there were 5 minutes until the premiere so, since I was alone in my house (with my dog lol) I turned on the TV, connected my phone and I watched it there. Best decision ever I swear.)
27 notas. Fecha de publicación: 7 de enero de 2022
I just saw this video of Omar and thought y'all might want to see it cause he's amazing 🫶
Credits to OMAR BRASIL (youtube)
28 notas. Fecha de publicación: 3 de diciembre de 2022
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supercorp-hosie · 3 years
My thoughts for Legacies 314:
1) Clarke!!! I like his air of cockiness when he do all this things, and especially when Hope break this air😂😂😂 I think since the show is constantly letting him show up like this, maybe at some point he will eventually turn up or be brought back by my Sowanby team? Oh my Holarke heart! I just love their dynamic like how I’m entertained by Lizdon dynamics🤣🤣
2) I still see that artifact that was broken because of Landon unnecessary move, why? I thought the arc was over? It’s just hilarious when Clark tried so hard to break it, even using explosives, but Landon just break it by throwing it to the monster😂 these brothers, I can’t 😂 (I know it’s because of the presence of Cleo, but still, funny!)
3) Okay, the way Hope just ended up with Wade, doing a drama about undying teenage love, I can’t imagine 🤣🤣 sorry Hope, but Wade can be a good teammate. And Wade has a last name - Rivers! Congrats! Poor Jed, another person that’s appear later than him and got a last name.
4) I just inevitably thought about the other witch Gaby, and relates back to Penelope😆. What if Penelope comes back and starts a war with Finch, that would be fun🤣 I can imagine they somehow would have to work together to protect Josie if something happens to her. They can look past that because they both care for Josie so much. Penelope/Josie/Finch anyone? (I’m secretly shipping Penelope and Finch too in my head, OMG can you imagine the volcano erupting? Enemies to lovers trope??)
5) Finally SBS has a teacher other than Alaric now.
6) I do think that the compelling works. Anyway, considering what’s going to happen, I’m certain that somehow Ethan is going to remember what happened with MG. If he’s going to be a supernatural, I’m rooting for vampire. We are really lacking vampires here.
7) I love Hope’s magical surges♥️ and how other students is taking that like it’s a normal thing around them. Unlike the school tour.
8) I love Hope needn’t to turn around to know that it’s Josie right away♥️ and Josie do catch up things around Hope when she’s not around after she returns.
9) Josie lied to Hope that Lizzie needs help(even though it turns out to be true doesn’t mean she didn’t lie), to help Hope with her mental state. Is this toxic or supportive?? Maybe I should just count it separately?
10) The twins clothes!! Contrast colours, love them!
11) I wonder who drove there....Hope didn’t have a dl in s1 (but two years has past now?) while in 307, Josie apparently walked to Mystic Grill to find Finch(but Lizzie did drive before in s2)....so? I bet it’s Hope...but how the hell did they even have time for driving education?
12) Hope, looking at Josie: like I said, trap. 😂😂but she just doesn’t even get mad at Josie?? Exactly how many times did she let Josie escape like that?? Poor Landon got grilled when he lied😂
13) We don’t worry about dick here🤣🤣🤣🤣
14) I love Finch just confidently stand up for herself, challenging Jed. But no, I don’t like Jed being thrown down by a new wolf again. But having female alpha is appealing too, I love to see that when Finch challenge the old system, then get to improve the abusive hierarchy towards the omega/new wolf in the pack. I was conflicted. I love how they resolved the issue in the end! It’s win-win situation and I love how Jed and Finch bond! Brotp/Sistp! And I love that from Finch perspective, we can see that the wolves let Jed win because they love Jed as much because they know Jed cares about them a lot and just willing to let him win. Not because Jed was oppressing them.
15) Btw, I can’t believe they are using pool/billiards/snooker to decide who becomes the alpha. Really I just don’t like how it works, like leading a pack is a game. But some wolves are born alpha. In real life, a pack’s alpha is always the one to lead hunting, be vigilant of any threat that can harm the pack, they really care for their packs, like Jed. Whilst there’s this beta position in the pack, they recognise the alpha’s leadership, help the alpha keeping others in line, help take care of other members too. Just like what I’d imagined, Finch can fit the beta position very well, for the time being, because of their dynamics. I’m not saying that Finch doesn’t fit as alpha, I think that beta always has the potential to be the alpha of a pack. I just love that now the dynamics in the pack somehow really resembles how the social hierarchy of a pack of wolves in real life.
16) appreciation to Finch being badass at pool/snooker/billiards
17) when Andy just called Hope’s name, why don’t the trio be surprised? It’s not like they even meet before?
18) when MG showed up, I just immediately believe in him. Love that Alaric defended him. I understand Dorian though, he’s always sensitive of rippers as his family was butchered by one. Please don’t blame him too much. MG living in a cave breaks my heart, I just recalled that Hope was homeless when she’s out of Malivore too! Double heart breaks.
19) MG diaries! I’m so proud of him, even Alaric validates his effort and his kind heart! I just rewatched 106 last night to do some fact checking for my hosie interactions 2.0 and twins relationships 1.0. MG has always wanted to be a superhero that saves lives. He has grown so much, from first fighting zombies, to super squad fighting monster, until now, saving normal people lives. I bet now Penelope can’t laugh at him when he first pitched his feelings to Penelope. Good job!
20) I’ve talked about the Finsie sitting together, so I only want to talk about how the relationship between Finsie is healthy for one another (for now, and at least they are not cringy for these two episode).They function independently and Finch doesn’t need to constantly worry about Josie all the time, like what Penelope fear of. Ofc it may also because that the twins have grown healthier.
21) even though Hosie were mind controlled, I just love how they have unspoken understanding between each other😂 Josie doesn’t need to tell Hope to make Lizzie stay with them to have Hope “as sonnum” Lizzie. Then only Josie said “stay with us”.
22) Hizzie hugs, and HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON 🤣
23) I just love how Lizzie knows what to say to break Josie’s peace, while Josie knows how to break Hope’s peace. I see another spoken parallel from 308 about blindspot😂 Lizzie -> Josie -> Hope.
24) so if the drug sometimes doesn’t work on Lizzie, that means that there are times that Lizzie is really blue! Really at peace! I’m so proud and happy for her! Go Lizzie!
25) “ALL I WANTED FOR YOU IS YOUR HAPPINESS” this is so powerful! My Hosie heart! And really the last painful sentence, is fact. I’m sad for Hope because she’s so into that relationship until she can’t bring herself to do it and only leads to Landon leaving, but it’s also classic Mikaelsons(I feel), never giving up for their love ones. Appreciation to Landon, but still it’s strike three for leaving, please don’t let them be together again. It’s derogatory to Hope’s self-esteem.
26) I love badass Hope so much!! All the bodies she left! If I’m not already gay, she would have bent me into a mosquito coil by that scene, (so bent that I can’t be straight anymore). I love how Josie just let Hope outing her anger on these witches, freeze Andy, waited patiently for Lizzie and Hope to deal with Andy together.
27) I died laughing at these Pandemonium 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the badass trio in panda suit😂😂😂😂 I can’t! They’re so cute! And the height difference🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
28) How Hope tries to focus and dead serious in dealing with the upcoming monster but fails inevitably and miserably at Josie’s antics! All Josie does is laughing cutely at Hope and poking(?) her.
29) I love the trio so much!
30) haven’t watched any Star Wars, so I really thought that the one in the mask was Clarke until the Star Wars theme song started😫 too bad that Landon must have missed it.
31) Lizzie kissing Ethan is the last thing ever to have crossed my mind, so again, what the fuck?(sorry, language)
32) when I first thought about team building, I was thinking about finch + MG + Jed + Kaleb, but pack bonding, I’m satisfied too.
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degrassionline · 3 years
Lately I’ve been wanting to do a Degrassi re-watch, but I always struggle with where to start. Do I start with a recent season like S13, or should I go all the way back to Degrassi Junior High or TNG Season 1? Then today I was thinking about making a #DegrassiOnThisDay Twitter thread to share what episodes premiered on this date and how long ago. This got me thinking that I could also watch the episodes that premiered on this day. It would be a fun way to re-watch random episodes throughout the year from all different eras of Degrassi. I made a calendar of what episodes premiered when, and I thought I’d share it in case anyone else wants to participate.
How to read this:
Each date indicates which episodes premiered on that day and also the year (e.g. KODS Episode 108 premiered on January 2, 1983 and TNG Episode 609 and 610 premiered on January 2, 2007).
I used short form for each ‘era’ of Degrassi
KODS = The Kids of Degrassi Street
DJH – Degrassi Junior High
DH = Degrassi High
TNG = Degrassi: The Next Generation
DNC = Degrassi Next Class
For each episode, I indicated the very first date it aired. Most of the time this is also the Canadian airdate, but some episodes did premiere in the US first and in those cases I called this out. However Australia airing DNC S2 first is not included
For DNC, I indicated both the Netflix release date and the Family Channel TV premiere, so the episodes are spread out more
I also included the airdates of some of the Degrassi documentaries/specials from over the years
January 2 KODS 108 – 1983 TNG 609/610 - 2007
January 3 TNG 214 - 2003
January 4 KODS 115 – 1985 DJH 201 – 1988 DNC 101 - 2016
January 5 KODS 126 – 1986 School’s Out – 1992 TNG 212/213 – 2003 DNC 102 - 2016
January 6 TNG 110 – 2002 TNG 1411 – 2015 DNC 103 – 2016 DNC Season 3 Netflix Release - 2017
January 7 DH 210 – 1991 DNC 104 – 2016
January 8 DNC 105 - 2016
January 9 DH 109/110 – 1990 TNG 611/612 – 2007 DNC 301 - 2017
January 10 TNG 215 – 2003 DNC 302 - 2017
January 11 KODS 116 – 1985 DJH 202 – 1988 DNC 106 – 2016 DNC 303 - 2017
January 12 DNC 107 – 2016 DNC 304 - 2017
January 13 TNG 1412 – 2015 DNC 108 – 2016 DNC 305 - 2017
January 14 DH 211 – 1991 DNC 109 – 2016
January 15 DNC 110 – 2016 DNC Season 1 Netflix release - 2016
January 16 DJH 308 – 1989 DH 111 – 1990 DNC 306 - 2017
January 17 TNG 216 – 2003 TNG 417 – 2005 DNC 307 - 2017
January 18 KODS 117 – 1985 DJH 101 – 1987 DJH 203 – 1988 TNG 809 – 2009 DNC 308 - 2017
January 19 TNG 218 – 2003 DNC 309 – 2017
January 20 DNC 310 - 2017
January 21 DH 212 - 1991
January 23 DJH 309 – 1989 DH 112 – 1990
January 24 TNG 418 - 2005
January 25 KODS 118 – 1985 DJH 102 – 1987 DJH 204 – 1988 TNG 810 - 2009
January 26 TNG 217 – 2003 TNG 314 - 2004
January 27 TNG 111 - 2002
January 28 DH 213 – 1991 TNG 1317 - 2014
January 30 DJH 310 – 1989 DH 113 – 1990 TNG 514 - 2006
January 31 TNG 419/420 - 2005
February 1 KODS 119 – 1985 DJH 103 – 1987 DJH 205 – 1988
February 2 TNG 219 - 2003
February 3 TNG 112 – 2002
February 4 TNG 1318 - 2014
February 6 DJH 311 – 1989 DH 114 – 1990
February 7 TNG 421 - 2005
February 8 KODS 120 – 1985 DJH 104 – 1987 DJH 206 – 1988 TNG 708 – 2008 (US aired it first) TNG 811 - 2009
February 9 TNG 220 – 2003 TNG 315 – 2004
February 11 TNG 1033/1034 – 2011 TNG 1319 - 2014
February 13 DJH 313 – 1989 DH 115 – 1990
February 14 TNG 422 - 2005
February 15 DJH 105 – 1987 DJH 207 – 1988 TNG 709 – 2008 (US aired it first) TNG 812 – 2009 TNG 1231 - 2013
February 16 TNG 221 – 2003 TNG 316 - 2004 TNG 613 – 2007 (US aired it first) February 17 TNG 113 – 2002
February 18 TNG 1035 – 2011 TNG 1320 - 2014
February 20 DJH 314 – 1989 TNG 515 – 2006 TNG 1132 – 2012 (US aired it first)
February 22 DJH 106 – 1987 DJH 208 – 1988 TNG 710 – 2008 (US aired it first) TNG 1232 - 2013
February 23 TNG 222 – 2003 TNG 317 - 2004
February 24 DT 101 – 1992 TNG 114 – 2002 TNG 1133 - 2012
February 25 TNG 1036 – 2011 TNG 1321 - 2014
February 27 DJH 315 – 1989 TNG 516 - 2006
February 29 DJH 209 – 1988 TNG 711 – 2008 (US aired it first)
March 1 DJH 107 – 1987 TNG 813 – 2009 TNG 1233 - 2013
March 2 DT 102 – 1992 TNG 1134 - 2012
March 3 TNG 115 – 2002
March 4 TNG 1037 – 2011 TNG 1322 - 2014
March 6 DJH 316 – 1989 TNG 517 - 2006
March 7 DJH 210 – 1988 TNG 712 – 2008 (US aired it first)
March 8 DJH 108 – 1987 TNG 318 – 2004 TNG 814 – 2009 TNG 1234 - 2013
March 9 DT 103 – 1992 TNG 1135 - 2012
March 11 TNG 1038 – 2011 TNG 1323/1324 - 2014
March 13 TNG 518 - 2006
March 14 DJH 211 - 1988
March 15 DJH 109 – 1987 TNG 319 – 2004 TNG 815 – 2009 TNG 1235 - 2013
March 16 DT 104 – 1992 TNG 1136 - 2012
March 18 TNG 1039 – 2011 TNG 1325 - 2014
March 20 TNG 519 - 2006
March 21 DJH 212 - 1988
March 22 DJH 110 – 1987 TNG 320 – 2004 TNG 816 – 2009 TNG 1236 - 2013
March 23 DT 105 – 1992 TNG 1137 - 2012
March 25 TNG 1040 – 2011 TNG 1326 - 2014
March 28 DJH 213 – 1988 TNG 614 - 2007
March 29 DJH 111 – 1987 TNG 321 – 2004 TNG 1237 - 2013
March 30 DT 106 – 1992 TNG 1138 - 2012
March 31 TNG 713 – 2008
April 1 TNG 1041 – 2011 TNG 1327 - 2014
April 2 TNG 915/916 – 2010 (US aired it first)
April 4 TNG 615 – 2007 TNG 714 – 2008 (US aired it first)
April 5 DJH 112 – 1987 TNG 322 – 2004 TNG 817 – 2009 TNG 1238 - 2013
April 6 TNG 1139 - 2012
April 8 TNG 1042 – 2011 TNG 1328 - 2014
April 11 TNG 715 – 2008 (US aired it first)
April 12 DJH 113 – 1987 TNG 818 – 2009
April 13 TNG 1140 - 2012
April 15 TNG 1043 – 2011 TNG 1329 - 2014
April 16 TNG 616 – 2007
April 18 TNG 716 – 2008 (US aired it first)
April 20 TNG 1141 - 2012
April 22 TNG 1044 – 2011 TNG 1330 - 2014
April 23 TNG 617 – 2007
April 25 TNG 718 – 2008 (US aired it first)
April 27 TNG 1142 - 2012
April 28 TNG 717 – 2008
May 4 TNG 1143 - 2012
May 7 TNG 618 – 2007 TNG 917 – 2010 (US aired it first)
May 11 TNG 1144 - 2012
May 12 TNG 719 - 2008
May 14 TNG 619 – 2007 TNG 918 – 2010 (US aired it first)
May 18 TNG 1145 - 2012
May 21 TNG 919 – 2010 (US aired it first)
May 26 TNG 720 - 2008
May 30 KODS 104 – 1982
June 2 TNG 721 – 2008
June 3 TNG 1331 – 2014 Degrassi Unscripted Stacey Farber - 2005
June 9 TNG 722 – 2008
June 10 TNG 1332 – 2014 Degrassi Unscripted Aubrey Graham - 2005
June 16 TNG 723 – 2008
June 17 TNG 1333 – 2014 Degrassi Unscripted Melissa McIntyre - 2005
June 21 TNG 1239/1240 - 2013
June 23 TNG 724 – 2008
June 24 TNG 1334 – 2014
July 1 TNG 1335 – 2014
July 3 DNC 401 – 2017
July 4 DNC 402 – 2017
July 5 DNC 403 – 2017
July 6 DNC 404 - 2017
July 7 DNC 405 - 2017 DNC Season 4 Netflix Release - 2017
July 8 TNG 1336 – 2014
July 10 DNC 406 - 2017
July 11 TNG 1301/1302 – 2013 DNC 407 – 2017
July 12 DNC 408 – 2017
July 13 DNC 409 – 2017
July 14 DNC 410 - 2017
July 15 TNG 1337 - 2014
July 16 Degrassi Takes Manhattan – 2010 TNG 1201 – 2012
July 17 TNG 1202 - 2012
July 18 TNG 1101/1102 – 2011 TNG 1203 – 2012 TNG 1303 - 2013
July 19 TNG 1001 – 2010 TNG 1103 – 2011 TNG 1204 – 2012 DNC 201 - 2016
July 20 TNG 1002 – 2010 TNG 1104 – 2011 TNG 1413/1414 - 2015
July 21 TNG 1003 – 2010 TNG 1105 – 2011 TNG 1415 - 2015
July 22 TNG 1004 – 2010 TNG 1338 – 2014 TNG 1416 – 2015 DNC Season 2 Netflix Release - 2016
July 23 TNG 1205 – 2012 TNG 1417 - 2015
July 24 TNG 1206 – 2012 TNG 1418 - 2015
July 25 TNG 1106 – 2011 TNG 1207 – 2012 TNG 1304 - 2013
July 26 TNG 1005 – 2010 TNG 1107 – 2011 TNG 1208 - 2012 DNC 202 - 2016 July 27 TNG 1006 – 2010 TNG 1108 – 2011 TNG 1419 - 2015
July 28 TNG 1007 – 2010 TNG 1109 – 2011 TNG 1420 - 2015
July 29 TNG 1008 – 2010 TNG 1339/1340 – 2014 TNG 1421 - 2015
July 30 TNG 1209 – 2012 TNG 1422 - 2015
July 31 TNG 1210 – 2012 TNG 1423/1424 – 2015 Degrassi’s Most Talked About Moments Documentary - 2015
August 1 TNG 1110 – 2011 TNG 1211 – 2012 TNG 1305 - 2013
August 2 TNG 1009 – 2010 TNG 1111 – 2011 TNG 1212 – 2012 Don’t Look Back – 2015 DNC 203 - 2016
August 3 TNG 1010 – 2010 TNG 1112 - 2011
August 4 TNG 1011 – 2010 TNG 1113 - 2011
August 5 TNG 1012 – 2010
August 6 TNG 1213 – 2012
August 7 TNG 1214 - 2012
August 8 TNG 1114 – 2011 TNG 1215 – 2012 TNG 1306 - 2013
August 9 TNG 1013 – 2010 TNG 1115 – 2011 TNG 1216 – 2012 DNC 204 - 2016
August 10 TNG 1014 – 2010 TNG 1116 - 2011
August 11 TNG 1015 – 2010 TNG 1117 - 2011
August 12 TNG 1016 – 2010
August 13 TNG 1217 - 2012
August 14 Degrassi Goes Hollywood – 2009 (US aired it first) TNG 1218 - 2012
August 15 TNG 1118 – 2011 TNG 1219 – 2012 TNG 1307 - 2013
August 16 TNG 1017 – 2010 TNG 1119 – 2011 TNG 1220 – 2012 DNC 205 - 2016
August 17 TNG 1018 – 2010 TNG 1120 - 2011
August 18 TNG 1019 – 2010 TNG 1121 - 2011
August 19 TNG 1020 – 2010
August 22 TNG 1122 – 2011 TNG 1308 - 2013
August 23 TNG 1021 – 2010 TNG 1123 – 2011 DNC 206 - 2016
August 24 TNG 1022 – 2010 TNG 1124 - 2011
August 25 TNG 1023 – 2010 TNG 1125 - 2011
August 26 TNG 1024 – 2010
August 27 Degrassi Unscripted Miriam McDonald - 2004
August 29 TNG 1126 – 2011
August 30 TNG 1127 – 2011 DNC 207 - 2016
August 31 TNG 1128 - 2011
September 1 KODS 102 – 1980 KODS 103 – 1981 KODS 109 – 1983 TNG 1129 – 2011 The Degrassi Story Documentary - 2005
September 3 Degrassi Unscripted Adamo Ruggiero - 2004
September 6 DNC 208 - 2016
September 7 TNG 401/402 – 2004
September 8 Degrassi 40 Most Go There-est Moments Episode 1 - 2006
September 10 Degrassi Unscripted Cassie Steele - 2004
September 12 KODS 101 - 1979
September 13 KODS 105 – 1982 DNC 209 - 2016
September 15 Degrassi 40 Most Go There-est Moments Episode 2 - 2006
September 17 TNG 301/302 – 2003 Degrassi Unscripted Jake Epstein - 2004
September 19 TNG 501 – 2005
September 20 DNC 210 - 2016
September 21 TNG 403/404 – 2004
September 22 Degrassi 40 Most Go There-est Moments Episode 3 - 2006
September 24 Degrassi Unscripted Lauren Collins - 2004
September 26 TNG 502 - 2005
September 28 TNG 201/202 – 2002 TNG 405/406 – 2004
September 29 TNG 601/602 – 2006 (US aired it first) Degrassi 40 Most Go There-est Moments Episode 4 – 2006
September 30 The N Degrassi Behind the Scenes 1-Hour Special - 2005
October 1 TNG 303 – 2003
October 3 TNG 503 – 2005 TNG 1309 - 2013
October 4 TNG 901/902 - 2009
October 5 TNG 407 – 2004 TNG 701/702 – 2007 (US aired it first) TNG 801 - 2008
October 6 TNG 203 – 2002 TNG 603 – 2006 (US aired it first)
October 8 TNG 304 – 2003 TNG 1025 - 2010
October 10 TNG 504 – 2005 TNG 802 – 2008 (US aired it first) October 11 TNG 904 – 2009 TNG 906 – 2009 TNG 1310 - 2013
October 12 TNG 408 – 2004 TNG 703 – 2007 (US aired it first) TNG 1221 – 2012
October 13 TNG 204 – 2002 TNG 604 – 2006 (US aired it first)
October 14 TNG 101/102 – 2001
October 15 TNG 305 – 2003 TNG 1027 - 2010
October 16 TNG 903 – 2009 (US aired it first)
October 17 TNG 505 – 2005 TNG 803 – 2008 (US aired it first) TNG 1311 - 2013
October 18 TNG 905 - 2009
October 19 TNG 409 – 2004 TNG 704 – 2007 (US aired it first) TNG 1222 - 2012
October 20 TNG 205 – 2002 TNG 605 – 2006 (US aired it first)
October 22 TNG 306 – 2003 TNG 2028 - 2010
October 24 TNG 506 – 2005 TNG 804 – 2008 (US aired it first) TNG 1130/1131 – 2011 TNG 1312 - 2013
October 26 TNG 410 – 2004 TNG 1223 – 2012 Degrassi of the Dead – 2007 (US aired it first) The Curse of Degrassi – 2008
October 27 TNG 206 – 2002
October 28 TNG 1401 - 2014
October 29 TNG 307 – 2003 TNG 1029 – 2010
October 30 Degrassi Between Takes Documentary - 1989
October 31 TNG 507 – 2005 TNG 1313 - 2013
November 1 TNG 907/908 - 2009
November 2 TNG 411 – 2004 TNG 705 – 2007 (US aired it first) TNG 1224 - 2012
November 3 TNG 207 – 2002 TNG 606 – 2006 (US aired it first)
November 4 TNG 103 – 2001 TNG 1402 - 2014
November 5 DH 201 – 1990 TNG 308 – 2003 TNG 1030 - 2010
November 6 DH 101/102 - 1989
November 7 DJH 301/302 – 1988 TNG 508 – 2005 TNG 805 – 2008 (US aired it first) TNG 1314 - 2013
November 8 TNG 909/910 - 2009
November 9 KODS 110 – 1984 TNG 412 – 2004 TNG 706 – 2007 (US aired it first) TNG 1225 - 2012
November 10 TNG 208 – 2002 TNG 607 – 2006 (US aired it first)
November 11 TNG 104 – 2001 TNG 1403 - 2014
November 12 DH 202 – 1990 TNG 309 – 2003 TNG 1031 - 2010
November 13 DH 103 - 1989
November 14 DJH 303 – 1988 TNG 509 – 2005 TNG 806 – 2008 (US aired it first) TNG 1315 - 2013
November 15 TNG 911/912 - 2009
November 16 KODS 111 – 1984 TNG 707 – 2007 (US aired it first) TNG 1226 - 2012
November 17 TNG 209 – 2002 TNG 608 – 2006 (US aired it first)
November 18 TNG 105 – 2001 TNG 1404 - 2014
November 19 DH 203 – 1990 TNG 310 – 2003 TNG 1032 - 2010
November 20 DH 104 – 1989 TNG 1227/1228 – 2012 (US aired it first)
November 21 DJH 304 – 1988 TNG 510 – 2005 TNG 807 – 2008 (US aired it first) TNG 1316 - 2013
November 22 TNG 913/914 - 2009
November 23 KODS 112 – 1984 TNG 413 – 2004
November 24 TNG 210 - 2002
November 25 TNG 106 – 2001 TNG 1405 - 2014
November 26 DH 204 - 1990
November 27 DH 105 - 1989
November 28 DJH 305 – 1988 TNG 511 - 2005
November 30 KODS 113 – 1984 TNG 414 – 2004 TNG 808 - 2008
December 1 KODS 121 – 1985 TNG 211 - 2002
December 2 TNG 107 – 2001 TNG 1406 - 2014
December 3 DH 205 - 1990
December 5 DJH 306 – 1988 DH 106 – 1989 TNG 512 - 2005
December 7 TNG 415 - 2004
December 8 KODS 122 – 1985
December 9 TNG 108 – 2001 TNG 1407 - 2014
December 10 DH 206 – 1990 TNG 313 - 2003
December 12 DJH 307 – 1988 DH 107 – 1989 TNG 513 - 2005
December 14 KODS 114 – 1984 TNG 416 – 2004 TNG 1229/1230 - 2012
December 15 KODS 123 – 1985
December 16 TNG 109 – 2001 TNG 1408 - 2014
December 17 DH 207 – 1990 TNG 311/312 - 2003
December 19 DH 108 - 1989
December 20 KODS 106 – 1982
December 22 KODS 124 – 1985
December 23 TNG 1409 - 2014
December 24 DH 208 - 1990
December 27 KODS 107 – 1982
December 29 KODS 125 – 1985
December 30 TNG 1410 - 2014
December 31 DH 209 - 1990
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rizahawkais · 3 years
I LOVED season 1 and 2 of the crown but found season 3 quite dull and difficult to get through. I'm enjoying season 4 (still havent finished bc I watch with my family and we're rarely all together) but I think that the earlier seasons were a lot better in my opinion
hi! i completely agree w you!
I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY! I replied to this the day you sent it but my laptop crashed and I lost everything I wrote so I put off till now!
All in all, the writing for the first two seasons were WAY better. My ranking is s2 > s1 > s4 >>>>> s3. In my opinion, season three was kind of terrible.
hahaha this is so so long.
In the first two seasons each episode’s mini story for the day was actually INTERESTING. Like, I loved where one episode was about the Mountbatten name and then the next was about the Great Smog! But, there was always an overarching plot and it always added up in the end. S1, S2 and S4 all had an overarching plot that worked! S1 was balancing family and the crown. S2 was balancing prime ministers and her husband. S4 was the downfall of Margaret Thatcher and Charles/Diana. S3 LITERALLY HAD NO PLOT! It was just a bunch of stories put together. The finale for season 3 was about the end of Margaret’s marriage! And although, it is an important event in the family’s history the fact that it was the finale episode????
Anyways, Season 3 genuinely just sucks. Season 4 is REALLY good. Yet, it still doesn’t leave as much of an affect on me like the earlier seasons. AND LIKE I KNOW BECAUSE I’VE REWATCHED THE FIRST THREE SEASONS SO MANY TIMES. I’ve only seen the fourth once because I’m too busy and it’s also too early for me to rewatch it. So, maybe my opinion of season 4 will change!
Now, because I am extra 😈😈 and crazy I will talk about every single episode IN ORDER. hehehehehehe. feel free to hate me
101 Wolferton Splash - 10/10 this episodes just sets everything up! we see how happy the marriage is and how loving king george is and we also see the FORSHADOWING!! we see lilibet and phillip making their life thinking they had time when we know they don’t and it’s just :( AN AMAZING PILOT EPISODE WITH AMAZING QUOTES!
102 Hyde Park Corner - 1000/10 this episode needs no explanation. the suspense and DRAMA right before lilibet finds out about her dad ALWAYS gets me!!
103 Windsor - 10/10 I hated this episode the first time I watched it! I didn’t understand the importance of her uncle and I didn’t understand the complexity behind the episode. I was 14 when I saw this episode for the first time! So, mind you I was quite ignorant. but, david basically represents the audience in the show for those who hate the monarchy and call them out on their hypocrisy. BUT DAVID IS A TERRIBLE PERSON! FUCK DAVID! i understand hating the monarchy and for him i know it was personal but the way he talks about his family in the letters UGHUGHGUHGUHGUHGUH this man is evil! there’s also the other story in the episode about the mountbatten name which is so brilliant!
104 Act of God - 15/10 this episode was boring on first watch but I WAS FOURTEEN! this episode took a break from the monarchy and concentrated on a british national horrific event THAT WAS IMPORTANT and i liked how it connected throughout the episode and all that and the CINEMATOGRAPHY OMGGGGG! anyways, something that pisses me off about this episode is that the crown kind of has the same kind of audience as euphoria! they only care about a hot actor or iconic character or the aesthetics AND THAT MAKES ME ANGRY! bc those are the ppl who call this episode the boring fog episode and the latest episode of euphoria a waste of time! they don’t understand the importance of what their watching. an event that killed hundreds by something that could have been avoided bc of science and for euphoria an ongoing pandemic of an ugly world and its affect on ppl not wanting to go on! IM SORRY THIS TURNED INTO A RANT but this episode is important in reminding audiences that disasters can be avoided but also once they happen anything can happen THIS WAS A SAD EPISODE OKAY AND I LOVED VENETIA SCOTT!
105 Smoke and Mirrors - 100/10 THE CORONATION EPISODE! Phillip tries to bring it to the common public and all the fighting between them just makes the coronation even more impactful when we watch it!
106 Gelignite - 8/10 I DESPISED MARGARET IN THE FIRST SEASON i saw her as a spoiled brat who wanted to marry her dad’s assistant! AND ALSO HOW DID SHE NOT REALIZE THERE WAS DEFINITE GROOMING INVOLVED! this episode is generally very good but margaret just pisses me off a lot! however, her not being able to marry peter boresend shouldn’t have been because of his divorcee status but bc he simply was a predator in anyone’s clear eyes IM SORRY IF YOU DISAGREE BUT SHE MET HIM SO YOUNG NO WAY THERE WAS NO GROOMING good episode but pissed off at margaret’s lack of critical thinking besides but I WANT HIMMMMM LIKE I WANT EVERYTHING
107 Scientia Potentia Est - 11/10 hated this when i first watched it! but now one of my favorites! lilibet feels dumb and needs a tutor! prime minister and wannabe prime minister have health problems and keep it from her! lilibet finds out by accident and they all get yelled at! I LOVE WHEN SHE YELLS AT MEN!
108 Pride & Joy - 10/10 this episode is just adds on to the overarching plot of the season: balancing the crown and family. margaret says disrespectful things to ppl who don’t deserve it in place of lilibet while she’s on the commonwealth tour fighting with her husband! then lilibet scorns margaret and we see an ugly papa loved me more argument! absolutely brilliant!
109 Assassins - 1000/10 hated it the first time but now I LOVE THIS EPISODE! it’s the painting and porchey episode and churchill leaving episode. It’s so so so good! i honestly have no words to describe the brilliance of this episode besides the acting done by almost the entire main cast CLAIRE WOW! MATT WOW! STEPHEN (THE PAINTER) WOW! JOHN WOW! HARRIET WOW! when we see the painting getting burned coincided w the downing st dinner GETS ME EVERYTIME I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH!
110 Gloriana - 100/10 the climactic fight between the crown and family! which will lilibet choose?? and the foreshadowing to suez MWAH!
201 Misadventure - 100/10 LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS EPISODE the cutesy lilibet and phillip until it all goes down WOW! and the suez stuff i love it all
202 A Company of Men - 100/10 this is where i think mike’s wife starts snooping or it’s the next episode BUT THIS IS WHERE SOMETHING BEGINS FOR SURE first of all it foreshadows the episode later in the season about philip’s childhood AND MATT’S ACTING!! it’s too good for words!
203 Lisbon - 100/10 i like it when they fight lol that’s the only way i know how to describe why i love it LILIBET WAS EXCITED TO SEE HIM AND SO WAS HE but then mike ruined it by being a disgraceful and dishonest man RUINING EVERYTHING
204 Beryl - 10/10 i start to like margaret bc i feel bad for her! she’s suffering she’s sad that her lil predator boyfriend is no longer w her but look who it is MATTHEW GOODE! he not suspicious at all but the writers are like here take 20 minutes of perfect chemistry between the actors!
205 Marionettes - 100/10 I LOVE THIS EPISODE basically someone who loves the monarchy insults the monarchy and lilibet actually goes to listen to them! w resistance of course but she still took everything he said to fix the monarchy !
206 Vergangenheit - 1000/10 one of my favorites! i didn’t know about david’s nazi past so when i watched this episode for the first time i was completely baffled! another episode where she yells at a man!!!! i’m always annoyed in this episode tho by all the talk from the priest about forgiveness bc im like why would u want to forgive david for being a nazi?? but i think it was intentional by the writers to show the importance of understanding forgiveness and the grounds for it! THIS EPISODE IS JUST PERFECT IM ANNOYED BC I DON’T WANT TO FORGIVE HIM
207 Matrimonium - 9/10 this episode is amazing BEFORE you’ve seen season three bc you root for margaret and tony! but, also throughout the episode there’s all that tony and family and his gf and bf stuff that you think is going to lead somewhere but doesn’t??? like what was the point of introducing his mother and his relationships if it was going nowhere and not even mentioned in season 3??? LIKE WHAT WAS THE POINT WHAT WAS THE REASON? but, also there’s lilibet and phillip fluff in this episode I LOVE
208 Dear Mrs. Kennedy - 10/10 this episode is fun as an american bc i think jackie kennedy and jfk are so idolized here in america it was so interesting to see this other pov! BUT I ALSO REALLY LOVED LILIBET DANCING W NKRUMAH! I THOUGHT IT WAS SO CUTE AND THE MARTIN CHARTERIS STUFF LEADING UP TO IT WAS SO FUNNY!
209 Paterfamilias - 100000/10 no words. IT WAS SO SMART TO PARALLEL PHILIP AND CHARLES this has a lower rating than the previous episode which makes no sense but only goes to prove the idolization of jackie and jfk
every single episode of seasons two has a 9+ rating from me!
SEASON THREE (worst season)
301 Olding - 5/10 weak starter but good for introducing olivia as lilibet and harold wilson and departing churchill BUT THAT’S IT! like the whole spy thing just went bleh LIKE IT HAD POTENTIAL but it needed early seasons writing not third season writing techniques TOBIAS DID A GREAT JOB THO IN THIS EPISODE HE WAS A GREAT RECAST FOR PHILIP
302 Margaretology - 6/10 okay. just okay. margaret kind of bratty but you actually feel bad for her then she gets bratty again and then you feel bad for her again and the scenarios in the episode just didn’t feel real like the whole lyndon b johnson was so jealous of jfk that he was rude to the queen so they sent margaret JUST DIDN’T MAKE SENSE like i know this show is fictional but the fiction tends to be believable until i research the episode afterwards BUT FOR THIS it just didn’t make sense
303 Aberfan - 1000/10 ONE OF THE GOOD EPISODES OF THE SEASON! those first fifteenish minutes??? TEARS! i never knew about aberfan until this episode and seeing this episode made me cry!
304 Bubbikins - 10000/10 THIS EPISODE IS TECHNICALLY NOT AS GOOD AS THE ABERFAN EPISODE BUT THIS IS A PERSONAL PREFERENCE we meet anne and alice in this episode AND I LOVE BOTH OF THEM (erinsdoherty is my current url!) this episode is so sad and sweet at the same time and loving bc i’m a sucker for philip’s back story!
305 Coup - 8/10 this had potential I FEEL LIKE IF THEY WROTE THIS EPISODE DIFFERENTLY LIKE HOW THEY WROTE ONE OF THE SUEZ EPISODE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER the fact that it all went to nothing and nothing basically happened WHAT WAS THE POINT
306 Tywysog Cymru - 1000/10 this episode made me like charles! what a horrendous statement! but, like i thought his relationship w his tutor was so heartwarming and he actually seemed to care and all that and it just all in all MADE ME HAPPY like this episode isn’t sad it’s a happy episode until the last scene w lilibet BUT YEA they gave us this one good episode until we hate him which i appreciate makes the story telling better
308 Dangling Man - -1000/10 HATE THIS ONE TOO this episode convinced me that the writers for the first two seasons to this season has changed all of a sudden we forget that david was basically a nazi and the charles we met two episodes ago sees him as exactly like this uncle who he swore he would be nothing like to the people of wales??? LIKE WHO WROTE THIS THEY WERE DOING CRACK WHILE WRITING THIS EPISODE and i felt NOTHING during the lilibet and david goodbye WHACK EPISODE TERRIBLE JUST BAD TERRIBLE
309 Imbroglio - 5/10 episode started off good but then just went a lil too crazy by making it seem like a whole secret spy mission going behind lilibet’s back
once again i hate season three
401 Gold Stick- 8/10 written weirdly but had GOOD SCENES such as meeting thatcher and diana! BUT THE SCENE STEALER WAS OBVIOUSLY MOUNTBATTEN’S DEATH AND PHILIP TELLING CHARLES THAT HE BECAME DICKIE’S SON INSTEAD OF HIM SAD STUFF so like the death was sad and dramatic and I FELT BAD but like i shouldn’t bc im south asian and mountbatten did bad stuff to us BUT IT DOESN’T CHANGE THE RIPPLE WE FELT
402 The Balmoral Test - 9/10 funny episode but needed early seasons’ writing
403 Fairytale - 9/10 good episode but needed early seasons’ writing BUT ALSO THAT SCENE BETWEEN CAMILA AND DIANA MWAH CHEF’S KISS THEY BOTH DESERVE ALL THE AWARDS but needed early seasons’ writing
404 Favourites - 7/10 this episode is good but frustrating bc u finally realize how terrible of a mother lilibet is BUT THE ANDREW STUFF WAS GOOD I AM GLAD THEY PUT THAT IN! i liked seeing thatcher’s non-existent relationship w her daughter NEEDED EARLY SEASONS’ WRITING
406 Terra Nullius - 100/10 GOOD EPISODE CLOSEST TO EARLY SEASONS WRITING THAT’S WHAT MADE IT GOOD seeing them not get along and then get along and then not get along again through a series of montages made the episode brilliant!
407 The Hereditary Principle - 6/10 this episode. how do i explain? the material for this episode was absolutely perfect for the writers of the early seasons! POOR EXECUTION
408 48:1 - 100/10 i like the political episodes more than the family episodes SO THIS EPISODE IS SO BRILLIANT BC OF THE BACK AND FORTH AND I GOT TO SEE CLAIRE!!
409 Avalanche - 7/10 early season writers would have shown the arguing before the avalanche and diana’s reaction JUST SAYING
ALAS, what i would like to say is that i feel that season 4 shouldn’t have been so diana centric! it was diana from the beginning of the season to the end! not, that i don’t love the whole diana story but it was dragged and i think she should have been introduced around the third/fourth episode of this season the same way tony was in season two! camilla should have arrived at the beginning of season 4 so that the intensity between camilla, charles and diana was more believable! if we season three wasn’t so spread out they could have had more brilliant episode.
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galaxyofstories · 4 years
Just ‘cause we can, does that mean we should? - An Altered Carbon (S1&S2) Review
Stories of immortality, the fountain of youth, and shapeshifting are throughout our stories. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde explores the idea of staying young and the corruption of the soul. From Bram Stoker's Dracula to every other vampire story told we see those ideas played out repeatedly. These ideas even come up in folklore from around the world. So needless to say, humanity has always wondered about immortality, youth, and shapeshifting.
Before we start, I have some questions for you. You don't need to answer them, instead, think about them. I mean really consider what it would mean.
What if we could live forever? If death is a part of life, and death is removed, is that really life? But what if there was still a possibility of death, but could technically (under the right circumstances) live forever, would birth and eventual death even matter? What if we could change our faces? Our bodies? If we can change our bodies, should we still worry about illness and disease? If we can change what we look like and we can live forever, does money and power still dictate us? What would humanity be like? How would we change with time as a species? As individuals? Would it be worth it? Does anything matter if our physical does not matter? Just because we can, does that mean we should?
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This is Altered Carbon's universe. Humanity has moved beyond Earth (in fact, I think Earth is mentioned only once... and it's pretty far into the series) and we have found a way to become basically immortal. Cool, right?
There are spoilers approaching. Get Ready.
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You're immortal, as long as you don't get your stack busted. The stack holds everything that makes up a person (experiences, memories, feelings, thoughts... everything). Stacks can be moved from sleeve (body) to sleeve with very little consequence. Well... That is if you're a Met, a rich person. And the poor... Well... If your stack is intact, you're still a live, but not physically there. Sometimes the poor can afford to rent a sleeve, but the series hints that even renting is a luxury. So what now? We don't die unless our stacks are destroyed, and we can look like anybody we want to look like. What do we do as a species?
Do we socially evolve? Yes and no. Yes: No longer is skin color a factor in a person's worth. Which, honestly, is really fucking awesome. You can go from being born Japanese/Russian to being a Caucasian guy to being a black guy. Since anybody can look like anybody, racism isn't a problem. Yay! Since racism isn't a problem, we see diverse families and relationships. So, point for AC! However, I did wonder what that means in reality. I'm sure there were people complaining about changing the main character's race from Asian descent to Caucasian. I understand why it is a problem when this does occur in other stories, but the changing of race is part of the series. It again, shows that in AC's universe you can look like anybody! I wouldn't have been upset if they stayed with an Asian actor for the whole series, but the dramatic change just drives home that race isn't important in AC.
No: Humans have not socially evolved as far as the economic classes are concerned. There is still a "1%" which holds all power and all the money and they still only care about themselves. The poor are nothing to them. There is no problem, unless it threatens them or their way of life. I'm glad this was in the series because it makes AC's idea of a future more realistic as a possibility for us. Granted, it's more than likely not going to happen, especially with the fact that we haven’t even been to Mars... Mars is 106 million miles away, but C'MON! In the 60s they thought we would have colonies all across the galaxy! Or at least on the Moon. In all honesty, I'm disappointed that we aren't even living on the moon in this day 'n' age. That's beside the point. The point is, the idea some people have that they are better than other people persist even in a universe where none of that should matter. Maybe the creator was hinting at the idea that greed and lust of/for power is a part of the human condition.
Has the human condition changed? No, besides the fact that in the previous paragraph I basically said it does not, there's another example. In AC, as humanity spread out in the galaxy seeking new home planets, we did what humanity historically does... We assumed we were more important beings. Killed indigenous life. And stole their secrets and their lands. Humanity might not be a lot of things, but we are damn predictable. Woo!
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Oh. And by the way, just in case you were wondering, sex still sells. In fact, I'm pretty sure it’s one of the main industries on many planets in AC. And it's actually a large part of the first season's story line. Without it, there would have been no motivations for certain characters to do the things they did and the whole season would be like three episodes. With that being said, in season 2 there is less sex. So, at multiple times while watching season 2 I had to wonder, just for a hot minute, if the show's writers and creator added all the sex and nudity just to get their show sold on Netflix. Upon reflection, I decided that yes, some of the sex and nudity (seriously halfway through the first season you see multiple breasts, butts, vaginas, and 1 penis) but I also really think it was an important aspect to the story.
Are you guys ready for my opinion about the show?
If you haven't guessed it, I really enjoyed it!
I didn't think I would like it at first. Sex and nude bodies within minutes of the first episode of shows usually don't grab my attention. Like, I came here for a story! Not soft porn! (Which is why I never got into True Blood despite the fact I love vampiric stories!) However, I love stories that are intricate webs. Almost like spiderwebs. If you touch one thread, the whole web vibrates. And that is what Altered Carbon is. It is a complicated web of mystery, interesting characters, and emotions.
For some, it could be hard to get into because it is so complicated and honestly a bit weird, but if something isn't complicated and weird is it really worth the time?
I also really liked this show because the cast is very diverse!
So all those hypothetical questions I asked at the beginning are questions that I feel like Altered Carbon is trying to answer through the story of Takeshi Kovacs. He's been away from the world for more than two centuries. Hired by a Met to solve the Met's death, which is the main mystery and even though it seems like an obvious whodunit, it is more complicated than it seems. And so is Takeshi.
He's not just a fantastic martial artist and weapon's expert. He is a brother, a friend, and a lover. (And let’s be honest, crazy attractive no matter the sleeve!)
Thinking back, none of the characters are one dimensional. Each one has their own motivations, past, and does the one thing that is important in storytelling, each one grows (whether good or bad). I’ll do a bit about some of the characters, but not all.
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Takeshi Kovacs When we first meet him, he’s a dick that hallucinates. I mean, he’s always a dick, but we don’t know why he’s such a dick or why he hallucinates (my money had been on the drugs…). He just wants to find a place to lay his head, maybe get his rocks off, and drink. That’s all he is in most of the first episode. By the end of the first episode you’re left wondering who the hell this guy is! And why the hell is he such a good fighter even though he hadn’t been in the physical plain for more than two centuries! As the series progresses you learn bits and pieces here and there. By the end of season 1, you know who he is. He is Takeshi Kovacs, The Last Envoy.
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Kristin Ortega My first thought was either she needed to hop on that dick or go fly a kite. Honestly, I don’t like that that was my first impression of her. She grew on me a lot. In fact, her storyline brought the religious aspect into the story. If we can live forever, would God be okay with that? It was really interesting to me to think about that. Anywho, back to Kristin… There are times that I think her character gets away with more than she should, but again, it fits in well with the whole plotline of the show.
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Quellcrist Falconer THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE. HBIC! UGH!!!! She is so cool!!!! I love this character so much! A little less in season 2 because she doesn’t come off as strong as she does in season 1, but it is explained why she’s not as boss bitch. Aaaannd, it’s understandable. But seriously! She is really really awesome! Leader of a rebel cause, extraordinary fighter, master of her world… SO GREAT. And honestly she has some of the best philosophical one liners.
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Poe Probably the most human out of all of them. I really enjoy the character. He’s sweet, kind, and smart.
Reileen Kawahara I’m going to let you decide. I haven’t decided for myself yet. Jaeger A fucking asshat. I’m just going to leave it at that. So, this is where I will stop (partially because I've been working on this for days and I just want it posted!) The main takeaway is that IF YOU LIKE STORIES THAT ARE DEEP, COMPLICATED, AND WEIRD WATCH THIS SHOW!! YOU WILL BE SO GLAD YOU DID! And please let me know what you thought of it! I would really love to talk about this show more! If I think of anything else to add I shall post again! Thank you!
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asiryn · 4 years
this post is going to be very rambly, so i apologize in advance. if you’re potentially interested in my liveblogs, and/or interested in hearing a bit about my current life and disability issues, tune in. if you aren’t, then....keep scrolling i guess XD
(if you just want the current liveblog schedule, scroll to the bottom)
[and this got predictably very long, so i’m gonna put it behind a cut for convenience] 
up to recently, my main liveblogs have been about the pokemon anime, with a few other shows, books, and especially video games sprinkled in here and there. essentially, waaaay back in yonder year of 2014, netflix added the first season of pokemon, the indigo league, to their site, and i, in a fit of nostalgia, made the veeery questionable decision to watch all of the pokemon anime---rewatching the stuff i hadn’t touched since i was kid, and then continuing on into the unknown, and watching all the seasons from gen 3 onward that i had missed due to dropping out of pokemon. i only really started actually making liveblog posts once i hit gen 3, then i stayed consistent-ish from then onward. (for the curious, i’m up to sun & moon, and i have 44 episodes left until i finish it (i’m not ready ;;;; ), and then netflix actually just dropped the first 12 episodes of the newest series, pokemon journeys, so....56 until i’ve caught up with the dub XD)
so, all of y’all who climbed aboard with those liveblogs are probably already aware of Who I Am, at least a little. (....this is making it sound like i’m Some Big Name in liveblogging, but i’m not really anything of the sort, just so we’re all on the same page XD) at least, in terms of the fact that i’m physically disabled, suffer from chronic pain, etc. but recently, i’ve joined two new fandoms, and i’ve begun liveblogging spop and my next life as a villainess. and my spop posts in particular are already becoming some of the most popular posts i’ve ever done (like wow, you guys). and i think part of that popularity is due to the fact that these are two pretty recent, pretty popular fandoms (tho i do also like to think that i do make good content XP). but the point is that quite a lot of new ppl are coming across me, and idk how much, if any, of you have taken the time to look at my bio or anything. so i guess....part of this post is just some ruminations, but also my way of letting you know more of what you’re getting into. 
so, for those who don’t know: hi, you can call me kiryn, i liveblog stuff sometimes, and i’m physically disabled. i suffer from intense, constant, chronic pain. it stems from a bone disease called HME, or hereditary multiple exostosis, if you’re curious (i have a severe case of it, joy of joys). the short version of what that means is that i have a lot of bone spurs everywhere on my body, and they....cause me a lot of pain. basically, i cannot do any kind of sustained activity without the already significant, never-ceasing pain that i feel cranking up to unbearable levels, and basically i’ll be rendered immobile. i do have pain meds that i take, and that very much help to take the edge off, and make it so that i can function at all (bc, believe fucking me, w/o them, i wouldn’t be able to achieve even the little i can do), but even with them, it only makes a dent in my pain levels, and again, sustained activity makes up that difference very quickly. 
now, the gist of this stuff i’ll mention from time to time, but....i don’t usually go into much detail about it (and this post is probably the most detailed i’ve been about my condition in years). bc, quite frankly, it’s depressing. (and seeing as i also already have clinical depression, that’s definitely not something that i need more of XD) i participate in fandoms for escapism, and bc i don’t really want to think about that crushing mountain of reality. i’ve had this condition since birth, and i’ve literally lived my entire life in constant pain, and i honestly have no fucking idea what it even feels like to be painless. and what’s even worse is that it’s a degenerative disease---essentially, the bone spurs are wearing down my joints, so....my entire condition will just keep worsening as i get older. (and no, surgery to remove the spurs isn’t really an option.) i’ll be 29 next month, and i can already tell you, i’ve been feeling that decline sharply. when i was a kid, i could still run. by the time i was a teenager, i couldn’t even do that anymore; the best i could manage was a jog. now....i don’t think i could even do that. 
i guess the main point in why i’m saying all this, is that for the last year especially, i’ve been dealing with the worst downward swing that i’ve had in years. in my late teens and early-mid 20s, i got into a pretty good rhythm, of knowing my body’s limits, how to budget spoons to accomplish things, etc. but now even that fragile equilibrium has been thrown out the window, and i’m currently struggling to learn the new limits and rhythm of this downward swing that is unfortunately now my reality. even before, i was pretty limited on what i could accomplish, but even that narrow window has shrunk even further. so basically, i’m in the testing zone still. and it’s a very slow process, bc once i exceed the limit, my body breaks down, and now it takes me even longer to recover. as an example, i used to know that i could wake up in the morning and get ready to leave the house in 20-30 mins. now? i need at least an hour, which involves me pushing through a wave of agony to be able to take my pain meds in the first place, and then wait for those meds to kick in and the pain to die down enough to move without feeling like i’m moving through a wall of spikes. (and that’s just the start of every day for me, and before even throwing in all of the other variables)
so, coming back to the liveblogs......obviously, that’s affected by all this too. if you’ve wondered why there’s been a gap between me finishing up spop s1 and starting s2....that’s why. partly, i didn’t expect how analysis-heavy i was going to get on spop; pokeani just doesn’t tend to be as consistently thematically deep, so those liveblogs took far less out of me than spop has, and pushing myself to finish 5 episodes in one day....well, it was too much. and the thing is, it’s obviously unhealthy for me to continually push myself to the point of total breakdown, so...that’s where learning my new limits comes in. so, these past few days, i’ve been thinking, and essentially trying to better figure out how to do liveblogs like this without pretty much killing myself in the process (bc i honestly do love making them....i mean, if i didn’t, then it really wouldn’t be worth the literal pain it takes to make them XD). and also there’s a component of managing my anxiety-brain, bc leaving things Unfinished stresses me out, and so when coming to terms with the fact that it’s going to take me awhile to finish one show....knowing that i’d be leaving others hanging....Doesn’t Help XD
so, here’s what i’ve got so far (and obvs, this is subject to much tweaking in the future XP)
currently, i’m watching 4 shows: pokeani, good omens, villainess, and spop. villainess rn is the least of my worries, bc 1 ep is coming out a week, so it’s not demanding a lot of my time. 
for the other 3, here’s the preliminary schedule i’ve sort of hashed out:
- pokeani sm103-106
- spop s2
- pokeani sm107-110
- spop s3 
- pokeani sm111-114
- spop s4
- pokeani sm115-118
- spop s5 
- pokeani sm119-122
- good omens
- pokeani sm123-126
- [catch up block] (i don’t have a good track record in keeping up with ongoing shows, so if i fall behind on villainess, this is where i can catch up)
- finish pokeani sun & moon [sm127-146] (the league starts on ep 128, so i’d rather not experience any big interruptions in the battles XD)
basically, i’ve given myself a limit of 4 pokeani eps in a single session (bc as stated, they don’t take as much out of me), and with spop, the most i’ll let myself watch in a row will be 3 eps (s2 will probably be broken up into a 3/2/2 block, s3 a 3/3 block, and s4&5 will be a 3/3/3/2/2 block).
now, keep in mind that i’m very deliberately making no guarantees about specific days, bc who even knows, but at the very least, scheduling and talking it all out like this will help me to better manage my spoons, and if you’ve actually read this far, then you’ll know the method in the madness and why i’m doing things this way. XD the vague goal is to get in a least 1 liveblog session a week (plus a bonus of the new villainess ep on saturdays)---at least for the shows. i’m still having to working out what i’m going to do about video games....maybe i should just go on a ‘once a week’ model for all my hobbies across the board XDD
in the next couple of days, i’ll be posting that in-depth look into all the ships of villainess (it started as me just pecking down a few thoughts while i was taking a social media break due to the Current Events, but now i’m at the point where i’m like, i’ve put too much effort into this to not post it, damn it XP), and then depending on spoons, i’ll try to start in on that schedule this week, so stay tuned for some pokeani! (again....i’ll try to hit at least 1 liveblog a week before i start trying to get more ambitious XDD)
in any case, if you have stuck through to the end, thank you very much. your support means a lot to me 💖
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phoebedynevors · 4 years
what are the 2 episodes you didn’t enjoy i’m guessing one of them is ep6 👁 also what’s your ranking of all the seasons 🥺
Lmfaooooooo you’re right on the money, yup 306 is one and the other is 301. On first watch they were eh buuuut after I binge the season in full I might change my mind. We shall see.
And ummm, hmmm.... let’s see. I’d say s1 is still first for me just because it laid the groundwork for the show and outside of 106 was pretty much perfect. Then I’d probably say s3 is next, mainly because like I said in my other post, I enjoyed majority of the season. That would then make s2 last and that’s not because I hate it. Unlike everyone else, I don’t have a raging hatred for s2 but Emerald writing Villaneve as a cautionary tale bothered me a lot last year. When you take into account 308 however, it’s almost like all of that had to happen to get them to where they are now so in that sense I can appreciate the season and the way Emerald wrote them more now. I credit this mainly to Suzanne though just because I feel like she gets their dynamic more.
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birdlord · 4 years
Everything I Watched in 2019
The number in parentheses is year of release, asterisks denote a re-watch, and titles in bold are my favourite watches of the year. 
01 The Death of Stalin (17) does a neat trick of building goodwill for Steve Buscemi’s Krushchev, then brutally pays that off in the last few minutes. 
02 Sorry to Bother You (18)
03 Support the Girls (18)
04 Paddington (14)*
05 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (16)
06 Eighth Grade (18) probably the most terrifying movie I watched all year, if you didn��t watch it through your fingers, who even are you?
07 Morvern Callar (02) much less bleak than the book, but then, nearly anything would be
08 The Favourite (18) revolting and beautiful. 
09 Columbus (17) a really lovely movie about architecture and parent-child relationships.
10 Bring it On (00)*
11 The Land of Steady Habits (18) feels wackier than your average Holofcener, but still a good watch. 
12 Spotlight (15) i was really bowled over by this, and wasn’t expecting to be. Workmanlike filmmaking, but an extraordinary story, well-told.
13 The Killing of a Sacred Deer (17) Barry Keoghan is a blank, but somehow compelling screen presence. This one has an ending that made me bark with laughter.
14 Legends of the Fall (94)
15 Moneyball (11)* if you don’t feel like watching anything in particular, you can always watch Moneyball
16 If Beale St Could Talk (18) very beautiful, but I failed to connect with it on any other level. 
17 For Keeps (88)
18 Abducted in Plain Sight (17)
19 Oscar Shorts (Animated) (18) the offerings were very sappy this year, but the winner was decent! Lots of Toronto content (weird). 
20 Oscar Shorts (Live Action) (18) *unquestionably* the worst one of these won ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21 Velvet Buzzsaw (19)
22 Vice (18) ugh
23 Friends with Money (06)
24 Can You Ever Forgive Me (18)
25 Bohemian Rhapsody (18) haha what. was. that.
26 Mars Attacks (96)*
27 Paddington 2 (18)
28 Buffy the Vampire Slayer (92)*
29 Shoplifters (18)
30 Blindspotting (18) jacked Ethan Embry in a supporting role?! Whither? Howso? Wherefore?
31 Witness (85)
32 Harry & the Hendersons (87)*
33 The Matrix (99)*
34 T2 Trainspotting (17)
35 Blockers (18)
36 The Slums of Beverly Hills (98)
37 Can’t Hardly Wait (98)*
38 Avengers: Infinity War (18)
39 Iron Man II (10)
40 Isle of Dogs (18)
41 Chinatown (74)*
42 To Live & Die in LA (85)
43 Age of Innocence (93) Daniel Day-Lewis manages to make Newland Archer compelling, where in the novel he’s...the worst?!
44 Shopgirl (05)*
45 The House (17) didn’t sustain all the way through, but then, that’s how mainstream comedies often go. 
46 The Beguiled (17)
47 Badlands (73)*
48 Poetic Justice (93)
49 The Empire Strikes Back (80)*
50 Calibre (18)
51 The Kindergarten Teacher (18)
52 Hounds of Love (17) a nice little Aussie thriller, set in the 80s
53 Kicking & Screaming (95)*
54 Octopussy (83)*
55 Jaws (79)*
56 Lover Come Back (61)
57 Frenzy (72)
58 Always Be My Maybe (19)
59 Certain Women (16) took a while to get to this one, but it’s as great as they say it is. 
60 Baby Driver (17) all flash, little substance.
61 Sneakers (92)
62 Roadhouse (87)*
63 Bull Durham (88)*
64 Ghostbusters (84)*
65 Booksmart (19) I think this will improve on multiple viewings, though I loved the soundtrack and the mix of characters. 
66 Hereditary (18)
67 Rebecca (40) George Sanders as Rebecca’s cousin is BRILLIANT
68 Vertigo (58)*
69 The Dead Don’t Die (19)
70 Crawl (19)
71 Dazed & Confused (93)* If you don’t watch this once a summer, what is wrong with you?
72 Jackie Brown (97)
73 Talk Radio (88)
74 The Guilty (18)
75 Killing Heydrich (17)
76 Lady Bird (17)*
77 Billy Elliot (00)*
78 White House Down (13)* Channing Potatum saves the White House!
79 The Film Worker (17)
80 Whitney (18)
81 Mascot (16)
82 Apocalypse Now (79)* technically I’d only seen the Redux version from the early 2000s, so the regular cut is new to me. 
83 Apollo 13 (95)*
84 Psycho 2 (83) the twist is very guessable, but there are a couple of nice-looking scenes.
85 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (04)*
86 The Bodyguard (92)*
87 Murder Mystery (19)
88 Wildlife (18)
89 The Stepford Wives (75)*
90 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (71)*
91 The Natural (84)
92 The Other Boleyn Girl (08)
93 Speed (94)*
94 Opera (87)
95 That’s my Boy (12) haha what?!
96 The Big Short (15)
97 Elizabeth the Golden Age (07)
98 The Glass Castle (17) when I read the book, I genuinely thought it was fiction, it’s so insane. 
99 Dawn of the Dead (78)*
100 All About Eve (50) lady on lady violence is a special thing
101 La La Land (16)
102 Morning Glory (10) remember Rachel McAdams?
103 Casino (95)*
104 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (06)
105 Pet Sematary (19)
106 Clue (85)*
107 Her Smell (18) amazing soundtrack and the songs were well-chosen. Heartbreaking musical moment in the final act. 
108 Bobby Sands: 66 Days (16)
109 She’s Gotta Have it (86)
110 Good Morning (59)
111 Hustlers (19) I didn’t connect with this as much as the reviews led me to believe I might. 
112 Nocturnal Animals (16)
113 Kill Bill Vol 1 (03) I’d only ever seen the second one before, being a non-Tarantino completionist.
114 Fried Green Tomatoes (91)* I watch this more than anticipated...
115 Steel Magnolias (89)
116 Notting Hill (99)*
117 A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (19) the tiny city models were inspired!
118 National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (89)*
119 Let It Snow (19)
120 Frozen (13)
121 The Irishman (19) most interesting as a sort of pastiche/reckoning on the part of Scorsese about his other gangster films. Really outmoded view of unions. Definitely could have been edited down if anyone were able to come to it without undue reverence, but I did love the bit about the fish.
122 Girls Trip (17) actual plot is beside the point. 
123 About a Boy (02)* I always think of this as the “vomit and sweaters” movie, anyone else?
124 Animal House (78)*
THEATRE : HOME - 9:115
TV Series
01 Russian Doll - I think I would have enjoyed this more if it hadn’t been bingeable - would have made a nice week-by-week discussion sort of show. I loved to watch the changes between re-ups of our major characters, and I think the actual plotting would reward re-watches. 
02 Catastrophe S4 - A satisfying ending to an excellent show, with very charismatic leads (and deeply weird supporting characters). Had to write around Carrie Fisher’s death, and I’m sure did a better job of it than Star Wars did. 
03 Friends from College S2 - More of the same, which is what I was after. A show like cotton candy (but with more infidelity). 
04 High Maintenance S3 - A lot more of this season took place outside of New York City, which was a great change of pace. And a great deal more information about The Guy and his own life; both difficulties and successes included. 
05 Losers - This was a great little docuseries on Netflix that I didn’t hear a lot of people talking about - it’s about sports losses, but unusual sports ie curling, figure skating and the like. You’d think it would get repetitive, being as it’s always about recovering after loss, but it doesn’t! I wish they would make another season….
06 Shrill - a tight six episode dramedy about an alt-weekly journalist in the Pacific Northwest, based on Lindy West’s memoir of the same name. John Cameron Mitchell as her boss (based on Dan Savage) stands out of the ensemble cast, as does Annie’s roommate played by a British standup Lolly Adefope.
07 Broad City S5 - I haven’t always kept up with Broad City, but I came back to it for its final season, and thought it did a good job of setting its characters up for big changes in their lives. 
08 I Think You Should Leave - It’s easy to assume that all sketch comedy is terrible and always will be, but then you see this, and throw your TV out the window (due to all the laffs)
09 Fleabag S2 - Everything you’ve heard is true, this season is goddamn hilarious and ridiculously sexy. A huge step up from the first season, which was already pretty fantastic and incisive. 
10 Fosse/Verdon - Musicals are not particularly my bag, so I’m sure there was a lot that I missed in terms of references, but the lead performances ably carried me through all of the time jumps and various performances. 
11 Stranger Things S3 - Say it after me: d-i-m-i-n-i-s-h-i-n-g r-e-t-u-r-n-s! Maya Hawke kills it, though. 
12 Big Little Lies S2 - Unnecessary, and (if possible) even sillier than the first season.
13 Lorena - Part of the ongoing quest to rehabilitate the maligned women of the 1990s, this gave me tons of context that I had no idea about at the time, due to being a dumb kid. 
14 Glow S3 - I felt like I was losing steam on this series this year, but episodes like the camping ep kept me coming back. A great ensemble, though some unusual character choices (like a certain kiss *cough*) took me out of it by times. 
15 Lodge 49 S1-3 - I’d kept hearing about this show, so I finally sought it out. I can’t say it was amazingly compelling (I almost dropped it after the first season) but it’s definitely an oddball of a show, slipping from setpiece to setpiece with little regard for logic. For me, a background show. 
16 Chernobyl - This show really gave me the Bad Feeling, humans were definitely A Mistake.
17 On Becoming a God in Central Florida - Kiki in a trashy mode, not as infinitely appealing as the version she pulled off in the second season of Fargo, but scrappy and industrious nonetheless.
18 Show Me a Hero - I’d put off watching this for years, it felt like it was going to be too dull (housing policy in Yonkers?) but it’s great, and larded up with Bruce Springsteen songs, obvs.
19 Great British Bake Off S9-S10 - I’d also held off on watching this for a long time, out of loyalty to Mel, Sue, and Mary Berry. But I needed some comfort viewing towards the end of the summer, and the new hosts and judge do an able job, although the show’s tropes are feeling a bit well-worn at this point. 
20 Righteous Gemstones S1 - A rollicking ride for sure, with a great cast. Your mileage/patience with Danny McBride may vary, so keep that in mind, naturally. 
21 This Way Up S1 - A small show starring the fabulous Aisling Bea, about mental health and families and some nice comic physical acting. Oh, and in case you were watching The Crown and crushing on Tobias Menzies’ version of Prince Phillip, he plays a hot dad love interest in this, which gives you all the Tobias you’re looking for, without the PP racisms. 
22 The Crown S3 - This is the first season of the big cast switchover, and I thought it stuck reasonably well, once we were in it an episode or two. This season concentrated even less on Elizabeth herself, preferring her sister, husband, and (newly!) her children.
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mrslackles · 4 years
Would love to know your opinion on Annie's wardrobe. Fav outfits? Non-favs? For me, I almost universally love her eye makeup.
Annie stans, unite! 
I love this ask, thank you! And yes, her eye makeup was BOMB. I remember when I first binged the first few episodes of S1, I was so inspired that the next day I did this super glittery red eye look that got me major compliments all around the office and I was just like 🤩🤩 I look like Annie. 
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So purdy.
I actually really like the eclectic nature of Annie’s wardrobe; that you can’t really pin it down to one thing or look. 
I did especially like her biker-type jackets, though. She wears this one a lot throughout S1 and I like it. 
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This is probably my all-time favourite Annie look, but that may just be the nostalgia of how good these scenes were in 106, hahaha. 
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She also wears the puffy jacket with the fur collar again in 107 and she just looks utterly adorable wrapped up in it? Idk, I really love it.
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Also I just really like when she wears softer materials considering she’s actually this firecracker of a personality and I think the juxtaposition is great. 
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And if we’re not talking everyday favourite, then this is – just, wow. I’m not into women, but this look made me think I should maybe reconsider:
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*picks jaw up off floor*
My least favourites. Woof. They did Mae SO dirty with that S2 wig and I feel like it made the outfits that she was wearing worse too, or maybe they just doubled down and gave her bad outfits too? But these two are NOT it for me. 
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She also continues wearing this jacket and variations on it, along with cropped shirts (much shorter than her longer plaid ones from S1) with jeans that aren’t great, and overall it kinda made her look like a bit like a schoolboy? 
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Idk. Did not love. 
But even that may not be as bad as this season’s overalls look.
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I just. I don’t want to offend anyone who likes this look, so I’ll just leave it at saying that this look isn’t my favourite and I think it’s really unflattering to Mae’s body, especially paired with the tiny boots. 
A wildcard is this look:
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I’ve never been able to process how I feel about it or whether it’s in character for Annie or not, or why on earth she was wearing something glittery and transparent and why she had long red clackity clack nails with it?! It causes me utter confusion each time I watch. Your thoughts??
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E07 Poll Results (Anime Only Version)
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The poll closed with 118 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated! 
Please note this is the anime only viewer version of the poll. Manga readers, please click here for the results of the manga reader poll!
RATE THE EPISODE 110 Responses
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Another episode with an overwhelming amount of positive feedback and high ratings!
20 minutes of everything that makes the series great
Best episode of the season by far. Rod is a poor guy. Historia did Destroya.
Best so far!! This season is truly getting better with every episode. Idk how I'm going to survive to the end of it tbh, I'm already dead!!!!
Out of the new tracks, Kenny’s remix had its fans, but Historia’s headstrong theme got the most love!  Anyone excited for the OST’s release?
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The rematch between Levi and Kenny was most compelling, closely followed by Historia remembering Ymir’s and stand-up against her father.  Viewers also seemed to enjoy Mikasa slicing some MPs and Eren’s emotional breakdown.
Eren's emotional monologue broke me. I teared up even on the second watch. Maybe I'm just too invested in this show lol.
Mikasa's pose when she kicked a bitch in the face
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For the most part, viewers more or less had some feelings toward Springlestein’s first human kills. They grow up so fast!
jean best boi
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Almost half of you believe Kenny’s right-hand woman to be bright and rational, while there is nearly an even split between not having much of an opinion and thinking she’s being manipulated by Kenny. Two of you compared her to Annie: “bootleg Annie”/ “grumpier Annie”
She just has a different ideology than Erwin and co. and is prepared to fight to death for it.
Honestly there was just so much going on I didn't really think about her
I am open to more of her.
I’m loving her just as much as Kenny, she’s a fun villain.
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There were a variety of responses for this one, though overall people found Eren’s breakdown to be a bit of a tearjerker.
It's traumatizing right now, but he will get through this.
Now's not the time Eren. You can do this at any other time just not right now.
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A vast majority of viewers are applauding Historia throwing her father on the ground and calling him on his bullshit!
Damn that girl always gets the best music whenever she does something awesome
Good for her:) She took a stand on her own.
I liked the reminder that she is actually a fuckin' soldier, when she tossed her pops and threw his spine out.
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Kenny has quite a few quotable moments, but people find his introduction line to be most favorable.
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72% of the voters sympathize with Eren’s despair and want people to cut him some slack, while a fair amount believe this is not the time or place for him to fall apart.
It's nice to see him actually consider the consequences of his actions for the first time basically ever.
Always been a cry baby and spoiled brat
I mean... they've all been through a lot.
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Despite his breakdown, a majority of voters believe this is just another bump in the road for Eren.  There are some that think this is just the beginning of his stability worsening.
It'll take some time but with the help of his friends they'll level him out. Needs a good talking to from Mikasa
He’ll pick himself, but it will take a while.
I'm expecting a change in his demeanor. I've been reading that he sheds his hot-headed persona, so I'm looking forward to that.
He's gonna be a cooler, wiser and more mature character.
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Again, the support for Historia’s actions and words is overwhelming!
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While a decent amount of viewers suspected Kenny wanted to ultimately take the Reiss’s titan power for himself, a majority did not expect his confession.
HANGE: DOWN OR OUT? 106 Responses
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Despite being grappled and thrown against a pilar, 79.2% are confident Hange will pull themself together!
My theory: Hange will be in a coma from her injuries, but wakes up upon Moblit coming back to give her a kiss :)
They foreshadowed Hange going down masterfully
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Rod did a lot of infodumping about Grisha’s sins and his family’s secrets the past couple episodes.  What’s the truth and what’s a lie?  Most believe there is some truth to what he is saying along with a few lies purposely placed.
He is telling the truth. At the same time he's a selfish, manipulative villain hellbent on using Historia.
I trust Rod about as much as I trust the old tub of sour cream in the back of my fridge dated "12/04/2011".
The very first thing he did in the episode was manipulating Historia's emotions with her dead sister. Fuck that guy.
And the oscar for best performance goes to... YUKI KAJI!
First legitimately great episode of Season 3. Not hindered by the breakneck pacing and/or infodumps.
I hate Rod. I feel bad for Eren. I'm excited by Kenny. Historia is doing better for herself.
I don't think anyone is getting eaten so either Rod's dumb titan form will be a threat some other way or we will finally know how people can can turn into shifters without eating another shifter.
Was It Armin who figured out Kenny's troupe maneuver gear weaknesses? Because the anime kinda implies that... And this is awesome.. he os brilliant
Fights are awesome
This was the weakest episode so far. On paper, it should be one hell of an episode, but regrettably the the way it was executed left a lot to be desired. In particular, I found Historia's and Eren's scenes to be quite disappointing. The storyboards and direction for those scenes were the most insipid and uninspired so far in the anime's entire run. The VAs did all they could, but the directors let them down. The scenes paled in comparison to Reiner+Berthold's reveal and Eren's breakdown from S2. Lastly, the art was pretty awful at various instances throughout the episode. From what I read about the production on Twitter, it seems WIT has already started to experience difficulties managing the production for this season, which probably means the art will keep on getting worse. I'm now deliberating on whether to go ahead and read the manga and watch the anime once the Blu-rays are out.
Shits getting good now.
The smokescreen was fucking awesome. And I had a laugh with a friend after we repeatedly said we would never go on an assault if it meant attacking through a narrow door.
Moar Squad Levi plz now and for forever
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Thank you again to everyone who took the poll. See you back on Tuesday!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Disney+ New Releases: May 2021
One of the most ironclad scheduling rules in pop culture is that no May 4 should come and go without a new bit of Star Wars lore to entertain us. Thanks to Disney+, this May 4 should be particularly celebratory.
With its list of new releases for May 2021, Disney+ is bringing Star Wars: The Bad Batch into the fold. The animated series will continue a plotline begun in The Clone Wars and will follow Clone Force 99 a.k.a. “The Bad Batch” of genetically mutated clone troopers. Dave Filoni is on board as creator and showrunner so we know we’re gonna have a great time.
Read more
How The Bad Batch Ties into the Larger Star Wars Universe
By John Saavedra
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – What Happened to the Bad Batch?
By John Saavedra
On the movie side of things, Disney is premiering another major title this month. The Emma Stone-starring Cruella premieres on May 28. Did anyone ask for a gritty Cruella de Vil origin story? Almost certainly not. Is it gonna be a fun watch? Who knows! But rest assured, there will be memes.
May also brings two other, more experimental, original series of note. Inside Pixar: Unpacked on May 21 will take viewers behind the scenes at the legendary animation studio. Then Launchpad on May 28 is an intriguing new initiative in which six filmmakers from underrepresented backgrounds create a short film.
In terms of library titles for Disney + this month, there aren’t many to speak of aside from D-grade superhero fare like Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and X-Men: The Last Stand. That’s quite alright though, as Star Wars: The Bad Batch should be able to hold viewers over until Loki arrives in June.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
May 4
Disney+ Originals Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 101
May 7
New Library Titles Disney Wander over Yonder (S1) Disney Wander over Yonder (S2) Everyone’s Hero Flicka 2 Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Disney+ Originals Big Shot – Episode 104 “Great in the Living Room” The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers – Episode 107 “Pong Hockey” Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 102
May 14
New Library Titles Disney Special Agent Oso (S1) Disney Special Agent Oso (S2) Disney Special Agent Oso: Three Healthy Steps (S1) X-Men: The Last Stand Life Below Zero (S15) Race to the Center of the Earth (S1)
Disney+ Originals  High School Musical: The Musical: The Series – Episode 201 “New Year’s Eve” Big Shot – Episode 105 “This is our House”  The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers – Episode 108 “Change on the Fly” Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 103 
May 21
New Library Titles Disney Big City Greens (S2) Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures (S1) Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast  Fury Files (Interstitials)  Ice Road Rescue (S5) Running Wild with Bear Grylls (S6)
Disney+ Originals Inside Pixar: Unpacked High School Musical: The Musical: The Series – Episode 202 “Typecasting” Big Shot – Episode 106 “Carlsbad Crazies”  The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers – Episode 109 “Head Games” Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 104 
May 28
New Library Titles  Bluey Shorts (S2) Disney Sydney to the Max (S3 – Episodes 1-8) Kingdom of the Polar Bears (S1)  Wicked Tuna (S10 – Episode 1-7)
Disney+ Originals Cruella Launchpad High School Musical: The Musical: The Series – Episode 203 “Valentine’s Day” Big Shot – Episode 107 “Kalm Korn”  The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers – Episode 110 “State of Play” (Season Finale) Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 105 
The post Disney+ New Releases: May 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3eFk9YA
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lnevada · 6 years
The Ultimate Fandom Watch List - TV Show Edition
*For those who just don’t know where to start
 Disclaimer: This is a limited list of (30) Fandoms (each a television show, excluding two YouTube original series & one adult cartoon).  I’m personally apart of most of the Fandoms and can speak on their behalf.  Any of the shows that I’m not familiar with have been recommended to me by friends or are series that the general internet space seems to be fascinated with.  For every Fandom you enter, exit, take part in, or interact with in anyway there are dozens of others that are similar that you may also greatly enjoy or wish to join.  I would encourage all to search beyond this list for shows or Fandoms that best suit you. There is no limit to the number of Fandoms that one can be a part of.  
           As for the Fandoms listed below, they have been organized in such a way as to highlight the amount of content currently released, the total run time for said content, and how long it would take the average, though dedicated, person to consume and experience the content in a well-organized and highly efficient manner.  The number of episodes for each show are currently up to date as of 3/16/18 and the known release dates for any continuing series have been mentioned. Each season has been rounded to the nearest half-minute, minute, half-hour, or hour, respectively.  They have been rounded in such a way as to highlight the absolute longest amount of time it would take to complete a single season and an entire series on its own, though the rounding does not necessarily account for time in which episodes are paused, rewound, or interrupted in any way.
           It is recommended that all episodes be watched in secluded areas with lights turned off and met with as few distractions in the room or surrounding area as possible (i.e. quiet food, few or no people in the room, no music or background noises of any kind).  But because this list is rather lengthy and would take two or three times as long to complete in such a manner (for those who wish to follow any, multiple parts, or even the entirety of this list), or worse never be completed at all, it is recommended that headphones are used when watching content outside of chosen secluded areas and done when not trying to accomplish other tasks as to get the most immersive experience from each show as possible. 
 Game of Thrones – (Total run time: 3,784 mins or 63.5 hrs)
 S1: 10 episodes (567 mins)
S2: 10 episodes (549 mins)
S3: 10 episodes (558 mins)
S4: 10 episodes (545 mins)
S5: 10 episodes (563 mins)
S6: 10 episodes (562 mins)
S7: 7 episodes (440 mins)
S8: 6 episodes
Total number of Episodes: 73
The finale (8th) season is scheduled to air in 2019 (Don’t miss out!)
American Horror Story – (Total run time: 3,858 mins or 64.5 hrs)
 S1: 12 episodes (520 mins)
S2: 13 episodes (550 mins)
S3: 13 episodes (583 mins)
S4: 13 episodes (644 mins)
S5: 12 episodes (639 mins)
S6: 10 episodes (407 mins)
S7: 11 episodes (515 mins)
Total number of episodes: 84
Season 8 is scheduled to begin September 2018
Bates Motel – (Total run time: 2,141 mins or 36 hrs)
 S1: 417 mins
S2: 431 mins
S3: 428 mins
S4: 433 mins
S5: 432 mins
Total number of shows: 50
10 Episodes per season.  Each episode is about 45 mins long.
This series is complete
Supernatural – (Total run time: 12,067 mins or 201.5 hrs) 
S1: 22 episodes (1,059 mins)
S2: 22 episodes (1,066 mins)
S3: 16 episodes (772 mins)
S4: 22 episodes (1,007 mins)
S5: 22 episodes (1,284 mins)
S6: 22 episodes (1,065 mins)
S7: 23 episodes (975mins)
S8: 23 episodes (980 mins)
S9: 23 episodes (965 mins)
S10: 23 episodes (973 mins)
S11: 23 episodes (961 mins)
S12: 23 episodes (960 mins)
S13: 23 episodes
Total number of episodes: 287
Season 13 is currently airing and will conclude in 2018
This series is renewed for a 14th season
The Walking Dead – (Total run time: 4,472 mins or 74.5 hrs)
 S1: 6 episodes (291 mins)
S2: 13 episodes (579 mins)
S3: 16 episodes (687 mins)
S4: 16 episodes (675 mins)
S5: 16 episodes (696 mins)
S6: 16 episodes (750 mins)
S7: 16 episodes (794 mins)
S8: 16 episodes
Total number of episodes: 114
Season 8 is currently airing and will conclude April 28th
Season 9 is scheduled to begin October of 2018
Fear the Walking Dead – (Total run time: 1,637 mins or 27.5 hrs) 
S1: 6 episodes (302 mins)
S2: 15 episodes (653 mins)
S3: 16 episodes (682 mins)
Total number of episodes: 37
Season 4 is scheduled to air April 2018
Orange is the New Black – (Total run time: 3,765 mins or 63 hrs) 
S1: 729 mins
S2: 779 mins
S3: 766 mins
S4: 766 mins
S5: 725 mins
Total number of episodes: 65
13 Episodes in each season
Season 6 is scheduled to air in 2018
Sherlock – (Total run time: 1,122 mins or 19 hrs) 
S1: 265 mins or 4.5 hrs
S2: 265 mins or 4.5 hrs
S3: 326 mins or 5.5 hrs (Includes one special; same run time as regular eps.)
S4: 266 mins or 4.5 hrs
Total number of episodes: 13
3 episodes per season (Not including the special).  
Each episode is about a 1 ½ hrs long.
*It is unknown if the higher powers in charge of the series have decided to continue this show with a 5th season or not.  Welcome to the Sherlock Hiatus. *  
Doctor Who (2005 -present) – (Total run time: 6,530 mins or 109 hrs) 
S1: 13 episodes (585 mins)
S2: 13 episodes (585 mins)
S3: 13 episodes (590 mins)
S4: 13 episodes (579 mins)
S5: 13 episodes (611 mins)
S6: 13 episodes (602 mins)
S7: 14 episodes (648 mins)
S8: 12 episodes (589 mins)
S9: 13 episodes (633 mins)
S10: 12 episodes (554 mins)
8 Specials which each premiere on Christmas Day before the new season (554 mins total; about an hour each)
Total number of episodes: 137
Season 11 is scheduled to air in 2018
Z Nation – (Total run time: 2,379 mins or 40 hrs) 
S1: 13 episodes (553 mins)
S2: 15 episodes (643 mins)
S3: 15 episodes (634 mins)
S4: 13 episodes (549 mins)
Total number of episodes: 56
This series has been renewed for a 5th season
Animal Kingdom – (Total run time: 1,132 mins or 19 hrs)
S1: 10 episodes (498 mins)
S2: 13 episodes (634 mins)
Total number of episodes: 23
Season 3 is scheduled to air in 2018
This is Us – (Total run time: 1,548 mins or 26 hrs) 
S1: 772 mins
S2: 776 mins
Total number of episodes: 36
18 Episodes per season
Season 3 is scheduled to air in 2018
Rick & Morty – (Total run time: 699 mins or 12 hrs) 
S1: 11 episodes (247 mins)
S2: 10 episodes (230 mins)
S3: 10 episodes (222 mins)
Total number of episodes: 31
True Blood – (Total run time: 4,351 mins or 72.5 hrs) 
S1: 12 episodes (639 mins)
S2: 12 episodes (645 mins)
S3: 12 episodes (656 mins)
S4: 12 episodes (654 mins)
S5: 12 episodes (640 mins)
S6: 10 episodes (552 mins)
S7: 10 episodes (565 mins)
Total number of episodes: 80
This series is complete
The Handmaid’s Tale – (Total run time: 513 mins or 8.5 hrs) 
S1: 10 episodes (513 mins)
Total number of episodes: 10
Season 2 is scheduled to air April 2018 (Don’t miss out!)
Shameless – (Total run time: 5,094 mins or 85 hrs)
 S1: 581 mins
S2: 623 mins
S3: 653 mins
S4: 638 mins
S5: 650 mins
S6: 650 mins
S7: 656 mins
S8: 643 mins
Total number of episodes: 96
12 Episodes in each season
This show has been renewed for a 9th season
Sons of Anarchy – (Total run time: 5,051 mins or 84 hrs) 
S1: 686 mins
S2: 742 mins
S3: 667 mins
S4: 647 mins
S5: 668 mins
S6: 821 mins
S7: 820 mins
Total number of episodes: 92
About 13 episodes per season
This series is complete
Stranger Things – (Total run time: 859 mins or 14.5 hrs) 
S1: 8 episodes (395 mins)
S2: 9 episodes (464 mins)
Total number of episodes: 17 episodes
Season 3 is scheduled to air in 2019
Breaking Bad – (Total run time: 2,971 mins or 50 hrs) 
S1: 7 episodes (346 mins)
S2: 13 episodes (611 mins)
S3: 13 episodes (611 mins)
S4: 13 episodes (627 mins)
S5: 16 episodes (776 mins)
Total number of episodes: 62
This series is complete
The Grande Tour – (Total run time: 1,484 mins or 25 hrs) 
S1: 13 episodes (782 mins)
S2: 11 episodes (702 mins)
Total number of episodes: 24
This series is renewed for a 3rd season
Jessica Jones – (Total run time: 1,348 mins or 22.5 hrs)
 S1: 673 mins
S2: 675 mins
Total number of episodes: 26
13 Episodes per season
Luke Cage – (Total run time: 706 mins or 12 hours)
 S1: 706 mins
Total number of episodes: 26
13 Episodes per season
Season 2 is scheduled to air in 2018
Daredevil – (Total run time: 1,411 mins or 24 hrs)
 S1: 707 mins
S2: 704 mins
Total number of episodes: 26
13 Episodes per season
Season 3 is scheduled to air in 2018
The Defenders – (Total run time: 398 mins or 7 hrs)
 S1: 398 mins
Total number of episodes: 8
This miniseries is complete
The Punisher – (Total run time: 688 mins or 11.5 hrs) 
S1: 688 mins
Total number of episodes: 13
This series has been renewed for a 2nd season
Girls – (Total run time: 1,769 mins or 29.5 hrs) 
S1: 287 mins
S2: 295 mins
S3: 342 mins
S4: 270 mins
S5: 279 mins
S6: 296 mins
Total number of episodes: 62
10 episodes per season (except for season 3 which has 12 episodes).
This 30 min comedy, drama series is complete
Good Mythical Morning – (Total run time: 16,651 mins or 277.5 hrs) 
S1: 129 episodes (1,580 mins)
S2: 83 episodes (1,048 mins)
S3: 60 episodes (764 mins)
S4: 76 episodes (1,358 mins)
S5: 125 episodes (1,358 mins)
S6: 113 episodes (1,505 mins)
S7: 136 episodes (1,692 mins)
S8: 101 episodes (1,339 mins)
S9: 116 episodes (1,502 mins)
S10: 106 episodes (1,411.5 mins), (Includes one 22 min special)
S11: 111 episodes (1,415.5 mins)
S12: 192 episodes (1,678 mins)
Total number of episodes: 1,294
Season 13 is currently airing & will conclude in the summer of 2018
Season 14 will begin in the fall of 2018
*Season 12 onwards sees a format shift from 1 episode a day to 3 (15 mins or less) episodes a day.  This series is on YouTube 5 days a week and followed by a sort of “after show” on GMMore. This means there is a total of 20 new episodes every week during the newest seasons.*
Buddy System – (Total run time: 322 mins or 5.5 hours)
 S1: 9 episodes (132 mins)
S2: 8 episodes (190 mins)
Total number of episodes: 17
Queer as Folk – (Total run time: 3,979 mins or 66.5 hrs) 
S1: 22 episodes (1,056 mins)
S2: 20 episodes (952 mins)
S3: 14 episodes (661 mins)
S4: 14 episodes (714 mins)
S5: 13 episodes (596 mins)
Total number of episodes: 83
This series is complete
OZ  – (Total run time: 3,217 mins or 54 hrs) 
S1: 450 mins
S2: 468 mins
S3: 461 mins
S4: 878 mins
S5: 461 mins
S6: 499 mins
Total number of episodes: 56
8 Episodes per season (except for season 5 which has 16 episodes)
This series is complete
Total run time: 95,946 mins. (1,605 hrs.)
Total number of Episodes: 2,998
Total days to Complete: 27 days or less
 *The schedule options below can be used to complete any of the shows listed on their own.  With that being said, the list is also organized for what I believe to be the best way to watch and experience the entire list (from shortest to longest series) and by similar content (if you like one show you might enjoy the ones above or below it).  It is recommended that the Marvel shows be watched in the order they appear in.  It is recommended that you watch TWD before FTWD & (some) GMM before Buddy System.*
  Suggested Watch Schedule:
  The Handmaid’s Tale – Based on hour long eps)
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 5 days)
·       5 eps per day (will complete in 2 days)
Animal Kingdom – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 12 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 6 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 4 days)
This is Us – Based on 45 min eps (some may be longer)
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 18 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 9 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 6 days)
Sherlock – Based on hour and a half long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 7 days)
·       1 season (3 eps) per day (will complete in 5 days)
Rick & Morty – Based on 30 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 16 days)
·       5 eps per day (will complete in 7 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 6 days)
·       10 eps per day (will complete in 4 days)
Stranger Things – Based on 50 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 10 days)
·       5 eps per day (will complete in 4 days)
The Grand Tour – Based on hour long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 12 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 6 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 4 days)
Jessica Jones – Based on hour long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 13 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 7 days)
Luke Cage – Based on hour long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 13 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 7 days)
Daredevil – Based on hour long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 12 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 6 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 4 days)
The Defenders – Based on hour long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 4 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 2 days)
·       Watch all at once!
The Punisher – Based on hour long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 7 days)
·       3 eps per day (will complete in 5 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 4 days)
GOT – Based on hour long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 37 days)
·       5 eps per day (will complete in 15 days)
TWD – Based on 45 min eps (many surpass 45 mins)
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 57 days)
·       3 eps per day (will complete in 38 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 19 days)
FTWD – Based on 45 min eps (some may be longer)
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 19 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 10 days)
Z Nation – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 28 days)
·       3 eps per day (will complete in 19 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 10 days)
Breaking Bad – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 31 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 11 days)
Shameless – Based on hour long eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 48 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 24 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 16 days)
·       8 eps per day (will complete in 12 days)
SOA – Based on 45 min eps (some may be longer)
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 46 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 23 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 16 days)
True Blood – Based on 45 min episodes
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 40 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 20 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 14 days)
·       8 eps per day (will complete in 10 days)
AHS – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 42 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 21 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 14 days)
·       8 eps per day (will complete in 11 days)
Bates Motel – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 25 days)
·       5 eps per day (will complete in 10 days)
·       10 eps per day (will complete in 5 days)
SPN – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 144 days; Seems like a lot, doesn’t it?)
·       3 eps per day (will complete in 96 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 72 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 48 days; That’s better)
·       10 eps per day (will complete in 29 days; That’s what I’m talking about!)
Doctor Who – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 69 days)
·       3 eps per day (will complete in 46 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 35 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 23 days)
OINB – Based on 45 min eps (some may be longer)
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 33 days)
·       5 eps per day (will complete in 13 days)
Girls – Based on 30 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 31 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 16 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 11 days)
·       10 eps per day (will complete in 7 days)
QAF – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 42 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 21 days)
OZ – Based on 45 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 28 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 14 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 10 days)
GMM – Based on 15 min videos
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 647 days; As if!)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 324 days; I guess a year isn’t as bad)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 216; You’re getting warmer…)
·       8 eps per day (will complete in 162; Alright, enough kids’ stuff)
·       10 eps per day (will complete in 130)
·       20 eps per day (will complete in 64 days; Now we’re talking)
·       25 eps per day (will complete in 51 days; How dedicated are you?)
Buddy System – Based on 25 min eps
·       2 eps per day (will complete in 9 days)
·       4 eps per day (will complete in 5 days)
·       6 eps per day (will complete in 3 days)
·       1 season per day (will complete in 2 days)
*(If “2 eps per day” schedule is followed, you will complete the entire watch list in 1,499 days or less – by summer of 2022.
If “Max eps per day” schedule is followed consistently and accordingly, you will complete the entire schedule in 328 days or less - by February 2019)*
{This watch list does not include movie or book Fandoms and does no take into consideration work hours, school hours, work/school functions, travel times, vacations, power outages, or any sort of natural disasters [which may disrupt, in-convince, or hinder the completion of this schedule] or sick days, holidays, or weekend days [in which you may surpass the quota for a given day or catch up on lost minutes/hours/episodes]}
!WARNING! ~ The undertaking of this schedule may result in: intense bingeing sessions, anxiety relating to the maintenance of the schedule [use this as encouragement, not a hinderance], loss of sleep, loss of hours or days, dehydration, weight-gain, weight-loss, loss of family time or other social interactions, the development of characteristics taken from favored characters or actors, emotional trauma, emotional scaring, desensitization to human emotion, sexual situations or gore, anxiety, antisocial tendencies or behavior, and may lead to further Fandom involvement.
~ Please consult your physician to know if you are healthy enough to undergo the partaking of this or parts of this schedule. To lose the hours of sleep or physical activity that will be required in order to maintain the recommended schedule. Do Not watch the shows in order to follow or catch up with the schedule while operating heavy machinery or while driving unless you are able to multitask or completely absorb the content without physically looking at a screen.  Do Not watch shows at school or work unless you are willing to lose your phone if caught, surpass your data plan, or get behind on mild work.  Do Not watch shows in place of extreme or important items, deadlines, tests/projects, or events at school or work. ~Please consult your advisor with any further questions or concerns as well as necessary altercations that need to be made to the suggested schedule in order to allow for a comfortable and enjoyable completion of this watch list.
2 notes · View notes
The musters
The musters are yearly fan meetings where the boys interpret some of their songs but mainly play games or skits for ARMY’s enjoyment.
1st Muster
Held on: 140329 (Seoul)
Albums of the event: #1, #2, Weibo #1
Can be found in: Memories of 2014
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The announcement and extracts of the shows were published on Youtube. There were also some tweets around the event:
first announcement
link to the Naver article
The NOW 1 was released as merchandise of this muster while the NOW 2 was shot while they toured the event in Europe and America during the summer.
2nd Muster
Zip code 17520
Held on: supposedly 150613
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17520 stands for 17 520 hours (so 730 days, so 2 years) since debut and thus spent together with ARMY. Some photos of the concept were posted in the boys’ birthday albums.
An invitation for ARMY was published on Youtube.
The event was canceled due to MERS and postponed to 24 January 2016.
Zip code 22920
Held on: 160124
Album of the concept
Can be found in: Memories of 2016
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22920 stands for 22 920 hours since debut and thus spent together with ARMY. A manual about how to use the BTS standees was published to show ARMY the different poses they could take next to it
@GetOnSwag found some of their outfits:
j-hope: top
Jimin: top
V: top
Jung Kook: top
The pictures for the merchandising were taken at 502스튜디오 (502 Studio), where episodes 104 to 106 of Run BTS! were later filmed.
3rd muster: ARMY.Zip +
Held on: 161112-161113
Albums: Spoiler story (Chim puppy) (Eng ver), the event
Can be found in: ARMY Zip+ DVD
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Symbols (square, round, triangle) that already appeared in the comeback trailer for O!RUL8,2? and Skool Luv Affair make their comeback.
The infamous skit House of Army was filmed for that muster (related tweets: #1, #2, #3). The boys all had a different role:
Jin: himself watching over Army under a disguise (delivery man, banana, clock)
SUGA: uncle
j-hope: mother
RM: Kim Army the daughter
Jimin: puppy
V: big brother
Jung Kook: father
The boys filmed their Chuseok live from the 13 September 2016 after the shooting of this skit.
4th muster: Happy Ever After
Held on: 180113-180114
Teasers: poster #1 (on Twitter), poster #2
Album: stage sketch
Can be found in: Happy Ever After DVD
Outfits and accessories identified by @GetOnSwag: list
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Along with the first poster, another teaser was published on Instagram. It shows the eight recurring items that can be linked to the boys. The connections were found by _macchamilktea and jhopeah on Twitter. As for the eighth one, the bottle, it contains their memories in the form of colorful clouds and has labels such as “Worldwide”, “The Wings Tour The Final”, or “BTS 3rd Muster”.
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Concerning the main poster, it shows a factory to create bottles of memories. It’s handled by the boys and full of little references.
Following the production line we have:
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The scroll and the color purple are associated with RM. He’s the Recipe Messenger thus the “clouds recipe” machine.
His outfit looks like the one he wore on the 24 September 2017, for the Super Concert. The bag is probably a reference to the one he had for a while (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x) and that his mother disliked (found thanks to Reddit). During 2 Cool 4 Skool and ORUL8,2? he had glasses in both the concept and the MV. As he’s also famous for his clumsiness, the glasses are broken and repaired with tape, something he actually did during a fansign on the 6 July 2013. He also broke a pair during American Hustle Life and in BTS Comeback Show, where we also discovered the tomato lamp. It’s a gift from Hoseok for Namjoon’s birthday.
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The lollipop and the color green are associated with j-hope. He’s the compounder, he reduces the sweet moments symbolized by lollipops to dust.
As the main dancer, obviously he’s dancing, the “ho! ho!” and his pose indicate he’s doing his favorite move from “Save Me”. His outfit is the one from the performance at Music Bank, on the 22 September 2017. A BOMB from that day was released. Next to him is a Bearbrick in reference to Hobi’s hobby of collecting the figurines. He posted photographs of his collection on Twitter (here’s a partial list of the figurines) and showed his Snoopy during the Episode for the group’s first birthday. A Bearbrick was even featured in his poster for BTS Begins.
The fact there are seven lollipops is probably to remind the seven members.
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The cotton candy and the color red are associated with V. He’s the chef, the machine next to him turns the lollipop dust into a memory cloud.
He’s seen harvesting because he considered becoming a farmer before becoming an artist.
The field forms the logo for the fandom, namely ARMY.
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The cutlery and the color orange are associated with Jin. He’s the taster, he checks the memory clouds before the bottling.
Jin is the only one who’s not in his corner but at another place. He has two sugar gliders, Odeng and Eomuk. He posted several times on Twitter with them: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x. We also saw them in Mnet’s BTS Comeback Show. He’s learning how to play the guitar. You can see him play in one of his Eat Jin episode with Jimin and Jungkook (around 3:50). He also played during the 2016 Fanmeetings in Japan (it’s probably where his outfit is from) and in his Puma Bog Sock cf. Jin is known to like the color pink (cue the pink lamp) and food. He has a personal show called “Eat Jin”, available on Youtube and Vlive for the recent ones.
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The ribbon and the color yellow are associated with Jung Kook. He’s the decorator, thus the ribbons and probably the tape that he puts on the bottles of memories.
The fact he’s lifting the conveyor belt and the pink dumbbell are there to remind us he’s the most muscular in the group. The bag and the hat are references to Bon Voyage S2 in Hawai. The trophy in the bag is a reference to his lines in “Mic Drop”:
Did you see my bag It’s full of trophies
Lastly, his outfit is a reference to the one he wore for the 2017 K-POP World Festival in Changwon.
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The quill and the color pink are associated with SUGA. He’s the labeler, thus his desk with all the labels ready to be written on to indicate which memory the bottle contains.
The mic is a reference to his iconic move at the end of “Mic Drop”. The fact he’s sleeping and the lounger remind his reputation of being lazy/always sleeping.
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The ladder and the color blue are associated with Jimin. He’s the curator, thus his position near the shelves where he put the bottles of memories.
The yellow blanket, his outfit, his hair, the calico cat, and the telescope are all reference to his solo intro for LOVE YOURSELF Her, “Serendipity”. The plaid shirt is something Jimin wears often (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x), especially yellow ones (x, x, x, x, x).
More items were dispersed here and there:
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The flowers from the cover of Love Yourself承 Her
The top part of the Army Bomb, the group official lightstick
V’s tiger necklaces and Vmin’s swing.
V showed the green pendant in one of his solo VLive (starting 4:59) and said he associates himself with a (baby) tiger and that he bought it with Jimin in New York.
Concerning the swing, Jimin and Taehyung played around one during their stay in the U.S. to record Dark & Wild and film American Hustle Life.
The flower from the Puma Courtstar campaign
Jimin’s manggaetok.
Jimin is associated with those glutinous rice cakes because of his soft-looking cheeks that reminded fans of the treat.
Jin’s Mario collection. He even danced with a Mario plushie during “Just One Day” practice)
Jin’s birthday gift to Jimin (found thanks to Reddit)
Sope uniforms.
Sope is the name of the subunit formed by SUGA and j-hope. They have their own show, Hwagae Market (pre-opening, teaser ep1, ep1, ep2, ep3, special section in the 4M followers celebration, ep4, ep5), they made their debut during the 2016 fanmeetings in Japan but they had already sung during the 2016 Festa party (starting 58:13) as SOPE-ME. The BOMB of their training can be found here.
The house from the 2017 Festa.
During the 2017 Festa three songs were released: “4 o’clock”, “We don’t talk anymore Pt.2″ and “So far away” featuring Jin and Jung Kook. All the illustrations for those songs can be connected to form a house under a full moon.
The mailbox (우편 is written on it and simply means “mail”). It’s just an assumption but since the previous musters were named after zip codes, I guess it’s to reference them.
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On the right, we can see the logos for BTS and ARMY together.
The seven colors associated to the boys are all aligned below: red/V, orange/J, yellow/JK, green/JH, blue/JM, pink/SG, purple/RM. You can also see them on the balloons surrounding the giant bottle in the middle.
The remaining elements are the trophies won by the boys. We can see the prizes from the following events:
Korean Popular Culture & Arts Awards
Mnet Asian Music Awards
and 8. Seoul Music Awards
Golden Disk Awards
Show Champion
Billboard Music Awards
In the preview of the DVD little details were added to the poster. It’s actually drawings made by the boys to describe themselves:
RM drew Koya, his BT21 character
j-hope drew Mang, his BT21 character
V drew Yeontan, his dog
Jung Kook drew a camera
SUGA drew Holly, his dog
Jimin drew accessories
Jin drew RJ, his BT21 character
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During the show
Jimin was wearing a Thom Browne outfit (cr.).
We see the recipe:
                                    Memories of BTS and ARMY
                                   ~ memory cloud instructions ~
You only need a few ingredients for your handmade memory cloud
•  4 cups of Happiness •  1 cups of Awesomeness •  2 cups of Laughter •  1/4 teaspoon of Hope •  3 tablespoon of Joyfulness (can use other things, such as Delight, ****) •  1/2 tablespoon of Wonder •  2 drops of pink Love •  3 cups of pleasure
Gather up these ingredients: it’s time to make the happy memory you’ve been craving. If you’d like your memory cloud to be a different color, substitute the two drops of pink love coloring for something else - *** excitement, green hope, or purple joy would all make ******* memory cloud hues.
The ingredients have colors fitting with the boys’ (credits and all my thanks to @honeyhoneysugarsugar for seeing Jin’s and V’s, you can see their reblog in the notes of this post):
Wonder: orange = Jin
Joyful: pink = SUGA
Laugh: green = j-hope
Touching: purple = RM
Awesomeness: blue = Jimin
Happy: red = V
Hope: yellow = Jung Kook
You can also see a little Apollo Belvedere torso behind Jin in his room. There was also an Apollo Belvedere during the Mnet stage of “Blood, Sweat & Tears.”
During Jin’s delirium we can see an alpaca - an animal often associated with Jin, RJ is an alpaca for example - but also a text that’s actually Windows’ Blue screen of death.
Apart from the adventures of the ARMY BOMB fairies, we also got a sequel to House of Army with Guardians of the ARMY BOMB. Dad Jungkook, big brother Taehyung, as well as uncle Yoongi, thus make their comeback after their first apparition in the 3rd muster. We see them being protected by the guardians of the ARMY BOMB.
Jin published a picture of RM as a guardian for the leader’s birthday in 2019.
18 notes · View notes
rappaccini · 4 years
post-rewatch overall thoughts on tua season 1:
so. the season has a lot of problems, but i really do fucking love it. it’s like, idk. it feels like lightning in a bottle to me.  the thing that you just... know is Your Shit? that’s what i felt when i watched this season. this was My Shit. this felt like it was made for me. and even a year and a half later, after rewatching it a lot and taking into account all those flaws, i still adore it. 
[this has been my favorite thing since it came out, and on top of that, i haven’t been this involved in a fandom in literal years. i have never been this vocal in a fandom before in my life, and i’ve made most of the friends i have through it. literally no matter what happens, whether s2 is good, ok or shit, whether i keep watching or not, i’m always going to love s1]
aside from the visual aesthetic, and the wonderful mix of genres that veers just into the experimental, the characters are all so deeply compelling and richly flawed, and i’m so excited to see more of them. and the take on them and how they deal with abuse is... oh man. i’m very careful about abuse and trauma narratives in fiction because they tend to end Very Badly for victims, and it feels like, at least as of season 1, this one’s aiming to defy that. idk if it’ll get there, but i hope it does.
it was a fantastic first watch and it’s rewarding the more you look at it (even if you really do see all those fuckups). there’s an intentionality to so much of the show, in the way the characters are made, in the way vanya’s plot is set up and in the way all the themes weave through everything that feels incredibly coherent. it’s obviously not perfect and it’s got some glaring issues, but the fact that it’s already this focused feels really special to me.
this is a show that, right out the gate, has a lot of ambition. there was an incredible amount of focus on the characters and their traumas, and it has some really high aspirations. the show wants to be its own thing, and to do something big and new and interesting and i respect that. as of season one, it feels like there’s a plan, and i’m very excited about it. it has a strong foundation and a lot of potential to reach some very incredible heights.
but. there are a lot of cracks in that foundation. and i’m not sure going forward if they’ll be sealed up, ignored, or actively pried open. the show’s aiming high but it could very, very easily fall short, because of those glaring flaws, and because of those aspirations, failure to reach them will feel so much more intense.
We’ll Just Have To See.
episodes ranked according to my own subjective experience: 
101: we only see each other at weddings and funerals: a fantastic pilot. you learn So Much in just ten minutes, and the exposition never feels like a drag. the atmosphere is fantastic. meeting everyone is so much fun, and the sky’s the limit.
102: run boy run: a great companion to 101, probably best viewed alongside it. expanding on what everyone’s up to, and seeding the plots that are to come. 
106: the day that wasn’t: a lot of great plots showing different sides to the characters; this episode is more to do with thematic principles than plot (with the exception of five’s), but it can be very frustrating to see it all disappear. all the same, it’s nice to see all the characters save diego conquer their shit. the dancing in the moonlight scene is *chefs kiss*.
105: number five: there isn’t a weak thread in any of the plotlines in this episode. every plot is interesting, and every character’s on one. learning about what five went through is so much fun, seeing vanya’s powers start to wake up is very interesting, and the standoff with hazel and cha-cha hitting the shitter because diego/klaus/ben plow in on an ill advised revenge plot is great. and the ‘happy together’ sequence is a great way to close it.  
109: changes: an episode that handles the transformation of vanya into the white violin extremely well. i love allison’s arc hitting its peak here, and luther’s decision to imprison vanya; all of that felt right. however, diego and klaus’s inconsistency in the cell scene really fucked it over and left a bad taste in my mouth, as it becomes very clear that diego’s arc is going nowhere at all. and, the brothers being inexplicably stupid when investigating leonard.
107: the day that was: again, i love so much that was in this episode, but the thing that matters most, the leonard reveal, falls flat. and allison’s lack of an arc is just real clear at this point and it’s glaring. a great companion to 106, and best viewed alongside it. 
103: extra ordinary: it was... fine. i liked hearing about vanya’s book, but over all.... yeah. fine. also, allison goes off the rails right here, when she leaps ahead to her ep 10 characterization and just kinda lingers there for the rest of the season, with a few dips here and there.
108: i heard a rumor: it has one of my favorite scenes in the whole series, and i love learning about allison and vanya and them getting a focus. but allison’s plot being so underserved just utterly fucks up the effect it could have had. this could’ve been, if handled properly. the best episode in the series to me. instead, i literally can’t stop thinking ‘god that had to be better built up to, and that could’ve been handled better, and that was a bad idea.’
110: the white violin: look, so much great happens in the episode: vanya tearing the house down, luther and allison’s conversation with claire, klaus and ben finally going ghost. but diego gets absolutely nothing. and this needed to be the culmination of five’s arc and for literally the entire episode he’s totally out of character, which fucks the whole thing up because the climax is his moment, and he doesn’t get it. the episode catches itself in the last minute and smooths itself out enough to land on its feet, but boy did the show fumble its landing. like with 108 i love so much of what’s here, but i keep rewriting it in my head because all the cracks start to show. 
104: man on the moon: look, this whole ep felt like a drag. as great as it was learning luther’s backstory, the rest felt sloggish in comparison. plus, it features eudora’s fridging, which i unironically hate. the episode isn’t bad per se, but it’s my least favorite. while 108 and 110 definitely have some massive fucking issues, at least there were strong moments to make them still enjoyable, whereas here everything’s largely uniformly less-engaging than the rest of the show. 
biggest boons:
action: not all of the scenes were edited well, but i was more than forgiving because they’re so much fun. the characters’ personalities reflect the way they fight, and i love that. i also enjoy seeing how different all the scenes are. it’s great that characters throw down just as viciously, regardless of gender, and the show doesn’t bother with designated girl fights. plus the music that tends to accompany them is a lot of fun too.
atmosphere: boy is it fucking gorgeous. it literally looks like panels of a graphic novel brought to life. it’s got that science fiction shine, a quirky colorful palette that allows for a lot of darkness, some strong elements of the gothic... it’s exactly my shit.
casting + performances: everyone is just about perfect in their role. i can’t imagine anyone else playing five, luther, diego, klaus or allison. 
hopper nails luther’s enormous presence and his sweet, dopey side. i buy him as the kind man allison loves, and as imposing number one, and he switches between the two incredibly well. i buy that he has strength he can’t totally control, and that he’s so worried about his body. he has a presence that makes his role as the leader make perfect sense, and he can be just as imposing as he is hilarious. he and raver-lampman have fantastic chemistry that just intensifies their arc-- they’re as friendly as they are intimate, and they make a great team; i love seeing them together. 
castaneda has diego’s look down. i love his prowling, self-important walk, and his flare for the dramatic, and the way he growls everything he speaks. i love how he flips through shit for no reason, and i find it totally believable. diego could easily be this cartoonishly ridiculous character, but castaneda balances his anger, his eccentricity and this very deep sense of emotion really well, especially given that the writers basically paid his character dust in this season. he has great chemistry with madekwe and robbins, and with the former, that chemistry makes the eudora plotline bearable, which is a credit to how hard he’s selling this. man put in effort and it shows.
raver-lampman (and cupid too for that matter) nailed allison’s ‘former popular girl who ruthlessly bullied you in school, but has grown up, settled down and is a little embarrassed about it now’ cadence. she has a fantastic presence, that makes me totally buy that allison is a superstar; she radiates confidence, a hint of self-centeredness, and somehow, she looks so much taller than she actually is. she can clearly handle allison’s bitchy side and her genuine compassion so well, and i wish she was able to organically transition from one to the other, rather than ricocheting all the way there and having to waver a bit where she can. but that’s on the writers. 
sheehan brought a lot to klaus’s personality, and i don’t know how much is the character and how much is the actor, but i’m down with it. klaus is charismatic, electric and hilarious, but sheehan’s also able to capture those intense emotional lows too. the reason why we were all brought in by the klave romance was because sheehan sells the shit out of it, not because it was written well. additionally, the way he portrays klaus after he returns from vietnam is great: you can tell that he’s settled down a bit, that he’s older, and a little less frantic, but he’s still the same person with the same issues.
gallagher is fucking phenomenal as five. like, damn. this kid was perfectly cast. everything, from the way he moves to the way he talks to the way he looks absolutely sells that he’s an old man stuck in a kid’s body. he balances five’s spitty personality, his egotistical tendencies, his determination and his anxiety with a real sense of tenderness that humanizes the character and keeps him from tipping over into cartoonish territory. and in every single scene he’s in, he steals. this is his show.
min has a great look as ben, and i love seeing him hovering over klaus’s shoulder. i like ben’s caring personality, and also that he isn’t a doormat. a few of the line readings weren’t great, but honestly, because he has so little screentime and so little to say, i can’t really judge his performance; though i must admit, i keep thinking, someone else might’ve been able to do a bit more with the role. i do look forward to seeing more of him. with the little he had, he made a big impression.
page sells the shit out of all of vanya’s scenes, and does a great job drawing vanya out from being numb and mousy to being more expressive, but still extremely vulnerable. i love vanya’s snark, and i love her deep love towards everyone around her, and i also buy how she comes to turn away from those feelings. and yeah, i bought that vanya’s attracted to leonard (sorry if you didn’t). i think that page’s height really adds to the effect of vanya being literally towered over by everyone, even five, and her wardrobe does a great job of making her seem muted and introverted. my one gripe with page’s casting is that while every other actor goes through such a massive transformation to play their character, i can still tell it’s her in every scene she’s in-- she’s not vanya, she’s ellen-playing-vanya. and i think that’s something that bled over into the fandom, which explains a lot of things about the way fandom at large perceives vanya’s character. and as a result, i just keep thinking ‘... someone else could have played this character, and done a better job vanishing into the role’ which is something i don’t think with the others. as a result i think that, ultimately, she’s the weak link in the main cast. she’s just of too high a profile in comparison to everyone else.
madekwe does everything she can to sell eudora, and her chemistry with castaneda is great. she deserved better.
magaro does a great job with leonard. he’s slimy, but he has some genuine emotion to him. i wish he’d been able to, like with allison, transition from one to the other rather than ricochet ahead and then skid back. plus, his casting... and his resemblance to watson, who plays adult five... look man. either the casting director has a type, or something’s up here.
feore nails it as reginald. never wanted to beat the shit out of a fictional old man as much as i’ve wanted to beat this guy’s ass. he’s egotistical, douchey, and strikes the right balance between ridiculous and intimidating. and in 10 he does an incredible job making him human.
walsh is a slimy, creepy, ridiculous handler and she does a great job.
godley does well with pogo, but the character isn’t around much, and all that cgi makes it difficult to think of godley as anything other than a voice/mocap actor. regardless, he hits all the marks he needs to.
robbins does fantastic as grace. i completely buy that she’s a robot, thanks to the way she moves and talks, and that change she makes in her voice after grace is reset is so, so smart. 
britton is fantastic as hazel. his enormous physicality makes him imposing, but his voice and his movements make it clear that he isn’t thrilled about violence. he also has great chemistry with mccarthy, and with blige in a platonic sense.
mccarthy does as much as she can with agnes. she’s bright, excitable, and sweet, and she has great chemistry with britton.
blige is great as cha-cha. she’s serious, she’s imposing, and she’s ferocious. if anything, i just can’t tell if her interest in hazel is romantic or not, but idk if that’s the writing or directing’s fault here.
the kid cast, for what little everyone but gallagher gets, is solid from what i’ve seen. i hope to see more of them.
characters: every single hargreeves is distinct with different problems and deep flaws, and every single hargreeves is incredibly compelling. the show is character-centric. it is. the plot’s fun and all but what we’re here for is the hargreeves family in particular, and the show’s at its best when they’re playing off each other, and when they’re dealing with their flaws. we are here for them, and their interactions. writers please keep that in mind going forward.
cinematography: there are so many neat shots and the visual vocabulary of the show’s great -- the weird angles that tend to occupy klaus’s scenes because of his eccentric personality and often-inebriated worldview is one example. i love that the splitscreen motif is applied to hazel and cha-cha, i love how the handler’s time-stopping can be distinguished by a greenish tint to the lighting, while the past is warm-toned. it absolutely captures and heightens the feeling of the story and characters.
concept: a bunch of superpowered children are bought by an eccentric billionaire, raised as child soldiers and paraded around as celebrities, but the story’s all about them as adults, who’ve realized how fucked their upbringing was, and how they are coming to terms with their trauma and want to find belonging and love. it’s a found family story about a family that grew up together. i’m a whore for this idea. 
costumes: i mean klaus’s clothes scream his personality (both pre- and post-vietnam), ben’s hoodie lightens as klaus gets more sober, diego’s all black edgelord ensemble reflects the academy uniform he never got over not-wearing. luther’s enormous coats and turtlenecks cover and restrict him, showing his unease with his body (though every once in a while, luther’s arms squish and you can tell it’s a suit.) and allison’s outfits are fabulous and fashionable as she is. five’s trapped in his uniform, which has a great design. and vanya’s clothes perfectly capture her introverted, anxious, insecure personality, and the subtle evolution of her as she begins to take her first steps towards becoming her own person (though she’s got a long way to go) is great. i especially love that the academy has a black-and-white motif to it, but vanya skews towards white and everyone else skews towards black-- i’d love to see them integrate that as they get back together.
plot: the flow of events is pretty good. the a, b and c plots are pretty evenly distributed so at any time we feel like we’re gaining progress in the main narrative, but we’re also given reprieve to just hang out with the characters and learn about them. something always happens to drive it forward-- i owe that to the ‘8 days’ time clock that really drives the urgency.
score: the original score is lovely. it’s this burton-esque orchestral score with a lot of chimes and violins. it’s dark, yet whimsical, and the white violin suite makes me cry. i love that alluther have at least one recognizable theme that’s all their own.
set design: it’s fucking gorgeous. the hargreeves mansion is so much fun to look at-- it’s this jumble of a dozen buildings that were never meant to be together-- and i only hope we get to spend more time there in future seasons, assuming the show is renewed and is worth continuing if it is renewed. and since the mansion is massive (and canonically has 42 bedrooms), they could easily make the location fresh by showing us different parts of it. 
soundtrack: everybody who watches the show loves it and i’m no exception. the show doesn’t bother with cramming music that’s currently popular in; the playlist is unique and all its own, and perfectly suits the atmosphere. the songs all blend very well with the scenes they’re in, and correlate to what’s going on, on a deeper level that’s more rewarding on a rewatch. the action scenes are set to great bops in particular. (... tua please don’t overload the show with empty action scenes that serve no purpose other than ‘so we heard you like fun action!’ ) 
the road to recovery takes a very long time, and you will fall off it and have to climb back on.
corporations don’t have your back. they’re soulless and they want to suck the life out of you.
abuse does not make nice people. abuse does not make happy people. there are no good victims or bad victims. (except leonard, i guess.)
it’s difficult to tell where programming stops and free will starts; toxic behavior begets toxic behavior, and we have to own up to it, stop it, and resolve to be better.
redemption is possible. the bad things you did in the past don’t define your future.
the family is better together than apart. 
time. changes. everything. it isn’t too late to have the life and the love you wanted. it isn’t too late to realize your talents, or become a better person, or free yourself from a bad situation. it isn’t too late to get together, or to make up or to change your mind.
there are no lost causes. the world is worth saving. your enemies are worth showing mercy to. your relationships and friendships and broken families can be salvaged and reshaped into something new and better.
things are fucked, but if we give it everything we have, we can save it, and it’s worth taking up that fight, because nothing is set in stone.
fuck it, be happy. 
world: the alternate universe is so interesting; in this 2019, space travel is much more advanced, yet all the cars seem to have maintained designs from the 90s at the soonest, and there are no personal phones. i’m curious as to what specifically caused all those changes. the one regarding the lack of cell phones, i think, is to account for the plot needing to stretch to ten episodes; if everyone can call or text each other, things basically stop just like that. regardless, i think it’s so fucking interesting, and i hope we return to alternate-2019 at some point, or even an alternate-alternate 2019 that is changed because of the siblings’ actions in the past.
mixed bag:
characterization: directly ties into their plots: luther/vanya/klaus is phenomenal, five’s is as well until that last episode throws it out, diego has a lot of potential and some great flaws but none of them are addressed at all, ben is a ???? right now but i’m excited to see more of him, and allison... baby girl. what happened. who wrote you.
editing: sometimes the jumpy, frenetic style works to carry the energy of the show. sometimes, it fucks up scenes that need to take their time to feel out a moment-- those inexplicable jump cuts make me feel like they just couldn’t find any takes that were good enough on their own. 
execution: a massive mixed bag. see below.
a-plot: the apocalypse, and who causes it.
five’s is great up until where it lacks resolution. everything until episode ten is phenomenal and consistently strong. and then he totally derails in episode ten, right when he needs to actually make that defining choice for himself. he never gets it, and now he’s behind where he needs to be.
and vanya’s is fantastic, with the exception of how leonard is treated with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. watching her slowly begin to lose faith in her family and gain faith in herself is great, and seeing her turn into a villain is great. but. again: i don’t buy that she wanted to destroy the world; if she genuinely did, you fucked up. if she didn’t, you need to tell us that in the future.
b-plot: holding pattern for characters who feature into the a-plot but in a lesser way, until they need to trigger something in the a-plot. it explains why they do what they do in the a-plot, while also expanding on some greater theme for the story. 
luther’s was great; it’s probably the best one in the entire show: it’s relevant to him as a character, and the point he reaches is totally believable: he’s in love with allison, is terrified that he’s inadequate, and is adrift after his father dies and isn’t sure how to cope with realizing how terrible he is, so he triggers vanya’s meltdown by locking her in the cell.
allison’s was inconsistent and patchy, but i think they had the right idea, they just didn’t know how to get there so they just skipped to the end. her rumor and her need to reconnect with vanya culminate in causing luther, who she romances, to lash out against vanya. and that love for luther connects with her need for her daughter.
c-plot: giving them something to do
klaus’s was very good. he needed to find the motivation to get clean, and he got it. he needed to develop a desire to explore his powers, and he got it. wanting to reconnect with a long-lost lover is a great way to go.
hazel and cha-cha (plus agnes) were a lot of fun to watch. i enjoyed their dynamic, their conflict, and their schism. it felt like a good one-season arc, and now they’re done.
and diego’s was... yeah it was totally pointless, huh. they had the right idea, but then just lost it and ended on a note that led nowhere. it felt like they were going for diego realizing that he’s only a vigilante because he is still hung up on wanting approval for it; that he’s really not all that different from luther.
(canon) romance:
allison / luther: god tier. this couple is fantastic. there’s great chemistry, their personalities are a wonderful fit, and their arcs are compatible. this is clearly a couple who are meant to get together and stay together. They’re It. 
hazel / agnes: great chemistry and a sweet connection, with a solid progression over the season. i liked seeing them get together. but i also am totally fine with never seeing them again.
dave / klaus: i’m happy that we got to have dave and klaus in an overtly queer relationship, and that klaus’s feelings for him are treated as complex and valid... but what about dave’s. this is a relationship that was supposedly so important... but one half of it is a cardboard cutout, and we saw less than two minutes of it total.
diego / eudora: their chemistry is great, but plotwise... i think they’re bad for each other. i see why they broke up, and every time they’re together i think ‘dear god don’t make up.’ they don’t agree on anything; all they do is argue, and diego doesn’t respect her: he shows up at her workplace and fucks with her cases, he doesn’t take her values seriously and insists that she adhere to his, and he does. not. learn. anything. from her death; his conclusion that she Saw The Good In People proves he didn’t understand her at all. yet the writing treats it as though he did.
side characters:
hazel, agnes, cha-cha and handler are great Season One Side Characters. but i don’t think we need to ever see them again.
reginald, grace and pogo are fantastic and i’m feral to see more of them in a recurring capacity in the future. fuck it, maybe even brought back to life.
eudora.... why was she written so thinly
LEONARD. why was he bad victimed??? why was he treated as a creep long in advance of ep 7? it could’ve been such a dope twist?
uneven commitment to good character plots: 
the best i can describe it is in a shitty basketball metaphor
it’s all over the map.
the Yikes Factor: stuff that doesn’t sit well with me.
the cops: look diego being kicked out of the police academy because he was Too Violent For Even The Cops, and so many cops being totally friendly with him and giving him free passes to fuck with crime scenes and leave jail because they want to do what he does... man. oh man.
the fridgings: they really did kill eudora off in the most generic way... and then it meant nothing because he learns the wrong. thing. from. it. and dave is fridged even worse than she is, because at least she has a personality and a job. he doesn’t even get that. i’m fine with including shitty overdone tropes like fridgings, but my rule is that you get one. you get one that you can play totally straight. tua filled their quota and then some.
dave’s entire personality is ‘gay.’ that’s it. it’s great that klaus got to be explicitly queer, but his boyfriend is a cardboard cutout with ‘gay’ written on it. and then they bury the gay. 
Good Victim Bad Victiming all of a sudden with leonard. you did a phenomenal job of refusing to demonize the hargreeves for their traumas and how they respectively coped with them... and then all of a sudden grandstand about how a scared abused 13 year old who dove deep into fandom to cope with his situation (specifically, the lie of a good family where he might be included) and felt so unsafe with his father that he decided he’d rather kill him. what you just did made me unironically want him to have a happy ending purely out of spite. you could’ve made him an antagonist without that. you could even make ~but he’s a murderer~ the main gripe and just... have his killing helen cho be the thing.
the yiddish handler.... plus the Secret Organization That Controls The Fate Of The World.... hoo boy. hoo fucking boy.
... wow they sure did give much less care into all the poc hargreeves’ plots. ben doesn’t get one at all, diego’s leads nowhere, and allison’s is skipped through. i don’t think it was intentional, but it’s probably not a coincidence.
the sexism: every single female character ends up dead or silenced, except for agnes, who exists to be a supportive love interest. it’s literally every single one, major or secondary. and weirdly diego has the biggest body count, with technically cha-cha, grace, technically eudroa and technically-vanya. rip to all women who encounter him in s2.
the show nearly wades into ‘go off your meds and become your True Self’ territory, but safely avoids it by showing that vanya should never had been medicated in the first place. the reason why it’s a yikes is that i’m worried about this position being reversed later.
and vanya’s power has that undertone of ‘she’s too emotional, we can’t control her, so we have to destroy her’ which... at least the show calls it out as wrong, and comes down against ‘she’s too powerful, we need to put her down.’ for now. but boy am i worried it’ll suddenly pivot: and they’ll either kill her, depower her to Make Her Manageable, or put her back on her meds and treat it as a Good Thing. i’ve got my fucking eye on this. don’t slip.
the cracks in the foundation
bad romance: romances that are all show and no tell (klave), or clearly not good for either party yet are treated as though they are (diedora) are already a trend. especially with underdeveloped non-hargreeves love interests. i can absolutely see the show cramming new unnecessary love interests in for the characters, and them being dead weight because we have no time for the relationship/we only ever see it in glimpses/no one is written well and the writers don’t realize what they’ve created.
bungling the Most Important Thing: every episode is enjoyable, but 7 8 and 10 are real fucked because the Most Important Thing in each episode (leonard’s villain reveal, allison’s rumor reveal and five’s culmination) are bungled; leonard’s and allison’s because they weren���t plotted properly beforehand, five’s because they Kinda Forgot or panicked and threw it out too late. and because they are, the episode sputters and fizzles out, because the biggest, most vital thing about it does not work.
did vanya actually want to destroy the world: .... did she? because if she did, the writers fucked the execution of that. if she didn’t we have to learn that and so do her siblings. 
Good Victim Bad Victim: so far the hargreeves are all kept safely from this moralizing; they are all flawed and all well-intentioned. but leonard was tossed right into this pit. for no reason. and everyone wants to save vanya for now, but if the show suddenly tilts into ‘uhhh actually...’ then it’s fucked.
inconsistent characterization quality: we need to watch out for characters who remain flat the entire arc (ben), characters who develop dramatically- but totally offscreen (klaus), characters who get an arc that leads absolutely nowhere (diego), characters who skip through development too early and then just spend a whole season being stagnant (allison), and characters who suddenly drop into ooc-ville right when they’re needed the most (five). plus, characters who swing randomly from one ideological conclusion to the next (diego and klaus re: vanya) without anything motivating it.
(possible) inconsistent power use: what are the limits of their powers. we know that drugs and possibly alcohol shut them down (vanya, klaus, probably luther and five when they were drunk), we know that klaus can conjure (but what does that entail), we know that five time travels but Not Well (but how do his fuckups happen, and at what point does he get tired), what are the parameters of allison’s rumor, or vanya’s energy manipulation. what are the specifics. the writers need to know as fast as possible so no one fucks something big up.
important character development offscreen: allison’s weaning herself off her rumor and her reform into a nicer person apparently happened before the show even started, and klaus’s transformation in vietnam happens totally offscreen. it would be so much more impactful to see them become those people.
Kinda Forgetting: helen cho’s body vanishing? luther somehow being in his original body, reading vanya’s book when he actually was in a coma in his deformed body the whole time? five suddenly being not himself for a whole episode until the literal last minute? allison somehow both remembering what she did to vanya and not at all? keep track of the characters, and what they feel and what they know. keep track of the timeline, and the plot elements, and the themes you want to convey.
spectacle over substance: the action scenes set to music are fun, but you can’t forget that what makes them work is the narrative, not how much you’re tapping your foot to the song. the flashy powers are neat, but what makes them work is who’s using them, and what motivates their use. don’t step over that line.
theme tossing: if the show suddenly decides that no, it is too late to help vanya, or for all seven of them to reform as a family on their terms, or for the team to work together, or for luther and allison (... or any other siblingcouple for that matter) to get together, or for the world to be saved. because i’m very very worried that what’s here won’t last.
time travel erasing progress: the day that wasn’t works because it’s all thematic, but you can’t keep doing that. it’s hard to get attached to time travel stories because they feel like none of the consequences matter- they’re all predetermined or they’re all too easy to get rid of. i’ll accept time fuckery, but you have to be very careful with what you do with it.
too many characters: there are seven main characters, who each need their own development, each need an impact on the plot, and who need dynamics established with each other. there isn’t room for anyone else who is meant to stick around. limit new characters to seasonal antagonists and allies. 
the things that needed to be fixed:
allison’s arc needs to be replotted. by this i mean, she needs to be more reliant on her rumor in act 1 and struggling to not use it in act 2. she needs an arc about how she feels about her husband and daughter that actually shifts through the season. she needs to be bitchier on day 1, and can’t warm towards vanya until about the halfway point. 
and her sticking up for her after her throat slit needs to be the culmination of that. it’s the ultimate act of forgiveness, love and understanding. and she should not be holding the gun at the end. that wasn’t her story to resolve; the one she had should’ve been enough. character flaws are good. don’t be afraid to give the women them.
diego needs to learn something. anything. probably that vigilanting isn’t solving anything, and that he’s probably still not over dad because that’s all he’s essentially trying to do by being a vigilante. 
he can learn that through the eudora plot; you don’t need to fridge her to do it, but if you’re gonna, at least have him learn the thing she was trying to teach him. 
or even just... do it through grace? he could get pissed about grace needing to be put down, and go on a wild hunt for hazel and cha-cha because he blames them. 
regardless, he needed to learn that his vigilantism is totally based in desperation for approval and an inability to move past the academy’s teachings. that as much as he claims he’s totally over it and Knows The Truth About It Being Abuse, he isn’t at all. it’s some necessary humbling he’ll need before he goes through any other development.
follow the fuck through with episode ten and five’s character arc: five needs to break down at the ruins of the house. he needs to process that vanya’s the cause of the apocalypse, and the person he was so obsessed with destroying. and he has to be the one with the gun to her head. that’s his shot to refuse to take. the fiveya vibe needs to be acknowledged in some small way to explain why. (all that has to happen is acknowledging What It Is, not getting them together, which cannot happen until the very end of the story. to the anti who might be reading this, kindly fuck off.)
leonard isn’t bad bc he killed his abusive dad when he was a child. he’s bad bc he manipulates vanya, kills helen cho and wants to destroy the academy. get rid of the victim blamey aspect of his character: instead of blaming the academy for whatever reason, he wants to destroy them because he’s an awful fanboy who obsesses over the academy, realizes they aren’t the shiny false figures he thought they were and decides to destroy them because he thinks he’s entitled to them, and if he can’t have them, no one can. make him the fucking fandom menace. 
or at least don’t pull the ~but vanya he killed his dad~ shit: just have d/a/f find helen’s corpse. that’ll be enough to turn vanya away. additionally, make his being a villain a twist in 107; reframe all his ~creepy scenes~ so they seem genuine, or we’re so distracted with allison being a boundarycrasher that we forget about him.
101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | x | looking forward
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