#whatever. but maybe it could be for the best considering that i get so anxious and worked up over deciding the first song because
nagitoedit · 5 months
just remembered the whole first song of the year thing . i cant even remember what the last ones have been . for 3 years it was busiest by george ezra bc the first time was on accident then i just did that again twice. and that was new years 2017, 2018, and 2019 i think. for 2020 i have no clue. and no clue for 2021. or 2022. a heem heem whimper
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redflagshipwriter · 4 months
Mama Bat pt3 progress Post
Part 3 Progress
Batcount: Stephanie, Dick
“Danny Fenton, parents declared him dead and claimed they buried him,” Dick said, spinning around in the batcomputer batchair. Anxious, unhappy, too much energy because there's nothing to fight here. “He has an older sister, I think she knows he's in Gotham and she's covering for him. She'll be coming to Gotham University next semester, despite having accepted a better offer from Harvard last year.” 
Steph let out a low, long whistle. “Whatever's going on at home must be bad,” she commented. “No other contacts?”
Dick pulled up a grainy class photo. “He's part of a small friend group, but neither of them have made any unusual moves. If Sam Manson or Tucker Foley get a plane ticket we'll know, but for now?” He shrugged, eyes distant. “Seems like he ran off alone. But probably for really good reasons.” He switched tabs back to the unhinged Fenton works website. He all but vibrated: wanna go, want to run, look, see.
Steph squinted for a few moments, reading. “...We’re going to go see what crimes against nature they're committing, aren't we?” She sounded resigned to it.
Dick shrugged. “It's not ideal,” he said unhappily. “The town is too small for how we normally do our night work. But face out is a big risk.” 
“Maybe we should lean on a friend?” Stephanie suggested. “Someone who has a public role that wouldn't be a problem?” 
“We’ll have to ask Mama Bat.” 
They both turned to look at Cass, who was sitting on a desk. She arched an eyebrow at them. “We ask Danny,” she said pointedly. “He knows best.” 
Stephanie made a face that said she disagreed. 
Cass huffed. “He knows,” she reiterated. He had lived there. He knew the people. “We could make a mess.” She mimed sweeping the stack of Bruce papers off the desk surface and then an expression of exaggerated batdad horror.
Stephanie untensed enough to laugh. 
Cass considered that good enough. She jumped down and patted Dick as she passed. He let out an exaggerated sigh but he powered down the computer and followed her up. “I'm excited to get to meet the little guy,” he said. The lights turned off. All three of them hit the stairs and jogged up. Dick chattered away, tweet tweet tweet. “It's so sweet that Dami latched onto him like this. When I asked what Danny would like as a welcome home gift, he told me that I was a cretin and should not corrupt the baby.” He laughed, high and joyous. It was contagious. Cass found herself laughing with him.
Stephanie squinted at the back of Dick's head as the oldest brother bounded up the stairs. “Damian… likes him?” She confirmed. 
Cass beamed. Of course he did. Danny was a good baby. He and Damian were out now walking dogs at the animal shelter while Alfie did the big weekly shop. 
Dick shrugged. “He gets to be the mentor,” he pointed out. “He’s not the Babiest Bat anymore.” 
“Danny is older than Damian,” Stephanie protested. Cass glared at her. 
“He's baby,” she said firmly. End of conversation. 
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megalony · 8 months
My Squad
This is a dad! Evan Buckley imagine I am thinking of turning into a series if anyone would be interested in reading it. Any feedback or ideas are always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@butlegendsneverdie@langdonzvoid@jennyggggrrr@rogmeddows@radiob-l-a-hblah@rogertaylorsbitontheside@chlobo6@rogertaylors-lipgloss@sj-thefanthefan@omgitsearly@luckytrashgooprebel@scarsout@deaky-with-a-c@killer-queen-ofrhye@bluutac@vousmemanqueez-blog@jonesyaddiction@milanosaurus@httpfandxms@saint-hardy@7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls@mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway
911 Masterlist
Summary: Evan hasn't been with the team long and has kept his family a secret, but now he is ready for the team to meet his daughters. All of them.
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Evan loved his job.
Out of all the other odd jobs, random placements and painful experiences he had worked at throughout the years, being a fireman was his calling. It was the one job he felt so at home and eager to do and proud of. And it was the first time he had felt like his colleagues were his family.
But despite feeling like the team were his family, Evan made a quick decision not to tell them about the family he had waiting for him at home when he clocked out each shift.
There were different reasons he didn't tell the team. They all knew he was married, that was something Evan had to disclose in his interview since (Y/n) was his emergency contact so if something happened, she would be able to find him at the hospital if a situation ever arose. But he didn't tell them the rest.
Hen thought of him as a playboy, she'd made that clear from the start and maybe that was just due to the impression Evan gave off. He looked carefree and he was daring and hot headed and passionate when he did his job, his attitude was loving but not exactly the image of a family man. So Hen didn't think Evan was 'dad material' and he didn't take it to heart, he knew looks could be deceiving.
Chimney seemed to think Evan was putting up a front, he was always commenting on how if Evan had a wife waiting at home- he had never met (Y/n) so was slightly sceptical if Evan actually was married or not- he could be so daring in the job. He was first to climb the ladder or run into a burning building.
He didn't understand that it was in Evan's nature to be quick thinking and push forward and do whatever he could to help and think of the consequences afterwards. And at the front of Evan's mind was always his family, he didn't rush into things without considering them. Chimney didn't know this, he didn't see it.
For Bobby, Evan got the impression his captain thought he was young and quite like a puppy, still finding his way in life and working out what he was doing. Bobby thought of Evan as his kid, he thought of him as younger than he really was.
And Eddie, he was still the newbie to the team. He was working them all out and getting into their way of things and getting to know them. Evan didn't give the same 'dad vibes' as Eddie.
No one knew about his children.
He did hint, once or twice, about who he was going home to and what he had hidden behind closed doors. But Evan didn't want to rush into things when this was the best job he'd had and the best people to work with. Evan wasn't good with change and if they knew about his family, dynamics would change. He hadn't brought his family or even (Y/n) to the Christmas party last year.
It had been the first event Evan had been to since he joined the team and he was too anxious about telling them he had a family to actually break the news and bring them along. His family was his everything and he liked having a little secret at home to come back to.
He was ready now.
He was ready for the team to meet his family because he was tired of being questioned if his wife was real or just imaginary. He was tired or the team calling him a daredevil with no conscience and no rationality or consequences. If this was going to be his team and his family for the foreseeable future, he could let them into his world and let them see what he was always fighting for.
"Why aren't you asleep?"
Evan tilted his head down to the right when (Y/n)'s voice, laced with sleep, broke him out of his thoughts and changed the quiet atmosphere surrounding them. It dawned on him then that while he'd been laid on his back with his left arm behind his head, his fingers had been tapping on the headboard.
It was an old habit he couldn't break when he was deep in thought or anxious about something. It had been so automatic that he didn't even hear or feel his knuckles rapping on the wood until now.
"Sorry, just thinking," He tightened his right arm around (Y/n)'s waist, smiling to himself when he felt her move against him. Her arm crept higher over his chest until her hand was curled around his tense shoulder and her upper chest was laid over his. She nuzzled her face against his other shoulder she was laid on and pressed a butterfly kiss against his collar bone that made him shiver.
"About what?" (Y/n) feathered her fingers over his shoulder as she breathed in his scent.
She could feel his heartbeat beneath her ear and the way it pulsed through her skin like a steady drum, trying to coax her back into slumber again. Whenever Evan did a night shift, (Y/n) couldn't sleep. She was too used to laying on top of him and hearing his heartbeat lull her to sleep.
"Introducing you and the girls to the team."
"Is that what you want?" (Y/n) could feel herself waking up a little when it registered what he had said. She knew how important his family and his work family were to Evan and how he wanted them separate for the time being. But if he was ready to introduce them all, (Y/n) wasn't going to say no.
It would be lovely to put faces to the names of the people he had been telling her about. The people that kept her husband safe for her while he was at work. The people who he risked his life for and who, in turn, risked their lives for him.
"Yeah, I want them to meet you all." He reeled her into his side and pressed a sloppy kiss to her temple, unable to stop from smiling against her skin.
Maybe it was time to introduce them.
"Stay close girls, I don't want you wandering round here." (Y/n) eyed two of her girls closely and tilted her head at them so they knew she was being serious. The last thing she wanted was to lose the girls at the station and then an alarm go off and chaos ensued.
They had to stay close and within her sights so no trouble was caused, this was the first time the girls would see their dad at work.
It wasn't supposed to be today, but plans had changed.
"I want daddy," Ella bit her thumb, her big blue eyes doing a wide sweep of the station that looked as big as her whole school, playground included. She couldn't see her dad anywhere and she had been crying for him for the last hour. The little girl was getting restless.
"We're gonna find him now." Reaching down, (Y/n) brushed Ella's hair behind her ear before she juggled Cora a little higher on her hip. She didn't have time to struggle getting the pushchair into the car when she had to go and pick the girls up from school and now she was regretting it. She had to carry Cora around with her, lest she wanted to set her down on the floor and watch her crawl around the station and drool everywhere.
"Hi, can I help you?" Chimney stuffed his hands into his pockets, smiling brightly at the four girls he saw walking past the truck, clearly lost in the station.
"Hi… is Evan around? Is it okay if we see him?" (Y/n) smiled nervously and did another double take of the station. She could hear voices coming from the loft upstairs but she couldn't see who was up there.
"Sure, he's just upstairs… you must be Maddie, I'm Howie, but everyone calls me Chimney."
(Y/n) felt her smile melt into a more comfortable one as she walked over to him, making sure Angel and Ella were right behind her as Chimney guided them over towards the stairs. Evan had told the team he had a big sister then, at least he had opened up to them a little. (Y/n) knew he told them he was married, it was the girls he hadn't said anything about.
He didn't mention he had three of them.
"Hey Chim… do we have guests for dinner?" Bobby moved the large dish of pasta into the centre of the table before he pulled back and placed his hands on his hips. His smile was warm and inviting as he looked over the troop of girls who were stood beside chimney.
No one mentioned having family or guests popping by the station today, not that it really mattered. Anyone was welcome as long as it wasn't an inspection day or the bell didn't go off unannounced and ruin things. The station was warm and friendly, they wanted family to feel safe and comfortable coming here and being around the team.
"I think we do, this is-"
"(Y/n)?" Evan almost dropped the bottle of water he just got out the fridge when he turned around and clocked his gaze on his wife.
What was she doing here? Why did she have the girls with her? They should be at school right now.
"Surprise," She bounced Cora on her hip who gurgled, content at pulling the necklace tight in her fist and try to shove it into her mouth.
"Wait, (Y/n)?" Chimney pulled his hands from his pockets and turned at an angle to look at the woman stood beside him. She didn't correct him when he assumed she was Buck's sister Maddie. She didn't say her name or even say anything. This couldn't be the girl Buck was always telling them about, the girl Chimney had been very sure didn't actually exist. She was as beautiful as Buck always boasted.
"Daddy!" Ella could of cried when her blurry eyes finally set on the one person she had been crying out for during the past hour or so.
She pulled away from her big sister and bolted past the large table, bypassed Bobby who seemed to be in her way and made a beeline towards Evan, almost knocking him down with her force. She barelled into his arms, narrowly missing his legs when he lifted her up so she didn't rugby-tackle him down into the fridge behind him.
He lifted her up and swung her round in the air, a bright smile painting his face as he lowered her back down and snuggled her into his chest. His arms pinned her against his chest and he smothered her temple with kisses to feel her squirm and wriggle against him.
"Hi baby! Why aren't you at school?" Evan's voice was a notch higher than normal and full of surprise as he rubbed his cheek against the top of her head and shimmied side to side with his middle girl.
"Hi daddy,"
"Hi sweetie," Evan cooed back and raised his free hand to his temple before he slowly stretched his arm out in the sign for hello.
He grinned broadly when Angel trotted over and wrapped her arms around his legs, burrowing into him to get some of his attention since she was here too. She was the eldest, after all, she was the one who Evan always called his 'little angel' and not just because it was her name. She was his first born, then Ella was his middle girl who was his little double, and Cora was his youngest baby.
"Buck, care to introduce us?" Bobby clamped one hand down on his hip and reached the other out to lean against the kitchen counter.
He rose his brows and quirked a smile as Chimney stood flabbergasted, Hen sat at the table with an open mouth and shock written on her face.
And Eddie did well to hide his surprise as he made a beeline for (Y/n) and the toddler in her arms.
"Guys, this is (Y/n)," Evan pointed over to his wife who he slowly shuffled towards with Angel still clinging to his legs. "This is my eldest, Angel, then there's Ella here," He bounced her on his hip but she hid her face in his neck, too shy to look around. "And the youngest there is Cora; meet my squad."
All of them could see Evan had a proud smile, bright shining eyes and a deep chuckle hiding in his chest. These were his girls, his squad of ladies and he was proud and cherished each of them. He had his wife and three special girls to show off and now the team could see that he wasn't the reckless person they all thought he was. He was a proud dad to three girls.
"Girls, this is my captain Bobby… that's Hen, Chimney you've seen, and this is my pal Eddie."
"You didn't mention anything about this. Where have you been hiding them?" Hen spoke around her cup of coffee but she was too shocked to take another sip.
Buck; their nutter Buck was a dad. He had three children hidden away that they had no idea about.
"You don't waste much time, do you Buck?" Eddie smirked, letting his eyes drift between his friend and (Y/n) until the rest of the team looked over and it clicked in.
She was pregnant.
"I told you, this is my squad."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes but her smile gave away the slight blush and embarrassment she felt. This was exactly what they both had been expecting when the team realised that Evan wasn't even thirty yet and he already had three children, soon to become four.
Her gaze turned back to Eddie who was tickling Cora and she happily handed her toddler over when he muttered a kind 'may I?'. He moved to sit down at the table with Cora on his lap, bouncing her up and down and entertaining her like a champion.
"Now why aren't you at school?" Evan looked back down at Ella and gently brushed his thumb against her cheek to try and get her to talk to him but she stayed quiet and instead buried her face more into his neck to hide herself away.
Looking down at his eldest girl, Evan adjusted Ella a bit higher in his arms so he could raise his hands out in front of him with Ella in the crook of his elbow. He raised his left palm up and pressed his right palm down like he was making a funny clap, doing the sign language for school while he simultaneously whispered 'no school' at her. He was the one who had dropped them both off at school this morning and he knew they shouldn't have left early today which begged the question, why were they here now at lunch time?
The seven-year-old looked up at him with her doe eyes and then looked across at her mum instead.
"They gave out cookies at school but no one mentioned they had milk in them."
"Lactose intolerant?" Hen muttered quietly but she pursed her lips and realised she had to be wrong when she saw Evan's reaction. He quickly pulled Ella back and cupped her face in his palm to look down at her and examine her like he'd been told she had been shot. His fingertips skimmed across her face before going to examine her neck which made the little girl pull back with a whine.
He could see it now. He could see the dried tears staining her cheeks and the redness all around her eyes and the blotches across her cheeks and down her neck.
"Ella's allergic to milk," (Y/n) tried to smile but it was hard after the argument she'd just had with the school.
There was a laminated piece of paper in Ella's school bag that listed off her allergies and it was on her record and written down in reception and the classroom cupboard. No one could miss it or forget or not realise she had allergies. At home there was a big sticker that said 'Allergies: MILK' in bright brick red letters at the top so if anyone came round, they knew what they couldn't give to one of the girls. Then below that it listed her other allergies such as honey, lavender and plasters.
They had a section in the cupboard filled with all the biscuits and snacks Ella would eat which didn't contain milk.
Lavender brought Ella out in bright red splotches that itched and burned like she had been touched by a red hot poker. Plasters were less dramatic, they were irritating to her skin and slowly started to feel like they burned. Honey was hit and miss, it either made her chest burn and her skin blotch or she had a worse reaction and couldn't breathe.
But milk was the main allergy, anytime Ella had milk she went into anaphalactic shock. Her throat would swell and close up, her chest would ache and burn and she had to have one if not two shots of adrenaline from her EpiPen to stop the reaction.
When Ella was a baby, her allergy was less serious, they had to buy special baby powder that she could take. But as soon as she was a toddler and they tried any other form of milk, they had to take a drive down to A&E or call an ambulance.
"Did they use your EpiPen?" Evan spoke quietly, his brows still furrowed and his lips still held in a deep frown as he looked down at his daughter. He started to relax a little when Ella leaned into the palm of his hand and nuzzled her nose against his wrist making him feel more at ease but he still frowned when she nodded. She looked as if she was about to cry again but when she curled her arms around Evan's neck and he kissed her cheek, she seemed to calm down a bit more.
"I didn't know daddy, I only had one bite,"
"It's not your fault baby," He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and tightened his arms round her when she leaned her cheek on his shoulder.
The school had a list of Ella's allergies and they had two EpiPens, one in the classroom and one in the reception as a back up. She took her own pack up to school so there was no risk of anything being contaminated with milk but they should double check before they give her anything. (Y/n) had told them under no circumstances to give Ella anything that wasn't in a packet, especially cake when children brought in their birthday cake that didn't have a list of ingredients. It wasn't worth the risk when Ella had such a high allergy.
At least she was okay this time, Evan had been called before from the school saying she had two EpiPens administered and they called an ambulance as protocol.
(Y/n) got the phone call but they had been quick giving Ella her dose of adrenaline and she calmed down, started to breathe and talk just fine and when (Y/n) rushed down and checked her over, there was no need for an ambulance. But Ella was in a state and she didn't want to stay and to make things easier, she had collected Angel early as well so she didn't have to go back in a few hours and pick her up later.
The plan had been to take the girls home but Ella had cried as soon as she got in the car, demanding to see her dad. It was routine after any allergic reaction that Ella saw Evan and got comforted by him and today was no different, she wasn't going home without seeing her daddy.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?"
"Is that okay?" (Y/n) looked between Bobby and Evan, double checking that it would be okay for the girls to stay, none of them had had anything to eat yet other than a partial cookie that caused today's chaos.
"Of course! We have to get to know you all now anyway," Hen waved for them all to sit down around the table. It was the routine to eat dinner together as a family and now, finally, they could meet Buck's family and get to know them. They were going to be part of the 118 either way so they should stay.
Evan leaned over Eddie so he could give Cora a quick kiss, he hadn't seen his one year old yet who Eddie gently handed back to (Y/n). And Evan kissed (Y/n)'s temple before he moved and took a seat next to (Y/n) with Ella on his lap since she was attached to him at the moment. Angel moved to sit between Evan and Chimney while Bobby sat at the other end of the table.
A fondness washed over Bobby when he looked at Evan suddenly interacting with Angel.
He held his hands out in front of him and curled all fingers but his pinkies into his palm and made a circular motion with his hands before pulling his arms back at his sides like repelling magnets.
"Pasta for lunch sweetie," He spoke slow and clear and repeated the sign for pasta until Angel nodded and grinned. It was one of her favourites.
"What's the sign for hello?" Chimney looked over Angel at Evan who was sat on her other side but his eyes widened when Angel looked up at him and placed her hand to her head and did a salute. Hello was an easy sign, a simple gesture that many mistook for an army salute.
"She can read your lips if you speak clear, sign is just easier for her, we're working on pronouncing," Evan kissed her temple when she leaned into his arm, looking up at him with adoration in her eyes as she watched him explain.
Angel could speak but her pronouncing was a little bad at the moment, she could barely hear anyone or hear herself speak and it made her self conscious. Sign language was easier and calming for her because no one could make fun of how she said things and she could sign much faster than she could lip read or speak.
"Oh, right."
"Daddy…" Ella looked up at him with bashful eyes when he plated up Angel and himself a bowl of pasta, knowing Ella would share with him.
"No milk baby, I saw Bobby make it. You'll be fine." He winked down at her and took a mouthful before he stabbed another forkful and held it down towards her. He leaned his cheek against the top of her head to keep her calm and when she took a cautious bite, she grinned.
Evan went to take another mouthful but his jaw dropped and he gasped when Ella reached both her small hands up and grabbed his wrist to pull the fork down to her instead. She giggled when Evan tipped his head back and groaned but everyone else started to laugh.
"My daughters like your cooking, Cap." Evan gave up and handed Ella the fork so she could eat first, he knew he wasn't going to get very much now until she was finished. And he leaned over to the left and kissed Angel's forehead, rubbing his free hand up and down her back.
"I'm glad to hear it, that means they can all come by more often."
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moonit3 · 2 months
I can order a yandere cute (kawaii), who maybe because of his cute and innocent appearance managed to get close to his beloved, but maybe this boy is not only cute and has a very disturbing past...
i love this concept, a cute person who is actually a freaking person behind the curtains. that’s why i love my readers, always giving me the best ideas to write.
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➽ context warnings: yandere! male, gn! reader, sfw but there is some nsfw lines down there, a small age gap (like two-four years, but both reader and yandere are legal age!), manipulation, murder off scene.
➽ word count: 998 (sorry for that, guys!)
➽ synopsis: perhaps you would see him with another eyes if he was the same age as your.
➽ yandere! cute boy x gn! reader
➽ a/n: another few weeks later and i am here with another work of mine, today i present to you all my new creation that i am proud to be the mother of it. this work is a little too short for my own likes, but i feared that if i wrote more i could easily ruin it…so please, bear with me today’s writing.
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➽ walking around the streets without paying attention led you to meet someone completely different from most people you met before. clothes so bright that might your hurt at first glance full of cute patterns on it, hairclips all over his dyed hair and of course, his personality being way too soft for a world like this, but with a little extra spicy that can’t be compared to anyone else.
➽ micah is his name, a sweet boy that isn’t so tall compared to most guys that you’ve encountered. yet, is the one who catch your attention the most with his odd smile, unfamiliar style and unique sense of humor. you consider yourself lucky to have met someone like him and even luckier to have someone by your side after moving to a new city.
➽ you might have know him for a couple of weeks, but it’s feel like he been around your whole life by the way he acts with you. many people even mistakenly you two as a couple by how affectionate he is in public, always holding hands and kissing your cheek as a way to greet you, so you don’t blame them for thing the wrong way when explaining that micah is just too friendly with you. but no one seems to believe you, always telling you that there is no shame in being touchy with him in public or hide the relationship.
➽ well, they aren’t wrong about micah being so much cling with you in the public eyes. sometimes, you ask yourself the last time you went out without him or for how long he can go without touching you (almost a minute, you recall). your best friend being like this doesn’t make you uncomfortable, by the completely opposite, you are kind into it. after all, everyone needs some physical affection and you are in no place to deny it.
➽ as more time goes on, you only got closer to micah while your other friends began distancing themselves away from you. why would they do that? the sense that you’ve done something wrong quickly makes you anxious, overthinking and even forgetting things that you were supposed to do. it’s hurt to see so many people leave you, abandon you. but hey, at least micah is by your side with no intention to leave.
➽ “let’s go out, [name]!” he brings you to the mall whatever he feels like, buying expensive outfits that match his style and making you pose with him to post at his social media. mostly of the comments compliment how the two looks so perfect together, some even saying that micah is a lucky guy to have you in his life. “look, look, [name]! they think we are a couple! isn’t that cute? maybe we do fit to be together like that.”
➽ “don’t be silly.” always patting his head makes him melt under your touch only if you could do that on other parts of his body, and he couldn’t be more grateful to be receiving those head pats too. “aren’t you a little to young for me? i know that you enjoy hugging me a lot and even kissing my cheek whatever you want, but you have to remember that i am older than you.”
➽ “hahaha, i know that.” can’t you see that his smile is no bigger as it was? your eyes does look at him, seeing that he isn’t playful like before, so you hold one of his hand and smile at him. “but you will stay by my side, right? like forever without anyone else trying to separate us.”
➽ “i promise, micah.” his pink dyed hair has become a messy by the time you stopped patting him, making him slightly better to the rest of the hanging out. even with your words promising to stay with him forever, the boy can’t help but want more than your friendship.
➽ he wants to be your boyfriend, then fiancé and then husband! the plans for the wedding are already written down at his journal and the ideas for your dress/suit to match his outfit can’t be ruined by your mindset of him being ‘too young’. he is already twenty-one! just because he still on his second year of college, doesn’t mean that he isn’t mature enough to marry the love of his life!
➽ that’s why he promise himself to study hard to graduate with the best grades from his fashion design class, so he can get a degree and a good paying job at his area. maybe you will see him with other eyes when he becomes a fully grown man who can afford to pay rent without struggling and to make the best matching outfits to both of you when he gets himself a studio and able to buy the most comfortable materials ever made.
➽ he can already imagine the large house he will buy for you. a big one at the countryside of the country so no one will disturb his peaceful and lovely spouse (you, of course!), maybe he will give/adopt a child with you like he always dreamed of. but that only will happen if he works hard, so micah has a long way to go. for now, he will stay close with you as a friend only.
➽ in meanwhile, he will act behind the scenes when someone might try to steal you away from him. those idiot who think that have a chance with are all disposable and you won’t never need anyone else in your life other than him (and probably a future pet to keep you company), so micah waste no time in making sure those people won’t be found and of course. he always makes a good job in hiding the remains of those people into the deepest parts of the woods, after all, he can’t do any mistakes or else he won’t be there for you in the future, [name].
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@moonit3 writings
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theemporium · 1 year
#13 with remus lupin 🥰
13. “You want me, don’t you?”
It was an unspoken rule amongst the group that nobody ever mentioned the tension between you and Remus. 
No one was quite sure why but it seemed to be a rule that everyone mutually agreed on, despite never having actually discussed the topic—both between themselves and between you and Remus. They just watched the endless flirting and pining and lingering gaze and accepted that maybe one day, one of you would act upon your feelings. 
And to be completely honest, you thought the same. 
But months passed and doubts started to grow and now you weren’t too sure. 
He would always sit next to you at breakfast, making your coffee and placing it in front of your plate before you could even say ‘good morning’. He would always offer to carry your books and accompany you to the library when you wanted a silent study session that the Gryffindor common room could never offer. He would always find excuses to be physical with you, whether it was an arm tugging you closer when you felt cold or thighs pressed against each other because he insisted you squished into the spot next to him on the couch.
But he never once asked you on a date, or made a move, or even just admitted that he did, in fact, like you.
You started overthinking and worrying and the realisation that you loved your best friend started to stress you out when you weren’t totally sure where he stood, so you did the only reasonable thing anyone would do in your situation—you started to distance yourself from Remus. 
Remus noticed. Of course he noticed pretty quickly when one morning you suddenly started sitting beside James and Lily. And then the confusion turned to hurt when he noticed how you’d always sit next to Sirius in large group settings. And then his feelings bubbled into something more when he noticed you sneaking away to the library with other classmates or even by yourself. 
However, it wasn’t until two weeks later when Remus actually confronted you on the matter. 
The Gryffindor common room was bursting with music, cheers and cheap alcohol smuggled past the professors as they celebrated another win against Slytherin that blasted them ahead in the Quidditch cup this year. You were happily settled in the corner, half-drank drink in hand and cheeks flushed as you laughed and cheered James and Sirius dancing on the tables. 
You hadn’t even noticed Remus approaching until he was right beside you, his head dipping down as his whispered words met your ear. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
Your head snapped around, lips parting in surprise as a wave of familiarity and longing hit you. Merlin, you had missed him more than you expected, and it made you feel a little pathetic. 
“Remus,” you said his name because you couldn’t say anything else.
“Glad to see you still remember who I am,” he answered with a hint of amusement in his tone. “I wasn’t sure considering you’ve done your best to ignore me the last fortnight.” 
Now, over the years, you had dealt with a lot of different moods from Remus. You prided yourself in being quite sufficient at devising how the wizard felt. Whether he was moody because he didn’t get enough sleep and just needed a nap to refresh himself. If he was anxious or hungry or pissed off or—most commonly—done with whatever nonsense the other boys were trying to rope him into (even if he would eventually agree). 
But this. 
This was something you knew all too well. Your mind racked for the date, counting back the date and you knew—you knew it was a few days until the next full moon. 
Remus Lupin was a kind man, a gentleman who respected everyone around him no matter what. But around the full moon—especially days before—he was something else. 
“C’mon, doll, y’know I don’t like it when you’re quiet,” he murmured, reaching to grip your chin between his fingers. “Why were you avoiding me?” 
“I, uh,” you cleared your throat, your cheeks flushing under his watchful gaze. His lips were twitched up a little, so close to a smirk. “I haven’t been avoiding—“
He lightly tsked, shaking his head softly. “Don’t lie to me, baby.” 
“Remus, it’s not your fault, I swear—“
“And now you’re avoiding the question,” he hummed and his thumb lightly traced the bottom of your lip. “Answer the question.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, your heart racing and mind whirling at the way he was looking at you, the way his fingers traced along your lips and his body moved towards you until you were pressed against the wall, Remus blocking you out from the rest of the party. 
“You want me, don’t you?” he murmured, his eyes darkening at the way your tongue darted out to lick your lips. “Your pretty little head is just getting in the way, isn’t it?”
“I like you too, doll,” he murmured, his hand now cupping your cheek as he tilted your head up to catch his gaze. “But I don’t like when you ignore me for two weeks for no bloody reason.” 
“M’sorry,” you whispered to him, swallowing a little when his thumb pushed against your lips, parting them and slowly sliding his finger into your mouth. 
“I know, baby, I know,” he mused as your lips wrapped around his finger with ease, your wide eyes staring up at him. “But it’s fine, I can think of plenty of ways for you to make it up to me, hm? What do you think?” 
All you could do was nod, letting him take your hand and guide you far away from the party to show you just how much he enjoyed being ignored.
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kairiscorner · 9 months
question of the day: who would fall the hardest if they ever fell in love?
well... i've got 4 candidates in mind, and i think... (4/4)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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hobie brown. — guilty of falling hard for you.
summary: hobie never thought that he'd feel anything more than a friendly feeling with you–and he never wants that feeling to end. pairing: hobie brown x gn!reader genre: fluff !!
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hobie brown does not care about labels, they do nothing but confine him to one facet of himself, and he finds that utterly displeasing. he's finally able to live his life with such bohemian freedom that he doesn't wanna let go of it by conforming to what people think of him. though, there is one label he doesn't mind considering as the truth... being the boy who loves you the most.
hobie brown has always seen eye-to-eye with you, despite being strangers not too long ago. the minute he met you, he could tell here was something special about you; maybe it was the way you talked, the way you walked, the way you laughed, your personality, your determination to never give up so easily... but whatever it was, you had him hooked on you.
hobie brown had never met anyone quite like you, and that was the best part about you--you had your own uniqueness, your own spark about you. every time he thinks he knows everything about you, he's suddenly thrown into another world, another side of you that he had never seen before and inevitably got blown away by.
hobie brown loves how you're like a firecracker--colorful, unpredictable, fiery, and hot--you're full of surprises that only he knows about, you're full of life and vigor and he gets more and more interested in you the more he sees you this way.
hobie brown can't believe, though, how easy it is for him to just like you. everyone at the spider society, every one of his close friends, all love you, that's for sure. but what he can't believe is how innate liking you seemed to him; it came as easy as breathing and blinking, as natural as it was for his heart to beat and for his brain to function.
hobie brown was sure that you weren't just anyone, no, you were... ethereal, you weren't ordinary; and nobody thought you were ordinary, you were aware of that. you were never one to comply with what society declared you should appear or act as, you were you, and that was the person hobie was most fond of: the real you.
hobie brown found himself tinkering with a new gizmo he had going on, he was a little anxious while making this, in complete honesty. he hadn't always been confident that every machine he makes'll work out the way he wants them to or even work at all, but he's accepted failure as part of the process. what he's anxious of is... if you'll like it.
hobie brown is shaking in the knees right now, but he's trying to play it cool, to shake that shaking out of his joints and act as calm and composed as he usually does around you, but it's too hard. it's too hard to calm around literally the most perfect person in the world that looks up to you and calls you their closest pal and who also has the sweetest laugh and smile in the world and the most perfect personality that anybody could ever seek for in a lover.
hobie brown is conflicting with himself right now, and this hasn't happened to him in years. hobie's muttering to himself the lines he practiced, trying to run by himself how being cool was supposed to be, because when he's trying to get a grasp of himself back in his mind, his mind defaults to thoughts of you.
hobie brown is blanking out right now, finally faced with you. he clears his throat and involuntarily flashes you a tiny, quivering grin. he's stuttering and stammering, which is quite uncharacteristic of him, but he was always unexpectedly cute no matter how he carried himself.
hobie brown finally says 'screw it' and clears his throat for the final time. "now, i... i might sound ridiculous right now, but... i remember you said you had a music box as a kid back then, always played the melody you hummed and taught me way back when we first met. a-and, well... i'm not the most skilled artist in the world, but, i'm your artisan, like you say. and this artisan hopes... that you like it." he said as he handed you a little box colored in your favorite hues with all kinds of colored papers, paints, and little designs on them with a wind-up dial on its side.
hobie brown anxiously watches you open up the box, and as he takes your hands in his to show you how to wind-up the dial, a couple of cats were on the little pedestal that popped up and twirled slowly as a soft beat from a song in your childhood played.
hobie brown smiled wider as he watched you grin and chuckle at the adorable little thing, he felt his heart skip a beat or two when he realized you were happy seeing this, having this in your hand, hearing those familiar notes from your childhood... and it was also here, when you told him a 'thank you' that his world became brighter. he got a bit heated in the face, his smile unwavering but instead growing, and he nodded as you leaned closer against him. he's decided, finally, that he indeed, does love you; and from that love... he fell, and fell hard for you, wanting to see that smile of yours every day not because of the music box or anything he gives you, but because of him. that is all hobie wants and needs in his life, that is all he yearns for to be complete--you and your happiness.
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tags !! @k4tsu3 @euphovlq @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @arachnoia @solecitoszn @conitagray
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sstormyskyess · 7 months
so glad i came across your blog. wondering if youu could write simon riley x f!reader where she was a former royal marines and he didn't know and found out after she got called back for a mission. maybe she's a captain?
thank you, love
Glory Days
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author's note: thank you for my first request!! i’m glad you found my blog and thought me worthy enough to request something for me 💜 i hope you enjoy!
cw: fluff, military reader, fem!reader, simon being anxious
word count: 1900+
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader "Finch"
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♡ Being in the Royal Marines wasn’t necessarily something you were embarrassed about. It was more a matter of wanting to get a fresh start at being a regular civilian, far away from the battlefield. That’s why your previous enlistment never came up in conversation when you met Ghost and got to know each other better.
♡ When you and Ghost eventually entered a full relationship, he was surprised by how understanding you were about his occupation and the things that came with it. You were also very curious about his military activities, something that no other civilian in his life ever had been.
♡ It was about a couple years into your relationship when you got a letter from your previous commanding officer, requesting your services again since they thought your skills would be valuable for that specific mission.
♡ You were hesitant to accept, but eventually you did and you found yourself on your way to meet with your commanding officer and talk business. You didn’t know, though, that your very own boyfriend would be serving on the same mission.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Delta 2-1.” Captain Price says with a smile on his face. You smile in return and give him a firm handshake. “Please, call me Finch.” You correct him happily. “The pleasure is all mine. I’ve heard good things about you and your task force, Captain.” You put your arms behind your back with perfect poise, and give a nod toward the main building, walking off with Price in tow.
Simon stares from across the tarmac. His thoughts were racing, confused out of his mind. He almost had to remind himself to breathe, the amount of questions bouncing around in his head taking over all other thoughts, even his base instincts.
That’s why he almost imperceptibly jumps when a hand lands on his shoulder, tapping twice. He glances over to the person connected to said hand: Soap. “She’s one hell of a question mark, eh, L.T.?” He joins Simon in staring at the direction you and Price walked off to, shaking his head. “Heard she’s gonna be serving in place of Price. You know anything else about her?”
Well, he certainly did know about you. A lot of things about you. Why? Because you were his girlfriend, possibly soon to be fiancée. The only thing he didn’t seem to know about you was why exactly you were here, talking to his superior and ready to head out onto the same battlefield he’d been preparing to deploy into.
“No.” He answers simply. There was a reason Soap didn’t recognize her. He did his very best, and would do anything to keep his personal life and professional life separate; that’s why no one on the task force knew that he was romantically involved with anyone, save for Laswell. She knows absolutely everything, as much as it got on his nerves. At least she was good at keeping a secret. But now, here you were, present and apparently active in his work life. He sighs and looks over to Soap. “Tell the old man I’ll be in the weapons’ locker, if he asks.” He walks off and ignores whatever Soap was questioning him about.
♡ Ghost was shocked that he didn’t know about this particular part of your life, and he was even more shocked that you were actually considering going out on the field.
♡ It wasn’t that he doubted your abilities—quite the opposite, actually—but he was worried you’d get hurt. He was a powerful man but even he still managed to get hurt sometimes. So, knowing that you’d be at risk had him shaken up.
Simon lets out a heavy sigh. “Love, I need you to promise me you’ll be safe.” Simon has his hand on your shoulder, looking you up and down in the heavy tac vest you were adorned in. It was something he never imagined he’d see on you; it was pretty attractive, in all honesty, but he isn’t particularly focused on how attractive his lovely partner was.
He’s mostly concerned about the fact that you were about to be heading onto the field, assigned to a different team and dropped off in a location multiple klicks from where he would be. You shake your head and rest your hand on top of Simon’s. “I’ll be alright, Si. I promise.” You give him a comforting smile, taking his hand and holding it in yours. “This is nothing I haven’t done before.”
You look over Simon’s face, meeting his brown-hazel eyes and inspecting them: reading his thoughts. His eyes were so expressive, just as long as you knew what to look for. You could tell he was overly worried. You could also tell that he was fully prepared to blame himself if you got hurt out there. You swing his hand back and forth slightly, your own thoughts coming to the surface.
“You’ll be careful too, right?” You ask, your thumb running along the back of his knuckles. Simon sighs again and squeezes your hand in return. He was a calculated man but he was still susceptible to making decisions that would save his team, even if he would be putting himself in danger. Having you on the field with him was bound to make it worse.
But regardless, the last thing he wants is to distract you. Him getting himself into trouble was bound to draw your attention away from the mission. So, he nods and pulls his hand away, thinking for a moment. He wraps one of his arms around your waist then pulls the bottom of his mask up with the other.
Your eyes widen for a moment, taking a look out of the small alley between the buildings to make sure no one is watching. He takes your chin and rests his forehead on yours, kissing you gently. You lean into it, reaching up to his cheek to caress it. The two of you meet eyes once you pull away and stand there, gazing into each other's eyes for a few moments before Simon finally pulls away. “We’re wheels up soon. Let’s move.”
♡ He wasn’t expecting it, but experiencing the version of you in the heat of battle had him falling in love all over again. That commanding tone of voice and your proficiency with a weapon in hand, even after your years spent in retirement, were absolutely enrapturing to him.
♡ He wouldn’t have thought this of himself, but it seemed like watching you in your element made him realize that maybe he was attracted to that kind of power. You being his superior was only the icing on the cake.
“Delta Team, push up to the RV point!” You bark into the comms, the sound of grass and foliage cluttering your words. “Roger that, Finch. Move, move, move!” Simon honestly didn’t think he could fall in love with you even harder than he already has. Hearing you calling the shots over the comms was almost hypnotizing. He’d never heard your voice like that and it was a beautiful thing. He had to keep focus, though. He had his own team to direct.
Getting to the RV location was quite the hassle. Under a barrage of enemy fire—standard bullets, grenades, RPGs—keeping your team alive was a downright nightmare. But you managed it, the sight of Simon’s signature mask bringing you a slight bit of relief. “Ghost, sitrep, how long ‘til the charges blow?”
He doesn’t get the chance to respond before your eyes widen all of a sudden. “Look out!” You shout, shoving him to the side and toppling yourself down to the ground beside him. He grunts, looking at you confused before a sniper shot ricocheted off the ground right where he was previously standing.
“Snipers to the north, get down!” You call, taking Simon’s fallen rifle, getting into position to return fire, and quickly taking out the initial threat as though it was as easy as walking. If you weren't focused on calculating the best strategy out of this particular setback, you’d be able to see the stars in Simon’s eyes, his mind committing the sight of you expertly counter-sniping and potentially saving his life to memory. He didn't get much time to dwell on it any longer before he got dragged to his feet and rushed toward the nearest treeline.
♡ Once the operation was complete and you both got back to base with nothing but minor injuries, he finally had time to relax with you and reverse the roles, asking you an endless amount of questions about your time in active service, engrossed in the various stories you shared.
♡ Ghost listened carefully as you showed him the scars he had seen many times before and explained the story behind each one. He’d never asked before out of politeness but he got to appreciate them more fully now that he knew the details of each one.
A trail of goosebumps rises in the path of Simon’s fingers running along your spine. “I got that one a couple years into my service.” You recall, thinking about the scar he was tracing gently. His mind wanders as you talk, your voice soothing him through the imagery your story evoked.
“What about this one?” He rubbed his thumb over an old bullet wound on your side. You shift in your place on the tiny military-grade cot and sigh softly. “That was right before I retired. Sniper managed to hit between the plates.” His eyes widened at that, just a bit.
“And you managed to survive?” He chuckles softly when you nod. He leans down and pecks you on the cheek. “That’s my girl.” You blush, burying your face in the pillow beneath your head, making him laugh a bit again. He runs his hand through your hair, his fingers gentle. “So strong.” He squeezes the nape of your neck softly and feels the knots in your muscles, massaging them.
There was a peaceful silence between you two before Simon sighs. “What are you doing after all this?” You pick your head up just a bit, one brow raised. “What do you mean?” He pulls you close when you sit up to face him fully.
“Once this operation is over. Are you going to stay now that you’re back in?” He watches you process the question quietly. It was a good question. You didn’t really know what your plan was at this point. Leaving the service was a good choice on your part. You were happy just being a normal person, not constantly worrying about dying every time you left your bed.
But even so, being out on the field again was exhilarating. You didn’t imagine it would be a feeling you would miss, but now you were having second thoughts. Plus, it was wonderful being able to protect Simon yourself, knowing that as long as you were there, he was going to come back alive. You bite your lip in thought, before looking back up at him.
“I think I may stay. I’m not sure.” You run a hand up his shirt and over his back, your nails gently trailing against the scarred skin. He hums, his fingers starting to drum against your hip. “Don’t worry, Si. It’ll be okay. Promise. Plus, you need someone to make sure you don’t get yourself hurt.” You smile, kissing along his jaw and up his cheek. “I know, love, I know.” He smiles back, burying his face in your shoulder.
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slayfics · 7 months
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Explosive Tendencies a slow burn fanfic about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter four: You study with Katsuki.
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With the completion of the internships, the end-of-term tests were coming up. You sat at your desk studying but couldn't help but wonder how your classmates were doing.
Everyone had gone into a frenzy in class about meeting up to study and being prepared. Multiple students had planned to go over to Momo's since she was at the top of the class. But since you weren't explicitly invited, you didn't want to show up. You still hadn't really connected too much with your other classmates.
You also overheard Eijiro and Katsuki make plans to study at a diner today. Fuck it I'll show up there, you thought. Katsuki did kind of owe you for fixing his hair anyway. Worst case if they seemed super irritated by it you could play it off as if you were just going to that diner regardless. That seemed a lot easier than randomly showing up at Momo's house considering you hadn't even spoken to her much yet.
You made your way over to the diner and almost as soon as you entered you were greeted with an overly enthusiastic "Hey!" that made you jump.
Eijiro had spotted you right away and waved at you to come over. Katsuki turned around with his usual annoyed expression to see who Eijiro had so openly invited to their table.
"Oh it's you," Katsuki mumbled.
"Hey, how's the studying going?" You asked, making your way over to their table.
"Uh, not so good," Eijiro laughed. "Bakugo's trying his best but I think I'm hopeless. Sit down and join us!" He said, smiling at you.
You reluctantly sat down next to Eijiro feeling a bit anxious. Aside from the times Katuski had snuck into your room, this was the first time you had spent outside of the classroom with any of your classmates.
"I'm kind of surprised you're not at Yaoyorozu's with everyone else," Eijiro stated.
"I wasn't really invited, and I didn't want to just invite myself like everyone else," You replied.
"You had no problem inviting yourself here," Katsuki said, looking up at you from his book.
You felt frozen, guess you didn't pull off pretending to just accidentally come to the same diner.
"Ah don't be so mean Bakugo, maybe they can help me. I know you are at your wits end with me," Eijiro said, laughing.
"Yeah whatever," Katsuki grumbled.
"Now that I think about it, I guess I really haven't seen you hang out with the others much," Eijiro stated curiously.
You're face flushed at his words, was it really that obvious that you hadn't befriended anyone in your class? "I uh.. well..." You stuttered trying to figure out how to answer him.
"Hey dumb ass, are you going to chat their ear off all day or are we going to study?" Katsuki barked at him.
"Right! Let's get back to it then," Eijiro said, focusing back on his book.
The three of you studied for almost the whole day. It surprised you to see how intelligent Katsuki was, his delivery was always harsh though. He'd get frustrated easily when Eijiro couldn't pick up on something right away, but you were able to explain in a calmer manner and that seemed to help.
Although, it did still take Eijiro an extended amount of time to fully understand concepts. With the sun going down you three decided it was time to finish up.
"Wow, ok I feel prepared for the written test now! I'm just worried about the test exercises," Eijiro said.
"It'll be fine shitty hair, you worry too much. You'll both do fine, and I’ll finally be able to show everyone how worthless that nerd Deku is and how much better I am than that Icyhot bastard," Katsuki replied.
You sighed, “Bakugo I already told you- I’m pretty sure everyone knows you would have beat Todoroki regardless of him using both sides or not.”
“Hm?” Eijiro looked at you both curiously. “Told him before? You two have hung out before?” He asked.
Your face flushed at Eijiro’s correct assumption and you weren’t sure how to respond. It seemed a little suspicious to say the truth- that Katsuki had snuck into your room three times now.
“Don’t be so nosy dumb ass,” Katsuki grumbled at him.
“Oh right-! Sorry! Anyway… Maybe the test exercise will be a team exercise and we'll get paired together or something! After today I'd say the three of us make a good team," Eijiro said smiling.
You smiled back at him unsure of how to respond to so much positivity. Katsuki just rolled his eyes at Eijrio.
It was striking how night and day it was between Eijiro's cheery demeanor and Katsuki's quick temper.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @anon-mouse223
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ahlyasimps · 1 year
Sharp Words, Tender Heart [O.G.]
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x GN Reader
Summary: You and Ominis get into an argument
A/N: Requested by Anon! 
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It had started out as a small disagreement over your constant adventures that end in scrapes and bruises, but it quickly escalated into a full-blown argument. You and Ominis had been bickering back and forth for what felt like hours, and you were both exhausted.
"I can't believe you would say something like that," you said, your voice shaking with anger.
"I can't believe you're being so stubborn," Ominis shot back, his tone biting.
You both went quiet for a moment, both of you realizing that things had gone too far. But before either of you could say anything else, Ominis's sharp tongue got the better of him.
"You know what? I'm sick of this," he said, his voice cold and distant. "I shouldn't have to keep worrying over someone who has no regard for their safety."
Those words hit you like a ton of bricks, and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You tried to hold them back, but one slipped down your cheek and you choked back a sob. Before Ominis could say anything, you fled.
Once you calmed down a little you went to the Undercroft hoping to find Ominis. It wouldn't do you both any good to keep bickering.
"Hey," Ominis greeted you after hearing your footsteps enter the room, his voice cold and distant.
"Hi," you replied, trying to keep your own emotions in check. "Can we talk?"
"I don't know," he said, looking pointedly in the opposite direction. "Are you going to apologize?"
"For what?" you asked, feeling a surge of anger. "I haven't done anything wrong." "You know exactly what you did," Ominis said, his voice rising. "You're always putting yourself in danger and doing what you want, no matter how it affects me. You don't tell my anything!"
"That's not true," you protested.
"Maybe it's a bit of an exaggeration," Ominis conceded, "but that's not the point. The point is that you never consider my feelings. You just do whatever you want, and then expect me to be okay with knowing that anytime we're not together you're probably getting cornered by Ranrok's lot."
"I'm sorry if I hurt you," you said, feeling a pang of guilt. "But sometimes I feel like you're trying to control me. And I can't live like that."
"I'm not trying to control you," Ominis said, his voice softening. "I just want us to be on the same page. I want to be informed before you go off and do anything dangerous. Do you know how anxious I get whenever I don't hear from you and no one knows where you went? Just two days ago you ran off, no word to anyone and the next time I meet you, you're in the infirmary getting treated for dragon burns!"
"I understand that," you said, feeling a sense of relief that he was finally opening up to you. "And I promise to try and be more considerate in the future. But you also have to understand that I can't always keep you updated. Some things just happen.."
"I know," Ominis said, reaching for your lap to find your hand. "Just, stop constantly throwing yourself into so much unnecessary danger. At least bring someome with you."
You smiled and nodded, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. "I will, I'll try to be more open with you. But you need to stop worrying so much, I can handle myself."
"You're righting, I'm sorry if it came off as too controlling, I'll try to tone it down," Ominis said, using your hands to pull you into a hug. "I love you." He mumbled into your hair.
He pulled away from you, face unusally serious, "What I said earlier about being sick of this..I really didn't mean it. You're probably the single best thing that happened to me and I'm just scared."
"I love you, too and I know," you said smiling up at him before giving him a quick peck on the lips, feeling grateful that everything got resolved. It might have taken awhile but you're glad you were both able to communicate your problems and reach an understanding.
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cmkren · 1 year
“He Loved Me, He Loved Me Not.”
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For a man such as himself, he couldn’t express the emotions he felt, even if he wanted to. It was a matter of being unable, not knowing how than not wanting to. Or maybe it was a little bit of both. Chishiya could only hope that the one he loved wouldn’t see him any less for it— because it’d only sting more considering that he, for once, was trying his best to be (somewhat) emotionally available.
But maybe he had realized that all just a little too late.
a/n; exploring his character a little! A little bit of one-sided pining, mentions of past relations between Chishiya and reader, messy plot, messy in general ‘cause I haven’t written like this in three years— g/n! reader (hopefully), mentions of unhealthy behaviour, the neglectful kind + pre-borderlands relationship but chishiya reflecting during borderlands when he sees you again during beach arc
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What did you expect, getting into a relationship with him? What had drawn you in, pulled you in so close? Close enough that he could plunge a knife into your heart so deep he could tug it right out from the other side? What did you expect?
What did you expect.
Before the whole borderlands shit show, Chishiya had you in his arms every day. Every other day. Maybe weekly. He thought he had expressed his affections rather often, but according to the other party they barely saw him. There had been a conversation between the two of you about this, a conversation where he willingly sat and listened. Nodding his head, looking like he caught your words as soon as they left your mouth.
Maybe that was one of the reasons. How he seemed so good at listening, as if he was hooked on to every word you said, actively listening every time you spoke. In a sense he did. At the beginning, that was.
Everyone knows how things are at the beginnings of a relationship. Where couples are tied to the hip, all lovey-dovey and happy looking. As if they solved all their problems and were sure there would be none to come their way. You and Chishiya were no different, but of course he showed this newfound affection he held in his own unique way.
Never the biggest fan of pda, so he kept the touching behind closed doors. Even then, his biggest way to show affection was just sitting down and spending time with you. Listening to how your day was, and you prying out the same from him as he reluctantly shared.
That was just how your relationship was— and he liked it that way.
Until that ‘honeymoon phase’ started to slowly fade. Like it always does. He started spending less time with you, barely saying anything to you unless he needed something.
It was strange, how things switched up so quickly with him. He even went radio silent a couple of times, not really responding to texts or calls. Most he would give at times to a message is a one or two word answer. No matter how good a partner someone could be— anyone would start getting anxious about what was going on.
The final straw came when he didn’t say anything at all for a whole month. Maybe even reaching two months.
It was crazy. How could you be completely detached for a whole month like that? You never even caught a glimpse of him, got a single text or call. He must’ve been deliberately ignoring you.
Unfortunately, he had been.
He had no idea what came over him, but he just couldn’t talk to you. The workload at the hospital was only an excuse he could barely tell himself as for his own behaviour. As if he was justifying it.
But after a while, a string of texts finally got his attention. It’s all pretty blurry to him, but he just remembered dropping whatever it was he was doing to go over to your place. Unfortunately for him, a stroke of bad luck decided to follow him as he walked across Shibuya Crossing.
It was the day he found himself in this sort of dystopian version of Tokyo.
Maybe that’s why he found himself staring at you from a distance— there wasn’t really… actual closure. At least for him. With the raging party by the pool, you seemed to be having some fun with new friends you made during your time here.
Chishiya was known to be a confident guy, a bit of a prick but in a way he had a right to be. He was intelligent. But he could never bring himself to go up to you again. Not after how he left things on such a sour note.
He liked to think it was both his and their fault. Their fault for falling in love with a man like him, and his fault for loving you just as much. Maybe even a little more.
Perhaps that’s why he subconsciously distanced himself at one point. Did he think that was the right move? To move as far away and close himself as much as possible to protect them from an asshole like him? Someone who couldn’t even share how his day at work had went?
At the end, it didn’t matter why or why not he did certain things.
The fact of the matter was, he hurt you either way. Maybe this was how he loved. By pushing them as far as possible, holding himself accountable. And maybe this was how he balanced his life. From the shitty things he did every day, maybe he deserved it. Deserved never being able to make love last.
“Chishiya— Chishiya!”
The taller woman beside him had snapped her fingers right against his ear, making him turn his head just the slightest. Kuina stared back at him, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards just a little. A slightly incredulous smile on her face, “what’s with that expression? You look like you just got dumped.”
He knew she was exaggerating so he let out an amused scoff. Slowly, his eyes trailed back towards the crowd, a quiet sigh leaving his lips.
Ah, he just remembered. Why he had been making his way to your place that day. The message that got him scrambling to his feet, finally waking up to reality.
It’d been a break up text.
It took that, something that finally spelled it out to him that his relationship was in jeopardy, to try to fix it. Remedy how much he had blatantly ignored his partner for the past month or so, absolutely refusing to even send a single message.
If it hadn’t been obvious yet— he still loved you. After 90 days of this place, he still loved you. You probably still loved him too, he presumed. That wasn’t just his narcissism speaking, there was no way they’d get over him so quick. No way.
No way.
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ncteez · 11 months
beloved🥹 for ur sleepover could you perhaps consider #96 from that list (“I had this dream and- fuck- you couldn’t keep your hands of me.”) & vernon🫶 congrats on the 6k again you’re so talented and deserve the world and i’m so glad ur here🫶 - 🍿 x
Vernon + “I had this dream and- fuck- you couldn’t keep your hands off me.” 
wordcount: 3.1k
tags: stoner!vernon, stoner!afab reader, clearly the use of smoking weed, awkward best friends who only share their attractions to each other when they’re zooted as fuck, no joke– weed is a personality trait in this. 
warnings: mentions of anxiety and panic attacks. 
note: hi my popped p(ussy)opcorn anon! i was rly excited to write this so i hope you like it even tho i went kinda overboard. not proof read, as you know. 
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You’re not entirely sure how you became so close with Vernon, the guy in highschool who definitely carried his lunch back to class in his pockets. Maybe it’s because college is hard, and Vernon is easy to be around. Kind of like a breath of fresh air except all the air you breathe in with him happens to be incredibly thick with smoke.
Never in your life did you consider weed as a personality trait. Not yours, anyway, until Vernon is around you. Honestly, it’s like being a burn-out during your down time is actually quite relaxing, as long as you keep up with your GPA and assignments, there’s nothing wrong with wake n’ baking. Or like, taking a few hits before a big exam to calm the anxious energy inside of you, right? 
The thing is, it’s gotten to the point that you’ve smoked in all sorts of scenarios and find the least anxiety ridden experience to be the one where it’s just you and him, sitting outside of his shitty apartment and pretending like every college kid within a six mile radius can’t sniff the two of you out.
Peer pressure be damned, Vernon was the first one to ever pass you a joint at a random party you both happened to attend. You didn’t really know why you grabbed it because you swore to yourself that you’d be straight edge until you get a degree, and then you’d maybe try buying a bottle of vodka and a sack of weed just to see what you missed out on. It was something about that night, your first college party, the first familiar face at a party, and the urge to say fuck it. 
You didn’t mean to actually inhale it, but somehow it was a natural thing your body did and Vernon didn’t even laugh at you for choking. That’s when you became friends with him, and ultimately over the months the two of you would often run into the other. 
Your first weed-induced panic attack was at a party with him, and he was honestly so fast to get you out of there without so much as knowing where you needed to go. Calming you down and very aware that you probably smoked too much, and had a little too much to drink as well. The weed wasn’t laced, he said, the alcohol wasn’t spiked, he assured. Somehow, and someway, his fried ass got you through it and the night ended much better as the two of you sat in a random person’s back yard picking their grass and talking about gods, and universes, and the theory of giants roaming the earth in ancient times. 
By now, he should know you don’t prefer the parties. It doesn’t stop him from trying to include you every single time though. Tonight was just another invitation, one in which you declined. 
Why? Smoking around other people isn’t fun. It makes you paranoid and uncomfortable. Being hit on ruins the fun too. Plus, the music is almost always trash. 
Vernon: why won’t you come?
You: you know i don’t like smoking in groups
Vernon: but free weed :( 
You: just bring some over when you’re done doing whatever you wanna do.
The way he does just that. Appearing at your door a mere four hours after he told you he was leaving for the party and smiling at you with already reddened eyes. 
“Free weed,” He starts, patting his jacket pocket and then stepping inside. “And snacks.” He adds, revealing a bag from behind him that contains the majority of snacks the two of you tend to gravitate toward. 
“God, just how much did you spend on the food?” You laugh, reaching for the bag and peeking inside. “Wait, why are you trying to butter me up?”
He scratches his ankle with his socked feet for a moment, avoiding eye contact with you and then shrugs again. 
“Because you’re my best friend?”
“Vernon, you never buy the snacks.” You narrow your eyes at him.
Another shrug before he defensively pulls the bag back, only to immediately toss it onto your counter and make himself at home in your living room. 
“Seungcheol disappeared with someone for a while and forgot that I know where his stash is.” He says, pulling out the little bag of definitely stolen weed. “I’ll pay him back later.”
You make your way next to him, immediately smelling the scent.
“How does he always manage to find the good stuff?” You ask with a chuckle, reaching forward to grab the candle lighter from your coffee table. 
“Fuck if I know.” Vernon is too focused on inspecting the buds he managed to pluck out of the original stash then turns to you. “Bong or blunt?” 
You look around. 
“Well, we aren’t at your place so unless you want to get kicked out of school I suggest we just roll a blunt and step out on the patio.”
Obviously, he’s already high and probably forgot that your place isn’t his, or that his place isn’t also yours.
“Smart girl. Always keeping me on the right path.” He compliments with a nod and a smile. “Do you have any wraps?”
That, you do. Because of course you do.
“Mango good?”
A nod. 
And you know, Vernon never was good at rolling blunts but they all smoked the same anyway. You didn’t mind the small bud leaves sticking to your lips by the time half of the blunt was smoked and you’re all curled up on the patio with your best friend beside you. 
It’s kind of weird, actually, how many times you’ve been high out of your mind and looked at him like this. It’s probably because the two of you always smoke together in the early morning or when the moon is out. You still remember the first time you looked at him this way. 
You crashed at his house after a particularly bad party and he woke you up from the couch that next morning offering a parting gift before he walked you home. After all, it was only a few streets away. His hair was a fucking mess, and his eyes were so drowsy with sleep that you could tell that he was even more groggy than you were to be awake. The morning sun burned his eyes, and likewise for you. You could see them glisten through the pain of light penetrating his pupils, and you could hear the way his nails scratched at his bed head after a winded stretch. His oversized hoodie offering the look of a particularly comfortably, but pissed off best friend for waking up so early. 
The smoke inhaled more smoothly that morning, and his smile seemed a little brighter than usual too. 
Right now, as you look at him, he’s in that exact same oversized hoodie with a beanie covering the hair he likely decided not to brush today. Despite a party, despite being out and about, he’s just….Vernon. With his febreze scented everything to hide the smell of his burn-out ways, and his stupid eyes that are always glassy and offering a watery, sparkly look. 
“What the fuck are you looking at?” He half-giggles under the discomfort of your gaze. Feeling a little insecure, in all honesty. 
“Oh, sorry.” You shake your head in a way to shake your thoughts of the constant fondness you feel for him. You’re not entirely comprehending that you admire him, you just happen to like noticing things. “I zoned out.”
“I can see that.” He smiles, turning away from you and facing the night sky. “It’s muggy out here, we should go back inside. We can finish the rest of this later?”
You nod, staring him down. Only he would wear a fucking hoodie in humid ass weather like this summer offers. He should know by now that even at night, it feels disgusting outside. 
It’s silent save for a few laughs as the two of you make your way back inside. The air conditioner hits your skin in a wonderful way, bringing goose bumps and causing you to let out a small shiver. 
“So much better,” You nearly sing-song out as you flop yourself down on the couch, your body feeling that familiar heavy feeling. “Do you think Seungcheol has noticed by now that you stole his weed?”
“Nah, he usually gives me some anyway since I’m always sharing with him.”
That’s fair. Still, the whole idea of stealing it felt dangerously funny and weirdly attractive. 
“Thanks for coming over by the way, I’m glad you weren’t too tired.” You smile, zoning out entirely by now.
Vernon hums out a response, now flopping down next to you and just lying there to feel the high he’s always chasing. 
The silence is short lived though, as he starts laughing out at nothing. You turn to look at him, waiting for some sort of joke or explanation of what he’s thinking about. 
“What’re you thinking about?” You say, almost laughing with him because it’s kind of contagious. 
“I just, like, it’s so stupid actually–” He starts, laughing out a breathy type of laugh and then taking in a breath to be able to speak again. “I was just thinking about how like, I had this dream the other day and it was literally just my old communications professor running away on stilts.”
Okay, now, hold on. That image is actually hilarious and it kind of sends you into a laughing fit too.
“What the fuck?” You laugh, wondering what he must be thinking about all the time to have dreams like that. “I never have funny dreams, mine are always scary or like…”
You trail off in a very obvious way, but thankfully Vernon isn’t amazing at finishing your thoughts or picking up on hints as to what you may have been about to say. 
Until like, fucking now apparently. 
“Oooooh,” He laughs, looking away from you. “You got a spicy dream to share?”
Man, you’ve got plenty but probably none that he’d be too interested to hear about. 
“Nah, nothing of note to really mention.” You say back, the laughing fit calming itself within you. 
“Well, that’s some bullshit. I have some pretty wild dreams, the sex ones can be kind of funny too.” 
Oh, your ears perk up. 
“What’s the funniest one you’ve ever had?” You ask, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“There was this one time I had a dream about Mingyu’s cousin.” 
You dead-pan stare at him in shock.
“I’m gonna tell on you.” You say, but he completely brushes you off.
“No! I mean, it’s not like I enjoyed it actively, but whoever I was in that dream was really going to town. I mean I was like, man–” He pauses, remembering the dream. “I’m pretty sure my dick was crying when I woke up because if I remember correctly, she was gnawing on it like a piece of beef jerky.” 
You snort and roll your eyes. 
“You’re totally the type to get off on some weird shit like that. Oh my god. Do you ever have a normal dream? Or like, a normal thought for that matter?”
He stares at you and you swear you can see his cheeks fan over with a blush. 
“Well….” He says, trailing off. “I mean, yeah. Of course I do, but you seem to like the funny ones the most.”
“Okay, then try and tell me a normal one and let’s see how it goes.”
Normal to Vernon may not be normal to you, but also he can’t tell if you’re referring to a sex dream or not. He’s not entirely the type to shy away despite feeling a little shy. 
“Sex dream or non sex dream?”
You think hard about which type of dream you want him to describe to you (no you don’t.)
“Sex dream.” 
He smiles, flicking his eyes to the bag of snacks on the table but opting to give it some more time before he starts eating like a damn goblin. 
“Let me think of one, hold on.” 
You sit there patiently, which probably doesn’t look very patient considering you quite literally turn your entire body to face him and rest your chin on your palm as if you’re expecting some inception styled sex or something. 
“Um…” He trials off, remembering very little of most of his sex dreams besides, well, the one he had of you. But to be fair most of them are about you, and he sees you so often that they’re kind of hard to forget. 
He can’t just tell you that though. He might be fucking zooted but he’s not an idiot. 
“Last week I had this dream about you.” 
Okay, maybe he’s an idiot. 
“Oh? Me?” You adjust your posture even more to that of interest, for no reason other than curiosity. You’re a bit flattered. 
“Yeah but that’s probably not one you wanna hear. There’s also one I had about–” Right, that one was about you too. “Or maybe…” Still about you.
You narrow your eyes.
“Just tell me the damn dream. I wanna know if I was any good.”
Vernon, for the first time in what feels like years, is experiencing extreme awkwardness. Nervousness. Dare he say, anxiety. Probably because of the way you blink at him with some type of expectation for this to be totally normal. Definitely a situation where he shouldn’t be feeling shy or even slightly turned on simply for thinking about all of those dreams he pretended he never had when you were with him.
Why did he have to tell you about this? Because now he has to actually tell you about it.
You watch him and the way he’s acting, noting that glimpse of nervousness and reaching forward to clap your hand on his knee. 
“Vernon, it was a dream, it’s not that big of a deal. You’ve been in a few of mine too.”
Well, that’s both comforting to him and terrifying because if he was in your dreams, the vernon in your head probably couldn’t even get you off. Which is fucked up of him. 
“If I tell you, you gotta tell me one of yours then.” 
You nod, resuming a more slouched posture and preparing to listen to him and his god awful story telling.
Except, it’s not awful. In fact, you can see him physically react to the images in his head as he re-tells the story. Those little movements in his legs? They don’t go unnoticed. 
“Last week, I had this dream and–” His eyes closed as he leaned himself against the couch, bouncing one leg up and down as if to calm his energy. He remembers it so clearly, and it’s kind of hard to admit with you right next to him. “Fuck,” He sighs out, ultimately choosing to leave the real life situation and instead live in his head for a few moments. 
Then, he opens his eyes and looks at you. 
“You couldn’t keep your hands off of me.” 
There’s a swirling inside of your belly at the way he is telling you this dream. One that makes you feel as though your initial reaction to his reaction isn’t so wrong after all. The dream turned him on. 
He liked it. 
He probably wanted it to happen after he woke up. 
“Then what happened?” You ask in a voice much smaller than you intended. 
Another sigh comes from him as he closes his eyes again, thinking hard about how detailed he should be about it. 
“Are you really wanting me to go into detail about how I dreamed about us fucking?”
You nod immediately, and then try to offer some form or relief. 
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay. Can you at least tell me if I was any good?” 
The way his eyes stay closed as he hums out. He is thinking. Very hard. 
“Well, it’s the only thing I’ve been jerking off to since it happened so I could argue that, yeah, you were pretty good.” 
You weren’t expecting him to admit how real he made the dream in his waking life. It’s an image he seemed to cling onto, and now, it’s an image you kind of want to cling onto as well. 
“Then tell me what happened.”
“I think I’ve admitted enough, it’s your turn now.”
Suddenly you feel shy. Yeah, it’s just a dream and all of that but now, seeing the way he seemed to really enjoy fucking you while being asleep, maybe you can admit to have liked the dream you had about him too. 
“We were in your living room and you went down on me. Absolutely rubbed one out when I woke up. Now, continue with yours.”
The fucking whiplash he gets from those string of words only drives him to continue.
“Oh how funny, I also went down on you in my dream too.” He tries to be normal about it, you can tell. “Would’ve been nice if I could actually taste it but as you know, I was like, asleep, and you’d probably never let me do that anyway.”
The side eye he gives you after saying that is almost hilarious. Almost.
“Well, were you any good at it?” You ask, leaning back against the arm of the couch and also pretending to be very normal about this sudden shift in friendship. 
“I’d say I was. Are you as vocal as you were in my dream?” He prods, still side-eyeing you. 
“Oh, most definitely.” 
He watches the way you lean back, the way you squeeze your thighs, the way you look a little flushed and he’s sure it’s not just the high doing it. 
“In my dream, you were also really wet for me.”
That, you can believe. 
“I’m really wet right now.” You admit in a monotone voice, staring straight at him and the way he turns his face away from you. 
“I’m also really hard,” He whispers out, not at all hiding the fact that his length is showing blatantly through his jeans. “We could, um, maybe…”
He didn’t even have to finish the sentence before you move yourself directly next to him, almost on him. You lean your head on his shoulder, feeling how warm he still is in this hoodie. You reach your arm up, pull off his beanie, and ruffle his hair once before smiling. 
“Are you going to eat me out first?”
It’s the way he nearly chokes, drowsy eyes no longer staring into space but staring directly at the way his cock twitches as your voice asks him such a thing. 
He nods.
“Yeah, yeah.” A cough. “Yes.” 
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withacapitalp · 1 year
How to Rehabilitate a Jock Part 6
Part 1 Part 5. Ao3 Link Part 7
It was already the second week of December by the time the Hellfire club finally, finally, defeated the Demon Lord Graz’zt. Normally, Eddie loved when a campaign stretched and stretched. It was a devious kind of joy to get to see his friends get stumped and backtrack and do everything they could to defeat whatever he had put in front of them. 
This time, he just wanted them to stab his stupid demon in the chest, light him on fire, and be done with it. 
A thousand times he had thought about just letting them win, and just letting them get through the end of the campaign. But his integrity as a dungeon master and a storyteller stopped him from doing it every single time. 
That, and Eddie was pretty sure they would be able to tell if he was skimping out on an ending just to get to the next campaign. Especially since they all knew why he would be so anxious to get to the next campaign. 
But, last week they had done it. Right at the last second Graz’zt had exploded in a shower of red sparks, the party had gained treasure and XP galore, and Eddie had stayed up every night this week finishing a one shot just for the occasion. 
Usually there was a rest week in between campaigns, or one of the others would rotate in as DM and Eddie would get to play for a while, but he wanted to be the one to run Steve’s first game. He didn’t trust any of the others not to sabotage, or try and kill him off early. 
Besides, he had the perfect beginner game planned. 
Well, he would have the perfect beginner game if their beginner ever decided to show up. 
“Seems like being late is a character trait,” Frank said as the rest of Hellfire sat around the table, clearly bored. Jeff was doodling in his book, and Rocky looked like he was asleep on the far side, face smushed up against the wood. School had ended almost a half hour ago, but there was still no sign of Steve. 
“This does give us time for a JRP update?” Janet suggested, sliding her chair back and walking over to the board. 
“Well, the update is…wow! Nothing has changed,” Gareth said, faking a look of utter shock before sliding back into his usual grumpy scowl, turning to Eddie, “Do you really want to wait three more months just to have to admit that I am right about him?” 
“How could anything have changed so far, Gareth?” Eddie shot back, sick and tired of his best friend’s issues. 
He held up a hand and began to count on his fingers right in front of Gareth’s face. Eddie knew that the other boy hated when he did things like that, but he also knew that he really couldn’t give a flying fuck at this point. Steve was trying, really honestly trying, and Gareth was being a jerk for literally no reason. 
“We just finished our new campaign, Steve isn’t even aware of the band yet because I’m not allowed to invite him to a show, and your third ridiculous checkpoint still has no defining parameters!” Eddie finished with a flourish. 
“Well, technically you can invite Steve to a show,” Kaiden said, grabbing everyone’s attention. He shrugged, pointing to the board, “It doesn’t say that Eddie can never invite him. It just won’t count towards the JRP until Steve goes without an invitation,” 
“Kaiden, what the hell?” Gareth said, spinning around and shooting his glare over to him instead of Eddie. 
“I don’t mind Steve, Gar.” Kaiden said with a shrug, unphased by his mood. By now they were all getting used to working around Gareth’s griping, “He’s pretty chill, he can be kinda funny, and I can’t think of anything he personally did that was that bad. Maybe he really is trying to be someone different now,”
The rest of the club didn’t speak, which Eddie decided to consider an extremely minute amount of progress. Sure, they weren’t sticking up for Steve, but they weren’t actively fighting against him anymore. 
Well, all except for one
“Traitor,” Gareth muttered under his breath. 
“Hey,” Eddie immediately snapped. Gareth could be pissy with him all he wanted, but he couldn’t go after another one of Eddie’s sheep just because he was mad. 
“I agree with Kaiden, I don’t see why Eddie would be forbidden from ever inviting Steve to a show,” Janet said, tapping her chin. 
Either she was unaware of how close the boys were to actually fighting, or she was actively ignoring it in favor of staying logical. Eddie would bet all of his money on the latter. Janet really was too smart for her own good. 
“As for setting parameters for the third point, I’m not sure how we go about that,” She continued, tapping her chalk against the board as she wracked her brain for potential ideas. 
“We don’t. We’ll know it when we see it,” Gareth stubbornly repeated, crossing his arms, “Though I doubt we will. This is just a waste of time.” 
Okay. Enough was enough. 
“What is your problem with him?!” Eddie shouted, starting the rest of the group. Rocky’s head popped off the table with a gasp, and Jeff immediately stiffened up. They were used to Eddie shouting, used to him raising his voice or getting angry, but that was all play, a show. This was actual anger, and that was scary. 
“Where did your problem with him go?” Gareth said, giving as good as he got, “You used to be the first to say that they aren’t us! They’re the enemy! He is literally the face of that enemy! What happened to the Munson Doctrine?!” 
Eddie opened his mouth to tell Gareth exactly where he could stick his Munson Doctrine, but before he could, Jeff stood up. 
His shoulders were up by his ears, and he looked completely uncomfortable, but Jeff was standing up anyway. A silent look from their bassist took the wind out of both boys’ sails, and they sat back down, tense and on edge. 
“Sorry Jeff,” Eddie sighed, pushing down any potential self hatred that wanted to rise up. The two of them knew Jeff’s story, knew why he wasn’t comfortable with angry yelling close to him, and they had done it anyway. Eddie forced himself to take a deep breath, watching as Gareth did the same. 
“Yeah, sorry,” Gareth echoed, looking genuinely remorseful. 
“This isn’t productive,” Frank pointed out, rolling his chair backwards until it collided with the chalkboard next to where Janet was standing, “I think that we should settle for a compromise.  All of the club members agree that Steve can stay. That would at least be enough to be considered a renouncement of some sort, right?,”
“That’s not the same,” Gareth protested. 
“Well, seeing as you don’t have a good argument for your checkpoint,” Frank replied, trailing off and waiting to hear if he had anything else to say. When Gareth remained grumpy and silent the rest nodded. 
“Okay so, I’ll just write our initials here, and when we decide we’re okay with Steve-”
“If” Gareth interrupted. 
“Fine. If we decide that we’re okay with Steve staying, we can cross out our names,” Janet said, miffed at being talked over, but choosing to move past it in favor of keeping the peace. 
She quickly began to jot down everyone’s initials, adding Steve’s right at the top just to keep up appearances. Eddie wasn’t exactly sure how they would explain that one, but hopefully Steve wouldn’t ask. He usually didn’t question things around the room unless they were particularly outlandish. 
“I’m fine with Steve,” Eddie said the second she wrote his initials. 
“We got that one, Eds,” Jeff replied with a good natured eye roll. Now that things were calming down again, he seemed way more relaxed. Janet clicked her tongue anyway, putting a thick white line through the E.M. she had just written. 
“I don’t mind him,” Kaiden tacked on. Janet shot him a quick nod, crossing out Kaiden’s initials, and then, surprisingly, her own.
“Janet?” Frank questioned. She shrugged, pausing for a second to ruffle his hair as she continued to write. She was the only one that didn’t see the way Frank’s face went beet red the moment she touched him. 
“He’s interesting,” She said, as if that was the only explanation she needed, “I’m a scientist. I like to experiment,” 
She finished with Gareth’s ‘G.L-W.’ turning to face the group. 
“Anyone else?” 
The rest of the club shook their heads, but Eddie couldn’t care less. He was already a third of the way there! And, there was no doubt in his mind that at least a few of them were going to be impressed with Steve’s gameplay today. 
After all Steve had been taught by the best. 
“Okay so, slightly modified parameters, but-” 
“Sorry I’m late!” Steve said as he burst into the room, cutting Janet off. 
If she was annoyed at being interrupted a second time, she didn’t let it slip. Instantly, she and Frank were back in their seats, her chalk abandoned, broken in two on the ground. The entire club did their best to look perfectly innocent, a truly terrible job that left them all seeming extremely, extremely, guilty. 
The only reason they got away with it was that Steve was way too caught up in rambling and trying to explain himself. 
“I’m so sorry, I was trying to get the kids set up in the library, because they want to come to my house after school for a sleepover. Winter break, right? But then they kept asking me question after question, and wanting to come watch me shoot hoops. They never want to watch me shoot hoops! Why now?! I swear this is what I get for letting them use my house to take pictures for the Snow Ball.” Steve groaned, getting stuck in his scarf as he tried to unwind it from around his head. 
Eddie laughed softly, getting up and coming around the table, slowly helping Steve get free of his yarn filled prison. 
“Are you going to chaperone this Sunday?” Eddie asked. Instantly his mind was filled with the image of Steve in a handsome black suit, a dark red rose sitting in his lapel and perfectly complimenting his ruby lips. 
Okay. File that under ‘Things Eddie was never allowed to think about again except when alone in his bedroom’. 
“Definitely not. I’m a babysitter, not a chaperone,” Steve said with a smirk, “I’ll let them get ready at my place and have a little after party there, and that should stop them from being arrogant whiny brats for a little while. Hope I didn’t miss anything though,” 
Just the rest of the club talking about using him as a human lab rat. 
“Nope,” Eddie lied smoothly, pulling Steve’s chair out for him and making a huge grand gesture for him to come sit. 
“Welcome to this side of the table,” Kaiden said from his seat across from Steve. Normally Gareth sat on Eddie’s right side, but since the first meeting that Steve had joined, his best friend had regulated himself to the corner as far from Eddie as he could get. 
Whatever. That was better anyway. Eddie didn’t care. 
(He cared so much more than he wanted to admit.) 
“Glad to be here?” Steve said, pulling out the folder Eddie had given him for all of his character sheets and looking around the group nervously. 
He didn’t have anything to worry about. Eddie had helped him to build a totally awesome persona. 
“It’s hell,” Frank sighed solemnly, patting Steve’s shoulder. 
“Hellfire,” Eddie corrected, the rest of the group groaning at his bad pun. He waved off their lack of appreciation for his fantastic word play, perching on his throne and raising a hand. 
“I would like to take a moment to recognize that this is a special occasion. We are here to celebrate the birth of Steve’s very first Dungeons and Dragons character,” Eddie said, pausing so the rest could react appropriately. 
Sure enough there was a round of foot stomping and table slapping. Steve startled at the noise, but quickly recovered, blushing, but still staring directly at Eddie with those big beautiful browns. 
God damn this brave, lovely, completely adorable boy. 
“May I introduce the former Prince of the realm, Level One Human Ranger Stefan of Herringtown. Stefan, Welcome to Hellfire,” Eddie said, pausing to give Steve a secretive wink and loving the way that the blush on the other boy’s cheeks traveled to his ears when he did. 
Stefan was, arguably, a pretty cool first time character. Steve lingered just on the edge of being a paladin, but he had enough chaotic energy that Ranger seemed to fit him better. He was a loyal to a fault kind of guy who had a habit for picking up strays, a smooth quick talking charm that tended to get him in and out of trouble, and a chip on his shoulder from being exiled from his kingdom. 
In short, he was Steve, but dungeons and dragonsified. Perfect for the first play through. 
With that settled, Eddie rolled his shoulders, settling himself into his dungeon master character and taking a long breath in. 
“Your party is starting off trekking across the frozen tundra,” He began, feeling the mood shift to excitement as the rest prepared themselves for his opener, “Your feet are freezing, and your fingers have gone numb, but you continue on anyway. You have heard tale of an abandoned factory at the highest point of the world- a place littered with treasures and everything a being could ever ask for. You want to see the place for yourselves, and maybe even loot some of the booty.” 
Rocky gave a vicious grin at this, chuckling softly to himself. His tiefling rogue was always looking to horde more treasure, and Rocky loved to get into character as quickly as he could. It was fun, it added something to the game. 
“You see a building and hurry closer, eager to get out of the biting frost. It is a dark unnatural place with high smoke stacks and mounds of coal sitting all around the entrance. You enter as one without thinking or stopping to check your surroundings, collapsing on the other side and panting to catch your breath. What is your first move, Goren the Great?” Eddie asked, starting on the far side of the table. 
Even if he and Gareth weren’t on the best of terms right now, Eddie still wouldn’t want to start a campaign with any other player. It just wouldn't feel right. 
“I do a perception check,” Gareth decided. Eddie nodded towards his d8, and Gareth grabbed it, throwing down a seven. 
“As a dwarf, you have spent many years hunting through mines for precious gems, so your ability to see in the dark is unparalleled. You can see strange boot shaped bags all around the room, and boxes that are wrapped with twine bows,” He said, watching as their brains began to spin with possibilities.
This was the best part. Watching his players try to figure out exactly what was going on around them was just so fun. 
“Well, I have a feeling we may have stumbled upon the right place. I can see treasure from corner to corner,” Gareth remarked, throwing his voice into a growling rumble, perfect for his hardened grizzled character. 
“I can’t see anything,” Jeff complained, getting into it. 
"That's because you are a stupid elf, and your stupid elf eyesight only works in the day,” Gareth replied, both of them holding back laughter. 
“How dare you?! You, you…tiny little man!” 
And then they were off, back and forth insults that were cheesy, yet sometimes creative. The club watched in amusement. Even Steve was snickering, and he normally tried to pretend he didn’t exist when it had anything to do with Gareth. Usually Eddie would try and focus the group back in, but he was happy to let them banter for a little while. 
This was the kind of fighting they should be doing. This was the Gareth Eddie knew, and getting to see that that guy was still somewhere in this new person was very comforting. 
“I am through with your impertinent conclusions,” Jeff huffed in mock exasperation, keeping his voice high and flighty as he did, “I am ready to take my turn, master of the game.” 
“Very well,” Eddie said, inclining his head and waiting to hear. 
“I open my bag and get out a torch, but I want to hit Goren with my bag as I do it,” Jeff said, the rest of the group immediately bursting into laughter.
“Roll 2 d8. One for hitting him, and one for how much light the torch is going to give you,” Eddie instructed, biting his lip to hide his smile. Jeff let the dice fly, getting an eight and a two respectively. 
“As you pull out your torch, you smack Goren right in the face with your bag. Goren loses one hit point,” Eddie said, making a note on his paper. 
“Oh, I am sooo sorry that was completely unintentional.” Jeff gasped sarcastically, holding a hand against his heart and raising his eyes to the sky. 
“Goren does not believe you, but he will hold his anger for later,” Eddie said, sliding in smoothly before another ‘argument’ could take place, “You light your torch, but the draft coming in through the broken windows makes the flame flicker and shrink. You can just see the edge of an image drawn on the wall,” 
“I want to examine the drawing,” Kaiden jumped in. 
“June Iper it is not your turn,” Eddie replied, referring to Kaiden by his character’s name. If they were doing things their normal way, then it would be Kaiden’s turn, but as it was, it was time for Rocky to go. 
Kaiden grumbled to himself, then sat up straight. He and Rocky made eye contact for a brief second before quickly scrambling to switch seats. 
“Now it is my turn,” Kaiden said, his head held high in victory. Eddie rolled his eyes but allowed it to slide, just happy that the two freshman boys were having a good time. He let Kaiden roll and then continued on, eager to get to the entrance of the main enemy. 
“You snatch the torch out of Boz’s hand, scampering up to the wall and holding it as high as you can, which isn’t very high at all,” Eddie pointed out. Kaiden’s character was a gnome, and Eddie never missed a chance to make a short joke at their expense, “The rest of the party can only see what looks like a chariot being dragged by cloven hoofed beasts.” 
“Wait a second,” Janet said, her face lighting up in realization. She turned to Eddie with her eyes narrowed, and he schooled himself into a completely innocent expression. 
“Yes Miss Ngyet?” He asked innocently, having a feeling she had already guessed where this one shot was going. 
“I take the torch from June so we can see better,” 
“Is there normally this much torch stealing?” Steve asked softly as Janet rolled, quirking his head to the side as he gave Eddie a raised brow. Before Eddie could respond, Frank interrupted. 
“Hey, you’re on our side now,” Frank said, nudging their arms together, “Ask us your questions,”
“Oh, sorry,” Steve apologized, turning towards Frank. 
Behind Steve’s back, Eddie gave Frank a grateful little smile. Sure, he was probably only being nice to Steve right now because Janet had said she was okay with him, but Eddie would take any kind of progress. Frank gave Eddie a short nod, and they settled back into their roles, continuing the game. 
“With Miss Ngyet’s extra height you can all see the full mosaic. Gasping in horror you finally recognize the picture you’re looking at. A man dressed in robes that are bathed in blood, a stampede of reindeer pulling his sledge. All at once the lights turn on in the factory, blinding you. There’s an ominous laughter from behind. Ho. Ho. HO.” Eddie roared. 
More light bulbs around the room as Jeff and Frank both caught on. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Jeff sighed, putting his face in his hands to muffle his laughter. Eddie grabbed the mini figure sitting in front of him, standing up and beginning the monologue he had practiced in front of the mirror all week. Wayne had nearly forced him to go outside to do it after the first few days of never ending repetition. 
“Your foe! A man turned God who knows the name of every child in the world, and watches endlessly. This God, who was once a benevolent overlord, loved to shower gifts upon those he deemed good, giving gentle reminders to those he saw being bad. Now he feasts upon the ‘Naughty’ alongside his favorite meal of milk and cookies,” Eddie ominously lowered his voice, coming to stand between Steve and Frank. 
Steve leaned backwards and turned his head. Frank did the same. 
“Is this what I think it is?” Steve whispered behind Eddie. 
“Yes,” Frank whispered back. 
“The demonous, the dastardly, the fat…” 
Eddie thrust the minifigure down onto the table, standing back as he hollered at the top of his lungs. 
Eddie had been absolutely, completely, 100%, right. 
This was an epic one shot. 
After their initial reactions to finding out they were doing battle against Santa of all people, the rest of the club dove into the campaign with glee. Eddie had taken care to create an awesome story filled to the brim with little easter eggs, and they were eating up every bit of it. 
There were hypnotically enslaved elves, blood thirsty reindeer, exploding candy canes, even a section where the party had to sing Christmas songs to escape from a platoon of killer carolers.
Yeah he was biased, but Steve’s giggly rendition of WHAM’s new hit song was the best thing Eddie had ever heard in his life. 
Speaking of, the biggest shock of the game had to be how well Steve was doing. Eddie had honestly expected to have to subtly take it a little easy on him, but the jock was turning out to be one of the trickiest players he had ever gone up against. 
Sure, the math and the writing portion was a bit of a hiccup, but Steve’s strategic thinking was unexpectedly excellent, and he seemed to have a knack for survival. He had quickly made himself an invaluable player, and the rest had accepted him into the fold, if only for now. 
And the best part of it all was how much fun Steve was having. The smile on his face was bright, utterly joyful in a way Eddie had only seen once years ago. He had seen Steve smile plenty since then, but it was always quiet, kind of hidden away, like he was scared to show how much he was enjoying himself. 
But this was just…happy. Pure, clear, happy, with nothing standing in its way, and Eddie was drinking in the sight like a man in a desert who had found an oasis. 
After a grueling four hours, Hellfire had finally managed to kill off the final reindeer (Vixen had gone down in a blaze of glory) and release all of the elves from their mind manacles. 
There was just one foe left. 
“As the not-so-jolly man with a bag gently lays his last beast on the ground, he looks up at you all with complete rage in his eyes,” Eddie said in a hushed tone, letting things get as quiet as possible before exploding into sound.
“Naughty! You are All on my naughty list!” Eddie declared, slapping his hand on the table before standing and reaching over his binder to point, “You! And You! And You! And-” 
Eddie paused mid monologue, his finger still hovering in the air directed at Janet. All of them turned around as one, facing their new intruder. 
Little Red was in the doorway, staring back at them with big eyes. A mischievous grin quickly overtook her face and she opened the door wide, crossing her arms and smugly jutting her chin out at her babysitter.
“Shooting hoops, huh?” 
“Max? Why are you here? Where are the boys?” Steve asked, quickly getting up from the table and coming to her side. The anxiety coloring his tone was unexpected, and Eddie felt himself wilt a little as all of Steve’s walls seemed to have pulled back up in a snap. 
“Down the hall. We’re fine,” Max said, quickly reassuring him and dropping her act. Steve relaxed for a second, but then stiffened once more as she peeked her head around his side. She waved, and the rest of the group waved back. 
“Shooting hoops,” She repeated, raising a brow, “You know, Steve, I’ve never played basketball, but it looks a lot more like Dungeons and Dragons than I expected it too,”
“How long have you known?” Steve sighed.
“That you were lying?” Max asked for clarification, “The whole time. You’re a bad liar, and Billy just couldn’t shut up about how you were benched from playing, and he was going to be the one leading the team now. I wasn’t expecting you to be doing this though. I thought you were meeting up with a girl.” 
“I’ll pay you real money to not tell the others,” Steve said, completely serious. 
Max tapped on her chin, a move that was so reminiscent of Janet that Eddie had to stifle a laugh. He didn’t want to call any attention to himself right now, too invested in seeing how this would all play out. 
“How much?” She asked, giving him a shrewd eye. 
“Five bucks?” Steve offered, sounding slightly desperate. 
Max hummed, making faces as she pretended to consider it. 
“Not enough,” She finally decided with a cute little shrug, sticking her head into the hallway and shouting for the boys to come. 
A stampede of footsteps and hollering began in the distance and Steve groaned, shooting Max a look of utter betrayal before turning to pout at Eddie. 
“Lord, help me,” Steve sighed. 
“Nay, I shan't. Lord Kringle has deemed you naughty, Stefan, there is no hope for you now,” Eddie replied, shaking his head. Steve did not seem at all amused by this, but the rest of the club was chuckling, exchanging wry little grins. 
“Oh, are we about to meet Harrington’s famous children?” Kaiden wondered aloud, already knowing the answer. 
“Don’t,” Steve warned with zero heat in his voice, seemingly already resigned to what was about to happen. He was rubbing at his temple, his eyes shut with a look of pure exhaustion on his face. 
Max patted him twice on the arm before coming over to look at the board, looking over Steve’s character sheets with glee. 
“Hey Little Red,” Eddie said. 
“Hi, Steve’s friend,” She replied with a smirk, “You guys are gonna have fun watching this,” 
Before anyone could ask what she meant, a veritable horde of boys burst into the room. They were once again all talking over each other, but this seemed to just be the way the boys communicated. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike all stayed crowded around Steve yelling at him, while Will began to look around. 
Max quietly whistled, jerking her head and catching Will’s attention. He obediently trotted over, and she showed him what she had found, both of them exchanging quiet whispers that even Eddie couldn't make out over the other kids shouting. 
“Why are you not in the library?” Steve griped, managing to raise his voice above theirs. 
“We finished our campaign and got bored. You’re taking forever, we’re hungry, and we want to see El,” Mike whined, crossing his arms and glaring at his babysitter. 
“What are you doing anyway?” Dustin asked, trying to look around Steve.
“Nothing,” Steve said quickly, pushing Dustin’s head back in front of him, “Get out. I’ll come get you guys in like an hour, or you can walk back to your own houses,”
“Who are they?” Lucas wondered, ignoring Steve’s minor threat. Everyone in the room already knew how hollow it was, “This is definitely not the gym,” 
Eddie was sure Steve had some sort of excuse, something he had cooked up to explain why he was here, but he was not eager to hear it. Sure, Eddie understood why Steve might have wanted to have something that was ‘just his’ (or, at least, he respected it), but the rest of the club wouldn’t. They would definitely think Steve was trying to hide the fact that he knew them, and that would reinforce everything Gareth was saying. 
No matter what, this was not going to go down well, and would probably erase any progress that had been made. 
Luckily for both of them, Will Byers decided that this was the moment to speak up. 
“Steve?” Will said, catching everyone’s attention, “Are you…playing DnD?”
Tension thick as a thousand page novel blanketed them all. Dustin gasped in an extremely melodramatic fashion, and Mike blew past Steve, storming over and slamming his hands down on the table, making all of the figures tremble. Steve seemed lost for words, turning back to give Eddie a ‘help me’ look of terror. 
So, Eddie did what he did best. 
He caused a little chaos. 
“Why yes, young small one, he is playing Dungeons and Dragons,” Eddie said with a tricky grin, loving the explosion of mayhem that came right after, 
Tag List: @paopaupaus @zerokrox-blog @surferboyzaza @whatever-is-a-good-name @minjintea @addelyin @5ammi90 @hagbaby420 @shinekocreator @bornonthesavage @starxlark @electrick-marionnett @resident-gay-bitch @ash-a-confused-enby @classicdinosaurdeathpose @valon-whomsttf @rotten-lil-goblin @thereindeerlady @love-ya-kash @kerlypride @sparkle-fiend @thefreakandthehair @flowercrowngods @milf-harrington @sadcanadianwinter @gothbat99 @hotcocoaharrington @henderdads @lightwoodbanethings @colorful565 @h0n3y-dw @craterbbox @sourw0lfs @lesliiieeeee @bidisastersworld @tinynebula @ravnlinn @bonescaro @mexmatch @cottagecoredreams @joruni @hellykelly @maegan1116 @farewell-wanderlvst @desertfern @due-to-the-fact-that-im-a-slut @anythingforourmoonyedits @eerielake @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sidekick-hero
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universaln0b0dy · 7 months
HEYaaaaa , may I request a dozen roses for the third years please ?????? cute serie
A dozen roses. (Twisted wonderland third years (-housewardens)x reader)
《Characters》: Trey, Carter, Rook, Lillia
《Summary》: You and him had a fight. For whatever reason and the other would only be forgiven if they would be brought a dozen Roses, handpicked/self made or at least that's what they think. Though it was only said out of anger the next week they hold said roses.
《Note》: established relationship. Also fluff, simply fluff
Trey Clover:
Okay, how did that happen. You and Trey having a fight? That was considered impossible. Both of you were the most understanding people in the world wich means a fight shouldn't even have broken out?
Well it did. Though neither you nor Trey can remember what it was about. Something about you having scared Trey to death with fighting all of these Overblots.
You wanted to be the bigger person in this case, planning on apologising for letting the fight get out of control when the only thing Trey did was watch out for you.
Well what might suprise a lot of people is that Trey holds grudges. And you get to experience that rare sight of Trey ignoring you out of anger. And you feel horrible about that.
Wanting to apologise, you crack your head with thinking about what to do as an apology. You get the idea for the roses, by looking out of your window.
"Trey? The prefect is here to see you." Trey perks up, sighing with a slight frown. He really didn't want to see you at the moment, but he had been ignoring you for exactly one week now and maybe he should talk to you.
You step towards Trey, holding the self picked flowers out to him, trying your best to hide the small scratches that littered over your arm.
"I am really sorry. Your right, I shouldn't be so reckless and I shouldn't have said all of that, you were just looking out for me." You exclaim looking at Trey.
The green haired male sighs, but takes the flowers. He looks at them and than smiles at you. "You are forgiven my sweetheart. After all what you are doing helps a lot of people, just promise me that you'll tell me about it, so I can help you."
Carter Diamond:
Carter was known for his cheery and social media based personality, hiding that he had a hard time getting close to people or showing others his none perfect side.
Exept you. You were willing to wait for him, allowing him to take his own time with communicating his feeling. And he probably ruined that.
It was a simple prank he posted without your consent, that made you walk out of the door angrily and avoid him even after he took down the video.
He really doesn't know what to do and it shows, the whole week he seems kinda anxious fidgeting with his fingers pacing around the dorm, or letting his smile falter for just a few seconds.
Trey is the first one to give him an idea on just how to apologise, wich he follows, hoping that you would accept his apology.
You open the door to Ramshackle, flowers greeting your face. They are hand picked, you can tell by the small scratches that cover Carters hands.
"My love, I am very sorry. I shouldn't have posted that video without your consent and- and maybe I should really not post everything on social media I-I..." His voice breaks and you take the flowers giving him a kiss on his forehead.
"I forgive you, but never do that again okay?"
Rook Hunt:
Well no one would believe that you and Rook could fight. Rook was down bad for you in a way that no one else was and you loved Rook even with his little quirks and habits.
But even you could get irritated by his constant stalking. Wich you tell him after a long and exhausting day working for Crowley, in a not a polite way, leaving Rook speeches.
You feel horrible. Rook had stood up and left without saying another word, but by the fact that Vil came knocking on your door later on, asking you just what the hell happened.
You tell Vil what happened, along with asking if he knew just how to apologise to Rook. Luckily Vil sighs realising that it's nothing serious and he won't have to expect Rook being quiet forever. It was spooky.
You on the other hand try your best to catch Rook somewhere in order to properly apologise, but when a hunter doesn't want to be found he won't be found.
By the end of the week you are completely devastated,running into the Pomefiore dorm, asking everyone about Rook. The students told you that he might be in his room and you run towards the direction that was pointed to you.
Before you can knock on the dorms door, Rook opens it. He looks at you, looking gloomy in some way. You hand him the roses with tears in your eyes.
"I am really sorry Rook! I shouldn't have said all that! I don't think it's annoying that you follow me around, I feel safe. And I know that I sometimes might get angry but I want you to know that I didn't mean anything I said that day!" You exclaim, before you suddenly get pulled to the floor by a hug. Rook had tackled you.
"You are forgiven monsior/mademoiselle trickster!"
Lilia Vanrouge:
Oh dear, Lillia and you that was a story. You were an immortal that was recently thrown into this world and Lilia was well Lilia, a veteran fae in the schools textbooks.
It was love on first prank how people might say. Well the relationship was so good that no one expected you two to fight. But well you and Lilia did and you really had a bad fight.
Silver didn't understand what had happened, you just stormed out of the dorm without saying another word, leaving behind a very angry but at the same time really sad Lilia.
The fight was about you returning to your world, with Lilia voicing clear displeasure at the fact you might leave again, but you understood. He was your boyfriend after all.
But something irked you on the way he said it, sounding like he was trying to accuse you of abandoning him and Silver, who you have become a parental figure for.
You simply need time for yourself for now, ignoring the faes advances of talking with you, until Malleus shows up at Ramshackles doormat looking like a lost puppy.
You of course let him in, brewing the dragon fae some tea and Malleus asks you about your fight with Lilia, telling you about how weird Lilia has been behaving.
When he asks you about what apology you would accept, you tell him that a dozen roses would be perfect. Malleus smiles. The dragon fae had really taken a liking to you, seeing you like a parental figure, just like Silver did.
It's now been a week since your fight and you were about to walk over to Diasomnia, until you hear a knock on the door. You open it, seeing Lilia stand in front of you, with exactly a dozen Rose's.
"I am sorry my dear, I shouldn't have gotten so worked up about the fact you might return to your world one day, after all it's your choice! But I was scared that you would just leave..." The fae mutters. You smile pulling Lilia into a hug.
"I would never leave you, Malleus or Silver. I am not going anywhere!"
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kedreeva · 1 year
There were a lot of good (and some weird) things about vending at this reptile expo, but hands down the best part was getting to sell my mice in person. Usually people contact me through my business page and arrange the sale ahead of time, and local pickup is at a third public location - a gas station that surely thinks I'm making shady drug deals in their side parking lot with how often I'm over there and I don't know if they would consider that better or worse than being up to mouse shenanigans - so I only ever get to talk to people for a hot second in person while we transfer animals and cash. They rarely handle the mice at all in front of me.
But the expo? Holy shit, man. The look on people's faces when they read the sign that said "please touch, we're very friendly!" or when they started to walk past thinking I had feeder mice only to hear me call "do you want to hold a mouse?" My table was PACKED with people jammed around the mouse bin marveling at how soft mice are and how nice they were. I repeated dozens and dozens of times about how they're bred for temperament, yes the ears are bred that way for show, yes the tail is longer because of show breeding. I repeated so many times "she won't jump out of your hands/bite I promise." I had dozens, probably 100+ kids LIGHT UP when I asked if they wanted to hold or pet one. One small boy, maybe 2 years old max, spotted my mice from like 15 feet away and his whole posture changed and he shrieked MOUSE??!! and lunged towards them from his mother's arms and only her incredibly fast reflexes saved him. I was asked several times why the mice hadn't pooped or peed on anyone, and had to explain how that's a stress behavior from mice that aren't bred to be comfortable being handled.
And it's always especially gratifying when people scared of mice will come pet or hold them after I tell them they don't have to, but also they'll never meet a nicer mouse and you won't BELIEVE how soft they are. How many times today I heard "oh... I didn't know they could be this sweet." Adults and kids alike! There was one little girl who so very badly wanted to hold one but she was so scared about it her hands started shaking as I was getting ready to put the mouse in them... And the moment the mouse was in her hands she literally melted. I don't have a better word, she relaxed completely and her face lit up as she smiled in relief. I don't know what she was expecting but whatever it was, the mouse she held put her at complete ease.
Like idk. Idk. I sold every single mouse I brought. Easily! Hours before the end of the expo. And made so, so many people happy just to experience them. It's enough to make me want to bring some ambassadors. I had a couple of my Really friendly girls there that were just so desperate to climb into hands they hopped up into the hands of complete strangers. Not one person got even a nip, not even the small children who got overexcited or anxious and grabbed a little too hard for a second. I am extremely proud of my gals, I think they really showed people how gentle and good mice can be.
Anyway. Completely worth it. I'm going to make a sign explaining the things I repeated 70 biajillion times to save my poor throat, and go back next month.
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thatfreshi · 8 months
"Unlucky Draw" (Uni AU p. 15)
There's finally some fluff guys!!!!!!!!!
tw - anxiety, discussion of weed
Since Halsin's little break-up escapade happened, you actually do get the chance to see Astarion later that night. As of recent, he's been throwing himself into his thesis project more and more, to the point where most of your time hanging is spent with him looking through books and asking 'do you think this sounds right?'
"You know you can take a break, right?"
"I could, you're right, but then I'd just be wasting time. And I'm not allotted much time to work on this."
The two of you are comfortably sprawled across his mattress, like teenagers at a sleepover. You roll over and shut his laptop.
"C'mon, you've been staring at that paper for like two hours."
"And what else should I do, my darling Tav? Maybe stare at the ceiling in silence? Or scroll mindlessly on my phone until I don't feel like moving anymore?"
"Ugh, no! I don't know, take a coffee break. You're probably not going to sleep anyways."
Your best friend almost looks peaceful like this, wrapped in a cozy sweater and sweatpants, always wearing long socks because he gets cold too easily. You find yourself lingering on the thought longer than normal, wishing he could feel that comfortable warmth all the time, wondering it might be like to share in it.
"Tav, are you listening? God, maybe we should just stare at the ceiling in silence."
"Sorry, just spacing out. What were you saying?"
"I was saying, how I should probably cut back on the caffeine."
"Really? Astarion Barista Ancunín, are you turning your back on your beloved espresso machine?"
"Look, I'm not happy about it, but I've been far too anxious as of late. My nerves are on fire constantly, jumping at every little noise I hear. It's irritating, to say the least."
"I thought being caffeinated was how you dealt with the insomnia though?"
"Oh it very much is, which will become a problem soon enough, but I just can't be this nervous constantly."
It's something that you've definitely noticed, how quiet and fidgety he's become recently.
"You considered smoking weed? I know Gale says it helps him zen out, especially when it comes to art stuff."
"Nope, makes me paranoid."
"Damn, unlucky draw I guess."
"You're telling me. I smoked one time back in high school, couldn't sleep for hours, kept thinking someone was out to get me or something."
You start to get lost in the peace of the moment again, the fact that you're able to talk about shit that doesn't matter, how the light from the bedside lamp hits his eyes just right...
"Are you alright? You seem, out of it."
"Sorry, just thinking about what Halsin said to me."
"I can't believe he just broke things off like that, without a reason."
You swallow hard.
"He, he said it's because he thinks you like me? And that he doesn't want to get in the way of that?"
There's silence for a moment, that you jump to fill.
"But that's not true right? We're just friends, I don't know where he would've gotten that idea from."
"Right, I don't know either... sounds like you dodged a bullet with him."
"Yeah, probably so."
God, has he always looked like this? Damn Halsin, damn all those things he said, damn Gale for even playing into it. You remind yourself that Astarion's right, that this doesn't need to get any more complicated than it already is, that he has enough on his plate.
"Now, am I allowed to go back to my thesis now? Or do I need to have more mandatory break time?"
You playfully sigh.
"I guess you can do productive things or whatever."
"Well, in that case would you like to come read what I have?"
"I'll look at it, but you have the cool narrator voice, you have to read it to be like a professional author."
He rolls his eyes, and you go to sit next to him, looking at the thousands of words he's typed at this point. Astarion starts to read it out loud, editing tiny things as he goes, forever a little perfectionist. After a while, the voice becomes too soothing, and you fall asleep there next to him, letting your head hit his shoulder.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you knocked out, clearly exhausted. He doesn't stop reading though, worried if he does that he'll somehow ruin the sleep he's let you stumble into. So he spends the rest of the night rereading out loud and talking to himself, occasionally asking you things that you don't answer. After many hours pass, and the wee hours of the morning arrive, along with the clock turning to say five AM, he puts his laptop aside, and asks you one final question.
"Why do you insist on pulling my heartstrings the way you do?"
And it falls on your sleeping ears, never truly getting through.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
hii!! so I’m sick and your fics are the best, could you maybe write some WandaNat taking care of a sick reader with the prompts “You need to stop worrying about me.”, “Somebody’s certainly sneezy today.” and “I thought you said that you were feeling better?” pretty please?? 🥹
Sniffles And The Seaside
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〚 Notes - Heyyy Flo, Hopefully you're feeling by now! I finally got round to doing your request and I thought It’d be the perfect start to the new AU! Im so sorry this took so long, hopefully you enjoy! Feel free to request anything for this AU!〛
〚 Pairing- WandaNat x Reader, Yelena Belova x Kate Bishop 〛
〚 Summary - The day of your trip had finally come and you were beyond excited. But maybe all that excitement had worn you down a little because truthfully, you weren’t exactly feeling your best - but there’s no way you were about to let that disrupt your vacation. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2690 〛
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𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐔 - 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐄𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐮𝐧.
╚════════ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ════════╝
You woke up with a jolt, your eyes blinking open as the sunlight streamed in through the window. Today was the day - the day you had been eagerly awaiting for weeks. You were finally going to the beach house with both your girlfriends and your two best friends, Kate and Yelena. You couldn't wait to feel the warm sand between your toes, hear the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and spend lazy afternoons lounging in the sun. 
As you stretched your arms and sat up in bed, a feeling of excitement bubbled up inside of you. You quickly got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, eager to get ready for the day ahead. But as you washed your face and looked in the mirror, you noticed something was off. You looked pale and now that you thought about it, your throat was hurting. Whatever! It’s probably nothing you thought as you picked up your toothbrush to begin brushing them. It was just as you’d turned off the tap and finished up that you felt your nose tickle sharply and you barely had time to duck your head into your elbow as you sneezed...twice...trice...quadru- Nope, you lost that one. 
You groaned to yourself sniffling thickly as you went to grab some tissues from the box andit was then that you registered the all-too familiar feeling of congestion beginning to settle in your sinuses.  
“Bless you!” Wanda’s distinct voice called out from somewhere in the house. You were about to call out a thanks when you came to a dreadful realisation. If your girlfriends knew you were sick, there was no way they’d agree to take you on the trip. If it was just you missing out, then maybe you’d consider it but you knew them both. Nat and Wanda would be instant on staying home in turn, doing themselves out of their much-deserved holiday too 
You let out a sigh, feeling torn. You didn't want to ruin everyone's plans, but you also didn't want to miss out on the trip. But eventually you decided to just take some paracetamol and hope for the best. You weren’t going to ruin this trip. 
  As you made your way to the kitchen to grab some medication, you couldn't help but feel a little anxious about hiding your illness from your girlfriends. You knew it wasn't the right thing to do, but you also didn't want to disappoint them. You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that it was just a cold, and that it would hopefully pass quickly. 
“Goodmorning baby,” Nat smiled widely, entering the kitchen just after you’d finished swallowing your dose of paracetamol, “How did my princess sleep?” 
You smiled, feeling her strong arms enfold you as she hummed, “I slept well. Is everything packed?” You asked as Wanda strolled into the kitchen, jingling the car keys happily. 
"Yep, everything's pretty much ready to go," Wanda replied, a big grin on her face. "Are you guys excited?" 
You nodded eagerly, trying to hide the fact that your throat was starting to feel even worse. "Definitely! When are we setting off?” 
“Nu-uh, not so fast.” Natasha tutted, as she finished plating up some food, “Breakfast, my loves. Sit and eat please. I made pancakes.” 
“Oh baby, this looks amazing.” Wanda cooed, as she kissed Nat’s cheek. 
You forced a smile and sat down at the table, trying your best to enjoy the pancakes despite your worsening symptoms. You tried to join in the conversation, but your voice was starting to sound scratchy and hoarse. You cleared your throat and took a sip of water, hoping no one would notice. It was hard to eat and you tried your best to force in a few mouthfuls but eventually you found yourself just picking at the food in front of you.  
“You alright there baby?” Wanda asked as she finished off her plate, “You’ve barely touched your food. What’s up princess?”  
You shrugged, already feeling bad that they’d caught on, “I’m alright, just not really feeling breakfast today.” 
“How come you’re not hungry baby? Normally you can't get enough of my berries and pancakes.” Nat asked, her hand coming to cup your cheek as she kissed your lips softly. 
“I don't know, I’m just not very hungry this morning,” You fibbed, kissing her back tentatively. Of course, you knew the reason why you had no appetite but you weren’t about to tell them that.  
Nat and Wanda exchanged a knowing look, but didn't press the issue any further. They knew you well enough to sense when something was off, but they also respected your boundaries. Instead, they finished up their breakfast and started to gather their things. You helped out as best as you could, but soon you found yourself feeling more and more fatigued. 
You were almost ready to go. Natasha had just gone out to put her bags in the car when Wanda turned to you and casually asked “You feeling okay again now?” She was just finishing straightening up the living room - she didn’t like coming home to a messy house, “You said you felt off yesterday, remember?” 
“Oh,” You cursed mentally for forgetting about yesterday’s complaints, “Yeah I’m okay now, I think it might’ve just been because I was tired.” You shot her a quick thumbs up before quickly scooting off to go get your finals bags. 
By the time everyone was finally packed and ready to go, you were feeling absolutely miserable. Your throat was throbbing, your nose was blocked, and your head felt like it was splitting in two.  
As you got into the car, you couldn't help but feel worse. Your head was pounding and your throat felt like sandpaper. You tried your best to hide your discomfort, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. You watched as Nat and Wanda chatted away happily, excited for the trip ahead. You smiled and nodded along, but your mind was elsewhere, focused on the growing pain in your body but as soon as the engine started to rev, you let out a coughing fit, painfully muffled into your hoodie, 
“Baby, are you okay?” Wanda asked, turning around in her seat to look back at you. Her and Nat had both decided to sit up front, until you’d picked up both Yelena and Kate. 
You nodded, even though you felt far from okay. “Yeah, just a little tickle in my throat.” 
“You want me to put the AC on? You’re looking a bit flushed back there baby.” Nat asked as she looked into the back mirror to see your slightly red cheeks. 
“It is a bit hot back here.” 
“Okay I’ll turn it on for you then love.” 
Even though the journey over to Yelena’s apartment was relatively short, it felt like hours had passed, you’d spent most of it in a daze, your body feeling heavy and lethargic. You tried your best to participate in the conversation, but it was hard to focus when all you wanted to do was curl up and sleep. 
It was only as you saw the figures of your two excited friends rushing towards the car with your bags, you forced yourself to visibly perk up a little, mentally preparing yourself for the loudness they would ineviatively bring with them. 
“Hi guys!” Yelena’s chirpy voice cheered as she opened the boot of the car, helping Kate stack their bags inside. 
You mustered a smile and greeted them back, trying your best to act normal and not give away how terrible you felt.  
“Hi guys!” Wanda grinned, as both she and Nat got out of the car, letting the two girls take the front seats before climbing in beside you. 
You felt a sudden tickle in your nose, and before you could even duck your head fully into your elbow you let out a loud sneeze. "Excuse me," you muttered, feeling embarrassed as you rubbed at your nose with the back of the wrist 
"It's alright, bless you!" Kate said, turning around to smile at you whilst Wanda murmured a soft ‘bless you’ too. 
"Are you feeling alright?" Yelena asked, looking at her sister with a questioning look. The redhead bit her lip as she looked down at you. 
“You sure you’re okay sweetheart?” She whispered as Kate started the car and began driving, “You’ve seemed off all day. You can talk to us y’know.” 
The rest of the drive was a blur. You couldn't concentrate on anything other than the pressure building in your head and the tickle in your throat that had now turned into a constant cough.  
You could barely keep your eyes open, and the sound of their chatter slowly faded into the background. You were vaguely aware of Nat passing you a bottle of water and telling you to drink it, but even the simple act of drinking felt like too much effort. 
You tried your best to muffle your itching, repetitive sneezes, not wanting to ruin the excited chatter of your friends, but it was getting harder and harder to do so. Eventually you settled for leaning your heavy head against Wanda’s shoulder, the vibrating of the travelling car slowly lulling your tired body to sleep. 
When you woke up, the car had come to a stop. You rubbed your eyes and blinked a few times, trying to focus on your surroundings. It took you a moment to realize that you were in front of the cabin that you were going to spend the next few weeks in. 
"Hey sleepyhead," Nat said, gently rubbing your arm as she unbuckled your seatbelt, "We're here." 
You yawned and stretched your limbs, feeling your body ache all over. You tried to sit up, but your head spun and your throat felt even worse than before. 
"Are you okay?" Wanda asked, placing a hand on your forehead to check for a fever. "You feel a little warm." 
"I'm fine," you said, trying to shrug off her concern. "Just a little tired." 
But the truth was that you were far from fine. Your body was screaming for rest and it didn’t help that you had to constantly sniffle at your running nose. Not the mention the constant annoying feeling like you were going too- 
You couldn't hold back the sneeze that had been building up, and it came out loud and forceful. You felt your nose tickle even more, and you knew that there would be more to come. 
"Let's get inside and settled," Yelena said, grabbing her bags and heading towards the cabin. "I want to explore this place!" 
The others followed her, but you hung back for a moment, feeling the need to sneeze again. You let out another loud sneeze, feeling your nose run even more. 
"Come on, love," Wanda said, taking your hand and leading you towards the cabin. "We'll get you some tissues. Then we’re going to have a little chat about how you’re really feeling okay? Me and Nat both know you’re not okay.” 
You nodded weakly, grateful for her support. You stumbled inside the cabin, feeling your body grow weaker with each step. Your head was pounding, and your nose was running like a faucet. You couldn't remember the last time you had felt so miserable. 
Both Nat and Wanda led you to the room you’d be sharing, where you collapsed in a heap. Natasha quickly went to grab a box of tissues from the attached bathroom and handed them to you, sitting down next to you and rubbing your back. 
“Now when were you going to tell us that you weren’t feeling well my love?” Wanda muttered softly as you looked back up at her through glassy, tired eyes, “I thought you said you were feeling better.” 
You tried to form words, but your throat was too sore to speak properly. You settled for shaking your head and leaning into Wanda's comforting embrace. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered hoarsely. "I didn't want to ruin the trip." 
"You haven't ruined anything," Nat said firmly. "We're just worried about you." 
Wanda nodded in agreement, "We're here to take care of you, my love. So let us do that, okay?" 
You nodded weakly, feeling a surge of gratitude for your friends. You blew your nose loudly into the tissue, feeling slightly embarrassed at your constant sniffles and sneezes. 
"We're going to take care of you," Wanda repeated, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Just rest now, okay? We'll make some soup and tea for you later." 
You closed your eyes, feeling their hands on your back and their soothing words in your ears. Despite the throbbing pain in your head and the constant need to sneeze, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. You were lucky to have such caring girlfriends. 
Natasha stayed by your side, keeping a watchful eye on you as you drifted in and out of sleep. Wanda went to the kitchen to make some hot soup, and you could smell the comforting aroma wafting in from the other room. 
You woke up to Wanda holding out a bowl of soup, and you gratefully accepted it, sipping the warm liquid slowly. The hot broth and steam helped to clear your stuffy nose, and you felt a sense of relief wash over you. 
"You should eat some more, my love," Wanda said, holding out a spoonful of soup. "You need to keep your strength up." 
You nodded, taking another spoonful of soup. You felt a sense of warmth spread through your body as you ate, and you were grateful for the comfort of the soup. 
"Thank you," you said softly, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. "I'm sorry I ruined the trip." 
“You didn’t ruin anything.” The new voice of Kate came from the doorway, she was stood beside Yelena holding a small plastic carrier bag. 
“Me and Miss Katie Bishop went to the pharmacy, grabbed you some stuff to make you feel better,” The blonde girl smiled, as she held out the bag, letting Wanda take it from her, “Oh and if you’re feeling better in a little bit, maybe we could all head down to the beach. Some fresh air and sun might make you feel better, the back of the cabin literally leads straight onto the sand, it's gorgeous.” 
You smiled weakly at Yelena’s suggestion, feeling grateful for her kindness. You knew that the beach would be a beautiful and calming place, and you longed to feel the sun on your skin. 
"Thanks, you too," you said softly, taking the bag from Wanda and peeking inside. You saw that there were cold and flu medications, cough drops, and tissues inside, and you felt a sense of relief knowing that you had some medicine to help ease your symptoms. 
"I think the beach sounds like a great idea," Wanda said, smiling at you. "But only if you're feeling up to it, my love." 
You nodded, feeling a small surge of energy at the thought of going outside. You finished your soup and wiped your mouth with a tissue, feeling slightly better than before. 
"I'll try," you said, feeling grateful for their support. "Thank you, everyone." 
The group of friends helped you get dressed in warm clothes and bundled you up with blankets before heading out to the beach. The sand was cool under your feet, and the sun felt warm on your face. You lay down on a blanket, feeling the soft breeze ruffle your hair. 
Natasha and Yelena started to build a sandcastle, while Kate and Wanda sat beside you, talking softly. You felt at peace, surrounded by their love and care. 
"I'm so lucky to have you all," you said softly, feeling tears prick at your eyes. 
"We're lucky to have you," Wanda said, smiling at you. "You're the glue that keeps us all together." 
You smiled weakly, feeling grateful for her words. Despite feeling so sick, you knew that you were surrounded by love and support, and that was all that mattered. 
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