#world of warcraft fanfiction
celenacallaghan · 2 months
Hello all. So, I have some news to impart along with this latest chapter.
"Toward the Dawn" is going on indefinite hiatus.
I'm not abandoning Izzy's story. Not at all. I love Izzy, as much as I love Desi, Kav, and all the other OCs I've made. And of course, I still love the canon characters and the world of Azeroth itself. It's just....things happened over the past couple of years. Things that left me "creatively injured."
Think of it like breaking a hip (or ankle or wrist or whatnot.) Instead of getting PT and staying off my feet, I've gone right back to forcing myself into training for a marathon. It's sucked all the joy outta something i love, and it has for a long time. My productivity has tanked and I do everything to avoid writing. So now, I'm forcing myself to treat the injury before it becomes permanent.
Thank you all for reading and commenting, leaving kudos, and following along on Izzy's journey. It's been a wonderful few years and hopefully, someday, there'll be more years to come ^^ Stay safe and sane, everyone.
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ladymischievous · 2 months
A Twist of Fate: An AU Khadgar and Medivh Fanfic
Not an update, will do so eventually just currently stuck. Just posting for some fun and comfort given some of the Khadgar stuff I've been seeing floating around. Title: A Twist of Fate Rating: PG-13 Pairing: RavenTrust (Eventually, don't like? Then don't read), Slowburn Type: Alternate Universe/Alternate Timeline, A version of the setting and characters based off of parts of the MMO, The book 'The Last Guardian', the Warcraft Movie, and Hearthstone's 'One Night in Karazhan', with some original ideas. Sounds like a mess, but this has honestly been a lot of fun. Warnings: Mentions of past abuse and manipulations from institutes of power and personal connections, eventual moments of horror/psychological horror. Medivh's moods. Medivh and Khadgar clash occasionally. Friendship and eventual romance is a slow burn.
A Twist of Fate can be found on AO3.
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wolfandwild · 1 year
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Summary: Azeroth has recently enjoyed a period of relative peace, with the  Alliance and the Horde having put aside their differences to forge new  bonds and look towards a brighter future. But dark storm clouds are  already beginning to gather on the horizon. Despite Archmage Khadgar’s  best efforts, the treacherous Gul'dan remains elusive. A mysterious cult  of warlocks emerges in the Eastern Kingdoms. Doomsayers start to sing  portents of the end of the world… and closer to home, High King Varian  Wrynn and his Queen, Auriana, must face challenges of a far more  personal nature…
Chapter Eleven now updated.
Archive Of Our Own
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mothervvoid · 8 months
1/1ch | 1.2k wc
Diane tells a ghost story.
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newtthetranswriter · 5 months
If you saw the now deleted posts about a Kalecgos fanfiction I made do not worry I am actually working on one. It's not my original idea but a better one I had last night. I just have to figure out how to start it without it sounding like I'm writing an essay about W.o.W.
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(( I went back and fixed up the color. I’m liking this a lot better ))
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luuntears · 6 months
Chapter Four has been posted! For those who are interested in reading, I have a WoW AU fanfic featuring my OC/The Slayer going back in time to Argus. It's a very slow updating process, so chapters will be posted at inconsistent times.
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knightphobeus · 8 months
"...I'm so glad you're back."
Varian smiles at the woman - his sister, Adariall Wrynn. Nearby, a man about their age and a young man, slightly older than Anduin, waits nearby with a hidden incense censor.
"I wrestle with my anger every day..."
Jaina looks wistfully out a window as she speaks to Rubeus, who watches with a curious and concerned look to his red eyes, seeming to think on some half-remembered memory.
"To say we must be neutral and not remember those that created chaos..."
The white-haired former leader of the Black Moon laughs as he holds the two Silver Crystals. Kel'thuzad rises as a Lich, moving to stand next to the Dreadknight Arthas. Aethas Sunreaver laughs in his mania, the brightness around him not hiding his madness.
"...is to become hypocritical in our own way."
The four stand as Sapphire speaks, then they all smile in agreement.
"Wild Wind Blows"
A man and troll sit on a mountaintop, looking out upon the land. As the sky grows dark while they head back down the mountain, there is a sudden flash of light, and a star disappears from the sky.
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celenacallaghan · 1 year
As the Horde and Alliance prepare to march on the Wrathgate, Izzy is determined to foster the bare amount of cooperation between the two factions. An unexpected visitor doesn't change her plans until they meet face to face. A missive to Sylvanas Windrunner leads the Banshee Queen to a terrible choice: her people or her priestess?
This chapter was a bear to write, but I did it anyway, haha. I even accomplished my goal of posting before the end of the month! Thank you all for your patience, stay safe and sane, and I’ll see you next time.
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mannatea · 8 months
Lost, a World of Warcraft fanfic
Words: 1,034 words Summary: A direct approach had not granted them victory; it had cost them the lives of their friends and comrades-in-arms. Pairing/Character: Lieutenant Tomathren & Ranger Valanna (Ghostland Blood Elf NPCs from this quest chain) Extra Info: This was originally written and posted on April 6, 2010. Rating: T for PTSD/trauma Genre: Gen, Friendship, themes of loyalty and devotion, caretaking
I managed to fit all my notes on AO3 this time!
This isn't my favorite quest in the game (that honor goes to "Into the Dream") but, like many quests in this game, it has staying power. It's been living rent-free in my mind since 2007.
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wolfandwild · 1 year
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Summary: Azeroth has recently enjoyed a period of relative peace, with the  Alliance and the Horde having put aside their differences to forge new  bonds and look towards a brighter future. But dark storm clouds are  already beginning to gather on the horizon. Despite Archmage Khadgar’s  best efforts, the treacherous Gul'dan remains elusive. A mysterious cult  of warlocks emerges in the Eastern Kingdoms. Doomsayers start to sing  portents of the end of the world… and closer to home, High King Varian  Wrynn and his Queen, Auriana, must face challenges of a far more  personal nature…
Chapter Ten now updated.
Archive Of Our Own
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ladymischievous · 9 months
A Twist of Fate Chapter 7: The Masks We Wear
Posting this again. Currently taking a break to recharge but I'm really proud of how chapters 6 & 7 turned out. Still in the sketching phase for chapter 8. It's going to take a while to write down but I hope you will enjoy the story so far.
-Snippet for Chapter 7-
Northshire Abbey was one of the most peaceful places Khadgar had ever stayed at. Which made it all the more unsettling to him. There was no doubt that the abbey was beautiful, it had the feel and charm as many old places did. The building stood tall and proud, made of stone that was carved into ornate iconography of the religion of ‘The Light’. Symbols above archways and statues of heroes and saints of the past lined the walls of corridors in niches or stood in the abbey garden. The inside of the abbey was also cool, something Khadgar very much appreciated, as the climate in the south of the continent was much warmer than back home.
There always seemed to be the lingering distant smells of incense, old books, or cooking food. Khadgar couldn’t say it was a ‘bad’ place to stay, but he certainly felt out of place. He hadn’t been to a church service since he was a child, before coming to Dalaran. It was a time he preferred not to think about.
So Khadgar kept himself busy. He was settled in a chair in the room Medivh had been laid to rest in. He worked on writing notes and sketches of the events that had happened the night before. It was hard to believe any of it was real. Khadgar would sometimes look down at his hand, the one that held Medivh’s dagger, and find it trembling. Sometimes when he dozed off, he’d relive furiously stabbing the scarecrow he protected Medivh from. Only Khadgar would end up seeing that the scarecrow was himself. His own blue eyes were glassy and dull, staring upwards at the sky. Khadgar was certain a part of him died that night, as for which part, he wasn’t sure. ‘Innocence’ didn’t exactly fit with everything he’d seen and done while uncovering secrets in Dalaran. If it was, then it may have been the very last shreds of innocence he had.
Khadgar paused in his work and looked at his sleeping companion. Medivh was still in a deep sleep. It was later in the afternoon and he had been slowly recovering. Now Medivh looked as though he had aged only about ten years. The gray in his hair had returned to its deep black color and color returned to his face. He still looked drained and fragile. It made Khadgar feel uneasy.
Looking down at his notes, Khadgar was reminded that Medivh had been targeted. The fog, the gnolls that tracked them like animals, someone had it out for Medivh. It made Khadgar eye every visiting nurse, doctor, or worker with a hint of suspicion. He’d watch everyone and what they did around or to Medivh carefully. If he was being targeted, then it surely wouldn’t be the only attempt.
Khadgar kept Medivh’s dagger close by, promising himself that he’d return it when he woke up.
The sound of heavy footsteps drew his attention towards the door. Anduin Lothar had arrived and stood in the doorway, giving Khadgar a confused look. He then noticed the cot set up close to Medivh’s bed and frowned.
“Don’t tell me the folks here weren’t able to set you up with a room.” Lothar said. “I’ll have things sorted ou--”
“They did.” Khadgar spoke up, cutting him off. “I turned them down and asked to stay here.”
-End of Snippet- Read the rest on AO3. Chapter 6: Night of the Wicked Harvest Chapter 7: The Masks We Wear
Starting from the beginning? Chapter 1: Lucky Number 13
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ladystardust34 · 11 months
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Chapter 11 has been posted!
The world is breaking.  The earth rumbles in agony, the seas begin to boil, and there seems to be nothing anyone can do to stop the Cataclysm. For the Wrynns, however, Azeroth is not the only thing that will end up being torn asunder. For a threat to their family looms alot closer than they could ever realise.
Cover art by Donfuchs.
Read it on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38784561/chapters/123766528#workskin
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mothervvoid · 7 months
1/1ch | 805 wc
A Deathstalker places his life in the hands of another.
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phantomstatistician · 5 months
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Fandom: Warcraft
Character: Sylvanas Windrunner
Sample Size: 992 stories
Source: AO3
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khadgars-little-imp · 2 years
I got interviewed for the Stormwind Daily!
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