#what if i d worded rn
1000sunnygo · 1 month
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Probably the most powerful expression Oda drew on Law because how many times have we seen him so broken and desperate. That's a boy who lost everyone within a single night along with his faith in humanity - spilling out his heart in front of a total stranger just so he can somehow evade re-experiencing this pain:
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And this time it struck him worse . Now there's guilt along with grief because he brought the grim reaper to Cora himself.
Vergo is now dead and Doflamingo in Impel Down - but this isn't something you heal from in lifetime.
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Years after, same story. Oda struck the same wound again, took away his sword and hat while at it, then left him in salt water.
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noecoded · 1 year
If you could have any Asmo/reader fic what would be the things you would want from it? like an ideal fic would contain what tropes or AUS or situations or whatever
uhmm anything wellwritten that characterizes asmo similar to the way i do ! i rlly like character exploration , both more serious stuff & just sillycute...anything where asmo is a little cunning and toxic and also gets railed into oblivion.anything where hes a vampire. ill write a tag essay about the specifics
#xreaders are too unrelatable for me usually .. im aroace and the only relationship dynamics that r rlly interesting to me r likee#toxic or tumultuous...i think in many asmo fics hes just very one note or like not a complex love interest .which is fine because hes like#that in the game but i am especially drawn to fics where the author has their own kind of unique take on it. nuance. etc#it's really interesting to see situations in which asmo kind of reaps the consequences of shitty behavior or struggles with parts of himsel#f he doesnt like. not just in like ohhh im insecure sobsob but like deeprooted issues & patterns thought processes that come with being a d#demon that maybe clash with human morality or ideals...like what if he sees human lives as generally more disposable because hes lived for#so long?? what would a fic be like about him wanting a fling with a human that ends up taking apart their life but to him its just a fun#little romance without any real consequences or commitment?? even if he was obsessed w them professing his undying love etc etc he could ge#t bored and drop it anytime and outlive them by millions of years and forget...& how does a human love an entity like that? how could the r#relationship look anything close to normal ever...anyway i like fics that touch on questions like this theyre kind of rare though#this all being said i def dont think asmo is completely evil💭 nuance#at work so im literally just wasting time by thinking about this rn but this was like the asmotoni dynamic its too interesting to me#asmotoni is like this in my head but on papwr i just draw them fucking witj bunny ears sorry#this doesnt even answer ur question really. if i could write a fic rn it would be like 200k word emo band au that isnt xreader or a romance#fic it would just be asmo beel belphie as humans starting a band and their rise and fall etc ive been thinking abt that plot nonstop
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OH I DO ACTUALLY HAVE ONE QUESTION IM CURIOUS ABOUT & i dont Think it'll be big spoilers? feel free 2 ignore if it is. but like wheree is rockfall/newhaven/surrounding area, like, geographically. assuming the country they're in is somewhat analogous to the usa. r they east coast west coast midwest.... i wanna knoww... 👀👀👀
OH OH UHHHH. THERE IS ACTUALLY A MAP theyve neber posted it because its pretty much just taken directly from the mutants and masterminds rulebook with a handful of names and places changed (i cannot send it to u yet bc there are a few places u havent heard of yet so remind me to do that later) BUT. IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY. rockfall is either slightly north or south of new haven, new haven is on the east coast, [other big city u dont know the name of yet] is also on the east coast "a few territories away from new haven" so like. a couple states i guess (?), deadwood is pretty far away to the west, like. roadtrip/fly in a plane length away .
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m1d-45 · 10 months
Just thought I'd say. I always reread ur fics because they're that good, it's like eating your favourite food and eating it again because it's so good
aAA i am so happy that you have enjoyed what i’ve made !! thank you for stopping by !! please have a beautiful day thank you so much :DD
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keeps-ache · 1 year
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looking for answers
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vulturereyy · 1 year
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jikooki · 2 years
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The little speck called the Etrian Odyssey fandom never ceases to amaze me
Like. There’s not a single collection of EO5 voice lines and barely any music on the net but someone made this, absolutely amazing lmao
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
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taking the post-daisenshuuraku photo <3
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Okay listen. I heard about the dazatsu week and honestly I can't help myself. They're so cute of course I have to participate. But im a slow writer and everything im working on for them rn is too long or complicated to use. So I have to write something new. So im really probably only going to be able to write a fic for one of the days. And there is still a chance it won't be finished it time! Im terrified. Im gonna be working so hard on this aha.
My goal is two fics, one of them being for two days. So I will at least get to play with multiple prompts. I will still be happy honestly if I only get one posted because hey at least I got to participate in some way ya know. Wish me luck :D
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aquarri · 1 year
#anon#there are very few people i truly hate on the earth and louis is not one of them#really my 'hate' for him comes from a place of love and the want for them to do better#because they deserve better! and they can achieve that#yeah recently i've been hating on him and have been 'unsupportive' but thats how i deal with people who are in my eyes being stupid#making poor decisions#its very hard for me to see something and brush it under the rug#(not supporting the doc bc i dont want a doc that isn't truly authentic or made without the public lies)#im not someone whos gonna sit back and laugh when i see something i dont like ya know?#(please dont call me a solo harrie bc i think you missed my hating harry holivia era :D that was a shit show and harry was acting stupid#and i said that and didnt support that either lol)#not that i need to justify anything but i complain about hshq and tour all the time#im not gonna hate on harry bc hes not pissing me off rn? lol#its tough love sorry anon ik my worth and what i deserve to give to people based on what they give back#is that parasocial? idk but i also dont need to blindly follow and act happy when im not?#also i hate the word “stan” im just here observing the drama talking on my little blog about millionaire men that annoy me sometimes#i really do want better for them thats why im here at least thats what brought me here#i do like louis or at least i liked what he stood for in previous years but idk both of them seem to be kind of lost at the moment#this just turned into a ramble but anon im not a solo harrie nor will i ever be#i would like to be called a hater larrie.#why would i be directing hater energy at harry when he just sang woman after louis did ~that~#im not gonna praise him for stunting with a 22 y/o playing daddy and releasing a copy lg doc lmao
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puppynosed · 2 years
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the-stove-is-divorced · 8 months
you. yes you, the one who wrote I've Got No Time to Live (And I Cant Say Goodbye) and Startled by Yourself (Still) aka the Doodleduo (MK&inkMK) fanfics that lives in my head rent free 24/7
you, author. i'd like to say thank you. theres barely any fics with them and seeing that you made TWO???? REALLY GOOD??? ONES????? EXPLODES. made my day.
also im making a physical book with one of them bc i need to read this at school too. 🥰🥰🥰 (also for practicing my book binding skills :P)
HI! Yes that is me! (*^^*)♡ AND TYSM!
I absolutely adore them SM, there's SO MUCH FUN you can have writing these two it drives me up the wall in the best way possible. And ofc! There's so little fics for them, and I LOVE THEM SM! Their interactions live in my head rent free 24/7. IT'S SO INTERESTING!
AND OMG I did not know the dynamic had a NAME? And good luck with the book binding skills! That's so exciting and I'm so flattered you're gonna do it with one of own my fics, thank you omg. ( 〃▽〃) You're making MY day with this message, ty! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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bomnun · 1 year
since pitigi are on hiatus/waiting for a magic signal from the heavens again I’m so confused as to why jojin has to rush back to work tomorrow (only giving him a one day break after phantom singer) and honk is reassuring unis he’s going back to korea soon…like…on paper your next group scjedule is in august and the members who’ve been active at the company this week have just been doing random classes ? like…what’s the rush to just do nothing in particular lol
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keeps-ache · 4 months
my brother left All the preservatives in the beans he made (😔) so i am now eating a package of turkey... breast it's turkey breast 👍👍
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sutorus · 8 months
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DESCRIPTION: my hcs on what it’d be like to be in a situationship/fwb situation with the jjk men hehe
FEATURED: gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji
WARNINGS: 18+ MINORS DNI. fem + afab reader, this is fully self indulgent i'm just taking my own shiddy experiences and coping via hot anime men, suggestive content/smut, pretty standard manwhore behavior, slightly toxic, not wholesome, kinda crack tbh, some mentions of degradation as a kink, objectifying women, just like the real thing lol!
A/N: LONG BUT READ! this will Not have an ending where you get together at least not rn these are just my hcs all in good fun ur just having fun ok ur not heartbroken everything is okay. they are not good boys here they are normal regular boys
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has way too many hoes. way too many
so much so that he gave up on remembering their names and just saves their numbers like “osaka w the hand kink”, “big tits shibari”, “slut from trig”, “hostess best bjs”
has someone’s boobs with his name written on them in sharpie as his wallpaper
says i love you when he cums inside and you never know if you should believe it
throws you off when he agrees to meet your friends only for him to flirt with them in front of you
takes you to the best clubs with bottle service, lets the girls sit on his lap and laughs when you get mad
pays for your ubers everywhere every time
into the weirdest shit like wearing your underwear laughing like a lunatic the whole time he’s fucking you then after he cums gets sulky and embarrassed
lays it on thick with the pet names, gives zero fucks if that confuses you even further
very public with you and it makes you wonder how many other girls put themselves through this humiliation just for the d
gets jealous about you being with other people and needs to prove himself by eating it from the back or something
fwb with gojo is just a huge mindfuck honestly he doesn’t take anything seriously and this is no different sorry! it’s fun tho!
keeps it extremely platonic because he likes to tell himself he has a conscience
too busy for regular chit chat ignores your texts all day then hits you up when he wants to fuck
even more of a whore than gojo is which is why he makes sure not to lead anyone on he just does not need the trouble
answers all your personal questions about him with one word answers
he lets you choose the movie for netflix and chill at least! but will never remember it or the fact that it’s your favorite :(
cleans you up after sex and brings you water
has female hygiene products in his bathroom which is both a red and a green flag
lets you stay after sex and you just lay there on his bed watching him do stuff on his computer but he will not be talking to you
never calls you baby or anything when he’s fucking you just goes oh fuck yeah right there fuuuuck your pussy
genuinely respects you and has nice decent sex with you unless you tell him that you’re kinky
in which case he fucks you just how you want it and gets off on how turned on you are
not one of those guys who gets jealous of sex toys and holds the wand on your clit for you
likes to make you cum over and over and over again
fwb with geto makes your heart clench because he’s just such a gentleman but you got way too much competition to even think about it
a professional in every sense of the word
uses sex as stress relief
thinks he's too old for this shit but you make him feel alive so he fucks you like he can empty all of his frustrations into you
invites you to his apartment serves you expensive liquor and lets you initiate things most times unless he’s too pent up
can actually have very nice conversations with you
never has the “what are we talk” because he makes it clear he’s too busy for a relationship
lets you spend the night if it’s too late but solely for your safety/logistics
does your taxes for you but will not call you anything beyond an “acquaintance”
texts you happy holidays but does not know when your birthday is
gets tested consistently even though he’s not fucking anyone else and always uses a condom unless you beg him not to
eats you out because he thinks it’s relaxing and spends hours prepping you
the sexual tension is soooo thick when you two fuck all you can hear is grunts and growls and moans and wet slapping sounds and it’s so hot
has some random turn ons like gets bricked up when you’re wearing lipstick or stockings
fwb with nanami is very enjoyable and easy it’ll get complicated if you develop feelings because he does not want to date but who cares yolo am i right
broke ass deadbeat dad why are you into him
absolutely nasty sex
you know if he had a girlfriend he’d respect her too much to do the things he does to you
dick game so bomb that you’re scared he’s gonna give you a child even when he’s wearing a condom
wants to fuck you every way he possibly can on every fuckable surface with zero regard for your physical integrity
eats his cum right out of you
ego is so big, grins so wide and fucks you so hard when you stroke his muscles
loves to eat pussy but only after he’s fucked you because he likes it tight and hot with minimal prep
doesn’t follow you on any social media but jerks off to your instagram pics
has like 3 different phone numbers and you don’t know why
has only let you come over once, didn’t let you shower after
no pet names but calls you a dirty whore and other degrading shit
loves it if you cry on his dick
doesn’t give a fuck about your safety sorry you’re on your own
has never told you his last name
one time you asked to see a picture of his son and he didn’t speak for 3 whole minutes
fwb with toji is the nastiest sex you’ve ever had truly it’s just sinful and everyone’s dark hidden fantasy half of it you couldn’t tell your closest friends because it’s just too much
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a/n sorry
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