#which was less of the focus of that class. so. hm
britneyshakespeare · 1 month
you know i am actually not used to drawing clothed bodies. because in my figure drawing class (as in a lot of drawing classes) our live models were nude because that's a standard for beginners. u have to understand the basic form, u know, before u go drawing things on top of it. like how it's easier to draw a blank table than one that's all set for a banquet over a tablecloth. and since i finished that class i hardly ever draw anything other than portraits focused on the face. like i drew myself today wearing pants and everything and that's gotta be a first.
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theemporium · 11 months
Marauders x reader smut? pretty please?
thank you for requesting!🖤
“Oh fuck.”
“C’mon, love, that’s not a guess,” a voice mused from your left. Maybe in any other situation, the voice would have been as clear as day. Maybe in any other situation, you would have known which one of your boys had just spoken. 
But in this situation? You could barely string together a coherent sentence, let alone focus on who was talking to you.
You had known provoking your boys was never going to end well for you. You had already spent the last few pushing their buttons, add in the fact all of you had a few intense days between classes and assignments and all sorts that had been tearing you away from each other except for meal times. 
You wanted them in the most deprived, feral way you could have them which just so happened to be tied and spread across the bed, one of their school ties wrapped around your eyes as they each took their turn making you wiggle and squirm with their heads between your thighs. 
Then again, you expected nothing less when you had jokingly remarked each of them were as unremarkable as the next when it came to going down on you at dinner to Lily and Marlene. A sarcastic comment they didn’t like at all. 
That had been hours ago, no here you were, gasping and panting and moaning as they made you come again and again and again until your brain was fuzzy and your body was on fire and you could barely remember your own name, let alone theirs. 
Two arms wrapped around your thighs, keeping you spread open as an eager tongue lapped and licked your soaking cunt. You were shaking, far too overstimulated and sensitive but the boy between your legs was eager to please, licking you like he was a starved man. 
“Take a guess, honey, and we’ll let you have a break.” 
“I-I can’t,” you whined, your lips falling open as the boy between your legs sucked your swollen clit between his lips, his hands digging into your skin as you let out a pathetic mewl. “F-Feels too good, please—” 
“Gotta guess, love,” the boy between your legs groaned, his nose playfully nudging against your inner thigh before he placed open-mouthed kisses along your skin. “Not gonna stop until then, could fucking stay here forever.”
“I—” your head lolled to the side, your cheek pressed against the pillow beneath you as you tried to string a sentence together. 
“Just gotta say a name, baby.” 
“James!” you cried out as his tongue teased your entrance, watching the way you fluttered and clenched around nothing. “I-It’s James!”
You whined when the body between your legs disappeared, your body shivering at the sudden loss of warmth as the chill of the dorm room washed over you. You heard footsteps before you felt someone leaning over you, pressing their lips against yours as they pulled the blindfold off you. 
“Good job, love,” Remus murmured against your lips as he cupped his cheek, his thumb wiping away a few stray tears. “Been so good for us.” 
“So good,” you breathed out, nodding your head. 
His eyes darkened as he smirked down at you. “It’s a shame we’re not done with you, baby, gotta make sure our good girl remembers who she belongs to, hm?”
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kiarastromboli · 5 months
Teach me 2 (Chris Sturniolo x y/n)
Part.1 Part.3
Warning: Not my edit, Smut content, don’t like it = don’t read it :)
Summary: Y/N and Chris's relationship has evolved, but Y/N insists on keeping a low profile for fear that her parents will find out she has a boyfriend.
"Wake up, honey, your dad is dropping you off today," my mom said, gently stroking my hair to wake me up.
I just hummed in response, too lazy to open my mouth and speak.
After a few seconds of tossing in bed to stretch and rub my eyes, I reached for my phone.
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I smiled foolishly at my phone before getting out of bed to get ready.
My relationship with Chris had evolved since the night he climbed through my window two weeks ago. We decided to take our time; nothing was officially defined, and not many people knew about us.
Mainly because I was afraid my parents would find out I had a boyfriend. Chris didn't care; he wasn't the type to overthink, and that's precisely why I tried to keep this relationship discreet.
My parents had been quite clear in the past about boys—no boyfriends before the end of high school. According to them, it's a distraction, and they want me to focus fully on my studies, which I can understand.
On top of that, Chris is pretty much everything my parents would dislike, so it would be even worse if they found out I was dating him.
Anyway, I left my room to head to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, styled my hair, and applied a bit of makeup.
I wanted to look a bit nicer today for Chris; I knew this lacrosse match was important for him, and I wanted to please him.
"You look very beautiful. Do you have a special event today?" my father asked as he saw me coming into the kitchen.
"Um, no, I just felt like getting ready a bit," I nervously replied before sitting at the table for breakfast.
"By the way, I'll probably be home a bit later tonight. There's an important lacrosse match, and I plan to watch it with Julia," I added nervously.
"Hm," my father looked at me strangely before returning to his phone.
I had my breakfast peacefully, and then my father and I headed to school.
My morning went by normally—nothing extraordinary. I attended classes, worked, and chatted a bit with my best friend Julia. Then lunchtime arrived.
"See you at the match!" I told Julia as I left the class to go to my locker.
I opened my locker to put away my things, and when I closed it, I was taken by surprise by Chris standing right behind me.
"Oh my god, Chris!" I said, placing my hand on my heart, thinking I was having a heart attack.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said, chuckling, and I gave him a playful punch in the shoulder before laughing myself.
"You look good," he said with a smirk, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I made an effort for you today," I told him, smiling and tilting my head to the side.
"Can't wait to take off that little skirt later," he whispered in my ear, making me blush.
"Chris!" I said, clearing my throat and looking around to make sure no one had heard.
He chuckled before leaning toward me for a kiss, and instinctively, I pulled back.
He gave me a confused look. "Not here. I don't want anyone to see us," I said timidly.
"Y/n, your parents aren't going to magically appear out of nowhere and catch us kissing. We're at school," he replied, rolling his eyes and sighing.
"I know, but I don't want to take the risk of someone telling them!" I replied.
"I couldn't care less if your parents don't like me, Y/n. It annoys me that I can't kiss you whenever I want!" he said, getting frustrated.
"Chris, I know. I'm sorry. Please, stop," I said, immediately feeling guilty. "Maybe you don't care, but it's important to me. I'm not ready for them to know. I need a little more time."
He sighed, throwing his head back. "Yeah, see you at the match after school," he said before turning around and leaving.
It really bothered me that things were so complicated. It was just the beginning of our relationship, and I was terrified of ruining everything because of my parents.
The rest of the day, I wasn't really focused on anything. I couldn't stop thinking about Chris. I didn't want to hurt him, and I could sense that this situation was bothering him. I wanted to find a way to make it up to him.
After school, Julia and I headed straight to the stadium to watch Chris's match. We had seats right at the front in the stands.
"Hold this for me. I'm going to see Chris quickly before the match starts," I told my best friend, handing her my bag.
Of course, she knew about Chris and me; she was the first person to find out.
She nodded, smiling at me, and I ran toward the locker rooms. I was lucky; Chris had just come out.
I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to a more discreet spot where no one could see us, then kissed him.
"I'm sorry for earlier," I replied, separating our lips. "I don't want our argument to distract you from your match. I'll find a solution."
"I'm not angry with you, Y/n," he said, placing his hand on my cheek. "It's just that I wish I could show everyone that you're mine."
"Shut up," I said, grabbing the collar of his shirt to kiss him. "How about you show me how much I'm yours after this match," I added, biting my lip.
"You won't have to ask me twice," he said, grabbing me by the waist, pulling me against him, and kissing me again. "Join me in the locker room after the match," he said, disconnecting our lips.
"Chris, I meant at your place or mine, not here dumbass," I said, chuckling.
"I won't wait until then. If it were up to me, I'd fuck you against this wall," he said, smiling.
"No, Chris, you're insane. We're not doing that in the locker room," I said, shaking my head.
"Okay, let's make a deal. If I score three times during this match, we do it in the locker room. Otherwise, it's up to you to decide," he said, extending his hand.
"Chris," I said, looking at him seriously, and he insisted, "Oh my god, okay fine, deal," I finally gave in, and he kissed me quickly before turning back to the others.
Even if Chris was doing pretty well in lacrosse, there was little chance he would score three times on his own. Given the level of his team, I knew this deal was already in my favor.
"Are you done making out with your secret boyfriend?" Julia said when I came back to sit next to her.
"Oh, shut up!" I said, laughing.
It was Chris's first match that I attended. I had seen him practice once or twice quickly, but I didn't expect to find it so attractive to watch him play.
I don't know if it was the brutality with which he entered the opposing team members sometimes or the moments of pause when he removed his helmet to run his hand through his hair.
Not to mention the countless times he threw me looks that, honestly, soaked my panties.
I already found Chris incredibly sexy in everyday life. Sometimes I even felt like a teenager in front of a boyband with him. This guy represented everything I found most attractive.
When he scored for the first time, I was the first to cheer and encourage him, proud to see my boyfriend contribute to his team's victory.
The second time, however, I quickly felt reality catching up with me. Had I just been fooled? I felt anxiety creeping in. If he scored one more time, it meant I was going to sleep with him in the locker room. Oh my god, what had I done?
The rest of the match, every time he approached to score, my heart skipped a beat. But when the last few minutes arrived, I started to feel reassured.
That was without counting on the fact that Chris scored one last time in the last 5 minutes of the match.
Everyone in the stands stood up to celebrate our team's victory, and I sat there for a moment when I realized what that meant. Damn.
After a few minutes of celebration, the team left the field to head to the locker room, and I received a message from Chris.
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I blushed at his message.
"Everything okay?" Julia asked, putting her hand on my shoulder, making me jump and immediately turning off my phone so she wouldn't see my messages.
"Um, yeah!" I said, clearing my throat and smiling to pretend nothing was wrong.
"Okay..." she said, looking at me strangely. "Anyways, my brother is dropping me home in 5 minutes. Do you want us to drop you off on the way to your place?" she offered.
"No, thanks, Ju. I'll wait for Chris to come out of the locker room. I have something to tell him quickly," I said timidly, running my hand over my neck.
"Oh, okay. Well, see you tomorrow, Y/n," she said, smiling before leaving.
It had been about twenty minutes since I was waiting in the stands, feeling stressed and anxious.
Of course, it wasn't about sleeping with Chris; on the contrary, I wanted it. It's just that I found it quite risky, and what if someone caught us?
Anyway, I made a deal with him, and I can't back down now.
My moment of solitude was interrupted by a message from Chris, letting me know that the locker room was empty, and he was now waiting for me to join him.
I took a deep breath and stood up before starting to walk towards the locker rooms.
I passed a few people on the way and tried to act casual as I walked past them. Once in front of the locker room door, I scanned the surroundings to make sure no one saw me enter.
I opened the door and quickly entered. My heart immediately raced when the door closed behind me.
I surveyed the room to find my boyfriend, but no one was there. "Ch-Chris?" I said timidly, gradually moving forward in the room.
No response. Turning my head, I saw Chris's bag on the bench with his lacrosse jersey on it, indicating that he was indeed here. "Not funny, idiot, answer me!" I said, rolling my eyes and starting to walk towards the showers.
Suddenly, I felt hands grab my waist and press me against a wall before feeling his lips crashing onto mine, making me sigh in surprise. "Chris! Oh my god!"
"That's the second time I've scared you today," he said, smiling proudly.
"Yes, and you really need to stop doing it if you don't want me to have a heart attack!" I said, giving him a playful shove to his chest.
I took a moment to admire him; he was shirtless, his hair still damp from the shower he probably just had. "I missed you," he said, reconnecting our lips.
"I missed you too," I replied, running my hand through his hair. "I didn't think you'd manage to score three times," I said in a slightly more timid tone.
"With the right motivation, there are plenty of things I can do," he said, smiling against my lips before removing one of the straps of my top.
"Chris—" I started to say before being cut off by his lips on my neck. "I know we made a deal, but I don't think it's a good idea," I said, unable to hold back small moans escaping my mouth.
"Why?" he asked, sliding his hands over my hips. "You don't seem like you want me to stop, judging by the sounds you're making," I could feel his smile against my neck.
"I don't—" I said, interrupted by a moan when he began nibbling on my neck. "If someone catches us, Chris, I—" I said before being cut off by his hands grabbing the back of my thighs to lift me.
"Don't worry. If you stay quiet, there's no reason anyone will catch us," he said with a smirk before kissing me again, this time our kiss was deeper and more fiery.
I knew it wasn't responsible of me, but his lips on my body only led me astray from the right path. I placed one hand on his shoulder while the other tangled in his hair. "We'll have to do this quickly, though. I don't know how much time we have before the janitor comes to clean the locker rooms," he said with a hungry voice, and I simply nodded.
He led us to the bench to sit next to his bag. His hands gripped my hips, making me moan once again, and I started moving my hips against his, making him groan in return. "I fucking missed this pussy. I can't wait any longer," he said, licking his lips, and indeed, I could feel his rock-hard cock through his joggers rubbing against my panties.
He came to grasp my throat in his hand, kissing me more fiercely than before, making me moan in surprise. This time was different, less gentle than the first, but equally pleasing. I couldn't help but squirm and moan, craving to feel him inside me again. "Shhh," he said, separating our lips.
"I'm sorry, it's just that—" I began before feeling his grip on my ass strengthen.
"It's just that what?" he said with a smirk. "Don't be all shy with me ma; tell me, or I'll stop now," he added, removing his hands from my ass.
"No, don't!" I said in a heated sigh before guiding his hands back to where they were, and he smiled. "It's just that I really need you now," I said timidly, and he immediately kissed me again.
His hands left my ass to remove his joggers and boxers, lifting his hips slightly, pressing his erection even closer to me, causing another moan to escape my lips.
"Y/n, you really need to make less noise than that," he chuckled, readjusting himself.
"Sorry," I said, blushing and looking down at his sizeable member. Not to brag, but in my eyes, it was rather large, and I was afraid that without any foreplay, his entrance might be painful.
"I won't enter before stretching you a bit, baby, don't worry," he chuckled before bringing his hand between our bodies.
He slid my panties to the side before inserting a finger inside me while looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.
I tried to stifle a moan when he immediately added a second finger, making me furrow my brows and cling to his shoulder. "You're so beautiful, y/n," he said, moving his fingers inside me.
And I couldn't help but move my hips back and forth, hoping to feel him even deeper inside me. "You're such a good girl; look at you riding my fingers like a needy slut," his words prompted another moan to escape my mouth.
His free hand came to surround his member as he started to stroke himself while watching me. "I want to do it," I said, wrapping my hand around him, and he smiled before starting to bend his fingers inside me.
I gradually quickened my hand movements around him, and he threw his head back. "N-no, Chris, look at me," I said, moaning and placing my free hand on his cheek.
"Fuck, I need to be inside of you right now," he said, removing his fingers from me to grab a condom from his bag.
In a few seconds, he opened the condom with his teeth, and I stopped stroking him so he could put it on.
He wasted no time in seizing me by the hips and aligning himself with my entrance. He took care to shift my panties to the side before applying pressure to my hips to enter in one swift motion. "Chris!" I almost screamed, burying my head in his neck.
"Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer, ma," he said, groaning and starting to guide my hips up and down.
"Oh my fuck," I said, moaning and throwing my head back.
He took advantage of the moment to bury his head in my neck and kiss me there. "Chris, I—" I said, moaning, and he quickened the movement, I gently pulled his hair. "This is so good; please don't stop."
"Y/n, someone might hear you; you need to stop moaning like that, shit-" he said, lifting his head towards me and grabbing my chin.
"I don't fucking care, Chris; it feels good. I need you to go faster, please," I said, driven solely by my desires at that moment, and he did what I asked, thrusting from below this time.
He grabbed my hips tightly and started giving me fast and deep thrusts. "Oh my god, yes, right there," I said, dropping my head forward.
"Fuck, y/n, shhh," he said, trying his best to hold back his own moans.
I felt like I had become completely dumb; the only thing I could think of at that moment was Chris inside me. The moans coming from me were out of control, so Chris pressed his hand against my mouth to prevent any sound from escaping.
"God, I wish I didn't have to cover your pretty little mouth right now," he whispered without stopping his thrusts.
My lower abdomen tightened as he began to massage my clit. My eyes rolled back, and my hand instinctively gripped Chris's throat, which seemed to shock him momentarily but didn't displease him, judging by the smile that appeared on his face.
I closed my eyes, feeling my orgasm approaching. With my other hand, I removed Chris's hand from my mouth to warn him, "Baby, I'm really close," I said, moaning.
"Me too, ma, let it go," he said through gritted teeth. I locked eyes with him, my mouth open, refraining from letting my moans escape. Chris's brows were furrowed, and he bit his lips to prevent any noise from escaping.
"Chris, oh my god!" I almost screamed, tightening my grip around his neck, letting my orgasm take over.
"Hold on a little longer; I'm almost there babe," he said, breathless, giving me animalistic thrusts before he, too, reached climax and stopped his movements completely.
I let my head fall against his chest with him still inside me, and we both began to chuckle. "I'm going to need a second shower," he said, laughing.
"Well, we don't have time. You'll take one at your place; I have to go home before my parents get worried." I told him, straightening up and placing my hands around his cheeks.
"Hmm," he simply hummed, caressing my ass and kissing me tenderly.
I stood up, readjusted my skirt and panties, while he disposed of the condom and got dressed on his end. "I'm good?" I asked, wanting him to tell me if I was disheveled or if my clothes were misplaced.
"Mhm," he said, nodding, and we both headed towards the exit.
He grabbed me by the arm to kiss me. "I love you, Chris," I said, breaking our kiss with a big smile.
"I love you, baby," he replied before I turned to open the door and stepped out.
I quickly descended from my little cloud when I opened the door and found myself face to face with Chris's coach, who crossed his arms.
"Y/f/n y/l/n! I wouldn't have expected to run into you here," he said, giving me a judgmental look before Chris came out right after. "Chris Sturniolo, what a surprise!"
I looked at Chris anxiously, hoping he could come up with a miracle solution. "Coach, it's not what you think—" he started before being interrupted.
"I don't want to hear anything. Both of you will explain yourselves to the principal tomorrow. Go home now," he responded.
Oh my god, this time I'm really in trouble...
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paranrmlphantom · 4 months
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chonny jash art :]
If anyone figures out what quote Soul said is from will get a gold star sticker
I mostly drew HMS from memory, not allowed to use devices during class yknow so I didn’t have a full reference for them
Also little something here! Headcanon that Mind likes dark chocolate (which is the focus here), Heart likes white chocolate, Soul would just eat any chocolate but would probably less likely eat anything too sweet or too bitter
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sserajeans · 10 months
you are in love | 24. match made in ocean
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- gyuthegoofy started a video call.
- ynthesexy, hanthebitch, and wonythemvp joined the call.
audio directory: wonyoung, leehan, gyuvin, y/n
"so what are we supposed to be looking at here?"
"the fundraiser proposal.... again."
"someone needs to hold me back before i commit a REAL HEINOUS CRIME against that hagrat excuse of a principal."
"i'm so glad you said that over call instead of text 'cause..."
"shut up."
"wait guys focus please..."
"right sorry."
"i'm using all the brain juice i got i swear but this is so hard."
"right? i have no idea how serenades didnt pass..."
"as much as i'd hate singing around with y/n it was a good idea as a fundraiser. low cost."
"matches the school tradition too. i don't know why so many people confess around christmas time, but it could've worked!"
"for real. hagrat lim."
"you're going down with y/n."
"absolutely not! how could the ever-so-lovely scholar kim gyuvin be disrespectful to his teachers! meanwhile school jock swim captain lee y/n..."
"we're definitely getting off topic."
"i think we should definitely stick to something on the romance side. it just sells more?"
"yeah, we can make it a little general for people who wanna do it for friends or family too."
"okay so... romance... romantics... what's something you guys would like to receive?"
"flowers without pollen."
"i laughed a bit i'm sorry."
"candy could be low-cost, but won't the students feel like they could just buy them from the grocery or the cafeteria?"
"flowers could work. it's quite tiresome to pass by florist shops these days, so having them close by is convenient. sorry, y/n."
"i mean... i guess i'll be fine if i take the medicine before leaving?"
"i'm sorry y/n... we'll keep this as a backup idea so we can continue looking for something better and less... life threatening?"
"it's okay guys i don't mind it as long as principal lim gets off our back."
"we'll think of something else y/n... this'll just be the absolute last resort."
"speaking of flowers and y/n's pollen allergy though..."
"i know where this is going."
"I'M SORRY OKAY.... we just, or i, just wanna know!"
"didn't i tell you already??"
"details, y/n... details!!"
"okay so you almost died... DETAILS!!"
"stay strong lee y/n..."
"we went to the cafe after practice, we talked about stuff. started with classes and how she's adjusting to the workload of juniors, then how i'm going around with colleges as an athlete. speaking of which, coach gave me a semi-scolding over text earlier today, but moving on."
"god he dumps the pressure of the swim team's success on you as if he isn't the literal COACH."
"for real like y/n is human too... hello?"
"yeah, then when we got to the cafe we had a mini argument over who was gonna pay but the cashier suggested to pay for our own, so that's what we did."
"you're so... anti-romantic."
"what? what did i do??"
"you're supposed to pay for her regardless, like never back down."
"but it was a date that dani asked for, so? kinda cancels out right, wony?"
"hm... i guess.. anyways, continue, y/n."
"well... yeah after i updated wony via text when i was in the toilet, we mostly talked about our interests and stuff. so me and movies, music, and mostly swim."
"90% swim. you might've bored her to death..."
"don't say that!"
"i'm being honest! she might've thought you were a fish in your past life or something..."
"she brought up swim in the conversation first actually! she said she swims a lot whenever she goes back home to australia during the summers."
"well isn't that a lovely surprise? match made in heaven!"
"match made in ocean.."
"she definitely knows how to keep y/n hooked that's for sure."
"oh yeah... great pair in that sense!"
"what were the other interests she talked about?"
"flowers, plants, nature in general! she's so outdoorsy."
"this is so ironic 'cause didn't you almost fail biology?"
"so that's where the park part came from..."
"no i did not almost fail bio... it just simply is my lowest scoring subject okay..."
"whatever you say!"
"but yeah that's when she brought up the park, and i just couldn't say no. she was talking about how this specific flower only bloomed in autumn and she wanted to see it at its first day."
"you didn't bother telling her you had an allergy?"
"she sounded so excited you guys i didn't want to ruin that... and i guess i kinda wanted to see the flowers too, they were really pretty! i'll show you pics."
"you couldn't say no to flowers... so you just put your life at risk instead?"
"i had a mask! and i didn't think it'd react that bad again."
"so yeah that's all that happened, really."
"sounds like you had a fun enough time to almost kill yourself!"
"OH MAN....."
"YES I DID! okay? i did have a fun time! she's really nice, cute, pretty, outgoing and all. we talked about going to a different nature park to rent bikes next time."
"i'm kicking my feet in the air right now you guys have no idea."
"we do actually."
"and don't bother showing us."
"yeah we can go a day without seeing your feet gyu."
"you'd do it whether we liked it or not, unfortunately."
"she's right on that... AND DID YOU SAY NEXT TIME?"
"weren't we supposed to be finishing work so we could be free tomorrow? right we were! isn't that right, wony?"
"but... but that's... fine, yeah."
"wonderful! let's get back to work then!"
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masterlist. next.
taglist: @yyeonmis @lostamoeba @jisooftme @yoontoonwhs @awkwardtoafault @kvnii @lcv3lies @limbforalimb @spritin @kaypanaq @i06kkura @manooffline @kimsgayness @justme-idle @jenaissantex @mightymyo @sewiouslyz @txtbrainrot @li0ilthecxnt @captivq @paranoxic @sofakingwoso @daniellobers @pandafuriosa60 @haerinkisser @staryujinnie @wowowowcake @lesleepyyy @haechansbbg @rosiehrs @jiwoneiric
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After reading the 'Karma x Gakshuu reader' I'm genuinely curious what if the roles were reversed? Amano Gakshuu x Akabane Reader?
Hm, I think I'll answer this ask in a sort of headcanony way, if you don't mind...
Reader pronouns used: they/them
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I think a lot of what was key to the original story was the whole 'opposites attract' trope as well as the 'enemies to lovers' theme, and I don't see that changing here.
However, due to Gakushuu being the focus love interest here, I would personally set the whole story in his natural habitat: the Main Campus.
Reader would be a student from E-class, and they would rise up the ranks to join A-class. I don't think most E-class students would want to leave willingly, but I doubt Reader's parents would force them to go, since they didn't seem to care when Karma dropped down.
Therefore, I would have the Principal himself pressure Reader into going to A-class... possibly because they're a great asset to the system due to their high intelligence and talent, and so he wouldn't want to let go of such an asset.
Additionally, I think it would be also a good idea if the Principal wanted to make Reader go to A-class so he can control them. Why? Because reader is stirring up a rebellion. They're talking to their D-class friends who haven't cut Reader off after their drop, and Reader is trying to convince them to drop to E-class, and rebel against the system.
And the Principal can't have that, can he?
So Principal sends Reader to A class, but Reader hasn't had their rebellious spirit quashed yet. They're in class, sure, but they're questioning the teachers, debating with their classmates, encouraging them towards new ways of thinking that don't involve the system, trying to spark a change in the top instead of the bottom, which is not very good for the Principal either.
This is where Gakushuu comes in.
Principal Asano makes it Gakushuu's task to keep Reader under tabs, and to neutralise any trouble they make. Gakushuu does this by making Reader part of the student council, and then promptly drowning in work.
Asshole move much, Gakushuu?
Reader is now hanging out with Gakushuu a lot more, and they get talking as a result. Reader is not happy with him, and there's plenty of passive-aggressiveness, but not nearly as much hostility as there was between Asano!Reader and Karma in the og fic.
Because Reader actually is a bit more compassionate here, and they see Gakushuu as a victim of the system, same as the other kids in Kunugigaoka.
They have plenty of debates and the such, and slowly but surely, Reader begins to change Gakushuu's mind. Emphasis on the slowly, btw. Gakushuu was raised on this philosophy, he's not going to change that easily.
But eventually, he eases up. And things become a lot more fun. Gakushuu gets a little lax on making sure Reader is too busy to start a rebellion, and they get some free time.
During the free time, they both go to Reader's favourite arcade, and despite Gakushuu never having played a single arcade game in his life he is somehow ridiculously good at them? Which pisses off Reader.
Which means they get into a gaming contest.
They spend longer and longer spending time with each other, going to arcades, markets, or just hanging about in general. And it's fun.
Gakushuu begins to think of you as being a little less annoying. Maybe even kind of a friend.
Maybe even something more, but even he doesn't realise that.
It's all fine and dandy and cool and hip and– wait, what do you mean the Principal wants to speak to Gakushuu?
Things are not fine. The Principal has found out about Reader and Gakushuu's trips, and he is NOT happy. And he begins reprimanding Gakushuu.
Oh, but what's this? Gakushuu's arguing back! He's arguing against this whole twisted philosophy of his father's, he's rebelling, he's–
Aaaand the Principal brainwashes Reader. Fuck.
It's fucking terrifying. Reader is not themselves at all, and Gakushuu hates it, hates it hates it. No matter how he shakes you or screams at you, you just keep repeated the Principal's propaganda, a puppet of the system.
He's on the verge of breaking, just like his father wants, but then, he thinks: what would Reader do?
He pretends to submit. For now. The Principal is satisfied, but he keeps you brainwashed. For insurance, he says.
Well, it doesn't matter, because Gakushuu will set you free.
And that he does, when he starts a revolution.
The Principal should have seen it coming; Gakushuu's an amazing orator, but somehow he didn't, and now there's hundereds upon hundreds of students protesting, ripping up exam papers, burning textbooks.
You, in your mind-haze, look upon the chaos, and something stirs in you.
And like that, you're back. Vive la révolution! you shout, before spiking the teacher's coffee machine with extra-hot chilli pepper powder + laxatives. Karma taught you well.
And when all is said and done, and you finally see Gakushuu again at the end of the day, he give you a Big Damn Kiss. Roll credits.
Gakushuu doubts his father would appreciate him coming home after all that, so you let him stay at your place.
Karma is a bit hesitant about letting Gakushuu stay, but you tell him he started the Kunugigaoka Revolution and Karma agrees pretty quickly.
"If you get up to any hanky-pankying, keep it quite, alright?" he says. "I don't want to lost my beauty sleep."
You roundhouse-kick him for that.
Ah, but even at the happy end, there is still one problem.
There's only one bed. Whatever will you and Gakushuu do?
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Why is this so long
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 4 months
Tess' Sharpuary - 10. Breakfast
Sweet brekafast is served in Hogwarts on Sunday, which is incredily popular with the students. A certain potions master appreciates so as well.
chapter specific tags: slice of life, fluff-ish, friendship
relationships: aesop sharp x reader (alluded to), aesop sharp & dinah hecat
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10. Breakfast (1k)
tw: none
“Your lip, dear” said Dinah Hecat next to him, smiling into her cup of tea. Aesop used his fingers to wipe at his lips, quickly discovering that a dusting of fine sugar remained there from his meal. He licked the sugar from his digits unceremoniously, making his friend chuckle. “What?” he asked with a lifted brow but got no answer. Deciding not to focus on it too much, his hand reached for another scone. He brought it to his mouth and nose, breathing in its sweet smell before he proceeded to bite into the treat happily.
His eyes closed shut as flavour exploded on his tongue. The pastry itself was soft and incredibly fluffy, only lightly sweet, and sticking to the roof of his mouth somewhat. The generous filling of strawberry jam and whipped cream played a delicious symphony, the strawberry’s cheerfully wild sweetness mellowed by the airy, incredibly light and cool whipped cream, a hint of vanilla slowly creeping in and filling his senses. He wasn’t able to stop the deeply appreciative sound that hummed its way through his chest.
Dinah finally stopped pretending to read the Daily Prophet and turned to face him: “I swear to Merlin, Aesop, you’re looking forward to the sweet Sunday breakfast more than the students are!” Aesop chuckled but didn’t reply as his mouth was currently full of the sugary pastry. There was nothing quite like the Sunday breakfast at Hogwarts. It was served until ten o‘clock, so he had the luxury of sleeping in a bit, and most of the items weren’t usually served on any other day, as this amount of sugar was highly counterproductive to the students’ focus in class, the staff found.
Therefore, Sunday was something the majority of people in the castle looked forward to, the staff included. And Aesop, as Dinah liked to tease, most of all. However, that was just his sweet tooth, rather than any sort of aversion towards the goodies the house elves normally served them.
No full English breakfast could ever hold a candle to the breakfast readily available in the castle every day, and the smell of perfectly brown toast and eggs scrambled to perfection could be smelled long before one actually entered the Great Hall. It was enough to make many students visibly increase their pace in the morning, even those who looked like they were a mere pillow away from creating a make-do little nest right on one of the benches in the Viaduct courtyard and going right back to sleep.
It was a big change, having breakfast every single day. Back in his Auror days, Aesop scarcely had the time to make one in the morning before he had to go to work, and would maybe make some for himself on the weekend. After his injury, well, he did try to start his day off with at least a hard-boiled egg and toast, but usually just settled for a cup of tea. The firm routine of eating at Hogwarts actually forced him to exercise as much as he was able to with his maimed leg, as otherwise he’d be forced to enlarge his clothes. It took a while for him to adjust, but once he did, everything began feeling normal. Comfortable, actually. 
“You make it look like you haven’t had anything sweet in years, not less than a day ago,” Dinah spoke, pulling him out of his thoughts. He washed his last bite down with several sips of tea and turned his head towards her once more: “Hm? How would you know? I don’t remember eating anything sweet here yesterday.” Dinah’s eyes held a mischievous sparkle as she rested her face on her hand, and Aesop immediately regretted saying anything.
“Maybe not here, but I saw one of my Ravenclaws ascending the stairs from the kitchens, and then going in the direction of Faculty Tower, rather than the Ravenclaw one. So I figured she was either sneaking you some sweets from the kitchen, or she went to see Noreen about an injury she received in the Hufflepuff common room. One, for some reason, feels slightly more probable than the other.” Aesop cleared his throat. Dinah’s perception was as brilliant as it was maddening, and she knew there was something more going on between him and the now Seventh-year Ravenclaw that met the eye… And it felt like she’s known so for longer than Aesop himself. Simply maddening. It was as if she was teasing him over an innocent school crush, absolutely nonchalant about the fact that this ‘crush’ was on one of their students… 
Not to mention Aesop feared he was long past a mere crush…
“Just so you know, I do not ask her to sneak me sweets from the house elves,” he said instead, rather flatly and dumbly, prompting her to chuckle. The potions master willed his body from rushing blood into his cheeks, and his hand from crushing the scone and aking a mess of his robes. Merlin’s beard, if he was going to get this grilled every day after he’s had tea with the young woman, he might as well begin taking his breakfast in his room. Seeing just how often he met the girl and therefore provided Dinah with ammunition for further teasing, it might actually be a preferable solution. .
“I’m only teasing you a bit, dear, no need to get so defensive,” Dinah said, attempting to placate him as if she heard his little mental tirade, “just make sure you get some vegetables and meat inside your belly as well. Not even you can exist solely on scones and biscuits. I’m almost afraid to ask whether you’ve already tried so...”
The potions master couldn’t hold back a small chuckle of his own.
“Perhaps not,” he said, “but they work simply marvellously for breakfast.”
Thank you so much for reading ❤
[Ao3] - [Sharpuary 2024] - [Masterlist]
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
some hoshi fluff <3
hoshi calling you during your lunch break at uni and you answer him with less energy as usual because of the cold you seem to have caught. you had woken up with a slight sore throat in the morning but brushed it off, not paying attention to it. but it's symptoms really only started to show as the day progressed - a runny nose, a heavy head, and a sore throat. it was the weather you blamed that caused the cold.
hoshi notices your low energy immediately. he could pick on your mood anytime, it was like he was so in tune with you. he asks you if you were okay and when you softly tell him you were feeling under the weather, having caught a cold, he naturally gets worried.
"do you want me to come pick you up early? i can come now", he offers, but you tell him it's okay and that you could manage through your last class for the day. but the class was a subject you didn't necessarily enjoy and the teacher talked and talked. and when a small assignment was given you could barely focus on the questions, your head getting heavier and your nose getting stuffy.
when the class is finally over and you walk out, you see hoshi standing outside the hall, waiting for you. he sees you and smiles, walking up to you.
"love", he gently says, frowning as his eyes take in your tired expression. "you should have left early hm, you look drained out", he says, reaching to take your bag and books you were holding. "i thought it would be okay", you tell softly.
back at your apartment, hoshi tells you to rest and lie down, almost banishing you to your room. he picks out a fresh set of comfy clothes for you before he heads to the kitchen to make something for dinner. hoshi would try to make some chicken soup for you to help with your sore throat and cold.
you could hear him working hard in the kitchen and you just couldn't seem to sleep or rest and waddle to the kitchen, asking if he needs help. "you're supposed to be resting hm, i'll manage", he tells. "but i can't sleep. i'll just watch you", you tell and how can he say no to you. the soup he made was just the thing you needed to help ease your throat and warm you up on the inside.
it started to get cold in the night, so now your nose got even more stuffy and it started to get blocked. when you tell hoshi that you're feeling cold and want to borrow his hoodie, he will more than willingly give you his hoodie and then proceed to drown you in blankets because he's not going to let you feel cold, determined to make you stay warm. you'd find his attentiveness so endearing and sweet.
when you were going to sleep, you tell hoshi not to sleep with you because you didn't want him to catch your cold but he wasn't having it. only after a few minutes he finally agreed with a pout. "i'll be on the couch then", he says, as he hugs the pillow to his chest, one last attempt to make you give him with his puppy eyes before he walks away, giving you horanghae goodnight.
you'd wake up in the middle of the nigh with a super blocked nose, stuggling to breathe or sleep so you sat up. your throat was dry and you somehow landed into a coughing fit and it was bad. you coughed and coughed and before you know it, you feel hoshi's familiar embrace around you as appears by your side, gently tubbing your back to help ease you. you try to say something but nothing comes out. "shh i got you", he says, his touch comforting. he'd he so attentive and make sure you were okay and comfortable.
as you slowly sipped on the warm water he got, which helped. he places the back of his palm on your forehead and cheek, checking for any signs of a fever.
"no fever", he concludes as he lays down with you, scooping you and embracing you in his arms as he pulls you into his chest. you don't complain, gladly resting your head on his chest, closing your eyes, sighing.
"sorry for waking you", you whisper.
"don't be sorry. i'll be right here for you, always", he tells, rubbing your back to help you relax and it was working, slowly lulling you to sleep. he'd peck the top of your head, wishing that you would get well soon. you would sleep soundly in his arms that night <3
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imagrindylow · 1 year
hello, i humbly request something with leander & a gn reader where leander sneaks them off to go snog somewhere, and it gets spicy before they get caught or interrupted by something or someone. the situation is up to you! -from a mutual who is shy with these things
Ahhh I love this request so much, thank you for sending me it! I really hope you like it!!
Leander Prewett / gn!Reader 2.2k Words
Content Warnings: Fluff and spice, but not smutty! Making out, non-explicit sexual references, sexual tension, teasing. ~~~~~
History of Magic was your absolute least favorite class, and it always has been. The subject matter was dull and Professor Binns, was even more so. Every lecture drug by slowly, and you often had to get creative in finding ways to not fall asleep during the lessons. Sometimes you’d work on homework for other classes, other times you’d read, or draw. Occasionally it would look like you were actually paying attention, but in actuality you’d be lost in a daydream.
The only redeeming quality of this class period was that you got to spend an hour sitting beside Leander Prewett. Although he was much too studious to partake in whispered conversation during class, you enjoyed his presence none the less. He always smelled nice, subtly of citrus and sandalwood. When your fatigue sometimes did overtake you during Binns’ long and drawling speeches, you always found yourself leaning Leander’s way across your shared desk, just to take him in while you rested your eyes.
Today however, you weren’t tired, your other course work was finished, you had nothing to read, and if you had to spend another second listening to the history of Dragon Pox, you’d drive your quill through your eye.
You turned slightly towards Leander, who looked like he was actually paying attention, judging by the notes he was taking. What a nerd. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows, and you watched the way his eyes shifted from the chalkboard and back down to his parchment.
He caught your lingering gaze from the from the corner of his eye, finished up the sentence he was writing, then turned to you, leaning in slightly and speaking in a low whisper. “What is it?”
“Hm? Oh. I’m just really bored.” You whispered back.
Leander shrugged and just went back to what he had been doing, listening to the lecture, taking notes. Somehow staying awake unlike the majority of the rest of your classmates.
That’s when you decided you’d mess with him a bit. He’d entertain you, whether he wanted to or not. You shifted in your seat, facing mostly towards him, and rested your right arm along the desk, propping your head on your hand, and blatantly stared at him with a grin on your face.
He tried not to pay you any mind, but you knew you were having your desired effect on him when he went to dip his quill in his ink pot and missed the bottle entirely. You watched the faint blush rise on his cheeks as he carried on taking his notes, but you kept your focus on him.
“What in the world are you doing?” He whispered, narrowing his eyes at you.
Oh this was too easy. Feigning ignorance, you met him with a confused expression. “I’m just sitting here. That’s all. What are you doing?”
He shook his head slightly, and gave you a quiet accusatory huff. “Oh please. You know just what you’re doing, and you need to cut it out. I’m trying to pay attention.”
“Oh, and what is it exactly that I’m doing to you? Besides making you blush and miss your ink pot.” You grinned, feeling quite smug with yourself.
Leander sighed, the corners of his lips just barely lifting to a grin, the faint rosy color always present in his cheeks getting a touch deeper. He again drew his attention back to the professor, and you decided to let up for now, sitting forward, and at least pretending to listen. After all, you didn’t want to get either of you into trouble, you just wanted to rile him up a bit.
A few minutes later, you made a show out of yawning, which was not an uncommon sight among students in this class. You weren’t loud, you merely stretched your arms way out, extending them behind Leander, then making sure to graze your hand along his shoulders lightly as you settled your arms back down on your desk.
Leander rolled his eyes and took a deep, slow breath, as if trying to convince himself to maintain this serious demeanor, before he leaned in towards you again and spoke quietly. “Are you quite finished with your antics? One of us is actually interested in History, you know.” Try as he might to deter you from your little game, his face was flushed and he had a fiery glint in his eyes that you knew all too well. He was quietly basking in your attention on the inside. He let his gaze linger on you for a few seconds longer before again resuming his note taking.
“Am I not allowed to yawn now? Merlin, someone is sensitive.” You remarked in a whisper, making him sigh.
You and Leander had been dancing the line between just friends, or something more, for quite awhile now. It was apparent in how closely you walked through the halls together, shoulders brushing, hands grazing ever so slightly. And in the way you’d greet each other with a hug – that lasted just a little bit too long to be considered friendly – every day, as though you even had time to miss each other since the day prior. As coy as he was being about it during class, you knew you were driving him wild. It was now your goal to see just how far you could push him before he’d leap over that line and pull you with him, like you knew both of you wanted to.
You thought you might as well take some notes of you own, to at least appear busy while the professor spoke, floating back and forth at the head of the room. Not actual lecture notes of course – you’d get those from him later on – right now you just wanted to see just how red you could make his face.
You dipped your quill in his bottle of ink, and got to writing, or rather, doodling, on your parchment. Leander glanced at you in honest confusion because you never took notes in this class, then did a double take when he noticed what you were actually writing was his initials, in little hearts, all over your page.
His grin was getting harder to hide by the second. He buried his mouth into his left hand, the elbow of that arm leaning on his desk. He shifted his eyes off your parchment and back to his own to keep working. You were grinning widely, looking to your left at him, his eyes gave him away, he was definitely smiling under the cover of his hand.
The class kept dragging on, you gave Leander a good 20 minute break from your teasing. He probably thought you had given up and resigned to your fate of just being bored for another 20 minutes, but he’d have been wrong. In fact, you were only deciding to push him further. You laid your left hand on his right leg under the table and gave it a little squeeze. No one in the room would be any the wiser. The majority of your classmates were sleeping, including those at the table closest to yours, and Binns’ vision was not what it used to be. As long as he kept his reaction quiet, you’d be fine.
Leander froze entirely, halting his note taking mid word, his quill still pressing against the parchment, a little pool of ink forming at the nib. He turned his head to you and you studied his expression, not wanting to do anything he wouldn’t actually want.
He still had the same fiery gaze as before, his eyes dropping from yours to your lips and back up, he raised a brow at you, and you expected him to speak but he didn’t. Instead, he laid his left hand over yours on his leg and went back to his note taking.
Well, now you were blushing, but oh my, was this thrilling for you. You could feel your cheeks burning, both from the heat rising in them and from the grin that you were unable to wipe from your face. He was holding your hand. Finally! You took a minute to compose yourself and jumped right back into trying to rile him up. All you did was slide your hand up his thigh a few inches and you had him shifting in his seat and breathing noticeably heavier. His hand followed yours, and he squeezed your fingers.
He leaned in towards you, the closest he had yet, and whispered into your ear, a playful edge in his voice, “you’re playing with fire,” before sitting back and giving you the most unassuming smile. It made your heart race, and made your blood feel hot as it flowed through your veins. It was actually unfair how easily he could turn the tables and fluster you right back.
You leaned into him, your shoulder against his, and whispered back, “I can handle the heat.” He nodded at you in response, a sly grin on his face, as if saying “good.”
This was definitely not the only time the two of you had flirted back and forth or carried out a teasing banter, but this was certainly the most overt it had ever been.
The class was wrapping up, Professor Bins was explaining the reading assignment to the class as everyone packed up their books and belongings. Two minutes before class was scheduled to be dismissed, you moved your hand up his thigh one more time, just for good measure. Leander inhaled sharply, his hand not moving with yours this time, but not pushing it away either. He shifted in his seat and adjusted himself, shooting you a gaze that was downright sinful.
Professor Binns ended the class, and Leander shot out of his seat, and grabbed both his books and yours. With his free hand he grabbed your wrist, and practically dragged you out of the classroom behind him, making you skip to keep up with his long strides. He pulled you to the right and out the large wooden doors into the transfiguration courtyard.
“Someone’s in a hurry,” you smirked and allowed him to lead you, happy to follow him anywhere.
He pulled you through the courtyard, taking a right and walking swiftly across the grass with your wrist still firmly in his grasp. He lead you into the arched rampart wall around the courtyard and down its hall, into the shadowed corner where it adjoined the castle. He let your school books drop to the ground beside you, before pinning you against the wall in one of the many alcoves lining the rampart. Leander pressed his body to yours, cupped your face in his hands, and kissed you hungrily. You were only shocked momentarily before you wrapped your arms around his waist and returned his affection eagerly.
The kiss was intense, driven by months of pining come to a head. Leander ran a hand through your hair and gripped at it, tilting your head and breaking the kiss to drag his lips down your neck.
You moaned softly at the feeling of his mouth on your skin. You pulled at his waist and ran your fingers along his back for a moment before looking up at him and breaking his focus. “You’re really going to do this to me right here, hm?” He chuckled, a hand under your chin, drinking you in through sultry eyes as he said, “Oh now you’re shy? You had no issue riling me up in class and I have no issues unwinding you right here.” He kissed your forehead and leaned his body against yours. “Can you feel what you’ve done to me? So unfair of you.”
You could feel it, and you had to admit, you were pretty satisfied with your work. You grinned up at him, and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing your lips back together. Leander gripped at your hips, continuing to press himself against you, tempting himself further with that precious friction.
You kissed him again, biting at his lip and he groaned, leaning his head back and sighing before looking down at you again with a softened expression and flushed cheeks. “Ugh why has it taken us so long to get to this point? You know I’m crazy for you, don’t you?”
You grinned and nodded. “Well, we’re here now. That’s what counts.”
You gripped at his waist band, pulling him closer and leaning up to meet his lips again while his hands gripped at your lower back. You were so caught up with each other that neither of you heard the approaching footsteps until it was too late.
Garreth Weasley’s voice, loudly clearing his throat is what brought you and Leander back down to Earth. “Bloody hell Lee, out of everywhere in the castle you pick here for a cheeky snog? If you need tips on better places, I’m your guy, you just have to ask.”
Leander’s mouth hung open, his cheeks bright red, as he watched Garreth casually pick up a few spare bits of parchment that had blown into the rampart from the courtyard.
“Hey MC, nice to see you as well.” Garreth nodded in your direction before giving you both a little wave and a wink as he walked away.
“Told you here wasn’t a good spot.” You chided him in jest, a smirk on your face. Leander sighed, knowing you were right. He should have listened to you initially, but he had no regrets at how it all played out.
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meowcats734 · 6 months
(prompt response) The ritual would be much easier to complete if his "friends" weren't cooking with the sacrificial knife and rare spices...
"Welcome to Ritual Magic 201," Mr. Ganrey said, tapping his cane on the floor as he walked down the rows of chairs. He was old, arthritic, and practically blind, and had probably been disqualified from fighting in the war for at least one of those reasons, but at least he could still help by training up the next generation of soldiers to throw into the grinder. Whoopee.
Still, despite my misgivings about the Silent Academy's less-than-noble intentions, I couldn't help but be excited for today's class. School was a lot less lonely with Lucet and Meloai to hang out with, and RM201 was a lab class; we didn't get to choose our partners for ourselves, but the class only had twenty or so people in it. Odds were we'd be spending quite a bit of time with each other.
Plus, this was the first course I'd taken at the Silent Academy that went beyond theory and into practice. I'd spent the past few weeks grabbing every attunement I could get my grubby little hands on, and I was itching to try them out.
No more helpless running and hiding from every threat. No more getting outmatched at every turn. This Cienne was growing claws, and the next time the world tried to bite me in the ass, I was going to swipe back.
"In light of recent events," Mr. Ganrey said, as if he was referring to a sports match and not a war, "we've decided to rearrange the curriculum a little. Topics such as realspace-anchored soul manipulation and memory-aided spell foci were deemed too theoretical in a time when we need immediate results, and as such, the first half of this course will focus on the creation and empowerment of friendly soulspace entities. In other words, the focus of today's lesson will be the summoning and binding of demons, angels, and other extraplanar creatures."
Meloai raised a hand, but Mr. Ganrey didn't see, despite looking straight at her. I grimaced. Mr. Ganrey's mundane eyesight was nearly gone, so he relied on his soulsight—but even though Meloai's soul fragment was beginning to grow in complexity, it was still tiny in comparison to a born human soul. I wouldn't be surprised if Meloai was entirely invisible to the poor teacher. 
"Please disperse to your assigned seats," Mr. Ganrey continued. In the corner, Iola and two of his new friends snickered as Meloai patiently kept her hand in the air.
"Just ask the question," Lucet whispered.
"Hm? Oh, okay. Mr. Ganrey?" she asked.
"Raise your hand first, Meloai," Mr. Ganrey said. More laughter from Iola's corner.
"I am," Meloai said, unperturbed.
Mr. Ganrey paused, adjusted his glasses, and cleared his throat. "Mm. Ah. Yes. Well. Your question, then, young lady?"
"I'm a soulspace entity myself—is what we're doing today going to be hazardous to me?"
"What planar domain?" Mr. Ganrey asked, absent-mindedly.
"Insecurity," Meloai said.
Mr. Ganrey shook his head. "The projection of the vectors of happiness and insecurity onto each other is present, but small. Don't assimilate any soul fragments you sense, but you should be otherwise fine. Alright, class, hop to it."
To my disgust, my assigned lab seat was next to Iola. Ugh, the man was worse than Odin. At least they'd left me alone after they'd stranded me in the Plane of Elemental Falsehood. I still had no idea what that was all about.
Iola waggled his eyebrows at me as I approached the lab desk, which held a utilitarian kitchen knife, a small, caged vole, and a bundle of sweet-smelling joyweed.
"If it isn't my favorite Redlander," Iola drawled, his elven halo pulsing in time with his words. "How're you enjoying my sloppy seconds? She's terrible in bed, isn't she?"
"I wouldn't know. Unlike you, I have a modicum of respect for other human beings. How're you enjoying the draft? Still begging to be let onto the front lines?" I shot back. The corners of Iola's eyes twitched as I brought up the draft—he'd been all too eager to go out and start killing people until the Academy told him that they weren't sending barely-trained students out to war. 
"The goal of today's class will be to create, empower, and summon a minor Demon of Happiness," Mr. Ganrey interrupted. "As you should have learned from Elemental Theory, demons, like all soulspace entities, are comprised of the memories of the dead."
"Wonder what kind of demon would pop up if I used this on you," Iola mused, tapping the knife on the desk.
"Dunno," I said. "What do elves summon when they die?"
"Over the centuries," Mr. Ganrey continued, "this has resulted in many a cult or nation deliberately inducing certain emotionally-charged memories in human subjects, then slaying them in order to form or feed demons of their desired emotion. Demons of Fear were a particularly notable historical example. However, memories are not a uniquely human notion, and in the modern day, human sacrifices are not needed to create such entities. We will be creating such an entity by training non-sentient animals to associate certain memories with joy, then sacrificing the animals and feeding the resulting, joy-charged soul shards to the entity that coalesces as a result." 
Huh. Made sense. To my left, Meloai raised her hand again—this time, Lucet raised her hand as well, so that Mr. Ganrey would see. "Yes, Lucet?" Mr. Ganrey asked.
"Actually, that was me, sir," Meloai said. "I have a question. By the first law of thaumatology, souls cannot be destroyed."
"Only changed in form," Mr. Ganrey agreed.
"So when we feed these soul fragments to a soulspace entity... or when, in general, a soulspace entity consumes a soul fragment... what happens?"
"An excellent observation," Mr. Ganrey said, "but one that is outside the scope of this class." Meloai pouted as Mr. Ganrey walked down through the aisles. "Now, in order to form the associated memories, we will have to perform some mundane classical conditioning upon the test subjects..."
The lab began, the small class of twenty laboring to form an association in the voles' tiny minds between the ringing of a bell and a sensation of sudden joy. To my surprise, Iola was a natural when it came to associating reward with a stimulus. Or punishment, for that matter, not that that was part of the lab—he just seemed to delight in watching the vole flinch whenever he snapped his fingers after the third time he'd struck the poor creature while doing so.
My budding attunements gave me greater insight into the soulspace of the vole, so I could tell when the vole's soul bloomed with dewdrops of joy at the ring of a bell, even when no herbs were supplied to follow it up with. Not wanting to let Iola have the dubious honor of sacrificing the vole—knowing him, he'd drag it out just to watch the poor thing suffer—I slit its throat with the sacrificial blade, killing it instantly.
The rest of the class was still catching up to Iola's freakishly good conditioning abilities, which left me some time to wait. I was going to ask if we were supposed to get started on a second vole when Iola picked up the corpse of the sacrifice and... started... cooking it.
Through my newfound suite of attunements, I could see the outlines of the spell he was using. Though joy normally manifested as dewdrops in soulsight, Iola's was something... different. Feverish, sickly, somehow. He pumped it into the vole, the dewdrops accelerating to terrifying speeds as they neared its body, and the vole's body started smoking. Was he... was he cooking the vole with light? Was that even possible?
"What... what are you doing?" I asked, faintly nauseated.
"Hmm?" Iola started skinning the vole with the sacrificial knife. "I'm hungry. Want some?"
"No!" I shuddered, turning away as he rolled up the joyweed into a rough lump and ignited it with a focused beam of light, then tried to smoke it. I was pretty sure he miserably failed by the spluttering that ensued, but I didn't want to know. 
"You should all be done with your voles by now," Mr. Ganrey said. "Fanwyn, you killed yours too early. Iola, take that out of your mouth."
Iola took the magically-cooked vole out of his mouth, scowling, as Mr. Ganrey stepped into the center of the room. A small metal box stood on a dais.
"None of you, with the possible exception of Iola, are capable of opening a sustained rift into the Plane of Elemental Radiance," Mr. Ganrey said. "As such, I will perform this part myself."
The dewdrops that Mr. Ganrey used weren't the strange, sickly, endless torrent of joy that flowed through Iola's soul. But they were far, far more controlled. I watched as the tiny droplets of joy were, somehow, compressed, becoming dense, almost-solid specks before being flung into the metal box.
There was no sound when the rift opened. But the beams of pure, unceasing light that slipped through the cracks at the corners were painfully bright to look at, and I instinctively turned away.
Mr. Ganrey rang a bell—the same bell that we had used to train the voles—and waited for one heartbeat, two. The terrible light from within the box began to fade.
Then he opened the box's door.
A small, chittering vole made of pure light was sniffing around in the center of the box. When Mr. Ganrey rang the bell, its head perked up, and it scampered onto Mr. Ganrey's arm to reach it.
Moments later, the period bell rang, and the Demon of Joy scampered away in search of another, larger bell to follow. Mr. Ganrey tried to grab at it, but the nimble little creature effortlessly avoided his grasp. He rubbed his forehead, grumbling to himself, before regaining his composure.
"That concludes today's lab section on demon summoning," Mr. Ganrey finished. "Be back here the same time tomorrow." He paused, sighed, and added one last thing.
"Oh. And five points extra credit to anyone who can track down that damn demon. We'll need it for tomorrow's class."
This prompt was written by my Patreons!
Soulmage is a serial written in response to writing prompts. Stick around for more episodes, or join my Discord to chat about it!
Table of Contents
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devilscastle69 · 10 months
hello I come with 'anythings' if you'd like them <3 - What TYPE of dessert is your favourite? (follow up) what kind from that type? (as specific as you wanna get!) - Do you have a favourite place to hang out when you wanna do nothing? Or a favourite place to people watch? - If you need to get studying done, what helps you? What makes it worse? - If you were a bird for a day, what would you be excited to do? What would you not wanna do? - Is there a song stuck in your head? More than one? (follow up) If so, which one(s)? - Do you have anything you need so you can sleep? Is there anything that you can't stand while sleeping? - If you could have any meal free for the rest of your life, (every time you get it, it's free) what meal would you choose, and why? - What meal always makes you feel happy? Do you know why that is, and if you do, want to share the reason~? this is so long, so feel free to pick and choose, or answer all if you want!! Just a lil variety~ <3)
Tysm for asking these omg 🥺🥺🥺 you are so sweet fjdjdhjfj
Ahhh I can’t choose honestly. Maybe like puddingy types? Like I love getting rice pudding and flan and bread pudding at restaurants. Also love good ice cream in the summer
For hangout places I love the weeby stores by me!!!! There’s a spot I love that has rlly good ramen and snacks. I also love going to a specific mall and the barcade w friends. Always love GameStop too.
Omg studying 😭 thank god I’m done w college. If I wanted to get a masters tho 💀 omg. Ok hm. Def practicing. For some types of studying music can help. Other times it doesn’t. Having a specific area helped me like sometimes going to the library or sitting on the floor rather than my bed or in the living room. Having snacks or set goals for myself. Setting a timer could help. Working w ppl who would hold me accountable vs ppl who just wanna chill (less helpful)
Having the tv on is def a distraction or like trying to study passively. I don’t remember all the tools I used honestly. I probably would rewrite the info and give myself practice questions. I definitely struggled to pay attention looking back. Lots of my note docs would be almost blank bc I’d just start writing fanfic. I also attended zoom university for a bit so it was a wash. I sucked at studying in high school. My senior year was full of bs classes that I was actually interested in. I probably should get screened for adhd but my therapist was like you’re fine so 🤷🏼 w/e. I almost failed math sophomore year of hs bc I could not focus I would just draw mermaids in the corners of my notebook. My parents’ friend/a dif teacher tutored me and the one on one help is def the only way I passed. I took an easier class next year that I could bs my way thru and same for my senior year.
In college I’d be like bitch u don’t EAT until u do this math. U get NO free ice cream if u don’t do it >:(. U don’t get to do xyz until after. I will order DOMINOS if u actually try
I am v lucky to have a job I care about and can plan for. It’s like the fine dining and breathing SpongeBob thing. If I don’t care about it it’s thrown out and everything is on fire.
If I were a bird I’d be like omfg write that down WRITE THAT DOWN it’s going in the next h//awks fanfic. I would wanna fly. I’d maybe wanna visit ppl I care about. Like not to do anything creepy tho idek. I probs wouldn’t wanna eat bugs.
I found a way from drake and Josh and also flowers - Miley Cyrus
Haha I used to need the tv on to sleep at my parents’ house. I also used to have a much easier time w melatonin, weed, or alcohol bc I was constantly anxious there. 🥲 now I can lit sleep in absolute dark and w silence and don’t need any sleep aides. I love the lil fan I have blowing on my face and I love sleeping in the ac. I love my blankets I have some special ones and then a weighted one that is such a game changer. I hate when it’s too hot to sleep or too cold like I don’t like having to bundle. When I lived w my roommates they liked it really cold and I’d basically shiver until I finally crashed. W like a sweatshirt and sweatpants and socks and multiple blankets.
A burrito or burrito bowl bc whenever I was hella sad I’d go to qdoba and it would make me so much happier immediately. And whenever it was free it was an extra boost. I loved being able to choose everything too and like a lot of the staff knew what I was gonna say bc I was there a lot 💀💀💀
also my moms cooking is so good. like it’s soooo fucking fire it’s worth the drama just to come eat.
also I love sushi. I think I tried it for the first time w friends and it’s always a comforting food. same w ramen. if im like s*** or depressed it’s another go to. I used to get it a lot when I was working at this one job I hated
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lixiebokie · 1 year
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through his lens
idol: stray kids hyunjin x reader
photographer!hyunjin x artist!reader
chapter 3: hyunjin has his eye on someone
first classes rolled around quicker than expected. the group had took time apart to focus of studies for the first week, well expect hyunjin who found a way to sneak into the art studio to each lunch with y/n every day.
hyunjin was into art just as much as her. but didn’t see it as a career more as a hobby. which is a way he distinguished his love for photography being much heavier.
hyunjin picked up his first camera when he was 8. it was a disposable one his mother brought him while they were at jeju. he wanted to take pictures but wasn’t old enough to have a phone.
the sunset was the first thing that caught his eye. it was a orangey, red swirly pattern. the picture wasn’t the best quality considering he was a child using a shitty disposable camera but it didn’t stop him from hanging it from the bunting in his dorm room just above his bed. he used a small vloging type camera until he was 15, when he finally got a professional camera. he got it for christmas, it was big heavy and expensive. he was sure it costed like 1,000,000 won or something.
his father was against the idea of buying such an expensive camera for a teenager. ‘it would get broken in seconds’ but hyunjin proved him wrong as it is the same camera he used today.
y/n on the other hand had been exposed to art her whloe life. from crappy kids arts sets that would keep her away from her mothers expensive art studio, up to now we’re she wanted to persue it as a career. her mother owned a flower shop in town. it wasn’t the most popular so she spent most her time sketching the items in there. y/n spent her weekends there, if she wasn’t at hyunjins house. her mothers drawing started to get noticed and rather than coming for the flower people would visit the shop to buy portraits of them. her mother long sold the shop but now spends her time as an etsy artist as her job.
of course y/n didn’t want that job. she wanted to be some big artist, maybe like bob ross or something. or she could have her own art exhibition, now that was her dream. or maybe do a collab with a fashion brand, but she was thinking too far ahead.
unlike hyunjin, y/n can’t remember her first drawing probably some one in her family, maybe it was hyunjin. she doesn’t know but who would want to keep some kids shitty drawing anyway, it was probably stashed in her mothers room somewhere.
when the group finally decided to meet up again it was strange.
they met at the school canteen to discuss any plans they had on the weekend. seungmin had brought his roommate, and new friend, felix who fit in straight away. he was australian like chan, so it was nice to have something to remind them of him.
“told you they’d be together.” seungmin pointed to the two of sliding into their seats.
“how many days did you go without seeing each other?” neither of them answered instead taking the drinks, that seungmin had order for them, into their mouths.
“im guessing none then,” he rolled his eyes. “anyway we need to discuss what we’re doing this weekend. the first week of uni coming to an end deserves a treat so maybe we could go to the bar down the street or go out to the bowling alley in town?”
seungmin was the one to organise plans, it use to be chan but after finding out he wouldn’t be with them in uni, he decided to take over the role. and he fucking good at it, he always knew about the best places to eat or found the best hang out spots. they’d only been here less than a week and he already had the city mapped out.
“hm, maybe bar. i need a drink after the week i’ve had.” y/n sighed pushing her head off hyunjins shoulder and into her hands.
“the week you had? you paint all day it’s not stressful.” jiha scoffed placing down her phone. y/n looked up around the table swapping frowns with the others.
“that was so uncalled for.”
“im just saying how stressful could that be? take dress code for example, you get to wear whatever old scraps you have laying around, me on the other hand has to wear a blouse and skirt everyday. meaning i have to get home everyday wash this, dry it, iron it before i even get to relax.” she pointed down to the pink skirt and white blouse under her black blazer.
“jiha it’s not a competition.” hyunjin spoke from across the table.
“yeah you were the one who picked to study law. they aren’t going to force me to wear my best clothes just for them to get ruined.”
“im just saying you have no right to say you had stressful week painting, that doesn’t even make sense.”
seungmin rolled his eyes. “okay, bar it is i think jiha needs a drink down her.”
“hey you alright?” hyunjin asked swinging their hands back and fourth as the group walked back to the dorms.
hyunjin wanted to walk y/n alone so that he ask her what was up with jiha. but he could exactly tell his friends to leave without sounding like a bitch himself.
“yeah, you?” hyunjin hummed.
“yeah! by the way, i don’t think your clothes look like scraps.” y/n smiled. hyunjin always knew what was wrong, and after jihas comment she felt like she looked disgusting.
“thanks jinnie.”
“are they together?” felix whispered to seungmin even though they were further behind the two.
“no!” seungmin made a cross with his arms. “they hate when people say that. i’m warning you never say that infront of them y/n will have a fit.”
“when doesn’t she?” jiha commented.
the bar was full but it was a friday night so who would have guessed. they had found their way into getting a booth for felix knowing someone who worked there. and soon as they sat down all were drinking and trying to forget the past week they had.
jiha was trying to find someone to talk to for the night which y/n thought was abit strange. her and jisung had broken up less than a month ago and she was already moved on. but she wasn’t jiha so she had no right to but into her choices.
“seungmo take a picture of me and y/n for insta please.” jiha passed him her phone pulling the other girl in a close but loose hug and posing.
it felt like jiha had gone back to her old self. the happy self she was when she was with jisung, not the sarcastic, rude jiha that had been there all week.
maybe she was just stressed.
“isn’t he cute, maybe you should go talk to him?” jiha suggested to a blonde boy in the corner.
he was cute, but she wasn’t attracted to him.
“looks like hyunjins eyeing someone.” felix snickered pointing to the boy who had his attention taken by some girl in the crowd.
he turned looking back at the others.
“you like blue dress? go talk to her!” y/n shoved her trying to get him to stand and leave the table.
“blue? that’s nessa she’s in class. she’s so sweet and definitely your type!” jiha shouted over to him.
hyunjin stood looking at the others and saluting. “i’ll see you later.” he walked off with a powerful stride to go see her.
hyunjin always had been confident talking to girls because he’d always been noticed by girls. since he hit puberty, he’d never been rejected and constantly asked out. his last girlfriend was a year and a half ago when he was 17. sadly not many of his relationships worked out because they didn’t like how close he was with y/n.
but he wasn’t going to ditch his best friend of 19 years for someone he’s knew for a couple of months.
y/n was the opposite, she wasn’t ever asked out or anything. maybe it was because she was so shy or the fact she was a nerdy looking person until she was 16, when she finally started caring about her appearance. she got rejected by her first crush when she was 14 and who was there to comfort her? hyunjin.
“hey i’m gonna go talk to the blondie i’ll text you what happens.” jiha winked to y/n before walking over to the one who she’d tried to set her up with 5 minutes prior.
somehow throughout the night seungmin had wandered his way into another friend group. he knew some of them from his classes. y/n only knew one of them from her art class, his name jungkook or something.
it was only her and felix left.
felix was really nice, he wasn’t awkward and asked questions that were genuinely interesting.
“so how long have you known hyunjin?”
“my whole life basically, we grew up together.”
felix nodded. “i wish i grew up with someone i was really close to.”
“it’s great, but i guess im lucky he’s stuck with me.” y/n turned looking at hyunjin who was with girl from earlier trying to eat her.
“you’re really nice you know y/n no wonder hyunjin stayed with you. you’re really close.” felix chuckled awkwardly.
“thanks, we get that.. a lot.”
felix grew up in australia so when he moved he left all his friends and had to go out and make more friends in college. but he wasn’t really close to them. he was really glad he met seungmin on the first day. he finally had friends again.
y/n felt like she was talking to chans little brother.
not because they were both australian and definitely not physically as chan was a muscly teddy bear unlike felix but because they both had that comfort in the way they talk. neither of them were loud, would rather sit in slience. they were both the type of people you would go to if you needed advice. y/n hadn’t asked felix for any yet but she knew the day shed needed to he would be there for her.
y/n found out felix was studying IT. he wants to be a game designer, he spent his childhood playing games and would love a job designing them.
felix reminded her so much a chan she couldn’t get his face out of her head while talking to him.
“you’re really pretty you know.” felix played with her hair. she giggled smiling at him, she wasn’t use to getting compliments especially from attractive people so she couldn’t help but blush.
felix leaned in slightly, she could feel his breath on her face. it was happening so fast he was so close to her, and she was panicking. why was she panicking? she found felix attractive and no doubt had been flirting with him for the past hour so why was she so against this?
his lips barley touched hers, it was light she barley felt before she pulled away.
“um sorry.. it’s late, i should.” she moved away making felix scoot back.
“im so sorry.. i didn’t mean.”
“no it’s fine i’m just gonna go find seungmin, i’ll see you around lix.” she smiled rushing off.
she went home that night, throwing off her shoes and climbing into bed. she tried to reach chan over facetime but he must have been busy, chan wasn’t one to sleep and they were still basically in the same time zones.
she cried when chan didn’t pick up, she missed him.
she wanted to see him but lucky she got a text saying he’d call her in the morning.
hyunjin had went home with felix. felix didn’t bring up what happened. he was convinced she’d ran off because she liked hyunjin. he knew seungmin told him not to think they were cute together and how she pushed him to go talk to that girl but something in his mind was telling him different.
hyunjin ended up splitting from that girl, one of her friends had slipped up how she already had a boyfriend and hyunjin would like to keep his beautiful face in one piece.
he didn’t know were y/n ran off to with seungmin but when he asked felix, he said she must of had too much to drink. he wondered if he was being too obvious. should he speak to hyunjin? they were best friends.. but apart of felix told him to stay quiet about what has happened that night.
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So, while I don’t think anything is going crazy awful with Waylon’s ADHD medication, I’m not feeling very confident that the first go is a winner. He’s definitely been more emotional, more prone to crying over things. And not like a big outburst, fit pitching kind of thing. But just getting upset and crying about things that he usually wouldn’t. He also has been more needy and clingy to me. Which is fine, just something I noticed.
His teacher emailed me this morning about what she noticed in him yesterday and that’s really where I’m like, hm. This doesn’t seem the best. She said that his body did seem more calm, he wasn’t running around the classroom so much, he was able to process his thoughts before speaking better. But also that she still needed to often remind him to get on task because he was frequently just zoning out. So from my interpretation it just kind of feels like it makes him less of a nuisance in class, but isn’t actually helping him focus. Which is the whole goal of this, for him to be able to focus and learn.
I know we are literally only on day 4 at this point, so I need to give it a bit more time and let the adjustment period settle out to give it a fair assessment. But I’m nervous.
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honourablejester · 2 years
Spelljammer Character Concept: Aasimar Twilight Cleric/Fathomless Warlock
An odd and rather specific character idea, but for some reason Twilight Cleric/Fathomless Warlock niggled at me for a star wanderer. Basically, I wanted a cleric, but I also wanted tentacles. A wandering star cleric who happens to be able to summon spectral eldritch tentacles if startled unduely. I like cosmic horror and eldritch entities, and as a concept it mixes surprisingly well with gods and angels in the abyss. Which is why aasimar, too. A wandering vagabond angel, drifting timelessly through strange realms, and growing ever stranger themselves in the process. A strange, rather alarming angel, so the strange, rather alarming sort of aasimar too.
I did want to focus cleric, I mostly wanted Fathomless for Tentacle of the Deeps. So I started 2 levels of cleric, took 1 level of warlock, and I’d plan to take the rest in cleric. Maybe a second warlock level for a couple of invocations somewhere down the line. Because I’m missing most of warlock, I might gloss the patron as something less oceanic tentacles and more eldritch tentacles.
And because I started cleric, I wanted to give a story for the warlock level that wasn’t too involved, but had some mystery and, hm, idiosyncrasy. Ilim met a strange, eldritch traveller in the Astral Sea, a figure they can’t picture very clearly anymore and whose name they can’t quite remember. They asked Ilim for directions, and you should always help a fellow traveller find their way, so Ilim gave them. And, in return, they gave Ilim … a nice tentacle friend. A companion for their travels …
Character Sheet: Ilim
Name: Ilim
Race: Aasimar (Fallen)
Age: Unknown (Astral Sea)
Background: Far Traveller
Alignment: True Neutral
Class/Level: Cleric 2 (Twilight)/Warlock 1 (Fathomless)
Statistics: Strength 9 (-1), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 16 (+3), Intelligence 9 (-1), Wisdom 16 (+3), Charisma 16 (+3) (Rolled: 16,15,14,14,9,9)
Ideal: Feet should always be free to wander.
Bond: Someday I will find someone to share my travels with.
Flaw: I am rather desperately lonely.
Quirk: I believe my spectral tentacle is a friend named Yhem who can speak to me. Yhem is incorporeal most of the time, it takes effort for them to manifest and they usually only do so when I’m in danger, but I can always hear them in my mind. A strange being who was looking for directions in the Astral Sea gave them to me in gratitude for helping them find their way.
Deity: Celestian the Far Wanderer
Patron: unknown, likely Far Realm entity
Proficiencies, Skills & Languages:
Proficiencies: Light, medium, heavy armour, shields, simple, martial weapons, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws, pan pipes
Skills: Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Religion
Languages: Common, Celestial, Deep Speech
Traits, Feats and Background/Class Features: Celestial Resistance (radiant and necrotic), Darkvision, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, Celestial Revelation: Necrotic Shroud, All Eyes On You, Ritual Casting, Eyes of Night (300ft darkvision, sharable 1hr), Vigilant Blessing (initiative advantage), Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary, Pact Magic, Gift of the Sea (swim speed 40ft, amphibious), Tentacle of the Deeps (spectral tentacle)
Cantrips: Light, Guidance, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand
Warlock Spells: Armour of Agathys, Arms of Hadar
Domain Spells: Faerie Fire, Sleep
Spell Slots: 2 1st level warlock slots/short rest, 3 1st level cleric slots
Description: Ilim stands six and a half feet tall, with midnight black skin, draped in a black toga and cloak. Their gender is indistinct. They might be a particularly statuesque and flat-chested woman, or a man with a very melodious voice and a faintly feminine cast to his features. For their own part, they consider themselves neither, nor are they particularly concerned by the question.
History: Ilim is a wanderer of the Astral Sea, a perpetual voyager through life. When asked how old they are, they say they don’t know. When asked where they were born or who their parents were, they say they don’t remember, but they like to imagine that they sprang from a seed or perhaps a mote of starlight. Their memory, it must be said, is patchy in general, and as much of it might be whimsy and dreams as true remembrance. They are a traveller, first and foremost, and they follow a god of travellers, a wanderer in strange realms. They believe very fervently in Celestian’s example. He touched them once, when they were not yet made, only a whisp of thought, not yet realised. They felt him, and they delight in his teachings and his example ever since. They wander the Astral Sea in his honour, and for their own curiosity and experience. They don’t know how long they’ve been doing so already. Time is strange and somewhat meaningless in the Sea. But while the length of their travels cannot be measured in time or memories, it can be measured in loneliness. They have begun to feel the void of companionship more and more deeply. They long for a companion, someone to share the voyage with. Perhaps it was this loneliness that drew a strange creature to them, once upon a time. Or perhaps it was mere chance, that they happened to cross paths at the same time. The creature, whose name they were told, but can no longer remember, asked them for directions to a world. They saw no reason not to give them. In return, the creature gifted them a rudimentary ‘companion’, a spectral tentacle that they call Yhem, and fully believe is a sentient being that can speak to them. There were some other small rewards, a sprinkling of magic and a few other tidbits, but it was Yhem that delighted them most. At last, a companion! However, Yhem is a strange being, and something of a limited conversationalist. They would quite enjoy some more lively company, if anyone should be offering.
Image: I’m mostly picturing a more black-robed, androgynous version of Night in Day, by Thomas Blackshear:
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femchef · 1 year
So today was the first day back for teachers (semester starts on Monday) and I was going over my notes from one of my classes and picking out things to share with another teacher who’s teaching the same class on one of our satellite campuses -
So anyway, does anyone want to read my lecture notes on thickening agents that I turned into a study guide (I wrote one up during the semester because we didn’t have any previously prepared materials because other instructors just skip or gloss over the chapter but I felt like it was worth the time to focus on the topic and also I’m a Nerd about stuff that makes things gooey).
You know what - I’m just going to post it under a cut below, because it’s fun and also an infodump.
**For context, even though my notes go into more specifics than the required reading, the book for the class is called How Baking Works by Paula Figoni (3rd edition, tbh needs an update but is a good reference), and the link I am telling them to refer to for more information on gelatin that includes conversion charts is here:
Thickening Agents Study Guide
1. Thickening vs. Gelling
1.1. Thickening = moving slowly, viscous, but still some movement while set
1.1.1. Either when sugars and proteins become loosely entangled or when water is absorbed and trapped by swollen starch granules, or when air bubbles in foams or fat droplets in an emulsion slow water movement.
1.2. Gelling = completely set, no movement whatsoever
1.2.1. When water and other molecules are prevented from moving around at all, usually when sugars and proteins bond or tightly entangle and form a larger network that entraps water and other molecules.
1.3. A number of thickening/gelling agents are interchangeable in different quantities.
2. Food-Grade Gelatin (Type A Gelatin) is produced by boiling or soaking pigskins in acid; the connective tissue breaks down into thick strands of collagen and thinner strands of gelatin
3. Powdered Gelatin is made from lower-grade pulverized sheets
4. For more information, take some time to view the attached link in blackboard and the conversion charts.
5. Vegetable Gums = polysaccharides that absorb large quantities of water and swell to produce thick liquids and gels. Veg Gums are a nice source of dietary fiber (think fiber one Powder added to drinks)
5.1. Pectin = present in all fruits
5.1.1. LM (low Methoxyl) Pectin = Also comes from citrus peels or apple. Used in low-calorie jams and jellies, relies on calcium rather than sugar to solidify. Suitable for dairy-based products. Becomes increasingly firm as calcium is added until it reaches saturation point, at which time it begins to reverse in process and soften.
5.1.2. HM (high Methoxyl) Pectin = Comes as Rapid Set or Slow Set; extracted from citrus fruit peels. Rapid-Set for products that require suspension; Slow-Set for recipes that require a smooth texture with no suspension (such as a jelly)
5.1.3. NH (Thermal Reversible) Pectin = Modified LMP; Requires sugar and acidity to gel (and less calcium), and can be melted, set and remelted – requires heat to activate properly. ‘NH’ because of the Ammonia Hydroxide treatment it receives to modify (NH3(aq))
5.1.4. Apple Pectin = Derived from apples. Usually sold as a powder, can be used as a gelling and thickening agent, as well as a stabilizer. Is high in healthy carbs, dietary fiber, sodium, manganese, copper, and zinc – which is why it is a common ingredient in health supplements and pharmaceuticals. Additionally used in laxatives for natural purgative qualities.
5.2. Agar = Is a polysaccharide extracted from either of two varieties of red algae (ogonori and tengusa); has gelling/setting properties that behave remarkably like animal protein. Less agar is required than gelatin, and agar has the benefit of holding shape at room temperature. Cannot be used to stabilize aerated products, and does not whip well.
5.3. Carrageenan = a family of sulphated polysaccharides, name comes from variety of red seaweed found off the Irish Coast termed “Irish Moss”. Typically used in conjunction with meat and dairy products, for which they work particularly well, in large-scale production for stabilization, thickening gelling and texturing.
5.4. Guar and Locust Bean Gum
5.4.1. Guar Gum = Extracted from the endosperm of Guar Beans (legume); does not self-gel like LBG, but is more soluble. Requires high temperatures, high ph and longer times to cause gelling. Low-cost alternative to many other agents and starches, and is 8 times more effective than cornstarch. Used commercially, and stays stable when frozen/thawed.
5.4.2. Locust Bean Gum = Extracted from endosperm of bean on Carob Tree. Dispersible in hot and cold liquid, and converts to gel with addition of minimal amount of sodium borate. Is naturally sweet and is typically used to sweeten foods and as a replacement for chocolate.
5.5. Gum Arabic = Acacia/Senegal/Indian/Sudani Gum = Harvested from Sap of two Acacia Tree Species. Primarily used as a stabilizer (such as in sodas and cosmetics).
5.6. Gum Tragacanth = derived from several species of legumes in the genus Astragalus (Tragacanth, lit. “Goat + Thorn”, which is common name). Largely produced/exported from Iran. Is viscous, odorless, and tasteless water-soluble sap. Traditional binder for pigments in artist’s pastels, and main gum used in fabricated Gumpaste.
5.7. Xanthan Gum = derived from a species of bacteria, Xanthomonas Campestris (same bacteria which causes a variety of plant diseases, such as black rot in brassicas and bacterial wilt in turf grass). Produced via fermentation of glucose and sucrose. Is used to stabilize emulsions (is not an emulsifier in itself). Also helps suspend solid particles in liquids. Commonly used as a thickener in egg white substitutes and to build matrix in gluten-free products where there is no gluten-development.
5.7.1. Shear Thinning/Pseudo-Plasticity: Non-Newtonian behavior of fluids who’s viscosity decreases under ‘shear strain’. Examples Ketchup and Salad Dressing.
5.8. Methylcellulose = “Modified Vegetable Gum” an emulsifier and bulk-forming laxative. Unique property of Setting when Hot and Melting when Cold – commonly used in ice creams for this reason.
6. Starches = Starch molecules are polysaccharides that are arranged in one of 2 ways: either as long, straight chains or as short, but highly branched chains.
6.1. Amylose = long, straight chain starches
6.1.1.  Clouds when cooled
6.1.2.   Firm, heavy-bodied gel when cooled
6.1.3.   Not freezer stable
6.1.4.   Thicker cold than Hot
6.1.5.  Masks flavors
6.2. Amylopectin = short, branched chain starches
6.2.1.   High Clarity
6.2.2.   Thickens, but does not Gel
6.2.3.   Less Likely to weep over time
6.2.4.  Less likely to weep when thawed (more freezer-stable)
6.2.5.  Same thickness hot or cold
6.2.6.  Less likely to mask flavors
6.3. Cereal Starches = extracted from endosperm of cereal grains
6.3.1. Cornstarch
6.3.2. Rice Starch
6.3.3. Wheat Starch
6.3.4. Waxy Maize
6.4. Root Starches = Extracted from roots/tuber plants
6.4.1. Potato Starch
6.4.2. Tapioca Starch
6.5. Modified Food Starches = Starches treated with one or more chemicals to possess more desirable properties or results. (i.e. increased stability with excessive heat/acid, texture, speed of setting)
6.5.1. Corn
6.5.2. Potato
6.5.3. Arrowroot
6.5.4. Tapioca
6.5.5. Waxy Maize (clear and clearer tasting)
6.5.6. Instant Starches = pregelatinized or cold-water swelling (jello cold pudding mix).
6.6. Refer back to previous chapters about gelatinization of starches
6.7. Refer to chart 12.5, pg. 337 for a comparison of properties
Homework: 1-30, Ch. 12
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scorching-passion · 1 year
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@strifesoldier "Hey, I found this little... bike..." In his hands is a miniature motorcycle, probably a toy for children. "Do you... want it? I don't even think there's kids around here who like bikes as much as you do, so..." Unprompted Asks - ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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Border patrol was truly a bane of Roche's meagre existence. So very droll and mind-numbing to a fault, there was a lot to be desired when manning the gates leading into the undercities.
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Today just happened to be one of those days, where the mind doth wander and he could possibly care far less who passed through and who didn't; criminal, vagabond, stowaway or otherwise, today it was none of the blond's business as he simply stands there astride the border between the plate and its dingy underbelly.
That was until a familiar voice would capture the SOLDIER's immediate attention, his head turning - albeit somewhat sluggishly - to focus on one fellow swordsman and the tiny trinket in his hands.
Strange how each encounter with one Cloud Strife had ended with one of them (or both) retreating with their tail between their legs, and yet here he was - this strange little imposter, the twinkle in this Third Class' eye - offering gifts.
And what a sweet little thing it was too; a little tarnished, paint on the main body work worn away over the time it had been lost or discarded. The toy would bring back a fair few memories of the first motorbike Roche had ever owned - a derelict machine salvaged from the scrap surrounding Sector 5; dearest Bessie.
With a soft hum would Roche pluck the object from Strife's leather clad palm, rolling the thing around in his own for a moment or two. He had no use for it, but there was a sentiment he wished to believe in with this odd little gesture from a one time rival.
"And for what do I owe the pleasure, my friend?! For which I am aware soldier's of fortune such as yourself do not offer such pleasantries without cost!" he would boom then, arms thrown out, as if to embrace this man, the faintest wisp of a deranged grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. Though he was swift to settle with a hard slap against the other blond's shoulder instead.
"Such a heartfelt gift in the shadows of uncertainty cannot go unpaid, hm~?!"
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