#we walked around and said goodbye to everyone. she made friendly conversation. she guided me through how everything was going to go
anothermonikan · 3 months
Have I told you guys about the fucked up dreams I've been having recently? I've been having some fucked up dreams lately. yeah <3
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#sorry this is mostly about a dream I had yesterday and if I just say it it's gonna sound so creepypasta-y#like I have a lot of creepypasta-y dreams it's just how my dreams have always worked hehe#It wasn't fucked up because it was scary or anything it was fucked up because of how I felt in it#how to describe it...like I was like almost too calm and accepting of my fate#like okay previous dream context (whether this was context from another actual dream or just. lore my brain made up idk)#I got sentenced to execution. It's...really hard to describe the context without it sounding really silly.#like it was a part of some sick game that a person planned out and it all ended in a white maze room#I was told I could either choose to go free from a month and then be collected for execution or be trapped in the room forever but alive#and I chose to be executed. everyone knew. we all even had silly inside jokes about it ehe#like my friends were picking music out for it. it was really silly hehe!#but the person who came to collect me for execution was so striking. she was like. almost literally a doll#A big doll!! Like she was so so tall!! she actually shrank to be more my size as the dream went on. she was strikingly pretty#and kind. she was so kind#we walked around and said goodbye to everyone. she made friendly conversation. she guided me through how everything was going to go#god the tenderness of it all makes me sqee a lil aha. a little fucked up I think#it was self-inflicted you see. Rose bushes over a tall fence. that's why she was so tall. to help me over#I caught on pretty quickly that she was a person who decided to stay in the room instead of being executed#that's what becomes of them. they become subservient to the game master. they're made to collect the ones who chose to leave and die later#she told me that deep down she kinda wished that doing this for him would convince him to make her human again and to let her be free#I told her that it was bullshit and that he'd never do that. and she was like. yeah. but a girl can dream right?#another one of those dreams that have lines that stick out in my head as well...okay one of them was just really funny#'Hey guys' 'I'm being executed today :D' 'oh. okay!'#dhdhdh#'It's scary isn't it?' 'yeah. it is' 'Well. It'll all be over soon'#like gwah. gwahhhh#'There is something wrong inside of you' levels of impact on my psyche I reckon#me and the doll girl kissed a few times. it was weirdly quite natural. nothing intensive#but I think we both had an understanding that we weren't seeing eachother again and we cared about eachother#it was so greatly platonic and nice. yearning for something I will never experience aha ^^;#Idk if I even want to be in any sort of QPR but it was definitely nice in this dream
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lillywillow · 3 years
Birthday Wishes
Summary: Bucky wants to plan the best party ever for his young daughter
 Word Count: 2430
 Square Filled: Free Space
 Pairings: Singledad!Bucky x Female Reader/ Steve x Peggy
 Warnings: None really
 Written for @star-spangled-bingo
Ever since the mother to Bucky’s daughter passed away when she was a baby, he had been totally devoted to her and every year on her birthday, he went all out trying to make it the best one ever.
 About a month ago, Tony’s daughter Morgan had a mermaid themed party; complete with a woman dressed as a mermaid. Bucky’s daughter Rebecca had totally raved about it and with her own birthday coming up, he made a note to take one of the business cards with him.
 The moment Bucky walked into the building, he was in awe. The front of the store was full of costumes, dolls, plushies, pirate treasure chests, fairy wings and wands... every kind of fantasy item a child could possibly want and a lot of it looked handmade. Out the back, he could hear squealing and laughter. A party in progress, perhaps?
 “Good afternoon, welcome to Childhood Dreams. How may I help you?” the receptionist asked.
 “Hi. I’m looking to book a party? It’s for my daughter...”
 “I see. Well, before booking a party, you’ll need to make an appointment with Y/N. She likes to customise her parties to the client. She’s currently doing a performance but if you’re happy to wait, she’ll be done soon...”
 “I can wait...”
 “Great. Follow me please...”
 Bucky followed the receptionist into the back. There was a pirate party taking place with all the children dressed up as pirates. There were props and decorations keeping in tone with the theme and an incredible cake. On the stage up the front was the same woman who had played the part of the mermaid at Morgan’s party, this time she was a pirate, enacting a mighty swordfight with another actor. She really put her all into the performance.
 Bucky watched her for a moment before the receptionist pulled him along and guided him to an office along the side. The inside of the office was just as cheerful and childlike as the rest of the place. The desk was lined with small trinkets. Along the walls were various photographs of the woman in different costumes. A princess, a fairy, a friendly witch... there was a costume for every occasion. Bucky was in the middle of admiring them when the door opened and the subject from the photos stepped in.
 “You must be the gentleman wanting a party,” she smiled, taking off her hat and eye patch before sitting at her desk and encouraging him to take a seat. “I’m Y/N.”
 “Yes, that’s right. My name is Bucky and I’m looking to do a birthday party for my daughter Rebecca,” he said, getting his phone out to show her a picture.
 Y/N smiled at the photo of the little girl who was dressed as a princess.
 “Tell me about Rebecca. I take it she’s a princess fan?”
 Bucky’s face lit up as he spoke about his little girl. Everything that she loved about princesses and fairytales, down to her favourite colours, animals and mythical creatures.
 “I’m probably rambling now...”
 “No, no, I think it’s sweet to see a father so dedicated to his daughter. Let me show you a few of our packages,” she smiled.
 Y/N logged into her tablet to show him a few of the princess themed parties they offered. Bucky looked through the options before deciding on a fantasy type one with princesses, wizards and all things in that vein.
 “Will you be having the party here or elsewhere?”
 “I think home would be best... unless... here would be better? I don’t know...”
 “Some children feel more comfortable on home base and some like going out. It’s really up to you. My job is to give your child the best possible experience...”
 Bucky nodded slowly and thought.
 “She might like a party in her own backyard...”
 “That’s totally fine. I’ll need to visit ahead of time just so I can work on a setup. Now, will you be providing your own cake? If not, I can recommend an excellent bakery.”
 “A family friend agreed to make the cake,” Bucky replied.
 Y/N nodded and jotted down a few notes.
 “What about food?”
 “Yes, we’ll be making our own food too.”
 Y/N nodded again and wrote down a few more notes. After agreeing on a price, a date and time to meet, his address and the date of the party, Bucky started heading out the door.
 “One more thing...”
 Bucky turned to look at her.
 “I like to ask our clients how they found out about our business...”
 “A while ago, you threw a mermaid party for a friend of mine’s daughter. Rebecca couldn’t stop talking about it for days after that...”
 Y/N smiled fondly.
 “I see... well, I guess I’ll see you when I come to do my inspection. Goodbye, Bucky.”
 As Bucky left the office, he could feel his heart fluttering like it hadn’t done in a long time. Ever since his wife’s passing, Bucky hadn’t even looked at another woman. Well, he had looked but he had always been so busy taking care of Rebecca, he didn’t really have time to be pursuing women. Sure on occasion, he would go on a blind date now and then and Steve would babysit but that would be the extent of it. Bucky thought for sure his dating life was over but talking to Y/N just now... it gave him a lot of hope.
 Time went by and eventually the day arrived when you went to meet Bucky at his place. Bucky greeted you at the door with a smile and ushered you inside. Smiling, you looked around the place. Pictures of Bucky’s life lined the walls and shelves. Photos of him with friends but most of them were of his little girl. One thing you noticed was the lack of pictures of the girl’s mother. There were a few of her before having the child but not many after.
 “So, um... what do you need to see?”
 “You mentioned a backyard?” you said, referring back to the interview you had a few days ago.
 Bucky nodded and showed you the way. First, you scoped out the best place to conduct your performance then took out your measuring tape to size up the props you might need. As you worked, Bucky could see the gears turning in your head.
 “Do you go out to different locations a lot?” Bucky asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
 “Not a lot but it’s always fun when we do.”
 “How long have you been in business?”
 “It’s taken me about ten years to get it off the ground. It’s only been gaining popularity in the last year or so...”
 “Wait, so you own Childhood Dreams?”
 “Sure do. You see, I always believed childhood should be about fun and games before going onto the drudgery of adulthood. And I help out local business in the process. Most of the items available for purchase were made by local artists. I’m always willing to lend a hand when they need it. That’s why I ask about food. There’s a small bakery a few blocks from the building we’re located who does the most beautiful cakes...”
 You suddenly were interrupted by something brushing up against your leg. Looking down, you saw the most adorable white cat.
 “Why, hello there. Aren’t you a cutie?” you cooed, bending down to pat the snowy feline.
 “This is Alpine. Rebecca is just crazy about her. She’s been a really big help ever since...” Bucky paused, feeling a lump in his throat and tears well up in his eyes.
 Alpine trotted over to him and purred as he picked her up.
 “Sorry. It’s just... ever since my wife passed when Rebecca was a baby; I’ve wanted to give her the best life possible. I try to give equal amounts of time between her so she can look up to me and work so she has the best things in life...”
 You went over and gave him a hug.
 “You’re a good man, Bucky. I’ve been in this business long enough to tell the devoted parents from the off-standers. Just by spending a few minutes with you, I already know that you love your daughter and think the world of her. Just make sure you spend a few moments taking care of yourself, okay? It doesn’t have to be much, just enough so you feel good too.”
 Bucky gave you a soft smile, knowing that you were right. Everyone had told him as such but sometimes, it’s harder to take advice from the people closest to you.
 “Can I get you anything to drink?” he offered.
 “Actually, I should get going. I’ve got a children’s charity event I need to get ready for. It’s been really nice seeing you again, Bucky. I guess the next time I see you will be for your daughter’s party.”
 “See you then,” Bucky smiled.
 He couldn’t wait for the party.
 Finally, the day of Rebecca’s birthday arrived. Bucky had spent the night before busily transforming his humble home into a castle fit for a princess. He wanted everything to be perfect for his little girl’s special day, buying the most glittery, ruffled princess dress for her to wear, complete with a sparkly tiara. Bucky himself hired a prince costume and even managed to obtain a kitty sized dragon costume for Alpine.
 Bucky spent the morning cooking, starting with a plate of pancakes for breakfast before moving onto the finishing touches on the food for the party. He had most of it prepared already but some of it needed heating.
 The first to arrive was Wanda with her twin boys who were both in costume. The boys instantly ran over to play with Rebecca while Wanda was left holding the cake she had made along with her purse and the present she had bought. Bucky rushed over to help her with the items and after exchanging greetings and pleasantries, she showed his the cake.
 It was everything Bucky could have ever hoped for and more. The cake was purple with ice cream cones decorated like castle turrets, topped with little princess and unicorn figurines and the words ‘Happy Birthday, Rebecca’ written in icing along with the age she was turning. Little pink flowers were piped along the sides.
 “Thank you so much, Wanda. Becca’s just going to love it.”
 “You’re welcome,” she smiled, giving him a hug.
 Soon after Wanda’s arrival was Steve and Peggy with their child followed by Tony, Pepper and Morgan, Sam with his kid and it wasn’t long before all the party guests had arrived. The adults all mingled while the children played together happily. Right on time, Y/N arrived with her scene partner in full costume. She was wearing a knight costume while her partner (whom she introduced as Phil) was dressed as an ‘evil’ wizard. Bucky settled the kids in front of the makeshift stage and let the performance begin.
 Y/N started by introducing herself as a knight dedicated to Princess Rebecca.
 “That’s me!” Rebecca squealed in delight, jumping to her feet and clapping.
 Y/N knelt down to be level with her, crossing her right arm over her chest in a salute.
 “I vow to protect you from the evils of the kingdom.”
 Suddenly, Phil jumped out of his hiding place.
 “Mwa-ha-ha! I am an evil wizard and I am here to change all the cakes into broccoli!”
 Bucky thought he was laying it on a little thick but there was a wave of horrified gasps from the kids.
 “Not so fast, evil wizard! We will defeat you! Kids, if I’m going to beat him, I’m going to need your help...”
 Y/N and Phil made an amazing pair. While Y/N encouraged the children and even a few of the parents to join in, Phil played off their reactions until he was ‘defeated’.
 “You win! I will change my evil ways and use my powers for good!” he dramatically cried.
 The children all cheered and clapped. The two actors took a bow and started to pack up as Bucky announced it was time for cake. The kids all raced over to where the cake was being brought out.
 “Would you two like to stay for cake?” Bucky offered.
 Phil looked at Y/N for permission, a hopeful glint in his eye.
 “Sure. We have some time before our next appointment,” she smiled. Phil gave a big, childlike grin.
 Once everyone had sung Happy Birthday to Rebecca and she had blown out the candles, the cake was served out. Steve approached Bucky.
 “Hey, man. How are you doing?”
 “A bit tired but seeing the smile on that little girl’s face makes it all worth it,” he softly sighed.
 Steve followed Bucky’s gaze to where Rebecca was talking animatedly to Y/N. He could tell the smile on her face was genuine and not just for show. This was a person who loved their job and loved children.
 “Is that the same Y/N you’ve been going on about all week?”
 “I haven’t been talking about her that much...”
 Steve gave him an incredulous look.
 “You know, it’s okay to like her. Why don’t you ask her out?”
 “What about Rebecca?”
 “Peggy and I can look after her while you go out on date. You deserve to be happy too...”
 Bucky thought about it for a while and headed over to Y/N and Rebecca.
 “Daddy, daddy! Y/N was the mermaid at Morgan’s party! She’s magical...” Rebecca was absolutely smitten with the woman.
 “I see... Can I talk Y/N alone for a minute? Then you can open presents,” he smiled.
 Rebecca giggled and hugged his leg before running off to play with her friends.
 “She’s a darling,” Y/N warmly smiled.
 “She is... Listen, Y/N... I was wondering... if you’re not busy tomorrow night... if maybe you’d like to have dinner with me...”
 “Like a date?”
 Bucky’s face flushed.
 “I mean, if you want it to be...”
 Y/N kissed his cheek.
 “I’d like that. How about 7:00 at the restaurant around the from the Childhood Dreams building. They do an amazing meal...”
 “Sounds perfect,” he smiled.
 This was one the best days of Bucky’s life. Not only did he pull off the perfect party for his daughter but he took a step back into the dating world with an incredible woman who somehow stole his heart.
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free-pancakes · 3 years
the commander’s voice
LeviHan - a canonverse oneshot
Characters: Levi, Hange, Onyankopon, Jean, Armin, Sasha, Mikasa
Summary: Onyankopon gifts Hange a vinyl record player from Marley, and Levi uses it to help the dear Commander find a small moment of respite among her stressful duties.
Notes: Hange has been really sad lately in the anime, so here's a happy Hange oneshot. The song Hange sings is called “Mrs." by Leon Bridges
crossposted to AO3
The Commander’s Voice
Hange gripped her fingers gently around small cup of tea in her hands—she smiled softly as the warmth caressed her fingertips and the earthy aroma tickled her nose. She took a small sip, and stole a quick glance at Levi, searching for signs of his approval.
A tiny flicker in his warm, grey eyes signaled his liking. To everyone else in the room, Levi maintained an unreadable glare, but Hange knew better. She playfully tapped his foot with her own, with a sly smile plastered on her face. Levi returned the gesture with a swift kick to her shin.
Hange was already accustomed to arguing under the table like this, and quickly bit her tongue to keep herself from yelping out in pain. She quietly grumbled as he smirked behind the cup he held up to his lips. He hated when she could see right through him like that—but he supposed it wasn’t an entirely bad skill for someone around here to have.
“Is it up to your standards, Levi? It’s only the finest tea from Marley! I only have a few boxes stashed away with me.” Onyankopon looked towards Levi earnestly for a reaction, but per usual, his genuine friendliness was met with a blank stare. Hange had convinced Onyankopon to share the tea with their little group today, hoping it would convince Levi to trust their allies a bit more, and she panicked at Levi's seemingly negative reaction.
“No, no, Onyankopon, Levi thinks it’s delightful! Thank you for sharing it with us,” Hange said with a bright smile.
Happy conversation buzzed around them in the large tent, but their table was jarringly silent. Hange, Levi, Jean, Armin, and Onyankopon had a long day of planning their strategies moving forward, but since they finished earlier than expected, they thought they’d sit together, talk, and relax a bit. Sitting and relaxing clearly wasn’t an issue, but maybe they had too little in common to really have a casual chat.
The silence gripped fiercely at Hange’s sides, and it felt as though it was trying to squeeze words out of her— it was absolutely unbearable. She had to break the silence, and at least attempt to get these socially incompetent fools to talk to each other.
“Hey Onyankopon, can you possibly tell me the name of this song? I kept hearing it play on one of your comrade’s radios a few weeks ago!” Hange closed her eyes as she tried to remember the melody, and she flawlessly hummed the tune, filling in a few lyrics that she could recall here and there. The sound resonated in her chest, and the tenseness in her shoulders relaxed as singing this song made her ridiculously happy. She wondered if it was the song that made her feel that way or if it was simply the person that seemed to permeate her thoughts whenever she hummed it to herself while working alone in her office.
She opened her eyes, and cocked her head to the side in confusion at the sight. All of Onyankopon’s Marleyan comrades around them were turned, facing their table, all eyes on her. Armin turned to look at Jean, whose jaw dropped at the sound of Hange singing, and nudged him. “Jean, come on, you’re making the Commander uncomfortable.”
“What? Levi, what is everyone—“ she shifted in her seat, embarrassed at the sudden and unwavering attention on her. Before she could see Levi’s reaction, he was standing up, glaring at everyone in the room. “Oi, what are all you nosy scumbags staring at? Have some respect for the Commander,” he hissed with a threatening tone, evoking fear in all the people in the room. The sound of talking and commotion resumed quickly, maybe even louder than before as no one wanted to further anger the formidable Levi Ackerman.
“Wait hold on a second, why did everyone just—“
“It’s because you have a beautiful voice, Hange-san, I don’t think any of us have ever heard you sing before actually…” Armin whispered softly, with a bashful, yet encouraging smile on his face.
Hange felt the blood rush to her cheeks, and she looked down at her hands, twiddled her thumbs, and let out a nervous chuckle. “Oh, I um, sorry. I guess I don’t usually do that...in public. My apologies.”
Onyankopon gently touched Hange’s hand—“I know exactly what song you referenced. Here, how about you all go get some sleep, and I’ll give you something special regarding the song in the morning, okay?” He gave her a reassuring look, and Hange felt more at ease. They saluted each other, and four Paradisians retreated to their tents for the night.
————- “Hange-san, here you go—It’s all ready for you!” Onyankopon held a large, box-shaped device in his hands, along with what looked like colorful cardboard envelopes on top of it. He set it down on the table as Hange, Armin, Levi, and Jean hovered around it.
Hange and Armin bent down to observe the object closely, opening its lid to reveal a flat surface with a small spoke in the middle, and a metal arm jutting across with a small needle on its end. The two eyed each other, both utterly fascinated at the intricate device.
“This here is a vinyl record player, and I picked out a few songs along with the one you told us about last night. I marked that one, and wrote out the lyrics for you!” he exclaimed with a grin.
Hange’s eyes glowered at the wonderful gift, and couldn’t help but give him a warm hug.
Levi walked towards the two, inserting his arm between them, cutting their embrace short. “Okay it’s time to go, Commander,” Levi said curtly as he guided her shoulder towards the horses.
“Levi, wait it’s still early, we have a lot of time to—“
“Until next time, Onyankopon,” he muttered with a glare and gave a half-hearted salute. He grumbled as he hurried Hange away, while she tried to wave back at Onyankopon. Armin and Jean looked at each other trying to stifle laughter at the scene—Armin took the record player and vinyls, and nodded at Onyankopon. “Sorry about that sir, I assume you already know how that goes...”
“Yeah, the Captain’s pretty protective over Hange-san, isn’t he?”
“Yeah you could say that,” Jean said with a small laugh. He waved goodbye, and the two hurried towards the horses, as it seemed Levi and Hange were already set to leave.
————- Levi sipped at the tea Onyankopon sent them home with. He sat alone at a table, listening to the 104th crew talk and laugh animatedly a few tables away, bickering and yelling as they finished up their dinner. He hated to admit how relaxed he felt seeing them having fun like that—it reminded him a lot of how he, Hange, Erwin, Mike, and Nanaba used to be with each other years ago. He sighed and stood up with purpose—Hange skipped dinner again. He brought a sandwich with him as he silently slipped out of the mess hall and made his way to the Commander’s office.
He saw the glowing light spilling into the hallway through the slightly cracked-open door, and pushed it—he was met with bright light, both literally and figuratively. He looked at Hange busy writing, not even noticing him walk in and close the door.
He gently slid the sandwich towards her, and she slightly jumped in her seat, startled. “You gotta warn me when you walk in sometimes, yknow??”
“Eat, and meet me outside. The usual spot.”
“I have a lot of work to finish up! I don’t think I can take a break right now—“
Levi placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed, his eyes softening as he stared into hers. She returned his gaze, and he didn’t need to say a word for her to understand. She gave in.
“Okay, fine, fine. You’re right. It’s been awhile since I’ve taken a step back, hasn’t it...”
————- Hange stepped out into the clearing behind the barracks, the light of the moon melting over the cover the trees and illuminating the blades of grass beneath her feet. She heard a small scratching noise, and suddenly...music played. She turned the corner and saw Levi sitting on the ground with the record player. She skipped over happily and knelt down next to him. “Isn’t it amazing? You don’t have to wait on the radio for a song you like to play! You can just play the same song you like, over and over again whenever you want.” She stared at the spinning vinyl excitedly, and Levi looked at her, a tiny smile tugging at his lips. After they listened to the one song, Levi picked up the other vinyls—“Hey, so which one of these was the song you sang to us that night, the one that got that whole damn room staring at you?” Hange smiled shyly and felt herself blush. She reached over and pulled the specific record from the pile in Levi’s hands.
Inside the barracks, Jean, Armin, and Sasha walked down the back hallway on the second floor, exhausted. Suddenly, they heard...music? Jean and Armin made eye contact, and ran towards the sound. “Hey, wait up! What’s going on??” Sasha yelled. The two barged into the room where the sound was echoing through the loudest. Mikasa was sitting on her bed, folding her clothes calmly, unphased by the two breaking in. She gave them both a mostly blank stare, but a tiny hint of a questioning lingered in her gaze.
“Hey, rude! Dont just go barging into our room like that!”
“Shut up, Sasha! Listen!” Jean whispered aggressively. The calming sound filled the room through their window facing the clearing among the trees behind the barracks.
“Onyankopon said that sound is one of something called... an electric guitar?” Armin said quietly. The wonderful sound made them oddly want to sway, along with the mellow, waltzing backbeat of the drums underlying this so-called electric guitar.
“Hange-san sung this song to us at our last meeting with the ally Marleyans.”
“She...sang?” Mikasa asked, almost confused at the idea of Hange singing.
“Hold on, listen, listen!” Jean said in a hushed tone. The four of them pressed their faces up against the window, and spotted the Commander and Captain standing together out in the grass below, their figures shrouded by the white glow of the full moon.
“You really like the tea, and the record player. It was genuinely kind of him to share that with us—so why can’t you trust our allies?” Hange asked, an innocently questioning look in her eyes.
“You never know, Hange. It’s good to be a bit skeptical of them for now. But, let’s forget about that.” She felt Levi’s fingers search her skin for the ties of her medal, a symbol of her role as the Commander. He untied it, slipped it off from her neck, and placed it gently into the grass next to the record player.
“Tonight, you’re relieved of your Commander duties. Right now, you’re just Hange.” Hange lost herself in the soft grey sea dancing in his eyes, and fought back tears at Levi’s gesture, his attempt to help her feel like... feel like Hange again. The Commander role often seemed to strip her of the privilege to be simply, and unapologetically, herself.
He took her left hand, interlaced his fingers in hers, and gently placed his other hand behind her right hip. He slowly pulled her close, and she closed her eyes, finally relaxed from her duties, nearly melting in his embrace. She rested her cheek on his shoulder, and he felt even, puffs of breath from her nose on his skin—keeping him warm in the cool night breeze. He swayed her back and forth, and she followed his lead.
“Why do you like this song, anyway?”
“Because... the lyrics make me think of us a bit, Levi.”
His eyes widened at her words, and he wanted to listen closer now—and suddenly he had an idea.
“Can you sing it to me?”
Hange lifted her head abruptly, staring straight into Levi’s face. “So you did like my singing! I was wondering about that—sad I didn’t get to see your reaction.”
He was relieved she didn’t see his face in that moment—he had never felt so vulnerable. Her singing made his knees weak.
“Hmph. It wasn’t bad, four-eyes.”
The four watched the two start dancing, and when the sound of Hange quietly singing reached Sasha and Mikasa’s room, Sasha squealed in excitement. “Hey Armin, wanna dance too?” She gave him a big, goofy grin, and he agreed with a laugh. Jean turned to Mikasa, bowed slightly and reached out his hand, “May I have this dance, m’lady?” She let out a smile at his dumb little gesture, and took his hand.
They all couldn’t help but smile at the sound of their Commander’s voice along with the calming song as they swayed around the room—it was nice to forget about the weight of the world for a little bit.
She sang the whole song softly into Levi’s ear along with the record, singing one part a little louder than the rest:
“Sometimes I wonder why I went knockin' on your door. Then you come knock, knock, knockin' on mine and I remember—I remember how it felt the first few times. Skin-to-skin before you knew how to get under mine. If we get it, get it right... we'll be together for life.”
She buried her face into the crook of his neck, and he felt her lips curve into a smile against his skin.
The two heard Jean, Armin, Sasha, and Mikasa's laughter from the only window with the lights on in the barracks.
“Looks like we aren’t the only ones enjoying the night,” Hange whispered happily.
Levi smiled. “Hey, can you sing the song again for me?”
“Of course. But only if you join me!” She playfully shoved Onyankopon’s lyric sheet into his chest. Levi grumbled in reluctance, but he gave in.
They let the song replay over and over again as they continued to dance and sing to each other, late into the cool, starry night.
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pinkispoggers · 3 years
2121 | Lance Bishop x Fem!Reader
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WARNINGS: therapy and suicidal thought mentions, ALSO SMUT
Previous chapter: Questions Lead to Answers
Please Read!! Hi, so I just want to let you know that this will not be the last chapter, there will be more! And please, please, pleaseeeee (if you can) go read the Marvel Aliens Comic. It will help with the understanding of "therapist/shrink Bishop". And plus, it's good. Also Tw for Suicidal thought mentions and Therapy in general. (Also one more thing. The grammar fucking sucks (I think and I know) and none of this makes a shit bit of sense)
Words: 4.8k
When you wake up from Cryosleep, Bishop is nowhere to be found, just like you expected but you couldn't worry about him right now, you had to be on time for the next sleep, back to earth where you heard you would be hooked up with a new therapist like every marine and crew member was. You didn't exactly know why but you rolled with it.
As you were preparing to go to sleep in the second cryo, you heard a familiar voice talking and then walked in, it was Bishop, half-naked of course. He hopped into another sleeping chamber, but before his shut, he had a few last words. "Y/n, I left something in your bag…" and then he shut his lid by himself. "Something in my bag? What?" You whisper as you are being shut in, and there goes your second sleep.
You wake up… in a hospital? You suspected everyone did but you weren’t sure. You groggily sit up, trying to really see where you were. Yep, a hospital room with one nurse sitting in the back of the room, right next to you. "Hello?" You say and the nurse gets startled. "She's awake!!" The nurse called and a bunch of doctors rush in. "Woah- woah, woah, woah, what's going on…" you say tiredly. "Well, you have been in a coma for 2 days and we are going to let you go in 2 days. Is that OK with you?" "Yeah that's fine." You say, not really knowing what's going on.
The 2 days have passed and you are ready to go to your new home, a lovely little one-bedroom apartment. You get in a taxi and you are off. While you are sitting with all your things, it pops in your brain, that "thing" Bishop had given you. You can't get it now, as all your things are in the trunk of the taxi.
You arrive at the new place, feeling a little nervous, but you calm yourself. It's only 2 stories, and it's the only apparent in a few blocks. The only one you could get. You step inside. Yours is on the top floor, but stairs were all good to you. You get up there, and unlock the door.
It's beautiful! It's the perfect apartment to you. You sigh. There's a couch in the middle of the place, up against the wall, and you sit on in, grabbing your stuff and opening one of the bags. You don't know what you are looking for, but you knew you were looking for something foreign. "Aha!" You say as you found it. A chip.
"A chip?" You whisper. You get up, chip in hand and head over to your computer, in your bedroom. You plug the chip in and something pops up.
A bunch of information came up.
And other things like relations, hyperdyne information, and others you had no care about. "It's… it's you…" you say softly. He had given you a copy of himself, his system.
You wanted to start crying. You were grateful for this, but you had no way to put this to use. That was the sad part. You leave your computer open and lie down on your bed. It's not the most comfortable, but it's something. You fade off to sleep after almost 30 minutes of pondering.
The next day
You stumble out of bed, staring at the ceiling. You had almost forgot you had your first session of therapy today. To say you were nervous would be an understatement.
You left your apartment, saying goodbye to the only plant you owned, on a tiny windowsill. You called a taxi and waited out front. Every moment that passed, you spent worrying about who you would get, what you would talk about, ya know, stuff like that. The taxi arrived and you headed off, not thinking anything of the trip until you saw a sign that said: WEYLAND-YUTANI CORPS
"Ah fuck" you mutter. You really didn't like the Weyland-yutani corps cause you thought it was really fucked up. What they were doing there behind closed doors, but you held up your end as a loyal Crew Member and Science officer… like Bishop.
You get out of the car and feel the air around you, it's nice. You step into the big building, guards letting you in and escorting you to the office where you would wait for your new therapist. You fill out all of the forms you need and sit and wait.
Almost 30 minutes later someone comes out and guides you to the office and walks away without saying a word. Anxiety was tearing at your chest, you felt like you were being pulled down but then the door opened. A tall, about 5'10 man looks (up/down) at you and a shiver goes down your spine, it's a Bishop model. "Uh-" you stumble on your words. "Is something wrong?" He asks and you shake your head and walk in as he holds the door open for you.
You go to sit down at a chair across from another chair on the other side of a dark oak desk, the big Weyland-Yutani corps logo and a blue-green wallpaper all around the room. The Bishop model comes to sit down across from you and grabs a laptop from a bookshelf in the side of the room. He opens it and jots down a few notes before striking up a conversation.
"Hello miss L/n, how are you doing today?" He said and you shivered in your seat. That beautiful voice. But it wasn't like the model that you meant. "I'm fine" you said blankly, wanting to say more, like you knew him, but you didn’t. "I- I mean I'm good!!" You change your mood so he doesn't suspect anything is wrong.
"Sorry to ask again but, is there something you want to tell me, to talk about.?" He says looking up at you with beautiful eyes. "Shit, uh… well… i- this is kinda hard for me cause I knew another Bishop model. And well…" you didn't want to give all the details because you honestly didn't want anybody knowing about your sexual relationship with the synthetic. "Ah, 2 other people that I've met with have! My model seems to be popular" He smiles.
You smile gently then peer over him to see a picture of some… familiar Marines? And was that… you? "Bishop?" You ask "yes miss L/n?" He says. "Can you tell me about that photo behind you?" You ask and he nods. "Well, that's supposed to be me before my memory chip was taken out, no one knows where it is so I was transferred to the therapy unit, given a new chip, and here I am!" He put his hands in prayer position, just fingers touching.
"Do you- do you see that woman on the side?" "Yes, she kind of looks like you!" He smiles. "That's because it is! Oh Bishop, before you gave me… I mean you lost your chip, we were friends!" You smile back "oh… you are a beautiful woman miss L/n. I wish to get to know you better!" He says and you blush hard. "Same?" You blush.
You begin to talk about the things you would normally have talked about with a random person, but a little more comfortable. He asked you things like any suicidal thoughts, or any thoughts of hurting others or yourself, things like
that. You talked about your friendly relationship with Bishop and the Marines, and how you met Bishop and the others. Overall it was a comforting talk. He made you feel safe.
The end of the meeting finally came and you felt great! You found this very helpful and calming. He taps your shoulder on the way out. "I never caught your name." He says. "Y/n!" You reply. He smiles. "Such a beautiful name" and you blush. You smile at him and walk out. You felt amazing! He shuts the door behind you and you smile and blush as butterflies fill your stomach.
You walk out of the building with no care in the world. You felt free, not locked up in the Sulaco, or in your apartment, the only difference would be you could leave your apartment any time unless you felt unsafe. You sit down at the desk with your laptop and see the same stuff as yesterday. "Shit." You say as you had missed the opportunity to tell him about it.
You stare blankly at the notes, not seeing anything wrong until you scroll down the page. "What?"
"Hm?" You say as you take out the chip to inspect it and you see a tear on the side of the chip. You pay no attention to it as you need to sleep. You put it down on the table and head to your bed. You lie in your bed, thinking of him, Bishop. All the things you could have talked about, showed him. Maybe next time you can. You finally fade off to sleep.
A week later
"RING RING RING" the alarm sounds. "Oh fuck off" you reply to the ringing in your head. You slowly get up from the bed, knowing what today was. Another meeting with Bishop. That lit you up with joy. You had a great idea… probably not the best, but to you it was great. You went over to the computer, grabbed the chip and put it in your pocket. You got some clothes on and rushed outside, forgetting breakfast, as you were too excited for the day. You reach for your phone to call a Taxi and it's there within minutes.
Inside his office______________
"Hello Y/n!" He starts the conversation, which you knew could go two ways. "Hello Bishop! How are you?" You ask. "Oh i'm just fine! How are you?" He returns. "I'm good! I have something to show you!" You say as you pull the chip out of your pocket. "What could that be? He asks and then he sees it. "Hm? A chip?" He asks "mhm! Yours. It's your missing chip. Look, you're not going to remember this but you gave it to me before going into our second cryo sleep." You say shyly, feeling connected to him, but also feeling difficulty to breathe, not knowing how he is going to react.
"No, sadly I don't remember, but I am going to need that." He says, holding his ground. "Fuck. Bishop, please understand, this was basically a gift… please, please notice that." You cry. "I'm sorry Y/n, please give it here" he laments. Before you could say, or do anything else, you got an idea, and not a good one. "No." You say as you get up and walk out of the room. "Fuck fuck fuck!" You say as you start to speed walk as you see he is right behind you.
You turn a corner but he sees you. You head towards the exit of the back rooms. He follows and you run out of the exit, hiding behind a side wall. You grab your phone and call a Taxi. Within 5 minutes it's here and you bold out from behind the wall, Bishop watching from behind. He just stands there, knowing you are going to try to get away, but he has a task that he needs to fulfill. Getting that chip. You hop in the car and you are off.
A few minutes later you are close to your house but you see a car behind you. You are in the back seat of the taxi, so you can easily turn around but you already knew who it was. It’s been a few more minutes and you knew it was him because why would anyone be following you this long? You reach your apartment and say thank you to the already worried driver and run in before Bishop could get out of his car.
"Shiiiit" you whisper as you run up the stairs, looking out for him through the space between the railing and he's already there, about to come up the stairs. He looks up into your eyes and a chill rolls down your spine. You run into your apartment, making sure he saw which one it was. You leave the door wide open and run into the closet across from your bedroom. Your bedroom door is shut and you hope he thinks you're in there. "Y/n?" He calls and you giggle.
You guessed he heard you because you could hear footsteps coming to the bedroom door. You slowly walk towards the inside of the closet door, plotting how you are going to go through with this. You know about Weyland-yutani synthetics and most of their anatomy. You remembered that there is a slot in his neck and you have to be careful because it could damage him if you are too rough. You plan it out within the next few seconds. You burst out.
You grab hold of his neck and wrap one leg around his torso. You're eying the slot behind his ear, barely covered by his ear. You snatch it out before he has time to react and you grab the other chip from your pocket as the other falls to the ground. You shove it in the slot and just before he can lay a hand on you, his
arms drop to his sides and you jump off of him backing away into the corner of the room as he turns around.
He's seeming to scan the room and then his beautiful eyes lock with yours. "Y/n?" He says and you nod happily. "How? How did you get me? Ho-" he said as you cut him off with a hug "doesn't matter, I missed you Bishop" you hop up to kiss him but he pushes you off. "Bishop?" "Sorry Y/n, something happened, I'm not sure what it is" He walks out of the room to go sit down on the couch in the living room, just leaving you in the closet. "What the fuck?" You whisper to yourself. He did not just do that, you thought.
You walk out of the closet slowly and walk over to the couch to sit next to him, to see if you could make things a little less awkward. "Hey… are you ok?" You ask softly. "No actually. Something in my system is off. I'm trying to figure out what it is at the moment. Sorry for any discomfort that I may have caused back there." He said unsure of himself, but you could tell that he knew what he did back there and that he was sorry. You easily forgave him and tried to sit beside him on the couch.
You try to get closer to him and he let's you. You rest your head on his shoulder and he pushes you off, again.
"Bishop? What's wrong, you weren't like this before." "Again, I'm sorry Y/n something in me is twitchy. I'm trying to resolve the problem right now." He says, staring into space. "Your chip?" You ask, remembering the warning on the computer screen when you plugged it in. "Maybe, do you think it's damaged?" He asks "well I was looking at it yesterday and it had a tear in on the side.
I could try to repair it? You say and he nods. "Can I?" You ask as your hand reaches up to his neck and he nods. But before you could take it out, a large hand hovered over your neck, then softly grabbing it and pulling you closer to him. He kisses you, pulling you in, gripping your hair, or what he could grab. You missed this, you missed this greatly, and you never wanted it to end but it had to, you knew it was a glitch. You reached your hand up to the back of his neck and behind his ear and pulled the chip out.
He went blank, and you pulled away from him, looking at his glassy eyes. You hop up from where you're sitting, making sure he's ok, and you walk to your room. You inspect the tear on the chip and try to push it together but nothing is working. "Fuck" you mutter. You go over to get the glue from the corner of the table. You had a gut feeling you would fuck it up even more, but you only wanted him back and that's what was driving you.
You smeared the glue around the crack and smushed it together with little force but it stayed and your mood lightened, honestly thinking this was gonna work. You ran to the living room, excited for this to work. You hopped on the couch, Indian style in front of him and hugged his lifeless, synthetic body. You reached over and gently plugged the chip into the socket and he awoke.
As he began to blink, he started to gaze around the room until he found you. "Y/n, did it work?" He asks. His first words since you put the chip in. "I think it did!" You shake happily. He leans in for I kiss and you happily kiss him. It doesn't last long but it's something alright!. He gets up from the couch without warning and goes to the kitchen. "What are you doing Bishop?" You ask and he looks back at you and winks. "Hm…" you whisper to yourself and turn on the TV.
A few minutes later
Your favorite show is on and you are comfortable where you are at. Bishop strides into the room with a plate in hand. "Awww… you didn’t have to!" You say and he nods gently. "Well, you have helped me and now I shall give you something back." He says and you blush. He walks over to you to give you your favorite food. "How did you know this was my favorite?" "I have no clue, but I do know how to cook and make some things." He laments and you smile widely as you take the plate and dig in.
As you finish your meal, he is hooked to the TV screen. "It's a good show isn't it?" You laugh as his eyes are wide open, barely
blinking. "Oh my gods Bishop, you are hooked," you say as you lean onto his shoulder. He doesn't stop you this time and you smile. "A very good show" He murmurs. "I know right. I'm obsessed with it." You say and he chuckles. His hand reaches to your leg and gently glides up and down. "Oh Bishop let's move this to the bedroom." You smirk "Oh? Alright," He picks you up in bridal style.
You gasp but you are ok with it. When you reach the bedroom, he lets you down onto the bed slowly. He unbuttons his shirt and throws It aside. You reach to take of your shirt but he's already there, ripping it off with no hesitation. "Bishop- that was one of my favorite shirts," you say, a little angry. "My apologies Y/n'' he says as he kisses you deeply and you kiss him back. "Apology accepted" you smile on his lips. He takes one breast in hand and fondles with it slowly. "Oh…" you moan and he smiles and pushes his tongue against your teeth and you let him in.
Before you could do anything else, he pulls off of you and pulls his pants and boxers down and you see him. All of him. Fully hard, pressed against your leg. He slowly pulls down your pants and underwear in one and he sees all of you. You smile nervously and he nods. "I won't judge, I've seen you before, remember?" He says and you nod. His large hands push your legs apart and pushes you up to the bed frame, holding you up 4 inches above the bed, arms wrapped around your torso so you don't fall.
He starts a trail of kisses up your leg and you shake a little, knowing what he is going to do. He reaches your sex. "Is this ok?" He asks and with a quiet "mhm" his tongue delves into your folds and you let out a gasp. His tongue circles around your clit slowly and your knees shake. One of your hands reaches over to grip his hair and the other, to grip the sheets for support. His slow circles got faster until you couldn’t take it anymore. you're shuddering, and quivering under him.
"Bishop… oh! I'm gonna-" he cuts you off applying the perfect amount of pressure to your clit and you explode with pleasure. "Ah-AH!!" You scream, knowing you have neighbors but you couldn't give a shit right now. Your chest is rising and falling as you are still in his arms, coming down from your high. "B- Bishop… you're too good for me" you laugh and he rises from your heat and smiles.
He sets you down on the bed gently and grips the sides of your waist. His cock is even closer to your pussy than before. You move your hips closer to his stomach and he takes the hint as he lines himself up with your entrance. You moan out for him to continue and as soon as you know it, his tip is in, letting you adjust to his size. "Please" you moan with soft eyes looking into his. With a snap of his hips, his cock is all the way in you, and you scream out his name.
"Are you ok with this?" He asks. "Mhm!" You say, holding back tears. He slowly starts to thrust and he leans down on you and buries his head in your neck. everything that is coming out of his mouth are moans and grunts. Your eyes roll back into your head and your head is chin up. "You're doing- s- so good." You call out. He smiles, leaving a trail of kisses up your neck as one hand makes it to your neck and grips it lightly. He speeds up his pace and the pain quickly turns into pleasure.
You wrap your arms around him as he's pumping in and out of you, your nails digging into his back, feeling around it but also trying to get a grip on him. He sucks on the skin of your neck, leaving a light bruise there, and you moan softly. As he's pounding into you, you notice that the bed frame is wiggling out of place but you couldn't care less. Every thrust is hitting your G Spot and a single tear falls down your face.
One of his hands reaches down to your clit, while the other tightens around your neck slightly, to a comfortable position. "Ah! Bishop!!" You yell out and his thumb speeds up against your clit. Your legs begin to shake, and your hand grips the sheets. He grunts loudly, and his thrusting speeds to an unhuman pace and you are in a heaven on earth. You are moaning
his name, quite loud but you didn’t care if anyone heard.
"D- don't stop" you moan out and he grunts as he pounds harder into you, a finger faster around your clit. His thrusts were getting sloppier and sloppier as he began to grunt even more. With one more thrust came a loud "CRACK" from the back board of the bed frame. You couldn't think straight with all the pleasure coursing through your veins, making you feel ecstasy."f- fuck… the bed frame!" You say bet he shushes you. "Im- i- im-" you try to make out but he whispers in your ear "Please do my love." As he applies more pressure to your clit. And you cum violently around his cock, moaning his name, and scratching his back wildly.
As you are cumming around him, a hot liquid shoots into you and you quiver under him one last time. He falls on top of you, not too harshly, but hard enough to make you squeak. You try your best to push him off of you but he won't budge. He finally notices he might be hurting you and pushes himself up. Right before he could say something, or smile even, you pushed him off of you, and under you. "Y/n?" He smirked and you positioned yourself over his cock, hovering on top of it, looking into his cow eyes.
"I'm not done, Bishop" you sigh and smile, a little self conscious but you knew he wouldn't judge. You moan as you lower yourself onto him and his head flies back onto the pillow and he lets out a low groan. You position yourself so that you are sturdy enough to start moving. You start to move up and down on him and he grabs hips gently. He's helping you move on him and you start to smile, one hand playing with your clit, and the other on his soft chest.
"Oh!" You shout and he grunts, you assume to speed up, so you do. He's moving his hips to the rhythm of your pumps. You flung your head back, do to all the pleasure and body heat emitting off of you and him. Every thrust he made would send you into a galaxy full of stars that you've never seen before. The pace was perfection; The strength was immaculate; The feelings that you felt were like nothing you had ever experienced before, and all you could think about was hoping this moment never ended. He's perfect. He's lifting you up and down his shaft and everything goes numb for a second but you are holding on perfectly.
You look into his eyes as he looks back into them with a gleam in his. You keep a stare on him while he's making you feel like you could explode. You rock your fingers around your clit even faster than before. You are a moaning and panting mess above him, but you held eye contact with him until you couldn't see straight anymore. "Im- MPF," you say as you pulse around his cock, cumming for the last time. As your walls are gripping his length, his legs are slightly convulsing under you. He left you buzzed. You wondered if he could actually feel something, or what it was like for him.
As you are coming down from your high, he's trying his best to sit up. He does and hugs you while you are still on him. You breathe hot against his neck, panting, and slowly letting go of your grip on him. He begins to massage your scalp; it feels amazing. Then without warning, he lifts you off of him and you gasp. He sets you down beside him and you get under the sheets but he just lies there. You snuggle close to him and he stretches one arm around you and you bury your head into his underarm.
"Hey bishop…" you say and he turns his head your way "How did you emit that much heat when I was riding you?" You ask and he chuckles "Ok, so let me make it simple; it's kind of like when a computer heats up because there is too much going on in the system processor, or anything else that would make it slower or heated." He says with a wide smile. "Oh… was I overheating you?! I'm so sorry!" You cry but he laughs again "no, it's not your fault, it's all the energy building together in me." He says and you connect the dots after a second. "Wait, wait, wait, so you're telling me-" you say but he cuts you off with a nod.
"Yes, when I participate in sexual activities, such as intercourse, my system will
create sudden bursts of energy. It does not hurt me but I do feel it. It's… pleasuring, so I can produce a human-like orgasm." He laughs once more. His laugh is so sweet. "Wait, so have you ever Masturbated before?" You ask and he nods "Yep, multiple times. Just to feel something, anything really. It's not a required function, it's just something I do to "feel good,"" He answers. You thought it was quite sad that he only did that to feel, but it also made you glad that he could actually do something like that, to take care of himself, his body, like that.
He slowly sits upright on the bed and you frown "What's wrong?" You ask and he shakes his head. "Nothing, I just don't sleep." He says firmly and you forget he's a synthetic for a split second. "Well, what are you going to do all night?" You ask. "I think I might watch that show and make you something in the morning." He smiles and you yawn "I'd like that very much." You smile back, hugging him one last time before laying back down and heading off to sleep.
Tag list: (I heard you were really interested!) @soggy-enchilada :)
30 notes · View notes
kyoonqs · 4 years
iluso amor ; third part.
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↬ summary: Cora has always considered herself elusive, easy to bore and adventurous to the last fiber of her body. One day for no apparent reason, she appears in front of the manager of a globetrotting circus passing through the city where she is temporarily staying to fill her life with magic. Baekhyun, as serious as he is handsome, has no intention of playing a role other than on the main canvas of the circus. He decides to separate Cora from her life of fantasies created by her travels and sets out to show her reality as raw and cruel as he knows it. Or so he believes.
Will time run out too quickly before love and passion devour him and he decides to risk everything for a love that lasts… Forever?
↬ pairing: baekhyun x cora fem!reader.
↬ circus!au ; illusionist!baek x hitchhiker!oc ; strangers to lovers au!
↬ genre: fluff ; romance ; angst ; drama.
↬ length: 9.2 k words.
↬ tag list: @changshapatrol @spacebyuns @fluffyhunnie @soos-goddess @hoho-cham @shadoukiti @sunbyun21​ @mangobaek​ @suhotly​ @pororodks​ @bbhbae​ @blahblahblah-boo @leewalberg​ @byunsbobobu​ @endzii23​ @taeilpathic​
If you’d like to be tagged for future chapters, please let me know!
↬ masterlist.
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When Cora left the trailer in that afternoon, she bumped into a young woman with shiny golden skin, dark hair, and a very pretty, contagious rectangular smile. She recognized her as Talia, she was a member of the group that performed acrobatic skills using various elements from ribbons to hoops and balls. From the moment she saw her, Cora could read how transparent she was and dared to say that she was surely the sweetest young woman in the whole circus.
The girl introduced herself and without losing her smile she brushed her hair behind her shoulders. Cora returned the greeting with a cordial smile of her own, as she caught sight of  another woman approaching. The woman, dressed in black baggy pants and an oversized shirt came up and introduced herself as Ramona. Cora instantly recognized her as one of the women who had entered the arena on the back of one of the horses. Her casual clothes made Cora feel overdressed. She'd wanted to look good on her first day at the box office; for this she had put on an ivory silk blouse with black leggings instead of the jeans and the outlet shirt that Baekhyun had insisted on buying her in a shop window they had passed before settling in Fraga.
“Cora is Baekhyun's girlfriend, she joined us in Monzón.” Said Talia, who seemed increasingly happy with the news.
“I already heard the news. How lucky you are. Man doesn’t have a single particle of waste in his body.” Ramona replied.
Cora opened her mouth to tell them that she was just showing up for work, that she was definitely not his girlfriend but she snapped it shut when Ramona interrupted her with: “Algeria is going to have a fit when she gets back.”
“Actually... I applied for this job because of the vacancy, I didn't know Baekhyun before and I don't think he's interested in me either.” Cora felt embarrassed. She didn't want these girls to get a bad impression of either her or Baekhyun in the first conversation.
“Vacancy? The positions were filled by the time flyers were posted and besides we only needed male performers. Are you sure he has no interest in you?” Talia looked in bewilderment to Ramona, who only shrugged her shoulders with an apology that she had to leave.
Cora was going to investigate a little more, considering the girl's words had given her a lot to think about but she was in a hurry to get to the box office in time.
“I guess I’d better go. It was nice meeting you.” She waved goodbye and headed toward the locker trailer, mentally correcting herself that the place was to be called “The Red Wagon” shortly before. Baekhyun had told her the circus lockers were always called that, no matter the color.
Despite its name, the locker was pale in color. Dotted with a handful of colored stars, it showcased a hanging blackboard with prices according to age and number of family members.
In contrast to the cheerful exterior, the interior was dull and cluttered. A battered steel desk sat in front of a small sofa piled high with stacks of newspapers. There were mismatched chairs, an old filing cabinet, and a radio. Baekhyun was sitting behind the desk, with a calculator in one hand and a clipboard in the other. A single glance at his stormy face told Cora that Baekhyun hadn't had a good day so far.
Baekhyun stood up and gestured for her to follow him, leading her to the window at the side of the trailer to explain the procedure in a soft voice. It was very simple and Cora learned it immediately.
“I'll check every penny and make sure you don't lose sight of the fundraiser for a minute. The circus is on the brink of ruin, we cannot afford to lose money.”
“Of course I won't. I’m not stupid.” She held her breath, feeling that he would deny it, but Baekhyun concentrated on unlocking the hinge on the window. He accompanied her while she dispatched the first clients to make sure she was doing it right, and when he saw that she had no problems, he announced he was leaving.
“Are you going to the caravan?” she asked.
“I'll go when I have to get dressed. Why?”
“I left it somewhat scrambled.” She had to get back to the trailer before he saw the mess. When she started cleaning, she should have saved the cabinets for last, but wanting to scrub thoroughly, she had emptied the shelves to clean them first. The cabinets were clean now, but she hadn't had the time to put everything back and as a result, there wasn't a single surface in the trailer that wasn't occupied by something: clothing, tools, or an alarming pile of whips.
“I swear I’ll pick up everything as soon as I finish here, don’t worry if things are out of place.” Cora said hastily. 
Baekhyun simply nodded, leaving her alone. 
The next few hours passed without incident. Cora liked chatting with people looking to buy tickets and many of the circus employees made excuses to stop by and satisfy their curiosity about her –she guessed they were curious after the information Talia had given her, that they had all assumed she was there for other reasons, very dissociated from work–. 
She recognized some of the men tending the stalls: clowns and several members of a group that performed equestrian numbers. She couldn’t shake the feeling that some of the girls were hiding their jealousy over the rumor floating around that she had managed to “catch” Byun Baekhyun. She appreciated the covert gesture. It gave her a glimmer of hope. Maybe things would work out after all.
Only after the second performance had begun was Cora able to leave the box office to watch Baekhyun perform. She hoped that watching the show again would dilute the shock she'd experienced the night before but she found his performance even more impressive. Where had he learned to do these things?
It wasn’t until the performance ended that Cora recalled the re-ordering she had yet to take care of back at the caravan. She rushed back to the living accommodations and was preparing to open the door when Talia called out to her.
“Come on Cora, I want to show you something.” She closed the trailer door quickly, before Talia could see the mess inside. The young woman took her arm and led her through the line of caravans. To the left she could see the emcee talking to Baekhyun as the workers stacked bleachers.
They rounded the last caravan, and Cora gasped in surprise to see many of the performers, still in performance clothing, around a folding table with a rectangular cake on top. Laia, the girl she had met before, was near the cake, along with Ramona, Fionn –if she remembered her name correctly– and her group of aerialists, various clowns and many other employees she had encountered.
Grinning widely, the emcee pushed Baekhyun forward and Talia raised her hands like a conductor. “Attention everyone, let’s all welcome Cora!” She was speechless.  These people hardly knew her but here they were, extending a friendly hand to her. After spending months away from her family –not to complain of the wonderful travels– she took pleasure in the intimacy of this moment. At this impromptu gathering of future friends, she felt as if her family were welcoming her at the airport, with bright smiles and cheeks numb with happiness. Cora weighed the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes.
“Thank you. The cake looks delicious. I bet everyone wants a slice.” Cora glanced at Baekhyun, who had a lopsided smile on his face, surely trying to hide it. Even if they had only spent the last 24 hours together, she was beginning to grow familiar with his expressions. 
Cheeks burning –somewhat embarrassed– Cora walked up to the folding table, grabbed a knife, and began to slice the cake into neat squares. Someone ordered one of the men to turn the radio dial to a happy station. After all, what was a celebration without dance? 
When Cora had distributed the last of her cake, she watched as a tall boy with dark hair and round, shiny eyes like coins approached Talia. He looked hesitant but still held out his hand and she took it kindly. Guiding her to the center of an improvised dance floor, he then took her by the hips. Both of them mirrored a smile that could only have one explanation and Cora imagined how nice it would be nice to have company like that. In that moment, she thought of how Baekhyun had stroked her cheek the night before and turned to look for him, feeling disappointed when she found no sign of him.
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For the next several hours, while the circus was being dismantled for the next town, Cora set about putting everything back into the cabinets. She was filled with a sense of despair that left her hardly able to stand upright but she kept working nonetheless.
The leggings she was wearing were completely dirty and the blouse was sticking to her skin but she didn't care. The little impromptu party and cake had been a small blessing to her but the fact that Baekhyun left the place sooner than she would have thought possible gave her the impression that all the hope she was gathering would only bring her a headache in the future. And she hoped it was just like that.
When Baekhyun entered the caravan shortly after midnight it still looked as messy as when Cora had first arrived. In the morning he’d found out that the circus was supposed to pay more taxes than expected. Afterwards he’d found out his boss would be back soon and with it the idea of receiving more tasks than he already had didn’t sit well and finally... he hadn't been able to get Cora out of his head. And it frightened him to such an extent that he had transformed the unfamiliar feeling into anger.
Although Cora had cleaned and organized the cupboards, she hadn't had the time or energy to do anything else. He rested his hands on his hips and examined the dirty furniture, the dusty tabletop, and the remnants of the cake the artists had insisted she take.
“I thought you were going to clean this up but I see that it’s still just as dirty.”
“The closets are clean. And I washed everything in the sink.” She said through clenched teeth, indifferently.
“Who cares about closets? Don't you know how to do anything right? You don't know anything about real life, do you, Cora? You're here for work, not to get thrown from one place to another for free. From now on, try to think of others, not just yourself.”
Cora's eyes stung as she tried not to cry. Without thinking, she picked up the cake with one hand and tossed it at him. He spread his hands automatically to stop her from throwing it at him, but it wasn't fast enough. The cake hit him on the shoulder and fell apart into a thousand pieces. She watched as the mess, bits of cake and icing flew everywhere. A sticky white substance splattered on Baekhyun's hair, eyebrows, and even eyelashes. Chunks of chocolate that had stuck to his jaw fell onto the shoulder of his shirt. Cora's nonchalance disappeared when she saw him turn red. He was going to kill her. He tried to wipe his eyes as he moved toward her. Cora got out of his way and, taking advantage of Baekhyun's temporary blindness, ran out the door.
She looked around frantically, searching for a safe place to hide. The circus had been dismantled. The smaller tents were closed and most of the trucks had left. She tripped over a bush and ended up taking refuge in a narrow space between two vans. Her heart beat hard against her ribs. What had she done? Had she completely lost her sanity? What if the emcee's introduction wasn't just about a lack of rationality and psychological logic? Could it be that the man's attractiveness had robbed her of her sanity so much that her heart already belonged to him? Was she going to go crazy because of love?
She hated arguing, irrespective of the person and the reason they might have, Cora had never been one to lose her temper so easily. She knew how to listen carefully. She thought before giving an answer and only if it suited her did she open her mouth. But at that moment she had acted with her heart. 
Cora hugged herself, repeating that she was a fool for having too white a heart, for allowing herself to give so many opportunities to people who had rejected her in the first instance, and above all for believing that she had the ability to make a difference in their lives.
She winced at the sound of a man's voice and slid deeper into the shadows, crashing into something solid and human. An alarm went off in her head. She turned around, unable to bear it any longer. Turning, she found a warm fortress behind her and knew she had found a sanctuary. Then she felt something rough under her cheek. The events, the fear, the exhaustion and all the –distressing– changes in her life over the past two days overwhelmed her and she burst into tears.
Baekhyun's hand was surprisingly soft as he took her chin, forcing her to face him. Cora looked up at him. Still stained with cake and icing sugar, he looked fierce and magnificent. She realized that she feared Baekhyun in another way, one that she did not fully understand, she only knew that it was something that went beyond physical threat. It was more than that. Somehow she felt that he could damage her soul.
Cora had reached the limits of her endurance. There had been too many changes, too many conflicts, and she didn't feel like fighting anymore. 
“I suppose now you want to threaten me with something horrible.”
“Don't you think you deserve it? Only children throw things, not adults.”
“You’re right, of course.” She brushed her hair away from her face with a shaking hand.
“What is this about? Humiliation? I've had enough for tonight. Limits? I've had enough too. Pressure? No, that won’t work, I'm too numb to feel it” she paused, hesitating. “I'm afraid you'll have to resort to something else.”
As he looked at her, she seemed so unhappy that something went soft inside Baekhyun. He brought his lips to hers, brushing against them but then he remembered that he shouldn't, so he turned away again. The sugar that hadn’t been cleaned with his sleeve had mixed with the salty liquid of her tears.
He knew that Cora was afraid of him –he had made sure of it– and yet he still couldn't believe that she had had the courage to throw the cake at him. He felt her tremble under his hands. Cora had shown her claws tonight but her eyes showed only despair. Did she know that her face reflected every one of her feelings? He wondered how many things had happened. Who was responsible for making her want to flee each time. 
As he watched her, he had to restrain the sudden urge to pick her up and carry her back to the trailer, where he would lay her on the bed and find the answers to all the questions he was beginning to ask. What would her hair look like down and spread out on the pillow? He wanted to see her naked on the wrinkled sheets, to see the paleness of her skin against his, he wanted to soak up her essence and feel her touch.
The day before, he had told himself that she wasn’t the type of woman he would sleep with, much less be in a relationship with, but he also knew it was a matter of time. He couldn't touch her until he was sure she understood how things would be between them. And by then, there was a good chance that Cora would grab her suitcase and run away.
He took her by the arm and led her to the trailer. For a moment, she resisted and then she followed resignedly. 
“I'm really starting to hate you,” she said weakly, her words almost inaudible. Baekhyun was surprised to find those very words hurt him, especially when that was what he wanted from her. Cora wasn’t cut out for such a hard life and he had no desire to prolong this indefinitely. It was the best he could do.
“Maybe it's for the best.”
“I've never met anyone so cold and cynical.”  “Cold, Baekhyun. You're so cold.” He'd heard a lot of women say that before her. Kindhearted women. Competent and intelligent women who had deserved more than a man whose feelings were long gone before meeting them. When he was young, he had thought that a family could heal that wounded and lonely part of him. But while seeking a lasting relationship, he had hurt those kind-hearted women and proved to himself that he had no feelings to love any of them, even if he had intended to.
They reached the caravan. He passed Cora at the door and stepped inside.
“I'm going to take a shower. I'll help you clean up when I get out.” She stopped him before he reached the bathroom.
“Couldn't you have been a little more pleasant… Or at least try to enjoy my welcome party for one more hour?”
“I am what I am. I’m not pretending. I never do that. Don't get romantic ideas about me. It would just be a waste of time. I have learned to live by my rules. I try to be as honest and as fair as possible. For this reason I overlooked the fact that you threw cake at me but don’t confuse justice with feelings.”
Baekhyun entered the bathroom and closed the door. Squeezing his eyelids shut, he tried to put the play of emotions he had seen crossing Cora's face out of his mind. He had seen it all: caution, innocence, hope, and love, the last one terrifying, the prospect that he might not be as bad as he seemed.
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↬ author’s note: next chapters will start to get spicier, as always, hope you enjoy it! as you know, any feedback is welcome ♡ and again: thank you and i love you a lots, Oliv.
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Show me that you care
Pairing: JJ x Pogue!Reader
Words: 1550
Summary: The reader’s grandma dies and all the pogues care, except JJ. You have no idea why your best friend isn't there for you.
A/N: I’m really not used to write OneShots as I’m more of a multichapter girl but I’m trying to get back into writing so here you go. Hope you enjoy it anyway!
Available on: AO3
Pogue for life, hanging out with the gang all day, every day. That has been your mood for the last few weeks but at some point you’ve noticed a change in the behavior of your best friend, JJ.
He was getting a little distant without a reason so you just assumed that his dad was worse again this time. Sometimes JJ showed signs of beating but always brushed them off, everyone knowing exactly what has happened.
You had been crushing on JJ for quite some time but you were way out of his league. Yes you both were pogues but that didn’t change the fact that he was handsome and a great guy and you were..well, yourself. Not something a guy would go for.
That he was at distance now hurt you but that’s not something you could change. That’s just how JJ was, hot and cold at the same time. With you and the other pogues mostly hot and friendly, he barely showed any signs of anger towards you.
It was a very rainy day when your life turned upside down when your mom told you that your grandma had died. She had been everything to you and now she was suddenly gone. You had locked yourself in your room and just cuddled your blanket, crying into it for a couple of hours until you passed out, exhaustion taking over.
The world wasn’t any better when you woke up but you saw you had a couple of texts from Kie, wondering where you are and reminding you that you were supposed to meet up at the Chateau today to talk about some plans. You texted her back that you couldn’t come and explained the situation briefly.
It only took around half a hour until Kie, John B and Pope were standing in your room, Kie’s eyes also filled with some tears because she knew exactly how much your grandma meant to you.
The three pulled you into a group hug but it was actually hurting you because someone was missing.
“Where’s JJ?”, you asked them and they all looked a little clueless.
“No idea but I’ll kick his ass. He said we should go ahead and he needed to run some errands”, John B said and shrugged as he looked at you with sad eyes.
It sounded like a bullshit excuse and he was clearly avoiding you but it wasn’t something you could change. He was your best friend and would normally be right by your side.
“Maybe he’s just getting your, I don’t know, favourite chocolate?”, Pope asked, trying to make the situation any better but it didn’t help at all.
The three of you were staying and distracting you until it got dark outside, no sign of JJ.
“I’ll kill him”, Kie huffed when they were about to leave but you shook your head.
“I’m sure he has a good reason not to show up. Maybe his dad again”, you mumbled, eyes still red from all the crying today.
“Your grandma dies and he knows how much she means to you. There’s barely any excuse.” Kie was quite angry at the situation and you should be too but you were just too weak.
“Take care”, John B said and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, Pope waving you goodbye as he took Kie’s hand to guide her out, knowing she would probably just stay over for the next three days if she could.
He fell back into your bed after the three of them left, your thoughts running in your mind. Thoughts about JJ and if he was okay, thoughts and memories of your grandma. You fell asleep soon afterwards.
It has been days since you’ve seen JJ actually and you would be worried out of your mind if Kie hasn’t texted you that he was okay and she had given her a piece of her mind. You hadn’t been in the mood to leave your house much, not wanting to have a breakdown in public or anything so you had stayed inside, your friends coming over from time to time but no sign of JJ.
You were slowly getting angry and frustrated with him. The Kooks had destroyed his phone so you couldn’t call him. You could go over to his house but there was always the danger of his drunk dad beating the shit out of anyone walking on his property. The Chateau was an option but you really didn’t want to have that conversation in front of the others and even if you’d send them out you knew they were way too nosy to not listen.
It was late at night when you heard stones hitting your window and you rubbed your sleepy eyes as you crawled out of bed, opening the window and almost getting hit by another stone.
Down there was JJ, hat in his hands. He looked quite uncomfortable. Good, serves him right.
“What do you want?”, you hissed downstairs, knowing your parents would already be asleep and you didn’t want to wake them up.
“Can we talk?”, he asked and looked up at you. On one hand you didn’t want to talk to him in the middle of the night and after everything he had done, or well, not done but on the other hand you really needed to get your thoughts out or your head would explode.
“Give me five”, you said and closed the window, quickly changing into something more comfortable so you wouldn’t freeze outside. Sweatpants and hoodie did the trick, so you sneaked outside the back into your garden. You walked a little further away from the house to where he was standing now, not even on your property anymore.
“I think I have some explaining to do.” JJ gulped visibly in the moonlight and you let out a frustrated sigh. Yes he had but you weren't sure if you wanted to hear it. Maybe he had a secret girlfriend that you totally didn’t want to hear about.
You crossed the arms over your chest and waited for him to start talking, preferably before you froze to death as the wind was really harsh outside.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been there. I’ve just been...busy”, he tried to explain and you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
“Busy is a shitty excuse. I needed you here, you know how much my gran meant to me”, you said and felt how tears started to form in your eyes. You were so frustrated, disappointed and sad at the same time that you couldn’t stop from a few tears escaping your eyes.
“Hey, don’t cry, please.” He took a step forward to reach for you but you just took one back, shaking your head at him which made him stop mid movement.
“You were supposed to be my friend, JJ! That’s all...that’s all I asked of you. To be my friend. To care.” Your voice came out way angrier than it should have and you started crying even more.
He just looked at you, his hands already forming to a fist and clearly struggling to hold back his own tears. It was hard to see in the moonlight and the garden lights but you knew how he looked when he was about to cry, you had held him so many times in your arms after he had broken down in them. You had been there for him every time he had taken a beating from his father and he couldn’t be there for you this one time?
“But that’s the point! I can’t be your friend when I’m madly in love with you!”, he literally shouted at you even though the short distance and his words made you froze. He was in love with you? 
“You...you are in love with me?”, you breathed out and he couldn’t keep the tears in, a few of them now running down his own cheeks as he came closer and pulled you into a tight hug. You never knew or noticed.
“Yes, I love you (y/n) (y/l/n). More than anything. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you needed me. I was so scared to lose you if I told you, that’s why I distanced myself, hoping it would go away.” He was squeezing you so tight you could barely breathe but you rolled with it, not caring about it at the moment, wrapping your arms around him and letting the tears fall.
“I should have been there. Forgive me, please”, he whispered in your ear with a broken voice and you sobbed, just nodding against his chest.
He slightly pushed against your shoulders to get a little distance between the two of you, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears, his own eyes red now.
“We good?”, he asked and biting his bottom lip nervously, one of his own tears escaping his eyes once more. He seemed so afraid to lose you but jokes on him as you were in love with him too.
“I’m still mad at you...but yes”, you sniffled and tried to smile at him before he pulled you into another hug, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“I promise I’ll never leave you alone again.”
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kz-i-co · 4 years
Within This Room: Part II
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» Summary: In fear of ruining an engagement might sending you packing sooner then you thought.
» Pairing: Taeyong x Reader
» Genre: smut x angst
» Words: 3.3k
» Part 1  ╫ Part 3
» m.list ╫ nct 127 masterlist
"Hi." You froze. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Nice to meet you." She smiled warmly. "How do you know Taeyong."
"Oh we're old friends."
"Of course, you went to this school. Such a shame what's happening."
You just nodded awkwardly as Taeyong was distracting himself from something in the distance. He was uncomfortable as much as you.
"I better help my mom, but it was nice to meet you." You said and quickly took off.
"I can't do this. I should of never come." You panicked as you made it over to your sister.
"Whats wrong?" She asked.
"His fiancé is here."
Your sister followed your eyes. "Oh shit, he's engaged?" She laughed but didn't realize how it was effecting you. "What's wrong it's been 6 years since you both were together."
"I know it's crazy but I think I still have feeling for him and I probably fucked up everything last night."
"Girls come help me with these." Your mother was calling you over.
"What happened?" Your sister was trying to get it out of you while heading over to your mother.
"I can't tell you here. Later."
"These are being sent to the board, so put these in his box." Your mother handed you some plaques of different achievements.
"Ooo, your year book." Taeyong and his fiancé were helping out in the library and she happened to find the 2014 class yearbook. "Can't wait to see how handsome my man was."
Taeyong just turned his back going through another shelf not fazed. He couldn't stop thinking about you and last night. He couldn't help himself from smiling at how beautiful you have become.
"You were prom King? You didn't tell me you were popular. I mean I could of guessed but..." She laughed to herself. She flipped through more pages seeing you and Taeyong together more and more. "Wait a minute? That girl from earlier is your ex?"
"Taeyong?" She raised her voice getting his attention.
"What?" She held up the book stating the obvious.
"What's your point? I don't ask you about your ex's." He shrugged.
"Looks like you guys are still close?" She said getting annoyed.
"We've only seen each other for the first time yesterday in 6 years." He said then turned back towards his books.
She didn't pressure him any further since the atmosphere was tense.
"Come on, lets take a break. There's plenty of food from last night." Your mother said. "So have you caught up with Taeyong last night?"
"Yeah." You smiled sarcastically not really wanting to talk about it.
"I can't believe he's engaged. I was hoping the sparks were still there-"
"Mom.....please let's stay out of their business. Okay." Your sister looked at you with concern.
"She's not even that pretty." Your sister whispered as she bumped you with her elbow.
"Not nice." The fact was that she was EXTREMELY pretty. She was clean and priss and she seemed to have her life together.
You were taking your old prize winners (paintings) to your car, clearly struggling to the car as your mother and sister were way ahead of you.
You took a deep breath as you stopped for a second to take a breather.
"Let me help you." He took the canvas off your hands and you finally could see in front of you at the handsome face that still caused butterflies.
"Thank you. I don't even know why I'm taking this old junk." There was a huge dumpster to clean out the school and you were just tempted to toss the old embarrassment but your mother insisted on keeping them as a reminder of how far you've come.
"It's not junk (Y/N)." He chuckled and looked behind him losing his smile. "Actually I was wondering if we could talk about last night? How long are you staying?" He said more quietly.
"Well a few days the most. But I can't stay away from work for that long."
"You want to go out for dinner tonight. Jaehyun and Mark are here for the weekend."
"Hanging out with your bro's like old times? Huh?" You teased.
"Also Johnny and Ren will be there as well since they are engaged-"
"Johnny is her new fiancé? They hated each other."
"I guess they just had sexual attraction for each other."
"I see." You giggled.
"May I keep this?" He was referring to your old painting.
"It's all yours." You laughed at his ridiculous question.
"See you later." He walked away leaving to travel back alone.
"How do I look?" Your sister said as you finally finished your sketch.
"Beautiful." You turned your book around.
"Wow. I look so cute." She smiled. "May I keep it?"
"Sure." You rolled your eyes as you tore out the page out of your sketch book.
"Have you ever thought about selling your art work on eBay? I saw it on tik tok."
"You and that app are driving me crazy." You giggled.
"I get bidders at the gallery, they're just all cheapskates in the city." You continued.
"Your art deserves more credit. You should be making MILLIONS." Your sister was over dramatic like usual.
"Unfortunately that doesn't happen to an artist until their dead." Your sister pouted at your dark response.
"You're no fun. But anyway are you and Taeyong hanging out tonight? Did I hear dinner?"
"It's a friendly get together and it's not just me, it's with some old friends."
"Okay." She smirked. "Just be careful."
You sat there to think. Not just what your sister said but over everything. Last night was a mistake and you had to straighten it out. If Taeyong was happy with his fiancé, you couldn't ruin it for your own selfishness.
You decided on a simple black dress with a denim jacket and doc martens and you waited outside for your Uber driver and before you know it you were standing outside the restaurant, too scared to even go in.
"(Y/N)! Oh my god!" You heard screaming and all of a sudden you were being crushed by two pairs of arms. Once you got to turn around and make contact, you were faced with a pink hair Ren.
You hugged her back tightly as you both screamed causing Johnny to plug his ears. "How are you?"
"I'm great, how are you?" You responded. "Your hair is pink."
"My hair is pink. I didn't think you could get more gorgeous, you suck Miss Prom Queen." She laughed.
"You're gorgeous. And you're engaged I hear....to him?" You looked at Johnny with a teasing look.
"I know, it's insane." She laughed.
"So where were you last night?" You asked.
"I don't care about some dumb school reunion. I had better things to do." She continued. "Come on let's get inside. It's freezing."
You followed her and Johnny inside ready to begin your night. You took a deep breath as you saw Taeyong looking beautiful as ever. You can do this. You can be just friends right?
There was a few more of his friends already at the table as well once the host assisted you.
"(Y/N)! How's it going I haven't seen you in forever." Mark was the first to get up and hug you.
"Where were you guys last night? I missed you." You said still embraced in his arms and eventually made your way around to Jaehyun and Doyoung.
"I couldn't make it and these guys had their own reunion." Mark said taking his seat.
"We already got a lecture from Dayoung." Ren said as you sat down between her and Taeyong.
"Speaking of Dayoung, where is she?" You asked.
"She was gonna come but she's having a lot of back pain so she rather stay home."
"When is her baby due?" You continued to ask since you lacked information from your old friends.
"December 7."
"That's just a little over a month." You couldn't believe she was that pregnant.
"I know." She laughed. "But she might be sooner then that, her baby is already 8lbs."
"Can I get you something to drink." The waitress was finally here cutting off your conversation.
"Soju?" Johnny asked and everyone agreed. You on the other hand rather stick with a simple water but your friends insisted and you didn't want to seem lame now you were older.
"You idiot, you were the reason we got caught skipping 4th period." Ren and Mark were arguing non stop and the alcohol on top was causing more of a scene but the rest of you were laughing, enjoying the show.
"Was not. You were the one that went to the wrong car."
"You said it was your car."
"No I said it looked like my car."
"Will you two just shut up." Doyoung took another sip.
"Shall we get going soon? I rather talk to you alone." Taeyong spoke quietly next to you, only you can hear.
You nodded. "Alright guys, we're going to head out." Taeyong pulled out his wallet and tossed cash on the table.
"Where are you two going?" Ren pouted.
"I promised (Y/N) I'd drive her home and I don't want to be out later then Jiyoon gets out of work." He made a concerned expression.
"You two still fighting?" Mark asked as you and Taeyong got up.
"It's every little thing with her, but she's been better." He nodded.
"Alright man, take care.....you to (Y/N) it was nice seeing you." You both said your goodbyes.
"Promised me a ride?" You teased your tone being flirtier then you wanted.
"Well, I needed to talk to you about last night. Alone." He began as he guided you to his car.
You bit your lip awkwardly, wanting to avoid the whole thing. You wanted to just pretend it didn't happen and move on.
You got in the car waiting for him to begin but he was just as uncomfortable as you. "Are you alright to drive?"
"I only had one shot. I feel fine." He looked at you leaning your head on the seat. "What about you?"
"I'm not driving." You looked at him confused.
"No I mean, how are you?" He laughed. "You good." He waved his hand in front of your face.
You laughed smacking his hand away playfully. "I only had two shots."
You both laughed until the car filled with silence as he finally took off.
"Do you ever miss being back here?" He asked.
"A little. But I love where I live."
"So you have no thoughts on moving back?" You were surprised from his sudden question.
"No. I mean I love my family but I live in my dream home now.....well....a nicer apartment would be nice." You giggled not realizing the car stopped outside of your house.
"Do I have to wait another six years to see you?" He asked turning the mood down again. "I want us to stay friends (Y/N)."
"We can. We can FaceTime and-"
"So until you're back for the holidays?"
"I really can't afford to visit, that's why I don't.....If I sell a piece, I get $1000 the most and that only goes to my bills and food-"
"I get it (Y/N). It's okay. I just miss you that's all." You both made eye contact and you could feel the pain he was holding.
"We left things off, really shitty." You started. "Especially me."
"You were hurt, I get it." He shrugged.
"I just want to apologize......And also apologize for last night. It was wrong and I'm sorry for everything." You continued. "Just seeing that room........you, I missed my old life."
"I just.....I don't want to leave thinking I caused so much chaos. It's probably just best if we pretend it didn't happen. You're fiancé seems to be really nice and I just want you guys to be happy."
"You're right." He said causing your lip to tremble. You knew he was thinking the same thing, you didn't know why it was so unexpected.
"R-right, exactly."
"It was wrong." You nodded. "But that doesn't mean I want to pretend it didn't happen."
"Taeyong I want you to understand my intentions.....I don't want to-"
You were cut off with his lips attached to yours. Your heart was beating faster then it ever was before. What was he doing? You were hesitant to responde but there was comfort with his lips. A feeling only he could cause. He gently caressed his hand around your neck bringing you closer as the kiss deepened.
The kiss grew more desperate quickly as he pulled you to straddle his lap. He had his hands under your dress caressing your thighs. You couldn't help but rock against him causing more friction between the both of you. He moaned against your lips from by the way you effected him. You had to pull away to catch your breath but quickly leaned down farther to kiss down his jaw.
He pushed your jacket down and letting it fall behind you, hitting the wheel as you were taking your time with his buttons letting more of his chest to be exposed.
He brought his lips back towards yours before he was working on the top of your dress letting it fall off your chest exposing your strapless bra. He was quick to kiss down your chest letting your bra fall more uncomfortably. You could feel him full erected underneath you as you were still rocking against him.
His breathing became heavier that he stopped what he was doing to lean his head against the back of the seat for a second. He looked you in the eyes before they drifted down focusing on your undies. You lifted yourself to help take them off as you began to unbuckle his pants. You gently took him in your hand and slowly jerked him only enough to lubricate. You leaned forward guiding him in and relaxed as you could adjust.
His muffled sounds were so beautiful as you began your movements. The pleasure was unreal. You only wish it was only a dream, to save you from trouble. You knew it was wrong but why couldn't you stop?
You leaned down kissing him passionately as you quickened your pace. Once you lifted for air, you grabbed his hands leading them to your chest. You tilted your head back enjoying the pleasure.
As you felt like you were lost in your own world, he grabbed your hips helping you keep the rhythm. You moved your hand to the front of your folds to guide your climax closer to the edge. Just as you were about to release, he beat you to it causing the room to spin. You felt numbness scattered throughout your body.
You collapse on top of his body as you both could catch your breath. You felt happy at the moment, like you didn't want to move but the guilt came rushing back causing you quickly run away. You got yourself redressed as Taeyong looked at you with concern.
"This was a mistake." You felt your eyes water. Taeyong was quick to dress as well from you being so upset. "I shouldn't have come back here."
"I'm sorry Taeyong but we can't see each other anymore, not even as friends." You were panicked.
"(Y/N) this is my dumb mistake too."
"Unless you're ending it with your fiancé, I can't be in the picture no more." You looked at him for a response but he looked down staying silent.
"Okay then. Goodbye."
He grabbed your hand before you could leave the car. "You're just upset. Can we talk about this tomorrow?"
"No because as long as we're alone together I can't help my feelings around you and that's not fair for your fiancé."
"I can't anymore." You finally left his car and quickly made your way inside. Why were you so weak?
You've done it again. You had to leave as soon as possible, the guilt was killing you.
"You leaving?" Your sister asked as she saw you packing your bag.
"Yeah, Haejin called me and said I'm needed back at work." You lied.
"Oh." She pouted.
"Aren't you leaving? You have school tomorrow."
"I'm leaving tonight." She was lucky she had a car.
"A few more years and you can live with me." You winked.
"Sure." She smiled.
"There's one more thing I want to do before I go, can I borrow the car?" She nodded and you quickly left so you can go back home.
You stopped at a cute little townhouse village and followed the number Mark gave you. You just hoped it wasn't some random address giving you more chances not to trust him. You knocked on the door and waited until someone finally answered it, causing your stomach to drop.
"Oh hi (Y/N)." Jiyoon smiled at you but it didn't feel very genuine.
"Hi. I'm leaving I just wanted to say goodbye to Taeyong." You said sweetly.
"Taeyong is at work unfortunately." She shrugged.
"Oh. Just let him know I said goodbye and oh yeah....congratulations for you two."
"Thank you. We still don't know our date but it's probably the beginning of next year the latest."
"Can I be honest with you (Y/N)?" You looked at her confused. "I know you and Taeyong were very serious and I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable with you two still being close."
"I'm sorry you feel that way." You looked at her with concern to hide the fact you really wanted to pull her hair out.
"I have bad experiences with ex's too and I have to compromise for Tae so I'm sorry if I make him do the same thing."
"You have nothing to worry about. I live in Seoul."
"Oh that's great." She smiled at you once again and it seemed more fake then before. "I hope you don't get offended if I don't invite you to our wedding."
"I'm sorry but is Taeyong okay with that?" You finally showed your real expressions.
"He'll understand."
"Taeyong and I split up 6 years ago."
"Like I said compromise."
"Maybe I should talk to Taeyong about this?"
"I'll doubt he'll talk to you."
"Why's that?" You crossed your arms.
"I don't know. He just seemed pissed off at you after he came home last night. He even tossed your painting in our garbage. Did you want it back?" Fake fake fake.
"I'm sorry to hear that, I'm not sure why.....Have a great day....." You walked back to the car. "Bitch."
You didn't know what to believe. He could be upset the way you left last night but on the other hand he seemed more upset then angry. Was she lying? The best thing was to just get back home and that's what you did.
The train seemed longer then on your way there, probably from your lack of sleep that eat up the time last time. You couldn't get Taeyong out of your head. Even if she was lying, it was still clean you weren't invited to the wedding. How messed up is that?
The worst part of it all was you never got the chance to ask for Taeyong's cell number. You couldn't imagine him having the same phone from 6 years ago.
You got off the train, being greeted by Haejin. "I never missed you so much in my life."
"So how was everything?"
"Terrible." She looked at you concerned as you got in her car. "I did something really bad."
"I saw my high school sweetheart again."
"Okay?" Haejin listened.
"And we kind of slept together.....twice."
"What's wrong with that?" Haejin winked.
"He's engaged.....and the worst part is I still have feelings for him."
to be continued....
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aoifeanamadan · 3 years
After School Special
Fandom: Minecraft YouTube rpf (mcyt)
Word count: 4386
Relationship: DreamNotFound (DreamxGeorgeNotFound)
The sky is blue, the sun is hot and Dream hates George.
Everyone knew Dream hated him, really hated him, all smug and sarcastic and closed off. Where Dream was friendly, loud and outgoing, George was quiet and pretentious. It was like he thought he was above everyone else.
Needless to say, neither of them were over the moon when they found out they had to spend two months working together in weekend detention.
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Chapter Two: Montague versus Capulet
Change is hard. It’s a universal truth. But for Dream, change was foreign. It just didn’t happen. He did the same thing every day. Get up, sunrise, shower, breakfast, get in Sapnap’s truck. The days were all the same, they pushed into each other.
It was as if his life was made up of concrete blocks, one for every day. He was stacking them, and the more weight he added, the less space between the blocks. They were pressed so closely together, the weight of a lifetime keeping them tight, there was no room for opportunities to worm themselves in.
That wasn’t to say it was bad. He liked his life. It was fine. He had friends, hobbies, he did great in school. He was captain of the state champion soccer team. Girls liked him. It was all perfectly fine.
His new weekend arrangements threw a spanner into his routine. Instead of watching Netflix from his couch in his pyjamas, he was sitting at the breakfast table across from his dad. His father’s attempted conversation was a sorry replacement for Netflix’s D-List cartoons.
His dad was him lecturing about something, but it was as if Dream had cotton in his ears. His father’s throwaway words about consequence and responsibility were muted. He was saying something about the image Dream had to project as soccer captain when a ding came from Dream’s phone. It was Sapnap.
(9:37 am) hey im outside lets go
Once Dream read the text he was on his feet, toast in his mouth and jacket in his hand, rushing muffled goodbyes to his father. He heard the vague well wishes as he left.
Sapnap was a good friend, but one of his best traits was knowing when to be the enemy. The second Dream got in the car, he was complaining. About his dad, George, these stupid weekend classes. His lamenting was cut short. Before he could fully develop any of his woes, Sapnap was interrupting.
“Dream shut up,” he whined. It caught Dream off guard, stopping him in the middle of his first anti-George rant of the day. He looked at Sapnap, wounded. Sapnap just rolled his eyes. Dream gave up on the hurt puppy charade. He had only been on the first part of the speech, George’s entitlement. He didn’t even get to parts two, three or four (George’s pretentiousness, George’s fakeness and George’s sense of superiority, respectively). Each part was ten minutes long.
“Dude?” He didn’t like the distant hurt that he could hear in his voice. Sapnap softened.
“Sorry, it’s just like, this is your fault Dream.” This was not how Dream had expected the drive to hell to go. “You started the fight, and it’s not like George wants to do this either.” He knew Sapnap might have been right, but  Dream soured at the thought of Sapnap and George’s friendship. Them discussing how Dream had ruined his weekend plans for the next two months, George trying to steal his best friend.
He pushed down the feeling of betrayal, it wasn’t fair to Sapnap. He could reserve that feeling exclusively for George.
“Yeah, maybe.” Dream hummed, noncommittal. He glanced out the window, the school was in sight. It was towering over him, looming and gothic. Dream was suddenly overcome, every part of him was saying don’t go in. He pushed the thoughts down and refocused on Sapnap.
“You might even enjoy it, George is really funny!” Dream could tell he was trying to spin this into a positive, but the thought of having to spend two hours a week with George for two months made him feel hopeless. He imagined it, the hours he’d have to listen to George try to boss him around, trying to make him feel stupid. George would try to one-up him every chance he got, that was just who he was. He could never just let Dream win.
Before Dream could reply, the car was parked. He looked at Sapnap, who didn’t seem quite as sombre as Dream did. To Dream, it felt like a solemn occasion. To Sapnap, it felt like dropping his friend off while he was on his way to do the weekly food shop.
“I don’t want to go in.”
Sapnap, ever sensitive, just laughed. He shoved Dream’s shoulders towards the door in a gentle but firm attempt to get him out of the car.
“Go on Dream, I have to get shit for dinner.”
Dream was walking and into the school before he had the chance to talk himself out of it. He wasn’t worried about the work. How hard could it be to recite some Shakespeare, or whatever it was they did in weekend English. He was worried about who he’d have to work with. He didn’t know anyone taking the class other than George.
When he entered the classroom, he was sure he was in the wrong room. At first, he thought there was no one in there. That was before he noticed the woman in the corner, facing the walls. Dream felt like he was interrupting something. He knocked on the door, which was already open. It was more of a polite way to say ‘Excuse me miss, you’re not possessed, right?’. She whipped around at the sound of Dream’s knuckled on the heavy wood. He was fairly sure she was not possessed.
As she stepped quickly towards him, he noticed her jumper. Plastered across the front there was the face of a multi-coloured pug. Her hair was wild around her, swamping her face, and her glasses made her eyes look like orbs too big for her face.
“Hello dear, sit down please, sit down. Welcome! You must be George?”
Dream rushed to correct her, rather than be mistaken for George of all people, but she had already moved on.
“I am Ms Dahlman, so so happy to have you here in English. What an opportunity! God, you’re so lucky. In my youth, we didn’t have these weekend class options. God, so lucky you all are. I am just so happy to have you here!” She was talking a mile a minute. Dream felt paralysed under her gaze, waiting for her to take a breath so he could interject.
She continued for four minutes, telling him how lucky he was to have this opportunity. He didn’t have the heart to tell her it wasn’t his choice. He did however want to clear up that he was definitely not George.
Before he got his chance, there was another knock at the door. George’s voice came from the doorway, slow and soft. It was a stark contrast to Ms Dahlman.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find the room. I’ve never had weekend classes before.” George was standing, messy-haired and disinterested. Dream thought he looked arrogant. It was just like George to be late, he had no regard for other people’s time. Something shameful in Dream couldn’t wait to tell Sapnap, to prove he was ten times the friend George could be. But he wasn’t sure if good punctuality was quite enough to convince him.
“It’s fine, just come in.” Ms Dahlman sounded pained at the interruption, but she soldiered through. “You can sit down here next to George.”
George, the real George, quirked his eyebrow.
“That’s funny, my name is George too.” Dream wanted to wipe his smug smirk right off his face. Ms Dahlman however, seemed overjoyed with the development.
“Oh! Two George’s! Heavens above, who would’ve ever thought? I knew your name couldn’t be Dream, but that was all it said on the attendance form they gave me! I said to them, I said ‘Dream? Well that can’t be a real name, can it?’ but they told me it was the preferred name, so it was what I was to use. George is much more sensible.” Dream felt his cheeks burning, but he didn’t want to get aggressive. He tried to push the feelings down.
Looking at George, who seemed barely able to contain his laughter, made that a lot harder. Dream nodded at Ms Dahlman, to be polite, but she didn’t notice. She just continued speaking, something Dream was starting to note as a consistent course of action for her.
“As I was saying, the grade you get in this class will be added to your overall GPA for the subject. Normally, it’s used to bring up the average but obviously,” she gestured to the empty class “people just don’t care about English the way they used to.”
Only then did it strike Dream, him and George were the only two taking the class. Unless someone was running 8 minutes late for the first class, no one else was coming. Dream wanted to sink into his chair and never get up again.
Before he could figure out how to melt himself down, Ms Dahlman was explaining their first assignment.
“Now, for the first two months boys you will be writing a speech!” She paused, for dramatic effect. It didn’t work. Dream and George were looking at her with the same badly disguised disinterest. She continued, consistent as ever. “Now I heard about your, how to put this, communicational issues .” She grimaced at the mention of Dream and George’s earlier conflict.  “So!” She punctuated herself with a short clap. “The speech will be titled ‘What my partner has taught me.’ It’s going to be a great opportunity for you two to learn how to cooperate!”
Dream did not want the opportunity to cooperate with George. He was stuck up, rude, inconsiderate. He acted as if he was better than everyone else, scoffing and looking down at them. Dream had plenty of friends, he didn’t want or need George.
Ms Dahlman, unsurprisingly, was not finished speaking. And so she continued, taking Dream out of his pessimistic thoughts.
“Now, I can see no reason to keep you here.” Dream and George looked at each other instinctually, then up at her smiling face, waiting for an explanation. “I’ll be giving you sheets that I’ll need to be signed by your parents to prove every week that you’re putting the time in together, as well as a guide to writing the speech. But, really boys, I can’t imagine why you would have to stay in the school.”
Ms Dahlman seemed to be about fifty, possibly older. Dream had no idea how she had navigated the world so far. It seemed she never even paused her monologues to breathe.
She gave the sheets to both Dream and George, and then she just left. She walked out the door and into her car without a glance back. The boys were left stunned in her wake.
Dream looked at George. George looked at Dream. Neither said anything, neither knew what to say.
Before Dream could start the inevitable conversation, George had taken out his phone. Self-obsessed as ever. Dream commented, emboldened by his evident social superiority,
“Well, that’s a bit rude-” Before he could finish, George had interrupted.
“Can you drive?” George hadn’t even spared him a glance. So rude . Dream couldn’t say he was surprised. Dream rolled his eyes. George didn’t seem to notice.
“No. What does that have to do with anything?” Dream didn’t try to stop the animosity from seeping into his voice. George didn’t seem to notice.
“Well I can’t drive either, I got the bus here. And we can’t just stay in here, it smells bad.” Dream didn’t want to admit it, but George was right. It did smell bad.
Dream started to speak. At the same time, George looked up from his phone. They both spoke at the same time, the same idea.
“I’m texting Sapnap.”
“Maybe Sapnap can-”
Dream laughed nervously. George didn’t laugh back. Sapnap was collecting them within ten minutes, a bag of shopping in the back.
Before long, they were sitting together on Sapnap’s couch, alone. Sapnap had left the room to make some food for them. Dream would’ve been happy to sit in silence until Sapnap came back with the snacks, but George wasn’t on the same wavelength.
“So, um, how are you?” George’s voice trailed off as he spoke. It felt like he wanted to be there even less than Dream.
“Good. Fine.” Dream was curt. He hadn’t expected George to make conversation, and he wasn’t going to try and encourage it. George could go back to texting on his phone forever for all Dream cared.
“Good.” George was returning his energy. His friendly conversationalist charade hadn’t lasted very long. Dream tried to settle back into the silence between them.
It didn’t stay like that for long. By the time Sapnap was back, he was entering to hear George yelling.
“Seven billion people in the world and I get stuck doing this with you! Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house.” He was standing on one side of the couch, Dream on the other. Anytime Dream moved, George moved the opposite way.
“Fuck you, George!”
Sapnap just wanted to get everyone some snacks.
He made them recount the argument, word for word, starting with George tapping his fingers ‘too loud’ on the arm of the couch.
Before long, Sapnap was telling them both off. He couldn’t say he was shocked that he had to explain that George telling Dream “I can say with utmost certainty, that you are definitely, A Bitch.” was not working cooperatively.
Dream was just as bad. But he did at least look remorseful while recounting his shout of “Every time you open your mouth I want to push you over the edge of a cliff and I mean that with all my heart.”
In the end, Sapnap made them sit in silence at opposite ends of the couch. Dream tried to feel guilty, he really did, but he couldn’t bring himself to regret squabbling with George, or chasing him around the couch. He was just so awful . Someone needed to knock him down a peg. And it’s not like he couldn’t take it, he was coming back just as hard as Dream. Maybe even harder.
Dream didn’t feel guilty for fighting with George, but he did feel guilty for getting Sapnap tangled up in the middle of it all. Dream could tell he hated the tension he and George had created.
Dream glanced towards George, checking to see if he looked as guilty as Dream felt, only to be met with George’s eyes staring at him. Weirdo. George nodded his head towards Sapnap, then between him and Dream. Dream didn’t want to admit it, but he understood.
George was saying ‘Look what we did.’ He was saying ‘Come on, we’ve to fix this.’
As much as it hurt him, Dream knew George was right. He looked up at him. George was mouthing something. Dream looked at his lips.
He was saying ‘Fuck you.’
Dream couldn’t hold in his laugh, isolated and muffled. Luckily, it was covered up by George’s exaggerated apology.
“Dream, I’m sorry for annoying you on purpose, and then for saying mean things to you.” Dream nearly had to physically restrain himself from jumping up and down, yelling ‘I told you so!’ He had known George was annoying him on purpose. Instead, he announced his apology as a reply.
“That’s okay George. I am sorry for chasing you around the couch and also for saying mean things to you.” He stopped himself from adding the ‘I am also sorry that you are a little bitch.’ He was too mature.
Instead of a relieved laugh, Sapnap’s brow furrowed. Dream could almost hear his mind moving at a mile a minute. George must have noticed it too. They both left it, but Sapnap wasn’t saying anything. And Dream had never considered patience his strongest virtue.
“Just say it Sapnap.” Dream and George were both looking at him expectantly.
“Huh?” Sapnap looked shocked that they had noticed his internal conflict.
“He’s right, whatever you’re thinking. Just say it. I can practically hear you thinking.” George agreed with Dream. It was a day full of firsts.
“Do you guys actually hate each other? Like, there’s no reason to. Or, do you just enjoy the feeling of having someone to hate? I don’t get it.”
Dream didn’t know what to say. They had never talked about it so openly, him and George. It was an unspoken truth, so obvious it didn’t need to be acknowledged.
Montague versus Capulet, Taylor versus Katie, Dream versus George.
George and Dream just stared at each other, frozen. Sapnap moved on before either of them answered.
“You know what, nevermind. It doesn’t even matter.”
The silence made Dream feel guilty, looking at Sapnap made him feel worse. He was holding himself with annoyance, rare but visible. Before Dream could try and apologise, George was changing the subject. If he was someone else, Dream would've been thankful. But he was not anyone else, so Dream thought it was rude.
“So, where is everyone? The house is empty.” George was right. Both of Sapnap’s parents were out, a rare occurrence. The house was quiet, and the noise was obviously missing. There was no smell of cooking, no top of the pops radio. Dream hardened at the thought of George realising there was something wrong in Sapnap’s house before he could. He wasn’t surprised, it was just like George to make sure he mentioned it before Dream got a chance.
Dream scoffed. George didn’t notice, and if he did he didn’t turn around.
“Oh,” Sapnap’s eyes widened, shocked at the observation. Dream made a mental note to pay more attention to how Sapnap was doing. “My dad, he’s- he’s out of town.” Sapnap didn’t say anything else about it. Instead, he did his best to help George and Dream.
They tried to work, they really did, but it was hard. The main task was to listen and learn from each other, but Dream would have rather died than learn anything from George, and the sentiment was clearly reciprocated. It had gotten to the point where neither of them were even saying anything, just looking at Sapnap waiting for instruction.
Sapnap, bless him, he tried his best. But one thing Dream and George could agree on was that it was easy to say no to Sapnap’s ideas.
“Why don’t you bond over your childhoods or something?” Sapnap threw out his fifth idea in ten minutes. Dream and George glanced to each other before replying.
“That’s dumb.”
“Ew, no Sapnap.”
Sapnap rolled his eyes
“Okay, fine. Whatever, you guys have fun.” He took his laptop from the coffee table and put in his headphones, ignoring Dream and George’s shouts of protest.
“No, Sapnap come on! Give us another idea!” Dream whined. Sapnap shook his head, trying to hide a smile.
“Sorry guys, but I do actually have my own work to do.”
Without Sapnap, things went off track quickly. George and Dream were sitting on opposite sides of Sapnap. George was cross-legged on the floor, messing with a piece of paper. Dream was draped across the armchair, head tilting back up to the ceiling. He was tossing up and down a soccer ball.
George and Dream were thinking out loud, having long abandoned brainstorming for their speeches. It was easy to ignore it when they had an infinite two months stretching out in front of them.
“Why did you fight so hard for it to be weekends?” Dream threw the question out into the air, hardly thinking about George’s reply.
“Well, I have shit to do after school.” Dream could not imagine a single thing that George might have to do after school. “Plus, I knew you have soccer training after school. I figured the team couldn’t function without their captain.” George said it sarcastically, but he couldn’t mask the truth in the statement. George knew when Dream had soccer, even if it was probably just because of Sapnap. And he had accommodated him when negotiating their punishment.
George had done something nice for Dream, without even telling him. He had just done it, quiet and personal.
Dream didn’t know how to digest this new information.
He was so preoccupied with the idea of George being in any way considerate, he didn’t notice him picking up a new sheet of paper, tearing off a corner and rolling it up into a ball. Before Dream could glance in his direction, the paper ball had hit him on the nose.
“Hey!” Dream’s head snapped towards George. He had the audacity to smile.
“Oops,” George deadpanned. Dream was whining for Sapnap within the second.
“It wasn’t an accident! It wasn’t and you know it! Sapnap, Sapnap! Tell him!” Sapnap just rolled his eyes. Dream glared at George.
“Try that again. Try it, I dare you.” Dream tried his best to sound tough. He was big, he was intimidating. He was the captain of the state champion soccer team. George couldn’t do shit to him.
George threw another piece of paper.
“Sapnap! He did that on purpose!” Dream whined. He didn’t realise how similar to an eight-year-old he sounded until the words had already left his mouth. Sapnap didn’t even look up from his laptop. He felt the blood rushing to his cheeks.
Dream picked back up his soccer ball from his chest, a plan forming. Before he could even raise his hand, George was talking.
“Throw it, throw it and see what happens to you.” Dream gaped at George, he hadn’t even been looking at him. How did he know the soccer ball was coming? Just then, George did look. His eyes shot up from the paper crane he was making to meet Dream’s.
George’s eyes pierced him, frosty and chilling. Dream didn’t think he had ever looked into someone’s eyes the way he was doing just then. He felt like he could read George’s mind. It was saying ‘ Don’t you fucking dare’. Dream put back down the soccer ball slowly. The second George looked away, he threw it.
As the hours went by, George’s mask of indifference, his icy remarks and snarky comments, they faded away. A different George was filling his place. Still snarky, still acting as if he was just a little bit better than Dream, but different. He was excitable, quicker to smile.
George wasn’t as bad as Dream thought he was. Sure, he was a little bit rude. And he was definitely pretentious. He wasn’t as arrogant as Dream had thought he would be. And, even if it pained him to say it, he was funny.
All these things combined, he wasn’t the worst person to spend time with. No one noticed that the two mandatory hours had passed. They just stayed on Sapnap’s sitting room floor together, talking. George wasn’t a bad listener.
Dream was telling the story of his awful Monday morning, the first day of senior year. He was a good storyteller, he prided himself on that. Even Sapnap had taken off his headphones to listen. He had just gotten to the part of the story where he had to sit next to Weird Sarah. The smile George had been wearing was slipping slowly as he told him the woeful tail of having to sit next to her. George interrupted for the first time in hours.
“Hey, don’t be mean.” George was looking serious, an expression he hadn’t worn in hours. Dream didn’t understand why.
“Sarah’s actually a childhood friend. She’s really nice when you get to know her.”
Dream understood why. He felt like an idiot.
“Oh, shit, shit. Sorry, I didn’t realise. Shit. I’m sorry.” He tried his best to sound sincere, a stained sort of guilt overcoming him. George’s face didn’t change.
“No, it’s okay. It’s fine. I just forgot who you were for a second there.”
Dream felt like shit. Sarah hadn’t even done anything to him. But something in his mind was whispering to him. It wasn’t his fault if George was friends with her. Maybe they were both weird. This was classic George, trying to make him feel bad no matter what he did. Dream tried to push it away, but it was there. Lying underneath his brain, polluting his thoughts.
George, the George that Dream had come to know in that evening at Sapnap’s house, was suddenly gone. He stayed another half-hour, but it wasn’t the same. They focused on the work, writing about speech structures and other things Dream couldn’t have cared less about. And then George was gone, collected from the footpath outside Sapnap’s quiet house by his mother.
Dream and Sapnap were left alone in his sitting room. Dream wanted to sink into the floor and never get up again.
“Well That wasn’t, that wasn’t as bad as I expected.” Sapnap tried his best, but he didn’t even sound convincing to himself.
“It was bad.” Dream groaned, getting down to lie on the carpeted floor.
“Well, don’t undersell it. It wasn’t all bad.” Sapnap prodded him gently in the side with his foot. Dream squirmed.
“It was all bad.” Mixed with the embarrassment, there was a bitter kind of regret. Dream had ruined something good, something new. Before he could sink too far down his hole of sorrow, Sapnap was there.
“You should text him, to like apologise or something.” Sapnap had stood up to clean the sitting room, bring their plates into the kitchen. The conversation was over. Dream heaved himself off the floor, despite the weight of his self-pity.
“Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah.”
It was later that night when Dream got the chance to text George. It was easier to send difficult texts from the safety of his blanket.
(10:14 pm) hey, its dream. Im sorry for talking shit about sarah.
(10:15 pm) It was mean and wasnt fair i feel really bad about it
Dream hadn’t realised just how much he actually wanted George’s forgiveness until he saw the three dots next to George’s name.
(10:16 pm) its cool. dont do it again though it was a dick move
(10:16 pm) yeah i know :(
(10:17 pm) also for future reference i never read texts. Message me on sc if you need me its georgenotfound
At 10:18 pm, George got a notification.
Dreamwastaken has added you as a friend.
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secret-rendezvous1d · 4 years
What if like Harry was rude to YN (they aren't dating) and she just feels really sad and stops hanging out with him and then he feels bad
YN’s a hard person to upset.
She’s very independent and strong-willed, she’s tough and doesn’t show any weaknesses, she’s very level-headed with situations and she doesn’t let things bother her like they would other people so, to upset her and for her to take any action in proving that she was sad by what was said, Harry would have had to have said something that was very personal to her.
He’s not shallow so I don’t think he’d go for her looks and he’s not ignorant to be rude about her ways of life or what she chooses to support and protest so it really would have to be something that she feels strongly about, something that she sees as important, something that he used against her to try and entice a laugh out of their friends.
The day it happens, her day had gone from bad to terrible. 
She woke up late and missed the breakfast times at her local bakery, she had a short but sweet argument with her agent over something work-related that she could get round to in her own time, her parents demanded she travelled back to home so they could spend time with her at the weekend, she was an hour late for a meeting at lunch with a potential (and rather important) client who wanted her to use her platform to recommend their company and she’d forgotten her keys and locked herself out of her flat and had to walk, in the pouring rain, to her landlord’s home that was just down the block from her complex so she could take her spare key and give it back straight after.
When she walks into the local pub on the corner of a street in Hammersmith, dressed in a cream knit-jumper, some black jeans and ankle-high boots, and sees her friends already sharing a round and filling the pub with  raucous laughter, she doesn’t expect anything to happen and she doesn’t even bat an eye to the knowledge that the night could (and would) end so poorly because it already felt like it was going to be a good stress reliever for her. She orders for herself - a vodka and cranberry juice - and mingles her way through the tipsy drinkers to get to her friends.
She hugs her girlfriends, shares an inside greeting with her boyfriends and she receives a kiss on the cheek and a squeeze to her shoulders from Harry as he takes her coat, drapes it over his and lets her have the seat he was sitting in so she could perch next to one of her friends. 
Nothing wrong about it.
He kept an arm resting on the back of her chair as he took swigs from his beer bottle, fingers brushing over her upper arm as she tried to stay in her deep conversation, clueless to how he kept taking secret glances at her and how he smiled every time she bellowed out a laugh at something that someone had done. Knees knocking under the table. They were friendly touches, the caring kind that showed friends looking out for one another, and that’s what they hoped they looked like to everyone around them. 
Still nothing wrong about it.
The night passes and the number of friends decreases by two or three every hour that passed by until it was just the two of them, in an almost empty pub, finishing the last of their drinks and finished up their conversation... more abrupt and sudden than Harry had thought.
They were only talking about work when things took a turn.
He was on a break from a world tour, the first of many to come, and all she needed was a night away from talking about work so she wasn’t best pleased to talk when he brought the subject up but she wasn’t rude enough to turn the conversation away when they hadn’t seen each other in a while; catching up like old friends do, that’s what they were doing. 
But the more sips he took, the drunker he seemed to get and his words slurred much deeper and longer than normal, with eyes so distant and watery that this definitely had to be his last beer and she would have him in a taxi and on his way home before the pub became vacant. So when he accidentally slipped that her job sounded pointless, that he couldn’t understand why anyone would ever venture into it, that he didn’t understand why it was ever a career and that she can’t be getting any money to care for herself and that she must have been getting financial aid from somewhere, she’s out of her chair with a frown and a ‘goodbye’ before he could put her beer down.
Eyes following her as she yanked the door open and let it bang behind her. The foggy glasses distorting her figure as she walked passed where they were sat and disappeared from the windowpane before he could blink. Guilt sitting in his veins, overtaking the alcohol that seemed to build inside him, bottom lip between his teeth as he stood to his feet and scuffed across the sticky floor to put his half-finished beer bottle on the side. 
“Bye, mate!” being the last thing he heard, from the bartender who was drying glasses behind the bar, before he took the stumbling walk home.
They both sleep the night off; Saturday morning was mere hours away and the apology could wait until he had a clear head and a solid argument as to why he said what he said.
Except all he could think about was how she left without their usual goodbye; they didn’t hug, they didn’t share drunken kisses to the cheek, they didn’t agree to call each other in the morning or organise a breakfast or brunch date so they could feast their hungover stomachs together. She didn’t promise to call him when she got home; and by god, he hoped she got home okay. She went home and, as much as it hurt him to think about, cried. He know she did. He knew that’s was why she left so quickly. He knew that that he upset her and he felt like an arsehole.
“Hey, love. It’s Harry. A very apologetic, guilt-ridden Harry. Although, I probably came up on your screen, I forget you have my number. At least, I hope you do after last night which I’m incredibly sorry for. I don’t know what came over me, I don’t know why I said it and I know it’s lousy to blame it on the alcohol but you know I don’t drink like that very often and- and I’m making excuses. Poor effort on my end. I’m really sorry. Like, incredibly and terribly sorry... hope to see you soon. I really hope last night didn’t ruin anything between us. Bye, love.”
“Hi, love. So, you either didn’t get my last voicemail or you chose to ignore it... I wouldn’t blame you if you ignored it, to be honest. Grovelling for forgiveness. I would ignore it, too. It was a bad apology. I don’t know what came over me and I can’t get you out of my head. I can’t stop thinking about you, the strongest person I know, being so down and upset over something I, the biggest prick I know, said. Something that I said when I was drunk and didn’t know what I was saying. I’ve sent you a small something in the post; I don’t know when you’ll get it but I made sure it was first class... first class post for a first class girl, I guess. See you soon? Bye.”
“Hey, so, this will be the last voicemail I send and then you can have all the time in the world to be alone, to think about what you want to do, to moan about me to your friends so they can hate me too or you can slate me online. I deserve it. I rather you than a friend; as much as I like your mates, they’re tough and you deserve someone like them to fight with you. I hope you liked the flowers and the doughnuts I sent you. From your local bakery since I know you love them a whole lot. Went there for lunch yesterday and it may just be my favourite place too... hopefully we can go together one day? Maybe, for a date? Or something. If you wanted to. I’m not saying you should because of what I said but- and I’m waffling. Oh, they do good waffles, too. Anyway, I miss you. I’m still incredibly sorry for how I handled the situation and I hope this can be resolved again soon. See you, love.”
When it’s still radio silence, he lets her be.
Until one Monday evening, two weeks later, when they both stumbled into one another in her local bakery; YN being there to grab something small for dinner and Harry being there to grab a coffee on his way back to the tube station after being on his feet all day. 
He laughs softly and he’s surprised to hear a soft giggle escape her mouth. Her bag slipping from her shoulder and a white paper bag, smelling strongly of a warm ham and cheese panini (and, knowing her, a blueberry muffin in there for her dessert). His cheeks flushing pink when she looks at him.
“New favourite place,” he nods slowly before his eyes widen, “not because you live around her or anything. I’m not stalking you or anything. You keep telling me to try it and I did a couple of weeks ago and-”
“I know,” she interrupts, reaching forward to squeeze his forearm, “it’s good to see you.”
He sighs with relief.
“Listen, about what I said, I’m still incredibly sorry. I think I will be for the rest of my life,” he says gently, guiding the both of them out of the way so they weren’t in the way of the queue to the till, “I don’t want you to think that that’s what I think about your career or anything. It was stupidity and ignorance all coming out at once... my ego needs a knock back and I think you did that. Right with a baseball bat.”
She smiles softly, tugging the corner of her lips.
“It’s okay. I think I’ve let you suffer a lot more than intended,” she admits a little sheepishly, “I’ve brought two blueberry muffins if you want to have one? I know you like them so you can’t fool me. We can go back to mine?”
“Can I grab something to eat then?”
“I’ll meet you there? You know where I live,” she grins, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, “still best friends so don’t worry.”
She walks away from him and he watches her disappear around the corner of her complex, hair blowing in the wind and her hands tugging on her coat to sit a little tighter and warmer around her body, eyes squinting in the wind. A huge weight being lifted from his shoulders as he queued behind a little old lady who couldn’t help but admit that the two of them would make such a sweet couple one day... xx
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Noticed absence.
Guzmán x Reader
Request by anon: Hi! Can I request a Guzmàn x reader where readers been pursuing Guzman for quite some time (years or months is okay) and Guzmàn is either clueless or just scared, depends on you. So reader becomes tired of it and just kinda gives up and some time later a guy starts noticing her and stuff haha basically "jealous Guzmàn".
Gif is not my own
Requests are closed🤍
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Flirting was never something that anyone could be excessively good at in your opinion. You either flirted a lot but never dated anybody. Or you flirted minimally because you were in a relationship. Or maybe you were just trying to make yourself feel better since you’d never been a good flirter in any way. You’d realised that after almost a year of trying to flirt with Guzmán and never getting anywhere. Maybe he just didn’t see you in that way. That’s what you’d assumed recently.
“Morning guys,” You smile as you walk into the classroom where Carla, Lu, Ander, Polo and Guzmán all sat.
“Good morning, you’re looking cute today honey,” Lu comments as you take your seat beside Guzmán, “Any reason why?”
All of the others knew your intentions of flirting with Guzmán but they’d never said anything to him - thankfully.
“Of course not,” You roll your eyes, adjusting your top to make the discomfort alleviate slightly.
“Doesn’t she look nice Guzmán?” Carla cocks a brow as Polo holds an arm around her.
Guzmán frowns a little and glances at you, “She always looks nice.”
You watch as Ander fights back a smile and looks down at his hands.
“Can we talk about something else?” You question, “Arent the new kids starting today?”
“Oh fucking brilliant,” Guzmán groans, flopping back in his chair.
“Come on, they can’t be that bad,” Lu rolls her eyes, “No worse than the last scholarship kids.”
Ander scoffs and goes to respond as three new kids all file through the door. One boy walked last in line and he instantly seemed the most interesting. The first boy was evidently loud, extroverted, bold. The girl likely to try her best to get top of the class at any opportunity. But you couldn’t quite figure out the boy at the back of the line. He was handsome, but it was like he didn’t really know it.
Carla looks at you with a smirk, “Not so bad.”
- - - - - -
“Are you coming to the pool (Y/n)?” Guzmán asks as the lesson finishes and you all pack away your things.
“Yeah, of course,” You nod as he waits for you and the two of you start walking towards your lockers.
Near enough every day of the week, you went with Guzmán to the pool whilst he was swim training. He’d once told you that he got really bored when he was there on his own and so you’d offered to go with him. Now, you found yourself there all the time with him just as a continued offer. Sometimes you swam with him and other times you sat poolside.
“So, thoughts on the new people?” You ask him as he grabs his gym bag and you get yours.
He laughs, “You’re asking the wrong person.”
“They don’t seem that bad,” You defend, “I know you’re just waiting for them to be like Pablo, but not all of the scholarship students are the same.”
He looks at you with a smirk, “You know me too well. But can we please talk about anything other than the new kids?”
“Okayyyyy...” You pause, “What do you want to talk about?”
He laughs and starts chatting away and asking for your advice on what to wear to the party tomorrow night. He gave you his options and asked if he could FaceTime you later so you could see them properly. And you try to stop yourself from thinking too much into it. He genuinely just saw you as a friend.
- - - - - -
“(Y/n) not here this morning?” Guzmán frowns, “She didn’t say she wasn’t coming in.”
“No, she’s speaking to that new boy Samuel,” Lu nods her head over to where you were speaking to him.
“Something going on with them?” Guzmán asks as he sits down in his chair and hangs his arm over the back of your chair like he normally would if you were there.
“They’re just talking, Guzmán,” Ander laughs, “He seems okay.”
Guzmán glances over and watches the conversation unfold. He wasn’t sure why he felt a little protective. Maybe it was just a friendly thing. But he can’t seem to take his eyes off of you as you laugh at something the boys said, say your goodbyes and turn back to come and sit with the group.
“What was that about?” Guzmán asks as you sit down beside him.
“He’s just asked me to help him out with a few bits from maths because we’re in the same class,” You shrug, “I said I’d help him out next period.”
“What about swimming?”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t think you’d mind... it’s only for today,” You assure him, “I can cancel if you want me to.”
“No, no, that’s fine,” Guzmán shakes his head, “I can’t really complain if you’re helping someone out.”
He laughs it off but he’s not sure why it annoys him. Why did he feel any different about you not wanting to sit by a pool with him?
And why did he keep looking at Samuel?
- - - - - -
“We need a good night tonight, right?” Carla shakes her head as Polo comes up and slides an arm around her, “I’m already fed up of this school year!”
You laugh and thank the bartender as he hands you the bottle of champagne. Everyone was here tonight from your regular group and it was always a good chance for you all to celebrate nothing in particular.
“Here you go Guzmán,” You smile as you hand him his whiskey on the rocks.
He grins and thanks you as he takes the glass, “Well, cheers everybody!”
“Ooh, wait, there’s one person missing!” You comment quickly, hurrying over as you see Samuel just walking through the door.
You’d invited him after it had been made very apparent that he didn’t have many friends around school. It wasn’t much more than that, you were just trying to be nice really.
“She invited the new kid?” Guzmán mutters to Lu who simply shrugs her shoulders.
“Didn’t she tell you?” Lu frowns, “She mentioned it to me earlier.”
Guzmán watches as the boy walks over with you, looking awfully uncomfortable in the new scene.
“Can I get you a drink Samuel?” Polo suggests.
“I don’t think they sell cheap beer here,” Guzmán mutters, loud enough for you all to hear, as he takes a swig of his drink.
“Here, I’ll get you a drink Samu, lets go to the bar,” You encourage, trying to make him feel as welcome as possible as you guide him over to the bar.
You don’t really know what to say about Guzmán. Maybe he’d just acted so coldly because he felt cautious of the new kids. But there was something about the way he’d looked at you as you walked over that made you think it was something other than that. There was something about how his knuckles were turning white against his glass that made you realise there was something more going on than simply just an annoyance about Samuel being new. No, you couldn’t start thinking like that. You’d spent months analysing things like that and it had never resorted to anything. Nothing would change now.
- - - - - -
“Oh shut up it’s not that deep,” You roll your eyes as you turn around in your chair to respond to something that Ander had said.
“You seem to be spending an awful lot of time with him for my liking,” Ander jokes, “I’m just saying.”
“He’s new! He doesn’t know many people, and we just happen to have classes together!” You defend.
“Then why are you getting so defensive about it?”
“Because I think you and I both know nothing would happen between me and anyone else whilst I still-“ You cut yourself off as Guzmán walks into the room.
“Whilst you still what, (Y/n)?” Ander winds you up, “Continue, please.”
“Good morning Guzmán,” You smile as he sits down.
“Morning, here’s your homework back. Thanks for letting me copy,” He comments as he hands you back the slightly crumpled page.
“Oh yeah, that’s okay. Samuel basically did half of it for me anyway,” You laugh a little, smiling to him politely as Samuel walks in.
“Samuel?” Guzmán cocks a brow, “I had no idea you two were so close.”
“What?” You scoff, “What gave you that idea?”
Guzmán eyes you for a few seconds, “Nothing, it’s fine. Do you fancy a FaceTime tonight to go through the stuff for the test tomorrow?”
“Umm, yeah,” You tuck your hair behind your ear, “Can I let you know about that one?”
He pauses like he’s shocked you’d even questioned his offer, “Okay...”
“Okay,” You smile.
- - - - - -
You‘ve just left first period when Samuel catches up with you outside. He’s nervous as he speaks and you can instantly tell what’s about to be said. It breaks your heart a little to have to outwardly reject someone.
“What are you talking about?” Lu snaps into Guzman’s sentence, “You think (Y/n) likes Samuel?”
“Are you kidding me? They’re spending every day together!” Guzmán defends, glancing around the group like he’s waiting for any of them that will agree with him.
“Guzmán, you’re an idiot!” Ander rolls his eyes, “Are you seriously that blind to it?”
“Blind to what?! He’s obviously got some sort of intention with her and it’s weird-“
“Okay, honey, I don’t think you’re an idiot, but you need to wake up and smell the coffee when it’s right under your nose,” Carla joins in, “You seriously think she likes him?”
“I don’t see how you guys don’t see it...”
“Guzmán she likes you,” Ander hits him on the arm, “And she’s spent so long trying to get you to see that, she’s just fed up by now!”
“What are you talking about?” Guzmán scoffs, “(Y/n) doesn’t like me, she just sees me as a good friend.”
“Spending every day with you at the pool, calling you basically every other night, always blushing when you compliment her, listening to and remembering everything you tell her...” Polo trails off, “Do you want me to continue?”
“And you all knew this?” Guzmán glances around at the waiting group.
“Yes!” They all chant in unison.
The boy of focus practically stumbles back a little at the revelation as his eyes turn toward you and watch as you evidently decline whatever Samuel had suggested to you. You turn and see him looking over, to which you offer him a bright smile and make your way towards the group.
“Holy shit,” Guzmán mutters under his breath as you approach.
He’d liked you this whole time and only now just found out that you liked him too?! What an idiot!
“Ready to go to the pool?” You offer, smiling to the rest of the group, to see them all staring back at you, “What? Why’s everyone looking at me?”
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fanficflaneuse · 4 years
One Day - Part 7
A/N: Dear magical tumblr friends, today I have not much to say but an expression of my gratitude for your comments, hearts and reblogs. I really wasn’t expecting many people to like what I write. So, it does come as a surprise, one that’s very pleasing and leaves a fuzzy feeling inside me :)
Draco x reader (she/her pronouns) Word count: 2165
Summary: One day AU. Post-war. Since The Battle of Hogwarts, Draco and y/n meet one day a year.
3 May, 2005
(Y/N) and Draco stood in front of each other, unsure of what to say or do. The muffled sounds of the celebration inside only made their silence heavier. They were in the garden of Ginny and Harry’s new home. Their housewarming party was the first time they met in two years.
Ginny had given birth to their firstborn, James Sirius, in August. With the newest Potter in tow, they decided their little flat in London was not the right place to raise their growing family and moved to a house in Devon. It was closer to the Burrow and had a huge back yard for their mischievous nine-months-old boy. That Tuesday night, (Y/N) had knocked on the door expecting a very adult reunion with her closest friends. She was greeted by a full-blown party. The music was deafening and there was a thick smell of booze in the air.
She greeted her friends, unaware of the grey eyes fixed on her from across the room. Draco was determined not to let another day pass. Two years had gone by since he last saw her and even more since they had truly enjoyed each other’s company. He wanted her back.
“(Y/L/N) is truly like fine wine,” Draco’s gaze shifted to Blaise, his eyebrows knitting in confusion.
“How so?” he asked carefully, guessing he really didn’t want to know the answer to that.
“As years go by, she just gets better and better,” Blaise answered, a sly smile on his face.
Draco gulped. He couldn’t deny that every time he saw (Y/N) she seemed much more beautiful than before. Whenever he had the pleasure of rediscovering her, he’d find something new to…well, love. He hadn’t had that chance in the last two years, so the effect she had on him now, even across the room, was tenfold.
“I can’t believe she’s still single.” That was Draco’s cue to stand up. He didn’t want to listen to anyone talking about his best friend in such terms. Guided by a rush, he walked towards her, interrupting her conversation with Hermione and Neville.
At first, (Y/N) thought she was hallucinating. She looked at him from head to toe, admiring the cool and kind energy that emanated from him. He was a breath of fresh air, one she had been missing for almost five years now. Then, (Y/N) noticed how, standing silently as they were, they attracted people’s attention. Pansy and Hermione looked at them intrigued. Harry was offering them a kind smile. Ron and Ginny were most definitely scoffing. Her friends’ antics made her realize she was not imagining him; Draco was standing right in front of her.
She didn’t doubt for a second when he asked her to talk privately.
That’s how they had gotten there, standing solemnly on the veranda with tears in their eyes. After a few minutes of doubting, (Y/N) inched forward and hugged Draco’s middle, burying her face on his chest. Draco smiled, relieved, and hugged her back. He pressed kisses on the top of her head.
“I missed you so much, Dray,” she said.
“Me too, (Y/N/N). You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” he answered, bringing her closer to his chest.
A friendship was reborn.  They sat side by side on the porch, their backs to the house. They allowed themselves to be pulled towards each other, so their bodies were as pressed together as they could possibly be.  
“Don’t you want to let off steam? I’m here, you can roast me, insult me, call me on my behaviour. Really, nothing can possibly be worse than what I’ve said to myself,” even if Draco tried to press a humorous tone in his voice, (Y/N) could feel the regret and shame.
“Dray…for the longest time I thought about barging into Malfoy Manor to give you a piece of my mind. I wanted to insult you. Circe! At times I even thought about hexing you to kingdom come. I am not going to lie, I was hurt,” as she said all of this, she noticed how Draco’s face dropped, “but I’ve forgiven you. I’m not going to pretend like things didn’t happen. But I also prefer not to dwell on them.”
Draco then told her he had been sober for almost two years. He explained that their meeting had been a wakeup call and he decided he didn’t want to be that prick ever again. He told her, excitedly, that he had started healer training and he felt he had finally found his true calling. (Y/N) genuinely rejoiced at this. Draco then described his chance encounter with Harry at a muggle tea shop. They rekindled their friendship almost immediately and met every Wednesday evening for afternoon tea. This fact made her giggle like a lunatic.
He also narrated, just for the pleasure of hearing her laugh again, how Ginny went ballistic when he first set foot on their house.
“Well, it wasn’t undeserved. You were a git,” she teased. Draco nodded, feeling a bit guilty.
“What I’m wondering is,” she added, her dashing smile leaving her face, “why didn’t you reach out to me, Dray.”
Draco squeeze (Y/N)’s hands. “Don’t think I didn’t try, (Y/N/N). I did. Many times, actually. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I know I hurt you for some very stupid reasons. I even asked Harry and Ginny – and Ron and Hermione and everyone else, basically – not to tell you about me because I wanted to contact you myself. And then I just couldn’t…I…”
“It’s okay, Dray,” she consoled him, like many times before, by putting her hands on his cheeks and making him face her. They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, they gave each other that look of longing and lust that begs to be ended by a kiss. But before either of them leaned in, Draco reminded himself of the many, many reasons why it was not okay for them to kiss. I’m not that imbecile any more, he told himself.
“So, tell me about you. What have you been doing lately,” he said, ending abruptly their little moment.
(Y/N) blushed and fixed her gaze on the sky. She shared with him something nobody else knew: she was going to publish her first book. Draco was so happy for her – and for the fact that she had told him first – that he almost cried. She then explained how things were going spectacularly at her job. Once again, he hanged onto her every word as she poured so much passion into what she was saying. For some reason, (Y/N) mentioned her breakup with Ernie.
“I figured as much when he arrived holding hands with Cho,” he murmured. He didn’t say that MacMillan hadn’t even returned his greeting and had even glared at him from across the room.
As they spoke, he waited for the right time to tell her a not so little detail of his life, which was nagging at him. He convinced himself to wait another day to tell her, that they had just found each other, that it was better if they eased into their friendship first, when, all of a sudden, the door behind them opened with a bang.
“There you are, baby,” he heard a woman’s voice say.
Draco winced when he saw (Y/N)’s confused expression. She turned around to face the newcomer, a woman with auburn hair, delicate features and a very soft complexion. She was staring at them expectantly, her hands on her hips and her head a bit tilted. Draco stood up and the woman walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed him, a soft kiss he responded so reluctantly it reminded (Y/N) of her time with Ernie.
Still, she was startled, baffled even. Draco put his arms around her waist and (Y/N) looked away, feeling like she was intruding.
Draco cleared his throat. “Tori, this is (Y/N),” he said awkwardly signaling between both women, “(Y/N/N), this is Astoria.”
The auburn-haired woman squealed and turned to (Y/N), enveloping her in a hug. “Drakey has told me so so so so much about you! I have a lot to thank you for. You’ve made my job easier,” she joked, hugging (Y/N) tighter, “I’m glad you’ve reconnected and I really hope we can also be friends. You sound like a beautiful person.”
The situation as a whole was asphyxiating, to say the least. But even as Astoria kept talking and violating her physical boundaries (and also despite the fact that she was clearly Draco’s something), (Y/N) couldn’t dislike her. She was...sweet. Draco gave her an apologetic smile. She smiled back, hoping it concealed the sadness and disappointment she felt. Draco noticed that there was something behind her gesture, but out of respect for his girlfriend he didn’t want to name it. Nor admit he was feeling something similar.
“Astoria,” (Y/N) said, trying to be as friendly and good-tempered as possible.
“Tori,” she corrected.
“Tori,” (Y/N) tried again, the nickname still foreign in her tongue, “It was a pleasure to meet you. I really need to get going now, though. I don’t know if Dray–co told you this, but I am a teacher at Hogwarts. Tomorrow is a school day and I need to apparate to the castle first thing in the morning.”
“How interesting! You didn’t mention that, love,” she reproached her boyfriend playfully, “It was a pleasure to meet you too, (Y/N).”
“(Y/N/N),” she corrected her as well. As cringe-y as she found strangers calling her by the nickname only her friends used, she felt like she needed to return the gesture.
“(Y/N/N),” Astoria agreed with a smile.
“It was great to see you again, Draco,” she said before heading back to the party.
(Y/N) said goodbye to all of her friends and picked her coat. She was trying to let go of any feeling of rejection or discouragement. She had her friend back and that alone was enough to make her happy, right? Of course, things were meant to change. That’s what she tried telling herself to avoid the heartache.
If she was completely honest with herself, (Y/N) had to admit she had been waiting for a day in which Draco came back and they could be together. As the years came and went, her hope diminished, but it was never completely gone. It was always there, in the back of her mind, even when she dated other people. Finding him here today, as good as it was, had been a reality check. As much as she felt her heart chattering a bit, she knew it was for the best. (Y/N) needed to move on.
She closed the door behind her, getting ready to apparate back to her apartment. All of a sudden, someone hugged her from behind. She tensed for a second until she recognized Draco. He felt her relax in his arms and then tense up again, which made him a bit sad.
“It’s always like this with us, isn’t it?” he said, trying to humour her.
“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice trembling.
“You’re always leaving and I’m always chasing you,” he answered.
(Y/N) thought that it was the other way around, but laughed anyways, knowing very well that Draco was trying to lighten the mood. He felt satisfied and kissed the top of her head again. Feeling her relax in his arms once again gave him the courage to face her. He didn’t know how to address this. How can you even begin to explain to the woman you’ve loved for such a long time that you’re in a relationship with another woman – who you’re also in love with – but you haven’t entirely moved on?
“Don’t (Y/N) me, Dray,” she said sternly.
“(Y/N/N), I’m sorry”
“Why would you be sorry, Dray?”
“I don’t know. Astoria…”
“Is your girlfriend,” she finished.
“Yes,” he answered, not knowing what else to say.
“Listen, Dray. Today I found one of my closest friends again. He was affectionate as ever. And he’s getting his life back on track, which an absolute relief. If I tell you a secret, he had turned into a bit of a git the last time I saw him. Seeing him like this has made me very happy. So, let me enjoy that,” she said, a kind smile on her face.
Feeling like the luckiest man alive, Draco engulfed her in another hug. Once again in his arms, (Y/N) remembered the words of wisdom he had said all those years ago in Mexico, how he preferred to be her soulmate destined to be best friend than a boyfriend of a couple of months. She realized that maybe that’s what their thing was all about. And even if it was going to take time for her to get used to it, (Y/N) felt content.
tags: @fandomscombine @okaydraco @naomi02hook @iliketoast23 @winnsmills @oldfashionedlovergirlsblog @happycomb @xtrashmouthxtozierx @hopplessdreamer
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bexterbex · 4 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 31
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This is chapter 31 if you haven't heeded the WARNING by now, then I can’t help you. Also, I will now be posting the new chapter before 2 PM CST, so it may be before 11 AM like it use to be but it might not. I have had some priorities change and the posting time reflects that. 
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 31: A Dinner to Remember
You took your seats. Kylo was of course of was at the head of the table and you were seat next to him. The others took the remaining seats but Ushar was at the end of the table.
“Everything has been ordered already we will just have to wait until the food gets here,” said Kylo.
You took this moment to ask, “So were are you all from?”
Ap’lek spoke up, “All of us were born somewhere on different planets but unlike you sweetheart, we don’t exactly call them home. So it really doesn’t matter.”
You bit your lip in confusion. So they had no home, but from what Kylo had said they at least had each other.
“So Kylo informed me that you are all single, on earth being a Knight is somewhat of a turn on,” you joked.
“You making us an offer sugar,” asked Cardo with a suggestive smirk.
You were taken aback at this question, blushing at the suggestion. But before you could answer Kylo did for you. “She isn’t a prize and you best remember that before you end up on the wrong side of my saber.” He was serious and firm, a threatening tone in his voice.
“It’s just a joke boss, no harm done,” said Vicrul holding up his hands in surrender.
One of Kylo’s eyes twitched and his jaw clenched. “What were you saying about the knights here though, that they are….chivalrous and gentlemanly. I think that would be a matter of improvement for you all.”
“We will follow your lead boss,” said Kuruk. You could tell they liked pushing his buttons a bit, you didn’t exactly why but you knew they might just like messing with him when they can--like brothers.
“I suppose you could all take some notes from the Allegiant General then,” you said with a smirk of your own.
You could tell that this was not something they liked hearing. Kylo suppressed a chuckle while the others glared at you for a second before shifting their eyes to him. He was now wearing a half-smirk on his face.
Before anyone could say anything two droids came in with carts full of food and drinks. They served you all at an amazing speed.
“So why don’t you like the general,” you asked curiously while starting to dig into your appetizer.
“You mean the sniveling little bastard that walks around in daddy’s uniform? The feeling is mutual between us. He has a stick shoved so far up his ass the blood flow has turned his hair red. He doesn’t like us because when we come back from missions we track dirt onto his ‘clean’ starships. He calls us dogs and hates that we don’t shit our shoes to anal perfection. What is there to like,” asked Ushar.
“I can’t respect a man who hasn’t spent any time in the trenches. He gives his orders from the safety of his precious starship. He despises actually getting his hands dirty, he always orders others to do his work for him,” said Kuruk.
“I see. I’m sorry for asking,” you said.
Kylo’s hand was a clenched fist on the table, he wasn’t happy about the conversation.
“It’s best to stick to things you shouldn’t be sticking your nose into, Pet. How about something like baking and babymaking,” said Cardo.
In a flash, Cardo’s back was against the wall and he was clutching his throat, choking. “Maybe you are dogs because you certainly need to learn how to obey your master and heel,” asked Kylo through gritted teeth.
Cardo choked out, “I’m sorry boss, it won’t happen again.” And his body slid to the floor he was gasping for air.
“Make sure of it. It is your life that is on the line. This is the final warning for all of you. Next time it will be my saber.” Kylo was furious. His breath was uneven and he was clenching his fists.
“Kylo it’s alright, it’s not the first time something like this has happened and it really doesn’t bother me by this point,” you said trying to calm him down.
“They should know better,” he said gesturing to the knights. “They all should know better,” he said gesturing to the rest of the ship.
You move to place a hand on his arm, “why don’t we just try to calm down?” You were trying to appeal to him, “why don’t we finish eating?”
Kylo eventually gave in and you all resumed eating now turning to the main course. You tried changing the subject. “How did training go for you all this morning?” You were hopeful that they would all take the hint to be friendly and civil.
“We got our asses kicked, but that usually happens when we spar with the boss,” said Ushar. “If your sparing is anything like what Captain Phasma and Commander Pyre did the other morning then I would like to see it sometime.”
“The silver captain is a very formidable opponent. She and the golden commander are the only ones who are even worth trying to spar with outside the knights,” said Ap’lek.
“If the boss agrees with it you should watch us tomorrow morning,” asked Vicrul.
Kylo nodded in agreement. “I take my morning debriefings during our training, so you’ll be accompanied by most of the First Order High Command and other various high ranking officers. But it shouldn’t be a problem if you are willing to get up early enough.”
“How early is early,” you ask.
“6:00 hours. I am usually up by 5:30 hours and take breakfast afterward,” said Kylo.
“I think that is something I can manage.”
There was a shared chuckle around the table. The droids took away your plates and served desert. Most of the knights seemed rather enthusiastic about this, you had a feeling some of them had a couple of sweet-tooths.
“You seem to be only asking about us m’lady. Why don’t you tell us about yourself? After all, the boss has made it clear that we are your new bodyguards,” asked Ushar. Who seemed to be the unspoken leader in the group, he was visibly the oldest too.
This took you by a bit of a surprise. You wiped your lips on a napkin before asking, “what would you like to know?”
“How about your favorite flower,” asked Trudgen this was his first time speaking all night. He looked to the others for confirmation, “women like flowers right?”
You chuckled. The old Russian saying, ‘what the priest is like, so is the church’ seemed to be true. “Why don’t you ask your boss that question?”
“_____ her favorite flower is ____,” he mumbled in response.
They seemed confused by your laughter. “That is the first question he really asked me.”
“So, the boss has got as little game as Trudgen,” said Kuruk. The other guys seemed to laugh at both of their expenses.
“I wouldn’t say that. There is a large beautiful bouquet next to my bed of them,” you responded jovially.
Ushar leans back in his chair, “so the kid does have game. Who would’ve thought?”
Kylo repeats the action challenging the elder, “Better game than you and you know it.” There was a smirk on his face and a certain gleam in his eye.
“Makes sense, but you know not everyone has your natural talent,” challenged the old man.
Kylo’s smirk tightened, the other knights held their breath. You were missing something but you didn’t know what.
“You’re right my old friend. Don’t you forget it.” His eyebrow twitched. You could tell whatever you were missing was something that if pushed hard enough would certainly anger him again.
Trudgen spoke again, you could tell he was the least confident in speaking to you. “What about your favorite color?”
You smiled at him, thankful that he was trying to cut the tension in the room. “It’s ______, it reminds me of ________. It’s always made me happy.” It worked the tension released.
“Do you like sweets,” asked Trudgen.
“Yes, but not as much as you all I see.” At this, some of them blushed knowing they were guilty.
Ap’lek put his hands up, “You caught us when you fight in the trenches most of your life you develop an appreciation for them.”
“Especially when most of the time you eat crap for food,” agreed Vicrul.
You chuckled at their honesty. They seemed to be much more comfortable around you now than when they first came in. But you were starting to feel exhausted the entirety of the day catching up to you again.
“I think its best that you all go,” said Kylo noticing your exhaustion.
They all thanked you for the meal and went to the living room to collect their helmets. They left saying their goodbye’s and saying that they would see you in the morning.
Kylo turned to you, “what did you think Kitten?”
“I think they are all nice guys, just a bit rough around the edges. It might do them some good having to guard me, they might pick up a thing or two about being gentlemen.”
Kylo smirked at your response, he wrapped an arm around you and kissed your forehead. You definitely enjoyed his new confidence in showing affection. You smiled but felt very tired.
“Why don’t you head to bed early, you had a long, rough day and you could use the rest. Plus you promised them you would be at training early in the morning and they don’t like to be disappointed.” He guided you up the stairs and to your room. You opened the door and started to head in before he caught your arm.
“Now Kitten, you haven’t forgotten our deal already, have you?” There was amusement in his tone and a smirk on his face.
You leaned in only to give a peck, but he caught you and took your breath away. You made a mental note to never forget a goodnight kiss, especially if they were going to be as good as this one.
You said your goodnights and you got ready for bed. You couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come. Knowing that you were going to watch him train was getting you hot all over once again, but you shook your head at the thought. You both promised to wait, and you would, but at least you were sure you would enjoy tomorrow’s performance.
You set your alarm early and messaged Lieutenant Mitaka your plans before you drifted off to sleep.
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berkblockman · 4 years
It’s a match // Bill Hader x reader
Pairing: Bill Hader x reader Word count: 1555 Warnings: None, I think Request: Hello! I enjoy your work so much and was wondering if I could request Fred Armisen and Natasha Lyonne trying time set up Bill with a friend of theres who’s also a single parent and recently divorced? If not, I totally understand and appreciate you taking the time to read this. (a/n): Thank you for the request! My dumbass hadn’t realized Fred and Natasha were together until I got this and omg, I ship them so much 🥰 Anyway, sorry this took me a bit longer than usual, it has been a busy couple of days but I hope I have more time now on holidays 😄
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When Natasha Lyonne invited you over to have dinner at her place, you were a little surprised, to be honest. It felt kind of weird, not because the two of you didn’t get along - you absolutely loved working with her and you constantly praised her for the way she brought to life the scenes you wrote – but until that moment your relationship had been mainly professional.
You had been working as a scriptwriter for Orange Is The New Black since season 4, and seeing that the show was coming to an end, you thought that maybe Natasha had invited you over as some kind of farewell. Either way, you were actually looking forward to it. Since your 5-year-old daughter was born, you didn’t go out as much as you would want to, and not even after you got divorced, nearly a year ago, you had enjoyed a night out. You thought that it would be nice to simply spend one evening with some adult company, for a change.
So, after leaving your daughter at your ex-husband’s place, you made your way to the direction Natasha had sent you. You were a bit late because of how hard it had been to convince your little girl to stay with her father, but you hoped that Natasha would understand and that the bottle of wine you brought with you served as an apology. You were approximately 20 minutes late when you knocked on her door.
“Y/N!” She greeted you with a smile when she saw you. “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming!”
“I’m so sorry, I had to take my daughter to my ex’s.” You greeted her back, handing her the bottle you brought with you. “I hope this will make up for it.”
“Don’t worry, come in.”
Taking the bottle from you, she guided you through the long hallway to the living room, where two men were sitting at the table. Everything seemed to be ready for dinner.
“Let me introduce you.” Natasha said as the two men got up so they could greet you. You were sure you had seen them before. “This are my partner Fred and our friend Bill.”
“Nice to meet you both.” You smiled, awkwardly shaking both of their hands and sitting at the table, right in front of Bill. After hearing their names, you found out why they looked so familiar. You remembered seeing them in a few sketches during their SNL days.
It was obvious that you were feeling shy as you tried to join their little chat. You could have expected that Natasha’s partner would be there, but you definitely weren’t expecting anyone else. Not that it bothered you, in fact, Bill seemed a pretty nice guy, but you felt a little out of place. Everyone there knew each other except for you.
Soon, the four of you started to eat as you kept talking and joking around. They were all quite friendly, and luckily, it didn’t take long for you to start feeling comfortable around them. Also, you couldn’t help but notice how easily it was to make Bill laugh and how warmly sweet the sound of it was. As you were still enjoying the first dish, you began to notice how the conversation was focused on you.
“Y/N is an amazing writer.” Natasha praised you. “She has written some of the funniest episodes in the show. And some heartbreaking ones too.”
You immediately blushed as she kept talking about what she thought were your ‘highlights’. Shyly and being way too humble, you kept saying that it wasn’t such a big deal, but Fred, and specially Bill, laughed when Natasha told them about her favorites scenes you had written.
“Bill is a writer too.” Everyone in that room had experience writing scripts, but Fred brought up Bill’s name, making him become the center of attention. “He has his own show on HBO. He created, directed, wrote and starred on it.”
“Wow, really?” You asked, clearly impressed. “What is it about?”
“Well, it’s about a hitman who wants to become an actor.” The blue-eyed man said, giggling slightly. “It’s called Barry, me and my friend Alec came out with the idea.”
“It sounds interesting, I’ll have to watch it sometime.” A smile appeared on your face as you watched the way he explained it.
By the time you could realize, the only ones involved in the conversation were Bill and you. Natasha and Fred had silently agreed to step aside when they noticed the chemistry between the two of you. It wasn’t that obvious for you at first, but when you casually mentioned your divorce, Bill put two and two together and realized what was going on.
What seemed to be an innocent dinner was just an excuse to set the both up. Maybe if he had known what their friends’ true intentions were, he wouldn’t have accepted the invitation in the first place, but he had to admit they had made an impressive job. Even though he would have refused to go on a blind date, he was now having a great time with you. You were interesting, funny and really sweet, not to mention he also found you attractive. He was glad he had the chance to meet you, but he didn’t think the match Natasha and Fred had made would last.
There was no denying he liked you, but it was still too soon to tell if something would work out between you. He hadn’t contemplated the idea of getting into a relationship after divorcing, all of that seemed way too new for him. And most importantly, he had no idea of whether you liked him back or no, so he didn’t want to set his hopes high. In conclusion, he was afraid of starting something new with you and it failing. But yet again, it was too soon to tell.
He tried to ignore his thoughts and kept talking with you as if nothing happened. Until that moment, it had been an incredibly pleasant evening and he didn’t want to ruin that now.
The hours passed, and after finishing dinner and spending some time hanging around, you decided it was time to go home. You knew you would have to wake up early next morning to go get your daughter and you wanted to get some good rest before facing your sweet little monster again. After thanking Natasha and Fred for the evening, you said goodbye and walked with Bill to the parking lot, were both of your rides were.
When you were finally alone, he reunited enough courage to share his thoughts with you.
“I’m sorry if things got awkward at any point.” He said as he walked side by side with you. “I didn’t know they would be trying to set us up…”
“Were they trying to set us up?” You asked in what seemed to be confusion. In that moment, Bill immediately regretted opening his mouth at all. What if it was all in his head and nothing was actually happening? He was starting to feel like a fool when you laughed and spoke again. “I was joking. I realized when both Fred and Natasha left us alone for 20 minutes while they supposedly prepared dessert.” Feeling more relaxed, Bill laughed along with you.
“I hope things weren’t too awkward…” He insisted, still a bit embarrassed.
“They weren’t. At least, not for me” You quickly clarified but were immediately taken aback by the thought that maybe he was the one feeling that way. “Did you feel awkward?”
“No, not at all.” His voice assured you. Silence took over as you arrived to your car.
“I actually had a really good time.” You finally confessed as you looked down. It had been so long since the last time you had faced a situation like this one that you weren’t really sure of what to do.
“Me too.” He gave you a cute smile, causing you to smile back.
“Maybe we can repeat it again some time.” You proposed, hoping he would be okay with it.
“As in a date?” The question left his lips before he could formulate it correctly. For a moment, he felt that he was going too fast, but it was too late to regret it now.
“Well, maybe not like a date-date.” You laughed, trying to calm down. “Maybe like a ‘let’s get to know each other first and then see where this goes’ kind of date.”
Bill looked at you for a few seconds, considering the situation. He wasn’t expecting you to ask him out, but he couldn’t deny the idea of it was appealing. A smile formed again on his lips.
“Sure, that would be nice.” He accepted and you exchanged phone numbers.
“It was really nice meeting you.” You started to say goodbye.
“You too.” Still smiling at you, he showed you his phone, where your number was now. “Talk to you soon.”
You waved at him one last time as he walked away and you got inside your car. You just couldn’t erase the smile from your face as you watched his number on your phone. Maybe it wouldn’t work out, it was too soon to tell, but you were excited to see how things would go.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
A Gekkering Mess
Summary: Renata and Minnie go to a toy store where something interesting happens.
Word Count: 2605
Read on AO3:
It was a beautiful day in the town of Richmond. The sky was a bright, clear blue, the white clouds were rolling lazily by and the air had a freshness that made the huldra’s tail curl into a question mark. Renata’s tail twitched this way and that as she felt a cool breeze blow and tickle the opening in her back. Her brown eyes caught sight of a small flock of birds that flew through the sky. Her animal instincts kicked in and she wanted to run after them and see what would happen. But she quickly shook that urge away with a feeling that was much stronger. There was a different bird that she was really excited to see. A tall, cool, redhead harpy that had flown in and stolen her heart. The way Minnie made her feel was exhilarating and made her heart all warm and fuzzy each time she saw her. Renata was practically counting down the seconds it took her to get to the harpy’s house as she ran forward. The fur on her tail blew through the wind as her shoes whacked against the pavement. She couldn’t help but sprint towards her house, ignoring all the strange and horrified looks she got because of her monster features as she made her way down the street.
Once she saw the house in the near distance she skidded to a halt and began to walk casually forward, a little bounce in her steps as her excitement bubbled over. Any second now she’d get to see her girlfriend. The huldra walked to the front door, gave it a friendly knock and waited as patiently as she could for the door to be answered. Her body swayed back and forth as she waited until she noticed that the doorknob was turning. Her eyes grew large as she waited to see Minnie’s warm smile. Instead her head tilted to the side when she saw no one there at first. It only took the huldra a second to get what was happening.
“Hey, Tenn,” Renata’s fangs poked out with her friendly smile as the ghost boy slipped out of the door and formed into his usual fairly transparent appearance.
“Hey, Renata,” Tenn returned the smile with a shy expression and began to fidget with his fingers. “Minnie should be ready any minute now, but you’re welcome to come inside.”
“Thanks!” Renata strolled forward and heard frantic chirping and other sounds coming from the second floor. After a few minutes the soft clicking of talons could be heard coming down the stairs and Renata’s face immediately brightened when she saw it was Minnie.
“Hey, Ren,” Minnie jogged down the last few steps and stopped in front of her girlfriend. “Sorry, I hope I didn’t make you wait too long,” An apologetic twitter left her lips as she looked at the huldra.
“Nope! Not at all.” Renata leaned forward, getting on her tippy toes and placing a soft kiss on Minnie’s cheek. That made the harpy’s face turn a bright red. The huldra smiled proudly at that; she loved whenever she flustered Minnie. Minnie cleared her throat “Ready to go?”
“Yep!” Renata’s smile grew when she felt Minnie’s hand slip into hers, her fingers intertwining with Renata’s as they headed towards the door.
“We’re heading out. Make sure to not let Sophie eat all the chocolate chip bug cookies.” Minnie looked back at her brother who gave a nod in understanding. There had been far too many times that Sophie had gotten overwhelmed by the deliciousness of a snack and eaten all of it in minutes.
With that the couple was off, walking down the sidewalk slowly as they made their way towards the location of their date: A monster-friendly toy store run by a human the different monsters around Richmond swore was one of the most welcoming and friendly in the whole town. Still, on the way there there would still be humans that would give odd looks and whispered comments, but neither of the monsters seemed to mind. Minnie and Renata were happy in each other’s presence, enjoying the casual conversation and knowing it was a short walk to Swellington’s Toy Emporium.
“So have you ever been to the store before?” Minnie looked over at her girlfriend with a soft expression.
“Hmm, nope! But I’m happy to have my first time at the toy store be with you!” Renata’s tail curled around and brushed Minnie’s feathers. Minnie’s feathers puffed up for a second due to the sudden touch but she quickly gave a smile and continued on.
“Me too. I’ve never been but I’ve heard from Brody that they have really high-quality, soft plushies.”
That caused an excited smile to appear on the huldra’s face, her fangs poking out as she moved a bit faster. “Ooo, now I definitely can’t wait to get to the store!” Renata hummed happily as the two continued down the street. After a twenty minute walk they had reached the store. It was bright and colorful with a big sign. A train display was slowly making its way around the front of the store’s window causing a curious tweet to leave Minnie’s lips. The couple moved forward and opened the door. They were immediately greeted by a lady with brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. Fuzzy toy animal ears were on her head and she was showing them off to some kids who seemed in awe of them.
“Welcome to Swellington’s Toy Emporium,” She gave a friendly wave. “My name’s Edith. If you have any questions just let me know.”
“Thanks, we will,” Minnie gave a friendly smile and was surprised for a moment that for the most part everyone in this store seemed fine with them being there. Without having to worry about that fear, the two monsters wandered around the store. Their eyes admired all the different types of toys and exhibits on display. Renata’s tail was constantly curled in the shape of a question mark and her eyes were bright and shiny.
“Ooo! Ooo!” Renata’s soft hand gripped onto Minnie’s tighter as she pulled her forward. “I found the stuffed animal display!” The huldra and harpy stood before a display that towered over them. All types of creatures stood before them. Dragons, chickens, cats, bears, if there was a stuffed animal you wanted it seemed like this store had it.
Minnie’s eyes searched the different options. Excited, happy chirps left her lips as she saw the array of choices before her. Her hands immediately went to a fox plushie. Its orange fur reminded Minnie of Renata’s tail and the happy yet slightly mischievous look in its eyes was spot on. The harpy shook her head; maybe she was just reading too much into the fox plushie. She placed it down and decided to give herself time to consider purchasing it or not when suddenly a throaty sound appeared beside her.
The harpy glanced over and was alarmed to see Renata’s teeth bared and her tail slightly puffed. A high pitched sound emitted from her throat as her eyes were glued to the fox plushie. She began to slowly move towards it and continue the sound, the hole in her back vibrating from the volume of her gekkering until she caught sight of Minnie’s surprised face. Renata felt her tail go limp and she awkwardly scratched the back of her head.
“Oops, guess my animal instinct kicked in and all. Again,” She awkwardly picked up a rabbit plushie that she had chewed on. Her fangs had bits of fluff on them from the innards of the plushie. The poor thing looked rather sad now. “I’m gonna go pay for this and apologize. I’ll be right back,” Renata jogged over and gave Minnie a quick kiss on the check then scampered off towards Edith.
The harpy watched as the huldra apologized again and again. Edith simply waved her hand and put it on Renata’s shoulder which surprised the huldra. She gave some kind words with a soft smile and Renata handed over some money. Minnie turned her attention back onto the fox plushie. She wondered what gave Renata such a strong reaction. Was she jealous of a plushie? If so that was actually kind of cute. The harpy smiled and picked up the fox plushie; now she felt like she had to get it. Sneaking over to the cashier she purchased the plushie, tucking it away safely in the bag given to her. Suddenly she felt arms wrap around her waist. The harpy let out a surprised yet happy twitter and looked back at her girlfriend who gave a warm smile. “Hey, everything go alright?” The harpy’s question made the huldra nod her head.
“Yep! Wanna check out some more plushies? Ooo, or I saw this really cool display over by that corner over there.”
“Let’s check out the display,” Minnie’s words caused the huldra’s eyes to sparkle more which made the harpy’s heart flutter. Minnie leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Renata’s cheek. The sudden romantic gesture had Renata’s eyes flickering with surprise before the playfulness returned to them. Her tail brushed against Minnie’s feathers and she grabbed her girlfriend’s hand, guiding her over to the display.
The two continued to explore the wonders of the toy shop, both of them getting overwhelmed by the sheer amount of cool stuff they saw. Minnie ended up buying a Lego set and Renata bought a yo yo that supposedly lit up whenever you spun it. Happy with their purchases, the couple walked out of there hand in hand and back to Minnie’s house. When they had reached the destination and said their goodbyes, Renata snuck in one final kiss, capturing Minnie’s lips and making her feathers bristle in happy alarment. With a playful smile, Renata began to walk backwards. “I’ll see you soon,” The huldra had a happy, casual smile on her face that Minnie matched as she waved goodbye.
“Can’t wait,” The harpy watched her girlfriend for a moment longer then closed the door. Her hand immediately got out the small fox plushie, a giddy twitter slipping from her lips as she ran up the stairs, her talons whacking against the wood until she couldn’t wait any longer and flew the rest of the way. “Come on, Foxy, I got the perfect spot in mind for you.”
“So what do you want to do today, Ren? Bug eating contest? Go Fish? Want me to fly you over the neighborhood again?” Sophie leaned forward in her bed, her talons tucked comfily away in her little nest.
Renata sat on the floor and tilted her head to the side. “Hmm, those all sound great… Let’s do them all!” Her fangs poked out with her smile when she saw that her best friend was clearly just as excited.
“Awesome! Let me just grab some stuff and we can start with the fly over the neighborhood.” Sophie fluttered her wings and got out of her nest. The harpy went over to the desk to grab something when suddenly she heard a throaty, high pitched growling sound. Alarmed, Sophie spun around to see her best friend slowly moving towards Minnie’s bed. There, tucked away in the nest was a small fox plushie with a cute smile. Sophie was confused for a second until she remembered Renata had mentioned before that foxes gekker when they see a rival. Which meant that Renata was jealous and competitive of a small, soft fox plushie. Renata’s tail was puffy and her teeth were bared as she lunged forward.
“Renata, no!” Sophie ran forward but it was too late. Renata’s teeth were already tearing apart the fox plushie, her eyes holding nothing but jealousy and anger for this innocent toy. The harpy flew up and wrapped her talons around the huldra’s arms. As she began to try to pull Renata away, a familiar voice called out.
“I’m home!” Minnie’s talons clicked up the stairs. “Hey, do we have any more grub ravi-” Minnie froze when she saw the scene before her. “Oli…”
Renata’s eyes grew large and her tail went limp as she spit out the toy.She looked into Minnie’s eyes for a moment then tried to speak but nothing came out. An awkward silence filled the room before the huldra spoke once more. ‘I’m really sorry,” She ran past Minnie and down the stairs.
“Ren, wait!” Minnie called out but the front door slammed shut and the twins were left alone, confused and with a torn up toy. Minnie took a spot on her bed and held the toy. She really didn’t think that this would happen. Her pale blue eyes wandered over to the open door. She just hoped Renata wouldn’t kick herself too much over this.
The next day Minnie was surprised when she heard a knock on the door. She flew down to open it, hoping to see her girlfriend’s playful smile and bright eyes. But instead no one was there. The harpy’s eyes traveled down to the ground. There lay a dozen fox plushies and a big apology card with the words I’m sorry I got jealous over a plushie. Minnie picked up the card and was immediately hit with the familiar, comforting scent of cinnamon. Renata had definitely left this. The harpy stared at the collection of plushies for a moment before scooping them up and plopping them inside the house by the door. She didn’t want Renata to feel guilty over this silly thing. “I’m heading out for a bit!” Minnie didn’t wait for a response and sprinted out the door, pulling her hoodie over her feathered arms as she made her way to act out her brilliant idea.
Renata lay on her bed. Her poorly resewn bunny plushie from Swellington’s was on her desk next to a pile of homework she hadn’t done yet. She hugged her pillow close to her chest. She hoped Minnie liked the apology gift. Her mind continued to focus on that until she heard a knock at her door. Curious, the huldra walked forward and opened the door to be surprised to find Minnie who was out of breath. A big yellow bird plushie was wrapped in her arms.
“Hey, Ren, I thought...” Minnie took a moment to catch her breath, “Since you gave me a bunch of plushies that remind me of you I’d get you one that hopefully reminds you of me.” The harpy's arms shot out, red feathers falling to the ground as she held forth the big plushie. Renata’s tail twitched this way and that as she accepted it.
“It's a big bird because, y’know, I’m a big bird,” Minnie gave a nervous smile.
Renata hugged the plushie close to her before she set it down and tackled Minnie with a hug.
“I love it!” The huldra peppered the harpy with kisses.
Minnie laughed and wrapped her arms around Renata, embracing her warmth. “I’m glad.”
The pair cherished that hug for a moment longer before Renata pulled back. “So, you're not mad at me?” “Mad? Nah, I think your gekkering is pretty cute.” Minnie’s smile grew when she saw that she had flustered Renata for a moment. “But just between you and me, those plushies have got nothing on you.”
Those words made Renata beam as she pulled Minnie into another hug. The harpy looked down at her girlfriend and laughed. Yep, there was no one like Renata. The huldra who had snuck her way into Minnie’s heart. The harpy hoped she stayed there for a really long time.
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kaiju-z · 3 years
Seon Adventures, Episode 34: The Journey to Tutum
When last we left off our adventurers, the party had prevented a duel to the death between Mournimar and a duelist, hired by his ex-boyfriend, follower of Potencia Lazarus, rescued a talking Celestial Warlock Dog named Samson by brutally overkilling a group of deserters from the war and reached the border of Aetorumia and the neighbouring lands.
In the evening, while Malak confronted Luctan over his past behavior and gifted him an Orb of Direction, Samson the Corgi nearly escaped with his life, avoiding a fight with the spirits ithat dwelled within the well he attempted to steal money from. In the morning, Malak would express his displeasure in the party’s actions against the ex-soldiers, empasionately as Malak would allow himself demanding that they could and should do better than this, before also gifting them items of their own.
A Pipe Of Rememberence for Jun, a Handy Spice Pouch for Belli and a Pot Of Awakening for Mournimar. He would then finish his meal outside, before the five + Samson would reconvene on their journeys...
To everyone’s surprise, however, at some point, while Malak bought a map, Luck made a 7 gold coin offering at the shrine and the rest restocked any provisions they might have sacrificed on the journey so far, Samson had trotted off on his own little adventure. A one dog army~!
After paying the Innkeeper handsomely for her food and donating for her establishment’s futue, the party would get in their carriage and, led by Kevin and Killer, make their way out the border town, their eyes taking in the massive expands of sands and dunes. No structures in sight, Malak being quite familiar to it. Having known this shit and the thought he’d said goodbye to it coming back to haunt him.
Before the group could leave on their weeks long journey, a laugh would catch their ears and as they’d turn their heads in the direction of the amused fellow, they’d see an aged orange haired man with a shit eating grin, making japes at the group for traveling as they appeared. In plates and leathers and all that sort of stuff.
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Questioning the scarred man’s attitude, the party would note that he appeared off-proportioned in a way. Somewhat dwarven, but much taller. A Half-Dwarf!
While Jun asks him if he could guide them, which he planned to offer his services for the very pricey 2 PIECES OF GOLD FOR EACH SIDE OF THE TREK, Malak would recognize his colors as being of the Galorum army. Old enemies of Aeterumia, during the war. But to Malak, that was old news. Yesterday’s enemy was today’s ally and all that.
With a wooden leg and a confident demeanor, Arryn, as he introduces himself to the party and they back to him, appeared to be the kinda guy who just hopes for work. And work he finds as the party accept him on this long journey, to guide them and keep them from walking off the path.
It pretty quickly sets in on the team just how hot it can be in the desert. And the air itself was so thick. Extra THICK, even! It felt like there was led in the air or some thing at later evenings they’d spend out in the open.  Temperatures being like under a blanket, but also nasty and humid.
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The guide would mention it being left over bad energy from the war. The area is inflicted with the worst vibes. The vibes that took Arryn’s leg.
Days would pass. Weeks even as the group advanced through the dunes, past hills and rocks and rocks and small mountains around them, generally peacefully, with the exclusion of any foul business. Sure enough, Arryn was a trusted guide through these parts, getting them through the sands, to some more solid areas of rock and gravel.
The walk was a lot more even and paced from there, with the obvious dunes carrying on in the distance, but something would catch the travelers’ attention. Bones. They’d see lots of bones. Almost like a trail of them, leading to this sheer clear cliff face.
Investigating them, Malak would note that they were weirdly in tact, some of them. Dead and untouched. But there’s kind of a little curve around the corner, where the bone trail leads… He’d pick up a skull and cast “Speak With Dead”
“EYY!” the awoken skull would commence.
And the questions and answers would begin.
1. “How did you die?”- “Well, I was walking, right? And then there was this hot and cold stuff. And then it was just everywhere and it was really hot? And there was this big flappy beast behind me.”
2.  What were you doing out here?” “Me and my friends were following a trail of bones and figured whatever did this’gotta be guarding some good shit.”
3. “Were you being guided by a peg legged man?” –“No, we didn’t get a guide. We thought it was a waste of treasure and had to share.”
4.  “Did you have anything on you?” “I mean, we had our weapons and armor.”
5. “Is there anyone you’d like informed?” – “If me mate Chaz made it, he’s probably back at Havik by now.”
With the air of life leaving the skull, Malak would update the crew on his findings. From there, Jun would elect to poke the distracted Bard and suggest she send Orion to investigate the inner sanctum of the bone yard.
Orion slinks off and his body shrinks into the size of a normal cat, much to Belli’s amusement and the rest’s shock and awe.
He sneaks around the corner. Belli looks through his eyes. What happens is that he turns the corner and there’s this huge mammoth bone. Think elephant graveyard. He walks under that and he does a perceive... He steps out into the open, looks back where he came from and then Belli notices that the ground gets further away.
A pause. And poof. He’s gone.
Mournimar sneaks in, next, with a rope around his waist and careful maneuvering, feeling unseen as he makes his way through the yard, while Malak casts Aid on Arryn and the ladies. As the low armored part of the team.
With a careful eye, Mournimar sees the source of all these corpses. And as the Rogueish Ranger would raise his head up, the others would follow suit. And sea an Adult Blue Dragon, staring confusedly at his clawed mits, wondering where his quick little meal went. A  great big fuck off blue dragon.
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Electing to avoid a fight with the dragon, for now, the group would carefully maneuver their way back to the carriage and do a big twist to avoid being directly seen by the dragon as they’d carry on and cross a river, along the way..
One evening, during shifts, Luctan taking the first... the disguised tiefling would wake Jun and ask her for her presense during his watch. The two would hold a private conversation, regarding Jun’s offer to hear him out, where they’d discuss the matter of trust, personal insecurities and pain, the understanding of pain and treatment of pain... Capping things off with a genuine interest in learning how to carry on, after a tragedy, something which the unmasked red tiefling had trouble getting to terms with.
By the end of the 1st watch, Luctan and Jun would come to an understanding and carry on with talks when the time allowed it. But until then, Luck would wake Mournimar to follow through with the second sentry outlook, while he rested.
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Mournimar’s watch would be uneventful, compared to what had occured in his dreams... Something he’d share with Belli, when the first signs of morning would come up.
The enthusiastic cook would poke for information, which the Tiefling Ranger would share, regailing Belli with a tale of his dream, wherein he was visited, or more like... found himself in Jorzoth’s office. One of the Archdevils had brought him in for a 1 on 1 pow-wow, where in he’d inform the archer of Lazarus’ intentions with the duelist.
Lazarus had intened, through this duel, for Mournimar to best his contractor as a means to check in on his ex.
To say that this is a  weird way of checking on your ex, would be an understatement. And yet, that was the story he’d tell, through bites of an omlette.
In Mournimar’s own words, the break up and Potencia really changed him. Lazarus? He’s someone in need of praise. He used to be good and he was never like this before Potencia. There were... clear regrets there, in Mournimar’s mind and heart.
But Belli would protest to this thinking as you can’t change someone, who doesn’t want to change. While Mournimar doesn’t want him to be like how Mournimar was as a child, Belli reminds her friend that Lazarus is an adult, It’s his choice to make.
Breakfast is had amongst the group and Arryn remarks that this is the best hospitality he’s had. Ever.
From there? They’d venture forth and Malak tries to call Chaz. With a D100 he Sends a message to the dude. He gives him the full story, as best as possible. Chaz is sad, but the funeral was done already. He regets the nasty stuff he’s said over the year. But is greatful. Godspeed!
Drawing near to a river, Luctan would give Belli her pot. Like. Literal pot that had been in his posession for about a month now, give or take. Within one of the ceramic pots there were 10 silver ball bearings, each spelling a letter in Belli’s name.
And in turn, Belli would give Luck 5 smoke bombs. And she’d even show him her stash of a variety of bombs. Which she had been planning on using with the help of Orion as a dive bomber.
Stupified by his friend’s madcap ideas, Luck would be quiet for the most part during the next part of the journey as they’d cross over the river on a bridge and go through a town, populated by kobolds of different scales.
Initially weary of the group, they’d soon enough relax and observe, even follow them along as the party carried on through the town, when Malak appied his knowledge of the Draconic tongue, holding a friendly conversation with the locals, while Luck used his Prestidigitation to create funny images and smells for the kids.
As the town of Odum generally doesn’t generally get visitors, the party are kind of a treat to them. Through the talk, a kind of friendship forms with the Kobold settlement and the party learn that the dragon of the desert was quite the nasty one. Every time they’d send someone over to check what his demeanor was, they’d have to send another one, to check as well, because no one ever came back.
Mental note.
In the midst of this conversation, Jun would make friends with two of the littlest kobold kids, who’d climb on her and ask her all kinds of questions. Like why her face was the way it was. She’d happily use her shapeshifting power to appear like a Golden Dragonborn, much to the kids’ amusment.
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With friendship in their heardts, the party would eventually carry on, venturing forth! Arryn would warn them that the next week is just gonna be desert. There’s a lake at some point, but that’s our lot.
While the week’s travel carries on, Belli shows off her vocal skills as she speaks in a few new languages she had picked. Among which was Dwarven, much to Luck’s shock. And frustration. ‘cause it took him 3 years to learn that on his own!
(”What? Like it’s hard.”)
Arryn, however, upon hearing Belli speak in Dwarven turns pale. When asked if he’s ok, the half-dwarf would reveal that anyone’d be shocked on hearing a nearly dead language.
In one day the dwarves and dragonborn in the area died off. Green evil magic took then down. Arryn survived, because he is part human. Malak knows this to be the effect of the Blight spell, but on a major level.
Jun suggests Steamroot to help with the pain. Her partner was hit with that spell and it had helped manage that. Arryn’s greatful for the suggestion.
They’d venture forth, once more, parallel to the main road. Mournimar asks about why we’re not on the main road. Bad things, ghosts, appear on the main road. Ghosts of the Dragonborn, particularly dangerous spirits.  Spirits are his expertise and avoiding them is where the expertise is at.
One particular night, deep into their expedition, Arryn asks them over a warm evening meal where exactly they were headed. Not to Tutum itself, right?
The party reveal some of what they’re after, but that seems to be more than enough for Arryn to put 2 and 2 together. 
“Of course, it’d make sense for them to eventually send someone to clean their tracks.” he’d remark, which in turn would push the party to question him on what he meant.
Arryn would say that it was never confirmed, but implied that the Council was involved in what happened to the dwarves and dragonborn. According to him, as he’d elaborate on events from the battle, as he was a soldier at the time, two dragons were in on the plan. One was dragged off to Guan and the other slain by the King’s Blade, which was burried within the tomb, onward.
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Before anyone can stop her, a furious Belli’d send a message to River, demanding answers that she wasn’t even sure of the Halfling would have.
A hurt River would reply back with as much as she claimed to know, which was that this was a private job being done for a benefactor she couldn’t disclose. Upset, she’d question if Belli mistrusted her now?!
A debate is held on how to proceed.
Ultimately, the party  agree to go talk to the sword and get the facts straight. From there they’d see where they’d go..
Arryn would remark with surprise on how quickly they’d trust what he had to say had any truth to it. 
As the journey continued, they’d avoid the ghost town. Like. Town of ghosts. And keep going and going to a cave with funky carving.
There are carvings of a Tiefling with a big, big chonky sword. Fighting a dragon. An outline of an army that kind of fades and half of them disappear... 
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Underneath this is this really fine intricate dwarven lettering and runes. As we get to the shrine, we end the session. 
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browneyedmissy · 4 years
The Way I Loved You
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x Casey Valentine
Summary: The moments where Casey and Rafael realized they loved each other: they just never said it out loud until it was too late. Prequel to Like a Friend
Author's Note: Hey y'all, it's ya girl Missy back at it again with the angst for the Raf romancers writing at stupid late hours again. Happy one week into OH hiatus or happy 10 months(?) since a Raf diamond scene 😭
"You never told me you loved me when we were together." Rafael said, his hand twitching as he wanted to reach over to touch her.
"Well, you didn't either." Casey said, blinking back tears as she looked down. "Doesn't matter anymore."
Part I: Rafael
Rafael knew he was in love when he was in love when he realized that she fit into his life and he wanted all his days and nights to be spent with her.
She had invited her out to dinner with her and her friends from her hospital. He had seen them around, recognized a few of their faces but she was the only one he had really ever talked to. Doctors were friendly enough, he observed, but they mostly mostly hung out with each other because of the shared camraderie of medical school and residency.
And sitting there, listening to Casey's friends talk, he wasn't quite sure what he could add to the conversation.
"Do you really have an early morning, Raf?" Casey asked later as they walked towards the subway.
He put his hands in his pockets, giving her a shrug. "Your friends are really nice people, Casey. I just... I don't really know if I fit in with doctors that have ivy league credentials and are going to solve pandemics."
They both looked towards Jackie's direction as she shouted something about karaoke towards their directions. He watched as Casey looked towards her friends and then back to him.
"If you want to, you can come with me to see the neighborhood I grew up in."
She grinned at him, biting her lip. "Do I get my own private tour guide?"
He chortled. "I think I can arrange that."
Her face lit up and he felt his heart thump as she ran over to her friends and exchanged a few words with them, nodding his way. She waved goodbye to them before heading back to him, taking his hand. He squeezed it as she smiled.
"Let's go."
They walked hand in hand as they walked down the street in the warm humid heat, greeting his neighbors as they went. He led her a side road, taking her down to the park he went to often as a child with his family, fond memories of running around with his uncle and his mother.
Casey grinned as she ran straight over the swing set, sitting down and looking up at him as he stepped behind her.
"When was the last time you came to the park and just let yourself play?" He asked her.
"I don't remember the last time, to be honest." She admitted. "School didn't come as easily to me until I figured out I really liked science so I spent a lot of time studying. But I always liked being on the swings as a kid because I think it was the closest thing to flying."
He nodded, moving to take the swing next to her.
"I used to come here with my uncle a lot. He was the one who taught me how to fly the helicopter. He used to tell me that as hard as the world was, it was important to remember why we always try and look for the good in the world."
He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about times where he helped his uncle rebuild houses after storms, shoveling snow for neighbors. When his uncle passed, Rafael's heart was broken because the good that he had put into the world was gone and he had cried when everyone his uncle had touched stood in the crowd as his uncle was laid to rest.
"You miss him, don't you?"
He looked over at her and gave her a sad smile as she reached for his hand. "All the time."
"He taught you well. Everyone in this neighborhood adores you."
"Oh, if you think everyone adores me, they loved my uncle." Rafael smiled fondly. "I just hope I am even the fraction of who he was."
She let go of his hand moved so she was in front of him, hands covering his on the chains of the swing. With her standing, he observed, she was at eye level with him. At this distance, he could smell the lavender of her body wash and the way light of streetlamp backlit her made her look almost ethereal.
"You, Rafael Aveiro, are the most kindhearted compassionate person I have ever met. I've never met your uncle, but if he is anything like you, he would be so incredibly proud."
He grinned and leaned in, pressing a light kiss to her lips.
"Come on, I want you to meet someone."
He walked Casey into the kitchen of his grandmother's house, breathing in the scent of chocolate. He smiled at the picture of Casey sitting down at the table and his grandmother brought a plate of brigadeiros to the table, as if this was a common occurrence.
"Casey, how do you know my grandson?" She asked as Rafael took a spot next to Casey.
"Hospital, vovo." He said as he popped a chocolate ball into into his mouth.
"Yup. He brought in a pregnant woman from a burning building."
He smiled fondly as he thought about the moment he had gotten Dolores- rest her soul, out of the ambulance. Casey had been standing there, biting her lip in worry before looking up at him. He remembered as she blinked at him, surprised before flashing him a smile and his heart had fluttered.
"Oh, he told me about that! So you're the pretty doctor he told me about!" She exclaimed.
Rafael felt his face heat as he coughed down his chocolate. He felt a hand on his back and he looked at Casey who was hiding a smile.
"Mmm, pretty doctor, Rafael? Do you have a crush on me or something?" She teased.
He grinned as he pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. "You know I do."
"It was nice to meet you, Casey." His grandmother said as she walked them to the door. She pressed a bag of bridagdeiros into her hands as she gave her a hug. "I know my grandson is in good hands."
Rafael blushed as he hugged his grandmother goodbye.
"Bye, vovo."
"I like this one a lot, Raf. I love you, come see me again soon."
He waved her goodbye as he and Casey walked down the street. He threw an arm around her, bring her in close to his side and smiled at the way she nestled into it.
"That meant a lot to me, Casey. Thank you for coming and thank you for coming after me." He said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"Thank you for showing me your world, Raf."
He paused when she came to a stop and she turned to face him.
"Teach me how to dance?"
His heart swelled as he placed an hand on the small of her back, bringing her in close and feeling her heartbeat against his chest. He had the sudden longing to have more nights like that, wishing they could always be as close as they were in that moment.
Part II: Casey
Underneath the flickering hospital lights, she realized she loved him.
Every inch of her was completely exhausted. From Naveen's diagnosis to Ramsey's departure, she had hardly had a chance to catch her breath when the triage began. And then, after hours of diagnosing patients, after countless faces, that was when her worst nightmare happened.
When Rafael was wheeled in, her body wouldn't move. She had desperately hoped that she was in a nightmare and she would wake up any moment.
"He's in critical condition." She vaguely heard Harper saying in the background. Casey felt like the air was being sucked out of her lungs, looking down at Raf's face and tears began welling in her eyes as she scrambled to recall her last memory with him.
"Casey." A hand on her shoulder jerked herself away from Rafael and she looked up to see Bryce with a concerned look on his face. "I know this might be hard, but we could really use you in there. Raf will have a better chance if we had some compatant extra hands in there."
She blinked to see Rafael being wheeled into an operating room and Harper giving orders before heading to the scrub room.
"Rafael-" She choked out.
"We're going to do our best, Case. Harper Emery is a better surgeon than I am and I'm pretty damn good."
"I didn't get to say- what if he- Bryce, I can't remember the last thing I said to him."
He squeezed her shoulder, his eyes sympathetic.
"I'm going to go help Doctor Emery to make sure you can have more memories with him. Go take a second for yourself and breathe. If you feel up to helping us save your boyfriend, we'll be in operating room 3."
She stood there in a daze as Bryce left and thought about Raf, unmoving on that operating table. She swallowed down the sob that threatened to break and took a deep breath before following after him.
After the longest six hours of her life, she was finally let go as Rafael was declared stable. She let out the biggest breath as she stood in the shower afterwards, letting the water wash away the smell of the operating room and the images of Raf on the table.
She closed her eyes, willing them away and searched her brain for the moments that warmed her heart: the way her heart skipped a beat when she found him chatting at the nurse's station with an almond milk latte in his hand for her, the feel of his hands in hers as they danced underneath the stars, and the warmth of his arms as he comforted her after she learned that Teresa Martinez died.
She thought about how his presence had instantly in the moment made her relax. She couldn't get him close enough as he held her, listening to the steady thump of his heartbeat.
She glanced around the empty locker room. For the first time since the beginning of the triage, she was finally alone. The tears she had been holding in finally burst and she let herself cry, her tears washing away down the drain.
She sat down in the chair next to Rafael. She watched as his chest moved up and down with his breathing and felt her muscles relaxing with every rise and fall. Her eyes moved to his face, bruised but still achingly beautiful and she reached to move his hair off of his forehead.
She watched as he stirred, moving his hand to reach the one covering his.
"Casey?" He murmured as his eyes opened, squinting at her. He tried to sit up and her heart broke as he winced. "What happened?"
"You came in and you-" She choked back her words. "I thought I lost you, Raf. I was so scared, I couldn't stand losing someone I have feelings for."
"I'm sorry I worried you." He said quietly. Then, with a soft smile. "You have feelings for me?"
"If that's not obvious by now, I haven't been doing a good job."
He reached out and touched her cheek with the back of his hand.
"I didn't want to assume. But I hoped you felt the same way."
She nodded, her heart in her throat.
"Is there any room there for me?" She asked as he scooched over. She nestled into his side, feeling the weight of his arm around her. She felt the thud of his heartbeat again and reminded herself that Rafael was still there and they still had time together.
She looked up to admire the soft wave of his hair, the shadows that accentuated the strong line of his jaw and the high points of his cheekbone, and his warm eyes, bright as they looked down at her.
"You're beautiful." She said in wonder.
He let out a laugh and Casey decided it was the most beautiful sound in the world.
"You make my heart beat faster. You know, not in a medically dangerous way, but it just feels... You know. Content."
She closed the gap between them, feeling his lips on hers. His hand found itself in her hair as he moved her closer to him.
She found herself desperate to just stay in this moment, where he was safe and here with her. She wondered for a brief second if he could feel the wetness of her tears as he pulled away, his cheeks flushed.
"Well, I'm not going to joke that it was worth it to get crushed under rubble to kiss you." He joked, smiling at her with warm eyes. "But for the record, it was."
She felt her breath catch in her throat as she wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Only this boy, the one who had come in, still and unmoving on the gurney could bring her to tears and heartache but also make her her heart swell this way.
Casey never really understood when people said that they felt like time stopped and everything melted away. But in this moment, the only thing she could see and hear was Rafael Aveiro with his kind selfless heart and the words of adoration.
"When did you realize?"
Raf couldn't say the word love out loud- it cut his heart too deep, brought up too much heartache he wasn't ready to face yet.
"That night of the triage. When you joked about how it was worth being crushed by rubble to kiss me."
He willed his heartbeat to be quieter as he held her close.
"The night you came with me to see my vovo. When we danced underneath the stars."
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