#will post a pic from it with the answer
woodelf68 · 1 year
(We obviously had to copy a line of text for each letter, like "A for angel so bright" and then draw a picture beneath -- but the pages are actually sewn into a fabric-covered cardboard cover, which is kind of nice? Like I thought I was going to see a staple binding but no. Actually stitched together. I wonder if the teacher made those for their entire class? Respect if so. My only question is why they used a fabric with a flower print on it for xmas books? Maybe these were made for some non-specific project?)
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sergle · 8 months
ironically i love thrifting but ive never thought about using ebay, do you have any tips or keywords you use on it to find deals and shifty stuff/wording to look out for?
honestly I don't find ebay to be shifty for buying stuff! people are scared about using it sometimes and I think it's a little funny lol I guess the tip would be that if you search for an item with vague enough terms, you'll get some SHEIN-esque mass produced clothes muddying the results. and you know it when you see it, because those listings look like shit btw. this type of thing:
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like, these are real listings and everything, and you'd get the product, but they are obviously not what you're looking for. you can ignore these, but if you want to filter them out, you can just narrow the search to SPECIFICALLY pre-owned items.
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There isn't really any wording to look out for-- the only other thing would just be to make sure the stuff you get can be returned, bc sellers can specify whether or not they'll take the items back!
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
Hey, what's your fave Gabe fanart you've encountered?
Also I am very sorry about your inbox and the incident with the gnome piss anon
- kneeboiler anon
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navree · 4 days
The Velaryons siding with Team Black gets even more ridiculous when you consider that Daemon threw a tantrum (shocker) around the time of the Great Council of 101 AC when Rhaenys was even considered as a candidate opposing Viserys. This fool allegedly gathered together enough resources in preparation to rebel against the crown if it looked like Rhaenys would be selected as heir apparent instead of heir presumptive. Why she would ever forget something like that and allow Laena anywhere near Daemon is beyond my understanding.
None of the Velaryons should be on Team Black at all.
Corlys doesn't particularly like Viserys at all and has been routinely disrespected by him, not just in the matter of being purposefully led on with regards to the Laena marriage but even in how he's treated in Council. He's also absolutely got a grudge about Rhaenys not being on the throne and feeling shafted as a result, not to mention Daemon summarily executed a member of his family without trial, and the disrespect shown to his House should be enough to at least want him to remain neutral.
Rhaenys absolutely doesn't like Rhaenyra, she was deeply antagonistic towards her the second she was proclaimed heir (out of jealousy I guess????) and was also convinced that it wouldn't work out. Not to mention, even beyond how she was treated with the Great Council, look at her kids. Daemon kept Laena away from her family for a good number of years and then she died, only to behave like an ass at her funeral and get married well before was considered appropriate. Rhaenyra "disrespected" Laenor with the Harwin Strong affair and their children, which we know Rhaenys was aware of because she brings it up to Corlys. And she thinks Rhaenyra killed Laenor to marry Daemon, because Rhaenyra has deliberately made it look like she had Laenor murdered, which alone gives her every right to hate Rhaenyra until the end of time. There's no way she would agree to betrothing her granddaughters to the Strongs, there's no way she'd go to Rhaenyra's side in the civil war she predicted just because Rhaenyra hadn't burned Dragonstone down in twelve hours, honestly the character they've written likely should have agreed to Alicent's proposals because that whole "we don't rule ourselves but heavily influence those that do and wield power that way" is literally what she already does with Corlys.
Baela, again, shouldn't be on board with Team Black either. Like I said, she was shunted off to Driftmark because Daemon the Targaryen supremacist wanted to devote all his time and energy to his pureblood Targaryen marriage and subsequent pureblood Targaryen children at the expense of his daughters. And while on Driftmark, she watches Rhaenys rule it alone, act as Lord of the Tides herself. And I'm meant to think she never once thought about how Driftmark should have been Laena's by rights, as Corlys's eldest, and thus her's by rights, as Laena's eldest? She's fine being a consort, a position with considerably less power, to Jace, who she does not know at all because she's spent all her time in either Pentos or Driftmark, while her inheritance, her rights, get passed not even to her little sister, but to some kid who isn't even Laenor's? No, why should she be on board with that after her treatment and how she's been raised? Even if she doesn't have any issues with Rhaenyra herself, the disrespect shown to her and her family by Rhaenyra's faction isn't something she should look past.
Rhaena meanwhile has been treated apparently like shit by Daemon her entire life, all because she didn't have a dragon (and because Daemon is a giant flaming asshole). And like her sister, she has to settle for being a consort, but even worse, to someone who, according to the laws of their country, has absolutely no right to the inheritance he's getting, which should be either her sister's or her's. Again, even if there's no issue with Rhaenyra on Rhaena's end, the treatment from Rhaenyra's allies like Viserys and Daemon is bad enough that it should give her pause. Plus, both Rhaena and Baela were dragged to watch their father get immediately remarried to someone else after their mother just died, that doesn't engender much love towards him or his new wife, who they had only met like two days ago.
None of the Velaryons should support Team Black at all, because the treatment they've received from people who were firmly on board with Rhaenyra's succession (or at least came on board eventually) has been atrocious since Rhaenys was first denied the Iron Throne all those years ago. And you might say "but that's petty why can't they just supported Rhaenyra because of feminism", but 1) feminism does not exist in Westeros, the concept of a movement towards female empowerement and equal treatment does not exist in this country or in the minds of its people, everything is on a case by case basis which is why Rhaenyra herself keeps to male dominated primogeniture when dealing with issues of succession 2) yeah it's petty and selfish, but this is a dynastic struggle between one (1) family. None of them are in this for altruistic reasons, everyone's looking out for themselves and are motivated by their emotions and their desires, not any lofty goals or ambitions. Everyone is selfish here, the Velaryons have the right to be selfish too especially to advance their own self interests.
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
nightingalecottage replied to your post "Then:…”
It’s the sequence of the events for me. GT made an inappropriate post about her kid’s bday as an excuse to brag about her sex life. The next day MS goes unleashed on xitter, with 4 posts revolving around DT, starting with liking that beautiful half naked aziracrow art and then the “i set david on fire fairly regularly” tweet. He doesn’t feel the need to brag, but he isn’t subtle. People can read this however they like, but…
The astonishing thing is that Michael's streak on Twitter (I'm sorry, I can't call it X or Xitter, it's too ridiculous) has continued today. He replied to an Aziraphale/Crowley fanart this evening, and he also responded to this:
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And there were a lot of things happening this weekend (as we saw in this post from @invisibleicewands), so the fact that he again chose to focus on David seems very telling.
This all becomes even more intriguing when you realize that he was in London this weekend, so very possibly could have been in attendance at Birdie's birthday party, which also adds some interesting potential implications to Georgia's Insta post/Michael's "I set David on fire regularly." And if he is set to remain in London for the next month or so rehearsing to play Aneurin Bevan on the West End, then regularly seems like it could take on a whole other, more literal meaning.
What you said really sums it up, though: That unlike Georgia, Michael doesn't feel the need to brag, but he's definitely not subtle about things, either. So taking all of this together--the events of the past few days, knowing Michael is London, and the probability of him seeing David--it definitely does make it difficult to not see all of this as euphemisms/coded expressions for whatever is actually going on. I guess we'll just have to see if Michael keeps tweeting/replying to tweets about David. I'm betting he does...
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goldenpinof · 6 months
oh.. oh 😭 so that photo is from that week. when they watched wall-e and cried. and phil properly fell in lo-🚨🚨🚨
I'm fine
*nervous laughter*
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mastersoftheair · 3 months
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and more behind the scenes pics (from natasha vincent's instagram)
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reallyghostlypost · 4 months
How many farmers here would post their progress on the internet?
And how many would post the really weird stuff they encounter on it? Like livestreaming a trip to the mines or something.
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itskeej · 2 months
idk make another collage and maybe someone else will show up dont look at me im just the messanger
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SIGHS....... ok a little more context on the collage, the initial intention of it was to track over time the people i've been into. it's been making me depressed /nsrs
some notes:
do not ask about the homestuck or hetalia, i dont want to talk about it either- ..... if my friend sees this and goes "HEY WHERE'S CRONUS AMPORA" HE'S NOT REAL SHUT UP I DONT WANNA SEE HIM (aka i dont wanna admit that-)
yes it seems like i have this thing for men with slicked back blonde hair and (usually) sunglasses, no i dont know why either, now leave me alone- /lh
yes i like greaser-vibes shut up leave me alone x2 /lh
i dont always think about everyone 24/7 and i kinda think it depends on the media im ingesting? you can gauge how normal i am about a person depending on what games im playing/if you ask me about them.
^ smoke ascends this. apparently. and also wesker. and heisenberg. no i dont know why. leave me alone now please- /lh
the collage is subject to change
sorry steve harrington you'll return when i watch stranger things again
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as you can also see i am very picky on my women
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i find it harder for me to find fictional women to get into surprisingly??? IDK WHY IT'S LIKE. MAYBE MY STANDARDS ARE HIGHER??? maybe i cant find media that i both enjoy deeply and contain someone i can get behind?? i have no idea.
there are some mfs that my friends are trying to see through careful science (aka exposing me to content and spamming me with pics) to see if i'll simp. no im not telling you who they are on my own.
now pretend you never saw this- /lh
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akkivee · 14 days
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btw lol i finally finished my rhyme anima gummies and here were my pulls lol
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izpira-se-zlato · 4 months
your Stožice Photo Dump photos have pictures from so many different angles and distances from the stage, did you move around so much somehow? 🤔
ahaha I wish -- I switched places with a friend after the shoving got too bad, but mostly the stage was just a pretty fun layout! We were on the left side of the cat walk if you looked at the stage (so "Kris's side"), and they came up the cat walk bit quite a lot, which enabled me to get different angles of them.
Since this got long -- and turned into something of another pic spam -- more under the cut :D
Here you can see the catwalk pretty well:
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It was a really cool layout, imo, bc it made for quite a lot of "front row", and granted, I wasn't actually barrier, but second row (behind the person streaming for JO Subs, actually! So my view was really close to what "viewers at home" got).
... Still close enough to get caught in the Omamljeno Telo Shower 😂😂
And then, of course, I thought the crowd was pretty stunning, too, so this is me having turned around and photographed the crows "in front of" the cat walk ... tip. Or whatever it's called
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Not included in the photodump (I think): the large LED screens they had so people further in the back could also see things. That was very helpful when Bojan lay down for Padam, because I'd suddenly lost track of him and the LED screens meant I could find him (and then zoom in on him, which is how I got the pic of him on the floor)
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This is said view during Padam -- probably looks familiar from the first pic I posted, because Bojan lay down right where the catwalk grew out of the main stage (and from the pixellation, you can tell that I had to zoom to catch him bc he was kinda small from where we were standing)
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But they were really great about moving around, and so they all kind of stopped in front of where we were standing? In the Bojan pic, you can see the camera mounted at the "tip" of the cat walk, and in the Kris with Jan and Nace (respectively) pics underneath, I was facing straight ahead. (The lying water bottle/cups are the same in all three pics)
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And, as I said -- I was right behind JO Subs, which you can see in this pic :D (I'd say "you have to trust me it's indeed JO subs", but you can probably cross-reference this with the stream, I think it's floating around somewhere)
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And finally, here's them on the "main stage" during Carpe Diem -- which probably shows why I only took very, very few pics of them on the main stage. They were just too tiny from our spot. But they did come to the front of the cat walk there, too, so I did get to see them up close once more.
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And finally -- my friend was sitting in the bleachers, so I can even pinpoint exactly where I was standing (even though you should probably be able to triangulate my position from all the pics). I marked my position in blue in their pic (this pic actually is not by me)
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God, Stožice was a blast -- if you made it to here, thank you so much for indulging with me in this trip down memory lane 😊
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sergle · 11 months
sergle i thought you didn't like ppl objectifying you :/
god okay this gave me whiplash. make sure you remember how to read before proceeding. sound words out for a friend or family member if you need to. People Being Thirsty in my general direction is different from people like. seeing me only as JO material. I Don't Like people thinking they're smooth as hell trying to dm me what they assume women want to hear. Describing some cringe ass shit. I Do Like a compliment. I even like a compliment that is clearly thirsty. I don't think "I've jacked off to you" is a compliment. not from yall anyway. super controversial, I know. a fat fetish blog following me and reblogging my selfies Is objectification. someone being vaguely horny can be good, or bad, or funny and I show it to ppl on discord and laugh- depends on the specifics. Most of the people following me are too uwu to even get close to the line. they've backed so far away from the line out of fear that they tripped over something while they were backing up and it was embarrassing for them. People trying to push me into sex work specifically while I'm fundraising, because they know I'm more vulnerable at that time and they want to take advantage of me needing money, is definitely sexual harassment, that's definitely me being objectified. the ask I just got, though, was not that. 😭 just telling me that some girls think I'm hot? that is tepid as hell. thinking someone is attractive isn't objectifying them. all attraction is not objectification. please. work with me here
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en-chi-la-da · 2 years
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anon, i like how you said “consider a positive to the last ask” and then still stuck with the night terrors idea lmao. anyways here’s these gay doodles
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hugheses · 2 months
do u know what kind of car jack has? ik luke has a bmw and quinn an audi, but i’ve never seen what kind jack has
a grey range rover!
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seijorhi · 3 months
happiest birthday dear rhi!!!
wishing you a year of more travel, yummy food, more baking!! and ofc. filthy, filthy stuff with all your faves 😏
(and omg tattoo reveal in a week? 😳)
Thank you bby!! ilysm!! <33
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royalarmyofoz · 6 months
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Ana Gasteyer 12.09.23 Evanston SPACE (images 1-8 early show, images 9-12 late show)
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