#we won't talk about how many times i died here trying to get a good shot tho lol
robo-dino-puppy · 10 months
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(this is from some shots i was taking to help fill in cards for entries in the Horizon Database! if there's ever anything you wanted to know about horizon gameplay, it's probably there. XD it's put together by members of Arktix's discord server and it's an awesome resource!)
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ms-demeanor · 9 months
Atheist condolence card like "sucks that your grandpa no longer exists and you'll never see him again, oh well"
I mean, I'm looking for a condolence card for a Jewish family (found a pretty good one, will be adding a note about a shared memory of the deceased and hopes for the mourners that their memory may be a blessing).
But also I have no idea why people find the concept of an afterlife comforting. Legitimately, that is unappealing to me and the idea that I would be artificially separated from the people that I love and reintroduced to them after a period of separation if there was no need for that time of mourning and loss seems. Bullshit? It seems like bullshit? Capricious and cruel at best?
Anyway when my grandpa died we got a phone call when they tossed is ashes into the ocean and we never saw him again! Being reminded that we wouldn't see him in an afterlife wasn't the sad part, the sad part was knowing that we wouldn't know him anymore, that we'd be on one side of a growing divide, that there was a before and an after and we had left him behind while we had to move forward. It wouldn't have been comforting to think "well perhaps someday when I have lived my life without him, I will see him again in a place where nothing from this life (all the things that I have done, all the things that he taught me) will matter because they were worldly and unimportant."
What was comforting at that time, and after the very many family deaths that I have experienced (and I've experienced a lot! I've been comfortable with the idea that I'll never see my loved ones again when they're gone since I was a very small child!), and what I suspect is comforting even for religious people who have experienced a loss is to be reminded of the people who are still on the same side of that dividing line, who we can still love and adore and support and make memories with.
Anyway. I'm an atheist at least partially because of my grandfather, who was a magician and a skeptic and took great joy in skewering the supernatural. It would be an insult to his memory to think that he was an angel lighting up a star in heaven or whatever the christian condolence cards say.
My grandpa did a sexy comedy magical immolation of my grandmother in front of crowds; there was a devil on the flier.
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(grandma's the one on the right)
Pictured: Not someone who had much reverence for death or much patience for the supernatural:
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(Funny story, when my dad came to visit this week he saw a 2-post 52U server rack on the driveway from a distance and asked me "where did you guys get the guillotine? Did I leave that here?")
But my family is probably *unusually* atheist and irreverent.
For atheists in general I don't know why people think that it's more upsetting to acknowledge the truth (that once people are dead you won't see them anymore) than to be told "comforting" lies (that you will see dead people again at some mystical place that you have no access to or proof of).
I *hate* hearing "they're in a better place" when I'm mourning someone I loved because that's something that's comforting for a religious person to say but dismisses both the way that I mourn and (frequently in my family) the beliefs of the deceased. They are not in a better place, they are *gone* and I don't want to imagine that they're somewhere waiting for me to join them again, I want to remember them for who they were and accept that they aren't in my life anymore.
"They're in heaven now" "they're with the angels now" "they're with their maker" - none of those things are true and they reflect an extremely limited worldview that I don't share and find pretty insipid actually! Thank you for trying to comfort me you are doing a poor job of it I'm going to go hang out and talk to someone who actually knew them and we'll share stories of what an asshole they were and what kind of crazy nonsense they got up to and what a big, important part of our lives they were and we'll start trying to make sense of how to fill the hole left behind with something practical and joyful and fun and honest that they would have loved instead of cardboard angel wings.
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AITA for advising a woman to get married?
Maybe I'm digging my own grave because this website is very US centric but I'm hoping you see where I'm coming from. I (mid 20s M) come from a culture where arranged marriage is the norm. I have this friend Maya (early 20s F) who also comes from a similar culture, but the difference is that hers values consent more, whereas where I live, only the parents have a say in the matter. We also have a USAmerican friend Jade (late 20s F) who will make an appearance at the end.
Maya is a sex repulsed Ace, and she kept saying she will stay single forever. I know what the situation for women in her country is like, it would be very difficult to live without a husband. One day she made a vent post saying how her parents keep asking her to reconsider, that they are worried about her being alone for the rest of her life, and her father is worried about who will financially support her after he dies.
She didn't come out to her parents, no use of doing it since they won't even understand what Asexuality is. All she did say that she refused to marry a man she wasn't in love with, and implied she will never fall for one. She's trying too hard to prove she can be an independent woman.
Her family, out of concern, told her that marriage isn't about love. She can marry someone who she is compatible with and get along just fine. That many people don't end up married to the love of their lives and even if they do, they end up losing the spark anytime but stay because they built a loving home together.
I don't find this a bad thing. Stability is very important in marriage. I mean sure, I wish I could marry the love of my life, but if my parents decided that my next door neighbor would be my wife, I would go along with it because that's just how things are where I live.
I told Maya this and she got upset with me. She said my case was different because I'm a guy (??) And because I was hetero.
I told her to value her culture more, and she has the advantage over me because she can actually CHOOSE her spouse. She got angry and said I wasn't being considerate of her feelings, and she'd rather die than be touched by a man, which frankly is making me worried.
I told her she wasn't being realistic. She is fine for now, but she will suffer in the future. Being single in our cultures is very difficult and she needs to give up. She replied with long paragraphs about how she doesn't care. I say this because I care about her as a friend, and her parents from what she described are good people too and they care about her too. She doesn't appreciate it and thinks she can live alone for the rest of her life. Unlike the west, roommates arrangements aren't available here. If she loses her family, she becomes dependent on relatives who may or may not be available. Frankly I think she's very influenced by the western lifestyle which will get her nowhere in real life. And she's disabled and works a minimum wage too.
Maya stopped talking to me for days. The whole discussion was a on a public post so by the time our mutual friend Jade woke up (different time zones) she read the whole post and came to scream at me in DMs. Jade was Ace herself, she told me I was being sexist and acephobic. I told Jade that wasn't my intention but she should stay out of our business because she can't relate to our cultures and isn't being helpful to Maya, and she has it easy because she has the resources available that allow her to be independent.
AITA for wanting my friend to realize she's being unrealistic and things won't work for her in the future?
What are these acronyms?
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
More Hatchetverse Theory: The Reasons Why Hatchetfield Hates Clivesdale (It's Worse Than You Think).
Well my Hatchetverse theories have been taking off so I'm just gonna keep the good times rolling (the hashtag is "#hatchetverse theory"). Read below for an unhinged rant.
So there have already been a fair amount of theories about Clivesdale and why the residents of Hatchetfield hate it so much. I'll start by reviewing one of the most popular theories: that Clivesdale and Hatchetfield mirror the black and white, and that Clivesdale is associated with the "white" while Hatchetfield is associated with the "black".
The evidence is pretty compelling:
Clivesdale is the "sister city" of Hatchetfield. Webby is the sister of the LIB
The townspeople hate Clivesdale with a violent passion, and people have already pointed out that this mirrors Wiggly's hatred of Webby. Meanwhile, the people of Clivesdale don't seem to hate Hatchetfield. They raise the bridge in TGWDLM out of concern, but they don't seem to aggressively dislike Hatchetfield and mourn them when they are gone. This again seems to mimic that attitude Webby and her brothers have with each other.
The names of Clivesdale and Hatchetfield have similar meanings. "Clive" means to "Split or to chop" and "Dale" means "Valley". Hatchets are used to chop things. The towns are literally "split apart". I talk about the names of some of the town's other landmarks here.
The fight between the Clivesdale and Hatchetfield High football teams is emphasized a lot, to the point where the news covers it more than the murders of the teens in NPMD, and warns that a "losing streaks coming", but says that hopefully they can "get them next year". This could signify how the war between the black and white seems to occur in several realities.
Clivesdale and Hatchetfield have other similarities too, like how the Hatchetfield Honey Festival (a cover for an evil cult sacrifice, according to Nightmare Time) parallels the Clivesdale Cherry Festival (which no one is interested in, according to a newspaper prop from the musicals, but that's the Hatchetfield news, so it might be biased reporting).
But even if we assume this theory is true, I don't think the LIB would make the residents hate the town merely because they hate their sister and her town. This is because there are two other potentially terrifying reasons why the LIB would want the citizens of Hatchetfield to hate Clivesdale.
The first, which I haven't seen anyone talk about yet, is that Hatchetfield is an island. To leave it, citizens either need to leave by plane, boat, or bridge. And where does the only bridge off the island lead? Clivesdale. The LIB make the residents hate Clivesdale so that they won't leave Hatchetfield because it likely means they'd have to go through Clivesdale, which many residents say they'd rather die than do. One piece of evidence that supports this theory is the way the LIB try to entice the residents of Hatchetfield to stay in "Drowsytown":
There are many times when the LIB refer to the Black or being under their control as being in "Drowsytown" (and I can make a whole other post about the LIB and sleep/nightmares and Drowsytown symbolism another time). But, this is significant, because when citizens "wake up" from the LIB's control, their followers and the LIB themselves specifically ask them to stay "Down in Drowsytown" (also possibly a metaphor for "Hatchetfield's Downtown", they do sound similar). In Nightmare Time, the sniggles also sing about how they can't leave Drowsytown.
The other reason the LIB want the citizens of Hatchetfield to hate Clivesdale so much is a bit darker, and stems from a combination of Clivesdale being the only way off the island and the deep seated hatred the people of Hatchetfield have for Clivesdale, particularly in NPMD.
I have a separate post on this, but Max Jagerman hates Clivesdale so much that when he dies, he declares that he's going to destroy the whole town Clivesdale, and in "Go Go Nighthawks!", the students declare that they are going to "kill Clivesdale". At first this seems like the usual Clivesdale hate, but then one might consider the facts that Clivesdale is one of Hatchetfield's only links to the outside world, and the LIB seem to have a vested interest in conquering said world.
Thus, when the citizens of Hatchetfield say they hate Clivesdale and are going to destroy everyone there, they are not just referring to the citizens of Clivesdale, or the White/Webby of the "Black and White", but the mainland, the rest of the world, and everyone in it.
Think about it. If the LIB convinced the citizens of Hatchetfield that joining them or doing what they wanted would destroy Clivesdale, most of them would join them in their world domination quest with no questions asked. The LIB also sing in NMPD "why help you with the Jagerman when we could help the world?" which when combined with Max's earlier threat about destroying all of Clivesdale, and the fact the LIB make sure they still have control of Grace at the end of NPMD, seems pretty concerning, because it appears to imply that the LIB would only help the kids with Max if they had the guarantee that they'd still have a way to conquer the world, but again, this is just a theory.
Then there are two other relatively unexplored aspects of the dynamic between Clivesdale and Hatchetfield that we just don't have very much detail on, but I'll share what I got.
The first is the names of their mascots: The Nighthawks and The Chemists (I already made a post about the Sycamore High Timber Wolves).
The "Nighthawks" seems pretty self explanatory, it fits with the whole "Nightmare Time" "Eternal Night" "Black" "Drowsytown" theme quite nicely. Also in NPMD, when singing about Max, the students sing "like a nighthawk he preys" and the nighthawks are called predators.
The "Clivesdale Chemists" is more obviously an odd mascot, but harder to figure out since we don't have much lore on Clivesdale. "Chemists" could mean "Alchemists" could mean "Witches", but it's still unclear what the significance could be there or what the history is between Hatchetfield and Clivesdale and how it mimics the history between Webby and Wiggly. (The Witch in the Web song and Wiggly's repeated statements about hating Webby and wanting "wrath"/"revenge" are the only clues we have on that for now. Also the Cross and Holloway rivalry).
The second is the existence of the Nantucket Bridge.
It provides compelling evidence for the first part of my theory about the LIB using the Clivesdale hate to keep everyone in Hatchetfield/Drowsytown/the Black. If the people of Hatchetfield hate Clivesdale, they won't use the bridge.
I googled the word "Nantucket" and found a few meanings: "island", "far off land" and "sandy, sterile soil tempting no one". Make of that what you will.
It is confirmed in TGWDLM that Clivesdale controls the Nantucket Bridge (or at least half of it), because they raise it when Hatchetfield becomes infected with Pokey's apocalypse. Interestingly, this is the only time they seem to do so and they do so in response to what seems like just reports of a meteor crash into a theater and the occurrence of random flash mobs (not the scariest sounding thing that's ever happened in Hatchetfield so idk).
"Bridge" could also be referring to a gateway to the Black and White from earth, or bridge between the Black and White in general. Keeping along with the word theme, the body of water under the bridge is called the "Nantucket Channel", and the use of the words "Channel" and "Black and White" could refer to television, but that association is a bit more out there than the other ones, which have more evidence.
There are a lot more spin-off rants I could do with this, but I'll leave it here for a while. I hope you enjoy Starkid fandom!
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
I don't think we talk enough about how traumatising the memory erased stuff is.
Like how hard must it have been for everyone to suddenly realise years of their lives were missing.
To just come to the chilling realisation someone up until an hour ago was your friend.
Has caused the apocalypse.
You think your a first year high school student but nope.
Turns out you've already graduated.
Do they even know how old they are?
You don't know what's changed in your life, what hasn't.
Byakuya's whole family company is gone.
Makoto won't know if Komaru is alive for a long time.
... Are they the only ones left?
Food's suddenly an issue.
They have nowhere else to go.
Makoto has to carry on like his friends didn't just try and kill him.
Everyone else is gone.
They won but... Did they?
And that's just the first game, the Remnants are on a whole other level.
They've caused genocide.
Killed family, friends.
And don't know who or if anyone's left.
Hajime basically lost himself and his own identity for who knows how many years and he's just supposed to just... Exist like nothing happened.
It's like waking up from a nightmare and realising it was all true.
And they don't know what their forgetting or even if they want to remember.
All of them are alive but... Is that good?
They all know who killed them, and have to go on like they didn't.
And their alive...
Nagito's back in a body that's still sick.
Does Nekomaru have a body?
Hell, Sonia's country doesn't exist anymore.
And if I'm remembering correctly, Chiaki's still gone...
... Fucking glad Makoto was here at the end to do damage control because holyshit.
He's already gone through all of this and now is helping them get through it.
Which is great but also means he went through it alone.
Komaru has all her memories in tact but has to constantly choose her words.
Lest she sends Makoto or anyone of the other survivors into a crisis.
And than you have what may be the worse case, V3.
Because Shuichi doesn't even know if anythings real anymore.
Is he real?
Is his name Shuichi Saihara?
How many times has he died?
Is this the real world? What even is the real world?
Am I even a detective? Is all of my personality fake? Who am I? What was made for the show and what's real?
Does it even matter?
Do I have a family? How old am I? How long is 53 seasons? Are my friends still my friends, are they the same?
Is any of this real? Am I real?
If V3 ends like Danganronpa 2 did, is Kaede alive?
Do they remember each other? Is Kaito still sick?
Was Tsumugi ever a friend?
And again, knowing exactly who killed who.
..... You know people give Junko a lot of credit for causing despair.
As she deserves.
But her boyfriend deserves just as much because... Holyshit my dude this is sick.
Her boyfriend was, Yasuke Matsuda the Ultimate Neurologist.
Aka the dude responsibile for all the memory wipes.
Shame she killed him because talk about a power couple.
Causing the end of the world and lasting trauma to everyone involved.
Makoto gonna have to go give everuone therapy while also desperately needing therapy.
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cousmemes · 5 months
dialogue starters from DOCTOR WHO SEASON 9. feel free to edit for context / continues under the cut.
"Why do you always assume I'm lying?"
"An enemy's just a friend you don't really know yet."
"Wherever you go, there are people who care enough to find you."
"Anyone can hide from an enemy. No one from a friend."
"I did something wrong. I let somebody down when I should have been brave enough and strong enough to do better."
"You do realise you're still an idiot."
"Are you any good with a broadsword?"
"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Just don't run."
"He doesn't know we're here, does he?"
"When do I not see you?"
"Nobody dies here. Not one person, not one of my friends, do you understand?"
"You want to know how dangerous I am?"
"Is that supposed to frighten me?"
"If she is really dead, then you'd better be very, very careful how you tell me."
"What am I even looking for?"
"They don't have much respect for you, do they?"
"I'm so glad you didn't have to see that."
"I'm your friend. I'm your friend!"
"You know what? I've just had a very clever idea."
"How long do you think it's been down here?"
"What's wrong? You're not happy. Why aren't you happy? Tell me."
"Wait, wait. I don't think they're going to hurt us."
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Do you know what you need? You need a hobby."
"Where have you been? Everyone's been looking for you."
"We're coming back, aren't we?"
"I'm fine, by the way, in case you were worried."
"We need to get there. It's our only way out."
"You're sure they're not going to hurt us?"
"You seem to know an awful lot about me."
"I'm asking what I should say to you."
"I'm not ready yet. I don't want to think about that. Not yet."
"You didn't try very hard to stop her, though, did you?"
"You can't cheat time."
"No one is coming to save you."
"You're always talking about what you can and can't do but you never tell me the rules."
"We're time travellers. We tread softly. It's okay to make ripples, but not tidal waves."
"I had a dream you'd all died. It was so real, I thought I'd made it happen."
"There's nothing to fear, strange maiden."
"What's the one thing that gods never do? Gods never actually show up!"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you afraid."
"I have no reason to fear you."
"Not every misfortune that befalls us is down to you."
"We're not cowards. We do not run."
"Stay. You could help us. I know you could."
"A good death? Is that the best we can hope for?"
"I've got a hobby, thanks. It's you, by the way."
"Every time we do something like this, I keep thinking, what if something happens to you?"
"What do you think our chances are tomorrow?"
"I cannot keep you safe. I do not have the strength. But I will try to till the last beat of my heart."
"I'm sick of losing people."
"Look at you, with your eyes, and your never giving up, and your anger, and your kindness."
"One day, the memory of that will hurt so much that I won't be able to breathe."
"I do it for the adventure. Isn't that what life's all about?"
"Now is not the time to be showing off."
"How many people have you lost?"
"Why should I be responsible for you?"
"You're not like this. I know you're not."
"This is what you made of me."
"Did you miss me?"
"What's going on here? Fun and games?"
"I'm a friend. I've come to help."
"Don't do this. You know it's me. Don't let them trick you."
"I love you. I forgive you and I love you."
"You're talking nonsense to distract me from being really scared."
"You see, that's the problem. I am a brilliant liar. How are you ever going to know?"
"So, you must have thought I was dead for a while. How was that?"
"Do I look like I'm kidding? Is this a kidding face?"
"Is that your answer for everything?"
"Oh, admit it. I totally saved your life."
"What were you doing last night?"
"There is no nice way to say you're about to die."
"You enjoyed that way too much."
"You were upset, weren't you?"
"They look at me as if they want to kill me themselves."
"I did this to save you, you silly thing."
"Why do they always run?"
"So this is your life, then? Just bouncing around saving people?"
"Oh, she is the worst. I love her. Take that how you like."
"I swear, I never meant for anyone to get hurt."
"What were you thinking? Sacrificing yourself?"
"I can do whatever the hell I like."
"You've read the stories. You know who I am. In all of that time, did you ever hear anything about anyone who stopped me?"
"I did this, do you hear me? I did this. This is my fault."
"Listen, if this is the last I ever see of you, please, not like this."
"No. This - This isn't happening. This can't be happening."
"Why can't I be like you?"
"You're going to be alone now and you're very bad at that."
"Don't let this change you."
"Don't go. Stay with me."
"This is as brave as I know how to be."
"I know it's going to hurt you but, please, be a little proud of me."
"I can't keep doing this. I can't! I can't always do this! It's not fair!"
"You are not the only person who ever lost someone. It's the story of everybody. Get over it."
"Nothing's sad until it's over. Then everything is."
"Is this a story or did this really happen?"
"Isn't this going a little far?"
"I'll try not to break your jaw."
"Please, I don't want this."
"Look at me again. In the eye. Look at me. Just do it."
"Tell me what they did to you."
"People like me and you, we should say things to one another."
"You really are thick, aren't you?"
"You don't seem surprised to see me."
"I'm trying to keep you safe."
"Nobody's ever safe. I've never asked you for that. Ever."
"These have been the best years of my life and they are mine."
"So what happens now? Hey? Me and you, what do we do now?"
"Why don't we just fly away somewhere?"
"I don't think I could ever forget you."
"No. Stop it. You're saying goodbye. Don't say goodbye!"
"Run like hell, because you always need to. Laugh at everything, because it's always funny. Never be cruel and never be cowardly. And if you ever are, always make amends."
"I didn't mean to do this. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it?"
"Why does everybody think I am so scared?"
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Water Fountain Kisses
pairing: sirius black x female reader
warnings: smoking, drinking, fluff, kissing
summary: you and sirius were at another one of his family's pureblood balls, you never spoke much to one another, but that doesn't mean you both weren't attracted to each other
a/n: ah i love ben barnes so much
song: water fountain - alec benjamin
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"Not enjoying the party either, love?" Sirius Blacks voice comes on your left. He drops himself on the couch next to you, whom was looking boredom.
"Nope," you sigh, turning yourself to look at him. "You clean up well," you compliment.
"I think that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me," he grins as he takes another sip of his alcohol.
"Yeah, well, don't get cocky about it, Black," you bump shoulders with him playfully.
"I find the way you reject all of them men that come up to you amusing," he grins, trying to push the annoyance that he feels from other guys talking to you down.
His eyes have been on you all night, as he tuned out other girls who were trying to throw themselves at him. The way the corset under your dress you had to wear hugged your waist, pushing your breasts up as they sit perfectly. Your silk black gown with a v-neck that leaves little to the imagination, shows off your figure in ways that have people on their knees for you.
Your hair was neatly pulled into a slick ponytail that showed off your smooth neck - skin Sirius longs to have his lips on - and shoulders.
You had your makeup done in a way that makes your beautiful face features stand out.
Sirius believed you were a goddess. He was glad you hadn't noticed him drooling over you throughout the ball.
"They are all too boring," you breathe out. "They all either want me for my looks, my family's wealth, or both," you roll your eyes. "My parents intended for me to find someone I'd be willing to marry, tonight," you drop your head.
"That's ridiculous!"
"That's what I said. Tip, don't say that to your parents, you won't get a good response in return," you wince. Sirius understands what it's like, he was glad that the few times you've talked, you were able to relate to him.
"How about we get away from here and get some fresh air outside?"
You nod your head and he stands up and holds out his hand. You grin, shaking your head as you place your soft hand in his.
Then a nice summer night breeze sweeps over the two of you as you go and sit on a pretty water fountain that had recently been put there.
You both take a seat and look up, it was a clear sky tonight and you had a good view of stars and constellations.
"That star over there is the Sirius star," he mentions as he holds is arm up to point at it. "It's the brightest star," he grins.
"I know," you smile softly at him.
You go into a comfortable silence and he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
"Did I mention how perfect you are, love?" Sirius asks quietly, turning to look at you. You turn your face towards his and just realize the small proximity between you both.
"Nope. Did I mention how pretty you are?"
He lightly laughs and smiles at you while leaning closer to you.
His lips brush against yours and you suck in a breath. His eyes are glued to your lips and he quickly glances up at your eyes, asking for permission.
You give a quick small nod, and that's all it takes for him to bring his mouth to yours. He's sure his knees would have given out if he wasn't sitting down.
He could have died on the spot. He has had many different scenarios on how you two would have your first kiss together. But none of them compared to how he was feeling now.
Your lips molded against his as you leaned into him with your hands combing through his hair. His hands were tight on your waist, as if you were going to disappear if he let go, and he pulled you closer to him if that was even possible.
His tongue swiped across your bottom lip, pleading for you to open your mouth. You did and his tongue explored your mouth, you tasted like strawberries and vanilla.
He wished he could kiss you forever. This kiss has ruined every other girl for him, nothing would be better than you and he was sure of that.
You heard a door open not too far, so you pulled back, your breaths still mixing at the closeness of your faces.
He gazes at your eyes, they sparkle from the moonlight and seem to be full of joy.
"I think we should go back inside, someone could see us," you whisper, wishing your lips could be on his again.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right"
You go to stand up but he gently grabs your wrist. "Would you go out with me, darling?"
"It would be my pleasure," you smile and peck his lips. His face lights up and a grin comes onto his face. He can't wait to tell his friends about this, they're the only ones who've known how long he had a crush on you.
"I'll take you for dinner next Friday, if you're available," he says.
"I'd go any day you asked," you reply. You grab his hand and pull him back to the party, where the two of you dance and enjoy each other's presence for the rest of the night.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
hii! i really love your airhead s/o series!! especially that ging one, perhaps can you make a part 2 of airhead s/o x ging? i really love it😭😭
You know what, why the hell not. There simply isn't enough of this stinky man out there and I truly do love him. He's cute in the feral rat kinda way 🥺
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Like a thorn in his side, you simply won't leave
He doesn't recall how exactly he met you, but he does remember what he said that started all this.
"Keep up with me if you can."
And keep up you did. A little too well. And now he was stuck with you.
Buys plastic plates and Styrofoam cups because you can't break them.
Seriously, every good dish he had is shattered in the trash somewhere.
No plastic spoons or forks though
He tried that once and you had broken them, unawares that the extra crunch to your cereal was plastic
Is amazed and a little curious to find out you set the sink on fire.
Like honsetly, what the fuck???? Should he be impressed or scared.
Ging is a lazy stinky man
He has you in one of those backpacks with leashes when you go out in crowded places.
Cannot be bothered to go looking for you, so the next best thing is to leash you so you don't wander far.
You'll see something you think is cool and rush off, only to be stopped by a small tug pulling you back.
"Can you focus for one second?"
And for the first time he actually looks the part of a parent as he tugs you back towards him.
"Quit running around, pup."
God forbid the leash is detachable and you find out how to get free
"Yes, I need some help. My idiot got loose and I can't find them."
"Sir this is a Mcdonalds."
The one thing he made sure to tell Gon atop the Great tree, was to make sure he found somebody who always kept him on his toes.
"Life is better when the person you're with makes it interesting." Completely unaware you were only a few branches down listening.
Panics when you leave for hunter business because of that one time.
"Pick up your phone, idiot!!!! Damnit! How many times have I told you not to go by yourself!"
Waits for you like an upset parent that just caught their kid sneaking back in
Arms crossed, sitting on your sofa style
Waiting impatiently as you bump into the vase by the door after breaking the lock to get in.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
And you stare up at him with puppy eyes holding out a small box.
"I got you a souvenir." 🥺
And it's most likely broken but he appreciates it anyways.
All great hunters are liked by animals.
You get adopted by nearly all the apex predators you come across
And Ging is distressed because 'That is a fucking lion, Y/n. You can't just cuddle it.'
He tries to take you away from it, only for whatever creature had you hostage to growl at him.
Then it continues licking you and eventually whines when you get up to follow a very perplexed Ging.
(He secretly thinks it's cool)
Ging knows you're stupid, but that you're not an idiot
He knows you get lost on missions frequently and for the life of you can't not break something for five seconds.
But he also knows that you can tell when people are lying and being disingenuous
You hate Pariston for a reason
That and he lied to you once about something which resulted in you refusing to talk to him for weeks
He totally didn't care
Totally didn't try to send you a message only to see you'd blocked his number (how you accomplished that, he'd never know)
Totally didn't ask Kite to check up on you and make sure you hadn't died or something
What him? Never
And he also totally didn't swing by your apartment to leave a box of your favorite snacks on your doorstep
Couldn't be him 🙄🙄🙄
Yeah, he never tried to lie to you after that.
He refuses to baby you, but if someone makes fun of you for not being able to do something, he's kicking their ass
Makes you teach Gon some of your nen tricks
Just because he knows you're capable enough to do so
You're not a two star hunter for nothing.
Plus it means you two get to bond. Which is something he'd deny to his grave
Him, wanting his partner and son to be close???
You're delusional, he doesn't care 🙄🙄🙄
Yes he does and what he lied to you about was having a kid in the first place.
He just knew you'd spill the secret on his whereabouts is all
Gon thinks you are the coolest person he's met so far.
Alluka, who can grant wishes? She's cool
You, who took him fishing and caught an alligator by wrestling it????
You're his idol 🤩🤩🤩
And Ging is so damn proud because the next day his son brought home this huge sea monster he caught with your help.
"Why wouldn't I settle for a capable partner," is the biggest compliment he'll give.
He is a man child who fights for your attention with anybody. Not even poor little Gon is safe 😞
The barista's hand brushed against yours while handing you a drink?
Ging is dragging you out by your hand, glaring behind at the confused worker.
You're catching up with an old friend?
Okay, but they're clearly not that interesting if you ditched them for him. So quit wasting time and follow him to this cool thing he just found.
Gon wants you to teach him and his friend a new ability?
It's a family event now
Physically cannot say he loves you
He's just not used to it
And he can't even hint to it through romantic gestures because you don't understand subtlety
But, he's more physical with you than with most people
You get to jostle him around in your excitement and pull him everywhere you go
Doesn't mean he won't complain about it
He just won't push you off
"That's enough, pup. You'll make me dizzy."
"But I haven't seen you in a while, don't be all mean."
And he regrettably lets you keep your arms tight around him
You can't read maps and he's so surprised you accomplish anything that requires travel
He showers with you or he doesn't at all
He just wants to make sure you don't fall in there okay. 🙄You already trip on dry land, so imagine the wet tile.
It's because he likes the way you're so gentle when you wash his scalp. And because you always have the best scented soaps.
Kissed you one time and collapsed from embarrassment
Like a real kiss, not the little forehead ones he gives when you've been good.
Red in the face and unable to look at you properly
All because he said he stole your favorite sweet and taunted you for it.
You'd tackled him down and kissed him, swiping your tongue on his lips.
And he was 😳😳😳
And when you pulled away with a triumphant smile on your face, he actually did faint.
You were so confused because he didn't taste like your candy??? Did he lie to you again???
Gets flustered if Gon asks him when he's gonna marry you.
Like c'mon kid, don't say things like that!!! They're literally right there!
(Doesn't want to marry you because he couldn't take it if you decided you couldn't stand him after all. But he also really does because you keep his life interesting)
"I want what I can't have."
Didn't know he wanted an idiot until trying and failing so many times to get you to see he actually does care
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Hero Darling- Part 2
Part 1
Hero skated through the city with their powers, leaving a little trail of ice behind them. It started to snow, and Hero smiled as they caught snowflakes on their tongue. Suddenly, Hero stood on a frozen lake. Children laughed and beckoned Hero to skate with them. Hero was just about to join them when their eyes fluttered open. They saw the canopy covering the top of the four-poster bed, and they felt leather digging into their skin.
Hero and Villain clashed on the rooftop, Hero's ice shattering against Villain's electricity. Hero cried out as a strong bolt hit them in the side. They crumpled to the ground, twitching and spasming.
"And here I thought you'd prove a challenge, the way the other criminals talk about you."
Villain stalked closer. Hero began to push themselves off the ground when Villain hit them with another bolt.
"They all said to stay away from you," Villain cackled, stalking closer, "but what do I have to fear from- AUGH!"
Villain's body erupted in flames as a fireball hit them squarely in the back. Villain screamed in agony, trying in vain to extinguish themselves. Hero looked up to see Supervillain, who sent two more fireballs at Villain's writhing form.
"You should've listened to the others," Supervillain said, landing on the rooftop, "they did warn you not to touch them."
Villain's screams died down as they quickly lost consciousness. Supervillain stepped over their body, stalking closer to Hero. Hero watched helplessly with wide eyes. Supervillain crouched down and cupped their face, eliciting a hard flinch from Hero.
"Don't be afraid, Hero," Supervillain said softly, "I won't hurt you."
Hero tried again to push themselves up, but began to crash back down. Supervillain caught them before they could get hurt and lowered them down slowly.
"I don't want to fight you, darling," Supervillain said, "I just want you."
"Shhh," Supervillain soothed, "I've let you have your fun, but it's time to bring you home now."
Hero's heart was racing. Before they could protest, there was a sharp pinch in their neck. Supervillain carded a hand through Hero's hair. Hero tried to speak, but their tongue felt heavy in their mouth. They blinked slowly and their thoughts slowed to a crawl as they drifted off.
More tears streamed down Hero's face as the memories flooded back. They tried to keep their sobs quiet lest Supervillain should hear them. Hero's tears slowed as they drifted between wakefulness and sleep.
Supervillain jumped out of the inferno and tackled Hero to the ground. Their touch burned white-hot and Hero cried out in pain.
"You're mine, and you always will be. Mine, mine, mine..."
Hero bolted upright in bed with a scream, Supervillain's voice still echoing in their head. Footsteps thundered outside their room, and the door swung open to reveal their captor themselves.
"Darling, what's wrong?" Supervillain asked, their features etched with worry.
Hero looked at them with tearful eyes.
"N-nothing," they said in a quiet voice.
Supervillain's features softened; they strode over to Hero's bedside and sat down.
"A nightmare?" they prompted.
Hero nodded hesitantly.
"About me?"
Hero looked away. Supervillain sighed.
"They'll go away soon, my little Hero."
Supervillain reached out to hold Hero, but they flinched, which was impressive considering their restraints. Supervillain's face fell.
"Darling, how many times are we going to talk about the flinching?" Supervillain asked, "I need you to be good for me."
The master criminal procured a syringe. Hero's eyes widened and they shook their head quickly.
"N-no, wait-"
"This is the only way you'll behave," Supervillain said, depositing the contents into Hero's system, "there now, it's going to be alright."
Hero choked on a sob as the room became blurry. Whether it was from unshed tears or the drugs was hard to say.
"Oh, darling."
Supervillain pulled Hero into their lap. Hero was becoming far too out of it to flinch. Their head lolled against Supervillain's chest. Hero's last lucid thought before the drugs took full effect was that they needed to play along, or they were never getting out of here.
tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm
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genshinarchives · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : The world has moved forward, yet your mind is still stuck in the past, as if time had stopped for you many years ago. Kaveh tries to figure out what's wrong with you and is determined to make everything right for you.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : Cyno x Kaveh’s sister!Reader; hints of Al-Haitham x reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, humour, reincarnation
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Suicide briefly mentioned
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 : Sorry for the wait! College is giving me a good spanking
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"(Y/n), please! Just talk to me! We can work it out together!"
The scholars in the foyer stopped to stare at Kaveh desperately chasing you as you strode inside the Akademiya with unusual ferocity. The moment their gazes landed on you, whispers floated around you like an incessant melody - it felt as if their voices were forming a tight ring around your head, making you rub your ears vigorously as if that would quell their hushed words.
"How could the Akademiya let a student like her stay here?"
"How could the Akademiya let such a monster stay alive?"
"She should just leave quietly."
"Die here quietly."
Your eyes widened. Their voices overlapped with the voices in your memories, and this caused your blood to run cold. You stopped in your tracks abruptly, palms pressed against your ears as you tried to drown out their hurtful words; while you were able to muffle their voices, the last words Azar spoke to you before you died all those years ago rang in the place of silence in your mind. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, blurring your vision, but you refused to let them fall - to admit defeat to the scholars' provocation.
Even in your new life, you can't find the peace that you desired back then.
"If she wasn't such an accomplished student, the Amurta Darshan would have already expelled her for her behaviour-"
You were startled when a pair of warm hands suddenly cupped over yours. They gently pressed against your hands - it was obvious that the person was trying to help you cover your ears.
"Are you okay?"
It was Kaveh. He sounded worried, yet there's an underlying frustration in his tone. He's struggling to understand your sudden change in behaviour; as your older brother, he felt as if he failed to live up to the promise he had made to his mother before she left for Fontaine after remarrying. Upon seeing the tears gathering in your eyes, Kaveh's gaze softened before he tilted your face up, his hands moving towards your cheeks to carefully wipe away your tears that had unknowingly escaped.
"Do your ears hurt?" he asked, "Should we go to Bimarstan to get them checked?"
"Take me to Azar," was your immediate answer. Surprise flickered in his red hues.
"Azar?" he echoed, knitting his eyebrows together, "Why do you want to see the former Grand Sage?"
You faltered at his question, jaw going slightly slack. "Former Grand Sage? Then who-"
"As expected." Heavy footfall echoed from behind as a pair of boots thudded across the Akademiya's polished marble floor. "The moment I heard the word 'trouble', I knew that it had to involve the two of you."
Kaveh's expression immediately turned sour when a certain Acting Grand Sage appeared beside you, and he quickly moved his hands to your shoulders to pull you behind him, like he was trying to shield you from the man who just made himself known. Al-Haitham folded his arms over his chest as he regarded the siblings with an impassive gaze.
"Though I didn't expect the argument to be about you wishing to withdraw from the Akademiya. I thought it'd be something petty as usual," he dully remarked, eyes trailing over to you. You stiffened when you made eye contact with him. "You've always wanted to study here and proved that by becoming a distinguished student of the Amurta Darshan. I won't push for an answer, but why do you suddenly want to throw everything away after the efforts and sacrifices made to get to where you are?"
"This has nothing to do with you, Al-Haitham," Kaveh swiftly interjected, annoyed by his unwarranted intrusion. The look he was giving his roommate clearly indicated that he doesn't want you to know more than you should about how you're able to stay in the Akadmeiya despite his financial situation; if Al-Haitham saw the look he was given, then he most likely ignored it as he kept talking.
"Nothing to do with me? I think I'm very relevant in this little dispute of yours," Al-Haitham said, a corner of his lips quirking in amusement, "After all, your sister would require my approval to leave the Akademiya... and I still need you to pay your part of the rent."
You stared at Al-Haitham as your mind slowly processed his words. As far as you remember, Kaveh is a successful architect whose magnum opus is the Palace of Alcazarzaray; so why is he sharing a house with the Acting Grand Sage—
—Acting Grand Sage?
Al-Haitham observed your expression. It appeared as if you were just hit with a sudden realisation, and he patiently waited for you speak with his arms folded over his chest.
"... Acting Grand Sage," you began in the calmest voice you could muster at this moment, "if I submitted a request to leave, would you approve of it?"
"No." He didn't hesitate at all in answering you, which made your eyes widen.
"Why?" you asked, pushing past Kaveh to take a step towards him. You're struggling to understand his thought process; you're aware that in this life, the Akademiya views you as a villainess despite your academic achievements. Surely, as the Acting Grand Sage, he'd want to be rid of a scholar as problematic as you? "I'm giving you an opportunity to get rid of me-"
"And that's what I'm suspicious about," he cut in, "You know that it would be a huge loss for the Akademiya if we were to lose a talented doctor like yourself. Isn't that why you continued to act arrogant and conceited towards your peers?"
You opened your mouth to make a rebuttal but ended up not saying anything. You couldn't deny the truth in his words; although the memories of your past life have been awakened, it didn't change the fact that you had caused a lot of trouble for the others prior to it - especially Kaveh, who had tried and was still trying his best to make you happy. You turned your head slightly to glance at your older brother, who didn't look too pleased by what Al-Haitham had uttered to you.
"That's enough. Back off!" Kaveh angrily exclaimed before he grabbed your wrist to tug you back to his side, "Let's get you home, (y/n)." Without waiting for your response, he spun on his heel and stormed out of the Akademiya whilst dragging you behind him. You allowed him to lead you away, your mind too precoccupied with settling the struggle between the memories of your past and present lives.
"Al-Haitham is the Acting Grand Sage... Azar and the other sages have been exiled to Avidya Forest..." you mumbled to yourself, drawing Kaveh's attention. Pulling you aside to one of the gazebos by the spiralling path leading down to Treasures Street, he then let your wrist go, turning around to gently hold your shoulders instead.
"Is everything alright?" he asked, the worry evident in his gaze and tone. Kaveh noticed that you're not paying attention to him or your surroundings; there was a faraway look in your eyes, and this only increased the concern he felt for you. You've been acting strangely since your outburst in Lambad's Tavern, and he's frustrated at himself for not being able to figure out the reason behind it. "(Y/n), please tell me what's wrong. I'm here to help you, you know that."
"Is it true that Azar and the other sages have been exiled to Avidya Forest?" you asked as you pressed a palm against your forehead.
Kaveh knitted his eyebrows together. "I don't know the whole story, but that's what I've heard. Apparently they committed treason against Kusanali, the Dendro Archon."
Kusanali... Your friend's name caused your head to pound painfully; it's like you're struggling to remember something. There's someone else besides Kusanali. Who...?
Kaveh stared at you worriedly when you responded with silence. The hint of pain in your expression didn't go unnoticed by him, and he let out a shaky sigh, his arms slowly pulling you into his warm embrace.
"I'm sorry," he began quietly, "I should have known that studying medicine would be mentally taxing for you. I trusted that you'd be able to handle the pressure... I should have tried to talk you out of becoming a doctor." That was the conclusion he reached; it was the only thing he could think of, out of all the things that could possibly be the reason behind your abrupt decision to withdraw from the Akademiya. "But you'll be graduating in a month. You'll be out of the Akademiya soon. So please endure it for a little longer, okay?"
Kaveh felt a twinge of guilt. He's very familiar with the pressure one would feel as a student of the Akademiya, and he truly didn't want you to suffer. However, you were so close to achieving your dream of becoming the greatest doctor in Sumeru, all because you wanted to help those who are suffering, all because you shared the same ideals as your late father - so he had to give you that one final push to help you reach the finish line that's your dream.
You didn't respond to Kaveh's attempt at comforting you. You simply stood there, allowing him to hug you as your emotions were at conflict with each other. Your feelings as the God of Medicine and Kaveh's younger sister clashed; one part of you wanted to push Kaveh away and tell him to stay out of your life, but the other part of you wanted to cling to your empathetic and reliable older brother and have him soothe your frazzled mind.
"Big brother," you softly called, making him pull back a bit with a slight tilt of his head. As you slowly raised your arms from your sides, you leaned into his warmth, surprising him. You then embraced him tightly, finally letting yourself bask in the warmth of another person.
Kaveh stared at you with wide eyes, having not expected you to react this way. However, he reciprocated your gesture without a second thought, knowing that comfort was what you needed the most - and as your older brother, he'll do anything to ensure your happiness and safety, to ensure that you won't suffer the same misfortunes as him.
"Everything will be okay," he said, a soft smile crawling over his lips.
How long has it been since he last held you like this?
Ever since Cyno saved you from the desert, you haven't been the same. There were times when you'd be overwhelmed with a sadness he couldn't understand that you were unable to do anything but shed endless streams of tears. You became a painfully frank person, yet you never stopped helping the people around you.
Kaveh didn't know what terrible incident had happened back in the sands of Sumeru, and it hurt him to see you slowly distance yourself from him and your emotions.
"Was Azar charged for any other crimes?" you suddenly asked, drawing him out of his thoughts. He shook his head.
"Nothing that I could think of," he replied with a small frown, "What's with the sudden interest in Azar anyway? I didn't take you as someone who'd be interested in Vahumana's studies."
At his answer, you pulled yourself away from Kaveh immediately, eyes wide in disbelief. "So he was only punished for committing treason against the Dendro Archon? Nobody... Nobody knew what he and the General Mahamatra did to the God of Medicine?"
Kaveh blinked as he automatically thought of Cyno when you mentioned the General Mahamatra. However, he quickly dismissed the thought, realising that you must be talking about one of the previous General Mahamatra who lived during the God of Medicine's time.
"I... think so," he answered unsurely, cupping his chin, "But what could Azar have done to the God of Medicine? I don't recall hearing anything happening between them, nor have I heard anyone mentioning a General Mahamatra conspiring against a god with him..."
You stared at Kaveh, your hands shaking slightly. This can't be. Azar couldn't have...
"How..." You paused, dreading to voice your next question. "How did the God of Medicine die?"
Meeting your gaze, Kaveh said, "I read in one of Al-Haitham's books that her mental state deteriorated after King Deshret's death, and that her condition worsened after the Dendro Archon disappeared during the Cataclysm five hundred years ago. She later committed suicide, and had asked Azar beforehand to get rid of her body by burning it as her death would cau- (Y/n)?!" Kaveh cut himself off when he saw you sinking to the ground as your knees buckled. Shock was etched on your face, as if you've just received some horrifying news. Crouching down to your level, he gently placed a hand on your shoulder, his eyes trained upon your countenance. "What's wrong?"
You couldn't believe it. Azar had gone this far in his betrayal and even passed your death off as mere suicide.
Even the General Mahamatra...
"Zulfiqar... didn't even try to save me..." you mumbled. Your past self received no justice, unlike the Dendro Archon. How is that fair?
Kaveh was left perplexed by your muted utterances. "Zulfiqar...? Who is that?"
"He's one of my predecessors."
Kaveh turned his head when he heard a familiar voice and saw Cyno approaching the gazebo the two of you were in. The General Mahamatra stopped right in front of you as his crimson hues seemed to pierce into your very soul.
"He was the General Mahamatra up until the God of Medicine's death," Cyno continued, his eyes never leaving your form.
You gazed at Cyno, your pupils dilating. "You're... the General Mahamatra..."
"I wish we could love each other and laugh together."
There's suddenly an incessant ringing in your ears. You immediately covered them in a futile attempt to block it out.
"I wish I could protect all the kindhearted people, including you, ya hayati."
Beads of cold sweat dotted your forehead. The image of another man overlapped with Cyno's figure - and for some reason, it made your heart clench painfully.
"Please... don't forgive me."
The man's golden eyes were filled with pain and remorse as he looked at you, his long silver hair reminding you of the moon that had graced you with its benevolent light on the night of your death.
"Y-you..." you whispered, the sharp throb of your heart making you gasp loudly. Overwhelmed by the memories of your previous life, your consciousness soon slipped away.
Eyes widening, Kaveh caught you in his arms as you fainted. He carefully cradled your head against his chest, arms wrapped around you protectively. "(Y/n)! Oh Archons- Please-" Kaveh tried his best to remain calm. Panic, fear, frustration - they raged like a tempest inside him. He had lost so many things in life, and you're the one thing he can't bear to lose or give up on, no matter what.
"She seems to be unwell. Shall I carry her to Bimarstan?" Cyno offered, watching Kaveh struggle to stand up with you in his arms.
"N-no," Kaveh replied with a grunt, "She's my younger sister, so I'll carry her myself." When he's finally on his feet, he began walking in the direction of Bimarstan as his thin arms slightly shook with the physical strain. During the entirety of his way there, his worried gaze never left your face.
What's happening to you?
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @crunchy-princeles / @ghostlysyntaxed / @riylvx / @bloopthebat / @chuusposts / @eirlysian / @airentia / @littlepotatowizard / @misfortuneyoi / @arkhammaid / @blackcatpandora / @phoenixiaxia / @hwayuni / @thelonelyarchon / @asoulsreverie / @www-kiana-mp3 / @raegreenie4 / @yaesflorist / @changgchangg25 / @slimearchon / @zomzomb1e / @faeragremlinhole / @deepdinosaurwizard / @lysslilyc / @rebeccawinters / @tiddieshakeshownu ​ / @kxslana / @mshope16 / @lovelypadisarah / @sakeeeee / @sarah22447 / @nyantodamax145 / @charisa-chan / @katojikutaakino​ /
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
Spite Goes A Long Way
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: BAU Team & Male!Reader Summary: Everything you do is through spite, you look at death and give him a middle finger. Word Count: 1,379 A/n: I apologise if this is not as good as it should be.
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GIF by reidamancy
You have no idea how you ended up here. Well, you do, somewhat. Your memory at the moment was fuzzy and incoherent, one moment you were with your team and the next thing you were coughing up blood, bruised in multiple places, and you swear you've got a few broken ribs.
Oh, and you were no longer with your team.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
There was a lot going on even if you weren't doing much other than bleeding out profusely. You're an FBI agent, you know you're not going to die even with your injuries, and you live off spite - there are times you should have died and yet you still pull through.
There were a lot of gunshots around you, you kept your head down as you tried to crawl closer somewhere else, despite being in a lot of pain. From what you can gather in your condition, you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You were held hostage in a library, and you remember that you were sent there to collect information by yourself - after all, no one actually targets a library, so everyone in your team thought it was okay for one person to go.
But, here you were, with many terrified people. Your heart sank as you could see some kids clinging to their parents, at least you were here you thought. The suspects quickly figured out you were part of the FBI team and focused on you primarily.
There were no casualties and you were thankful for that, even if that meant you had to take the brute of their violence.
There was a gun showdown, and the suspects (there were five of them) were too busy gunning down the police that were outside, there was a fair assumption that your team were out there as well.
That was your moment, you groan quietly as you manage to get yourself on your feet, crouched down, you quickly moved as you could try to see if there was a back door.
No luck.
This was an old library with a hidden archive room, this place was locked down to prevent anyone from stealing anything. There was the main entrance and the back entrance was down in the basement, your best bet was the main entrance to get people out or create your own exit.
You noticed that the suspects brought multiple bombs with them, now you had to figure out how to get a bomb to a section that, hopefully, people won't mind destroying.
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"He's in there," Morgan says, well, more like shouts over from behind the car, "He has to be!"
"I hope he's okay," Emily shouts back, unable to see you, but her focus at the moment was trying to get the suspects.
JJ scoffs and shakes her head, "We are talking about (Y/n)! The guy who refuses to die in any situation."
"But, one day it'll catch up to him," Hotch reminds the team, even knowing you - you weren't invincible, "I just hope it isn't today."
Suddenly, there was a bang on the side of the library, causing everyone outside to duck behind cover. The shooting from the inside ceases for a minute or two before it starts up again, but this time it's only three of them shooting at them.
"Emily, Morgan with me!" Hotch called out as he looked at his other team members, who nodded at him to go.
The three of them start moving towards the open entrance, noticing how people started to run out into safety. Noticing that there were police officers taking initiative by meeting them halfway and bringing them to safety.
But, there was no sight of you, and that worried them.
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You managed to headbutt one of the suspects, whose job was to keep an eye on you after creating an exit for people. They underestimated you, despite bleeding out from some stab wounds, broken ribs and mostly now a concussion, you were still in fighting ability.
You knock the man unconscious, and as you take a step forward, your knees buckled under you. And suddenly, you feel everything. You were running on pure adrenaline and when you needed it the most, your body betrays you as you found yourself on all fours.
You gasped, feeling your chest burn with every harsh breath. You were panicking and your chest was not getting any better with each breath. You started to hyperventilate, coughing and spitting out blood onto the floor, your vision starting the blur and your mind was convincing you that this was the end of you.
Your head snaps up at your name, and you choke on your breathing before letting out a slow heavy exhale, with that you push yourself up and crash against the wall. But, at least you were up from the floor.
Where are they? I can't see them, but you can most definitely hear them. Unless you were just imagining them, you blink a few times trying to clear your vision before sliding yourself up the wall, to your full height. You placed one hand against the wall, and the other on a stab wound that managed to break free from your homemade bandages from your flannel.
You pushed yourself off the wall as you walked out of the room and into the corridor of the basement. There you see three figures running at you, you bare a smile to see who it was.
"Oh, thank god," Emily expressed relief as she immediately hugs you, not caring about the blood, before pulling away to examine you.
Hotch placed a hand on your shoulder, casting your eyes to him, there was relief in his eyes despite the rest of his face not expressing as such.
“Now, I know what you’re thinking: that’s a substantial amount of blood, are you okay? And I’d like to assure you that I am perfectly fine.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow at you, his hand on your shoulder keeping you upright, “Your hands are shaking, you’re wheezing, and I’m pretty sure you’re going to pass out."
“Well. You’re observant. But I’m fine.”
Morgan was going to comment but suddenly there was another bang down the hallway, indicating that was your signal to leave quickly.
“Can you run?” Morgan asked, knowing full well that you were stubborn and did not want to be carried by him, even at a time when you could be dying.
“I can limp quickly.”
"Better than nothing."
Emily throws your arm over her as you leaned on her as support, limping quickly down the hallway. Morgan is on your six whilst Hotch is in front, you don't know if you managed to get everyone out successfully but you hope you did.
"Have we ever told you that you're borderline crazy?" Emily asked, laughing at you to chuckle - at least you still had some of your spirit left.
"I'm very much aware, but that's what you love about me."
"You give me high blood pressure," Hotch comments from the front as you grin, "I might have to start charging you my hospital bill."
"He jokes!" You exclaimed before laughing, "Man, if I die, at least I got to hear a joke from Hotch."
"I'm sorry sir," You shut up immediately as Morgan and Emily snorted at the quick response, it was like watching a kid getting scowled at by their father.
The four of you managed to get out from the back, Emily reassuring you that you were almost with everyone else. As you get closer to the shooting, you cannot help but flinched as they immediately wave down any paramedic to you.
"How is he?" Rossi asked, as Hotch and Morgan returned, Emily decided to stay with you whilst you were getting tended.
"Exactly how you think he is," Morgan says as Rossi cracks a smile at that.
"You know, I gotta know how he does it," Spencer says, ducking in the cover, hoping that the battle of shooting would cease soon.
"Does what?" JJ loudly asked.
"How he looks at the face of death and spits on him," Spencer replies, looking at his team with a smirk, "His ability to not die is extraordinary."
"That's (Y/n) for you."
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So after reading this ☝️for the who knows how many time, when an idea or something just popped out. Now we all know that in this magnificent fandom(dpxdc) that Amity is a no go area right? Well what if and I mean what if the Bats after talking with sad trenchcoat man(Yes I called John that and no I will not stop thank you very much) about Amity, Conny goes hesteria cause he outdated and stuff or just didn't know King Phantom but yeah starts talking about Pariah Dark(who is redeemed or just in the dog house cause he pissed of clockwork), ghost zone being dangerous etc etc.
Now this makes the bats assume even more that our space boi Danny is not safe. So what they do? After idk bribing the judge or somehow provide 'proof' of abuse which makes the Fenton's lose custody(Danny is not happy), takes Danny to Gotham(via knockout cause my boi will go feral), then returns back to amity as the furry squad. Do some hacking shit but since they don't know Fenton tech and Fenton thinking(I genuinely believe the Fenton's are Hella smart like Hella smart it might piss of Lex) and probably set up the self destruction system(TUE vibes).[which to normal people is the portal closing shut permanently,data is gone or encrypted by which a Fenton can access idk it's your choice person who decides to read and write or see this interesting].
Now we can make it that either one adult comes back alive or survived the blow due to being heavily ecto contaminated or be a ghost but I'm hoping Maddie (and Jazz) cause guys lets be honest here. Maddie is a beast when it comes to her family and kids, I can tell through canon wise she will literally go through hell, Tartarus, hell even throw hands with some ancients just for her kids. But anyways one Fenton comes back, teams up with Vlad(could be poly or good asshole uncle Vlad) along with the Elinor or Elizabeth(Yes Dani's other name is Elizabeth or Elinor) and Dante to try get Danny back.
Now to our boi we love, care Danny. So we have suspicious, angry and so many emotion Danny Fenton-Wayne. So we Danny who was practically taken away from his safety, his home, family, his friads and into another on in America. Now we can all agree that Danny is not happy about this and not because of the -whole taking me away from my family and no I'm not being in denial they love me so stop talking u ancient poorly dressed furries- It's about something much bigger and we all know, we hate it, despised it and we call it.... ANTI ECTO ACTS or as I like to call THE REBOOT WITCH TRIALS.
So that abomination there is something Danny hates,fears so him being in America puts him in bootleg men in black because of a bitch named Lex Luthor. It's like painting a bullseye on him, a huge ass arrow pointing at him with the signs 'Im a ghost in America come cut me up'. So yeah its bad for him especially when he finds out the Wayne's are sponsoring The furry squad and the justice league which in turn make things worse for him and the ghost zone cause the ghost(and other supernaturals cause u can't tell me, once a vampire or mermaid find out humans are now hunting ghosts they wont immediately assume they are next? Let's cause mass panic with the other supernaturals, witches having PTSD, they tweeking seeing the acts)are demanding blood, war, retribution from the living. So he is in emeny territory trying to survive, try get back to his family and try to calm the other ghost cause they thought he died to the explosion(yeah Danny won't be okay)but never came to the ghost zone so vengeance for the king.
Welp that what came up in mind, u can ignore it, or whatever just thought I share something with yall. But yeah basically for the last paragraph I want maybe the Justice League to either face backlash or punishment for agreeing with the law, cause in most fics we don't get to see what the ghost think or if they forgave em. Cause while the humans(idk why I'm calling people human when I'm human as well) think the Justice league was writing a wrong most will question if this won't happen again. I want the supernatural to actively be upset with them especially those from the magic committee, to question whether they should be trusted seeing as this was a retry of the Salem Witch Trials Era. And to exactly be wary and suspicious of Bruce or just genuinly not trust or like him cause guys let's be fucking honest here while yeah the bats is awesome we forgot one thing he is human flesh and bones, something so fragile in the eyes of all supernatural that they can accidentally squish him because they used to much strength or smth. And suddenly some supernaturals are scared of him? They fear him because of what? His paranoia, his contingencies? Nah that should be a warning cause logically and I mean logically can u tell me straight in my face that u trust this man while knowing he stalks you 30/7, goes through Ur personally stuff without permission btw, breaks in your house when u were at a wrong time, wrong place?? Have either his kids pretend y'all are buddies or your lover just to keep u on a leash?.
And if we are going to do the Lazarus Pits is ectoplasm, then the bats are done for especially Jason. Cause I can tell once the ghost found out the league agreed to the acts be lawful they won't help, cause why help the ones that tried to eradicate them?(how u may ask? Well it's simple, some soon to be fading corrupted ghost escaped when the portal first opened causing massive damage, some deaths etc and maybe the other reason maybe the citizens first cause of the negatives in the show, public enemy number 1 so forth). So the league after failing formed the GIW and soon left Amity thinking the people will be 'safe')
One note, would it be funny if the League of Shadows find out about the Acts and Lazarus pit being ectoplasm and just had straight to Amity for protection and probably swear loyalties to the ghost zone since the be liminal asf lonly to be stopped by Maddie and after some good ol' fashion Fenton style shenanigans, Maddie is either adopted to be the new Demon head or is the demon head??
So yeah that's what came to mind, so tell me what u think.
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deadpool15 · 6 months
Ch.2 To be loved
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Seeing him was the highlight of my day. I remembered when I was nothing but an orphan, though I can't remember my biological parents. I sometimes like to think they died. It was the best way for me when I was just a kid. To accept the fact that even the ones who gave you life viewed as nothing but a mistake was difficult. My mother viewed her destiny as saving her country, getting rid of the drugs that were taking lives. In my opinion, people died all the time. Life was hard. We have no idea what someone is going through until they are pushed to the end. She would never understand that struggle. That pain. When I heard it was si-o behind all this, I had to know why. People have reasons, I had to be the one to see the good in him. Even if no one else could. I was falling in love, love makes you do dumb things.
Whether I was dumb or hopeless, I wanted to know him. Not the version he showed to the public, the fake smiles meant nothing to me. I wanted to see him truly smile, to be happy. I happened to be at one of my mothers many chain restaurants. And to my luck sitting there was the man I had hoped for, now I hadn't prepared myself to speak to him and I realized that when he had made eye contact with me. Stern, serious glare like he knew I was watching him. Talking to people wasn't necessarily the issue. I talked my way out of parking tickets, jail, and even school punishments as a child. I was a smooth talker, one thing I developed from my mom. Though he made me nervous, my hands were sweating, and I had the urge to convert into oxygen. I wanted to cry because as much as I hated to admit it, his opinion of me meant a lot. One accidental interaction, and I was hooked. He knew me as Tseg tseg rich spoiled friend. I wanted him to see me. It already pissed me off that he had eyes for my sister. She took everything from me without even fucking trying. I had to man up and fight for what I wanted.
"Hello sir, you probably don't know me, but my name is Danny. We kinda met before when I bumped into you at your company." He smiled though I could tell it was fake, after years of faking happiness myself. I knew a fake smile from a mile away. "Right, your Tseg's little friend, correct?" Irritation couldn't even be used as the word for what I felt in that moment, I wanted him to see me. "Technically, that's how we met, though I just wanted to say something t-to you. Please." I stood up drawing attention to myself truly not what I needed right now, but I had to tell him before anything else happened. My anxiety was through the roof, I wanted to crawl into a hole and die right then and there standing under his intimidating stare. I had to do this, though. He was the first person I felt genuine feelings for, and I didn't even know him personally. The effect he had on me was outrageous.
"I wanted to go out with you. I want to get to know you, and I know I'm not korean, and your parents may have an issue with that, but I mean Nationality vise I am. Everyone thinks I'm just this spoiled rich assshole, but i im not, and i want to show you that there is more to me than my money or parents' money. I have korean parents, so that counts, I'm well accounted for, and I have seen you before, and you're all I think about no matter what. I try to get my mind off of you, and my brain proceeds to show different connections to you. And if you p-plan to reject me, just sit here and silence, and I won't ever bother you again. Well, I hope so, I can try." He was astonished but my speech. Everyone had turned their attention towards us and started clapping. I hadn't even noticed at first. I couldn't handle rejection, especially not by him. I wanted to be with him, breathe in his scent, and help him with anything. Live a life with him. Silence was what I got, and I took the message. I had embarrassed him and myself.
Suddenly, walking out, trying to hold back tears, I was 5 years old me again. I'm sitting at my dance recital waiting for my mommy. She promised she would come today since I told her how much this meant to me. Sitting there for the next 4 hours in nothing but silence was the worst feeling a child could feel. The competition was over, I didn't even dance, missing a chance to get picked for a major academy. I saw dad pull up. Why did she hate me so much. "Honey, you didn't tell me you had a competition today, and I found the scouts there as well. I would've shown up, baby." I stared at him. I was a daddy's girl simply because my mother broke my heart before I could ever feel love from her. "I didn't tell you because I told Mommy. I wanted her to come watch me this time. To surprise her with my skills." Just glancing at him, I knew that look, the look of a father who was afraid to break their already broken child. I snapped out of it when I felt someone shaking my shoulders. Looking up, it was him. "I've been calling you for 20 minutes. You almost got hit by that truck. Are you even paying attention?" I stared at him, I didn't know what to say, would he care enough to hear. "You ran out before I could say anything. Scared? You're very pretty. And bold. I've never had someone confess their love for me in a public area at that. I admire that, while I don't really know you, I would like to get to know you. Experience something."
I was so happy at that moment that I completely ignored the world around me. I jumped onto him. He was startled at first but caught me with ease. I leaned back and cupped his face, pecking his cheek, and for that first time, I saw a genuine smile. A real surprise for me, I enjoyed it. "You look beautiful when you smile, like a hidden jem only made for the luckiest humans to gaze at." He stared at me, blushing. From that moment, we slowly got to know each other, getting closer day and night. Developing an unbreakable bond. I didn't care he was a so-called criminal. When I was with him, none of that mattered. I never asked about his business, letting him know if he wanted to tell me he could. I kept this from my family, I knew they would never approve of what we had, especially my mother. She didn't give a shit about me, but in a situation like this, she saw him as an enemy.
We sat at a Korean BBQ shop. It was simply nice to spend time at a place with no worries. "I could've taken you someone nicer, you know." I placed some meat on the grill what grabbing a piece and putting it in front of his mouth. He smiled and opened his mouth to eat it. "Is it good? And you know I don't care about expensive restaurants. I've been to enough in my lifetime. I just want to be with you. To be honest, you could've gotten fried chicken and took to me the beach to eat. It's the thought that counts, babe." He smiled at me, I smiled back until I realized the petname I gave him immediately going to apologize. "It's fine, I actually like it. Babe." Blushing, I gave him more meat. We talked about our days, he was stressed and I wanted to help. Thought he said I shouldn't stress myself. We finished eating and literally had a full-on battle over who would pay the bill. I won, "Maybe I'll let you pay next time." He laughed, grabbing my hand and walking out of the shop. While pda was no foreign concept to me, it still made me feel like it was the first interaction between us each time it happened. "Come home with me, please." I stared at him in shock. He had never asked me this. I had no experience in relationships, but usually, that leads to other things. I didn't know what was gonna happen, but I trusted him.
We showed up to his home. He told me to wash up for the night. I happily got in the shower to think I was happy. A foreign feeling. My shower lasted well over 30 minutes, I looked down and saw a towel and a button-up shirt. Luckily, I always kept a spare thong with me. Putting on the clothes, I walked out of the bathroom to find him already washed up and laying in bed. A blue robe and pajama pants on while he was on the phone. I walked out of the room to got place my clothes in the hamper, then grabbed a glass of water. I was drinking it while examining the home I had never been inside. Eventually, I walked back towards the room where he was done with his phone call. And looked up with a dropped jaw. I smiled at his antics. "You're still so pretty. With and without the makeup. Come here." Walking slowly towards his bed, he gestured for me to move closer. I crawled to him, and apparently, it wasn't close enough because he picked me up and placed me on his lap while holding my hips. I felt nervous. He noticed squeezing my hips with his larm hands.
I grabbed one of his hands, placing them in mine. Comparing the size and then kissing his palms, I looked up at him to see a bright smile. "I'm not tired yet." I told him it usually took me a while to go to sleep. I was just always up. He nodded and pulled me closer in a hug. Affection from si-o was always the best. I could tell he wasn't the most affectionate person, so I didn't push him. Though I craved his touch, I craved everything about him. Looking out the window, I saw the stars. "This reminds me of when my mom took me and my siblings camping once. It was weird, though it was fun." I continued to look at the stars until he spoke up. "You don't talk about your mother much. Actually, you don't talk about her at all. For a second, I thought she had passed." I was shocked by the thought of my mothers absence. Sure, I never spoke about her because there weren't any good memories, to be honest. "It's fine if you don't want to speak about it." I looked at his face full of concern he was so patient with me, but I wanted him to know and trust me like I did him. "It's ok, it's just.....there isn't much to talk about, you know. She was there but not there. She was always focused on my older sister. She was the amazing daughter who could do no wrong. And I was simply the girl that lived in her house, or that's what it felt like. Sometimes, it felt like I didn't have a mom to begin with. To think I used to pray to have a mother that would be there for me. Then my sister went missing, and as much as I hate to say it, I was happy, for once I though she would pay attention to me, realizing she had two daughters but it only got worse. I was just there, and I hated myself for the fact that I was happy my sister was gone. I've always been jealous of her she is better in every way. That's so evil of me, but I was so fucking lonely. She is such a good person, and makes friends so easily and everyone likes her but me they look down on me. I'm nothing more then a spoiled bitch using her parents credit card to fill the void."
Before I noticed, I was full on sobbing in front of him. I broke down, secrets I've never told anyone in my life. I was afraid of what the world would think of me. He grabbed my shaking hands, kissing them slowly, whining, moving up to wipe my tears. "Your feelings are normal baby, you went your entire life playing second place because your mother is a terrible mother, no offense. A bit of a bitch you know. No secret there since she is Hwang Geum Joo." Hearing that part made me laugh. Until I sat there shocked he knew of my parent. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." It was all I could say at the moment. He looked at me and pressed against my cheeks, letting me know it was ok. And he underdtood the urge to protect her even if she wanst good to me. Or cared for me, it seems."You are so amazing and kind and beautiful. She isn't better than you at all. I wish you could see the way I see you. You have lightened up my world as a whole. I was nothing but a cold, damaged asshole when I met you, then I realized no matter how my life pushes and kicks your ass its your choice to get back up. To keep going, you taught me that baby. All the drug business and shady stuff I do, you don't judge me at all. Sitting by my side supporting me no matter what I choose to do. When I was an orphan and Pavel took me in, trained me to become the person I am today, hit after hit. Missed meal after another, I prayed for a better life. You have provided that life." Hearing those words, my heart was swelled. I felt nothing but love for the first time someone chose me, loves me. I wasn't an option. I was a need. "I'm so glad you chose me or tseg." Hearing that, he laughing pulling me closer if that was possible. "I never liked tseg baby, she is a worker at my company that'd all. If anything, I had my eyes on you since you walked into the building." Similing in pure joy, I leaped forward, causing a groan to come of his mouth. Scared I hurt him, I tried to get up until he forced my hips back down. It was then I realized I hadn't hurt him. In fact, the moment u felt something hard poking me thigh, I blushed.
"How in the world did you get hard, sir?" He simply smiled at my words, moving me forward to the point where I was sitting directly on top of his hard on. My core pushed further into it slowly until he began grinding me against him. I couldn't help but moan. It all felt too good. "Have you seen my beautiful girlfriend sitting right on top of me in nothing but my shirt? If anything, it was difficult not to." Moans slipped from my mouth before I could let out a sarcastic response. Finally, I said the words I had been so afraid to ever tell anyone. "I love y-you." Hearing this, he sped up my hips against his, leaning in to capture my lips into a kiss. "I love you more, baby." We continued until we were left naked and bare before each other, and all the insecurities, abandonment issues, and pain left my mind. Leaving nothing but si-o. The night was a night to remember.
Stay tuned for chapter 3.
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ca-8 · 1 month
How the Bigger Bodies Smiling Critters Died (head canons)
Alright so I R E A L L Y wanna talk about how I think the Smiling Critters perished in Poppy Playtime
Cw: mentions of (sorta) cannibalism, torture, accidental suicide, self-harm, addiction in terms of The Red Smoke
this is gonna be r e a l l y long, so strap in y'all
. ☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️ .
Bubba Bubbaphant
"I'm Bubba Bubbaphant! ...Hey! I remember you!" "An elephant always remembers!" "Want to know what I remember about you...?" This character is pretty much the nerd emoji of the Smiling Critters. He's really smart, and, as he stated in his cardboard cut-out dialogue, has a really good memory. Although I can't really see that being put into play of his actual death, I can see that this last bit of information he stated (before just spiraling out of control) can be connected to our character. (Our character is an ex-worker and is always greeted with distain by the major antagonists, which leads me to believe that we have actively, or at least indirectly, participated in the child/worker experimentation/conversion based on what Bubba says. Although in his last bit of "dialogue", he's screaming quite loudly as if he was in major agony, but also laughing, as if he was ingesting something that caused great harm to his mentality and body, but since he's had it so many times before to the point where he actively begs to have more, it's agonizing, but also "heavenly." Therefore I think his cause of death would be due to him trying to escape during The Hour of Joy, but was eventually caught by CatNap and his use of The Red Smoke. In the Smiling Critters cartoon, all the critters are struggling to go to sleep because of how scared they were of the storm outside. However, once CatNap enters, they all practically light up with such disturbing happiness. Bubba is the first one to beg him to "help them go to sleep". Fast forward to The Hour of Joy, CatNap must've used his addiction against him to keep him sorta in place so he could kill him.
"Hey! I'm KickenChicken! Wanna go outside and hang out?" "It's lookin' pretty rad outside!" "I've...never been outside before..." "Will you come with me? I'm scared..." "Here, follow me. I-I'll step out first..." Here, I used to think that he had barricaded himself along with some of the other critters somewhere safe inside the Playcare during The Hour of Joy, and he decided to step outside once all the humans were finally killed. Once he did, CatNap found him and killed him for his disobedience towards his god. But a recent theory sorta convinced me otherwise. I still believe in my own theory, but I also support the fact that KickenChicken could've also been one of the first toys to reach an exit to the outside world. But, once he and the other critter tried to step outside, he got killed by the Prototype.
Picky Piggy
"Hi there! I'm Picky Piggy! Let's eat!" "Roast beef? Delicious!" "Grilled chicken? Down the hatch!" "Seared elephant? Yum!" "Flayed unicorn? Mmm!" "Still hungry... Hey, what do you say you and I be friends?" (This one actually scares the hell out of me, i love it) And it's pretty obvious too, for the most part. I believe that Picky was separated by the other critters during The Hour of Joy, and ended up with nothing to eat for a long time. She ended up wandering aimlessly throughout the factory and eventually came across the corpses of her dead friends. Saddened, but desperate for food, she ate her friends' corpses as soon as she came along them, but all that effort soon went to waste as she eventually died of starvation, a constant theme throughout Poppy Playtime.
Hoppy Hopscotch
"I'm Hoppy Hopscotch! Wanna try hopping to the moon with me?" "On three with me! One... two... three! ...Heh, didn't get very far, did we?" "Again! One, two, three! Nope... still didn't make it." "Listen! This won't stop until we make it to the moon!" "One, two- No, no! Don't look at your feet! None of that matters! Again! Again!" "JUMP! JUUUU-" Yeah this one just makes me really sad, seeing how I think her death most likely would be accidental suicide. In an attempt to escape CatNap or The Prototype or another toy that was hunting them down for food, or maybe just trying to reach somewhere that lead to an exit, she encouraged her friend(s) to jump towards freedom, but due to her impulsive/impatient tendencies, she didn't think it through and ended up falling to her death.
Bobby Bearhug
"Hi! I'm Bobby Bearhug! Wanna know how much I love you?" "I love you to the moooon and back!" "I'm crazy about you." "I'm lost without you." "I've been lost a long time..." "Please, take me with you this time...!" "You won't leave me, will you??" Bobby loves everyone and everything, unconditionally. So, when The Hour of Joy occurred, she naturally felt terrified and wanted to stick close by with her friends as they tried to find a way out of the factory after that day. This might also be in relation to DogDay and Picky as well. DogDay probably shooed them away in attempt to save them from CatNap, and while the massacre occurred, Picky got lost during all the chaos. Them being her friends, she was greatly distraught by this, but soon forced herself to go along with who was left. That was when she probably witness some of their deaths: Bobby being lured by the Red Smoke and eventually killed, Kicken getting killed by either CatNap or The Protoype, Hoppy falling to her death, being scared away by CraftyCorn (I'll get to her later).
"Take me with you this time!" I believe this line was spawned from DogDay's actions. Since he was the leader of their group, she, along with the other critters, looked up to him. Perhaps Bobby believed if he has taken all of them with him, she wouldn't have ended up all alone. She eventually ended up all alone, turned to madness by loneliness as she always thought about the events that made her friends leave her. After a long time of wandering and losing hope, bit by bit as each day passed, she died of starvation.
"H-Hi, I'm CraftyCorn. Will you help me with my painting? Pass me the blue, please!" "Thanks! Now, will you give me some red?" "More red, please!" "Out...? But, w-we can't be out." "You're hiding more red from me... I know you are..." "GIVE IT HERE!" "There, now that's much better!" Despite CraftyCorn's established gentle and caring personality, both would be thrown away for the sake of keeping her creative juices flowing. She always loves everything artistic, so she also most likely uses it as a coping mechanism (and that's also seen in the Smiling Critter's cartoon, where CraftyCorn is drawing on multiple pages while still being scared of the storm outside). I believe she also witnessed some of her friends' deaths along with Bobby Bearhug, and, as her way of coping, she just tries drawing and drawing and painting and painting her worries away. But while her urges to cope may last, drawing materials do not for long, and she eventually runs out. This causes her to turn to panic, as she thinks she'll have to finally face reality that her friends are gone, but she's not ready, so she desperately tires to find more art materials, mostly the color red (because that's the most of what she's been seeing since The Hour of Joy). So, in a blind, maddened dismay, she attacks her friends and uses their blood for painting, piling on unimaginable guilt for hurting her friends, the very thing she was trying not to make herself realize.
Now as for her death. Her remaining friend(s) probably ended up leaving her for the sake of their own safety. She doesn't realize this, because again, she's so deep in her own distractions that she's lost touch with reality, until she finally runs out of red again. She desperately tries to find more, but can't extract any from an outside source. So she uses her own blood as paint. She extracts her blood, runs out, extracts again, runs out again, extracts again, runs out again, over and over until she finally harms herself to the point of dying from blood loss.
"DogDay says... fetch!" "Go, go! As far as you can!" "Why are you...just standing there?" "You can't be here. You can't stay..." As I said earlier, DogDay must have helped his friends escape from CatNap's hunting ground and the main killing areas during The Hour of Joy. He realizes that CatNap holds a burning rage for him and his friends for not going along with The Prototypes control, and drives them out somewhere where he thinks they'll be safe. But he then told them that he couldn't go with them, because as the leader of the Smiling Critters, and holding a deep love for his friends, he felt the need to sacrifice himself so they can be safe.
Once they were away, he goes and finds CatNap. Since I believe that DogDay was once a worker for Playtime Co., I don't think he remembers his past. Therefore, he truly believes that he is DogDay, and that the Smiling Critters, including CatNap, have been friends for a lifetime. He believes that his friend is still in there, not seeing the fact that CatNap remembers exactly who he is and how he became this way, including why he worships The Prototype. DogDay tries to convince CatNap to remember all the good times they had (even though, with the Big Bodies version of the cast, CatNap was particularly distant from the rest of the Smiling Critters, since I assume they're also workers). Of course, this doesn't work, and CatNap attempts to kill him.
However, I believe that DogDay had escaped and went to look for his friends once he was at a safe distance. But this is FAR after the events of his friends' deaths, so one by one he comes across his friends' corpses, personally seeing the horrors of after The Hour of Joy "I'm...the last of the Smiling Critters...." (what he says before his own death)
After years of losing so much hope, seeing that none of his friends survived the horrors of the factory, DogDay doesn't see the point in trying to escape. If his friends didn't make it, what was the point? And, during his most vulnerable, this is how CatNap eventually ends up finding him. He gained some sick pleasure into see this heretic suffer, but he felt that he needed more misery, by kidnapping him and torturing him by cutting off his legs and feeding them to the mini critters, and stringing him up in the prison where he's slowly eaten by The Prototype's worshippers.
Still, he holds onto what sanity he has left from his interactions with Poppy (who I believe he ran into while he was wandering the Factory), and believed that an angel will bring them salvation.
. ☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️ .
That's about it! Hope you guys enjoyed!!
~ 💜🌙 ~
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redfluffz · 13 days
After he fell you mentioned that Lucifer lost the connection to his star. Besides loosing his bird form, and presumably some of his powers, are there any other negative effects on him?
I know it’s not cannon, but I had the thought that if there was something going on with him health wise, mentally or physically, from that separation then maybe the reason Lilith is in Heaven is she is secretly trying to find a way to re-establish Lucifer’s link to his star.
This is gonna be a looong answer. Sorry for that! 🥲
Actually yes. It really has some negative affects. So when he's disconnected from his star, he doesn't have a (I called it) "light cleaning". For me there is no evil or good magic, but I think their are indeed diffenrences between angel and demon magic. So for an angel it's pretty hard to use demon magic. So Luc was not only punished, disconnected from his star and injured - he was cursed. Unlike Lili he isn't a demon but cursed to use this magic which troubles his whole body. If he doesn't take care of himself, he would go crazy. That's why he is so "calm". All happy and stuff, just when he gets angry he might loose himself in the demon magic and become a horrific version of himself.
Huii. Yeah well my problem is, I didn't figured out yet how the puzzle connects Lilith to what. In my headcanon I'm absolutely sure Lilith is not evil nor a traitor. But I also won't go with Eve being just a bad person as Roo.
I read many theories about what Lilith is doing and how its connected to the story.
So here are my thoughts (but be aware, I haven't thought through it completly yet.)
So if "Evil" (later Roo, Root of all Evil) is the personification of evil, there must be an opposite site. And we saw that in the first minutes of the first episode. What if they both are parts of God? Just think about it. God is everything, right? So he is good and bad. And he splitted those parts from himself, because he was going crazy with their voices inside his head. Like angel and devil on your shoulder. So this is how they were born. Let's skip a few thousand years. The fall of Luc. God withdraws and let "Good" take charge of heaven. And "Evil"? She decided to go after Eve. And maybe they have a symbiotic relationship. You know like Venom and Eddie? So Eve and Evil became Roo when Eve died and went to hell. Because first sinner??? Dunno. Okay. Let's skip another few years. Lili and Luc are happy and stuff and the something happened.
Soo first we need to talk about all their motives. When Evil and Eve became Roo both learned something about the other. Evil learned what Good and Love is. Eve learned about Evil, Hate and God. Soo maybe Eve wants revenge but over the time her traget changed from Lucifer to God so she needs to get into heaven. And "Evil" may wants to help everybody, since she now knows good and bad. Okay. Lilith loves hell. She is free, can do what she wants ... and wants her family and an own child. So now we come to a very interesting theory. Liliths songs were inspirations for demon kind. What if her good motives "redeemed her"? If that's true, she could reenter heaven. Now that's interesting for Eve, right? Let's talk about deals. And here it goes wild. So Lilith isn't capable of giving birth, because of her curse. And no I don't see Luci as ... Just please don't. What if Eve gave birth to Charlie in exchange for the ticket into heaven. Now you may ask yourself, how can she pass that? Well Eve takes the image of Lilith. So in the early days Eve take care of Charlie, cause she neede several things. You know like breast milk ... and after that Lilith could live the next 180 years with her family.
Now we are in the events before those ominous 7 years. The deal. Lilith has to go incognito so Eve can enter heaven as "Fake-Lilith". But you can't fool heavens gates?! Eve can't, but "Evil" (a part from God) can. And where did Lilith go? Well she may become an overlord to help hell and her family. And which overlord?
"Who hasn't thought about eating their first husband? I would if he wouldn't taste so bad." Adam? 🤣
Yeah I think its Rosie. And Rosie knows Alastor pretty well. WHY? Because she helped him after the battle. But I really don't think she made that painful deal with him. Come on guys. This woman was fighting for freedom just to bind someone and force him to do something? Nah. That deal must be between Roo and him. The Eyes, guys. THE EYES. And Alastor helps Charlie, because of a favor for Rosie.
Yeah that's all I got right now.
Thanks for asking!
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
so im getting to the end of my finally watching exu calamity
for the most part i haven't really made posts on my reactions here bc most of what i'd have to say has already been said, i've been seeing those meta posts around since calamity came out
but god the one unexpected thing about loquatius and laerryn i can't get over is just all of aabria's little reactions to quay's choices here
like. i know laerryn loves him as much as he loves her, but she's not good at showing it. she's deeply pragmatic, which means while loquatius is having huge moment after huge moment illustrating just how much he's willing to sacrifice for her, she's making sure she can do her job. because she has to. even if that means leaving him to die in the calix chamber, because she couldn't have saved him, and if she died trying then the whole world would be lost
but at the same time, she did all of this for him. it was so important to her to finish the leywright that solstice, because she has a longer lifespan than quay, and he wouldn't be with her to see the next one. she was distraught when she felt him slip away from her over the telepathic bond, even though she'd chosen to let it happen
part of the reason their marriage failed the first time is they just don't talk. there's so little communication between the two, not just on laerryn's side. quay has the big moments, yes, but how many of those does laerryn even know happened? she doesn't know that he fired elena to protect her from being blamed for evandrin. she doesn't know he prerecorded a broadcast to be played in the event of his death, that would tell the city not about laerryn's mistakes, but that it was loquatius himself who failed them, and laerryn tried everything she could to save the city. she doesn't know that he turned down a call from his queen and his family to come home and be protected from the apocalypse, bc he'd rather die trying to save laerryn, avalir, and his new family, than live without them
but aabria does.
and that gives way to the tiniest most hard hitting fourth wall breaks
like when quay turns his back on the seelie queen's offer - aabria immediately gives a small "no, no, you have to go"
laerryn needs him here. the story needs him here. there is no benefit to quay leaving, except that quay would be alive, and that's what laerryn desparantly wants, so it comes out in aabria
when we get to the climax, too, the big fight where all they're trying to do is keep laerryn alive long enough to activate the leywright, and it gets to quay's last turn? the first thing aabria says is "run. run."
laerryn is pragmatic. aabria knows this is a tragedy, and has been so far the most gung ho about playing into the tragedy. from a pragmatic perspective, loquatius should stay with laerryn, it gives the world a better chance of survival. narratively, loquatius should stay with laerryn bc that's how this story is supposed to go. and personally, loquatius should stay with laerryn because he can't bear to do anything else
but twice, she tells him to leave. because in this story where every single character is forced to reckon with which they love more, their city or their family - laerryn chose the city once. more than once. here at the end of all things, she won't do it again
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