#wish me luck with book 3
likeadragonfruit · 2 years
Much like last book, anything that doesn’t get its own dedicated post is going into this brain dump post.
Big Picture
Overall flow
This book was a slog from the jump, mainly because how it ended made the prospect of 14 episodes building to that finale daunting
In retrospect, with the entire season finshed, I can say the first six episodes, despite their flaws are “better.” Even though I had such a difficult time watching those on a consistent basis.
I better understand why the “Beginnings” two parter is such a breath of fresh air on the whole for so many people. Even if it does introduce Vaatu, and with him begin the slide in story quality.
But really, there was a precipitous drop in the last two episodes of the book.
Also remember how I said this show had a cast size management problem? Well here’s where it starts worsening. We drop Tarrlok, Amon and Hiroshi… but keep Korra and the rest of the Krew, Tenzin and his family and Lin. Then add Korra’s family, expand Tenzin’s family with Kya II and Bumi II, plus Varrick…
Korra’s spirituality arc:
I- don’t have much to say here
I thought I would, but I don’t
There’s remarkably little to say
Which is odd for an arc that’s supposed to be about rounding out Korra’s knowledge and understanding of spirits and spirituality 
The big thing that jumps at me is identity, which Tenzin embodied well. Shame more of that didn’t completely trickle down to Korra
Character opinions
Korra: I’m kind of frustrated and underwhelmed, but less with Korra herself and more how her arc has been handled, and going to be handled going forward 
Mako: I came into this season expecting to hate Mako more than I did in book 1, but that didn’t happen. He, his romance subplots not withstanding, was fine. In fact, his police work storyline was a relative bright spot.
Bolin: frustrates me immensely. Had a good moment or two in this season, but at this point I despise how he’s written.
Asami: she has some good moments, but she’s hurt by barely getting anything to do. In a sense, she’s the Krew’s Toph in terms of having no arc
Tenzin: I’m a little stuck for what to say, here. I guess I don’t hate what they did with him? He does bring up the question of how airbending and spirituality work, but that’s another story.
Bumi II: I don’t hate him, but I don’t particularly like him either. 
Kya II: favorite new addition this season. She doesn’t get too much to do, but she more often than not holds the familial brain cell
Lin: poor Lin. She spends most of the season playing disbelieving boss for Mako’s Cassandra storyline. I still love you tho
Tonraq: meh. 
Unalaq: an absolute mess, but could’ve worked with a clearer sense of where they were going
Eska: don’t hate her but don’t care for her either. She did present a contrast for some franchise weirdness, though.
Desna: I was surprised by how much I liked him. Probably helps that he’s not weighed down by a terrible romance subplot like his sister
Varrick: he’s absolutely awful, amoral businessman and thrives in the role of self-interested schemer who helps when it’s to his benefit
sigh yeah, I’m dedicating a section to the messes this time
Even if I wasn’t big on Makorra, the way it’s handled is such a mixed bag. On one hand, when their break up happens mid season, I could see where both of them were coming from. But there are several points of their relationship that feel like they’re written with this air of “women, amirite?” When Mako is having difficulty understanding what Korra wants or needs at the moment
And that’s before getting to the whole amnesia element… 😒
But then I’m not really against or for Masami. They can be cute together, but the way the decided to have them get back together, kinda, felt weird. Then they torpedo that too…
Do I have to comment on Boleska? It was bad, just bad. Made worse by trying to have Bolin get back together with her at the end of the season.
Looking at Varrick and Zhu Li’s dynamic in book 2, and looking forward to the finale, they’re really going to try to pass this off as romance?
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Stray observations
Asami and Bolin are actually a good duo and them hanging out before Bolin got swallowed by his dumb plots for the season was nice
Despite generally not caring for the Beginnings two-parter, I did come to find myself coming around on them. I still didn’t think it was a necessary story but it’s well told for what it is.
Also there’s something about Raava saying “we will be together for all of your lifetimes” that just hits 
In “The Guide,” Tenzin brags about the garden at the Eastern Air Temple being the very one that Aang trained with Guru Pathik in. So that’s apparently public knowledge? Oh okay
Why is Unalaq working for Vaatu?
(No really, why is Unalaq working for Vaatu?!)
Despite all my grievances with Bolin’s handling for the book, there’s something wonderfully poetic about Varrick’s plan unraveling due to that “knucklehead earthbender” he underestimated 
At the end of the season, the level of detail for my notes plummeted. Around “Darkness Falls.” I basically gave up.
But I also find it interesting that there’s the decision at the end of whether or not to leave the spirit portals, when Korra is presented with an opportunity to that no other Avatar was: to stop being the Avatar. But there’s not even a debate there, she just wants to reunite with Raava and try to regain her connection to her past lives.
Mind, the “leave the spirit portals open” idea has a lot of ways that it should backfire
The franchise never going to get to deal with the can of worms that Korra’s successor 10,000 years in the future will have both Raava and Vaatu inside them, will it?
From what time I’ve read, this was the most hellish season of either show to finish. It took from May 2011 for the writing process to begin to November 11, 2013 to finish mixing the final episode, which then aired 11 days later. 
And on a personal note, gathering my thoughts on this season was much harder than with the first.
It’s been like pulling teeth to try say what I wanted to about this
Now onto book 3 😬
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quiddling · 3 months
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i am literally on my HANDS and KNEES for u n. sewell
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stazvlt · 2 years
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The boy in Aviator Jacket
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gender-trash · 9 months
i think i made a post several months ago like "this is the year i finally finish reading the dark forest" --
right, backing up a bit. i bought the three-body problem (paperback) from the mit coop at the beginning of campus preview weekend 2016 and hauled it around campus everywhere in my silly little blue messenger bag i thought would Finally make me Look Cool[^1], but unfortunately it happened to rain a lot that weekend and my cheap shitty messenger bag was NOT waterproofed so not only did the book get wet and wrinkly and need to be squarshed flat again, the fore-edge is to this day stained with blue dye. but i read it and loved it and then bought the dark forest (paperback) at the coop as my Post-Finals Book Treatsie sometime in freshman year, and proceeded to NOT read it until i'd well and truly forgotten what happened in book 1. at which point i was like "hm i'd better reread three-body problem! guess i'll start that on the plane home"
longtime followers may remember the events of summer 2017, which i shan't recapitulate here; suffice it to say i didn't get a lot of reading done outside of the absolute baseline comfort rereading-every-diana-wynne-jones-book-for-the-twentieth-time, and shortly before my surgery this year i pulled three-body problem off my shelf and realized that 1) there was a bookmark 1/4 of the way through it 2) it was my fucking boarding pass from my may 2017 flight home, which really carbon-dates the last time i touched it. ANYWAY i finished it, went "cool! i will definitely read dark forest immediately!" and then......... read the first fiftyish pages and stopped, leaving it to languish on the pile AGAIN
BUT TODAY I FINISHED READING IT FOR REAL and now i have that good good scifi book hangover where i'm just kind of. staring at the wall thinking about it. might fuck around and blorbify luo ji and/or zhang beihai idk
[^1]: with time i've accepted that i'm never going to look cool, except maybe to a highly specific audience that can appreciate my rare vintage robotics startup t-shirts, and also that this particular bag was definitely not large enough for how bad i always overpack
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didn't think i would spend my post-university days binge reading danmei but here we are
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princessofxianle · 2 years
The amount of happiness I get just by looking at tgcf content is unreal like I'll just look at a snip of XL from the manhua itself...
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...and im just like 😇😇😇 for the rest of the day because I LOVE HIM
But you add HC to the mix...
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...and I think I might OD on dopamine cause brain.exe has stopped working
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buttertheflame · 18 days
They say that fanfiction is all stanning. But has anyone stanned the source material to the point of getting distracted from writing fanfiction?
You know what I mean, bookworms? Just to give you a window into my oscillating thoughts: If my guy Jon Snow has returned to the Wall post-ADWD with his betrothed Daenerys Targaryen, yeah I'm gonna stan what came before and make shit up like crazy. The struggle is real! I love the romance of these ‘soulmates’ but I also love everything that makes asoiaf what it is. (Within reason.)
If I stan too much, I write slow-going passages like this:
Jon’s heart felt full as he left her side, his mind brimming with thoughts of their eventful morning so far.  My love, where do we go from here? He knew where he was going, at the least. He would find Samwell in the Flint Barracks. In the three days they’d been at Castle Black, both men had yet to break from meetings to tend to personal interactions. With the increasing days among the Watch, it became more strange to think of himself and Sam as former members of the order. He’d expected the feeling even before they’d left Winterfell, yet as he walked across the courtyard and felt the gazes of a few dozen black brothers upon his back, it shook him all the same. 
Yet another feeling warred within Jon Snow. On the right step he’d sense the men. On the left step he’d sense Daenerys. Her attention and love thrilled him, as like it had only one other time. On Dragonstone. Their home.
But if I hold back on the stanning, I write meatier passages like this:
It was hard to say if anyone took offense enough to the executioner’s blade hanging above them, for as often as the Northern lords, free folk and warriors large and small came up to the dais to present themselves, did the displays of fealty reassure her of Jon's leadership. Strikingly, the free folk never kneeled, but they did offer gifts, the most sobering of which were a pair of bearskin boots given to Queen Daenerys by a group of spearwives.  
She took them graciously and wondered if the wise men would believe the gesture had given King Jon’s uncertain frown a rosy flush. That he was charmed enough to tell her a tale of the hunter who’d fashioned them was welcomed with her whole heart. As she listened to him describe the father of two who fell to the Others at the event many had come to call the Passing Through the Ice, she wondered if the scribes of history would tell of this pair, the last he ever made. And as Jon sort of sat and looked at her for a long time, she wondered if they would believe she was hopelessly lost for him, as well.
So it's coming! If anyone has read "A Long Way Home" and is waiting for the next fic in the series, I'd like to get Chapter 1 up before House of the Dragon comes out in June. (Because of the competition, you see, from their very same Team Black forebearers.) That's the goal, anyway!
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stoertebeker · 4 months
Yeah the La sociedad de la nieve movie is insanely good but now that I'm finally reading the book. I'm experiencing emotions previously unknown to man
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bvnnyblood · 1 year
my sweet little sister is going through her first breakup and oh my goodness i had no idea that the human body could produce this much tears and rage dear god
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laczki · 5 months
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downloading an ebook of the riverside chaucer to my ipad because the physical copy is simply better suited to its current job as a doorstop
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90selderichhorror · 1 year
Wish me luck guys I'm visiting family I haven't seen in 3 years, mentally preparing myself for shitty politics and constant questions about how college is going
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cerbreus · 1 year
like, it’s not final til it’s finalized and i’m in the chair getting it done lbr, but i just heard back from one of the artists i put an inquiry in for my sleeve and she’s interested! :’) genuinely so excited to get it started, even if it’s quite a few months off.
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mikecrewsteacup · 1 year
i am finally ALMOST in the last week of my semester, so i can finally get back to all my hobbies that require brainpower in 7-8 business days..... well in that + some recovery time
i have unresponded-to messages and memes and tagged things that i genuinely cannot wait to get back to, but they're all probably going to wait until after i've hit "submit" on my last final bc boy has this past academic year been a rough one
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likeadragonfruit · 1 year
I’m surprised that I don’t have as much to go over in separate posts this time. So it’s roundup/brain dump time for book 3. Also yeah it’s been a few months haha 😅
Big Picture
Overall flow
This is the best season so far. I’ve even seen people say this is better than ATLA, and I don’t know that I’d go that far, but this is probably the most watchable it’s been so far. (And watchability isn’t damning with faint praise, Law and Order built an empire on being watchable.)
It does a decent job picking things up from the previous season and moving forward from there, especially considering how much book 2 looked like it was setting up a series finale.
But that cast size problem? Getting worse. We’re now up to Korra and the rest of Krew, Tenzin and his family (including his siblings still), Lin, Korra’s family (minus Unalaq), and adding in Lin’s family, airbenders (most prominently Kai) and the Red Lotus members
Also, the trend of breaking Korra in some way at the end of each season  continues, expect this is the one without a hasty recovery
Korra and the airbenders
It’s the event that shapes the whole season: new airbenders emerging post-harmonic convergence
And it’s ambiguous exactly what happened but Tenzin (acting as an authorial mouthpiece) attributes it to Korra
So the point is consequences? She (supposedly) created a bunch of airbenders but also kickstarted the Red Lotus plot via Zaheer’s escape
Which later almost kills her, except for the other airbenders who prevent Zaheer from escaping
Anyway, the way this plot is introduced initially bothered me a lot, but since it’s what the season revolves around, I kind of had to deal with it regardless.
The politics of moderation reign once more
“(Bad) monarchs are bad, but so is anarchy” is a take I suppose
It’s kind of weak with the Red Lotus being more straw man anarchists than anything
Character opinions
Korra: I’m actually a little bothered by how little I have to say about her currently.
Mako: as said previously, I didn’t hate him and he’s even better now that they’ve freed him from the love triangle. But they’ve also been quarantining him with Bolin.
Bolin: oh Bolin, you’d be so good if you were good. He’s more tolerable this season at moments, and so obnoxious at others still. (Yes I’m ignoring last season.) Ultimately I still landed on not liking him.
Asami: she still isn’t getting storylines, but she’s basically the best supporting player there is. She works well with any character you pair her off with.
Tenzin: pass
Jinora: pass
Kya: oh you get to do so little this season, but I still love you.
Bumi: was alright this season.
Kai: a pretty classic jerk with heart of gold, but the classics are classics because they work.
Hou Ting: pass
Lin: I was actually a bit conflicted because the whole “being forced to interact with Suyin” thing during her mini arc was not a good look on her.
Suyin: so for her all her faults, I actually kinda like her, and it’s hard to explain. The best way I can think of is she scratches the part of my brain that’s a fan of Gon Freeces. And put in a way comprehensible to non-HxH fans, it’s that her selfish and hypocrisy reminds me of other characters where those flaws were critical to their arcs, even though I already know this series will never call Suyin on it, really.
Opal: the only of Suyin’s kids worth mentioning this season. 
Zaheer: he gets talks up a lot as he franchise’s best villain but meh. 
Ghazan: I want to come up with more, but basically I like him, for the little we get
Ming-Hua: see Ghazan
P’li: better than the last combustion bender we got. But most of the positive things I could say are either design or action related. She just got so little to do character wise compared to the rest. 
yeah, still keeping this section
Korrasami: well they’ve spent more time together this season. As far as build up, umm…
Jinora/Kai: they’re cute, puppy love
Zaheer/P’li: meh
Bopal: love/hate relationship here. Sometimes I’m just like, “ugh, no, run Opal.” Others, it scratches that “aww dorks in love” part of my brain. But ultimately “girl, run” is winning. (You can do better, Opal!)
Stray observations
This season, having been ordered at the same time as season 4 is clearly setting up things that will come back in the next season. Are they the best use of these connections? Umm…
It’s odd seeing Kuvira this season as a dancer in her (background) introduction and for the rest of the season as the guard captain Lin and Suyin bark orders at, save her saving Tonraq’s life. It’s also a shame since so much more could be done with her and better set up the next season
Why is spirit projection an airbender technique? Because Jinora is an airbender, therefore it must be a form of airbending somehow?
You know, I actually really like the Mako detective moments. While I wouldn’t say I’d like a spin off, an au fic would work
If I had a nickel for every time a villain threatened to or tried to wipe out the airbenders/airbending, I’d have three nickels…
In the “Enter the Void,” Grey’s Ming-Hua starts slipping more into her Azula voice
Okay fuck Bolin for this moment
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8 years later and I still vibe with Ghazan’s death over prison attitude
It’s been a very different experience watching book 3 like this, even more so than book 1 and 2. 8 years ago, I was watching books 3 and 4 during a stressful time in my life and didn’t necessarily mind all the details then
And with that, we’re in the homestretch. Just book 4 left now…
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rustinged · 1 year
wishes for myself are: wake up and not immediately go on my phone. in the mornings, I’d like to read, go for a walk and have a small breakfast. I’m already at 1/3 with having breakfast
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