#which bow tie do you think matches best
spurgie-cousin · 2 months
Maybe Jinger just doesn't want to talk with Jeremy and that's why she's "prepping" by reading her own book.
True, maybe it was the first book she saw in the vicinity and she just didn't want to hear any more Cool Guy theology from Jeremy.
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vanteguccir · 4 months
Truth or Eat | Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N participates in the TRUTH OR EAT video from behind the camera.
Warning: None.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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"What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?" Matt asked, taking his eyes off the open black notebook in front of him and focusing them on Chris, his hands playing with the green highlighter.
Chris let out a breathy laugh, looking beyond the camera, his blue eyes meeting Y/N's, who smiled, raising her eyebrows, awaiting her boyfriend's response.
"I think there are two most romantic things I've ever done, both obviously with Y/N, since she's the only girlfriend I've ever had. I know you only asked for one, but I can think of two with different spheres." Chris began, looking at Matt momentarily, who nodded.
"Hurry up Chris." Nick ordered with a smile on his face as he took Matt's notebook, already anticipating his brother's response. Being Y/N's best friend, he had inside information.
"The first was last year, when Y/N and I completed three years of dating and I gifted her a trip for both of us to Italy." Chris smiled big, his eyes shining as he counted while Nick and Matt looked at him with matching smiles, happy for their brother's happiness. "She always dreamed of visiting Italy, it being her favorite place in the world, and when the three years together came I thought this was the ideal way to celebrate. I really wanted to see her happy and achieving her dream."
"I remember that, it was the longest the three of us were apart from each other because you were there for seven days." Matt commented, nodding his head.
"Yes, I remember Chris planning the entire trip. We went to that travel agency with him and helped him choose the perfect package with the best hotel and best tours. It was like a honeymoon without a wedding." Nick continued Matt's reasoning.
"I was so nervous when I went to give her the envelope with the plane tickets, I don't know why, but I thought everything was going to go wrong." Chris said, rolling his eyes when Nick and Matt started laughing, commenting that they remembered all the times he asked if it was good enough or if they thought Y/N would like it.
The girl smiled big behind the camera, her eyes lit up with happiness as memories of the trip flashed through her mind.
"So I think that's one of the most romantic things I've done for her, and the other one I didn't even realize was that romantic until Y/N pointed it out to me." Chris began, gesturing with his hands, organizing the mess of tacos in front of him. "She has a horrible habit of tying only one bow on her sneaker, which makes the shoelaces come untied more easily. Whenever we're walking together, I'm the one who notices the untied sneaker first, so I always stop her, kneel down in just one knee, take her foot with the untied sneaker and place it on top of my other knee, and tie the shoelace for her-"
Chris stopped in his speech when he saw Nick and Matt making exaggerated expressions of surprise and "dying in love", laughing together, making him roll his eyes and look at his girlfriend in disbelief, who laughed quietly, sending him a wink, causing a blush to grow on his cheeks.
"May I continue?" The middle brother asked loudly, looking at Nick and Matt with a bored expression.
"Sorry." The two said in unison, wiping their eyes from the tears from their exaggerated laughter.
"And also when Y/N wears high heels on certain occasions, whenever we go out of the house together I don't let her buckle her heels, I kneel down on one knee and buckle them for her. This is kind of an act of service but that she finds super romantic, and I realized that it really is when I saw that no couple around us do it. There are many more romantic things that I have done for her, but if I were to say everything the video would last more than an hour. " Chris finished, smiling broadly and holding up a tumb to the camera, blowing an air kiss to his girlfriend, who pretended to take it with one hand and put it in her pocket.
"Okay, next question, how long have you gone without showering?" Nick asked, glancing briefly at the question in the notebook before closing it with the highlighter in the middle, focusing his attention on Chris.
"Since almost four years ago I've been showering every day, Y/N rules!" Chris began, raising his arms in surrender. Nick let out a laugh as he looked at Y/N and saw her nodding quickly with her arms crossed.
Matt quickly looked at the girl when he saw Nick looking at her, laughing at her expression.
"Before I met my beautiful, perfect girlfriend, it was a weekend." Chris said, laughing as he mentioned his girlfriend in a joking tone.
"No, it was more than that. I know how long it was, let me answer." Matt jumped in, taking a sip of his soda when Nick told him to shut up, the sound of a low chuckle echoing faintly through the kitchen as Y/N tried to stop herself from laughing, watching the brothers bickering.
"I've already gone without showering from a Friday night until a Monday morning." Chris concluded, Nick muttering that he had already done the same. "Like, four days." He added.
"That example is less than four days, Chris." Nick commented while laughing, Matt following him.
"I'm a changed man, I don't do those things anymore." Chris said, crossing his arms and lifting his chin with a snobbish expression, increasing Nick and Matt's laughter.
"You men are so disgusting." Y/N whispered only for the three to hear, rolling her eyes.
Matt looked at her with an offended expression.
"Yeah guys, if I go a day without showering I'll sleep on the couch." Chris said looking at the camera as he opened the package of the next taco, putting an end to that discussion.
Nick passed the notebook back to Matt, starting the timer again so that Chris could go back to eating while Matt searched for the perfect question.
"The time is over!" The redhead announced, looking briefly at his phone screen while Matt closed the notebook, already with his question in mind.
"Okay, give me the inside scoop of the perfect Chris Sturniolo date night looks like?"
"What is this, Y/N who created my questions?" Chris asked after finishing chewing, letting out a laugh through his nose, his blue eyes looking briefly at his girlfriend only to see her with her arms raised in surrender as if she didn't know anything.
"Just answer the question Chris." Nick pressed, turning to face him.
"Can I give an example of a date I had with Y/N ​​and we always do it again because it was really good for us?" Chris asked, arranging the napkin on the table as he glanced briefly at his brothers, who nodded. "Okay, I guess first I have to establish here that for me, when it's a date, it's literally a whole date day. On my first date with Y/N, I picked her up with an Uber in the morning with a bouquet of flowers since I don't know how to drive and I didn't want to bother Matt, and we had brunch at a cafe attached to a bookstore, because when we were getting to know each other she said that she really liked reading books and drinking coffee. Boys, understand one fundamental thing, listen to everything your girl likes and has to say, it will help you a lot and contribute to your relationship." The boy said, pointing to the camera as he said the last part.
Y/N felt her body heat up with shyness and love as she remembered that day, holding herself back from going to Chris to hug him tightly and shower his face with kisses.
"Afterwards we went for a walk around the city while we talked and I took her to a place where they only have those teddy bear catching machines, you know?" He looked at his brothers receiving nods. "And we stayed there for a while, where I got her a teddy bear, she still sleeps with it to this day."
Chris informed the last part in a whisper as if it was a secret, ignoring his girlfriend who rolled her eyes exaggeratedly.
"Afterwards, as we were still satisfied from brunch, I took her to an amusement park close to where we were and we stayed there for hours, we even had dinner there at one of the hot dog stands, I remember I bought her some cotton candy later and I will never forget her happiness because of it." He counted with shining eyes, rolling his eyes at his brothers who made gestures of vomiting. "And finally, I took her to a park that had a lake with ducklings and we walked around there and fed them for a few hours, that's where we also had our first kiss." Nick and Matt made air-kissing gestures, making fun of Chris, who pushed their faces with his hands. "That was my perfect date."
The boy finished, smiling big and taking the taco in his hand, ready to finish eating and start to ask Nick questions.
"You two are so disgusting." Matt said in a joking tone, passing the notebook to Nick, knowing that Chris would sit there.
Y/N smiled behind the camera, her cheeks already hurting from how much she was doing it, her heart warming up while hearing Chris talk about them with so much love, feeling like she could fall in love with him all over again.
Extra - comments:
"omg Chris seems like a really great boyfriend!!"
"they are so pretty together."
"one day I want to have a partner who cares about me as much as Chris cares about Y/N."
"the fact that he took her TO ITALY just because he wanted to see her happy 😭"
"Chris, the last romantic man on earth."
"the way he talks about her 😫"
"get married already."
"petition for Y/N and Chris to make a video talking about all his romantic acts ✏️📄"
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mysterystarz · 6 days
black tie losers
geto suguru x f!reader
in which you’re at a charity gala and come to the realization that maybe being best friends with suguru is no longer an option
a/n: when i thought of this i ran to write bc geto in a suit
feedback is so appreciated <3
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“stay still. if you keep moving, you’re going to look like a clown.”
geto sits in front of you on a stool, tie messily done up as he holds a lipliner pencil in his hands. he’s grinning at his work — because true to his words, you looked like a clown.
“suguru, you can’t line lips for shit.” you sigh, rummaging through your things to find some makeup remover. “remind me why i let you do this again?”
geto laughs, grinning at you in a way that was oddly wholesome. “because i wanted to help you get ready for tonight. there’s nothing better than taking credit for the date on my arm.”
date indeed—a platonic one.
you and geto were attending your university’s biggest charity gala tonight. as one of the most successful black tie events on campus, each attendee was required to look straight out of vogue magazine to ensure they raised enough money to make a difference.
geto—ever the gentleman—asked you to be his date. he wouldn’t get hounded by the customary droves of girls, and you’d have someone to match with.
of course, being your best friend, he decided to help you get ready.
he watched patiently as you dabbed the streak of lipliner away, smiling gently when you turned back to meet his eyes. he wordlessly moved forward to cup your cheeks, finishing up lining your cupids bow.
“there,” he said softly, “now some lipstick.” you gestured to the various tubes on your desk as you moved to dust some highlighter on your cheeks.
geto picked a particularly lovely shade and smoothly glided it across your lips. he seemed proud at his handiwork, beaming at you happily as soon as he finished.
“take a look,” he smirked, and you did just that. the mirror showed you someone beautiful.
somehow, stupid suguru had actually done a good job.
“nice job,” you mumbled, feeling oddly shy beneath his gaze. he cleaned up nice tonight—a bit too nice. so nice that you weren’t sure how to act around him when he attempted to tie his tie.
“you mean sensational job,” he laughed, flinging his tie around. “also please help. i can’t do this.”
you sighed as you moved closer to fix his tie. you could catch a whiff of his cologne — something fresh and oddly mouthwatering and it nearly made you screw up the final flip of the fabric.
suguru was acting a bit different, and it was driving you crazy. his presence was much closer than usual, and with every passing day, it seemed impossible to ignore the glaringly obvious fact that’d been looming over you for weeks.
geto suguru, your best friend, was an extremely attractive man.
you still weren’t sure how to handle this information. so far, it’d been unwarranted blushes and a whole lot of random butterflies where there shouldn’t be.
you supposed the gala would give you time to think—but you were wrong.
geto walked in through the ornately decorated doors with a smile, an arm threaded through his hair and the other wrapped around your waist. from this point, you could see all your fellow students interacting with the heads of various charities, and donations racking up by the second.
suguru stayed close, his touch firm and steady and searing and confusing in ways you couldn’t understand.
“would you like to explore a bit?” he whispered, his lips brushing your ear.
too flustered to speak, you wordlessly nodded as he dragged you to the photo booth at the edge of the venue.
“these are awesome,” he laughed, holding up a particularly unclassy mustache prop. you cringed, distancing yourself as much as you good within the tiny space to show your disapproval.
suguru pulled you closer again, his hands caressing your waist in a way that was more reverent than anything you’d ever felt. he was too close…it was too much.
he leaned close to you, gently pressing his forehead against yours.
“maybe i did too good of a job tonight,” he said lowly, tracing your lips with his finger.
“suguru,” you breathed out, “what is going on?”
he pulled away grinning. “you had a dusting of highlighter a bit too close to this one spot of your nose. i had to distract you so you wouldn’t stop me from touching your face.”
you groaned in frustration while suguru posed jubilantly for the camera.
the gala was beautiful. the pictures with suguru were super candid. neither of those were your major takeaways.
as you returned to your room for the night, you knew one thing for certain. suguru geto had become someone more than a best friend to you and there was nothing you could do about it.
unknown to you, suguru fell asleep that night dreaming of you, and all the ways he’d kiss you if he had the chance.
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wardenparker · 2 months
Hummingbird Has Landed, ch 8
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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After the debacle of his failed engagement and relocating to Washington to take charge of his task force, newly minted Special Agent Marcus Pike is ready to get back out into the dating pool once more. A slew of bad dates has him feeling a little down, and he takes an old friend up on an invitation to get away and get his head on straight. Imagine his surprise when he finds not only fresh air, but his soulmate as well - hiding in plain sight but in the unlikeliest of places.
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 11k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: occasional mention of American politics, pregnant character, food/alcohol consumption, mentions of clothing/regulated dressing for occasions, mentions of therapy because we believe in self care here, reader is in a previous relationship, love triangle, reader is mentioned as turning 30 during the course of the story* Teasing, flirting, nudity, bathing together, fingering, a smattering of dirty talk. Summary: This wedding night is special for more than just the happy couple. Notes: A little light smut for your Sunday! Thanks for sticking with us this long, but these two are finally starting to get to know each other. 🧡 As always, please remember that the gif choice at the top of the chapter is not meant to represent reader's physical appearance. In this case, it's for Cameron and Wiley!
Ch1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7
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Not even the nonstop amount of work you’ve been doing for the wedding can stop how much you’ve been thinking about Marcus since he left early on Thursday morning, and obviously Sydney isn’t going easy on you. The merciless, good hearted, happy-for-you teasing started the second you and Marcus came downstairs together the morning after the rehearsal dinner and has kept going through the texting and when you appeared for the actual wedding looking like you had paid a great deal of extra attention to your appearance for tonight. Not even to take away from the bride of course, but enough to look special for the occasion.
It had been so hard to not go back to your apartment after leaving the office yesterday. He had wanted to. So badly. To pick up the conversation and possibly do more than that kiss on the cheek he had thought about the entire time he was on the golf course and in the office. Now, getting ready for the wedding, he pays special attention getting ready so he can look his best for you.
The greenery that has been brought into the gardens, the subtle lighting accents, the clover-shaped place cards, and even the Kelly green silk shirt and matching heels that you picked out to wear with your most flattering suit are all festive for the St Patrick’s Day wedding. Each time you have checked on Joyce and her bridesmaids they have been jittery with excitement but doing well, and the florist was an astonishing ten minutes early to drop off the flowers, so everything is moving along perfectly.
By the time guests begin to arrive, the groom, ushers, groomsmen, and father of the bride are all in place. Considering the chaos this wedding was thrown into just two weeks ago? It might be the best organized night you’ve executed by yourself in years.
He has no problem not being in the wedding party anymore, however, Marcus escorts Joyce’s mother down the aisle to her seat with pride. The accents of his tuxedo had been the same color as the bridesmaids, but he had willingly given them up for her father, deciding on a classic grey accent to contrast for the vest, pocket square, and bow tie.
The only two things that save you from crying during the ceremony — which you always, always do — are how busy you are and how damn good Marcus looks. Through the ceremony and photos you catch glimpses and share smiles, but it takes until cocktail hour before you get a chance to sneak up in his side. “You know it’s bad manners to show up being more handsome than the groom.”
“Don’t think that I did that.” Marcus immediately warms from the inside out at just hearing your voice as he turns towards you. “And you look like you stepped out of a fashion shoot.” He compliments. “Upstaging the bride.”
“I would never.” Just hearing his voice in person instead of over the phone practically makes you giddy, but you demure. “Thank you, though. I will pass the compliment along to David, who is my fashion consultant.”
“Well, the linen suit is perfect with the vivid emerald green.” He smiles as he motions towards the reception. “It’s wonderful and they are beaming.” He smiles at the now family pictures being taken with Joyce’s parents and a large bouquet. While Michael’s parents hadn’t shown, they had sent a flower arrangement so it had made the couple hopeful that they would be accepting of things down the line.
“As long as they’re happy, that’s all that matters.” So far nothing has gone wrong, and you’re keeping your fingers crossed that it stays that way. Or at least, that when something finally does, it will be either small or insignificant enough that you can fix it without the couple even realizing.
“You have a gift.” Marcus praises softly. “Which do you prefer? Running the inn or planning? I’m assuming the day to day for the inn.”
“I do prefer the day to day of the inn,” you admit, looking around the garden filled with reception guests. “But I think I’ll be broken-hearted if I don’t get to help my siblings plan their weddings. I do like it.”
“I can see that.” He reaches out and slides a hand around your body, resting on where the tattoo sits in the small of your back. “You are wonderful and you’ve created a day they will never forget.”
“I won’t take an ounce of credit.” Looking up at him, though, you do smile. Just about as broadly as you can. “I will steal a dance from you later, though.”
“I think we can manage that.” He nods, smiling just as wide as you are. “Let me know when you are free.”
“I’ll come and find you when things are under control enough for me to slip away.” Not that you think it will take long, but there is always potential for things to happen. That’s why you have the radio in your ear, after all. A discreet Walkie talkie on your belt is hidden by your suit it makes you reachable by the whole staff working tonight. It gives you the luxury of stepping away to say hi to Marcus without worrying about a major disaster breaking out.
“Let me know if I can help.” He tells you, knowing that you would never ask, but he will offer anyway. “I can carry a case of champagne or something.”
“You’re a guest.” Never in a million years would you ask him to do any work when he’s attending an event in space you control, and you shake your head. “Relax. Enjoy. Eat and drink. Dance. I’ll come and find you later, handsome.”
He rolls his eyes and grins at you. “I knew that would be your answer, but my offer will stand.”
“Noted and appreciated.” You lean into his side for a brief hug before slipping away again, shooting a teasing wink his way from halfway across the garden as you go.
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The garden lights are on. White mixed with green to match the theme of the wedding party and Marcus has danced with the bride and her mother by the time you come back to his side. More than a few glasses of champagne in, and relaxed with his bow tie untied now.
“Having fun?” You may have snuck over to the deejay to ask him to play a slow song, but no one needs to know that you planned it.
“Enjoying myself, but now…” he turns and gives you a slow smirk. “It’s even better since you are here.”
“Oh yeah?” That has you beaming at him as the next song starts.
“Yeah.” He hears the slow, sweet strains of the song and lifts a brow. “Are you here long enough to dance before you flit away, hummingbird?”
“I’m all yours.” It sounds a bit more like a pledge than the playful thing it had sounded like in your head, but that’s okay. You still mean it. “For at least a song or two.”
Humming happily, he holds out his hand for you, watching you with almost tender affection. “We seem to be good at this.”
“Those lessons that our parents insisted on have paid off.” Those lessons don’t dictate how well you fit in his arms, though, or the way you feel drawn into him like a magnet.
“It’s like they knew.” He chuckles.
“We can never tell them,” you snicker, leaning into him a little more as the song goes on, and resting your head comfortably on his shoulder. “We’re still their children, after all. Can’t let them know we think they were ever right.”
“Never.” He had already received a call from his parents after the photos of the State dinner were published, only a case of mild humble bragging allowed before they changed the subject.
“You’ve never told me if you have siblings or anything.” The thought occurs to you almost belatedly, as the world is hazy around the two of you and you like it that way.
“Only child.” He chuckles. “Although I am possibly the only case of single child syndrome in my extended family.” He tells you. “I have twenty-seven first cousins.”
Your head nearly snaps back, wide eyes and a laugh of shock making your face look comically surprised. “I’m gonna need flash cards, aren’t I?”
He laughs, making several others look towards you, curious as to the amusement. “No.” He promises. “Most of the time, we all wear name tags.” He grins. “My family has six sets of identical twins in mix. They decided to make it a family traditional to tag us so no pranks were played.”
“Criminey.” Even on a low huff, you shake your head in wonder. All his poor aunts! “So an only child but plenty of playmates, then?”
“Always.” He laughs. “Always felt like I lived in a zoo when family was around.”
"You must have had hellacious games of Hide and Seek." The huff is replaced with a giggle, imagining little Marcus with all those cousins and all the chaos they must have gotten into. "It sounds amazing."
He agrees with you. “It was a competition to see how long we could last.” He tells you. “Had to stay on the property though.”
“Big family house?” You guess, figuring that his grandparents must have at least had a little bit of land. That’s the image you have in your head of Texas, anyway.
“Ended up having like a family compound.” Marcus admits with a chuckle. “For the summers together.”
"That sounds like so much fun." As the first song bleeds into a second, you don't move an inch from his arms. There's nowhere you would rather be than right here. "My parents are both only children, so I have absolutely zero first cousins. That's how we all ended up with best friends that basically got adopted into the family."
“There’s nothing wrong with that.” Marcus smiles at the image of your family adopting friends over the years, collecting them.
"Don't get me wrong, it's great." It's how you have kept Sydney in your life, and her sister, and your other best friend from college. It's how Alex and David got so close so young, and how Junie and Kiley became so close. "It's just different, that's all."
“I know.” Marcus would never put down your experience. “You might be overwhelmed by my family and think we are all insane.”
"Or I might have a blast." You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering if he's really saying that he wants you to meet his family or just postulating that someday down the line it would happen. Probably the latter. "We'll find out when we're ready."
“I’m going home at the beginning of April.” He informs you, wondering if it’s too fast. “You could always come with me.”
From intrigued to bewildered at the drop of a hat, your face morphs into something soft and your head tilts in a gentle awe. "And I thought I was always the one running headlong into relationships with my heart out there on my sleeve," you murmur, realizing that Marcus must be very much the same way. "I—I would absolutely love to."
You don’t have to come of course, but he thinks you really mean that you would want to. “No pressure, of course.” He adds. “We don’t have to be press official or anything. My family is tight-knit, they wouldn’t breathe a word.”
“There is already speculation,” you admit, though you have to shrug about it so it doesn’t upset you that people are speculating about your life at all. “We…didn’t do a great job of not looking enamored with each other at the State dinner.”
“I understand that.” Marcus has read the speculation and seen the photos. Both of you are photographed looking completely taken with the other. “However, when you decided to confirm is completely up to you.” He reminds you softly. “You owe no one anything before that. Not even as the First Princess.”
“It’s more important to me that you know I want to be with you. And that we tell our families when we’re ready. The nation can wait, it won’t kill them to not get gossip right away.” You bite your lip though, leaning into his side again as you dance. “My family is probably going to be very enthusiastic tomorrow.”
“You plan on telling them tomorrow?” He asks, slightly surprised that you would be so willing to say something so quickly. It’s not that he’s been viewed as undesirable, but often the women he dated were more cautious.
“The only thing that would stop me would be if you don’t want me to.” Otherwise, sharing this new step forward in your life with your family is just one more thing to celebrate.
“You’re my soulmate.” Marcus reminds you, smiling softly at the reminder himself. “I don’t mind telling a stranger on the street, let alone people you love.”
When Juan had told you what a romantic Marcus is, you had almost taken it with a grain of salt. A friend talking up his friend to the girl who likes him. But it hasn’t taken long at all for you to see the truth of it shining in Marcus’s eyes, or widening his smile. And a man who wants love is exactly what you have always hoped for. “I’m glad we agree,” you murmur, swallowing around the first time your heart has burst with those words. You’re not going to come out with that full-scale declaration before you’ve even gone out on your first few dates. Before you’ve even kissed.
He smiles even more, his fingers pressing into your hip and lower back, pulling you closer to his own body. It’s not possessive, more protective over you and the moment that is unfurling between you. “Just let me know if I come on too strong.” He asks, knowing that it could annoy some and he doesn’t want to do that to you.
“That’s…usually the warning I have to give.” The striking similarities between the two of you aren’t lost. The way your wishes and dreams and treatment of your partners all lines up…it makes sense why they always say that your soulmate is your ideal fit. Especially in this moment, as your arms tighten around each other and the world seems to stop around you.
He chuckles softly, leaning in and pressing his lips to the edge of your hair. “You will never have to worry about that with me.” He promises.
The way your heart stops completely for a moment at the bare touch of lips to skin before starting back up at double the speed is so telling, and so overwhelming that your fingers dig into his jacket to keep him close. “You don’t have to worry either.”
The moment is perfect and it’s one of those moments that a first kiss is almost required. Like it’s the Hallmark movie it feels like. Marcus stares into your eyes and his gaze flickers down to your lips for a moment before there’s a snort beside him.
“You two look like the newlyweds.” Joyce teases, a broad grin on her face as she leans into the arms of her new husband.
Thwarted for the second time in as many days, you swallow the disappointment but have to appreciate the irony of who’s pointing it out. “That’s your job, today, I think.”
“No way we would want to upstage the happy couple.” Marcus adds, sending them a smile.
“No reason it can’t be a happy day for more than just us,” she hums, grinning again when they turn away to keep dancing.
Marcus laughs quietly as he continues to dance with you. “I think they suspect something.” He teases softly.
“Like I said,” you laugh quietly, beaming at him impossibly brighter. “We’re not very good at hiding it.”
“No, we aren’t.” He agrees, deciding that now is the perfect time to dip you like he had during the State dinner.
The same joyful shout of laughter bubbles out of you that had then, drawing some attention again but this time you revel in it. Marcus’s soothing presence is there to let you enjoy yourself without fear, so that when you wrap your arms around his neck again on the upswing — this time there is no hesitation in following your natural impulse. Your lips find his like you’re coming home again, in a kiss as sweet and bright as the rest of this moment.
He expected the kiss, had anticipated kissing you so it’s a shock to have you initiating the kiss. Eyes widening for a split second before he closes his eyes and leans you down even more. The brilliancy of having him lean into the moment is wonderful, and you suddenly don’t know if your head is swimming from being dipped or from him. Not that you care. Not that any of it matters. Because the electric spark of it is so brilliant you could sing.
Marcus has kissed women, lots of them. Some of them women he had loved, but nothing compares to this kiss. He had always heard that soulmate intimacy is beyond description and that is exactly what this is, indescribable.
The buzzing seems to start at the top of your head and go all the way down to your toes, making you hum against his lips when you finally have to pull away. Can’t be making out in the dance floor. That will definitely be noticed. Marcus slowly pulls you upright, his lips tingling and his heart feeling like it is soaring through the clouds.
“I wanted to do that so badly at the State dinner,” you whisper, beaming at him and glowing in the moment. He knows that. You told him already. But you’re too lightheaded to care about repeating yourself.
“I did too.” Marcus confesses just as softly. It’s impossibly amazing to have someone that feels the same way and he absorbs it like it’s oxygen to breathe.
There’s a giggle in your throat, but it’s small and feels like a hiccup, making you grin even more. “But that was better than I imagined.”
“Same.” He looks around the dance floor, aware that you weren’t at a soulmate wedding before he leans in to whisper in your ear. “I had never thought touching my soulmate would be so exciting and soothing all at the same time.”
“No exciting touches while I’m working,” you chide, knowing it isn’t what he meant but unable to resist teasing him.
He snorts quietly and arches a brow mischievously. “And if I do?”
He is a tease, and he said as much to you with pride, so you just quirk a smile up in the corner of your mouth and stroke one thumb along the line of his neck. “Then you’re not staying on the couch this time.”
“Am I staying?” He asks softly, not wanting to presume anything and he grins at your huff.
“Only if you want to.” You have no intention of pressuring him, but if he wants to spend the night you will welcome him with open arms.
“I don’t think that’s a question in my mind.” He chuckles. “I just don’t want you to think that I only want to take you to bed.”
“If I thought that, you wouldn’t be invited.” Enough years of second guessing and wondering have made an impact on you that way, and you certainly aren’t going to entertain any kind of advances from someone who isn’t interested in you for the right reasons. Not anymore.
“That’s good.” He admires your spirit and self-assurance. They are traits that he always likes in a woman and he’s happy to find that his soulmate is aligned the same way. Reaching up, he smirks slightly as he touches an earring. “So what time do you get off work, beautiful?”
"As soon as the reception's over." Subtly turning your wrist on his shoulder, you check the time and press a kiss to his cheek when your heart flutters at the end of the song that had been playing. "Just a couple more hours, handsome. I hope you're one of those G-men who keeps a change of clothes in their car."
“I do.” He nods, butterflies swirling in his stomach like he’s untried all over again, even though his virginity is long past gone. “The other night was an odd thing because of just coming back.”
"I'll let my temporary roommate know you're coming up." That's not exactly the kind of thing you can spring on Agent Bailey, even if she is at the end of her shift. Her shift relief will need to know there's someone spending the night so they don't hear noises and burst into your room.
“If it’s not convenient, we can always plan something out.” Marcus immediately assures you. He knows that it has to be a little stifling at times with the agent there and he doesn’t want you to stress if there’s some reason he can’t stay.
"I just don't want an agent interrupting us," you assure him quickly. "That's all. I want you to stay."
Marcus grins. “Afraid of a shift change and the agent thinking you’re being attacked?” He jokes.
"Stranger things have happened." Unfortunately, the ear piece you're wearing to stay connected to your team crackles to life with the voices of servers get ready for the cake cutting. "That's my cue," you hum, tapping your earpiece with a slight frown. "Save me one more dance later, okay?"
“Absolutely.” Marcus lets go of you reluctantly, although he knows you are still working to make the night magical for his friends.
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The wedding is as close to perfect as any event that you've organized in possibly your entire career. By the time the last guests are trickling out of the garden and the wait staff is bringing in the last trays of glasses to be washed, your work is fairly well done for the night. The overnight manager can oversee the rest of the cleanup, and you've already sent Sydney home to her comfy bed after freaking out with her over the fact that Marcus has agreed to stay over tonight. Joyce and Michael left straight for the airport to be off on their honeymoon after many, many hugs. Agent Bailey looks positively relaxed compared to some other events you've held at the inn, but you can tell she's ready for a cup of coffee and a crossword to wind down with before her relief arrives.
"Hey." You find Marcus on the porch when you step back outside, and your face splits on a big, beautiful smile.
“Hey.” Marcus turns to find you watching him, your jacket discarded somewhere and you look softer, a little worn. “I have to just give you a round of applause.” He hums, clapping silently. “You made this look so easy, even though there are a million balls up in the air at one time.”
"I'm exhausted," you admit without shame. After two weeks of basically working nonstop, you would feel like you're about to drop except that you have the promise of the rest of the night ahead of you. "Thank god I took the whole weekend off. We can sleep in tomorrow."
Marcus frowns, not liking that you’ve overworked yourself and he is immediately pulling you close and rubbing your back. “Why don’t we go upstairs and you let me take care of you?”
“Because that will require an entire reprogramming of my personality?” The attempt at a joke just makes him raise his eyebrows at you and deepens his frown, and you know instinctively you’re going to give in to him. You may not be good at letting other people be in charge of you ever, but the warm and fuzzy feelings you get from being the sole focus of Marcus’s attention outweighs it. “Okayyyyyy.”
At the almost petulant tone, Marcus smirks slightly. “Good.” He nods and pulls you closer. “You deserve to let someone do for you.” He whispers softly. “You’ve done so much for my friends tonight. Let me return the favor.”
There isn’t any use protesting, and you like the gentle security of his arms too much to leave them right now, so the two of you make your way to the elevator wrapped around each other as though there is nowhere else you could possibly be. “Did you have fun tonight?” Aside from Joyce and Michael — who had thanked you profusely before leaving for the night — his opinion of things is the only one you care about.
“Probably the best wedding I’ve ever been to.” Marcus isn’t just saying that. The staff milled around, wearing happy expressions that weren’t painted on, even when they were busy. The entire event flowed smoothly and the atmosphere was one of celebrated joy. A lot of that comes straight from the top, how you treat your staff and the environment you’ve created. “I’ll say it again, you are amazing.”
“You may have noticed by now that I’m not very good at taking compliments.” You up at him, though, warm cheeks and broad smile making you look bashful. “But…thank you.”
“Well, I plan on giving them to you often.” He admits, admiring your beautiful face. He’s always believed in giving compliments, but he never says something he doesn’t mean.
“Then I will try to be better.” Having only kissed him once so far, the tantalizing closeness of where he hangs his head as you step into the elevator together beckons you, but you resist if only out of manners. Agent Bailey doesn’t need to be made to feel awkward in such a small space.
He can tell that you want to kiss him, but he can also see how incredibly worn out you are. Marcus shifts slightly, moving behind you so he can let you lean against him. The small, nondescript duffel bag in his hand brushes your leg, and you smile gently at the idea of waking up beside him tomorrow morning. As tantalizing as taking him to bed is, it’s the soft, domestic dream of waking up to see his sleep-mussed face that has you weak in the knees. When the elevator stops upstairs, you pause to let Agent Bailey work and then go in when she gives you the signal.
“Are the threats bad enough she needs to check the apartment every time?” He asks softly, frowning at the idea that you would be in so much danger.
“Mom is slightly overprotective,” you explain, dropping your jacket on the coat rack by the door when you come in. “I give it another month of all-clears before she stops insisting the apartment be checked every single time.”
“She loves you.” It’s not hard to see why but he also doesn’t want to minimize its effect on you.
“Oh, I know.” Turning around again, you reach for him even though he isn’t far away. “And I love her. Which is why I’ve never fussed at her for anything reasonable she’s ever asked of me. Including letting my agent check my apartment before I go inside. If it eases her anxiety to know I’m safe, that’s fine. She’s got plenty else to deal with right now.”
“It’s probably because you live alone.” He murmurs, sliding his arms around you. “When I first moved away, my Mom called every night to make sure I locked my door. And I was not nearly as pretty as you are.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” His chin weighs on your shoulder and you cover his arms with your own, wrapping them around your own waist. “You’re much prettier than me. But you’re right that it’s about me living alone. When I lived with Syd she never worried out loud. But she also wasn’t president then.”
“Maybe we will have to get you a roommate.” Marcus isn’t pushing for anything, only teasing out loud. “And a really protective dog.”
“If you want a review of how I am to live with, Syd will tell you everything, I’m sure.” Though neither of you believes in pushing the other, it’s obvious that a fully functioning and committed relationship is on both of your minds. “And you know I’m dying to have a dog, we talked about that. I just can’t do it here. There’s nowhere near enough space.”
“There is if you build a cottage behind the inn.” Marcus suggests. “Gives you space for the family and keeps you close enough to your work to still pop in whenever you need.”
For a second you just stand stock still, shocked at the idea, before you slowly turn in his arms and look up into that sharply angled face with the gentlest eyes in the whole world. “I had never thought of that,” you admit, astonished now at your own lack of imagination.
“Maybe now you will.” He smiles, happy to have offered a suggestion that might be of use to you. “It’s a perfect compromise, and then you could turn your apartment into another suite for guests.”
“It’s a perfect compromise as long as it’s something my partner also likes the sound of.” Thinking of him as a partner — a long term one, the long-term partner of your life — sends that tingle out to all your extremities all over again and you find yourself smiling even brighter. “I guess we’ll have to think about what kind of cottage we would want, if that’s something we decide to do together.”
“Stone.” Marcus immediately says. “Designed to fit in. Perhaps an old carriage house design.”
The way he offers such unfettered support softens you, and you reach up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. “Have you thought about it before, or are you just brilliant with improvising ideas?”
“Haven’t thought about it before but I hate when I see a historic building and some addition that’s completely modern or doesn’t match the style.” He admits with a sheepish grin.
“Then I’ll just call you brilliant and you’ll have to live with being positively adored.” He blushes at that declaration, and you end up smiling all over again. “And it’s very Sabrina of you to think of living in a carriage house. Which makes it thematic, of course, and now we have to.”
“Now we have to, huh?” He chuckles quietly and leans in to press a kiss to your hair. “Then I guess we better start designing a carriage house worth of the First Princess.”
“I don’t care.” Even though you’re shaking your head, you’re transfixed, looking up into his eyes. It’s too soon for these things you’re feeling — too quick and too untried — but they’re so honest that they catch in your throat and bubble over. “As long as you’re there, too, I don’t care about anything else.”
It’s a loaded comment and it’s one that would have him searching your eyes to see if you are being truthful but he doesn’t have to. He feels that you are. “We will decide when the time comes.” He promises. “Where we live.”
“I’m just grateful you don’t think I’m crazy,” you admit softly. “For feeling so certain already.”
He snorts and pulls you close. “When I realized that you knew we had to be soulmates, there was another reaction that I needed space from you because of.” He admits. “Do you know what that was?”
“Not a clue.” Whatever it was, he’s here with you now, so you aren’t afraid of it. “Tell me.”
“So I didn’t beg you to run away with me and get married.” He flushes slightly and bites his lip.
“Oh god…” The breath of disbelief that leaves you is as disbelieving as it is giddy. “I would’ve said yes and we would’ve been doing text message breakups from the car on our way to the nearest soulmate chapel.”
“And we are better than that.” Marcus agrees, “so it was a good thing that I left for London.”
“Long distance so that we were forced to not be impulsive.” In a very real way, he’s right. You would both have jumped headfirst into this and being on separate continents forced you to calm down. You do smirk, though, and hold him a little closer. “It didn’t stop us from bathing together, though.”
Your smirk is tantalizingly wicked and innocent, making him return it. “I was trying very hard to be good while we were on the phone together. To not think about you naked.”
"I admit," you aren't embarrassed or shy about it, though. "I was decidedly less well behaved..."
“Oh yeah?” He arches a brow curiously. “What— were you touching yourself while we were talking?”
"After." It's not something you expected to admit tonight, but you have no intention of keeping the truth from Marcus at all. "I...wasn't confident I could keep quiet if I actually did it during one of our conversations."
“So you are vocal.” He hums softly, starting to get an idea of what might be a perfect ending to the night for you.
"Maybe a little." It's definitely something you have to control to be considerate of the other person in your apartment at all times.
“That’s good.” He’s aware that Agent Bailey has disappeared around the corner, trying to give you the illusion of privacy. “I like vocal.”
Instantly, your eyes snap up to his. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He hums, pressing a little closer to you with a weighted smile. “Why don’t we run a bath? Soaking sounds like a good idea for you, doesn’t it?”
“Thank god my tub is big enough for two people,” you huff, immediately grabbing his hand and heading straight for your bathroom.
He hadn’t actually meant for him to soak, but it’s obvious that’s what you want. Allowing you to guide him into your bathroom, he looks around the room. He hadn’t really paid attention to the tub when he had spent the night or when he was here for the game night, so it was a charming surprise to see that the tub is big enough for two.
"Are you a bubbles or salts guy?" You have a whole shelf dedicated to bath things that you've actually started working through thanks to the frequent phone calls you shared while he was away. Before that, you barely made time to touch them.
“Either one.” He shrugs slightly. “Depends on the mood, but I’m thinking bubbles tonight. What about you?”
"Sweet Surrender or Heart of the Ocean?" The two yet-untouched bottles on the shelf have abstract names but smelled amazing in the store when you bought them, so you give him the choice. Either way, the light and airy scented candles in the room will add ambiance more than anything else.
“Sweet Surrender.” He likes the sound of it and shrugs off his tuxedo jacket to drape over the counter.
“Honey, almonds, and pomegranate,” you read from the bottle as you turn to plug up the tub and start the bath. These first moments of intimacy are so delicate, and even though you have both verbally confirmed your shared marks — this will be the first time you see them on each other.
“That sounds like the perfect scent to relax in.” He doesn’t glance up at you, slowly starting to undress in case you change your mind.
“Hey.” As soft as your voice is, your hand reaches out to touch his arm. He isn’t looking at you and you just want to be sure that he doesn’t feel pressured. “If you want to wait, we can wait as long as you need.”
“No.” He laughs at the irony of you voice his own thoughts. “But I also know you are tired. Why don’t we soak without any expectations?”
“No expectations is good.” You nod, appreciating the way he already looks like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. “There are a lot of different kinds of intimacy.”
“My idea was to get you into a bath, maybe make you feel good, and wrap you up in my arms to sleep.” Marcus voices softly.
“Is that what you want to do?” He’s only undone two buttons on his shirt, and you rest one hand lightly on his chest to ground yourself in him and give him your full attention. You said it earlier in the night — you are both just out of relationships. If he wants to take things between you physically slow even if they are moving at emotional light speed, you’ll honor that and make sure he feels comfortable and safe.
“The romantic in me wants to wait for your birthday tomorrow night.” He admits, huffing at himself. “For sex. Not for making you cum.”
“Honey.” Your hand goes to your mouth instantly, stifling a witheringly heartfelt sigh, and you step into him immediately with a sort of lopsided smile settling into your features that tells him exactly how sweet you find that idea. “That is…quite possibly the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. And I adore you for wanting to make it special.”
“You don’t think it’s silly?” He’s been told he tries too hard or overthinks in relationships a lot and it’s something he’s worked on.
“No.” Shaking your head just once, you run your thumb over one of the buttons of his shirt and nearly sigh again. “I think it’s romantic. And it tells me you’re a thoughtful partner.”
“What do you want?” That is equally as important in this scenario as his own wistful flights of romantic fancy.
“I want to wake up with you tomorrow.” It might sound odd or even a little creepy to anyone else, but you’re confident that Marcus will understand. It’s not possessive or obsessive, it’s domestic and romantic in its own right. “Find out what you look like sleep mussed and bathed in sunlight all tangled in my sheets. Anything else that happens is a bonus.”
“Then let me take care of you tonight?” He asks softly, leaning in and kissing your forehead. “I can wait, and I want to make your weekend special.”
It’s impossibly romantic and probably the first time in your entire life that the man you’re romantically involved with isn’t clamoring to fuck you as quickly as humanly possible. Instead of making you feel less desirable, like it might have at earlier points in your life, it makes you feel special. Cared for. Like the fact that you have his focus means more than anything else ever could. “Okay,” you murmur, nodding once before you turn to shut off the hot water filling your bathtub. “If you prefer, there’s a little stool next to the sink. “You don’t have to get in with me unless you want to.”
“I don’t mind getting into the bath with you.” The idea of pressing his body against yours is incredibly erotic and sensual. “You can lean against me.”
“Okay.” Even as simple as a word is, the acknowledgement is important. Right now it’s just as important as the mounting hum of tension between you, and His your fingers prickly with the desire to continue undressing him. How you’re dying to press your bare skin to his, even if it doesn’t come with sex just yet.
He wonders if you are disappointed, if you are wanting him to just jump you and take you to bed. He wants to, but he wants to celebrate what is between you more.
"There's only..." Your hands go to your own buttons. Undressing yourself is not pressuring him, but just offering. Offering to deepen this connection and share this part of yourself. "Only one thing I want to ask...that's all. If it's okay with you?"
“Anything you want, sweetheart.” He’s willing to whatever you want to make you happy. “What do you need to ask of me?”
It seems silly, all things considered, but when you bite your lip it feels like asking permission to smile. "I just want to see the marks we share. On both of us."
Marcus chuckles and nods, finishing the buttons on his shirt and he slips it off his shoulders. “The most obvious one first, I think.”
"I hope you don't hate it." His shirt lands on the stool you had offered him, and yours follows it.
“I don’t.” He promises, smiling at you. “Your explanation makes complete sense, now that I know that it’s you.” He tells you. “A Hummingbird for my little hummingbird.”
"And you know why I was never on Mate Marks now." It was something he had pointed out at the State dinner and you had felt awfully about the way he took it. Thinking that you never wanted to be found, when in fact it's the opposite that is true. It's just that it was considered unsafe for you. Now, though? Now that you have him right in front of you? You can turn around and show him your back and let him see the hummingbird for himself.
Your bra is still on, but he doesn’t mind that, watching as you slowly turn to let him see the tattoo on your lower back. The hummingbird that has marked his own skin, the exact same one. “Does it look different on someone else?” You ask, suddenly afraid to see his reaction.
Reaching out, his fingers brush over the skin, feeling the slight rise in it where the ink has been pushed underneath. His own is flat, not raised and it’s a wonderful little contrast between your tattoo and its counterpart on his own body. “It looks beautiful.” He murmurs softly.
"If I had been older than eighteen, I might have had it put somewhere else," you admit with a wry laugh. "But I don't care as long as it helped us find each other."
“It’s discreet.” He snorts, still tracing it. “If you want it to be.”
"I tend to tuck my shirts into my pants these days." His fingers are burning hot but not in an unpleasant way. More like the tension and promise of them is scorching your skin with eagerness. "Or just wear a longer top layer. No bikinis, ya know?"
“That’s why there aren’t pictures of it out there.” He huffs slightly, amused that if you had been photographed it would have been splashed in some kind expose or something.
"It doesn't matter anymore." Before, discretion had been something that was agreed upon. You didn't want someone claiming to be your soulmate falsely and your parents considered it a safety concern. But now that you have Marcus? Any claim would be an obvious lie and easily taken care of. "You're what matters."
Marcus turns so you can see the tattoo on his skin, verifying the same design to you. “You matter too, sweetheart.”
You never thought it would be such an emotional moment, but it’s only in the last few days that you realize how silly that assumption was. Of course this is emotional. This connection goes far, far beyond any that you’ve made otherwise. It is, just like the ink marking both of your bodies, under your skin. The tears are more than you were expecting, and you wipe one away on your thumb after a pause. “Holy shit,” you laugh after a second. “It’s real…”
He lights up at the giddy excitement in your voice. The yearning has him turning around and wiping away another with his own thumb as he caresses your cheek. “It’s real, sweetheart. We’re real.”
When he turns to you fully you can see the scar from your childhood surgery on his torso, the line of healed flesh where the doctor cut into you as clear as day on his otherwise smooth skin. “I’m sorry,” you murmur quietly, tracing it with your fingers. “We were so young to have to carry this and know what it means…that we were always connected…”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Marcus shakes his head, frowning at your apology. “I was worried about you.” He admits softly. “If I had known you, I would have been visiting you in the hospital.”
"I told you." A thin smile brightens your face, reminding him of what you said at the State dinner. "Appendicitis sucks."
“I will take your word for it.” He chuckles quietly and his fingers brush your scar. “Were you scared when it happened?”
"Terrified." You nod slightly, eyes transfixed on his fingers touching your skin. "I was six and I had never, ever felt that kind of pain before."
“Poor thing.” Kneeling down, he leans in and presses his lips to the scar.
You swallow hard as he reaches for the button on your pants, skin singing at every little bit of contact. It’s only a second before he pulls the zipper open that you frankly try to remember what panties you put on for today, but it doesn’t matter. Every stitch of clothing will be gone soon, and you’re okay with that. Losing the last barriers between the two of you is exactly what you want for this weekend.
He continues to kiss along the length of the scar, watching you looking down at him as he slowly opens your trousers. Finding it incredibly sexy that you are already breathless.
“Just had a mini panic,” you admit, raking your fingers through his short hair. “Can’t remember if I put on presentable panties today or not.”
He can’t help but laugh at the very normal fear. “I don’t care about what kind of panties you wear.” He promises with grin. “But I did wear my good boxer briefs.” He jokes. “Keep it all contained properly.”
“Can’t have you letting it all hang out.” When you laugh along with him, it comes out like a snort. “Very undignified.”
“Very.” He joins you in the laughing, his fingers running along the edge of your panties. “No erections allowed in wedding photos.”
“Fully permitted later in the night, though.” He’s still on his knees in front of you, and despite being nervous you reach behind yourself to unhook your bra. “In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s encouraged.”
“Well, of course it is now.” He huffs playfully, hooking his fingers into the band of your panties. The last scraps of fabric fall away, leaving you naked in front of him, and you shiver slightly without knowing if it’s the chilly bathroom or nerves that are doing it. Marcus debates, seriously debates, if he should just lean forward and bury his face into the pretty, neat little patch of hair. To use his tongue on you. When you shiver, he knows he needs to get you into the bath, so he stands quickly and unbuckles his belt.
You aren’t a virgin. You never claimed to be. At one-day-under-30, you’ve had your fair share of sexual and romantic partners, and not everyone in those two categories overlapped. Still, when Marcus pushes his boxer briefs and trousers away in one go, you inhale sharply at the first glimpse of his half-hard cock. If you hadn’t promised to let him take care of you, you might be reaching forward or dropping to your own knees — but you did. You promised. And you can barely hold back a smothered groan of regret at that fact because he’s stunning.
If it weren’t for the lusty, glazed look on your face, he might have thought something was wrong. As it is, his half hard cock twitches and hardens even more as he guides you towards the tub. “Get in, sweetheart.” He urges. “I’ll get us some towels.”
“The cupboard behind you.” They’re big, fluffy, soft things that you count as an indulgence, but they won’t be anywhere near as comfortable as having him in this bath with you. Still, you step into the hot, sudsy water without him, knowing he’ll follow in a minute.
Marcus grabs the towels and sets them close before striding back over to the tub. He’s not some Greek god, but he’s in good enough shape that there’s no reason to slump or hide as he walks towards you naked.
“Fuck.” Just one word groaned softly, but your eyes stay on him with every step. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Are you stealing my lines?” He teases, flashing you a grin as you sit in the sudsy water. “Because the only gorgeous thing I see is you.”
“We can both be gorgeous to each other,” you point out, still transfixed by him.
He had never really thought of it that way and shrugs slightly. “If you say so.” He bites his lip and watches you lean forward to give him room behind you.
The water is just a tiny bit high with both of you settled into the tub, but you don’t care. It’s not in danger of flooding the floors so you’ll just revel in being warm and comfortable with your soulmate for as long as the hot water holds out. You lean back against him, making him sigh softly in your ear and his arms come around you.
“Is this okay, hummingbird?” He murmurs quietly. “Can I touch you?”
“You know you can call me Birdie.” Settling back against him, you guide his hand around you and under the water to let him start exploring. “Hummingbird is my Secret Service call sign. Don’t wanna start accidentally moaning as a Pavlovian response whenever Agent Bailey says it.”
He chuckles quietly, a warm sound in your ear as he splays his hand over your stomach. “If you want me to.” He slowly starts to stroke your skin. “Hummingbird sounds a little more intimate, I thought.”
“Whatever you want, gorgeous.” The way he laughs and the way he touches you? You’d probably agree to anything right about now.
“Is that how I get my way?” He asks teasingly. “Get in a hot bath with you and I get what I want?” His hands, both of them, slide up to fill his hands with your tits and squeezes gently, enjoying the way your nipples harden against his palm.
“Apparently.” Sighing lets your body loosen even more in his arms and you rest heavily against his torso but your back arches to press your chest into his hands. “And ya know what? I’m okay with it.”
He laughs again, squeezes and then massaging the flesh before his thumbs brush over your nipples. “That’s right?” He asks. “You enjoying this? Feeling relaxed already?” Flicking your nipples again lightly before he cups your tits again.
“Mmmmm, it’s perfect,” you hum, letting your eyes slip shut to just enjoy the sensations.
“Good.” He’s slow to explore, letting the moment expand naturally and taking his time as he listens to your soft moans. Wanting to learn what makes you hum and purr like a kitten in his hands.
“Are you going to make a Goldilocks joke if I point out what big hands you have?” You ask, humming again when his large hand spans what feels like your entire thigh.
“The better to feel you with, my dear.” He growls into your ear playfully, squeezing your thigh slightly and massaging it gently.
The giggle you let out is low and deep, but cut off sharply by a gasp when his fingers ghost over your core. He hums, more of a raspy growl as he slides his fingers through the wet curls and into your folds. Groaning at the slickness that has nothing to do with the bath you are in.
“Fuck.” One syllable, repeated as many times as you want to tonight, and you drop your head back on his shoulder with a moan. “Feels so good and you’ve barely touched me.”
“That’s it, beautiful.” He coos softly. “Just relax, I’m gonna take care of you.” The water ripples as he slowly starts to caress your folds, rubbing and stroking the velvety skin as he listens to you moan again.
Pliant is an understatement as Marcus starts to explore, gauging your reactions and keeping his other hand busy with your tits now that he’s figured out how much you love having them played with. The itch in the back of your mind that you’re neglecting him is very real, but this is what he wants tonight and what he’s ready to share with you, so you’ll just make tomorrow twice as good for both of you when you can share the sensations.
He keeps the motion of his fingers slow, sensual as they dance over your sensitive clit. “Does that feel good, sweetheart?”
“So good—” So good that your breath is coming short, shallow pants already and only occasionally punctuated by longer and deeper ones. It’s like he can read you as easily as a book. “So fucking good.”
He hums softly, keeping the pace up and his cock is throbbing against your lower back now that he is fully hard. He ignores it and squeezes your breast again before teasing the nipple. “That’s good, baby girl.”
Your hips tilt, searching for more pressure and trying to show him where to focus his attention, but Marcus is exploring. He’s learning. And as much as you love it, it’s making you twist and pant and rub against him in ways you’re sure are not helping the hard on pressed between you.
“Ohhhh my soulmate gets eager, hmmm?” He coos, chuckling at the way you are grinding against him. “What do you need sweetheart?”
"More." You aren't above begging and he's already professed to being a tease so you just bask in it when his husky voice is right by your ear. He doesn't mind that you're eager and you don't mind that he's a tease, which means there's going to be a whole lot of fun ahead of the two of you. "Please, baby? More?"
“I’ve got you.” He knows there is a fine balance between being a tease and tormenting someone. He turns his hand, his thumb pressing against your aching clit so he can push two fingers deep inside you. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
"Oh fuck." The whine that comes out of you is something unrestrained and probably louder than you meant it to be, but it hardly matters when he's stretching you out on two thick fingers. Your hands scramble for purchase, one clutching his arm against you and the other holding on to the side of the tub as he begins to finger fuck you slowly but determinedly.
“Gotta stretch you out.” He croons in your ear, his breath washing over your skin. “Get your tight little pussy ready for me tomorrow.” He curls his fingers up and continues the slow circles on your clit.
"Knew those fingers would feel amazing inside me." And after thinking about it for about two weeks solid, you're thrilled to find out exactly how right you were.
“Been thinking about that a lot?” He asks, deciding your ear lobe needs to be nibbled on.
"So fucking much." Every time his fingers dive back inside your cunt you give another wanton moan. "Almost as much as I've been thinking about your cock."
“Now that you’ve seen it, what do you think?” He’s curious because he knows you wouldn’t lie to him, he knows enough women have enjoyed him to not be too self-conscious, but you are his soulmate. Hopefully you will be pleased with the body the universe chose for you to share.
“I think I my imagination didn’t do you justice.” If it weren’t for his fingers moving inside you, you’d be riding that cock, but you can’t find it in yourself to be disappointed when he’s so fucking good with his hands. Instead you twist around, chest having as you claim a demanding kiss.
He groans into your mouth, cock twitching against your back as your tongue slides into his mouth. You taking control of kiss is incredibly sexy to him, and he pumps his fingers into you faster.
If you were flexible enough to reach in between your bodies and wrap your hand around his hard on, you would have done it ages ago. The angle you’ve twisted into to kiss him almost makes it work, but still not quite. It leaves you whining into the kiss as your legs quake, feeling yourself move closer and closer to that peak that he has aimed you toward.
It’s not as slow as Marcus had wanted. Expecting to coax you into a languid, drawn-out orgasm that leaves you boneless, you are insistent. Not that he could deny you, the entire point is to take care of you how you need it. Kissing you back with just as much fervor as you give him as he pushes you towards that pleasurable cliff.
It probably would have been more like the slow, sensual climb he had intended if you weren’t so hungry for him. So addicted to the way he tastes after barely the smallest sample that you just want to drown in him. It’s passion, and the kind of attraction that makes you feel like you’ll go crazy if you can’t have him burrowing under your skin. In the moment your hazy, pleasure-centric mind is wrapped solely around how he helps and tastes better than perfection, and how you never want it to end.
The kiss tangles deeper, winding through to his soul and squeezing it tights. Grunting into your mouth gently as he feels like he is home.
The whine in your throat gets tighter as you near that peak, glorious tension in the pit of your stomach flooding every other sense you have as you start to cum, except the unerring surety that this is exactly where you’re supposed to be. Right here. With your soulmate. Home.
The way you fall apart for him is breathtaking. Marcus moans in tune to your own cries, eyes closed as your walls tighten around his fingers and pulse with a throbbing tempo of pleasure. The water sloshing around you both as you shake for him.
The words stick in your throat, and whether it’s the soulmate connection or the post-orgasm bliss, or what, they hang there as you relax backward against him in a slump. Is it really that easy? Or has it been building since we met? You aren’t sure, but it’s there. Regardless of how or why.
He feels the second you soften, body relaxing against him and his fingers slow down. Drawing out the pleasure but not forcing any kind of overstimulation. Winding down until they are still inside you as he kisses you softly before pulling back to smile at your glowing face.
“You have very good ideas.” A soft laugh tumbles out of you as you work to suppress the instinct to declare yourself to him. This isn’t the right time. Or, at least, you’re afraid that it’s too soon despite the dreams you’ve already shared with him.
“Good.” He hums softly, kissing you again. “Relaxed, sweetheart?”
“Amazingly.” You can still feel him rock hard at your back, though, and your eyes search his. “Are you sure you don’t want a hand? Or any other part of me?”
He snickers the innuendo and leans in to kiss you again. “You don’t know how badly I want you.” He murmurs softly. “But your eyes are exhausted.”
“I hate that you’re right.” Wanting him so badly that it physically hurts doesn’t make you less tired, but it does make you more determined than ever to make sure tomorrow is incredible.
He chuckles softly and kisses your forehead. "You now know how I felt a couple of days ago." He reminds you softly. "It doesn't matter how long it takes, love." He promises. "We will get there and it will be amazing."
“Tomorrow.” The tone of your voice is absolutely certainty, it the yawn immediately after does put a pin in the point. “We will get there tomorrow.”
"Tomorrow." He agrees and shifts you forward slightly as he pulls his hand away from your core. "For now, we need to get some rest so you can party tomorrow without falling asleep."
“What do you want to do tomorrow before the party?” Standing on wobbly legs in the bath takes a second, but when you wipe all the suds away and step out you’re steady enough.
"You have the day off." He hums, getting out beside you and wrapping a towel around you. "We could start off with brunch if you wanted to. Or whatever you want to do? Go to the famer's markets around here?"
“I switched my day off this week to make sure the wedding would go smoothly,” you explain. He’s large and warm and strong, and the feeling of safety doesn’t elude you. “So we have the whole weekend together if we want it.”
"I want it." He immediately tells you, frowning slightly as he towels you off carefully. Ignoring the water dripping off his own body so he can attend to you. "If you do, of course."
“Of course I do.” Grabbing the second towel off the stool, you start to dry him in turn. “Just…didn’t want to be clingy. That’s been a point against me in the past.”
"You don't have to worry about me being upset." Marcus assures you. "I have that same problem sometimes too."
“Jump in head first and get too clingy and it overwhelms them?” To find out he’s the same way is an odd sort of relief and solidarity, if you’re honest with yourself.
Marcus snorts and gives you an embarrassed wince. "I did propose in the hallway at work?" he offers. "Not some of my best romantic work, and after reflecting on it, I was feeling like the relationship was slipping away and I was desperate to save it."
“This was Teresa?” He had told you a bit about his exes — just little tidbits — during your phone calls and you hum when he nods. “No offense, honey? But it doesn’t really sound like she had her shit together in that relationship. That was not your fault.”
"No, but I held on even harder when I should have just let go." He admits, sighing softly. "Too quick to jump in, to give my heart, to plan for the future."
“You’d think I would have learned my lesson when I got cheated on.” You shake your head, drawing your towel around yourself and shrugging. “Oops.”
"I can't fucking believe someone would be dumb enough to cheat on you." He snorts, rolling his eyes at the idiocy of his sex.
“The only good part of the whole thing is that I managed to cut his cheek when I threw the ring at him,” you huff, shaking your head again as the two of you move into your bedroom together. The age-old cliche of finding your partner in bed with someone else had been your horrible reality just a few years ago. “Asshole. I hope he has a scar.”
"Me too." He huffs, "but you don't need to worry about that with me." He knows it's sounding like a complete line, but it's the truth. "I would never – I went to break up with Vanessa because just knowing you were my soulmate, I couldn't give her what she deserved."
“I…I felt like I needed confirmation,” you admit. After giving it a few seconds of thought you simply discard your towel in the laundry basket and climb into bed naked, pulling back the sheets to invite him to join you bare. “Just knowing we both had tattoos in the same place wasn’t enough. It could have been totally different designs, and then I would have been the idiot who jumped to conclusions and ruined both of our relationships for some unfounded crush. And then…at the State dinner…finding out you have my scar, too? I knew that was it. Everything I already felt for you in that moment was more than I had ever felt about anyone else.”
"I understand now." He had been hurt, deeply hurt, but he won't tell you that now. He doesn't want you upset about that, when you needed to take time for yourself to accept the possibility.
“I’m sorry if I…if I did things wrong.” Waiting for him to get in bed makes you a little self conscious but you swallow the idea that you might deserve it. “I don’t really know how to walk up to a person and tell them that the universe thinks they’re my perfect match.”
"Don’t' worry about that," Marcus slides into the bed beside and you and gathers you into his arms. Wanting to fold you against him and hold you close. "All that matters is that we know now."
“I love you.” You might have held it back before, but when you exhale this time the words come out all on their own. “I know that’s a lot, and don’t feel like you have to say it back until you’re ready. But I — I’m very grateful it’s you.”
He stares at you for a moment and then starts to laugh. Leaning in and nudging his nose against yours. "Sweetheart, I love you too." He promises softly through the chuckles. "I think I fell in love with you over board games that first night." He admits. " I just didn't let myself believe it."
Exhaling deeply, you burrow into his side and bury your face, just letting the right release of relieved laughter roll through you. Watery eyes and sniffles are nothing now. Not compared to the elated smile on your face. “You looked like a dream when you came into the inn that day. Like you’d stepped right out of my fantasies.”
"I wanted to ask you out." He confesses. "Until I learned you were seeing Sam."
“It’s all okay now.” It’s perfect now, as far as you’re concerned, and you press your lips to his with a smile curved up at the corners. “We’re where we’re supposed to be.”
"In bed, where you are fighting sleep so you can talk to me?" He teases gently, smiling back into your lips.
“Yes,” you huff at him as adorably as you can.
He laughs again, settling back into the pillows and pulling you with him, humming when you settle down onto his chest like you belong there. "Go to sleep, hummingbird." He urges quietly. "I'll be here when you wake up. I'm not going anywhere."
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
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My Masterlist!
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mrsevans90 · 6 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 2
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Word Count: 4,284
Warnings: Fluffy Sy, Abused animal, domestic violence, stalker ex-boyfriend, mention of nightmares/PTSD, smut in future chapters.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 1
I brought Mills with me to work and set him up in the shade while I completed the outdoor shed build. After the first few hours at home last night, he fully relaxed and I saw his personality come out which made me proud. He followed me all over the house this morning and since he hadn’t had any accidents inside I figured I wouldn’t push my luck and brought him with me. I also didn’t want him bothering Aika since she’s elderly and probably wants to sleep all day without being bothered. Mills really seemed to enjoy the car ride, especially when I rolled the window down half way for him to stick his head out.
I could barely concentrate on a damn thing at work all day, my thoughts radiating pure excitement about what was to come. Hopefully we both would be coming tonight, but if not I’m happy to take things as slow as she wants. I find myself wondering all about her and genuinely can’t wait to get to know her better. I’m shocked as hell she even agreed to come to my place tonight after meeting me all sweaty and nasty from work. The hours literally crawled and I was gonna punch Alex if he made one more comment about how “giddy” I looked. I pride myself on being able to stay stone faced as a military captain but Alex has known me our whole lives so he can read me a little better than most. I had let the steaks marinate in the fridge all day and was planning on cutting out at about 4:30 so I could grab her some flowers, get home and clean myself up before I started cooking. One of the best things about spending summers with my grandparents as a kid was that Nana taught me the basics of cooking. I would spend all day out on the ranch with PawPaw, and then he’d send me inside to help Nana shuck corn, snap peas, or whatever else she needed me to do. As a kid, I was more than happy to get a break from mucking horse stalls or repairing fences after being out in the heat all day, so I enjoyed coming back to the house and listening to the radio with Nana. I couldn’t cook anything super fancy but felt confident enough in creating a handful of meals so I could keep myself fed without constantly relying on takeout.
The doorbell rang as I was taking the dinner rolls out of the oven and Mills jumped up and ran to my feet after Aika grunted with disdain at the interruption of her nap. I knew it would take a bit before Mills got used to loud noises and new people. I took a deep breath and adjusted his new red collar with a bow tie included around his neck and headed to open the door. My breath caught in my throat as I took in the beauty in front of me. Emma was standing at the door wearing sandals and a stunning light blue sundress that matched her eyes while holding a cake tray and a pitcher of homemade sweet tea. Her long silky hair was in loose curls that cascaded around her breasts and her bright smile had my heart pounding in my chest. I let out a soft whistle through my teeth as I widened the door.
“Hey Sy.” She uttered with a nervous tremble.
“Damn darlin’, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” She said with a blush tint to her cheeks.
“Let me take those for you.” I reached for the items in her hand.
“Thank you. I made some sweet tea and thought you might like some and a pound cake for dessert.”
“Two of my favorite things. Three if you count yourself.” I said with a smirk and she playfully rolled her eyes as she followed me inside and shut the door for me.
“Your house is absolutely beautiful, Austin.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Look at you, handsome! Aren’t you just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen?” She said in her baby voice while crouching to Mills who was dancing around her feet much to my surprise. I figured he’d still be weary but he must have he remembered her. Or he just knew that she was a good person. Mama always said to trust a dog’s instinct about people.
“Why thank you.” I said jokingly as I walked into the kitchen from the foyer.
“I was talking to this handsome fella, but you look cute too.” She followed me and smirked as she eyed me up and down in my tight “nice” grey t-shirt and jeans.
“Nothing compares to you, sweetheart.”
“You are so corny.” She says with a giggle and I can’t help but laugh too.
“Does that bother you?”
“No, it’s endearing.” She responds. “He looks like he feels much better and his bandages are fresh. Good job. Oh, this must be Aika.” She says while holding her hand out for Aika to sniff who slowly makes her way over to her. Since being out of the military and with her old age she feels comfortable and safe in our house and very rarely growls like she used to with new people. I think she feeds off of me and knows that if I’m not anxious, she can relax. Aika shoves her head into Emma’s hand who quickly begins to scratch her neck and ears while cooing at her. Aika immediately drops and rolls over for belly rubs and I’m genuinely shocked. She only acts like this with me and my grandparents. She has never shown her belly to a stranger before.
“Well I’ll be damned.” I mutter and Emma looks at me inquisitively while perched on her knees scratching all over Aika’s belly.
“She’s a former unofficial military dog. I found her in Afghanistan and trained her while I was stationed there. She has never shown her belly for scratches to anyone other than me and my grandparents.” I explain. She smiles brightly.
“Such a good girl! I’m honored. Maybe others just don’t have the right nails for good scratches.” She says while playfully showing me her manicured hands. Think about those little hands around your cock. Damn my intrusive thoughts.
“Don’t go stealing my dog with belly scratches now. I might have to start requesting belly scratches of my own if you keep that up. She’s drooling on the floor.” I chuckle as I point to Aika who seems to be on cloud nine as her tail wags slowly and her leg begins to kick from the pleasurable sensation.
“We’ll see about your own belly scratches if you’re a good boy.” She whispers and I feel the blood shoot right to my cock. FUCK. I’ve gotta think of something else.
“I know traditionally I’m supposed to show up at your doorstep with flowers, and I couldn’t really do that with dinner at my place but I got you some anyway.” I said as I handed her the sunflowers in a thin vase.
“They’re stunning. One of my favorite flowers! Thank you.” She quickly pressed a kiss to my cheek and I swear I felt like a nervous kid again.
“What are your favorites?” I ask so I’ll know for next time.
“Well, peonies are my favorite but they can be hard to find. Hydrangeas and sunflowers are my other favorites.” Hmm. I’ll need to look for a place that sells peonies.
 “So, what’s for supper?” Y/N asks and pulls me from my thoughts.
“Salad, steak, potato wedges, green beans and a roll.” I point to each dish while scratching my neck a bit nervously. God, I hope she likes it.
            “Mmmmm. That sounds delicious. Anything I can do to help?” The sound of her moan is burned into my brain for me to replay later.
            “Why don’t you pour us some of that tea you brought while I plate the food.” I suggest and watch her turn and get started.
            “How was work today?” I ask as I set her plate down in front of her.
            “It was pretty good! Slower than yesterday. Someone brought in a cat that they had found hit on the side of the road and unfortunately it had already passed away which sucks. I tried everything but he was just too far gone.”
“Damn, I hate that. Didja find the owner?”
“No. It looked like a stray. No microchip or collar and wasn’t neutered. I just will never understand why people don’t get their animals fixed.”
“Neither will I. I hate to say it Mills, but enjoy your nuts while they last because as soon as your cleared for surgery we are getting those snipped. No baby mama drama for you. Sorry pal.” I say with a chuckle while looking at my new buddy with a nervous grin.
Emma giggles brightly at the face I made at him. “So, how was your day? I don’t think I even asked what you do for work.”
            “I own my business, Syverson Contracting. That’s why I was so sweaty and gross when I brought Mills in yesterday. We’ve been working on remodeling a house and I was building a garden shed for the owners when I found him. I finished it up today but we’ve got a little more work to do inside the house.”
            “Wow! I saw the sign for your company but didn’t put two and two together. That’s incredible. I can’t imagine how cranky I would be if I was out in this heat all day every day.”
            “Eh, I’m used to it. This has nothing on the desert, although the humidity is a bitch. I don’t mind it too much. I like building things and working with my hands. Plus, the projects change enough that I don’t get bored which is nice.”
            “I’m sure it’s rewarding to take something old and broken and essentially make it new.”
            “Definitely. That’s the best part. I uh, I started here with this house. When I left the military, I loved the land but the house was falling apart. Figured I had nothing better to do so I’d do it myself and learn as I go. The plumbing was all busted and the roof had a ton of leaks. I essentially ripped it down to studs and rebuilt it.”
            “Wait, I didn’t realize that! So, when I said it was stunning, it’s all because of you.” I smile at her astonishment.
            “You flatter me. I appreciate it. Rebuildin' this house is what made me decide to start my company. I have zero interior design skills though so I know I need to change furniture and maybe get some art or something on the walls but I’m honestly clueless about all of that. Need me to build a bathroom or repair drywall, I’m your man though.” I chuckled.
“Well, I thought about doing interior design for a bit in college, but ultimately the animals won my heart. If you ever want help, I’d be happy to try.” Damn, she’s perfect.
“Darlin, you’re going to make me fall in love with you if you keep talking like that.” I wink at her.
“So corny.” She shakes her head and giggles and I just can’t help but laugh with her. I could listen to that sound over and over again.
We continue to talk throughout the meal where she asks me how I learned to cook and I explain all about my grandparents who own the farm near the country store off of county road 55. She tells me all about Alabama, how she went to the university on a cheerleading scholarship and I have to keep myself in check before my mind starts wondering if she’s still flexible. We talk just a bit about the military, finding Aika, and I can’t help but notice her squirm a bit when she finds out that I was the Captain for the special forces. After we finish eating, she stands up and cuts up the pound cake that she made from scratch. I groan as I take a bite of the dessert and she bites her lip as she watches me.
            “Where do you think you’re going, darlin’?” I ask with cake still in my mouth as she gets up carrying our empty dinner plates and walks to the sink.
            “You cooked, I’ll clean. It’s only fair.”
            “No ma’am. You’re a guest. Put those down!” I say as I swallow my bite.
            “No way, Jose.” She crosses her arms and cocks her hip out. “If you want me to leave the rest of that cake here with you, you’ll sit down and let me clean the dishes.” I grunt at her. Sassy little thing.
            “I’ll let you load the dishwasher. Fair?”
            “Fair, but I’m still handwashing these two pans.” Emma says as she sticks her tongue out at me and begins washing the pans.
            “Woman, you are something else.” I smirk at her and ogle her body in that dress while she has her back turned towards me.
            “Where’d you learn to bake like this?” I ask her pointing towards the cake as she dries of the pans with a dishtowel.
            “My best friend and college roommate’s grandmother. She lived about an hour from our apartment and she would come visit about two times a month and stock our fridge with all sorts of things. She knew that pound cake was my favorite so she gave me the recipe even though it was only given to women in their family. She’s essentially my Nana too now. She has given me lots of recipes but that’s my favorite. I enjoy baking, it feels like less of a chore than regular cooking.” She says with a smile.
            I lead her to the living room and offer her a beer which she accepts and we spend the next hour talking about our lives. She tells me a bit about her family, which consists of just her mom and dad. They still live in Alabama and she’d like them to move out this way but they're resistant to leave the comfort of familiarity. She was extremely close with her grandparents but they have all passed on as well. I explain how my dad took off when I was two and remarried and my mother raised me until she passed after battling breast cancer when I was a teenager. I told her about my older brother Mark who lives in Tennessee with his pregnant wife, Jenn, and my two-year-old niece, Lucy.
            “So, you’re telling me you left everything and everyone you know back in Alabama just because you got the vet job here in our little town? I find that a bit hard to believe darlin’.”
            “What’s so hard to believe? Maybe I just needed a change.”
            “You sure you’re not running from something? Or someone?”
            “Damn you for being so intuitive. I thought military men were just supposed to follow orders blindly and not think?” She deflects with a giggle and I know from her tone she’s just playing with me.
            “You couldn’t be more wrong about that, sweetheart. Remember I’m a Captain. My whole job relied on me reading situations and people. I ain’t gonna to push you to tell me if you don’t want to, though.”
            “It’s no big deal. Essentially, my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me. I caught him and learned it had been going on for several months before I found out. His name wasn’t on our apartment lease since he had moved in with me so I kicked him out and he wasn't happy about it. I had to get a restraining order when he showed up and broke in through the window after I had the locks changed. It was quite the talk of the town since his mistress is the assistant principal for the local elementary school. Ultimately, I just got tired of hearing the whispers and gossip while also feeling like I needed to watch my back. I needed a change of pace anyway so, here I am.”
“That fucker.” I muttered while shaking my head.
“Yup. Not the first time I’ve been cheated on either so I guess you could say that I don’t have the best track record with men.” She shrugged.
“I’m sorry he treated you that way. He fucked up and then had the audacity to break into your home? God, I hate dipshits like that.”
“I always felt super safe in that town before and now it just feels… tainted? I guess? Turns out, a little piece of paper doesn’t keep people away. In his case, it just pissed him off more. His uncle is on the police force there so he felt like he was untouchable.”
“He showed up again after the restraining order?” She nodded while looking at her hands.
“Did he… Damnit Emma I said I wasn’t going to ask and I certainly don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but did he touch you? Hurt you?”
“It’s in the past, Austin. I’m here and I’m safe now. No use dwelling on it. It could have been worse. I was lucky, honestly.”
“What do you mean you were lucky?” She sighed and fiddled with her fingers.
“He showed up after being served the restraining order when I was coming home from work and slapped me around a bit.. I tried to defend myself, and I did for the most part. Ultimately, he busted my lip, and shoved me into a wall outside of my apartment. My neighbor happened to be home, heard the screaming and called the cops. I didn’t have to go to the hospital or anything so I got lucky. Just wounded my ego a bit.” She shrugged like she was fine but I could tell she was still afraid.
“Fuck, sweetheart. That’s not lucky. You still got hurt. Come’re. Can I hug you?” She nodded and I pulled her to my lap and hugged her tightly.
“You are safe here. If you ever feel scared or anything, please tell me. I want to protect you.” She’s tense as I hold her and I hear her sigh.
“I’m not some damsel in distress, Austin. I’m fine. You don’t have to concern yourself with it. I left my problems in Alabama. I don't want to be the girl that everyone pities anymore.”
“I don’t have to do anything and you aren't someone I pity. I admire your strength and I want to concern myself with you. I really like you Emma. Like I can’t get you off of my mind. I ain’t trying to come on too strong and I know we just met but I want to get to know you in every way. The thought of you being scared to just go about your life makes me sick.”
Emma relaxed in my arms and buried her head in my neck as she tightened her arms around me. “I want that too. I mean, um, I like you too and want to get to know you better.”
“S'alright if I kiss you?” I normally wouldn’t ask but I don’t want her to startle her or make her uncomfortable.
She nods.
“Words sweetheart.”
“Kiss me.”
The words barely left her lips before I pressed mine against hers as my hand caressed her jaw. I felt her tongue swipe against my bottom lip asking for entry and I quickly granted it where she deepened the kiss. I groaned as her tongue stroked my own and I tasted her mouth. We kissed until we were both breathless and she pulled back before pressing her forehead against mine.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you apologize fer’a thing. You’re in control here, not me. This only goes as far as you want it to and believe me, I am more than happy just to sit here with you. Just looking at you and talking to you is all I need. I just want you to know that. I won’t pressure you now or ever.” I told her while looking into her eyes and she smiled.
“You’re too good to be true.” She whispered.
“Nah darlin’, I’m just decent person who values women and know that you don’t owe me a thing. I’m just enjoying being in your presence. That’s all I need from you. You decide the pace.”
She nods at me with a smile.
“I’m sorry that you’ve not been treated right before but I’m happy for the chance to do so.” I tell her while tucking her hair behind her ear. Emma leans down and kisses me again. We sit on the couch with Emma in my lap making out for a little while longer before Mills whines at the door to go outside. 
            “That is my que to get up and let you get back to your night.” Emma said quietly and I want to protest but she interrupts me. “I’ve got to be at work early in the morning anyway.” She stiffly climbs from my lap and I flush as I can’t exactly hide my raging boner but I quickly try and adjust myself so it’s not as noticeable.
            “I sure wish you didn’t have to go. I really enjoyed tonight. Feelin' like I’ve barely scratched the surface at all the things I want to know about you.”
            “Me too.” She shyly pecks my lips after I open the door and both of the dogs bound outside. I motion for her to step outside the back with me so I can keep an eye on Mills and I wrap my arm around her shoulder.
            “It might be clingy as fuck to ask this, but I’m a grown man who is not interested in playing games. Can I see you again tomorrow darlin’? Unless you’ve got plans of course.” Emma curls against me and rests her head against my chest.
            “Seeing as I only know like four people in this town, including you, I’ll have to see if I can pencil you in.” She smarts and I tickle her ribs.
            “Little smartass.” I chuckle and she giggles back.
            “What did you have in mind?” She asks.
            “Dinner at the Italian restaurant in town?”
            “Gia’s? It’s the best food I’ve had since I moved here. The owners must pity me after seeing how many times I’ve called for takeout from there just this month.”
            “We can get something else if you’re tired of” Emma interrupts me.
            “No! it’s so good! I’ve only ordered take out so I wouldn’t be the pitiful newbie that eats alone. I would love to go there with you, Austin.”
            “It’s a date. Text me your address. What time ya want me to pick ya up?”
            “5:30 still okay?”
            “That’s perfect, angel.”
            I whistle through my teeth for the dogs to come back in and Emma chuckles when Mills sees Aika coming straight back to me and clumsily attempts to follow her. We pet the dogs for a minute before Emma puts her shoes back on and grabs her purse. I grab her waist and gently press her up against the front door.
            “Now, I’m gonna walk you to your car here in a second but I needed one more of these before we are in public.” I bend down to kiss her passionately as she wraps her arms around my neck. I gently pin her with my hips against the door as her nails lightly scrape across the back of my head and I grunt. After a few more seconds of kissing her, I slowly pull back.
            “That may just be my new favorite thing, sugar.”
            “You call me that and I immediately think of Mrs. Clayton’s yorkie.” She giggles.
            “Nah, you’re much sweeter than that little yappy shit.” I say with a grin as I run my thumb across her cheekbone before pecking her lips again.
I carry the vase of sunflowers when I walk her out to her car and am surprised that it’s a nice almost new black jeep wrangler. I was too consumed with looking at her when she arrived to notice. She observes me looking at the SUV and smiles.
            “Like it?”
            “I thought veterinarian’s drove Audis and Mercedes.” I say and she rolls her eyes.
“Not this veterinarian. I love my Jeep. Driving around with my top off and the music blaring is a form of therapy for me.”
“I’m sorry, I think I had a stroke when you said “my top off” and didn’t hear anything else.” I joke.
She quickly pushes my arm. “You would only focus on that, pervert!” She giggles. I clutch my chest pretending to be hurt.
“Ouch, darlin’. You’re wounding me with the name calling.”
“You’ll survive.” She retorts with a wink.
“Let me know that you get home safely?” I ask and she nods before standing on her tiptoes to place one more chaste kiss to my lips before climbing in her jeep. Damn, I love seeing a little woman driving a big SUV and I can’t explain why. Just does something to me. Maybe it’s a size kink foreshadowing how much I’d like to see her little petite frame against my much larger one.
“See you tomorrow, Austin.”
“Looking forward to it, sugar.”
I walk back inside my house and for the first time since I renovated it, the house seems empty, like it’s missing something vital. Her. It’s missing her and the brightness I felt while she was here. Fuck, one date and she has me wrapped around her finger. She’s got me envisioning a future that I never thought I’d get to have.
Part 3
Taglist: @shellyshellshell @henryownsme @caramariehurst @beck07990 @mollymal @kingliam2019 @syversonswife @identity2212 @starfirewildheart @hannah9921 @wa-ni @kneelforloki @cutedoxie
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Thinking about getting placed as Scaras assistant, he’s testing you at first asking questions small missions and battles so you can prove youself, but one night he’s asking you questions on why you want to work for him, the way he moves and speaks its like he’s teasing you
Your mind starts to wonder thoughts about your boss you never thought you have as he’s reading your mind, only teasing u more as he replies to your suggestive thoughts of him (I’m so wet for this man I CANT <33)
damm anon that makes me wanna act up IDK. i got a tent goin on over here if yk what i mean-
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. 1.2k WORDS. Smut part long af.
'Perhaps I feel like I owe my beloved Kunikuzushi something, Which is why i gave control of the gakaden company to him, Along with his own free will. I entrust Y/N with the safety and wellbeing of my son. As they are my most prestige warrior within inazuma and in all of teyvat' -The Raiden shogun, Ei.
Scara masterlist part 2!
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The 5th round this evening, Your hands grew tired from holding your signature weapon. "Y-you are very skilled in the art of the sword my lord. My I ask where you were taught?" You said while trying to catch your breath in your tired state. "Taught? How amusing. as if someone could tell me what to do and how to fight? Y/n, i dont need anyones validation or blah blah-" The rest of your master's words went through one ear and out the other. Something about the shaken up and tired state he had you in gave you tremendous bliss, You we're well known to be one of the strongest warriors within teyvat, Even trained by the strongest human within the world, Il Capitano. Yet here you we're being bested by your own superior? Someone you we're ironically enlisted to by the Almighty god of thunder, Ei. To protect. It was pathetic how in every round he bested you, How as soon as you saw an opening to whisk away his katana from his grasp, he was always one step ahead, as if he was reading you like a book. The way he fought was unexpected. That is why you asked where his styles originated. "As expected, my master. A individual as great as you wouldn't need anyone else's guidance or leadership." You bowed your head as a sign of respect. Master, Scara liked that word. "Good Y/n. you know your place." He looked you up and down, observing your body as you stood up and wiped your forehead. He didn't mean to go so rough on you, But you always do ask to spar him after missions. So he did with no hesitation. "Go get yourself cleaned up or some shit and wait for me outside, Im going to get changed." He said as he left the room.
You we're reading "Flowers for Princess Fischl – Vol. I: End Time." while waiting for your superior. A young girl named amy gave it to you as a gift for helping her join the adventures guild. It was childish, but you ended up enjoying the book. Little did you know your boss was standing behind you as you waited for him at the lobby door. "The fuck is this?" He took the book from you "I- MY LORD-" You stuttered while trying to gather your thoughts. "Flowers for princess fish? Great.. So you spend your time reading fanfiction instead of being attentive as usual..." He sighed. "Hm..Now what if the enemy was inside y/n? Now im dead" your heart sunk at his sudden words. You we're well put together in a fine suit and tie similar to his. Along with a suitcase containing your signature weapon, Ready to defend your superior through anything. "I trust that you are more than capable to take care of yourself while i am not around, Master. Your strength is no match for anyone." You bowed and walked forward to the car, Holding the door open for him. "Is that so y/n?" He said while stepping into the vehicle. "Im sure your master can find other ways to show you his strength." The man whispered into your ear. You blushed and closed the door, Looking at him again while smilingly and running around to get into the car. Kuni smirked as your childish reaction. He sat next to you across the drivers seat.
The smell of his fresh cologne Filled your nose as if it was oxygen. He looked so professional and clean while flipping through your book, from the way his hair was perfectly straight to the beautiful way you could see his muscles Pearce through his suit. Even the way his tie was on is perfect, The way he would threaten to fire you immediately when you'd embarrass him in public during a mission- "Who is this, Amy person y/n?" 'Huh? How does he know about amy?' He read aloud "Dear y/n the loyal subjects of the Immernah-crick. Thank you for helping her majesty Princess fishkl. for- What the fuck is this?" You giggled under your breath at how he mispronounced the words. "Is Fuck? Your favorite word my lord?" He lightly blushed. "Thats not the Fucking- Thats not the question Y/n."
You two lightly teased and joked with eachother as the car finally pulled up. You held the door open while surveying the area and hesitantly apologized again "Im sorry lord kuni, i just got caught up while waiting for you. I wont read it again if you find Fantasy novels- Inconsiderate." "Read whatever the fuck you want, I could care less." He said as you held the door open to the penthouse lobby "and do me a favor y/n." "Yes my lord! Anything!" you said eagerly "...drop the 'my lord'. It sounds fucking weird when you say it. Keep the kuni shit." You smiled, Did this mean he was starting to trust you more? Was this all some test just to prove your worth.
You cheerfully followed 'kuni' into his penthouse. "My- I mean Kuni. Your place is amazing." You said while viewing his estate. All you we're instructed to do was to wait for him outside his bedroom door. Many thoughts swirled through your head, all about kuni. You just loved everything about him just from first glance, the way he'd carry himself, How independent he was, His outfit. You never worked for someone with that amount of prestige and overall leadership. Everyone was so obedient to him like a dog, even when he threatened to fire them. Threatened to fire you, The way that sent you chills was something you'd never forget. As if you could easily be replaced before he even knew your full name. You we're tapped out of your wet daze to be greeted by him. In a beautiful outfit(pov he's wearing his fatui outfit. "Hmm should i keep my hat on y/n or take it off?" He asked you. "M-my lo- I- i- mean kuni- you-" God you we're choking up on your words so hard.
"Ugh everytime I even talk to you about shit your always stuttering up y/n your acting as if this is the first time you've seen me wear my kimono." "W-well.. K-kuni.. Your chest..is out and i-" "Oh? so thats it." Kuni walked closer to you, you we're pinned against the wall" "You like what you see y/n..? Is that it?" "K-kuni please..Shouldnt we be leaving?" "I say when we fucking leave Y/n. There you go again making up your own mind. Is that any way to talk to your fucking superior?" Your body was burning up as your breath grew heavy. He whispered in your ear. "Whats wrong? I cant get closer to my pet...?"
"Say..Y/n.. Why do you work for me? Did my pathetic mother bribe you, The ever so righteous Y/N. who has trained with the strongest human in teyvat?" His beautiful violet eyes burned through yours. as if he was staring through your soul. Was this another test? You couldnt tell. Your breathing became more panicked. His body pressed against yours, the sweet smell of his perfume, His beautiful eye liner. You we're in a pure daze. The worst one you've had since you met him. "fucking say something y/n..or are my eyes putting you in another trance hm?" shit.. at this point he was reading your mind. Fuck it. "i.. I LOVE YOU KUNI. MORE THEN ANYTHING. ID PROTECT YOU WITH MY LIFE. I DONT CARE IF YOUR MOM WOULD'VE HIRED ME OR NOT..I... ALWAYS HAD FEELINGS FOR YOU!" You realized you let your heart out. When What" you've only known him for 3 weeks and you're going this fast. "...I-im..sorry..my lord. I'll just wait for you in the ca-" you we're cut off. "then prove it." 'huh?' "e-excuse me my lord?" "prove it. Prove how much you love your master~" A cord snapped in you. You kicked his bedroom door open with force, Even making him give an aroused look. you wanted this. You wanted him so bad, The way he fought you. The way he made you so happy, The way he made you so fucking horny and touch yourself after every night you'd make sure he was safe in his home. You unzipped his pants immediately and looked at his cock while licking your lips. He didn't stop you, only mocked you "fucking slut.
How long have you wanted my cock?" You didnt reply. Just the feeling of his big cock stuffing your mouth and making you gag had you on cloud 9. "f-fuck...Where did a slut like you learn how to suck a mans cock like this. Shit~ have you been passing yourself around?" "No..mph.. been savingf myselvf for you mahster~" You said with his dick still in your mouth. "Oh yeah? You saved yourself for daddy?" God that turned him on. He grabbed your hair, ran his fingers through it and forced your head down on his cock. "Just like that baby, You've been so patient already for me. I should reward you with my cum down your throat. how does that sound?" You shaked your head with vigor. Desperate for his seed. He pushed hard onto your head, Bucking his hips up and letting out a loud groan while he came down your throat. Fuck your mouth felt so warm he didnt want you to move. But you did and climbed ontop of scara, While stripping for him. "Mmm..Wanna put on a show for you Kuni~" god the way you'd say his name would always make him hard.
Especially the way he teased you in the car saying he'd show you his strength in other ways. You began grinding on his cock "F-fuck Kuni~ Your so big against me master..So big.. Your making me horny right now daddy~" "Yeah'? Making my little pet all turned on f' me? Want daddys help?" "Y-Yes kuni~ please help me." You swapped places, laying on the bed while kuni began taking his clothes off. his abs we're beautiful along with a nice scar along the side of them. He fetched through his cabinet for a bottle of lube. "Y-you have lube?" you said shocked. "Tsk. Yeah? You think i dry jerk off too you?" Just hearing that alone made you blush. He jerked off a little with it and began putting the tip inside. "oh shit kuni~" He looked so focused on making sure his cock got inside of you. watching how it would dissapear inside your warm wet hole. He moved slowly back and forth, Fucking you in a mating press. "K-kuni.." "Yes my love?" "C-can you go faster please. Wanna have you hit that spot." And that was all he needed to hear. He ruffled his hands through his hair and fucked you so hard. "K-KUNI AH~" you wrapped your legs around him "F-fuck baby dont wrap your legs round me like that- IM gonna CU-" "I dont care kuni~ please breed me. Breed me like the little pet i am. P-please kuni. Thats all I want, Wanna be yours forever."
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ilovetoomanymen · 7 months
this is my first official fic!! i hope you guys enjoy!!
mike schmidt x female/girly!reader 🍓🍰
- fluff
- after the events of the film
hmm,, I don't really have any clear ideas as well atm, buuuut could you perhaps try to write smth like-- the reader, mike and abby went to go picnic or smth by the beach(?) idk if that makes sense HAHA 😭
i hope you enjoy!! (lower case is intended!!)
your eyes flutter open gently, being awoken by the sun flaring through the blinds, creating pretty patterns across mike’s bedroom. you hear a groan from behind you, and feel an arm squeeze around your waist. you turn around in his arms to face him.
“hi”, he mumbles with his eyes closed.
“hey, good morning”, you reply with a gentle smile.
he opens his eyes to look into yours and he immediately smiles which makes you giggle.
“what?” he asks smiling at you.
“nothing.” you reply, smiling back at him again.
“hey, it’s pretty sunny today, do you want to go for a picnic since abby isn’t at school today?” you ask, waiting patiently for his response.
“sure, what time is it?”
you turn around in his grip again and look at the little pink alarm clock he bought you, which contrasted with the dark oak of his bedside table.
“it’s only 8. do you wanna go at 11? ooh, should we go to the beach?”
mike doesn’t reply verbally, but he grabs you by the waist again, gently pulls you flush to his chest, and nods into your back.
“mike i have to get ready” you giggle at his affection.
“no, not yet, please” he grumbles in your ear.
“mike i have to shower, unless you want me to smell all day”
“y/n/n, you always smell good” he nudges the space between your neck and ear with his nose and inhales deeply.
“mike c’mon it’s been 20 minutes” you laugh at his ridiculousness.
“ugghhh, fine.” he kisses your neck.
you slip out of bed and leave mike alone. you open the bathroom and turn the shower on, tie your hair up, step in and start washing your body. you hear the door open and peek behind the curtain to see who it is, and looking back at you is mike’s mischievous face.
“mike get out!!” you shriek and laugh.
“relax, relax, i’m just using the toilet”
mike uses the toilet, then leaves, and you carry on with the rest of your shower. you get out and do your skin care, brush your hair, and dry yourself off.
walking back into the bedroom, you see mike lying awake in bed. wrapped in your pink, fluffy towel, you walk towards the window and open it to let some fresh air in.
you walk back over the the wardrobe, open the doors, and search for the perfect dress for the occasion. you pick out a little white dress with lace details, pink dainty flowers, and a little pink bow on. you turn around to face mike.
“what do you think?” you question him.
“i think that that is a very pretty dress, and you should wear that one.” he smiles at you, adoringly.
you smile back at him, turn around, pick out a matching baby pink underwear set, put that on, then put the dress on. mike stares at you and bites his lip, but you don’t realise.
you put deodorant on, sit at your vanity that mike lovingly built for you when you moved in, and do some light makeup. you tie your hair into a high ponytail and add a little pink ribbon around it.
you walk out the room, to go make everyone some breakfast, whilst mike watches your ass as you walk out.
deciding on waffles as being the best option, you make them, and serve them up onto plates, and whilst your laying the table, mike walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist.
“hey” you giggle. he gives you a squeeze then lets go, to allow you to carry on getting everything ready.
“abby! breakfast is ready!” you shout for the little girl.
she comes skipping through and you and mike greet her, and for the whole of breakfast, you listen contently to abby recalling a dream she had the previous night. you sit down together and eat, just you and your happy little family.
mike does the dishes afterwards, and abby helps you pack the picnic full of your favourite fruits and snacks, cherry and strawberries being one of them. mike packs the car, and 10 minutes later you are all sat in the car, with mike driving, and you and abby singing along to songs on the radio, and laughing together. mike looks across to you and smiles, happy just because you’re happy. he puts his hand on your thigh and moves his thumb up and down.
you finally make it to the beach, and you and abby grab the picnic basket together and run down the steps leading to the sand, holding one handle each. mike laughs at you both and grabs the chairs and towels and walks behind you two.
you and abby run across the beach, shrieking and laughing together, whilst mike watches you two, smiling to himself.
5 minutes of running and laughing down the beach later, you guys find a good spot to sit down and enjoy the prepared food. you eat together, and laugh together, just enjoying each others company. abby goes down to the water to stand and play around with the shallow water. you and mike lie down together on the towel and hold eachother. you talk about everything together, and then just relax. you have never been happier with your two best friends in the world.
i’m so sorry if this is too long or really bad and boring and repeating!! it’s my first fic ever, so constructive criticism is much appreciated! i also haven’t re-read this very well, so there might be some mistakes! i’m also sorry if the end is rushed, i felt like it was getting too long so i decided to cut it short 😭
if you have any other requests, drop them in my request box, and have a great day!! 🍓🍒
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honey-milk-depresso · 4 months
OMGG HI I saw your bohemian fashion and I LOVED IT SO SO SO SO MUUUUUUCH ANIANIJAOJSOJ it was so sweet 🥺🥺
Could you do one with Trey (hehe), Jamil and Vil, but with a mc that dresses in Preppy style? Yk, the pleated skirts, bows and headbands, Channel vibes. I love fashion and the way you described the Bohemian one was so sweet. THANK YOU SO MUCH YOURE AMAZING MWAH ❤️❤️
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T*EY???? /hj
Fine, fine, very well, I will write for that DEFINITELY no good man I’m TOTALLY not in love with myself 😒.
Also I didn’t think anybody would be reading my REALLY old fics from when I first started this blog, when I was called the long forgotten “coffee leaf depression”, good to know, and this is kept to GN Reader 👍.
TWST S/o who loves Preppy Fashion
Trey Clover
He’s probably a sucker for this kind of fashion. As in, to see on his lover. You look so pretty in pleated V-neck sweaters and tie.
NRC has a pretty preppy kind of uniform given to the students, it’ll only change depending on how the students wear the uniform, seeing your well ironed tie straight and pleated skirt or pants crisp and neat makes him pretty smitten surprisingly, especially when it comes to you.
He doesn’t mind joining in, hell, he probably has a somewhat prep aesthetic stuff in his wardrobe without even realising it sometimes, it just comes to him naturally although he definitely doesn’t have any aesthetic preference and just wears whatever.
But prep is definitely in there.
You two can be a matching couple outside of school, wearing prep and somewhat prep (I’m sure you know who’s who) and you guys just look super cute together that Trey, for once, feels a bit of an ego boost in him as he smirks to himself. <3
Jamil Viper
Always saw him with the street dancer kind of aesthetic, which is probably a bit more rugged and casual which is why you two come as a complete contrast with one another.
But still, Jamil digs your prep aesthetic even if he doesn’t like wearing that aesthetic on himself, he thinks it makes you look cute.
Besides, the two of you somehow make it work when you’re out in the open, some guy in a baggy hoodie, baggy long pants and sneaker heads while he’s out linking hands with his significant other wearing a headband, sweater vest and polished loafers.
Still, you two are absolutely adorable as a couple inside out, your completely different taste in fashion makes you two stand out in a good way! Wouldn’t mind trying your kind of aesthetic, it looks pretty good on him when he checks himself in the mirror after dressing him up. He hopes you enjoy the baggy hoodies though because he personally wouldn’t mind lending you his. <3
Vil Schoenheit
The two of you together look like cute nerd and actual fashion king.
Honestly, Vil thinks your prep aesthetic is perfect even if he’s the kind to wear those V-necks and have “pretty boy” aesthetic, he also likes wearing prep clothing and wouldn’t mind joining you on the matching aesthetic thing when you two go out.
Sometimes he shops with you for clothing that fits your whole prep aesthetic and the best kinds. This man’s fashion taste is god-tier. Any kind of aesthetic he can pull off and has expertise in knowing what is best to wear for any kind.
Prep aesthetics are no exceptions.
He has a lot of fun dressing up with you: wearing checkered pants and/or skirts, nice ties and shiny loafers around town as everyone gawk at the most prettiest couple they have ever seen that they can’t even get jealous. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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midchelle · 8 months
how would you rank the different beatles couples wedding looks?
Now this looks like a job for me
9. John and Cyn (1962)
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I feel a little bad ranking them this low because the four of them had about two shillings to rub together between themselves, but this was just not a great effort. John appears to be wearing A Suit. Perhaps with a tie of some sort. Paul and George's fits look kind of similar, which makes me think he got married in his Beatles suit. I guess that was an appropriate start to their marriage.
Cynthia's having a classic Cher Horowitz faux Chanel suit moment. It's not a bad look, but it's literally something you would see in Zara. There's a pneumatic drill in the background. Cyn nearly got married to George instead. What a world that would be.
8. Paul and Heather (2002)
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Did you know this was one of the most expensive weddings in history? It cost 3.6 million. They rented a castle in Co. Monaghan. There were fireworks. Did you know that Heather Mills wore the most 1980s wedding dress known to man in 1989? These are the things I was forced to find out while researching this look.
I originally had this a bit higher. I didn't want to rank it low just Because Heather. But the more I look at this dress, the more I hate it. She's doing the Kate Midleton lace sleeves -- which, in fairness, was pretty forward-thinking in 2002 -- but then the lace just goes over the whole outfit, which has the effect of making everything look very same-y. Barbie in A Christmas Carol executed this idea way better.
I don't have many objections to Paul's outfit. He wore a vest. That's effort. And he matched his tie to the flowers. Like job done, basically. My only real issue here is the lack of vision. If I was Paul McCartney in 2002 and a knight of the British Empire or whatever, and I'm getting married in a castle -- I'd have a sassy little sword with me. Perhaps even just to cut the cake. Come on.
7. Paul and Linda (1969)
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Don't let the cuteness of the pictures distract you from the fact that they're both dressed like they have a meeting with Harry from accounting in an hour. Paul appears to have shown the barber a picture of the guy from The Peep Show. She married him when his hair looked like that. That's love.
It's possible that Linda is wearing a non-business casual outfit under the trench. We'll never know. The problem is that these people refused to get married any time outside of the cold months. It's weird how this is the one Indian thing they all adopted.
The kid is a fun accessory. I enjoy how she and Linda appear to be matching trenches.
6. Maureen and Ringo (1965)
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I enjoy how Cyn, John, and George seem to be haunting the proceedings in the second picture.
Originally, I had this lower, but you know what? I like Maureen's little Jackie O suit with the Peter Pan collar, and I love that hair accessory she has over her bun with the bow. Ringo is fine, even if he does look like he's wearing his Dad's jacket. I really don't think it's supposed to fit like that. You're Ringo Starr and this is your wedding, you couldn't get it tailored? Or just buy one that fits better?
And once again: she married him when his hair looked like that.
5. [ERROR] (1978)
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I saw a lot of sources saying the first pic is George and Olivia. It is not. The man looks a bit like George, but the woman looks nothing like Olivia. The second picture, I think, is from George and Olivia's wedding, and yes, that is the best quality I could find. I think George has the same '70s open-collar suit thing as the man in the fake picture, but that's about all I can tell. Olivia could literally be wearing a rug for all I can see about her outfit. Since this is Schroedinger's Beatle wedding look -- neither good nor bad since I Literally Can't See It -- it goes right in the middle.
I can't believe they wanted to have a small personal wedding. It's like they weren't even thinking about all the Tumblrinas.
4. Paul and Nancy (2011)
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Nancy Shevall's royal wedding dress ft. Paul doing a classic Paul pose.
Nancy's wearing a Stella McCartney dress -- cute -- inspired by Wallis Simpson of all people, which is kind of wild as royal wedding inspiration goes, but I like it. It's tasteful while still being unconventional.
Paul also looks great. The longer hair suits him much better. Nancy Shevall is a businesswoman, and it shows. She did not marry a man with bad hair.
3. George and Pattie (1966)
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Mary Quant herself personally designed George's coat. That's how serious this is.
It's a strange occurrence because this is one of the few times that `I feel more let down by the woman than the man. Don't get me wrong, Pattie looks great. Her hair's great. Makeup: great. The tights? The coat? Fantastic. But the dress itself does look like something I wore to my friend's birthday party when I was eight. Do better.
Not featured: Paul McCartney being out of his gourd during the proceedings. Sorry, Paul. This ain't about him.
2. Ringo and Barbara (1981)
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Unghhh they look so good. Sorry there's no joke.
Barbara's dress is so lovely and romantic -- I think it might be a top and a skirt, actually? Anyway, love the neckline, love the sleeves, love the bell skirt. The flowers tucked in at the waist? The lace? That's how you do lace, Heather! And Ringo. He got his hair cut by someone who actually likes him this time, and he's wearing a jacket that fits! That's how you know he was serious about it, and it shows -- forty-two years later. Very fond of the star pin on his lapel.
What really puts this look over a lot of the others is I do feel like they coordinated, her in all white and him in all black. And they one-upped both John and Paul by having not just one, but two kids. Beat that, McLennon.
John and Yoko (1969)
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You might've had a cute wedding look, a great wedding look, even, but did your wedding create enduring pop-cultural tropes? Don't think so.
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favouritefi · 5 months
i was scrolling through your terror tag again and as someone who struggles with drawing clothes, particularly formal wear, i just have to commend you on how effortlessly you seem to be able to draw waistcoats and shirtsleeves and the like! not to mention beloved nedward’s security blanket of a sweater. in your learned opinion, do catboys and dogboys have any distinctive ways of dress or accessorizing their unique features? iirc fitzjames put bows on his dogboys but i’m just picturing like. welsh caps with little holes for kitty ears for example :))
aww thank you my understanding of waistcoats and puffy sleeves comes from drawing 100s of images of izzy hands for the past 2 years, i honestly still struggle to draw most other clothing and drapery pains me on a psychic level, if i ever get blorbopilled over someone who wears long flowing dresses it might be the end of me
answering your qs below cut bc it got super long bc i think about clothes too much:
ok you're entering a territory of thinking that has legit kept me up at night bc like if you put a regular welsh wig on them then their ears will move and shift the wig and if you have holes in the wig for their ears then their ears will get cold thus defeating the purpose of the wig so the best solution i can think of is that they either wear a bonnet-like contraption that ties at the chin or they wear a loose balacava situation like what billy wears during hickeys hanging. the bonnet would surely be deeply uncomfortable and make hearing difficult so i imagine its not a popular choice, by that logic they must not enjoy wearing hats generally speaking which is interesting when you consider the importance of hats in victorian culture and how going out without one means you're not properly dressed, not sure this is the answer you expected but these are my convoluted thoughts
in terms of other clothing quirks the main thing is the presence of tail holes in trousers. these are adjustable using either ribbons or buttons which close over the top of the tail after the wearer has put their trousers on. these trousers are pricer than human trousers so often cat/dogboys make due by just ripping and restitching the seam of human trousers or, if they have short tails, they can tuck their tails into the human trousers. jopson has been altering his own trousers to include tail holes ever since he was adopted by crozier and now he alters the trousers of all the other catboys too since its cheaper. when fitzjames adopted tozer one of the first things he did was get tozer measured so he could have custom tailored trousers with a reinforced band to accommodate his powerful tail wagging. tozer, who has spent most of his life in generic navy-issued uniforms, found the sensation of wearing clothing that actually fit him and his extremely fluffy tail to be very very bizarre.
speaking of fitzjames, i had him put bows on dundy and tozer because i think jfj would love to be a pet influencer. if instagram existed you knooooow he would be dressing up dundy and tozer in silly outfits on the regular and posting daily for internet clout. anyway, the bows thing in dundys case is actually practical because it helps keep his long ears out of the way and makes him look more "dressed", kinda like how victorian women would tie their hair up when in polite company. a lot of dogboys with long ears do this. dundy usually ties it himself but when he was young jfj would help him. jfj will sometimes tell him to wear a specific ribbon for outfit coordination reasons, but usually dundy just wears a standard white / navy one to match his uniform. when theyre hauling south he loses those ribbons and is forced to tie his ears back with twine and scraps of fabric or forego tying them entirely.
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pink-eye-liner · 3 months
Jason hated the situation he ended up in. Being so far from the girl he grew in love with after spending so many summers together. It was his fault though, he had been to much of a coward to be by her side through a tough time and instead chose to entertain a girl he thought could take his mind off her. He chose Piper, but he wanted Reyna. . .
𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚
It was a regular day at Camp Half-Blood, everyone was enjoying their Camp activities and trying to let go of the stress they've acquired from the school year.
Jason on the other hand was trying his best to not crumble away from the guilt that was eating away at him.
He wasn't even where he knew he was supposed to be. Camp Half-Blood wasn't the Camp Jason went to every summer, that Camp was Camp Jupiter.
Yet he was there.
Because he was too much of a coward to argue against his father, that's why.
He didn't wanna be here, He had no purpose here, yet here he was on an open field completely unfamiliar to him. Bow and arrow in hand because archery was one of the activities at Camp Half-Blood.
"Your form is horrible"
He looked up to see the girl who said that. Brown skin with matching short choppy brown hair with thin braided strands on the sides of her face, and eyes that seemed to change color under the sun. Piper was beautiful, no one would doubt that. He was lucky to have her, but he didn't want to be lucky.
"Really?" Jason said "I don't think it's that bad"
Piper walked closer to Jason and stood behind him "Your back isn't straight and your shoulders are tense" Piper said, she pressed her palm against his back making him fix his posture, before putting them on his shoulders which made him even more tense "Relax, I don't bite" She teased.
Jason could feel her hands through his shirt, they were soft and quite small, though that was expected since Jason was half a foot taller then Piper.
"Somehow I don't believe that" Piper didn't reply and instead just let out a giggle.
Jason looked at her and smiled, he tried to relax his shoulders and put all his focus on the target in front of him. He didn't know why he was taking this so seriously, archery was never really a popular activity on Camp Jupiter, so he never really got around to practicing it. His favorite activity to do at Camp Jupiter was sword training, the camp had a spacious arena with real swords made out of wood.
He and Reyna would spend all their free time battling it out while spitting out trash talk to each other, it didn't help that both of them were extremely competitive. Jason was stronger then Reyna, but she had always been faster, and more agile so their duels were nothing short of exciting. Just thinking about them makes him smile.
Reyna would get this determined look on her face whenever he would ask her to spar, followed by a quick witty remark. She would tie her long black hair into a low pony tail before each of their battles- that's how you know she was getting serious- then let it down when they finished. Just thinking about 𝘩𝘦𝘳 makes him smile
"Are you not gonna shoot?" Piper's voice snaps him out of his daydream, he unintentionally lets go of the arrow and completely misses the target. Jason sighed at his failure meanwhile Piper tried to surpass a laugh "Don't worry, you'll get better" She said "We have all summer together after all"
Yeah... All summer...
𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧'𝙨 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 had been an unforgettable one, unfortunately not for good reason.
Everything started out normal. Everyone was happy, games were played, Camp fire songs were sung, and marshmallows were roasted.
It wasn't until the end of the summer where things got bad for Camp Jupiter
𝘼𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙉𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧
Jason had just got done with arts and crafts and went off to find Reyna.
He spoted her looking after the younger Campers near the lake wearing a swim vest on top of a purple Camp Jupiter T-shirt with some black shorts. He went over to her and struck up a conversation.
"Has anyone drowned yet?" He asked in a sarcastically
"No" Reyna said as she crossed her arms above her chest "But you will if you start getting annoying" It was safe to say that Reyna was not impressed by his joke, but Jason laughed at her response anyway.
"Calm down" He said "I was just trying to lighten your mood. You always seem so tense when you're looking after younger campers"
"Of course, since we've been going to this camp for 8 years, that makes us senior Campers, and it is our job to make sure that the younger ones are safe and have fun" Reyna explained, the way she said it in such a graceful and pristine manner would have made people think that she had political training.
"Is that what you really think or do you just feel responsible because your parents own this place" Jason asked, Reyna elbowed his ribcage earning an "OW!" From Jason.
"Don't mistake responsibility for culpability, Jason Grace" Reyna said
"Whatever you say, your majesty" Jason joked but Reyna only rolled her eyes
"You're one to talk" Reyna said
Jason looked at Reyna would curious confusion "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You've never once stepped a toe out of line, you learn the rules and follow them to a T, you never make assumptions and always try to listen to more then one side of a story" Reyna explained "I mean, I like that about you, but damn you are uptight"
"That's because my father would make me do very fun things whenever I do something he doesn't approve of. You seem to like the kind of power struggle we have going on around at Camp" Jason playfully taunted as he poked a finger at her shoulder
"I do not! Plus I'm not listening to a Nepo Baby" Reyna said while swatting his hand away
"Hey!" Jason yelled, Reyna laughed at his offended look which made Jason roll his eyes but also feel warm on the inside because he loves to hear her laugh "You know- you just hurt one of your campers feelings" Jason said, referring to himself "That's not very responsible if you, Reyna"
Reyna's laughter started to fade so she just looked at him with a smile.
The pair had a moment of silence for a couple of seconds, taking in the scenery around them and blushing when their hands accidentally brushed against each others.
"Ehm... Speaking of responsibilities" Reyna said "A few new campers wanted to try the rock climbing wall but needed a senior camper to supervise, so I told our Camp director that you'd do it"
"Alright" Jason's said "when?"
"In about 20 minutes, so you better go now"
"Seriously? Now?" Jason said in an overly dramatic way with a frown on his face "We just started hanging out and you wanna get rid of me so soon?" He put his hand in a fist and placed it on his chest where his heart should be to insinuate it being crushed.
Reyna just laughed at him again and took his hand in her own and looked at him "Don't be so dramatic" She said while looking at him. His sky-blue eyes meeting her dark midnight blue ones "We've had quite the summer together, haven't we?" Reyna said as she smiled at him.
Jason blushed and turned his head away from her. They bid their goodbyes and Jason went off to the rock climbing wall. Where everything would eventually go wrong.
𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙚 𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚
"YOU WANT TO TELL ME THAT THIS WAS ALL JUST AN ACCIDENT?! HAVE YOU SEEN THE STATE MY SON WAS IN?!" A woman that looked like she was in her late 40s yelled.
Sitting in the spectator seats in the courtroom, unable to do anything other watch her father get yelled at by this woman- Reyna tried her very best to put on a brave face.
Last summer had been so messy that even now- a brand new summer year has come and it still hasn't been cleaned yet.
Her father had insisted that she should be at Camp J and not here and she agrees, none of this should have been happening.
She should be spending time with her friends at Camp J as they all teased her about Jason, hearing how they couldn't believe that they weren't a couple yet despite being so close for over 8 years.
Despite the disaster of last year, she hoped that she and Jason would finally get together, but Jason didn't even attend Camp J this year. She knew that it was probably because his father didn't want him to continue going there because of this scandal, but even so, she expected to at least receive an update from him. Even though it was unlikely since he also hasn't been answering her texts nor picking up her calls. She can understand why but it still made her mad that Jason couldn't stand up to his father.
𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘳
They used to spend hours and hours texting and talking on the phone. He would talk to her about fencing and the dozen other after school clubs his dad would make him take while also ranting about how terrifying his dad could be sometimes. While Reyna would talk about her day and occasionally rant about annoying customers she would encounter while working at her after school job.
It was hard to believe that she can't even get a hold of him now.
They went to two different schools in two different states so the only time they got to see each other face to face was during the summer, despite that, the distance was never a problem between them, they were best friends, they found a way to talk to each other, yet the one time of the year where they were supposed to be together and he's not here.
"I completely understand" Reyna's Father pleaded "We are willing to compensate and take responsibility-"
"IF YOU WANNA TAKE RESPONSIBILITY THEN SHUT THAT PLACE DOWN!" A man that looked to be the same age as the woman cut off Reyna's father mid sentence.
This was torturous.
"Alright alright, Mr. and Mrs. Harris please calm down" The Judge said as he hit his gravel against the table in an attempt to get everyone to settle down.
"Your honor... How could you expect two parents to calm down? Especially after this?" The woman- Mrs Harris- argued. Everyone could see the way her eyebrows furrowed as her face wrinkled in anger " I sent my son to that summer Camp thinking that it would be good for him- you know- get away from screens and do some physical activities. I expected him to get home to me in one piece at the end of the summer, not suddenly get a phone call telling me that he sustained major injuries after falling off the rock climbing wall! And I certainly didn't expect the cause to be old faulty equipment that you couldn't bother to replace!"
"For the last time Madam, we buy new equipment every two years, that couldn't have been the real reason" Reyna's father reasoned "Besides, isn't it too much to ask our Camp to shut down? It's not like the kid died"
Reyna winced at the last sentence her father said, or rather, shouldn't have said.
This of course made Mrs Harris loose her mind.
"EXCUSE ME?! WOULD YOU PREFERRED IT IF HE DID?! EVEN IF HE DIDN'T DIE HE WAS STILL HEAVILY INJURED!" Reyna's dad went silent. Mrs. Harris' lawyer was trying to calm her down.
Reyna began to drown out the noise in the courtroom, she reached into her pocket to pull out her phone, she scrolled through her messages and clicked on the one titled "Blonde Boy 💝" where Reyna sent a walls of messages to Jason
𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 :
𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙙? :
𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙧 :
𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩
𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙚, 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙡𝙮:
𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙊𝙠? :
𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙄 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤
𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙙 :
He didn't reply to a single one, but she knew that he saw them, Jason was not the type to leave their messages unread.
Reyna gripped the phone on her hand until the tip of her fingers turned red. She hated Jason at this moment, for not being right next to her, for disappearing, and for not answering her texts. But despite that she still desperately tried to reach him.
She typed and erased messages to send to him over and over again, not knowing what else to say, until she felt a tap on she shoulder. Reyna looked up and saw her father.
"The judge called for a recess" Her father said with kind but tired eyes "c'mon let's get something to eat, you must be starving" Reyna nodded and got up from her seat. Walking next to her father, Reyna looked at her phone again, she deleted the message she typed and started typing a new one.
𝙊𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧
𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙅𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣, 𝙞𝙛
𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣
𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚... 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚 :
𝘼𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙏𝙬𝙤
𝙍𝙚𝙮𝙣𝙖 👑: 𝙊𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚
𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙅𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣, 𝙞𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧
𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚... 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚
Jason had read and reread that message a pathetic amount of times over the month so much so that the message was embedded in his head.
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘔𝘦
𝘚𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦
Reyna was openly saying that she wanted to spend the rest of summer with him like they were supposed to, and God knew that he wanted the same, he wanted nothing else in fact.
"Your food's gonna get cold if you just stare at it, Jason" Jason looked at Thalia- his older sister- as she continued to eat
"Do you not like Barbeque? I could ask our Head Councilor to get you something else if you want" Piper asked, kind and considerate as always, now he was starting to feel bad.
"Oh no, I'm good, just... Thinking about stuff..."
"What kind of stuff?" Piper asked
"Just... Stuff" Jason answered
"... Okay... I'm gonna grab a plate of fruit, you want some too?"
"Yeah sure, why not"
"Grab me one too if you don't mind" Thalia said
"Alright, I'll be back in a bit" Piper said before leaving the two alone in the little picnic table they were sitting on.
"She's nice" Thalia said "Pretty too. Mom picked a good one for yah"
"Why is mom so quick to try and pair me up with some random girl that goes to my school who I've bearly even talked to until now? She knows that I-..." Jason stopped talking and closed his mouth. He thought about Reyna 24/7 ever since the accident but couldn't bring himself to talk about her or even mention her name. Jason gripped his spoon as a dark cloud loomed over his face.
Thalia placed her utensils down as she looked at her younger brother
"Then why are you going along with this?" Thalia asked
"I'm asking why you're going along with this, Jason. Why didn't you put up a fight when dad told you that he was pulling you out of Camp Jupiter and signing yung up here in Camp Half-Blood?"
"When mom told you that there was a girl she wanted you to get close to, why did you say "sure" ?"
"Well I-"
"Why do you always say yes to Piper whenever she asks if you two can hang out?"
"Because I-"
"Why did you tell mom that you and Piper were getting along well?"
"Because we-"
"And why are you leading both Piper and Reyna on?"
Jason was getting pretty irritated since Thalia was asking him all these questions but wasn't letting him answer them, but her last question had him speechless. So instead of answering he took a bite out of a barbecue skewer and stared off into space.
Thalia sighed and placed a hand on Jason's shoulder
"Listen, J... I don't know a lot about Reyna, I don't know a lot about Piper either. But I have seen you with both of them and honestly... Your smile is a lot bigger when you're with Reyna and you have a long history with her, but you care way to much about what she thinks of you. You're not like that with Piper, with Piper, you don't care, you act however you want, you act like yourself. I'm not trying to get you to choose one over the other but if you don't, then you're gonna end up with neither one of them"
Jason stared at his plate. Thalia was right, but he didn't need to be told who to choose. He didn't even have to contemplate. He wanted Reyna, he knew he wanted Reyna, but Reyna wasn't easy, if he wanted to be with Reyna then he was gonna need to do something his father would not approve of, and God knows how much he doesn't wanna do that.
"I know..." Jason said "I just don't know whether or not I can put up a fight"
"Don't worry, you can, and you will" Thalia said, taking her hand off his shoulder.
Jason smiled at her before he saw reddish-brown smudge on his shoulder
"Eww, you got barbeque sauce on my shirt!" Jason exclaimed trying to wipe it off with a tissue.
"No I didn't!" Thalia argued
"Yes you did, It's right there!" Jason said, pointing the obvious stain on his orange shirt.
"There's nothing there!"
"Yes there is!"
The two of them bickered until Piper came back with the plates of fruit.
That night he couldn't sleep again, but not because Reyna sent him another text. This time, he was wondering if and how he can stop being such a coward.
He got up, reached for his phone, and dialed a number.
"Hey Leo, sorry calling you in the middle of the night but... I need a favor..."
𝘼𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣
Jason wrote a letter. It wasn't a very long one, but he knew that the words in that piece of paper could get Mrs. Harris to drop the lawsuit, though it would cost him a lot.
𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘔𝘳. 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘳𝘴. 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘴
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱 𝘑𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘺.
𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘦.
𝘖𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘵 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱 𝘑𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳.
𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺, 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘣𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘺.
𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘬, 𝘐 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 1-2 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘶𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘭, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵. 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘣 𝘶𝘱 𝘵𝘰 20 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺 𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘵.
𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦.
𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘥𝘶𝘮𝘣, 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥
𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘶𝘱𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴
- 𝘑𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦
Miraculously it worked. Mr. And Mrs. Harris dropped the charges at Camp J and went after Jason- or more accurately his father- instead. He didn't really know what took place between Mr. And Mrs Harris, his father, and both their lawyers, but he imagined that his father had to pull some strings to satisfy the couple.
Strings that his father was definitely not happy to pull by the look on his face after he demanded that Jason be pulled out of summer camp and be brought home.
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" His father yelled, Jason tried his best not to flinch '𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦' he thought.
"I wasn't" Jason answered.
"CLEARLY!" Jason's father started to make his way towards him until they were standing only 2 feet apart. Jason felt his father harshly grab his jaw, forcing him to look at his father's face which was red with fury.
"I have given you 𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙔𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙂, Jason. A roof over your head, a good school- I even pay hundreds of dollars every year so that you can attend that damn summer camp you love so much, and this is how you repay me?" Mr. Grace said, there were no traces of the doting father he never was in his tone. He so sounded harsh and cold that it made Jason wanna break down, get on his knees and apologize.
"You embarrassed my name and made me LOOK LIKE A DAMN FOOL IN FRONT OF THOSE PEOPLE" Jason father let go of Jason's jaw before grabbing his cane and using it to hit Jason on the head so hard that he fell off his feet as blood started pouring out of his forehead.
Jason looked up to find his father glaring daggers at him while he pointed his cane in his direction.
"If I had known that you would be this worthless then I would have abandoned you in a forest for wolves to eat"
That was the last thing his father said before walking out of the room.
It hurt.
The wound on his forehead and his father's words. He knew that he didn't actually do anything wrong, but they still hurt.
Jason spent the rest of the summer locked in his room with no phone, he didn't mind since summer would basically be over next week. He read and reread books to keep himself entertained but he thought about Reyna and Camp Jupiter constantly.
When they first learned about the law suit Reyna was restless. Constantly asking her parents for updates about the situation, checking and re-checking the equipment they used in other activities, at one point, she even tried to contact Mr. and Mrs. Harris to beg them to let go of the charges, of course that attempt was un successful.
It hurt Jason to see her so worried and anxious, it hurt to see how hard she would try to told back her tears and look okay when they were together because everyone knew how much she loves Camp Jupiter.
How could she not?
She basically grew up there.
Jason loved that place too.
How could he not?
He spent the best moments of his life there.
He couldn't bear the though of it all just... Shutting down.
Just thinking about it kept him up at night.
He knew that it was unethical to create a false confession letter, but in his mind it was the easiest way, plus him being there when it happened made his confession more believable. Besides, he knew that nothing too bad would actually happen to him.
His father was a wealthy man that could get Jason out of whatever BS he gets himself into. He couldn't bare to have people know how much of a screw up his son was. Especially since his father cared more about his reputation than him.
There was another thing keeping Jason up at night, and it was this nagging voice in his head that constantly asked if it was a good idea that he used himself as a scapegoat so that Reyna’s parents would come out innocent when they weren't.
Faulty equipment was the reason Oliver fell.
He was there, he would know.
Oliver had told him that he was well acquainted with rock climbing, and since Jason had been looking after 15 other campers that were younger then Oliver. He let him do his own thing.
He now realizes that he probably should have been looking after him as well but he was too busy helping out the younger kids that when Oliver screamed and fell, there was nothing he could do expect call for paramedics.
𝘼𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙨𝙞𝙭
It was the beginning of theschool year again, meaning that he got his phone back.
His text messages were open and his finger was hovering over a contact name titled "Reyna 👑"
He had a thousand words he wanted to say to her yet he couldn't type a single one. He ended up sitting completely still while starring at his phone for the entirety of his first class. The only thing that snapped him back into reality was the sound of the bell.
"Here, you're gonna need this" He looked at Piper who had been sitting next to him the entire time as she placed a notebook down on his desk. "These are my notes. Our teacher, Mr Smith kept the orientation short and jumped right into his lesson"
"Uh- thanks" Jason reached for the notebook but something in him stopped him from doing so. She expects something from him, or more specifically. She expects to be a certain 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 to him.
"𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙗𝙤𝙩𝙝 𝙍𝙚𝙮𝙣𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙋𝙞𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣?" He remembers her sister saying. He didn't wanna lead anyone on.
He took a deep breath and put his hands down on his lap.
"Listen Piper, umm... Maybe we should talk" Jason said, he looked around the classroom and saw that everyone had already left to go to their next class.
"Okay... What?"
"I'm sorry... I know that- you have feelings for me and... You're a great girl, anyone would be lucky to have you but... There's someone else I'm pining for" Jason waited for a response from Piper, he waited for her to yell at him or something but she didn't, instead she asked something he didn't expect.
"Is it that girl, Reyna?" Piper asked, her fists were clenched under her table.
"How- how did you know about her?"
"I over heard your conversation with Thalia after I grabbed us some fruit. She sounds like someone special to you" Her voice cracked at the last sentence, she didn't know why she had caught such strong feelings for a guy she doesn't really know. They had gone to the same school for over 5 years but have bearly talked, but still.
She would admire him from afar as he talked and laughed with his friends almost daily. He was a nice guy, friendly and fair to everyone, so it felt like a daydream having spent an entire summer with him. It made her feel like she had a chance.
"Yeah... She is special... And I know that you are too for someone out there just... Not me"
"Can't we just-... Try...? Try this and see if this works out?"
"We can't"
"Why not?"
"Because we'd just be lying to ourselves by trying to make it work, I would know... I did" Throughout the summer Jason 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥, he really 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 to forget about Reyna. It was a selfish move but that was why he entertained Piper and made her think that 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 would happen between them.
"A lie?" Piper said, the heartbreak in her voice was audible "What do you mean " You would know"? "
"Jason I know that- that I'm comparable to Reyna and that we haven't spent as much time together but I thought that this- this summer would... 𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 to you"
Jason stayed silent, it seemed like all his stupid decisions have finally caught on to him, he knew he couldn't afford to make more, he knew he had end this.
"One summer doesn't compare to eight, Piper... Listen I do like you but-"
"You 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 me, but you 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 her" Tears threatened to escape Piper's eyes, but she held it in.
"Yeah... That's right... I'm sorry Piper, but I don't hold any romantic feelings for you" Jason said, he hoped that phrasing it that way instead of directly saying 'I don't love you' would soften the blow but unfortunately that didn't seem to be the case as tears finally started running down Piper's cheeks.
"I see... I'll uh-... I'll see you later then" She said before storming out of the classroom, leaving Jason and forgetting her notebook.
He looked at the notebook for a while, then looked at his phone, more specifically the contact number titled "Reyna 👑"
He knew he didn't deserve someone like Piper. So he probably didn't deserve someone like Reyna either.
With a heavy heart, he put his phone back into his pocket, grabbed Piper's notebook, and headed to his next class.
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soupandsimple · 2 years
Oooo….dad!James I think! (this)
* James brushing down baby boys hair (who by the way is in a little tux)
^ I’m going to use the scenario of them going to an event (relatives wedding?)
* see ask here
- Remus seems like someone who despite how fancy an occasion might be, he’s all about having his baby in comfort! Of course a nice little baby cardigan and maybe a little bow tie to show it’s an event but all articles of clothing are SOFT SOFT SOFT so baby is comfy!
- Sirius would just take his baby in casual everyday clothes, possibly even pj’s! Although his child is only a baby, Sirius has always known that he would let his kids grow up wearing what they wanted because it was something he never had the chance to do (and according to Sirius, what baby wouldn’t want to wear pajamas to a ‘boring wedding’ given the choice lol)
Now James….full on tux for his baby! Can you blame him? James grew up with etiquette and the best of the best of everything….it’s a fancy event so of course his baby has to show out!
Coming out of your room from getting ready for the wedding, you find James sitting with 2 month old baby boy on the couch- both in matching tuxes.
“Oh my boys look wonderful” you say happily coming over to them.
James turns back and slowly looks at you from head to toes, “Well, well, well isn’t mummy a vision” he says looking back at baby boy as if he was expecting him to somehow show he agreed, which surprisingly baby boy seemingly does by flapping his little arms and gurgling.
You blush, bend down to kiss James’s cheek in lieu of a thank you for the compliment and then tickle baby’s little belly “We ready?”
“Almost” James quickly answers, grabbing a brush he had next to him on the couch and gently brushing down baby boys wispy hairs with it.
One thing about your baby’s hair is that it NEVER stays down, it was definitely already known to both of you that his hair was uncontrollable like James’s but yet you both still often tried to flatten in down anyway.
About a minute passed before you intervened, “Okay I think that’s enough. We’re going to be late and that hair just isn’t ever going to come down” you laugh.
James sets down the brush and brings baby boy up close to his face and gives him a bunch of smooches. “It would have come down if she’d given us more time,” he says to his baby. “But you want to know a secret?” James continues, “your mum is sucker for unruly Potter hair” he says sending you a wink. “I only gel it down so she’ll contain her obsession with it out in public.”
“Oh shut up” you say, playfully hitting his shoulder (it was true though- running your fingers through that soft mess of hair in the morning was addicting).
James snorts at the hit and stands up with his son in arms. Seeing them in full view now was such a tug at your heart…what handsome men you had indeed.
With heart eyes you make grabby hands for your baby and James carefully exchanges him to you. “All the women are just going to eat you up little man” you say, lightly pinching one of your sons tiny cheeks.
You follow James to the door where he grabs the keys to the car and you playfully slap one of his buttocks, “You too daddy. Going to have a busy night keeping an eye out on both my boys tonight.”
“It won’t be that hard of a job” James says with a sweet kiss to your lips, “because your boys aren’t leaving their pretty wedding dates’ side all night.” <3
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exosmutfactory · 1 year
Only Forever 005
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Originally posted by hyunniebaeked
How long could you wait for the love of your life to decide you are his as well? How many times could you witness all his best moments of winning over agencies and the amount of clothes left overnight from his daily one night stands?
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Main Masterlist | Bookclub zone | Chapter 5✓
networks — @/superm-net @/bbh-net
pairing — Baekhyun x You
word count — 3.3k
genre — model! baekhyun, playboy! baekhyun, friends to lovers! romance, angst, fluff, smut (eventually)
[ This chapter contains: 😏 ]
⏰💋 Only Forever Tag List: 💋⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love @you-n-me-e-e @insta1010 @bellamendoza @bbhflrt @weirdoome @marovekian1 @pearliejoy @loey0491 @__jxnnx3 @soonvivi @jairahxelle @dynqstyna
Chapter 5
Your body's looking good tonight
I'm thinking we should cross the line
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You’ve been back home for a little under 48 hours and there’s already a lot on your plate.
The apartment is full of dust. Your bank account is looking empty. The lock on your bedroom door is jammed. Your landlord insists that your rent has gone up 2% because you were ‘short’ on your last payment, (which you vividly remember paying him 2 dollars over the amount before your trip). A raccoon decided to make a home in the back of your closet and your air conditioner unit broke again. All of the above are top-tier conditions to live in a week before your final fall semester.
In other words, you are royally fucked.
At least the raccoon doesn’t have rabies. That’s the least of your problems. You’re pulling your hair out over the fact that you have to wait for someone to come unlock your bedroom door and pray that it gets fixed before animal services arrive. The only reason you hadn’t noticed the wild animal last night is because you had passed out on the couch the moment you entered your apartment. Now, not only do you have an intruder in your home, but you also have to battle against the herd of fire ants crawling under the door.
By the time someone installs a new doorknob and the raccoon has been whisked away, you are gathering your hair into a ponytail and rolling up your sleeves to face the overwhelming stream of insects traveling in and out of your window. All in all, you’d give this experience a negative 10 out of 10.
This just goes to show that as much as you love (and need) your yearly beach vacations with Baekhyun, the clusterfuck you come back home to will never be anything less than overwhelming. You did not sign up for a WWE match with a colony of ants in the middle of your bedroom, or the hole in the wall at the back of your closet where that Over the Hedge looking rat bastard must have dug its way through.
Why did you insist on an apartment next to an oak tree on the second floor? In times like this, you’re seriously rethinking all your life choices. Thankfully, you have a strong support system to counteract all the mental breakdowns that threaten to disrupt your day-to-day life.
The next morning, you nearly fall flat on your face in your hurry to tie up your hair, throw on a cute outfit, and rush downtown to meet your friends for brunch at your usual spot. The early-August sunrise paints the sky in beautiful shades of baby pink and lavender hues. It’s warm enough for you to forgo a jacket and sprint to the nearest bus stop—the only perks of late-summer mornings. You get a good look at your surroundings while waiting for the bus, neatly tying bows on the ends of your long sleeve floral shirt and dusting off your faded blue jeans. By the time a bus arrives, the summer heat is already starting to bear down on the nape of your neck.
Now, there’s something that should be mentioned about your friends before you step off of the public transportation (that you are growing to disdain every day you travel around the city without a car. You’re one good chair kick away from swearing this woman’s entitled kid up to the heavens).
As someone who has never been much of an outgoing person, you like to keep your friendship circle small and close to your heart. Old classmates used to tease you about it in the past, especially at the small following you had across all your social media. ‘You have that little friends? How sad.’
Well, as you say time and time again, you rather have 5 close friends than 50 people who would leave you at the drop of a hat in their quest to gain popularity. Hell, your friendship circle has gotten even smaller than that these days. But the moment you step through the door of the upscale bakery, a familiar pair of brown and gray eyes light up at the sight of you.
May’s smile is blinding when she waves you over, with a smudge of blue paint on her cheek and her vibrant pixie-cut hair bobbing with every enthusiastic movement. Her pastel off-the-shoulder t-shirt rests snuggly above her waist, paired nicely with her high-waisted blue jeans. There’s an excited glint in her gray eyes that lets you know you’re in for a wild ride today. From her energy alone, you know she’s halfway through her second cup of coffee.
Your eyes shift over to Shea as she elegantly crosses her legs and nods at you, hiding her fond, rogue lipstick-colored smile behind her coffee mug. She sits tall and regal, not a curl or hoop-earring out of place. The sunlight streaming through the windows favors her burgundy pantsuit-clad frame and beautiful skin. Her mischievous brown eyes flash and she taps her french-tipped acrylic nails on the table as you approach.
You quickly make your way over to them, taking the empty side left in the cozy little booth, and the moment your eyes meet theirs, you’re immediately bombarded with their flow of questions.
“So!” May leans forward with a teasing grin, the pencil tucked behind her ear and her neon green crocs holding on for dear life. “How was the honeymoon? Any progress with Mister Heartstealer~~~?”
You nearly choke on the steaming drink a waitress sets down in front of you. That question alone reminds you of your last day at the beach, a vivid image of messy black hair, alluring brown eyes, and glistening pectorals instantly coming to mind. “Uh-” you shift your eyes off to the side as your face heats up, “-well-”
“Oh?” Shea quirks an amused smile.
“Ha!” May squeals, clapping her hands and gripping the edge of the table. “I knew something steamy happened! Spill!!!”
“U-uh-” you laugh nervously, shrinking under the curious (and irritated-) stares around the room. “I mean, I would but we don’t got all day-”
Shea scoffs, her crystal necklace sparkling under the cozy lights. “Girl, who are you kidding? I cleared my entire schedule for this.”
“Final painting done and submitted for the gallery next month.” May nods, fixing you with a serious look. “Now spill the beans.”
With a fond sigh, you recount every significant moment you had with Baekhyun over the last few weeks. The retelling of your story sounds like something out of a young adult novel and rekindles the heat in your cheeks. You wonder what he’s up to right now and frown. You hope he hadn’t gotten into too much trouble for blowing off his schedule yesterday to spend time with you. In a way… it’s almost as if he hates the fact your vacation came to an end as much as you do.
By the time you finish and trail off into your thoughts, a hush has fallen over the booth. 
“You’re telling me you went skinny dipping, stargazing, rubbed each other down, and you still think he doesn’t have feelings for you?” Shea gives you the most exaggerated stare before turning to May. “Who’s gonna tell her?”
“He’s in love with you, idiot.” May huffs, crossing her arms.
“It’s not like that!” you groan, fanning yourself in hopes of alleviating the heat in your cheeks. Is the coffee making you hot or is this conversation? You’re too flustered to tell. “We’ve been best friends for over 10 years.” The teasing, sly smirks, and heartfelt smiles… “He’s always like this.”
Shea takes a calm and collected sip of her coffee. “You really are a dumbass.”
You throw your hands up in defeat and the conversation draws to a close as a waitress comes over to take your orders. As familiar as your group is with Baekhyun, no one can forget how easy it is for rumors to fly about the supermodel in a place like this. You hope too much information hasn’t left your table when you catch a pair of waitresses whispering to each other off in a far corner of the room. The last thing you need is everyone finding out you are who Baekhyun vacations with every year.
To be fair, the general public knows a bit about you anyway. Not your name, or your face, but you’ve caught a few articles discussing the “Jane Doe” who is “frequently seen by his side” when the pair of you do mundane everyday things over the years. That and the wench who you do not speak of who always worms her way into paired photoshoots with him. But we digress:
You’re so glad you met up with your friends today as you discuss the message behind May’s latest art exhibit and the progress Shea’s marketing team has made recently. When all else has gone astray in this world, you can always count on your friends to be there for you. Just a conversation in a cozy setting like this is enough to get you through the rest of the week. If you were a castle, May and Shea are your pillars of strength.
All too soon, Shea looks down at her smartwatch when it beeps, and you check your own phone in astonishment to find out that it’s already a quarter to noon. You’re not surprised that you managed to spend over 3 hours catching up with your friends, that’s usually how it goes with how busy everyone is in your small group. It’s the fact that time has slipped away from you, the once gentle sunlight now blazing your fingertips through the windows. You’re already wincing at the thought of riding a bus back to your apartment in this “clear blue sky with a side of hell” weather until a jingle of keys catches your attention.
Shea smiles knowingly at your surprised expression. “Well?” she raises a brow, twirling her keys around her fingers, “I got one more errand to run before turning in for the day. You down?”
You’re already nodding before she even finishes her sentence, setting down your fair share of the tip and the bill before leaving the bakery. 
Shea watches you head for her sleek red car with a smile while May slaps money down on the table.
“Bet $20 he’ll make the first move,” the artist smirks, waving over a waitress to order a pastry before they leave.
Shea raises a brow, smoothing down her suit and grabbing her purse. “But if liquor ‘s involved?”
“...Touche,” May giggles, following her outside. She squints when they step out on the curb, shielding her eyes from the sun, “but when does she ever party?”
“When it comes to him?” Shea chuckles, glancing at you in the distance. “Don’t act surprised.”
You’ve reached a dilemma—or, more accurately, you’re facing one right now.
It’s a quarter to midnight, the moon high in the sky, the stars twinkling in celestial light, and you’re shivering like a fawn prepared to take its first steps into the wildest party you’ve ever seen with your own eyes.
How did I get here? you ask yourself as if the answer isn’t strolling up to you right now with midnight hair and sultry brown eyes.
“Are you free tomorrow night?” Baekhyun asks you from across his pristine kitchen counters, imploring you with curious brown eyes.
You stare blankly at him, taking the last bite of your favorite cuisine and hopping off of a bar stool before turning to rinse off your plate in the sink. “That depends,” you share hesitantly, weary of the hopeful expression on his handsome face. After this morning’s events and nearly running late to your interview when a certain someone decided to critique every single article of clothing you wanted, you can only imagine what ideas are forming in that beautiful head of his right now.
“There’s a party going on over on Maple street,” he starts, tapping his fingers on the counter, already giving you those puppy eyes. But all you can focus on is the fact that he’s asking you to go to a party with him. He’s asking you to go to a party with him. In the middle of the week. On a Tuesday night.
It takes less than 15 seconds for you to give him a reply, “I don’t dance.”
Baekhyun smiles as if he expected that answer, walking over to lightly bump his hip to yours. “There are plenty of other things to do at a party than just dance.”
“I don’t smoke either.”
“Free shots?”
“...” you pointedly look at his empty fridge. “Gin and juice does sound good about now.”
Remember when your friends called you a dumbass? Yeah, you are one. Now here you are, already two shots of vodka in from your ride over here, pacing back and forth on some rich guy’s lawn, trying to talk yourself into stepping through those double doors or turning around and sprinting back home… and then Baekhyun shows up fashionably in all his glory, stopping you dead in your tracks.
His black hair is messily tousled as always, the tips falling into his half-lidded, kohl-lined brown eyes. The first few buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the sliver of a thin silver chain on his collarbones and a peek of his honey-toned skin. His shirt is tucked into a snug pair of dark jeans that your gaze is locked on a little too long before you manage to look away. From this distance, you can tell he’s already blazed.
As per privacy precautions, your best friend had asked you to meet him at the party rather than show up together. Even a frat party among a group of (plastered. Absolutely plastered and the party only started 30 minutes ago-) elite individuals calls for carefully navigating the lines between Baekhyun’s modeling and inner circles. More than half the crowd tonight is full of celebrities in celebration of one of their fellow influencers’ birthdays. You swear you can see the lean silhouette of another famous supermodel from here.
Baekhyun steps closer, the midnight breeze drowning you in his cologne and rich vanilla scent as he leans closer to murmur in your ear. “You ready?”
You glance back at the LED light, lit-up mansion behind you, feeling the wind flow through your crop top and the heavy bass of speakers in your newest pair of dainty black strap heels. You wonder if Baekhyun realizes how close he is standing to you, the warmth of his strong thighs felt through the fabric of your jeans and his minty breath caressing your ear. Unlike how loud you imagine the music is inside, you can hear him perfectly fine out here, under his sharp gaze and the light of the moon.
“Yes,” you whisper, meeting his eyes before he takes you by the hand and leads you inside.
Like you’ve mentioned before, parties aren’t really your scene of choice. You attend one every now and then to accompany May on her wild adventures for “inspiration” but even then you tend to stick close to the nearest wall and watch over the rest of your friends. You don’t like being in the center of attention like free-spirited May, elegant Shea, or your suave best friend. Yet when Baekhyun softly squeezes your hand and walks you through the heart of the party, you don’t have the heart to complain. As long as you are with him, you know that you’re safe.
The music is what hits you first, the bass boom of the latest R&B album overwhelming your senses. The inside of the house is decorated with smoke machines and disco lights, casting vibrant colors across the dim-lit rooms. If the smoke isn't already hindering your vision, you also walk by a group of guys passing around a joint in the center of the room. You stumble over someone’s feet in the crowd, looking back over your shoulder at the group of girls hurrying to catch their drunk friend before her swaying body falls.
There’s so much happening at once that when you finally reach the kitchen, you grab the nearest empty red cup and crack open a new bottle of tequila. You quickly throw back your drink, wincing at the way it burns down your throat.
Baekhyun cracks open a can of beer and leans his hip against the counter, chuckling at your pinched-up expression. 
You playfully roll your eyes, searching the fridge for a can of soda like you own the place before mixing another drink. The flashing lights are already giving you a headache. You’ll need something to sip on if you want to get through the rest of the night. Not even sza’s latest hits can persuade you to go back into the sweaty makeshift dance floor.
“Baekhyun!” a deep voice calls from the other room. You look up and squint through the dizzying clouds of smoke to see a tall figure step forward to greet Baekhyun and clap him on the back, recognizing their signature ears and a wide grin. Park Chanyeol: a rising rockstar and musician who is frequently seen among Baekhyun’s “industry” inner circle. His ripped t-shirt and right-sleeve tattoos look menacing when his piercing stare lands on you. 
A commotion in the next room has you peeking over Baekhyun’s shoulder into the crowded dining area, your curiosity peaked at the platter of sliced lime and a salt shaker laid out on the table.
Chanyeol clears his throat and crosses his arms, leaning against the doorframe. “We’re doing body shots. You game?” He tilts his head, raising a brow in challenge.
You screw the tequila bottle tight and meet the giant’s smug gaze with narrowed eyes. Now you ain’t a party girl, but one drink down and two shots in, you're ain’t no chicken either. “I’m in,” you grit out, brushing past both of them to enter the next room.
Liquor courage? Maybe. You’re a force to reckon with when there’s alcohol flowing through your veins. The worst thing someone can do is underestimate you while in a tipsy state. You’re already pushing through the small crowd, chugging your drink, and climbing up onto the dining table without a second thought.
Someone instructs you to lie still for them to pour the salt on your bare skin, put the shot glass in place, and for you to hold a slice of lime in your mouth. The music is still going. Your heart races in your ears. Cheers echo around the room, but everything fades into the background when your best friend’s shocked and handsome face comes into view. For a minute you feel a sense of triumph, savoring the rare moment when you leave Baekhyun, your ever-flustering best friend dumbstruck—until he shifts into his modeling persona. 
Baekhyun’s dark brown eyes lock on yours as he places his hands behind his back and leans down to slowly trace his tongue up the salty trail on your navel. You quiver when his warm breath fans over your hip, his mouth hovering over your waist before he licks up the rest of the salt on your torso, coming closer to the shot glass nestled between your breasts.
It takes everything in you to not bite through the lime wedge in your mouth when he wraps his lips around the edge of the glass and throws back the shot of tequila without breaking eye contact. But the sultry gaze in his smoky eyes keeps you locked in place with bated breath. When he leans closer to pull the lime from between your teeth and his bottom lip brushes over yours, you break, surging up to tangle your fingers in his hair and yank his mouth back down to yours as the world fades to black.
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Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5✓ | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
A/N: “Just friends” take body shots off of each other right? 😇 Riiight? 😇🤭 Happy new year, loves! 🥳🎊🎉💕
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w0lp3rtinger · 2 years
Making Mischief Ch 1
I fell in love with the new official Amy merch coming from Numskill. It's a halloween pin of her in a new little witch outfit and I LOVE IT!
I also couldn't help but notice it matches the cape that Shadow (Sonic, and Silver) all wear- the tattered black and red one.
So...once again... a oneshot ended up a multi-chapter thing.
@shadowsfascination and @shadamyheadcanons were a huge help when it came to editing this. I greatly appreciate their patience in dealing with my scattered little brain <3
I'm going to try to get this all done by the 31st of October though, for obvious reasons. No more than 2,000 words-ish a chapter. I'm trying ;_;
Anyway, ye, Happy All Hallow's Eve!
(This, and other stories, are available on my Deviantart!)
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
“What do you think?” 
Amy gave an experimental twirl, only to stumble as she felt the broad brim of her witch’s hat lift from her head. She grabbed it, and, attempting to save the moment, gave a little jump and ended with a flourish, causing the hat to smash into an arrangement of wooden mixing spoons which clattered across Vanilla’s kitchen countertop. 
Amy withered a little under Vanilla's patient smile. Cream and Cheese, thankfully, laughed.
“You look great!” Cream said as she moved closer to inspect the dress. "It's very you!"
Amy jammed the hat back onto her head with a grin as she fixed the mess she had made. "Thanks! It's- it's nothing fancy. Kinda a last-minute idea. I just took my favorite dress and sort of used it as a blueprint for this one. Kept the same shade of red, swapped out the white trim for black…"
"I really like this part.” Cream held the jagged hem of the dress in her hands, running her thumb over the stitching. “Very spooky." 
“Aw really? Thanks! I like yours too," Amy said as she flicked the spiked pom-pom at the end of Cream's own hat. "You look like a cross between a witch and a chao. Plus, the matching bow tie for Cheese is super cute. Did you do that yourself?"
Cream beamed. "It was a team effort," she said as Cheese puffed out their tiny chest. 
"I'm glad everyone is happy with their costumes," Vanilla said as she pointed to the clock above the stove, "but if you don't get a move on, you're going to be late."
Amy slapped a hand to her cheek. "Oh Chaos, the time! You got everything you need?"
Cream held up a paper bag full of veggies and fruit, "Yup! All packed!"
"Vanilla, you sure you don't want to come with?"
Vanilla waved a hand, "No, I'll be content here. You girls go have fun."
"Oh, no worries about that!" Amy said with a grin before turning to Cream and Cheese.  "Let's put that in the trunk with the rest and we'll be good to go!"
In a flurry of goodbyes and promises to be back at a reasonable hour, the girls waved to Vanilla as they walked towards Amy's car. Each carried a handle of Cream's bag, laughing while it jostled between them. As Amy went to unlock the trunk, Cream took both handles in hand and hoisted the bag up.
"Hey, uh," Amy held out a hand, gesturing for Cream to hand it over, "How about you leave that to me, okay? It's heavy, and the trunk is kinda packed anyway."
Cream pouted, "I'm strong. I can hold it while you move stuff around."
Amy opened her mouth to retort, then closed it. Casting a quick glance towards Vanilla, still in the doorway watching them, she swiftly unlocked the trunk. 
Amy watched as Cream's eyes went wide, ogling all of the stuff packed into such a small space. Amy shuffled things about, trying to stuff the bag as best as possible in between the decorations and baked goods she had finished making last night.
"You can get in the car if you want," Amy said with a grunt, shoving a bag of bristling black garland out of the way, "the door is open."
"What's this for though?"
Amy turned, sucking a breath through her teeth as she saw Cream trying to grab a silver mirror from a thoroughly stuffed bag at the far back. 
"No!" Amy gasped as she snatched the mirror back, then laughed, trying to salvage some calm as she patted Cream's head gently. "No, no, please, that's my stuff."
Cream's eyes narrowed, looking between Amy and the mirror and the bag.
Amy sighed, holding the mirror close, "Listen, anything else in this car? You can absolutely touch it. This bag, though, is off limits unless I say otherwise." 
Cream pursed her lips, brow furrowing. 
"Everything alright?" Vanilla called out.
"Yeah! We're good!" Amy said with a smile before hunkering down behind the trunk where Vanilla wouldn't see as she turned her attention back to Cream. "Fine, okay, I'll tell you if you promise not to tell your mom."
Cream and Cheese shared a look, then Cream nodded, "Okay."
Amy sighed, tucking the mirror back into its hiding space as Cream and Cheese skipped to their open door. She ran a hand down her face and took a deep breath, two, before shutting the trunk and waving to Vanilla with a tacked-on smile. 
It didn't last for very long. 
"Okay, tell me."
Amy rolled her eyes, watching the rear-view mirror as she backed out of the driveway. "Can we at least get on the road first?"
"But you said when we got in the car."
"We're in the car."
Cream pouted, "So I get to know now."
Amy couldn't help but laugh a little at Cream and Cheese's scrunched little faces. Switching gears, she set the car in drive and nestled back into her seat. "Okay, fine. Let's start with this. What do you think is in the bag?"
"No fair!" Cream hugged Cheese to her chest  who chirped in agreement, "Whatever I tell you, you'll just say it's that!"
Amy cast her a sideways look. "Since when have I ever done that?"
"Well… well you haven't, but mom does it sometimes."
"And am I your mom?"
"Exactly," Amy nodded, "I get the honor of being your big sister. Totally different set of rules. I don't have to not tell you things. So when I say ‘what do you think is in the bag’, I mean it, and I'll let you know if you're right or wrong. Okay?"
Cream bit her lip, nodding as she pet Cheese and looked to the road ahead. For a moment, the car lulled into a thrumming silence, the road harmonics wrapping around them like a blanket. 
Then, from the corner of her eye, Amy saw Cream turn to face her again. 
"You're bringing your magic stuff to the Hallows Eve festival, aren't you?"
Amy grinned, her grip on the steering wheel tightening, "Yes, yes I am."
"But Amy," Cream gasped, "why?"
"Well, I wanna try some things and I can't do that without my stuff."
"But you said- you said you didn't want everyone to know you-!"
"I know that and they're not going to know." Amy swallowed against the fluttering in her stomach as she smiled at Cream. "Listen, I've got some small spells, just little ones, tiny little ones, that people won't think twice about. Half of them are folklore superstitions anyway. If anyone does ask about it, I'll lie."
"Lying is bad."
"Not when it's for the sake of privacy it's not."
"Ah ah ah! I said I'd tell you what was in the bag. I didn't say I was willing to argue over it!"
Amy drummed her fingers against the steering wheel as she focused on the road ahead, humming a tune to herself. It was hard to dispel the growing jitters though as Cream and Cheese's combined stares bore holes into her head. 
"...This wouldn't have anything to do with Mr. Sonic, would it?"
"What?" Amy's voice came out as a squeak, and she covered a cough with a laugh as she waved a hand. "What in Chaos’ name would make you say that?"
Cream sighed, sinking low in her seat. Cheese curled into the spot between her neck and shoulder as she crossed her arms. "You told me you decided to go as a witch so that we matched… but I bet that has to do with Mr. Sonic, too."
"Not true!"
"Then why? Why aren't you wearing your normal costume? The white and black one? You could have just made a different hat!"
"Can a girl not want a change of pace?" Amy huffed as she threw her turn signal on.
"I don't believe you."
"Oh come on, Cream," Amy cast her a look, "Listen, I really did want to match you. I wanted us to both go as witches this year because I thought it would be cute!"
Amy opened her mouth, shut it, then sighed, "It-… okay, so you know that cape Sonic wears every year?"
"I knew it!" Cream threw her hands into the air, startling Cheese. "I knew it!"
"Oh, hush!"
"I knew it!"
"Look, I wanted to match the colors, okay!" 
"Are the spells for Mr.Sonic too?"
"No!" Amy pouted. "...Maybe."
"I knew it!"
"They're not really for him!"
"Then why do you sound so guilty?"
"Well, there's a bunch of fortune-telling spells you can do on All Hallow's Eve to find out if maybe, like… maybeee who you're destined to be with."
Cream groaned, rolling her eyes. "And you want it to be Mr. Sonic."
"Oh, would you just shush! So what if I do?!"
"My cards keep being difficult, so I thought maybe I'd try something different!"
"Difficult how?" Cream shot her a look.
Amy bit her lip, taking a deep breath. 
"Difficult like not giving you the answer you want?"
"You keep this up," Amy hissed, holding up a finger, "and I swear I'm gonna send that little gray turtle straight towards you every time he asks where you are."
Cream yanked at her ears. "Quincy? Nooo!" She whined, "No, don't do that! They’re so weird!"
"Then I suggest you keep your lip buttoned about this." Amy gently bopped Cream on the nose with a smirk, “Capisce?" 
Cream gave Amy a withering stare before eventually turning towards the window. Amy took a deep breath, then another, flexing her grip on the steering wheel as she tried to take steadying breaths. She could smell the bonfire smoke, even from here, carried on the wind like an omen through the dappled trees. 
“This is gonna be great,” Amy said, almost in a whisper. “This is gonna turn out so great.” 
She didn’t have to look to know that Cream rolled her eyes. 
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
Man I got through that last one fast
s4 ep8 Boys' Night Out
(This one took way longer but also I stopped partway through bc Mal the cat had zoomies and I must appease him with the laser pointer)
ALSO this ended up with multiple Our Flag Means Death references, you're welcome
Glimmer etc. save a bunch of sea elf people from a little village as Hordak destroys it, roll intro
Apparently Double Trouble is refusing to tell them anything more
also they're still arguing about Glimmer going off on her own
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also Mermista is taking a long bath and eating all the ice cream in Bright moon apparently
But yeah more arguing with Glimmer, and specifically getting mad at any hint of Adora telling her what to do
Which reminds me of a quote I copy/pasted into my fic notes (I do not remember where I got it I just know Nate said it)
"I think Adora has a huge character flaw where when she feels responsible for someone, she'll do anything to protect them to the point of fencing them in and accidentally taking away their agency. She thinks this is something that she's supposed to do, and I don't think she's fully addressed this part of herself. Catra and Glimmer think it comes from her ego, but she was raised to believe she was only worth anything to anyone if she was useful to them, so really she's just trying to prove herself to them. To prove that she's worth existing, even."
and like
but yeah it's hardcore on display here
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Swift Wind invites himself along lol
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Hordak is a big dick, is gonna try to conquer more of Etheria himself so he looks all badass when Horde Prime shows up, orders Catra back to the Fright Zone
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and she's stressed out and smooths out her hair D:
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the bit of this character being asleep, getting elbowed awake, and iMMEDIATELY starting to play is so funny
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why does Swift Wind know the words
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new headcanon: Sea Hawk was a stripper at some point
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*adds to "this wasn't meant to be a Sex Joke...probably"* collection
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Look I make so many jokes about cartoon bondage, and here Sea Hawk PAID SOMEONE TO TIE HIM UP AND PRETEND TO KIDNAP HIM I just
I can't even add to that lolol
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something something insert "Our Flag Means Death"-based joke here
Swift Wind: I will contact Adora via MAGIC
back to Bright Moon
Adora: "what is going on with you? I know things are bad right now, but we can fix it!" Glimmer: "Why is that always your answer to everything!" Adora:
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Glimmer: we haven't fucking fixed a god damn thing and shit is getting WORSE Adora: WELL YEAH BC YOU WON'T LET US HELP YOU,
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Swift Wind: "She hung up on me!"
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playing Sea Hawk was probably fun in general but he did in fact make seagull noises
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omg it is Karl
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okay so Admiral Scurvy is just like I WANT MONEY which brings me back to asking WHAT CURRENCY ARE THEY FUCKING USING
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mopey kitty. do you need laser pointer zoomies, too
oh no she doesn't know Scorpia has left and is pouring out her heart not realizing nobody is listening
"Listen, I'll kill you if you tell anyone this, but...I thought winning would be different. Or at least more...I don't know, fun?"
poor bb
Back to the boys: the Horde paid their ransom 😬
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oh god this is great
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but also Glimmer and Adora are having a screaming match and Glimmer punches LOW, including the line "Maybe your best isn't good enough! If it was, my mother would still be here!"
I took a screenshot of Adora's face in response but I can't post it it's too sad
but anyway, bigger things to worry about
Mermista: "The boys are in trouble!!"
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oh hey I remember that scene
Bow: Friendship takes work!!
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that is a very good point
also let's face this episode exists in part just so we get to have an episode in which three male characters get rescued by three women :D
okay I like Mermista's song ngl
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omg the double meaning of "fight with friends" catching up to them near the end of the song
and Catra goes looking for Scorpia and goes into her room and
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omg this is so funny and cute
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I forget where I read it (I've gone through so many interviews etc at this point omgggg) but iirc the note just says "sorry"
Back on the ship: Glimmer reaches out to try to talk to Adora--who smacks her hand away and stomps off
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😬 oh boy
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Mermista and Sea Hawk are still singing and having a good time, Bow stares off into the distance singing along, end of episode
...I took way more screenshots than I expected on this one lol
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lee-sanghyeok · 5 months
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As always I have Thoughts™ about their red carpet fashion.
I understand wanting to look chic and uniform as a group for a red carpet, but I find the choice to make them all wear the same pair of trousers rather questionable. They're all tailored, which is good, but it makes their outfits look less bespoke. It's like the one pair of black trousers from Zara that you can match with anything for a night out.
Secondly, velvet ages a person. It's a very heavy and shiny fabric, which easily looks dated and, again, ages a person. For a group that is synonymous for youthfulness, the choice to put them in velvet blazers is puzzling. Plus, in this lighting, the shiny fabric contrasts harshly with the matte fabric of the trousers. It cheapens the whole look.
I do enjoy the different shirts they're wearing and all the ways they can wear a tie or bow. I think Taesan's silk pussybow blouse and Leehan's bolo tie are the most effective. Jaehyun's tie is the weirdest one, in my opinion. The casual way in which it's tied doesn't match with the proper garments.
If BOYNEXTDOOR wants to look chic on the red carpet, they should collaborate with their stylists to create a distinct style for themselves. We see it with their airport fashion. That styling could be translated to the red carpet in a chic manner.
The best example is their DAZED KOREA editorial. I will never shut up about how great they look.
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They look cool, but dressed up. Smart garments made from interesting fabrics. It shows individuality, but it still looks like they're going to the same event. In my opinion, they should strive for something like this when going to a red carpet.
They're all great looking guys, so their clothes should compliment them.
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