#we know that naomi is her ex
thegetdownrebooter · 11 months
Yeah I'm kinda glad they didn't confirm Tabitha still dating Roman so I can imagine her getting back together with Naomi, lol. I feel like people make her into a bit of a manic pixie dream girl maybe
lol, someone as attractive and rich as tabitha pulling the "i can fix him" routine on a fascist that doesn't respect her and told her to not be aroused during sex like, they need to be serious.
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weeknd-ogoc · 7 months
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SUMMARY: in which oscar accidentally get married to his ex girlfriend in vegas! (part 2; lando's alternate ending!) FACE CLAIM: leona naomi wong CONTAINS: over protective best friend!lando, major fluff, some angst!
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oscar piastri knew you had hated him. 
after a beautiful seven month long relationship with you, he had ended it with no real explanation. he still loved you dearly but at the time he wasn't sure if being in a serious relationship while driving in formula one was even a good idea.
he couldn't give you all the time in the world like he wanted to and even though you had told him you didn't mind it, he knew you deserved something better than what he was giving you.
"you're so unbelievable..." he remembered you telling him after he told you about needing some time apart and throwing the necklace he had gifted you just a few weeks before. "i never want to speak to you again."
that same night you returned his belongings in a big box and you chose not to speak or text him — not that he expected to stay close friends with you but he had expected to at least talk once in awhile and when you guys didn't, it was something he wasn’t really prepared for.
"i just think it was a mistake to do that, you know she's amazing..." your best friend lando told him during media day in brazil. "i told her that you guys were moving too fast but i'm glad she's moving on..."
lando was real pissed off with oscar after you had came home crying that night of the breakup but he couldn't let it affect their relationship since they were going to be teammates for a good while.
"moving on? is she already seeing someone?" he had asked as lando put his helmet on. "not that it would be wrong bu-"
"well no, it's just that she's moving out of our place and going back to england next month. do you not have her on instagram?"
oscar put his helmet on and shook his head. "no, she blocked me that night."
he remembered feeling sad when lando told him that because you see before the breakup oscar he had promised you that he wanted to move anywhere in the world with you.
he hated that you were moving on without him but he also knew you hated him and he knew he couldn’t make it right with you.
or so he thought. 
MARCH - 2023
oscar had met you when he was just starting out in mclaren through his teammate.
"tell your boyfriend..." lando started singing rather loudly as you had tried to unlink your arm with his. "if he says he's got beef, that i'm a veg-"
"lan if you keep this up..." you struggled to get him to let go of your arm. "we can no longer be friends!"
lando sighed as he was about to tell you that you were being mean but oscar had showed up with a smile on his face.
"oscar! this is my bestest friend, y/n." he introduced the two of you and whispered. "she's single."
which earned a slap on his arm from you. "let's just say lando's rat face keeps scaring the men away."
he rolled his eyes at you and flicked your forehead in a lovingly way. “well she has bad taste in men.”
you sighed before flicking his forhead. "hush..."
lando had been your best friend since childhood and you showed up for most of his races or practices so when oscar saw that you were always around, he decided to finally ask you for your number.
"i'm telling you right now, you become friends with her..." lando joked as he watched you type your number into oscar's phone. "you won't be able to get rid of her anymore."
turns out that later on it was more like lando was the one you guys couldn’t get rid of.
"they seem a little too close, don't you think?" logan asked as he ate is ice cream.
they both watched as lando chased you around the paddock since you had taken his cap.
"they've been friends for years, maybe they're just really comfortable wit each other." oscar shrugged and continued to watch you guys.
a few weeks later you had found yourself getting closer to oscar but since you were living with lando, you guys could never get some alone time.
“i was thinking maybe we can go get dinner and aft-“
lando sat in between the both of you guys and took the bowl of popcorn oscar had in his hands. “i have a thing at four so maybe we can all go at five?”
he had been inviting himself to all the places oscar wanted to take you to and oscar was starting to get a bit annoyed being around lando all the time but he did want to get in his good graces for you.
"we're a package deal." he remembered lando telling him.
“actually lan-“
“sure! five is perfect…” oscar interrupted and gave the both of you a smile. “dinner for three.”
the three of you continued watching the movie and oscar could see that you were visibly annoyed. the both of you had a discussion a few days before about not letting lando get in the way of your plans and oscar had agreed with you but he clearly did not with the plan.
“oh you know logan asked for your number again and i quickly shut him down…” lando started and shoved some popcorn into his mouth. “definitely not the one for you.”
oscar tensed up hearing logan’s name, since they were good friends he knew logan had a crush on you but he never knew he’d actually go for it. “yeah logan is not the one for you…”
“you see, he knows what i’m talking about...” lando nodded in agreement.
APRIL - 2023
the following weeks you had started cancelling your plans with lando, he thought it was real suspicious because the two of you were always inseparable — he looked through your story and saw you were in australia just a few days earlier before the grand prix there. "why the hell is she there?"
a few hours later he saw oscar post on his story that he was there too. "no way!" he gasped which earned him a side eye from max. "they went together and didn't invite me!"
"maybe it's cause you're annoying and maybe it's a date."
max knew it was indeed a date because you were filling him on all the stuff going on with oscar. he knew how protective lando was over you and he was actually the one who told you not to tell lando about it just yet.
lando sat back and began putting the pieces together.
one: you started showing up with oscar on practice days and sometimes leaving with him.
two: the both of you had inside jokes that lando wasn't able to understand.
three: oscar was bit more smiley whenever you were around.
there were more things going on so it was very much obvious to him now.
oscar had told you about taking you to australia very last minute and planned a very romantic day. you had felt bad since lando and you were already planning on hanging out that day but you knew he’d eventually get over it.
“piastri, you better not be planning on drowning me.” you joked as oscar’s hands covered your eyes and led you down a sandy path.
he chuckled before helping you sit on a chair and removing his hands from your eyes. “i promise if i were to kill someone for the first time it would definitely not be this way…”
you looked around and saw a neatly set table with rose petals, candles, all different types of foods and a very nervous oscar sitting on the other side of the table.
the night was filled with laughter from oscar's very corny jokes and definitely some cute moments. you had tried the different foods that he loved.
"you know what this would be amazing with?" you asked and he responded with a little hm as he fed you with a spoon. "a soda and then this would be bomb."
he chuckled before nodding. "i'll make sure to have that for our next date..."
he planned on asking you to be his girlfriend and he was hoping you would say yes — so after you guys finished eating and a few more corny jokes, he took you to the beach for a little walk. he held your hand in one hand and in the other hand he was holding your sandals.
"i really enjoyed today oscar." you told him as you guys stopped walking and wrapped your arms around his neck while he wrapped his around your waist. "thank you."
he placed a soft kiss on your lips and he felt his insides doing flips, he knew that this was finally the time to ask you but before he could your phone began ringing once again.
lando had been sending you messages all day and when you finally had enough you had put your phone on dnd but since it was lando he continued pressing notify anyway.
"sorry..." you mumbled and before you could turn the phone off lando had called you, you rolled your eyes and answered. "norris if you don't qu-"
"i know who you are with! put me on speaker!"
oscar chuckled as you put it on speaker. "hi lan-"
"you need to stop violating my best frie-" at that very moment lando was running around the house with max chasing behind him trying to end the call and just before he could finish his sentence, max had snatched his phone just in time. "sorry guys, hope your date is going good!"
once the phone call ended you turned off your phone and slipped your phone back in your purse. "he'll get over it..."
by the time of the azerbaijan media day on thursday, lando was so over seeing you with oscar all the time. usually it would be you hanging around him but now it was all about oscar. you guys were always being adorably gross everywhere he looked — when he was home he'd see you guys cuddling or kissing somewhere then during practices and races you guys were holding hands or hugging.
"i thought you'd be happy for me..." you told him as you held out his cap, helping him get ready for his next interview.
“i am happy for you, i just think i could’ve chosen someone better for you than…” he side eyed oscar who was struggling to put his shoe on. "him."
lando knew how quick the formula one drivers moved from one girl to the next and he didn't want something like that happen to you, you didn't ever deserve that kind of hurt.
"well i never complained when you were with you know who."
he knew you were referring to his ex-girlfriend who hated that you guys were best friends — he constantly had to reassure her that you were like his sister and nothing was going on between the two of you but she never believed him.
"please lando, you look like you would rearrange the stars and pull them down to wherever she is."
"no you didn't but i broke up with her because she was always trying to sep-"
before he could give you his full response oscar had already wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek. he rolled his eyes at the sight of you two and took the cap from your hands then he walked to carlos who was talking with charles.
"didn't go well?" oscar asked and you shook your head no.
MAY - 2023
"we're no longer friends with lando." you crossed your arms as you entered max's room and sat on a chair next to him.
he was streaming on twitch and chuckled. "alright but if he asks i definitely protested just a tad bit."
max had seen lando and you have silly little fights all the time so when he saw that a week later the both of you still hadn't talked since azerbaijan and were avoiding each other back at home, he knew he had to intervene.
"you know this whole hanging out with you guys in different parts of the house is getting annoying..." max sighed as he dragged lando into your room. "so will you guys just make up so we can be the three musketeers again."
the three of you laid down on your bed, looking up at the ceiling and after a good four minutes lando finally turned to you. "apologize first."
you quickly turned to him and flicked his forhead. "what do you mean me first? you should be apologizing first."
max looked at the both of you bickering back and forth like children, being friends with the both of you was not easy for him at all — he really thought it took maturity, patience and the will of one of god’s strongest soldier just to get through it. "will you just tell her!"
lando elbowed him and shook his head. "no clue what you're talking about."
"lan, what is he talking about?"
he groaned and looked back to you. "you obviously know that i love you right?"
you sighed and nodded.
he got up and began pacing around the room, he explained how he only wanted the best for you and didn't want you rushing the relationship with oscar because he felt like he was taking you away from him too fast.
"i broke up with you know who because i felt like she was always separating us and now that os-"
"i will always make time for you." you got up and hugged him, lando flicked your forhead before going to hug you too. "you're my best friend!"
max saw the way lando closed his eyes and hugged you a bit more tighter.
how were you still so blind to lando's obvious huge crush on you?
the next time lando saw oscar, he pulled him aside and apologized for how he acted towards him which oscar was really happy about.
"i swear i would never even think about hurting her, she means everything to me."
in his head lando swore that if he ever did, he'd run him over a few times with the mclaren car. "good, glad we're on the same page."
the grand prix in vegas was finally here.
"c'mon lets go!" lando groaned as he tried helping you get out of his bed. "we're in las vegas and everyone is going out so we need to go out and have some fun while we're here!"
ever since the two of you were kids he did everything in his power to make sure that you were always happy so seeing you now like this, he hated it and he was doing his best to keep your mind off oscar.
so while lando tried getting you up, max came in with the dress that lando had picked out for you. "it's here!"
"a dress? really?" you asked "i'd rather stay in pajamas."
the boys rolled their eyes at you and dragged you up. "change and get ready!"
once they both had left, you sat at the edge of the bed debating whether or not you should but after awhile you thought about how if it hadn't been for lando you probably would've been back home still moping around and how hard lando was trying to make you happy so just this once you'd go out with him.
so about two hours later when you had texted lando that you were finally ready, you looked at the mirror adding the last few touches to your makeup.
"you look beautiful." you heard lando's voice and saw him standing by the doorway through the mirror. "you are beautiful."
you guys ended up meeting up with the rest of the guys at the club and let's just say half of them were not sober.
"lando!" you guys heard carlos's voice.
"go, i'll be here." you told lando as he nodded as he got up from the booth. "i'll be back..."
you looked around and saw oscar and logan at another booth, accidentally making eye contact with the both of them. "shoot." you mumbled and quickly grabbed the drink lando had ordered for you guys and began drinking it.
you had seen oscar a handful of times but you could never bring yourself to talk to him, he had tried calling and texting but you decided to block him on everything for the meanwhile — you had always told him you didn't mind that you guys couldn't always go out on dates or be around each other 24/7 so when he broke up with you because of that you had felt like there ad to be more to the story.
"a shot for everyone!" max yelled for the fourth time.
and so before you knew it, you had gone through a few drinks and since everyone had convinced lando to go to the dj booth he put daniel on babysitting duty.
when oscar saw that lando was nowhere in sight he walked over to you and offered you a drink. "how are you?"
"i'm great, mega actually."
he nodded and watched you drink the cup he had just given you rather quickly.
"um, i'll be back..." daniel announced since he felt like you guys needed space to talk.
the both of you nodded.
you had suddenly felt a little dizzy but decided to look over to oscar who was already looking at you. "you know i really loved you, well still do." you groaned and rested your head onto the table. "do you love me?"
"of coarse i do, you're the love of my life."
lando saw from the distance that oscar was putting a few strands of your hair behind your ear. "are you kidding me."
when the song finished he got down the booth and made it over to the table he last saw you guys but the both of you were nowhere in sight. he asked around if anybody had seen you but they all shook their heads.
"they went on a walk." logan had told him. "i'm about to head out, i'll let you know if i find them."
logan knew that if lando found you guys he'd just pull you away from oscar so he made sure to keep lando away but by the morning when he found himself passed out in a limbo holding onto a half eaten cake that said just married with you guys, he thought it wasn't one of his best ideas.
oscar and logan saw that you had big shiny ring on your finger and suddenly flashbacks started hitting the both of them of the night.
"we got married..." oscar whispered. "how could you let that happen!"
"i don't even remember it all that great man."
logan remembered finding you guys sitting on a bench somewhere and then after a few tears and shouting from the both of you, oscar had the crazy idea to enter a chapel. "this will prove that i would never hurt you again."
oscar remembered the small vows you guys said but midway you stopped. "oh god, i feel like throwing up..."
before they could wake you up they decided to see if they could put some more of the pieces together and as they did logan received a phone call.
"shit..." his phone was pretty much completely cracked but he managed to pick up. "hello?"
"sargeant, i've been calling you all night." he heard lando's voice. "where are they?"
you instantly shot your head up at lando's angry voice. "fuck, i have a major headache..."
oscar shook his head no. "um not sure, hav-"
"quit the bullshit, you're stories on instagram says a completely different story."
as lando went on about murdering both him and oscar, he went on his story to see that he had posted some of their adventures from last night — he had pictures of you and oscar kissing at the chapel, oscar feeding you part of the just married cake, a selfie with all three of you outside the chapel, oscar holding onto your hair as you threw up next to the chapel and then finally the last one was a video of you guys singing to a katy perry song in the limbo.
"how could you let them get married!" you overheard lando yell.
"all three of you need to come back to the hotel now."
so finally, the three of you had gone back to the hotel and on the way there they filled you in on what they could remember but honestly the marriage had been the least of your worries, lando was never one to yell.
the only time you had heard him really yell like that was during a match of call of duty. "what a fucking dumbass! did you see that?"
and even though you had no clue what was going on since you had been too busy picking out what sweater you wanted to wear out of his closet, you nodded. "what a dumbass..."
logan was the first one to get out of the limbo and before you could oscar pulled you back in from getting out. "we'll meet you there..."
he held onto your hand and looked at the rings he remembered buying from some jewlery store, just a few minutes before taking you into the chapel.
"i'm sorry for breaking up with you bu-"
"it's fine if you want to get a divorce, i know that you had your rea-"
"no! that's not what i was going to say..." he sighed and then looked down to his ring finger. "i was going to propose the night that we broke up but then i thought about my job and i jus-"
before he could finish, the door had been opened and lando's face had appeared. "get out - the both of you now!"
before you knew it, lando was dragging you back to the hotel room and you pulled your arm away from his grip. "lando, calm down..."
he let out a chuckled as he turned around. "i'm so stupid, how could i leave you alone and now look! you're married with your ex boyfriend!" he shook his head and grabbed your wrist again. "we can leave right now, i'll just miss the race tomorrow and i can take you to go file for a divorce."
before the both of you got could enter the room, you pulled your arm form him again. "lan no, i'm not divor-"
he shook his head once more in confusion. "you dont have to go through with this..."
"he's my husband now, i have to see if it'll work out."
since he had you back for these past few weeks, he had thought that maybe after all of this you'd finally realize that maybe you loved him in the way that he loved you but clearly that was not the case because this changed everything.
since you guys were children you had always told him about about your dream wedding — you had promised that you were not going to be like your parents. "i won't ever get a divorce like them..."
you saw a tear fall out of his eye and he huffed trying to hold in what he truly wanted to tell you.
"lan, please don't cry..." you softly told him as you held his cheek in your palm, he rested it there for a moment and smiled.
"i've always loved you, you know that right?"
he had always said that but this time it sounded different, it was more like a confession.
you nodded as you felt a hot tear drip down your face. "i know and i love you too..." you turned and saw oscar at the end of the hallway with a bouquet of roses. "i just don't love in the way that you love me."
he looked at oscar holding the bouquet of roses and on his cheek he felt the cold ring you had on your finger so he turned back to you and he nodded. "that's okay, i hope you're happy with oscar..." he left a soft kiss on your cheek. "and i truly hope it works out."
you smiled at him and then walked to where oscar was. "will he be okay?"
you gently placed a kiss on his lips and nodded. "yeah, he'll be okay."
as he held onto your hand and led you to your hotel room, he excitely thought about what the future could hold for the both of you — he thought about giving you a real big wedding soon, you being there the day he becomes world champion, a big house with kids in the future and a lifetime of happiness.
"want to move in my hotel room, mr.piastri?" you asked.
he nodded and kissed your forhead. "mrs.piastri, i'll move to wherever you are from now on..."
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alternate ending:
my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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marleyybluu · 9 months
Oscar Diaz x f!reader
Word count: 2k
Content warning: swearing, readers (now ex/husband) is still a piece of shit, Oscar gets a little protective, another half ass ending cus I ran out of words, lmk if i miss any. another untitled one cus i suck.
A/N: this is not necessarily part 2, I guess it could be read as a stand alone… idk lol. But this is a part of the 'Another Man’s Treasure' universe.
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(I think I've used this picture before but oh well. not mines though)
You let out a heavy, exasperated sigh after turning your car off. Another long shift at the hospital had kicked your ass, you had no energy, just ready to take off your scrubs and dip yourself in a hot bath. Thank goodness your kids would be with their father this weekend, you just needed a break. You decided not to sit and rot in the car as usual, you grabbed all your things and carried them to the door. You unlocked your door and turned the knob pushing your way inside and immediately noticed something wrong.
You look over at the shoe rack and notice your kids' shoes still sitting in their spots, you close the door and your eyes dart in confusion. "Naomi... Malakai... Nathan." You cautiously called out, the sound of their feet thumping against the carpeted floors upstairs, you dropped your belongings and waited at the bottom of the stairs.
"Hi, Mommy." Your youngest greeted. "Hi, guys, what-what's going on? You're going to Dad's this weekend. Who's watching you? Grandma?"
Naomi shook her head. "Oscar, we called him to pick us up."
"Yeah, dad didn't show up." Nathan chimed in. Your blood boiled, your nostrils flared in hot anger. This was his second time missing pick-up, you could excuse him for being late and that was you being generous but completely disregarding your agreement was not only disrespectful of you but of your children. Your children who are always so excited to see him and tell him about their week at school, your children who write a list of things they can do with him in the short span of 72 hours. Your eyes softened at them. "Why didn't you call me? You know I would've dropped everything for you guys."
They shrugged. "We didn't want you to get mad."
"Mad?? You guys this is not your fault, are you kidding? Look, just... head back upstairs, I will call your father. Okay?"
The three of them nodded and jogged back to their respective rooms. You took your hair down from its ponytail and scratched your scalp, freeing it from its current state of stress, you groaned walking into the kitchen to see a pile of dishes in the sink and spilling onto the counter. You were not getting to those tonight, way too tired. You heard the whistling of a familiar tune coming up the stairs of the basement, Oscar flicked off the light and stopped whistling when he noticed you, he presented an uneasy smile on his face. A bit scared that you'd be mad he didn't call you when the kids' dad didn't show up. But you tilted your head and smiled earnestly at him.
"Hi, baby." Sleep was very apparent in your voice. "Hola, mi amor." He stretched out his arms and you fell into them, your head resting on his strong chest, his heartbeat against your ear you close your eyes as the hypnotic rhythm brings you a bit of peace. He kissed the top of your head. "How was your day?" You asked. He chuckled. "Good, I missed you though. Made you some food, did the laundry, and I'll do the dishes soon."
"No, it's okay, I'll do them tomorrow morning." You foolishly protested, still not used to having someone else actually��do some chores. He sucked his teeth. "No, you won't because they'll be clean by tonight."
You smiled. "Thank you." You whispered. "It's just dishes baby."
You pull your head back to look up at him. "You know what I mean. Thanks for... taking them. Ugh, in my next life, I'll know not to choose an idiot to be the father of my children." Oscar let go of you so you could fish for your dinner, you popped open the microwave to see a plate prepped and ready for you, all you had to do was heat it up. While the buzz of the microwave continued in the background you pulled out your phone from your back pocket, you dialled your ex-husband's number, your nails tapping impatiently on the counter waiting for him to answer.
"Hey, you know what to do." Beep.
You hung up and called again, if he wanted you to act out, oh you'd act out.
On the fourth call attempt, you finally heard noise on the end. "Hello?" He sounded groggy like he'd just woken up. Oh, poor thing.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
He yawned. "What are you talking about?"
You scoffed beginning to pace back and forth in the kitchen you peaked past the arched entrance to see if you had any little listening ears before you let the words fly out of your mouth like a sailor, when it came to him your words were unlady-like. "What the fuck am I talking about? You know, I threw you a pity party by agreeing to shared custody when God knows I could have full, I expect you to hold up your end of the bargain you fucking asshole."
You could hear the amusement in his voice like getting you riled up got him off. "I can't do it this weekend, I told you."
You gritted your teeth remembering his excuse and you telling him that you didn't care. "Oh, yes, how could I forget? Poor you, you can't go out with the boys if you have responsibilities. Meanwhile, I take my children everywhere I go."
"Unless your little boy toy watches them."
"And yet, he's still doing a better job than you." You bit. "Look," You took a deep breath. "Us separating was hard enough on them, don't make this harder by not fulfilling the one thing you're required to do."
He could be heard soughing dramatically, and if you knew him well enough he was rubbing his eyes with frustration crawling under his skin. "Fine, I'll come get them tomorrow."
"Good." You hung up and tossed your phone on the counter with attitude. Your fingers found their usual spot on your temples, you rubbed them with stress written all over your body. This divorce was supposed to make everything easier, no contact with each other unless it involved your kids and yet he was still getting under your skin. A reassuring hand rested on your back. "Go sit, I'll bring the food."
"No, it's-"
"If you tell me no one more time we're gonna have a problem." A playful warning but a warning nonetheless. You put your hands up in surrender and follow his instructions going to the dining room to sit and wait for him. It didn't take long for him to pop up with your food. You looked up at him with puppy eyes and pursed your lips, he leaned down planting a kiss. "I'm gonna get your pyjamas out and get your stuff ready for bed."
You cooed, "You have no idea how much I love you."
He smiled pridefully. "I love you too, ma."
— —
6 PM.
You checked your phone just to make sure, and yeah, it was 6 p.m. The bright and burning sun was disappearing behind the horizon, the orange and pink hue replaced the blue sky, it was getting darker by the minute and he was still a no-show. Your phone was pressed against your ear as you took a peak at your kids as they sprawled out on the couch watching a movie with Oscar, you smiled softly. "You really don't mind? I'm not trynna get rid of them or anything but their bags have been packed since last night and I just feel so bad." You explained to your mom on the phone.
Oscar turned his head in an attempt to eavesdrop on your conversation. Naomi snuggled herself closer to him, he kissed the top of her head, he'd ask you what happened later.
"Okay, thanks mom, I'll let them know."
You left your phone on the counter and joined your family in the living room with a presentable smile on your face. "Who wants to go see grandma?" They all turned their heads, smiles stretching from ear to ear. "She'll be here soon, you can finish the movie don't worry." They nodded and turned back to the screen, their little bodies wiggling with excitement and anticipation, they loved your mom, she let them get away with anything.
Oscar was still looking at you, you blushed sending him an air kiss and he winked in return. He was first on the to-do list once your gremlins were gone.
Half an hour passed and there was a knock at the door, Malakai was the first to run to the door to let your mom inside. They greeted her before running upstairs to get their belongings. "Thanks again Mom."
"No problem and you two are okay with me dropping them off at school on Monday?"
You nodded. The three musketeers came back downstairs dropping their bags on the floor to hug, kiss and say goodbye to the both of you. Naomi takes a longer time with Oscar's hug. "Can you carry me to the car?" You heard her whisper, he agreed and grabbed her bag taking her outside. And as you stood in the door frame watching him help her inside, all the anger you had from last night and today had seemed to thaw out. You counted yourself as lucky to have found a man who took care of your children as if they were his own, double the luck that they loved him just as much. , sometimes you'd have to pry Naomi off of him when he had to go to work.
Your mom honked her horn and you waved them off blowing kisses until they were out of your view. Oscar walked up the steps, hunched over and looking at you through his brows, you knew what was coming. "Diaz." You warned. He scooped you up throwing you over his shoulder, you squealed and giggled as he carried you into the house. He kicked the door close with his foot, "I'm bout to fuck you up." Such a pleasant threat, especially with the addition of him spanking you. You laughed breathlessly as he tossed you onto the couch, finding himself between your legs.
You cupped his face pulling him in, your lips melting together in a needy chase, his hands wandering your body, making their way inside your shirt. His fingertips tickling your bare skin getting closer... and closer to-
Knock! Knock!
For fuck sake.
"Ignore it." He groaned. You sucked your teeth. "They probably forgot something."
He sighed kissing you once more before you got up leaving him with his blue balls, you opened the door and the smile on your face vanished. "You're kidding. You are fucking kidding me."
"Oh, not happy to see me?" Your ex-husband smugged tilting his head. You were in disbelief, at the audacity of this man to stand on your doorstep with that stupid grin on his face as if nothing was wrong. "I'm not actually. Why are you here?" You asked crossing your arms. He chuckled. "To get my kids?"
Your eyebrows raised in shock. You looked down at your Apple Watch to make sure the time was correct. And it was. "It is almost 7 PM, what time were you supposed to be here?"
He shrugged. "Does it matter?"
"It does fucking matter, Anthony! You said you'd be here at twelve, then you called at twelve saying you'd be here at two. Your children have had their bags packed since last night!" You said raising your voice. You pinched the bridge of your nose. "They're not here. So you can go." You proceeded to close the door but he had quickly wedged his foot in the frame. You looked up at him. "Anthony." You warned, your nostrils flared. That was Oscar's cue to get up and see what was going on, he opened the door and stood behind you with a scowl on his face. Anthony rolled his eyes.
"You couldn't wait to move another man into my house huh?"
"And it's never been more peaceful."
He looked past the both of you. "Where are my kids?"
"They're out."
"Don't worry about it." You sassed. "They at your mom's? 'Cause I'll just go pick them up from there."
"You will not."
He took a step forward causing you to take one back. "Watch me."
Oscar stepped in the middle of both of you, sizing up Anthony. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?"
Now this was a side you'd yet to see of Oscar. In your many conversations of getting to know each other, he'd felt comfortable enough to inform you of his old life. How he was the leader of an infamous street gang, Los Santos, even showed you pictures. You never wanted to say it out loud, afraid you'd make him feel weird, but seeing him in his cholo attire, the gun tucked in his waist and his shirt lifted up or sometimes off... oh it did something to you. You'd never ask him to delve back into his old ways, but you'd have little fantasies about what he used to be like.
"Nobody's scared of you. Some little bitch from Fiji, you just got here, don't know shit about shit."Anthony challenged, but you knew him well enough. He'd never been in a fight his whole life, you could put a gun next to him he'd piss his pants. Oscar half smiled taking another step forward. Anthony stepped back.
"I may have just got here but at least I know how to pick up my kids on time."
Your heart skipped. My kids.
"I know not to fucking lie to their mother about what time I'm coming to get 'em, I know not to disappoint them because the look on their faces is heartbreaking."
Anthony stuttered backwards, further down the steps and closer to his car. "And I know, that if you go to their grandmother's house and fuck up their weekend, I'll knock your teeth down your throat, pendejo."
You could see your ex-husband swallow any comebacks he had tried to come up with, the slight fear in his eyes as they darted to you as a plea for help but you just crossed your arms and shrugged. You weren't gonna help him. "Get the fuck out my face," Oscar growled. Anthony scurried off so fast you swore you saw smoke under his feet. His tires screeched as he pulled out of your driveway and down the street.
Oscar came back inside, trailing off to the kitchen. You closed the front door and followed him like a lost puppy. He reached into the fridge for one of his Corona’s and popped off the top. You bit your lip. "¿Que pasa?" He asked bringing his drink to his lips. You shrugged. "I think that was a solid first meeting."
He laughed. "Me too."
You leaned over the counter dragging your nail from side to side. "Sooo... was that Oscar or was that Spooky?" He playfully rolled his eyes and looked away. "If I have to go back to Spooky for you, I'll do it."
Your heart fluttered. "Any time?"
You walked over to him, gently grabbing his hand and guiding him over to the steps and up the stairs. "You think Spooky can show out for one night?"
He pulled his hand from you and smacked your ass.
"Absolutamente, mi amor."
if you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
peace and love, see you in the next one🤙🏾
🏷: @darqchilddaydreamz @realhotgurlshit @skyesthebomb
tags who might be interested: @luxaphrodevotee
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trippinsorrows · 14 days
with me + part five
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authors notes: hi! you guys are so freaking awesome and sweet and like gawww, so grateful for such kind words and support!
so i realized that i used the wwe names for jimmy, jey, naomi, etc. that was my bad. i'll be using their real names moving forward for the sake of flow and consistency.
also keep forgetting to state that current timeline is 2023. like, this chapter is fall 2023. everything, so far, post breakup for joe and reader has been 2023. i plan to follow that timeline, so make of that what you will.
i hope this chapter isn't too boring to people!
warnings: fluff, language, suggestive content
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 5.7k
tags: @pixiedust4000 @southerngirl41 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @wonderingfashion
“So, are we just going to continue to ignore each other?”
You’re not sure how, but you sense his presence long before he even says anything. And instantly, your mood is dampened, not that you were in the best spirits to begin with. You didn’t get much sleep the night before, for reasons you cannot fathom. But, it’s annoying as hell, especially when you have an ex turned fuck buddy who can’t seem to get a fucking clue ready to confront you outside of your daughter's preschool.
Sighing heavily, you pull out your phone to play around with your lock screen, because you really don’t have anyone you need to message in this moment. But, he doesn’t need to know that. “Not now, Amir.”
“Because you’re so busy?”
“Because I don’t care.” One thing you’ve learned about yourself over the years is that once you’re annoyed with someone, there’s no filter on your mouth and you cannot be held liable for what comes out of it. “Now, please, go away.”
He just looks at you, sun shining down on his waves and chocolate complexion. It’s unfortunate outside of his looks that he’s an overall trash partner. Decent friend. Shitty boyfriend. “You always do that shit, you know? Pull and then push. It was kinda cute when we were kids. Now, it’s just annoying.”
You were standing outside of Callie’s preschool, waiting for the kids to be dismissed, waiting for your little girl to come running out with a smile on her face, request on the tip of her tongue. It’s usually something small like wanting to show you what she learned in school. Lately, it’s been the same.
Can I call Joe?
A part of you feels bad for the amount of calls he probably gets in one day just from Callie alone. She took your offer for her to call him whenever he was available to another degree, not that he minded. He took as many as he could, listening to her talk and talk about whatever happened to be on her mind in that moment. And you let her.
What kind of mother would you be if you stopped her from talking to her dad? Even if she doesn’t know that’s who he is. 
It’s been almost two weeks since he left, and she clearly misses him. You often overhear her asking about when he’s coming again. You also receive those questions. It’s something you and him discuss via text but haven’t landed on a date yet. 
Communicating with Joe is also something that’s still an adjustment. It’s not as difficult or uncomfortable, because it’s almost entirely about Callie, but still. 
“If that’s the case, why do you bother?” You manage a less insensitive tone, even if you know good and well you’ve never led this man on. Amir has always heard and believed what he wanted to believe. That was the problem. He never listened to you.
“Because I fucking care about your annoying ass, duh.”
His delivery, the tone, and cadence. You laugh. It’s probably inappropriate at the moment, but it does bring a smile to his face as well. “Softie.”
He moves closer to you, arms crossed. “I’m serious, Y/N. You know how I feel about you. How I’ve always felt about you.” 
Leaning against your car, you respond as calmly as you can, “and you know I’ve always made it clear I’m not looking for anything more. We had our time, Amir. It didn’t work out. Now we just help each other get off. I don’t know why you keep trying to make it more than what it is.”
“A date. One date,” he implores. A waste of time, because your answer is no. It’s been no and will continue to be no. “You haven’t even given ‘adult’ us a chance.”
There’s a headache in your near future, one that’s reminiscent of past ones only Amir seems to induce. It’s interesting how he went from indifferent asshole to clingy asshole. You almost miss the earlier version.
Chocolate was supposed to be good for the soul, so why was he so draining to yours?
“Amir…..” You try to pick your words carefully and be mindful of your tone. “This is getting real old. I think we need to stop messing around, because we’re clearly not on the same page.” The next part is something you probably shouldn’t share, but you call yourself trying to be open and clear. “Calista’s dad is back, and we’re trying to navigate coparenting, so—” 
“What?” He stops you, shock written over his handsome face. “Are you serious? You’re letting that motherfucker back in ya’ll life?”
This time, it’s his tone that jumps, accusatory and harsh. You immediately grow defensive. “You don’t know him.”
“God, why do you defend him like this? Is it that Stockholm Syndrome shit? He left you. He left you and his kid. What kind of man does that? And you’re just letting him back in? Just gonna jump back on his dick? Letting him around Callie? She’s old enough now to remember when he decides to leave again. I don’t get how you don’t see that. You her mama. You supposed to look out for her.”
And now, you’re done trying to be nice, trying to be mindful that he’s still another human being with feelings. Because one thing you never have and never will tolerate is someone insinuating you’re not looking out for your daughter. You’re not perfect, but you know that you’re a devoted, dutiful mother. 
“It’s obvious comprehension isn’t your strong suit, which I should have known based off the fact that I always had to help your dumbass do your homework back when we were in school.” All bets….off. “My baby? My life? My pussy? All my business. You don’t get to judge the decisions I make for my child nor the role that her father has in her life. That’s between me and him. Keep your nose out my fucking business. Don’t worry about me hitting you up anymore. That’s dead.”
Your rose will do just fine. Hell, there’s gotta be at least one other eligible bachelor in town you could fuck if absolutely need be. But, you know damn well you won’t be messaging Amir anymore. He comes with too much baggage. It’s not worth it. You refuse to let a nigga whose height starts with a 5 stress you out.
True to his nature, he starts gaslighting you. Typical Amir. “There you go overreacting and shit.”
“No, I’m not. You’re trying to question my parenting when you don’t know shit about shit.”
He sucks his teeth, rolling his eyes. This was why people used to say you had a temper in high school. Because of him. Because he loved to tell people what you said but never what he did. Always tried to make you feel crazy. Truth be told, you’re stupid for even opening that door with him again, even if it’s just for sex.
“Whatever, Y/N.” He turns to walk back over to his car. You really wish his damn sister would change her work schedule so she can pick up her son instead of this asshole. You’ll catch a case fucking with his dumbass. “I’ll wait for your text.”
He’ll be waiting. “Fuck you, Amir.” 
You should be more mindful of your language at a damn preschool, but Amir has managed to get under your skin, something that hasn’t happened since you were in college. You know a good part of it is because you’re sleep deprived, but you also know it’s partially because of his dig at Joe.
You understand the optics seem to indicate that he’s a deadbeat, but you’ve expressed to Amir countless times that it was a complicated situation. He didn’t know the specifics, but you made it clear Joe didn’t abandon you or Callie. That’s just the narrative Amir keeps running with, and now with Joe being back in your life and especially in Callie’s life, you’re not gonna let it continue. 
“Mommy!” Your head snaps to see and feel Callie run up to and hug her body against your leg. “Boo!”
Shit. Did she hear any of that? You hope not and paste on a smile that’s hopefully authentic enough to sell that everything is fine. “Callie Bear.” You lean down and pick her up, kissing her cheek. “Did you have a good day?”
She nods and starts explaining the activities while you buckle her into her carseat, trying your best to calm down and not give away your high stress levels in that moment. Callie is super perceptive, and you don’t want to ruin the obviously great day she’s had.
And sure enough, as you’re putting on your seatbelt and starting up the car, the golden question is shouted with pre-excitement. 
“Can I call Joe when I get home?”
Smiling at her through the rearview mirror, you answer, “yes, you can.”
In the almost two weeks that have passed since Joe’s departure, not one day has passed that Callie doesn’t asks to call Joe or just outright helps yourself to her iPad to call him. Sometimes several times a day during the weekends. And she’ll talk to him for as long as she can, as long as he’s able to hold a conversation with her. You’ll give it to him, he’s done an exceptional job handling all of it. On some level, you wonder if you should set some restrictions or time parameters, but how do you limit how much a daughter interacts with her father?
Callie rejoices at your approval and requests for you to put on the Disney playlist you made specifically for her on Spotify. 
The drive, no more than 10 minutes, consists of the two of you singing along to a few Disney tunes. It’s a bit of a tradition between you, a way to bond via your shared love of Disney. A love that ties not only you to her but to the women before you. Your mom and grandma. 
Arriving to your apartment complex, you decide to leave your work bag in the car. It’s Thanksgiving break. You most likely won’t do any work until the day or two before having to return.
You do carry Callie on your hip and swing her bag around your shoulder, walking the two of you up to the second floor. Sometimes, you regret not accepting the apartment they had available on the first floor. The older you get, the less your joints like to cooperate, your almost 15 years of cheer probably taking a toll on your body. 
And just age in general. 
But your regret quickly turns to a level of gratitude when you reach your door. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
Dropping Callie to the floor, she’s of the complete opposite reaction, gasping and smiling broadly. 
“Look mommy, more boxes!”
The smile is strained but you manage to maintain it, sticking the key in the door, unlocking and pushing it open.
She walks in, and you place her bag on the floor near the door, one foot keeping it open. “What do you think it is?” She asks as you pick them up and bring them inside, kicking the door closed behind you.
You know exactly what it is. What it all is. 
From Joe. 
In his absence, you’ve had several deliveries waiting outside your door when you got home from work and picking Callie up. And all of them were for Callie, gifts of variable nature but all of them things she loves. Disney, stuffed animals, dolls. Essentially anything that could make a 4 year old feel like she’s won the lottery. 
She’s literally bouncing on her toes, already with her kids scissors in her hands. 
When the hell did she grab those?
“Can I open them, please? Please?”
A part of you wants to say no, save them for christmas gifts, though you’re almost entirely certain he’ll have another set of gifts for her then. And it seems almost cruel to make her wait over a month when she knows there are presents waiting for her.
“Sure, but….” You scamper into the kitchen and grab your adult size scissors, returning and showing her. “Let mommy cut them, and then you open them.”
You don’t need this child accidentally cutting herself. Again, medical bills are not in the budget, especially around the holidays. Money’s already tight to some extent. 
Not that….not that it’d be much of an issue with Callie. You’d never fix your moth to ask Joe for anything, especially not financially, but if it was something involving your daughter, you’re pretty sure your tune would change. It would still bother you to ask for help, but you know he’d have zero qualms helping you out.
He’d probably pay for it in its entirety.
Your proposition pleases her. “Okay!” She places her scissors on the nearest flat surface and sits down, legs crossed, bouncing impatiently. 
Chuckling, you glide your scissors across, careful not to open anything. You want to save that moment for her and your plan. 
Once done, you place the scissors on the kitchen island and reach for your phone. “Wait before you open, baby.” 
Immediately, she frowns and scowls, “whyyyyyy.”
Rolling your eyes, you sit on the floor too to be at her eye level and open Snapchat. “Okay, now.” 
You hit record and watch intermittently through and outside of the screen as she opens the boxes, smile permanent and excitement palpable. She especially gets excited when she pulls out a freaking box of the new Little Mermaid and all of her sisters. More….dolls. 
“Look, mommy!!!” She then grabs a doll who has a surprisingly similar complexion and curl pattern to hers, holding it against her face. “She looks like me!”  
“She does,” you agree, realizing it’s a customized American Girl doll. Damn. Those things can run up to $200. You weren’t stupid, knowing Joe’s probably spent more money on Callie alone in two weeks than you’ve spent all year, but just how much has he spent?
It’s when she opens the final box, surrounded by nothing but toys and packaging that you’re already dreading having to stuff all this in your trash bin, “what do you say, baby?”
Callie hugs the American Doll close to her chest and directs to the camera, “thank you, Joe!” She gasps and adds on, “I miss you, but mommy said I can call you tonight!”
You hold back your giggle and agree, adding, “after she helps mommy clean up all this.” 
Her smile drops, pout returning, “I hate cleaning.” 
Snickering, you mutter, “you and me too, sis.” 
You end the video, save it and enter Joe’s chat to attach the video, adding a message.
You: You’re spoiling her, Joe. 😫 This is the third delivery this week alone. 
You’re able to clean up some of the packaging and throw it away before your phone chimes with his response. Callie has grabbed the amount you expected her to grab and discard. Her attention span is trash at the moment. She’s a child surrounded by toys. It’s expected. 
Joe: She's my little girl. Of course, I’m gonna spoil her.
Joe: There should be another one by the weekend. If not, let me know.
You sigh aloud, this man is gonna have your place looking like freaking KB Toys.
You: Omg
You: ….You know I live in an APARTMENT, right? Just where the hell am I supposed to put all of this stuff?
It’s sweet he’s so keen on gifting her these things, but he also has to realize you’re not living in a mansion in Malibu. And despite having a child who leaves messes wherever she goes, you do your best to keep your place tidy. 
 If you didn’t know Joe, didn’t see how easily he connected with Callie, you’d maybe accuse him of trying to “buy” her love. But, you know that’s not the case, know that he clearly just wants to make her happy. You just hope he knows that he does that all by himself, no gifts needed. 
Joe: She has a whole playroom.
You: Yes. Playroom, not Toys-R-Us. 
Joe: 🤷🏽‍♂️
You: 🙄 You’re aggravating.
He doesn’t say anything after that, so you decide to finish cleaning because at some point your child wandered off, most likely to her playroom to add all her new stuff with her slightly new stuff. Taking advantage of the alone time, you also decide to text your mom to figure out thanksgiving plans. Specifically, what drink, dessert, and/or condiments she wants you to bring because you damn well know she won’t ask you to cook.
She still hasn’t forgiven you for that accidental fire that one year.
And it’s when you’re sitting on the sofa, also starting to think about black friday plans that your mind wanders, your anxiety grows out of nowhere.
You’ve taken the approach to not have any say in Joe’s relationship with Callie, to intervene only when absolutely necessary. And as that hasn’t hasn’t occurred, you’ve not done so. You let him and her do their thing. But a small part of you wonders if you should put some parameters around Callie. She calls him several times a day, Joe, who spends more time on the road than there are days in the year.
You know he wants to establish a relationship with her, but that can be done with boundaries. Anxiety getting the best of you, you grab your phone and shoot him a text. 
You: Is it okay if she calls you today? I know it’s been a lot, and if too much, just let me know. I’ll talk to her. 
His reply comes almost immediately this time around.
Joe: She can call me 100 times. I don’t care. I wanna talk to her.
And instantly, the anxiety is almost non-existent. Deep down, you know this is what he wants. He wants to have interaction with her, and incessant Facetime calls are the only option with his crazy schedule, so it’s what he takes. It’s what he wants. 
Pleased and no longer stressing over an issue that was never an issue, you lock your phone and place it back at your side. A quick glance at the clock reminds you that it’s almost time for Callie’s bath. 
A couple minutes later, your phone dings with a text notification. From Joe.
You open it right away. 
Joe: This weekend. Don’t tell her. I wanna surprise her. 
You have to read it a couple of times before it registers. He’s coming back in town. This weekend. As in less than two days. You’re excited at this, happy as well. For Callie. But also, for yourself. Why? You haven’t a clue, well, maybe there’s a slight clue, but you don’t want to acknowledge that right now. 
You simply want to focus on the fact that you’re happy your daughter will be happy her dad is town. 
Who cares that you will be too.
Joe’s just walked out the bathroom, having showered and almost entirely prepped for bed when his phone rings. 
Moving over to the hotel nightstand, he’s surprised when he sees Callie’s smiling face filling his screen. A glance at the clock in the corner of his phone reads 11:06, which means it’s 9:06 her time. Well past her bedtime. What is she doing up?
Curious, and regardless, he answers the phone. It takes a second for the connection to finalize when it does, he’s instantly smiling, mostly because it’s Callie but also because of her setup.
It’s obvious she’s under a blanket, a flashlight in the corner illuminating the space, a stuffed animal in her lap. 
She’s the first to speak, her voice both loud and hushed in a way only she can do. “hi!”
“Hi, sweetheart.” He can’t help but ask almost immediately, “what are you doing up?” As he told you, he’d talk to her 24/7 if he could. And even though this call is unexpected and appreciated, she’s also a 4-year-old kid who needs her sleep.
Her little shoulders lift in a shrug. “I can’t sleep.”
Nodding, he follows up with, “where’s mommy?” 
“Sleeping,” she answers with a level of disappointment. “I don’t wanna wake her up. She had a bad day.”
“Really?” Joe moves around so he’s laying on the bed, on his side, phone propped on the nightstand. “How do you know?”
“Cause–cause she was yelling at Mr. Amir, and–and he was yelling at her too.”
Joe hasn’t a clue why, but that instantly upsets him. Who the fuck is this Amir person, and who the hell does he think he is to raise his voice at you? Around Callie of all people.
“Who is Mr. Amir?” Joe hates asking her all of these questions, but it’s also hard not to. 
“The basketball coach at the school for big kids.” She’s caressing the fur of the stuffed animal in her lap. “Aunt Mariah said he was mommy’s boyfriend when she was a big kid.”
“Really.” It’s not really a question as much as it is a general statement. Joe doesn’t know why he’s suddenly annoyed, not with Callie, but the entire situation. And definitely this Amir person even more now. He’s an ex. He dated you. It shouldn’t make him feel any type of way, but it does, and he hates that shit. 
He hates a man he’s never even met.
“I don’t like Mr. Amir,” Callie suddenly announces with a scowl. Same, kid. Same. Joe looks at her, seeing so much of you in her right now. He knows you’ve mentioned how you see a lot of him in Callie, but when she’s glowering like this, she’s 100% her mama’s daughter. “He made mommy mad today.”
“Has he ever been mean to you?” Joe has to ask, because he’s also realizing a part of him is upset at the thought of Callie being around men. You’re a grown woman and allowed to do what you want, but bringing men around Callie….that’s an absolute fucking no. 
He doesn’t give a damn if he’s only been in her life for two weeks or two minutes. She’s his daughter, and outside of himself and family, who you date should be kept far away from his daughter.
Joe mentally prepares to have this conversation—potential argument—with you. 
“No,” she answers, slightly calmer. “He doesn’t like Disney.” She says it like it’s a sin, like it’s almost inconceivable for anyone to not like Disney.
Playing along with this, Joe gasps, grateful for the distraction that is Callie’s intricacies. “He sucks.”
“Yeah, he sucks,” she agrees, nodding. Joe has to keep his smile to himself. “Do you say bad words?”
The randomness and topic change take him by surprise, but he’s learning that you weren’t exaggerating when you said Callie was filled with incessant, unrelated questions. “Sometimes.” 
“Mommy does too,” she reveals. “Grandma says Jesus doesn’t want us to say bad words, but I heard grandma call Ms. Beverly from church a bitch.”
At that, Joe can’t help his laughter. Her delivery, the punctuation she puts on the word ‘bitch’, to how she seems to not even process that she’s just said a bad word. It’s hilarious. “Well, sometimes grown ups say things we shouldn’t, and you just make sure you’re not saying things you shouldn’t.” 
“Okay,” she agrees, almost sheepishly. And then, a yawn. “I’m sleepy.” 
Joe knew she was from the moment she called, but he had a feeling she just needed to get the whole Amir thing off her chest. She doesn’t seem like the child who likes to or even can hold things in, which is preferable. “You should try to go to sleep then, sweetheart.”
She wipes at her eyes, expression suddenly saddened. “When are you coming back? You’ve been gone a really long time.”
He’s torn in this moment, wanting to tell her that he’ll be there this weekend but also not wanting to get her hopes up in case something comes up. There’s few things that could come up to keep him from going to see her, wrestling be damned, but still. Life has a way of lifing. So, he goes with the safe yet disappointing answer.
“Soon, I promise.” She’s clearly indifferent to this answer and doesn’t say anything, instead shifts on her bed, moving to lay down. “You should really try to sleep, Callie.”
Eyes starting to blink, clearly her exhaustion catching up with her, she asks, softly, “will you stay with me till I fall asleep?”
Her request tugs at his heartstrings. “Of course, sweetie.” 
Seemingly pleased by this answer, she closes her eyes, and he watches. He stares at this tiny human whose existence he only learned about not even a month ago yet would do anything to make happy. Joe thinks about Callie constantly, finds himself smiling at the thought of some of the Snapchat videos you’d send him of her in all of her randomness. She was so entertaining, so full of life, a genuinely happy kid. His kid. 
And it’s why he’s going to find out more about this Amir guy and why Amir is having any type of interaction with his daughter. 
Joe: You should know she called me last night.
You’re in the middle of perusing early Black Friday deals, needing to budget for that now and taking full advantage of Callie being down for a nap. However, you frown, reading his message, not understanding why he’s stating the obvious. You were there when she asked for the iPad and when she returned it after the call was finished.
You: I’m aware….
Joe: No. After that. 
Your eyebrows arch together, confused.  
You: What? when?
Joe: It was 11 my time, so 9 yours.
You gasp, typing away, wondering how the hell she snuck in your room and managed a whole ass Facetime call without you hearing shit. Were you really that damn exhausted?
You: What the hell was she doing up at 9? What did she say?  No wonder she was crabby this morning. 
Joe: She said she couldn’t sleep.
You: A bad dream?
Joe: Naw, said you got into an argument with someone named Amir earlier that day and didn’t want to bother you….I think it was bothering her.
Your stomach twists at that. You had a feeling she’d overheard the incident with Amir, but you prayed that you were wrong. Clearly, you weren’t.
Joe: Who is Amir?
You pause at Joe’s question. Why is he asking this? What business of his is Amir? Irritation washes over you, but is waned by realizing he’s probably asking because of Callie. As her father, he has a right to know if you’re with someone, because for all he knows that someone could be around his daughter. 
You really are trying with this co-parenting thing.
You: A lot of things. A pain in the ass being the most recent one. 
You: We dated in high school and college on and off. He’s the basketball coach at our local high school. 
It’s more information than probably what’s necessary, but there’s this small, conflicting part of you that wants him to know you have no ties to Amir. That there are no feelings there and haven’t been for literal years. 
That you’re not with Amir.
Joe: Are you dating him again? Why were you arguing around Callie?
The interrogating is getting old, but you’re trying to play nice. Coparent peacefully. His delivery is off, but he has valid questions.
You: No. We just….we fuck around from time to time. He tries to make it more than what it is.  Was about that. 
You: I was waiting for her to be released from pre-school, and he picks up his nephew for his sister. It just happened, and I didn’t know/mean for her to hear.
Honestly, you’re more worried and concerned about Callie and how to approach this with her without making her feel like she was in trouble. Yes, she knows damn well she shouldn’t be on the iPad that late at night, but can you really be mad at her for talking to her dad about something that upset her?
Joe: You bring him around her?
You absolutely can be mad though at her dad who’s about to make you cuss him out next too. All of the questions are becoming too much. He gets to be concerned, but he doesn’t get to micromanage and invade. 
Feeling petty and recalcitrant, you type out a reply that you should probably think twice before sending.
But fuck it.
You: No. I only ride his dick at his place. 🙂 
There’s a small ounce of regret for being so crude, but not a whole lot. He knows how you are, or he should, at least.
To some extent.
But your phone rings again, and you find yourself staring mouth agape at his reply.
Joe: You may ride his dick, but you had my kid. Clearly, only one of us knows how to please you. 
Your face is burning hot, and you hate how you shift in your seat. Why the fuck would he say that? You want to say it’s inappropriate, but you also opened this door. 
Is he entirely wrong?
Slapping away that wild ass thought, you focus on the real conversation at hand here. It takes a couple of rewrites before you ultimately decide to change the subject. 
You: I’ve never bought any man around her and never will that’s not you, if that’s what you’re asking. 
You’re grateful to see he’s also agreeing to change the subject.
Joe: It is. Thank you.
Rolling your eyes, you send a text back, getting back to being annoyed at his 21 Questions. This is a two-way street, and since he’s opened this door, why not?
You: You know that goes both ways though. I don’t want her around any bitches.
Joe: Seriously? 
Joe: There’s no one for me to bring her around. 
You…..you don’t know how to feel about that, don’t know how to feel about the bit of relief you feel at this message. Why should you feel relieved? Even if there was, that’s his business, and he’s allowed to….do whatever it is that he does.
It reminds you and brings you to your next topic. 
You: What about your wife? We need to figure that out as well. She’s eventually going to need to know about Calista and will probably be around her at some point. I get she’s your wife, but I’m Callie’s mother, I need to be there whenever you wanna introduce Callie. I need to be involved in that process as well.
He doesn’t reply. 
Joe doesn’t really get mad. 
Not often at least and definitely not outwardly. 
It’s always been his thing to never let anyone have access to that “button” that triggers his anger, and for the most part, it works well. 
Except for when it comes to you.
You’ve always been able to trigger many things for him, anger being one of them.
He knows he should have spoken to you in person about the situation, or even over the phone. But with the craziness of his schedule and differing time zones, he just decided to message you, and while it didn’t go horribly, it didn’t go great. He knows you’re annoyed with him.
Hence your crudity. 
Joe also refuses to admit that the thought of you fucking this kid pisses him the fuck off, even though you’re not together, even though he has no right to be upset. 
But goddamn that doesn’t make him any less upset or annoyed at the thought of someone else touching you.
“Uce?” Jon asks, standing at the door before inventing himself in Joe’s locker room for this week’s Smackdown. “You ready to talk man?”
At that, Joe looks confused. “Talk about what?”
“Whatever it is that got you all worked up.” The twins have always been very perceptive, even back when they were all kids. Joe might be good at hiding his frustration from others but not them. The difference between Jon and Josh though has always been Josh has the wherewithal to not say anything. 
Jon hasn’t caught on to that just yet. 
“I’m fine,” Joe dismisses, hoping it’s enough to dead the conversation, even though he knows better. 
“Lie detector determined that was a goddamn lie.” Jon can be pushy, but he means well, and truthfully, Joe doesn’t have a strong desire to outright shut down this conversation. A different perspective is always beneficial. 
So, he explains it all, starting with his call with Callie and ending with the text exchange between him and you.
“I see,” Jon nods, clearly absorbing all of this information. Finally, he concludes, “so you’re jealous.”
That’s the first thing to evoke a genuine laugh out of Joe since his exchange with Y/N. “I’m not jealous.”
“And I’m not a twin,” Jon dismisses. “Look, Uce, it’s obvious you still got feelings for ole girl. You ask me, I don’t think you ever got over her—”
“I didn’t ask you.” 
“--Now you sitting up here annoyed cause she fucking Coach Carter nephew instead of doing something about it.” Joe rolls his eyes. “I mean have you even told her about you and J—”
“No,” he interrupts, swiftly. “Not yet, at least.”
Nodding, Jon speaks again after a minute of silence. “All I’m saying is ya’ll got the history, got the connection, got the kid too! Don’t see why you need to be letting Jesus Shuttlesworth steal your girl.”
At that, Joe chuckles. One thing his cousins will always be good for, especially Jon, is comedic relief. Even some sound advice from time to time.
Joe is, surprisingly, thankful for the equally surprising advice from his cousin. He’s not entirely sure if he’s really jealous or just overreacting for a reason he hasn’t quite uncovered, but he is starting to lean more on the side of he does still have some level of feelings for Y/N. 
It’s not a complete shock. He had a feeling when he reacted so strongly to just seeing your picture. It was the whole Callie situation and finding out how you kept her from him that made his vision murky. 
But, as his relationship with her strengthens, the clearer he can see. 
The clearer his feelings are becoming. Now. it’s just a matter of figuring out what to do with said feelings.
And find out where you stand as well. 
Joe remains quiet, thinking more and more how this might end up being an eventful trip.
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saelique · 4 months
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✦ — ft. the agency + chuuya ! ✦ — cw : fluffy fluff with a tinge of angst :0 uh- broken humour and bad writing :( english is not my first language ! uh. dazai gets beat up by chuuya, feminine pet names so reader is female :3 NOT PROOFREAD !
feel like he would wanna have one girl and one boy :0 [s/n] -> son’s name [d/n] -> daughter’s name! they’ll be twins cause why not? :V 
he’s kinda of a 50/50. not the best but he’s definitely trying so that’s a point ! 
he would most likely would be the fun parent. always taking your kids out to play, letting them play with his hair and tying them up in silly hairstyles, or maybe just plain causes chaos with them. 
he would sooo take them to the agency to bother kunikida (failed) and to also take them to visit the rest of the agency members and staff of course! 
atsushi absolutely adores them! so that’s why you usually drop off [s/n] and [d/n] at his place. kyouka also helps with taking care the two of them which is the sweetest thing ever ! 
ranpo and yosano are like the fun uncle and aunts ! basically they take your kids out to everywhere. even missions. so that’s why they do get scolded by you quite often. but as long as they have fun and with the fact that they’re most definitely safe, why not just let them do it? (no one can get hurt with yosano’s ability soo no casualties!) 
mmm kunikida is the so very strict uncle that secretly cares for them. it’s super heartwarming to see him interacting with [s/n] since apparently your son likes him the most for some weird reason. and of course, dazai always complains and whines about it. which is hilarious to you. considering [s/n]’s personality was very similar to dazai’s. 
kenji is like a older brother figure to them! he even teaches [s/n] and [d/n] how to plant crops, etc. etc. but unfortunately they don’t really 100% listen to him. But kenji doesn’t mind at all! In fact, he even takes them out to the fields to have fun. 
naomi and tanizaki…well…your kids definitely think they’re weird. no offense! they just…tend to…y’know..
fukuzawa and your daughter are super close! sometimes you think you would get diabetes from seeing them together. he would always teach her how to play chess, and in turn [d/n] tells him about what she learned recently in school! 
and of course, chuuya knows all about them! despite not even meeting them! all thanks to dazai! of course, he’s happy for his ex partner. but sometimes it just gets too annoying so don’t mind it when your husband comes back home bruised and beaten, yeah?
“ouch- ouch-ow! lets just- ow!” Dazai repeatedly winces dramatically when you try and clean his wounds with a wet cloth, dabbing it on his skin as gently as possible.  “you wouldn’t have to go through this if you just didn’t bother nakahara y’know?” you chuckle, “awww..but I wanted to tell him how [s/n] beat the living daylights out of a classmate that was annoying him :(“ you pause your movements, obviously in shock at what dazai just said.  “[s/n] did what?” you asked, widening yours eyes before hitting your (stupidly loveable) husband in the head with the wet cloth, water splattered onto his clothes and hair. “ouch!” “I can’t believe you never told me! how could you?!” “dont worry! i took him out for ice cream!” “that’s not what I meant!” 
ahem. anyways! 
please please please don’t let dazai and your kids in the kitchen. they’ll practically burn it down to ashes without your supervision. and if they didn’t burn it down, the food would most likely taste horrendous. with horrible food combos. 
but alas, you’re already used to their shenanigans. what could you do? 
”I’m ba-what is this?” you froze at the sight of a black gooey looking dish, you had just returned from the agency to do something important and what you came home to was two children and a grown adult man stained with eggs, flour, etc. and a plate of suspicious food.  “we made it for you mama!” your son exclaims happily while your daughter and husband nods. “…I’m not hungry right now.” you laugh awkwardly, trying to escape from eating whatever that was. “come on honey, it wouldn’t hurt by having a taste right? aaahh…” your husband takes a spoon, scoops some up and raises it to your mouth, seemingly enjoying the petrified face on you. “…fine..” you slightly wince when you say that, regretting for agreeing to eat what they made and without warning, dazai shoves the whole spoonful of food into your mouth as you splutter. after you somehow manage to swallow it all, clasping your hand over your mouth, you look up to see the trio very very…happy somehow.  imaginary flowers and sparkles seem to shine about them. dazai was especially happy…goodness. he was the mastermind wasnt he? “mama! how did it taste?” [s/n] rushes towards you and looks up at you, a puppy expression on his face as you gulp. “v-very nice sweetheart.” you smile at him, still fighting against the urge to throw up all the contents. “Yay!” he cheered, running around the room “we did it!“ “haha.. no wonder ranpo told me to not go home yet..” you mumbled the last bit. “what was that, belladonna?” “nothing!” 
…you got food poisoning in the end. not suprising at all. but whnever dazai offered to cook, you promptly tell him that you already ordered takeout. 
and dazai would be so so so so so sweet with the twins when it’s their bedtime. like- he would literally hum a melody or read a story, whatever they like. and it just usually makes you chuckle at the sight of how gentle he was with them. 
he definitely is really cautious with them since he’s always scared that they’ll slip away. same with you though, that’s why he likes to hug you like a koala when the two of you are asleep.
and when [s/n] or [d/n] has nightmares? he would try his best to soothe them, sometimes ending up falling asleep in their room on the floor. 
but in the end, everything is peaceful and happy. 
even though dazai may be far, far from perfect, there’s no one else you’d rather to be the father of your children ♡
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it’s done ! :D yay! ‘m rlly srry for all the grammar + my English since it’s bad aaahhh T^T *sobs* but I hope u liked it <3 thank u for reading !! (tried my best to not make this too long) I suck at endings :( 
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milfbrennan · 7 months
bones sexuality headcanons
yeah i dont have proof (except angela) i just Know. call it my lesbian spidey senses. disclaimer that those are MY headcanons, you can have your own opinions on those ofc
main characters:
brennan: bi (preference for ugly men... but i digress). she probably started exploring her sexual orientiation in college and came to the conclusion that she's attracted to every gender to varying degrees. she's probably tongue kissed angela a few times pre season 1
booth: cishet ally! ⭐️ he's a bit confused but he's got the spirit, i'll give him that.. bi wife energy start playing whenever he walks into the room
zack: gayboi with a bad case of hero worship for dr brennan. naomi from paleonthology made him realise this isnt really what he'd like to excavate, if you get the gist... ;) (ew)
angela: imo? bi, but it's up to anyone. canon queer and i'm very happy about it
hodgins: bi. putting my foot down on this one- to me, hodgela is bi4bi. one day early into the series angela goes "why is everyone so hot... being bi is so hard" and hodgins is like "yeah, tell me about it" and they have a Oh, You Too? moment
cam: distinguished (ex-disaster) pan. she's all cool and collected now but in middle school she was probably stuttering whenever she saw a pretty girl
sweets: pan. boykisser. i just KNOW. that man is not heterosexual. probably had a few boyfriends in high school too
aubrey: bi? preference for women but in an alternate universe he and sweets are a thing
goodman: token straightie along with booth except i actually like him even tho even tho he took a 2 month sabbatical and never came back
clark: bi. a bit repressed and only realised it after breaking up with nora but as long as he gets there it's fine
daisy: pan. absolute girlkisser. she has the wlw equivalent of whatever zack felt for dr brennan. swaisy is a disaster pan couple.
fisher: pan- and i wont have it any other way. he was 100% checking sweets out when he came over to b&b's in s8, so i like to think when hodgins asks sweets "what is it with you and interns?" in 9x23 he's including fisher
wendell: bi and in a lab au he's dating vincent thank you
vincent: english twink and i think he and wendell should kiss in the lab lost & found
arastoo: straightie but we still love him. pan wife energy since he and cam are married
finn: god, i have No Idea but i have a feeling he doesn't either
wells: aro, and maybe ace too, but fyi even if he wasn't no one would want him
jessica: ... i used to say lesbian but i kinda let the jaubrey of it all get to me... pan vibes perhaps? i'll have to think it over. in another universe she and daisy are a thing too btw
other characters:
caroline julian:... lesbian. no i will not give an explanation for this one. sham marriage and all.
karen delfs: big pansexual energy coming from this random profiler?? i like her
villains: (do not take those seriously, but also...)
pelant: unlabeled. getting strangled by hodgins awoke something in him but he didnt have the time to figure it out between 8x01 and 9x04
taffet: very VERY mean lesbian
epps: heterosexual incel
broadsky: internalised homophobia over booth, clearly
kovac: the man pretended to be married to his sister. i'm not sure i even wanna know
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bertinworms · 2 months
I Wish You Would
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Pairings: Tangerine x gn!civilian!drunk!reader
Tags/Warnings: cursing/language, alcohol alcohol consumption, drunk character, mention of gambling/betting, bar atmosphere, kissing/make out, mentions of fire arms/weapons
Word Count: 5.3K
Summary: You are drunk. Not “black out and forget the entire night “ drunk, but white girl at the club with her friends drunk. One of your bestest friends is getting married soon and tonight you and the rest of your eccentric friend group are club/bar hopping to celebrate the engagement! Your friend group told you to think about it like the bachelorette party before the bachelorette party. Whatever that means… The group isn’t a big group, only about seven people, but the seven people all come from various backgrounds. Three of your friends come from pretty well off families and happened to be in university for law school. One of your friends works for some huge tech company with something to do with security. One of them comes from a line of surgeons and happens to be in residency for surgery. Your best friend and bride-to-be comes from an extremely wealthy and famous family, you aren’t really sure what for, but you know it has to do with tycoons and business and yada yada. And then there was you. You were in university too, at the same establishment as the rest of the group, but you didn’t come from lines of money. You were in school for education. 
Various backgrounds or not, your bestie for the restie wants to go absolutely ballistic and celebrate her girlfriend finally popping the question, so of course your study buddy group just has to go out! With the intentions of bar and club hopping, you all end up at an arcade? Or a bowling alley? You aren’t really sure, but the place has heaps of alcohol, arcade games, a place to bowl, mini golf, and also some cute patrons….
You honestly could not believe that you had agreed to this. You had been friends with your group for almost five years and you had always said you would do anything for them, but you never thought it meant being out since about 7:00 PM celebrating Ava May’s proposal. When you had gotten the notification that afternoon with an image attached, you were hoping that her partner, Jordan, had finally popped the question and you were right. And of course the groupchat had blown up.
“Girls, Gays, & Daddies $$$”
Leoni: SHUT THE FUCK UP DID THEY REALLY PROPISE THIS TIME!!>>??!>!? Mateo: here comes leon with the typos 🙄 BUT OMG CONGRATS AVA!!!!!!! Camilia: HOOOOOOLYYYYY SHIT!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! THEY HAD THE FUCKING BALLSSSSS You: OMG YESS!!!!! WHEN’S THE WEDDING!!?? Elijah boo: FORGET the wedding!!!!! bitch, when are we CELEBRATING!!!!!! Naomi: omg can we PLEASE go out tonight!!!!???  Wrenster: omg ava congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it took them long enough!!!!!! Ava Bear: omg y’all already KNOW we’re going out tonight!!!!!! b @ my house 5pm SHARP troops 🫡
Of course five o’clock came, and everyone in the group chat was at Ava’s house. You all got to congratulate Jordan and Ava on the engagement, and say hello to both their family’s, but quickly carried Ava away to party the night away. That was of course after all seven of you pregamed getting ready.
The group was a close knit one. You all were giggling and laughing and dancing around each other while getting ready, raiding Ava’s closet and her accessories and checking yourselves in the mirrors. Everyone had gone for outfits that made them stand out, but complemented their features. You had ended up in some brightly colored crop top that Ava had shoved into your hands, your sneakers, and some designer jeans that Mateo had said would have your ass looking like you did 500 squats a day. You had laughed and rolled your eyes at that. You were pretty sure Mateo just wanted you to feel sexy. 
The rest of the group had picked similar outfits. Some exposing skin, other’s exposing less skin but featuring skin-tight clothing pieces. Some had added accessories to their hair, their neck, their wrists and more. With six other bodies dancing around, you honestly hadn’t gotten a great look at everyone’s outfits – but you figured it didn’t matter anyway because by the end of the night most of those outfits would probably look a lot different from how they looked currently. And once everyone was ready, you all headed towards Ava’s car where a driver was waiting. And you all climbed in and pregamed some more.
Half of the group tended to be “partiers”not crazy party goers, but they liked to spend time when they could out having a good time. That didn’t really happen to be up your alley. You were a little more introverted than your friend group, especially since you didn’t necessarily have the same funds your friends did. The group loved paying your way through parties though and always made sure you were included, but the combination of feeling bad and not loving the party scene meant you didn’t go out with them as much as they probably would’ve liked you to. But this night was different. Everyone in the group had already sternly told you that tonight you and Ava were not spending a dime on anything. Mateo telling you that tonight that they were celebrating Ava’s engagement and also the rare occasion of you going all out tonight with them. 
You didn’t disagree.
And that’s how you and your friend group ended up at some club? Arcade? Bowling alley? Bar? You weren’t sure what to call it, but the place seemed to have it all.. There was a bar with many-a-drinks, bowling alley lanes, an arcade, neon minigolf, laser tag, and televisions everywhere, each featuring a different sporting event which you assumed was for people betting on games. 
It was loud, and dark, but also brightly lit all at the same time. You were cold, but kept comfortable with the warmth of your friend group buzzing around you. You were very out of your element. You would’ve been slightly uncomfortable if you hadn’t already had about seven? No, you think eight? You weren’t sure, but you and the rest of the group had a fair amount of alcohol in you. 
Right then, everything seemed a little fuzzy. You had glanced at your phone and thought you had read some time around 11:00 PM, but with Rihanna blasting over the speakers in the building, it was a little hard to concentrate. 
The group was currently at a bar-like table. Mateo, Elijah, Ava, and Naomi were currently on their fourth round of bowling with Ava still somehow in the lead. Leon, Wren and Camilia had snuck away from the group either to get more drinks or maybe to play mini golf, you really couldn’t remember. 
Your glossed over gaze was disturbed by Mateo standing up and stretching as long as he could, his arms reaching up a little revealing a bit of his stomach. 
“Okay, I am going back to the bar to get another drink, anyone else coming?” He said, eyes bouncing around the faces at the table. Nobody responded as they all seemed to be involved with something else at the time, so you stood up quickly.
“Mmmmmmm, I’ll come with Matty!” You smiled and trailed after him as he led the way to the bar.
“You know there’s some cuties here, you should try and chat one up.” He says, side eyeing you as you both arrive at the bar to look over what you want.
You roll your eyes and playfully push his shoulder. “That would be a grand idea except I’m drunker than a skunk currently and we’re here to celebrate Ava, not find me a date.” 
Mateo rolls his eyes as he orders both of your drinks and collects them. 
“Okay, yeah we are celebrating Ava, but you know good and damn well if I told that girl you saw a hot guy looking your way that she would jump on the idea of you making a move tonight.” Mateo chuckles as he finishes his sentence and starts walking you both back to the table, curving through the different people.
“I know, but tonight I’m just hanging out with you guys. I’m honestly shocked that nobody has attracted any spare wild men to the table with how loud and obnoxious we’re being tonight.” You laugh, a tiny hiccup slipping out of your mouth.
As you and Mateo round the corner to your table, Mateo sees the group before you and busts out into laughter. “Oh my dear, have you truly jinxed yourself tonight.” He walks the few steps to the table, puts the two drinks down. “Hellooooo boys!”
When Mateo steps aside, you're greeted by the eyes of two men who look like they don't belong here. They both are extremely attractive, but both appear to be in suits. Like suit suits. Like they could be working at the bank. You recognize the two as workers for Ava’s father. Bodyguards. Or honestly the word babysitters fit the situation too. ‘Babysitters with bullets,’ you think to yourself as you look down at one of the men’s waists, catching a glimpse of a not-so-hidden weapon.
Your thought is cut off by that said man speaking and your eyes trail from his waist to his face. He holds eye contact with you before speaking. “Sorry to crash this here lil shindig, but you lot should be wrapping all this,” he twirls a finger around in the air, referencing the group, “up pretty soon. It’s getting late.” 
Once he finishes his sentence, it’s now his turn to look at you. You watch his eyes look up and down, scanning what felt like every inch of your body, before he looks back to Ava as she begins to speak.
“Oh my god! Look, I know Daddy sent you two to “look after me”’ Ava uses huge air quotes, “but I’m old enough to make sure I don’t get fucking dragged off drunk off my fucking ass. We’re just celebrating, just chillax, yeah?” Ava lets out a giggle as she clearly slurs her words and then playfully slaps the shoulder of the man that hadn’t spoken yet. 
“Come on Tangerine, just let them be, yeah? They’re not doing any harm and they're all in one spot.” The man says, putting a hand on Tangerine’s shoulder, giving it a little squeeze and shake. If you remember right, you’re pretty sure he goes by Lemon. Or that’s what you’ve heard Ava’s father call him.
“Yeah Tangerine! Just let us chilllllll” Naomi drags out the last word as she tries to put a hand on his chest. He takes a step back away from her, his face slightly puckering up as it seems like he stifles a face of annoyance.
 You sit down next to Ava, across from where the open seat in front of Tangerine is.
“Look. Ava’s father gave clear instructions to make sure she doesn’t make any fucked decisions tonight. And seeing as sh–” Tangerine’s speech is cut off once more, this time surprisingly by Elijah.
“Look man, if your concern is making sure Ava isn’t dead in a ditch, why don’t you two just pull a seat up at the table. It isn’t like we’re going anywhere else tonight, just fucking sit and relax. Have a drink!” Elijah almost barks this out before returning to the game of bowling. He’s currently in second place, behind Ava and you know he’s dying to beat her. 
Lemon gives a nod before sitting down at the bar, grabbing Ava’s half finished beer and taking a swig. Tangerine on the other hand reluctantly takes a seat in front of you. You watch his demeanor once he’s sat. It seems like he’s avoiding your gaze, and you’re not sure why. You watch his face as he observes the people around you. You can’t tell if he’s just surveying the place or if he’s just uncomfortable. His body language looks stiff and his hands are clasped on the table in front of him.
“You have pretty eyes…” The sentence slips out of your mouth as you stare at him, rubbing your own eye as you feel yourself getting a little tired. You were hoping to break the silence. “Also pretty arms.” You let out a little giggle as you prop your head on your hand, continuing to stare at the pretty man sitting across from you.
You talking seems to bring him back to the group at hand. Or at least brings his attention to you. He gives you a weird look, seeming to calculate what to say. “And you seem pretty drunk, love.” He reaches across the table, grabbing your drink and taking a sip from it before returning it to you. “And that’s a pretty strong drink you got.”
You give yet another giggle, reaching for your drink and taking a sip. You were drunk all right, but you needed more liquid courage if you were going to be in the presence of this man. Your brain had fallen quiet and your friends seemed to not be coming to your rescue in this one. 
You recall a comment from Mateo earlier in the night about ‘letting you do your thing if you ever came across a hot ass man tonight.’ 
You had been around Tangerine and Lemon before. From what you could recall, they weren’t truly employed by Ava’s father. You’re pretty sure it was more like a freelance thing? They weren’t always around Ava and her family, but they were hired common enough for you to know exactly who they are and remember Tangerine. 
The first time you had ever met the two, the group was at a soccer game in the city. You were in Ava’s family’s suite at the game having a blast. You remember spotting Tangerine and asking Ava just who the tall man was exactly. After that, any time Tangerine and Lemon were hired to babysit Ava, you always basically gawked at the man. After Tangerine and Lemon left for the room, your friend group, especially Ava liked to tease you. Ava and Mateo knew you had a thing for Tangerine. Ava liked to get her father to hire the two as much as possible, especially if you were present. It meant you saw him often. It meant you thought about him often. You thought his curls were pretty and you could imagine what it would feel like to run your fingers through his beautiful hair. You could recall the accent he had. You thought the tattoos he had were attractive, or maybe it was just because they were on his arms. And god did he have pretty arms. 
You’re once again brought out of daydreaming, this time by Naomi sitting down by Tangerine and placing a hand on the back of his shoulder, and one hand on his chest. You don’t listen to what she’s saying, but by the look on their face, you know she’s flirting. And hard. You hear her let out a giggle as she makes some sort of comment about the man before you swap from sipping your drink to straight up downing it. 
You slam the cup down on the table and shoot up. “I’m off to get another drink..” You twirl around, maybe a little too fast, and begin heading for the bar.
You know the announcement of your departure was a little stern. You don’t know why, but it almost got on your nerves that Naomi was making a pass at the man. You let the jealousy stay for a second before rationalizing the thought. 
‘I’m not actually jealous. It’s late and I’m drunk, it isn’t that big of a deal, I’m just being silly.’ You think to yourself as you arrive at the bar, propping both elbows up onto the ledge and waiting for a bartender to notice you. You wipe your face hoping to clear your mind. 
While waiting your eyes slowly are drawn to one of the television hung above the bar – some wrestling match was going on. You notice the other people at the bar, their eyes glued to the screen. ‘I don’t understand why they are so invested.’ You think to yourself as you turn your attention back to in front of you, looking at the drink choices before noticing a man standing to your right. You turn your head and are happily met by the pretty blue eyes of a curly headed man.
You grin.
“Tangeriiinnnneeeeee” You draw out his name. You aren’t quite sure if it is on purpose or if you’re just drunk, but it didn’t matter as you watched the man’s lips twist into a smirk itself.
“Interested in the match, are we?” He asks, nodding back to the television.
“Mmmmmm, not quite. I’m not much of a sports fan.” You give a glance at the match before turning your attention back to him, noticing his shirt. He usually had it buttoned up all the way, as professional as you can get. But tonight, you notice at least two, maybe three buttons that seem to be open. You can see a tattoo peeking out from under his shirt. You take a deep breath before your eyes return to his. He had watched you check him out yet again.
You clear your throat before asking, “Are you a fan?”
He doesn’t break eye contact. “I am tonight.” 
A noise escapes your throat, almost a hum. He still hadn’t broken eye contact. Maybe it was just you, but it seemed like it had gotten hard to breathe. You felt like you hadn’t taken a breath in ages. “And why’s that?” You ask, still looking at him and still maintaining eye contact. 
In the moment you felt like the only thing in the room was him. 
“Got money on the small guy. Everyone likes an underdog story, yeah?” The smirk returns to his face.
You nod your head in agreement. Once again, your brain has gone blank. The sudden movement of his lips catches your attention as your eyes quickly dart down to his lips, and quickly dart back up to his eyes. He had watched that happen too.
As your eyes meet, your body forces you to take a deep breath. You notice he does the same. Maybe his breath had also been caught in his throat. You realize the sound of the world around you also comes back to you. 
You’re brought back to the real world completely as a bartender greets you and Tangerine, asking what you two will have. But before you can answer for yourself, Tangerine speaks for you.
“Water for this one, and whisky for me.” He says before telling the bartender exactly what he wants. As soon as the bartender turns to go grab the materials, you turn back to Tangerine.
“I can’t order for myself now?” You jokingly ask, your voice getting a little higher in disbelief as you raise both your eyebrows in fake disbelief.
He looks at you and gives a scoff. “You can, but I don’t know if you should be at this particular time darling.” He gives you a sly smile, one probably meant to comfort you. 
And you lose your breath again and you avert your eyes. You thought you had gotten confident, but you weren’t expecting him to call you that. You clear your throat. And start to mess with a laminated menu on the bar.
“So why exactly are you here tonight? You know this isn’t the first stop we’ve made, right?” You ask, trying to change the subject. Or at least to get him talking.
“We’ve been hanging back most of the night. Nothin’ suspicious has happened, but a few o’ you idiots are getting a little too far gone. Ava’s father sent us specifically to watch her. The rest of the group is just an added bonus. Don’t wanna make any rich parents mad, do we?” He asks the last part rhetorically. 
This time he’s the one looking away. He takes a drink while looking off. You can’t read the expression on his face, but it isn’t quite neutral. He looks like something is on his mind. 
“You don’t seem all that excited to be babysitting a bunch of adults. Why do you even take the jobs offered by Ava’s family? I assume there’s other things you could be doing.” After speaking you realize your tone seemed a little snippy. You hadn’t meant for it to come out rudely, but it did just a tad. You really were on a roll tonight. 
You didn’t want to necessarily influence the man to stop taking the jobs, but you were curious. You could tell by what he was wearing that he had money. In previous interactions, you had drawn the same conclusion. You weren’t extremely up to date with the latest fashion trends when it came to wealth, but you did know that the watch on his wrist looked very similar to one that Elijah had. And you knew it wasn’t cheap. Plus the extensive wardrobe the man seemed to have also led you to believe he was pretty well off for himself.
He half turns his head back to you, side eyeing you with a scrunched eyebrow.
 “A little touchy on the subject are we?” He asks you before setting his drink down. He rubs his chin before turning his face to yours.
 “Ava’s father pays well. The jobs easy, quick and usually clean. Easy money.” He pauses and you watch his eyes move down to your lips and back up to your eyes and then down to the drink back in his hand. “It's an added bonus that sometimes you idiots can be entertaining.” 
“Well. I’ll agree that they – we – can be quite entertaining. I can imagine it can be a little obnoxious at times.” A few times come to mind.
Like this year's New Years Eve party held at Ava’s. Camilia had drunk way too much champagne and had eaten quite a few shrimps. She was in the midst of a nasty break up with a pretty popular actor and had seen the reports of him attending a party that night with his co-star. A smile comes to your face as you remember the look of absolute horror on Tangerine’s face when Camilia had thrown up on him. You remember Lemon’s gasp.
Or the one time you, Ava, and Leon had somehow ran into one of Leon’s father’s old clients who had recently gotten out of prison. You three had been out shopping at the beach when the man confronted the group. Calmly at first, but very quickly drew a gun and began yelling at you three. Tangerine and Lemon had resolved the situation as quickly as the man had appeared.
Or one of the most recent events. For Ava’s birthday, she had thrown a huge, fancy party out of the country. Some place in Ireland, with almost a Bridgerton theme. Somehow you and Tangerine ended up in a room on the outskirts of a castle while the party was booming in the distance. You remember how close he had gotten to you. How close his face had gotten to yours. How he had stared at your lips for what felt like ages as you spoke. You remember the silence that happened after you had finished speaking, and the way his eyes darted quickly back to your eyes to just as quickly return to your lips. You also remember the way he had drawn away from you as Jordan had busted into the room looking for Ava. You weren’t one hundred percent sure, but you were pretty confident that if she hadn’t done so, Tangerine would have kissed you.
“I wouldn’t say ‘obnoxious’. Not all of you at least.” Tangerine says. He seems to have a distant look in his eyes. You wonder if the memory of you two alone in Ireland had come to mind. You hope it had. 
Eventually you and Tangerine began reminiscing on some of the funnier moments that had happened while him and Lemon had been present. 
You two had moved from the bar to a small table in a corner. Tangerine was still able to see the rest of your group, most importantly Ava. Even then, it wouldn’t have mattered anyways as Ava had convinced Lemon to join the current round of bowling. The group didn’t seem like they were going anywhere and neither did Lemon. 
The place was still as loud as ever, but in the corner it was a little easier to hear each other. The neon lights that were reflecting off of most everything in the building was giving Tangerine a glow. The lights were giving his hair a darker complexion than normal, while highlighting his blue eyes. If you weren’t sitting so close to him, you wouldn’t have noticed the details. But fortunately for you, you were. 
You were close enough to him to smell his cologne. He smelled almost like citrus. Or maybe like sandalwood? Or maybe like the inside of a linen closet? You weren’t exactly sure of the scent profile, but he smelled good. He smelled familiar. 
“Do you remember Ireland? That birthday party was insane! I don’t know how you two kept up with Ava that week, it felt like every ten seconds we were going somewhere new!” You let out a small laugh remembering just how crazy it had been. 
Tangerine rolls his eyes with a smile on his face. “You honestly think I would forget? I felt like I needed a leash on that girl. I wish she would have stayed around me or Lemon like you had during the trip.” His eyes light up a little as he scans your face. 
You hadn’t realized you had been so obvious on that trip. Most of the friend group had paired off in Ireland and you remember hoping to talk more to Tangerine on the trip. You hadn’t made it your priority of course, but during down times or sightseeing activities you had hoped to hear his thoughts.
The air got thin once more. You realized that you both were leaning in towards each other. You were sitting in your chair sideways. Your right elbow propped on the table, with your hand propping your head up turned towards Tangerine, your back turned to the group’s table. Tangerine was turned towards you, almost leaning into your space with his right arm draped over the back of your chair, his hand hung in the open air between the back of your chair and your side. His left arm draped into his lap. Your legs sandwiched in between his. 
You hadn’t realized just how physically close you too were. Talking with him and drinking water seemed to have sober you up some. Realizing how close you were to him also helped to sober you up in the moment. Your eyes trailed to his lip as you went to speak.
“Well, I’d never pass up the chance to be around you all day.” You say, a little softly as you had grown even more distracted by each and every centimeter of his face. You think about how soft his skin would feel in your hands. 
You readjust yourself, trying to redirect your thoughts. You sit up a little straighter and let your hand that had been previously holding up your head fall into your lap. It unintentionally brushes Tangerine’s knee and you watch it slightly move, almost shocked by the touch. Sitting up like you were now meant that your face was even closer to his. You really hadn’t realized how much you two were leaning into each other. 
You're staring at Tangerine’s lips when your eyes rush back to his as he places a hand right above your knee. You watch as he begins to lean in, his eyes on your lips. Before you can even process that his hand is practically on your thigh. He stops an inch away from you, his eyes moving up to meet your glance. His eyes meet yours for only a second before they move back down to your lips, and once again back to your eyes. You could feel him let a breath out, nearly a scoff.
“You’re extremely drunk.” He says dryly. and goes to pull away from you.
“I was dead sober in Ireland.” You quickly remark before retaking the distance he had put between the two of you. You plant a quick kiss on his lips. 
“I haven’t forgotten about Ireland either.” You say softly as you move one of his curls behind his ear that had fallen when you kissed him a little too forcefully, the fear of missing another chance had brought some adrenaline into your system. Your hand makes its way to the back of his head as you begin to play with his hair. “I’ve been hoping you would be around more after that trip. Especially after the party.”
The hand Tangerine had set previously on your knee quickly moves to your face as he gently goes to hold your chin before lifting it up. This time h initiates the kiss. He’s more gentle than you were. 
You grin into the kiss, only slightly thinking about how contrasting the situation was. The harsh man kisses gently, yet you, a more soft person kissed him like you were a thirteen year old kissing their crush at the school dance, afraid to be seen.
His hand moves from your chin to hold your head as he pulls you in more. Once he’s pulled you in as close as he can, his hand trails to your waist where it rests. Both of your hands quickly move back to his head where you pull him in closer.
His mustache tickles you, but you don’t care. All you could think about was how his head felt in your hands. How you wanted to be closer to him. How his hand was pulling your waist in. How his lips felt against yours. How you felt like you were breathing for the first time this entire night. 
Your breath hitches as you feel his fingers dig into your waist. You feel yourself becoming warm as your attention is drawn to the fact that his skin is touching yours. Both of Tangerine’s hands are now holding on to your waist, pulling you in even more if it’s possible. One of his hands begins to trail up your back. It feels like he’s trying to find a better way to pull you closer to him, but at this point if you two got any closer you would be in his lap. 
You accidentally let out what you think is supposed to be a gasp as one of his hands runs back down your spine, returning to your waist once more. This doesn’t faze Tangerine as he takes the short break from your lips to move both his hands now to either side of your head as he pulls you back into the kiss, not without a short and breathy ‘shit’ that escapes his mouth. 
You aren’t sure who initiates the harsher kiss, but you didn’t care. As Tangerine bites your lower lip, you let out a breath and you grab onto the neckline of his unbuttoned shirt. Tangerine plants one last hard kiss onto your lips he pulls away, and leans into your ear before.
“I’d slow your breathing down, we’re about to have a visitor, yeah?” He plants a kiss on your cheek and pulls his head back to look at you before wiping your lips to get rid of some spit that had been left from when you two had separated. “Gotta make sure you look good too, dear.” 
He takes a deep breath in, clears his throat and seats back against his chair, while running both of his hands over his head in an attempt to put his hair back in place after you had tussled it. He then leans back in his chair, giving a smile at the unwelcome visitor.
You wipe your hands over your face, and then over your own hair in an attempt to self soothe. You take a deep breath yourself as you try to slow your breathing and your heart rate. You wipe your hands down the thighs of your jeans before turning to meet whoever was coming towards you.
“Hey, you guys ready to go? Lemon is rounding up the rest of the group now. Ava and Elijah finally got bored with bowling.” Naomi says before finishing the drink she had in hand.
“Right. We’ll be over shortly.” Tangerine says, raising his eyebrows at Naomi and turning his attention back to you. You give her a smile and a nod to acknowledge her. As she goes to walk back to the table, you turn yourself back towards Tangerine.
“Glad we weren’t interrupted before this happened. Hope it was worth the wait.” Tangerine says giving you a sly smile.
You let out a half hearted laugh. If you thought nothing was in your brain beforehand, it was even more empty now. All you could think of now was when you would be alone with him again. 
“How long did you say you and Lemon were staying this time around?” You manage to get out, looking up at him. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but you also wanted to do this again. 
Tangerine chuckles as he fixes his shirt from where you had grabbed it as he goes to answer, “I’m in the city for a couple of days. Off work too.” He tucks a curl behind his ear. “You have something in mind that could keep me busy?”
You nod your head as you give out a short laugh. “Ask me out to a proper dinner and I think we could figure something out."
A/N: hey home slices, so here's this. i recently rewatched the movie, and am about to read the book and thought i would write something. who knows if i'll write more, but it was fun lol if you liked this, check out my master list! --> HERE
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thelaurenshippen · 6 months
re: that *chef kiss* PERFECT Franken-Drummer post and tumblr not being all over The Expanse, I know right?? it’s such an amazing show with so many delightful, complicated characters yet it’s so unfairly slept on! maybe because S1 takes awhile to get going and ppl give up? idk but it makes me sad that I have so few ppl to squeal about Drummer and Amos and Bobbie and Christjen and Ashford and Naomi (ad infinitum) with 😭🚀😭
WHY ARE PEOPLE NOT OBSESSED WITH THE EXPANSE HELLO!?!?! there's literally so much to love about it oh my god. you're right, it DOES take a second to get going but once it does!!!
for those of you who have not read or seen The Expanse series (I myself have yet to read the books), let me tell you why you'll love it:
political space drama with incredibly distinct cultures and phenomenal world building, if you're a details girlie (gn), you're gonna go nuts
the found family vibes!!??! are off!?!? the charts!?!? (minor spoilers for the first few episodes) four people are thrown into a situation in which they accidentally become the most important people/fugitives in the whole galaxy and most of them DO NOT trust each other, what could possible go wrong, and even better, what could possibly go RIGHT
Christjen Avasarala. you are not ready for her. most powerful mover-shaker on earth with the most incredible outfits you've ever seen, refined elegance with the filthiest mouth, plus she's got a classic "whatever those two have going on is so gay it veers into something else entirely" with her younger protective knight lady, Bobbie
Bobbie. the "not to be a lesbian but oh my god" post is made for her. we meet her in the show for the first time when she arm wrestles a robot and WINS. you will be begging for her to step on you with her mech suit
speaking of women I want to step on me Camina Drummer. angry revolutionary pirate queen of my heart. do you miss the unique agony of 2000/10s queerbaiting but want it to be not baiting somehow? this show does that, idk how else to explain it. the most agonizing sapphic pining you've ever seen but it's textual and also not painful because its gay. don't worry, Camina fucks, just not the girl she wants most (also spoilers, but this is not a bury your gays show don't worry)
Jim Holden is literally just Some Guy who becomes the special fantasy chosen one because he simply cannot stop Getting Involved. nosiest bitch in the universe, I love him.
imagine you're a girl who leaves your shitty ex and gets a normal industrial job on a spaceship, only to have a six foot, two hundred pound killer dressed as a mechanic imprint on you like a baby duck, and its unclear whether he wants to fuck you or call you a little sister but he definitely WILL kill for you and will do literally anything you say and then you both end up caught up in a weird galactic war by mistake and there's this other guy with a captain america level moral compass and he's cute and you're into him except your shitty ex is still out there with the biggest secret you have and meanwhile your best female friend is the coolest person you've ever met but you don't think you can be what she needs and you're holding your family together, you're holding the universe together and all you want is justice for your people but unfortunately you've gone and fallen in love with the accidental most important man in the galaxy. well, every day Naomi Nagata wakes up
Praxideke Meng. botanist of my heart. literally tames the rabid guard dog that no one else could. gentle and able to stay gentle because of said dog. which brings me to...
Amos Burton. I saved him for last because he is my guy. he is THAT guy. canonically aromantic pansexual king. are you into guard dog characters? do you find yourself drawn to the "sorry my love language is acts of service and all I'm good at is killing people" characters? amos burton is like seventeen tumblr posts come to life. previously mentioned enormous killer dressed as a mechanic, former heels wearing "I didn't always work in space" sex worker who is always rolling into brothels and being like "you guys unionized?", gives a shit about basically no one in the universe except his crew and every single child in the galaxy, accidental comedian because he cannot stop saying weird shit, not a nice or good person but a loyal one, and one who is always trying to relearn the empathy that was carved out of him as a young person. every time he goes homicidal to protect one of his chosen people (crew + any and every child), an angel gets its wings.
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harlowcomehome · 10 months
Anniversaries, engagements & babies:
First part of the series here!
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It has been a few days since Jack and Urban had the conversation that left Urban with more questions than answers.
It was Maggie and Brian’s anniversary and both Jack and Clay had planned to surprise them with a party to celebrate. Urban was going to take the opportunity to finally ask Jack what was going on in person.
The venue continued to fill with guests as Jack and Clay worked the room. Urban had made it his mission to address the unfinished conversation and Jack could feel the tension in the room as he swiftly avoided Urban at every turn.
Clay was sitting at a table with his girlfriend Naomi when Urban and Alessandra approached.
“Hey man, what’s up?” Clay gave them both a hug and his girlfriend did too.
“I think your brothers avoiding me” Urban chuckled, fiddling with the table decor.
“Why would he do that? He’s been so in his head about this party. You know he’s a perfectionist” Clay chuckled.
When Maggie and Brian entered the room, Maggie’s eyes began to well up with tears immediately. Brian had overheard his not-so-smooth sons talking about this party for over a month now but still acted surprised for the sake of their egos.
“This is so beautiful! So golden!” Maggie laughed as she hugged both of her sons, the entire room was covered in gold balloons and streamers. Jack was still convinced they didn’t decorate sufficiently but Clay thought it was overkill.
As the night went on Jack and Urban were both joined by a few mutual friends who fortunately for Jack kept the conversation off of him.
Jack slow danced with an old flame which wasn’t unusual behavior. He tended to keep a good relationship with most of his exes but he was definitely still avoiding Urban at all costs.
When it was time to do their speeches, Jack went first. He was unusually nervous for someone who performed for a living.
“Mom and Dad, I’m going to try and keep this short and sweet so everyone can get back to drinking” he chuckled as he babied his iced tea with shaky hands.
“When I think about love stories, I don’t think about “the notebook” or any of those ridiculously far-fetched romantic comedies” he swallowed as he paused for laughter.
“I think about the two of you. I think about how the perfect example of love was right here in front of me. I think about how I got a front-row seat to the greatest love story and I just hope and anticipate that I’ll be able to find this kind of connection someday too” he cleared his throat awkwardly as he was growing intensely emotional holding his iced tea up as everyone said “cheers” in unison with him.
He handed Clay the microphone and halfway through his speech everything in the room started to move slowly. Before he knew it, Clay was down on one knee asking Naomi to marry him.
“This wasn’t the plan. What the fuck is he doing?” Jack thought to himself as he sweated through his shirt. His armpit stains becoming noticeable and the beads of sweat on his forehead trickling down his cheek.
He knew he should be happy for his little brother but it just made the lonely ache in his chest feel that much heavier.
He vaguely remembered congratulating Clay and Naomi before going outside for some air. He sat along the brick wall of the venue trying to steady his breathing, he wanted to vomit. No, he needed to.
It wasn’t until he was fully leaning over the brick wall and emptying the entire contents of his stomach that Urban showed up.
“Rough night?” Urban chuckled as Jack sat back up.
“I don’t want to talk right now” Jack sniffled his nose becoming stuffy from crying and vomiting.
“We don’t have to talk” Urban sat beside him, handing him a napkin to wipe his face with.
Jack sat beside him, wiping his face before contemplating explaining himself.
“You know I love you right?” Urban laughed, feeling slightly awkward for saying it.
“Fatherhood made you soft” Jack laughed, dropping his previously tense shoulders.
Urban nudged him with his shoulder and laughed.
“I love you too” Jack sighed before running his hand through his messy curls. “If I talk to you, this has to stay between us.”
“Always” Urban held his hand out, signaling to Jack to do their handshake. That was their version of a “pinky promise.”
Jack still paused before speaking. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Urban he just knew once he said it out loud that it was more real than it was before.
“I want to have a baby.”
“You don’t really have the equipment for that” Urban motioned towards Jack's crotch.
“No, I know that, you dumb ass” he laughed. “I set up a meeting with a surrogacy agency.”
“Oh shit. You’re serious then?”
“Is that a bad thing?” Jack was taken aback by Urban's response becoming overly defensive. “You always said I was a natural with your kids so I thought that you’d-“
“Chill” Urban held his hands up. “I think it’s a great thing!”
“Really?” Jack nervously chewed on his bottom lip.
“Really,” Urban confirmed, making Jack's worry slightly fade. “Are you sure you don’t just want to wait and see what happens? I’m sure you’ll meet someone.”
Jack sighed knowing this would be a question he was going to get. “ I’m not getting any younger. I want to start a family now and I’ve thought about this a lot.”
“Does anyone else know about this?”
“Nope,” Jack was trying his best to keep his composure. The entire topic made him extremely emotional.
“You know we won’t let you do this alone right?” Urban rubbed his shoulder briefly but all Jack could manage was to nod.
“When’s the appointment? Do you want me to go with you?”
“No, I think it’s better if I do it alone. It’s in a few days.” Jack didn’t believe that but he was trying to prove that he could do it himself.
“If you change your mind, I’m here” Urban nudged him again with his shoulder.
“Thanks man,” Jack smiled, still lost in his thoughts as Urban walked back inside to find Alessandra.
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dollysilena · 1 year
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ao3 | series masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
five years ago, you stupidly had a fling with inarizaki athlete, miya atsumu– now, present day– he had a son he knew nothing about. you made sure it was going to stay that way, but as fate would have it, he unexpectedly stumbled back into your lives, now as volleyball’s biggest star.
wc & notes: 2.2k words — miya atsumu wrap it before you tap it challenge (level: impossible)
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Miya Atsumu is like a sledgehammer going through the glass of your well-protected life. In a blink, everything was in pieces.
You stumbled onto the nearest seat you could find, still clutching Haru protectively to your chest. Unlike you, your son seemed ecstatic over the appearance of Miya Atsumu, one of the beloved players he watched often. He was excitedly babbling into your ear about the famous athlete suddenly walking in, but you couldn’t hear his chatter when you were overwhelmed with your own frantic mind. 
How on earth could he have come in here? Was it a coincidence or… You faltered when you saw Atsumu stand beside Osamu. No, it wasn’t. You remembered where you were, Onigiri Miya. You were wrong earlier, the restaurant did share its namesake with the person in question. The name Miya Osamu now rang clearly in your head. It was the name of the faceless brother you had never met in high school. Your fling with Atsumu was so short that you failed to consider running into his family of all things.
God, why didn’t you remember that Atsumu had a brother? You felt so stupid, how did you not recognize his face, his name, anything? You were so careful the last five years, and it all came crashing down in an instant. One stupid mistake and now your worst nightmare finally came true. 
The air was still and you could hear a pin drop in the restaurant with the nauseating silence surrounding you. Atsumu stood silently with his brother, unsure of what to do. You saw his glance towards Haru, and the look in his eyes was enough to tell you that he knew. And with Osamu standing beside him timidly, it was clear that he somehow must have figured it out and told Atsumu to come.
“(Y/N), I’m here!” A voice suddenly screeched as the door slammed open, disrupting the silence. You looked up to see Naomi panting like a dog at the doorway of the restaurant. Wait, was she holding a taser?
“Aunt Mimi!” Haru gasped. 
“You!” Naomi exclaimed, jabbing a finger at Osamu. “How dare you try to hold my friend hostage!”  
Osamu’s skin turned five shades paler when he made eye contact with the taser Naomi was holding fiercely in her hand. Atsumu stood in front of his brother, sticking an arm out to protect him from your crazed friend.
“Hold on!” Osamu yelped in response. “I can explain!”
“Just because you’re hot and you know how to make some riceballs doesn’t mean!--”
“Naomi, hold on!” you interjected, barely choking out the words.
Naomi paused and turned to you in confusion as to why you weren’t running away given the opportunity. Her face softened when she noticed the grief-stricken expression on your face. “(Y/N), what’s going on?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words died on your tongue. You weren’t sure how to respond, because you honestly weren’t sure at all. How the hell were you going to explain that your child’s long lost biological father happened to stumble in?
The silence returned and nobody was sure how to fill it. Osamu approached you slowly, and once he realized you weren’t going to pounce on him, he kneeled beside your seat.
 “I’m sorry for how I approached this, I’m Miya Osamu, Atsumu’s brother. Ya probably don’t know me since we never met in high school, but I recognized you as Atsumu’s ex and…”
You shakily exhaled, realizing that somebody figured it out. Somebody figured out your dirty little secret, and out of everyone it could’ve been, it was Miya Osamu.
“I saw Haru and I realized.” Osamu continued, looking at the little boy looking at him curiously. “I called Atsumu after that.”
You looked back at Atsumu, a man you haven't seen in nearly five years. You saw that he was still wearing his sports uniform and had a fresh sheen of sweat, had he run here straight from practice? You may have seen him in the media, but it was all different when he was infront of you. He looked older now, more mature, he wasn’t the same teenage boy you foolishly had a fling with all those years ago. You had only the memories of a cocky high school boy, one that was impulsive and overly confident, but it was replaced by the new one standing before you. You thought if you were to ever see him again, that he would be standing tall and proud, something inline with his confident nature, but he stood timidly before you, with his head hung low, unable to make eye contact with you.  
“(Y/N),” Atsumu shakily said before a long pause followed.“Could we talk?”
You hesitated for a moment, your nerves locked like steel. His brows knitted together and his face was tense, an unreadable expression washing over his face. You followed his eyes, looking down at you and the little boy you were holding. You looked at Haru in your arms, still blissfully unaware of what was happening. You set him down besides Osamu, who you were feeling much better about now that you realized he wasn’t some sort of crazed serial killer. 
“Can you take him away?” You whispered to him. “He doesn’t know yet.”
Osamu nodded, taking the boy by the hand. “Haru, you’re gonna come with me for a little bit, alright?
Haru tilted his head. “Why can’t I stay with mama?”
He was obviously confused by the situation, and it made your heart drop even lower into the pits of your shame. He had no idea. You swore that one day you were going to tell him, but you wanted to wait until he was older, and more understanding of why things had to be the way they were. But it was too late for that now. The little world you had built for you both came crashing down in an instant.
“It’s okay, baby,” you said shakily, brushing his cheek. “It’s only gonna be for a few minutes while mama deals with some grown-up things, alright?”
“Naomi, can you go with them?” You asked, looking up at your friend. “Osamu can explain.”
She looked worriedly at you, before nodding hesitantly. Osamu led Haru by the hand to the other side of the restaurant, out of earshot, with Naomi following closely behind.
When you were finally alone, Atsumu took a shaky seat across from you at the restaurant table. You didn’t have the nerve to look up at him, and neither did he. You fought back the burn in your eyes, you never thought you would have to be here, facing him. When you ran away all those years ago, you were also running away from this very moment, the moment where you had to face him. Both of you sat in silence before he finally decided to break it.
“He’s mine, isn’t he?”
You swallowed stiffly, the repulsive taste of shame on your tongue. “He is.”
Atsumu looked up at you with pained eyes. You didn’t realize how different he looked now. Even when you saw him on TV, it didn’t give you as detailed of an image as when he sat in front of you. His features were the same, but he seemed to have grown into them. He held himself more seriously, more like an adult unlike the boy you knew in the past. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Atsumu--” you barely stammered. “We were two highschoolers who barely knew each other, we weren’t even dating--” God, how long had you even known Atsumu at that point? A few weeks? A month, at most.
“I would have still wanted to know still,” he replied, the hurt evident in his voice. It made your hands clench, and the guilt burned in your chest like your heart was trying to collapse in on itself.
A beat of silence passed. You stared down at your hands in your lap. 
“I was scared.” 
You could still feel the weight of the dingy plastic pregnancy test in your hands. Two lines. Positive. He didn’t reply.
“Everyone knew you had such a bright future ahead of you,” you continued in a murmur. “You were gonna go pro and be the great athlete everyone knew you’d be. You didn’t need a kid holding you back. It was easier for you not to know, and for me to leave.”
You had carried the shame for years. It piled on your heart every day Haru grew and the more he started to look like his father. Of course you wanted to tell him, you wanted your son to have a father, but it just wasn’t that simple. Some days, you were tired of keeping the secret and you just wanted to burst back into Atsumu’s life to tell him he had a baby boy. 
There were several times where you almost broke. The day you went into labor, the nurse had asked if you planned to invite anyone into the delivery room. You almost said yes. When Haru took his first steps, you almost called Atsumu, whose number you still had saved on your phone. Even something as mundane as a school report card you considered sending to him. But you always stopped yourself. How were you supposed to tell Japan’s rising superstar athlete that he had a family?
You felt the tears pricking your eyes. You felt as if you were back in that dingy convenience store bathroom, still clad in your school uniform, as you realized that you were going to be responsible for a child. You shakily inhaled to stop yourself knowing you had to keep yourself together, for Haru’s sake. You’re not that scared teenage girl anymore. 
“He looks alot like you,” Atsumu commented, making you stop swimming laps in your thoughts. You looked back up to see him looking at Haru from afar, who was being distracted by Osamu and Naomi with a game of rock paper scissors. Haru grinned a toothy smile, familiar to the man across the table. He had a glisten in his eyes, the same eyes Haru shared.
“I always thought he looked more like you,” you chuckled, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. Atsumu smiled softly. You saw the dimple indent he had on his left cheek, that didn’t match on the right. You forgot he had that. You felt a twinge of a smile.
You stopped yourself. You had forgotten Miya Atsumu, and it should stay that way. You dropped your smile and looked back at Atsumu.
“I won’t say a word about me or Haru, not to the press, anyone at all,” you stated as firmly as you could, but it didn’t stop the inevitable tremble in your voice. “I can even sign an NDA if you want me to, you can go back to living your life and I can disappear again, it’ll be easier that way.”
Atsumu looked back at you, and it was clear he was shocked by what you had said. You were taken aback as to why he seemed surprised, surely that’s what he wanted, right?
“What are ya talking about?” He stammered hurriedly, as if you were about to run again. “Disappear? I can’t just let ya leave--”
“Atsumu,” you replied, the name feeling foreign on your lips. “You don’t have to deal with this, you were never meant to find out.”
“But I did. And I’m glad I did.” 
Now it was your turn to be shocked. Atsumu took your hands into his from across the table, and you could feel the warmth reverberating off his calloused fingers. Another thing you forgot was how it felt when he touched you. “Listen, I know ya didn’t want me to know, and this certainly isn’t the way I imagined finding out I was a father,” he started nervously. “But I can’t just go back to living my life knowing ya and my son are out there. I wasn’t there when it mattered and I don’t wanna be some deadbeat and pretend ya don’t exist.” 
There’s a certain bitterness in the last sentence you barely catch. Atsumu looked back at you and you couldn’t ignore the way his eyes burned into yours. You almost forgot how intense they could look.
“Is it too late for me to be a part of his life?”
You sat back, stunned as the words echoed in your ears. You almost thought you didn’t hear him correctly, that you were reliving the daydreams your teenage self dreamt up. But when Atsumu continued to look at you for an answer, you realized what you were hearing was real. 
“A-Atsumu, you realize what you’re asking right?” You stuttered. “You’re agreeing to be a father, which you just found out right now of all things. It’s a commitment, no take backsies.”
“No take backsies?” He snorted. Your cheeks flushed when you realized he’s chuckling at you.
“I hang out with kids a lot, if you couldn’t tell.” You smiled meekly as his hands tightened around yours.
Atsumu looked back at Haru, celebrating that he won another round of rock paper scissors against Osamu while Naomi cheered him on. Osamu pretended to act defeated which only inflated Haru’s little ego, it reminded you of when Atsumu won a point at volleyball games in high school. 
He smiled again, “yeah, I’m sure.”
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reblogs, comments, & asks are appreciated!
taglist (closed, users have been removed since they cannot be tagged): @cloud-lyy @gabicalicota @lilith412426 @luvkaku @bbaegirl @allainaemm @fashionloverr846 @slut444spencer @tsumus-babydoll @1-800-peakyblinders @lellokitty @blinkingsuns @polish-cereal @lilolpotato @yogkurts @awkwardaardvarkforever @swan-chan @bngtnsecret @themoonreflectsthesun @mazdoe @marvel-ing-at-it-all @botphobiaa @kyomihann @koutarostiddies @katsunarii @coconut-soup @ibby-miyoshi-nerd @nicerthanu @invyou @ti-mame @ushygushybaby @hanahanasstuff @drageonix24 @bokuatsubro @littlemochi @softtashoney @curiouslilbeasty @rukia-uchiha-98 @pinkwhiskers @urmomondeez @luvkaku @unstaaableaf
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
Nicki Minaj’s The Pinkprint Era (+No Frauds)
#PrettyHeiressDiaries: Eras Edition 🎀
this is my first #PrettyHeiressDiaries post. as i’ve previously stated, this series is going to be me diving into my fav muses and celebs and dissecting what i can take from these lovely ladies. this blog will focus on Nicki Minaj’s branding from 2014-2017 roughly. + a few Queen era looks.
The Pinkprint Era Style Elements:
the pinkprint was alter ego free, and a return to hiphop and r&b for nicki. meaning she was highly stripped of the campy pop rap star we had come to know. it was chic DOWN. think collector barbie vs the harajuku barbie. don’t mistake me though, onika was still very in touch with her cutesy girly side. there was a balance of sexy and chic with a few drops of cute. and this is why the pinkprint era is my absolute favorite, with her looks being a standard i follow for a lot of my looks.
nicki’s cute mirrors 🎀
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nicki’s iconic black barbie insta selfies, wearing real hair or natural extensions(often textured ponytails and blowouts), minimal makeup and natural beats 🎀
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lots of black and neutrals, statement purses (often times chanel) 🎀
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nicki makes a return to the harajuku barbie aesthetic during the pinkprint tour 🎀 +
prissy pink looks i loved from this era 🎀
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No Frauds Era Style Elements:
after the pinkprint era was dying down and nicki had become the victim of “the nicki hate train,” her style was still reminiscent of pinkprint. but i would say her branding shifted from the demure somewhat sweetheart to more of an unapologetically bad bitch. this is marked as the “no frauds era” (the time between pinkprint and queen)
glamorous gowns, grandiose blingy bodysuits and adornments, continuing from the pinkprint aesthetic, she’s still wearing natural glams and hairstyles 🎀 +
latex catsuits, lacey looks, pink as seen in the paper magazine cover and the motorsport video 🎀
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literally queen couture (tiaras, headpieces, and maximalist furs), the subtle return of the barbie chain, 40 inch “you b*tches can’t even spell prague” naomi/cher hair 🎀
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My Fav Queen Era Looks:
ex. tusa videoshoot, harpers bazaar vietnam cover, 2018 vma look, chun li cover art look, 2018 harpers bazaar look 🎀
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So What Can We Learn?
Nicki’s style has never been anything short of ultra femme and makes it clear she’s not afraid to take up space and your attention.
As her branding and look shifts through these eras, it’s as if she’s becoming more aggressive with the her fashion to speak to the public.
During The Pinkprint Era, she said “Look, I can put the pink wigs and rainbow paint away and still capture attention while making quality work. Respect me.”
The No Frauds Era saw her evolve into a more flashy Nicki while taking hints of her past looks to say “I AM the greatest, you will NEVER top me, and I can remind you who I am.” Note the Barbie chain while also dressing like modern day royalty.
Nicki Minaj is a highly polarizing figure in pop culture but that should not stop us from acknowledging the cultural resets she’s delivered us in the fashion and beauty industry. When she said “I got all these girls wantin’ to be Barbie Dollz,” it wasn’t just a line, ITS TRUE. So many influential girls on instagram look like either Nicki, Kim K, or Madison Beer, just to name a few. The girls have taken a heavy note from the colored hair, bussdown middle part inches, bulky chains, all while trying to maintain an untouchable level of HYPERFEMININITY. An actual BLACK BARBIE.
-PrettyHeiressDiaries 🎀
credits: nathyyy and blessing mukosha via youtube, @thevirgodoll and @babyphat05’s breakdowns on femmes in the culture on the respective personal blogs.
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The Ironies of Life (Part 2) - Rooster
Pairing: Rooster/ Fem!OC (Naomi)
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: (Unplanned) Pregnancy; Exes; Emotional Angst; Named Female OC (Naomi), but No Physical Descriptions
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Naomi is referenced as being a woman and she was previously an officer in the Navy. But otherwise there is no description of her physical features or her surname, so fill in as you wish.
Summary: Naomi and Rooster sit down together. Maverick and Penny offer some guidance.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Master List
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Naomi stared at Rooster for a moment, waiting for him to actually react.
He managed to stumble over to the seat across from her, but now he seemed to be back to his staring blankly phase. His eyes were wide and occasionally flicked down to her bump. But otherwise, there was barely any indication that he was even breathing.
“Rooster?” Naomi called softly, trying to bring him back into the present. A few beats of silence passed before she added, “Bradley?”
But Rooster just kept staring at her and not saying anything, so Naomi wasn’t sure what to do. Letting out a breath to calm herself down, Naomi scooted forward a little bit more and rested her hands on the table to steady herself.
“I just want to tell you that I’m not expecting for you to commit to anything during this conversation,” she started off softly, managing her tone.
Naomi studied Rooster’s expression for a moment, but he remained frozen in place. She was half-tempted to snap her fingers in front of his eyes, but maybe it was better this way. She could say her part and all of the words that she practiced over and over again without interruption.
“I don’t expect you to want to get back together or to want to be involved in this baby’s life,” Naomi continued quietly. “You made it very clear that a kid doesn’t fit into your life plans and that’s fine. I don’t want to force you to be a parent. I’m not going to force you to be a parent.”
Naomi was starting to get just a little more anxious as Bradley continued to just stare at her.
“I just thought that after all of the time that we spent together . . . after everything that we went through . . . I thought that I owed you an explanation. Face-to-face. And that’s my only goal of this conversation: to just tell you about the baby.”
Naomi folded her arms protectively over her bump and took another deep breath to steady herself.
“If you want to talk about your role—whatever it is that you feel that you’re comfortable with, if it’s anything—I’m here to talk. We can seek mediation or go to counseling too if you feel that it’s necessary. Or if you want to just get up and leave and not look back . . .” Naomi let out another breath. “. . . that’s your choice and I won’t stop you.”
She flicked her eyes up to meet Rooster’s gaze once more and straightened up in her seat. He seemed to be coming around some more but there was still that blank look in his eyes. Reaching for her water, Naomi took a long sip before turning back to Rooster.
“Bradley? Can you hear me?”
“You’re pregnant?” Rooster croaked out a few moments later, his voice hoarse and strained.
“Yes, I’m pregnant,” Naomi confirmed, nodding slowly. “About six months along now.”
“You’re pregnant,” Rooster repeated dumbly.
“Yeah,” Naomi held out, starting to wonder if Rooster was having a stroke or something. “I’m pregnant.”
“How?” Rooster breathed out, earning a sudden sharp look from Naomi. “No, I know how, but how?”
“Do you remember when we went to my friend’s wedding? The one that we started to have that fight on the dance floor?” Rooster nodded slowly in confirmation so Naomi continued on with her story. “Well, remember how we took it outside because we didn’t want to cause a scene? And that fight that we had in the vineyard?”
“Well, remember what we did after that fight?”
“You’re on birth control,” Rooster stated, like it was the answer to all of his problems. As if Naomi wasn’t visibly pregnant right there in front of him. “I saw your pills. You took them every day. Every day. And you always told me if you missed one.”
“Yeah, but I had to switch them, remember? Because of the side effects. And the new pills weren’t as effective as the old ones.” Naomi fiddled with her fingers nervously and looked down. “I think that it slipped our minds in the moment. We weren’t exactly focused on anything else than . . .”
“But . . . but . . . but . . .”
Rooster held his head in his hands and seemed to be somewhere along the lines of a breakdown based on the way that he was rocking back and forth in his seat. Naomi sucked in a breath when her baby leaned just a little too heavily against her bladder. Trying to cross her legs, Naomi turned back to Rooster, who seemed to be in the middle of his own personal crisis.
“Do you want me to call someone for you?” Naomi asked softly, genuinely concerned for him.
“No, I—Jesus fucking Christ, Naomi,” Rooster cursed, holding his head in his hands again. “What the—when did you find out?”
“About a month after we broke up.”
“You mean after you broke up with me?” Rooster muttered, though he didn’t dare meet her gaze.
“Yes,” Naomi replied calmly, expecting the response.
“Fucking hell,” Rooster cursed again, rubbing his face aggressively.
“I’ll give you a moment,” Naomi offered, reaching for her purse as she stood up.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Rooster interjected, standing up quickly and nearly knocking over the table in the process. “You’re just going to leave after dropping that bomb on me?”
“No, I . . .” Naomi glanced around the patio before leaning in a little closer and dropping her voice, “. . . I just need to use the bathroom. The baby is sitting on my bladder.”
“Oh,” Rooster breathed out, glancing down at her bump.
“Here,” Naomi replied after a moment, holding out her keys. “I’m not leaving. Just going to the bathroom. I’m coming back. Okay?”
“Okay,” Rooster breathed out, staring at her keys.
Naomi shot him a small smile before heading inside the café. Rooster sunk back into his seat and placed Naomi’s keys on the table in front of him. Staring down at them and thinking over the mess that he called his life, Rooster whipped out his phone. Calling Phoenix, Rooster pinched the bridge of his nose as he waited for the call to connect.
“How’s it going?” Phoenix asked as she picked up the call.
“What the fuck, Nat?” Rooster demanded, unable to hide his aggravation.
“Look, you two needed to talk. And no one else needed to get involved. Are you finished up already?”
“We barely started,” Rooster insisted, glancing inside the café for any sign of Naomi. “How in the . . . what the fuck, Nat?”
“I know.”
“She’s pregnant.”
“I know.”
“With my baby.”
“I know,” Phoenix agreed softly. “I noticed.”
“What the fuck am I going to do?” Rooster groaned, dropping his face into his hand. “What the . . . I . . . this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“I would suggest talking to someone with a little parental experience,” Phoenix stated honestly, not wanting to give her opinion on the subject.
Hell, Phoenix did not want to wade into this debacle. Rooster was her best friend and she got along well with Naomi when Rooster and Naomi were dating. No one did anything wrong and they both had their reasons for their stances in the situation. But that didn’t make a solution easy to find. Especially not on the timeline that they were working with.
“Try Maverick. Or Penny. Or maybe a therapist.”
“Fuck,” Rooster cursed, picking his head up. “Is Mav at the beach?”
“Does he know?”
“Yeah, Blabber Mouth One and Two sort of spilled the beans,” Phoenix explained, sounding annoyed on Rooster’s behalf.
“What was his reaction?”
“He just stood there for a bit,” Phoenix answered honestly.
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” Rooster returned before he spotted Naomi walking towards him again. “I have to go.”
“Good luck.”
Rooster hung up the phone and set it back down as Naomi stepped outside. She shot Rooster a small, nervous smile before retaking her seat. Placing her purse on the back of her chair, Naomi turned back to Rooster and straightened up a bit.
“So . . . how are you feeling about . . . everything?” Naomi asked quietly, resting her hands on her bump.
“I’m . . .” Rooster began, but he didn’t finish his sentence.
“I understand,” Naomi replied, nervously rubbing her bump with her fingers. “Take the time that you need. I’m in San Diego for a couple more days, so if you reach your decision or just want to talk about options, just call me and we can meet up to talk.”
“You don’t want to talk about it right now?” Rooster asked, frowning slightly.
“I wanted to give you some time and space to think it over,” Naomi corrected him quietly. “But if you want to talk about it, we can talk about it.”
Rooster nodded slowly, staring down at his hands for a moment.
When he woke up this morning, he did not think that he would get this bomb dropped on him. When he got all of those calls and messages from Naomi, he assumed that she just wanted to get back together or something stupid. Not something like a baby.
A baby. His baby. Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell was he going to do?
Rooster put Naomi’s rental car into park and took a moment to compose himself. After a relatively short conversation, Rooster invited Naomi to come down to the beach with him. Even though their relationship was rocky at the moment, he didn’t hate Naomi anywhere near enough to send her alone back to a hotel room for a few days.
“If anyone says anything . . .” he told her, but Naomi sent him a small smile in return.
“I’m a big girl,” Naomi assured Rooster, grabbing her purse. “I can handle it.”
They slowly got out of the car and headed down to the beach together. Rooster tried to simply focus on the step that was right in front of him. And even though he reflexively reached for Naomi when she started to walk down the stairs to the beach, he ironed his arm to his side when he spotted the Daggers staring them down.
If Naomi was nervous about meeting the Daggers, she didn’t show it as she walked slowly and steadily along the warm sand of Coronado Beach. When they reached the edge of the Daggers, Rooster carefully avoided Maverick’s gaze, which could probably be translated to something along the lines of ‘we will be talking about this later, young man,’ and gestured to Naomi.
“Everyone, this is Naomi. Naomi, this is everyone,” Rooster introduced lamely.
“Hello everyone,” Naomi stated kindly, giving them a small wave.
“Now wait. There’s something different about you, Naomi,” Hangman drawled, rubbing his chin in fake thought. “Did you change your hair?”
“No, I just got fat,” Naomi replied, nodding along sarcastically. “But you haven’t changed a bit, Seresin. Still compensating for . . . everything?”
The round of chuckles that went around the Dagger Squad seemed to lighten the mood just a bit and suck some of the tension out of the air. Rooster still seemed out of it, but Naomi quickly adapted to the situation. After all, she had months of practice with ignoring the curious stares and questions about her bump. Rooster, on the other hand, was still processing everything.
Eventually, the Daggers ran off to play another round of football and Naomi found herself sitting down with Penny up at the Hard Deck. Naomi rested her hands on her bump as her baby continued to shift around and simply watched the game.
“How far along are you?” Penny asked, causing Naomi to turn to her.
“About six months,” Naomi replied, offering Penny a small smile.
“Yeah, that’s when it all really starts to set in,” Penny stated, recalling her own experience.
“You have kids?” Naomi questioned curiously.
“A daughter. She’s fourteen. Amelia.”
“Like Amelia Earhart?” Naomi inquired, looking a little amused.
“Sort of,” Penny stated, causing Naomi to chuckle. Penny glanced down at Naomi’s bump before leaning back in her own seat. “Do you know if you’re having a boy or a girl?” 
“No,” Naomi spoke softly. “I wanted to wait.”
“For him?” Penny guessed knowingly, gesturing towards Rooster with her head.
“Mostly, yeah,” Naomi agreed, nodding along. She rubbed her bump again, taking a deep breath. “I sort of had this . . . fantasy in my head about . . .”
“You don’t have to explain it to me,” Penny assured Naomi, leaning forward a bit. “I was the same way with my daughter’s father.” Penny took a sip of her drink before turning back to Naomi. “It’s hard to give up on it. The fantasy.”
“It is,” Naomi stated quietly, biting her bottom lip. “Really hard.” She turned back to the dogfight football game and let out a breath. “But I’m not going to force someone to be a parent who doesn’t want to be a parent. I think that would be worse for everyone in the long run. And I made my choice. So, Bradley should get his choice too.”
“He didn’t want to settle down?” Penny asked, honestly sounding shocked.
“No. He didn’t want to get married. He didn’t want to have kids,” Naomi listed off, her voice growing smaller with each word. “And there’s nothing wrong with that. But . . . I wanted something different. For me . . . for us.” Naomi turned back to Penny with a curious look. “Why? Did he say something about it? Or about our relationship?”
“Not to me,” Penny replied honestly. “But Maverick always seemed to think that Rooster was going to settle down one day.” Penny glanced down at the beach and folded her arms underneath her. “He was always worried that he would miss something. A wedding. A baby. Moments like that. The ones that you can never get back.”
“I guess people change,” Naomi responded quietly, wrapping her arms protectively around her bump.
As the dogfight football game started to wind down, Maverick glanced over at the Hard Deck. Naomi and Penny were still sitting out on the back porch, chatting and seemingly at ease with each other. He knew that Penny, out of everyone else on the beach, probably understood Naomi’s current headspace the best.
And now, he needed to figure out where Bradley was headed with this situation.
Maverick could have just pictured Goose and Carole’s reaction to it all. Carole would have absolutely dragged Rooster by the ear, berating him for ignoring Naomi, and warning him that he had to make it right or else she would kick his ass on Naomi’s behalf. Goose would have taken a softer approach than his wife, but Maverick knew that Goose wouldn’t just let Rooster walk away.
Goose didn’t run away when he accidentally knocked up Carole. He married her, bought her a house, and stepped up for both Carole and Bradley. And he would have expected for his son to do the same in this situation. Or, at the very least, to not run away from it.
So, when everyone else started shuffling up the sand towards the Hard Deck to grab some drinks and food, Maverick gently grabbed Rooster on his shoulder. Bradley turned to face him and Maverick silently nodded down the beach. And without a protest, and a bit of a blank puppy dog look, Rooster headed down the beach.
Maverick led the way, giving Bradley some space, and making sure that no one else was within earshot. Bradley kept staring down at the sand, letting the warm waves lick at his toes as he barely blinked. It was like his brain completely short-circuited and he wasn’t able to do much else other than walk. With one last glance back at the Hard Deck, Maverick turned to Rooster.
“Are you okay?” Maverick started off softly, genuinely concerned for Bradley.
“I don’t know,” Rooster replied honestly. “I . . . I feel like I haven’t had an actual cohesive thought since I found out, Mav.”
“It’s a lot to take in all at once,” Maverick agreed, nodding along. “What did she tell you?”
“She’s six months along. She doesn’t know the gender. The baby is healthy and so is she. And she told me that I can be as involved as I want and that she wanted me to think about it before making any kind of big decision about it.”
“Well, I agree with that last part.” Maverick slowly stopped walking and turned to Rooster, who paused in his step as well. “Whatever decision you make with this situation, Bradley, you need to be confident with it. You need to be comfortable with it. Because it’s not easy to go back on whatever decision you choose once you’ve made it.”
“I know,” Rooster responded quietly, glancing over at the Hard Deck. “And that terrifies me.”
Maverick nodded along, studying Rooster’s expression carefully. He turned back to the Hard Deck, watching as Naomi talked with Phoenix and Bob at one of the tables. Maverick returned his gaze to Rooster, who was still staring over at Naomi. Quietly sighing to himself, Maverick glanced up at the sky for a moment, asking for some guidance from Carole and Goose.
“Which way are you leaning with it?” Maverick asked softly.
Rooster continued to stare blankly over at Naomi and for a moment Maverick thought that Bradley was simply tuning him out. But when Rooster turned to face him, Maverick could see the answer written all over Rooster’s face. But there were still those seeds of doubt, of fear, there as well.
He was lost. Rooster was completely lost.
But he didn’t have time to be lost. Not as much as he probably would have ever liked or needed.
That little baby was going to be born in a few months regardless of any choice that Rooster made.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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@gxlden-honey @caidi-paris @xoxabs88xox @badasspizzalover
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gracefully33 · 6 months
Beauty/Fame Indicators🌟
* I’ll try to touchdown on everything as much as I can
* I get my info from professional astrologers and other places
Fame Degrees ✨💫
❤️5 Degrees in birth chart:
Your fame could be short term, could be famous since a young age, or fame from your beauty (bc 5 in numerology represents beauty).
Ex: Ariana Grande has her Cancer Sun at 5 degrees. Cancer represents the home, emotions, and more. The sun represents self expression, self awareness, etc. Ariana grande has been an actress since she was a child.
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💛17 Degrees in birth chart:
The 17th degree represents long term fame. You could be famous for your influence over people, music, etc. depending on sign and its aspects.
Ex: Whether you like him or not, he is a great example of this. Chris Brown has his Taurus moon at 17 degrees. Taurus represents the throat and the moon represents the emotions. He is known for being a great singer and is very talented.
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💚28 Degrees in birth chart:
This is known as a household name degree and you could still be remembered even if you fall off. In numerology, the 28th degree represents wealth also. Rihanna has this in her birth chart and she is a billionaire. Amerie the singer had a huge hit in 2005 called this “1 Thing”. Even though she fell off, people still remember her and play that song till this day, she’s wealthy, and she has the 28th degree in her chart. But today, we will be talking about Mrs. Nicki Minaj.
Ex: Nicki has her Libra Pluto and Capricorn mars at 28 degrees. Pluto represents change, transformation, and more. Libra rules partnerships but it also rules the color PINK and Barbie is associated with PINK. Capricorn represents hard work and great work ethic. Mars represents action, confidence, etc.
Nicki Minaj is known for her Barbie image and she was able to successfully transform that image over the years. Also, people made fun of Nicki for how she dressed in 2011/2012 with the crazy wigs and outfits but that image made her a millionaire(28th degree). Nicki Minaj started rapping on her block in 2000 like she was doing freestyles and everything. In 2003, Nicki Minaj debuted with a rap group called the “hood stars” and she started releasing her solo projects around 2008-2009. Nicki got rejected several times and people shut the door in her face but she kept going. It took Nicki Minaj more than 5 years just to make it in the music industry and I respect that she kept going no matter what.
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💗29 Degrees in birth chart:
This represents long term fame but it is KARMIC. This type of fame is fame that teaches you a lesson and helps you to elevate. Don’t get the 29th degree is a karmic degree. In numerology(2+9=11), it represents influence over others because the number 11 is an influential number.
Ex: Naomi Campbell has her Gemini Venus and Neptune Scorpio at 29 degrees. Naomi’s Venus at 29 degrees gives her long term fame for her beauty. Scorpio represents sex appeal, being temperament, etc. Neptune represents glamour and hypnotic beauty. Naomi Campbell is known for being one of the most beautiful women in the world and one of the top models in the world. Naomi has also been known to be mean and temperamental to others like her assistant and more.
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📱11 Degrees in birth chart:
This degree represents being influential and it’s a common degree found in a lot of social media influences birth chart. This degree in your birth chart can help you gain a following.
Ex: Madison Beer is a great example of this. Madison has her mars Scorpio at 11 degrees in her 6H. Besides her music, I don’t know too much about her but she is a very pretty girl. Scorpio can represent sex appeal, being magnetic, and seductive. Mars can represent desirability, lust, and confidence. Due to her Scorpio mars at 11 degrees being in her 6H, I will assume that she posts like everyday or used to post everyday. She could show case her everyday life a lot and she could be seen as someone who is as beautiful as a sirene on social media. It seems like her seduction can lure people in and cause people to be obsessed with her. Oh yea I just remembered! Every girl at one point was obsessed with her pretty she was and they wanted to be her. I would say her beauty and allure plays a huge part in her career and social media following. I could also conclude it is what causes people to be attached/obsessed with her.
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* I might do a beauty indicator post on Madison because she’s very beautiful
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gucciwins · 2 years
an ex brings stories and mistrust
Word count: 3440
A/N: you asked for angst for some reason so here it is. i am so happy to know you still love bel and harry as much as i do. 🤍
Warnings: angst, jealousy, ex-boyfriend
read love on tour series 
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“I’m going out tonight,” you tell Harry as you steal a sip of his coffee. You love the smell but can never find yourself enjoying a full cup.
“Done being a homebody,” he teases.
You roll your eyes; after being home in London for a few days, you’ve been enjoying staying in your house but also at Harry’s. It was larger than yours, yet it felt cozy because he was here.
“Haha, a few friends are in the city and want to grab dinner, maybe karaoke,” you share, “what we do after is still up in the air.”
“You can always sing one of mine,” as he takes a blueberry out of her hand.
“Mhm…too bad I already have my song.”
“It’s a classic. You sing ‘you’re so vain’ perfectly every time. Always leaves me in awe.”
You feel your face warm up at his compliments. There had been a lot of begging for him to get you to sing in front of his friends one night. It helped. Most of them were a few tequila shots in. Although it is something Mitch brings every time you see him suggesting new songs, you should try to karaoke for them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, H.”
Harry frowns, wanting to spend more time with you this morning, but he knows you have a fitting for a red carpet. You’re working with an upcoming designer Sarai told you about,  a Hispanic designer with beautiful looks incorporating designs from their culture. You just had to work with them; of course, they were happy to agree.
“Send me photos, please,” he mutters against your lips.
You go to pull away, but Harry holds your waist, deepening the kiss wanting to give you something that would hopefully want to make you stay home, although he knew it was a losing battle. You pull away breathless, a smile breaking out as you see Harry’s puffy pink lips.
“I love you, H.”
“Te amo, Bel.”
There was no studio today, and Harry decided to use the day to catch up on reading a few books Bel had recommended he got two chapters in when he was inspired to grab his journal to write these lyrics before they escaped him. Harry wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he felt his phone ring, he dropped his pen thinking it was Bel but to his surprise saw it was Naomi, your best friend.
“Hi Naomi,” he greets.
“Hiya H, where’s our girl? She’s ignoring my calls,” Naomi asks, straight to the point.
“She had a fitting and was going out tonight.”
“Did she? Say with who?”
“Oh, friends in the city. Don’t think she gave me any names.”
Harry peeked at the time on his phone and saw it was close to six pm. The day honestly had gotten away from him. He would need to cook himself dinner.
“Heard Dylan was in the city.” Harry frowns, hearing Sarai whisper to Naomi.
“Dylan O'Brien,” Naomi tells him, “a good friend.”
“Who’s still in love with her,” Sarai inputs.
Harry hears Naomi shush Sarai,” sorry they’ve been drinking.”
“Why would Dylan be in love with Bel?” Harry had never been more confused. He knew you saw Dylan as a good friend; you would go as far as saying he was one of your closest friends in the industry.
Naomi sighed, knowing they messed up.
“It’s not–shit. H, you have to understand this was years ago.”
“What was?”
“Dylan and Bel dated,” she confesses.
And Harry feels his heart drop.
How did he not know this? How could you not share this information with him?
“Listen, it was after their first film together. It was never made public and is something she really doesn’t share. She broke up with Dylan because he was ready to get serious and take it to the next step, and she felt she wasn’t there. He was heartbroken after, but he was always supporting her.”
“He didn’t want to break up, did he?”
Naomi sighed, “no, he fought her on it, but she was set on her decision.”
“Did she love him?”
“Naomi, please!”
“Of course she did. But it’s different, H. You have to believe me. She loves you. I’ve never seen her this happy or in love, and I’ve known her all her life. You make her shine. She’s one hundred percent herself when she’s with you.”
Naomi sharing this brings him a bit of comfort, but he’s left with the question of why you hadn’t told him Dylan was an ex. He was sure there were no secrets between each other, but now he wasn’t so sure. Harry shared about his past heartbreaks and his hand in breaking hearts. You had shared little, telling him that you had two serious relationships that were not worth talking about because you had all wanted something different.
“I don’t get why she wouldn’t tell me.”
“She doesn’t dwindle in the past. Think she’s lived there long enough.”
Harry sighs because he understands, in a way, he doesn’t know what it is like to be alone for years or not to have a loved one to seek out for comfort to share childhood memories with, but he has been faced with loss and knows how hard it can be. He does not understand why she’d keep her relationship with Dylan a secret. It’s as if there was something more she wasn’t telling him.
“I’m going to ask her about it,” Harry tells Naomi.
He hears her sigh, “I’d be surprised if you didn’t.”
“Bye, Naomi.”
“Harry, please be kind. I know this isn’t the easiest way to find something out, but don’t react when you’re speaking with her,”
He sighs, knowing she’s right. Harry doesn’t know what would have happened if he found out through you, but for now, he had to feel his emotions, and he’d talk about this news when you came home to him tonight.
“Of course.”
The phone drops against the cushion on his couch. There’s too much on his mind for him to rest in peace. Harry decides to meditate as the best way to work through his clouded mind. It works for some time until he feels the urge to check his phone, so he leans across where he let it fall, his eyes bugging out to see how late it had turned and you had yet to turn up. He didn’t mean to bother you when you were out, but he was concerned because, for the past few days, you’ve been coming home to him.
He sighs in relief when he hears your cheery voice after the second ring.
“Hi baby,” he breathes out. “Are you coming back here tonight?”
You sigh, coming out low. “Sorry, H. We came back to my place with some friends. You’re welcome to come,” you offer, feeling bad about making him wait for you when you could have texted him earlier in the evening.
“Hurry back. We’re going to lose,” Harry hears Dylan call for you.
Harry tenses, forgetting that you had even asked him a question. “H?”
“No, uh, early morning tomorrow,” he lies.
“Lunch tomorrow, then?” You counter. “Vinny’s?”
“I’ll be at our table,” he promises.
Harry heads to bed with a heavy heart but is thankful he will see you tomorrow.
He had arrived early, wanting to have your food ready for when you arrived. You always loved eating the same meal here, the ravioli with butternut squash filling. It was good, and Harry always ended up stealing a bit or two from you when you claimed he needed to try it.
As he waited for you, he was trying to decide how to approach the topic or wondered if Naomi had already sent her a warning. A few minutes later, a large commotion in front of the restaurant caught his attention. There are people gathered around, and he catches a glimpse of your face making him quick to leave his seat and go help you with the crowd. To his surprise, Dylan helped part the crowd and guided you inside with a hand on the small of your back. The group stayed outside as Harry watched you turn to hug Dylan in gratitude. You stood there speaking with him before Dylan shook his head, leaning in to give you a kiss on your cheek. Harry was confused. You showed up with him, and even more that you managed to catch the attention of a crowd.
“Hey,” you greet him with a breathless grin.
“You alright?” He checks in.
“Saw that,” you breathe out. “It was fine. Dylan was there to help.”
Harry hums in response, trying to think what he wants to say.
“Did you order?”
“Should be here in a few minutes.”
You drop the menu, flashing him a huge smile. “You’re an angel, H.”
He sits silently, letting you start to tell him about your day when he interrupts your story about Sally burning pancakes last night. “Why did you show up with Dylan?”
You frown, leaning back a bit as he surprised you with the sudden question. “He stayed the night, and I had let Emerson borrow my car for the day, and I had forgotten, and he offered.”
“You stayed with him alone!” Harry exclaims.
“No, Sally, Nina, Saoirse, Tom, and even Sarah stopped by last night for game night.”
Harry huffs, “you could have called me.”
You grimace, “he was heading this way, and you had a meeting this morning.”
“And the paparazzi just so happened to know you were headed here.”
You frown, not liking what he was insinuating. “H, what are you saying?”
He shrugs, taking a drink of his water.
“Do you think Dylan called the paparazzi?” You sound surprised he’d accuse your friend of this.
“We’ve eaten here how many times?” He reminds you, not once have you had a run-in with paparazzi. “Funny he offers you a ride, and you’re conveniently papped together.”
You sit back in your seat, not sure what he meant. He’s been papped out from time to time, sometimes with you and sometimes when he’s out with other friends. There’s this world you live in, and how easy it is to get lost in your own world behind closed doors. Forgetting that others around you will do anything to get a glimpse inside.
“Harry, come on.”
He shakes his head, “forget it.”
After that, lunch is tense, little to no conversation is had, no matter how much you try. He checks his phone more often, making you fall silent. It’s the quietest meal you’ve had, and it makes you upset not knowing what you did wrong. Harry finished his meal before you but didn’t rush you. Not feeling comfortable continuing to eat, you decide you’re finished placing your napkin on top and offering him a small smile. He asks for the check, and soon you’re off, following Harry to his car, wondering if he’s going to take you home or back to his place.
You don’t dare ask.
It’s not until he takes a left turn instead of a right do you sit back in relief, knowing he still wants you around. Even if it is only to sit in silence.
He parks the car. You sit there together in silence, not sure where you stand. You reach out to squeeze his hand to comfort you and let out a breath of relief when he lets you.
“Come on, I’ll make us some tea.”
You’re not sure what conversation awaits you inside, but it’s Harry, and you know together, you can work through anything.
Harry is quiet as he lets the kettle warm up. You set your bag on the couch before following after him. You can see he’s tense as he grabs two mugs from the cabinets.
“Need any help?” You offer itching to do something.
“I got it.”
You sit there waiting patiently because you know Harry will bring it up soon. He can only hold something in for so long before he pops, and you know you won’t have to wait long.
Harry pours a cup of chamomile tea into a floral mug you painted when you did a ceramics class together during the holidays. It was his favorite, which is why it resided in his home and not yours.
“I know,” he whispers, breaking the silence you were in.
You stare at him, confused, unsure of what he is referring to. He knows what?
“Sorry, H? I don't know what you mean.”
Harry pushes away his mug before turning to look at you. His eyes look lost and hurt, and you want to fix that; you’re just not sure you know how to.
His frown deepens, “I know—I know about him.”
Harry says him with so much distaste that you’re not sure what he’s referring to. “H,”
“Dylan—that you dated Dylan,” he breathes out, and your face falls in surprise. Harry takes in your reaction and knows Naomi wasn’t lying that you dated Dylan and didn’t bother to tell Harry he was an ex, only claiming he was a close friend.
“Harry,” you whisper, hoping he’ll let you explain.
“You told me he was a friend.”
“He is.”
Harry scoffs, “you can’t be friends with your ex, not when they’re still in love with you.”
You can’t believe he would say throw that in your face when he’s notorious for being friendly with his exes and having them out for shows. Instead of arguing, you allow yourself to take a deep breath and remain seated, hoping he’ll let you explain.
“Can I tell you about this past relationship, so you’re not only running on what you’ve heard?”
“Are you insinuating your friends are lying?” He bites back.
Naomi and Sarai are the only ones that know, besides a few close friends of his. You’re not upset with them. It must have been an accident. You don’t even want to know, but you want to talk this out with Harry.
“Dylan worked on my first movie with me, and I was so scared. He was nice and had a few movies and shows under his belt already. Our chemistry read had gone well, and it’s how I booked the role, but he was my friend first. Nothing happened during filming. I would have never allowed for that to happen on my first Hollywood movie.” You pause because you hadn’t thought back to that time in years when you were full of nerves and not sure how people would accept you as a lead, especially next to an already well-loved actor with a growing fan base by the day. Dylan was a friend, and it wasn’t until after filming wrapped did he ask you on a date. It was complicated, but Harry deserved the truth.
“We wrapped and went our separate ways. He called to check in, and we got to talking. He asked me on a date, and I accepted. He understood how I didn’t want this to be on every magazine when I was growing my name, and he was the star of Teen Wolf. It would have labeled me his girlfriend before I could make a name for myself.” You watch Harry. No emotions cross his face as he listens to you. “We dated close to a year when he wanted to go public and be my date to red carpets. I liked what we had; it was intimate and private, no need to give ourselves away to the public. It’s when we stopped seeing eye to eye. By the time our movie was set to release, we had broken up. Press interviews were hard, but we made it through. Dylan promised he’d be my friend, and he has been.”
Harry stares at you, and you have no idea what he’s thinking. You know you made a mistake by never sharing about Dylan or your other ex, but it’s trivial. The exes in your life didn’t define you and felt pointless to talk about when your last relationship was years before Harry.
“You broke his heart?” Is the first thing Harry asks.
You shrug, “we wanted different things. We were both so young.”
“Did anything ever happen after you broke up?” You freeze, and Harry picks up on your hesitation. “What happened?”
“He was going through a breakup, and I was in New York at the time. I reached out and offered my support. We ordered takeout and talked about how he was doing. One thing led to another,” you run a hand through your hair, feeling overwhelmed. “We agreed it meant nothing.”
Harry couldn’t believe how deep your relationship ran with him. How, even years later, you sought each other out. There’s one question that plagues his mind. “Did he know your family?”
You frown, of course he did, and the confirmation you know will hurt Harry in a way you never wanted. “He met them when I brought my grandparents to tour set on the first film.”
Harry’s face crumbles right in front of you. “He has a part of you I’ll never have,” Harry confesses.
You feel a bit of your heartbreak because you know your family would have loved Harry. Your Abuelo would have dragged him into the kitchen to help, and your Abuela would have taught him all her favorite songs until he could play them back for her.
“I know, I know. You think I don’t know that.” You don’t want to cry. You can’t. “You think I don’t think about it constantly how my family would have loved you, and I never got the chance to introduce them to you. I won’t get to introduce them to anyone important to me, and it kills me, Harry. That’s a pain I carry every day.”
There’s a crack in Harry’s anger, and you know he wants to reach out to hug you, but he stops himself. There’s so much left to say; instead, he lets his anger control him.
“You’ve called him in front of me!” He accuses thinking of the time during tour you sat and congratulated him on his recent film.
“He’s a friend. That’s all he has been for years.” You’re going in circles. It’s like Harry won’t hear a word you’re saying.
Harry scoffs, “not when you’re both single, it seems.”
You shake your head, “you don’t get to be mad about this. It was all before you!”
“Who’s to say he won’t come running when you break my heart, and you’re searching for comfort,” he throws at you knowing the words would hurt, and they do, making cracks in your heart that had never been there before.
“I don’t want to break your heart, Harry,” you soften your voice, pleading for him to listen to you. “I love you. You’re it for me.”
“Then why did you keep him a secret!” Harry screams. “If you loved me, you would have told me. I thought I knew everything about you.” He shakes his head, no longer able to look at you. “It’s clear you don’t trust me.”
“But I do,” your voice cracks as you fail to contain your tears.
“You don’t not as much as I thought you did. I told you about my exes and how I hurt them but also how they hurt me. You know how hard that conversation was for me.” Harry’s eyes are stormy. It’s a look you don’t recognize, and you know you put that dark look there. “I want to be alone.”
“H,” your voice wobbles.
“You need to leave. I want to be alone.”
Instantly you feel your walls rise. You’ve been in this situation before.
“Harry, if you tell me to leave, I won’t be coming back. We’ve had a similar conversation just like this.”
You see Harry freeze taking in your words. “I love you, Bel. I do,” his voice breaks. “I don’t want you to leave me, but I want to be alone. You hurt me, I know you didn’t mean to, but I need this time to process.”
You sigh, backing down. There’s no use in fighting. You walk out, taking out the key that rested next to your shark charm on your key set and placing it next to the empty pink vase missing the flowers you were supposed to pick together tomorrow at the farmer’s market. “Don’t think I deserve this or have your trust to keep it.”
And with that, you walk out the door, leaving your heart with him.
You hadn’t lost him, but it felt like you had.
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don't worry there will be a part two...but i'll let you sit with this for now
taglist: @alienorknight @harry-is-on-route-66 @myfavfanficsever @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @japanchrry @lechairr @golden-hoax @itsmycorneroftheinternet @harryspirate @tenaciousperfectionunknown @thurhomish @thelovecayon @shawnieeboyy @dontworrysunflower @a-strange-familiar​ @caramello-styles​
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zukkaoru · 1 month
"maybe we shouldn't"
"weren't we dating?"
and a random word: green. for souheki =)
thank youuuu ela <3 starting off with. angst :-)
“Maybe we…shouldn’t,” Dazai whispers, though his hands remain firmly on Ranpo’s shirt. He doesn’t want to pull away, but this also seems a little too far for something that’s just a bit. Typically, he wouldn’t care so much, but—
Something about doing this with Ranpo specifically makes his stomach twist uncomfortably.
“Why not?” Ranpo’s breath is warm against his neck. Dazai wants their lips back on his skin. But also he doesn’t. He wants to be as far away from here as possible. There is no one to watch them here, tucked away on Dazai’s futon in the dorm he half-cleaned for Ranpo’s sake. There’s no reason to perform.
Still, Dazai doesn’t have a good answer to Ranpo’s question.
“Because,” he says, the word clunky on his tongue. He hates not having a lie ready to go for every situation, but Ranpo could see straight through any falsities anyway. “Because this isn’t…”
Because this isn’t real.
It isn’t exactly fake, though, either. Not at this point. It’s sitting precariously on the line between, constantly in danger of tipping over. This would push it off the edge, but Dazai isn’t sure in which direction. He doesn’t want to think about it.
Ranpo exhales slowly. Dazai wants to keep them close—so close they cannot properly look at him, because then they’ll see everything Dazai doesn’t even know how to sort out himself.
But when they pull back, he lets them go.
Their eyes are shut. They appear vaguely conflicted. Dazai wants to run away and never come back.
“You’re right,” they agree, voice strained. “We shouldn’t.”
souheki secret exes (except they weren't even trying to keep it a secret)
“You’re such a liar.” Dazai pokes Ranpo’s shoulder, grinning playfully. “Remember that case we did together in Sendai? We went to a bar the first night and you finished your entire drink. So you have found one you like!”
Ranpo throws their head back, groaning. “That was so long ago, how am I meant to remember that? Besides, it was only because you figured out the right mix so I wouldn’t be able to taste the alcohol at all and gave the bartender very specific instructions.”
“Of course I did! I was a very good friend, even back then.”
Ranpo frowns. “Weren’t we dating?”
Dazai hums. He tracks back through his memories, slots the case in Sendai into the timeline chronologically and determines, “Yeah, you’re right. I was a very good boyfriend then!”
Ranpo snorts.
“Hey!” Though, Dazai can’t really protest—he’s a shitty boyfriend and they both know it. But he’s going to play upset about it just for fun.
However, when he turns away to cross his arms and pout, he realizes everyone else in the office is staring at them in silence. Wide eyes, confusion etched across their faces, even Yosano is looking at them with a sour sort of expression.
“What?” he asks.
“What the hell do you mean weren’t we dating?” Yosano demands.
Ranpo waves a hand vaguely. “We dated for a bit about a year after Dazai joined the Agency. I’m pretty sure you knew this.”
“I’m pretty sure I did not!”
Tanizaki raises his head nervously. “I…don’t think— think any of us knew.”
Naomi pokes her head around the corner. “I did! It was super obvious.”
Dazai chuckles to himself. At least he can count on one other person in this office to be observant.
Dazai fidgets under Ranpo’s gaze, eyes flitting anywhere apart from their face. His fingers drum against his thighs and he squirms in his seat.
Ranpo doesn’t break their stare.
Finally, Dazai whines, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Do you not like it?”
Dazai’s face flushes, albeit only slightly. Still, of course someone as observant as Ranpo is will pick up on it easily, and it’s not a sight Ranpo thinks they’ll be forgetting anytime soon. “No,” Dazai lies. “You…your eyes are too green. It freaks me out.”
Ranpo laughs. Dazai’s cheeks redden even more, but before he can open his mouth to say something else stupid, Ranpo reaches forward and tugs him into a kiss. 
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iseebeautyinwords · 1 year
right my wrongs : ✶ | shuri u.
pairings : ex!shuri x ex!reader
warnings : possessive!shuri, mean!shuri, toxic!shuri (she's changing guys)
summary : shuri struggles to get her priorities straight, but she knows her top one is you.
taglist : @rxcently @verachii @shurislover @saintwrld @playhousedistee @jnkgrnde @shuriszn@youralphawolf72 @zaiiwrotethat @prettymrswright @naomis-daydream @ihearttish @pinkwright @inmyheadimobsessed @zayswriting
notes : this is actually so ass, idk if this shld be a series pls lmk
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those were the only thoughts going through your mind as you watched the scene before you unfold. the hard liquor in your system and the bright strobe lights made your already pounding heart pound even faster. you knew you should’ve stayed home, you should’ve declined riri’s sweet offer to wind down, have fun, and forget. but how could you forget if the exact thing or person you were supposed to be forgetting was right in front of you.
you watched with wide eyes as your ex girlfriend held on closely to a gorgeous brunette, one who was currently shaking all she had on the panthers lap. you weren’t mentally prepared to watch this. so you walked away. you made your way to the bar and ordered whatever drink sounded the sweetest and strongest. you downed at least three glasses before making your way back to the dance floor. you needed to forget, forget shuri, forget the relationship, and even forget where you are. you started dancing the beat of the music, the alcohol pumping through your system letting you close your eyes. you felt a soft presence behind you and you giggled a bit. dancing with the stranger who’s name you learned was robyn. she was a tall dark skin girl. she wore a gorgeous afro and a beautiful blue set. you and the girl danced as they songs changed and the rhythm moved. your ass was pressed against her crotch and her lips against your neck. it seemed as if they night would actually turn to something good, which was much needed.
you turned around to ask the woman behind you if she was free this afternoon, but the following words that filled the air were not your own. “may I borrow her” shuri’s words may have sounded polite but her tone made it clear it wasn’t a question. you watched as the girl in front of you nodded and walked away. the next hands to touch you were cold and clad in metals. “hello, sithandwa sam” your heart melted at the words, forever longing to hear her call you something so endearing. you almost let yourself lean into her touch but moved away. "do you need something shuri?" you tried to look up into the girl's eyes but they were being shielded by a pair of gold shades. "I missed you" your eyebrows rose at the sentence and immediately they sat back down in a frown, only deepening when you noticed the smirk plastered on her face.
"missed me? forgive me if I'm wrong, but the last time we spoke you were kicking me out of your precious lab with the words 'stop acting like a godamn child, if you feel so neglected then just leave.'" you spat her words back at her face, the night those words were directed at you had almost been a month ago. and you had done just as she said, packed up your belongings and left. the following days consisted of shuri sending you long messages, and gifts and practically begging for you to give her a second of your time. but you didn't, you had pushed through so many times with her were you felt as if you were the third person in your own relationship. if it wasn't for her being busy at the lab, she simply ignored you opting to parade around with her friends, friends you had told her made you uncomfortable, friends who constantly push boundaries, and you were sick of it. you knew shuri could love, you knew she loved you but it was getting harder and harder to believe with every ignored text, missed date, and unkept promise.
you would have given her a chance but she knew better, when the two of you started dating you had told shuri about your past relationship, one where you were being constantly cheated on right under your nose and her knowing that and still treating you this way made the act unforgivable. shuri let out a sigh before quickly hooking an arm under your legs, picking you up, and walking across the room and towards the exit. "shuri what the hell! put me the fuck down!" the panther ignored you moving quickly and only stopping when she reached her car. "are you fucking kidnapping me? what the fuck put me down you insane bitch!" you were smacking and hitting her as hard as you could and all she did was laugh. "I'm not kidnapping you, I wanted to apologize in a more private space" she set you down and opened the car door, you looked between her and the vehicle before huffing and sitting down in the passenger seat. not even a breath later you could feel her open her own door and sit next to you. "speak, and fast. I was hoping to see someone later" at least you hoped robyn hadn't ran away.
you noticed shuri's features hardening at the mention of the broad from before. "I just want to apologize, and sincerely. You mean so much to me y/n and I was and still am so stupid for the way I treated you. there is no reasonable excuse or explanation for the things I did or the words I said." she took a breath and took off her shades, and what you were met with were bloodshot eyes. "i know i fucked up, i wish I knew it before it happened but I know now, and i will do anything, anything. to get you back. I'm taking a break from my lab, I've cut off all those other women and I've started to get help, to get answers for not only you, but for myself, so i can understand better ways to deal with problems rather than just hurt the one i love the most." you listened to her quietly, your lips slightly parted as you took in her words.
forgiving shuri was something so hardwired in your brain, so constant that it became muscle memory that when you stop and think of the gravity of the situation and the legitimacy of her words you have to ask yourself if you plan on forgiving her because you believe in her words, or because you’ve gotten so use taking her back. “listen shuri, i can’t say i forgive you. but im willing to give you one last chance. we can start off as friends again and you can try to regain my trust but i wont make it easy for you. i was really hurt and disappointed by your actions.” shuri’s head nodded as you spoke soft shine coming into her eyes as she practically lunged over to hug you. “thank you so much y/n, i’ll do anything to right my wrongs”
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