#wolfgang mozart
magismol-v · 8 months
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Ghost smooches :)
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princeloww · 6 months
OK but imagine THEM as Mozart (Michael Sheen) and Salieri (David Tennant) . In Amadeus .
I would go insane over them.
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rentaldarling · 8 months
if you play music while we fuck, i will sing along
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potato-practice · 7 months
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Mozart l'opera Rock
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hobartshopping · 1 year
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i heart aneurin's mozart's eyes
i seriously cant get this scene out my head, he lives there rent free
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Hiiii, sorry to bug you but can you do a Mozart x f reader angst where MC has pretty low self esteem, but has SUPER bad coping mechanisms and Mozart tries to get MC help but she's very stubborn about not getting it, kinda like Tracy and Mel in thirteen. (if you've seen it ofc) Have a great rest of your day/night😁
I have not seen Thirteen (Reasons Why)! But it is on my watch list ^_^ I have to carefully measure out how much drama and angst I take in or it will eat up my writing! Approx. 1100 words of hurt, self harm, and comfort.
Mozart saw the changes in her as if he were reading notes on a page. The self-deprecating twist to her lips, the way she began avoiding everyone when she wasn’t working. Avoiding him. At first, he tried to pretend not to care. When she brought him his meals in the music room, he gave her exactly what she gave him.
They sparred with cruel words and cold looks, and every encounter left Mozart’s heart bruised. He did not understand what he’d done wrong. They’d been growing close - close enough that he held her hand. Shared a glass of wine. Told each other secrets never shared with another. And then after one recital at a noble estate, she’d gone dark on him. Dark and distant as a new moon. 
He remembered the night, if only because he’d found her in the gardens, crying. And she wouldn’t say why. He’d been surprised at her reticence then. Now, he felt it was the first shiver of this shift into a woman he felt he barely knew. There were only sparse moments, unguarded, when he could see his darling looking out her hooded eyes. 
Mozart wanted more than anything to bridge the gap between them. To understand why she was so angry, and what pain lay under that rage. He made a plan, as carefully as he drafted his compositions. The chorus was simple - ask and learn what lurked in her shadowed heart. But the melody . . . what note to begin? What key? What tempo?
He waited until she was in her room one evening, and fetched a few of her favorite things. Tea with a dollop of honey. Ginger cookies. A strawberry candy. Then he made his way there, tray in hand. Mozart considered knocking, but she might tell him to go away. That would ruin the whole plan. So he quietly opened the door, thankful it was unlocked. 
The sight within froze him midstep. She sat crosslegged on the floor in front of a candle. Her forearm was held above the hungry flame, blistering her flesh in a scarlet welt. Worse was her expression. Pained, of course, because the fire burned. But satisfied. As if she deserved what she gave herself. And disgust, a hatred for her own weakness.
Mozart recognized it, because he felt something akin to it as well. In his endless disappointments, his pathetic fears, his failures. He dropped the tray and lurched toward her, unsure what he would do but feeling he must do something. The door swung shut behind him, the tea spilled across the carpet, and the treats scattered over the floor.
She looked up, her face going slack with surprise. “What-” Her words cut short as he extinguished the candle and kicked it out of the way. Despite his smallish frame, Mozart had the strength of a vampire. And he used it now to haul her to her feet and into his arms. 
He did not realize he was crying. Nor did he see her face crumple at this sudden, unexpected embrace. “What are you doing, meine liebe? Your arm!” He gently touched the length of it, running his fingertips over half-healed burns and the scabs of old cuts. 
His words seemed to remind her that she should be angry at his invasion. She struggled to push him away, slapping at his chest and hands. “Let me go! What the fuck, Wolf?”
“No,” he replied, his voice soft but full of an inner steel. 
She slapped him. Hard. For a moment, Mozart saw white, nothing but an explosion of pain as his jaw slipped out of true, straining the tendons and ligaments in his neck and face. If he were a normal man, it would have broken. He’d have a bruise. But his flesh set to repairing itself almost as soon as the injury took place. 
He did not let go. “Meine engel, stop fighting me. Tell me what this is? What have you done? Why . . .” He jerked her arm straight, displaying the injuries for them both. 
“Why do you care,” she spat. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes, hot and angry. She pushed against him again. “Just - just let go, damn it! Get out!” The last word was more a howl than language, the sound of a soul in agony. 
Mozart could no more let go than he could cut off his own arm. He pulled her close instead, enduring the scrape of her sharp little nails, the hardness of her elbows and knees. She fought him with everything she had, until she exhausted herself and there were only tears left. 
When she collapsed against him in defeat, he held her. Silent but for her crying. What could he say? He did not know what words could set this right. Could not understand what drove her to this - this mutilation of her precious flesh. The harm to her body and soul, both of which he had come to love so much. 
“Just leave.” Her voice shook, tired and full to the brim with emotion. 
“I won’t. I can’t.” He pressed his forehead to her cheek, frustrated.
“Why not? Wh-why?” 
Mozart swallowed his own pride, his fear of rejection, and replied. “I love you. You are so - so very precious to me.” He kissed her cheek. The line of her jaw. The crook of her neck. “I love you so much I am mad with it. I’ve missed you so, these last weeks.”
“You don’t.” She turned her face from him. “You - you love music. I’m just . . . stupid. Useless. Pathetic.” Her hands clenched, white-knuckled, driving her nails into her palms. 
He lifted the fist to his lips and kissed each finger, slowly prying them loose until he could see her palm. Scored with little angry red crescents. He kissed those too. “You are none of those things. You are so strong, to come here and make a life for yourself. Far from everything you know. So smart, to learn so many new skills . . . my sweet. Meine liebling. Meine perle.”  
She gave a snort of disgust, pain still bright in her eyes. “I distract you. You’re b-better off -”
Mozart put a finger to her lips. “No. Never. I did not realize I was missing something, until you.”
Her eyes searched his face, hope and uncertainty wedded in that gaze. After a long silent moment, she laid her head on his shoulder and clung to him. 
There was nothing for him to do but hold her, and so he did. He sat with her on his lap, stroking her back in careful circles. He spoke too, words of love, endearments from his heart. Things he had never been able to speak until this night, until he realized how close he’d come to losing her to herself.
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7thevilex · 11 months
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starfishies123 · 1 year
Ludwig is in crisis as he faces his declining ability to hear music, voices - sound.
Wolfie struggles to navigate this difficult challenge
Thomas sees an opportunity
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keo6232 · 2 years
Can't believe this hasn't been done yet
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magismol-v · 1 year
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cbjustmusic · 2 years
The #1 song 50 years ago was Neil Diamond’s “Song Sung Blue” which was inspired by the second movement of Mozart's Piano Concerto #21. ___________________________ Song Sung Blue Songwriter: Neil Diamond
Song sung blue, everybody knows one Song sung blue, every garden grows one
Me and you are subject to The blues now and then But when you take the blues And make a song You sing 'em out again You sing 'em out again
Song sung blue, weeping like a willow Song sung blue, sleeping on my pillow Funny thing, But you can sing it with a cry in your voice And before you know it get to feeling good You simply got no choice
Me and you are subject to The blues now and then But when you take the blues And make a song You sing 'em out again
Song sung blue, weeping like a willow Song sung blue, sleeping on my pillow Funny thing, But you can sing it with a cry in your voice And before you know it start to feeling good You simply got no choice
Song sung blue Song sung blue Funny thing, But you can sing it with a cry in your voice
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tylerpendragon · 2 years
Now don't be afraid just relax, and take it real slow
Cool it, baby, you ain't got no place to go
Just put your arms around me real tight
Enjoy yourself, baby, don't fight
All you gotta do is just let yourself go
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Let yourself go by Elvis Presley
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jimtkirkent · 1 year
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Wolfgang Mozart aesthetic collage by me
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ikeromantic · 7 months
Wolfgang Mozart Masterlist
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Arpeggio - Mozart gets a spanking, features an OC, spicy
Connection - a Thirteen Reasons Why inspired Mozart, angst
Wolfgang Mozart - Naughty - Quiet Night
Mozart - Water, Calliope - harmony, and Rowan - travel
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7thevilex · 11 months
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do u love him like i do
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starfishies123 · 1 year
Happiest of birthdays @hannahsbackroom 🥳🥳🥳
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