#wish I could work at Junes smh
gio-cosmo · 1 month
The p3r dlc really has me walking around Tartarus with the Junes theme playing in the background. What a time to be alive.
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singsweetmelodies · 11 months
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hullo everyone 👋❤️ it's me again, hi, and i'm back with yet another too-long, probably too-sentimental post. this one is also about a f1 rpf milestone of mine, because of course it is, but this time it's about YOU as well.
allow me to set the scene a little first: a few weeks ago, i was double-checking the date on my first ever f1 rpf fic so i could make my sappy "i can't believe it's been a year you guys" post at the right time. i was going through my AO3 stats, and in so doing i happened to glance over at my little user subscriptions count - and proceeded to nearly fall out of my seat, because that counter was at 98. WHAT.
now, i'm not usually the kind of person who makes a big deal about amounts of followers, or whatnot. that's not really why i'm in fandom. but there is one exception, and that exception is: AO3 user subscriptions. because an AO3 user subscription is like... you're pretty much saying "i like this person's writing so much that i want to get a fucking EMAIL when they post a new work." to me, that's one of the biggest compliments ever. (maybe it's just because i personally am very stingy about my AO3 user subscriptions, lmao - i think i have about twelve, currently, if it's even that much. so the fact that 98 of you liked my writing enough to want that? and it's only barely been a year since i posted my first fic to this account? that blew my fucking mind, in the best way ever.)
i remember thinking to myself, "ohhh, if i get a few more in a couple of months' time, i need to do a phoebe and have some sort of a fic giveaway to celebrate the big 100 <333"
well, today i checked again, and there are a hundred and seven user subscriptions to my AO3. a hundred and seven. and THAT is just... well fuck me, i don't think i even have the words to express how much that means to me. over a hundred of you ACTUALLY LIKE MY WRITING THAT MUCH??? i can't quite reconcile it in my head, but... it means everything. it really does. i am so, so honoured - and also mildly teary-eyed, and definitely about to say a whole bunch of way-too-sappy things. this fandom is just so incredible, and supportive, and... AAAHHH, i love you all so so much. thank you so much for loving me back ❤️❤️❤️ unlike the monaco gp and charles SORRY, i had to do it. ouch. i had to 🥲🙈❤️
anyways! i did promise a fic giveaway, even if it was just to myself, so GIVEAWAY TIME IT IS!! you have all given me so much - endless support, smiles and love - so this is me officially opening up my writing folder to give something back to you, in turn ❤️
how this is going to work is:
step 1: you have to interact with this post in some way. (and by that i mean either reblog or comment, not just a like. it doesn't have to be a complicated comment or anything - just a ❤️, if you want. but just something so i know you're not a bot, lmao.) you have until Friday the 23rd of June - which is to say, 16 days from now. yes, sixteen. of COURSE. <3
step 2: i collect the names/URLs of everyone who interacted, and put them into a random name picker thingy. i will then use that to - randomly! - pick a P1, P2 and P3. (the emphasis on "random" is because I KNOW there are going to be some of my friends accusing me of fixing the results. I'M NOT GOING TO, GUYS. smh smh smh. it's going to be completely random, i swear it on my honour as a piarles shipper. 🙏)
step 3: PRIZES 😍🏆
for P1, what i'm offering is the following: an afternoon of unlimited access to the entirety of my WIP folder (including longfics, snippets, ideas and dreams and everything in various states of completion.) you then get to choose any WIP/snippet/idea you like the most, and i will write that in full and dedicate it to you. <3
for P2: also an afternoon of access to my WIPs folder, but excluding the longfic ideas - because i love you guys, i do, but i'm only human. i can't write all my longfic ideas at once, much as i wish i could 😅 bar longfics, though, everything else is on the table - you get to go through it all and pick whatever you like the most, and it'll be yours.
and for P3: pretty much the same as P2 - your choice of whichever of WIP idea (bar longfics) that you like the most, fully written and dedicated to you :D
why am i doing it like this and not offering a "prompt me whatever you'd like" type thing? well, if you really want, i can do that. the thing is just - i have way, WAY too many WIP ideas, and i'll probably never get to writing even a quarter of them if i don't give myself some form of accountability. and i feel pretty safe in saying i have enough WIP ideas that there's probably something in there for everyone. so it's a two birds one stone type of thing - a gift fic for you, and assurance that i will actually write at least some of my WIP ideas for me. (also idk about you, but i always adore hearing about other writers' ideas and seeing the ways their brains work 👀)
if you guys would prefer a prompt thing, though, then we can absolutely do it like that too! after all, at the end of the day, this is for you. i want you to like it, and think it's a cool idea, and celebrate this one with me <333
because this is, from the bottom of my heart, a thank you. thank you to each and every one of you who hit that "subscribe" button on AO3, and helped me reach a fandom milestone i didn't think i would achieve for a long while yet. thank you for the endless support and enthusiasm and love. thank you, thank you, thank you. and i love you all ❤️❤️❤️
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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So one thing I hate in movies and shows is when they don’t bother conveying the passage of time in a creative way and just go for a card that reads like ‘1 year later’ or whatever. Now that I have acknowledged my hypocrisy, which everyone knows once you do no one can criticize you for it, it’s one semester later! I straight up took one semester off from taking pics to make sure these flops don’t get kicked out of college, that’s how shit everyone’s grades, skills, and aspiration meters were and how close we were to financial collapse thanks to the lack of scholarship money + Lakshmi’s 5k dates. If I ever have the brilliant idea to bring this many sims to college again please remind me of this post.
The only sim unaffected by our gap semester was brainchad June who already had good grades and I wish I could ignore all rules and just crown her as the heir. Alas, I’m cursed with Sugar and Sophito. Two notable things happened during this time: June and I took advantage of the extra time I had to focus on her to finally win over Erik Swain’s flaky little heart, and Stacy moved in, you can see her hot new pop-star look in the background with Julian.
Now, for the moment of truth.. did my hard work bear fruit??
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YES IT DID. I even managed to get Sugar an A+, which is probably my hardest ts2 achievement ever. With our financial and academic worries behind us, it’s time to get back to the normal rhythm of things:
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Eliza this might not be a great time but someone needs to paint those Uni portraits and you’re the one with the highest creativity skill so..
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-Ya, not my problem, Reggie.
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-Dramatic sigh.. Stupid sexy Sophito..
Did you just say ‘dramatic sigh’?
-Oh, I don’t really do actual emotional expression, just the representation of it. Other than rage, of course.
Ya you definitely don’t have trouble with that one, the butler is still returning Sophito’s teeth to us.
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At least someone is perma happy around here, and it’s Stacy and Julian! CUTE
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-Not if I have anything to do with it!
-That doesn’t sound right! My mom said I can have anything I want!
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-Sooo, cuz, everything ok with you and Stacy? Everything solid? No exploitable cracks in the ol’ relationship foundation?
-Oh, Soph, everything’s amazing! I love her so much, I can barely believe how happy I am! I can’t wait till we graduate and get a place-
-Oh, I’m sorry :( Look at me going on when you’ve just had your heart broken :(
-What?! I didn’t have anything broken, except multiple teeth.
-Ok :( I’m here if you ever wanna talk :(
Ya whatever helps you sleep at night, Soph. I’ll tell you who’s actually never been better:
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SUGAR. Bro what can I say, Claire is ALL OVER OUR BOY. We of course immediately asked her to pledge and move in because I don’t see this ever happening for Sugar again.
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AN INCEL NO MORE!!! Sugar, truly, I’m impressed. I don’t know what kind of dark sorcery you’re using on Claire, but clearly it is working and then some. 
-Oh Sug this was great, I’ll be right back!  -Alright beloved, I’ll be right here!
Umm where you going, Claire?
-I just have something I need to do real quick!
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B R O. 
I was so shook by this that I forgot switch out of live mode to take the pic and you can still see her action panel, the next action on which, btw, is to woohoo Sugar again. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS RUN
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I’d also like to point out that Wilfred and Claire are STILL FURIOUS WITH EACH OTHER
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SMH IRL. Wilfred you debased flop, in how many relationships do you need to be the third wheel until you’re satisfied??
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You know what might help, Wil? Throwing yourself out of this window.
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Claire seriously, I have NO WORDS. I’ve been trying to get you with Wilfred this entire time and you PICKED SUGAR ALL ON YOUR OWN. Like why the fuck wouldn’t you just get with Wilfred to begin with and save us all this bullshit??
-I needed to take both of them on a test drive before I decided!
Thanks for that gross metaphor and I hope you did decide because I’ve officially hit the limit on the amount of degenerate affairs I can handle under one roof- 
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-so it’s time to pull the ol’ Gunther-Brittany-Melody on this shit and have you pick for real. Whoever you autonomously interact with is who you’re dating and you’re done with the other one!!!1
-Oh, this is difficult!  -Pick me, Claire, let’s beat each other up forever! -No, pick me, look at my beautiful creepy smile!
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-I pick Sugar!
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feuqueerfire · 3 months
Twinkling Watermelon Live Blogging
Came across some Tiktoks (I think the first one showed up on my FYP on my phone) about a deaf girl in school being tripped by a group of girls and a girl being nice to her and with a guy who's yelling at her for making fun of him but her not understand but then !! I found this Tiktok in the tags which has characters from this series and My Perfect Stranger who time travelled back in time to when their parents were teens! Not only that, the main guy in this is the son from 18 Again (aside: I've been Obsessed with this OST again for the past week this January), which this show kinda reminds me of even though that one had the parent turning young in current timeline rather than time travel. Then I realized that it's actually a really hyped show that everybody seems to be watching.
Anyway, been a long time since I watched a full-length kdrama that's not a rewatch (From Now On, Showtime! in June 2023), so I hope I love it. Again, bad timing because busy with school but the thing is, it's nearly always bad timing, so here it goes I guess.
Episode 1 (Jan 19, 2024)
It's 1:30AM and I'm starting this lol, I'm gonna just watch 15 mins and go to sleep so that I have something to look forward to/be excited about when waking up tomorrow
Do all these shows always start with something bad/scary happening so that it's used as a hook? I'm just remembering Psychopath Diary starting with this guy's worst day of ever which made me stop watching lol The events with this ingredient man seem like it'll turn sour
you're not gonna show me what the father answered smh will it be revealed at a critical, heart-wrenching moment in the future?
ahhh the fuckass landlady and her fuckass child i can’t believe the kid is threatening him with eviction if they do t cheat So did Eun Gyeol erase and put his own name again afterwards? idgi
From what I know about this show, Eun Gyeol goes back in time + makes some sort of music band? So I’m gonna assume his dad actually wrote this song or smth (turning his “I feel sorry that only I can play songs like this” untrue) and he used to be able to hear?
My current bad habit is wishing we could go back to grownup Eun Gyeol so that I could look at his pretty nice face. Like brooo pause on being someone who loves to look at pretty boys and focus on the story at hand
Girl we once again have: worst day of ever. house on fire, grandpa dead/injured, flashback to when his dad said he’ll save Eun Gyeol first to help save the others
I hate this girl’s guitare case so bad idk why the shape of it gives me the ick - anyway is she the girl who saw him crying in front of grandfather’s store? and is she gonna be his love interest?
oh it’s a cello case + it’s the brother’s gf (Eun Gyeol wouldn’t steal his brothers gf right?)
wait lol what’s happening i got so confused. + the weak hero class guy intro (not park jihoon), is he the landlady's kid all grown up?
oh lol anonymous busking
Well the random watching 15 mins and go to bed didn’t quite work out bc i did go to bed but finished the ep on my ipad instead of sleeping lol it’s like 3AM now rip
As I was watching, occasionally, I’d be like Oh that’s Shinwoo from 18 Again. Slightly wrong, the name was Shi Woo, but why do I remember even that fr?
No time travelling yet but a good start.
Was looking at the r/kdrama On-Air posts and it started off with posts w 100+ comments, then 200+, then 300+, and the final one has 800+ comments lol, did it blow up after the show finished airing or was almost at the end?
Episode 2 (Jan 19)
The secondary guy and the cello girl are both annoying right now but I assume they'll both grow, get better, etc. like firstly my guy why are you following around and stalking this girl T.T if he wasn't so overwhelmingly charming/endearing and we weren't seeing his side, it'd come off much creepier. and she's obviously like being forced to be in a strict schedule because of her family or whatever (wearing the pink dress while longingly looking at the black one lol) and she'll stop being the "ice queen" as time goes on, but idk I feel like there are characters who are kinda snobby but makes you like them regardless, whereas she's not quite hitting that for me
but him getting embarrassed about his open pants zipper and running away while covering his face was cute tho
hmm this older man (Yoon Dong Jin) was in a band in high school and he's the only one of the members who still does music... was Eun Gyeol's dad in this band perhaps? and was he the one who had the big accident to make him deaf?
This new band thing for Eun Gyeol happened so fast, tbh like no camaraderie? No getting to know the band members?
broo the landlady hit the dad's car? are we joking lmao
relying on a kid for interpreting serious matters is just So Much pls just write or text amongst adults
And also the father making his son say inflammatory stuff to the landlady (or the mother to that ingredient seller beforehand) instead of writing it on their own like cmon
okay at least they mentioned that there was a professional translator for the police convo, she was late but then again, c'mon let's use some writing utensils. they texted Byeong Ho when he was a kid
girl not this Mess in this band + the Eun Gyeol spilling his guilt and guts about the fire incident
The thing is I feel no desire to watch Eun Gyeol go back to this band. I want him to follow his dreams, do music, etc but not necessarily with these people - specifically that drummer guy agh
this fawking guitar T.T I knew Grandpa left it for Ha Eun Gyeol in his will
I knewwww I shouldn't have started this episode before finishing my important, pressing university lecture. Anyway I'm stopping at 42mins for now, hope I can do homework for an hour before coming back here lol. okay I did homework for an hour :)
Oh yeah, I forgot I thought the ice cream shop guy might've been grown up landlady's son but I don't think so anymore ig since when would he have hit the father with the car? + his name's Lee Chan (update: Yi Chan). I briefly thought he was the young father maybe but like him and Eun Gyeol are connected through the cello girl
oh wait, the tiktok I saw of the deaf girl falling and getting dirty water on some pretty, popular was in the current timeline? Idk why I thought maybe it was his mom in the previous timeline or smth
oh girl this girl gave the cello girl the shirt and then leaving, fuck don't say lesbians they're not lesbians you're just gonna get your heart broken but...
plsss not the rock band t-shirt making Yi Chan think she likes bands
oh does the deaf girl like Yi Chan or something? In the poster, Eun Gyeol and cello girl (Se Kyeong) are on one side while Yi Chan and newly introduced deaf girl are in the other side hmmm
okayyy the hyung is on Eun Gyeol's side
naurrrrr is this landlady gonna take a photo of Eun Gyeol holding a cigarette? my guy already drinks while underage, let's not get into this too
oh lol pls not a photo but thinking he's doing drugs with them
ahhh and then the landlady throwing it back in the father's face like okay okay some of these are correct (well he's playing at the club... but he does drink) but yikess
wait what happened to his mask?
oh fuck (father-son confrontation)
oh fuck again (when Eun Gyeol's saying he's not his father's trophy nor an interpreter nor an alarm nor an angel)
of fuck (not his father saying you should've told be more, should've convinced me but Eun Gyeol being like how? you can't even hear like D: girl)
oh fuck Eun Gyeol leaving without even saying sorry for the last part
I get him a little bit because it really is so suffocating to live under your parents' expectations and he had sooo much responsibility thrust onto him
he was about to smash the guitar?! girl
oh magic ooh~
girl he's selling the guitar? the grandfather's guitar? well i'm assuming it'll come back to him again but oh wow this really is a 16/17 year old (18 yo in Korean age)
Okayyyy so Yi Chan really is Eun Gyeol's father as a youngster? and the deaf girl is his mother? And the cello girl is maybe the woman who is the Viva Music grandfather's daughter? Because when we saw the woman move into the house with her cello daughter, we didn't see the daughter's face. So this Se Kyeong is actually the mother from when she was younger?
Yknow early in Ep 2 when it moved from Eun Gyeol leaving the band practice to Yi Chan asking his friend for Se Kyeong's contacts + the hijinks with the cello performance, it really did seem like we went to the past/another dimension but I was like hmm maybe not.
ahhh indeed musician Yoon Dong Jin's high school band Fake First Love Memory Makers included Ha Eun Gyeol's dad Ha Yi Chan. I'm guessing the
so he really didn't know his dad could hear and speak in the past. I thought they knew
Okay, I'm glad we moved to the past! I'm excited to see how this goes.
Let's see if I can finish up my homework and other stuff for the day before I end up picking up ep 3. Hopefully the reddit on-air commentary + searching for this show's first week gifs keeps me busy for I crave the next ep.
Episode 3 (Jan 20)
lmaoo the “phone cal to Dong Jin’s gyubgeon was funny”
so Eun Gyeol is gonna take over real life Yoon Dong Jin’s identity? how will this affect the future?
lol he was running bc he needed to go to the bathroom? i thought lat ep he was being chased or smth
cryingggg i love the hijinks that happen at first when the person who time traveled or whatever doesn’t yet realize they need to act normal and go wild with the first interactions like with 18 Again turning into a teenager but claiming to be aging Shia’s father
plss Eun Gyeol staring so intently at his father
lol okay i was glad that these guys were just exceptionally dumb and being fooled by eun gyeol into believing he’s Yoon Dong Jin and that he didn’t successfully somehow fool everybody ever
ahh so true Eun Gyeol is like wtf my dad joined a band not for the music but for a girl and that girl isn’t even my mother !
I hope Yoon Chung Ah (the mother) gets some proper story as a youngin because she wasn’t there much as an adult and even when she was, it was like she just wanted the dad to be happy hmm
I fucking wish they were lesbians talking about Frida Kahlo lesbians sharing headphones
plssss his dad had told them that Eun Gyeol’s mom was his first love??? Eun Gyeol finding out so much about his father
ahh the mother keeping everything from them about her life and saying it’s a secret till they’re older
ah, Eun Gyeol talking about how he stopped being curious about his parents lives because he thought he knew enough…
oh shit he’s homeless rn
waittt so Yoon Dong Jin’s life is now changed fr since he joined a diff band and not this one
TODO: change Lee Chan -> Yi Chan
auuauauah Se Kyeong giving a ticket for the band concert she’s going to Yoon Chung Ah
how bad is the bullying/fighting gonna be for the other girls against Chung Ah? i wasn’t prepared for super bad bullying
okay Yi Chan and Chung Ah met but also Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong met and I’m hoping nothing romantic happens between them lol and also I don’t want him to get together with Se Kyeong’s daughter either as if through some sort of transitive property
Episode 4 (Jan 20)
ohhh Se Kyeong started doing cello to impress her mother and fill in the space of her dead daughter
ohh so that the Viva Music grandfather was her adoptive father
plsss not Eun Gyeol asking young Se Kyeong why her older self didn’t come to his concert nearly 3 decades in the future with her daughter
but wait her first love was also a “bandman” um so she ended up liking Yi Chan? maybe she meant her first love (Chung Ah) was a bandman lover
omg? Chung Ah’s flashback to some ripe strangling her or smth?
simultaneously thinking that Chung Ah and Yi Chan are cute while mourning Chung Ah and Se Kyeong. The girls won’t become enemies or something later, will they? Can’t handle another True Beauty tragedy
dang, somebody else trying to fuck with Se Kyeong so she thinks Eun Gyeol was sent by them?
ohhh her biological father…
but would he be the guitarist guy since the flower man already looks p old and like he had white hair when Se Kyeong was a teen?
pls Eun Gyeol hiding behind a tree is killing me so bad
lolll Yi Chan having to team up with Eun Gyeol to escape grandma’s wrath
lol getting tested by great grandmother on math. oh yeah i forgot he was doing reeeeally well at school and was supposed to be a doctor or whatever
wait wtf sudden realization that the hyung with the long hair and bad music and Yoon Dong Jin knower pretender is maybe Mr Viva Music grandpa? but he’s supposed to be at least a decade older than Eun Gyeol’s dad + he’s not Se Kyeong’s either dad so maybe not
Eun Gyeol watching his father and great grandmother sing and dance and remembering her and wondering about his joyous dad and crying ahhh family
they sleep the same way omg - Chung Ah’s stepmother chairwoman evil
not Chung Ah setting up her crush Yi Chan with Se Kyeong bc he likes her
I can’t believe Chung Ah’s ruining my lesbian ship dreams like this like Se Kyeong is literally waiting for you at the concert?!?!
bro Yi Chan is such a fucking menace why is he yelling Se Kyeong’s name in the middle of the street girl i’m embarrassed
no like I fully understand why Se Kyeong is mad as fuck even though in this instant it’s not Yi Chan’s fault that he’s there
not Eun Gyeol showing up to have his dad’s back about the band lol
So is Se Kyeong really not impressed by Yi Chan still? good I hope her “I hate band stuff” is real and true and that she and Chung Ah don’t like the same guy (ideally they’d like each other but)
ahhh Eun Gyeol has realized The Accident that his father was in hasn’t yet happened and will happen (this year)
Also, I really do wonder about Yoon Dong Jin like his band memory forgetter whatever disbanded because a member got into a big accident but he’s not even a member anymore
I guess now Eun Gyeol will be trying very hard to prevent his father's accident.
Fun Fact: I knew about 18 Again and Twinkling Watermelon sharing actors (and having kinda similar concepts) but apparently Youth of May also comes into play
Show: Father - Son
18 Again: Lee Dohyun (young ver.) - Shi Woo/Eun Gyeol actor
Twinkling Watermelon: Eun Gyeol's dad (adult Yi Chan) - Eun Gyeol actor
Youth of May: Eun Gyeol's dad (adult Yi Chan actor) - Lee Dohyun
Episode 5 (Jan 20)
Ahh Eun Gyeol previously being like fuck they remember that I wasn't there the day of the fire and couldn't help my brother and he also remembers that there was a time he was drowning and was yelling but his family couldn't hear
The dad has already hinted twice about having his voice taken away/losing sound in his life, how did Eun Gyeol not catch on?
I know people are often into bromance (people being me. I watch half these no-romance, intense bromance shows with either it being a BL in my mind or thinking one of them likes the other romantically) but are they into this bromance or are they put off by the incest? I don't really care this time, I'm more invested in the lesbians because Se Kyeong is literally in love with Chung Ah to me
I do love Yi Chan's pretty girl mannerisms, playing at being an innocent girl being perved on lmfao
Eun Gyeol talking about how the reason he travelled to 1995 is to stop the accident from happening to his dad and hmm I'm pretty sure that's not it. My guess/hope would be he doesn't change too much from the past, the accident still happens, things still happen mostly as they would've without him, but he gets to spend time with and see and understand his parents in a new way
I'm sorry I'm really supposed to believe what Se Kyeong feels for Chung Ah is not lesbianism? Miss girl doesn't give a fuck about saying bye to her bf, is thinking about how she's never coming back to Korea when her best friend asks but is searching for Chung Ah in the airport crowds hoping she shows up?
plss "How should I learn an instrument and sing in 3 octaves in 3 days? Should I give birth to a son and bring him somehow?" and Eun Gyeol just sipping his drink
and Oh Ma Joo inadvertently insulting Eun Gyeol by insulting Yi Chan by insulting his hypothetical son
aw grandma's dream being to see Yi Chan go to college
"Why are you being so nice to me/helping me out all the time?" "Well you saved me a few times in my previous life"
bro Se Kyeong is literally writing a letter to Chung Ah, how is this not gay? At least one sided?
Eun Gyeol's cheeks just going up every time he's complimented and unable to not smile - Gunwook core tbh
auuuu Eun Gyeol eats just like Yi Chan and has the same preferences and has grandmother being like ll y'all acting like you're related ahh reminds me of that ML with mother-in-law with the beef meal scene
oh, so the Se Kyeong coming back and being rebellious wasn't a dream. Was that also how it was in the present timeline and she was lying when she said she was there from 11th grade until her dad died? Because if not and she just randomly came back this time unlike the original time hmm I feel like Eun Gyeol's existence in this timeline hasn't influenced her enough to do all that
Anyway, she seems more fun and loose now, so does she actually like bands? she did a rock guitar motion in the middle there once... so does she actually end up liking Yi Chan? or would it be Eun Gyeol or smth
waittt this random guitar store called White Night's owner is Se Kyeong's biological father and will likely become Mr Viva Music grandpa okayyy bad casting but sure
ah, Se Kyeong caught on that Eun Gyeol very explicitly doesn't want her around Yi Chan
Girl, Se Kyeong's home life exploding rn?
I remember someone on a reddit on-air thread was like maybe Se Kyeong's daughter also came back in the timeline and just looks exactly like her mother and I was wondering if this did happen but hmm, doesn't quite seem like it because she already knows everything that Se Kyeong is supposed to
nooo I get why Yi Chan feels so wronged but don't yell at Chung Ah !!
Wait... his dad met his mom at 20 after going to a sign language class... I guess in the original timeline, Chung Ah just saw Yi Chan chasing Se Kyeong (while harbouring a crush from the bookstore incident) but Yi Chan didn't know her and this time because Yi Chan was escaping from Eun Gyeol, he ran into that other PE teacher who he had to run away from and thus ran into Chung Ah closet. And I guess if that didn't happen, Chung Ah wouldn't have given that concert ticket and that whole fiasco wouldn't have happened, neither with Yi Chan and Chung Ah nor with the jam session at the concert that Eun Gyeol stepped into.
Finally Eun Gyeol meeting his mom - Chung Ah!
not the meeting of all 4 of them in front of the ice cream shop
Insane ending, straight to ep 6 oof
Episode 6 (Jan 20)
damn, they sent Cheong Ah's mother away? D:
Her fuckass dad took her mom who knows where and brought in the stepmother fucking immediately? crazy
ah, her trying to teach Cheong Ah to speak (cruelly too) instead of teaching her sign language
and isolating her as punishment helllll
wait, so Cheong Ah doesn't properly know sign language because of this?
omgggg not the party where Se Kyeong played cello and Yi Chan had his zip open being in Cheong Ah's backyard where she's not allowed to attend
This would've happened regardless of Eun Gyeol interference right? So in original timeline, the mother must've liked the father for a longass time before properly meeting
omg Yi Chan making Se Kyeong wait to go apologize to Cheong Ah
but then being a dumbass bro what
the watermelon keychain + Viva La Vida belonging to Cheong Ah? girl everybody and everyone connected in this story fr lol
no she's fr playing with Yi Chan (convincing myself she's just going through it and doesn't like Yi Chan fr and there'll be no fight or sadness between her and Cheong Ah about liking him)
she doesn't remember how he knows her address?
ah fuck so scary, Se Kyeong really has a noose in her room
You know with the guitar playing and now skating, whenever it shows the bottom half of them doing the activity without their face in frame, I wonder if that's a stunt double or whatever?
fawk, if I wasn't rooting for Yi Chan + Cheong Ah out of principle and I didn't know that Se Kyeong is really fucking going through it and mostly just messing with Yi Chan, I would've really rooted for her and Yi Chan in its current form (her being bold as hell, showing up in a motorcycle and bringing tickets for a theme park date while Yi Chan is nervous and shy despite being a very boisterous boy with a very healthy dose of ego)
Eun Gyeol doing his best to 1) make sure his dad doesn't get into an accident and 2) ruin his dad's date with another girl
Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong antagonisms are fun
How would you react to somebody thinking you have a crush on your real father lmfao anyway brings me back to what the BL fans are making of this relationship
personally not really into fictional character incest either but otherwise, I would've actually been really into the bromance, it's so funny Eun Gyeol speedily catching Yi Chan in his arms while pushing away Se Kyeong while all the other guys go to save Se Kyeong
pls they all think they're dating or smth
and now Se Kyeong being like oh do you like me actually?
I actually really could be into Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong too (have I said this about every single pair out of these 4 except Eu Gyeol and Cheong Ah?), they're funny in their antagonisms as I said
Also, she kinda reminds me of Beyond Evil Minjeong with this new personality
also I'm into noona romance lol but would def prefer that he's not in HIGH SCHOOL
damn, tough fight and Eun Gyeol leaving
Ah, as expected, if he goes back to 2023 now, it'd be to a very different time
oh I thought he was gonna get shocked from touching his electric guitar in the rain but mic works too
ah, so it has indeed been Se Kyeong's daughter? since the out of order phone rang? When Se Kyeong didn't know how Eun Gyeol knew her address, I was like hmmmmm but it seems too hard for her to know all the rest, so I thought no. I also thought she'd say I'm from the future when Eun Gyeol first confronted her about why she came back and he was like being like loll your reason can't be worse/weirder than mine
Episode 7 (Jan 21)
First thing in the morning, watching the next ep rip
Ah, people in the on-air thread were mentioning that the lugagge tag was Eun Yoo when she came from America in ep 3
Also, I wonder whether Eun Yoo knows that Eun Gyeol isn't supposed to be there? she's never properly met him in the present timeline. ig it'll be fun when they realize the other's from the future too? and then they'll fall in love, which is good bc I was afraid that Eun Gyeol was gonna fall for Se Kyeong here or smth and then settle for like lookalike daughter in the original present timeline who was obviously a different person
not Se Kyeong emulating her mother in a bad way toward her own daughter
hearing adult Se Kyeong talk about her first love being a bandman is so funny because like well first of all, you were in love with a girl: Chung Ah. also, it kinda makes me think that despite her saying her first love was a bandman who was bright as sunshine, cheerful, and manly, it's somehow not Yi Chan because like she mentioned the boy who started a band for her but didn't mention he's her first love. Makes me think it's Eun Gyeol or smth but they barely had any interactions fr and like I don't think adult Se Kyeong had met teenage Eun Gyeol
ah, she really is going back to stop them from getting married and getting together with somebody else instead (although... can't Se Kyeong just do the same stuff as original tl since she's in America? and even if not, her pretending to have a relationship with Yi Chan isn't gonna make it happen fr - although maybe she thinks that if she can get herself and Yi Chan in a relationship and bring Se Kyeong back, she'll get together with her first love easily)
loll the $1 bills never having been changed
okay indeed Se Kyeong's first love isn't Yi Chan
loll Eun Yoo's gonna think her first love was Eun Gyeol despite Eun Gyeol not having been there in Se Kyeong's original teenage timeline
omg Se Kyeong wrote the letter/note in the concert ticket envelope... do I go check to see what she wrote? Okay I rechecked and it's nothing super romantic, just saying she was surprised that "you" were into bands and an invitation to go to the concert with her. but guys my lesbian goggles are just...
Yi Chan and Chung Ah are really cute fr I'm like :] :D :) watching them
naurr Eun Gyeol leaving and not taking the guitar pick (do we think somebody else - Mr. Viva grandpa - gets it and gives him back to him as a child)
Se Kyeong never had a meal with Eun Gyeol or Cheong Ah, so her first love is neither of them - lesbian dreams crashing once again. but who knows, maybe there was an event at Cheong Ah's house where they snuck together to eat food
but also funny that Eun Gyeol doesn't even appear on Eun Yoo's list of who Se Kyeong liked - does she know Eun Gyeol is a future kid too?
oh lol she just thinks Eun Gyeol likes men but him liking men wouldn't mean Se Kyeong still couldn't like him.
Since they're father and son and we established they eat the same way, I'd assume Eun Gyeol can also handle spicy food since Yi Chan's eating it like it's nothing
All these fucking photos of Eun Gyeol staring at Yi Chan I'm crying, no wonder Eun Yoo is convinced that he likes him
Eun yoo saying Eun Gyeol makes her heart flutter somehow...
plss naught eun gyeol making money writing essays etc
auuuuu this is the part time to buy yi chan a guitar
oof yi chan realizing how he treated eun gyeol
naur Cheong Ah losing Yi Chan and Yi Chan getting beat up
ah, Cheong Ah and Eun Yoo meeting, in my head Eun Yoo will realize who Se Kyeong really loved is Cheong Ah
omg they really beat the shit outta Yi Chan and he's feeling so abandoned too
omg Ha Eun Gyeol going back to 2023 by trying to smash his guitar. I guess we'll see how his (+ Eun Yoo's) actions have affected the current timeline
They need to stop making the last scene of the episode sooo intriguing all the time smh I should really really really really do some homework and chores right now
Episode 8 (Jan 21)
aghhhh I'm starting ep 8 immediately, maybe I'll find some willpower in the middle there to pause and do some things I have to
Where's Eun Gyeol's bag? and he's also running away without his guitar
fuck kid don't be too happy, I don't think something good is awaiting you
oh waittt okay they're not too bad but I'm scared that the mother will not be Chung Ah...
but also in this universe, why does the dad not realize his son looks exactly like his teenage scam artist friend with the same name lmfao (ig he actually named baby Eun Gyeol after his friend who disappeared)
damn, he's even telling the story of his "dream" how is the father not being like haha. my son was my tutor back then. and is chill about it? how does he not remember?
okay I shouldn't think too much because how are Eun Gyeol and his brother born when their mother isn't the same - Se Kyeong instead of Chung Ah? And in that case, shouldn't Eun Yoo also exist?
okay, was that a dream and a glimpse into what it would be like but not fr what it's like? Anyway, does them getting married mean Yi Chan really was Se Kyeong's first love?
ohhh he's gonna meet Cheong Ah properly soon
ah Eun Yoo not remembering Cheong Ah
alskdfasl;kdfa;sdlkf jskldf ja;dklsf Cheong Ah seeing Se Kyeong-Eun Yoo be able ask for help and communicate with Yi Chan while she's not able to nooooooo
aksldjflksajflkasdfj passing by Cheong Ah and Eun Gyeol realizing just a bit too late and having guards stop him from following her as she calls her Mom
Se Kyeong's friend is Cheong Ah's step sister and theoretically Eun Gyeol's aunt. Also, what's that mom doesn't like you see the brother with the Attorny man? Is he gay?
god the evil stepmother and daughter and useless+evil stepson
auuuuu Eun Gyeol is here and signing with Cheong Ah but she doesn't know sign T.T but she does know Eomma sign lol
The father also seems evil if this has been going on for like a decade or whatever...
also is Yi Chan gonna find Eun Gyeol's guitar pick by any chance in the hospital?
stop wasting time with Yi Chan's galavant tale of 10 v 1, let me go back to Cheong Ah and Eun Gyeol
plsss "Yoon Cheong Ah found you" "Your friend Yoon Chung Ah?" "My friend Yoon Chung Ah?!" and her being like hmmm yeah! so true! we got close because she's easy to talk to! and he's like huh? isn't she hearing impaired? and Eun Yoo being like she is?!
laskdjfkl;sdfj so true Eun Yoo's dad is her mother's boyfriend (to be?) and she's pretending to be her mother T.T
Are we not seeing the Cheong Ah's dad and Eun Gyeol convo right now...
hehehhe so fun to have Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol both thinking like oh fuck is he my mom's first love and noooo she can't marry my dad and be my mom because they don't know the other is from their own timeline. i hope they figure it out before the end of the ep
pls Eun Gyeol falling for Eun Yoo thinking she's Se Kyeong - and Eun Yoo has also had slip ups thinking of liking Eun Gyeol
auuu not Eun Gyeol being mean to Eun Yoo so that Se Kyeong doesn't end up with Yi Chan but idk what being mean to her would even do, but rip Eun Yoo getting hurt because of it
They're both such rascals, it's fun
aghhhhh Yi Chan not getting to talk to Cheong Ah (was it true she said no or did the step mother just decide) and then missing Eun Gyeol as he goes to that same house...
so is Cheong Ah's father like lowkey not evil or what? giving Eun Gyeol room and board to teach Cheong Ah sign?
also does Cheong Ah remember Yi Chan asking her if she knows someone names Ha Eun Gyeol?
oh he's a jerk nevermind fucker
Adult Cheong Ah teaching baby Eun Gyeol sign and now teenage him teaching teenage her sign
ah fuck him crying like his mom taught it to him as a child but now seeing that she didn't know how to sign when she was his age and was being treated this way by her family
pls my parents are... in another world right now
ohh Eun Gyeol basically being Cheong Ah's interpreter right now
pls the way Se Kyeong and Cheong Ah both know where Eun Gyeol is and now he's also enrolled in the other high school but the band doesn't know rip
plss Eun Gyeol going heart eyes over Eun Yoo but acting cold and mean smhhhh asshold
plsss not the fucking school band performance from first love memory makers at Eun Gyeol-Cheong Ah-Se Kyeong's school
oh wow I wish Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan weren't father-son or that I wasn't so icked out by fictional parent/child incest because this fucking I love you Ha Eun Gyeol song is crazy, it's like a confession scene
also so funny that apparently nobody has caught on that Se Kyeong is right there
lmfao I'm dying now he's like yes I'll come back to the band but you can't date Choi Se Kyeong because EYE like her
Episode 9 (Jan 21)
I took like a 30 minute break from this show to do some stuff that needed to be done before coming back here lol
aiaksdlfjaskldfjskadlf Eun Gyeol getting punched by Yi Chan instead of getting chosen omgggg
omg Eun Gyeol landing a punch on Yi Chan as well?
girl this is too much excitement for me
plsss Eun Gyeol cooing over hurting Yi Chan
This show lovessss a hair clutching fight
not the parallel running away now with En Gyeol and Eun Yoo (as Se Kyeong)
Eun Gyeol about Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong when she goes on about him using her as a shield/beard so that he doesn't have to come out about liking Yi Chan: Ajhumma was ahead of her time
Does Eun Yoo think now that Eun Gyeol probably did fall in love with Se Kyeong at first sight and maybe had smth with her mom and her mom's first love fr and is why she's easily being like okay :)
her kabadoning him so true
so true, what does somebody even make of this situation - new guy who comes in to help Cheong Ah gets in a fight with another guy from a diff school over a girl and said girl is actually supposed to be in the US
This is so funny because he's probably like I'm doing aegyo to my mom :) in his head but it comes off maybe romantic and Eun Yoo (and me...) are like aww he's cute
not the physical punishment at school
ahh Eun Yoo not knowing whether she wants him to be able to eat the food or not bc she's conflicted about whether she wants him to be the first love or not, esp because he'd be with her mother
and Eun Gyeol asking about the answer to his confessions omg
serenading Se Kyeong? who is it if not Yi Chan?
poor Eun Gyeol "Why are mom and dad both doing this to me?"
lmao now they're gonna be competing about Se Kyeong on stage - meaning they'll both serenade her? lol
paused the show to go read the ep 7&8 on-air thread and somebody mentioned Yoon Dong Jin being a possible first love for Se Kyeong and it feels really possible since he was that band's original guitarist. Other people are saying it's probably actually still Ji H wan (her bf/ex-husband) and she's just reminiscing about what it used to be like and it'll be ironic that despite trying to search for a new guy and forge a new path for her mom, she's still looking for her dad.
The fact that Eun Gyeol still thinks of Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong as Ajhumma
lol idk why I'm so endeared by Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo
Eun Yoo being like am I your two's toy? You can just decide whatever? at being told Yi Chan and Eun Gyeol aren't allowed to see her till the festival so true
Did Eun Yoo learning sign because of Eun Gyeol's hyung?
ah, Yi Chan saw Cheong Ah's drawing of him...
Eun Yoo is so real and true about "playing" with both Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan because they also keep playing with her
Also Eun Gyeol is kinda cruel fr for asking Eun Yoo to like him back/pass him the ball while he thinks she's Se Kyeong and as a ploy to get her away from Yi Chan. I know he likes her kinda a bit but still...
Are we supposed to think that they kissed? No right, because it wasn't even an angle kiss... Just that Eun Gyeol leaned in while Eun Yoo didn't?
Episode 10 (Jan 21)
Menace Eun Gyeol breaking up with his brother's GF and making it worse T.T
waitttt Eun Gyeol was breaking off with 4 of 5 of his hyung's GFs? girl mans is too much 5???
plsss not the "you grew up well" flashback just as they were gonna kiss
oh we really did get a kiss (even if it's close lipped and stiff)
al;skdfj;askdf not only did Yi Chan ask whether Chung Ah likes him but Chung Ah answered truthfully
oh Eun Gyeol's gonna think Yi Chan said both what he said and what Se Kyeong said... I guess that's okay? idk
The Chainwoman stepmother is just too much
I need Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo to find out that they're from the future soon pls
oh fuck Eun Yoo's friend committed suicide... why did Se Kyeong become SUCHHH a bad mother though tf telling her "don't let ppl say you became #1 because your friend committed suicide"
Ahh Eun Yoo really is in a very bad mental space
aw Chung Ah being like it's fine ik you like Se Kyeong, we can still be friends
Grandpa Choi isn't the one who's the helper that the guy sent you but he's literally Mr. Viva Music Grandpa
Dying at Eun Gyeol being alert at every mention of Helper now
alskdfj Yoon Dong Jin so funny
Oh Ma Joo the only person with braincells cuz I was like why are they running away T.T
Them getting beat up by the other band members for the 2nd time bc of Yoon Dong Jin, so funny
plsss soooo close to finding out that Eun Yoo sold the guitar to La Vida fuckkk he was even like oh could she be my helper??? aksdflaksdfj lkEun Yoo you should've saiddddd
Oh, Cheong Ah's Viva La Vida watermelon keychain comes from the painting by Frida Kahlo but I wonder how it relates to Viva and La Vida music stores
ah Yi Chan and Chung Ah so cute
ah fuck Eun Gyeol literally saying he's from the future and saying Se Kyeong's future to Eun Yoo, they musttt be getting closer to finding out about the other, right?
ahh Viva La Vida being told to Eun Gyeol by Yi Chan (adult) who was told about it by Chung Ah
It's sooo funny that Eun Gyeol approves so quick whenever Yi Chan does something for/gets something from Chung Ah. Like changing the band name and designs because Yi Chan said Chung Ah can design it. And now agreeing to watermelon stuff because he realizes Chung Ah taught Yi Chan about Viva La Vida
omg??? wait so okay the accident happened before the band festival... and the band also didn't go to the festival (meaning Se Kyeong's first love is someone else. and since Yoon Dong Jin also didn't go... probably just her Ji Hwan fr lol or she's making it up like some comments suggest)
The watermelon painting by Frida Kahlo is reminding me of Palestinian resistance as well.
Episode 11 (Jan 21)
I can seriously barely wait between watching episodes aghh
oh Kang Hyeon Yool beat up the gangsters for beating up Yi Chan, so that's how he ended up being injured too at the hospital
but what's this about Do Jin coming back... and maybe being stabbed in the back...
ohh Jindo dogs means gang members lol I thought it was a joke about him fighting with some real dogs when in fact he got beat up randomly or smth
oh damn, are these gangsters gonna try to get Yi Chan to get at Hyeon Yool('s weakness)? I'm gonna assume it wouldn't really work because it feels like it should be more ironic of an injury or smth
Not the girls urging Eun Yoo to keep Ha Eun Gyeol as a public option, as a humanitarian action lmao
plss every boy and girl falling over themselves for the same student is so silly but Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol being those said students and dating would be a slay
lolol Eun Yoo being jealous about Eun Gyeol readily receiving the flirting/compliments/gifts with a smile and threatening him for it
ooh Eun Gyeol can't handle spice
okayyy I was wondering if Eun Yoo was also like "Eun Gyeol's an old man. An ajumma. not my first love, my mother's" the way Eun Gyeol was thinking Ajhumma about Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong
Maybe the accident isn't actually related to Yi Chan? But Kang Hyeon Yool and the Jindo dogs gang? Because of the way this info is being framed
Aw fuck, Eun Gyeol trying to stop Yi Chan going to the rehearsal which is obviously sounding ridiculous to him as expected but also Yichan saying despite Eun Gyeol pretending to have been innocent, he can sense something impure going on with him... crazy
plsss Eun Yoo convincing heself Eun Gyeol is ugly and old now and being like "Reality hit I'm so put off now" but immediately rushing to get dolled up when Eun Gyeol comes
dying, they sent Yi Chan to some fucking mountain island while they'll go on a date to the movies afterwards, menaces frrrr T.T
but also can you just figure out the future 2023 thing rn pls like quickly
mourning my Se Kyeong liking Chung Ah theories while seeing Eun Yoo and Chung Ah conversing
lmaoo Chung Ah menace as well, saying it looked like Eun Yoo liked Eun Gyeol more before going abroad
Anyway, crazy that Eun Gyeol was like ah yes, to protect my father, I will send him to a high up rocky mountain surrounded by water wtf
ah shit Eun Gyeol straight up just saying the future stuff to Yi Chan, woah
but ofc Yi Chan wouldn't believe him but maybe after something happens to Kang Hyeon Yool during the rehearsal?
girl wtf what if your father didn't know how to swim yet???? or couldn't help you by fucking jumping from a mountain be fr like why are you causing accident-prone situations to prevent accidents I'm crying. It makes me nervous that indeed it will be because of Eun Gyeol that an accident will happen that makes Yi Chan lose his hearing
oh fuck the way the lights fell on the stage and nobody got hurt... does that mean Yi Chan would've been injured or somebody else would've been but since Eun Gyeol made them come down to hear Oh Ma Joo, that other person was spared too
T.T Eun Gyeol just hugging and clutching Yi Chan while crying
Anyway, I need somebody to call Yi Chan and tell him about the incident or to see them tell him and have him realize that maybe Eun Gyeol is telling the truth
ayo why didn't they tell him about the incident at school with the lights falling on stage bruh
Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo are just cute man
ohh I'm scared that they're legit having a rehearsal still
girl a fucking Squid Game reference and he's like hmmm ? and that's it?
girl, nawt Eun Gyeol fucking getting into a car accident on the way there tf
and yet he's still there to beat the shit out of that guy lol gj
ah fuck he thinks he prevented his dad losing his hearing but hmmmmm hm hm hm
Okay I should... finish up my 20 minute task for the day and then go to sleep. will that happen? I guess this document in the future knows better than I do right now.
Episode 12 (Jan 21)
Oof, ended up being like 40 minutes and now it's 12am but I'm a dumbass, so I'm starting next episode.
Awoo Eun Yoo waiting for Eun Gyeol but rip, can't blame him for running and not contacting her, mans got kinda run over by a car and still made it there for his father
Not only do they eat the same, they also dry themselves after bath the same
pls Eun Gyeol going back on the future thing with an excuse
I know we're supposed to be happy that the evil stepmother is being thwarted by the father but the way he treats his supposed wife is gross ew head of house blagh
oof, Eun Yoo's aversion to being a trophy and her being like you (and Yi Chan) are "hunting" and competing for me like ahhh so true, that's what I said
girl the way literally nobody wants Eun Yoo to choose Yi Chan for this contest, including Yi Chan himself even if he doesn't know it
Chung Ah's little gift ow
I can't believe Yi Chan's dream where he and Eun Yoo have a beautiful conversation while his son Eun Gyeol is ignored and pushed around is coming true lmfao
ah, so indeed it was her father who was her mom's first love
ah man Eun Yoo being mistaken as Viva Grandpa's daughter Se Kyeong and her not recognizing him...
Yi Chan changing the fucking song at the last minute I'm dead
ah Yi Chan moping about Se Kyeong but then going to see Chung Ah, yes!
ah fuck this Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol convo - hard for me to disagree with her is the thing but also the ending with they're from "different worlds"
Viva Music grandpa again without knowing it's him
good god so much rejection and angst
The Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo romance feels like A Lot from his side because like what are you even planning to doooo bro you're from different timeline but sure ig it's worth a romantic rain under umbrella moment
4 more episodes left ah
I'm scared to go check the tags because it'll be in November and like I don't wanna get spoiled yknow. Have to make sure to not look at a single gif after Nov 5th ig
Episode 13 (Jan 22)
They better learn about each other being from the future this episode!!!
I need to watch a noona romance one of these days is what I’ve realized. get some college kid with a noona/perhaps ajhumma fr cuz here he thinks she might be one but she isn’t and 18 Again was a fake noona romance lol
he saw the fucking luggage tagggg look harder dumbass!!
Im watching this in my bed in the dark on my ipad and the oh… the two of us are alone in this house… realization is killing me
air pod fuckkkkk find it out look at the luggage harder now that you’re taking it upstairs
is that how you’re supposed to put out fires?
im confused isn’t it a night with two moons right now? i guess not
but when is eun gyeol gonna fucking look at the anxiety meds in his pocket cmonnn
them referring to Eun Gyeol as Yi Chan’s son so funny
ahh Chung Ah saying I’ll manage it on my own, don’t you trust me? about Yi Chan to Eun Gyeol, she’s so cool
ahhhh Eun Gyeol started liking Eun Yoo after she came back from the US meaning it was her and not Se Kyeong. she’s so happy to hear it hehe
I saw gifs of Chung Ah with a cat
Yi Chan’s stalking habits never change
bro he’s just giving her back the anxiety meds? was nothing about 2023 meds suspicious
it’s Eun Yoo’s motorcycle why can’t she sometimes drive while he rides at the back
don’t throw anxiety meds away
ahhh Yi Chan confessing to and signing and singing to Chung Ah
ahh hug
finallyyyy they realize and with no help from their BRAINS just mere chance that they run into each other with their phones
Episode 14 (Jan 22)
It’s legit 3:15 I should just go to sleep but… but… they finally found out about the other time traveller
wow them finally talking about who they each are
ahh Eun Gyeol being like I already stopped the accident from happening and i think i came here to stop my dad from losing his hearing
ah the connection between them being Mr Viva Grandpa - Eun Yoo own real grandpa sekyeong’s father
cryinggg Se Kyeong just passing off BTS songs as her ideas
girl Eun Yoo learned sign language from some kid at the hospital who was charming… say it ain’t so (childhood meeting Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol)
heheh teasing Eun gyeol about being born just fine, perhaps earlier than expected
is the evil stepmother not done omggg
i need the step mother ripped apart limb from limb and every bone in the father’s body broken for turning a blind eye for a decade
Awooo Eun Gyeol clutching and hugging his mom while crying after he finds her locked in
the grandma comforting cheong ah
Okay finally Eun Yoo has learned about Mr Choi Viva Music Grandpa Se Kyeong’s father
Ah, the hyung Eun Ho connection has come in. Eun Ho being the hospital friend is nice
still haven’t discovered the Viva Music Mr. Choi connecting you two
ah man as expected, Yi Chan’s accident hasn’t happened yet. what was the dateee is it in a few days I saw a glimpse of a gif of Eun Gyeol sitting in front of Yi Chan lying on a road
Episode 15 (Jan 22)
woke up and started this fml
dang they fought Jindo gang during rehearsal day during original tl too
brooo insane that we got to see the accident incident
also there’s always been the feeling that one of Yi Chan’s songs was the unfinished song that Viva Music grandpa gave to Eun Gyeol to finish but that seems almost certain now with him begging the guy to listen to his unfinished song and being turned away
also even in that original tl, was that Se Kyeong who came back from the US to talk to her bio dad? whose shoes were that
what did Eun Ho tell Eun Yoo that Eun Yoo didn’t understand?
ohh Eun Ho and Oh Ma Joo
aghhh this evil stepmother
Cheong Ah’s father so useless to me for real. It’s good when Cheong Ah’s slapping the stepmom, not him after having abandoned Cheong Ah to her clutches for 12 years agh
also I can’t ever tell if she’s actually a stepmom or not
pls let this be the end of stepmom it’s already middle of ep 15
not everybody leaving bc of Chung Ah’s food tasting bad but Yi Chan scarfing it down anyway
ah so nobody got hurt on the car accident. i was afraid Eun Yoo was gonna get run over instead
ahh don’t go to White Nights to see grandpa right now Ma Joo, either you’ll be injured or Yi Chan who’s gonna follow you will be injured
oh fucking fuck fuck fuck
this is both “trying to prevent the accident doesn’t mean it won’t happen” and “he’ll lose his hearing by trying to save Eun Gyeol” because it’s the same fucking car in the same place even if not the exact same time And it was to save Eun Gyeol man fuck but this is what I wanted because it’s got the irony and pain but doesn’t take away the disability
oh don’t fucking kill me, Yi Chan saying in the voice recording that Eun Gyeol lied to say he’s Yi Chan’s son but Yi Chan felt like Eun Gyeol was his father and felt fatherly love
The I’m sorry dad as he’s holding his injured, bleeding body and crying
Awoo hurts
Episode 16 (Jan 22)
Oh fuckass okay stepmom and family aren’t ever done i suppose
Also, it wasn’t same car as og timeline my bad but this time the car really was coming for Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan intercepting meant even more
Hit and run fucker hopefully Eun Yoo remembers the car number
not a fucking montage of Yi Chan’s college life and band and stuff possibilities
Aw fuck I didn’t tear up even once so far this show except this montage got me like firstly Eun Gyeol wouldn’t be here anyway even if the accident didn’t happen but yknow the accident did
It’s like in the present day, things are still good for the family and happy even if there are strains and conflict because that’s just life so it wouldn’t be too bad to go back but it hurts to know Yi Chan and the possibilities that didn’t happen in order to make the current life happen
okay so indeed Yi Chan can still speak, though he can’t hear
this fucking grandma and Yi Chan scene cryingggg
I don’t like this fucking dad but he is trying and did make Chung Ah smile laugh
girl what the hell you fuck you can’t fucking take Chung Ah away abroad without telling her i’ll fucking kill you you fucker i hated you through the whole thing and now it’s multiplied
Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol giving some advice to Se Kyeong and grandpa respectively
Awooo Yi Chan Eun Gyeol last convo
what about Chung Ah tho like she doesn’t know about Yi Chan and is gonna be taken away
Okay I did think they were gonna be well off because of the Cheong Ah family thing now but didn’t expect them to live at that house
Ah, this future feels so unfamiliar despite everything, like everything is good and better but idk if I like it because it feels unearned and not like Eun Gyeol’s life
like he’s the only person who is himself while everyone else had much different experience and life as his original timeline yknow
okay so the dad has to kinda know now that his son really met him in the past bc he literally found the song To You Shining or whatever that he knew Eun Gyeol had
oh yeah I don’t care about Ghost9’s members rip
can you imagine if an idol in a kpop band was caught leaving his performance beforehand chants of encore and going outside to kiss a girl aldjjdkajs scandal
Eun Yoo knew the Master person was her grandpa Viva Music man but couldn’t figure out Eun Gyeol was from the future??
Ep 16 Wishlists:
longer ep, just by 20 minutes
A last Eun Gyeol and Chung Ah convo?
A Chung Ah and Yi Chan convo, cmon
A bit more of Eun Yu's life after coming back
Yi Chan having more people around him, whether be his bandmates or Chung Ah. like his grandma was there and that's good but I wanted Eun Gyeol to see that this time, he was saying goodbye to Yi Chan with more people arround him as support than the original timeline
Possibly a (coded?) convo between Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan about the time travel and the cassette or whatever. Maybe I should see if there's anything on AO3 for this because this seems more fanfiction's lane. I think I'm also okay that they don't quite seem to remember him except verrry hazy possibilities but the dad finding the voice tape is what's making me want more. At least Eun Yoo knows and is with Eun Gyeol in this not-quite-right world
Not even all necessary, at least could've fit 2-3 in. It's good that we don't get every single thing wrapped up because shows that have a bit of stuff open-ended for speculation retain audience/fans well and there's also the aspect of letting the 1995 characters live their lives on their own, trust them to succeed and make it to 2023 well, theme that goes well with us not seeing everything. But it still feels a Little empty ig
Time Travel Concept:
I guess something that's weird about time travel shows is that Eun Gyeol (and Eun Yoo) are the same people before going but with certain experiences (over the course of a couple weeks) whereas the people they have come back to have had different experiences for 28 years.
I wish they weren't famous as a family in the future. I'm glad they still had friends and I'm happy that they had money from Cheong Ah's side but... idk they're just different people when you're this rich and this influential and this famous. I wish they lived in a different house by themselves, even if a big rich people one, and that Chung Ah still did art and maybe Yi Chan could've participated in the Jinseng Instrument stuff but had his main job be something else, whether it be the restaurant or something else. There could be some influence allowed, like Chung Ah is a chaebol and a respected artist, Yi Chan somehow did smth similar to now but on a smaller scale, and Eun Gyeol as an up-and-coming band member who is recognized somewhat but not as famous to be chased down the street by a hoard of school girls.
Anyway, in the end, I'm glad Yi Chan didn't keep his hearing because in the show, it would've kind of undermined tings. Things happen, accidents happen, Yi Chan losing his hearing isn't the end of the world, he still deserves love and family and oppurtunity and for the world to accommodate his needs. The way he lost it was also good because despite Eun Gyeol's attempts, it happened that day and to save Eun Gyeol. Eun Gyeol's stint didn't change this specific aspect but it still changed a lot of things in a good way, leading to his new life in the future.
I just have to get used to these things in time-travelling shows where some people know about the magic while others don't, situations and people will be changed due to butterfly effect, etc. I guess I'm just unsettled by the fact that they have memories that Eun Gyeol does not and Eun Gyeol has ones they do not; that Eun Gyeol would've learned the guitar from somebody who is not Viva Music grandpa probably, etc. I'm trying to become less unsettled by the fact that they don't really remember Eun Gyeol because of magic and time logic or whatever and that they simply feel familiar to him.
As I was writing all this, I keep listening to You're Precious and My Song from the OST and ahh the You're Precious chorus really gets to me, feels like crying I don't get it the "ohhhh my love" literally brings tears to my eyes it has happened like 3 times now. and My Song is just so good in general.
In 18 Again, the father wanted to pursue basketball after high school but had to give up due to teenage pregnancy and the kids and came back to his teen self where (among many other things) he got to play basketball in high school with his son. In this show, the father wanted to pursue music but lost his hearing and had to give that up but his son came to the past and got the chance to play in a band with his father and got to do the school festival he originally didn't get to do.
I'm fucking obsessed with this sort of concept.
It's got a good storyline, hilarious yet touching. Light-hearted but with many moments of weight. Entertaining to watch because why did I watch eps 13 and 14 and one of the earlier eps (2?) in bed on my iPad. We got to spend time with the different characters and pairs and the friend group together and it was vry fun.
There could be many pitfalls with the time traveling and the disability rep. I won't say there aren't any because some of the time loop stuff is kinda wonky if you look closely but I think that makes sense. I was really afraid that they'd make Yi Chan's hearing come back but I'm glad it didn't; it's just something that has to happen to him for no reason the way these things just happen sometimes.
The characters were well crafted and the acting was great. I liked all of them and each had moments of humour or emotions or romance and it was good.
Also, good faces sorry to say I'm shallow. Chung Ah gorgeous, gorgeous girl. I didn't find Se Kyeong attractive but the actress is sooo beautiful and charming as Eun Yoo (I know some people found her somewhat annoying but I liked her a lot). Ryeoun was really attractive as Eun Gyeol; when I first saw him in 18 Again, he was more posed as a loser kid and I was wowed by Lee Dohyun's face but here, he's so pretty and nice to look at and at certain angles, reminded me of Cha Eunwoo's face too (and a comment in this specific tiktok makes me think that it's not because I only know like 5 actors and so draw parallels between him and CEW lol). Then there were some other good faces too like Yi Chan sooo cute and round my pretty + the Kang Hyeon Yool guy was beautiful as well.
Kinda slow paced, there were certain episodes where I was like nothing really happened and we weren't closer to completing missions or finding out info but I guess that's the point of the slice of life aspect in some cases; just watching the characters exist alone and together.
Ships: I think I liked Chung Ah & Yi Chan more earlier on while I liked Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo more later on. I was into the ChCh romance from the get-go and thought they were sooo cute whereas EunEun were a more fun menace pair who I just liked to watch fighting before it gradually became a couple I shipped Very Much. Also a shoutout to my Se Kyeong (OG, not Eun Yoo) and Chung Ah ship, I can't believe Se Kyeong's first love was her husband instead of Chung Ah (cold ice princess girl who is curbing every guy as they fall at her feet keeps chasing the girl who isolates herself to protect herself. Se Keyong asking about the Frida Kahlo painting and trying to bond over bands despite not liking it herself).
Well crafted show, good acting, hit some feels and I expect some attachment to it (I'm rewatching and skimming certain parts as I write lol).
Rating: 7.5/10 for now, could change 0.5 higher or lower in like a month as I assess my feelings
Tiktoks & Edits:
Tiktok: the ones in the first paragraph are ones I watched before starting and then there are a few I liked today after finishing (I just went to the tag, so they're some of the more liked ones). Might be my favourite of the edits: gets the vibe of youth, coming of age, sparkling shining twinkling
Twitter: Pre-dating euneun I miss u dearly (Song: How You Get The Girl - Taylor Swift) (uhmm_j)
Twitter: #CHEONGCHAN: cutest parents (Song: Summertime - Niki) (kdramazi)
#EUNEUN : the way I loved you (@uhmm_j)
0 notes
sunflower, vol. 6 - a close reading
we love love here in this fandom. harry loves love. he really wants to be that as clear as possible. have you heard about all the love he has for his person, the love of his life? cause he'll keep repeating it if necessary. take my money and my time, my dearest harry, and keep writing these songs. take all the microphones in the world and serenade your lover. gaaaaaahhhhhhhh.......... okay we're getting into it.
fine line, track 9
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intro: "sunflower" backwards
symbolises the sun: life and its cycles, longevity
in art: happiness, devotion, loyalty, love of life (the flower always directs itself towards the sun)
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~ golden: another song about his sun(flower): “bright”, “you wait for me in the sky”, “brown my skin just right”
~ watermelon sugar: “summer evening”, “summer feeling”, “end of june”: the sun is definitely out
~ adore you: “your wonder under summer sky”
~ canyon moon: “sky never looked so blue”
so there’s definitely something about the sky and the sun going on here.
vol. 6:
sixth song on the album about the love of his life (so every song besides lights up, cherry and she)
sixth stage of the growth of the sunflower: pollination (smh harry)
Sunflower, my eyes want you more than a melody
he’d rather look at his sunflower than figure out a melody. love > career
melody: “and it sounds just like a song” from watermelon sugar: i want you for more than just sex
Let me inside, wish I could get to know you
~ golden “i know that you’re scared because hearts get broken (…) because i’m so open”, ~ adore you “just let me adore you”
~ or even ⟷ mmith: “i’ll be at the door” waiting for you to let me in again/you to come out
Sunflowers sometimes keep it sweet in your memory
echo of “memory” in she: “lives for the memory” - huge part of life is led internally
missing the other person when they’re not there, but it’s still sweet; seeing sunflowers remind harry of them and how bright they are to him in his mind
sweet = a feeling + a taste (like berries, for example…….)
I was just tongue-tied
first verse = first stage of their relationship, meeting
echo of two ghosts: “tongue-tied like we’ve never known” - same word, new perspective/context
~ golden “you were way too bright for me”
~ to be so lonely: “wasn’t ready for it all”
I don't wanna make you feel bad
But I've been trying hard not to talk to you
it’s not their fault, harry is intimidated - knows he won’t be able to prevent himself from falling ~ tbsl
I couldn't want you any more
Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor
~ two ghosts: “the fridge light washes this room white, the moon dances over your good side” - again, sad older song about their relationship turned on its head
I couldn't want you any more
physical desire (early on in their relationship)
Wondering, headshake
“wondering”: still getting to know one another, wondering about the other person
can’t believe his eyes, his luck ~ adore you “would you believe it?”
Tired eyes are the death of me
waking up together, h is swooning
and/or: seeing them in bad shape is the worst feeling ever
Mouthful of toothpaste before I got to know you
could mean any inside joke; sharing a bed, spending the night in the early stages of the relationship ⟶ get out to brush teeth before the other wakes up
(stretch) echo of “keep it sweet” earlier: before he met them, he made sure to wash the sweetness out of his mouth: avoided love, this one took control over him and it couldn't be stopped
I've got your face hung up high in the gallery
adoration, but: a work of art hung up high, so in a place where you won’t actually be able to properly admire it, is a strange choice. 
⟶ other interpretation of “gallery”: balcony. harry placing his lover up on the highest balcony at his shows, so he can look up and see them
⟷ cherry’s “gallery”, purposeful echo to highlight the contrast in meaning and context
I love this shade, sunflower, sunflower
a specific color, or silhouette: in the darkness of a concert hall, only the silhouette of someone sitting in the balcony would be visible
Your flowers just died, plant new seeds in the melody
ups and downs of life, but they get through it; it’s just the flowers that died, the plant was always alive still
repeat of “melody”: their song is being written as they go
motivation: go and bloom, take that hurt/struggle and let something new grow from it
Let me inside, I wanna get to know you
no more wishing: i’m here and i want this, let me in. OPEN
could def be sexual as well
I don't wanna make you feel bad
But I've been trying hard not to act a fool
Sunflower (Sunflower, sunflower)
harry the fool in love: ~ golden “i’m out of my head”, to be so lonely, adore you, etc etc etc
doesn’t want to get it wrong but this person makes h lose his mind
I couldn't want you any more
Kids in the kitchen listen to dancehall
another reference to their young age: longevity, long-term relationship ~ tbsl “i was just a little boy”
they’re also still kids now ~ sweet creature “we’re still young”
dancehall: popular jamaican music genre: where harry wrote/recorded a lot of hs1, which he described as one of the happiest times of his life (behind the album from 4:40, especially 7:00) - he shared that happiness with his loved one
I couldn't want you any more
Tonight (Tonight, tonight, tonight)
Sunflower, my eyes want you more than a melody
Let me inside, wish I could get to know you
Sunflowers just died, keep it sweet in your memory
I'm still tongue-tied
no matter how long this relationship lasts, he’ll always be tongue-tied, baffled, lovestruck. his love for this person takes away all his self-control, he’s still full of disbelief
[Bops and Intense Throat Noises]
Sunflower, Vol. 6 is the song on the album that ties in everything about Harry’s one true love, the love of his life, the one he writes too many songs about. There are references to almost every other song on the album and even hs1, with clear echoes of Two Ghosts. We’re here for personal growth, for supporting your loved ones, for patience, for being stupidly in love after all these years, for wanting them in every way, for sharing your happiest moments with your lover.
This person symbolises the sun for Harry, and he’s made it very clear to us by now, like in Golden, Watermelon Sugar and Adore You. Again, this album tells the story of one love and one love only. These songs are all about the same person, the same relationship. The use of “tongue-tied” is also a deliberate reference to Two Ghosts, illustrating how songs from hs1 were also about this love story. The mention of dancehall, a well-known Jamaican music genre, ties in hs1 even more: that album cycle and the experiences sung on that record are part of Fine Line too. That Two Ghosts, a sad song about a time in the relationship where they were a bit lost, is echoed twice in this gloriously happy love song is Harry telling us that they fucking made it. They were kids when they fell in love and their love has only grown stronger and deeper. They’ve shared many lives together, many cycles of the sunflower’s bloom. A lot of their struggles have clearly been centred around them not opening up, not communicating (well or at all), as illustrated in literally every single song this kid has ever written about love like MMITH (“we don’t talk about it”), Two Ghosts (“tongue-tied like we’ve never known”), Sweet Creature (“it’s hard when we argue, we’re both stubborn”, “I always think about you and how we don't speak enough”), From the Dining Table (“we haven't spoke since you went away”), Golden (“and I know that you’re scared because hearts get broken/I’m so open”), Adore You (“you don’t have to say you love me, you don’t have to say nothing”), Falling (“forget what I said, it’s not what I meant”, “it kills me ‘cause I know we’ve run out of things we can say”), TBSL (“and I’m just an arrogant son of a bitch who can’t admit when he’s sorry”) and that song is also pretty much Harry being honest because he’s drunk so those are also not exactly top-tier communication skills. BUT here, Harry takes that phrase, “tongue-tied,” and turns it on its head: there is no sadness anymore, they’ve learned and grown, and it only involves a cute feeling of being stupidly in love. Harry is still tongue-tied because he can’t believe his luck, he doesn’t know how he could put it all into words so he gives us some riddles and boop boops. 
A sunflower symbolises longevity, love of life, devotion, adoration, loyalty, etc; in short, anything that a good long-term relationship thrives on. Like in a sunflower’s cycle of growth, there are ups and downs in life, but one thing is for sure: the flower will bloom again. This person Harry keeps serenading is strong, optimistic and bright. And any struggles they might go through, Harry will be there to support them. The ‘Vol. 6’ in the title could mean a number of things unknown to us, as always, but some small theories are interesting. When I looked up the growth stages of a sunflower, “stage six” is described as either “flowering is complete and the ray flowers are wilting,” which isn’t the best visual and probably not the one aimed for in the context of this song, or the stage when pollination takes place. So, this might as well be Harry and his dirty mind once again, always finding a way to express his love for that sweet sweet nectar. (you’re welcome)
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did harry write that blog post about sunflowers or
Just like in Golden or Adore You, the love Harry has is so strong that he just wants to shout it out. He can’t stop writing songs about his sun, his source of life and happiness. It makes him go crazy. He would do anything for them. Walk through fire, or even give up on writing songs altogether. (Which calls back If I Could Fly (“I think I might give up everything, Just ask me to”).
Yes, it’s sappy, yes we also can’t get enough. YES THEY ARE IN A LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP DEAL WITH IT
read my other lyric analyses here
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angelmichelangelo · 3 years
i’m about five years too late and nobody asked for this except me and i need to just get this out of my brain because it’s 2am so here’s a list of things i wish happened on glee that didn’t HERE WE GO:
- new directions being actual teenagers. just them hanging out. going to group sleepovers. giant study sessions (because school exists in this universe?) like remember in tpp when they were eating lunch together ? that’s what i wanted MORE of. just them being actual friends. a sleepover episode is all i wanted imagine all the abba songs we could have gained from that episode
- a halloween themed episode. the closest to this that we got was the ‘thriller/heads will roll’ mashup which YES was iconic but im greedy and it’s not enough. my idea for a halloween episode is that the gang gets trapped inside the school after staying behind to idk rehearse? or something? and then things get progressively worse as they start to go a little mad, thinking the school is haunted and they split up into pairs trying to find an escape and they think they’re seeing ghosts/someone lurking around the school and they’re getting real spooked but it turns out it’s just sue fucking with them lmao
- kurt and finn being brothers. THE POTENTIAL WAS THERE and sadly after furt we are left with crumbs. why ?? WHY?? little moments like finn saying that he’s driving back home with kurt or them saying they can’t do something because they have a family thing would have been good enough. more scenes of them hanging out in their home with their parents would have been *chefs kiss* but alas. it never happened because glee writers are bastards
- based off my last point: sam actually living at the hudson-hummel house because he actually did live there? but nothing is ever said like what’s the dynamic there why weren’t kurt and sam and finn close if they all lived together for what? like a year? was sam living in the mf shed? did he ever get close to carole and burt?? where tf did he live when everyone went off to college did he just stay in their house lol who knows not me LMAO
- blaine dealing with his trauma ? mental health was never dealt with very well on this show. emma’s ocd was just ignored after she got married or whatever and blaine mentioned his trauma once and then it was ignored until it was mentioned in passing a few seasons later and even he just brushed it off and it was never brought up again like wtf. i have no idea how they wrote a whole episode about hate crime in bash and they never once thought to have blaine and kurt have a single conversation together, let alone a conversation about how they’d both been victims of a hate crime. AND THE ONLY TIME BLAINE DOES MENTION IT IS IN TESTED WHERE ITS JUST USED AS A REASON FOR THEM TO FIGHT AAAAAAAA no wait im calm it’s okay. i just would have liked to have seen kurt and blaine have an emotional moment together in that episode that didn’t include blaine singing and kurt being knocked tf out. just sayin.
- kurt dealing with HIS trauma !! again, glee gets bad points for talking about mental health and it just is crazy that they had so much potential with kurt, ie: depression, anxiety, ocd (kinda?) his bullying, being literally assaulted (i see u ryan murphy taking that whole plot line so loosely mmhm) and then shoehorning in the fact that he was suicidal AT THE SECOND TO LAST EPISODE when they had a whole episode about suicide and they could have mentioned it at any time but ofc they didn’t because the writers just wanted to shove in as much as they could in the flashback episode AYE AYE AYE the potential!!!! oof.
- literally just more tina. jenna ushkowitz is a fantastic actor/singer/preformer and she was criminally underused. i like the episode props because of two reasons: one. everyone switching characters was amazing. and two. some actual tina scenes. even if she.. technically was rachel but also herself or something? either way. i digress
- this is just in general but MORE ABBA AND ALSO THE CARPENTERS and also some sound of music songs would have worked GREAT but they already had like a million songs and as the show progressed they veered away from old songs and more towards popular songs at the time to help chart numbers blah blah blah whatever it’s cool. but also how did they only do a few abba songs that is criminal
- a more fleshed out ending that wasn’t so rushed. like rachel won a tony and everyone else is just? there? why is sam at mr shue’s house ??? how did artie get up the stairs? did quinn graduate from yale? and where tf was kurt and blaine’s child during ‘i lived’ because burt and carole are vibing in the audience and rachel isn’t pregnant so like? is the baby just?? alone somewhere in the wings?! lmao where are u bby girl!! but once again i know they didn’t have the time to do it so idk it’s fine what they did it just sucks we didn’t get more! but again. fanfic exists so yah im all good
- more of blaine’s mum. or mom, in this case i guess. why cast gina gershon and then give her ONE line like ? ik there was a whole deleted script that explained why she was there but i love that up until that point blaine seemed like he genuinely murdered his parents, lived in their big house all alone and when people got suspicious he just told them that they were “out of town” :) either way pam is great i love her and i wish she had more to do in the one episode she was ever in. not even a moment with blaine?? wasted.
- more of cooper anderson, matt boomer is so fucking funny everytime i think of the emotion tornado i bust a lung laughing like it’s so fucking stupid but oh my good i love it. (and if you haven’t watched the special feature of cooper’s transformers audition tape please please watch it because it’s just so funny.) ik he was just a special guest but i wish they got him back for at least the wedding ep but guess my mans was just busy. boo ;(
- going back a couple of points, i wish they’d done a whole episode like props. every actor here just shines when they’re impersonating each other. finn and puck as kurt and blaine is beautiful and quinn and sugar is incredible. also idk why they refused kevin the right to wear the cheerios skirt; they could have put a little more effort into some characters but that’s glee for ya lmao but yeah. a whole episode like that would have been so much fun
- they should have let chris colfer write more episodes. purely for the fact that he wrote with his own bare hands the whole scene where lea michelle’s character gets dragged down a road by dogs. this guy. it’s a shame he only got to write one since he actually did a really good job! i would have loved to have seen what other episode ideas he had :)
- glee in the summer! obviously it only was centred around the school year but after season 3 who honestly gave a shit about the glee club and mckinley lmao i wanna see them in SHORT SHORTS and POOL PARTIES but nope we just got september - june so like rip all my hopes and dreams
- WHAT HAPPENED TO DALTON? bitch just burst into flames ?? and for WHAT?? oh yeah plot convenience smh this is so sad i wish they’d either written something better than “we need the warblers to team up with new directions so uhhh the school burnt down” like. it’s a private school. if the school is gone and they’re just staying at mckinley what are the parents paying for? they’re just cool with sending their kids off to public school now? every adult in this universe has been murdered by these kids, haven’t they? they’re just doing whatever they want jfc
- a wedding was a good episode. ish. and yknow, huge kudos to them because gay marriage wasn’t legal in the us at the time so im less harsh on the fact that they definitely threw up the rainbow flags and made it less about the characters getting married and more so “we have gay characters and look they’re getting married what a concept” but i do wish we could have gotten some more married!klaine since they don’t really have much to do after this understandably but a little moment alone together after the wedding would have been nice :) IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IM TELLING YOU
- get rid of the hummelberry friendship and send mercedes to new york instead. i have nothing else to add to this other than the fact that i mourn the fact that kurt and mercedes went from bffs to just. school mates. this is tragic this is traaaaagic !! and all for more of the rachel berry show smh
- every day i wonder what was going through carmen tibideaux mind when she watched the kurt hummel preform not the boy next door and was like :) and then watched rachel berry have a breakdown on stage and then proceeded to give rachel the spot at nyada and kurt gets payed literal dust. and THEN she had the nerve to tell him it was because his performance had no heart. AND HOW DID ADAM GET IN THIS BABY GOT BACK MOTHERFUCKER?! nyada is a circus school oh my god !!!!! kurt deserved better im telling yall he deserved so much better
there’s so much more i could rant about but im going insane im so tired and i need psychological help after watching glee so im gonna leave it here and say peace out homies it’s been fun but i need to sleep so bad
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peanut-the-goalie · 3 years
@heyitssmiller​ newchapternewchapternewchapter
Black, you’re going to make us late
said like an old married couple
“Alright, alright. Coming. Here.” He handed Remus the cup of tea after he’d locked up the apartment and waited for him to take a sip expectantly, all eager gray eyes and puppy-like enthusiasm. Remus let that smile he was holding back slip through the cracks as he brought the cup to his lips. He took a sip, keeping his face carefully neutral.
this section like this paragraph and the next 2 - 3. THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOUR WRITING, I CAN’T NOT READ WITHOUT GRINNING
“Hmm?” He demanded, causing Remus to laugh. “What does hmm mean?”
“It means your tea is shit but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
not me making heart eyes at the screen nope
“Please don’t drink anymore of this, holy shit.” Sirius took the lid off and dumped the contents into a nearby trashcan as they walked quickly in order to escape the bitterly cold morning.
I would advise not to dump liquids into the trash can, but we don't wanna kill the plants do we?
“That’s pretty hard to do when it’s a hot liquid. I’m kind of impressed.”
I want to attempt this now. I want Remus Lupin to be proud of me pls
“Well, I didn’t get my morning tea.” Remus replied, holding the door open for Sirius
sassy remus snarky remus my favourite remus
They hadn’t even shrugged off their coats before Logan was approaching them, a stiff expression on his face.
“We need to talk.”
nonono what what? hnnn are we making leo suffer through this whole story or smth?
Logan didn’t even answer, he just started walking
quiet Logan is the most concerning logan
“I’m requesting a transfer.”
Remus blinked, surprised at the suddenness of the statement. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Is this about that kiss you planted on O’Hara?” Sirius asked with a teasing grin. Logan’s expression shifted from blank to pained in half a second
1) Lo Lo Lo baby noooo
2) frick off sirius
Logan squeezed his eyes shut and exhaled sharply through nose. He seemed more worried about leaving his partners exposed than his transfer being denied. A thought made its way to the forefront of Remus’ mind, making him consider a different angle to why Logan was so upset.
ever loving protective lo
The Snakes were proven to be brutal and merciless and not afraid to start fights. Or finish them. Logan’s partners had never experienced something like that, and there was no way they’d be prepared if one of their missions went south.
what the fuck miller. crY
Leo laughed softly. “Alright there, Finn?” He blinked. “What year is it?”
I love finn
Logan couldn’t help but think he was beautiful even without a lot of rest. His hair was all disheveled, eyes big and sleepy, and voice all low and rough. It would take a hell of a lot to make Finn O’Hara not beautiful.
But first: sleep.
yes sleep first always (i say as im planning on staying but for...more hours ew math)
Make my wish come true, baby all I want for Christmas is you!
Even the Christmas music was mocking him now. That was just perfect. Now if they added the word two to the end of that lyric, it would be spot-on.
mean music
A dark, cold room with only two beds, Logan noticed after he switched on the light.
I’m just thinking about the unlucky one who has to sleep alone :(
How had this become his life?
The universe loves you, deal with it
“How are my sleeves still too short?”
“Fight me.” Logan said heatedly, turning to glare at Finn. He stopped short and his gaze turned soft as he watched the redhead adjusting his tie in the mirror, all gorgeous lines and focused face. His tongue stuck out slightly as he tightened the knot of his tie and tried to straighten it.
It was still crooked.
“Your tie’s still crooked.” He said, reaching up to tug at the article of clothing.
Idk whether to yell or say awwwwwwwwwwwww
since the last op.
i’ve just realized op meant operation smh
But Finn was a conman. He literally fooled people for a living. Who was to say that Logan wasn’t just the next mark on a long list?
finn if you fuck with their emotions istg—
Finn sucked in a quick breath beside him. “Oh, Nutty, no.”
this made me smiLE
Finn closed the distance between him and Leo and reached up to ruffle his hair. Leo attempted to swat his hand away with an offended noise. “Harzy, do you know how long it took me to get my hair to look like that?”
Finn: I just wanted to touch his hair okay?
“She taught me how to dance by having me stand on her feet, so I actually learned how to follow before I learned to lead.”
im love. im love im love im love
Finn just pulled him closer, tilting his head up slightly to look at those soft eyes. “Try me, Knut.”
Singing off-key was something Finn never thought he would find endearing, but – well. This was Leo Knut. Pretty much everything he did was endearing
miller aaaaah
Logan moved his gaze away to look at Leo, who was dancing with Regulus. They were pressed closely together, talking quietly. Leo looked completely in his element, which surprised Logan just a little. The normal, jittery movements of a pickpocket were replaced with the graceful, assured motions of a practiced dancer. He made it look as easy as breathing.
wait aw reggie and leo dancing because yayay canon friends change my mind
“Nice grab. I almost didn’t catch it.”
no. damn it reg
“Don’t play dumb. Just give it back and tell me who you’re working for. I promise I won’t kill you, but – well. I’m a Snake, and I do have a reputation to withhold.”
Regulus froze, shoulders tensing. After a long stretch of silence he whispered, voice pained, “He’s alive?”
Remus looked over at the man in question as they listened in and watched his face absolutely crumble. “Reg.”
June was great – nice, beautiful, whip-smart, and way too good to be messing around with people like the Snakes.
june june june june
A tall, broad man with cold eyes and a feral smile looked back at them
Grayback, it’s grayback isn’t it? fuck you
Sirius wasn’t even listening in anymore as sat next to Remus, forcefully prying Remus’ hand away from where it was gripping his shoulder too tightly and lacing their fingers together while Remus struggled to breathe.
I hate Grayback
Who knew a hug could be so complicated?
I mean they are though. I had my personal space so violated yesterday because my friends kept hugging me and they know I hate hugs unless i initiate them like a weirdo and i didn’t know what to dooo
“Finn, did you just say y’all?” Logan couldn’t see him, but he could hear the delighted smile in Leo’s voice.
Miller is rubbing us on all of us and i love it
The night only got worse when he looked over to the newcomer to face eerie, yellow eyes.
he remind me of a basilisk. Didn’t I name him tinkerbell? Im never going to see tinkerbell normally again, scary lil fairy
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anunvalidcritic · 5 years
                                                MOVIE REVIEW
June 27th, 2019 the year of our Lord (whichever one that may be) I watch a spectacular movie that I can truly say that the awards won were well deserved. Spider-Man was the first superhero I can truly say I looked up too and he’s super duper awesome my dudes. I plan on rewatching the movie again so I can complete this post.
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Man, this post is gonna be extremely long but it’s totally worth it!
“With great powers come great responsibility” - UNCLE BEN
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The love that his parents give is amazing.
I’m glad to see an ethnic spiderman its dope that he speaks Spanish and English.
I understand that Spider-man is a vigilante
“With accountability comes great accountability“ - JEFFERSON DAVIS
He didn’t have to do MILES like that lol
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LOL MILES needs to get his face off that window.
Ayyee black people really do that stuff with that chill talkin’ being all smooth and shiiii ROFL
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Damn his roommate just loves to study.
That is a lot of sweat tho
Haircut looks cool though if you ask me.
PETER droppin’ bops huh??
That was some freaky shit when that spider glitched though. It kinda turned into a thriller movie for a minute.
DAAAMMMNNN a normal person would be dead
“Stanton Island maybe but not Brooklyn!” - PETER
You better catch him!!!
he better not say you only get one of th…….. AAAHHHHH HE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE FUCKING SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!
PROWLER got a lot of balls flyin’ up on him like that.
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Dang, these glitches remind me of when Vanellelope has hers. (I think her name is spelled wrong but it’s whatever at this point.)
You know whenever people make promises they sometimes are hard to keep.
WTF HE’S BLONDE!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ROFL “Yeah I think it’s a BANKSY.” - BYSTANDER
RIO is the sweetest mom ever.
PETER should not have gone out that way! MAAAAANNNNNN
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Boy, you better not jump off that building that black in you bette… LOL, HE TOOK HIS ASS RIGHT BACK DOWN!
damn, he messed up the hard-drive.
Aww, I love that ominous blue and red lighting… good symbolism.
Spider-Man for the last 22 years
blah blah blah workin’ hard and fallin’ in love
15 years past
buried Aunt May
Split up with MJ
Seahorses mate for life 
“Could you image a seahorse seeing another seahorse… and then making it work.” - PETER B PARKER
pizza is life
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“Adios” - MILES
DAAAMMMNN he didn’t have to do PETER B like that!
“Looks like a child dressed like spider-man dragging a homeless corpse behind a train.” - POLICE OFFICER
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Aye, I fuck with the song that was being played through that guy’s headphones even though I don’t even know what it was. 
“Why is your body another shape” - MILES damn that’s fucked up 
These fucking sweatpants man
“DON’T PLAY WITH ME.“ - MILES (black people love that line lol)
“You good with that Spider-Man?!“ - MILES
“In my universe, this place closed 6 years ago. I don’t know why.” - PETER B PARKER (Probably because the restaurant has a C rating)
Was lowkey waiting for a roach to crawl across something 
“Spider-Man doesn’t wear a cape.” - MILES (He doesn’t wear sweatpants either)
How tf did WILSON FISK get his BIG ASS INTO THAT CAR?!?!?!
lol his booty jiggled a bit hehehehehe
hold up this chick sound like Jessie from Toy Story…
WOAH either she a freak or she likes pushing people
“And I for one can’t wait to watch.” - DR. OC (WTF DID SHE JUST SAY!!)
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Aww, they’re having a bonding moment! 
Last 2 years
Joined a band
Saved her dad
Couldn’t save her PETER PARKER
Doesn’t do friends to save herself feeling.
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Oh, we’re getting a little WILSON FISK flashback.
Damn, why is she driving so fast…
Something like that was bound to happen I’m sorry to say. 
This dude really got some board shoulders.
Why does PETER B PARKER have on two different types of shoes?
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“Wherever I go, the wind follows.” - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
Year: 1933 
Job: Private Eye
Likes: Drinking egg creams and fighting Nazis (A LOT)
“Sometimes I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something anything.”
Year: 3145
Has a psychic link with a spider that lives inside of her father’s robot.
Lost her father
Bitten by a radioactive pig 
Photographer for the Daily Beagle
Usually, when he’s not working like a dog he chasing a story
Likes to frolic and dance while doing it in his pants. 
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if stitch had a glitch lol
PETER B PARKER really puttin’ MILES on blast. 
This movie is back on their spooky ooky shit
Damn only if he knew his uncle was the PROWLER...
LOL, THAT MUSIC!!!!!!!!!
“This is a pretty hardcore origin story.“ - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
“We don’t pick the ballroom we just dance.” - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
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Of course, MILES dad is on the way
OH, FUCK!!!!!!
How the fuck you gonna be flying around without some type of bulletproof vest. DAMN SMH
Man, a kid should not be seeing someone die right in front of them. 
JEFFERSON didn’t deserve to find his brother that way. 
I’m glad they’re having a heart to heart to him. But that room is too small
���MILES the hardest part about this job is that you can’t save everyone“ - SPIDER-HAM
“Do animals talk in this dimension because I don’t want to freak him out.“ - SPIDER-HAM
Let the bodies hit the floor. 
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“A leap of faith” - PETER B PARKER
At least his dad came by to speak to him.
He had that boy fucked up again!
Man them taking the bus is really killin’ me
Bruh the waiter
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“Do you have a problem with cartoons?!?!” - SPIDER-HAM
PENI I’m sorry to say but your BUD FOR LIFE is gone.
MILES is a smooth criminal!!
I find it so cool that each time they jumped back into the portal it was reflected off of them.
ROFL “That’s all folks” “Is he allowed to say that legally?”
WILSON FISK always tryin’ to hurt somebody damn!
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MILES did that (with help of course)
C-Mobile = T-Moblie hehehehehehe
SPIDER-MAN for 2 days
Finally, finished his essay
Saved a lot of people
Spent time with his father
Got hit by a drone as well
Had a proper meeting with his roommate
Slapped his sticker where his dad won’t find it
Will always remember his friends. 
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“Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn’t know that before I hope you know that now.“ SPIDER-MAN (MILES)
Y’ALL THERE WAS A GLITCH IN THE SYSTEM! Everything and I mean EVERYTHING! So thankful I was able to salvage a little bit of it back. I really do wish I was able to get what I said at the end because I meant it. :( 
EDIT: I was fast forwarding through the movie to get it off of my “continue watching” list and I discovered something at the end! So I’ll be making a bit of an edit. (This is a reminder that you need to ALWAYS STAY AT THE END OF EVERY MARVEL! (smh I made a rookie mistake))
James Blake has such an amazing voice
“I was gone for less than 2 hours.” - MAN
oooo the man’s name is MIGUEL 
Earth ‘67
“How dare you point at me!” - SPIDER-MAN
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cloudbankdownload · 5 years
konnichiwa, and welcome back to the classic “Matpat video notes from hell” series
yup we’re doing this again lol. just imagine noodle from gorillaz typing this up instead of alex and it’ll almost be just like last time! today (June 10, 2019) we’ll be watching “Game Theory: FNAF, You Were Meant To Lose (FNAF VR Help Wanted).” please note that in the thumbnail it says “don’t trust the tapes!” so you too can be mad at how he’s slandering tape girl like that. and, of course, THERE WILL BE SOME (MOSTLY MINOR) SPOILERS! YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. okay, video time!
-alright, starting off strong with a compilation of Poor Matpat (/s) and all the times he thought he’d made his last fnaf theory video (man i wish fnaf 4 was his last theory vid too)
-not even a minute in and we’ve already got some avengers endgame references smh
-jokingly calls fnaf vr “matpat insanity simulator” and MAN i WISH
-calls the game “an ~inflection~ point” like we get it you can use fancy words okay relax
-thinks there’s more games to come
-vr game supposedly is gonna lead us into “FNAF: The Next Generation” (bro if you’re gonna come up with a name for a list games we don’t even know are gonna exist, at least be creative with it come on)
-”the meatiest game in the fnaf library” with I SHIT YOU NOT an awful graphic of freddy’s head over a disgusting pile of “ground meat” with a big yellow sun-shape with red text that says “NO FAT!” JFC MATT WHY!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!! also y’all are welcome, i definitely took that bullet for you
-i’m only two minutes into a 23:39 video why did i sign up for this i’m gonna die
-oh joy he actually played it on gt live /s
-experience of the game is to “recreate the brand” and “clear its name” or w/e
-he’s really going out of his way to say “THESE shirts are for the LADIES and THESE shirts are for the MEN” SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I KNOCK YOUR TEETH OUT
-seriously man we already knew you were a Gender Binary Cop but this is ridiculous
-there’s game theory underwear. apparently. if i had to suffer through that fact so do you.
-”if you’re a fan of all the hard work we put into each and every one of our videos” WOW matt i had know idea how hard it was to steal other people’s work and ideas for your half assed theories!!!1!!11!!!
-god he makes it sounds like his theory gear is like donating to a charity absolutely unbelievable
-by the way, that ad for his own merch was from 3:32-4:18 and that’s almost a full minute (though trust me, it felt like so much longer)
-quiero matar ese hombre (translation: i wanna kill that man)
-[insert stream of cursing in multiple languages that i cannot be bothered to type out here]
-this little white bitch really just said that there was only one important character missing in the vr game–golden freddy
-“noodle!” i’m sure you’re saying. “there’s nothing wrong with matt saying that!” oh no, that wasn’t the bad thing he said. ohhh no.
-and i quote: “i mean, ballora isn’t around here either, but you know i said ‘IMPORTANT’ [voice saying “buh-buh-baom!”, explosion sfx, air horn sfx]”
-me parece que el quiere ser un hombre muerto (it seems to me that he wants to be a dead man)
-anywayyyys back to golden freddy: she’s not in the game because she’s chillin in hell with william afton APPARENTLY
-あの、ちょっと・・・(um, not really…)
-oh excuse me, she’s in hell with william to torture him, not chill with him
-also like how we’re still assuming a lot of things /s
-man this is taking a while
-cassidy (golden freddy) never gives up her soul, proves along with scrap baby plush that help wanted takes place after pizzeria simulator
-franchise is trying to rebuild itself after yknow, a dude going on a child killing spree
-talks about the following malhare ending
-yeah we aint gonna talk about what he calls malhare
-third appearance of the name “jeremy” in the games
-says he’s put the tapes in a “cohesive narrative” order (hah, how much do we wanna bet he’s wrong?)
-lol doesn’t say the order so he can’t be called out on his bullshit (i’m too tired to try and actually piece this shit together)
-this mf really 1) called jeremy crazy 2) or maybe that he’s “just a fnaf youtuber” and 3) PUTS UP A GRAPHIC OF HIM AND MARK GIVING EACH OTHER A HIGH FIVE. bold of you to assume you deserve to be near him mister patthew.
-[GORE WARNING] his take on the jeremy incident (you know the one, it was mentioned in the tapes) is that the ink is blood and jeremy DID cut his face off with the paper cutter. if you’re here from the fnaf discord server, you were probably around when we all discussed that this was unlikely.
-oh wow he really just tried to tie that in with the bite of 87 huh
-he’s convinced jeremy dies (spoiler: we don’t–and neither do a fair bit of people)
-really blaming tape girl for the fact that she didn’t warn about not collecting the tapes until the fifteenth tape huh
-talks about all cassettes collected endings, and how you “lose” no matter what in any of the three endings
-thinks the player is destined to lose the game
-mentions inconsistencies and oddities in the tapes
-i.e. how tape girl introduces herself twice—in tape one and tape fifteen
-how she says in tape sixteen that she knows there’s a way to kill malhare when she can’t possibly be sure, because she clearly hasn’t done it herself (malhare wouldn’t exist otherwise.)
-as in, she’s secretly trying to get you to release malhare instead of killing him
-thinks malhare melded with her conscious after she tried to delete the audio files and then attempted to escape by making the next playtester release malhare
-meanwhile the player is stuck while malhare takes over their body
-thinks that maybe the player waits until the next playtester comes along and loses their consciousness, which lets the player out
-says that putting together the tapes is like putting together the petscop lore
-wonders how many williams are out there--could the ai be replicating itself into multiple people--but admits yeah probably not
-”but that’s just a theory.. a game theory” or w/e the fuck he says
-insert ancient meme about fnaf storyline here bc he was too lazy to make a graphic or w/e
-oh wait no he wants to talk about jeremy haha still gotta sit through this for another minute or so
-random appearance of shadow freddy he found, malhare has three toes (ffs sake not the toe theories again i thought we were done with that crap) like the footprints outside afton house in fnaf ps midnight motorist minigame
-lovelyyy he’s gonna make another video after “thinking” shit over
-”scott cawthon is the villain in his own game” OKAY WHATEVER IDGAF
-i hoped you enjoyed these because they were legitimately the second or third worst experience of my life and i’m really not exaggerating
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09yards · 5 years
3 - maybe we’ll be better off, perhaps we’re not meant for this universe (days gone by NCT)
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Days Gone By masterlist | main masterlist
2nd of august [continued]
5 new messages
(1 new message) Hyuckie – happy birthday, I guess! See you tonight, can’t wait! 😊
(1 new message) Injunnie – do I really still have to wish you happy birthday after all these years? Is it not just a given smh
(1 new message) Jaehyun – happy birthday lil guy! See you tonight!!! Doyoung and I are very excited to see you!!
(1 new message) Lucas – yo, happy birthday dude! 8pm tonight right?
(1 new message) Jaemin – sending you birthday love! Catch you later 😊
TO Lucas (11:38 am) yep! See you tonight, ‘fashionably’ late as always right bro?
God did mark hate calling people bro.
TO Jaehyun (11:43 am) I’m really not little, how long are you going to keep this up for? Actually, don’t answer that, I’ll see you and Doyoung tonight.
TO Injunnie (11:45 am) wow, I love this kind of treatment on my birthday, so kind of you.
FROM Injunnie (11:47 am) We’ve known each other, what fifteen years? I think we get the idea now, do we not?
In other news, considering I don’t really care about your birthday right now, do you happen to know what’s up with Jaemin? He hasn’t messaged me in three days, the last time we spoke he couldn’t end the conversation any quicker.
Oh my god! The audacity! How dare he not message you?
Your sarcasm is not appreciated nor is it necessary right now. Usually I can’t get him to stop talking to me, I’m a tad scared.
You don’t think he’s going to break up with me, do you?
Oh my god!
Mark what if he breaks up with me? Like are we even together? We aren’t together so he doesn’t even have to break up with me.
You don’t think it’s to do with that new girl Yuna do you? He was the one who gave her tours!!
He said he was gay but maybe he’s not, maybe he feels like he got the wrong soulmate! He used to date girls, what if he lied to protect my feelings. That’s cute but messed up.
Jesus fucking Christ Injun, he’s not ending anything you're soulmates, he loves you.
and yes he did date girls but I had to listen to him drunkenly tell us he's 'strictly dick now' at Jaehyun's birthday - how did you not know?
I’m sure he’s just busy
He messaged me earlier, he said he was coming tonight, just look hot as usual and problem solved.
S T O P  B E I N G  A  P A N I C K E D  G A Y
And you better not be practicing your break up speech.
Okay, okay
Sorry – panic over. I’m good, we’re fine!
Let’s get back to you!
(1 new message) Hyuckie – Heejin is going to be there tonight, right? You need to help me pick an outfit; I need to look H o t - specifically with a capital H *cry*
Good because shit, Hyuck just messaged me asking what to wear tonight so he looks hot as Heejin is going to be there.
It’s my birthday why can’t he look hot for me and not for Heejin smh
Hold up,
Wait just a second here,
You’re now 18.
Really? No shit sherlock, I had no idea today was my eighteenth birthday
I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner!
D-did you get your soulmate mark yet?
Not you too
And did you seriously just stutter over text?
Yes, I did Mark, this is serious business, you have your soulmate mark don’t you?
Oof look at the time, I better run. Hyuck needs my help!
Mark Lee
You did not-
You really did huh
I guess I’ll see you later, happy birthday I guess
It was safe to say Mark had well and truly panicked. Renjun may be his best friend and what are best friends for if they don’t tease you to no end about your soulmate mark. Mark did exactly that when Renjun got his early after Jaemin’s confession at their schools annual end of year dance. Mark, Hyuck, Renjun and Jaemin had all gone together – bro’s come first and all – and while a slow song came on, Mark and Hyuck had made it outside just in time to not get roped into the dance floor, the other two hadn’t been so lucky… or maybe they had. Mark and Haechan couldn’t quite believe that after four months of the two of them trying to set their other best friends up, it took one dance, some fresh suits (they’d grown out of the old ones) and Jaemin’s freshly pink hair and Renjun’s freshly blond locks and newfound love for his glasses for the two to finally admit their feelings.
- - - - -
15th of June - end of year dance
“I cannot believe Mark and Haechannie left us here. How come crazy maths lady didn’t catch them sneaking out the back!”
“Uhm… I don’t know Jaemin, they just got lucky I guess.” Renjun was distracted, he’d wanted to be left alone with the other when he was ready, not when he risked blurting his crush as they may have only had very little alcohol courtesy of Johnny and Jaehyun before the dance – ‘you can’t go to a mundane school dance without a little something, how else will you get the confidence to dance’.
“I’m sorry I don’t really know how to dance either. How do you want to do this – your hands around my neck?”
“O-okay, sure.” Renjun could feel his hands shaking as he raised his arms up and clasped his hands together at the base of Jaemin’s neck. They were so close, Renjun could only hear the metronome that was his heartbeat thudding against his ribs. He could see the glimmer in Jaemin’s eyes, he could see the sweat beads forming just below the flop of his hair on his forehead due to the god-forsaken heat of the school’s assembly hall. Renjun’s focus was only on him, the music being played by the band on the stage gradually drowned itself out until it was at the very back of his mind, Jaemin was right in front of him, he had Jaemin’s breath tickling his cheek every time they swayed slightly to the non-existent beat.
“You know, if I knew that this was all it took to get you this close and practically melting in my grip, I wouldn’t have missed out on any god-awful school slow dances. Injunnie calm down, I can practically hear your mind whirring, attempting to process this.”
“I’m sorry I stopped listening at melting.” The reason Injun had stopped listening was due to the presence of Jaemin’s hands lowering themselves further down onto the cusp of hips and it was rather hard to concentrate when the best friend you’d been harbouring a crush on for quite some time was talking about you becoming weak under their touch and this felt like all you’d ever dreamt of (besides winning the lottery and academic success etcetera). It was one-hundred percent true; he wasn’t even going to bother fighting Jaemin on it. Anyone who looked at them would be able to see the utter panicked mess he’d become. Hands fiddling with his rings, becoming increasingly clammy, hair matting slightly as his heartrate continued to speed up and he started to feel the sweat building up.
“Injunnie, you know I love you right?”
“Of course, I do, what are best friends for?”
“No, I mean I love love you. Like I want to kiss you and hold your hand and cuddle up on rainy days and binge-watch all the Harry Potter movies with you, even though I know the whole time you’re going to sit there and give me a running commentary on how the books are better than the films and that J.K. Rowling is a goddess.”
“Don’t we do that anyway? Aside from the kissing thing, you attempt to kiss me and I push you away. And, J.K. Rowling is a goddess.”
“Injun, I want to date you – I- I want to be your boyfriend.” Jaemin’s hands were gradually pulling away from their position on Renjun’s hips and he wasn’t quite ready to let him go yet. “Just say something please, something relevant… please. If you don’t want to do this we can just move on, go back to being the best of friends. You know, maybe we’ll be better off, perhaps we’re not meant to be a couple in this universe.”
“Jesus Christ Jaemin you really never stop talking when you’re supposed to, do you?”
It was Jaemin’s turn to blush now, Injun was never this forward.
“I’m sorry, what did you want to say? I can handle the rejection you know! Sure, I may just have to drown my sorrows in several litre tubs of ice cream but I’m sure I’ll get over it. I’m strong yeah- “
Jaemin was cut off with a very light peck to the corner of the mouth and that left him spluttering, unable to form a coherent sentence.
“Wow, that got you to stop talking didn’t it? The Na Jaemin, speechless right before my very own eyes.”
“S-shut up, I’m not blushing.”
“I never said you were, but you most definitely are.” Renjun leant closer, mouth hovering just over Jaemin’s ear, “But, don’t worry about it, I know I’m blushing too and I can’t wait to see every way I can make you blush.”
Jaemin deemed it far too inappropriate of a conversation for their assembly hall, it was one-hundred percent not okay for anyone to over hear them.
“D-do you want to get out of here? Jaehyun isn’t home and maybe we could talk about t-this.” Jaemin could feel himself blushing more as every word left his mouth. What happened to him being the confident one?
“Let’s go.” Renjun took his hand, almost (but not quite) dragging him out of the hall, confidence overtaking his rationality, the alcohol coursing through his bloodstream, to where Jaemin’s pride and joy sat – the car he’d inherited from his grandfather, a 1967 black ford mustang and Renjun wouldn’t lie, it made Jaemin all that more appealing.
The two’s plans to make it home hadn’t quite worked out that way. Leaning over the gear stick, confident Jaemin was back and ready to make Renjun blush just as much as he’d been doing beforehand.
Raising a hand to his jaw, “Maybe I could get a proper kiss now; without you pushing me away.” Renjun’s entire body was heating up, the others voice had dropped at least three octaves, sultry and quiet but deafening to his ears. All he could do was nod lightly, leaning into the feeling of Jaemin’s hand. It was soft and gentle, like Jaemin was scared to hurt him but quickly turned darker and deeper. Licking into one another’s mouths, light moans and whimpers, hands grasping at clothing. Before he knew it, Renjun was seated comfortably on Jaemin’s lap, back against the steering wheel, hands clutching his shoulders while the others were on his waist. Whimpers turned into groans, Renjun had managed to slip Jaemin’s jacket off and was now working his way through the buttons of his shirt, hands shaking too much and eyes closed as the two gasped for breath in between rough, passionate, desperate kisses.
“Injunnie, don’t take this the wrong way, but maybe we should slow down. We’re in my car, in the car park remember?”
Renjun continued with his work on Jaemin’s buttons and rocking his hips back and forth with zero regard to what he was doing to the other and blatantly ignoring what he’d said.
“Holy shit.” The smaller let out a not-so subtle gasp as he pulled away.
“I know, I’ve never enjoyed kissing so much but, we can’t get too carried away.”
“No Jaem shit, shit, shit! Look, oh my god, look at your fucking stomach.”
“What? I know I have abs, Jesus Christ Injun, you’re acting like you’ve never seen them before.”
“No, you bloody twat, I know you have abs, I’ve looked at said abs many, many times, I’m talking about that.” Jaemin whelped at the sensation of Renjun jabbing just below his ribcage, finally noticing what Renjun was talking about – their make out session now long forgotten.
“Well, you’re the only person I’ve confessed to and been reciprocated and that definitely wasn’t there when I got out the shower about three hours ago so, um, congratulations? I guess we’re soulmates. But seriously I’m going to need an explanation about this.” Gesturing at the words pressed into his skin, ‘they’re definitely staring’.
“Drive back to yours. Now.” Renjun quickly slid back into his own seat, neatening his hair which had been tugged and ruined by his soulmate’s hands. He’d immediately gone into emotional shut down, all defence mechanisms had been activated. He was scared. He knew this meant they were soulmates but what if he couldn’t give Jaemin what he wanted, what he deserved.
“Earth to Injun, hey? You still with me?” Panic was evident in Jaemin’s voice as he watched the other stare off out the window. He opted for getting out the car, hoping that would be enough to alert the other of their arrival at Jaemin’s house. A house which was empty and quiet and the moment they went inside they’d be away from the public, all alone, to have a conversation Renjun was fearful of having, but the sleepiness had overtaken him as well and his eyes were beginning to droop.
“Come on, we can talk another time. You look sleepy, I’ll take you to bed.”
Renjun’s body was so used to this action that his limbs moved on their own, arms wrapping and locking at the back of Jaemin’s neck as he felt an arm slide under his knees. It was nice, relaxing even, he turned into Jaemin’s body – in search of warmth and the smell of home. The metronome that is Jaemin’s heartbeat, thumping softly as he was carried up the stairs. His own heartbeat, although slowing in search of sleep, was becoming increasingly irregular as Jaemin’s hands moved across his body, finding their way to undoing the buttons of his shirt and gently pulling one of Jaemin’s t-shirts over his head. Renjun managed to stay awake long enough to change himself into a pair of sweatpants and curl up under the thick duvet of Jaemin’s bed before allowing himself to drift off.
“Goodnight Injunnie,” a delicate kiss to his forehead before climbing in next to him, Renjun’s body on auto-pilot curling himself up into his side, “we’ll talk about this tomorrow.”
FROM Haechannie (10:58 pm)
Where the heck did you go?
FROM Haechannie (11:05 pm)
Seriously we can’t find you anywhere!
FROM Haechannie (11:19 pm)
Okay, I’m hoping you and Renjun have gone home because you’re both missing and so is your car
FROM Haechannie (11:25 pm)
God help you, you better be fine
FROM Haechannie (11:27 pm)
The only valid excuse I’m letting you have to get out of this is if you and Renjun disappeared because you were making out
Mark agrees
TO Haechannie (11:43 pm)
Well, I guess you can’t be too mad at me then?
Renjun’s with me by the way
Excuse me, what?!
OH MY GOD – from Mark
Tell me everything, now.
Well, since you abandoned us at the dance, we were about to dance and a slow song came on so I just went with it you know?
And well I told him that I love, love him and I started rambling and well he kissed my cheek to shut me up and then we were going to go home but only made it to my car
Holy shit this is better than a drama
Hurry the fuck up I wanna know what happened next -mark
Wait ew, you better clean your car before I get in it
we didn’t have sex in my car!!
Injun was kinda up for it though, he was sat on my lap and wow his hips can move and his kisses GAH! Fnjvnldf and his waist is so tiny?? Like we’ve cuddled before, like we are right now but wow, my hands on his waist as we kissed was totally different
Jesus, you sound like you came from just making out
Or did you get left with blue balls lol -mark
mark wins this round
I said we should slow down because I was majorly hard and I was not having sex for the first time, in my car, in the school car park
He completely ignored me and carried on kissing me and undoing my shirt and then he pulled away and gasped really loudly and I was like ?????
Honestly thought he came for a second but no
He’d undone my shirt completely and was just staring at my stomach so again I was like ??
We get it Jaemin, you have abs
How many times do you want to tell us?
I have nice abs okay but that wasn’t what he was looking at
Um, turns out I have a tattoo now
I really, really want to say I’m surprised but we been knew, you and Injun were clearly soulmates -mark
Okay Hyuck is super excited and is currently dancing and screaming and said to tell you congrats so congrats
But after that, he just switched and got off me and told me to drive home, he acted like nothing happened.
And then he fell asleep in the car so I carried him up to bed and changed him into pjs
but like, I can’t see a mark on him so unless its somewhere super hidden (and I mean super) what if he doesn’t have one? Is that a thing?
I’m sure you just haven’t seen it, try get some sleep and the two of you can talk in the morning. Hyuck’s still screaming so I’ll get him to message you tomorrow.
Thank you, Mark. Sorry for unloading this on you, I’m just so so scared. Johnny and Ten had such a rocky start from best friends to soulmates, we aren’t all Jaehyun and Doyoung I guess
No, we aren’t, but you and Injun are your own people and you’ll figure it out. Johnny and Ten worked things out after all. Good night Jaemin.
Jaemin finally let himself relax, the soft snores of the small, blond boy lulling him to sleep. They’d figure this out.
They always do.
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In this example, he has paid me $1 for this insurance. I might then go out and buy a re-insurance policy for $0. 2 and protect myself at $90 (10% below the market). This way, if the share price tanks 20%, then I had to buy the shares at $95. BUT my downside is protected as I can sell out of the same stocks at $90. After the two weeks, if the insurance policies all expire worthless because the Nike share price is still above $95, then I�ve made 80cents ($1 I received initially, minus the $0. 2 I paid for re-insurance). Unlike trading stocks where you need the price to go up to profit, I make money if the stock price rises, stays the same, or goes lower by not too much. If you put on ten such trades, each with a 90% probability of profit, then you can expect nine of them to close profitably with just one being unprofitable. The icing on the cake is that it�s not the end of the story for that one trade that didn�t work out. There�s a lot you can do to �repair� and make it profitable once again. One of the main concepts in trading options is �rolling,� and it�s something I had to learn when the market dropped significantly enough to put most of my trades underwater, just a month into trading. All rolling means is pushing forward the period of the options expiration date further out in time. You achieve this by buying back the options contract you sold and then selling another contract in the same name, further out in time. The beauty is you even earn extra income while doing it. I can best illustrate this with a real trade I recently closed (obviously cherry-picked):On Feb 12th this year, a week before the market started it�s COVID-19 free fall, the SMH Vaneck Semiconductor ETF was trading at $150. I sold a put option for March 6 expiry at $140 and received $100 of premium/income. Of course, the market tanked, and the trade was underwater. I, therefore, kept rolling the trade further out in time until the price recovered. On June 5th, I was able to close it finally for a profit of $500, much more then my initial premium received. The reason for the increased profit was because as the share price dropped, volatility had a massive spike.
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The put will shield you from most of your losses. #3: If the stock goes up, your put will lose value and eventually expire worthless, but it took off a lot of stress from your shoulders. You could focus on other things instead of worrying about the stock price or panic selling your shares. If the stock price isn�t likely to hit the strike price of your put, you can sell the put early to protect yourself from some of those losses. The protective put that attributed to most of my gains thus far was a protective Fastly put. I bought this put right before Fastly lowered their revenue guidance and the stock tumbled in after hours. I talked more about Fastly�s after hours tumble and explained how I�ve been playing the stock moving forward. The stock went down $33. 48 by the end of the day. My $500 put turned into $3,083. 24 by the time I sold it which shielded my losses by $25. 82/share. So rather than losing $33. 48/share, I only lost $7. 66/share because of the protective put. In past scenarios I�d likely panic and sell a bunch of my shares, but the protective put allows me to reduce risk without selling shares. The risk with selling shares is that the stock price can surge and you�ll miss out on the ride. Options Income Is Not ConsistentYou can maintain a consistent range selling covered calls and cash secured puts, but you�ll never make consistent income through buying options. Sometimes you can strike it big with one of your options while at other times most of them can expire worthless. If you continue to do your research, you will spot additional opportunities. That�s the skill part.
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�I�d rather hustle 24/7 than slave 9 to 5.
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Which leads me to�The Joy of Pushing Buttons For MyselfTwo years after my catch-up with Suzy, I was officially unemployed. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!For the first time since I started in finance, I was free to log in to my brokerage account and trade whatever the hell I wanted. �Damn it feels good to be a gangsta�Geto BoysIt was now time to grow a pair and start trading options. I had signed up for a newsletter that Suzy suggested, which provides regular trade ideas. That was perfect as it provided a framework to follow. Man, was it was exciting. Despite my career in trading stocks, options trading was completely new. Everything about it looked different. If stocks are two dimensional with just a simple bid and offer, trading options was like entering the fourth dimension. There were bids and offers for each specific price point, each at varying expiration dates. Like most things in life, it�s daunting at first, but then you get the hang of it.
learning stock options trading Arkansas Bear Put SpreadA bear put spread is the exact opposite of a bull call spread, where the trader purchases put options and also sells the same number of put options with the same expiry date but a moderately lower strike price.
48/share, I only lost $7. 66/share because of the protective put. In past scenarios I�d likely panic and sell a bunch of my shares, but the protective put allows me to reduce risk without selling shares. The risk with selling shares is that the stock price can surge and you�ll miss out on the ride. Options Income Is Not ConsistentYou can maintain a consistent range selling covered calls and cash secured puts, but you�ll never make consistent income through buying options. Sometimes you can strike it big with one of your options while at other times most of them can expire worthless. If you continue to do your research, you will spot additional opportunities. That�s the skill part. Luck eventually follows hard work, but make sure you only nibble on options so your losses don�t have a disastrous affect on your portfolio. 7 Option Trading Strategies Every Trader Should KnowTrading options has exploded in popularity over the last couple of decades, and option trading in particular has become a major force in contemporary finance. The ability to create sophisticated and nuanced trading positions using options and other derivatives is incomparable when contrasted with traditional securities trading. Out of the many advanced trading techniques used by option traders, there are 7 strategies that stand out above the rest:Long Call and PutsBull Call SpreadBear Put SpreadStraddleStrangleButterflyCovered CallThese top 7 option strategies should be a mainstay of every option trader�s playbook, and they should understand their application intimately. Long Call and Long Put Option StrategiesLong calls and long puts are simply positions taken in an underlying security using options instead of the actual security. A long call uses call options to bet on an increase in the price of the underlying security, while a long put uses put options to bet on a decrease in the price of the underlying security. Option traders use these simple strategies when they are confident in the direction and intensity of an upcoming price change. Because options cost only a small premium compared to the potential increase in their value as a result of large changes in the price of the underlying security, the long calls and puts are the best technique for maximizing profits in the relatively rare cases where a trader has such confidence in forecasting upcoming price changes. The risk of long calls and long puts is that the price fails to move far enough in the right direction, and the options expire worthless or fail to cover the full cost of the premiums, resulting in a trading loss on the position. Bull Call SpreadA bull call spread involves the purchase of call options at one strike price and the writing of the same number of call options with the same expiration date but a moderately higher strike price. The profit from a bull call spread is maximized when the price of the security reaches slightly under the strike price of the written options, so that the written options expire worthless while the purchased options can be exercised for the maximum value within the window of the written options expiring worthless. The downside in a bull call spread is protected when both options expire worthless, but the premium gained from the written options helps to reduce the loss from the premium paid for the purchased options. Bull call spreads are used when a trader has confidence in the direction of an upcoming price change, but not in its intensity.
options trading program Arkansas For example, if a trader sold 2 call options at $40, they would buy one call option at $45 and another at $35 to match the 2 written options sold.
I sell a short-term, two-week insurance policy to a holder of Nike shares to protect his investment at $95 (5% below the current price). If the share price of Nike falls below $95 during this period, he can sell his shares to me at the agreed price of $95. In this example, he has paid me $1 for this insurance. I might then go out and buy a re-insurance policy for $0. 2 and protect myself at $90 (10% below the market). This way, if the share price tanks 20%, then I had to buy the shares at $95. BUT my downside is protected as I can sell out of the same stocks at $90. After the two weeks, if the insurance policies all expire worthless because the Nike share price is still above $95, then I�ve made 80cents ($1 I received initially, minus the $0. 2 I paid for re-insurance). Unlike trading stocks where you need the price to go up to profit, I make money if the stock price rises, stays the same, or goes lower by not too much. If you put on ten such trades, each with a 90% probability of profit, then you can expect nine of them to close profitably with just one being unprofitable. The icing on the cake is that it�s not the end of the story for that one trade that didn�t work out. There�s a lot you can do to �repair� and make it profitable once again. One of the main concepts in trading options is �rolling,� and it�s something I had to learn when the market dropped significantly enough to put most of my trades underwater, just a month into trading. All rolling means is pushing forward the period of the options expiration date further out in time. You achieve this by buying back the options contract you sold and then selling another contract in the same name, further out in time. The beauty is you even earn extra income while doing it. I can best illustrate this with a real trade I recently closed (obviously cherry-picked):On Feb 12th this year, a week before the market started it�s COVID-19 free fall, the SMH Vaneck Semiconductor ETF was trading at $150. I sold a put option for March 6 expiry at $140 and received $100 of premium/income. Of course, the market tanked, and the trade was underwater. I, therefore, kept rolling the trade further out in time until the price recovered.
options trading magazine Arkansas I�d then get lots of orders to sell and would push a different set of buttons.
After the two weeks, if the insurance policies all expire worthless because the Nike share price is still above $95, then I�ve made 80cents ($1 I received initially, minus the $0. 2 I paid for re-insurance). Unlike trading stocks where you need the price to go up to profit, I make money if the stock price rises, stays the same, or goes lower by not too much. If you put on ten such trades, each with a 90% probability of profit, then you can expect nine of them to close profitably with just one being unprofitable. The icing on the cake is that it�s not the end of the story for that one trade that didn�t work out. There�s a lot you can do to �repair� and make it profitable once again. One of the main concepts in trading options is �rolling,� and it�s something I had to learn when the market dropped significantly enough to put most of my trades underwater, just a month into trading. All rolling means is pushing forward the period of the options expiration date further out in time. You achieve this by buying back the options contract you sold and then selling another contract in the same name, further out in time. The beauty is you even earn extra income while doing it. I can best illustrate this with a real trade I recently closed (obviously cherry-picked):On Feb 12th this year, a week before the market started it�s COVID-19 free fall, the SMH Vaneck Semiconductor ETF was trading at $150.
tt options trading Arkansas �I was confused.
For stocks with lower premiums, I�ll buy options with further out expiration dates. The further your expiration date, the more time you have for the stock to move in your direction. There are a variety of risky options trading strategies such as buying an option on its expiration date that can quickly deplete your money. If you want to give the stock additional time to move in your direction, buy a closer to the money option with a further out expiration date. You�ll pay more for it, but the extra time is worth it. For a guide on what to not do with options, check out the article below.
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multsicorn · 6 years
a very very long list of maybe wip’s
Since I'm working on setting up a binder of WIPs for myself - here are all fifty-nine of them.  All are Check Please: mostly Jack/Parse, most of the rest Parse-centric, most of the rest Jack-centric, but a few random other fics too.  Quite a few of these are only ideas, but most (~75-80%, at least) have anywhere between a few hundred and a few thousand words written, and some have considerably more.
Votes or encouragement as to which particular fics I should work on are very much welcome!  And in fact a large part of the point of posting this.  Pleaseee tell meeee what you want to seeeee.
golden haze -  Kent was Jack's first real friend, ever.
crash into me - Jack likes crashing into things.  Kent likes being crashed into.  Checking practice, kind of, Jack/Parse style.
one warm line - Parse wakes Jack up one night in the middle of their Q years, throwing pebbles at his window.  They're going for a ride.
i'm so high - Jack and Kent hook up for the first time at a party when they're smoking weed, when the smallest touches feel like so much.
the beat of the tambourine - Parse picks up a girl for Zimms.  For a threesome.  Before they're together, back in the Q.
closing the guest room door - Alicia walks in on Kent blowing Jack.  It's the first time it's happened, too.  The Zimmermanns hadn't known anything about any of this, but now they do.
beneath the waves - There are two attractions in Rimouski: the Juniors ice hockey team, and a maritime museum.  Jack kind of wants to live on a submarine.
edge of glory - Kent kisses Jack high on adrenaline and the win, feeling unstoppable.  They only have thirty-four days together, but they start out pretty great.
ace kent fucks jack - Kent doesn't care that much about fucking, but he cares too much about Jack.
don't make promises - Kent visits the Zimmermanns after Jack's out of rehab, and Jack scares him even more.
find your lips in the streetlights - Kent and Jack run away from the mounting and dangerous pressure of the Q.  And Jack almost dies from benzo withdrawal; nice move?
what's the multiplier for i love you - Parse has a career-ending injury at seventeen.  He ends up going to Samwell, and starts managing the hockey team there before Jack even shows up.
one skate in front of the other - In which Jack wakes up from his overdose to find out he's still been drafted in absentia.  To the Las Vegas Aces, third round.
different verse same as the first - Jack manages to get through Draft Day successfully.  He ODs about a year later, at his first NHL awards; Parse still finds him in the bathroom.
jackparse goat fic - Kent is outed during Jack's last semester at Samwell.  It's a spark that makes Jack talk to him again: and again, and again, with starts and stops along the way.
bitty's bad bakery - Turning a profit doing something you love is really freaking hard.  Just cause Bitty's good at baking doesn't mean he'll be good at running a bakery; and Jack can only finance it for so long, no longer.  Cue Kent the accountant showing up to help.
max assholes au - In which Jack marries Bitty with Kent's spunk still in his mouth.
we're pining friends - In which Jack and Parse become friends again, and Jack's so not thrilled with Parse's boyfriend.
jackparse valentines - Jack and Parse on Valentine's Day, at eighteen and again at twenty-eight.  Sweet but not too sweet.  Just right.
developing - Jack likes taking pictures of Kent.  Kent is curious about why.
may the bridges i have burned light my way back home - Jack's nearing thirty.  His performance is flagging, his boyfriend broke up with him, and now he's at Kent Parson's thirtieth birthday party, wondering how else his life could've gone.
conference room fuck - You can't put Parson and Zimmerman in a room together.  But if you do, you can't keep them from fucking.
you wouldn't cheat at cards (i would if i could) - Jack continues to cheat on Bitty with Parse throughout the summer after Jack and Bitty come out to the whole wide world.  At the NHL awards, at Parse's summer place in New York, at Jack's birthday.
under the rainbows - After coming out to the whole wide world on live TV in June, Parse comes back to the Aces in September.
tinfoil crowns - A look at the meltdowns of Hockey RPF fandom, as Jack Zimmerman comes out, followed by Kent Parson, followed by Parse and Zimms getting back together, after all!?  How crazy it must be when the tinhatters are right.
letting them see your hands - In which Shitty works through his feelings about Jack cheating on Bitty, and Shitty and Lardo discuss their relationship, too.
waking up to shape the land - When Jack comes to Vegas to play the Aces - and, by the way, see his boyfriend - he's woken up by Kent's nightmare.
functional exes - After Jack cheated on Bitty with Kent, and it all blew up spectacularly; after some damanged friendships were restored.  Jack and Bitty are both there for Shitty's wedding.  Bitty's a pro at keeping things civil; Jack… wants to apologize?
the hockey prince - Jack is a Prince; Kent was his best friend, and his right hand man.  Till Jack disappeared in mysterious circumstances, and Kent may or may not be to blame.
ai romance - Jack is an AI that was always meant to drive a robot.  Parse is, well, a parser.  The part of a computer program that takes in and processes input, before it passes it on to the real heart of the program.  A part which, it turns out, can't work right without its parser after all.
cult au - SMH is a cult house!  That's why everyone there has to always be happy.  Pies make people like you; flip cup is a good fill-in for a hippie ritual; and no wonder Jack cut off everyone he used to know when he joined.
cut the legs off the whales - Jack and Parse were soulmates.  Jack died for three seconds, and now they're both stuck with half a broken bond, with all the luck at hockey - or at life.
you're still my patron saint - Jack's OD is fatal.  Kent's got the biggest chip in the world on his shoulder.  Hockey killed his boyfriend, and he wins the Stanley Cup, and then he comes out, furious.
progress report (i am missing you to death) - AKA 'five times Kent tells Jack "I miss you," and one time he doesn't.'
can you say menange a trois - Zimbits porn featuring dirty talk about the absent Kent Parson, because Bitty's 'Kent parson. Wow.' face reads easily as 'dead from too much hot.'
married in vegas - Jack and Parse get accidentally married after a Falcs/Aces game, cause you've just gotta have the trope when in Vegas.  Starts with Jack still in love with Bitty, not sure where it was supposed to end up.
scalene - Jack and Parse aren't fighting over Bitty.  They're fucking over Bitty.  I mean.
awful threesome - Parse guilts Jack into letting him visit Providence after Jack and Bitty come out, and Parse gets hit with redoubled specuation.  Then he hits on Jack and Bitty, cause why not, and they, surprisingly, take him up on it.  This isn't a good idea for anyone.
butterflies fly away - Kent moves into Vegas.  His sister flies out for a few days to help.
the one that saves me - When he first comes to Vegas, Kent's shit at taking care of himself.  Maybe he can take care of a cat instead.
parswoops in providence - Swoops is standing between Parse and the door to the worst life choices.
two aces in the hole - Parswoops in which Parse and Swoops are both ace (and get together, romantically), cause thinking about a dumb pun accidentally gave me feelings.
parswoops post year three - How can Swoops tell his best friend he likes guys, when said best friend is the only reason he figured it out?  Also, still isn't over his last best friend yet.
parse slash scraps - There's something nice, Parse thinks, about having a friend like Scraps, a friend who thinks you're the smartest, coolest, handsomest guy in every room.
by the scruff - Kent really wants to pick a fight.  Alexei Mashkov won't give it to him.  But… that kind of is a fight, right?
makes no difference who you are - Parse wishes on a star: to talk to Jack again.  Chowder wishes on a start, that same night: to know what it's like to be on an NHL team.  They wake up in each others' bodies, and have to find a way to get back.
a pretty good genie - Shitty is the best genie, okay.  How'd Parse get one of those anyway.
players gonna play - In which Kent Parson bonds with Gus Kenworthy over adorable pet pictues at the Olympics, and then they hook up.
the aces' flyboy - In which Kent tweets a request for a date to the NHL awards, and picks up a local dude who responds.
quiet kid - Who the fuck prescribes benzos to a thirteen-year-old kid, anyway.
what if i ruined your life - Visiting Uncle Mario, in the late 00s, Jack hates Sidney Crosby.  (I can't resist the fourth wall.)
jacklardo - Lardo hooks up with some dork named Jack at her very first college party.  They're better off as friends; he was hot, though.
jackshit - Jack and Shitty hooked up as freshmen.  What else do you want me to say.
tie down the jesses - The newest Falconer needs to learn a lesson.  Needs to learn his place.
dirty boys - You're not supposed to look in the locker room.  Don't bring it onto the team.  Oh, and stay faithful to your boyfriend.  But Jack's always wanted what he can't have.
i like when boys stop by  - A rough fill-in of the conversation that decides Bitty's staying with Jack for the summer that surely must've happened.
how do you make it for real - the zimbits coffeeshop au for fandomtrumpshate that i've been struggling with for over a year now.
and go seek - When Ransom's crush on Alexei Mashkov turns out not to be unrequited, Ransom and Holster are pushed to reevaluate their relationship, too.
bitty in the echl - Being captain of a pretty decent NCAA team gets Bitty a surprise job offer post-graduation from the Worcester Railers.  His relationship with Jack bends and breaks under the stresses of their dual hockey careers, but there's a familiar face in Bitty's new life.  He never thought that he'd see John Johnson again.
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lair-of-books · 4 years
Hola Bookworms! It’s finally Friday and I’m very much looking forward to unplugging this weekend. I took today off from work (this post was scheduled) to get away for a bit since we’ll be experiencing a heat wave in New York City. I’ve got two cute new bathing suits I’m pretty stoked to try out, a new found love for Roscato sweet red wine & Playa Bowls (pictured below). Currently I’m reading Forest Of Souls (Shamanborn #1) by Lori M. Lee (Really enjoying this slower paced world building but then again that’s my thang haha!) and obsessing over John Legend’s new album Bigger Love. July is already proving to be a quality reading month with some 5 star reads. In the month of June I threw myself into reading even more diverse black voices & spent less time blogging. I’m just now getting caught up with reviews but figured I should probably wrap up the month seeing as we’re already in mid-July. Drop some love down below, how are you spending your weekend? reading? watching? writing?
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The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta – ✨4.5 STARS✨ I still stand by my original thoughts on this book, it is one of the MOST raw coming of age stories I’ve ever read. Written in verse, this is the story of Michael who is Jamaican and Greek living in London being raised by his mother. His mother is Greek, a single parent who is very supportive and loving to both Michael and his sister. Growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood & attending a school with mostly white children, Michael faces many challenges being a queer black boy. We follow his journey to finding himself and the freedom he obtains on that journey. I listened to the audiobook on Libro.fm & personally I loved getting the story narrated by the author. I listened in one sitting! ❤
The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon – ✨3 STARS✨After hearing many of my friends in the Book community express their thoughts, I adjusted my expectations on this one. I already had a Book of the Month copy as well as the audiobook from Libro.fm. I loved the friendship aspects of this story where we follow our MC as she meets two other women that happen to be dating the same man she is. An unlikely confrontation leads to a friendship which I enjoyed seeing develop. What I didn’t love so much was the romance seeing as it has the whole undercover angle & that took away from any chemistry I may have felt between the two love interests. I’d still be interested in reading possibly a story arc following the other friends *fingers crossed*
The City Of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty -✨4 STARS✨ (My Review) LOVED the world building & plot! captivating and truly memorable however I didn’t fall in love or grow attached to any of the characters. Sure I had one that stood out but that was iffy too. Character growth is on the page & I do have high hopes for the sequel being a 5 star read.
I Killed Zoe Spanos by Kit Frick – ✨5 STARS✨ (My Review) YA Thrillers! people sleep on them but truly they are something to explore! Kit Frick held me from the very first page & I could only imagine what the experience would’ve been like if I had listened to this in audiobook format since it does have a podcast feel. LOVED the unreliable narrator & the interviews throughout the book with neighbors & friends. Lastly, I’ll say that I did NOT see that ending coming & was left with my jaw hanging smh.
Abbott – ✨4 STARS✨My only wish is that this had more issues but I can’t find any info online as to whether there will be. We follow a Journalist in Detroit who is investigating a series of murders that seem to have a paranormal twist. I was hella intrigued by our MC who is a black bi-sexual divorced woman with a bit of a brooding side she settles into each night with a glass of whiskey.
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson – ✨5 STARS✨ (My Review) My BEST read of the month! One that I will not stop recommending! I listened to the author narrate his own essays in this audiobook via Libro.fm & was absolutely invested start to finish. I said in my review that it felt like I was at the kitchen table with George hearing stories of his youth as if he were a friend. This is how I’ll aways remember my time with this book. The importance of reading stories that feature intersectionality is something I’ll always stress. This is the story of George M. Johnson a young queer black man growing up in America.
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June was a e-book heavy month for me & as I’m still donating books from my shelves I didn’t purchase any physical books. I can tell you now that this is not the case for July smh but at least I have plenty of shelf space to house my new babies. The books down below were all Kindle deals mostly $1.99 at most $3.99, I went click happy because there were so many great titles on sale so here goes…
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For many years I’ve heard Guy Ritchie get much acclaim as a director but for me personally it was seeing this movie that really caught my interest. The minute I saw the cast of characters…Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant I KNEW I had to watch! Initially it was set to be a date night at the movies but Rona put a stop to that & I waited for it to be made available on Fandango Now. We follow McConaughey who is an American expat trying to sell his very profitable Marijuana empire in London. This of course captures the attention of many of his enemies & triggers many attempts to steal his business before he can sell. TONS of action, schemes, and yea even a few laugh out loud moments. Overall a good time!
June was an intense month in the world, i was proud to see many of my bookish friends in the community amplify black voices all throughout. The efforts to bring diverse stories to our shelves continues. i’ve always read diversely with an emphasis on intersectionality but i will be amping that up further on this blog.happy reading <3’s!
Instagram: @LairOfBooks
Twitter: @LairOfBooks
Goodreads: LairOfBook
June 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up Hola Bookworms! It's finally Friday and I'm very much looking forward to unplugging this weekend. I took today off from work…
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dearbagelgirl · 6 years
Dear Bagel Girl
I did a lot today tbh..it was productive until my nap lmao which is bad cause i really need to study
Today in my chicano class, we talked about school shootings like ALL class. I gave my input and stuff and it was interesting and stuff about what people had to say. 
Afterwards, I bought Martha lunch at my work and she loved the nachos i recommended AND I TRIED THE NEW SANDWICH WE’VE BEEN MAKING AND IT IS SO FUCKING BOMB LIKE DAMN FUCK ME THE FUCK UP
Then while we were there, we tried getting our apartment and it didnt work. Like we were really upset so now we’re gonna hope we can manage financially trying to look for our own.
I went to my consultation today. He told me the type of surgery he would want to perform on me and basically told me everything I expected to hear. Im forever going to have two scars on my chest, and honestly, i dont care. I know a lot of trans people hate their scars, which sucks, but idk.. my story will literally be written on my chest. And just, I’m already in love with them not even knowing how they’re going to look. Of course i still hope I scar nicely but i know they’ll never fade and I’m okay with that. He did tell me a lot more complications that can happen and he said he’s only done 6 specifically for transmen and I know forsure 2 of those were done with the technique he’ll do on me, but being in his presence, i trust him. I’m a little more worried about those complications though cause I didnt know some of what he said and im like fuck..He then asked that I schedule an appointment with a ..doctor? but like its like therapy. Basically she’s going to give the okay on the surgery saying that im not going to regret this decision and that im mentally okay. IT SUCKS THOUGH CAUSE I CANT SEE HER UNTIL APRIL 24TH! So forsure, my surgery is most likely going to happen in August.
I guess it gives me more time to save money for everything by the time august comes? He also recommended that I stay overnight instead of going immediately home after surgery. So it looks like im going to be spending the night in the hospital for my first time :0 but im going to explain this all to my doctor when I see her next week for the monthly check up and see what she thinks
--i just checked my midterm grade..LMAO FUCK i really did fail lmao why am i not sad??? lmao fuck i gotta ace this final smh
I picked summer courses. i didnt officially enroll, but I will be taking two classes from June 23-August 3rd ((hopefully)) which is why I have to wait until August :( but it’s cool cause like my surgeon said Im going to need at least 6 weeks for good mobility so ima be out of work :/ I hope they’re okay with me being gone so long. I would only be going to class Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays but I’ll basically be there all day. THE CLASS ON WEDNESDAY IS FROM 3-7:30 PM LIKE FUCK ME? FUCK. I have to take it though if i want to minor in Education.
Then I went to class after my consultation and THEN MADE A DELIVERY AND GOT AN EASY $20 ;) 
Then took a nap and spent like an hour talking to you <3 i really miss you. More than usual today i think. I really wish I could kiss you and you need to go to Europe so I know forsure that there’s no way I can see you even If I wanted to. I know, right now, in the back of my mind I could see you but it would be just really stupid to, but at least I would know like FORSURE i cant during that time.. :( I think we’ve hit that point where we spent more time apart than together if you dont count the interaction we had last week. It’s a sad thought but im not sad. I’m still very much happy, just miss you is all.
I wish i could kiss you. everyday. 
I love you so much beautiful <3
-ya boi
February 28, 2018 ((OH SHIT ITS MARCH TOMORROW))
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mocharoll · 7 years
A tag thing!
Tagged by @dishon-nerd !!! Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3 
1) Drink: Green tea!
2) Phone call: With my mom, about wot I'm getting for lunch! (might as well give detailed answers.!! Hahaha!)
3) Text message: To my mom again
4) Song listened to: CP Violation, if that counts! Having sosososo many Half Life feels these days smH!!
5) Time you cried: OoOh! A week ago when I saw Logan!
6) Dated somebody twice: Not really sure wot this means, but I've never dated anyone twice, if that's what it meanz!
7) Been cheated on: Nope, thank Gawd!
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope!
9) Lost someone special: I lost my grandma when I was 13. Don't know if this counts because I wasn't there to experience it first hand, but my grandparents at my mom's side. Both of them, my granddad was an amazing surgeon and my grandma was pretty much a queen, were so so nice and special and they would have made such great grandparents. They passed away when my mom was 17 and I never got to meet them. Would have been the loveliest thing. I miss them every day! <3
10) Been depressed: I don't remember the last time I was, but it was a long time ago thankfully. Probably around 3 years ago when I started getting medication concerning my mental health- and when it was at it's worst. It wasn't a good time, basically! <3
11) Gotten drunk and puked: A year ago actually, though it was much more extreme than that. Haven't had that much alcohol ever since.
12) Reds!
13) Lilac / violet
14) Fuchsia
15) Made new friends: Definitely!
16) Fallen out of love: Thankfully! It was making me lose my sense of direction and it was more harmful than positive, so I gradually got over it. But again, was it /truly/ love? I don't think so anymore, but I didn't want to leave this empty!
17) Laughed until you cried: Happens once every week thankfully!
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: Hhhh, I did! And it was in fact wrong information they were giving each other too, something they'd overheard and I reckon they had absolutely nothing to do so they began to talk about it when they saw me at the canteen, so I went up to them trying to be as polite as possible- and fixed that information, so that the assfarts could at least do it right! Really proud of that moment!
19) Met someone who changed your life: Ohh definitely!
20) Found out who your true friends are: Learned that a lowng time ago, but I was reminded!
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Actually, yus! It was the first day in 2nd grade though  
22) Facebook friends: Around 100 I think!
23) Pets: A Lab called Chico!
24) Want to change your name: I'm really fond of it, honestly!
25) Did I get for my birthday: A toy microscope, two dresses, an abstract t-shirt, a nice skull ring and skull earrings
26) Time I woke up: 6 am.! Hhhhhh!
27) Were you doing at midnight: Sleepz!
28) Can’t you wait for: whEN Half Life 3 comes one day......!!! Hahahah! Seriously though, when 21st of June finally passes! That's when all my university entrance exams will be over!!
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: A few secs ago!
30) Was something you wish you could change about your life: Definitely how I reacted to distressing situations 3 or 2 years ago- my mind was at a fragile state back then and I've reacted miserably. Wish I could have faced them as my current self. Oh well! <3
31) Are you listening to right now: Nothing, really! Sound of my dog's pants, maybe!? <3
32) Gets on your nerves: My answers are pretty much the same as Josi's, ngl! <3 I hate /especially/ animal cruelty, racists and haters of lgbtq and women rights in general, superficial, uncaring, shallow minded folk.. and assholes in general!
33) Talked to a person named Tom: Ohh! Well it's been at least 4 months since I texted a Tom! Hope he's doing alright! <3
34) Is your most visited website: Either Fallen London or youtube! But I've been on Pinterest a lot as well
35) Elementary school/primary school: A fairly liberal viewed private school with a considerable amount of snobs but really really great people in an even greater number. I love it ngl!
36) High School: Same as above! I'm still there- Iz my last year though!
37) College: To Be Announced.!! Hahahahah! <3
38) Hair colour: Dark brown!
39) Long/short hair: Long-ish right now, but I've always loved short/medium hair!
40) Crush: Always have one! Hhahaha!
41) Do you like about yourself: Hrm! Honestly I've never done something like this! Well, I like how I'm forgiving and able to be positive, passionate about wot I love and how I'm at peace with myself- I love how my heart is open and I love to give affection as much as I love getting it! I like how creative and intellectual I am and how I can fluctuate between super crazy goofy and serious thoughtful attitudes at the right momentz!  
42) Piercings: One on my right ear (cartilage)! Pretty sure it's closed now though
43) Blood type: B rH+ ! <3
44) Nickname: Zeyno (most of the time), Raine or Strong (internet fwiends), Queen (family only! Hahahaha!)
45) Relationship status: Lowng distance!
46) Zodiac: Leoooo!!
47) Pronouns: She/her
48) Favourite show: House
49) Tattoos: None for now!
50) Left or right handed: Leftie!
51) Surgery: None, thank Gawd!
52) Piercings: Ear cartilage, hurt a lot but it was kinda fun ngl!
53) Best friend: A gurl called Özge (since like 2nd grade!)
54) Sport: I do mostly swimming and cardio!
55) Vacation: Italy, Greece and Izmir are my favs!
56) Pair of shoes: My first high heeled black boots!
57) Eating: Nothing
58) Drinking: Air!? Hahahahah!
59) I am about to: Rush to the theatre cause it'll start in like 30 mins hhhhhh!!
60) Listening to: Half Life 2 soundtracks
61) Waiting for: my darn nail polish to dry!
62) Want to see: how the city lights look like in the night!
63) Want to get married: Don't really care!
64) Career: At a gud university's research facility, at WHO (maybeeee!!) or working at labs and samples and wot not for a company as a biologist!  
65) Hugs/kisses: Kisses! Not much of a hugger!
66) Lips/eyes:Oooh! Hm! Eyes get me nervous sometimes, so lipz!
67) Taller/shorter: Really really don't mind! I'm like 170 cm- anything works!
68) Younger/older: Hrm! This one's kind of odd for me!- With gurls I don't have a preference, but with guys, I like an older guy!
69) Romantic/spontaneous: Romantic!
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: As long as the person is nice, I don't really care! I'm really fond of nice stomachs tho!
71) Sensitive/loud: “sensitive, but loud in the right situations” Exactly this!
72) Hookup/relationship: Relationships- I've never liked hookups
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: Hrm! I prefer a gud mix of the two!
74) Kissed a stranger: Not yet.! Hahahah! <3
75) Drank hard liquor: Yus!
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: Thank Gawd I didn't!
77) Turned someone down: Yus
78) Canoodling on a first date: Nope!
79) Broken someone’s heart: Mrm, once I think- because the feelings this one guy had for me wasn't mutual
80) Had your own heart broken: I think so- I'm lowng over it thankfully!
81) Been arrested: Nope!
82) Cried when someone died: A zillion times (be it fictional or real)
83) Fallen for a friend: I have! That's how that lowng distance relationship started!
84) Yourself: Yus!
85) Miracles: Yus!
86) Santa Claus: Not really in the fairytail-ish sense, but as a person in history, I think I do!
87) Kisses on a first date: Ehh, maybe! Depends on how I feel about it!
88) Angels: Ngl, I kınd of do!
89) Love at first sight: Maybe!
90) Best friend’s name: Özge
91) Eye colour: Really dark brown!
92) Favourite movie: Don't have /one/ favourite! But I love V for Vendetta, Some Like It Hot, The Dark Knight, Theory of Everything, Logan, High Society, Gone With The Wind, HP Deathly Hallows part 1 especially, Philadelphia is definitely so up there, Fathers and Daughters, Don't Bother To Knock (amazing Marilyn performance!), Niagara, breakfast at Tiffany's, To Rome With Love, Blue Jasmine, Moonlight (hhh!!), La La Land, Spy Game (saved the best for the last!!!!!)    
I’m tagging: @theearlgrey @dishonored-pendletwin @galadrielkenobi  @imperatorsapphiosa @certified-llama-chauffeur @rubinsammler @bluedarue @stuck-in--the-void @cheesecake-for-dayz @panda-with-problems @zombieparadeimpulses  If you guyz want to do it!!!! <33333
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amfit · 7 years
The Refusal of being fat, this is why you don’t give up: Notes to myself...
I’m back with the focus unlike no other because simply I don’t have a choice now.  I’m entering into a phase of growth in my life, career, and lifestyle where all eyes are on me with a high level of responsibility that is going to change my life for the better.  And I just cannot be fat! I just refuse to be fat! I know the steps I must take and how to lose the weight off super fast I know the strategy of getting it off completely in 3 weeks its very simple.  So Motivation is high and set!  I have so many things lined up from my Vegas trip coming up soon (Yeaa like a vacation but really work,work,work,work@Rihanna), Traveling more often, meetings and presentations being the spokesperson, and one of the leaders in my company all eyes are on me and the pressure is real and inviting and exciting.  I have to look good at all times and look the part and being fat or looking fat is just not a option for me when the camera adds 10 pounds on me.  
So me reminder this is why you have to Workout and lose weight and eat this healthy food even when you don’t want to! 
1. You have a meetings with the hedge honchos in a week and every week!
2. Your stomach and fat legs will look better flat and tone then pudgy in that dress you just bought a size smaller because you wanted to lose weight to fit the dress in time for the meeting! (Yea I know I should not have but I did it)
3. You have even more events to cover, networking, meetings, and networking parties to attend on a weekly and monthly basis’s and first impressions are so key so you can’t slack off not ever!
4. The REGRET! Do you know how many times you have said to yourself at every single event you go to before you arrive in the car or enter the room and/or even said it to your friend or colleague:
“Dang I wish I had kept working out and by this time at this networking or meeting shindig with the hedge honches or get together I would have a flat stomach and nice shape! URGH I”m so mad at myself!!
My thoughts to mysef: Now I have to go in here wearing two girdles and Queen sized Hanes her ways support hose shapers that take forever to pull up over my fat azz and rotund belly and thighs.  They are also super tight and uncomfy taking forever to pull on up or down to use the bathroom. URGH just to make myself look like a presentable glamour doll! Thank God I’m a lil tall because I can hide my fatness with height. smh
and then I have to wear the only dress that makes me look so gorgeous because it has a peplum to cover my non flat or fatty abs URGH!! *tears and laughter.
URGH I”m so mad at myself!! then after the event I say to myself: I gotta do it this time!! It will be different stop the cycle!
I want to look good without the girdle and the hanes!
That’s why You need to eat broccoli and green juice and just about any and everything healthy!
Gotta exercise and do the ab workouts as well. Do 20 a day a least but I need faster results so trying the 100 abs a day for 5 days routine YT gotta video on and the 500 abs a day I want this belly off fast and swift I refuse to go on another day not doing anything when I could have got my belly flat for the summer time OMG April is around the corner my b-day and May, June, Summer time events and I need to be in a small/medium bikini serving my hourglass hottess.  Plus a closet full of small clothes summer time clothes I have been trying to fit since years ago, I’ve been saying I’m going to fit. I got so many summer dresses, mini’s, and maxi’s that are so f-ing gorgeous all in size small and medium I will fit them. 
I had a dream I was fitting one of my favorite orange print dresses that is so beautiful I got it for a steal of a price! 
Thank you Jesus! This dream is a sign I’m going to get the weight off and it’s now as dramatic as I make it to be LOL
So anyway as a reminder and encouragement to myself to me 
Keep going don’t stop eating healthy and working out!
Run the  Elliptical for 30 minutes a day at least do 20 ab crunches and Pilates core strengthening and stretches.
Getting that stomach fat pudger gone! I’m toned all around accept for this awful center pudge of solid fat that just sticks out it must be behind muscle or something.  But it’s annoying a makes me look pregnant, if I’m not wearing two girdles, or an oversize tee, or something to hide that hideous thing! it just shows up lol
Goals  137-140-150 pounds, Waist 19 or 24 inch waist or just plain flat no pudge, Tone hips and thighs No cares for my butt because it was always big even when it wasn’t in style!  I just need to get my hourglass back when it was a tiny waist with a round thing in yo face! lol
My Dream body Goals is Yes is Ms. Suelyn Medeiros I’ve posted to her and she has liked my comments and have been nothing but encouraging, motivating, and supporting me and a big help with keeping my hourglass figure a reality! Thanks girly lol 
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It’s been a week now and I”m seeing results I’m losing the weight I’m just determine to keep it going for the simple fact I gotta meeting and may obligations ahead where all eyes are on me! So I have to do this No matter what!!
I can do this! I’m determine! even when I don’t feel it like say No satan not today or ever! I’m going to do it in Jesus name!!! I’m going to read this everyday or every other day to remind myself why I have to get back on that elliptical and I need to be wearing that bikini for the summer, Ready for my meetings, and TV ready, my everything is on the line here! I won’t give up! I won’t stop!! NO!! it’s just not an option!!
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