#william ironhead miller x F!Reader
musings-of-a-rose · 4 months
Weighted Blanket
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Pairing: Will Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 860+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Chatting about what a great weighted blanket this man would make and so I dedicate this to @laurfilijames. This was not beta read.
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**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Will Miller Masterlist
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Today had been the day from hell. You knew it would be, especially since you’d been out for several days being sick. Morning meetings ran long, everyone scrambling to prepare to open, and then the patients? Don’t even get me started. 
When I finally get into my car at the end of the day, I turn on the ac and rest my head against the headrest taking several deep breaths, just listening to the vents pumping cool air into my hot car. I just have to make it home. A shower is waiting for me and Will should be home today.
My amazing boyfriend of a year and a half. Will had to go away for work for a few days and was finally coming home. I know a few days isn’t that long but it killed him to leave me when I was sick. And to be honest, I hated not having him there, sick or not. 
His truck is in the parking lot when I pull in and I smile knowing he’s upstairs. I hurry to our apartment and push my key in the lock, quickly shedding my shoes and tossing my bag down on the little side table before heading towards the kitchen, where sounds and a delicious, heavenly smell were emanating from. I lean against the door frame, just taking in the sight of him. Will, standing at the stove with his back to me, casually making my favorite food, his hair still wet from a shower, navy blue shirt stretched thin over his broad back and thick arms, grey sweatpants hung low on his hips. He clicks off the burner and divvy’s the food onto 2 plates before turning, his face lighting up when he sees me.
“Hey, sweetheart. How was work?” When I don’t answer right away, he let’s out a low whistle. “That bad, huh?”
I nod, pushing off the door frame. “Nothing I didn’t anticipate. Still sucked though.”
“You hungry?”
“Starving. But first I need to shower. I feel so gross.”
Will sets the plates down and takes a few large steps towards me. He moves for a hug and damn do I want one, but I’m gross. People actually spit up on me today. So I sigh, stepping back and Will puts his hands up, freezing in place. 
“Must have been really bad.”
“You don’t even want to know.”
He winks and blows a kiss at me, turning back to finish up dinner. The shower was glorious, the hot water and bubbles relaxing me somewhat, and washing away all of the gross from my skin and hair. I don’t linger, my stomach grumbling as I pull on some pajamas and head straight for the kitchen table, where Will had just set down drinks for us. Before I sit, he pulls me to him, pressing a soft kiss to my lips, his hands cradling my face. 
“I missed you, sweetheart.”
“I really missed you too, Will.” He starts to deepen the kiss, but is interrupted by the loudest grumble yet from my traitor of a stomach. He laughs, placing a hand on my tummy. 
“Let’s get some food in you.”
Dinner was delicious, as usual when Will cooks. It’s not just that he follows the recipe to a t, but he has his own personal flair to it. Will’s cooking can make any sour mood turn sweet. Or maybe that’s just me. 
After our bellies are full, we sit on the couch and I curl my body against his, feeling his large arm wrap around me, the warmth from him seeping into my bones. He kisses the top of my head and rests his own there, both of us content to just be with the other. But my day was hard and before long, I feel my eyelids drooping. Will must have noticed because I swear I blinked and somehow ended up in bed, Will pulling the blankets up around me before crawling in next to me. He tries to pull me to him, but it’s not what I need. He crooks his finger under my chin, lifting my head to look at him through sleepy eyes. 
“Do you need Will blanket?” I nod, my eyes barely open. 
Will helps me lay down on my back, making sure my pillow is adjusted before he drapes half his body over mine, linking one of his muscular legs with mine as he tucks himself over me. His arm drapes over my body, rubbing small circles into my opposite arm. I turn my head and realize my nose is in the perfect spot to nuzzle into his hair, so I do it, inhaling the scent of him. The weight of him on me settles my nerves, the last bit of overstimulation and wired emotions leeching from my body the longer I feel his breathing, his body pressing into mine. 
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
It’s so tender and loving, full of care and I think about how much I love this man as he gently lulls me to sleep.
In the morning, he has different plans for me and I’m so glad I got the rest I needed.
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
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pimosworld · 6 months
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Santa’s a home wrecker
Pairing-Triple Frontier boys x f!reader
Summary- A little kiss leads to a Christmas morning misunderstanding.
CW-18+, Fluff, so much fluff, Kissing Santa, Pregnancy hormones, tf boys being great parents, polyamorous relationship, navigating a mixed family.
A/N- Set in the story of us universe but obviously in the future. We jumped way ahead here folks but I hope you love this fluffy snippet into their future lives.
Not beta read
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
It’s a little easier now since they let you sleep on the end, but it’s still a chore to roll out of bed with your heavily pregnant belly in tow. You sit on the edge for a moment trying to soothe yourself as the kicks come in quick succession. 
  You try as quietly as you can to make your way out of the bedroom, stealing a glance at Ben’s large form sprawled across Frankie in the most uncomfortable way. 
  You're wrapped up in your fluffy red robe, an early Christmas gift from the boys that you’ve been living in for the last month or so while you grow out of everything else you own. 
  The house is quiet and warm as you shuffle down the hallway and smells like cinnamon apples from the pies you made for Christmas Day. 
  A peek into the spare bedroom shows you a glimpse into most of your nights when it's Santiago’s turn to put the kids down for bed. 
  He’s snoring in the chair that sits between Camila and little Santiago’s beds. Both children slumbering away as they dream about the most exciting day of the year. 
  Some rustling is coming from the living room and you round the corner to a site that will never cease to make you smile. The boys take turns being Santa every year and they never do anything halfway. Your arms are crossed as you lean against the wall staring at the rich, dark red velvet material bent over in front of the tree. Deliberately placing gifts from the giant red bag in various spots. 
  You let out a low whistle as you make your way towards the bearded man. “Santa has a nice ass.” 
  He chuckles and stands gesturing with his arms for you to come to him. It’s a bit of a struggle now to be held but he still makes you feel all warm and fuzzy as you sway in the living room in front of the lowlights of the tree. You humm as he rubs your belly, somehow the kicking stops as if the baby taking up home inside knows whose hands are caressing you. 
  “How’s mama doing?” He asks as he kisses your neck, the fluff from his beard tickling you slightly. 
  “I’m tired…someone keeps kicking me.” You sigh into his touch as he drops to his knees, his fingers kneading that spot in your back that he knows pains you throughout the day. 
  “Hey little guy.” He speaks so softly in some adorable voice he’s made up. 
  “He’s a big guy, Will…a very big guy.” You know well enough having been told ad nauseum Miller babies are big.
  “Hey big guy…I need you to give your momma a rest so she can enjoy tomorrow okay?” He holds his ear to your belly and nods. When he looks up at you all you can make out is those piercing blue eyes nestled between the red hat and white beard. “He said okay.” 
  A small tear escapes as he kisses your belly and stands again. You can’t even blame it on the hormones. 
  “Go lay down, I’ll bring you some tea when I finish here.” One last kiss to your lips and he’s shooing you away so he can complete his Santa duties and enjoy his peanut butter cookies special request. 
  Frankie stacks the pancakes high on the plate next to the stove, as he moves on to the eggs and bacon. 
  Ben hasn’t said a word just eyeing the food as you enjoy your morning tea, surprised the kids haven’t graced you with their presence yet. 
  Santi’s creaking bones enter the kitchen before he’s seen as he cracks his back in the hallway. Frankie laughs from the stove as he flips the bacon perfectly somehow never burning it. 
  “Laugh it up hermano.” He leans down and kisses your forehead before heading over to the fresh coffee pot. 
  “I’m not the one that keeps falling asleep in the chair.” 
  You hear the sound of hurried footsteps down the hallway as Camila quickly emerges into the kitchen beaming from ear to ear. She barrels into Frankie hugging him from behind as he reaches around and ruffles her long black curls. “Buenos Días papá.” 
  “Buenos Días mi amor.” 
  Frankie kisses her forehead and she makes her way over to you and Santi to say her good mornings and receive hugs and kisses. 
  She climbs into Ben’s lap forgoing an open seat as she waits for breakfast to finish. The way the two of them could eat you were worried about welcoming another Miller into the household for lack of food resources. 
  “Good Morning daddy.” She wraps her little arms around him and it’s a feeling he’ll never get used to. 
  “Good morning honey.” She stole your nickname early on when she could look so sweet at them and instantly get her way. 
  There was a rule from the beginning that there would be no distinction unless medically necessary between the fathers. They were all fathers and that’s all that mattered. 
  “Sweetie, where's Santiago?” She looks slightly uncomfortable as she leans in and whispers something in Ben’s ear. 
  “He’s not coming?” Ben looks over to you as Santi looks to Frankie now done cooking breakfast. 
  She leans in again whispering something as Ben’s eyes widen. He has to bite his cheek to keep from laughing at the situation that he knows will need to be handled swiftly. 
  “He doesn’t want to open presents from a home wrecker.” 
  You’re grateful you hadn’t taken a sip of your tea or it would’ve been all over your new robe. 
  Frankie flicks off the stove and heads over to the table. “How do you even know that word, young lady?”  
  Ben leans in whispering something in her ear and she relaxes slightly. 
  “Well…ugh.” She’s in the hot seat by way of Santi much like her father often does to other people. You lay your hand on hers and wince slightly cursing this baby for picking the most opportune moments to make himself known. 
  “Camila it’s okay, you can tell me…you’re not in trouble.” 
  “Tia Marí said Tio John kissed a homewrecker and that’s why they’re not together anymore.” It comes out all rushed and flustered and you're trying not to giggle at her panicked confession. 
  Frankie points at Santi while he still looks on confused. “Your sister is off babysitting duty for a while.”
  Santi scrubs his hand down his face. “I'm still not following.” 
  Ben places his hands over her ears so she can’t hear. “Will was Santa last night.” He grits out as she giggles.
Santiago must have woken up and seen you kissing “Santa”.
  “Daddy I can’t hear anything.” He starts tickling her as she squeals in delight. 
  “Good because if you did, you wouldn’t get any presents.” They continue their giggles as you let out a long sigh. 
  “We’re gonna eat breakfast while you two go handle that.” Frankie starts serving up plates as Ben and Camila clap in excitement. 
  Santiago is face down in the blankets when you enter his room. He was a deep sleeper so it was pretty obvious when he was pretending. His little breaths are coming in shallow like he just ran here and plopped himself down. 
  You have a seat on the edge as Santi sits in the chair beside him. 
  Santi rubs his back hoping to calm him a little before he speaks. “Hey bud, you want to tell me what’s wrong?” 
  Inaudible mumbles come from the pillow and you bite down on your tongue at the mirror image. Payback for all the time Santi made someone chase him for a simple misunderstanding coming back ten fold. 
  “I didn’t hear you mijo, que pasó.” He slowly rolls him over as Santiago rubs his red eyes. 
  “I…don’t want…I don’t want.” He’s sniffling and Santi tries to calm him so he can catch his breath. 
  “Deep breaths bud.” 
  He shakily inhales and wipes his little hands on the blanket. “I don’t want Santa to break up our home.” 
  You could kill Maria for almost ruining Christmas morning, but you know one day you’ll get to tell this hilarious story to your children when they’re all grown up. You let Santiago take the reins even though you did kiss Santa. This was not your mess to clean up. 
  “Santiago, no one is breaking up our home. I love your mama very much.” Santiago crawls over to you as you wrap him up in your arms, kissing his unruly brown locks. 
  “You promise?” Your heart breaks a little as those little puppy dog eyes look up at you. 
  “Yes we promise.” He exhales as he relaxes in your arms and you look up at Santi incredulously. 
  “Santa is my friend…he’s allowed to kiss your mama.” Santiago looks up at his dad with pure shock written all over his face. 
  “WHAT!” He balks at him as you burst into a fit of laughter. 
  “HO, HO,HO…” The boisterous sound echoes down the hallway from the living room. 
  Santiago scrambles off your lap as you fall back with an oomph. Your belly won’t allow anymore movements like that so you succumb to the comfort of his tiny car bed, as his father chases after him. 
  Camila is standing in front of the tree as Santa hands her the first gift. 
  “Well hello little boy, would you like a gift from Santa?” 
  He runs up to him with his hands on his hips as he pokes him in the surprisingly hard belly. “Next time just drop off the gifts and go.” 
  Will looks up confused by his son's words as Frankie and Benny are losing it in the kitchen. 
  Santi stands there in the same stance. 
  “Don’t worry I’ll explain later.” 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
Tags- @breesusbaby @luciferiorbxtch @missdictatorme @alwaysdjarin @meveispunk @casa-boiardi @evyiione @littlenosoul @the-fox-den @saturn-rings-writes @romanarose @wandasbitch22@spngingerbread21 @spookyxsam @summer-may @imonmykneessir @avastrasposts @fishingforpike @laaundromat @tanzthompson @living-in-a-daydream-24 @savvysav27 @csarab615 @scarletthefierce @paleidiot @comfortlessjoy @trinkets01 @awkwardalie @missladym1981 @soft-persephone @itspdameronthings @ghostslillady
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rayslittlekitten · 1 year
Tender, Love and Care
“Dad Will” Masterlist
A/N: Hey y'all! I know it's been a hot minute. My inspiration for writing hasn't been really there and I miss writing. I have been writing though but nothing complete. Just ideas and stuff. This short one though is inspired by me recently breaking my leg (10/10 do not recommend).
Rating: G
Word Count: 436
Pairings: Dad!Will "Ironhead" Miller x Wife F!Reader; Dad!Will & Daughter OC (Lucy); Daughter OC (Lucy) & Wife F! Reader
Plot: Lucy wants to take care of you while you're down.
Contains: silliness, bantering, sweet moments
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“Nooo!! I wanna sthtay with mommy!” Lucy reaches out for you as Will tries to pull her away to bring her back to her room to tuck her in.
“Mommy’sth sthick.”
Will sighs as she slips away from his grip and scrambles back over to you where you're lying back on your queen-sized bed with a casted foot propped up on a stack of pillows.
“Baby, we talked about this. While mommy’s leg is still sick, you can’t sleep here with us,” you remind her.
“But I want to help,” she responds, slipping back into a cuddling position under your arm.
“I know, baby but I’ll be fine. You can help take care of me tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” She finally nods.
“Good night, Lucy.” You spread your arms wide and she crawls over to give you a big hug and kiss on your cheek. "I love you."
“Good night, mommy. I love you, too.”
“Come on, off to bed you go,” Will tells Lucy.
She scoots down the bed and places a gentle peck on your injured leg.
"MWAH! All better?" she asks you.
"Yes, it feels so much better. Thank you," you smile at her.
Lucy then shimmies over to Will and he scoops her up to put her to bed.
When Will returns, he has a stuffed bunny in tow. You look at him curiously.
"Lucy said she wanted you to have Mr. Floppy to keep you company," Will explains.
"He's one of her favorites," you exclaim.
"Yeah," he nods in agreement and hands you the stuffie as he slides into bed beside you.
"Aww, that's so sweet of her." You take Mr. Floppy from him and admire it.
"She also said she wanted to read you a bedtime story, but I told her she can do it tomorrow," he adds.
"How did we raise such an adorable kid?" you ask rhetorically.
"I don't know. I know I'm her favorite parent, but she cares a lot about you too," Will jokes.
You roll your eyes and playfully hit him in the face with Mr. Floppy. Will laughs as you settle into bed.
"Hey, she's never offered a favorite toy to me before for comfort. You got one up on that," he comments while helping you tuck in.
"I don't know. I think you're her favorite toy," you chuckle. "She has you wrapped around her little finger so tightly, you probably don't even know when you're being played with."
"I'm happy to be her finger puppet," he says as he reaches over to help you shut your bedside lamp off and kisses you good night.
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madhattervanessa · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - #5
Kinks: Drunk Sex, Infidelity
Words: 1084
Pairing: Will “Ironhead” Miller x F!Reader
Look, I have never before written for this man and that’s half the fun but- damn. Also don’t mind me being late in my own schedule, that’s what I made this relaxed schedule for bc uni is kicking my ass.
Love y’all!
Kinktober 2022
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"Will, your girlfriend is literally over there, stop throwing your charms at me. You're drunk. Besides, I'm not looking to get killed by her girl gang."
She’s not his girlfriend. You know that. But you can’t help yourself, you like to fight when you’re drunk.
"Tipsy. I'm just tipsy. I haven't seen you in, what, 2 years?"
You turn to glare at him and of course this close, he is even more handsome. He is still the golden Miller's boy, the charmer of your school and glory child of too many prom king election wins.
But he is also Ironhead and you can see it in his broad shoulders, the stiff military posture that barely slips even when he is drunk and crooning against you; the scruffy beard and beer stench from his mouth don't fool you. The few special ops runs you had done together had been on the forefront of your mind for years.
He grins and you roll your eyes at him, trying and failing to fight off the warm memory of what else had happened half the times you had been alone, amped up by too much adrenaline and bloodlust.
"You're looking real pretty."
"I have a fiancé." You hold up the simplistic ring for his view and nod towards the bartender, motioning him for another drink.
"I know." He leans back against the bar, spreading his arm over in front of you, flexing and showing off so obviously in front of you, you're starting to consider helping his girlfriend beat him up later.
You knock back the last sip of your drink and meet his eyes.
"'S this ranger kid from the national park, yeah?" He takes the hand you had previously shown him and lifts it closer to his face again. His fingers rub over the sleek metal as he intently studies it before that arrogant and smug look slips back towards you.
"How deep is your nose buried in my fucking business, Miller?", you sneer, feeling the alcohol shortcut any thought prior to talking. The tequila and the mojitos are always quick to make your blood boil, quick to act out - Miller knows. And he likes pushing your buttons.
"You know I look out for you."
Your new drink arrives and you shoot Will another look before draining about half of it.
“I do know you, Ironhead. Maybe a little too well.”
“Then why are you sitting all the way over there?”
It's wrong.
It feels very right, though.
Your lips are tingly from the alcohol and salted glass rims and you melt into him, pliant under his touch as he guides you into your own apartment like it's his, too. Your lips meet as soon as the door falls closed.
It's almost instinctual at this point - you know each other's bodies better than any girlfriend or boyfriend could, every movement intimately familiar as you shove yourself into his waiting arms.
He groans against your lips and tugs you closer by your belt loops. You almost stumble over the hiking boots in the hallway before he manages to steer the two of you towards the couch.
His movements are sluggish and you taste whiskey when he dips his tongue into your mouth- it takes you both a second to get more coordinated than just tongues bumping into each other but when you feel his tongue tangling with yours it shoots straight down to your core. He spreads a hand over your jaw and when he ends the kiss, he pushes his thumb into your mouth. You envelop it with your lips and when you open your eyes you catch him watching, staring at your mouth as he slowly pulls his thumb out. He rubs the spit slick digit over your bottom lip and you open your mouth only for him to kiss you again with a grunt.
He falls backwards into the generous cushions and you fall with him, bumping your shin against the leg of the couch and then your arm on his elbow before he manages to pull you on top of him.
He pulls your shirt off before he discards his. You struggle with the hooks of your bra for a moment and he reaches up to tug at it, pushing your own hands away - a moment later you hear a loud rip before your bra falls to the ground.
You can’t even look if he really just destroyed your underwear because he manhandles you down to lay underneath him to pull at your pants next.
“Ironhead- slow down”, you mutter but he already has you naked underneath him. He does back off but only to pull at his belt until he is standing there naked, just like you are.
He is breathing heavily, meeting your eyes from where you’re leaning up on your elbows. Your lips part as you take him in: He had never lost that military, lean build, if anything, he has become more bulky. You feel the want in the back of your throat at the sight of him in front of you.
He moves in on you, pulling you towards him by your ankles over the sectional and you wriggle against his grip but go still as his large hands fan out over your calves, sliding up over your thighs.
He kneels between your legs, his lips pressing open mouthed kisses against your sternum and you squirm as he licks over your salty skin, rubbing his cheek against you. His lips find the swell of your breast and he looks up at you, swallowing you whole with his hungry gaze before licking over your nipple.
You let your head fall backwards, straining to push your chest out towards him more as he pulls you further down, one of his arms slung around your back and shoulder, cradling you as he slides his hard cock into your shamefully slick pussy.
“Fuck- Ironhead-”
He lifts his head from your tits and mock bites at the tendon of your neck before kissing you again.
“Say my name.”
You strain, gritting your teeth as he rolls his hip deeper into you. The next bite to your skin is real and you curse him.
“Will- oh my god, Will, don’t stop.”
You slip your ring back on in the morning, regarding both the sleeping man on your couch and the simplistic metal a sad look despite the morning sun bathing everything in a dreamy, comforting glow.
This could never happen again.
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veritable-trash · 2 years
triple frontier masterlist
*: smut, 18+, minors do not enter i will fight you!
Benny Miller
Golden Boy pt1 pt2*
They've were meant to be best friends forever but like everything they drifted. Can Benny find his way back to you?
Will Miller
Just You pt1 pt2*
She just knew in the back of her mind that if he took her hand, just once, her brain could find peace. Her knees might stop knocking against her desk. Just for a minute.
Frankie Morales
His mind is moving slow but his heart can’t help racing ahead, trying to break through his ribs to run to you. He’d always thought you too perfect for him. Not meant for someone so fractured, gutted and thrown out, but you hadn’t even noticed
Ask Request #1*
“I don’t know how you convinced me to do this.” hehehehehe
Honeyed Summer pt1 pt2*
Frankie's willing to play the long game with you. You aren't strong enough to resist the man of your dreams for long.
Santiago "Pope" Garcia
Orange Daydream
He's your best friend and he'd do just about anything for you, but what if things could finally be something more?
We Could Go All Night*
(Cont of Orange Daydream) Tonight it's you who can't seem to get a wink of sleep but Santi is more than willing to help you out :)))))
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darlingdekarios · 11 months
bending to the honeysuckles.
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rating: explicit. 18+ only. length: 17,216 content: William "Ironhead" Miller x f!reader, reader has a prior drug addiction, drug addiction recovery, drug rehab, mentions of past abuse in a relationship, pining, fluff, Will is a simp, smut [oral, unprotected p in v]
while you insist you don't want a relationship, Will Miller falls for you like it's his destiny to do so. he's willing to meet you where you are while he waits for you to let him love you.
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Life had been hell for Frankie Morales since he’d returned from Colombia. While he was able to keep decent control of himself for the first couple of weeks, the things he’d done caught up to him – they always did. He’d retreated into himself, away from his friends and into the confines of his house, numbing his feelings with whatever he could. At first, it was several beers every day, and when that wasn’t enough it was liquor. When the liquor wasn’t enough, he’d remembered what could truly help him – cocaine – and it had all just sort of spiraled from there. 
Three months after his return home Frankie staggered into his birthday dinner with dilated pupils, a running nose and an air of confidence only to be met with an intervention from Pope, Benny, and Ironhead. The reminder of how pathetically few people cared about him stung initially, but he quickly remembered he deserved even less than that. He found himself in a rehabilitation program then, spending the next 90-days of his life with far-too-nice people trying to help him get his shit together. 
As he expected, Santiago had taken up residence in his spare bedroom in Frankie’s absence, deciding to stick around in the states to ensure his best friend actually recovered this time, found a career for himself, and didn’t lose his house. He’d started attending a group session for recovering cocaine addicts the same week, and that was where he’d met you. 
You were at least a decade younger, quiet until you were directly spoken to, and sarcastic and quick when it was your turn to talk. The message deciphered from your introduction of yourself was that you had just moved to take over your grandfather’s company, you were coming up on six years of sobriety, and you did not like to be around people. His second meeting, a week later and your six months of sobriety, you’d approached him at the end of the meeting to propose being his sponsor. 
The two of you had been friends since. Wednesday nights you met for dinner before you made your way to group together, and Sunday nights you had a quick phone call to check-in with one another. As much as it helped Frankie to have someone outside of the Delta Force to understand his situation – that he trusted to understand him – it helped you just the same. You had moved to the area a month ago and finding people tolerable was difficult. He quickly became your closest friend, and he was more than happy to introduce you to the other people in his life. 
When Will had first suggested coming along to group with Frankie to offer some support, it was a surprise when the older man agreed and mentioned you immediately, almost proud to have someone to introduce to the man he looked up to so much. You’d agreed it was fine to skip dinner that week so Frankie could come along with Will, almost relieved for the extra time alone between work and group. It gave you a chance to shower and change into something a little better than your pink work overalls, ready to meet the first additional person in Frankie’s life. 
Frankie walked in much later than he normally would, and while you would normally jokingly call to him from across the room for cutting it close, you lost whatever wit you’d planned on using when your eyes landed on the gorgeous blonde following behind your friend. When Frankie spotted you he raised a hand to wave, which you returned feebly, eyes a little too focused on the newcomer. 
“We’re cutting it close, I know,” Frankie breathed when he approached you, your senses suddenly returning and forcing you to your feet in politeness. “This is Will. Will, this is my friend I’ve been telling you about.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you were late for your own birth, Frankie,” you greeted him with a quick hug, fixing your eyes on Will with a smile as you mentally swooned under the gaze of his blue eyes. “Nice to meet you, Will.”
William Miller did not get distracted.
When he had a responsibility – a job to complete – Will was laser-focused, in-control, and driven. Whether he was in an active combat zone or giving a speech to a group of veterans trying to rejoin society, he was always able to stay on the task at hand until he’d completed it – until he’d excelled at it. Tonight, his task was to support his friend, his brother, Frankie – and tonight was the first time in months he felt he’d truly failed at his task. 
He couldn’t pull his attention away from you for the next two hours. No matter who was talking, even Frankie, Will found his eyes glancing to you, eager to see your reactions and expressions and your body language. On one particularly long-winded monologue from a woman about how she had just tried cocaine for fun, and it ended up ruining her marriage (she cheated on her husband, that’s what really ruined the marriage), you rolled your eyes in Will’s direction while mouthing:
“Are you having fun yet?” Will nearly laughed at the question but opted to respond with a much more situationally appropriate light smile and subtle thumbs up. Your eyes flashed with mischief as you mouthed again. “Liar.”
He couldn’t get you out of his head after that meeting and found himself asking Frankie if he could go with him again the next week, and again, and soon enough he was a regular supporter of the meeting, showing up early to set up snacks and coffee and keeping track of the sign-in sheet. Each time he found himself falling more and more into whatever trap you’d seemingly laid out just for him, and even though he really didn’t get the chance to talk with you much, his interest was sparked enough to want to get to know you more. It was after the fourth meeting he’d joined that he lingered in the parking lot with you even after Frankie had left. 
That was the night he’d begun to understand the depth of his fascination with you. Sitting in his trunk bed drinking bottles of water Will permanently kept in his backseat he marveled in you as you opened up to him and showed him who you were…at least as much as you were willing to share. As much as he hung on your every word, you did the same for him, unable to look away from his face as he spoke and enamored by the things he told you about himself. 
“I like hanging out in parking lots with you, Will Miller,” you’d complimented, eyes sparkling under the full moon’s light. “You’re good company.”
“Yeah, we should do it again sometime,” came his reply before he could stop it. Reaching to scratch the back of his neck, he opted to continue – there was no going back now. “Maybe the parking lot of a restaurant…after dinner?”
You felt your cheeks burn immediately and, even more embarrassing, the smile that spread across your face like the sun breaking through clouds on a stormy day. All too soon, though, the clouds returned, the melancholy filling your voice. “I’d love to say yes but I…can’t. I’m not looking for anything serious right now with…well, everything. And I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”
While it wasn’t the reason you’d given, on your drive home you had to think about the fact that Will Miller deserved far more than a recovering addict who was just figuring out how to really take care of herself. If you had only seen his thoughts on his own drive, about how long he’d wait until you were ready, you may have turned around and given into him. 
Things settled a bit over the coming weeks. You offered Frankie a job helping you out with jarring the honey and making local deliveries for you, which he’d been happy to accept in the meantime until he could get his license back. It was nice to have him around – he was often the one to remind you to take a moment to hydrate, but he never bothered you while you worked. He even took it upon himself to make some minor repairs to your barn in some of his spare time. Another month had passed faster than you could believe, the time filled with settling into your business and spending time with Frankie and his best friend, Santiago. 
Frankie had offered many times – at least once per week – for you to join them for drinks, or dinner, or at the beach. You’d refused every offer, unwilling to face Will again for fear of your wavering resolve. But this week, a Friday, it was different when Frankie asked you to join them before he headed out in the morning to spend his day making deliveries. The loneliness was finally catching up to you, and you figured some time out with other people would serve you well. Plus, despite the bickering you and Santi often found yourselves in, you knew Frankie surrounded himself with good people, and you could trust spending time with them. You agreed to let him pick you up at 7:30, and he agreed with a nod and a smile. Even if you had a miserable time, at least going would ensure Frankie’s happiness for the night.
By the time Frankie’s shitty truck had pulled into the driveway of the old farmhouse you now found yourself living in, you were moments away from sending a text that said you’d changed your mind, the nerves of your horrible day making you dread an unfamiliar place. As you pulled a jacket on and locked the door behind you a sigh released from your lips before you began to make your way to him. While you were finalizing your mental argument about whether it was too late to cancel you saw Frankie’s face peering out of the driver’s side window, an earnest smile on his lips. He was unrelentingly kind and made the decision you faced easy – there was no way you could cancel on Frankie Morales and sleep at night.
“Hiya, Crankie,” you greeted as you climbed into the front seat, rolling the window down before you’d buckled yourself in. Your use of the nickname you’d bestowed upon Frankie made the man shake his head, a quiet laugh sounding as he began the drive.
“Hi, abejita,” came his usual reply, glancing out of the corner of his eye to take in more of your expression. You’d obviously tried to get in the mood to go out, but the tired expression was one Frankie recognized – you probably just wanted to be alone tonight, and yet you were still seated next to him. “Didn’t sleep well last night?”
Of course he knew – he always did. The two of you had spent the last few months bonding over a similar addiction background, and it was nice to have someone that truly understood you. There were no niceties with you and Frankie, and it was the reason the two of you had become such close friends.
“Oh, you know me, Francisco…’I’ll sleep when I’m dead,’ yada yada yad,” you turned your head toward him, offering a falsely reassuring smile. “What’s your excuse? I swear there’s at least five more greys in your hair.”
“I only counted three this morning,” he matched your taunting, chuckling softly at your joking. 
“Yeah, well, I’ve told you that you need glasses, and this just proves my point,” you joked, rolling your head back the other way to rest it on the cool glass of the window. “I probably shouldn’t even let you drive me around…talk about self-destructive behaviors.” 
He laughed again and the comfortable silence set in, the rest of the drive to he and his friends’ chosen bar passing with light conversation about your days, and both of you agreeing to keep one another to the one drink maximum you’d set. Frankie thanked you for deciding to come with him, and it was a sincere show of appreciation – having someone unbiased and understanding of his situation there to support his recovery was important. And, truthfully – he was helping yours just as much. 
Plus, there was the promise of seeing Will again. While it was annoying, it was also impossible to admit that the mere thought of seeing his pale blue eyes again in the flesh caused your stomach to fill with butterflies. It was ridiculous – you’d meant what you said when he’d asked you out a month ago, you didn’t want to pursue anyone or be pursued right now. That didn’t stop you from thinking about his sparkling blue eyes, or the lines of his smile, or how he’d looked at you like you were the only thing he wanted to look at. You wanted to see him, and could only hope, maybe cruelly, that he wanted to see you as well. 
“What are you over there thinking about, abejita?” Frankie pulled you back to reality with a quiet voice as you pulled into the bar parking lot, glancing over at you briefly. “You didn’t complain about my driving at all.”
You smiled and shook your head, unwilling to admit to Frankie you’d been thinking about one of his best friends – one of his brothers. The question of whether Will had told them about asking you out flashed through your mind, and fortunately Frankie shifting his truck into park gave you a feasible reason to not answer his questioning. “Let’s go do this. And remember, if someone offers you cocaine in the bathroom…just say no.”
Frankie laughed in bewilderment nearly the entire way into the bar, a bright smile still spread across his face when the two of you made your way through the door. The sounds of Metallica from the jukebox confirmed Santiago was there before your eyes even landed on the mess of grey and black atop his head, drifting over to the golden locks of Benny Miller with his girlfriend sat beside him. As you walked toward their table you released a sigh of relief, though at the same time your stomach knotted in disappointment – no Will. 
After your hellos and introduction to Benny’s girlfriend, Frankie excused himself to grab both of you a soda from the bar to start with – it was refreshing to see that this group didn’t even bat an eye at the two of you not ordering alcohol, and you had to mentally commend Frankie for his taste in company. Leaning on the counter height table with an elbow you met Santiago’s lingering gaze. 
“You better not be standing to do what I think you’re going to do,” he warned, his words met with a mischievous smile from you. His arms crossed over his chest, eyes narrowing at your body language. 
“Oh, I’m definitely standing to do what you think I’m going to do,” you taunted, sticking out your leg slightly to block him into the booth. “And you are just going to have to deal with it, Santiago.”
His hand twitched toward the glass of dark liquid in front of him, taking a sip as his eyes stayed on yours. You offered another smile, lazily drumming your fingernails on the table beneath you. Benny’s voice interrupted the stare down, both of you turning to look at him. “I’m sorry, what is happening here?”
“I refuse to subject the people of this bar to Santiago’s Greatest Hits playlist all night. I’m picking the next song,” you replied, offering another smile to the man you were blocking in the booth. Benny was the first laugh you heard, but from behind you another laugh rumbled – and Frankie still hadn’t returned from the bar. 
“Nice to see someone keeping Pope in his place,” the older Miller brother commented from behind you, immediately sending a chill up your spine and a rush of heat to your cheeks. Forgetting to leave your leg planted you turned to greet him with a smile, eyes brighter than they should be for someone who’d turned him down a month earlier. He didn’t care to hide the smile he offered you back. “Sorry I’m late. Got a little hung up at work, hope I didn’t miss anything.”
Your willingness to spar faltered, and all you could manage under his gaze was a nod, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth. He turned to greet Benny, who had stood, with a hug before saying a quick hello to Danielle and offering her a gentle hug. Even Santiago got a quick version of a hug. You tried to ignore the jealousy that twisted your stomach. 
“You were just about to miss the musical showdown of the century,” Benny remarked, planting himself back into the booth with an arm around Dani’s shoulders. “Someone is finally standing up to Santiago’s musical monopoly.”
“Just because you people don’t know how to appreciate the American classics,” Santiago began, ready to fling himself into a grandiose monologue before Benny beat you to the punch, entering an argument with the older man about the definition of “classics”. You took that as your sign to exit to the juke box, unnoticed by Santi, but not unnoticed altogether – William had followed closely behind you. 
“Are you my escort for the evening, Mr. Miller?” you questioned, attempting a playful tone to cover the nerves you felt around him. “I don’t think I’d get lost on the way to show up Santiago. There’s too much at stake.”
Another laugh rumbled in his chest – it was nice to make someone laugh as much as you made him. “The buttons on that old thing stick sometimes, and I wanna make sure you can use it.”
You couldn’t help but smile a little slowing down your steps to join at his side and glancing up at him as you walked. He had to mentally remind himself not to wrap an arm around you, no matter how badly he wanted to. “You know, helping me figure out the machine makes you an accomplice. I wonder how Santiago will feel about your mutiny.”
“Probably about the same way he feels about most things.”
“Forlorn and personally affronted?”
He laughed again in response, siding up to the juke box with you. He allowed you a moment to get your bearings on the machine, and though you likely quickly realized his white lie about the buttons sticking, you didn’t call him on it. “I was happy when Fish said you were coming out,” he admitted, leaning on the machine on his side next to you. When you broke concentration to meet his gaze briefly, he had to remind himself to breathe. 
“I almost cancelled. Had a bad day at work and didn’t want to look miserable and stupid,” you replied with a shrug, returning your focus to the juke box and flipping through albums. What Will wanted to do was sit down somewhere quiet with you and talk to you about your day, to listen to whatever complaints you wanted to hurl to a listening ear – but it wasn’t the time or place. He lowered his voice as Santiago’s previous choice finished up. 
“Miserable may be one of the last words I’d use to describe how you look,” he drawled, removing his appreciative glance from you to focus on what album you’d sought out. He felt you glance upward at him and could swear he heard the quick catch of your breath. 
“You’re very distracting,” you joked, eager to break this tension. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth slightly in an attempt to stifle the smile that was threatening to break under his attention, but it was to no avail – your burning cheeks gave away the fluttering in your stomach enough. “It’s impossible to put Santiago to shame when I can’t focus on this very important song decision.”
He hummed in understanding, nodding his head as he fixed his eyes on you again. Gazing up into the blue pools that waited expectantly you were met with a slightly raised eyebrow. It was infuriating how he managed to look effortlessly flawless. “Should I go back to the table and leave you to it, then?”
“No,” came an embarrassingly immediate reply. “No, just…shut up. Stand there and…keep…looking like a fucking magazine cover, but shut up.”
Will smiled first, a rumbling laughter sounding in his chest. It was impossible not to smile at the laugh you’d pulled from him, eyes taking in the lines of his smile at the corners of his mouth and own eyes. You felt the pull at your heart and had to swallow down the feelings building in your chest, forcing yourself to look back at the juke box – though the smile he’d earned lingered as well. He wanted to reach out to touch you in the short summer dress you’d worn, to hold you closer to him with a hand on your hip – but it wasn’t his place to do so.
Once you’d queued up your song choice you made your way back to the table with Will, glad to see Frankie had returned with a lemonade for you. When you slid into the booth you were delighted to have Will slide up next to you, the warmth continuing to pool from him. As he moved in a little closer, perhaps, than he needed to your song choice began to play over the speakers.
“No way she’s embarrassing you with Donovan right now, Pope!” Benny called, his laughter loud over the music. You smiled a victorious smile across the table at him, eyes bright now that you had confirmation at least one other person at the table agreed with you. 
“She thought really hard about her decision,” Will added, taking a drink of the bottled beer sat in front of him. You nudged him with your elbow lightly adding in a playful eye roll. 
“I took my duty serious,” you explained before turning your attention back to Benny. “At least someone in this group has good taste. Sometimes Frankie’s music is shit, too.”
“Hey now,” the named man intervened, offering a raspy laugh at your call-out. 
“You could try to tell me I’m wrong, but you haven’t reached six months of sobriety yet and your opinions are, understandably, questionable,” you joked, giving him a playful nudge to communicate you were joking if it wasn’t clear. 
“So, you have Frankie working down at the…is it called a bee farm?” Benny questioned, pulling Dani in closer to plant a kiss to the top of her head. In the far end of the booth Santiago rolled his eyes, scoffing out a laugh as Frankie nodded.
“Yeah, I took over the business…about five months ago now. It was my grandfather’s, and he passed away,” you explained, taking a drink of your lemonade and wishing you’d had Frankie get you something stronger to get you through the questioning. “I was looking to move, anyway so it…kind of worked out, though I’m not sure my grandpa would appreciate that phrasing.”
Will loved how easy it was for you to find your place in the group. 
“Where’d you move from?” Dani questioned, sipping on her hard seltzer to savor it. “I don’t hear an accent, really.”
“Middle of nowhere Montana,” you answered, anticipating the next question. Might as well answer it before someone asked. “I’d been in a relationship but…well, it wasn’t a good one. I left him earlier this year and ended up in a rehab program for cocaine addiction. When I got out…I had a couple of months in sanctioned housing, but I needed a change of scenery. It wasn’t long after that the family lawyer called to say the farm and business were passed to me in the will.”
Will caught the way you chose your words carefully as you spoke about your relationship, noticing how your voice had a slight shake to them. The possibilities of your cryptic words tore into him, festering in quiet anger as he ran through what that could mean. It was possible you’d simply been incompatible, perhaps fighting frequently. It was possible he’d broken your heart by being unfaithful. Or, and Will seriously hoped this wasn’t the case, it was possible your ex had been abusive toward you. The thought made him dig his fingers into the table’s edge.
As he allowed the thoughts to consume him for longer than he’d intended the conversation carried on, Benny beginning to understand why his friends had spent the last few weeks talking up this woman. His thoughts were broken by Santiago slapping his fist to the table quickly. 
“Let’s play a round of darts. Winner picks the next five songs. Loser deals with it,” he offered, reaching upward to run his fingers through his hair. With a shrug you finished your lemonade, offering a mischievous smile once again.
“Let me drag up a chair for you to sit in while we play so your knees don’t give out with all that standing, peepaw,” you joked, pulling a round of laughter from everyone at the table except for Santiago, of course, and none louder than Will. The latter took his cue to stand and let you make your way across the bar with Santiago, bickering back and forth as you went. His gaze lingered far too long to go unnoticed. 
“I know our mom taught us that it’s rude to stare, Will,” Benny chimed in first, throwing back the remainder of the whiskey in his glass. Will returned his attention to the men and woman still at the table, reaching to scratch the back of his head as he searched for an answer. 
“Just trying to hear her give Santiago a piece of her mind,” he attempted a cover, reaching again for his beer and swallowing a large drink. He immediately felt the familiar twist of guilt knot his stomach for his white lie. 
“Bullshit,” came Frankie’s retort, a scoffed laugh pulled from his chest. Admirably, only a water sat in front of him still. Benny nodded his head in agreement, and even Danielle raised her eyebrow at the blonde man’s lie. 
“You’re into her,” Benny concluded, setting his empty glass on the table. There was no point in trying to cover himself, and even if there was…it wasn’t in his nature to lie to his family.
“I’ve been into her since I met her,” Will conceded, directing another longing gaze in your direction. You stood with your arms crossed, the smirk on your lips evident even from the side as you watched Santiago struggle to take the perfect aim – his eyes weren’t what they used to be. He saw your mouth move and the glare Pope shot your way, and he wished he could hear what you’d chosen to taunt him with. “I asked her to dinner. A month ago,” he began, taking another drink. “Said she’d love to say yes, but turned me down anyway. Said she didn’t want anything serious right now.”
The genuine disappointment in his eyes had Frankie and Benny sharing a look – it had been a long time since Will Miller had acted so bent out of shape over a woman. 
“It’s a recovery thing,” Frankie offered some comfort, reaching to pat his back carefully. “She’s afraid if she doesn’t get far enough and the two of you don’t make it, the disappointment will make her relapse. At least…that’s what I’d think.”
“You should have seen her face when she realized you were behind her,” Benny added. “That’s not a woman who wants to turn you down.”
“I’m going to wait for her until she’s ready,” Will sighed, pulling his eyes away from you to look at his brother. “I don’t care if that sounds stupid, or desperate. I’m gonna wait.”
On the other side of the bar, you’d tied with Santiago and split the next five song choices – two from you, one decided together, and two from him. While he made his individual choices after you, you made your way to the bar to order yourself another lemonade to take back to the table. It was while you stood there waiting that a man decided to bother you, standing far too close and making incredibly lewd offers that no one wanted to hear from a stranger. 
“Why don’t you come on back to my table with me and my friends? We’ll show ya a nice time, darlin’,” he drawled, moving closer to run a hand down your arm. “Pretty thing like you needs something stronger than a lemonade, and a strong man to show you a good time.”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” you replied, taking a step back which he chased with a step forward. 
“’fraid I don’t take no for an answer, little lady,” he retorted, reaching to grab your arm and pull you closer to him. “You won’t regret it when I have you in my bed later, I can promise you that.”
A large, flattened hand on the back of the man’s neck cut his sentence off before more vulgarities could come through his lips. From behind the man, William Miller kept his icy gaze on your face, searching for any sign of true distress. When he saw the slight quiver to your lip his grasp on the man noticeably tightened, fingers digging into the sides of his neck. 
“Let go of her arm,” he ordered, his tone free of any room for argument. It was a tone you’d not heard yet from him, and one you felt bad for anyone that was on the receiving end. The man’s sweaty hand released your arm, the red mark from his tight hold prompting Will’s jaw to tick briefly, a deep breath releasing from flared nostrils. “I should kick your ass for that, but that would ruin our night. Instead, I’m going to give you the opportunity to apologize.”
His eyes were burning into yours, yet he still didn’t miss the man’s attempt to turn and land a punch on his jaw. Catching the incoming fist with his free hand he pushed the man’s head downward, forcing it to the bar top as he twisted his arm behind him. Shifting his intense eyes to look at the back of the man’s head he shook his head, taking hold of the man’s hair to twist his face to look at you. If he was angry before, he was irate now – but he was controlling himself for your benefit. The man’s nose was unbroken but bleeding, and he spit blood onto the bar as he began to beg. “Look, man, we were just having fun…just let me go and she’s all yours.”
“It doesn’t look like she was having fun,” Will corrected, his grasp unfaltering. “I’ll give you one more chance to apologize to her.”
“I’m…I’m sorry, okay? I’ll leave, just let me go, man,” the man begged, breathing shaky and anxious as he feared the wrath of the man behind him. Will used his remaining grasp to lift the man straight upward again, pushing him toward the door with disdain. 
“You should walk off this mood you’ve got yourself in,” Will began, moving to stand closer to you but keeping his eyes on the staggering man now. As the man made his way toward the door, Will left him with another parting threat. “If I see you back in this bar it won’t be good for you.”
Subconsciously William slipped an arm around your waist, turning you to face him as his other hand reached to lift your arm gently. The handprint around your wrist was now bruising lightly – barely there – but it was too visible for Will. His eyebrows pulled together in frustration, trying to steady his breathing and heart rate so he could ask you if you were okay. You beat him to the punch. 
“Shhh,” you soothed, removing your arm from his hold and placing your hand on his bicep gently. Your eyes met his again, releasing a shaky breath once you realized how close he held you to him. Chests pressed firmly together you could feel the rapid beat to his heart and his fight for a normal breath – he needed to calm down, and Will being calm was far more important to you than a bruise. It’s not like this was the first one in your life. “I’m okay, Will. I’ve had worse from bumping into the coffee table, it’s alright. Breathe with me.”
Storms darkened his eyes, his hands grasping at your sides now as his chest gave a solid heave. Brushing your thumb against his arm you reached your other hand to rest against his cheek. You pulled him backward with you toward the quiet hallway by the bathrooms, offering a gentle smile once you were alone. Drawing in a deep breath as your eyes remained locked on his you gave his arm a light squeeze, encouraging him to pay attention to you – only you, not on following the guy outside and knocking his teeth out. 
He could follow orders, though – that was something that no situation could turn off in him – and he soon began to mirror your deep breaths, hands still clutching you to him. By the time he’d released his fifth deep breath his mind was less clouded with anger, but that didn’t mean it was clear. If anything, it was even more clouded, but now it was clouded with you. You’d never been this close to him. He’d never felt the way his fingers could dig delicately into your skin. He’d never felt your chest pressed to his. 
He’d never been only inches away from claiming your lips with his – and that’s exactly what he did as the adrenaline rushed through him. Grasping your hips tighter he anchored you against him, his lips soft and rough as you stood frozen, a quiet gasp slipping through your lips in shock. The quiet sound brought Will back to his senses, immediately pulling away from the kiss with a shock-laced look of horror on his face. 
“I’m…so sorry,” he began, though he still hadn’t released his hold on your hips, his eyes transfixed on yours. The concern behind his eyes was unmistakable – he was terrified of how badly he’d just messed things up with you – and yet that didn’t stop his cheeks from darkening slightly, or his tongue from running over his bottom lip briefly for another desperate taste of you. “I shouldn’t have – mmph.”
Your hungry lips cut off his words quickly as you grasped at his bicep, the hand you held against his cheek sliding to the back of his head to hold him closer. He returned your kiss like it was something he’d been waiting to do for years, his hands sliding to rest on your lower back and pull you into him completely. A pleasant sigh slipped through your lips as he ran his tongue across the seam, granting him access to explore your mouth. When he’d kissed you breathless, he withdrew from your lips, his own curving into a smile as he bumped his nose against yours lightly. Leaning his forehead to rest against yours he took in a deep breath, savoring the moment he'd fantasized over for weeks.
“I still don’t want anything serious,” you whispered, eyebrows pulling together in frustration at so many things, none of which were Will’s fault, all of which fell on you and your past. ‘Live in the moment!’ a voice screamed in the back of your head, begging you to see that the man in front of you was a direct pathway to happiness. You’d silenced that optimistic part of you long ago. “I’m sorry I just…don’t. I can’t.”
“Sh,” he cooed, sliding one of his hands to rest on the top of your back to hold you closer. He bumped his nose against yours again lightly, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth before looking deep into your eyes. “I know. I don’t care.”
Your teeth bit into your bottom lip lightly, a sign you were nervous and uncertain. “It’s not fair to you.”
“I don’t care.”
“I can’t even promise…what this would look like, Will.”
He shushed you again, shaking his head before he rested his forehead against yours again. “I will take whatever you want to give me for as many days as you want to give it.”
He’d followed through on his word throughout the weeks that followed, thankful that he had turned out to be a very patient man. Even with the generally negative outlook on life you maintained, always finding a fault in every situation – you couldn’t find one with Will. Yes, it was adorable that he’d show up at the farm during lunch to see you, wanting nothing more than to simply see you in “work mode” and to kiss you as he ran a thumb across your cheek to wipe the dirt away.
Frankie didn’t mind at all that you’d started up this…whatever it was with Will. He enjoyed the fact that both of you were happy, and he wouldn’t complain about the lunches Will dropped off when he visited. Frankie wasn’t the only one in the group to know about the time you spent with Will, of course – Will didn’t believe in keeping secrets between the four of them. 
You’d joined them for nights out a couple of times since but remained purely friendly with Will while in the view of others. The car rides home were when he would kiss you breathless in your driveway, holding you close, greedy for every moment you offered him. Things had never escalated past heavy kissing and touching, and that was comfortable – you still felt you could quit him any time you needed to, and it was safer that way. 
It was Frankie that had asked you to take a Saturday off with him to spend time with them at the beach before the weather started cooling off a bit for the winter. You weren’t really one for the beach, not having lived anywhere near the ocean or going into the ocean much for most of your life, but Frankie’s pleading brown eyes won you over. It would be cruel to leave Dani alone with the men, anyway. When you’d walked onto the beach with Frankie that Saturday afternoon, Will thought his heart was going to burst from his chest. You and Frankie had elected to keep your presence a surprise, which worked in your favor as he smiled the brightest smile he’d offered you yet as you made your way over to their umbrellas, chairs and towels. 
“You didn’t tell me you were coming,” he greeted, unable to help himself from hugging you. His voice was teasing as he continued. “You know I don’t like secrets.”
“Oh, well I’m full of ‘em,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around him and tilting your head to look into his face. “Like…I actually assassinated JFK, and I helped fake the moon landing. I admit it. All me.”
He smiled at your joke and allowed a soft laugh to leave his chest, shaking his head slightly as he released you before the hug lingered too long for your comfort. “I wish I’d known you were coming; I could’ve grabbed some lemonade for you. I’ve got water in the cooler, though, and I’ve always got a pack of those cashews that you like in in my truck.”
You nudged his arm lightly with your shoulder, cheeks turning red under his thoughtfulness and sweet intentions with you. Before you could thank him, Benny had joined up with you, picking you up in a crushing hug as Danielle said hello from behind. Will had never really envied his brother until he got to witness your effortless acceptance of him, and the way Benny could hug you however he wanted. 
“Benny, Jesus, you’re going to crack one of my ribs, you behemoth,” you laughed, gasping for air through his hug as you attempted to wiggle free. Benny placed you gently back on the ground and offered a wide grin, immediately draping his shoulder back around Dani who rested her head on him gently. “Hope you guys don’t mind Frankie bringing me along. I couldn’t leave Dani alone around all you men all day.”
“And that is so appreciated,” the named woman replied, here signature sincere smile on her face. “I am going to work on catching up with Benny’s annoying natural tanning abilities, if you want to sit with me. You don’t seem much of a ‘get in the ocean’ kinda gal.”
You did sit on the beach for most of the day with the woman, getting to know one another more deeply, your conversations free of the hindrance of men being present as the group of four gallivanted about the shore and in the waves. Every so often, Benny would yell a quick “hi, baby!” from the water, causing Dani to smile, roll her eyes and wave, a small laugh falling from her lips. It was well past 4 p.m. and the seventh time he’d done it when she gave a different reply.
“He’s an idiot!” she yelled back, her voice full of laughter and love for the man she’d spent just less than a year with now. She quieted her voice back before she added to you. “I knew that when I agreed to date him, though. I can’t complain.”
“You’re perfect for one another,” you asserted, watching as Benny smiled and blew her a kiss before returning to the group. Your eyes wandered, briefly, only to confirm Will had stopped in his tracks to gaze at you, too. Danielle wasn’t the only one with attention focused on her today. Several times now Will had reminded you – gently but firmly – to reapply sunscreen and drink water. As the men set to work on building a fire, he had called to you again to remind you about the water, pulling a quiet giggle from Danielle.
“That’s five times for that one, then,” she counted aloud, watching as you grabbed the water from beside you to take a large drink. “Benny and I aren’t the only ones perfect for one another. That man loves you, you know.”
You felt the heat in your cheeks and knew they must be several shades darker. You finished the bottle of water and released a deep breath before you chose your words, not wanting to be taken off-guard and say something stupid. “He doesn’t…love me. We just…we get along well.”
“He loves you, and no amount of self-deprecating denial from you is going to change that,” she remarked, taking another drink of one of several hard seltzers she’d had that day. You knew those things barely contained alcohol, but you also had to wonder if it was contributing to her willingness to be so open. “You should let him.”
“I should let him what?” you questioned, feeling the answer in your stomach before she spoke it. 
“Love you. You should let him love you,” she replied, rolling her eyes with a soft laugh. “He seems pretty good at it.”
As you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth you turned your face away from her, noticing that the other half of this conversation’s topic had found his way back into the water alone. Finally cracking under the pressure you felt to be alone with him for even a minute you decided the ocean couldn’t be that bad, really, and made your way to the chilling water. You really didn’t want to find your way into the ocean, but if it meant time with Will, so be it.
You’d almost made your way to him when something touched your leg, sending you into an immediate panic as you made your way to him, essentially launching yourself into his arms as you screamed his name. William immediately cradled you against him, smiling down at you with an all-too amused smile.
“I’ve got you; I’ve got you,” he cooed, raising a thumbs up to the shore so no one worried after your scream before he brought that arm to hold you as well. “What’s the matter?”
“Something touched my foot,” you whined, unused to being in the ocean like this. The chuckle that rumbled through him shook his chest, his reminders to reapply sunscreen not influencing him – he’d gotten some color on his cheeks and nose. Even in your distraught state, it was impossible to not recognize how handsome he was. 
“Well, there are fish in the ocean, honeybee,” he drawled, his voice full of amusement. His nickname for you caused your stomach to flip in the most annoying way, and you felt yourself curl into him more despite yourself. “What do you want me to do, hmm? How can I fix it?” 
“I want to get out. Carry me out,” you stated, clinging to him. Whether it was him holding you that felt so good or genuine fear keeping you to him, he really couldn’t say. He nodded, but instead of going toward the shore he moved away from it, swimming out with you further. “William! I said OUT!”
“I thought you said you wanted me to take you further out!” he replied, his tone too full of amusement. You moved to wrap your legs around his waist instead, narrowing your eyes at him and setting your face to be serious, eyebrows furrowed. He wanted to lean in to kiss the lines. “Hey, hey, hey…” he cooed, turning his back to the shore and leaning his forehead against yours with a light smile. You could see the light freckles on his cheeks that the sun had brought out throughout the day, his eyes light in the fading sunlight as he gazed longingly at you. No one had ever talked to you as soft as he did. “’m not gonna let anything happen to you. You don’t need to worry about a thing as long as I am right here with you.”
His lips pressed to yours in a gentle, reassuring kiss briefly before he returned to simply leaning his head against yours. You lightly bumped your nose against his, resting your hands on his chest gently. It was impossible not to believe him. “Still not nice, William Miller.”
“I know, I just wanted you alone for a minute,” he conceded, angling his head to press a kiss to the corner of your lips. You couldn’t help but smile under his affections, maintaining that hard exterior proving difficult as his kisses chipped away at it. “I’m sorry, honey. Let me make it up to you?”
You tilted your head and raised an eyebrow in curiosity, slipping one of your hands to his bicep. “How do you plan on doing that? I was pretty distraught.”
“Let me take you home,” he offered, his eyes so sincere it hurt. He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips before he continued further. When you didn’t give him a response, he continued. “I have feelings for you.”
“Well…stop it,” slipped from your lips before you could stop it, your cheeks immediately burning at your own callousness. It was second nature to push people away now…especially Will, who was getting closer than anyone was allowed right now. Instead of being hurt, Will could only smile at your attempt. 
“Yeah?” he questioned, pressing a gentle, lingering kiss to your lips. His words came between kisses as he spoke. “You want me to stop?”
As the kisses grew deeper and you felt the warmth of arousal spreading through your body you had to shake your head, knowing he’d recognize the longing in your eyes and call your bluff if you insisted. He smiled as his hands slipped down from your sides to grasp your ass under the water, pressing you into him firmly as you shook your head and released a defeated sigh. 
“You can take me to your house,” you conceded, running your fingers through his hair as you looked at him through your lashes, devouring him with an unashamedly lascivious look. His eyes lit up even further, finally listening and carrying you closer to the shore so both of you could leave the ocean and get to his truck as soon as possible. As you wrapped yourself in a towel and gathered the items you’d brought with you in a bag you ignored her quiet giggles, unwilling to even consider the conversation Will was having with the men behind you. You supposed you owed Frankie a conversation as well on Monday. Dani called to you to have fun as you walked to Will’s truck. 
When he had you secured in his truck, he leaned to press a kiss against your lips as he buckled you in. He was a safe driver and had incredible reflexes, you reminded yourself of this frequently as he drove back with one hand rested on your thigh, kneading his fingers into the soft flesh occasionally. He pulled into his driveway sooner than he should have – he’d never speed with you in the car again – and immediately had you cradled in his arms again as he carried you into his house.
When he began to make his way up the stairs he finally spoke, trying to cover the happiness in his voice with seriousness. “You’re sure this is what you want?” You responded by reaching your head to plant kisses on his shoulder, trailing them to his neck as best you could as you nodded. As he opened his bedroom door, he gazed down at you finally, not taking another step forward just yet. “Have to hear you say it.”
“Yes, Will,” you confirmed, and those two words melted his resolve. He placed you on his bed carefully before he crawled between your legs, keeping one hand on your hip and cupping your cheek in his hand as he kissed you deeply. You returned his kiss immediately, just as desperate for him as he was for you at this point. His fingers began to work at the ties of your bottoms as he traced the seam of your mouth with his tongue, groaning appreciatively as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. When he was satisfied with the taste he’d received he released your lips, trailing his kisses to your jaw and neck as he removed the bottoms. 
His kisses trailed lower on your neck, Will fighting the urge to suck purple marks into your skin in such an obvious place. Your hands ran up his back to the back of his neck and head, holding him closer as he trailed his kisses to your chest just as he’d worked that tie free as well, removing the fabric from your body and leaving you finally bare for him. He leaned back to run his eyes down you appreciatively, one of his thumbs rubbing gently over one of your nipples slowly. 
“You look so fucking pretty in my bed,” he complimented before leaning forward again, claiming one of your nipples in his mouth with a flick of his tongue. He happily familiarized himself with each of your breasts, earning the most beautiful moans that had ever graced his ears from you as your hips pressed up into his in desperation for friction. When your hot core was met with his obvious erection in his swim trunks you moaned in unison, Will pressing his waist into you further. He released your nipple from his mouth to trail his kisses downward again as he whispered. “Bet you’re gonna taste fucking delicious mixed with salt water…”
His hand that had been holding your hip moved to spread your legs as his lips reached your hip, smiling against the skin before kissing it gently. Experimentally he spread your already soaking folds with a swipe of his fingers, groaning appreciatively as you gasped. “Will…”
“All this for me, baby?” he cooed, lowering his head to swirl his tongue around your clit before sucking the sensitive bundle of nerves lightly. “You always get this wet for me? Is this pretty pussy this wet every time I kiss you?”
You whined your confirmation as he ran his tongue through your folds, an appreciative groan rumbling in his chest as he finally tasted you. His name fell from your lips again and he nodded in encouragement before setting in on his first task of the night, devouring every inch that your hot core had to offer him. For as many times as you’d imagined Will’s head between your thighs, nothing compared to the way he tended to every inch of you, groans and grunts vibrating through his mouth as he fucked his tongue into your velvet entrance. 
He had your legs shaking on either side of his head in no time, his lips curving into a smile as he connected his thumb with your clit, continuing to swirl his tongue inside of you as best he could. When your breathing became erratic and your hands reached to grasp his hair, he knew he had you on the edge, nodding in affirmation when you warned him you were going to come. When euphoria rocked through you with a loud moan your hips arched off the bed, giving him a much better angle to appreciate the nectar he’d earned.
The ceiling above you turned to a white light as pleasure rushed through you, your moan turning to a scream when he didn’t relent at your entrance or clit, continuing to stimulate you through your orgasm. By the time he’d crawled his way back up your body and removed his trunks you had come down somewhat, only enough to be somewhat aware as he rubbed the head of his cock through your folds with a low groan. 
“I can get a condom…” he offered, whatever his full sentence was intended to be cut off as you pressed a lazy, half-aware kiss to his lips as you shook your head, quiet please leaving your lips. Briefly arguing with the responsibility of the decision he was about to make. When you quietly begged him to fuck you again all reason escaped his mind, lining his already throbbing cock at your entrance before thrusting in carefully. Your wet heat welcomed him in like you were meant to do so, the heat of your velvet channel caressing him inch by inch until he was buried in you. He groaned low in appreciation as he pressed his lips to yours in a loving kiss, stilling his movements to give you both a moment to savor the feeling of him filling you. “Better than I could have fucking imagined…”
One of his hands slid carefully up your body to rest on your cheek, pulling you closer as gently as he could to claim your lips in a kiss as he withdrew from you almost completely before thrusting back in, grunting as your walls fluttered around him. As your lips and tongues entered a dance they had done so many times now your bodies came together fully for the first, his cock massaging your walls with each of his well-purposed thrusts. You wrapped your legs around his waist to draw him in closer, holding him against you as close as his thrusts would allow you. He pulled away from the kiss to bump his nose against yours gently before running it along your cheek affectionately, placing a kiss just below his ear when he’d reached the sensitive spot. 
“Like you were made for me,” he whispered in your ear, his thrusts increasing in pace as he neared his finish much sooner than he wanted to. He reached to grasp one of your legs, sliding it so your ankle hooked over his shoulder so he could angle into you deeper. The new depths he reached pulled you closer to the edge, his thumb connecting with your clit again, causing your walls to flutter around him. 
“I’m on the pill,” you offered, feeling a second orgasm approaching you as he rubbed steady circles around your clit and the velvet head of his cock brushed against the coveted spot inside of you, sensing the end approached for him as well as his thrusts became more erratic and desperate. Your quiet suggestion pulled a groan from his chest, his head turning to claim your lips again in a messy kiss. 
“You want me to fill you up, princess? That what you’re asking me for?” he questioned between deep thrusts accompanied by deep breaths, his hand sliding from your cheek to your neck as he pressed soft kisses to your lips. “You tell me that’s what you want and I’ll give it to you. I’ll give you anything you ask for.”
You could only bring yourself to nod as you kissed him deeply, your own orgasm rushing through you as you moaned against his lips. Feeling your walls tighten around him he couldn’t hold his own release back, spilling his seed into you with a groan as he pulled away from your kiss to lean his forehead against yours. He could have told you that he was falling in love with you right then. 
As you both came down from shared euphoria he rolled to his side next to you, wrapping his arms around his waist as he went to hold you against him gently. You listened to your instincts by tucking your face into his neck, breathing in deeply to steady your breaths as Will pressed gentle kisses to the top of your head and whispered quiet praises and thank yous to you. One of your legs slid up between his to cuddle closer, your arms wrapping around his middle as your eyes slid closed. 
You probably could’ve fallen asleep right then, if his words hadn’t woken you from your peaceful lull. “I’ve got extra clothes and…we can shower before you change if you want.”
The sweet suggestion snapped you back to reality, and you forced yourself to let him know you'd have to go home now. In all honesty, it was the last thing that you wanted to do, but you were unwilling to relent just yet on your insistence to not pursue something serious. Will, of course, didn't want to tell you no because he wanted you to feel comfortable with him - he wanted you to know that he would listen to you, and support whatever you felt was best for yourself. That included you leaving him for the night, even when he wanted you more than he had any night before.
Not hearing anything about accepting a ride home from him, insistent on being independent for the night, you sent Frankie a text to grab you on his way back from the beach if he hadn't made it home already. 15 minutes later Frankie was in Will's driveway, a sympathetic look on his face as he waved to the younger man through the windshield as you climbed into the truck.
Will watched silently as the truck backed out of the driveway and you disappeared down the street, mentally vowing to himself that he would willingly spend as long as you needed waiting.
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When November’s curtain call came and the evening chill of December rolled in, you’d found your match with William Miller, who was acting by his promise and providing you with consistency, with reverent tenderness. No matter what distance you tried to maintain from him he was just as unrelenting, finding ways through your obstacles day after day. He never pushed, never overstepped, but he was always there, ever willing to cherish you in entirety whenever given the chance. Lately those opportunities had grown, proliferating into prolonged post-coital kisses and embraces that could hardly be passed off as anything less than adoration any longer.
Falling wasn’t enough to describe the feeling – falling was too subtle. A plummeting nosedive, a cascade…an avalanche, a crashing meteor – so consuming it swallowed you until all that was left was Will, his affections blanketing you with unwavering warmth.
“Honeybee!” Will called as he entered through the front door, the sound of him removing his boots and setting them by the door causing you to smile as you crushed candy canes in the kitchen. All your meetings had been reserved for his home but today you’d offered to host him and his friends at your farmhouse for dinner – Christmas Eve dinner.
“In here, Will,” you replied from your place at the counter, taking a deep breath as you started sprinkling the candy canes atop the cupcakes you made for dessert. An immediate advantage to having Will in your home was the sound of the creaking floor beneath his large frame – even without shoes – meant you could hear him coming behind you. “Don’t mess me up, Will. This is serious business.”
A laugh rumbled through him as he delicately wrapped his arms around your waist anyway, resting his chin on your shoulder for a moment before turning inward, burrowing his face in your neck with a deep breath. He pressed a gentle kiss behind your ear, assessed your response, and then repeated the motion when he realized you remained focused on your task, smiling into your skin lightly. When you finished you slid the cupcake stand back further on the counter for safety before turning in his arms, a playful smile lighting your features. It was only now Will noticed what remained of a candy cane in your mouth, his mind spinning already at the thought of what your lips must taste like now.
“Did I mess you up?” he questioned, leaning forward to press his lips to your forehead with a quiet hum of appreciation as your arms found their way around his neck, not before your hands slid over his chest. He opted to forego the ugly sweater party – you knew that was coming – but he did at least wear a red sweater, the color bringing out the coolness of his eyes. Even in the winter he was managing to keep up plenty of color, but not enough to hide the redness to his cheeks as you held his gaze.
Sometimes he couldn’t decide if it was better you could hold his eye contact now or not – he still hadn’t grown used to feeling somewhat embarrassed just under a woman’s gaze. The way you removed the candy from your mouth          with a pop and placed it in the trash behind you certainly didn’t help.
“Nearly, but I’ll let it slide seeing as it’s Christmas and all,” your fingers found their way into his hair, pulling him closer so you could press your lips to his in a gentle kiss. One thing he would never grow accustomed to was the clench in his heart whenever you initiated affection – some of his favorite kisses sparked by you.
“Christmas Eve, honeybee,” he replied when you released him, pressing a kiss to his cheek as best you could from standing on your toes. He tightened his hold on your waist to hold you against him tighter, relishing in your attention and uncaring about the inevitable mess that would transfer from your apron to him.
“Mm, you look handsome in this little red number, Will,” you teased, bringing more color to his cheeks. It was too easy for you now – you loved it.
“I wore it just for you,” he drawled, seeking out another taste of peppermint on your lips with a gentle kiss. The fact that you knew that was true only made your chest swell more.
“Well, you’ll have to wear something else for me, too, since technically…you are out of dress code,” you remarked, eyebrow raised slightly in a manner he knew to be playful. Whatever you had in store he would play along with, as long as it meant this mood you were in would continue, particularly with how the two of you had left things last time – an argument that had been eating at both of you for days.
"You’ll have to make a decision sooner or later,” he’d stated as he leaned against his truck in the parking lot after one of Benny’s fights, trying to appear much cooler on the outside than he was on the inside where frustration bubbled under his skin. He’d slipped – called you his girlfriend, and it had been too much of a reality check for you to handle. Despite his harshness he reached a hand toward you, beckoning you closer – you did not follow.   A wild animal backed into a corner – hissing and feral and scared. So many questions remained in his mind about why it was so hard for you to accept love, but he’d never push for those answers. You’d give them freely in your own time. The topic at hand remained to be that Will had spent weeks earning your affection, and while he was patient, it had been worn somewhat thin. “We don’t spend the night together…months now and I’ve never woken up next to you,” he continued, eyebrows pulling together as he crossed his arms again. “And if that’s not frustrating enough, I can’t even slip and call you my girlfriend – to my brother – without you getting upset. I’m doing everything I can here, I just need you to give a little back. Anything.”   Your lip had quivered, tears pricking at your eyes. Will hated to see you that way, hated to have caused it – it would gnaw at him in the days that followed, as would all the words that followed, so unimportant now. As much as the argument shredded his heart day after day the same was true for you – perhaps if he knew how guilty you felt because you were still resisting what was right in front of you, he could have gone easier on you.
Even now the guilt festered.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, unwilling to spark any sort of disagreement today. You reached behind you to the counter to grab a Santa hat before lifting it onto his head, smiling a sweet smile before flattening his hands against your lower back to pull you closer. He offered you a smile in return, withholding any fussing about the hat as his eyes met yours again. One of his hands left its position to lift to your cheek, callused fingers lightly dusting across your cheekbones. “I’m sorry about Friday night, honey. I shouldn’t be pushing you like that…I knew what I asked for when I asked for it.”
It was in your nature to lean your head toward his hand, your eyes drifting shut briefly to enjoy the moment. You only met his gaze again when you’d chosen your response, words leaving your lips quiet and sincere. “I’m the one who should be sorry, Will,” you sighed, leaning forward to lay your head on his chest, calmed by the familiar rhythm of his heart. “I do need to make a decision, you were right.”
“Yeah, but I…lost my temper. I raised my voice,” he rested his hand that had been on your cheek on the back of your head, stroking your hair and internally smiling at the streaks of flour leftover from your day in the kitchen. “I should never do that to you, there’s no excuse.”
“Apology accepted,” you whispered, burying your face into his chest to inhale the smell of him – saltwater and oak, subtle and resolute. He leaned to press a kiss to the top of your head, holding you for a moment before the day needed to continue. “Can you help me get the star on the tree and put presents underneath while I set the table? Dinner should be done by the time everyone else shows.”
He nodded, pressing a final kiss to your forehead before releasing you so you could get back to work. “You know at least one of ‘em will be late.”
“I included an extra twenty minutes on the cooking time to accommodate,” you quipped back cheerfully, removing your apron and hanging it on its rightful hook, giving the kitchen one final look over to ensure nothing was forgotten before setting off into the living room, remarking how Will needed to hurry because you had everything planned to the minute.
He’d never been more certain he loved you.
“Why’d you get a tree you couldn’t reach the top of, shortcake?”
You turned to throw him a look, cheeks burning with heat despite the amused smile that broke out across your face. He returned it with one of his own, straightening the Santa hat on his head before walking over to where you stood by the tree. He adored the mood you were in today, and wondered briefly if you were this way every Christmas. Your playful tone had returned. “Size does matter with some things, love. No one wants a wants a tiny tree with no needles.”
It wasn’t the first time that nickname had slipped, yet his chest still tightened. He wrapped his arms around you again, unable to resist pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pulled you in close before lifting you up so you could situate the star atop the tree. Satisfied with the state of the living room you tasked Will with starting the fireplace, putting music on via the record player in the living room, and lighting some candles while you finished cooking.
It was easy being domestic with you.
Everyone’s arrivals staggered from there forward. Benny arrived next, early and eager to spend time with his brother, with an arm slung around Dani, smiling and remarking how fantastic your house was before giving himself a tour. By the way his eyes kept raking over her you could only assume they found a hallway to defile. Dani joined you soon after with a smile and offered to help in the kitchen, which you accepted with some relief.
As Will and Ben broke into a bottle of bourbon and eggnog (Benny had threatened not to come if there was no eggnog available), Santiago showed up – surprisingly not in an ugly sweater after weeks of talking trash about how his was going to put yours to shame. You opted not to even bring it up given the expression on his face – today was clearly not the day to pick at Pope – and instead greeted him with a sweet smile instead. Frankie was last – really to no one’s surprise – and everyone had found a seat at the table as you loaded it up with food.
Santiago had jokingly requested an entire turkey – the largest one you could find – perhaps as a challenge, and you’d agreed to make it without second thought. Frankie was simple and asked for macaroni and cheese, Benny sheepishly requested sweet potatoes and dinner rolls, while Dani was sensible and requested “any kind of vegetable.” Will had shown his sweet tooth by requesting something sweet for dinner, hence the cupcakes you’d finished earlier.
“This looks incredible,” Benny complimented, pulling his eyes away from the food in front of him to look toward where you sat at the head of the table. Frankie and Dani both voiced quick words of agreement while Santi nodded, checking his phone quickly. “You have to give a toast.”
“Oh, no,” you laughed, waving your hand dismissively as you shook your head. Your face burned so badly you felt like all your head had become was a flaming ball. “No one wants to hear me do a toast, seriously. Dig in before it gets cold.”
Ben crossed his arms and Frankie’s face set into concrete resolution. It was the younger Miller who spoke, tone unwavering and serious. You weren’t entirely sure you’d heard him be so serious before…even before his fights. “We’re not eating until a toast is given.”
“Will can give a toast,” slipped from your mouth, nervousness causing the words to spill freely – maybe a little too freely. With a nervous laugh you continued. “He’s basically the man of the house.”
Will’s eyes noticeably widened up at you to your right, his mouth falling open slightly in surprise as his cheeks mirrored the fire in your own. Ben’s head snapped toward Will, giving a light smirk as his brother stood, never pulling his eyes from your face as he lifted his glass from the table.
The toast he gave was short, and yet he still struggled to make it through its entirety. Several times he cleared his throat, feeling the tingle in his tear ducts that threatened to pour with each passing moment, each beat of his heart causing a tightness in his chest.
“And…” he began the final sentence, releasing a shaking breath as he looked around the table. His eyes settled back to you like it was the most natural place in the world for them to be. You reached out to where one of his hands grasped the edge of the table, sliding your hand atop his and giving a gentle squeeze. The simple act spurred him through the rest of his speech. “And here’s to hopefully many more Christmases with all of us together.”
Dinner went smoothly from there, the table’s mood lighthearted and happy as everyone ate, light conversations being passed around – which included stories from both Will and Ben about their Christmases growing up and the trouble they used to get themselves into. Once the table was clear the group relocated into the living room to sit around the tree to complete the Secret Santa gift exchange you’d all planned.
Santi gave Frankie the gift he’d gotten him first – a new fishing pole, a hat (it was the same one he’d always worn, just a new version – you had to wonder how many times he’d been gifted the exact hat), and a pack of new socks. Frankie was enthralled by each of them, saying they’d have to plan a trip soon. As a result Frankie went next, handing Danielle her gift in a bag (he’d tried to wrap it, truly…he gave up when half the roll had been used). Danielle’s face lit up at the various candles and candy inside the bag and waved the spa trip for two pass in your direction with a smile.
Dani gifted Santi with tickets to a concert he’d been complaining for weeks he didn’t secure tickets to, which brought his trademark soft smile to his face as he thanked her profusely. Not before multiple comments were made about how the group hoped there was seating in the venue, so he didn’t have to stand on his shitty knees the entire time, you announced you’d go next since Santi had already handed out his gift. Passing a sizeable box to Ben with a wink and a smile you leaned back against the fireplace, watching as the younger Miller tore into it with excitement.
“You did not get me an original Nintendo 64,” he exclaimed, eyes wide as he pulled the old console out of the box. As Will watched on his chest tightened as you smiled at Ben, the word family seeming to repeat itself in his mind.
“You’ve been complaining about how the new model isn’t the same,” you explained with a shrug, taking a drink of the cider you held in your hand. “I can’t wait to kick your ass in Mario Party.”
“Next weekend, you’re on. Hope you’re not a sore loser,” he smirked, digging through the games that littered the bottom of the box as well. Wrapped up in admiring his gift he almost forgot to pass the envelope he was holding to his own brother with a playful smile. Will laughed – your heart swelled – and as he opened the envelope, he shot his brother a smile. “I know we usually say no gift cards…but you’re impossible to buy for. Figured you could use it on dinner or…somethin’.”
The brothers shared another knowing look and smile before Will reached out to pat his back, mentally noting to give him a proper hug when they weren’t sitting later. Which left Will to give the gift he’d purchased for the only person that remained without…you.
He moved closer to you on the couch, draping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close as he slipped his phone from his pocket, glancing down at you first to offer you a smile. “So, you’ve been saying that you miss the snow…”
As his sentence trailed, he turned his phone screen so you could see it, the sight of a small, warm-looking cabin surrounded by snow and pine trees filling your eyes. You turned your head to look up at him, eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion and questioning as your mouth opened briefly. Will beat you to talking.
“Now, obviously…I didn’t buy it, but I did rent it for a weekend…next month when there still should be plenty of snow,” he offered, crystalline eyes transfixed on yours as he spoke. “I thought we could take a nice trip…together, especially since that weekend will be your anniversary of going to rehab. It’s big enough for people to join –“
“Not a single one of us wants to be in that cabin with you two that weekend,” Santiago interrupted, quickly dismissing the thought with a shake of his head.
“…no offense, of course.” Frankie chimed in, elbowing his best friend.
“Oh, full offense intended,” Ben joined in, his words chased by a laugh. “You two in a cold ass log cabin somewhere in the fuckin’ Rockies? Count all of us out.”
Your cheeks burned at their teasing and yet you couldn’t bring yourself to look away from Will, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth briefly as you grasped his hand gently. There were a lot of words that ran through your mind in appreciation – three not-so-little ones squeaking quietly in the back of your mind. You tried to silence them – something you had to do often now. It was getting more and more difficult to do.
Everyone else was ignored, even their taunting. As was so often the case, it was only you and Will.
“Thank you,” you whispered quietly, melting at the gentle curve of his lips. Without thinking you leaned upward to kiss him once quickly and gently, a small action that quickly silenced the group. They knew it happened, but seeing it was far different than hearing about it.
It was thanks enough for Will.
Now the gifts had all been received you excused yourself to gather plates and cupcakes from the kitchen. Once everyone had plates with multiple cupcakes each, it was time to watch a movie – the choice of which was yours.
The movie you chose really didn’t matter – your focus was almost entirely on Will. Taking the loveseat close to the fire, Will had his arms wrapped around you tightly seemingly from the moment you’d sat down, pulling you back against his strong chest to support you while he balanced a plate of cupcakes on his knee. He left no room for you to protest such an obvious display of affection, keeping one arm slung around your shoulder and seemingly pulling you closer and closer by the second.
After everyone had eaten their cupcakes and really settled in, you had to wonder if the other men and woman in the room minded the state you found yourself in with Will. His arm remained around your shoulders, your hand reaching up to lace your fingers with his…which allowed you the ability to press kisses to his fingers with ease. Several times Will turned your head, to press a gentle kiss to your lips, your nose, your forehead…smiling earnestly each time and pulling at your heart.
Halfway through the movie Will leaned to whisper in your ear, his breath hot against the shell. The mint lingering on his to his breath and huskiness in his voice send a chill up your spine – you knew he felt it when a quiet chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Let’s split the other cupcake on the plate.”
You turned your head to flash him an amused look, raising an eyebrow. “That’ll be your third one.”
“We’re splitting it,” he defended with a shrug of his shoulders, his other hand reaching for the aforementioned plate on the table beside the couch. “It doesn’t count.”
“Mm,” you smiled, taking the cupcake to unwrap it before taking a slow bite. When you offered it to him his eyes flashed with a look entirely indecent for company, his voice lower as he held your gaze. A subtle shake to his head confirmed what your mind had already begun to infer. “Gimme a bite.”
You fed him a bite slowly, eyes locked with his as you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth slightly, watching his pink tongue dart out to run along his bottom lip to collect the peppermint icing there. He offered another smile with an appreciative hum
“Would you two get a room?” Benny questioned over the movie, shooting his older brother a playful look. He wasn’t serious, he truly didn’t mind seeing his older brother finally loosen up a bit and be happy – but that didn’t mean he couldn’t give him hell. It was, after all, the responsibility of being a younger sibling.
“They’re all my rooms, Benjamin,” you taunted, shooting the man a bright smile that Will took the moment to cherish. Taking another bite of the cupcake with a smirk on his lips he opted to settle back in then, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on the top of your head.
The two of you remained that way for the rest of the movie, his arms clutching you against his chest and rubbing gentle circles on your stomach occasionally. There was nothing stopping him from pressing kisses to the top of your head, either – which he considered fair, given that you were irresistible this close to him.
Santiago cleared out first in a haste, jaw clenching through his goodbyes which he seemed less-than-focused on as he checked his phone’s screen several more times. It was then that you offered a room to anyone who wanted to stay, which was quickly shot down by both Ben and Frankie who shared a knowing look.
“We do not want to be in this house when your…canoodling escalates,” Ben asserted, glancing between his older brother and you, who were now standing a few steps further from Will in an attempt to be less obvious. It was far too late for that.
With a hug and kiss on the cheek from Frankie and a promise to call you tomorrow, Dani gave you a gentle hug which was quickly contrasted by a crushing hug from Ben, who then only had to hug his brother goodbye before the two of you were alone. Will immediately wrapped his arms around you when the front door was shut, pulling you into his chest while releasing a deep breath.
He loved his brothers – but solitude with you was bliss.
“Let’s go clean up that kitchen,” he began, pausing his sentence mid-way through to press a kiss to your forehead. “Get it over with so we don’t have to worry about it, darlin’.”
You’d do almost anything he asked so long as he asked in that molasses thick tone.
You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, teasing him by pulling away slowly with a light smile on your face before you removed yourself from his arms, making your way to the kitchen with him following. When you began to run the sink to fill it you glanced to watch him lean against the counter to wait, his arms crossed like he was trying to control himself. Following his gaze your eyes landed on the cupcakes that remained (you’d made extra knowing he would be this way), and a smile passed over your features.
“I see you eyeballing those cupcakes, Mister Miller,” you teased, smiling further when he turned to you with red cheeks and a bashful gaze. You leaned across the counter to grab one, taking a slow bite as your eyes stayed on his. He wasn’t quite sure the cupcake was so important anymore. “C’mere and share this one with me before we do the dishes.”
He was good at following orders.
He didn’t need to tell you to feed him bites this time, you gladly taking up the task with adoration pooling in your eyes as you fed him almost the entire cupcake. He offered you a gentle smile as you reached upward to remove icing from the corner of his lips, popping the digit into your mouth with an appreciative hum before handing him the kitchen towel.
“I’ll clean, you dry.”
The rhythm the two of you entered was the same as every other way the two of you seemed to effortlessly fit together these days. Will could reach cabinets you couldn’t which made the task go much faster, and while he found himself quietly humming seasonal songs you soaked in the relaxation the sound brought.
“Today was good, yeah?” Will questioned from beside you, drying off another dish before placing it in its rightful place in the cabinet. “I think that’s the best Christmas this group has managed in years.”
“Benny said he’s going to pay me to make him those cupcakes every week. That Miller sweet tooth is something fierce,” you joked, rinsing out another glass. His cheeks reddened at your teasing. “Did you talk to Santiago? Something was up with him, he looked at his phone at least twenty times an hour, and he was bragging for weeks that his ugly sweater would put me to shame and then he just…didn’t wear one.”
“Mm,” he mused, taking another glass from you to dry it. “Pope is doing a poor job at keeping a secret he thinks he’s doing a great job at. He’s on edge.”
“Doesn’t he know better than to try to keep secrets from you?” you questioned, handing the last dish and turning to fix your attention on him as he dried it. At some point, damn him, he’d rolled the sleeves of his sweater up, and he looked so natural in your home it was starting to make you feel sentimental. Whole. “But today was great. We did a good job.”
“We, like I had hardly anything to do with it,” he hummed, smiling lightly as he put the dish away before leaning on the counter with his hip to face you. “It was practically all you. But…I’ve been telling you we make a good team.”
He reached out his hand gently toward you, pulling you closer to him to press a kiss to your forehead, not expecting a response. Wrapping your arms around his waist you stepped in as close as you could, resting your head on his chest and closing your eyes. He held onto you tightly, shifting to lean his back against the counter to hold you closer. Flashes of the day spent together ran through both of your minds –you’d sat in his lap on the couch in front of everyone – because the living room didn’t have enough seats (lie) – but the feeding him bites of your cupcake was entirely optional.
Will loved you. It was a fact that was growing harder and harder to ignore by the day, the ache in his chest growing every time he heard your name or saw your face.  He didn’t want to say his next words, but he had grown so used to them – so used to this routine now that he accepted when they needed to be said.
“It’s getting late. I should probably head out, before the idiots get out on the road.”
It was a long pause, putting William on edge for a moment as he waited for your words. Even hesitation like this wasn’t normal for you. Your voice was soft, slightly wavering as you tilted your head back to look up at him.
“I don’t remember asking you to leave.”
Will paused, brief confusion flashing on his face before he smiled lightly, clearing his throat as he gave a slight nod. He was truly doing his best not to look overjoyed, though that’s exactly what he felt. “Are you asking me to stay, honeybee?”
“I thought it’d be a good Christmas present.”
“Maybe the best one I’ve ever gotten,” he smiled, leaning closer to brush his lips over yours again. His hands slid lower, pulling you closer to press a kiss to your lips gently. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, at his desperation to be close to you now that the two of you were alone, and his poor attempt at hiding how happy he was. His hands slipping lower still he ran his fingers over your thighs, eyes searching your face for a response. You were getting far too good at the poker face you’d developed against him.
“Are you trying to take me up to bed this quickly, Ironhead?” you cooed, looking up at him with a hooded gaze through your lashes. You hoped your face remained straight despite the burn that surged toward your core – feeling a bit proud of yourself again as you noticed him swallow hard. “You’ll miss out on the matching pajamas I picked up for us…”
“I’ve waited all day,” he pointed out, dragging one of his hands upward to push your skirt up, trailing kisses down your neck and chest. You grasped the edge of the counter to steady yourself, his eyes glancing up into yours again as he began to sink to his knees, using one of his hands to lift your leg over his shoulder. “I’m still starving.”
An embarrassingly wanton moan fell from your lips, one of your hands reaching to slide your fingers through his hair as his hand slid up your thigh to push your underwear to the side. “Is this what you thought about all day, Will?”
“You know it is. That little stunt you pulled earlier wasn’t very nice,” he drawled, eyes hungrily running over your already soaked cunt. “Look how wet you are for me, honeybee. You’ve been thinking about me today too, haven’t you? You sweet thing.”
You whimpered as he ran his fingers through your folds, his lips curving upward into a light smile as he taunted you slightly – waiting for you to answer. “Thought about me all day and now you can’t stop talking.”
He chuckled as he leaned forward, running his flattened tongue through your folds with a low groan as you rocked your core against his face, his nose bumping your clit and causing you to moan. He set in on his task then, satiating the hunger he still felt by licking and sucking and kissing every inch of your sex he could, relishing in your fingers tangling into his hair as you threw your head back with a moan. “God, this is a Christmas present…” The muffled laugh he released vibrated through you, the sensation causing you to buck your core into his face with a gasp as you pulled his hair slightly. “Fuck, William, you’re so fucking…so good at that.”
He removed his mouth from fucking his tongue into your entrance to smile up at you crookedly, his lips and facial hair glistening with your arousal. Slipping a finger into your tight channel he turned his head to press a gentle kiss to your inner thigh. “Love when you tell me how good I make you feel.”
He began to thrust his finger into you as he connected his mouth with your clit, giving the sensitive nub a flick with his tongue before sucking it gently. You whined his name quietly, keeping a hold on his hair as you moved your aching core against his face and hand, already desperate for more. He groaned against your skin with a particularly slow swipe of his tongue, adding a second finger to begin to stretch you.
The tips of his fingers massaged against your walls perfectly each time he pushed them back into you, particularly against the perfectly blinding spot behind your clit. You cried out, hands grasping his hair to steady yourself as you rutted against his mouth desperately. His tongue circled around your clit again, one hand slipping behind you to cup your ass and hold you against him closer, his blue eyes still burning up at you.
“Fuck, Will, I…” you began, words trailing off with an uptick in pitch as your thigh began to shake behind his head. Ensuring he tightened his hold on you he nodded, flicking his tongue against your clit with more fervor. Not long after you moaned his name again loudly, your eyes rolling back as heat rushed through you.
He removed his fingers but continued to lap at your folds, groaning appreciatively at the taste of your release coating his tongue. When he’d drank enough of you down he began to kiss up your body again, holding you close by the hips with one hand and undoing his belt and pants with the other as his lips connected with yours again. You tasted yourself on his tongue and – damn it – all of the cupcakes he’d eaten that lingered as well. After pushing his pants and briefs to the floor and kicking them aside.
Before he could lift you to the counter you broke the kiss, trailing your kisses down his neck before sucking a light mark above his collarbone with a smile. His chest rumbled with a groan, his hands slipping to your lower back to hold you closer. Your hands moved to hold his shoulders, applying pressure to encourage him to swap positions with you, smiling as you looked up at him through heavy lashes.
“Where you goin’, honeybee?” he asked, voice heavy as he reached his hands toward you again. Widening your smile you reached to wrap your fingers around his hardened length, eyes flashing with adoration when his hips jolted forward to meet your touch, a low groan sounding in his chest again. As you continued to rub along his length you sank to your knees, not breaking eye contact as you ran your tongue along the slit of his velvet head to taste the precum leaking from him already. His hands immediately grasped behind your head, fingers lacing into your hair. “Fuck.”
You removed your hand, running your nails down his thigh lightly as your tongue traced the thick vein on his cock, a light smile tugging at your lips when he moaned out another profanity. You continued to lick up and down his length and suck only on the head briefly, enjoying the frustrated huff to his breath that grew as you teased him slightly.
His usual sense of self control was obliterated by his need to feel the warmth of your mouth around his length. Before you could pull your lips free of him again he grasped your hair tighter, holding you in place as he slipped more of his length into your mouth. “Do you like teasing me, sweet thing?” You moaned in affirmation around his length, managing to run your tongue around as much of his length as you could manage. He pushed more of his length into your mouth, head falling back briefly before he corrected himself, eyes meeting yours again. “This is what you want? For me to fuck your mouth?”
You moaned again and he took his command, thrusting his length into your mouth greedily and with almost embarrassing speed. He seldom got to enjoy the feeling of your mouth around his length as he’d always opt to bury himself in your tight cunt before he got the chance, but on these occasions when you insisted – when you wanted him to bruise your throat – he was never one to resist. When his velvet head hit the back of your throat and you gagged slightly he huffed out a deep, sustained groan as his cheeks flushed, one of his hands moving from your hair to cup your cheek and stroke it gently.
It only encouraged you further.
You reached your own hand to cup his balls, fondling them gently as he began to thrust repeatedly into your mouth – gentle as he could manage in his clouded mind. “Fuck, baby…” he began, hitting the back of your throat again and holding your hair slightly tighter to keep you in place for a moment. “God, you’re doing so good. You look so pretty. Going to make you feel so fucking good soon.”
You moaned around his length which spurred him to brush your cheek again before he returned to fucking your mouth, some part of his brain keening at the sight of you drooling around his length. He may have been a clean freak, but there were some messy sights when it came to you that he loved.
He continued to praise you while he enjoyed your mouth, lasting for several more thrusts before he removed his cock from your mouth, gently tugging you upward to your feet again. “Let me fuck you right here. I can’t wait for the bedroom.”
There was something so intrinsically commanding – and sexy – about his tone that had you scrambling to allow him to lift you onto the counter, removing your skirt and underwear and tossing them to the pile with his pants as you went. “You’re fucking me in every room in this house, William Miller. This is just the start.”
He used his hand gently to raise one of your legs and hook it over his shoulder, his other hand fisting his cock to smear your remaining spit around his length as he groaned at your words. Leaning forward he lined his cock up with your tight entrance, releasing his length to grab the hand towel on the counter beside you, holding the fabric behind your head gently as he pressed a kiss to your lips gently.
“Don’t want you hitting your head,” he explained before beginning to push his throbbing cock into your velvet walls, groaning deeply as he leaned his forehead against yours with his eyes screwed shut in concentration. You leaned your head back, grateful for the cushion of the towel and his hand rather than the cabinet as you gasped, keening at the feeling of his cock splitting you open again.
When he’d bottomed out in you he stilled for a moment, kissing you again deeply and hungrily as he enjoyed the feeling of being fully wrapped up in you again. When he released you from the kiss he lowered his head to burrow into your neck, breathing in the smell of you deeply as he began to thrust into you carefully, perfectly. Even with you on a counter he knew the perfect angles to enter you, each thrust knocking the head of his cock against either the spongey spot that made you moan or your cervix, which always made you cry out his name.
It was impossible for him to say which he preferred.
After thrusting slowly and carefully for a while, enjoying the steady beat of your heart against his chest and your pulse beneath his lips. He raised his head to kiss you again, picking up the pace as his tongue danced across your bottom lip again, a deep groan sounding in his chest when your walls fluttered around him. He was unwilling to release you from the kiss fully so he muttered against your lips – how beautiful you were, how good you felt, how wonderful you sounded moaning for him, how fucking perfect you were…
He was burrowing into your mind and heart now. You were letting him.
You intentionally clenched your walls around him slightly, wrapping your other leg around his waist to force him deeper into you, pulling what was practically a growl from his chest. His hand on your hip grasped tighter as he gave several deep, pointed, slow thrusts, his forehead falling to lean against yours as he released a shaky breath.
“Wanna fill you up again,” he breathed out desperately, fingertips digging into you roughly as his pace became sloppy. “Can’t stop thinking about seeing my cum leak out of your pretty pussy.”
“Will, fuck…” you moaned again, hands grasping his shoulders to help ground yourself somewhat, feeling the building pressure again and knowing euphoria approached. His hand left your hip to slide lower, his thumb rubbing quick circles around your sensitive bundle of nerves to coax you over the edge.
“You like that? You like hearing me talk about filling you up, my love?”
“Yes, Will, fuck, f-f-fu-fucking love it,” you moaned out, your eager-to-please tone scratching an itch in his brain and causing his pace to increase – he now pounded into you relentlessly, knowing full well you wouldn’t walk well tomorrow. He’d be here to care for you anyway.
“I know ya do,” he groaned, nipping at your bottom lip lightly. “Means you’re mine.
”You could only nod up at him as your lips stayed open, eyelids heavy. He managed a light smile at the sight, losing himself in the fantasy of filling you so often that one day it would really take and that the two of you would fill this big farmhouse with a family – one day, he thought. For now, he could at least enjoy claiming your womb in practice.
Your orgasm washed over you quickly and powerfully, walls tightening down around his cock causing him to stay buried to the hilt as you cried out his name loudly, eyes rolling back. He ground his waist against you best he could with your tight, hot walls spasming around him until his own release came, ropes of his hot seed spilling into you. He kissed you throughout your orgasms, pulling you in closer to his chest to have you as flush against him as possible.
He continued to kiss you repeatedly, gently, reverently, worshipful as both of you came down from your shared high.
“You still want me to stay?” he questioned quietly against your lips when both of you seemed to have your breath returned to normal. You offered a gentle smile, pressing a kiss against his bottom lip – it was lazy, tired. Some of his favorite kisses from you were such – when you had no energy left and you still tried to give it to him.
“Only if you carry me to bed, soldier.”
He smiled – one of his pure and genuine smiles – as he scooped you up into his arms bridal style, holding you closer to his chest as he nodded. Flipping the lights off, Will began to exit the kitchen to make his way to share your bed for the first time, before a final thought ran through his mind. For a moment he questioned if he should voice the thoughts – but he knew you wouldn’t judge him.
“…You want me to grab more of those cupcakes before we go up?”
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winniethewife · 3 months
I walked with you once upon a dream
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(William "Ironhead" Miller x F!reader)
Words: 539
A/N: For the Triple Frontier Write-a-Thon.
Will’s phone was ringing, the caller Id flashing that it was the woman he had been dating for just a few weeks. He was hesitant to call her his girlfriend, they hadn’t really talked about it yet. He reaches for his phone and slides to answer.
“Hi! Will! Thank god you answered. I hate to bother you, but my car broke down on my way home from work and I need help. I don-” he could hear the tell tale whimper of tears in her voice and acted instinctively, interrupting her with a gently soothing voice. “Just send me your location, I’ll be right there.” He says with a reassuring tone, he could hear her sigh with relief on the other end of the line,
“Thank you so much. I owe you one.” She sounds significantly calmer when he hangs up the phone. When he gets her location he’s surprised because she shows up not so far from a suburban neighborhood. He thought she would be somewhere near town, but he realizes, he has no idea what she does for a living. As he gets into his car he ponders the possibilities. Is she a house cleaner? A Nanny? Door to door sales-woman? Will feels a little embarrassed, he hadn’t even asked her what she did for a living. He tried to rack his brain for anything that she might have said, not coming up with a single thing she had said. He pulls up behind her on the side of the road and gets out of his car. As he walks up to her door he was wracking his brain for a way to ask her what she does when he sees what she’s wearing. A full on ball gown, and a tiara. Will does a double take, this was not what he was expecting at all. She rolls down her window.
“Hey, thanks so much, I didn’t know who else to call.” She says with a smile.
“No problem…princess.” He says with a slight laugh before looking her over. “I will admit, I’m a little surprised to see you…dressed like that.”
“Oh, god. I forgot I hadn’t told you. I work for a party princess company.” She says as if that will explain everything to him. He looks at her puzzled.
“And that is?” he asks as he leans on her car looking at her.
“I get hired to dress as a princess and show up to kids birthday parties.” She explains. “Sometimes other events too, but mostly parties, hence Party princess,”
“Ah, I didn’t even know that was a thing you could do…” Will smiles and rubs the back of his head sheepishly. After getting under the hood and figuring out that this was not something he could fix on the side of the road they called roadside assistance and as they waited for the tow truck to some he asked her several questions about her job and she happily answered them. After the tow truck came Will drove her home. As he pulled up in front of her place she leans over and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you…prince charming.” She says with a cheeky smile. He chuckles slightly.
“Anything for my damsel in distress.”
Tag: @triplefrontier-anniversary @romanarose
104 notes · View notes
romanarose · 1 year
Awakening: Caffeine
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Santiago Garcia X fem!Reader X William Miller
Awakening Series masterlist
Summary: You spend some time with just Santi and Will and like after cup of coffee on a sleepy morning, you, Santi and Will feel more awake than ever.
Warnings and content: threesome, piv sex, blowjob, oral f and m receiving, 69, upside down sloppy blowjob, degradation, praise, self slut shaming for realsies, lots of talking and aftercare, Santi being a switch lol, why do I talk about cum so much etc, THIS WASN'T EVEN GONNA BE GAY WHEN I FIRST STARTED THE SERIES BUT I CANT STOP!!! THE BISEXUAL GODS TOOK CONTROL!!! Romance?? brewing??? We'll see. Where are benny and frankie? not talking rn sadly :( dont worry they’re next. you know i love my FishBen
You never felt safer than in your husband's arms. No matter the dirty things he called you, no matter the impact play, and no matter the vulnerable positions he put your body in with him or his friends, you trusted him completely to protect you, to keep you safe. You could communicate your needs, wants and concerns, and you’d like to think you extended the same courtesy to him. Santiago always protected you, inside and outside of the bedroom, he protected your body and your spirit, and in his arms, you were safe.
Even as you stood naked with Will Miller in front of you, stroking himself as he watched Santi’s hands roam all over you.
“Isn’t she pretty, Will?” Santi spoke into your ear, showing you off. Santi had slowly stripped you naked in front of Will, describing in detail the features of your body as if you were a car he was bragging about. Despite the feminist in you, you loved when Santi objectified you in bed; because it was only ever in bed. In the rest of your life together, he treated you like someone to be worshiped. Right now, however, he treated you as a toy to be played with, and you loved every second.
And now, here you stood as Santi felt you up, playing with your body like it existed solely for his hands to touch, grabbing and squeezing and slapping.
Will, however, looked at you with a reverence, adoration, like he was just blessed to be in your presence. “Fucking beautiful.” 
“You wanna touch her, Will? She’ll let you. Dirty little whore just wants to be touched, doesn’t matter by who.” Santi shoves you forward and you stumble the two feet into Will’s strong arms where he catches you. Will’s body is broad and warm, firm against you but comforting. He wraps his arms around you, turning you back to Santi and one arm wrapped tight around your waist, his other hand trailing fingers down your sides.
“No, nooo” Will coo’s, kissing your neck. “She’s just a good girl, she just wants to behave, she just want to make us happy” Less harsh than Santi, he pushes you back into your husbands arms.
“She wants to get filled up, Will. Wants to have us in all her holes, she just wants to cum again, and again, and again.” You were tossed back to Will.
“That’s not true, is it baby?” Will’s words flutter in hot breaths against your ear, the contrast between the two becoming dizzying. “You want to make us happy, you want to be a good wife, good wives get shared.” 
You assume you’re in Santi’s grasp now, but you can hardly tell anymore by the way they toss your body like a ball back and forth between them, Santi continuing to call you a myriad of names and groping you, whereas Will praised you and caressed your body; it was dizzying, the back and forth, back and forth, degradation and praise, slaps and soothing touches.
Once again in Will’s hold, he tells your you’re doing so good, how good girls get to cum, how they’ll make sure everything is taken care of as long as you do as you’re told, before you finally land with Santiago again, a strong arm snaking up to hold your throat with his other hand tightly gripped your hands behind your back, prominently displaying your whole chest, primarily your breasts, to Will.
“She’s just a slut, Ironhead, see? She’s wetter than the ocean, it’s fucking dripping down her legs and all we’ve done is toy with her like a little doll.” Santi turned his attention to you, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. “Is that what you are, baby? Our little fuck doll to play with whenever we want? Our little free-use toy?”
You nod frantically, you want to be his doll, you want to be his toy, and you wanted him to share his toys.
“Lucky for Will, I was taught how to share.” Santi looked back to his friend. “Wanna play with her?”
Without so much as a reply, Will was all up on you, his bare chest to yours, keeping you pressed between his and Santiago’s bodies, sandwiched between the two men you loved most on this planet. You adored your husband with everything in you and sex with just him fulfill every need and desire you could have with one person, and sex with all the boys together was hot, adventurous, sexy and loving, but there was something special with Santi and Will together, a chemistry in the air and a magic in the way they worked together. Will’s mouth was breathy, kissing your lips but quickly continuing on to touch all the skin exposed; down the neck, groping and licking and sucking softly against your skin, careful not to leave marks per Santiago’s request. As his arms wrapped around you, his fingers wedged between you and where Santi was pressed up against you, and Santi’s hands slipped between your legs, gathering up the slick before rubbing on your clit teasingly slow, matching his slow kisses on your neck.
You could feel Will’s fingers fidgeting between yours and Santi’s skin, and you held your breath, wondering if, just maybe, something would…
Santi inhaled the smell of your shampoo as he buried his face in your hair. He loved this, he loved you, he loved Wi- he loved his friends, he corrected himself, and he loved sharing you. There was something special about just sharing you with Will, however. Frankie and Ben absolutely showered you in the praise and affection, they were nothing but respectful to you, men he trusted you with completely, but William John Miller worshiped you. He’s seen it in his eyes for years as you got to know his friends, the way Will’s eyes would follow you, then quickly look away for fear of being caught, the shame in his face when he looked to long or at your breasts or ass, the way that Santi could feel him pushing down his desire for you because friends don’t want their friends girlfriend, fiance, wife… Except Santi wanted him to, and seeing Will treat you with the reverence you deserved, the reverence he hoped he too showered you in… well that was as much a turn on as anything.
Feeling Will’s rough hands between your bodies as Santi kissed into you, tasting your skin as Will moved his way back up from your breasts, Will’s fingers, moving, inching… 
You feel Will’s hand stray from the small of your back and move to grip Santi’s hip and your breath hitches as Will comes face to face with Santi and for a moment, you wonder what will happen… since when was Will gay? Well, you supposed you could ask that about most of them…
You held your breath, and in the end it was Santi who kissed Will, right in front of where you had turned. Their mouths mouths melded together and when you moan at the sight, both of their attention turns to you, and your are sucked into the flurry of tongues and lips and spit, kissing, licking and sucking with such desperation, that all you could register with a sloppy mess of wet skin; but it didn’t matter whose tongue was in your mouth, whose hands slid between your legs, and whose lips you bit, because they were both your boys, and you were their girl… and they were each others.
Predictably, Will breaks the make out session to drop to his knees before you, hiking one leg over his vast shoulder to give him access, where he watches in awe at how wet you were. “You’re right, Pope,” Will spoke hungrily as he licked his lips. “She’s dripping”
Gripping Will's blonde hair, Santi leaned around you to watch Will get to work, Santi pulled Will’s head to your inner thighs. “Clean her up, then, Ironhead.”
You whimper, watching Will as Santi slowly pulled him up to your folds, cleaning you of your slick before Santiago shoved his head between your legs and Will was able to do what he did best; give you all the pleasure you could take from his mouth. As you begin panting, your right leg begins to weaken from holding all your body weight, and you tremble from the pressure building up in your lower stomach so Santi let go of his control on Will to help hold you up. Will was, as they say, tongue fucking you. Santi was amazing at eating you out, he could make you cum again and again and again, but Will? Will was a pussy eating champ.
“Fuck, FUCK fucking hell, Will” You pant heavily.
Santiago kissed your neck. “You like that, baby? You like when Will suffocats himself between your legs”
“Uh-uh-uhuh” You try to answer, and you know damn well Santi isn’t going to let that go, he really likes you too-
“Use your words, hermosa” Santi’s voice, low in your ear.
“Yes, god yes, fucking love your face in pussy Will.”
“What do you say to Will?” 
“T-thank you, Will”
You were getting close, Will devouring you ravenously and Santi’s hands holding you up and playing with your nipples. Then, you feel Will’s hand shift and Santi’s breath hitches, and from the repetitive movement you felt on your skin, you realize Will has begun jerking off Santi from between your legs.
Will comes out and looks at Santi “This okay?”
Santi nods frantically. “Y-es, yes, don’t stop.”
“What do you say?” Will teased his friend.
Santi was unable to correctly form words, the heat of the moment clouding his brain, but he had enough forethought to wrap his hand around you to play with your clit. “Mmmmhm” Was all he could reply.
You continue teasing him, mirroring his previous words back to him. “Use your words, Santiago?”
“Thank you, Will”
Smiling, Will went back to work on you and Sant, Santi sucking into your neck with a fever that you knew signaled he was close, just like you, so you reach back your hand and entangle it in Santiago’s dark curls tugging about, everything growing hot the pressure in your stomach rising, rising, rising-
Will pulls away from you, and wraps his hand tightly at the base of Santi’s cock, effectively stopping both of your orgasms.
“Fuck!” You whine, slumping against your husband.
“God dammit, Ironhead!” Santi shouted, but Will’s wet face only grinned. “That’s what you get for trying to run this show, Pope.”
You grumble. “What did I do?”
Will kisses your puffy pussy, smiling up at you. “I know, princess, you’re being so good. You’re just collateral.” He scoops you up over his shoulder as he stands, making you squeal, and pats your thigh. “Santi, lie down on the bed.” and started walking around the bed with you in tow
Santi considers the path this has taken, and where this might go. He liked what he had with Will, this little power play, and plotted his next move. Go with it, or see how he reacts if he doesn’t? But when Will looked behind him and saw Santi hadn’t obeyed, he raised and eyebrow at him, and Santi promptly scrambled onto the bed.
“Now, you’re gonna make her cum on your face, and then I’ll let you come.”
Santi laughed at that, like a fucking brat. “Oh yeah, how you gonna do that, you gay now too?”
“Relax, Santi” He began to set you on top of him. “This ain’t the first dick I’ve sucked.”
With your legs spread over Santi, you lowered yourself onto Santi’s waiting mouth as Will situated himself over Santi. You brace yourself on Santi’s firm chest as he quickly licks into you, rocking yourself over his face as you lock eyes with Will.
“He feel good, Princess?” Will rubbed Santi’s thighs.
“So good, Will”
He spit into his fist, jerking off Santi (which made Santi’s grip on your hips tighten).“Want to watch me suck off your husband?”
“Yes” you whine “Will, please, wanna see him in your mouth, bet you look so good like that.”
“Oh, I know I do” With that, Will expertly sunk his mouth over Santi’s length, Santi groaning loudly into your dripping cunt.
“Oh FUCK, fuck Will, he likes that, he likes that a lot”
You watch the scene before you, content to sit pretty on Santi’s face and watch Will pleasure him with the same enthusiasm he ate you out with; William Miller, it seems, loved to give pleasure. You knew Santiago was in fucking heaven, happy to lick and suck away, wanting to bring you your orgasm you were denied, and god, it was coming.
“Fuck, Fuck Santi, baby, I’m close, don’t stop, making me feel so- AH!” You shout as you finally cum, pleasure ripping through you in warm waved as you road it out on his face.
Will looked up, still stroking Santi “Good job princess, I told you good girls get to come, keep fucking his face, get it all out, oh look at you, looking for pretty after being denied… Santi, you can-”
But Santi wasn’t ready to give up all his power. One hand he pushed Will down to his balls, and the other pulled you to suck his cock, your pussy doing fuck all to muffle the loud groan from him, nor the cry from his mouth as he came into yours.
When he was finished, you giggle and collapse onto the mattress, propping your legs over Santi. “Boys, that was incredible.”
Santi rubbed your legs. “You good to keep going, baby?”
Will laid down beside you.
You smile, replying “Can we take a breath first?”
“Absolutly, sweetheart” Will brushed the sweaty hair out of your face. 
“You guys stay there” Santi got up and went to the living room.
Will teased. “Yes sir”
While Santi braided your hair out of your face, Santi you and Will checked in about what happened. Will and Santi confirming that yes, they were more than okay with being with each other sexually, and you confirming that you were okay sharing both, even though the original intention had been them focusing on you. After water and some fruit snacks, Santi got you situated in your next position; head hanging off the bed as Will fucked your throat and Santi fucked your pussy.
Will marveled at the way your throat opened to him, the way his cock bulged with every thrust. “Jesus christ, baby…”
Santi pounded into you, his thick cock stretching you open. “Isn’t she something? Told you she was a slut for cock”
Gently, Will caressed your cheek. “Maybe you’re right, she’s a good little slut” He pulls out for a moment. “Are you a good little slut, princess?”
Gasping for air, you reply as Will daps your face clean from drool with the towel. “Yes, I’m a good cock slut.”
“I know you are” Will plunges back into you, looking up at a grinning Santi
Santi continues fucking you, hands moving up and down the expanse of your body, smiling back at Will, this all just felt so damn right. You felt completely full, satiated, with Will and Santi’s hands on your body, toying with it, seeing what what the pretties moans, and what combinations made you body jolt, and before you knew it, while Santi played with your clit and Will played with both nipples, you came once again.
“Oh fuck, are you coming princess? Already?” Will watches your limbs shake, pulling out of you and pushing you back a bit on the bed to allow you your orgasm in comfort.
“Just like like that baby, juuuust like that, look at you, coming on my cock, Will’s right, you’re such a good girl, such a fucking g-good girl, FUCK!” Santi’s thrusts became erratic but hard, the slap of skin loud as he unloaded his cum into you. “You’re fucking perfect, hermosa, perfecta chica.”
Santi folded himself onto you, fingers trailing up your sides and over your spread out arms where his hands held yours. “What do you think, got one more in you? Gonna let Will finally feel what it’s like inside you? How tight you squeeze when you cum?”
“Please, please baby, want Will to cum inside me, I need it”
“You heard the lady” Will playfully pushed a smiling Santi aside and settled between your legs, eyeing your puffy pussy dripping with Santi’s cum. “Oh, sweet little thing…” He murmurs, mesmerized by the sight before him. “Can you even take it? Hm? I don’t know if you’re fucked out little hole can take another round…” He was mostly playing with you, but he also genuinely wanted to offer you a chance to back out if needed; he never wanted to hurt you. 
“Will please, please Will, I can’t take it, I need to know what you feel like…”
Santi was laid beside you on his stomach nuzzling contently into you sweaty skin and Will was absolutely peaking at his naked ass when Santi spoke up, voice soft. “She ever tell you she has sex dreams about you? Used to hear her moaning your name in her sleep…”
Will leaned over to smack Santi’s asscheek. “You gonna help me make her feel good, Pope?”
Cupping a breast with right hand and kissing the soft skin of your stomach, Santiago affirms. “I’ll always make her feel good.”
“I know you will, baby” The pet name Will spoke to Santi took all of them by surprise, but that was quickly erased by their grins as you moaned, Will stretching you open again. Will wasn’t as big as Santi, but he was impossibly thick.
“Fucking hell, you’re tight” He massages your thighs, relaxing you.
You feel you eyes roll back as he bottoms out and begins fucking you, a steady pace that makes your tits bounce until Santi’s hand and mouth take them sucking and playing with the peaks.
“You dreamed of me, princess?” Will sped up his movements.
“Y-yes, yes Will, wanted you for so long”
“In your dreams, did I fuck you like this?”
“This is better, so much better” You’re panting again, the combination of theirhands and cock making you unable to focus, fuck they felt good together. You wrap your arms around Santiago to stabilize you, and he kisses his way up your chest to your neck
“In your dreams, did I suck your husband's cock?”
Of all the times to cum, this was certainly something. With a death grip on Santi’s sweaty, firm shoulders you came with a start, your body jolting in the grasp of the two men, Santi whispering sweet praises in your ears and Will pinning your hips to the mattress in his large hands as he pulls out of you, marking both your stomach and Santi’s back in his cum. You are two busy riding out your orgasm to think much on it, Santi slipping his fingers inside you to replace Will’s dick to pump out the last bits of your pressure he can get and to scoop up and push his cum back inside you. 
After it all subsides, and you register Santi is still telling you how much he loves you, the heat of sex begins to cool down, leaving the damp sheen of sweat and you shiver slightly.
“Oh sweetheart, let me get you cleaned up, then we can rest, okay?” Santi kisses you, and you wonder how he doesn’t find you disgusting, sweaty and full of bodily fluids from yourself, him and another man. Was he really okay with sharing you like this? For the first time, little seeds of doubt spread in your head. Did he think less of you, now that multiple men had been inside you in a variety of ways? Did he mean it when he called you a slut?
You realize you can’t see Will. “Mhm. Where’s Will?”
“I’m right here, princess, got a bath going for you” Will walked in wearing his boxers again.
You smile as you focus on the tall blonde in front of you. Amazing, you think, they somehow know exactly what you need. 
Will used a baby wipe that Santi had in the box he had from the group sex and cleaned Santi’s back of his cum, gently kissing Santi’s neck, making the man smile, then picked you up bridal style to carry you into the steamy hot tub, Santi trailing after you, pulling up his sweats.
“I’ll give you guys a minute, make something to drink” Will leaves you two alone as husband and wife.
“How do you feel, princesa?” Santi spoke softly as he began cleaning you.
You smile dopily up at him. “I feel great, sweetheart. But I think Princess is Will’s name for me, now”
“You’re right, you’re right. Guess I’ll have to stick with carino” he kisses your temple. “Muneca” he kisses your neck. “El amor de mi vida” Your nose
You giggle at that. “Somehow, I think you’ll manage”
Taking out your hair tie of one of the two braids, Santi continues. “Are you sure everything is okay? You seemed a little distant after you came down from your last orgasm.”
You make eye contact with him, and know you could leave it, Santi wouldn’t push the subject for now, and you could avoid it, pushing your feelings down and deal with it later, or never… but you trusted Santi, and Santi trusted you to be honest, you couldn’t break his trust any more than he could break yours, the whole thing would fall apart. You could ask him if you could talk later, if you weren’t ready… but you decided to be honest. His face already betrayed that he knew your extended silence was hiding something.
You answer him honestly. “”You don’t actually think I’m a slut, do you?”
Horror spreads across Santi’s face, even as he tries to school his expressions to not create a big reaction. He knew it was important to make sure you felt safe speaking to him, especially because you tended to enjoy rougher sex, but he couldn’t help immediately feelings bad for letting you feel this way, even for a second. Santi wasn’t exactly a hugger; he was touchy, for sure, but not a big hug person. Right now, however, with his eyes wide in horror, he hugged you.
“Oh baby, my sweet girl, no, no absolutely not” 
You tear up a little bit, the high of emotions surrounding everything getting you to. “Really, because I’ve just fucked your friends multiple times”
“Well so did I!” Santi says, a slight joke in his tone but sincerity none the less.
You giggle in his arms at that. “Fair point”
Santi pulls back, smiling fondly at you, thumbing away the single tear. “Oh sweetheart, did you do anything today or in all this that you didn’t want to do? Or didn’t love, even? Anything with me sharing you, or me with Ben or Will?” he says with worry.
Shaking your head, you quickly reassure him. “No, Santi, I wanted it all”
His arms were still around you. “Do you want me to stop degrading you in bed? We can stop, around the guys, when it’s just us, all of it. I’ll never call you another name again.”
“No!” You say a little too fast, making Santi smile. “No, sweetie, I like that. It’s just, it’s just been a lot of emotions. A lot has been happening with everyone.”
“I know this has probably been a lot for you too, I know it has for me, discovering new parts of ourselves” He takes your face in his hands. “I know things are changing, right now, everyone's relationships and dynamics and… it’s a lot, but no matter what else happens, know that I am yours and you are mine, and nothing will change that.”
Full content and relaxed, you kiss his perfect nose. “Thank you, baby. I am yours and you are mine”
When Will came back with some iced tea lemonades, he sat on the opposite side of the bath and watched fondly as Santi took care of you.
You had asked Will to stay the night, and after the bath you found yourself cuddled up under the sheets between your boys.
“Are we going to talk about what happened?” You say, referencing not only Will and Santi’s sexual acts, but the clear dynamic change that had been occurring between the three of you.
Will answered. “That can wait until tomorrow”
“You sure we’ll actually talk about it?” Santi countered, a little nervous. “I don’t want us to end up like whatever the fuck is going on with Ben and Fish”
“They didn’t end up like anything” Will defended his brother and his friend. “They’ll figure it out, so will we”
“Yeah” you say, stifled by a yawn. “We’ll figure it out tomorrow” You wrap your arm around Santi, spooning your husband.
Santi curls into you. “Yeah, tomorrow”
“Tomorrow” Will confirms, wrapping his arm around you. “We’ll all figure it out.”
AAHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE SHARING MY WORK!!!! If you're new here, HIIIIII if this interests you, please consider checking out the rest of this series! it v bisexual lmfao
Remember, reblogs are the best way to spread my work around, but comments mean SO MUCH REREAD THEM ALL THE TIME comment to give 1000 happies to me
Anyway, two chapters left! FishBen chapter next, then another chapters thats gonna be like. impssible to write lol but its all of them, all the bisexuality, everyone fucking, Ben is literally a whore for everyoe (EXCEPT WILL IM NOT WRITING INCEST) Santi lowkey is a whore for everyone tho lmfao but thats just canon.
Thank you so much everyone!!!! I adore you and than you for your love on this series
Last chapter got community guidelined after 38 minutes so Santi x benny got NO WHERE so hopfully this does better.
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anitalenia · 2 years
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━━ anitalenia’s masterlist ༺ ˎˊ-
❝ 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡; 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑠 ❞ ˚ ༘♡
✧˚. VISIT MY OTHER PAGES↷ ˊ- taglist | time stamps | the great library | writing help
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✧・゚: * ANIME WATCHLIST ★ Kill La Kill | Gangsta | Jujutsu Kaisen | Michiko & Hatchin | Parasyte | One Punch Man | Samurai Champloo | Scissor Seven | Castlevania | Avatar the Last Airbender | Legend of Korra | The Devil Is a Part-Timer! | Demon Slayer
✧・゚: * FANDOMS I’M CURRENTLY WRITING FOR ★ The Gray Man | Avatar | Triple Frontier | Slashers | Ari Levinson | Rio (good girls) | Miscellaneous
━━━ GENRES I LOVE ★ mafia 。・:*˚:✧。 fantasy/supernatural 。・:*˚:✧。 step dad 。・:*˚:✧。 enemies to lovers 。・:*˚:✧。 polyamory 。・:*˚:✧。 stepcest 。・:*˚:✧。 teacher x student 。・:*˚:✧。 bodyguard 。・:*˚:✧。 monsterfucking 。・:*˚:✧。 bimbo!reader
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'*•.¸♡ UPCOMING FICS / WIP ★ be my protector, be my love , court gentry x fem!reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ want you, want me, taijani x fem!reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ all of me, eyekey x fem!reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ a velvet unity, sierra six x fem!reader
'*•.¸♡ UPCOMING SERIES ★ a thousand bad things, lloyd hansen x fem!reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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☆。* THE GRAY MAN 。☆。
lloyd hansen | courtland gentry / sierra six |
the gray boys / multiple characters
santiago garcia / pope | william miller / ironhead |
ben miller | francisco morales / catfish |
the frontier boys / multiple characters
☆。* SLASHERS 。☆。
ghostface | michael myers | jason voorhees |
slashers / multiple characters
avatar | ari levinson | rio (good girls) | battinson |
𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶. pirates / mafia / fantasy etc.
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KEY — s (smut ) f ( fluff ) a ( angst ) d ( dark content )
˖⁺ ⊹୨ let me make it better ୧⊹ ⁺˖ ( s, f ) ━━ you hated when lloyd yelled, but loved when he made up for it. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ pairing: lloyd hansen x fem!reader started: April 28 published: April 30 edited: yes ୨୧ 𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་
˖⁺ ⊹୨ be my protector, be my love ୧⊹ ⁺˖ ( s, f, a ) ━━ his job was to protect you, but falling in love wasn’t in the contract. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ pairing: sierra six x fem!reader started: published: edited: yes ୨୧ 𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་
˖⁺ ⊹୨ by the lakeside ୧⊹ ⁺˖ ( s, f, a ) ━━ you were angry with benny for almost dying and not even caring about it. luckily, benny finds a way to make it up to you. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ pairing: ben miller x fem!reader started: May 22 published: May 26 edited: yes ୨୧ 𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་
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©︎ 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐀. 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙯𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙤𝙧 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙢 𝙖𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙬𝙣.
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145 notes · View notes
musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
Build Me Up - Chapter 4 (Final Chapter)
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Pairing: William “Ironhead” Miller x f!reader (inclusive - stock photos suck)
Word Count: 3200+
Rating: M for mature - 18+ only!
Warnings: Mature themes and some canon mentioned. Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: The last chapter! I never intended this fic to be super long, but I loved their meet cute(?) idea and had to write it. As always, I take asks for any of the fics I write for, even if it’s just questions or a little drabble! Thank you for waiting so LONG inbetween that first and second chapter. Y’all the real MVP’s!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
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Build Me Up Masterlist
General Masterlist
Will Miller Masterlist
<<;Chapter 3<<
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Several months later, Will takes you out for drinks after a nice dinner, your usual Friday night date. It was a great chance for you both to catch up on what the other was doing during the week, as sometimes life got so busy you’d barely get a chance to speak. This last week, Will had been out of town at a few different bases, making his speech about joining the Armed Forces, so your conversations take longer than normal. Will places a drink order with the bartender, leaning against the bar on his elbow as he watches you talk about the kids archery camp you’ve been instructing, eyes lighting up as you talk about them, when his eyes glance over your shoulder and his smile drops, his eyes instantly becoming hard. You stop talking and follow his gaze to a really pretty women, tall, lean, and blonde.
His ex fiance.
She’s with a friend but splits from them, pointing to the bar directly where Will was standing. You try to drag him away but it’s like he’s frozen, unable or unsure of what to do. 
“Oh. Hey, Will.”
He stares at her for a few moments longer than socially acceptable. “Ashley.”
She glances at you and back at Will, making the connection that you’re together. She sticks a hand out to you. 
“Hi, you must be the new girlfriend. I’m Ashley. Will and I used to…well, we were engaged.” She says the last word like it holds some giant meaning, like she was hoping it would cause a fight between you both. You take her hand, gripping it firmly and shake.
“Oh so you’re the ex fiance? Amber?”
Her eyes narrow at you slightly. “Ashley.”
“Right, right. I knew it was something that starts with A.” 
She glares at you for a second before rallying, schooling a look of indifference on her face. “So, how long have you two been dating?” She looks at Will but he seems incapable of answering her so you take over.
“About a year.”
She raises her eyebrows. “A year? You made it a whole year?” She sounds like she’s shocked, as if she wasn’t with him long enough to be engaged. 
“Yeah. Will’s great.”
She smiles at you, but the look in her eyes, like she knows some terrible secret and is going to save you from something, makes you want to punch her even more. She leans in closer to you, but still speaks loud enough for Will to just hear it over the sounds of the bar.
“He can be…a lot. Did he tell you to say that?”
She leans in closer. “Blink twice if you’re in trouble.”
The color on Will’s face drains and you square your shoulders, sitting up straighter as you turn the full force of your gaze on her. 
“That’s really not funny. And honestly? I’m glad you couldn't handle him because that made him available for me. Will is the best thing to ever happen to me-”
Ashley waves her hand, cutting you off. “Yeah, yeah. Just wait until he finally shows you who he is in bed. A real freak. If you need help, just blink and I’ll call someone.”
You stand abruptly, your barstool wobbling dangerously on one leg as you do. “You know, I have to thank you.”
She blinks at you. “Oh? So you do need help?”
“Thank you for showing me exactly what a terrible person you are. It’s easy to see who the problem is. Now, unkindly, get the fuck out of our way.” You take Will’s hand and pull him up, Ashley staring at you open mouthed as you push past her, Will’s hand squeezing yours as you make your way through the crowd and out of the packed bar, heading straight for his truck. Will fishes his keys from his pocket and unlocks it, hopping in and you do the same. He starts it but doesn’t move, letting the ac cool it down. 
“What a fucking bitch,” You say, half to yourself and half to Will.
He’s quiet a moment. “I never thought…I didn’t know she was still in town.”
“Well fuck her. She is so rude. I wanted to fight her but I didn’t want to ruin date night.”
Will chuckles lightly. “Now that I would’ve loved to have seen.”
“Oh? I can go in there and drag her ass out here,” You point over your shoulder with your thumb, pretending to go for the doorhandle. Will smiles, but it doesn’t quite meet his eyes as he shakes his head. 
“Hey…where are you?” You reach out and cup his cheek. Will leans into it for a moment, sighing deeply.
“She just…brought up a lot of memories. Ones that I didn’t want to think about again.”
“You’re a good man, Will. I know I say it all the time. I’m hoping it’ll sink in that Ironhead of yours one day.”
He smiles a little brighter this time, still not reaching his eyes. “I know.”
You watch him for a few moments before scooting close to him, pressing your lips to his and letting him lead. He responds after a second or two, kissing you back and pushing his tongue into your mouth. Moaning into him, you toss your leg over his lap, your hands sliding around the back of his neck, gripping and tugging on his hair. You tug a little harder, his head moving back and he smirks at you, that glint in his eye when he knows you’re about to sparkling in the dim light. Sucking at a spot on his neck, Will whimpers, fingers digging into your hips as you let go, a hickey quickly rising in palace of your lips. Will fumbles with his belt and you slap his hands away, quickly undoing his belt and jeans, pulling him out as he gasps at your touch, kissing him once more as you take him in hand and pump him a few times. Moving your panties aside you sit up and slide yourself down onto him slowly, which apparently doesn’t work for Will as he grips your hips and pulls you down quickly while thrusting up into you, chuckling darkly at your cry. 
“Fuck, Will! You feel so good!”
He guides you as you fuck him, pulling you down harder as you chant his name, random words and sounds tumbling from your lips as he fucks you. One hand is gripping his arm and the other slaps against the window and it’s then you see her. Ashley, standing a car length or two away, staring directly at you and Will having sex. As Will leans forward to suck hard on your neck, you smirk at Ashley, giving her a small wave and flipping her off as Will hits that spot inside of you and you cum, screaming his name a little louder than you probably needed to. Will comes a moment later, grunting and panting your name as he spurts inside of you, biting you hard on the shoulder. Chests heaving, Will looks up at you, eyes still dark as he takes in your face, hair all askew and sweaty. 
“I fucking love you, Robin.”
A smile spreads across your face. “I fucking love you, Will Miller.”
“Move in with me?”
“Was the sex that good?”
He chuckles. “It’s always that good with you.”
“Why don’t you ask me that when you’re not balls deep inside of me.”
He grips your chin lightly with his thumb and pointer finger and you meet his gaze. 
“I mean it, Robin. I’ve been dying to ask you for a few months. I just…”
“You never have to be afraid to ask me anything, Will.”
He nods. “I know. So…will you?”
“Yes. But if you feel different in the morning, it’s ok. Just tell me.”
He does not feel different in the morning, and he proves this to you by burying his face between your legs until you beg him to stop, overstimulated and nearly crying from so much bliss. 
“742,” Will says matter of factly.
“742? Really?”
He smiles proudly. “I love to make my girl cum.”
“I still can’t believe you track that.”
“Wanna know how many times we’ve had sex?”
You throw a pillow at him and he throws it back, expertly hitting you in the head.
Both of you take a couple weeks to pack your things and move them over slowly, since work was still super busy. Once you’re moved in, you settle into a comfortable routine, making Will a quick breakfast and coffee before he heads into work or off to the airport to make another recruitment speech. You can see his job wears on him, but when you ask him about it, he shrugs and says “It’s what I can do.” Once you pressed him more and he said a lot of places don’t want to hire veterans that have seen active combat. They don’t outwardly say it, but he’s been turned down for jobs that he interviewed great at, making it all the way through the process until they saw his forms, suddenly not so interested. He’d once asked a recruiter why and they mumbled something about “not worth the risk”. 
He takes up archery with you as his coach and he takes to it well, which doesn’t surprise you in the slightest, considering his history. Will also pays very close attention to detail, making it easier for him to hone in on the target and how best to get there. He still loves it when you come and stand behind him, fixing an elbow here or a wrist there. You finally got him to snap out of concentration Will when you came up behind him and pretended to adjust something on his posture before he drew and ground your hips into his ass. Will burst out laughing, not used to being the one grinded on and you both laughed about that for a long while. 
You’ve been together a year and a half and finally, Will gets to meet your family. They’re having their annual “2nd of July” celebration, as most of the family will be inside on the fourth, none of the veterans big fans of all the firework noise. They’d had to cancel last year and so were extra excited for this year, especially since you were able to fly in with the now infamous Captain William Miller. 
“Do I look ok?” Will asks, fidgeting with his collar in the hotel mirror. 
“Let me see.”
He turns to face you, arms outstretched to his sides. “Do I need to change?”
“As much as I’d love to take this shirt off of you, you look fine, Will. You don’t need to impress anyone.”
“Easy for you to say. Everyone loves you.”
“They have to. They’re family.”
When you arrive, Will knocks on the door, wiping his palms on his jeans that you’d convinced him to wear over business pants. He’s visibly nervous and you can see him getting in his head. So you lean up to him, speaking quietly by his ear.
“If you relax, we can stop at the store on the way back to get that stuff for that thing you’ve been wanting to try in the bedroom.”
Will’s eyes snap to yours, darkening instantly. His eyebrows raise but before he can say anything, the door opens and your dad is there, hugging you and grasping Will’s outstretched hand, a smile on his face.
“Will! It’s so good to finally meet you! You want a burger or a dog?”
“Whatever you have more of, sir.”
“Sir! You hear him? I like him already.”
He chuckles. “Alright, alright. No need to call me sir. I’m fairly certain you outrank me.”
Will shakes his head. “Negative. You are the father of the love of my life. You definitely outrank me for bringing her into this world.”
Your dad stops, looking between Will and you and seeing the look of utter devotion on both of your faces. “That’s very kind of you to say, Will. Now come on - let’s get you some food before these heathens eat it all.”
Will’s eyes widen when you step out into the backyard and he sees the amount of people gathered here. Kids running around with sparklers, throwing snaps at each other and laughing, some people swimming in the pool, and others talking, some loudly and some not, red, white, and blue colors everywhere. 
“I thought you said it was quiet?” He doesn’t look at you but the corner of his mouth ticks up.
“It is. We don’t do fireworks so it’s quiet for 2nd of July.”
You make the rounds, introducing Will to everyone, his shoulders relaxing more with every new person that he meets. “You weren’t kidding - almost everyone here has served or is serving.”
“Yup. I told you the truth that day in Publix.”
Everyone loved Will, but no one more than your mom. She fawned over him, squeezing his arm, making sure he had enough to eat and drink, that he knew where all the exits were and that there were no pets, the best places to stand with your back against a wall and clear line of sight to the door. The backyard was set up so you could stand pretty much anywhere and achieve this, but she wanted any excuse to talk to him. When your dad came over and pulled Will towards the grill to “help him”, your mom came up to you and gushed about Will, how he was so respectful and kind and a really nice man. 
True to your word, no fireworks were had that night. Instead, your parents had put up a giant inflatable screen and played a video of fireworks with no sound effects, just classical music over top. Will and you sit on the ground, Will leaning back on his hands and you between his legs as you watch. 
“This is amazing, Robin. I gotta tell the guys about this. We should do something like this back home.”
You lean back into his lap further, turning slightly to the side to look at him. “That’s a great idea! Frankie and Vanessa have plenty of room in their yard for this sort of screen. They aren’t too expensive. And their daughters would love to watch Frozen on this thing.”
The fireworks end and you sigh, stretching slightly as you stand up, finally able to make a full stretch. You turn to Will to offer him your hand, but your voice gets stuck in your throat when you look at him, kneeling on one knee, a ring box sitting in his hand.
“Robin, I know I’m not an easy man. Hell, you met me in the middle of a PTSD episode in the middle of a Publix. But somehow, even though I didn’t know you, you were able to pull me out. You saved me that day, but more than that, you’ve saved me every day since then. I feel…normal around you. Or as normal as I can be. You make me feel safe..safe to be me, all of me. I never thought that was possible. I thought that I would have to live my life half a person. You never judge me for the things I’ve had to do, any of the nightmares or quirks, none of it. Other women would’ve walked away, but you take my hand and guide me through the fog. And I hope I give you even an ounce of the happiness you bring me and I want to spend the rest of my life making sure that you’re happy and feel loved.” Will opens the little black box, exposing a beautifully crafted ring. “Will you marry-”
You launch yourself at him, cutting off his sentence to laughter and whoops all around, your lips crashing to his as everyone cheers. You take his face in both hands and pull back, tears falling not just from your eyes but his as well. 
“I love you, Captain William Miller.”
“I love you so much, darlin’.”
On your flight home, you covertly join the mile high club, Will grinning from ear to ear watching you exit the bathroom and smoothe down your dress a few minutes after he’d left the same one. 
Everyone flies out to your parent’s house for the wedding, as they had practically begged you to have the wedding there. And Will enthusiastically agreed, as the yard was literally set up for veterans. Everyone was there, even Santi flew up from his job in Colombia and asked you to tell him who your single family members were with a wink. 
The wedding was small but grand, flowers picked from your mom’s garden were woven into your braided updo, mathing the ones your mom had hand embroidered onto the outer layer of your dress, a matching embroidered handkerchief in Will’s coat pocket.
The reception went on long into the night, the kids all passed out on sleeping bags in the living room as they watched a movie. Will always had a hand on you at all times since you said “I do”, pressed to your lower back, lightly gripping your arm, or linking fingers with you and pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. 
You’d both decided to skip the honeymoon and save that money towards a downpayment on a house of your own, a discussion of kids sometime in the next couple of years or so. “We can always go on some fancy trip later,” you say as you take another sip of the beer Will had brought you. 
You did, however, take the week off anyway and spend it in bed, only leaving it to make food and use the bathroom, Will demanding that the only clothing you were allowed to wear was one of his shirts and nothing else. When you said “Yes, sir” he growled and chased you until he pushed you into the bed, both of you living out your now shared dark desires. 
And in the morning, you woke before him, watching his sleeping face as the light hits it just right and you think about how lucky you were to have been in Publix that day and how much you love the man in front of you, even if he was snoring loudly.
About a year or so later, Will and you are sitting on the couch cuddling, yelling out wrong answers to Wheel of Fortune, when his phone lights up. He leans forward and grabs it off the coffee table, letting you settle back into his side while he looks at the screen.
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah. I just got a text from Santi.”
“If it’s about some girl, I don’t need to know.”
“No. He says he has a job for us.”
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pimosworld · 6 months
The story of us- Final Chapter
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Pairing-Triple Frontier boys x f!reader
Chapter summary-The boys find a way to make your birthday very special.
CW-18+, Angst,Fluff,lots of fluff, tears but happy tears.
A/N- This is my first completed series so I’m very proud of myself for that accomplishment. I’m not saying goodbye to this group so please be on the lookout for future stories involving them as their relationship progresses. Thanks for sticking around 🤍 all of you.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Final chapter-It’s my party
“Come in officers.” You don’t skip a beat as you move aside to let the two men enter your home. Your training won’t allow you to let on that your heart is beating a mile a minute.
  You gesture them over to your dining room table to have a seat. Of course the couch feels more personal and you don’t want them to be comfortable. The more comfortable they are, the longer they’ll stay. You want to be able to sit with your nervous legs concealed under a table versus on display for them to judge your movements. 
  They likely know as much as they can about you. Your military background and a basic knowledge of your schooling and home life. What they likely don’t know is you are no basic militant soldier and you’ve had them clocked since they stepped through the threshold of your home. 
  Any form of torture or interrogation you’ve been through will make this look like child’s play. 
  You have a seat at the head of the table facing the door. Not offering them something to drink was another tactic in making sure they were uncomfortable enough to make this quick. 
  “We just want to ask you a few questions regarding your boyfriend Michael’s disappearance.”
  “Ex.” The officer who couldn’t keep his eyes away from the low cut neckline of your tank top looks up at you finally. “Sorry to interrupt but we broke up weeks ago.” 
  “Well that would explain why one of his coworkers reported him missing and not you.” Officer Williams seems to be offering up information you don’t necessarily need but could definitely be used to your benefit. “She seemed to be under the impression you two were still together.” 
  “We got into a pretty big argument and I asked him to leave. He hadn’t been acting himself lately and he didn’t really react well to my questioning his odd behavior.” You hold his eye contact as he waits for you to continue. “I have a box of his things that he never came to get if you want to take a look.” 
  He perks up at that and you stand to head out of the kitchen towards your bedroom. You don’t miss the way the other officer watches you walk clearly not having any sense of decorum about him. 
  You linger in the hallway a moment listening to their hushed voices. “She doesn’t know anything, let's just go.” 
  “I know but I need to go through the routine.” He says through gritted teeth. 
  Your leaving gave you a moment to breathe and come up with some idea of what you were going to say when they inevitably brought up the boys. 
  You set the box down in front of the shorter officer and he goes for it like a kid being handed a toy to keep himself busy. Leaving you with the one who had some semblance of professionalism. 
  He tilts his head towards the ornate bouquets on your countertop. “Those all for you? You must be a lucky woman.” 
  “Oh my friends spoil me, they dropped those off earlier.” Not entirely a lie.
  “What’s the occasion if you don’t mind me asking?” I do mind actually.
  “It’s my birthday in a few days.” The mention of your birthday makes you wonder if you would even be able to see them or know what’s going on. 
  The other officer seems bored of looking through the box of his random assortment of clothes and paperwork that he left as he slides it forward. 
  “I don’t really see anything in here but I’d like to take it off your hands if you don’t mind?” You throw your hands up and he tucks the box under his arm as he stands seemingly ready to go. 
  “Well officer Williams and I should be getting out of your hair.” He offers a tight lipped smile at his partner who doesn’t manage to disguise his eye roll from you. 
  You’re torn between acting like you don’t care about his disappearance and not wanting to come off like you care too much about your ex boyfriend. It would be a little suspicious even without evidence that you’re involved that you could care less about someone you spent over six months with. Truthfully you’re relieved. 
  “I’m sorry I couldn’t offer you any more information.” They wave you off in your attempt to sound concerned. 
  “It’s probably for the best since he was involved in some pretty shady business dealings.” The more competent of the two turns around to hand you his card. “I’m sure you’re more than capable of handling yourself, but if anyone comes around here giving you trouble or asking questions about him you give me a call.” His wink suggests something else and now you’ve all but written off these two idiots, who are no doubt on a wild good chase. 
  “Those your delta buddies?” The other officer gestures to their photo on the wall with you strategically placed in the middle. 
  Annoyed at pointing out the obvious but forced to bite back a smart retort. “Yes, that was taken shortly after I joined.” 
  “Well I’m sure you could call on one of them if you run into any trouble.” They chuckled to themselves as they stepped out into your front porch. 
  You have no idea 
  Will closes the laptop just after you close your front door. He runs his hands through his hair as he stares up at the ceiling, breathing a sigh of relief. It’s done
  Santiago’s idea to purposely leave you in the dark offered you the chance to have a genuine interaction should the cops show up. Which they assumed they would since you were his most recent relationship. 
  Ben’s already left from the table, no doubt to start packing his bags because he knew once the cops left they were going to head home. Ben may have worn his heart on his sleeve but they were all holding on by a thread not being able to talk to you or see you in person. 
  The little glimpses of you they got through the camera only served as a means of torture. Watching you do the most menial task in the kitchen while dancing or kicking your feet on the couch when the book your reading gets interesting. They want to be there for those things everyday. 
  The next mission, which they had days to plan out being holed up in the safe house was orchestrating your birthday. You always told them not to make a big deal about it. Just being with you boys is allI want. 
  They skated on that for too long. You deserved more for your birthday than the normal hang out at the bar in your usual spot. You are a big deal so they should make you feel like one. Especially if they were going to show you how committed they are. 
  Everyone had their specific tasks tailored to their skill level and you’d be a fool to think each of them weren’t going to treat this like the most important thing they’ve ever done. 
  All doubts about their relationship or what people would think were out the window before they even stepped foot into the safe house. 
  If they were willing to travel to another country and steal a drug lord's money, they could just as easily tell society to fuck off when it comes to you.
  You haven’t slept that well in a long time. Some may find it odd after being questioned by the police, but Mike being gone puts you at ease. Knowing whatever happened to him was not by accident and whatever they did, it was for you. 
  You were completely ruined for any other man when you stepped foot into their lives. It’s a shame it’s taken you this long to notice because you’ve wasted so much time. 
  Your relationships with each of them over the years have developed into something you can’t live without. You couldn’t put your finger on why your brain wouldn’t allow you to look at any one of them as just a friend. It made things difficult when your lives were on the line so you shoved it down deep somewhere to hide away and never resurface. Until Tom passed away and all those feelings came flooding back and instead of embracing it, you ran head first in the wrong direction. 
  It’s a little sick and twisted but you really have your ex to thank for pushing them back into your life and making all of you open your eyes up to see the most perfect thing was already happening right in front of you. 
  You're thankful you have work to keep you busy today. You know it’s highly likely they’ll be coming home from wherever they are and you don’t want to sit by your phone all day waiting for a call or text. 
  You hop in your shower letting the hot water (scalding) as Frankie would put it cascade over you. Washing the last few weeks away, the steam is opening up your lungs and you feel like you can breathe for the first time in a long time. You nearly choke on it as you hear your phone ping from the counter. Almost breaking your neck and towel rack in the process of jumping out to read your text. 
  Benjamin: I'll be seeing you this week honey
  You stand their half naked soaking the mat beneath you as you wait for a response. You look up and see your blurry reflection in the mirror and get a sneaky idea. Your hands brush quickly over the mirror streaking the glass but revealing you just enough. You pull the towel up slightly before you bite your lip and snap a photo. 
               Benjamin: Sweetheart you’re killing me. 
                    Benjamin: I’ll see you on Wednesday 
  Wednesday couldn’t come soon enough. Thankfully you weren’t assigned to the ER today so you had time to rush home and shower, unsure of when Ben would be showing up or if he was planning on staying.
  You put on your  favorite leggings that hugged your curves perfectly and your old army tee shirt. After giving yourself a once over in front of the floor length mirror you dabbed on some new perfume that you treated yourself to for your birthday. 
  The doorbell rings and you try not to sprint to the door as you shuffle through your hallway, taking a slow deep breath before opening it.
  Your legs nearly buckle at the sight of Ben on your porch, looking the most nervous you’ve ever seen him. He’s shakily holding a piece of canvas paper in his hands as he sways back and forth. He has a blue polo on to match his eyes and a pair of tan slacks. His hair is combed back out of his face and he looks so handsome you could cry. 
  “I missed you.” He breathes out like it’s the first time his lungs have had air in weeks. 
  You can’t help yourself when you launch into his arms and he clings to you like his life depends on it. 
It feels like an eternity as you stand on your front porch just holding him, breathing in his scent. A new cologne you don’t recognize that washes over you. 
  “Oh shit the paper.” He reluctantly lets you go to smooth out the paper he dropped on the ground as you try to glance at it and he holds it back from you with a wink. 
  “What’s that?” You gesture towards it as he skims it over again like he’s reciting lines. 
  “It’s an itinerary.” He smiles at you then and your heart can’t take how much you’ve truly missed him. 
  You step aside awkwardly to let him in but he doesn’t move from his spot on the porch. “Are you coming in?” 
  “I’m not supposed to.” He sounds a little defeated as he says it which causes even more confusion for you. “Read the itinerary and leave…”
  “Oh so you’re here on strict orders?” You’re hoping the teasing will ease some of this tension. “So read it to me.” You step further into the house far enough away that he would have to follow. 
  “You think you’re slick?” You nod your head as you sit down on the couch with your legs tucked under you. 
  He mumbles something under his breath about getting in trouble as he sits next to you. “There will be a special delivery here, when you get off work tomorrow.” 
  “Obviously I can’t tell you what it is or that would ruin the surprise. Just be here to sign for it at 7.” He shifts a little on the couch so he’s facing you. 
  “Friday Maria is taking you to do some kind of spa day.” His emphasis on spa has you laughing. 
  Santiago’s sister Maria was always your number one fan. She was the woman you could confide in when you were constantly surrounded by men who just didn’t understand. You know she always secretly hoped you’d end up with Santi but you’re sure she has no idea what’s actually going on. She just recently moved closer to Santi after her divorce and you feel a little guilty for not having reached out sooner. You didn’t want to burden her with your own issues when she was just getting her life back together.
  “Saturday at seven a limo will arrive to pick you up and take you to a separate location for dinner.” He sets the paper face down on the coffee table and smooths his hands along his slacks. 
  “Ben, the first rule of kidnapping is never let them take you to a second location.” 
  “Don’t worry sweetheart, you can trust the driver.” He winks at you again and if he doesn’t stop you're going to have to glue his eye shut. 
  “So…I guess you have to go now right?” 
  “Ya…I should go.” Ben doesn’t move as he watches you fidget with a run on the couch thread. 
  His hand reaches out to still your movements and you finally look at him. It’s been so long since he took you on that date and by the way you’re looking at him it would be so easy to just walk you down your hallway. To the bedroom he’s been in so many times to simply sleep. He could cave like Santiago and you would let him. 
  He leans in, pressing you back against the headrest of the couch. His face is just inches from yours as you close your eyes. His fingers trace the outline of your bottom lip and then trail down your neck as he cups the back of your head and finally presses his lips to yours. It’s soft and slow, like you're just breathing each other in. He tastes like mint with a hint of your cherry lip balm that you left in his car ages ago. 
  He pulls away reluctantly and rests his forehead against yours. “I promise after Saturday, we won’t have to keep stopping this short.” 
  You groaned under your breath. “I don’t know what that means.” 
  He kisses your forehead and stands from the couch, pulling you with him. Without your shoes on it feels like he towers over you. You wrap your arms around him one last time, burying your face in his chest. 
  “You’ll know what it means soon enough hon’.”
  Texting the boys to find out what your special delivery was of course yielded no results. You resigned yourself to guessing throughout your work day as to what it might be. 
  Your house couldn’t possibly hold any more flower arrangements and you don’t think they would get you a pet. Or would they? You don’t think they would do something that rash for your birthday, but then again Mike was nowhere to be found and that wasn’t of his own doing. 
  You make it home just in time to make yourself a quick dinner, grilled cheese and tomato soup one of your favorites. You’re hardly paying attention to the show you put on when the doorbell rings. You bolt up from the couch and open the door hoping to see one of the boys. 
  A beautiful woman in a crisp black suit is standing next to a rack with black garment bags lined along it. 
  You look down briefly at your shorts and oversized shirt. You’re two for two opening the door to some very well dressed individuals, while in your lounge clothes. 
  I have a delivery, I’ll need you to sign off as she says your name. She hands you a small pad to sign and you politely step aside as she wheels it into your home. 
  “Is there anywhere in particular you’d like me to place this?” 
  “There is fine, thank you.” You haven’t torn your eyes from the rack as you try to decipher what’s inside.
  She offers you a courteous smile as she exits through the front door. You stand there briefly as you watch her walk to a sleek black delivery van and drive away. 
  You slam the door and push the rack to your bedroom so fast you almost knock it over. It’s safe to assume it’s clothing so you strip down to your panties and fish your nice bra out of your top dresser drawer. 
  The sound of the zipper and rustling fabric is all you can hear over the sound of your rapid breaths. Your hands are shaking with excitement as you open the first bag to reveal a navy blue satin dress. You take it off the hanger and notice the intricate straps on the back, opting to forgo those and just step into it. 
  You pull the thin straps over your shoulder as you look at yourself in the large mirror in your bedroom. It’s been a while since you got really dressed up, and despite your unkempt hair and no makeup you feel so beautiful in it. 
  You smooth your hands down the silky fabric and straighten up a little. 
  You look good
  Your excitement starts to build as you quickly realize you have several more items to try on. You delicately extract yourself from this dress so as to not damage it. There’s one way you get to keep all of these so you need to treat them very carefully until you decide what you’re wearing. 
  The next dress is a burnt orange color with a velvety smooth fabric. You brush your thumb across it reveling in the way it feels, knowing how good it will feel in your skin. 
  It is decidedly less difficult than the first and stretchy enough that you can pull it over your head. It has thicker straps and a slit going up your left thigh. The first dress was beautiful but this is leading so far. 
  You set his dress on the hanger and put it in your closet before moving on to the next. 
  The next is a bright yellow strapless dress. The fabric is chiffon and it’s so far the most revealing thing you could possibly own. It’s stunning when you pull it out but you’re also wondering how exactly you're going to zip this. It’s sort of origami on the top and has a train which you love. 
  You zip it as far as you can by yourself and even with it slightly agape in the back the boning in the bodice is cinching you in. You round your shoulders back with your hands on your hips as you marvel at the image before you. Part of you wanted to take a picture of each one and send it but now you’re certain they want this to be a surprise. 
  If picking the best of four was going to be your future you were going to have to get really good at making diplomatic decisions. 
  The final garment bag has a note attached to the top. 
  We know you’ll look beautiful in any of these but please pick your favorite to wear on your birthday. Don’t be worried about the weather or being in front of a crowd when making your decision. 
  As if they could read your mind. They know you might think twice about wearing a few of them in public and the humidity at times could be unbearable even with nothing on.
  They are all yours to keep. Happy Birthday Honey. 
  You feverishly wipe your eyes and set the note down on your bed. 
  The final garment bag reveals a sparkling red dress. You walk backwards as you pull it out and the layers of fabric trail behind it. You hold it up to your chest in the mirror and try your best to compose yourself. It’s all so overwhelming and exhilarating all at once. 
  You're careful with the straps as you step into the dress. They might as well be non-existent with how thin they are. The sweetheart neckline is doing wonders for your chest and the silhouette billows out into an A line skirt. You do a twirl in the mirror as the fabric rustles the ground. You feel like a princess in this dress and you find yourself staring for far longer than you want to. 
  You glance around looking for your phone, remembering you left it in the living room. You traipse through the house in your dress and find it sitting on the arm of the couch. It’s been over an hour. A text from Santi not long ago is your only notification. 
  Santiago: What ya doing cariño 
  You type out a quick reply and wait until you see those three dots. 
                          Playing dress up
  Santiago: How is it going
                            Very well
  Santiago: Which one are you wearing now
                            You know I can’t tell you
  Santiago: It’s the red one
                            Goodnight Santiago
  Santiago: Goodnight cariño 
  You're nervously pacing your living room, waiting for Maria to arrive. You haven’t seen her since the wedding and that marriage fell apart faster than it was conceived. You’re embarrassed that you haven’t reached out to see how she’s doing but Colombia happened around the same time and you both took a step back. Days turned into weeks turned into months and neither of you knew where to pick up again. 
  Your doorbell rings ripping you from your thoughts as you take a deep breath for the third time this week and answer the door. 
  Her back is to you, admiring the flowers on your trellis when you open the door. She turns to you with that same blank expression that Santiago has all but perfected. The tears brimming her eyes give way to the demeanor she’s clinging to. 
  Much like Santiago it doesn’t take much for her to break as she steps forward and pulls you into her arms. You can hardly understand each other as you mumble apologies through tears and a little bit of her hair is in your mouth as you cling to her. It’s sloppy and messy and you love it. You missed her so much and the relief washes over you at the realization that she missed you just as much. 
  “I think we both need this today.” She leans back and frames your face with her hands, wiping your tears with her thumbs. “Are you ready to be pampered?” 
  You nod, still too overwhelmed to speak without choking back tears. 
  “Okay Honey let’s go.”
  You’re thankful they booked you a couples massage. The thought of being alone right now after spending such a great day with your friend was paralyzing. 
  She had a lot of questions for you about your life over the last few years. You didn’t have a lot of answers for her but you did your best to put her at ease. 
  You're lying side by side on separate tables as two strangers try to rub years of stress and worry out of your sore muscles. It’s comfortably quiet for some time as you take in the tranquil white noise and smell the lavender and eucalyptus in the room. 
  “I’m glad you guys finally figured it out.” Her voice is slightly muffled with her head down on the massage table. You don’t know if she’s referring to Santi or if she even knows half of what’s going on. “I just have one question for you.” 
  “Sure…ask me anything.” 
  “Do you know what you’re doing?” You think for a moment at the weight of her question. You turn your head on its side so she can hear you clearly before answering. 
  “Not a clue.” 
  She turns her head to you and smiles. “Good…people who know what they’re doing scare me.” 
  You both laugh and she reaches out to lock her finger with yours as they dangle between the two tables. 
  You stare at yourself for the second time this week in this beautiful dress. It was perfect for whatever tonight had in store. 
  It’s five till and you're anxiously awaiting your ride as you stand by the door placing the strappy heels on your feet. 
  For the first time all week, you hear a light knock instead of the doorbell. When you open it you’re met with Frankie dressed in a tight black button down and black slacks. His hair is on display which you assume has some kind of product or gel. His brown curls frame his face perfectly as he smiles down at you. 
  He leans in, placing a kiss on your cheek. “You look…beautiful.”
  “You don’t look too bad yourself Morales.”
  “I’ll take that as a compliment even though you didn’t pick my dress.” He takes your hand as you  step out onto the front porch. You turn around but he’s already got his spare key in hand, locking up behind you. 
  “You’ll just have to take me somewhere I can wear it.” 
  “That can be arranged.” He helps you down the steps as a long black limousine comes into view in front of your driveway. He opens the door for you and helps you slide in before he starts to close it. 
  “What are you doing?” 
  “Someone has to drive hermosa.” He closes the door, shrouding you in darkness until the car starts up and the back seats are lined with soft yellow lights. 
  This is by far the most extravagant display of affection and attention they’ve ever paid to your birthday. Every year you’d spent together you told them you simply just wanted to enjoy their company. 
  It didn’t bother you that you always went a little too hard on their birthdays because that’s how you show love. You think this may be their way of making up for doing just the bare minimum and then some. 
  It’s hard to tell where you're going with the sun having set and the dark tint of the windows. It’s not until you pull up to the airfield where Frankie works that you recognize your surroundings. 
  Coming into view is an open hanger with the boys standing in front. It’s a beautiful sight seeing them all standing there…waiting for you. Santi and Ben are talking to each other as Will stares down at a small piece of paper. 
  Frankie heads over to them before opening your door. Santiago looks at him and grins as he makes his way over. He has the most adoration in his eyes as he opens the door for you. 
  “Fuck…you look beautiful.” 
  He holds his hand out for you as you try to swallow the lump in your throat. Ben lets out a low whistle as you exit the car. You’ve been in hostage situations less nerve wracking than this moment. 
  They lead you to the open hanger and you’re taken aback at the romantic set up. A singular plane in the background.White roses and candles line the table set up for five. 
  “So…how did we do?” Frankie’s deep baritone voice settles into your bones as his hand rests against your back. 
  How do you tell them it’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for you? How do you tell them you’ve been waiting for this moment longer than you’d care to admit? 
  You turn to him then as he sees the tears in your eyes. 
  “Please don’t cry.” 
  “Don’t worry they’re happy tears.” You laugh as he wipes your cheeks. 
  Frankie pulls up a chair behind you and you sit as he goes to stand by the other three. 
  Will digs into his pocket and pulls out the piece of paper he was reading when you arrived. He opens it and folds it back quickly. 
  “I was going to read some things we all wrote down, but it doesn’t sound right anymore.” He pauses briefly as the others stare in confusion. “I’m sick of listing out reasons why this works. I can’t explain in words how I feel…how we feel about you.”
  “You’re doing great.” The sarcasm dripping from Benny’s voice has you chuckle. 
  You’re glad Will seems just as nervous as you are. He was always the one who had a way with words and now here he is unable to form a coherent thought. 
  “All I’m saying is, we want you to give whatever this is between us a chance. Life feels so much better with you in it everyday.”
  You can hear yourself saying yes before he even finishes what he’s said.
  “Did you expect me to say anything other than yes.” 
  “I don’t know sweetheart, I’ve never done anything like this before.” Ben claps his brother on the shoulder as they all surround you. 
  “So…what do we do now?” 
  Santi leans in and kisses your cheek. 
  “We have our first date.” 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
The dresses
The birthday
@luciferiorbxtch@alwaysdjarin @meveispunk @casa-boiardi @evyiione @littlenosoul @the-fox-den @saturn-rings-writes @romanarose @wandasbitch22 @spngingerbread21 @spookyxsam @summer-may @imonmykneessir @avastrasposts @fishingforpike @laaundromat @tanzthompson @living-in-a-daydream-24 @savvysav27 @csarab615 @scarletthefierce @paleidiot @comfortlessjoy @trinkets01 @awkwardalie @missladym1981 @soft-persephone @itspdameronthings
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rayslittlekitten · 2 years
Captain and the Siren
“Dad Will” Masterlist
A/N: So, I had wanted to do a lighter and playful and more sensual fic with some of the elements I used in "Cooling Off" with Will (water gun play, sundress, chasing). I had a general idea of where I wanted it to go and then it got away from me and kinda wrote itself. It became something a little more and I actually love how this came out. Thank you @carni-val for looking at this, as always! 💖 It's about time Will and his wife get some sexy times.
Rating: E (18+ ONLY)
Word Count: 3,245
Pairing: Dad!Will "Ironhead" Miller x Wife F!Reader
Plot: A spontaneous water gun fight leads to your husband appreciating and loving your body.
Contains: silliness, laundry room love making (P in V), masturbation (F), banter, fluff, water gun play, chasing, sundress, roleplaying, body insecurities (alluding more towards aging and having bear children), body appreciation, comfort, a little biting, binding, stripping
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Will thought he was going to have a low key Sunday, seeing as Lucy is spending yet another day in the pool, but luckily this time, it is at her friend's house. He'll make a mental note to send a fruit basket or something to their parents knowing what kind of mess her and her friends are probably going to leave and he's looking right at it. He knows Lucy was taught better. To be fair, the pool accessories are in the pool where they're meant to be. The unicorn float, pool noodles, inflatable balls all bobbing on the surface of the chlorine water, but Lucy knows better to put them away when she's not using them, especially the water guns and other toys which her and her friends left strewn around the pool and lounge chairs. He likes organization. At least she didn't leave any wet towels balled up.
Will starts to pick up the toys and puts them back where they should be after rinsing them off in the pool. He scoops up a super soaker and feels the weight of the water that’s still in it. As he's about to empty it out into the pool, he gets interrupted when you call out to him. He turns his body towards where you're standing, in the frame of the sliding patio door.
"Whoa! Don't shoot me! I just wanted to ask if you want a sandwich. I'm making lunch," you tell him with your hands up.
Will looks down at the water gun and then back to you, making the connection. A smirk slowly plays on his face and you shoot back a look of warning.
"You wouldn't dare," you tell him.
He pumps the water gun once and a stream of water lands by your feet, making you squeal and jump back into the safety of your house.
"Come on, this is a new dress!" you giggle.
You've been feeling self-conscious lately about how gravity and time has slowly transformed your body so you splurged on a cute floral sundress the other day that looked flattering on you. With the hem hitting just a few inches above your knees, it is long enough to be modest, but also short enough to be a bit sassy, the flowy skirt bouncing with each step you take. The V-neckline teases just the top of your breasts, but undoing the top button or two could turn it into a sexy little number. Today seemed like a nice day to show it off, but you would have thought twice about wearing it if you knew you were getting into a water gun fight with your husband.
"It's a cute dress on you," Will compliments.
"Thank you!" You smile and do a little twirl.
“But I think it could use some finishing touches," Will adds, throwing the gun strap over his head and shoulder as he slowly inches towards you.
You squeal again and take off running when Will starts moving quickly towards you. You sprint through the house, looking for a place to hide. You scream when you feel cold water hit the back of your leg but you keep moving, weaving in and out of rooms as Will chases after you. When you find yourself in the living room, you try to use the furniture as a barrier. The puke green and neon yellow and orange gun in his hands is aimed at you, ready to squirt.
"NOT in here. These couches are suede," you warn him.
"Okay, fair." Will eases the gun and points it down at the ground.
You cautiously walk away, watching him as you slowly make your way out from behind the couch. When you see a path out, Will starts inching closer to you so you take off running again and as expected, he is on your heels. You know he's holding back because he can outrun you any day, especially with those long legs of his. You end up running into the laundry room and realize it's a mistake. You're cornered with nowhere to go. There isn't even anything to hide behind. Defeated, you quickly turn to face Will with your hands in the air.
“Okay, okay you got me!” You say after taking a few seconds to catch your breath. “Just don’t shoot me!”
"What would be the fun in that?" Will aims the water gun at you and just as he's about to squeeze the trigger, you hold your hands out and rattle off the first words that come to mind.
"Wait, wait! No, no, I'll do anything!" you giggle.
Will lowers the toy gun and tilts his head to the side in confusion.
"What do you mean you'll do anything?" he raises an eyebrow.
"Well..." you shrug, inadvertently causing a strap to slip off your shoulder. "What if I can offer you something in return for my freedom?" Your fingers play around with the button at the top of your dress that's sitting right above your cleavage. "Captain?"
Will licks his lips as his eyes focus on your chest.
"Well, what are you offering?" he asks, intrigued by this turn of event.
"I can... offer myself," you reply as you step closer to him. "I can be your little whore."
"Hm, I don't like that word. Too degrading," he scrunches his nose. “Wench?”
“Okay, when I said ‘Captain’, I didn’t mean like, of a pirate ship,” you shoot back with your hand on your hip popped to the side, pulling a laugh from Will.
"Well, I can be whatever you want me to be,” you add, jumping back into your role, slipping your hands over his chest and sliding them up to the back of his neck, hooking your fingers together while waiting for his response.
"Hm, it does sound pretty tempting," Will says, pretending to consider the offer. “How desperate are you?” he teases as he tries to peek down the front of your dress.
"I'm very desperate." You lean in to kiss him, but he jerks his head away. You try again, but he moves away again. The smirk on his face tells you he's enjoying this very much.
"So, anything, huh?" Will asks as he backs you up against the washing machine.
"Uh huh," you nod. "Anything you please, sir."
Will lets out a groan as he presses himself against you. You bite your lower lip, feeling his rock hard erection.
"Open up your dress," he nods his chin at your body, taking a step back to watch you.
You hesitate at first, feeling a little shy, but you start at the top button and slowly make your way down, taking your time to let him enjoy the show, until you finally get to the last one. You stand there, waiting for his next command.
"Get on top of the washing machine," he pats the top of the appliance.
You hoist yourself up and get comfortable. Will uses the tip of the water gun to open your dress up, admiring the view in front of him.
"No bra? Mm," he groans as he glances at your breasts hanging freely.
His eyes travel below your waist and the gun follows, pausing between your inner thighs before gesturing your legs open further with the tip of the gun. You bring your arms back to support yourself as you lean back and spread your legs. Your dress falls open even wider, showing yourself to him. You're grateful for the dimly lit room, only being illuminated by the narrow stream of sunlight coming from a small window.
"I want you to touch yourself.”
You reach your hand down between your legs to tease yourself with your fingers at first, gently grazing the tips along the cotton-covered slit. Your husband's eyes are glued to your sweet spot. It feels like it's been a long time since you've both been able to have some spontaneous fun like this without any interruptions or obligations. You let a quiet moan slip out when you drag your finger over your clit. You close your eyes and roll your head to the side as you increase the pressure and focus on a spot that's lighting up your core.
"You look so fucking hot right now," Will whispers as he continues to watch you pleasure yourself.
Feeling a bit more confident, you shift your position to slide your hand into the front of your panties, causing the other strap to fall off your other shoulder, completely exposing your body, with the exception of your underwear. He steps into the space between your legs, leaving the gun hanging behind him before grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. You continue to touch yourself, slipping a finger inside, while maintaining eye contact with him. He leans in and captures your mouth with his own, kissing you like it's his first time with you. The two of you make out for a few moments, teasing each other with tongues and nibbles. You can hear him breathing deeply through his nose as he devours you. His whiskers are tickling your face, but it's something you're used to.
Will finally pulls away for some air, but keeps close, your noses bumping. You pull your hand out from your panties and slip your fingers into his wet mouth. He swirls his tongue around them and gently sucks on them as you slowly pull them out of his mouth with a pop.
"Mm, I love the way you taste," Will licks his lips, then leaves a quick peck on your lips.
He reaches underneath your dress and hooks his fingers to the sides of your panties and then pulls them down, dragging them over your hips. You shift yourself to help him remove them and he slides them down your smooth legs. He carelessly tosses them aside, not caring where they land, then steps back into the space between your legs. You bite your lower lip, anticipating his next move.
One of his hands reaches up to cup your face and he leans in to kiss you again. This time it's more intentional, taking his time to savor the moment. He's kissing you like he did on your wedding day. Passionate, yet not rushed. Just his soft lips gently and tenderly caressing yours, feeling his love translate through his affection. You moan into his mouth when you feel his other hand kneading one of your breasts as his thumb flicks your nipple. Your hand reaches down into his tenting basketball shorts, but Will grabs your wrist and breaks the kiss.
“Hey! Who said you can touch me?”
"Sorry, I didn't know I needed permission to touch my husband," you reply.
"Am I your husband or your captor?" Will asks, taking your wrists and pinning them behind you.
"I'm sorry, Captain," you apologize with a wide smile playing on your face.
He stares at you for a moment, seeing the gears in his head moving, before releasing your wrists.
"Don't move."
You stay put as you watch him disappear below the washing machine, but come back with your panties in his hand. He reaches behind you again and ties your wrists together with your underwear. You're happy to see him really having fun with this.
"So your hands don't go wandering while I... plunder and pillage... your village," Will sputters and you burst out laughing right along with him.
"Are-are you a Viking now?" you ask, your words slipping in between snorts which makes Will laugh even harder. You lean into Will, your head resting on his shoulder as you continue to crack up.
"I-I don't know what I'm doing," Will says as he recovers from his laughing fit. "I can't even really see what I'm doing." He reaches for the light switch and you retreat, wincing when the room is lit up, highlighting all the parts of your body you've been feeling insecure about.
"What's the matter?" he asks, turning his attention back to you.
"I..." You try to make yourself smaller, turning and shifting your body with your limitations. "I'm feeling a little shy about my body," you admit.
"Why's that?" he asks curiously.
"Well, you know, things aren’t as perky anymore," you shrug. "And--"
"Let me stop you right there," Will cuts you off. He places both of his hands on each side of your hips, closing you in. "I don't know what or who put those thoughts into your head, but you are just as gorgeous as the first time I laid my eyes on you. Sure, your body has changed - as has mine. I mean..." He pinches a handful of his midsection where he once had a six-pack. “I’m no spring chicken anymore.”
"But it doesn't make it any less beautiful. In fact..." Will leans in, nudging his nose against the side of your neck while inhaling your scent.
"Every transformation..." He kisses your neck.
"Is just a testament..." He works his way down to your collar bone and plants a kiss there as well.
"Every swell..." Moving lower, he runs the tip of his tongue up the valley between your breasts.  
"Every shrink..." He then drags his tongue across and down each breast. You stifle a moan when you feel him flicking your nipples as he passes over them.
"Every dip..." Continuing his path, he leaves a trail of kisses down your torso. "Every curve, every stretch..."
He gives your belly a little more attention than he had with your other body parts.
“Every dent, every bump…” His lips bring attention to the apex where your legs and crotch meet.
"Every mark, every scar..." He settles between your legs and playfully bites your inner thigh, causing you to giggle.
"To what your miraculous body has endured in your life journey.” He places a tender kiss where he bit you.
“Including creating life and nurturing it. And that actually makes you so much more beautiful and sexy." He looks up at you with so much sincerity, you can’t help but melt, feeling your chest suddenly get so full.
“Babe, you’re gonna make me cry,” you pout.
“They’re tears of joy I hope,” Will smiles. He stands up and kisses your forehead.
“I’ll always want you,” he says. “No matter how much your body changes, no matter how old you get. Even when my dick stops working," he chuckles and you let out a chortle.
"You know, they got pills for that kinda stuff now," you throw in, softening the mood.
"Well, until that day comes, I got all I need right in front of me." Will grabs your hips and pulls you closer to him. "You're not a wench. You're a saucy siren and I'm gonna ravage you now."
You bust out laughing again, but he cuts you off when he slots his mouth over yours. He kneads your ass and then runs his palms up your sides, gripping your waist. Reaching down, he pulls his semi-hard cock out of his shorts and jerks himself to full mast. He briefly breaks from the kiss to align himself with you at the edge of the washing machine. Gently, he pushes into you, feeling your body tense up and relax under his touch as he goes in further. He pulls back out and slams right back into you, making you groan. Once again, he slowly withdraws himself and then buries himself inside you. You let out a gasp as he continues to push himself to the hilt, filling you up.
"Am I hurting you?" Will asks, stilling his hips.
"No," you shake your head.
"Are you comfortable?" he checks.
"Mm hm," you moan as you nod your head.
"Good." With one hand gripping your waist and the other on your hip, he pounds into, holding on to you so you don't fall over.
With your bound hands behind you, you balance yourself on the washing machine and tilt your hips to get a better angle. He watches your face contort as he alternates between giving you short and long strokes, teasing and toying with you.
"Will..." you grunt.
"Shh, just focus on the feeling." He brings a hand down between the two of you and works his thumb over your clit in small circles.
Your hips jerk when you feel the pressure of his finger massaging you, but his pacing doesn't change. It feels like torture, the way he's dragging out the pleasure. Just enough stimulation to spark something, but not enough to ignite it. He knows all the ways to play with your body until you lose your mind and beg for mercy.
"Please..." You pant, wrapping your legs around his hips and pull him in closer, needing relief.
"I've got you, baby."
Will wraps his arms around your torso and draws you in, holding you close to his chest. Your legs tighten their grip, not caring that the water gun is digging into your skin, as he pumps into you harder and faster. You want to be as close to him as you physically can. He's stroking you in all the right places, and you feel the familiar warmth spreading through your lower belly.
Your sweet moans and pants are music to his ears; Your enchanting songs entice him more and more as he slips deeper into you, punching up into you. Will leans his forehead against yours as he continues to move in and out of you like he wants to bury himself inside of you.
"God, you feel so fucking good," he breathes out.
Seeing Will's lust-filled eyes tells you he's close, but he suddenly pulls out, confusing you. He hooks his arms under your knees and grabs a hold of each side of your hips, spreading you wider. Thankfully having your arms behind you prevented you from falling back.
He slams himself back into you and you immediately feel him hitting some sensitive spots inside you from this deeper angle. He's determined and giving all he's got, to the point you're pretty sure he nudged the washing machine.
Without warning, your orgasm blooms and you're feeling dizzy. It's like firecrackers on the Fourth of July going through your body. You cry out as your walls continue to squeeze him over and over again, with each stroke intensifying your release. Moments later, Will lets out a moan as his hips stutter while spilling himself inside of you.
Will falls on top of you as he catches his breath, his face buried in the crook of your neck. You shudder feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm. You feel his hand caressing your ribs as he pushes himself up, relieving you from his weight. He looks down at you with a super wide grin.
"I love you, baby."
"I love you too," you shoot back, staring up into his crystal blue eyes.
"Come on, let's have some lunch." He pecks the tip of your nose.
After pulling out of you, he helps you up and unties you. You hop off the washing machine and after the two of you put your clothes back, he steps aside to let you go ahead of him.
"After you, m’lady.”
You chuckle and walk out through the door and as you exit the laundry room, you shriek when you feel a stream of cold water hit your back. You quickly turn around and as expected, you find Will wielding the water gun.
“You had to see that coming,” Will shrugs.
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autumnleaves1991-blog · 8 months
Five Sentence Writing Prompt Challenge
Prompt List Provided by: @creativepromptsforwriting
Cross Posted on AO3 - Subscribe for updates.
Thank you for everyone that comments, reblogs, or likes my work. I see you and I appreciate you. Thank you to my friends for giving me space and patience while I worked through some writers block.
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"I feel lost without you." Jason Todd x F! Reader
"What's your problem with me?" Part 2 of Jason Todd x F! Reader
"Not what I came for." John 'Soap' MacTavish x F! Reader
"I guess you are right." William 'Ironhead' Miller x F! Reader (Frankie's Sister/Medic)
"Did you lie to me?" Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x F! Reader
"Why did you do that?" Captain John Price x F! Reader
"I'm really disappointed in you." Mermaid AU Oberyn x F!Reader x Ellaria
"Can you please just go?" Batman (Battison) x F! Petite Reader
"I miss you every day."
"This must be a mistake."
"Fine, I'll go with you." Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x F! Reader
"I don't feel so good." Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F! Reader
"No need to be gentle." Cheating Anakin Skywalker x F! Reader
"You have lied to me!"
"We don't know the truth."
"That just can't be right."
"I'm not happy without you."
"Have you ever loved me?" Obi-Wan Kenobi x F! Reader
"I'm always on your side."
"Not exactly what I expected." Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x F!Reader
"Find someone else to annoy."
"I don't miss you anymore."
"That's a very stupid idea." Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x F! Reader
"It gave me great joy."
"There is something between us."
"I don't actually believe you." Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader x John 'Soap' MacTavish
Captain Price's Personal Assistant Reader
"I don't see the problem." Captain John Price x F! Reader
"Let's just call it love." Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F! Reader
"Kiss me or leave me." John 'Soap' MacTavish x F! Reader
"You're not a good person." Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F! Reader
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darlingdekarios · 1 year
keeping count.
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eating: explicit. 18+ only. length: 3,470 content: William "Ironhead" Miller x f!reader, established relationship, angst, mentions of canon-accurate death and violence, smut [f receiving oral, unprotected p in v]
when William returns home far later than he was supposed to, it becomes his new mission to show you how worried he was he'd never see you again.
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Your boyfriend was only supposed to be gone for a week, so on day eight when he still hadn’t walked through the threshold of your shared home the anxiety began to bubble in your stomach. By day ten, the anxiety had festered into full-blown trepidation, and by day fourteen you were practically hysterical on the phone with family – both yours and his, minus his brother of course, as they were supposed to be together. No one had heard from either of the Miller brothers in two weeks now, and that fact made any possibility of comfort for you impossible. William Miller, a man so tough you’d never fathomed that he could be in danger when he last walked out of the door, was officially missing. 
It was always misery being away from him – it had been this way for the last few years of your relationship – but the feeling that this time he seriously may not come home to you was worse than any pain you’d felt before. The time passed so slowly, 24-hour days feeling double that until they all muddled together, each day bringing new and horrible thoughts about where he could possibly be. By Friday, 15-days after he’d set off with his team, you could hardly sleep, or even focus on anything other than when he was going to return home to you. 
If he was going to return home to you. 
The temporary reprieve for the day was a day off from work, a nice hot shower, and the bottle of bourbon that awaited you in the kitchen, eager to numb the pain and quiet your mind for a few hours. Keenly aware of the hour you’d already spent in the shower by the amount of music that had passed you resigned yourself to moving on to the next part of your evening after conditioning your hair. As your head tilted back to rinse your hair you closed your eyes, inhaling a deep breath to steady yourself once again. 
Your mind occupied in that false semblance of a peaceful moment, you missed that the song playing through your speaker had stopped and that the heavy wooden door to the bathroom had swung open without a creak. The interruption was unnoticed for a moment before your eyes opened once again, immediately landing on the one thing you’d spent days hoping for through the glass door of the shower. You wanted to ask him if he was real or just your mind playing a cruel trick on you, but your mind betrayed your wishes and refused you the proper words to utter as he pulled his shirt over his head, his pants and underwear soon following. 
His time in South America and whatever had, presumably, gone wrong had caused him to lose a bit of weight, and his eyes contained so many emotions encompassed by exhaustion that you had to wonder how he was even managing to stand. Your usually clean-and-tidy William was now disheveled, the evidence of a lack of access to a good shower for days presenting itself to you. As he moved closer to the shower and opened the door to join you the stitches on his side showed themselves to you, a quiet gasp leaving your lips at the sight. William had always been completely honest with you, something you loved about him, so while you had known why Santiago invited him on this mission down South, you never expected him to return home with that many stitches. 
By the time he had climbed into the confines of the shower with you your mind was reeling with an entirely new set of questions – where had he been? What happened? Why did he have stitches? Why didn’t he call you the second he could? Why did he always let Santiago get him in trouble? Was he okay? The racing thoughts were overwhelming, and as always he read your expression perfectly as he stepped right in front of you, his arms wrapping around your waist to bring you forward to the warmth of his body firmly and his head lowered to press soft lips to your forehead. 
  “I’m home,” he breathed out quietly, lying his head on top of yours to soak in the feeling of closeness to you once again, cherishing the way your arms wrapped around his neck instinctually as any remaining centimeters were closed between the two of you. Tears broke through the dam you had built against them for the day, spilling down your cheeks before you could stop them. 
  “Will,” was all you could manage back as a reply, his name leaving your mouth somewhere between a sob and a prayer, your fingers locking together on the back of his neck in an attempt to prevent him from pulling away before you were ready for him to.
  “Sorry I’m late,” he whispered into your hair, his lips pressing into the freshly-washed area in a way they’d done thousands of times before, soaking in the coconut and orange scent that he’d spent hours wondering if he’d ever smell again. His hands slid to grasp your hips in a display that meant you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon, either. 
  “You’re eight days late, William,” you choked out, the anger boiling to the surface to cover the despair in your voice. There was no use hiding from him though – he saw through you now as clearly as he ever had. 
  “I know, I kept count,” he sighed, his fingers digging into your skin with the lightest pressure. When your face tucked into the crook of his neck as you attempted to quiet another soft cry from your lips, one of his hands slid to cover the distance from your hip to the back of your head. As he stroked your hair softly and held you against him his lips repeatedly pressed into your head. “I won’t do something like that again, sweetheart…I promise.”
  Finally truly at home again back in his arms you allowed your emotions to continue spilling out, quiet and strangled whimpers soaking into the skin of his neck as he held you through your emotions. Taking a step back into the water he allowed the heat to work over his muscles, washing the dirt and grime and blood away from his skin. He knew he’d have questions to answer when he returned, and remained certain that they were an inevitability sooner rather than later, but he still found hope building that for today you’d allow him to enjoy what he had feared he’d never see again. 
  He was always the perfect source of comfort and soon you were satiated, your falling tears coming to an end as you pressed a light kiss to his shoulder. Nuzzling your face against the hollow of his neck in a quiet sign that you were happy he was home pulled a relieved breath from him, his arms wrapping to hold you tighter in silent communication that he was happy, too. As you released one hand from its hold on the back of his head to reach for soap your head dipped back at the perfect moment his reached for you, your lips meeting in a days-late kiss, the starvation of you evident in his heated kiss.
  Finding his designated bar of soap that had gone unused for weeks you began to work it over his skin as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue along your bottom lip to beg for entrance, an unnecessary gesture he knew you still always melted for. When you pulled away for a desperate breath his lips chased after you, his head ducking to capture the soft skin below your ear as your head fell back, a quiet whimper escaping your lips. You were always conscious of gentle, calculated movements with him, but he displayed a newfound level of appreciation for them as he placed small kisses down your neck. Doing your best to keep an eye on where your hands were taking the soapy cloth to avoid stitches and lighten over bruises you eventually cleaned his entire torso, leaning forward to press a light kiss to his chest. 
  “You’re filthy,” you remarked quietly, earning a quiet and missed chuckle from his chest as he nibbled lightly at your collarbone. He eagerly moved forward to claim your lips again and released a frustrated huff when you evaded him, clicking your tongue in disapproval. Turning your head you placed a light kiss over a bruise on his thigh, soaking in the quiet whimper that passed through his lips. “You’re not finished.”
  The quiet words had hardly registered when you sank to your knees in front of him, your hands sliding down his torso and to his hips to begin work on his muddied legs. A quiet sigh passed through his lips as your hands worked over his thighs, down his calves and back up to slide back to his muscular backside. Soon your hands had made their way back to his thighs. 
  As one of your soapy hands reached to work over his slightly hardened cock, a light moan slipped through his lips as his head leaned back to soak in the feeling of your hand wrapped around him again. With several rubs of your hand he was satisfactorily clean everywhere and his cock was at full attention in front of you, his eyes once again staring down at you as though you may disappear any moment.
“Santiago is a bad influence,” you frowned, leaning forward to place a soft kiss to his hip, quietly appreciating the chance to have more moments like these given the two weeks you’d spent panicking about his well-being.
“I’ll tell him you said that, sweetheart,” he breathed out with the normal amount of honesty behind his voice, his fingers finding their way to your cheek to brush it gently as you kissed along the expanse of his waist. 
  “I’ll tell him myself,” you asserted, your hands sliding to the backs of his thighs again carefully. “Did Benny come home?”
You finally returned your gaze to his face, met immediately by his impossibly blue eyes. A nod from him lifted some of the remaining anxiety from your chest and you nodded in return, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. “Did…everyone come home?”
His silence and the hazy look that reached his eyes brought no comfort as you trailed kisses up his torso, standing once more to reach for his lips and pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Your kiss brought him back to his current whereabouts, his hands once again finding your waist to hold you close as his quiet voice reached your ears. “Please…tomorrow. Let me just be home tonight.”
As the word home left his lips his right hand slipped downward, a long and skilled finger sliding along your folds to gather the evidence of your excitement to see your partner home again. A quiet moan of his name left your lips in agreement to his proposition and his lips claimed yours again as the same finger slipped into you, swallowing the next noise that came from your mouth as his tongue gained the entry it sought. Your body responded to him as it had done many times before, leaning into him as he curled his finger inside you to pull another moan from within you. 
His lips moved in a kiss that communicated the fear he’d spent days feeling – the fear that he’d never have you again – until he found himself breathless, his solitary finger pumping in and out of you gently. When he withdrew for air he began his trail of kisses once more, making his way down your torso with a speed that reflected his lack of patience as he fought through pain to kneel before you, pushing you back toward the wall with a gentle hand on your stomach as he went. 
“William, your stitches…” You barely managed to breathe out, your speech entirely uneasy as a second finger was added within you, his eyes once again finding yours through the steam of the shower. His free hand slid to one of your ankles, encouraging you to lift it over his shoulder which you fulfilled hesitantly as his lips kissed your hips one at a time. Any hesitation you felt melted under the heat of his voice. 
“To hell with the stitches,” he essentially growled, his face moving forward to lick a thick line from the fingers he had buried in you to the swollen bundle of nerves he knew would send you over the edge. His reward was the quiet whimper released from your lips as your fingers found their way into his still-wet hair. “I’m starving.”
There was no further reasoning with him, not until he had completed the mission he set out on, and you knew that as his lips connected to your clit again, sucking lightly as his fingers curled in blissful unison against the coveted patch deep within you. The groan of appreciation that left his throat was laced with pure appreciation – grateful for the taste of your arousal for him, and grateful he got this again. Grateful that thanks to a newfound clarity of what was important in his life, he’d never risk giving this up again. 
His free hand slid to grasp your hip, digging his fingers in and holding you in place as he pumped those two fingers faster, alternating his sucking and perfectly pressured licks to your clit perfectly. He couldn’t help himself from keeping track of each moan that left your lips; each perfect combination of his tongue and fingers causing your walls to tighten; and each time your grasp on his hair pulled his face just a little closer, often so close he struggled to breathe – not that he’d ever complain in his current position. 
A particularly wanton moan and feeling your thigh shake beside his head signified his goal was in sight, his fingers curling and stilling within you as he tilted his head back to search your face, happy to see your loving gaze already fixated on him. He licked his lips free of your arousal painfully slow before telling you what he needed to hear.
“So delicious,” he praised as his lips found their way to your inner thigh, pressing a kiss to the soft skin there before wiggling his fingers back and forth slowly. “Give me one, princess.” He removed his fingers, eliciting a desperate whine from you before he coaxed the sound into a moan, licking along your folds and dipping his tongue inside of you before returning his tongue to your clit, flicking it back and forth. A few more sinful flicks of his tongue had you ascending, your fingernails digging lightly into his scalp as you moaned out his name, signifying you’d given into his desires perfectly once again.
Catching your hips in his hands to keep you steady through your orgasm he gathered what he could onto his tongue with a final swipe of his tongue before kissing back up your body. When his lips reached yours again he tasted of you, and you hadn’t returned your breathing to normal; and even still you hungrily swallowed his kiss with fervor, your hands sliding to the sides of his neck as you awaited whatever he asked of you next. Your kiss was too consuming to pull away from, and he whispered against your lips just long enough to plead you for more.
“I can’t carry you,” he panted, his voice strained despite its low volume. “I’d take you right in the shower, if I could. Let’s go to bed.”
The suggestion had barely left his lips before you were out of the bathroom, heading down the wood-floored hallway recklessly dripping water wherever it landed. Will didn’t waste time with a towel and followed behind you with slightly more cautious steps until his feet reached the carpet of the bedroom, his steps increasing to cover the distance between the two of you so he could reclaim your lips in his. Ensuring the pair of you made it onto the bed without damaging his stitches took more restraint than he needed to have right now, and by the time he found himself kneeling between your spread legs and stroking himself he could hardly wait to feel your warmth engulf him. Bending forward, his lips found yours once again.
His lips kept their connection to yours as he rubbed the leaking head of his cock around your entrance, his kiss faltering as he pushed inside of you, moaning out in profound appreciation at how you welcomed him home again. Your legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer, your lips leaving his as your head fell back against the pillow he’d reached back to move beneath it, thankful as ever for your partner’s endless consideration toward you. Your hands grasped his biceps as his fingers dug into your hips, sliding thick inch after inch into you before there was nothing left to give and nowhere else to go, filling you completely. 
Burying his face in the crook of your neck he sucked your earlobe between his teeth to lightly nibble before nuzzling his nose into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo once again as he savored simply being inside of you. When a quiet “please” fell from your lips he ground his hips into yours, groaning deeply and the friction the movement brought. There was no amount of money worth the risk of never feeling this again.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he cooed, sliding his already-throbbing cock out despite his desire to stay buried in you painfully slow. Weeks in the jungle meant he had recently had other things on his plate and no access to you, and he knew no matter how laser-focused he attempted to be he’d never last long – you always made it so hard to last long after he was away. His back straightened again to look down between your bodies as he slid his cock back into you even slower than he’d exited, his fingers grasping your hips hard enough to bruise. “You should see how fucking pretty you look taking me in like this, you perfect thing.”
His praise was always rewarded by the most thankful cries and now was no different, your hands reaching to slide down his chest as your legs wrapped tighter around him in a desperate attempt to keep him closer. Eager to oblige you, he began a melodic pace, pumping into you with intentional and calculated yet rhythmic movements as he gazed down at you lovingly, enjoying the glow to your face and the way you only looked this messy and beautiful and perfect for him.
As he pondered his adoration for you his pace picked up, his hips occasionally grinding against yours as he bottomed out within you to rub the head of his cock within that sensitive patch deep within you. When he found the angle to hit it perfectly it became relentless, his right hand reaching between the two of you to connect his thumb to your clit. As he rubbed perfect circles around your clit his pace quickened to a possibly reckless speed in his current state, neither of you fully conscious of the risk as your thoughts only focused on the results of your reunion. The noises from your mouths combined with the sound of his balls slapping against your skin as he forfeited any grinding, focusing his efforts on pinpointed thrusts. 
“Give me another one, baby,” he coaxed, leaning down once again to press a kiss to your lips as he adjusted his position to lay over you in desperation to be closer. “Please give me one more.”
You whined into his mouth and wrapped your legs tighter as your walls clenched around him, giving into his needs for the evening once more as your legs shook around him. Normally not one for messes, Will had opted to release onto your stomach or back in the past, but now he couldn’t bring himself to leave you as his own orgasm washed over him, painting your walls with thick white ropes with no regard to the potential consequences. 
When he could bring himself to remove himself from you he repositioned onto his back, keeping the arm closest to you extended in a welcoming gesture for you to come to his side. In a way you’d done so many times before and you’d never take for granted again you curled into his side as the two of you steadied your breathing to normal, your eyes closing as your head found his chest as a pillow. 
$5 or $5,000,000, he had everything he needed right here with him.
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rimunagenius · 1 year
Till Death Do Us Part
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Pairing: Will 'Ironhead' Miller x f!Mexican!Reader
Rated: E (everyone)
Words: 2.8k
Summary: A June wedding is all she’s ever wanted. So why not do it with her favorite boys, who are the biggest cheerleaders in Will’s and Cassie’s corner. So, the boys get the first look before witnessing the best moment in their bestfriends and brothers lives.
Warnings: extreme fluff!!! slight angst, implications of death (takes place after Brazil and Redflys death which correlates to Wills lowest), Benny being the sappiest teddy bear bestfriend (to reader), VERY self indulgent (so read if you want), use of the names Cassie Reyes instead of Y/N L/N, and finally happiness. NOT PROOF READ!!
Note: I have been insanely obsessed with the TF men recently (mainly Garret [Benny], Charlie [Will], and Pedro [Frankie]) and im also very lonely and i watched Top Gun and i got carried away with Iceman/Tom Kazansky blurbs and ficlets until i stumbled upon a wedding blurb. It was mainly Iceman being a hardass with everyone except his girl and i feel like that that’s definitely something Will, Frankie and Tom would do (except i absolutely hate Tom), but since i’m more on my sons of anarchy deep dive also, i decided on writing this for my baby Will. Enjoy!!
Weddings were fun. For the most part. They’re only ever enjoyable when it’s close friends and family, but even then they’ve always been hard to watch. All the happiness and love was always a hard reminder on you about how you wouldn’t find anyone who would actually treat and see you as an equal and not a toy they can entertain themselves with for a week and drop for the latest and prettiest hot wheels.
You were never the biggest fan. Like you always said, they are fun but hard to watch. But you felt differently the minute you saw your soon to be husband, William Miller on his knee, asking you to be his wife. Not some dickless moron who couldn’t get his head far enough out of his ass to see that he was barely doing the bare minimum when it came to treating you like a partner; an equal lover. But with Will it was different.
He would go above and beyond to make you smile. He would so much as trade shoes with you when your feet hurt from being in heels on date nights. Flip pennies that were tails up on the ground for the next person to find because that was a thing that kept you close to your mom ever since she passed when you were just a teenager. He knew every part of you and cherished every waking moment when he was with you, and even more when you were apart.
This man was the man you would be marrying in just a couple hours. The man you will get to spend the rest of your life with. You couldnt be happier.
You looked yourself over in the mirror as your cousin finished your makeup. You didn’t have sisters only an older brother who had passed. He was supposed to walk you down the isle but he got held in deployment for an extra week, but that week passed and he just never came home. Just a folded flag on your mantle. So, Jazlyn was the closest person to a sibling you had left.
“Aye prima, te ves tan hermosa! You’re breathtaking.” Jazlyn said, level with your ear, looking at you through the reflection in the vanity you two were sitting infront of. “Your mom would have loved seeing you now. She would be absolutely proud of the beautiful woman you have become, hermana. Never forget that.” She kissed your cheek, blowing a kiss through the mirror before she packed the last of her makeup away.
“Stop it, Jazz. Me va a llorar!” You bounced in your seat, shouting playfully to Jazz as you fanned your watering eyes. “I love you, and thank you for doing this. Being here with me since my mom can’t.”
Jazz looked at you as if you just insulted her with the most outrageous insult in the book. “I love you, and you know I wouldn’t miss this for the world babe! You are my little sister and I would do everything in my power tenfold just to see you happy like you deserve. You earned it prima! Now I gotta check on the bridesmaids and setup to make sure it’s perfect.” With one last kiss to your cheek, you smiled and sighed.
“Okay I have my first look with the boys right now. See you in an hour for the wedding.” As she exited the room, you walked over to the full length mirror as you flattened out the white lace fabric of your dress, doing a once over on your whole body to make you looked perfect.
Exiting through the main door, you followed the rather empty hallway to two big glass doors leading to a small well, surrounded by beautiful summer flowers. A June wedding always being your ideal and dream timeframe of a wedding, and of course William Miller would do anything for his girl. You could already see the boys facing the well, their backs to you as you followed the small pebbled path to them as your best friend, Camila, kept them in line and facing the right way as she saw you approaching.
“Okay, are you guys ready?” You spoke softly as you fixed the tail of your dress and the two front strands hanging out from your tightly yet neatly put together braided bun.
A stream of “hell yea’s” and whooping came from the men as you took a deep breath and giving them the okay to turn around. Immediately you wanted to cry. The looks on their faces were enough to bring another grown man to tears. Adoration, joy, and shock took on ever inch their faces fairly well.
Immediately after wiping away a tear, cautious enough to not smear mascara or wipe away foundation, you turn to Benny to see him crying and sighing loudly as he wiped away his tears. “Aw, Benny! Stop it! Your gonna make me cry.” You giggled wiping away another tear before being enveloped in a bear hug by your future brother in law.
“I can’t help it, you look absolutely beautiful Cass. God, my brother is one lucky man and you are one beautiful bride.” He pulled away, flattening out your dress once more, scared of wrinkling it do to his hug along with your hair as he brushed back some flyaways before resting his palms against his eyes, ceasing any more stray tears.
“Thank you, Ben. I love you.” Your eyes were watery but not enough to draw anymore tears thank god. As your eyes fell on the other two men, you couldn’t help but notice their bloodshot eyes as the admired you in your dress. In all your deservingly happy-bride glory.
“You look stunning, cariño. Wills gonna fight like hell to not cry over you.”
“Thank you, Frankie. You don’t look too shabby yourself. You clean up very well, brother. I almost don’t recognize you without your oiler hat.” You admired Frankie and his confidence for geling his hair back with the guest appearence of his grays. Salt and pepper looked good on him.
“Yeah right. Will won’t fight it. He’s gonna cry more than we did, plus you combined when he sees you walking down the isle.” Benny added, emphasizing the ‘you’ with a pointed finger in your direction.
“Estás preciosa. Haces una hermosa novia, princesa. I can’t believe this is the same woman I met 6 years ago.” Santiago placed both of his hands on your cheeks, cautious enough to not mess up your makeup, and he kissed your forehead.
“Gracias, mano. I can’t believe that 6 years ago I met the love of my life and lifelong bestfriend-brothers.” Santi wiped a fallen tear before he placed another kiss ok your forehead, Frankie and Benny doing the same.
Benny held out his arm on your right, and Santi on your left. Accepting their embrace, you laced your arms through before smiling at the both of them and then to your bestfriend.
“Okay, I guess i’ll get the back of her dress.” Frankie sighed as he picked up the tail of your dress.
“Let’s go get you married.” Camila said after taking a pictures of the whole reveal affair.
“Let’s go get me married.”
“Please stand for the bride.” The priest said, slowly lifting his hand signaling everyone.
Will adjusted his tie, eyes already stained with tears as Benny was in the same shape, placing his hand on his brothers shoulders briefly.
Everyone stood, and that was your cue to start the walk as heartfelt acoustic started to play. Walking down the isle, your arm locked with your father who couldn’t contain his tears as he was about to give his daughter away to the most and only worthy man on this earth, to love his only daughter.
As you were nearing the end of the isle, you watched Will, Benny, Frankie, and Pope wipe away tears as they watched you walk down the isle. Giggling softly at the greatest, most caring, loving men you have been blessed with all those years ago in that rickety bar, you let your dads arm go as you connected your hand with Wills.
“You may be seated.” The priest said to the guests as you found your spot next to your man on the small platform you and the wedding group stood upon. “I take this moment to wish you both immense happiness in your future lives together. We are gathered here today, family and friends, to witness the sacred union of William Miller and Cassie Reyes. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life together with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends.”
You couldn’t fight the urge to not look at the handsome man next to you as the priest spoke. You looked at Will, the thought of spending the spending the rest of your lives together sending a swarm of butterflies through your stomach, and a wide smile to your face. He must’ve felt you staring as he looked down to you and reciprocated the same shining smile.
Tears evident in both your eyes, you continued to smile and turn your gaze back to the priest.
Both of you excited to start the rest of your lives together as husband and wife.
“You both may share the vows you have prepared. William, you may start.” The officiate gestures to Will as you both faced one another. Will reached into the inside pocket of his blazer, grabbing the small vow book, courtesy to the lovely couple, Camila and Benny.
“My sunshine, Cass. You are the most kind-hearted woman I have had the pleasure of meeting. Your strong and your the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. I met you at one of the lowest points in my life, you’ve seen the sleepless nights, the scars, the darkest parts of me. Everything.” You squeezed the hand of his you were holding, forgetting about your makeup as you cried looking at the man before you. His eyes met yours and they had the same look in them as they did all those years ago. Awe, love, adoration, and happiness. “You’ve seen all the ugly parts of me and you still choose me. You chose me when you had every reason to leave. The love and care you have given me all these years is more than what i could’ve asked for. The sleepless, ruthless nights won’t even exist because I could sleep forever next to you. I can’t wait for our movie nights, watching movies we’ve both already seen. While your watching the screen, i’ll only be looking at you. While your looking and pointing out all of your flaws i’ll be there to tell you your most sexiest woman in the world,”
Will drew a laugh from everyone, including you. You laughed, hiding the blush rising in your cheeks. “I’ll be there to tell you that in my eyes you are perfect, as you are. When there’s things i have to do, i’ll blow off all those plans for you because you, Cass, are the most important thing to me and everyone can wait in line. I love you Cass, in sickness and in health, for the rest of my life baby, til death do us part.” As Will finished his vows, he wiped tears away from his eyes, the crowd ‘ou’ing and ‘awe’ing. You mouthed an ‘I love you’ as Jazz, your maid of honor, handed you your vow book.
“Awe man! How am I supposed to compete with that?” You sniffled, earning a couple of laughs, as you cleared your throat to start your vows. Opening your mouth, you already started to get choked up, barely getting the word ‘my’ out before a small sob escaped your mouth. Jazz and Camila patted your back, and Will squeezed your hand.
Will have you a small wink, and mouthed ‘You got this, baby’ before smiling at you.
“My dearest Will,” Again your voice cracked, the tears and chokedness evident in your voice, but you continued. “I don’t know where to begin to express the love and gratitude I have for you. You are the first man to ever love me like how a woman is supposed to be loved. You showed me what it’s like to be someone’s first choice, all the time, and no matter the place. Your kind, caring, compassionate, and although you would never admit this to your friends, you are gentle. I’ve always loved that about you. I knew you were the one for me when you were walking me home from the coffee shop around the corner from my house, when you noticed a penny on the sidewalk infront us. It was heads down, and you flipped it over and kept walking. When i asked you why you had done it, you said “So the next person to find it has good luck.” That’s when I knew i’d love you forever. Your selfless, and you always remember the little things, like when I told you me and my mom loved flipping heads down pennie’s for other people when I was a kid.” You wiped tears that were rapidly falling, Will doing the same across from you.
“I will never try to change you. I will always want the same you. Scars, sleepless nights and all. I want that because I want you, forever. All of you. I swear on everything I pray to, that I won’t break your heart. When you can’t fight, i’ll fight. When you get lonely, i’ll be there to hold you. I’ll keep all the secrets that you’ve told me. Your love is all you owe me. I promise to love you til my lungs give out, for sickness and in health. Forever and always, my love. Til death do us part.” You and Will shared a big smile and the same look. Love. You couldn’t be happier and neither could he. You two were about to be officially married and all you could think about was how happy you both were.
“Do you William Miller, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?” The priest watched will waiting for his answer. All he saw was the way Will was looking at you, a smile on his face. The priest had already knew the answer.
“Hell yes, I do.”
“Do you Cassie Reyes, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?”
“Fuck yea, I do.” At this point you didn’t even care about the language you had both been using. All you could care about at the moment was marrying the man you loved and wanting to kiss him for the first time as his wife.
The priest laughed, along with most of the venue as he continued his speech. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” He couldnt for finish his sentence before Will grabbed your cheeks and kiss you passionately. Cheers and hollers were heard among the venues courtyard as you and Will shared your first kiss as husband and wife.
Will pulled away, and smiled. “Hey.” He whispered against your lips.
“Hey, Mr. Miller.” You whispered back.
“Im gonna kiss you again. You okay with that, Mrs. Miller?” Will smiled at the sound of his last name used in reference to you. He could definitely get used to that.
AAAAHH!! that was my very first TF blurb! i really hope you enjoyed it, and if you have some requests for any more triple frontier and the walking dead characters LMK!!!
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winniethewife · 5 months
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I will not let you go (Francisco 'Catfish' Morales x reader)
Just sees what he wants to see (Benny Miller x Gn!Reader)
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there (Santiago “Pope” Garcia x TransFem!reader)
Come on baby, make it hurt so good (Francisco "Catfish" Morales x Gn!Reader)
I walked with you once upon a dream ((William "Ironhead" Miller x F!reader)
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My Blood would teach me how to love (Santiago "Pope" Garcia x F!Reader) (18+ DDDNE)
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Main Masterlist
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