#witch beam
prokopetz · 2 years
Not gonna lie, Witch Beam going from Assault Android Cactus to Unpacking, then scarcely half a year later Ben Esposito going from Donut County to Neon White has gotta be one of the weirder cases of equivalent exchange I’ve ever seen.
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tiny-design · 8 months
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The level of detail and minute arrangement the player can perform during Unpacking allows for an incredible degree of player expression, all while still maintaining limits on what they can and can't do. While some objects will fit more easily into certain places, the freedom provided to the player in terms of how they want to arrange their living space, down to the specific rotation of many of the trinkets and objects therein, makes this feel like a legitimate homemaking endeavor.
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whatsuphoneybee · 2 months
girls don’t want Unpacking 2
girls want the unpacking dev team Witch Beam to developed an rpg maker-esque game engine to let them make their own unpacking levels
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cajuinadepixel · 10 months
Unpacking: conheça o jogo
Imagem: Witch Beam Para começar, Unpacking é um jogo casual no qual você organiza o conteúdo de sua nova casa desempacotando caixas. Colocar as peças onde elas pertencem e absorver o ambiente é como relaxar com um quebra-cabeça. Você faz seleções perspicazes sobre o armazenamento de itens individuais e investiga as histórias de fundo de seus proprietários. A história é contada de maneira não…
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maepolzine · 1 year
Unpacking: A Story Through Moving
Sharing my thoughts on the Indie, cozy game: Unpacking. A game where you are helping a character settle into their new place after major life events.
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fridge-reviews · 1 year
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Unpacking - Blast Review
Developer: Witch Beam Rrp: £15.49 (Gog.com, Humblebundle and Steam)
Unpacking is one of the growing number of 'cosy' games I've been seeing appear within the indie sphere. So what does cosy mean when it comes to a video game? I've taken it to mean a game with little to no stakes, one that is more about a general feeling, something with low stress and generally a cute and comforting aesthetic. In that regard this game definitely fits that bill, its a wonderful little experience.
What makes this game so interesting is that it manages to tell you the general direction of an individuals life just though what you unpack after each move and where they go. You follow this person from their childhood bedroom into university and beyond, each time unpacking their boxes and seeing what items survive the move. You'll start to see items that always come with you, some that only last a single move and a few that change their state over time.
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Each time you finish unpacking any items that are out of place will be given a red outline (unless you tick the 'put anything anywhere' box in the options menu). Once you've gotten everything where it should be you can move on to the next stage of this persons life.
This game was great, I never thought I'd grow attached to a set of virtual stuffed toys and see the emotional significance of a Gameboy. But that's the beauty of this game, you can't help but wonder where their life is leading and how it'll turn out.
It's a rather short game, if that sort of thing matters to you, but I found it to be one well worth experiencing.
If you’d like to support me I've just started a Ko-fi, the reviews will continue to be posted donation or not.
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lostplay · 1 year
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Game 44: Unpacking If you've never moved before, I don't think Unpacking will resonate with you as much. It's not even a matter of the game not being impactful so much as it's nostalgia that Unpacking can only hit if you have been through the process of moving your life into a new place. Unpacking is, of course, a game entirely about moving from place to place over the years as we watch a femme someone move, and see their interests grow and needs change. It's a mixture of your own personal feelings, subtle storytelling, and visual placement that all works together to make your own experience with it. Unpacking is a simple concept of a game, as you literally are just unpacking everything, and figuring out where things go. From time to time you can find different items in boxes where they don't belong recurring items that keep showing up, and expanded interest in the characters desires. It really is a neat and novel game that works as a psuedo puzzler, as figuring out where to put everything in your house can often be. What makes Unpacking more captivating however is that you are following a single person throughout the years, and watching them grow. In a way this can be a trip for those that moved to college or moved in together with someone, and that's kind of the magic of Unpacking. While you are helping this person unpack, you can also be called back to the times you had your first move or dorm or apartment. It's simply being able to relive the excitement, and troubles of starting over again. Visually the game looks pleasing using a pixel like artstyle, and the music is usually just some beeps and boops that can be relaxing. Honestly though, looking at Unpacking as strictly a game, it doesn't have a lot going for it. When you start to not think of Unpacking like a game, that's where I feel the game thrives the most. The enjoyment really is on the player, and their own experiences with moving, and for a lot of people being reminded of a fresh start is all it can really take to uplift your spirits.
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Game 201 - Unpacking by Witch Beam
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What did I think it was at first? I think I read about this in a Polygon article. I love a physical space puzzle game like Tetris, so I was excited to tackle this one!
How was the character creator? There isn't one - you're just a Sims-esque hand over the world unpacking objects. There are quite a few accessibility options in the game, though, which is nice!
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How was the game? Unpacking is a storytelling puzzle game with little to no dialogue. You learn the story of the game by unpacking items into the protagonist's home as she moves through her life. You put away belongings in her childhood, room, college apartment, and a few other places. All of the storytelling through what she chooses to keep and what she gets rid of is really fun - and it's exciting to take out an item from her moving boxes and infer what happened to her during that period of time.
You have a lot of freedom to decorate the home as you see fit, but the game will remind you that things like dishes don't go in your bathroom. The main mechanic is that you have to fit everything into the house. It's definitely a little tricky, but it's fun to artistically arrange the home.
There's a really heartwarming twist toward the end that gave me major warm fuzzies.
What did I not love? I really liked how some items were introduced as representatives of the characters' culture, however, it wasn't always clear to tell what those items are! There were also some cases where I got stuck thinking a towel was a blanket or a rolled-up poster was plastic wrap. I think an item log like the one in Katamari Damacy or Wattam would help clear this up as well as provide more insight into the characters' lives.
I really like that this game is untimed, but the music loops were too short and got really repetitive.
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At 3.1 hours and $15.99, was it really worth it? It's tricky, because I just played Transistor - which was a great game, took about the same amount of time, and I was disappointed because it wasn't longer. This is also a great game, and it took the same amount of time - I think the higher price tag here is justified? I think this game is worth it partially because of the replay value. I think this is something I'll come back to replay and enjoy a few more times.
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rx-05-29 · 10 months
Once witch from mercury is in super robots wars, the least they can do is have the marriage acknowledged by the cast of all series involved one by one, and have the wedding officiated by Koji Kabuto inside the Mazinger Z.
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austinramsaygames · 11 months
If you've been enjoying Gundam: Witch From Mercury and want a TTRPG that lets you have high school shenanigans AND mech battles, you should check out Beam Saber: The Growing Conflict! This Beam Saber supplement includes the Academy squad playbook where you play students! Here's a small sample of the playbook!
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leafy-m · 7 months
I'm sad the English translation didn't catch this parallel, but something really cute about Witch Hat Kitchen volume 1 is that it starts off with Qifrey exclaiming to himself/the reader that "the adult's fun starts now!" and then later in chapter 10 Olruggio repeats the exact phrase back to Qifrey, and even poses in a similar way:
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Look at them! Olruggio wasn't even in the room when Qifrey said that in chapter 1! They're both such dorks, I love 'em
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bluejay-makes · 6 months
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Pearl of Pride 💗🐬🦄
Amaranth Credence, for the Principality of Golden Liberty
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sco07ut · 1 year
furry au thomas thorne accidentally shoots a human out of the sky in his duel pass it on
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deazmonius · 10 months
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Latest model Gundam Arial from the Witch from Mercury(WFM), the Primary hero unit piloted by Suletta. For those who have not watched the show I highly recommend commend it. Having watched all the other Gundam series this one has definitely earned a top spot IMO. The story is one of the best and not like every other one. The character development is excellent, the music and animation is top notch. We can’t forget the mechs each one unique and wonderfully designed.
That said this model is the Full Mechanics(FM) 1/100 scale model and it was an absolute joy to build. With a nice fairly simple build that was on a touch more complex then a High Grade(HG) but not quite the complexity of a Master grade (MG) build. The color separation and details are excellent. Not to mention it can pose up a storm with little to nothing getting in the way of mobility. With the way this unit built out I am really looking forward to another FM model in the line, I would love to see more WFM mobile suits get the 1/100 scale treatment. Case if they ended up being half as good as this kit this would still be awesome. If you’re thinking of giving Gunpla a try this kit will not disappoint, even if it is the only kit you decide to get.
On a side note this is also the first time I have ever used water slide decals. They where quite time consuming to do but I gotta say they really take the model to a whole other level. I think I will be doing them more going forward.
For those following I will be working on other Witch from Mercury units, it likely won’t be a full spread of the MS cast but it will be a good number of them.
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mytimefortalk · 2 months
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overthemoonminerals · 2 months
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Calcite from the Elmwood Mine in Carthage, Tennessee
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