#whatever those people are doing i hope they're doing well ♡
moonlit-tia · 3 months
I'm genuinely surprised by how little dawnbreaker content there is
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talisidekick · 1 year
I don't care what nationality you are. US, UK, French, German, anyone in Europe, please do me the grandest of favours and spread this around. Steal the link, make your own post, I don't care; just get it to the eyes of your viewers because if they're Canadian, I need your help.
This petition ends May 26th 2023:
What is this about?
The world is becoming increasingly hostile to transgender and nonbinary individuals;
Transgender and nonbinary people's rights to live as themselves are being restricted and removed in many places;
This includes the so-called "Western democracies" which have historically been presumed safe;
More than a dozen American states have enacted or are considering legislation eliminating or criminalizing gender-affirming care; and
Canada has prided itself on being an inclusive, tolerant, and welcoming society for everyone regardless of gender identity or gender expression.
We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to extend to transgender and nonbinary people the right to claim asylum in Canada by reason of eliminationist laws in their home countries, whatever country that may be."
It's better to give people an exit plan, and just hope they won't need it, then to do nothing and assume they'll be fine. Help us keep making Canada a positive place for everyone. I hope you'll sign if you're Canadian, and if you're not, I hope you'll help us make some positivity by sharing this around.
(Edit: A bullet point in the petitions description has been removed from this post, but remains on the petition. It's removal is due to misinformation around the UK's Equality Act 2010 only providing protection for those seeking sexual reassignment surgery. And while the Equality Act 2010 does explicitly state this, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has released an Equality Act 2019 Code of Practice document that specifies all transgender people are protected under the protected characteristic of "gender reassignment" regardless of desire to undergo the specific surgery initially identified in the Equality Act 2010 document. There has been, as of this editation, no direct quote or statement of plans to remove these protections from discrimination to the public.
I'd also like to add that there do exist protections already for 2SLGBTQIA+ folk to seek asylum in Canada, and the MP who made this petition has apparently been made aware of this, however, due to certain restrictions on that act, Canada currently lists the US as a safe country for 2SLGBTQIA+ folk because as long as there is one safe place(state, province, or territory) in the country for queer folk, the ability to seek asylum is denied. This petition clearly states a need to make a more specific clarification regarding this and open up assylum if any discriminatory laws pop up at all within a country, no matter if it's regional laws, or country wide. Specifying this because there's been a reblog or two calling this petition pointless and because I'm already clarifying UK law misinformation, might as well tackle misinformation from my own country as well. ♡)
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personasintro · 1 year
Employed 01 | jjk
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⏤𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴; Being independent while living the harsh reality of adulthood is sparked by arrogance in the form of the most infuriating man you've ever met.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: ceo!jungkook x reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, enemies to lovers
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: explicit language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 16.4k+
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banner by: @archivedkookie // thank you so much again for making this for me! ♡
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index (to be added)
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El: I think I'm drunk again
"think or know?"
El: know then
El: turns out I didn't have sex yesterday 
El: god I already masturbated twice today!!!
You could survive without that information, a snicker leaving your mouth at your best friend's messages. She had a date yesterday. Well, you're not sure if it was officially a date or she just hung out with one of her co-workers she's been flirting with for weeks now. 
Elaine broke up with her then boyfriend recently. This co-worker of hers has caught her eyes even when she was in a relationship (with a total douchebag). Not mentioning he's still in a relationship with his girlfriend. They're not on good terms either but still. It's complicated and who are you to judge?
"make it three then" 
El: it's not helping :/
"because he's all you're thinking about"
That one is true. He's been a topic number one in any of your conversations.
El: that's true lol
El: but I'm kinda scared to get involved with someone from my work
"I'm not surprised, it usually is like that"
"but look, you're never gonna find out if you don't try it"
While you're trying to be as supportive as a best friend can be, you do have your own opinion about her little shenanigans. But in the end, you do want her to be happy and not be depressed because of her two failed relationships from before. This guy at least seems to be treating her right and he's a proper gentleman. Not a red flag which cannot be said about the previous two ones. 
El: so you think I should give it a chance?
Jumping from one relationship to another is... you're not sure what to think of it. Everyone's different and you try to keep being open-minded. If he makes her happy and she wants to try it, why not? 
You know you would be more wary, especially after a heartbreak. You would focus on yourself first, recharge and regain self-love or whatever people do after a break-up. 
Before you can type your reply, another message pops up.
El: because he treats me right and everything's perfect... I'm just scared of that one fact of working together
"well working with friends or family never does any good, the same goes for relationships"
That's a fact. In most cases it's the worst anyone can do. 
"but try it if you feel like that's the right thing"
You're not one of those friends who give false hope. You're honest, try to be without getting too honest which could potentially hurt someone. Elaine is a wonderful woman. You've known her for years and have been best friends just as long. It's unfortunate the majority of your communication is done through messages and occasional video calls. Ever since you moved out of the country, you've been away from everyone. 
However, you knew what you would lose in order to pursue a different life you always wanted.
El: what about you tho? have you found yourself a job yet?
The question you've found unpleasant back home – and you still do. 
"no :("
El: don't worry! you just got there
El: I'm sure you'll find one soon x
Sighing, you wish Elaine's words would come true. Preferably very soon.
You send her a quick thank you with a heart emoji before someone slides onto the opposite seat. Met with a wide grin and crinkled eyes at the ends, your before neutral expression turns into a surprise and happiness. You didn't hear him coming!
"Hobi!" you greet him after not seeing his face for a few days.
He's been your friend for quite some time now. Actually, it's safe to say he's been a huge help ever since you decided to move here. It lasts until now and without his help, you're not sure if you would've ever had the guts to leave the comfort of familiarity of your country.
"Hey," he greets, laughing a little as the air becomes more cheerful. Or maybe it's only you and the fact he's no stranger to you. 
Having prying eyes on you almost all the time is still a little uncomfortable. As if they knew you're a foreigner right out of the bat.
Hoseok chose to meet up at his favorite place. He's a little late, but you don't have the heart to scold him for it. You know it's only your anxiety of having to be here alone, feeling strangers' eyes on you. Luckily, you did the typical trick. Staring into your phone, minding your business and trying to act unbothered. 
"Have you ordered anything yet?"
"Ah, no," you shake your head, "Was waiting for you."
You had to tell the older lady to give you more time since your friend should be arriving anytime soon. 
"Sorry for running late, traffic here is no joke." he apologizes, shrugging his overshirt as he hangs it over the bag of his stool.
"It's fine." you tell him, catching his amused expression which causes you to purse your lips. 
"No scolding?"
"I was about to but I changed my mind."
"Of course you were." he laughs.
Before another word can be uttered and a fit of giggles surround the round table, what you assume is the owner – the same lady that asked you for your order earlier – comes back with the same kind smile. Hoseok says both your orders, already knowing your usual choice since you're here the third time already. Like you said, it's his favorite place to eat. Korean barbecue is definitely worth every penny. 
"I didn't wanna tell you on the phone but–" He giggles when he notices your wary look. "You haven't found a job yet, right?" He makes sure.
For some reason, your cheeks heat up in guilt. Guilt from not being able to find out despite living here for two weeks. Okay, it might not be a long time but the whole process of finding a job is way harder. You've been through something similar back in home. Having to experience this all over again feels very saddening. You would lie if you told you haven't had any expectations. Of course, you know it's not going to be easy but still. You hoped it would be easier.
You're a little fucked up from the situation back home. The months you waited to get a job and then lose it in the span of one month. Wasn't your fault, but it still hurts though. 
Shortly said, you just can't allow yourself to experience that again. 
"No." you mumble, placing your elbow on the table as you prop your chin on your palm. 
"Perfect," he says, met with a raised brow from you. "I have a friend."
"Oh god."
"No, listen to me," he presses. 
Hoseok has a lot of friends. Different types of friends. While you haven't been able to meet most of them (which you're sure is not even possible since he's got a lot of them), you've heard of them. 
"He owns a company. A very prestigious one," 
That has your eyes widening.
"He's been looking for an assistant, told me about it when we went out for a whiskey."
"Since when do you drink whiskey?"
"Not the point," he grits, "Anyway, he just mentioned it very briefly but then an idea sparked when I was home. How did I not think of it sooner? Right, like–"
"Hobi." You motion for him to shorten it and to get to the fucking point. 
"Right," he laughs, "So–you should work for him."
You blink and stare, breathing out a chuckle. "Just like that?"
"Well, no." he frowns a little, "You should probably go to the interview–but honestly, you have nothing to be scared of."
"But assistant? What are the requirements? What about–"
"He's gonna tell you everything. We don't talk about work much and he only briefly mentioned looking for an assistant. But you're great and skillful. What else do you need to be an assistant?"
"I don't think it's that easy, Hobi. Especially if it's some big company like you said."
Hoseok leans back, shrugging. "He's my friend. He's gonna take you in." he promises and waves his hand, sending you a little assurement along with a wide supportive smile. 
You're not sure you're assured at all. But you have nothing to lose. You told Elaine to try it because else she wouldn't know. Even though this is not about a relationship at all, there's some similarity to the situation. 
And you're going to listen to your own advice.
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Hoseok wasn't lying when he said about his friend's company. That alone made your stomach shrink with unease and the only thing that calmed you was the reminder of their friendship. Regardless of this successful friend of his and what he said about his business, you expected a decent and nice building. 
Not a freaking tallest and biggest building on a street full of companies. 
Holy shit. 
That's your first reaction you luckily keep to yourself while you stare at the tall building. Oh god. You're ten seconds from running away like a coward but you can't. You simply can't let a stupid stress affect you. This is a great opportunity for you. 
Plus, not to mention the lengths Hoseok went through to get you a chance to have an interview here. He talked to his friend because of you, purely because of that you can't disappoint him as well. 
Staring at the building, it screams of wealth even from its exterior. Is it stupid to say it kind of looks a little intimidating? Sure, your nerves could play a role in this as well. It looks like the entire building is covered in glass, in one you can't see through from the outside. Plus it looks super clean. 
Do they get it cleaned often? You laugh at your thoughts, releasing a breath you've been holding before you finally start walking toward the entrance. 
The only info Hoseok gave you was time and date. He told you there's nothing to worry about and you'll find your way around. Despite the lack of information, he tried to assure you. But walking up the stairs, you mentally curse at your friend. He might've done that because he didn't want you all stressed out, but it has a complete opposite effect.
So you remind yourself of his words of assurement and just go for it. 
The tall and huge door is automatic. Of course it is. It opens as soon as you're close enough, fast enough so you don't have to halt your steps which happens often with automatic doors. 
Scent of freshness and (novelty?) hits you pleasantly as soon as you're inside. It's everything you see in big movies. A lot of space, minimalistic but pretty interior. Everything is modern and even people working here are dressed elegantly, in dark blue color that is matched with white. 
"Miss? Where are you going?"
Almost jumping at the sudden presence beside you, you see a bulky man with a security tag attached to his elegant shirt. Even security has elegant attire? Holy fuck, Hoseok, where did you send me?
You're impressed, almost too impressed but that only sparks your stress even more. 
Especially when you see the man patiently waiting for your response. 
"Umm," Great. "I've got a job interview here?"
He scans you as if he's searching for any hints of lying. What is this? A fucking pentagon? 
"They'll give you directions at the reception desk. Please, continue past the detector." he says professionally, pointing at the detector system you've only seen at airports.
"Thank you." You try to send him a polite smile, your legs suddenly feeling a little wobbly in those heels. 
You chose an elegant outfit, a nice soft pink set with a touch of a few decent silver accessories. It's not too much but it screams of elegance which suits their theme. You paid extra attention to your make-up and hair, putting all your effort and not only because it distracted you today. 
The reception desk is at the very end, not hard to miss as a huge logo of the company is lit up and attached to the marble wall. There is a young woman aware of your presence immediately, welcoming you there before asking what you are looking for. If they're surprised to see you here, they don't show it as much. 
After explaining you're here for the job interview, she asks for your name and after she checks your information, she gives you directions to get there. There are a lot of employers, busy doing their job as some of them wait for an elevator. There are three of them! 
Other than that, nobody really pays you any attention as a silent chatter involving business resounds inside the elevator. Some of them get out sooner, some of them wait until it's their turn.
Number twelve lits up as a robotic voice informs you of the floor you situate. You get out, not quite sure where else to go as you look left and right. A little confused, the young receptionist hasn't offered any further information beside getting out on floor twelve. That's until you see a group of young females gathered on the left side of the building. Getting a feeling this is it, you walk toward them.
There is another receptionist desk, a few chairs and leather sofa in the hallway as all of them seem to be waiting. This is it.
"Welcome, miss. Are you here for the interview?" Someone asks, catching your attention as you notice another receptionist with the same attire like the one that greeted you earlier. 
This one has short hair, perfectly straightened and styled.
"Oh, hello. Yes I am." you respond lightly as she nods.
"Please sit down and make yourself comfortable. Can I offer you a glass of water?" she asks after she points toward the group of women that are waiting. 
"No, thank you." you smile, luckily finding yourself a free spot where you can sit down. 
It's interesting to see different types of interested parties. You notice how each of them are women and you wonder if that was a requirement or it's because of something else. 
Either way, they're all dressed perfectly and definitely put their best effort. Again, Hoseok said this is a good and big company, so it makes sense everyone probably wants to work here. It's not like you don't feel like you don't fit it, even though it's stupid and they most likely want this job just as much as you do. However, some of them look confident and determined to even be here. They came prepared. 
You purely judge it by their confidence that oozes out of them, without them having to talk at all. 
And then there's a few of them that look nervous, even though they try their best to hide it and match other's energy. 
As much as there's Hoseok enthusiasm about his friend giving you the job, nothing's sure and the huge queue just proves it.
You definitely feel like you could relate more to the latter. You're a little nervous and everyone's eyes are on the door when it gets open, another woman getting out of there. She greets the receptionist before walking away with confident steps, her heels clacking against the marble floor.
You gulp, curling your toes in your heels.
You sit there and wait. Not going to lie, you think about pulling out your phone and at least entertaining yourself with the device until it's your turn. However, no one seems to be doing that and you definitely don't want to give an impression that you don't want to be here. You can't be sure.
There are eyes everywhere, including cameras that you've noticed are in every corner. They don't miss anything. Every fuck up there possibly could be, they're going to see.
But it does make sense. They need to be protected.
One thing about you is that you don't like waiting. You can be patient but after a while you get bored. You've watched your surroundings for the past forty minutes – what else is there to do? 
Your boredom is bound to end eventually and when your name is called, you spring onto your feet. They must've sent your information to the receptionist on this floor, since she never asked for your name. But that's the least of your worries when you finally walk toward the other room. Too focused on not stumbling and doing something embarrassing, you focus on your steps until you get inside the room where everyone has been walking out of. 
It's huge.
This is no meeting room or room designed for job interviews. This is an office. A huge one with a freaking seating area. Your mouth is agape as you notice a similar design the whole building has. The only difference is the view over the entire city and little coziness this office has. It's slightly more personal without having any personal pictures or anything – at least that's what you've quickly caught onto. 
It's hard to navigate around the room, you're not sure where to go. 
"Are you going to come in or not?"
A deep voice resounds around the corner making your eyes widen and stomach shrink. Embarrassed of being called out at checking this place out and clearly not moving, you clear your throat and reach the corner.
A man. 
He stands behind a desk, eyes focused down as his fingers briefly touch the stack of paper spreaded on the dark oak desk.
Before you can utter a single word, politely greet whoever this man is, he speaks again.
"Are you mute?"
What the–
"No?" you almost scoff, frowning a little which causes him to finally lift his gaze up.
He stares you up and down, scoffing silently under his breath. His dark eyes are one of the first things you notice on him. Even from a distance, you can make out the dominance in them. He's tall and has broad shoulders which are definitely more defined in the white button-up. The black suit hugs his form perfectly, like it's been designed for him.
You're not stupid. This man is important. And young. He's too young to be the CEO. Don't they have someone on their team to do the job interviews anyway? Whoever he is, he's clearly confident and full of himself. Perhaps you're mistaken but well...
He cocks his brow at you, eyes motioning at the two chairs in front of his desk. He's telling you to get there and sit down. 
You listen, despite your eyes attached to his form as he no longer watches you. He sits down, making himself comfortable as he peeks into the papers. Your full name comes out of his mouth, reading it aloud as the question sits in the air for a moment.
"Yes, that's me." you jump in to answer, not wanting to make this any more awkward.
You're still slightly perplexed by the not so pleasant start. Suddenly, you understand why most of the women out there were nervous. 
While you sit down and have him right in front of you just a few feet away, you try not to stare too much. He is young. He could potentially be Hoseok's friend. 
"Have you brought any documents with you? CV? Documents of your skills and diplomas? Anything?"
Gulping, you nod before you pull out your finished CV that Hoseok has helped you with. 
He takes it from you, flipping through the pages as he stays quiet. His face is hard to read. A frown clouds most of his features and he looks stern. Too stern for such a young male.
He briefly glances at you, while you play with your nails out of his eyesight. God. What was that look for? You know you're not overly qualified and you haven't graduated from a prestigious school. Your hope of getting this job is slowly dying down as he remains quiet before he tosses the papers onto his desk.
He leans back, glancing somewhere above your head as he sighs. "Why do you think you're suitable for this position?"
Okay, you got this. Fuck, you hate this question. You need money, clearly.
"You know, most people don't even get a chance to get to the job interview stage. Not people with your CV and education history."
"Pardon?" Your response is immediate. With an edge to your tone.
However, he is unfazed. 
"Why are you here, Miss–" He stops before glancing at the papers again before saying your surname. 
This dude is fucking–
Forget he's the hottest piece of man you've ever seen. You can tell right out of bat he's arrogant, a little too arrogant. You know he probably has different types of people coming into his office, you're aware your education record isn't something mind-blowing... but he can still be polite and not so rude.
And before your attitude can come to the surface, you remind yourself why you're here.
You need this.
This is your chance.
You've been staying in your AirBnB ever since you came here. Since you have no job yet, you can't exactly rent any place. So you're paying for the apartment that's your temporary home with your saved up money. You need to find a job and then a place to live in as soon as possible. 
"My friend told me about this job. He knows the CEO. Maybe you could ask him, he probably knows of me."
He knows the CEO? Really, Y/N? You stupid–It makes you sound as if you're completely relying on your friend knowing the CEO. Which is not entirely true. Still, you chose your words diplomatically and maybe this man could change his attitude since you're coming from – is it an inner circle? – or in the worst case, he's–
"I'm the CEO."
Of course he is. 
Isn't he too young to be running this place? 
"Oh," you mutter, "Well, Hoseok mentioned you're looking for an assistant and–"
"And you think just because you know my friend you're suitable for this position?"
"No!" you exclaim, maybe too loudly which has you shut your mouth immediately as a frown makes it onto your face. 
Minus the fact he called Hoseok his friend, when he's your friend too, he sounds almost amused and definitely rude. 
"I had people graduating from Harvard coming in here before you."
Congratulations, you mentally snark.
What does he want you to say? 
I'm sorry I wasn't rich and smart enough to graduate from Harvard? 
"All I meant was that Hoseok mentioned you're looking for an assistant and that I should try it," 
You completely miss out the part where Hoseok was entirely confident he's going to give you the job. From the looks of it, he's far from it. 
"I may not have the greatest experience in this field, or I haven't had the luck to have an outstanding education record, but I'm hard-working and I learn fast."
"Hard-working and learning fast is not enough." he informs you.
"What else is there to do to be an assistant?" you ask, your mouth shutting up once again when you see the look he gives you. Wow, he has a very intense glare. "I mean–what does it require?"
"A lot of things. Executive assistant does not only perform administrative tasks, but there's a lot of research and tasks beside it. Not to mention I need someone I can rely on whenever."
"I'm a reliable person."
"Hoseok's word is not enough." he grits through his teeth.
You frown again, starting to get pissed off at his attitude. "I can prove it to you."
"Why should I give you a chance?"
"So I can prove it to you?" you deadpan, his glare dropping as he scoffs.
"You're awful at answering questions." he notes, mumbling under his breath almost as if it's not aimed for your ears.
But you hear him regardless, pressing your lips together as you straighten yourself. 
There's silence that follows. It lasts long, almost too long so you consider walking out of here. His phone vibrates as he reaches toward the device and sighs eventually. 
He puts his phone to his ear, answering with a dry Yes.
He listens for a moment. Frowning as he leans against his chair and looks at the ceiling.
"Yes, she's here."
He's calling him. 
That has your attention as the young male whose name remains unknown for now glances back at you. With the same stoic expression, of course.
He sighs, pinches his brow. He's listening, rolling his eyes here and there while you find it amusing. Though you don't dare to smile or even give him some sort of reaction that he might see.
"You owe me." he grits before ending the call. 
He tosses the phone back where it was, not looking pleased at all.
"I'm doing this because Hoseok is my friend."
You stare, ignoring the way your chest clenches with sadness for some reason. Or maybe it's a disappointment and embarrassment. 
"You have five working days to show me your potential. If you mess up, you're out of here."
While your not old self would tell him (very happily) fuck you, you know this is your chance to prove more things and not just to others, but to yourself as well. Even having this company's name in your CV is going to be a major help. 
"Thank you." you tell him instead, standing up as he snatches your documents off his desk and hands it to you.
You snatch it back, offering him a tight smile when he glares at the obvious attitude. 
"Here's the contract. Read it, do not sign it yet. Just an idea of what's awaiting for you." he explains, standing up. 
You feel like nothing can prepare you for what's awaiting for you. 
"I'll make sure you're not going to regret it. I mean it–I know I'm not the perfect candidate to work in your company, but I'll prove to you with my hard work that I could be. And not only because of Hoseok."
He stays silent, simply watching you. Not looking sold at all. 
But you nudge your ego away and accept the challenge this man might be. 
"Thank you again, Mr..."
His jaw clenches. 
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The familiar beeping he has grown used to and is a part of his everyday life, rings around his silent office. It rips his attention off the papers in front of him. With a single click, he accepts the call from the front desk on this floor.
"Mr. Jeon, I'm sorry to disturb you but you've got a visitor." The feminine voice that is somehow a part of his everyday life as well resounds. 
Brows pinching together, he stares at the phone with a slightly irritated look. Everyone knows they should not disturb him when he's in the middle of reviewing potential deals. He likes to stay focused. And even Soyeon's automatic apology did nothing.
"I don't have any visits scheduled." he responds, unimpressed and indeed bothered by the interruption. 
The young woman that has been working for him almost since the very beginning keeps herself composed, not showing how intimidated she is by him. 
"I'm aware, sir. But he's saying he's your friend?"
"My friend?" he deadpans. 
There's only one person who could come unannounced, enough to disturb him from–
"Jung Hoseok?" she asks unsurely.
Of course it's Jung Hoseok. 
No one barely comes here for visits. Everyone – and by that he means everyone that knows him personally or professionally – knows he doesn't appreciate visits. Not before his lunch and not even after. He's here to work. 
A sigh makes it past his lips as he scratches his eyebrow. "Send him in."
Despite the lack of visits he barely gets – just because he doesn't want them – he still made sure people that know him are on the list. In case there is some kind of emergency and for some reason can't be contacted. You never know. He takes precautions. 
Jung Hoseok is one of those people on the list. 
But the difference is no one really abuses that kind of privilege that gets him through security. Basically gives him a free pass around the building. 
"I get it from here, sweetheart. Thank you. He's my friend." He hears from behind the door, a chuckle of disbelief makes it out of his lips before his office door is open.
His receptionist stutters over her words but before she can make a proper sentence, his not by much older friend closes the door with a thud. Arms outstretched and wide grin, he stares at him unimpressed. 
"Surprise!" Hoseok chimes, striding toward his desk as if he owns this place.
Even with his presence here, Hoseok doesn't come here often. In fact, he can't remember when was the last time his friend visited him here. But out of people coming here unannounced, Hoseok makes the most sense. 
It can be seen he's not here often, momentarily ripping his gaze off the frowning and intimidating CEO to admire the spacious office. 
"Indeed," he mutters.
"Oh, come on. At least look like you're happy to see me!"
"Why pretend?" he simply asks, the older pursing his lips as he rolls his eyes. "Is there a reason for your... surprising visit?"
"Of course there is," he confirms, slouching himself in one of the chairs. He sighs in content, a look of surprise at how comfortable that chair is. "Alright, I'm sorry for popping in just like that–but I was around and since you barely answer my calls–"
"I'm busy."
"I know you're, Mr. CEO."
He rolls his eyes at Hoseok.
"So I came to you."
"Why? We saw each other last week."
"I'm gonna ignore that comment," he remarks, causing the younger one to shrug. "Anyway. I thought this would be better to discuss in person."
He sighs, leaning against his chair. "Just spit it out. I'm really busy."
"Okay," he says, propping his ankle against his knee as he shakes his foot. A habit of his friend that he noticed a long time ago. "When we were hanging out, you mentioned something about being in need of an assistant."
"What? You wanna be my assistant?" he jokes, amused by the idea. 
Hoseok rolls his eyes and almost flips him off. But then he remembers his visit here has a purpose. He would rather not risk anything. 
"No, Jungkook. I do not want to be your assistant," he emphasizes, causing his lips to curl into an amused grin. "But I know someone that might wanna."
"Hoseok," Jungkook sighs, "I don't want any of your–whoever that might be–in my company."
"What does that mean?" he gasps.
"Your choice of friends or people you know are... questionable."
"Okay, that's actually very rude!" 
Jungkook shrugs. "It's true."
"How did you know I'm talking about my friend?"
"I didn't, I just called them that to keep it respectful."
"It's not one of my hook-ups!"
"Spit it out. I don't have time for this nonsense." Jungkook sighs, staring at the ceiling. Hoseok is really testing his patience. He's hungry and with a lot of work in front of him.
"My friend moved here recently and has been searching for a job. I thought you could give her a chance, I can totally vouch for her."
Jungkook blinks at the ceiling, staring down at his friend without having to move. "What this friend of yours accomplished?"
Hoseok's eyes widen and he almost stutters. "What do you–"
"Her skills? Education?"
Hoseok is the one who just blinks as Jungkook sits up straight with again, unimpressed look. "I'm not employing just anyone here, Hoseok. This is a successful company for a reason."
"Well–I don't know about any of that but I know she's hard-working and–"
"You don't know and you're here asking me to give her a job?"
"I'm asking you to give her a chance." Hoseok corrects.
"Hoseok, you're my friend–I...I don't hate you–" Hoseok glares at him. "But no."
"Jungkook!" he whines.
"I don't know this person and from the looks of it, you don't know either."
"Just because I don't know her entire resume doesn't mean she's a stranger. Just FYI–" He frowns, "But please. Just give her a chance. I need your help."
Jungkook lifts a brow. 
"You know I never ask you for anything."
That one's true. 
Whatever power Jungkook has in his young age – the age of twenty-eight – Hoseok has never asked him for anything. Let alone use him. He's the most valuable friend he has. Not that he would ever say it out loud. Not in usual situations anyway. Hoseok is aware of that.
"She's been trying to get a job ever since she came here. She lives in–"
"I don't care," he interrupts, scratching his forehead as he tries to soothe the wrinkles there that are caused by frowning. "She probably can't find a job because she's just not... good."
"That's not true," Hoseok quickly jumps to remark. "You know how hard it is to find a job nowadays."
It's silent for a few moments.
"Don't." Jungkook stops him, closing his eyes.
"Just give her a chance."
He already curses himself mentally for this. Perhaps he feels a little embarrassed for Hoseok.
He cringes when he hears a loud squeal of excitement.
"Just one interview. That's all I can promise you." he informs him firmly.
"Thank you!" Hoseok sits up straight, his sneakers thumping against the floor. 
"Now go, I've got to work."
He doesn't argue, right on his feet as he can't stop grinning at the annoyed man. 
"Soyeon will give you further information." he mumbles under his breath.
"Great! Well, I would ask anyway."
Of course he would. 
"Don't forget to eat."
"Okay, get out now." Jungkook mumbles quickly, ignoring the teasing smirk from his friend as he strides out of his office confidently.
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Hoseok is at your place. If that can be called that.
You're only sure of that because one of the lights stopped working, the bulb burned out. Rather than having to deal with any additional expenses, because you're never too sure and it's better to be safe than sorry, you asked Hoseok if he could come today and change it.
Plus, you need someone to help you with the stress you know your job interview would bring you. And you were goddamn right.
However, that's not the only thing you're bringing with yourself.
Since you gave Hoseok the second card and code to your temporary home, you knew he would be there already. You told him to wait up for you, way before you had the opportunity to meet his friend.
That man can't be anyone's friend. You doubt it.
The moment you get your shoes off and meet Hoseok's sheepish grin, he has no time to react as you reach for one of the cushions and start hitting him repeatedly. He squeals as if his life depends on it, though no real damage is done as your frustration takes over.
"That. Was. Fucking. Awful!" You say with each hit, finally getting the cushion snatched from you as he tosses it back onto the couch behind you.
"What happened?"
Glaring at him, you see it in his eyes. The hidden glints of knowing, even the tiniest tint of apology. 
"Why didn't you tell me he's fucking arrogant and rude?"
His cheeks heaten up as he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. "He can be rough around the edges, but he's not that bad."
"No!" you yell, "He's even worse!"
"Okay, let's sit down and talk." he tries, giggling nervously as he leads you to sit down.
You do, huffing out as you cross your arms over your chest. The feeling of embarrassment and close to humiliation keeps coming back every time you think about the entire moment you spent in that building. You've never felt more like shit before. He made you question your abilities and skills, judged you by your resume within seconds. He made you feel like you're nothing.
Not mentioning he's not interested in hiring you at all. He made sure to let you know that. 
"Y/N, come on..." Hoseok speaks after a moment, softly and sorry just as he looks.
"Why didn't you tell me? I came there and–" You don't bring yourself to say how hopeful you were when coming there, despite being nervous. "You promised me it's going to be okay." you add way quieter, embarrassed to admit it out loud. 
It sounds childish but Hoseok was the one who sparked hope and confidence in you. He assured you everything is going to work out. Of course you knew it couldn't be all true. There is always a space for failure or something not going according to plan, but this? This is your worst experience in months. Definitely takes the cake for the worst experience here in Seoul. 
"I'm sorry," You hear, his features softening as he squeezes your forearm. "I knew if i told you how he can be, you wouldn't go there. I didn't want you to miss this opportunity."
"What opportunity?" you scoff. 
While you realize he wanted to help, what's the purpose of it if his friend isn't exactly one that wants to help?
"He made me feel stupid."
"No," Hoseok argues, earning a glare from you. He wasn't even there! How can he argue about that? "He's just very selective with his staff."
"Oh, trust me, I figured. I mean, he wasn't exactly secretive about that."
Hoseok nervously laughs and rubs your arms. "But besides that, how did it go?"
"I–" you stop, thinking for a moment. "I don't know if it was me or you, but somehow I convinced him to let me prove myself."
"Y/N, that's amazing!" Hoseok yells excitedly, receiving a pointed look from you.
"I mean... it's worth a shot," you mutter, "But I feel like I'm gonna get fired before stepping in there."
"Listen to me," Hoseok says, scooting closer. Straightening himself, he makes sure you see his persistent features and the seriousness behind them. "You're gonna rock it there. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Jungkook can be difficult and I can't promise he's going to be all sweet, but if you'll do your job well then everything's gonna be fine. Trust yourself."
"Hobi, I trusted myself and coming back from there, I feel like utter shit."
"Come on now..."
"No, you didn't see how he looked at me. He told me people that graduated from Harvard come there looking for a job. Do you get it? Harvard. Or a fucking Yale!"
"Yeah..." he mumbles, "I told you he's successful. So is his company."
"No shit."
Hoseok chuckles, "That doesn't change the fact that you're good. You'll get better."
Nibbling on your bottom lip, you feel panic arising at the thought of going back there. You don't have a choice though. You can't live here for any longer and you need a job desperately. 
"You're the only one that thinks this. And sorry, but that's not enough."
What you mean is that it won't affect his friend's decision in any way. Hoseok is no help at the moment. He got you the job interview which of course has helped, and you will let him know that as soon as your panic fades away a bit. But from now on, it's just you. 
You'll need to prove yourself.
To wipe that arrogant look from Jeon's face.
You were up for a challenge, but this one seems to be the biggest yet. 
Hoseok laughs at your words, knowing very well what you mean. Trying to light up the mood, he pokes your side with his elbow. "I'll beat him up if he's gonna treat you wrong."
"Sorry but from the looks of it, it seems like you're the one who would get his ass beaten."
Snickering at Hoseok's loud gasp – the one you know its purpose is to lighten up the mood once again – you can admit that out loud. The arrogant prick has muscles on him. You could see it from behind that desk alone.
"I'm prepared to take the risks from you." he jokes, teasing you.
"Oh, shut up!"
He laughs loudly, the ringing sound causing your lips to twitch. All the amusement is gone as his face pops up in front of you again. So are you reminded of the negative experience you unfortunately went through not even an hour ago. 
"No offense to your friend, but he's a fucking asshole." you spit, not even thinking of how Hoseok can feel about you cursing at his supposedly friend. You should've been more considerate but rather than being met with offended Hoseok, you hear his laugh again.
"Well, sorry to say this but you need this asshole."
The worst part of it is that he's absolutely right.
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You made sure no disaster would happen from the beginning. Like for example, waking up late on your first day of work. Just to be safe, you set up around four alarms to make sure you won't be late.
Besides not eating anything from all the nerves, you've received an encouraging message from Hoseok who puts a lot of faith in you. At least someone does. You certainly stopped the moment you met Mr. Jeon.
Or Jungkook. Like Hoseok calls him.
It feels weird to put a proper name on him. First name, is what you mean. It's weird to even call him by it in your head. There's undeniable respect (or a fear) you have of him. Even by talking to him for a few minutes, it seems like he's going to pop up the moment you call him by his first name in your mind. 
With an empty stomach, minus the glass of water you gulped down before leaving, you get on your way to Jeon Investments Inc. The ride in a cab is full of anxiety and no matter how many times you try to steady your breathing, you feel like you're on the verge of a panic attack. Even the poor driver seems to be concerned as he asks you if you're okay. 
Turns out, after you read the contract once you found the courage, there might be a lot of things you're not prepared for. Minus all the professional terms and conditions you're supposed to comply with, you feel lost. Utterly lost. And fucked.
You've got many questions. Once you ask, you know you will come out as inexperienced and even dumb. Being an assistant is not just taking calls and dealing with emails. That much you understood after reading the ten pages of a very professionally and legally written contract. 
There is so much expected from you and being truthfully honest, you're not sure if you can make it. 
Curiosity got the best of you and after gulping down a whole glass of beer – let's ignore the fact you bought it to yourself even despite your financial state – you of course, googled your boss. Can you even call him that yet? Is he officially your boss? No contract has been signed. Mr. Jeon made sure of it. 
There are many articles about Jeon Jungkook. Most of it is just boring and professional stuff. It contains the same information – and there are not that many to begin with – but from the looks of it, it seems like Mr. Jeon is one lucky fucker. Has been born into a wealthy family and like in the famous books and movies, has inherited the family company. The man is practically swallowed in money.
He's successful. And well known amongst business people. Surely, he's no stranger in this particular circle of people.
But at least this is different from all the books and money. Because even though he's successful and has many official photos from different events, he's no celebrity. His life is purely private and no one digs in it. Which is probably for the best for him. This man is practically mysterious.
You're reminded by your conversation with Hoseok after you calmed down after your breakdown. 
"How did you even meet a guy like him?"
"Jungkook? Ah, I've known him since he was a kid. You could say we're a distant family."
"What?!" You screeched at the thought of it. And you have no idea why. 
How did you find out about it only now?
"Well, my great aunt actually married Jungkook's mom's cousin?" He questioned almost unsurely as he frowned in thought before he nodded. "Yeah. It's a little mixed up and we're not really blood related but yeah."
Thinking about it now, it makes sense. 
Where else would Hoseok meet someone like him? Without a doubt, he must've attended some private college and surely, all types of schools before that. God, he's definitely one of those people that were in a private daycare! You can only assume and you don't want to put any stereotypes on him, but based on what you know about him, he lives a different life than you and most people for sure. 
Who owns millions worth company at the age of––How old is he? 
That's something you forgot to ask Hoseok. 
The cab ride is awfully fast. Which you should be glad for. You're ten minutes earlier which is definitely better than being late. Plus, it will take you some time to get to the top floor. Especially if you'll have to go through the same process with security like before.
You do. 
The security makes you do the same routine like you had to go through when you first got here. It is their job and you fully understand that, though you're a little annoyed when they eye you as if you're carrying a gun underneath all your clothing. After all of that is done and you do have to inform your arrival at the front desk, you're finally allowed to go on the lift. 
You're not even sure if you work at the same floor where Mr. Jeon is, but guess you will find out. Despite your inner nerves and anxiety crawling up your throat, you try to appear confident as if you're not ten seconds from a mental breakdown. 
Your presence is luckily ignored, everyone seems to be on their way to work as most of them exchange greetings. Since you don't know anyone and you're not familiar with any of their faces, you remain silent unless you share eye contact with someone. You have no problem politely greeting anyone. It does put you a little at ease when most employees give you the tiniest tilt of a smile. 
The floor that you're slightly familiar with is less empty than you remember it to be, but there are still a few people walking down the halls. Getting to the front desk, you wait up there when you find it empty. Not trying to get nervous because of it, you keep looking around. You definitely look out of place. No doubt there. 
Someone gets out of the backroom and the female you're already familiar with, gets behind the desk. It doesn't take too long for her to notice you and when her eyes fall upon you, you make sure to greet her and explain why you are here. 
You're not sure if she's informed of your purpose here but she nods regardless.
"Mr. Jeon is not expected to arrive for the next hour. But that doesn't concern you, at least not now. First, we have to give you an attire."
Oh, that's right. 
Everyone has a certain dress code and since you haven't received any clothes, or instruction what to wear, you wore something work appropriate. Something similar you wore to the job interview.
"Come with me." she says with a little smile, motioning you to follow her as she leads you down the hall. 
She stops, pulling out a card from her pocket as she attaches it to the scanner. 
Opening one of the doors that is similar to the next dozen ones you've passed by, you walk inside. It's a small sized room, compared to the big halls and enormous office you were interviewed in. There's nothing special about it, though you wonder what this room is for. Besides a transparent circle shaped glass table and tall sized dressers, there's not much in here. 
Still, the room is designed well and goes with the rest of the company's aesthetic. In the corner you notice a small kitchen cabinet. There is a coffee machine and a table next to the cabinet with two stools. It seems like a breakroom but you're not sure. It seems... small compared to what this company is. 
The drawer being open is heard as the female that is yet to be introduced to you, asks your size. You answer her and watch in awe as she pulls out clothing. 
"Do you prefer pants or a skirt?"
A little taken aback, you look at her and notice her wearing a skirt. Well, you did shave your legs. "Skirt." you respond before thinking it through. 
"You can wear whatever is more comfortable to you. Mr. Jeon isn't too stern about women wearing skirts and it's completely up to us. Of course, you can change it whenever you want. You don't have to wear skirts all the time," she explains as she sets the pile of clothing that matches everyone's attire on the glass table. 
"You can wear your set of clothes too, they don't have to be company's. Some employees prefer wearing this since it saves money. But you're free to buy and wear your own clothes as long as it meets our dress code. Nothing too revealing and in the dark colors, so black or dark blue,"
You try to give attention to every word she says and you desperately let too much information sink in. Her mouth just won't stop.
"The heels you've on are fine. That isn't provided by the company, though we do have some emergency options in the dresser there," She points at one of the dressers. "You buy your own heels, that is something the company gives you money for every two months. It's added as an extra in your paycheck."
"This room is not an official break room. That's somewhere else, I can take you there," She says when she glances at her watch. "This is mainly just an emergency room when you need to change clothes. It's almost like a storage room. But you can come here and make yourself coffee. I prefer to do that sometimes because it's close to my desk and it's less crowded. No one really comes in here. It's not used as much."
You nod as she glances around.
"The windows are tinted, so no one can see inside. So don't worry about the lack of curtains. You can change your clothes here, it's safe."
"Thank you."
"Very well then. I'll let you get changed. You can put your clothes back in that dresser in the corner and get them back when you clock off."
"Okay, thank you."
And with that, she spins on her heels and walks out of the room. She closes the door after her to give you some privacy. Not wasting any time, you quickly change your clothes and do everything based on what information she told you. The clothes fit and surprisingly, it's very comfortable as well. 
Your hands caress the material of your skirt and without doubt, it's clearly expensive.
Adjusting your hair, you walk out of the room to find her waiting for you. Once she sees you, she wastes zero time and starts leading you elsewhere. You have a lot to catch on.
She briefly starts pointing at the countless doors, explaining what's behind them. As much as you listen to her and try to remember everything she's saying, there's no way you will remember all of it by the time she's done. 
Passing through the glassed big room with a long table and dozens of chairs, she introduces it as one of the meeting rooms. 
"It's the most used one. Big meetings and contracts are signed there." 
There is also a big projector screen on one side of the wall with the greatest view of the city. 
She points to restrooms, not wasting time in going in there as she reminds you there's not much time. 
This girl is like a robot. She says everything fast and there's no hint of doubt or anything. You wonder how long it took her to learn everything. There really is no way someone is able to know all of this in a day. But rather than being met with any sign of empathy, she keeps showing you around and throwing new information on you from every side. 
"As you might have noticed, I work at the front desk on this floor. We will mainly work together, but your job as an assistant is closer to Mr. Jeon. Whatever you will have to deal with and prepare, I will inform you about. It's your job to make sure it runs smoothly."
She says as you follow behind her, trying to match her fast and long strides. 
Oh god, you can't do this. And you're not talking about walking fast in high heels. 
"Now this," she says, close to her desk and across from Mr. Jeon's office, before she opens the door. "is your office."
You both walk inside. Immediately met with the luxurious interior, you stare at the beige and goldish furniture that despite the color, it all seems minimalistic and clean. The entire room smells nice, and is definitely cleaner thoroughly. There's a white desk and behind it is the entire wall of long shelves with binders sorted most likely alphabetically. Even the shelves are backlit with LED lights. Since the entire building is covered in windows, there is an amazing view on your right side as you stand in front of the desk. 
"This will be your workplace. You will handle all calls, emails and everything of that sort here. Of course, you will be required to move around the building, so this place is mostly for you to handle the things where you need some peace and quiet."
"Wow," you manage to say. "This office is beautiful."
There are even nice plants in matching pots that make this place more alive.
"It sure is," she hums, "I don't think you will use it that much though."
You look at her a little confusingly. "Well, it's mainly for those calls and emails. You have tons of other work to do."
You don't get the courage to ask for more information. At least not now when you barely have enough time to blink.
"Follow me."
She leads you further down the hall, knowing every corner like the back of her hand as she greets passing by coworkers automatically. Some of them steal a curious look at you, but their prying eyes are long forgotten when your focus is elsewhere. 
"Saja," The woman calls out, stopping between the huge door frame. 
Across her shoulder, you notice a spacious room with multiple tables and stools around them. This has to be the break room she told you about before. The scent of morning coffee mixed with freshness hits your nose, the freshness that floats in the air through the entire building. 
One of the employees turns around, her gaze falling on her colleague shortly after as she excuses herself and walks up to the two of you. You notice she looks at you for a short period, mainly keeping her focus on the woman in front of you.
"Could you please show–I'm sorry, what was your name again?" she asks, glancing across her shoulder as her apologetic eyes fall down on you.
Ignoring the pinch of embarrassment, your name fills the short silence that is shared between the three of you. 
"You don't mind me calling you by your first name?" she assures.
"No, that's fine." you respond, hoping all of you can be at least friendly with each other. She did call the other woman by her first name. 
"Great," she takes a breath as she turns back facing – was it Saja? "I need you to explain to Y/N what's expected from her, especially today. I showed her around, so I hope–" She glances back at you, "You slightly know your way around."
Saja nods, clearly knowing this beforehand because her reaction is not full of surprise. In fact, there's zero surprise.
"She's your responsibility right now," She reminds her and even though Saja nods, you see her brows slightly raised in a mere annoyance. "Don't forget, Mr. Jeon expects everything to run smoothly."
"Of course." she says.
The woman that has shown you around turns to you, her lips close to a soft smile but her mind seems to be elsewhere. Clearly she's rushing to go back to work, at least you assume that is the reason for her abruptness. When she glances at her watch, it confirms your suspicion. 
"Well, good luck on your first day."
"Thanks–" You stop, giving her a questioning look when you realize you don't know her name. She hasn't introduced herself to you.
Whether the realization hits her at the lack of introduction on her side, she doesn't show it and offers you a simple answer.
"Thank you, Soyeon."
"Just listen to Saja here, she will explain the rest to you. And don't stress too much."
That's easier said than done. 
"Any advice?" you ask, chuckling nervously as she gives you a sympathetic look.
"Don't mess up."
Your mouth falling open and a total despair dominating your features, you watch Soyeon wave at you before she scurries away. You swear your heart just dropped and the stress of not being able to do this comes up to you in a bigger intensity. 
Though you seem panicked and not present, you do notice Saja's eyes scanning you from head to toe as she clears her throat. Looking at her, she motions you to join her in the room. Ignoring all eyes on you, you focus on her as she leads you toward the kitchen counter. 
"Mr. Jeon comes at half past eight every morning. Occasionally an hour earlier, so you should always be prepared for that just in case,"
What are you supposed to do? Spread a red carpet for him?
"By the time he comes here, he needs to have his schedule ready for him. You also do that a day prior, sending him his schedule electronically. But you still need to have everything ready the day he comes in, so this means all papers and other details that he needs to check over or have it prepared for him."
You nod along with her explanation as if you've done this before. 
"The assistant before you had that prepared for you, so you don't have to do it today. But it is expected of you to do that tomorrow and from now on,"
"Mr. Jeon doesn't like someone coming inside his office when he's not there. But as his assistant, he prefers all the documents to be on his desk, fully prepared and ready for him, when he gets there. That's where Soyeon comes, she's going to inform you Mr. Jeon entered his office and that's when you bring his morning coffee to him."
Is he a king or a boss?
Mr. Jeon seems like the biggest menace already. 
"Are you listening to me?" she frowns.
"I am, it's just too much information and I'm trying to process it."
You're not met with an ounce of empathy as she scowls at you as if you've done something wrong. That leaves you a little bitter but you don't let it show. You simply just stare at her, a knowing glint in your eyes when you're clearly not scared by her little attitude. What did she expect? Was she I Know It All when it was her first day?
This is insane. 
There's no way anyone that comes to work on their first day knows everything. Not to mention even if that person has experience in this field, every company is different. Every boss is different. Every boss requires something different.
"You better learn fast then. Mr. Jeon doesn't like slackers."
Frowning again, this time you can't fully hide it as you give her a look. Did she call you slacker just because you don't know everything? Which is absolutely fine because Hello, it's your first day here!
She glances at the wall to check the time on a big circled clock that is attached to the wall. Wow, even the clock looks fancy!
Oh shit, she's walking away. Quickly catching up to her, she starts showing you the coffee machine. Automatically, she prepares the cup and barely gives you any time to fully grasp what buttons she's pressing.
"Mr. Jeon should arrive any minute. Soyeon will let you know and you'll bring coffee to him. Along with the papers that are on your desk, I'll show you which ones."
"Won't the coffee turn cold?"
He's not here, he is supposed to arrive. You might not well Mr. Jeon well but he seems like the type to get annoyed when his coffee is cold. And judging by Saja's pause, he most likely is and your guess has been right. 
"If he comes later, you'll just make him another one." 
Mentally shaking your head at the ridiculously over some coffee, she motions for you to grab the cup as she ushers you out of the break room. You try not to spill it, matching her pace as she gets inside your now office in long strides as she opens the door fast and wide. You even passed Soyeon's reception desk but you were rushing to even notice her.
She tosses the stack of documents onto your paper. Ready to walk out, you stop her abruptly by quickly saying; "Thank you!"
She stops, barely giving you a glance across her shoulder as her light hair shines in the natural lightning. She styled it in a neat ponytail that makes her look super professional. 
And with that, she leaves with no words.
She lets the door open, not even closing it behind her as you stare at the door frame where she was standing just seconds ago. Blinking and swallowing down the irritation, you place the steaming hot coffee on your desk. Careful not to spill it over the documents. That would be truly a horror scenario. 
Sighing, you rub your forehead softly, trying not to rub off any make-up you put there. You tuck strands of hair behind your ears, cursing yourself for not putting it up. 
The beeping sound comes from the desk, causing you to jump in surprise as you look around. It's coming from an office phone and you quickly rush to it. You stare at the multiple buttons and touch screen. Logically, you pick up the actual phone and put it to your ear.
Before your mouth opens, Soyeon's voice already reaches your ears.
"Mr. Jeon just entered his office. You have his coffee ready?"
Glancing at the steaming hot coffee, you answer. "Yes."
"Perfect," she sighs, almost in relief. "Oh, not sure if Saja told you but there's an iPad in one of the drawers in your desk. We all have one. That's going to be your best friend from now on."
"Oh, okay, thank you."
In fact, Saja did not tell you about it.
You've got so many questions about the stupid iPad. What's it for? Why do you need to use it? But before you can actually ask anything, Soyeon tells you one last thing before ending the call.
"You better get him the coffee now. Mr. Jeon doesn't like waiting."
Mr. Jeon can go fuck himself. 
Still, you carefully grab the cup of coffee and the documents. Trying to balance it in both of your hands is no joke, but you somehow manage as you rush out of your office. Passing by Soyeon who's on the call, your eyes meet but there's no time for any sort of interaction besides that as you knock at Mr. Jeon's office door. 
"Just get in, he knows it's you." Soyeon whisper yells at you, a hand covering the phone's microphone.
Aren't you supposed to knock? Fuck, you're going to fuck this up so badly.
You can barely open the heavy door, but again, you surprise yourself by managing to do that without any damage done. Being back in this office brings memories but there's no time to dwell on it, not when you have a job to do. 
You see him.
The suit jacket being tossed over the couch that's pressed against the wall, right next to the massive windows. He stands tall, wearing a black button-up with slacks that match his suit jacket. You don't look too much, setting this down onto his desk just as he reaches it and sits behind it. 
When you look at him, you notice the look he gives you.
A look of disbelief that you're really here. He definitely thought you would give up.
But rather than give him that satisfaction – and the fact you need this job – you send him a smile. "Good morning."
You're pleased with yourself. Maybe you caught him off guard by having everything prepared for him. Well, they said he needs these two things from you today and you've managed to do it. That sounds like a success, right? 
"What is this?" he asks, ignoring your greeting like the arrogant prick he is.
He stares at the cup of coffee, annoyance overshadowing his entire features. And you thought he already looked annoyed.
"Your coffee?" you ask dumbly. 
Confused of why he's even asking, you notice his jaw clenching before he looks away to take a deep breath. Breath to regain patience. One he doesn't seem to have. 
"Is this a joke?"
Your eyes widen, a lump creating in your throat as you stare at his cold demeanor. "Pardon?"
"I don't drink macchiato."
How were you supposed to fucking know that? 
"I'm sorry–I didn't–"
You didn't make it. You didn't know.
But he's not interested in your apology. Nor witnessing you being a stuttering mess.
"Black. No sugar." Is all he says through clenched teeth.
Is this a fucking coffee shop?
His eyes are on your hands as you carefully grab the failed coffee. You have a feeling as if he's going to attack you any second and even such a detail like him glaring at your hands seems intimidating.
Sighing, he ignores your presence as he pulls the documents you brought him closer, opening one of them.
With a clenched jaw, you walk out of his office in complete embarrassment and anger. It feels like you're going to cry and you surprise yourself that you already feel this way. This day could not be worse. 
You've managed to already fail and fuck it up, right in front of Mr. Jeon. 
Luckily, Soyeon is not at her desk when you pass by. Finding the right way to a break room, there are less people there than before. Everyone has gone to work.
"What are you doing?" Soyeon suddenly walks in, an iPad in her hands. "Please don't tell me you haven't brought Mr. Jeon his coffee. I saw you walking in there."
Biting the inside of your cheek, you mutter through clenched teeth. "Wasn't the coffee he wanted."
"You got his coffee wrong?" she shrieks as if it's the end of the world.
Preventing yourself from rolling your eyes at the dramatics, you rather explain it. "I wasn't the one who made it. Saja did without telling me what coffee he drinks."
Soyeon stares and you don't know what to think of her look. Does she think you're accusing her that this is her fault? Well, it sort of is but they're colleagues. You don't want to make enemies here. So you nervously chuckle and quickly add;
"She probably got it mixed up."
Soyeon walks closer, helping you to navigate your way with the machine as you silently thank her. 
"She knows Mr. Jeon's coffee preference." Is all she says before she gives you a knowing look, walking away with a sympathetic scrunch of her brows. 
As the coffee pours and the sound of it fills the silence, you stare at the city view. 
She purposely gave you the wrong coffee.
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Soyeon never specifically said Saja has set you up. She didn't directly hint at it and perhaps it's just been your rash judgment. Reminded again that this is only your first day here and you don't know anything or anyone, perhaps she made a mistake. That could be the case too. Though you feel bad for thinking the worst, which stems from the fact people are assholes, you focus on doing a good job from now on.
Not that the previous mistake was really your fault. 
You're that kind of person who tries to set the record straight no matter what. So this bothers you even now, but Mr. Jeon definitely doesn't care about any of your explanations. The warning look he gives you when you bring him the right coffee shuts you up immediately. 
Plus, it could all be just a mistake and you wouldn't want to make any accusations over a stupid coffee choice. You haven't graduated from Harvard as Mr. Jeon was so kind to remind you, but you're not dumb. You're not going to make enemies – nor you ever want to. But dealing with not so important things on your first day is not it. Even if your ego and tendency for justice is highly bruised. 
When you're back in your office, you try to make sense of all the papers and documents. There's no one exactly guiding you for it. Turns out the iPad that has been given you shows you Mr. Jeon's schedule. It must've been done by the previous assistant. Everything is neat and in order. You can do that.
You're in the middle of reviewing the device, trying to see how things were previously done so you could do your best, when your phone rings again. You click on the touch screen, staring wide-eyed when it comes to life and Soyeon's voice fills the silence.
"Hey, Mr. Jeon has a meeting at ten. Your presence there is needed."
It's almost embarrassing how your stomach churns at that information – and especially at the thought of it. Being in a meeting full of wealthy men? What are you supposed to do there?
"May I ask why?" you ask – nervously – because you're not sure what you're supposed to do there. 
You've read the contract. First of all, there is too much information for you to remember all of it. Accompanying Mr. Jeon to meetings among other things is one of them, that much you remember. 
"You won't accompany him to all his meetings. This one's big, so you're mostly there to take additional notes and whatever Mr. Jeon tells you."
Is he going to tell you? Because it seems like he expects you to know everything right off the bat. Though you keep that snarky remark to yourself. 
"You just need to be present and actually listen."
A few minutes later, after being navigated by Soyeon to the big meeting room she had shown you earlier, it turns out you were actually right. The room is filled with men wearing suits that scream rich and regardless of their clothing, you can tell they're important. Their age differs, it's a good mixture of young and elders. You do find some comfort when there are two other women there as well. Though, you have no idea what's their purpose or if they're one of the investors, the meeting happens after the official greeting.
They take turns. Setting up their presentations as they continue to speak about either theirs or someone else's business. You're not sure what you're supposed to take notes of. In fact, Mr. Jeon hasn't spoken to you since he successfully ignored your presence here.
He sits at the head of the long table, dark eyes settled on whoever is presenting, listening to them carefully. He has documents settled in front of him, which you soon figure out are the other investors' plans. Whatever they're presenting to him, he has in front of him on paper. You quickly note the nervousness that some men, older than Mr. Jeon for sure, show and truthfully, you don't blame them.
It feels weird to be seated behind the same table as them. You sit on the right side of Mr. Jeon. After a while, he leans back and makes himself more comfortable. Your attention is put on him, noticing he's been playing with a pen, twirling it between his long fingers. Are those rings? You quickly look away, cursing at yourself over and over again. 
Well, it's no secret this arrogant fucker is hot. You haven't had the chance to properly... look at him. The dominance oozes out of him which makes him slightly intimidating. Or maybe it's a mixture of his stern and cold exterior.
You're not a fan of him. That much is clear but none of that is important. You don't need to be one. You just need this job and stupidly said, the money that comes with it. If having to put up with someone full of himself like Mr. Jeon, you will have to endure it. At least until you'll be able to find another job. Having an experience in this company would open many doors for you for sure.
Look at you. 
Here you are thinking of this when no contract has been signed yet. 
A notification pops on your iPad and you stare for a moment before looking around. Are you allowed to look? It's not your personal iPad, it's not like whatever there is is your personal stuff, it must be work related. Before the screen can darken again, you check it. It's a file you open, trying to look as discrete as you can. Everyone's listening to Mr. Choi (if you remember the name in his presentation well), so you quickly take a peek. 
It's a file with everyone's name and the name of their business and presentation. Some of them are marked with a cross and others with a questioning mark. Frowning a little in confusion, you look around. Your breath hitches as soon as you find Mr. Jeon staring at you from your side. 
His stare is cold as ever, his eyes not faltering as you realize. He's the one who has sent you this. You're not sure why you send him a soft nod, silently telling him that you understood.
No reaction comes from him and his attention is directed back to the presenting man.
It continues like this. As the man comes and goes to switch places at the presenting spot and in front of a huge screen, Mr. Jeon slowly sends you his decisions. It's the only communication between you. 
As the meeting continues, you mostly take the notes for yourself as you separate the projects based on Mr. Jeon's previous marks. It's mostly to keep it more neat for you. You're not sure what you're supposed to do with it, but you'll find out from either Soyeon or Mr. Jeon himself. If not, you're just going to have to ask. You're not a fucking mind reader.
All presentations roughly take two hours, you swear your butt has no feeling from all the sitting. Your stomach is empty and it feels like you've lost your butt, it intensifies when you stand up. Mr. Jeon shakes his hand with the others, giving them one last greeting before he walks out of the room. You rush to catch up to him.
Your heels clink beside him as he's aware of your presence. He has to be. Yet he doesn't even spare you a glance as he stops at the elevator and clicks on the button. The elevator door opens immediately, a little surprised how hectic and fast everything seems, you take your place a little behind him.
"I want their presentations sorted out."
Oh my god.
Maybe this day is not going to be so bad after all. 
With a little smugness spreading in your chest, you confidently state; "I've already done that. I'll send it to you."
And then he glances behind him, right back at you as he makes sure you see the lift on his brow. Does he not believe you? Is he impressed? It's so hard to make out what he's thinking. He's definitely a very hard person to be around with. Hoseok deserves a golden medal for putting up with him. 
Irritated by his reaction, with swift taps to your screen, a sound of email being sent fills the elevator.  
You plaster a fake smile at him, making sure he sees it as you softly say. "Already done."
His features harden as he turns around. "I'm staying in for lunch today."
"Okay?" you ask unsurely.
You hear him taking a breath, but you can't see his face since he's not facing you. But he's undoubtedly irritated by your unprofessional response or at all, by your presence. 
"Have you not done any research?" he snarks.
Taken back for a second, you quickly shake yourself out of it. "I have not been informed about your lunch, no."
"Careful, Miss Y/L/N. You're already off to a bad start."
Before you can open your mouth and inform him that the bad start wasn't your fault at all, he doesn't seem to care as he stops you with his palm lifted in the air. His fingers slightly curled as his rings shine.
"This time make sure the coffee is black, or you'll be out of here faster than you can spell coffee."
Opening your mouth at the audacity, luckily for you he turns around right after as the elevator dings and informs you of the floor. He walks out and leaves, leaving you there with an open mouth and anger rising. Before the elevator door can close again, you quickly make it out of there and walk toward your office, hoping your walk doesn't come as aggressive as you feel.
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Turns out Mr. Jeon also sends his preference for lunch and it's one of your duties to get it for him. Among all the information Soyeon has been able to give you, one of them is that you either have to get it ordered or get it personally. She explained it when you were on your way to get his freaking black coffee. It's dark just like his personality is.
You might not be an assistant before – you knew getting him things like this would be your responsibility and well, job as well. Mr. Jeon wants this and that. Mr. Jeon prefers it like this. Mr. Jeon doesn't like that.
It hasn't been even a full day of you working, yet you feel like you want to strangle that man. He has power, everything around you, in here, is his. He can afford getting this kind of service and you're paid for it.
Perhaps it's your own irritation that is simply caused by the mentioned man, but you feel more like his slave than an assistant. 
Luckily, he chose Italian for his lunch today and Soyeon helped you in showing his favorite restaurant. How she knows all of that about him is beyond you. Anyway, they could get it delivered just in time, so it's kind of your lucky day. All you have to do is to get downstairs and out of the building to take it. Plus bring it straight to his office, of course. 
"There are a few restaurants that take time to get it delivered, or sometimes they are so busy that they can't get it delivered in Mr. Jeon's scheduled lunch time. That's when you have to get it for him instead."
It's what she told you when she was clicking Mr. Jeon's order.
"There is also a car in the garage that's for this purpose. When you need to run some errands to be exact." 
That freaked you out. 
You're new. Not just here but in this city. You don't know its streets and even though you don't doubt the car has navigation, you're a little stressed about that. But can you show it? No. You don't need anyone doubting you.
Nerves are calmed down when you get your boss his lunch and everything runs smoothly. He gets his pasta and even though he barely acknowledges you, it's a success. 
One of the things you always worried about when coming to a new job is being left out. Being in a new collective is never easy and it can be nerve wrecking for obvious reasons. So when Soyeon suggests you join her for lunch, you relax and happily agree. 
It becomes your chance to meet – as you could say – your colleagues. They're welcoming and curious, asking you how you ended up in the city. For a moment it seems like you're a new attraction and despite all the attention on you, you prefer they engage you in their conversation. Even though you're the main topic of it. 
Saja is there as well. You still don't know what to think of the whole coffee situation, but she seems at ease and not looking as if she was aware of her mistake. 
"So, how do you like it here, newbie?" Max, the tallish dark haired guy with sharp eyes and prominent features asks.
"It's her first day." One of the women whose name you can't remember points out.
Max gives her a look, "So? She already feels about it somehow, right?"
He looks at you, and so do the rest of them as you're just trying to enjoy your beef broth. "It's been slightly stressful, but it's my first day. So I'm just trying to remember everything."
"Honestly, we all have been through that. First days are never easy." The woman speaks again as Soyeon shrugs while Saja reapplies her lip tint.
"Ah, the pressure to not fuck up is tough, right?" Max complains as if he's the one that's been through the most stressful day. Well, he might have. You never know.
"Max." Soyeon warns him.
"What? We're not in the company." He rolls his eyes which amuses you as Soyeon glares at his audacity to roll his eyes at her. 
"I can't imagine being Mr. Jeon's assistant. The pressure must be a lot." The woman says again, her short hair barely reaching the top of her shoulders as she pouts slightly. 
"What are you talking about? Mr. Jeon is a great boss." Saja says, twisting the lip tint close as she puts it into her purse.
"I never said he's not great," But you can. While she remarks at Saja to correct her, she simply shrugs. "I just mean the pressure is even bigger considering his assistant works with him the most."
"I could do it any day." Saja says confidently.
Your and Max's eyes meet for a brief moment, his lips twitch slightly but he seems to not react much. You're slightly curious about his reaction, though you act like you haven't seen it as you continue enjoying your soup. 
"Good luck to you, really," The woman says, "Have you managed to mess something up?"
You swallow down the broth, straightening yourself as you clear your throat. They all stare at you expectedly, the table quieting down. Oh god. "I, ah, I mean is nothing big, at least I think."
They stare even more and you mentally roll your eyes before muttering under his breath.
"I got him the wrong coffee." 
Soyeon turns her head at you, staring and for a moment you think she's silently scolding you. Not that you care, they can all fuck off. You've had a rough day and it hasn't even ended. While the woman stares at you in empathy, Max goes back to eating. 
"I mean it's not that bad." she adds, voicing her empathy. 
"Was he mad?" Max asks. 
"Well," you hesitate, cocking your head to the side. "He wasn't happy for sure."
"Oh poor you." The woman whines as if you're destined for death.
And that's when you glance at Saja. She stares and that's when you know she realizes. You're silent, not really sure if you want to throw her under the bus. It's also a great opportunity to see how she's going to react. She clearly saw your look. It's a silent communication between you.
She clears her throat, "Oh? Was that the wrong one?" 
"Yeah." you deadpan.
"Sorry about that." Is all she says as the conversation drifts to a different topic. You enjoy your meal, finally getting some food into your empty stomach. 
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After you're back from lunch break, you get back into sinking as much information as you can on your own. Which means – exploring the new device that has been given to you, along with basic information about Mr. Jeon's meetings, schedule and even the emails he has sent. For a certain time being, you feel utterly lost. Not that's not any news.
You try to not let yourself lose in the craziness and hecticness this company seems to be holding. Everyone seems to work automatically, not mentioning they're synchronized like the greatest machine there could exist. Except, they're all human and perhaps they forget you're one too. Or maybe they just expect you to know everything and jump into this work. Is it possible?
Between the chunks of time you seem to have, you doubt yourself and your abilities. It's not the actual work you doubt. It's the fact that everyone and everything seems to run smoothly and fast, while you're left in your own chaos in the tallest and biggest building on this street. 
Though, you're not as useless as your doubts and anxiety might've made you feel. You get a hang of Mr. Jeon's schedule and work plan. At least most of it. 
This man is busy. Not the usual busy. 
He has meetings every day. It doesn't matter whether they're long or short, it takes most of his time. There is a bunch of material and stuff that needs to be prepared for him – every day – and he has to get through it all. 
No wonder the man is so bitter.
With so much work on his shoulders, you would fuck the money and end this business.
Perhaps, that's why you're not the millionaire here. 
Chuckling at your ridiculous thoughts, you're in the middle of checking the mailbox when the phone rings. Recognizing the four code number, you realize it's Soyeon and you already brace yourself for whatever dumb requests might Mr. Jeon has this time. 
"There is Mr. Kang on the line, he wants to schedule a meeting." 
Before you can ask her anything quickly, there's a beep sound before a male's voice resounds in the speaker. Greeting him politely, the call runs smoothly as Mr. Kang seems to be very easy going and helps you navigate yourself even without him knowing. 
You check Mr. Jeon's schedule, noticing Mr. Kang is already one of his partners and it turns out, Mr. Jeon has invested a lot of money into his entertainment business. As he tells you and requests, your boss' presence is needed and it's not a meeting that could be done directly in the company. That's why you choose the day where his schedule is not as crazy. 
You're not sure if you've scheduled it right but Mr. Kang seems to be pleased either way. The call ends shortly after and you're left in silence. Leaning back in your chair, you sigh in relief.
That wasn't so bad. 
With upcoming calls, there are numbers straight up calling you but thanks to the call with Mr. Kang, you already know what to expect. You schedule a few meetings here and there, making sure you make reminders for Mr. Jeon. Some of them had to be added or pushed forward. You're not sure if you're doing well, but you're going with your intention. You'll soon find out anyway. 
Surprisingly, the rest of the days goes like this and your brain is focused on doing the job, rather than stressing over everything. It keeps you pleasantly busy, or perhaps it's because there's no one that brags in here and pours hundreds of new information on you. 
You barely see your boss. He's mostly locked in his office, preferably not wanting to be disturbed – something you quickly pick on. Or maybe it's your assumption because how else would you know? You've been locked in your office (not literally) and doing (hopefully) your job. 
Though, he asks you to bring him one of the old contracts between one of his partners. You search for it, but luckily the previous assistant kept things neat. Therefore, you haven't spent too long searching for it and probably testing Mr. Jeon's patience. 
When you come into his office, after announcing yourself of course with a gentle knock, he taps into his laptop barely giving you any sort of gaze. You're used to it by now. Even though he seems to be busy, you still mentally roll your eyes at the lack of... respect? Acknowledgement? He surely could be more kind if he wanted to.
As you place the contract onto his desk, informing him of it even though he knows, you spin on your heels to get back to the safety and comfort of your office.
"Wait," he says as if it physically pains him to even talk to you. Or maybe it's just the gruff of his voice and the depth in it. You're surely assuming a lot of things. 
Turning around and trying to keep your facial expression polite, you give him a questioning look. One he finally sees when he finally decides to spare you a glance. 
"I need you to reschedule the meeting with Mr. Kang. I already have something planned there."
Frowning in confusion, you try to think back of his schedule you've seen dozens of times by now. Have you made a mistake? You're sure his day was mostly free, in terms of nothing big scheduled and planned.
Or there's a chance he made a mistake? You did send him his schedule though. He must've approved when he had no objections. Until now. 
"Your schedule was free on that day, sir." you inform him, the tone hesitant as if you already suspect he has made a mistake. You're still wary about it though.
He stops typing, his eyes flickering back to your figure for a split second that has your stomach clenched in discomfort. This is it. You're either getting scolded or fired. The first option seems more pleasant. 
"I've got a private schedule." he remarks with the same stoic expression you've seen a handful of times. Does this man have any emotions? Because you're seriously doubting it. 
Oh well. You couldn't have known he has a private schedule. Shouldn't you know about these kinds of things? 
"Oh, sorry. I will reschedule the meeting right away." you say, swallowing down your pride and the need to voice your thoughts. 
Of course, you know you can't speak freely because this is your freaking boss. He's cold and demands professionalism. It wouldn't be right of you to tell him that you didn't in fact know about his private schedule. Because there is no way you would know. 
And perhaps there might be a little luck in all of this. Maybe he clearly sees the distress on your face as he rolls his shoulders before opening his mouth.
"I wanted to add it and send it to you after reviewing my schedule." he informs.
You both stare at each other for a moment, while you're processing the fact he just indirectly told you it's not your fault. He knows you wouldn't know.
"Just make sure the meeting is rescheduled," he mutters, eyes focused on the screen of his laptop again. "You may leave."
Thank you, your Highness.
You leave for real this time. With a tiny feeling of accomplishment in your heart.
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Mr. Kang – or what you assume his assistant to be exact – has shown no problem in rescheduling the meeting. You were slightly worried he wouldn't be pleased but after his assistant checked with him, he didn't seem to mind at all.
The sun is setting down and the view from your office is worth every second. You even steal a quick photo of it before you return back to work. 
This room is quite isolated but even the little sounds you could've heard throughout the day, just the ones that let you know this place is active and busy, have subtly faded away. The company is less hectic and everyone's probably on their way home. You won't lie, you've checked time and according to a contract that was given to you, you should've clocked off already.
But – you had a few emails to sort out along with your own personal research of Mr. Jeon's working ethic and schedule. You understand things more now, you studying and trying to get a hang of it certainly helped. 
You're not a coffee drinker but you've made yourself one after stealing five minutes, to get yourself one in the break room. The cup is now empty, sitting on your desk as you've left the door ajar. You have one more email to read before you pack it up. Even Soyeon is not at her desk and you assume she already left home. 
You're in the middle of staring into the screen, your eyes slightly aching as your door is suddenly pushed open. The sound is loud enough to catch your attention, even if it wasn't for your peripheral vision. 
You stare wide-eyed at Mr. Jeon, glancing around as if he's checking to see the room intact. Once he finds nothing suspicious or worth his attention, his gaze falls down on you. 
"What are you doing here?"
Somehow that question is invading, yet it's simple and said with a cold tone.
Opening your mouth, you try to find the right words as he glances at the surely expensive watch hugging his wrist. Not mentioning it all matches with his dark suit. 
"You were supposed to leave an hour ago."
"I wasn't sure–"
"You didn't read the contract?" he cuts you off, frowning. "It clearly states how long your usual working days are."
In fact, you read it. Along with the information that there is something called a basic shift and additional schedule. It consists of special events, occasions when you're needed outside of the company and your usual working time. So far, nobody has really talked about it yet and it's something you need to know about more.
"I wasn't sure–" you continue, louder or at least loud enough to catch his attention and let him know he interrupted you. The way his face twists into irritation is not something you should play with. 
But His Highness is probably not aware that interrupting is considered as impolite.
"--I could leave just like that since it's my first day. Actually, I was planning to finish an email before leaving."
"You're better here when you're well rested each day. I don't need an employee who works overtime because they can't finish their work on time."
The jab is there, loud and clear, one you should've been prepared for. Of course he's going to give you an attitude about this. 
"Didn't Miss Kim tell you when you're supposed to finish?"
You have no idea who Miss Kim is, it's either Saja or Soyeon. But one thing you know, none of them let you know nothing. 
"In fact, no she didn't." you inform him with a pointed look, watching him narrow his eyes at you. 
Whatever he's thinking, he keeps it to himself. "Pack your things and leave."
He goes to turn around and leave, your panic getting the best of you as you quickly jump to your feet. "And come back tomorrow?"
His steps halt to a complete stop as he glances across his shoulder.
"You said you would give me a chance."
"And I'm keeping my word, Miss Y/L/N."
Pressing your lips together, your fingers leaning against your desk as you try to prevent them from shaking. 
"I want all the documents on my desk before eight tomorrow. And don't mess up my coffee."
And he's out of the room, leaving you with your mouth open and eyes widened. You slowly blink, realizing hitting you slowly and surely as your lips stretch into a wide smile.
You're expected here tomorrow. He didn't fire you. 
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Your legs and walk flow in a confidence you were definitely lacking the day before. Even though this job seems like something where you don't know what to expect every day, you're more content with yourself by your yesterday's performance rather than disappointed and upset about it. 
Though, there is still a slight fear of what's awaiting for you creeping around the corner. But you don't let it ruin your morning. Now when the sun starts to peek in, the morning's fresh air naturally lifts your mood.
Maybe it's not just the fear that could potentially make you anxious. You also have a huge respect for this job. Not only because you need it, but you also want to do your best. While you truly admit you wouldn't be able to work there without Hoseok's help, you'll try to prove you deserve to have a place there.
Mr. Jeon would never even let you enter the building if Hoseok wouldn't persuade him to give you a chance. Figuratively speaking. Mr. Jeon isn't probably the person that deals with employing people from the start. They have to go through different check-ups and rounds until they get a chance to see the boss himself. His word is final though. You don't doubt he's included in all those decisions, but you can't imagine him dealing with every single interested party when it comes to new job positions. 
You truly appreciate Hoseok's help. But you can't help but feel slightly embarrassed that he had to put effort in persuading his friend. You still have Mr. Jeon's face right in front of you. That one look that reminds you why you're there in the first place. 
Your ego has to go. At least you have to push it to a certain level, so you won't get too discouraged. Again, you need this job and the money it offers. This is the only reason why you're walking inside the building, blending in with people you would never truly blend in. At least you don't believe that. 
You're wearing the clothes Soyeon gave you. It's safe to say it's one of the reasons why you look like you're one of them. Well, you are for now. You can only hope you will when you hopefully sign the contract. 
A card is given you at the reception, the kind woman informing you of its use as you simply just have to scan for entry. Not literally. It's just to log in your information to the database of when you're arriving and leaving. Everyone has one.
Glad for this new information, you scan the card in a nearby scanner before waiting for the elevator. You put it into the small and very inconspicuous pocket in your skirt. One thing you've got to say about the attire, is that it makes you confident. You already feel successful while wearing it, which is ridiculous and definitely sounds like it, but it feels like an honor to represent this company. Even on your way here, you noticed a few interested gazes aimed at you.
The material feels expensive, almost forbidden to wear in fear you would stain it somehow. Coming inside here again, you're a newbie regardless of how you feel outside of this tall and massive building. 
As you come up to your floor, greeting who you could call some of your colleagues (despite there's no way you'll get familiar with all of them) Soyeon is not present at her front desk but you're guessing she must be somewhere around. Who you do find and spot coming out one of the rooms is Max. You halt a little, surprised by his sudden presence as he seems equally perplexed to see you. But the look is quickly wiped away as he shoots you a wide and friendly smile. 
"Y/N, so you didn't give up." He tries to joke, clearly hinting at the fact that yes, you're still here. Even though you're not sure why he would think you wouldn't. God knows what they think of you or what information they have about you.
Unless Mr. Jeon is keen to gossip and open with his employees, there shouldn't be too much stuff that could reach their ears. 
"No, not yet." You settle on a faint grin, keeping the joke afloat.
"I do like you, so I really hope you stick around."
"Oh, was that a compliment?" you laugh. He definitely knows how to make someone nervous.
He opens his mouth, a grin still attached to his lips but before he could make you even more assured than he already is (which is a total sarcasm on your part), someone comes out of the break room, interrupting the moment.
"Are you done flirting, Maximilian?" Saja, wearing the same attire as you, hair in a perfect sleek low bun, doesn't bother to show a hint of smile. "Our policy says there are no workplace relationships allowed." She reminds him, almost annoyingly which leaves you totally dumbfounded. 
Glancing at Max, he seems just as dumbfounded because first of all, where's the flirting? Sure, Max is a little on the flirty side but you assume that's a part of his personality. Who knows, but still, such a bold assumption is not exactly appropriate. 
But Max doesn't falter, he doesn't look embarrassed but the way he looks to his side where Saja's standing, he looks her up and down, almost in a bitter way. 
"Is there a reason why you interrupted our flirting?" he asks instead, causing you to almost choke on your spit as you clear your throat and fail to hide the awkwardness you're currently and undoubtedly feeling. 
She chuckles, not buying his attitude. "I need her to show her stuff. So please, take it somewhere else and preferably to someone else. But make sure Mr. Jeon doesn't know about it."
"You and your threats."
"The company's policy. Not threats." She corrects.
Are you interrupting something?
Max turns to you, rolling his eyes. "You know, friendliness is not against our policy."
"Explain it to Mr. Jeon, once he's the one who catches you."
"Catches doing exactly what? Talking to my new colleague? Please." 
You purse your lips, shifting weight on your feet. This is really awkward.
"Max," she says his name, laughing almost bitterly as she shakes his head as if to call out his bullshit. He doesn't move though, lifting his brow. "I'm just informing you."
"I don't need you informing me. I'm very much familiar with our policy. Now, Y/N, it was lovely talking to you and I do hope we will talk in the future, preferably not getting caught by someone." he teases, grinning at you as your cheeks heathen up as you send him an unsure grin. 
You murmur something in return, not even sure what comes out of your mouth as he shoots you one last smile before walking away. Saja stands there, raising her brow at you almost as if it's your turn to get scolded. 
"I wasn't lying. Mr. Jeon does not allow any relationships. I'm sure it's in your contract."
The one that isn't signed yet though. You keep that to yourself. 
First of all, you didn't even think about Max that way. Not unless she made it seem as if it's something bigger than it really was. Not aware of her true intentions, you don't even try thinking of it because it's pointless. 
"Is there a reason why?" you ask instead, her brows shooting up in a silent surprise at your question instead.
"I'm pretty sure it's because it could potentially ruin the progress of working. Just measure to avoid any misunderstandings and problems. Most companies do that. At least the ones I worked at did."
"Max seems like a friendly person. I don't think he was flirting."
A little annoyed as she seems to look, perhaps it's the still ongoing topic that annoys her, she stays silent for a moment. You don't give her the time to respond though. 
"It was nothing but a friendly conversation. Nothing to suspect or worry about."
The look on her face is worth your slightly passive-aggressive reaction as a grin threatens to make it to your lips. "Well, I advise you that."
"Thank you, I will take it to heart." you promise her, almost cackling when her expression drops and it turns more serious.
"Let's go to the office. I need to explain a few things before Mr. Jeon arrives." she grits through her teeth.
Despite the not so friendly exchange, a smile remains on your face as you slowly follow her to your office with slightly more confident steps.
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During the ten minutes that are spent in the pleasant interior of your office, you deduce Saja is more informative and helpful than she was yesterday. Regardless of how quickly words spill out of her mouth to the point you think you might get a whiplash (again), you're trying to sink every information she has for you. She even made a few notes, point by point, that consists of basic information you'll need. 
You appreciate the work she put into that, or that she took the time to write all of that, regardless of its length. With that being said and sent to your mail, she leaves you to do your job since the time is ticking and Mr. Jeon will be here any minute. 
As explained and not forgotten, you make sure the cup in your hold and its content is the right one. Despite your boss' words of how he wants his employees well rested (though you're not sure if that's possible due to the amount of stress and work), you have barely slept well. Though, you hope the make-up you're wearing hides that tiny secret well. 
You don't dare to judge. Everyone here seems to be working well, perhaps they don't experience as much stress like you do – obviously. 
Coming inside his office after announcing yourself of course, you're not shocked at the lack of eye-contact and attention as you settle the cup down.
"I hope it's the right one." he says, something in his tone that you can't quite point out. Did he just make a joke? As many things here and in life generally, you don't dare to say and be sure. You don't know him and his personality is something you're still trying to figure out.
It's that moment and a few seconds of lingering silence that eventually causes him to pry his dark brown eyes off the laptop's screen, setting those distant and dark orbs on you. It's the clear quirk of his brow that brings you back into reality.
"Of course it is." It's funny how quickly you say it, with urgency as if you didn't get it wrong only yesterday. To your defense, it wasn't exactly your fault. Actually, it wasn't your fault at all. Saja made it and you just brought it to him. 
It still bothers you that you're the one who messed up in his eyes. Or in anyone's for that matter. He watches you for a second, enough to make you nervous while you're inches from his desk and well, him. He does radiate dominance and coldness. It doesn't make sense that Hoseok is friends with him. He's a complete opposite.
As much as you're curious about the man in front of you, you prefer not to ask your friend too much about him and his life. One, it shouldn't interest you enough to want to know it. Second, Hoseok is a very good friend with him and not only that, they're some distant family. While Hoseok is your friend and the closest person you have in the country, he's not your best friend that could potentially spill you anything. 
In other words, it wouldn't be exactly wise to try and pry. After all, your curiosity should go aside because this is your job. You shouldn't play with fire or dig into this and him. You won't risk that. 
"I had your documents and papers prepared before you came in,"
Stupid. You inform him of something he clearly saw when he came in here. 
"I hope everything's right."
"You hope?" he questions his brow in the same position that has been questioning you. 
He leans back against his chair, elbow resting on the arm handle as he brushes his fingers over his chest. He doesn't pry his eyes off you.
"You really want this job, right?"
You open your mouth and give him a look, once you can't even define yourself but obviously almost spills out of it. He notices it, he surely does because the little twitch the corner of his mouth makes is enough proof of it.
"I want to do my job right, sir. I'm still new and I'm learning." you answer him, diplomatically with a hint of honesty and roughness that definitely doesn't go unnoticed by him. 
Whatever argument he would have prepared, he decides to keep his mouth shut and just watches you with almost piqued interest. Or he's deep in thoughts, like you said, you can't quite figure him out.
"Learning is fine, but I hope you're aware you have to be quick at it. We don't have time for any slackers or slowness."
Well, damn. What encouraging words. 
"I'm not a slacker and I hope I'm not slow either."
If he knew you even dreamed about this job, your first day haunting you even in your sleep.
"You do a lot of hoping."
"Sometimes it's the only thing we can do."
He stays silent for a moment, "I could argue with that," he protests but he says it with no remorse or anything negative. Just merrily points out. "I could also give you a few encouraging words, but I'm not sure what help would that make."
It would certainly make you not want to shit your pants in his presence, but you don't tell him that. 
You're not here long enough, but you can't imagine him being all sweet and encouraging. It just doesn't suit him at the moment. You're aware of your judgment and assuming, so you stop and straighten yourself more.
"I need to see results, not give out hope."
That's a bit cold, but you offer him a short nod.
"Got it."
"Alright," he sighs, straightening himself that he's no longer in his leaned back comfortable position. "I need you to get a car ready for today's lunch. I have a meeting at that time and you're coming with me."
You nod, hiding your shock and maybe fear? Who knows. 
"Any restaurant preference?"
"Italian. The one in the Four Seasons Hotel. Call them and reserve us a table. Just mention the name Jeon and they should confirm it."
"Got it, sir. I'll call them right away."
He nods, scooting closer to his desk, dismissing you with no other words needed. 
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Turns out, he has a driver for special occasions. Not sure if lunch with a business partner is a special occasion, but this time you meet Mr. Jeon in an underground garage. Not having the guts to ask if you're late, you keep your mouth shut and the two of you get inside the car. 
You're sure you're not late, you were informed about the specific time when you delivered him the news of the successful reservation. Soyeon, whom you met during the day, has given you some details of how usually these meetings work and how you should prepare. Turns out, you're there to assist Mr. Jeon – schedule any possible future meetings and give him information about his schedule. 
It's understandable that a man with so much work on his shoulders can't remember every single thing, just as much as he can't manage the little details. That's why he has an assistant, that's why you're going. 
The reason for your presence there is no secret to you, and you knew that without Soyeon telling you. Still, you appreciate her trying to help. 
The drive there is spent in silence, a little awkward you would say. One of Mr. Jeon's driver is an older man. Not too old though, maybe old enough to be your father but he seems nice and polite. You can't exactly tell when all you exchanged were greetings before you joined your boss in the backseat.
You also can't say it's the most comfortable ride. You mean... Mr. Jeon is sitting right next to you, even though there's a little space between you – it's still the closest you've been to him so far. 
Man with such distance he seems to radiate, it feels odd to be so close to. He's a stranger, someone who literally has your destiny in the palm of his hands. Big hands at that. 
Something you've noticed before but is clear now as well. You're purely judging the way his phone looks small in his hold. You don't dare to make it visible that you're silently side-eyeing the man. He's not exactly the type to break the awkward silence, but he seems to be too engrossed in his phone to maybe even notice. Or care. 
The silent radio music is the only thing that prevents complete silence. And you find yourself staring from the window, your purse clutched to your side with the needed iPad in it.
It's when a rustling sound comes from the side, catching your attention as you watch Mr. Jeon tucks his phone back into his slacks pocket checking his surroundings out of the window. 
"Mr. Liang owns an agency that represents people who would potentially want business investors to invest in them." Mr. Jeon suddenly says, breaking the silence with his smooth but deep voice.
The moment you both share a look, which is just simply looking into each other's eyes, you almost panic and look away. You hold the stare though, not wanting to get intimidated by the man's eyes or aura. He seems clueless about that, more notes the slight surprise or confusion on your face.
"It's not important information but you can't go there and be completely clueless." he explains, causing you to nod in understatement.
"I thought most business partners come straight to you." Meaning to his company and through their employees, they got to the boss – Mr. Jeon.
You're not ashamed to have a question, a meer curiosity coming to the surface. Mr. Jeon doesn't look bothered, which is a good sign. 
"They do. But most people don't have the resources to do so. We're not a company you can just easily approach. We're talking about millions here, not a few bucks. So owners of agencies like Mr. Liang, they take care of all the important stuff. They take a share from the potential success, that is if I decide to invest in whatever they come up with."
"But they still pay for it, right? They have to be able to allow an agency to represent them."
"Of course. Nothing's for free, Miss Y/L/N," he answers, "If it's a beginner whose business is new, they usually take loans. They still need to pay."
You know how frustrating it feels not to have enough money to be able to go after your dreams. It's a sad reality. People have to take a risk to be able to go after them, most of the time to get into debts. 
It's surely not something Mr. Jeon has ever gone through. You don't judge him. He had the luck to be born into a rich family, which doesn't always have to be positive. You're just comparing the two different worlds. Regardless of that and anything that's obvious, Mr. Jeon was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 
You wonder if he can even empathize with the struggles these people, or any ordinary mortal is going through. Does he even realize how tough it is for some people? In a way, he's helping them by investing his money into their business but still. It's not for free. You've seen the numbers. He has a good share after that as well. 
After all, he wouldn't invest if it caused him to lose the money. He needs a profit off the things he invests his money into. And from the looks of it, he's doing a fucking amazing job at it. 
You arrive to the Four Seasons Hotel shortly after, Mr. Jeon dismisses his driver's attempt of opening the door for him. It's a little detail but you notice it nevertheless, focusing on yourself instead and trying not to trip in your heels.
Mr. Liang is already inside by the time you get greeted by the lovely staff. Their swift greetings aimed at the man beside you prove he is a regular here. That much was clear to you when he said to mention his name when you were about to make the reservation. 
Just like the most business partners you had a chance to see, Mr. Liang is older than your boss for sure. He's in his mid fifties for sure, but his appearance screams important and business. You're purely judging it by his suit and overall vibe. For his age, Mr. Liang definitely takes good care of himself. 
He's either surprised Mr. Jeon hasn't come alone or because he sees a new face. But judging from the information you've received, you would say it's the second option. You're right because seconds after and after the two men bow at each other, he looks at you. 
"New assistant?" he questions with a smile, outstretching his hand for you to shake.
You politely take it, bowing to him. Mr. Jeon watches the interaction, sitting down as he adjusts his suit. "We'll see."
Is all he says, your frown wanting to come to the surface but you surpass it. It's awkward and perhaps quite embarrassing to hear him saying that in front of a stranger. Mr. Liang seems to be a little taken back, but for whatever reason (or his own sake) he does not ask any further questions. 
They start chit-chatting when menu orders are given to you. You stay quiet, pulling out the iPad from your purse to prepare. Drinks are ordered and you stick to the soda, even though it's nothing like you. It's not like you should care about the bill, one of those two surely pays but still. It's a safe choice. 
"I'll come back to take your meal order." The waiter says, bowing to everyone at the table before he retrieves back.
The man starts picking their food, silently flicking through the menu. "Order something too." 
Mr. Jeon speaks beside you, not lifting up his gaze as he still scans the item in his hands. 
"This should be your lunch break, Miss Y/L/N," he reminds you.
You notice Mr. Liang lifts his eyes to watch you two but his lips stay sealed shut. 
"So order something and eat."
Well, how were you supposed to know that? At least he informed you and spared you the embarrassment of having to spend this meeting with an almost empty stomach. It's a bare minimum but regardless of that, this is still work. You're working during your lunch break. So it is touching that he wants you to eat and not starve.
That would be a really asshole move, considering they're about to have lunch during this.
"Okay." you almost whisper, looking at Mr. Liang as you send him a tiny smile. He reciprocates it and luckily, gives you no attention.
After you order the food, the two business men go straight to work. You assistate, jumping in whenever you're needed and after tasting delicious Italian food, you feel better about the entire meeting. Everything runs smoothly and even though it's hard to detect any positive emotions on Mr. Jeon's face, he seems to be pleased enough with the outcome.
Surely, you can't be a good judge of this, but considering this is your second day properly working in this company, you're proud of yourself because you knew everything. You haven't done anything ridiculously hard, mainly gave information of Mr. Jeon's schedule and did research when he asked you to, but still. You're proud of yourself.
There was not a moment where you were lost and that's a win. Especially in the presence of the boss himself. 
When you get back, Mr. Jeon retrieves back to his office, informing you he doesn't want to be disturbed and all calls should be handled by you or anyone else. You nod at that, bowing at him one last time before you separate your ways. 
"How was it going?" Soyeon asks once she spots you walking by her desk, her eyes sparking with hidden interest and curiosity.
How was it going? You ask yourself. Releasing the breath, a content smile makes it up on your face. "It went actually well."
Soyeon's brows lift up as if she expected something else, though it's quickly wiped away as she gives you a cheerful smile and thumbs up. 
You're ready to walk away but you halt in your steps. "Mr. Jeon does not want to be disturbed." you inform her.
The entire moment is professional, bringing something joyful to the hopeless situation you're in. You're merely informative, making sure Mr. Jeon's orders don't go ignored. Soyeon nods, watching you the entire time you walk to your office.
You sit in your chair, leaning back as you stare at the ceiling, giggling to yourself. The joyful moment doesn't last long though, the phone ringing loudly brings you back to reality and reminds you that nothing is won yet. 
But it's on a good path and that's exactly what you let remind yourself for the rest of the day. 
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"Is your boss hot?"
The second day at your work has ended successfully and so far, Mr. Jeon hasn't come to find you and deliver bad news. That's enough to celebrate and perhaps open a bottle of wine to celebrate, but you simply cannot. You can't risk a headache or potential hangover. 
Since living overseas can be lonely and the last thing you want is to bother Hoseok. He has his own job and can't hang out with you whenever you feel like it. Therefore, you didn't consider inviting him over because there's no need to.
And FaceTiming with your older sister is just enough. It's what you used to do most of the time when you were back home. 
She moved out to Spain at the age of twenty-two which is sooner than you. For you, it was difficult to leave home and everyone there. For her, not as much. She has always been more adventurous and braver when it came to stuff like this. That's why it was such a surprise you decided to move here. Well, you did talk about wanting to come here but it was mostly fantasy talk.
She surely didn't take you seriously, knowing you wouldn't just pack your things and leave. However, you've met Hoseok and if it weren't for him, you wouldn't have the guts to leave.
"What? You did say he's young." she elaborates, shrugging at the raised brow you're showing her.
"So he's gotta be hot as well?"
If it were for you, that's exactly how you would describe your boss. Which by the way, seems very inappropriate and you almost get embarrassed for thinking it. It feels weird to be talking about it openly, even if it's your sister. 
She visibly shrugs, propping her chin on her palm. "He's young and successful. It would be a shame if he wasn't hot, just saying."
"He's decent," you hum instead, not giving the pleasure to unknowing Mr. Jeon that yes, he is hot indeed. The fucker knows it anyway for sure. "I'm more concerned about his personality. He's very firm."
You elaborate more, explain her everything from beginning in more details since messages do not give it justice. She's no stranger to your situation. 
"Well, thank god for your friend then," she says after you tell her about the interactions you've experienced with your boss. "And you don't have to work for him forever, right? You just gotta stay there for a while and then you could find something different."
"Whatever that's gonna be, I feel like it's not gonna be anything better."
"Why are you saying that?"
"Because his company is one of the best known in South Korea. He's a millionaire."
"Maybe you could work for another millionaire then." she jokes, earning another glare from you. 
"It's not that simple."
"Hm," she hums, popping a piece of chocolate into her mouth. "Is he like, super famous? I could google him. What was his name?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "He's known but he's private. People tend to put their interest and attention on idols and actors, actresses. Not millionaire heirs."
"You know what you should do?"
"What?" you deadpan, knowing one of her brilliant ideas are about to come out. 
"You should make more friends. You never know. They might help you in the future, in any field."
That's not exactly a bad idea, you know what she means. 
"I'm not gonna make friends just so they could help me when I need them." you point out.
"That's now what I meant," she argues, "Not in that way. But it's not bad to know more people. You gotta understand you don't have your family there, Y/N."
"I know that." you mutter, rubbing your forehead as you make yourself more comfortable in your bed. 
"Just think about it."
"Yeah, yeah." you wave the topic off. "I'm ready to make more friends. But currently, there aren't many opportunities to do so."
"What about your co-workers?"
"Right," You press your lips together. "They're all... I don't know, some of them are very welcoming and obviously, the company is large so I don't know everyone. I don't think it's even possible. But some of them are really serious. I don't know how to explain it."
"Maybe it's a cultural thing?" she questions.
"They're just very skilled in everything and I'm a newbie." You're reminded of Max's words. He calls you a newbie. 
"It will get better, I'm sure."
You're not sure about that, but you nod and end the topic there. You catch up over other stuff, mainly your sister talking about the reconstruction of her and her boyfriend's bathroom. Once a set of yawns keep coming in the midst of your call, you decide to end it there.
Making sure your alarm is set, even though it's automatic by now, it takes you a minute to stare at the ceiling before darkness swallows you whole. 
This time more confident to meet Mr. Jeon's orders and deep eyes that follow you into your dreams.
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Yandere Bachira/ Yandere Shidou + Obsessing Over Their Agent
Giving into their egos at the end of Blue Lock, they're used to getting everything they wanted and what they wanted next...was their cute little agent who handled their public relations and contracts♡
Characters: Bachira Meguru, Shidou Ryusei
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"You're staring again."
Bachira blinks at your words, dazed as he slowly was brought back to reality. Huh, he must've zoned out staring at your face again. Your sharp (e/c) eyes focused on your phone, your stoic expression making his heart beat a bit more quickly in his chest, and your hair which was all fixed up and neat was just begging for his fingers to come through it with how it looked. He tilted his head to the side cutely and closed his eyes, flashing you his most charming smile.
"Can you blame me?" He chuckled, moving his way over to you. With lightning fast reflexes, you stuck your foot up in the air to stop him while still focusing on your task at hand as he whined and tried to pinch your cheek. He pouted after a few unsuccessful minutes and frowned, "Aw! You're no fun, (Y/n)-chan!"
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes but you did respond to him.
"Sir, don't be misinformed; this relationship is purely professional. I am your agent, you are my client. That is all." You spoke sternly to him as if he were a child, "Now, let's get you ready for that commercial shoot."
Just a client, huh?
Bachira sighs and holds his chest where his heart would be and looks at you with his big yellow puppy dog eyes: "That hurts, (Y/n)! After everything we've been through!"
Again, his attempts were met with silence and he frowned, seeing that you were still focused on your phone. That's not fair, (Y/n), so many people would've absolutely killed to be in your shoes in this moment and you have the audacity to brush him off? Fine, he'll just have to make it clear that there was no one else but you.
- He makes everything difficult for everyone if it doesn't involve you, he's still likeable, but everyone just talks about how he's a bit too energetic to stay still. You can't tell how many times make up crews, directors, and training coaches or even other players had to shyly come up to you and make Bachira comply with their wishes because "he behaves when you're around".
- Many times Bachira tries to make it appear you two are a couple; telling you that he loves you as you do his foundation for his upcoming interviews, excitedly running at you in between commercial breaks to ask you if he did well, and often wanting to take you out for casual outings as celebration but you declined. You didn't want to feed into whatever delusion he had in his head about you two.
- You tried to be a bit personal and suggest he try out some sports modeling, casually mentioning how a current model heart throb was interested in collaborating with him in hopes that it'd be enough to get him to move on but he frowned and shook his head. NO! He's not posing for pictures with anyone, especially not for some random model, if its not you!
- Even though you're in charge of his social media; he will still post pictures of you to his own account, admiring how cute you are when you're in the zone, or just captioning the photo with a simple: "Mine♥️💕" and even though you tell him to delete those photos everytime, you feel a bit uneasy when you realize you didn't even notice him pulling out his phone and getting these photos until he tagged you in them. You just hope he doesn't have anymore photos of you that you didn't know about.
- Bachira is without a doubt obsessive, he gets giddy when you call him because he believes one of these days you'll wake up and realize you love him back just as much, only to be slightly dissapointed when you are merely calling him to discuss contract details. That's fine, though! One of these days you're going to have to face the reality that you two were meant to be together♡
- You're just like him after all! It's just that you want to dominate a different field than him. Your goals are similar, be the best that Japan has to offer, making sure that Bachira succeeds on and off the field helps ensure your own success, and while you didn't want to deal with his annoying behavior all the time; it'd be a foolish choice to quit working for him. You think that he knows that too because he'll always try to test the waters of your relationship, never really believing your threats of switching to a different player.
- Because even if you didn't love him, you needed him, just as he needed you. Surely you'll end up loving him back, though, after all: there was no one else in his eyes besides you. So he'll work hard to be the best, not just for Japan, but for you. Each goal he makes, he looks at you and sees the briefest smile on your face and it drives him wild the rest of the game to keep scoring and scoring.
- Don't think you've tamed the monster inside of him, though. Because it'll never be truly satisfied until it finally has you. All of you.
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"Why're you buying flowers for that asshole?"
You felt a shiver go up your spine, feeling Shidou's sharp chin resting on your shoulder and feeling his warm breath on the back of your right ear, he was still a little sweaty from his daily drills and workouts...technically, he should've been working out still but his fitness coaches knew the moment you stepped into the room that he wouldn't be able to focus on anything but you.
"Technically, you're buying him flowers," You corrected, moving away from him. He raised an eyebrow but kept a deadpan face as you turned around to explain to him, "Shido, you're already controversial. You played way too hard and broke that man's ankle. Sending flowers is the least you could do."
Aw, give him some credit...he could've done a lot worse if he wanted too but he managed to restrain himself from doing that, all for you. Plus, it was entirely the other guy's fault anyways. That asshole was eyeing you up and down when you weren't looking and jokingly told Ryusei that he wished he had an agent that was as hot as you were instead of his current old and grumpy one. Shido knew he had the best things: the best cars, the best shoes, the best career a soccer player could ask for...but you were different. You were one of the things he had that made him the best, flipping his controversies into picturing him as this passionate player whose just motivated to represent his country, but you were meant for only him to admire. Everyone else is allowed to stare at you two with envy and jealously but that's ALL.
"I'm not sending him no damn flowers and neither are you." He scoffed, taking your phone from your hand and canceling the order. You frowned and tried to grab it back from him, he raised it above his head am to force you to reach for it and when you raised one arm and stood on both your tippy toes, he used his free arm to hook it around your waist and pull you close to him. Pining you against the wall, his pink eyes focused on you in a way that a predator would eye its prey.
"Quit thinkin' about some nobody player. You're MY agent."
- Before you, Shidou went through a lot of agents. Agents who quit on the spot because he was impossible to work with, agents who just stormed out of the doors because they couldn't take anymore, agents who still badmouth him to the public and feeding into his reputation.
- Then you walked in through those doors. Steely gazed, chin up and proud. You were cute, that's for sure, but you weren't gonna be any different then the rest of them. At least, thats what he had originally thought. You never lost your mind over the way he played, you never complained about how he was making your job impossible, and you never lost your cool.
- You were a professional at your job, you knew how to make him appeal to the audience and frame him in a better light while also making sure he didn't have to change too much...because he would never change. So you would work with what you had, how did the saying go? There's no such thing as bad publicity.
- Unlike Bachira, you just being there isn't gonna make him behave. If you're gonna make him do some lame ass photoshoot then he better be getting something out of it. At first it was just things like arranging a deal with a brand he liked, setting up a soccer match with some good players only for him to absolutely ruin them. He started to like you because of those things.
- However it escalated one day when he asked for something that took you off gaurd. A kiss. It was for an interview and he refused to let anyone touch him so they all ran crying to you, he instantly looked at you as you put a gentle hand on his shoulder and asked him what he wanted this time so you both could get through this.
- He didn't even really think about it either, he was a little shocked when he said it himself but he was just mesmerized by your lips that he wondered what it'd be like to kiss them. So he wanted to find out. You were flustered, rightfully so and tried to bargain with him but he was dead set on that kiss...oh well...it was one measly kiss. So you kissed his cheek and he frowned, not exactly what he wanted but you did give him what he wanted technically.
- But yeah, that just kinda sparked his obsession with you and his obsession isn't what you should be concerned about. It's his possessive nature, you work for him so you belong to him. He doesn't like you talking to other people most of the time, constantly grabbing your phone and hanging up important calls when the conversation goes somewhere he doesn't like or deems isn't as important as him.
- Shidou knows he doesn't love you but love isn't exactly on either of your radars since your focused on your career, which only does well as long as Shido's does well. It doesn't stop him from looking at you tying his tie for him, imagining you doing something more intimate than a mere kiss on the cheek, to take you out on fancy dates and buy you nice things and all the crap (he's tried before but you always refuse) and when he wakes up in the morning, he wonders how different it would be if you were next to him. He might love you but overall, it's a matter of possession. You belong to him. No one else.
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bewitchingivy · 1 year
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Hey, lovely souls! I hope you're all doing well~♡ In this new PAC, we're going to uncover what's going to happen before your future spouse comes into your life, to give you some little hints~hehe. Maybe the events mentioned in the piles is happening to you now, who knows?
methods used in this reading: tarot, intuition.
Tarot or any forms of divination is not set in stone. It’s not your only future, but a probable one with the current energy you have right now. If a reading doesn’t resonate, simply let it fly away and shift your energy. Because you can change your reality, and you have the undeniable power to do so.
Please keep in mind that my readings are for entertainment, positive, or inspirational purposes only. Please don’t take them as a professional or medical advice. Any actions or decisions taken are your responsibility.
The images I use in my blog are not mine unless I say so. The pictures belong to their respectful owners.
Now choose one (or more) of the latest releases from my top 5 favorite artists!
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PILE ONE / lavender haze - acoustic version by taylor swift
Greetings to the people who chose the first pile! Lovely to have you here <3
What we have in the cards here is that you will have some sort of recognition, achievement, or success before you meet your future spouse. Why am I strongly getting a graduation of some sort? The people who chose this pile are probably studying in college or highschool. There's going to be a celebration that your friends and family will have for you. At this time, you're going to receive a lot of praise and recognition. I'm also seeing that there's something spiritual happening after that, it's like you're going to have some spiritual transformation. You're going to grow spiritualy. Lastly, we have the Fools card here which tells me that after all this achievements and growth in your life, you're going to take a short break or vacation even for just a little while. Like a month or something. You will do a lot of self care and reflection at that time, and then you'll be ready to start new beginnings. And this new beginning coming your way? That's when you'll meet your future person <3
signs, confirmations, messages; a white dog (like a husky?), 444, clover leafs, going to a cafe, kdrama, tarot, yes, you're not late.
Thank you for allowing me to read for you ♡ I'm sending much love and light your way and to your loved ones! — Ivy Feel free to send me a feedback and check out my masterlist for more!
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PILE TWO / say yes to heaven by lana del rey
Hi there! To you who chose pile two, I hope you're doing well!
So to begin your reading, this is somehow related to the first pile, since your first cards are the six of wands. Both piles are going to achieve some success. You'll definitely get some attention from this, I'm getting that this achievement of yours is like, going to attract a lot people's attention. For some of you, I'm getting that this is a career that you've always wanted to have, and now you got it. But here's the thing, not all people are going to have good intentions. There's going to be someone from your past, at first I was getting an ex friend, but some of you could have an ex lover too. You no longer talk with this person, but then when you've achieved this success of yours, they're going to be like, out of nowhere, “Hi! Congratulations, I'm really happy for you.” Which to me, guys, I'm sorry, but I will say that those are just lies. I'm mostly just getting that they'll be jealous of you, and they'll want to start over with you again just because you have this career or whatever success you'll have. You will notice this though. And though you still might care for them, and a part of you wants to start over your relationship, you will be disappointed to see that they still haven't change for the better and then you will eventually decide that you're not going to rekindle the fire you had with them. You're going to decide that it's over, like ever. (WEEEEEE!! ARE NEVEREVEREVERGETTINGBACKTOGETHER-) Ahem. Anyways, that's great. I'm proud of you already that you're going to do that. Because you'll need to kick this person's ass out of your life so your future spouse can knock on your door already.
I didn't got any more signs/confirmations for you, pile two!
Thank you for allowing me to read for you ♡ I'm sending much love and light your way and to your loved ones! — Ivy Feel free to send me a feedback and check out my masterlist for more!
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PILE THREE / rush! by måneskin
Hello to you who has chosen the third pile~♡ I hope you're doing well!
Before meeting your future spouse, you will face some sort of decision whether you should leave or stay in a relationship. I'm really sorry to hear this, guys, but this person has/is going to give you pain. You put your hopes for this person only for them to disappoint you. I'm mostly seeing this is a romantic relationship, but for some of you it could be a friendship or a family member. But if it is a romantic relationship, it's going to be long distance. And for some of you, I'm just getting this, that it's not really a relationship but more like a situationship. Let me tell you some hints about this person; they have strong water placements and one of their hobbies is artistic. You're going to take a lot of time thinking and considering whether you should leave or not (this could involve some travelling/moving to another country as well.) It seems like you will be confuse what to decide. But since we have the Page of Wands as the last card, this strongly tells me you're going to choose to leave this relationship/situation behind even if it breaks your heart. But you have to do it for what's good for you and this person. And indeed it is, I mean, come on, your future spouse is on their way to you after this!
signs, confirmations, messages; ships, ocean, living near some large body of water (like a lake, river, beach, etc), 222, 47, april, grow and evolve, secret garden by frances hodgson burnett.
Thank you for allowing me to read for you ♡ I'm sending much love and light your way and to your loved ones! — Ivy Feel free to send me a feedback and check out my masterlist for more!
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PILE FOUR / francesca by hozier
Hey there! If you've chose pile four, well, lemme say I totally relate to your reading HAHAH- nevertheless, I hope you're staying hopeful for the future! ♡
So let me clarify some things first, if you're somehow being held back by authoritative figures or more like, parents, then this is your pile. If you don't resonate with this, you can choose another pile. So! Oh, man. I'm feeling very tired and drained after tapping into your energy. You will be feeling this way before meeting your FS. So first, you're going to begin a new. chapter in your life. After feeling caged up or something, you're finally going to decide to take matters into your own hands and do the things in order for you to live your desired life. You're definitely going to do this, I have no doubt that you're going to manifest your desired life. You're also going to be working a lot on yourself, improving yourself to be better, doing shadow work, self care, and all the like. However! There's one problem here. You've let your parents have power over you. That's completely understandable, I'm with you, guys, and I'm still working on my situation myself. But you have to realize that you shouldn't let them affect you anymore. You're your own person. It could be that you're afraid to disappoint them or whatever, but it could also be that your parents are pretty judgemental and you're afraid to be judged by them if you do choose to pursue your dreams and desires. This will lead you to feeling restricted and held back again. You'll start being afraid to move towards your future. However, I definitely see here that someone will be coming towards your life at this time to help you get through this. And who's this person going to be? YOUR FS. AAAACK AHSISHAKSJSHSG
signs, confirmations, messages; 111, life path 8, connect with your inner child, be gentle to yourself, your fs is going to be someone you'll have a crush on first.
Thank you for allowing me to read for you ♡ I'm sending much love and light your way and to your loved ones! — Ivy Feel free to send me a feedback and check out my masterlist for more!
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PILE FIVE / being funny in a foreign language by the 1975
The people who have chosen pile five are the chosen ones. LMFAO, yeah if your life would be a story, your trope would be the chosen one. Anyways! It's nice to have you here, chosen ones.
Okay, so what I'm getting here is that you guys are going to be working very hard about something. You're putting a lot of effort into this thing, or it could be your relationships around you too. It can be literally anything. Just anything that you're going to put a lot of effort and work, to the point that you'll forget about yourself. You're somehow overworking yourselves at this time, guys. I'm also sensing there's some unhealthy attachment or obsession over this particular thing. Please, take care and look after yourselves. But then, I see here that there's going to be some sort of epiphany or an aha moment right after, guys. It seems like someone's going to give you some advice, or a very harsh truth that you need to know. And it will make you pause and think about what you've been doing and all the efforts you gave to this certain thing the whole time. It's definitely going to hurt and hard to accept. But you will know that it's the truth. You're going to feel like you will lose everything. Lemme give you an example; you've taken a liking to someone and you'd really want to be with them, but then you put all your efforts to become the person you're not just for them to like you and you're giving all your time and energy to that person only for them to tell you one day that they don't share your feelings. Been there, done that 🙋🏻‍♀ But that's okay, guys. Because right along the harsh truth, is a new beginning. You're going to have the courage to begin again and you're taking the lessons you've learned and become more wiser and braver than before, ready to learn more about life. After that phase, you're going to meet your person <3
I haven't got any signs/confirmations for you, pile five!
Thank you for allowing me to read for you ♡ I'm sending much love and light your way and to your loved ones! — Ivy Feel free to send me a feedback and check out my masterlist for more!
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yan-lorkai · 8 months
Maybe plat!soft!Yan Riddle hcs with a shy, timid and skittish mouse beastman darling in the same form as him?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: This is so cute 🥺. When I first saw the gameplays, bcz the game is not available on my country, Riddle was my favorite character and writing this remind me why. Hope you like it, anonie!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Platonic yandere, stalking, toxic friendship, humiliation, mutilation threats, slightly dezumaning.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Maybe Ignyhide, maybe Savanaclaw. You guessed, trying to think what kind of dorm would be best for someone like you, so quiet, so shy, avoiding looking at people as you stand in front of the mirror and await your fate. Your ears moving involuntarily as the seconds pass and the mirror echoes: Heartslabyu.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Heartslabyu. The Queen of Hearts' dorm. A dorm in which there are few beastsmen, a dorm in which everyone seems to look at you and your mouse ears or tail move, uncomfortable with the attention.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Life in this dorm is restless and several times a day, you often find yourself hiding from Riddle Rosehearts, your dorm leader, who seems to find pleasure in teasing you and offering you headpats (It's his favorite excuse to pet your ears). And truly you can't get mad at him for that, Riddle has those sparkles in his eyes whenever he can touch your soft ears or hear you squeak in surprise. And really this is better than be collared like your others classmates and friends.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You catch his attention and only because of this fact do you become friends. Maybe you're good playing croquette or have an easy time dealing with the flamingos and hedgehogs, maybe it was your laugh or the delicate way you paint the roses red. Thing is, as soon as you catch his attention, Riddle starts investigating everything he can about you. Your likes, your dislikes, favorite food, etc.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You and Riddle have a strange friendship - if you can call whatever that is a friendship, of course. Mainly pre overblot Riddle who likes to punish you in a different way when you get one of the rules wrong; he sentences you to spend the whole day by his side, it would almost seem like a normal date between friends if he didn't threaten to cut off your tail if you leave him even for an instant.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ And you, fearful and shy, give in, not wanting to find out if this is all a bluff or something real. Even more so when he could do worse than that, locking you in a cage and treating you like his little mouse. One for only him to see and care for.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Pre overblot Riddle has high expectations for everyone, but they're even higher when it comes to you. He wants you to always have the best grades, to always behave well, to participate in the same club as him and to have respectable friends who don't influence you wrongly. He acts towards you like his mother acts towards him. And it's terrible and suffocating, and you can't do anything but listen to him if you want to keep your ears and tail in place, no one would believe he threatened you in any way. He respectable, the example of what an exemplary student should be.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Riddle likes to put you in the spotlight when you don't listen to him. Do you want to run away from him so much? Do you wish so much that he wasn't around? Okay, then he won't be there for you, not even to help you when you freeze on stage and the audience just keeps staring at you, laughing, whispering about you and your failed attempt of speech. Plus he will still be there to ask you several questions, questions that he knows you don't know the answer to.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Your panicked expression is something he treasures after all.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Post overblot Riddle is genuinely softer, listening to everything you have to say and apologizing for everything he caused you, for the fear, the humiliation and the punishments. If you wish, as tradition demands, he will even bow to you as a sign of respect. He bow till his face is touching the floor, if that's what you want.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Post overblot Riddle knows he hurt you, he knows you haven't completely forgiven him for what he did and he's more than willing to rectify his mistakes. He doesn't know how to do that yet so he asks Trey for advice and he's trying every day to regain your trust somehow.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He start small: handing you a cup of tea early in the morning, sharing his notes with you, helping you overcome your shyness and how to you express yourself more, letting you get away with it if you break any rules and protecting you from possible bullies who like to make fun of you because of your mousey features.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Forgive him or not, Riddle will not leave your life. He is determined to be your friend and your friend he will be one way or another.
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quimichi · 16 days
Hi, I was hoping I could get a genshin and HSR match up if they're still open? I use she/her pronouns, and I have a romantic preference for men. I'm a big time introvert and not one for small talk but I always try to be polite and kind. I've been described as being too sensible by multiple people but I will also laugh at some of the dumbest stuff. My hobbies include writing, drawing and cooking, generally I like anything creative. I hope this is okay and that you have a lovely day!
A/n: I really hope you like my answer! I just thought that someone who can understand and appreciate you would fit so much more better than the opposite ♡
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@ awww look at those two introverts in love ♡
@ understands you all to well. You want your peace and quite? He'll leave you to yourself and lets you draw, take a nap, read or whatever.
@ greatly appreciates if you'd do the same, but only really rarely. He does enjoy your company a lot! You bring him internal peace. Just having you sit beside him while he works on a new project really gives him motivation.
@ psst, he wants to show off, just a little ;)
@ takes you diving with him! I hope you're not scared of the ocean tho- if you are, he'll guide you through it. He never lets go of your hand, even if it means that he will have a constant blush on his face and butterflys in his tummy. If you really are way, WAY to scared tho, he would obviously never force you. You two just walk by the shore collecting some seashells!
@ and if you love/like the ocean, he would shyly ask you if you wanna join him. Like everytime he would ask you. Or at least if you wanna wait for him by the shore.
@ LOVES LOVES LOVES to see your drawings, if you wanna show them that is. He can also draw yk, so someone who shares the same talent would also mean for him to share his supplies. Dw, take them without asking, it's a relationship after all.
@ and if you want you can make designs for his toy projects for the kids!
@ Is just as sensitive as you, maybe more, maybe less. But what is definitely a fact, is that he will comfort you nonetheless. Depends on how you wanna be comforted tho. Bit i think his style would be, have a cup of tea and let it aaaall out. Vent on him, he can listen well.
@ the twins think you two were meant to be-! Really supportive of you two.@ And Father is just as happy, she can't show it, but you're part of the family now sooo...you better not hurt her boy :)
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@ well--if you love writing, you're prefect with dan heng cause he loves reading-
@ would understand if you don't want him to read your written pieces, but would feel very honored if you would show him. Even just a glimpse would get him to praise you.
@ if you do show him--damn he would unintentionally correct your grammar or phrasing. Not that he shits on your grammar, its just-idk how to describe it he means it really nice but in dan heng style it comes off more as cold
@ and the corrections of your phrasings are just ideas on how to change things or make it more interesting. He probably read more books than the whole astral express crew together, like easily.
@ thats why he would get it if you don't wanna show him---he's aware lol
@ BUT! what he would do 100% and nobody can stop him, is reading to you ♡
@ lay in his arms and relax. Let his soothing voice lull you to sleep~ And if you wanna read on your own, do that, he'll wait for you to turn the page.
@ would also 100% discuss what you two read afterwards lol. Like a lil bookclub
@ he can actually cook, very well too. But he always says his skills are nowhere near yours, even if you deny it, he stands his point.
@ gracefully DEVOURS your food and asks for a second plate ♡
@ oh look, someone who also hates small take, yay. You two were so awkward at the beginning of the whole relationship. The beginning of the whole meeting each other for the first time too!
@ it was definitely him who took all the first steps. Even more awkward cause....he only knows the most things form books cause he has no real life experience-
@ made the mistake of asking March-the things he went through just for you-you better be greatful (jkjk)
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seijorhi · 2 months
hey rhi 👋
I’ve been watching a lot of zombie shows lately (ex: the walking dead, last of us, all of us are dead, world war z, zombieland etc. etc)
And while watching all those shows, they always managed to remind me about your zombie fic ‘finders keepers’ which would then lead me to wonder and boil with questions. So if you don’t mind and if it doesn’t trouble you too much, I would like to ask a couple of things ….
1. How did the apocalypse start?
2. When it did start, were they at school and just so happen to group up? Or did they join forces in a different manner?
3. While oikawa and the reader were taking shelter, where were the others?
4. When the reader went out to search for supplies for oikawa, we know the twins were following her, but what were they doing out in the first place?
5. (I might be a lil slow for this, but) Which of the twins killed the zombie, Atsumu or Osamu?
6. Why does inarizaki take in ‘strays’ and what do they do to them? And what do they do once the strays in question want to leave their group?
7. For how long did the twins have eyes for the reader?
8. How far along are they into the apocalypse?
9. How come no one seems concerned with reuniting with family or loved ones?
10. What’s the initial reaction from the inarizaki group when they see that the twins brought the reader to their base?
Well I think that’s all my questions… hopefully. But I know for damn sure that if an apocalypse were to actually happen that I’d be like the reader utterly useless and helpless (but unlike her I won’t have any strong and beautiful men to help or protect me 😔)
I would also probably opt out 😭 (people in zombie shows always have so much will to live and for what?!?!?).
Anyways, I always enjoy seeing your blog and reading yours answers to questions asked by us. I love how I’ll be doing anything in my day, and something (no matter how small it is) will remind me of one of your many glorious fics.
I hope you have a wonderful week and thank you for reading. (Stay hydrated and blessed babe 😏.)
- 🌬️🌫️
okay bear with me
i like to go with pharmaceutical fuck up/virus/pandemic thing à la 28 days later or the walking dead
nah, they were friends before it hit, but even pre-apocalypse it wasn't intended to be a volleyball specific thing
well technically it depends. prior to oikawa being bitten they were on a supply run. in the aftermath, they would've gone back to the school, found it overrun and depending on your own personal choice, either found themselves at the wrong end of a zombie's teeth, or they're trying to track oikawa and the reader down after escaping themselves
following :))
whichever one you think. truly i wrote it and left it ambiguous because 1) the reader couldn't see shit and couldn't determine it herself and 2) it could honestly have been either of them and i found it funnier that way. go with whatever your heart tells you
i like to think that inarizaki actually have more of a 'community'. small, but not just a bunch of guys. considering that there's food, medicine, a fuck-ton of guns and men willing to use them, they're usually pretty happy to stay. loyal enough to look the other way when it becomes clear the reader isn't going to be able to just waltz out the front gate like she thinks
inarizaki (or the core members) were aware that a few people were holing up in the school, weren't too concerned about it. more of a 'keep an eye on it and see if it becomes a problem' kind of sitch. they didn't know that group included a woman, not with how anal the others were about keeping the reader safe and tucked away from prying eyes. it was pure luck that the twins caught sight of her during a patrol, a little while before iwa and the other two left and zombies found their way inside. funny that.
somewhere between 6-12 months. long enough for the world to go to shit and for people to become adjusted to that. sort of
mostly because they either saw their family and loved ones die or they believe the chances they're still alive are slim enough not to pin hopes and dreams on. also in the reader's case because even if she had plans of meeting up/looking for someone, they'd put that shit to bed real quick
honestly i think kita would want to disapprove, but how can he? yes the twins were reckless and yes they should have discussed this together beforehand so they could have planned this, but he can't and won't argue with the end result. the reader wasn't safe where she was, now she is. she'll have access to things she was woefully lacking previously, the twins are satisfied, it's the best solution all round. thanks in no small part to how seijoh 4 treated her, there's no chance she'd survive out there on her own. such a sweet, vulnerable, helpless little thing, how could the rest of them not just want to eat her right up? they are ofc unsurprised by the twins pulling some bullshit, but hey, no one (they care about) died right? win-win.
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cometzblitz · 1 year
Can you write some headcanon or maybe a short fic for yandere Wally get jealous? Maybe reader get too friendly with other neighbors and Wally didn't like that?
I absolutely love the way you write yandere Wally (the yandere alphabet is so great 💗)
Oh btw, do you write yandere for other characters in Welcome Home? If no then that's okay, just asking :)
I Am 100% Open To Writing For The Other Characters! Wether It Be Yandere Or Not. I Haven't Done The Other Characters Yet So It May Not Be Great? But I Won't Get Better Till I Write More And More For Them!
Im Happy You Enjoyed The Yandere Alphabet Dear! Hope You Like This As Much As That! It'll Be Some Headcannons With A Small Little Fic♡
Wally x GN Reader.
.Like In The Alphabet Wally Typically Isn't A Jealous Person. He's Friendly With The Neighbours And They Know Of His Relationship With His Darling! So They Wouldn't Try Anything, Atleast He Hopes They're Smart Enough As To Not Try Anything.
.But There Are Some Case's Where He Finds You Speaking To The Other Neighbours Alot And He's Not A Fan Of It!
.He'll Often Get You To Spend Time With Just Him For The Whole Day To Make Up For Your Lack Of Attention To Him. Recently Though..You Just Keep On Getting Friendlier And Friendlier With The Other Neighbours, Going Out Of Your Way For Them! Constantly Making Plans With Them, You Just..Pushed Him Off To The Side. He Wasn't Happy About That, Oh No No! Your Focus Should Be On Him And Him Alone!
But No It Wasn't And It Left Him With All Sorts Of Negative Feelings.
There Was Nothing You Loved More Then Being Able To Speak With The Other Neighbours. Sure It Would Get Draining After Socialising With Many People But You Loved It Nonetheless! The Other Neighbours Were Just So Friendly And Open You Couldn't Help But Want To Hang Out With Them More! Sure That Meant You Spent Less Time With Wally But You Were Sure He Understood!
Wally Infact Did NOT Understand, He Didn't Understand Why You Wanted To Spend Time With The Others More Then Him! Were You Losing Interest? Were You Beginning To Become More Intrigued With Them? That Thought Formed A Pit In His 'Stomach', He Couldn't Have You Being More Attatched To The Others And Not Him...That Wouldn't Be Fair! Not After All The Effort He Had Put In.
"Darling." Wally Approached You, Usual Smile On His Face, Eye's Half Closed. You Had Been Hanging Out With Julie And Sally For So Long And While They Were Off Doing Something, He Saw This As An Opportunity To Confront You About This Whole Thing. "I Haven't Seen You These Past Few Days, You've Always Been Running Off With The Other Neighbours." He Huffed, But There Was No Look On His Face That Would Suggest He Was Annoyed, No, He Looked As Happy As Ever!
"Sorry Wally!" Whatever Your Attention Was On Was Taken By Wally Approaching. "I Never Hung Out With The Other Neighbours Much And They Began Inviting Me To Hang Out, There Was No Harm In Accepting." A Lobsided Smile Rested On Your Face As You Shifted Your Weight From One Foot Onto The Other.
"Ah I See," He Paused For A Moment, A Hum Rumbling From Him "Well, Since We Haven't Hung Out For Sometime! Why Don't We Go To Home? We Could Paint Something Together." A Frown Formed On Your Face "But Wally, Sally And Julie Will Be Coming Back Soon-"
"Why Don't We Go Back To Home?" He Repeated In A Much More Serious Tone "We Can Make Up For Lost Time!" He Cheerfully Stated As He Grabbed His Darlings Hand With A Tight Grip, Dragging You Along Down The Path Towards The House, Home's Eye's Watching All The While.
I Hope This Was Okay!
For Those Who Left Requests, I Appreciate It And I Will Get To Them I Promise!
Next Up?
I Can't Tell You It Would Ruin The Surprise c:
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n0n-sen-se · 9 months
𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬! ― 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨
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includes ;; obanai iguro x gn!reader synopsis ;; a mix of birthday related shenanigans + and relationship imagines with our favorite boy ♡ content ;; Slight MANGA SPOILERS included at the end of the chapter! (They are labeled dw!) fluff, bit of angst from iguro, tons of fun a/n ;; thankfully completed these on his b-day! hope you all like these! (forgive me if i update these later! love yall!)
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hates his birthday- completely. utterly.
always forgets its his birthday, and not even on purpose.
doesn't like surprise parties or big celebrations. (hates, is a better word) they make him uneasy and so uncomfortable.
if he hears a rumor going around that someone is planning something for him : he will simply not show up. (and no, you are no exception so don't get your hopes up)
if anything: he'd allow something small- it'd be strictly un-birthday related, and between you and him.
and you know what? everyone being so silly and loud towards him today actually makes him laugh (he pretends he was coughing)
but other people also like to acknowledge him on a particular september day by bringing him gifts and wishing him well through cards or letters!
again, he doesn't see the point, but now he has all this stuff so. . .
but like i said, it doesn't stop others from getting him stuff! ( us included amirite guys? )
THE HASHIRA are among those who's gifts he'd even slightly acknowledge.
doesn't open them, with the exception of some gifts (yours included), but lets the others sit forgotten for awhile.
( like giyuu or tanjiro's gifts would physically start collecting dust )
but. . . he thinks of those little tokens for a while, and after a month or two he'll come back to them and let his curiosity take over.
Uzui gives him the most gaudy un-useful thing in the world. Mitsuri would gift him something she made (like food) and you know obanai would choke it all down even if he wasn't even hungry. Rengoku is actually one of the few that respect Obanai's wishes, and instead of getting him anything, he hunts him down and wishes him well in person (very loudly)!
kaburamaru (his snake) comforts him by coiling around his shoulders a little tighter, messing up obanai's hair if he feels his master is being a little too unfair to people today
silently loves the letters and cards he gets.
the first crows to bring them on his birthday actually get him thinking. . . maybe its not too bad. then he's a little flattered someone actually went out of their way to acknowledge him.
keeps the specials ones tucked into his haori. and the words really stick to him.
in some scenarios: he'd use his birthday as an excuse to get away with somethings.
(i personally could imagine him stretching this out to dangerous levels. what could birthday privilege really get him? he'd like to find out)
from then on is scheming.
like how many times could he ask for a birthday kiss before you're straight up sick of him? (this man is about to find out the exact answer)
❛ you said it yourself, its my birthday. i can do whatever i want❜
❛ i don't have to, its my birthday❜
His thoughts on:
Balloons? When they pop they scare kaburamaru (and he thinks they're too silly and childish) So. . . yeah. . . no.
Cake? Prefers savory things and typically won't waste his appetite.
Gifts? Don't waste your time or money.
but really, he does treasure the things he's given, especially when its meaningful or truly heartfelt.
BELOW THE CUT: slight manga spoilers
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birthday stuff included- he basically despises the idea of being celebrated
especially if its because of his birth.
because of his family, it literally becomes a day of horrible reminders.
and honestly, the combination of his birthday, and all these people coming up to him, and all these gifts both overwhelm him with thoughts of his family and distract him from it.
would definitely have a good, unbothered, godly sleep at the end of the day. he can just get over his birthday and be at peace for a bit.
but. . . you, mitsuri, the other hashira. . . he thanks you all silently for being there. for him.
needs to lay with you for a long while.
even if it is his birthday, he'd prefer and prioritize you above all else.
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nomoreusername · 17 days
Together (Part 2)
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Pairing:Brenda x female reader
Summary:After Brenda and Thomas kiss, you think it's too late for her to be your girl.
Standing at the door of some weird club, we all glanced between each other as the guy held out the admission fee. A bottle of some strange looking and smelling concoction. 
"Why do we need this to get in?"I asked.
"Don't worry about it. Do you want in or not?"
"We do, but this is just weird. Can't we just go in without having to drink this mystery stuff?"I suggested.
"Everyone has to pay the price,"He said with a smug grin that sent chills down my spine. There was just something about him in general that made me uneasy. Even if he wasn't technically forcing us to drink this concoction I would probably still be avoiding him at all costs. He just had so many red flags, and we didn't even know his name.
"This is our only chance,"Brenda reminded us, accepting the bottle. Taking a large sip, she then made a face when she passed it to Thomas who did the exact same before giving it to me.
Calling this ridiculous in my head but knowing that there was no other option, I started drinking, feeling an instant burn in my throat. There was an unnatural amount of flavors, so many that I couldn't even name one. My entire mouth was on fire as it consumed my taste buds until they could be gone and I wouldn't even notice. 
Putting it down, I resisted the urge to cough as I handed it to the lady next to me.
"Great. Come in, come in, and enjoy the party,"the guy urged in a way that only made the alarm bells louder. As he pushed us inside of the club though, I knew that it was too late to turn back.
"We need to split up. We'll find him quicker,"Brenda recommended.
"How will we find each other again?"I pointed out.
"We just will, but we have to go. We're running out of time,"She reasoned. Glancing at Thomas, we both nodded before going in different directions.
Squeezing through the crowd of bodies, I wondered how anyone could be into whatever this is. Well, I mean, disturbing is one word for it. With the bright and sparkly yet gloomy outfits and makeup, these people looked like they were losing themselves. If they're here on their own free will though, they must be. That, or they had lost all hope. Not that either of those were ideal.
Squinting my eyes, I attempted to get the glitter out of them only to feel nothing there. Bumping into people, I tried to figure out what was going on as pretty colors blurred my vision. Even the music seemed to be something that wasn't real.
With my breathing getting heavy, I kept forcing my mind to discover what was happening. Still stumbling through all the partiers, I ended up falling to the floor. Getting on my knees, I took a moment as I tried to figure out how to stand. Then, seeing as I was surrounded by all these arms that reminded me of vines for some reason, I used them to pull myself up, leaning against someone as I tried to recall why I was even here.
Still looking through these people, I saw two familiar faces in the middle of these place. My Brenda and that new guy.
As I was about to call to her she had her arms around his shoulders before they crashed their lips together. It was like a car accident was taking place right in front of me as I tried to look away but couldn't figure out how.
She's supposed to be kissing me.
New guy stole my girl. I mean she wasn't my girl, but she's still my girl, you know?
My girl, my girl, my girl. That's my girl. That should be my girl.
Glaring at them with everything I had, as I went to stumble towards them I found myself lying on the floor. This time though, I didn't know how to get up.
♡ - - - ♡
Seeing light shine through my eyelids, I swore that I was dead until I felt a hand rubbing circles on my shoulder. Forcing my eyes open, I looked at the sun beaming with all its might. Then, I looked at Brenda who had my head in her lap. 
Then, I glanced at Thomas and gained the appetite for murder and the urge to cry.
"Hey,"She greeted, pulling me back to her.
"Hi,"I whispered, not looking her in the eye as I felt shame flow through my very blood. Brenda did nothing wrong. Thomas did nothing wrong. Brenda isn't my girl, and if they have feelings for each other there's nothing that I can do about it.
"You okay?"
"Yeah,"I lied. "Where am I?"I added, sitting up to see that I was in the back of a car with just us three.
"We're going to Right Arm,"She answered.
"Oh. That's nice,"I mumbled.
"I thought that you'd be more excited. You've been talking about this for months."
"I am excited." 
Just mad that I didn't kiss you before Thomas did.
"Oh,"She muttered, letting me know that I had just said my not at all platonic thoughts aloud. Staring at the seat of the car, I felt my face heat up. "You saw that?"She asked slowly.
"Yeah. I did."
"But you didn't hear anything, did you?"
"Why would I want to?"
"Because,"She started, placing her hand on my cheek and turning me so that I was facing her, "you would have heard me point out that he wasn't who I was supposed to be kissing. Because he isn't you."
"Oh,"was all I got out as she stared at me.
"So if you're not too mad, would you kiss me now?"
Not having the ability to speak, I just pressed my lips against hers to silently say yes. Putting her arms around my shoulders, she lightly kissed back, smiling against my lips as she did. Just like that, nobody and nothing else was real. The world was only us because we are all we need. We always have been, and I swear that she was telling me all this from the way she fit me so perfectly, as if we were actually made for each other. 
I wish that I never had to breathe. I wish that I never had to pull away and break our moment.
But I do, so against my will, I did.
"So you're my girl now?"She asked in a way that said she already knew the answer but wanted to hear it out loud.
"Yes. I am,"I promised anyway.
Because I had waited so long to say it.
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「 Inked and Owned 」
✯ Pairing: Eddie Munson x (fem)Reader
✯ Summary: You lose a bet with Eddie and have to get a tattoo. He comforts you because you're worried about the pain, but you discover you actually enjoy it. ~
✯ CW: Smut, Needles (for getting a tattoo), Masochism, Spanking, Fingering, Choking, Friends to lovers, Praise kink
🛑 18+ MINORS DNI 🛑
✯ Word Count: 3.8k
✯ A/N: Just realizing my favorite fics always take a couple days for me to finish, haha. Writing this almost made me wanna get another tattoo 🤣. Hope you enjoy ♡
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Sometimes you really got yourself into situations without thinking. This particular time was one of the biggest.
"Come on, I'll be right there with you the whole time. You're gonna be fine." Eddie patted you on the shoulder, trying to reassure you for the fifth time today. Other people might not have noticed just how nervous you were but, as your best friend, Eddie was tuned in to your mood changes.
There was no one to blame but yourself. You're the one who decided to strike a deal with him. A bet, sort of. If he got his grades together and graduated, you would get a tattoo of his guitar. Nothing huge - you were a tattoo virgin after all - but visible. It seemed like a cool idea at the time. You wanted your best friend to walk that stage with you at the end of the year. Plus, his guitar was beautiful. You wouldn't mind having it be a permanent part of your body, the same way Eddie was a permanent part of your life. What you did mind was the needle, and the stories you've heard about the process being excruciatingly painful.
"Here lies Y/N." You groaned dramatically, clasping your hands over your chest. Letting out a faux death rattle, you laid back across Eddie's lap and played dead. He chuckled, poking your ticklish side and springing you back up into a playful shoving match with him. That is, until the woman behind the counter cleared her throat and reminded you both where you were. Seated next to each other in the tattoo parlor. Waiting for your turn like a lamb to the slaughter.
Just like that, the nerves were back.
Eddie sighed, taking your hand in his to get your full attention. "Look, I've done this multiple times. If it was really that painful, don't you think I would've told you about it?"
"But you like pain." You said plainly.
His cheeks flushed almost instantly, eyes wide and shifting to look anywhere else but directly at you. "Well, causing pain and taking are- ..T-They're two different-. THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT!" He refused to look right at you but he could already sense the shit-eating grin on your face. Naturally you two spoke about everything with each other. That included whatever sexual interests and escapades either of you got into. He had way more experience in that area than you did. You've only slept with two guys so far and they were utterly disappointing. Both of those nights you left their place and went straight to Eddie's, frustrated and needing someone to make you laugh. Of course, he came through every time.
The woman at the counter called you up, going over the basics. Paperwork was already signed when you guys both arrived. Only thing left was to step behind the curtain and meet your maker. Eddie, true to his word, was right by your side. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, leaving small indents in your fingers with his rings.
Behind the black velvety curtain was a muscular bald man, way taller than you and covered in tattoos. He was setting up his station when you both entered his space. "Eddie!" The man called out, reaching out to give him a fist bump. Not only did he do a few of Eddie's tattoos, but he actually came to see Corroded Coffin play a few times. Which meant he was familiar with the guitar in question.
Your eyes zeroed in on the instrument of your undoing, held in the man's hand as he spoke to Eddie briefly. Your favorite metalhead mumbled something along the lines of 'take care of her, she's precious'. The same way he'd spoken about his guitar whenever you asked him to teach you. Jelly-legged, you shuffled into the chair and felt your heart begin to race. At this rate you were going to pass the fuck out before things even got started. How embarrassing would that be?
Your hand was squeezed again, then gently lifted and brought to Eddie's lips. Plump and soft, you watched him press a kiss into the back of your hand. An unfamiliar warmth crept up your body. From your core and straight up into your cheeks. Holy shit. His lips have never touched you before, and fuck now you could only think about all the places you wanted them to touch- aht aht! Get your mind out of the gutter! This was just his way of comforting you, right? A little extra, but that's Eddie in a nutshell. Expect the unexpected.
While you had an internal crisis, the taller man carried on prepping the spot on your shoulder. This is it. The final curtain call. If only you could focus on the looming threat, instead of tunneling in on the second - no, third kiss being placed on your hand. So you scoffed, trying to regain some of your composure. "Jesus, Eddie. I'm not giving birth here."
"Are you sure? 'Cause you're sweating like you're in labor." You shot him a look that said 'just you wait, Munson'. He wasn't getting away with that one. It would have to wait. The man gave you a moment to brace yourself, holding the buzzing instrument just an inch away from your skin. Get it over with. Finally, he pressed down and… wait, this is it?
The sensation did hurt, in a way, but not nearly the way you expected. It was like a dull prick, similar to getting a papercut. Just…on vibrate. And in rapid succession. Out of disbelief you turned your head to look, watching the outline of Eddie's guitar come into shape. The more you looked at the process, the less you worried about all the warnings and clearly over exaggerated stories.
Eddie must have sensed your relief, because it appeared to bring him relief too. He exhaled, relaxing his shoulders and flashing you one of his heart melting smiles. Dimples on full display. "See? I told you it wouldn't be that bad." Yet he still held onto you, and you had no plans on pulling away from him.
The challenging part was where there was shading, and areas that had to be filled in. By now the skin had been pricked and scraped so much it was numb, but going over it again had you tensing up. It was unexplainable, because it did hurt, but that wasn't all. The vibrations were felt in a spot you had hoped to keep uninvolved in this adventure. Your core throbbed, demanding attention and forcing you to question things about yourself. Maybe Eddie wasn't the only 'freak' in this friendship. You were pretty sure he wasn't rock hard during his own tattoo sessions. No, it had to be you. Struggling against the urge to squirm in your seat, just to get some friction against your oversensitive cunt.
Ring-clad fingers rested on your bare thigh, putting a stop to your not-so-subtle shifting. Curse the summer heat and your decision to wear a skirt. A skirt that was now slightly hiked up and exposing enough leg to be considered downright sinful. Sinful, like those thoughts you're having right now.
"-okay? Y/n?"
"Huh?" Your bubble of pervy spiraling popped, bringing you back down to earth.
"I asked if you were okay. You seem pretty squirmy. Is it the blood?" There was blood? Sure enough, the tiniest ruby drops were visible. Just as visible as Eddie's hand higher up your thigh than it was a minute or two ago. The thinnest smirk played at the corners of his mouth. "Or is it something else?"
He knows!! You couldn't place how, or when he figured it out, but he must have. The way his fingers flexed, just a twitch away from being under your skirt. Feeling the arousal that left your panties damp - you prayed to whatever deity would listen, that you didn't leave a wet spot when it was time to leave. If the tattoo artist picked up on any of this, he didn't react. A master of minding his own business. He just carried on with the finishing touches and shadings.
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The trip back to Eddie's trailer was less conversational. Black Sabbath playing at almost max volume to make up for the silence. What gives? Ever since you both left the tattoo parlor, he's been quiet. Distant. A neck-snapping change from the way he was caressing your thigh earlier. Did you manage to weird him out?
On a good note, the end result of your time in that chair was more than just soiled undergarments. The tattoo was stunning, and you couldn't stop peeking over at your shoulder to look at it with a smile.
"Enjoying the new ink?" The first thing you've heard from him since this car ride started. You had to bite back the snarky response that was locked and loaded on your tongue. The silent treatment offended you more than you were willing to admit.
"Yeah." You shrugged. "I could do that again. Easy."
"Easy for you." He remarked under his breath, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. His eyes shifted back to the road, landing on the welcome sign for Forest Hills Trailer Park. Your festering attitude had you almost ready to just go home and sulk, but you were already this far. Plus, you were in no rush to see your parents reaction to your 'new ink'. So when Eddie parked and got out of the van - without even opening your door like he usually would - you begrudgingly followed.
Eddie's uncle was absent, most likely working. Great. One less person to possibly talk to. His uncle was actually quite fond of your friendship with his nephew. Especially with the way everyone else treated him. When he was around, he would talk with you like you were another young rebel he's taken into his home. Like family. Once you were allowed free range to rummage through their kitchenette cabinets for a bowl of cereal, you knew it was official. Maybe he could've clued you in on what was going on with your friend now. The one who was pacing the length of his bedroom, wrenching his hands through his untamed mane.
Something has to give. "What is your damage, Munson?" You were seated on the edge of his bed, propped up on your elbows while you laid back. You saw him stop in his tracks just a couple feet away from you.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry for bein' such a dick, sweetheart. I'm just…" His worn black boots tapped a rapid pattern on the floor. "...struggling right now."
"With what?" Your attitude was dwindling down to actual concern once you realized the turmoil he seemed to be in.
"I can't believe-" The sentence stopped short, probably being swapped out for one that was easier to digest. "I know what was going on back there, uh, while you were being worked on." His eyes glanced over the shiny, inked skin on your shoulder.
Ah. So your fears were confirmed. Someone had finally managed to out-freak the 'freak' and it just had to be you. You sat upright, shamefully keeping your eyes on the floor. Last thing you needed to see was a look of disgust on his face. "I- I didn't know that would happen. I'm sorry you had to see it." Tears welled up in your eyes, defying how much you tried to blink them away. "I guess it was pretty…sick." The word made you shudder. Never imagining that it would be used to describe yourself.
There was more silence, then a shifting. Eddie's boots turned in your direction, the view of them joined by his dark jean-covered (well, the only part of his legs peeking out from the ripped denim) knees lowering onto the floor. "Look at me." It was softly spoken, but the tone was firm. He clearly wasn't asking. You obliged, lifting your face up to meet his. The kneeling made him level with you, eye to eye.
"I didn't think it was sick, Y/n. Don't ever talk about yourself like that again, do you hear me?" His eyebrow raised, disappearing under his bangs. A totally inappropriate time for you to be swooning over that tone he took with you. You enjoyed his scolding, but gave him a nod just to move the topic along.
"Then what is it?" A small whimper shook free from your lips. You were on the verge of sobbing. "What did I do wrong?"
"No no no, sweetheart." He cooed. Seeing your eyes glossed over with tears nearly broke him down. Especially knowing that him and his own faulty actions were the cause. "You didn't do anything wrong. I just- FUCK this is hard."
"Just spit it out!"
"I want you." His jaw was clenched, straining to push his words through his teeth. "No, I have wanted you for a long time. Then all summer you come around in your short skirts and tight little shirts- fine. I could control myself then." Taking a deep breath, he swiped his tongue over his bottom lip, taking it into his mouth to chew at the corner. "But today.. seeing you so turned on." He palmed at the tent in his jeans, adjusting himself for comfort. No doubt he was straining against the zipper. "All I could think about was fucking you right then and there. My hand around that pretty throat… or pinching those hard nipples…"
Someone in the clouds must've heard your silent prayers. Looked over your shoulder as you childishly doodled Eddie's name in your journal, and aligned the stars to bring you here. Where your jaw was hanging, drying out your mouth enough to make you cough. Fuck. The feeling was mutual. Every night you've spent bringing yourself to climax with his name on your lips, he was probably right here doing the same. Milking his cock to the thought of you.
He wasn't done with his confession. Just paused to let it sink in. "I've been holding back because I didn't want to ruin anything or scare you away. I don't want to lose you."
That was the culprit. Sexual frustration.
Emboldened by the knowledge that your feelings were actually shared, you looked up at him. His brown doe eyes torn between wanting to glare and wanting to cry. "You'll never lose me. I mean, come on. I got your guitar tatted on me. I might as well write your name in bold print across my tits. Would that be obvious enough?"
The metalhead was too stunned to speak. So you carried on, reaching for his left hand that was resting on his thigh. "I wanted you on my body. Where the whole world could see." He didn't resist as you lifted his hand up to your neck, guiding his fingers to wrap around as much of it as he could. "I want you to leave your mark on me, Eddie."
A darkness washed over his face, and it almost scared you, but excited you at the same time. His grip tightened, squeezing the sides of your neck so he wouldn't damage your windpipe. Thank god, he kept his rings on. The way they pushed into your skin made your eyelids flutter. Soon he was standing, pulling you up with him until you both stood at the foot of his bed.
"Are you sure? About this?"
You nod, not wanting to strain yourself against his hand. Once he got that confirmation his lips were on you. Crashing into your jaw, your cheek, your collarbone, and finally landing on your lips. He was making up for lost time. All these months you've spent stupidly avoiding these feelings, when he could've been doing this. You yelped weakly, feeling his teeth graze and nip along your bare shoulder (the one that wasn't tatted). Each bite had your thighs trembling.
Clothes were such a nuisance, and Eddie shared your desire to be rid of them. Only releasing your neck so he could strip himself naked while you did the same. He was so eager, he had to stop himself from just shredding the material and ripping it right off of you. His hands roughly groped every bit of skin you uncovered, even pinching in certain areas. Your ass, for example.
The sharp pain was gone as soon as you felt it, which had you frowning. You wanted the sensation to last. To feel that consistent sting, like when you were getting tattooed. "Mm, smack it." You said between desperate whines, backing your ass into the palm of his hand.
He obliged, giving the right cheek a hard smack. It sent a ripple of movement through your ass, making him suck in a deep breath. "It's so soft, and jiggly." Another smack came down, on the left cheek. Swift and hard. He smoothed his hand over the impacted spot, massaging out the ache and spreading your cheeks. "I don't know if I want you over my knee, or on my face."
Both options were sure to drive you insane in the best way possible. But the mental image of being over his knee, made your thighs clench. Your Eddie, holding you down while he spanks your ass till you're blue and purple. "O-over your knee sounds uh- I'd like that. I think."
The bed creaked under Eddie's weight as he sat, patting his bare thigh. Butterflies fluttering in your stomach. It's now or never, Y/n. So you did as instructed, and laid yourself over his thighs. Your ass exposed fully to him. Boy was he about to take full advantage of that. Roaming the full expanse of your rump with his right hand. Occasionally he let the tips of his fingers brush over your pussy, making you jump and clench around nothing. Spreading your arousal across your inner thighs. It was so soft, you almost forgot about what was coming.
The sound of his hand coming down on your ass filled your ears. The impact brings just the right amount of pain to make you bite down on your lower lip, stifling a moan. His own exhale coming from above you as he felt you spill onto his leg. A ragged breath that played along the edges of being a growl. Your skin came alive under his palms. Bruising so perfectly. Two more slaps followed before he gave you a break.
"You're doing sooo good, sweetheart." Eddie massaged the tender skin, cooing into your ear. The coldness of his rings slightly soothed the heated stinging. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, but you have never felt better. His fingers dipped between your thighs, finding your sensitive nub and rubbing it in small circles. "You're already this wet just from getting spanked?"
All you could manage was an 'mmhm', embarrassment clear on your face. This was all uncharted territory. New feelings all colliding and coming forth at the same time. There was so much to adjust to. Including the finger being spontaneously pushed inside you.
"Ohhh Y/n-" Your wetness made it so his finger met no resistance. Pushing into you until his ring kissed your folds. "I can feel you clenching. M'gonna make you feel good. Okay?" High on pleasure, you thought to reply something like "I've been feeling good this entire time" - good in all the most twisted ways. Only Eddie could find a way to make this better than it already was.
And he does.
He joins his index finger with his middle, fucking them into you slowly. Deeply. Marveling at the way you seemed to suck him in. It was fire and ice. Salty and sweet. Two totally different sensations mixing into something you just couldn't get enough of. Your hips (practically with a mind of their own) push back into him, begging for more. "Eddiiie.. please, I-"
This time you cried out, digging your nails into your palms. Little crescent shaped indents forming in the skin. Pins and needles biting at your backside; you were practically going numb. It made you hot, knowing that for a while you would have to think of him whenever you sat down. Eddie's fingers curled inside you, playing with the spongy spot that had you moaning and drooling like an absolute fool. Fucked dumb, and he hasn't even touched you with his cock yet.
Your high was overwhelming. A constant push and pull, as he kept you just on the edge of release. "E-Eddie! Mmph, pleaase.. Ineedit- I need to cum so bad.. Please!" Babbling through tears and saliva. There was no more room for shame if it meant you could cross the finish line. Besides, you feel the way his cock jumped when you begged him to let you cum. With more mercy than any deities would have granted you, he gave you his thumb. Using it to rub your clit like he wanted to erase it from existence. To finally put the nail in your coffin and ruin you for anyone else that might try to take his place afterwards. You reached your peak. To him, it was beautiful. You were beautiful.
The sobs were close to full-blown wailing now, and that's what pulled him back down to earth. Immediately regretting how rough he might've been with you. He quickly turned you over and settled you evenly on his lap, careful not to put too much pressure on your ass. You tucked your face into the crook of his neck, hiding under the soft veil of his hair.
It looked painful, the way your body shook and you were certain there would be snot smeared where you pressed your face. But it wasn't from the pain. It was a release. Everything you've tucked away, bit down, and pushed aside. Forced out of you like a virus. You felt cured. Emotionally overwhelmed, sure, but you felt empty in the best way. Like a clean slate. Eddie was rubbing your back, kissing apologies into your hair. A bit of panic rose in him, but he didn't want to freak you out even more. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I should've taken it easier on you. Does it- are you really hurt? What do I do?" He may have exaggerated parts of his sexual history when he told them to you. Not virginal, but not as on-top-of-things as he led on. It was stupid. He just wanted you to think he was better than those previous guys that left you unsatisfied.
You shook your head. Yep. Definitely smearing snot on him. "M'okay. It felt really good. I'm just… that was a lot." You were simmering down to hiccups and sniffles, which Eddie mentally kicked himself for finding adorable. "So." He spoke up, still holding you against him. "Got me branded on you, huh?"
You replied with a soft "mmhm."
"So does that make you…mine?"
Your chest fell with a sigh, raising your hand up to touch his chest. Feeling the way his heart thumped beneath your palm. "I was always yours, Eddie. You just didn’t know it yet."
Nothing else was said for a bit. Just the two of you recovering in comfortable silence.
"Guess I have to make my own appointment now. I want everyone to know I'm yours too."
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✯A/N: I've been working on fics from a lot of my own ideas, but I'd also love to try some ideas from other people, so feel free to leave some in my Ask/inbox. Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated ♡
Ao3, Masterlist, more links coming soon...
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crabonfire · 2 years
I love you more than I love tom jones
character: scout
warning: none!
Note: this is a confession!!! how he'd react to a confession from you and how he'd confess. I'm gonna do all the other mercenaries, but for now I'm doing them one by one! So look out for the next ones :)
readers confession is short, because it can be whatever you want it to be. So I only made it how he'd react to one, not a specific one. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! xx ♡
When he confesses...
• he's a nervous wreck, he makes plans to tell you how he feels, heck the whole team is in on it!
• though, as always, disaster strikes and everything fails.
• after a day of failed attempts, he gives up even when the others tell him to keep going, and goes to hang out on the roof to look at the stars.
• you and him are practically best friends, and you had noticed hes felt down recently. so, with two cans of bonk in your hands, you make your way up to the roof to talk to him.
"Hey man, you good?".
"HAH-OH-fuck ya scared the shit outta me Y/N. Hey, yeah no I'm good. Definitely."
As you sit next to him you hand him a can and he graciously accepts, yet its obvious by his weary smile he's not well.
"Cmon Jer, I can tell your lying. What happened?"
Silence falls between you two, the crickets deafening to your ears.
Finally, after what felt like forever, he spoke.
"...there's this person I like. And...I've been meanin' to tell em...ya know...I like em. But, everythin' keeps on going wrong," He pauses,
"I just wanna tell em, but they're so clueless about it. It...its hard. Listen, I'm not shy or anythin' but damn! It's difficult."
You listen intently, as he pours his emotions out to you.
"I don't know if I should keep goin' cause...what if they don't like me back like that?"
• He finishes, taking a sip of his can as he stares off into the starry sky. You frown at his uncharacteristic self, he was usually never one to give up so this person must be really special to him. You placed a hand on his shoulder, making him pull all his attention towards you.
"Jeremy, listen to me very carefully. You are such an amazing person, your funny, you care about others even if they don't give you the time of day, your strong, talented, and honestly? Really fucking cute. If that person can't see how much you care about them? Then fuck them, why? Cause there are tons of people out there who love you Jer."
His face is tinted with a soft pink, as he chuckles. "You really think so?"
"I know so Jeremy. I doubt that they don't like you back though, nobody can resist your charm." You tease, making you both laugh.
"Yeah, yeah I guess your right."
• You are met with silence once again, with you now closer to his body. Your arms press against each other, as he goes back to staring into nothingness.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Yeah Scout?"
He looks to you, and you both lock eyes. The way he's staring into you right now makes you feel nervous yet you can't seem to pull away from him.
"I...love you."
His voice, calm and gentle. His expression once sad was now confident, and radiant of positivity. Your body flinched at those words, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. You are left speechless, you were the one he liked? The clueless person who had left him head over heels?
The realisation hits you like a bus, as your mouth opens to an O shape.
• as he laughs, you freak out internally. He likes you too??? And...and he's been giving out signs and your DUMBASS HASNT REALISED?? FOR FUCKS SAKE Y/N
• you bury your face in your hands as he goes on, finally stopping to hear a reply.
"So uh...do ya like me too?"
"Fuck...yea...I um. I love you too Jeremy."
His smile widened and became a cheeky grin. He was absolutely brimming with excitement you could practically feel it! He was bright, brighter than the shining sun, god was he so happy.
"Really? You...your not saying that just because right? Right?"
"No Scout, I really do love you too."
"Holy...oh my god? Holy fuck...wait no way..ya like me too?"
"Yes scout."
"Like...like like? Love? All that romantic stuff?"
"Yeah man, I love you."
"Fuck say that again?"
"Pfft...I love you scout."
He jumps and stands tall on the roof, puffing out his chest, "THEY LOVE ME, HEAR THAT SHIT? YEAH, THEY LOVE ME." You burst out laughing at his sudden proclamation. Though he quickly sits back down, clears his throat as if nothing happens and stares at you happily.
"I uh...can I hug you?" He asks, as he twiddles his fingers together.
He leans in to wrap his arms around you, engulfing your soft scent as his smile widens even more. He's ecstatic he really is, and you don't doubt it.
You two will spend time with each other just being in each others presence for a bit at the rooftop, until he decidedly gets "tired" and goes back to his room just so he can brag about it to everybody else.
They're happy for him, I mean they knew about your crush for him so it would always end up this way, but happy nonetheless. Plus his shouting about "they love me" and whatnot was heard all over Teufort, waking up some of the other teams members.
He will not sleep that night, shuffling in his bed and giggling like a school girl thinking replaying those words in his mind. "I love you, Jeremy."
Will definitely ask you out the next day, no hesitation needed now that he knows you feel the same.
When you confess...
• you...you love him?
• "I er....wow. I didn't know ya felt that way. Fuck, uh..."
• he's...so happy? But incredibly shocked! He never knew you felt the same way he did for you. Without a word, he pulls you into a tight hug, not letting go as if he did his whole world would collapse.
• "shit...I love you too Y/N. fuck that's good to get of my chest."
• you both stay like that for a bit, until he let's go. With a confident expression, he asks
"SO...how about I take ya out to dinner? You, me, fancy restaurant? How does that sound toots?"
His voice cracks slightly, making you giggle.
"I'd love that."
Your soft eyes make his heart tremble, a lovesick smile plastered onto his face. "GREAT! Pick you up at 8 tomorrow...yeah!"
He runs off to brag to his teammates, who is glad he's so happy but you confessing to him gave him a bigger ego boost it needed to.
• when he confesses to you, he feels less nervous. When YOU confess to him? He's so happy it's like he discovered the cure for cancer. The difference is intense.
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Tarot Notes & Musings Part 3: Advice for Picking Cartomancy Decks
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Hi! This is just a list of recommendations and advice for choosing cartomancy decks. This isn't an exhaustive list, but most of it has come from my personal trial and error in finding decks for cartomancy so I hope it helps!
🕯 The first thing you need to figure out is what you're in the market for. Specifically, what purposes are you wanting to use the cards for? A lot of oracle decks are designed around specific themes/topics so you can really find a variety of decks that can mesh well with whatever you're wanting to do. A lot of tarot decks have themes as well, so get whatever is going to work best for you. There are all sorts of decks with specific themes/purposes in design, so if you want a specific theme/focus for a deck there's probably at least one option if not several out there. If you're going for a general use or learner tarot deck, the Thoth and Rider-Waite tarot decks are both safe bets (you can also make your own with images online with those). It would also be a good idea to set a budget range for what you're willing to spend on a deck at this point as well.
🕯 Figure out the skill level of the deck and if it will be readable for you. There's going to be a learning curve with any new deck, but the deck's art should be something you can be able to sight-read fairly quickly if you already know how to read tarot (this is especially true for tarot decks of the same type. IE if you're familiar with the Rider-Waite deck format don't get a Rider-Waite style deck with visuals you can't identify quickly). If you can find sample pictures of the cards or a flip-through online your decision for this will be a lot more accurate.
🔮For example, my 3 tarot decks are all use the Rider-Waite format. My Rider-Waite deck, my Shadowscapes deck, and my Nature Spirits all have the same cards and the same card can be identified easily within all three decks even though the art styles are different. An example of a deck I personally would not get is the Tarot of The Haunted House for myself because I honestly don't think I'd be able to read it easily (it's a beautiful Rider-Waite style deck though).
🕯 In my opinion, deck art is Important. For a variety of reasons, whatever tools you're using for your practice should be tools you mesh well with. Don't get decks with art you don't love (or at least like). Readability should be kept in mind too, but in my experience not only are you're going to work best with tools you're happy to have- you're also going to want to work with those tools more often. If you don't vibe with the deck art don't get the deck.
🔮The visual seeds/card art are also typically going to lead you on how to interpret cards. While card definitions within formats stay generally the same (the King of Pentacles/it's equivalent is going to stay the King of Pentacles deck-to-deck) I find decks tend to lean towards one interpretation of their meanings over others.
🔮For example, there are some decks that are off-putting to me or that I find are just severely not to my taste. That doesn't mean that they're bad decks, but that does mean I'm not going to get them.
🔮I've found that a lot of people definitely seem to have trends in what their art/style/theme preferences are for decks, and once you get a feel for what you like deck selection for art and themes gets a lot easier. Personally a lot of my decks relate with other parts of my practice that I've picked up
🕯 At this point practical things are going to come into consideration. After scoping out a few decks you might be into, personally I'd look for deck reviews and flip-throughs so you can get a good idea of how all the cards look and how the deck performs (YouTube is actually a pretty decent source for deck reviews). A lot of longer deck reviews/discussions will also talk about how it feels to work with the deck, which give you some insight about whether the deck will be compatible with you. Some good ways to practically evaluate a deck are:
What is the card stock quality? How large are the cards and what shape are they? Are the cards easy to shuffle and durable?
Does all the art stand up to my preferences?
Is the guidebook (very important for oracle decks) easy to understand and good at explaining the cards?
Shuffle-ability and durability are important generally since you want your deck to be able to stand up well with wear-and-tear from regular use. Deck guides, and their quality , are incredibly important for oracle decks or cartomancy decks that are designed with only one guide. If you get a Thoth or Rider-Waite tarot, a variety of detailed guides will be pretty easy to find in print books or online. HOWEVER, if you get a deck that only has one guide then that's really only thing you're going to have to work off of as you're learning the deck.
🔮These criteria are on a spectrum and you're going to prioritize them to you want and need. In my experience (and I have 2 of their decks) Lo Scarabeo decks tend to have lovely art and decent card quality, but the guides are small and often too brief and difficult to understand to be really useful (think the little white booklets you get with tarot decks in that they're not nothing but also not super helpful). Meanwhile the Faerie's Oracle has not-fantastic cardstock quality but very interactive cards and the guidebook is really top notch (hardcover and quite in-depth, I also believe there may be a facebook group for discussing working with the deck). Kim Krans' Wild Unknown cards fall somewhere in the middle with (imo) decent guidebooks and serviceable cardstock.
Happy deck hunting!
Btw if you want anything covered specifically, please put it in the notes and I'll cover it if I can♡
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queen-dahlia · 2 years
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
Gilbert von Obsidian x f!Reader
My contribution for Fall Fluff Autumn Angst CCC hosted by @aquagirl1978 and @violettduchess ♡
Prompts: warming hands, treats, leaves, hot apple cider. :D
Warnings: fluff, not beta read, bad English, expect grammatical errors. ^^
WC: 1657 A/N: Please, let’s just pretend that cotton candy already exist in this time but only in some country
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You can't stop smiling as you stare at your reflection. Today is the day you've been looking forward to.
It's been days since you and Gilbert agreed to go to the festival, which was postponed when you visited the orphanage. You will spend another day with him outside the palace walls.
When you hear a knock on the door, you exhale to calm your overly excited heart and smoothing your dress for the nth time.
"Come in." You turned around as the door swung open.
"Shall we go?" He smiled at you, and you returned his smile.
As you step inside the carriage, you attempt to keep cool and hide your excitement.
"So, tell me about this Halloween festival." He said.
"Well, there will be games to play, and if you win, you may choose whatever prize you want, depending on your score. Prizes can be either items or food. There are also some other shops selling Halloween-related items."
The conversation went smoothly as you talked about Halloween and answered some of his questions while Gilbert happily listened to you.
You finally arrived at the town. There are a lot of people visiting the shops.
"What was that?" Gilbert asked, pointing to that one little shop. It was almost completely surrounded by small clouds, and the people who bought these 'small clouds' were eating it.
"I've never seen those before, do you want to check it out?"
He nodded, and you both observed the people eating it with almost satisfied expressions on their faces.
"I'm curious what that is."
"Based on how long that line is, whatever they're selling must be really good." Gilbert said. "I don't want to waste time waiting in the line, stay here."
Before you could respond, he walked over to the shop and spoke with one of the vendors. He was far away, you had no idea what they were talking about and you couldn't see who he was speaking to.
Gilbert returned and grinned at you after only a few moments. "Come on, we will return here later."
"What did you talk about?"
"Ah, I told the owner to save some cotton candies for us later."
"Cotton candies? That's what they're called? Did you ask more about it?" You questioned as you both moved to the next booth.
"I didn't, but he said it was very sweet."
Looking back at that shop, the line appears to simply keep going and going. "Well, I really do hope they will save some for us later." You mumbled.
"Don't worry, they will." Gilbert assured you.
You looked up at him, and he simply snickered. "Please tell me you didn't scare the shop owner."
"Did I?" Then he gave you that familiar sinister chuckle.
Although he did not answer your question with a 'yes' or a 'no,' his chuckle did. You sigh, hoping it didn't traumatize the owner.
You walked side by side, but you were startled a little when his icy-cold hand held your hand. Not just that type of hold, but he even intertwined his fingers on yours.
"You might get lost."
"I should be the one to tell you that. I know this place better than you do."
"I'm referring to your height." Gilbert laughs as he continues. "I can't let a little bunny get lost in the crowd."
You frown and roll your eyes at him, but deep down you don't care what he just said. Acting annoyed at him to hide your giddy emotions.
Gilbert will stop at every food stall to buy candy apples, pumpkin pies, apple breads, as well as other treats, but one shop that caught his interest, the bakery where you used to buy your pastries before arriving at the palace. Cookies with cute monster designs are the most popular treats for Halloween.
You took a seat after Gilbert ordered treats that could practically feed ten people.
That is not surprising. He loves food.
"It's almost a shame to eat this because it's so cute." He says, but then eats it anyway.
You bit back your laughter as you sip on your hot apple cider before taking a bite on the cookie.
You got up from your seat after eating the sweets. He twined his fingers once more on yours as you two exited the shop and returned to explore the other booths.
When you see some books, both of you will browse the shelves, and whatever catches your eye, Gilbert will buy it, and he bought a lot of books, he instructed the store owners to have it delivered to the palace under your name instead of his.
He explained that it is better to have the deliveries made under your name since he does not like telling people his name and ruining the fun of the festival because he is the prince of Obsidian. Which makes sense.
You were both stopped when a cheerful voice called out to you.
A woman in her late forties approached you with a friendly smile. "Hello. We have a game that needs to be played by partners, and it will begin at 6 in the evening. Of course, there are prizes to be won." The woman then begins to explain more about the game.
Before you could even utter a word, Gilbert spoke. "We'll be there."
"Thanks! You look like a perfect pair for each other. I have a strong feeling you're going to win this game. Goodluck."
"Thank you."
A moment of silence before you finally found your words. "You didn’t even ask me if I would like to participate in that game."
"I know you would."
"There are many games, but you pick the one that is in the last place I'll visit. I don't wanna participate in it."
"Yeah, there are a lot of games, but that one seems interesting. Besides, she said we were a perfect pair for each other." He responds casually as you go back to the first shop you visited.
When the staff noticed you, despite the long queue, they prioritized you and brought you a pair of large cotton candies on a paper stick. Gilbert left the money and began to walk away again.
"This is very sweet." He said as he ate some more.
"And it melts quickly too." You added as you take your time eating it, savoring the sweetness.
"I’m tired, do you know any place that we can rest?" He asked you.
"Yes, it's not far from here."
Different shades of dried leaves were scattered on the quiet road. There are benches but Gilbert wants to rest under the large tree.
"Would you rather stand there?"
"Of course not." You sat next to him, but Gilbert suddenly laid his head on your lap. "Hey!"
"You can lie down on the bench if you want to."
"No. Ah, I'm tired." He said as he closed his eye. You sigh as you let him take a nap. It was tiring, but it was great to be with him. After a few minutes, your fingers lazily stroked his soft, smooth hair.
You leaned back against the tree. The nice weather makes you so drowsy, you attempted to fight the sleep but failed and drifted into dreamland.
Gilbert's eye fluttered open when he felt you stop stroking his hair, only to see you sleeping peacefully. He moved carefully and sat next to you.
He remembered when you asked him to accompany you to the festival the other day. He was overjoyed since it was the first time in his life that someone had actually asked him, but he kept his cool. His hand on your cheek as he adored you, before kissing your forehead and he spoke.
"Sweet dreams, my little rabbit."
A strong gust of wind blows on your face, making you shiver. You snuggle on your pillow, and the pillow snuggles back.
At first, you thought it to be a dream, but then the 'pillow' starts to embrace you tightly. You initially allow your senses to register that you are not embracing a pillow but rather a body. You immediately woke up and allowed your brain to fully comprehend everything.
Gilbert had you seated on his lap, his arm over your waist, your head resting on his chest, and his other hand holding a small book. He was still wearing his jacket, but the cape was draped in over you.
"Did I wake you up?"
Everything had finally been registered in your mind. You moved quickly and stood up, but he only laughed at you. Again.
"W-what? Why are you laughing?"
"Ah, I never thought you were a pillow hugger." He smiled.
"I'm sorry about that."
"Why? You did nothing wrong." Gilbert said as he rose up and put the small book in his pocket.
"Where did that book come from?"
"From my pocket."
"Ugh, seriously."
"Ahaha. This was from one of the shops we visited. I didn't have it delivered because I want to read it when I'm resting."
You didn't question him more, and that's when you saw something in his hair. "Stay still." You spoke as you reached out and removed a small leaf from his hair.
"Hey Gil, could you bend down a bit further? There's a little more." He was surprised, but did as you requested, allowing you to remove the leaves. "It's all gone. Do I have any leaves in my hair?"
"No, there isn't. I removed it while you were sleeping."
"Oh, uh, thanks?"
"You're welcome." His fingers entwined once more with yours. "What is it?" He asked when he noticed your confusion.
"You're warm."
"Ah, that. It's because of you. I've been holding you in my arms while you were sleeping."
"... You should have woken me up."
"I don't want to."
He then bit your fingertips before you left the place and : the haunted mansion; to play the game he was looking forward to.
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Tagging: @atelieredux @thewitchofbooks ♡
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Hello! I just wanted to ask what songs you associate transmigrated reader and cale's relationship with?
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) muach
i dont have the best range in in music taste since i just listened to whatever is trending rn so im sorry if this list is bland as fuck.
i explain some of why i associate the two songs with them, i hope you'll find them satisfactory ( ◜‿◝ )♡
with the those two, i would say:
In most popular opinions, In A Week is quite a gloomy and yet lovely song for its meaning.
A lot of people interpret the song as a couple laying together as they enter the afterlife ; it's bound to be quite a scary experience, but because their other half is laying beside them, they only feel a sense of peace and welcomes that death with open arms.
But my personal interpretation about this song is about how meeting each other could evoke such a peaceful atmosphere that it almost felt like death (basically romanticizing the peaceful death and not how quite it was) and that was interpreted in the first line :
I have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me
The whole world is such a rocky place for the two of them — how it continuously preys upon the peace they want to have so much and how the two of them cannot understand the thought to ruin another person who had done nothing wrong
I have never known hunger like these insects that feast on me
— is a line that I interpret as both of them admitting that they have never had the intention to feast (attack, prey upon, ruin) on others like how others are doing to them.
Both Cale and T!Reader are people with a tragic past and no one deserved to have their past, and yet it seems like they still kept on being good people.
I don't want to go on a tangent with this song analysis but the bottom line of this song is about how I think the two of them could find a sense of peace that almost feels similar to death when they are with each other and they could so easily drown in each other's presence
We lay here for years or for hours
This line explains how easily they are to be consumed by each other's presence — time no longer making sense. Were they here for an hour or for five? Was it a whole day? They don't know, and really, none of them cared.
So long we become the flowers
This one is a bit scary haha. This line explains how they both lay together, still and in peace to the point they could have become a part of Mother Nature.
Though the bottom line of the song is how no matter where they are, if they are still with each other, that's home.
This song is inspired by bog bodies in Ireland but I have my interpretation that I think goes along well with the series!
This song, to me, talks of how two people with their own pasts and scars are questioning each other regarding their pasts — something you see Cale do often in my stories.
Why were you digging?
What did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth?
I thought this was a perfect song for Cale who always wondered about Reader's past.
"What happened to you in the past?"
"What are you looking for?"
"Before you met me, what exactly did you go through?"
"What kind of past did you have to bury?"
And almost instantly, Cale's reaction to his own curiosity appeared — selfless and patient, where he still respects their privacy and was willing to wait until they're ready.
I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask you, neither should you
That second line is Cale's realization that he also has a past and scars that he wished to not talk of. He knows that Reader knows, but he does not wish to talk of it, and therefore he cannot pressure Reader to talk further about their past.
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
This line is so sweet to me because despite the questions, scars, the pondering, they decided to just "you know, let's try". They decided to continue the relationship although there's so many things blank, but they love each other too much to let each other go just because the other party isn't comfortable yet.
We should just kiss like real people do
This line makes me a bit bittersweet because it could be saying something about how the two of them are still dancing around — they haven't think of what they have as something real, so they try their best to convince others or even themselves.
For me, this song meant a lot about the act of waiting and being patient until you reach the point of your relationship where you're both ready to talk and become transparent. Very slow burn.
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