#willy wonka and the chocolate factory reader insert
arianadevareux · 2 years
Reuniting with your childhood sweetheart, Willy Wonka, during the factory tour.
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(For @groovy-lady)
"Y/N, you simply won't believe the news!" Your friend, Mrs, Bucket, chirped excitedly as the two of you met up to run errands together. The two of you had worked together previously, and she became a good friend to you despite the infrequency of your contact.
"What is it, Hellen?"
"Charlie's found it - the last golden ticket! Isn't it exciting?" She was more animated than you'd seen her in a long time, and she continued quickly. "I was thinking - and forgive me if this is too bold, but, I was thinking... perhaps you could take him for the tour?" And then you saw it - the mischievous glint in her eye.
Hellen knew a secret that you'd told few others - you'd known Willy Wonka when the two of you were children, and had been an item for much of your youth.
"I understand if you can't, or don't want to. I just thought... Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's silly." You told her you would think about it, and she didn't mention it again as you went onto your errands.
After that, it seemed as if you somehow saw more of his name everywhere you went; advertisement and news articles. Of course it was the fervor around the contest, but nonetheless you couldn't escape the ghost of your past. It was a pleasant ghost, at least.
There was a form to send in before the tour, giving the names of the chaperones. You'd kept it visible, and quickly penned your name down before the deadline.
It all happened so fast - Hellen asked, you agreed, and in the blink of an eye you were standing at the gates with Charlie by your side. And then the moments dragged until Wonka himself finally emerged. He looked very different, of course, but yet somehow still the same. The other guardians were quick to rush up to introduce themselves and their children, but he hurried through them until he got to you.
"And Y/N. I was looking forward to seeing you most of all. You do remember me, don't you?"
The candy maker lit up when you told him that you did remember him, grinning wide and looking much like the boy you'd known long ago.
"I named one of my chocolates after you, you know. And I'll tell you a secret - it's my most favorite creation." He paused only a moment before continuing, "come, I've got such marvelous things to show you."
He held out his arm for you to take, paying no mind to the other chaperones as he lead the group inside.
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supercap2319 · 5 months
"I've spent the past seven years traveling the world, perfecting my craft. You see, I'm something of a magician, inventor, and chocolate maker. So quiet up, and listen down. Nope. Scratch that, reverse it." The young man in the top hat and brightly colored suit said.
"Umm... I'm not sure how to respond to that, Mr..."
"Wonka. Willy Wonda." He took a bow.
"Mr. Wonka."
"Please, call me, Willy. How do you like your chocolate? Dark? White? Nutty? It's absolutely insane!" Willy smiled.
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ghostdoodlen · 2 years
The Chocolate's Sweet but the Awkward Chocolatier is Sweeter
Chapter two is out now on ao3
Link here if anyone wanna go read it.
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that-weirdo-thing · 8 months
Husbandtober #5 Husbando IRL
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No podías evitar practicamente vibrar frente las rejas, a tu lado, tu pequeño sobrino Charlie sonreía como no lo habías visto sonreír en años, debido a que tu padre casi se rompe la pierna al intentar levantarse de la emoción de que Charlie hubiera encontrado el último boleto dorado, tu habías sido la que se ofreció a acompañarlo en parte por tu bastante fracasado negocio como escritora de novelas.
Alrededor de ustedes, los cinco niños afortunados y sus tutores, había cientos de periodistas y camarografos intentando captar el momento exacto donde él aparcería.
Justo cuando llego la hora exacta, las puertas se abrieron y empezaron a entrar al poco tiempo, se abrió un telón para empezar el más extraño de los espectaculos, Jadeaste abrazando a Charlie cuando quién parecía ser el fabricante de dulces más famoso del mundo se prendió en llamas, estabas a punto de gritar para que alguién llamará a los bomberos pero unos aplausos emocionados te detuvieron, a tu lado estaba un hombre sonriendo.
Willy Wonka estaba perfectamente bien a tu lado y sonriendole a todos ustedes.
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whenkins · 4 years
impulsive! | willy wonka
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pairing: w.w. + reader
word count: 2k (yowza)
a/n: just another little oneshot aside from the series i'm working on! they're not necessarily related, i just wanted a break from brainstorming huhrhegh
The silence of the courtyard and its surroundings was inviting.
No sound had ever really been emitted from the factory and its grandeur structure. It was ensured from the beginning that the exterior was completely soundproof, and that the only noise ever emitted was that of the chocolatier himself amplifying his voice over a speaker. Many outside still wondered what really lied within the walls of the factory, for the accounts given from the Ticket Winners were, quite frankly, unbelievable. Not a single reporter, fact checker, conspiracist, or government official believed the words of eight foolish visitors.
To believe that a child was sucked into a fudge-transporting pipe and had been whisked away throughout the pipes of the entire factory was seen as ridiculous.
If your daughter chewed a treacherous piece of gum and inflated to the size of a small house, as blue as the deep see and as rotund as a sports ball, that was nonsensical.
When you lie about specially trained squirrels whisking you away and ungracefully lunging you and your father into a garbage chute piled with three weeks worth of trash, you get scoffed and laughed at.
And no, Mr. Teavee, your fellow teachers will not take the time to "hear you out" and "believe what you have to say" about your son's transportation through... waves and particles?.. to arrive on the screen of a rather small television. Aside from this, they begged him to stop bringing up the fictitious "Oompaland" he so desperately searched for.
News outlets had all believed that the victims' altered appearances were that of a publicity stunt, for they reverted to their normal selves in due time. A couple of showers for the kids and the effects had seemed to wear off. It was pushed that both the children and their parents feigned disappointment for such a wonderful company and its inner workings just to receive a slimy check. Ridiculed for their horridness until the dust settled, the families went on with their routinely lives replaying the moments from the first of that February every now and again.
People were curious about the factory now, more than ever. In fact, there was a slew of reporters that would stand outside the gates every day. Sometimes they would stay for 10 minutes, other times 10 hours. Though it never seemed to bother Mr. Wonka, so you've noticed. The silence of your surroundings was inviting, because it hadn't felt like this for a while.
You had now been standing outside of the gates for just a minute, taking in the intimidating view of the smoking factory. To your left was none other than Charlie Bucket, now the heir of the entire Wonka estate. He followed your gaze and looked up at the smoke from afar, closing his eyes and inhaling the intoxicating scent of chocolate that surrounded you both. The sweet aroma was the only indicator that this was a chocolate factory. Its drab and gloomy structure indicated no such thing.
He looks back up at you, calling your name.
"Think we should go in now?"
You blink rapidly and shake your head. "Oh, yeah! Didn't realize we've just been.. here. I doubt Wonka would mind."
As you both make your way through the snow, a comfortable small talk takes place. You and Charlie both joke that Will would tease you for standing outside when you could go inside and smell every smell and taste every flavor rather than roaming like lost dogs. Charlie had always enjoyed your presence; he believed you were the perfect fit for Mr. Wonka. On days where even Charlie couldn't handle the man, you were able to take over and hold the fort down. Reasoning with Will was a hastle in itself, but not necessarily impossible. He was often a difficult man to read. Thinning patience, fear of failure, and a desire to impress and amaze. Isolated from the outside world and accustomed to outdated lingo and style, it was challenging to get him up to speed. Sometimes you'd have to tell him not to expect so much from Charlie, who was just a boy, and understand that he needed time off of work to spend with his family.
Charlie would forever be grateful for the case you constantly made for him.
"Hey, Wendel, it's us," You jokingly shout, the two of you standing in front of the gates awaiting the buzz in. "And it's cold."
Charlie butts in, "Mr. Wonka, you'll have to hold [name]'s hands to warm them up-"
"C'mon, man."
"I don't see the problem in having a little fun!"
Will's hanging on to every word, listening as you two jokingly bicker just outside the doors. His voice rings out over the speaker, interrupting your playful arguing.
"Charlie's right. Come in!"
You sigh, looking down at your shoes to hide the blush spreading across your face. A smile crept itself upon your lips as you feel Charlie playfully nudge your shoulder, the two of you walking forward after hearing the doors open. Another chat takes place as the boy apologizes with a cheeky "sorry!" as you cross the courtyard to enter. You can't help but grin. "Don't worry about it, kiddo," You laugh it off, ruffling his hair.
Your feet are both met with the familiar red carpet that seemed to stretch for miles. After convincing Will to put up a simple coat and hat rack at the entrance (you hated throwing your coat down on the floor so carelessly), you take advantage of the iron stand and accept Charlie's coat. Hanging your coats up, Charlie speaks from next to you, already advancing.
"Evening, Mr. Wonka!"
Turning away from the rack, you step up to Charlie's side and face Wonka. He's already made his way over to you with his cane swinging around giddily.
"Hey, Charlie," He speaks above a whisper, clearly distracted as he's standing in front of you and taking in your appearance. Will would do this every time you came back after taking Charlie around the town; fresh air once in a while was greatly appreciated. His gloves squeak and you realize that he's reaching up to touch your face, grazing your cheek as you chuckle at the gesture.
"Nice to see you too, love." You speak up, reaching to take his top hat from his head and promptly placing it on your own. He flashes you that signature smile, leaning in to connect your lips with his own when-
"Can we at least make it inside before you start?" You're both taken aback as you turn your heads left in unision. Charlie, who's standing with a smile of his own, teases you and makes his way to the Chocolate Room door. You look back at Will to make sure he's not too offended.
He is definitely offended.
A childish pout graces his features. Although he knew Charlie was only having a bit of fun, he really wanted to kiss you without worry. Your grin falters as you look at him, rolling your eyes and adopting a softer tone.
"Mr. Wonka," The title melted off of your tongue like smooth caramel, "You know we could just waltz in and pick up where we left off in there, ri-"
He wastes no more time in placing a deep, loving kiss on the lips he so worshipped. It took you no time to reciprocate, smiling into the kiss and savoring the sensation. There seemed to always be a hint of a taste test on his lips... something you adored. Whether it was chocolate or licorice, taffy or candy canes, the delight of a treat all for yourself was perfect. What a wonderful thing it was, to be dating an accomplished connoisseur of sweets.
Will does just as Charlie's instructed: he takes your chilled hands in his. Breaking away, he matches your gaze and widens his grin. Always showing off that perfect mouth, huh?
"He's right, you know," Eyebrows now furrowing in concern.
"Your hands are as cold as ice."
This, of course, was a lie. You were both aware. By the time he pointed it out, the temperature of the hall (hotter than normal, for the Oompa Loompas) had already warmed yours hands in no time flat. He always looked for an excuse to hold you. It was often to "make sure you didn't fall into the river" while cuddling or "assuring safety in a room full of unfinished inventions" by draping his arm affectionately around your shoulder.
"I love you, and you should know that you can just.. hold my hands whenever you want. I promise I won't bite," You tease, using your thumb to rub against his knuckles as he did for you.
"Yeah, I know.. but not having a reason is weird, right? Doing it out of nowhere is just creepy? It feels dastardly and abnormal."
"Ah, I see you're still trying to understand actual affection, Willy."
"Partners just show affection whenever they want?"
"That's right! When it's appropriate, and trust me- it is. You have my permission. I would not be opposed to a kiss on the cheek every so often, or even a hand to hold. You don't have to say anything either! That's the beauty of it. It's natural, and it's unspoken."
He tilts his head to the side and reseambles a concerned dog. "Unspoken?"
"Yes!" You exhale, still smiling your way through the conversation. Catching him up to speed always required a little work. "Look, it's really just doing whatever feels.. right. You know that you're stable and in love, and you go with your instinct," Noticing his hat is still on your head, you let go of his hands to remove the accessory and return it to its rightful place. "There's no second guessing. You're just happy and impulsive. And that's pretty much okay."
Will brings a gloved finger up to tap his chin pensively. "Ah. Okay, okay okay okay. Alright. Yeah. Yeah!" He beams and looks up, violet eyes gleaming and full of joy. "Impulsive! Oooh, I like it! Candymaking is kind of impulsive you know, it's always a leap of faith when trying something n-"
He's abruptly cut off as you plant a quick one right on the kisser. Needless to say, he's even happier.
"Heeeey, I like impulsive!!"
Before you're aware of what he's doing, Willy scoops you up in his arms the second his sentence finishes. Carrying you bridal style and making his way to the door, you're caught in a laughing fit and playfully hitting his chest.
"That's impulsive! There you go! There it is, babe! That's unspoken! That's love!"
He comically kicks the door open with his heeled boot and brings you to the Chocolate Room you so graciously adored. As you take in the view (a couple of ooo! pretty!'s and ah! magical!'s in between), he continues his confident stride towards the river.
"Hey, Will, we're headed for th- Will, hun, we're going straight to th- Willy, the- WHATAREYOUDOING-"
He swings you.
"Aaaaand three!"
A screech to rival the banshee's echoes through the room, and you expect to be drowning in creamy milk chocolate by now. To your surprise, you're still clutching onto Will for dear life, and he's smiling down at you and flashing his pearly whites.
"That would have been impulsive, huh?"
You're gasping for air.
"Yeah. Would have been crazy."
A gulp, then a sigh of relief.
"You said it yourself, babe. Can't contaminate the chocolate. You know that, silly goose!"
You throw your head back and groan.
"That," He sets you down and you tumble onto the grass, "Was not.. the kind of impulsive.. I was.. referring to." You gasp and lay limp on the meadow, catching your breath.
He takes a seat next to your still form, choosing to sit criss cross on your right side.
"Oh, how I love impulsive!"
You let out your last sigh, and can't help but close your eyes and smile. Will laughs and takes pride in your defeated state. Unbeknownst to you two, Charlie watched the whole thing from afar. Not wanting to bother either of you, he kept his joy to himself. It was about time someone had made Mr. Wonka laugh so sincerely.
He could get used to your impulsive natures.
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bonkers-4-hatter · 3 years
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Masterlist
Willy Wonka
⇸ Willy Wonka X !Chubby Reader - Hard and Sweet 
⇸ Willy Wonka X !Busty !Witch Reader 
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whenkins-moved · 4 years
sweet! | willy wonka
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pairing: w.w. + reader
word count: 1.9k
a/n: yea ok my mind is filled with nothing but wonka... what about it 🙄 anyways this is my first post here huuuohoh
The aroma could be detected from just around the block.
Fiddlewhacker’s Gumdrop Shop stood right at the corner of the street, boasting a pink-and-white color scheme for the whole town to recognize. With a rather humble sign that featured a glass jar of gumdrops, the candy store made a decent name for itself amongst the residents. Despite working primarily with gumdrops, a variety of candies and goods were made available to customers. Many would come and go on a daily basis just to explore the wares that were offered; both children and adults alike reveled in the vast collection of sweets. Both small name and top game candymakers could find their sweets sold at Fiddlewhacker’s, for it was the town’s only access to any delectable wonder at all. There would be newcomers, there would be regulars. One thing that remained certain to the town was that a customer never left disappointed.
Employees were few, however, and business was difficult to handle with such a small cast. Fiddlewhacker himself was the manager; he could only hire so many workers that were actually up to the task, after all. It seemed that the overwhelming abundance of candy left many with more cavities than they had started with (some had worn a proud record of “no cavities” on their sleeve before taking the job). It seemed impossible to track down a willing participant who could control their sugar intake.
Enter you- Fiddlewhacker’s prized posession. Never had he met a “youngster” (as he called you) with such vigor and passion for candy. You enjoyed every moment spent stocking shelves, checking inventory, and manning the register. Hell, he was almost sure enough to leave the store in your care after his time was up. But you refused to talk about that.
With only two other workers, you all seemed to do an excellent job at keeping the shop spick and span. Apparently, business was booming enough to grab the attention of those outside the town. Wanderers recommended everyone to stop by the Gumdrop Shop- even hitchhikers. It seemed as though everything about the atmosphere you and your coworkers established was enough to intrigue foreigners; you and Fiddlewhacker accepted them with ease. The cast especially hoped that newcomers would consider moving to the town and applying for a position. You all had the chance to grow and expand, and here it was, handed to you on a silver platter. If only the silver platter had been just a little less than an arm’s reach away.
What with his arrival, the timing couldn’t be better.
The shop door opens, and a familiar little “ding!” reaches your ears.
You look up from where you’re sweeping (just by the assorted chocolate bars) to see a rather tall gentleman stride in. He’s got a massive black top hat and bug-eyed sunglasses to match. Sporting a- is that real?- bob cut that curved inward just at the jaw, his hair sways with him as he looks swiftly from his left... then to his right... then to you. An unsettling grin grows upon his features to reveal a gorgeous set of pearly whites. Damn, were you envious... but also kinda spooked.
For the brief moment you studied his figure, you took in his rather sharp cheekbones and pale complexion. Tying his look together was an expensive-looking red velvet coat that seemed to be perfectly tailored to his liking. He sure seemed comfy.
“Kiddo, d’you think you could get that customer?” Fiddlewhacker’s voice calls out from the back; he’s been handling a new shipment of licorice twists. The man looks past you, smile faltering slightly, realizing that he had entered right when you were getting ready to close.
“Oh dear,” He looks back at you, a frown finding its way to replace his perfect smile. “Did I come at a bad time?”
You stand your broom up by the nearest corner and dust your hands off excitedly, turning your body to him completely. “Hey, no, no! It’s alright! We’re always welcome to have a customer, even if it’s a minute before closing. How may I help you tonight, sir?”
He looks taken aback, but nonetheless straightens up and smiles widely once more. Reaching up to remove his sunglasses, you’re quite surprised to find that his eyes were strikingly violet. Not just a deep shade of blue, but rather a vivid purple that you would have never expected. Your shock must have been evident, because you feel his stare more than ever and you begin to blush. Shaking it off, you make your way to the counter as his gaze follows your movement while talking.
“Oh, good! See, I heard you guys were nice, but that’s too generous of you. Now, I was only wondering about your employee shortage. I wanted to come see a day of work for myself but it seems like I’m too late! Bummer.” He’s walked to the opposite side of the counter now, folding his hands politely as your folded arms rest inches away. You’re leaning forward, holding onto every word he says. Funny, his voice was a smooth as chocolate...
Once again, you shake such distracting thoughts from your mind. “No worries, sir! You can drop by any other time you’d like. We’re open from 7am to 9pm on days ending in Y.”
And that’s when he knew you were perfect.
You’re smiling, letting the lighthearted joke settle in. Your goal was always to be as inviting and hospitable as you could be, and cracking a stupid joke or two usually put customers at ease. He’s grinning ear to ear, an envied set of teeth displaying itself for the whole shop to see. His eyes light up and crinkle, a sign of a genuine smile.
“That was cute! I liked that. You’re cute!” He happily rushes the words out of him as if he’s been holding onto them forever. His joyful demeanor falls quickly. The man’s face contorts into an expression of concern now, eyebrows furrowing and a downward, contemplative glance at the counter. He had never uttered words like that, ever. To anyone. In his whole life. Not once. So why was he saying them now?
“Oh!” You exclaim, ears and cheeks going pink with embarrassment instantly. “Thank you! You’re quite the charmer yourself!”
And now it was your turn to look down and contemplate regret. Oh wow, that was blunt. Kind of blunt. Yeah, you’ve never told a stranger that before.
A small cough pulls you from your thoughts, escaping what would have been an endless cycle of wonder. The man smiles warmly and gives a little giggle. “He-heh!” He grins, cheeks brushed with the lightest shade of pink. That’s a cute little giggle, you think. You’d never heard someone giggle like that without some creepy intent, but this man just seemed to be so peculiar that a giggle would be perfectly in character for him.
“Well, can I do anything else for you, sir?” He grimaces at the mention of “sir.”
“Ew. Sir makes me sound so old. Call me Willy!” A hand that was previously resting on the table shoots itself out to you, offering a warm shake from a purple leather glove. You stop leaning forward and immediately stand up straight, eyes growing wide with amazement. His poor hand remains jutted out. How could you not notice it before? The curly “W” pin stuck to his shirt collar that matched the very same logo of the chocolate bars you handle every day. The fact that you had never seen him before, and that his demeanor was much too peculiar to be some other wanderer.
“I can’t believe it... you’re Willy Wonka!” You joyously point out. Reaching out to shake his hand, a warmth fills your grasp. Beneath his gloves, there was a good chance his hands were just as smooth as the skin on his face, and they must have been perfect to hold. “How did I not recognize it before? I’m sorry, si-“
“Right! Willy... well, I can't believe it's you!" The sound of his name off of your lips was the loveliest thing he had ever heard. And that was far from an exaggeration. He wanted you to construct millions of sentences, some saying his name and some not. Whatever you spoke would be smoother than caramel and sweeter than honey, and he would be blessed to be wherever you were, hanging on to every syllable and pause.
"Don't believe it's me, huh? Well..." He retracts his hand and brings it up to his chin, stroking it thoughtfully. Your hand grows cold from the lack of comfort and you're already aching to feel him again. Concentrating on his features as he pondered, you yourself wondered what someone like him would be doing strolling into an established candy shop. He had mentioned wanting to see a day's work... could it be he wanted to help your business? Surely he couldn't see you as a competitor- you were nothing but a humble shop that did its best to share the magic of candy to an adoring few. Your thoughts escape you as he stops his train of thought with a little "yeah!" and focuses on your face.
"What exactly are you doing after work?"
That was not a question you expected to hear. What a surprising man, wasn't he? You glance at the broom you placed in the corner mere minutes ago, concluding that you had finished up cleaning and that Fiddlewhacker would complete his storage work soon.
"Nothing much," You start, eyes finding their way to his and locking his gaze with yours. "Planned on going back home and... falling asleep, really."
He gives a curt nod, adopting a look of seriousness. "Mhm," His finger begins to tap his chin. "Are you, by any chance, scheduled tomorrow morning? Any reason to be up early?"
Shaking your head no, he leans forward ever so slightly, dropping his voice to a clear whisper.
"Wanna see the factory tonight?"
And this is when your ears would shoot up and hearts would take over your eyes if you were a Looney Tunes regular. His request is anything but ordinary; you've been invited to see the fabled factory tonight? Who would deny such an call to wonder? You had just met this Mr. Wonka, and he's offering a personal tour of his beloved empire?
Nodding fervently, you rush to put the broom away. Organizing a candy bag or two that seemed out of place, you finish up quickly and rush to the back. You stop before the doot, about to knock when-
"I heard the whole thing, y'know. I'm done here, leaving soon. I won't need you tomorrow morning- go see that factory!"
Hand coming back down to your side, you give a wide smile and shout back, "Thanks, Mr. Fidds! I'll see you tomorrow afternoon!"
Rushing back to the lobby to find Mr. Wo- Willy waiting, you practically jump into his arms.
"I'd love to! A million times yes!" You exclaim, grabbing your bag and coat. "I'll give you another answer, for good measure: yes."
Willy smirks and feels his heart swell up with joy. You seemed thrilled to have this opportunity, and he was more than thrilled to get to know you better. Not once in all of his chocolatiering days did he believe in a feeling like this.
This felt new, spontaneous, fresh and healthy.
This felt right.
As he held the door open for you to let you out, he takes one last look at the shop. In all of its colors, patterns, and sweets, you seemed to stand out the most. He closes the door and walks by your side. Ready to explain the physics of the glass elevator, he excitedly leads you by the hand just to get there quicker.
Perhaps something could come from this, he thought.
Something that would be everlasting.
Now, wouldn't that be sweet?
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blackevermore · 5 years
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[ Snippet ]
"Hi, my name is..."
"Hi, my name is.....T...a..yl... o...r"
"Room Pro...blem Candy Wanker."
"You just said wanker instead of Wonka," Scarlet said covering her mouth in a fit of giggles. Taylor plopped back onto Scarlet's bed covering her face groaning.
Wattpadd Link || A03 Link
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1,500 Followers Challenge!
The Title/Trope Challenge!
Again, thank you all for all your support!  You are all amazing and I truly cannot thank you enough for helping me get this far.  It’s certainly a milestone that I never thought I’d see.
Straight to the challenge!
Basic rules apply ~ there are 30 songs and 30 quotes posted below, pick one from your fandom with your character.  This will be open for a while as 2 requests per song/quote.  The only rule is here is, is that the requests cannot be from the same fandom.  I will try and keep the lists as updated as I can to try and avoid cross overs!
The extra - This time around, send me either a title and/or a trope to base to the fic on.  They can be as weird and wonderful as you want, or something simple.  In your ask, just specify which you are sending me and I’ll do the rest from there!
Send me an ask with your request
Include your fandom and character
Choose a song and quote
Give me a title and/or a trope to base the fic on!
In saying that, please remember that this is all just a bit of fun, I’m sure you can have a laugh at some of the quotes below (based off of some of my favourite movies).  Please send all requests through asks, it’s easier for me to keep track of, and let me know of any questions!  It is, of course, okay to request more than once!
For now, there is no closing date, we will just keep going until all the requests are full!  Requests will be closing 1st May.
Further info below the cut.
Evermore  ~ Dan Stevens (Beauty and the Beast) - Lord of the Rings
Protector  ~ City Wolf - Supernatural and The Hobbit
I  See the Light ~ Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi (Tangled) - Lord of the Rings
I'd  Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) ~ Meat Loaf - Marvel and Supernatural
Bloodshot  ~ Sam Tinnesz
Let’s  Hear It For The Boy ~ Deniece Williams
All  Eyes On You ~ Smash Into Pieces
Feel  Invincible ~ Skillet
Natural  ~ Imagine Dragons - Lord of the Rings
Wrong  Side Of Heaven ~ Five Finger Death Punch
Shatter  Me ~ Lindsey Stirling Ft. Lzzy Hale - Supernatural
Feeling  Good ~ Nina Simone - The Hobbit and Marvel
Somebody  To Love ~ Queen - The Hobbit and The Witcher
Hurricane  ~ Thirty Seconds to Mars
You  Give Love A Bad Name ~ Bon Jovi - The Hobbit
Girls  Just Wanna Have Fun ~ Cyndi Lauper - Supernatural
Total  Eclipse of the Heart ~ Bonnie Tyler - The Hobbit
Don’t  You (Forget About Me) ~ Simple Minds
Hell  Ain’t a Bad Place to Be ~ AC/DC
Love  Is A War ~ Jeremy Renner
A  Reason to Fight ~ Disturbed - The Witcher
True  Love ~ P!nk ft. Lily Allen - Marvel and Supernatural
Poison  ~ Alice Cooper
Sucker  for Pain ~ Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons w/ Logic & Ty  Dolla $ign ft X Ambassadors (Suicide Squad)
Hello  Hello ~ Elton John ft. Lady Gaga (Gnomeo and Juliet) - Lord of the Rings and Supernatural
I’m  Gonna Be (500 Miles) ~ The Proclaimers - Marvel and Lord of the Rings
I Will Always Love You ~ Whitney Houston  (The Bodyguard) - Supernatural and Lord of the Rings
When You Wish Upon A Star ~ Cliff Edwards  (Pinocchio) - The Hobbit
Raise Hell ~ Dorothy
Leave Me Lonely ~ Imelda May
I mean, those people aren't exactly our regular customers. (Legion)
I would not have shown you such mercy. (Legion) - Lord of the Rings
When you hesitate, people die. (Doom)
Yeah, I was thinking about it. (Doom)
Will you please get this child off my leg? (Bedknobs and Broomsticks) - Supernatural
Do you poison the dragon or just the liver? (Bedknobs and Broomsticks)
I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering. (The Music Man) - Supernatural and Lord of the Rings
A man can't turn tail and run just because a little personal risk is involved. (The Music  Man) - Marvel
You idiots! You fools! You imbeciles! (101 Dalmatians) - Supernatural
It was a beautiful spring day. Tedious time of the year for bachelors. (101  Dalmatians) - Marvel
I think I am familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this problem until it  swims up and bites you in the ass. (Jaws) - Lord of the Rings
Smile you son of a bitch! (Jaws)
You never have control, that’s the illusion! (Jurassic Park) - The Hobbit
Boy, do I hate being right all the time.  (Jurassic  Park) - The Witcher
The suspense is terrible.  I hope it'll last. (Willy  Wonka and The Chocolate Factory) - Lord of the Rings
So shines a good deed in a weary world. (Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory)
That was naughty. (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) - The Hobbit and Supernatural
You broke my heart once. This time you missed. (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
You know, he looks heroic and he walks fast, but he’s kind of got a negative attitude.  (The Meg) - The Lord of the Rings
Yeah, well, I’m not crazy, I’ve just seen things no one else has. (The Meg) - Marvel
Eight years is a long time. Can I make you a cup of tea? (Godzilla) - Marvel
As far as he's concerned, you're just a pair of breasts that talk. (Godzilla) - The Hobbit
Afraid? You don't know what afraid is. You will not last five minutes without me.  (Jumanji) - The Hobbit
Oh, okay, honey. Well, that would be cheating. (Jumanji) - The Hobbit
Carrots? Why is it always carrots? I didn't even eat carrots! (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Supernatural
I know what you seek, and you will not find it here. (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Supernatural and The Witcher
No. I can't do that, and if you were in my position, you'd do the same. (Alien)
When I give an order I expect to be obeyed. (Alien)
I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier.  (Dogma) - Lord of the Rings
Well, I say we get drunk, because I'm all out of ideas. (Dogma) - Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
Characters I will write for:
The Hobbit – Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Bofur, Nori, Gloin (friends only), Frerin, Thranduil, Bard, Legolas, Bilbo, Lindir, Beorn
The Lord of the Rings – Aragorn, Boromir, Eomer, Faramir, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Elrond, Haldir
Supernatural – Sam, Dean, Castiel, Crowley, Gabriel, Lucifer, Benny, Balthazar, Chuck, Garth, Mick, Gadreel, Charlie, Bobby
Marvel – Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Loki, Thor, Peter Quill, Logan, Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers, Sam Wilson, Heimdall
Dragon Age – Alistair, Anders, Cullen, Morrigan, Zevran, Leliana, Fenris, Sebastian, Iron Bull, Dorian, Cassandra, Blackwall, Varric
Harry Potter – Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Neville, Remus, Sirius, Fred, George
Star Trek (Newer Films) – Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty
The Witcher (TV Series) – Geralt, Yennefer, Jaskier
Of course, this list isn’t a final thing, if you feel I could write a character, please just send me a message and I’ll let you know if I’m comfortable with it or not.
Please of course note that all drabble requests are reader insert.  I will not do character pairings, but I will change to first/third person if you prefer reading that way.  Y/N will be the standard name though and remain that way.
For any Dragon Age requests, if you wish to appear as a certain race, please let me know.
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Do you have favorite characters you don't write for?
I honestly can't think of any off the top of my head. Most of the character I write for are my favorite in the franchise. I wouldn't write for them if I was indifferent. But, there are characters who I adore who don't really have fandoms with a big reader insert or OC community.
I think I found my loophole, in no particular order:
Annie Edison (Community)
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George Bailey (It's a Wonderful Life)
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Captain Luis Renault (Casablanca)
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Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)
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Ned (Pushing Daisies)
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arianadevareux · 3 years
Being Married to Willy Wonka Would Include
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(For @resplendentlady + anon)
Late night taste tests. When Wonka would come up with a new recipe, he'd want you to try it after it was finished.
Getting questions about your last name (if you choose to change it.) Surely you couldn't be of any relation to that Wonka, could you?
A weird limbo where the two of you work out how to communicate. I mean, he hasn't really had to consider others in a long time so it'd take a little bit to find a good groove.
You becoming so much a part of Willy's routine that if you're ever gone, he definitely notices your absence right away. Unless he's in a mood to be alone, he wouldn't be super worried if he's annoying you by reaching out to you when you're not there.
Willy coming to you for help without directly asking for it. He'd have a way of inferring that he needed your opinion or assistance without outright saying that he did.
A house full of songs. Whether Willy's singing to you, humming to himself, or playing music, you can bet it won't be quiet very often.
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star-nn · 6 years
A Rainy Day With Woojin (Reader Insert)
Summary: You wake up with your bf (?; you can see the relationship between you two how yall want) on a rainy day and do nothing productive. 
[This is just fluff. This also like super short, 403 words, and crossposted on ao3]
“A rainy day with... woojin” - Sarah ;who also told me post this.
The soft rain patterns against your window as you awake slowly, wrapped into the warmth and softness of Woojin beind you. His arms is drapped arround your waist and you can feel his soft breath against your neck. "I forgot it was suppossed to rain today." The thought crosses your mind as you cuddle closer to Woojin and clench onto the blanket providing your body with warmth as you breathe the cold air arround you. Woojin forgot to close the window as he came in and your feet were getting cold as they weren't under the blanket anymore. The rain is still pattering against your window as the sound tries to lull you back to sleep until you feel movement behind you. You can hear Wojin's yawn before you turn arround to his eyelids fluttering open and him stretching his arms. "Morning.", you mumble and press a kiss on his cheek whereto he just mumbles something incomprehensible back. Slowly, you turn on your stomach, stretching your sore muscles whereupon you stroke through his soft hair. You guys stay in that position for maybe 10 minutes until you get up, Woojin taking a shower and you making breakfast. Woojin came into the kitchen while you were still preparing which ensues to you not noticing him leaning on the door frame and watching you walk from one corner to the other. Well, until he walkes up behind you and hugges you while nestling his head on your shoulder which makes you yelp. "My godness, will you stop doing that!", you mumble, embarressed about your scream to which he just chuckles and his arms tighter arround your waist presses. After your breakfast both of you want to do some work and seperate into the dephts of your flat, the rain still pattering against the windows. And half an hour later you and Woojin are settled down on the couch, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory playing on the TV and you two cuddling (again). You really tried to work but the rain was occupying your thoughts and you just couldn't concentrate, so you both ended up on the couch and decided to watch a throwback movie you both loved. The rain was still pattering against your window as you were both laying on the couch, cuddling and fast asleep, the movie credits playing. You two were being very unporductive, but that's what rainy days are for.
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ghostdoodlen · 2 years
I have no explanation for what I just did.
Here's a link :P
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arianadevareux · 3 years
Willy Wonka Relationship Headcanons
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(For @groovygirlie​)
Willy is the absolute best at planning surprises. If you think you’ve caught on to what he’s scheming, it’s because he wanted you to. It could be anything from a gift to an elaborate gesture.
He’d have a habit of standing or sitting weirdly close to you. Not necessarily because he’s trying to cuddle up; he just inevitably drifts your way. Like a Skyrim follower when you’re trying to sneak.
Conversely, he’d also get into moods where he wanted to be alone. He’d go off to get some space - sometimes for a few days. He’d also respect any time you needed space to yourself.
This man has no schedule for anything; meals, sleep, work, nothing. He just does whatever strikes him at the time. He’d get better about it with you around, though, since he’d notice that you were missing (especially when you went to bed.)
He’d gab about sweets a fair amount, of course. But he’d also listen and help you with ideas for your own work or interests. The two of you would bounce opinions off one another a lot.
Wonka’s a pretty good dancer. Although he probably won’t hit up the club with you, he’d dance in formal settings. When the two of you were home, he’d make a show of twirling you around or leading you in a (not so professional) quick step.
Note: For the anon who wanted to be on the tag list for this with the name dontloooooookk, I’m not able to find that blog or tag you. Sorry!
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arianadevareux · 3 years
Willy Wonka Cuddling Headcanons
(For anon) 
Willy Wonka (1971)
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Initially he’d be sort of rigid. He wouldn’t push you away, but you’d be able to feel that he wasn’t quite relaxed. 
That wouldn’t last very long, though. He’d enjoy passive affection pretty early on into your relationship. 
If you came to sit/lay by him, he’d automatically lift his arm for you to crawl under. 
He’s not a huge fan of cuddling while you sleep. At least not fully. He’ll probably drape his leg over yours, though. 
Snuggles can sometimes remain cute and chill, and sometimes it’ll lead to a roll in the hay, ya feel me?
He prefers cuddling while sitting up. If you’re laying down, he’d rather one of you laying your head on the other rather than spooning. 
Willy Wonka (2005)
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Help.exe he would not know what to do at first and would be pretty awkward while trying to find a comfortable position.
He prefers to be the little spoon. You can be his lil jetpack if you’re shorter than him. 
For positioning, he enjoys cuddling most when you’re laying down. Just put all your weight on him, tbh. Smother him with love. 
Sometimes hums or sighs once the two of you get snuggled up together. It’s a sign of contentment. Just like a cat purring.
He’s mad touch starved, so he’s down to cuddle any time. Once he’s comfortable around you, he’ll be all about it. 
Cuddling will typically always lead to him falling asleep or suddenly needing to overshare. 
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arianadevareux · 4 years
Willy Wonka Headcanons
Your fist kiss with the world’s greatest candy maker
(For @tagthetrekkie)
Willy Wonka (1971}
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He can’t just settle for giving you a kiss because he likes you a lot and wants to. He’s gotta make it a thing.
“I made a new candy just for you. Would you like to try it?” But then he pops it into his mouth. 
Of course it’s the only one he made. So he’ll not to subtly tell you that if you want to taste it, you’ll just have to kiss him.
He’d hold your face with both of his hands at first, then shift one down to your waist to pull you closer. 
It would be passionate, but not overly so. Just enough for you to feel how much he cares for you. It would feel very natural; just the right amount of pressure and holding each other just as tightly as you need without suffocating one another.
“Actually, I did make two. Would you like to really try it now?”
Willy Wonka (2005)
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He’d be pretty apprehensive about kissing you the first time. He’s iffy with affection so it would take a while before he felt comfortable with it.
There would be a lot of buildup. He’d lean in slowly and ask if he could kiss you. “May I?”
The first touch of your lips would be feather light. He’d raise his hand to your face slowly, pausing hesitantly before touching your cheek.
He’d pull back and start giggling at first. It wouldn’t last long, but he’d be slightly in shock.
Then it’d hit him how touch starved he’s been. He hasn’t trusted anyone in so long and after that initial contact it would go down for real.
He’d quickly press his lips into yours again, pull back with a smile, and back in for more. Your first kiss would quickly turn into your first makeout session.
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